Category Archives: World News

“Global Health Security” Versus AI-Run Digital Health: Does the WHO, European Commission’s Partnership Respect Human Rights or Aim for Cerebral Internet Cyborgism?

Note and Op-Ed | Ramola D | 6th June, 2023

While the WHO and European Commission’s sad little partnership to run a “global health security” digital health initiative predicated entirely on certification to promote COVID-19 fallacies and lies is utterly transparent in its intent–no-one can travel (“global mobility”) or work except by kowtowing to the absurdity of nasal swabs, interminable COVID tests, painfully useless face-masks, and harmful untested experimental “vaccines” to quell viruses which have not been proved to exist–what’s really at stake is what’s not being said.

We must remember all corporations, even global and worldwide, are only private corporations and each of us must exercise personal discernment and continue to make private health choices as we read this information–while also working quietly within our own families, neighborhoods, cities, counties, to inform our local officials and help save each of their as well as our own children from the incredibly invasive implications of such ventures as this.

Yesterday’s news:

Digital Health, AI, Innovative Tech, Synthetic Biology

“Digital Health” has become a catch-all word here for way too much — many scientists, investigative analysts, whistleblowers, and podcasters have in recent times been taking apart the very serious implications for all humanity in permitting the use of the highly deleterious nanotechnologies, neurotechnologies, surveillance and monitoring “emerging technologies,” “innovative technologies” and historic sweep of human and animal studies in brain functioning, neurology, cognitive processing, language modeling which inform Artificial Intelligence (AI) and make “digital health” “telemedicine” and other forms of remote-access health monitoring happen, subjects often explored here.

While Artificial Intelligence and the concept of IP theft examined briefly here continue to be discussed in the US Congress, some of the harms and the call for a moratorium on its development were recently aired at this earlier May 2023 hearing (to be further reported on by this writer):

The intersection of nanotechnology, neurotechnology, and synthetic biology has been examined in recent times by such scientists and researchers as Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Dr. Robert Young, Celeste Solum.

Hydrogel and Graphene Oxide Used For Neuron Stimulation ( AKA Mind Control) Via Injection Or Inhalation | Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

Synthetic Biology webinar with Celeste Solum

Virology Fraud versus Natural Health

The fallacies of virology versus the intuitive healing and natural health approaches to living in tune with Nature, our human bodies and our planet as well as the ways in which AI, 5G, nanotech and neurotech converge have been often discussed at my channel including with Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. John Reizer, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Zara Anne Bourgeois, Dr. Beverly Rubik.

Report 284 | Dr. Tom Cowan Exposes Virus/Infection Fallacies, & Describes True Health & Healing


Report 279: Panel on Terrain: Hidden Science: Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs but Terrain with Dr. Andy Kaufman and Dr. Robert Young



Report #162: Zara Anne Bourgeois, Homeopath:Vaccine Risks/Harms, Natural Remedies, Immunity, Healing

The Great Need to Continuously Research, Monitor, and Challenge Invasive Science and Technology Research and Development

The great harms of turning our health over to large private corporations which have been working for decades to develop technologies harmful, surveillant, and pigeonholing of humans must be questioned, challenged, and stopped before they can take hold in our world. Where AI, 5G, impacting biofields and blood, nerves, cells, brains, and nervous systems has been headed, often under covers such as dual-use technologies which emphasize health while practicing harm in secret, needs to be widely known and continuously researched and questioned as pioneer scientists and researchers, activists and journalists Elana Freeland, Clifford Carnicom, Frances Leader, Dr. Salinas Flores have shown us.



Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio ”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview


“Disruptive Technologies”, 4IR, Cerebral Internet

Closer focus on the “Cerebral Internet” exposed in films and books was highlighted here early with Dr. David Salinas Flores’s work, which has also converged with others’ exposing the nanotechnology underpinnings behind “disruptive technologies” and the much-touted but sadly lacking-in-EQ “Fourth Industrial Revolution” or 4IR (subjects further to be explored here).

Professor David Salinas Flores, MD | The Secret of “Person of Interest”: The Cerebral Internet

Dr. David Salinas Flores | The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The First Robotization of Africans

New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Scientific Fraud Must be Detected Early and Dismantled Early to Avert and End Cerebral Internet Cyborgism

The great harms of scientific fraud perpetrated by the COVID deception could have been stopped months and years ago if only the reportage of those meticulously working against tremendous odds to uncover the truth had been heeded. It is never too late however to do the right thing, to acknowledge all reporters of this endless trainwreck which “public health”/allopathic or medical managed healthcare systems has become, and move forward in more inclusive ways to bring healing, personal health freedom, and absolute neuro privacy and bodily autonomy to our world, free of the harms dreamed up by greedy private corporations and their elitist CEOs keen to tear down our hard-won rights and freedoms on the land in every part of the world.

Make 2022 the Year to Wise Up and Stand Up: Reject Vaccine Mandates, Reject the Public Health Paradigm, Reject Germ-Creation in the Pandemics-Forever-Plan, Reject Nanobiosensors, Reject the Internet of Bio Nano Things, Reject the “Common Good,” Reject Media/Pharma/Govt Lies-for-Profit, Reject Digital Currencies, Reject Vaxx Passports & Biometric IDs, Reject COVID, Reclaim Your Sovereignty

Cerebral Internet Cyborgism must be averted and ended altogether as an end-goal for science and technology research and development worldwide by each of us having the courage to stand up and speak up, sharing our knowledge and our thoughts, our dreams, our words for a better world ahead for us all, especially our children.

A New World Where Every Thought Counts: Transcending Nano Quantum Chaos with Heart

Note #TechnoCreative | Ramola D | 30th of January, 2023

In a world where nanotechnology has suddenly rained down on us, from the skies, from the air, from the soil, from the water, into our breath, our bones, our flesh, our cells, and we see now it’s in the vaccines and has been in many for a long time (Trojan Horse Sabotage of LNP-GO in COVID mRNA Vaccines: Dr. Antoinetta Gatti Explains Nanoparticles Inside Cells Destroy the Innate Defense Mechanism of Cells & Cause Blood Clots) and is indeed causing grave harm to all (Children Excessively Harmed | The COVID Vaccines MUST Be Halted, in a world where hints of future chaos have suddenly met us at the crossroads of reality and dream today, we have to ask: What on earth is going on, really?

The answer is in the darker dreams of scientists and soldiers, spies and billionaires, men and women rising to the helm of the world’s affairs, who have slipped and fallen, it’s clear, into a private darkness they’ve then been spinning in for a long, long time, at first believing, in complacency, in the right of their ways, twisting deeper into the wells of their confusions and chaos, then, becoming uneasy, hearing the world (that’s the rest of us) shift and question, shifting a bit and questioning themselves–well, shall we say, some of them, that is–the answer is right here in this lunacy that’s been afflicting us as a collective for a long long time.

What’s happened now is nothing but inevitable fracture at the core of creation when it is harmed.

Quantum Computing and BrAIn Nano

Geordie Rose of D-Wave Quantum Computing who’s often stood before MIT and other audiences purporting to explain Quantum Computing to all (and sadly failing since none of us can really figure out what this mysterious melange of words actually points to) has surfaced a nihilistic quality to recent and current technological pursuit which strikes the rest of us as both utterly confounding–the parts of it any of us can actually grasp from his and others’ somewhat obfuscating deliveries–and utterly inexplicable.

On the other side (of D Wave that is) there’s DARPA with its hand-in-hand focus on Quantum Computing as Chief Scientist Eric Ladzinsky solemnly informs us here:

Which must mean it’s a thing, of what import exactly no-one can quite figure out, but perhaps our failing intelligence has something to do with That, submerged as we have now become in Brain Nano, Lung Nano, Shoulder Nano, Heart Nano, and oh, yes, the newer new-fangled thing we’re also yet to fathom but are increasingly attaining ghastly inklings of, the “Internet of Things” a seemingly horrific contraption of networks linking actual objects with human bodies and minds–wait, can it possibly be? –but yes, and that’s what all this (seeming) public disclosure is all about, really, isn’t it, increasingly dangerous-sounding tech which is presented to us in increasingly nebulous terms to such an extent that we’re left spinning around like banshees in the wind, completely without clarity.

Yet are we the spinners or they? In some lectures we hear about “demons” “entities” and “summoning the demon,” startling concoctions issuing forth from the same scientists supposedly ushering in some kind of “New Age” only they and their pals may want to live in — one some report is rapidly being retreated from now (at least, we hope) — and yet, yet, what is this all about really? Are we really talking about demons — or what precisely?

MIT scientists qualified in semiconductor electronics and theoretical physics assure us however what’s really happening: strange things happen at the level of the quantum, which is the level of nano– Unpredictable things? Or things certain scientists can imagine, extrapolate, bring into being?

Machine Intelligence or Intelligent (Human Brain & Body) Machines–What’s Really Happening Here?

Side by side with this stand Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Machine Intelligence, Supercomputing microcircuits, Cybernetics, Robotics, and more, from all of which rise the unhappy conclusions that many have come to already, many report as already occurring, and many imagine are absolutely unable to avoid: Machine Intelligence which is really “Intelligent Machines” AKA human beings turned into computers (wetware?) via brain nanotech, brains connected to others’ brains via microcircuits, nanotech, wifi, supercomputers, brains becoming hived to each other, brains beginning to “pre-say” what other brains are thinking before the thought is voiced, brains looped into weird, algorithmic yet real-time-based narrative-spinning projects we learn are Behavioral Nudge projects (taking Behavioral Health one too many steps too far) running mad-making projects on all they neuro-enslave, brains being harvested, IP-thefted, sat on till all individuality is dead, brains forced into silence through collective neuro-censorship, brains destroyed through close connection with other brains, brains degraded beyond thought of repair by the extreme harms and continuous neuro abuse of inserted neurotech, as many Mil/Intel victims and whistleblowers report–indecencies beyond human thought, which Dr. Salinas Flores has described well here: Professor David Salinas Flores, MD | The Secret of “Person of Interest”: The Cerebral Internet. And here: Professor David Salinas Flores, MD: Transhumanism: The Big Fraud – Towards Digital Slavery.

Humans 2.0 or Humans Minus Five?

Intelligent machine making — the attempted transformation of all humans into cyborgs, essentially mini-me computers all linked to that mega supercomputer headed to the cerebral internet and Brain Net — is also the most definite degrading of the human being, and not a “supersoldiering” or uplifting or supposed “evolution” to “Humans 2.0” or further — a move we all hope fails completely and absolutely.

How do we know it’s a downward spiral and not a rise, this massive non-consensual experiment on humanity?

Well, many have told us already: “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes.

A subject also explored here:


And now, now, what has happened?

All around the world, people are experiencing curious phenomena of soundings and voicings, movements and re-shapings of energy and consciousness–an Internet of Things come to life? a sudden transformation of world to computer? a sudden interpenetration of the physical with the spirit-plane, a coming close of heaven and hell in a sense, the kind of thing spoken of here (video below), where the contiguity of parallel dimensions suddenly permits a magical “pulling in” of things from another space, things made to serve a purpose in our world, a purpose never innate, but created for control?

Yet some believe what’s really happened is we have split from heaven, we’ve spiraled deep into nihilism on the wings of techno delusion, all of a sudden we are indeed spinning about in a giant teacup with electronic boundaries, sliced away from all possibility of holy redemption, lost from God, collectively held only in each other’s (broken) arms now.

Techno dystopia with thorns all can feel.

God is never gone, despite what some imagine, and any Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Jain, Christian, native American, old European, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Thai, Indonesian, Mauri, Australian, New Zealander, Fijian, Hawaiian or anyone else can tell us this: the scientists who dream of control and who may have temporarily upset our eternal Paradise on Earth are or have been wrong about God, there is a divine stream of consciousness in, around, and through us which holds, enlivens, consoles, creates, uplifts us, the deep shining center of our souls is God, and heaven can never be rent asunder from us for long.

When the world ends, we remain, in heart, in soul-center — and this is where we shine, we stand, we begin again.

This world of ours, this life of ours, all of ours, is not ours alone, and that’s the great power and strength each of us has in God as we step forward every moment now to make this world bright again.

Ramola D Reports | Newsbreak 160: Stopping the WHO’s Secret Private IHR Controls from Publicly Bullying Governments | James Roguski

Video Report and Links | Ramola D | 14th of January 2023

Secret negotiations and meetings amongst various countries on a working panel at the WHO are going on this week in efforts to transform the already-draconian International Health Regulations of 2005–an agreement signed by 196 countries, as reported here in 2020: CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries–into a doubly dictatorial document, designed to bring down the exercise of basic human rights and freedoms worldwide while suppressing governments’ abilities to exercise their sovereign rights as separate nation states to protect their own people.

The saga of panels, reviews, secret proposals, secret discussions across a staggered schedule of months last year and heading into this year as well as the great danger to all human freedoms worldwide was discussed in Newsbreak 160, now at Ramola D Reports video channels at Bitchute, Odysee/Lbry, and Rumble. (Video could not be uploaded to Brighteon.)

Previous coverage on the Pandemic Treaty, Pandemic Theory, reposts and podcasts with James Roguski include:

Newsbreak 156 | Screw the WHO | James Roguski Calls on All to Make a Video to Stop WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fascism

WHO and Central Bankers’ Impending Pandemic Treaty to Establish Global Fascism at Speed | Reclaim Your Sovereignty

Pandemic-Theory Breakdown | No Virus Has Ever Been Proved to Exist: Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon-General Capitulates on SARS-COV-2 Non-Isolation–“No Studies, No Reports”

The Hidden Science: Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs but Terrain | Of Pleomorphism and Microzymas–Educative Panel on Terrain with Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman

James Roguski: WE WON | International Health Regulations NOT Amended Deleteriously as US Govt Sought

James Roguski: SOUND THE ALARM

Newsbreak 148: James Roguski Calls on All to Stop the WHO Power Grab Right Now

James Roguski has enumerated his view of the top ten reasons to reject the proposed amendments:

Essentially, he notes, in his article 100 Reasons:

The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations as well as adopt a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”.

The proposed amendments would make the WHO’s proclamations legally-binding rather than just advisory recommendations. The changes would institute global digital health certificates, dramatically increase the billions of dollars available to the WHO and enable nations to implement the regulations WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.

Agreement by a simple majority of the 194 member nations is all that is needed to adopt the amendments because, as amendments to an existing agreement, neither the advice and consent of the United States Senate, nor the signature of the President would be required.

These amendments are being negotiated in secret without any opportunity for comment by people from around the world.

Readers and viewers are encouraged to get in touch with their country’s parliaments and Congress and register their protest of the proposed amendments. More can be found at these posts from James Roguski at his Substack:

An Open Letter to the United States Congress

Secret Meetings

Both the IHR 2005 and the proposed amendments read as Medical Tyranny off the charts where dictatorial powers to isolate, quarantine, treat anyone they like with forced medication etc. are being assumed — the only counter to which, James reminds us, lies in recognizing and promoting sovereignty, independence, free will, and the freedom to make our own health choices.

Newsbreak 160 can be viewed at Bitchute:

Newsbreak 160 at Odysee:—Stopping-the-WHO:9

Newsbreak 160 at Rumble:

Please share widely!

Ramola D | Living Testimony in Form of Affidavit and Statement of Fact Re. April 12-19, 2022 Spych Op on American State National, Author, and Truth Journalist, Nov 9, 2022

Report | Ramola D | November 20, 2022

Updated 12th of January, 2023 | Updated 4th of March, 2023 | Updated September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023:

This post is being updated today since the unlawful whistleblower retaliation on this journalist has continued and accelerated in intensity in the last few days while further unlawful attempts are being made to harass, provoke, and continue directed energy-weaponry assault on me in this neighborhood which is clearly being supported by fusion center miscreants, while I am in the very business of addressing in reportage the False Psychiatric Labeling directed against myself and which clearly illustrates 1) that I am not and have never been Mentally Ill and 2) the crimes committed against me by the parties named below and those yet to be named in the second unlawful action against me in December 20-29, 2022 are Abject and Absolute.

Much harassment, provocation, and energy-weapon assault has succeeded that time period and persists; the family opposite (reported in this testimonial) and engaged in harassment and false reportage crimes against me appears to be accompanied now by police parties–who have kept their police cars off the street but have brought them here on occasion since this summer–as well. Other neighbors–mentioned earlier in this Testimonial–have continued to engage in harassive and provocatory actions.

This writer will continue to report these crimes of retaliation because they are criminal, and should be stopped. I will make an effort to post and continue reporting informal v-logs made over the past year at my Personal Report pages. At this point I believe I should take all actions to keep my name and work as a journalist in the public eye as much as possible as I proceed, for my own protection and the safekeeping of my family. This especially follows two days of intense energy-weapon assault from September 22 to September 24, 2023 and especially through September 23, 2023 which may have resulted in my assassination were it not for the continuous safekeeping of Divine Providence and material shielding.

4th of March, 2023:

This post is being updated today, the 4th of March, 2023, because I have just recently learned that while I have been focusing on reporting on the abusive actions against me recorded in this living testimonial, further unlawful actions of false psychiatric labeling and repercussions thereof were taken against my daughter and my family–these are incredibly grave and serious crimes against my daughter, myself as a mother, my family and humanity; they are deliberate whistleblower retaliation against this dedicated human rights advocacy and science and technology journalist who is still working out how exactly to fully report the whistleblower retaliation she has faced since the time of that first Section 12, with a second abusive Section 12 run on 12/20/22, with abusive repercussions and retaliation continuing, grievously, to this day, partially reported in earlier posts here and made reference to in Ramola D, 2/23/2023: Reporter’s Note and in my continuing brief update podcasts as here: REPORTER’S NOTES-1: TECHNO-CREATIVE POSTS AT ECC.

12th of January, 2023: This post is being updated today, the 12th of January, 2023, with a Redacted version of the :Living-Testimony-in-the-Form-of-an-Affidavit-of-Truth-and-Statement-of-Fact being reposted here below, primarily and solely to redact the names and addresses of neighbors mentioned in the Living Testimony alone, in acknowledgment of requests made by a couple neighbors and high tension in my home thanks to over-anxious reaction from certain family members–a task I was aiming to engage in the very day, 12/20/2022 that a second unlawful and egregious Section 12 was run on me, when I was physically ill and trying to recover from a period of unlawful and egregious whistleblower retaliation I have addressed in recent posts, in private emails, and in threads on Twitter, more on which I will write and speak soon–and not to in any other way tamper with the Truth and Facts set out in this Living Testimony dated November 9, 2022 and which was published online first on November 20, 2022.

This page is once more being restored to Public viewing today, with the extant Living Testimony (posted privately here) being replaced with this redacted version.

More on this page will be redacted and returned to Public viewing shortly.

As I have previously stated (in recent posts exploring issues of status)–and established definitively through documentation and notification of all requisite parties before I published this Living Testimony online on November 20, 2022–I am a Massachusetts state citizen and real, living woman living privately in the Land and Soil jurisdiction of The United States of America (Unincorporated), working since 2013 as a journalist reporting internationally–and in my current status, as a diplomat–on various matters as a matter of public service and in honor of the most basic and fundamental human rights we are all born with and endowed by God with, and it is in this spirit of working to ameliorate our living standards worldwide that this Living Testimony is being published.

:By: Ramola-grace: Dharmaraj©™

All rights reserved, without prejudice

Posted, for the public record:


in regard to

The April 12-19, 2022 Victimizing Ambush, Capture, Kidnap, Trafficking, and Persecution-in-Captivity Operation Run By Quincy Police Department, Brewster Ambulance Service, Steward Carney Hospital, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Instigating Lady at XXX:

Exhibits | To Accompany Living Testimonial of April 12-19, 2022 Ambush, Kidnap, Capture, Persecution Operation on American State National and Truth Journalist

Exhibits | To Accompany Living Testimonial of April 12-19, 2022 Ambush, Kidnap, Capture, Persecution Operation on American State National and Truth Journalist /Returned to Public Viewing with redactions on the Notice of Trespass and Deceit and scanned note featuring it. | 23rd of January, 2023

[This Page and links will be returned to Public viewing shortly, after I go through and redact whatever may need to be redacted, for reasons spelled out above–Ramola, 12th of Jan 2023]

Article and broadcasts to follow.


Ramola D: Press Release, April 30, 2022: Neighborhood Watch Harassment & April 14-19 Section 12 Involuntary Psych Hold on Defamatory False-Claim: Police Crime & Police Retaliation for Truth-Journalism

Report 298 | Breaking News! Anna von Reitz Reports the American Government has Backed the US Dollar with Gold | Global Banking and Economic Collapse Averted | US and Australian Debt Paid Off

Report | Ramola D | October 19, 2022

World-rocking news, shared in a first interview on this subject, Report 298, and two recent State Assembly webinars by Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America:

The American government has stepped forward to provide the gold to back the US dollar, a global banking and economic collapse has been averted, and US debt and Australian debt has been bought out.

“Actual money is always asset-backed or an asset in and of itself. The US dollar-–linked to oil as the petro-dollar—has now been linked to gold.” —Anna von Reitz

“The US Dollar is Now Asset-Backed”: Banking Collapse, Hyperinflation, Bail-ins Averted

In her American States Assembly webinar on the 10th of October, Anna von Reitz made the bombshell announcement about the US dollar being backed with gold through a “very fortunate collaboration with someone who has helped open up resources that have been locked away, that belong to us, and that we can apply to our own benefit.” The resources meaning American gold, silver, precious metals.

“The US dollar is now asset-backed– by us. We’ve been able to negotiate and then to bring forward the amounts of gold necessary to back it. And so we’re not looking at a wholesale bank collapse. We’re not looking at a gross devaluation of the dollar through hyperinflation. We’re not looking at a bail-in. And we are not looking at a long-term loss of the dollar in the world market. And we’re no longer looking at our reputation shredded because of the actions of some of our employees, (and trustees).”

Teri Kealoha Sahm who hosts the Monday night webinar helped emphasize the reverberating import of this announcement, which is linked here.


The first, momentous announcement, Oct 10, 2022 by Anna von Reitz of the US dollar being backed with American gold

The decision to insert fluidity into the world economy through backing the US dollar—the world’s reserve currency—with gold, offsetting the US debt with the credit of physical assets and getting the world economy moving again, was made, she reports, despite the “wild rodeo” run by those who have created the “economic drama” currently evident worldwide, because of the need to strike a balance to avert financial disaster for the everyday American and all else dependent on the US dollar. “A lot of the commodity rigging will go by the wayside.”

In her Report Dated the 8th of October, 2022, Anna von Reitz and James Clinton Belcher assured the world:

“This evening I am able to positively assure everyone that we have avoided a banking and insurance industry collapse. We have not been able to keep the real estate bubble from bursting and the related fall-out from that, which could mean that up to 30% of the workforce in the United States and Europe will be out of work for some time..

.Let us next turn our attention to how best to soften the collapse of the real estate speculation bubble, remove illegal mortgages, and retrain millions of workers for more satisfying and productive occupations.”

The full article, which addresses the cordial American-Russian Alliance of 1858 and calls on all to call out the criminals responsible for the Nordstream pipeline explosions while averting any Biden/Deep State push to war with Russia can be found here:

US Debt and Australian Debt Paid Off

In her webinar on the 17th of October, Anna also expanded on how the Australian debt has been bought out as also the US debt.

Teri Sahm noted that literally “American credit has been extended to stabilize the economy” while another way to understand this is “Americans have redeemed the credit and provided the gold to back the US dollar.”

In Report 298, Anna describes in detail what exactly it means when the debt note—the US dollar– which so far has been the Federal Reserve promissory note, or a debt note, an IOU, a promise to pay and not actual money—is backed by gold; essentially it means that now the debt note has been given physical value, and, being linked to the gold exchange rate, now accrues value based on the rise or fall of that exchange rate, and becomes representative of that actual physical asset, which can be used for trade or to forgive debt.

“For example, we took a bunch of gold and we paid off the debt of Australia. Why did we do that? Because otherwise their economy would have imploded, millions of people would have suffered needlessly, and it would have had a domino effect on a bunch of other nations–they would have all been in the same boat. So we redeemed the Australian currency on the same basis, using the Dollar as the reserve currency, the standard—so you’ve got Australian debt-notes that were redeemed by the US Dollar that were redeemed by US gold—that is, USAmerica Unincorporated gold—the unincorporated people who owned the actual physical assets, and are in fact the only people who can own the physical assets.”

“It doesn’t really hurt anyone to do this—it’s just balancing the teeter totter (playground seesaw) so everything is not all concentrated in commerce and commercial script and everything is not sequestered away as far as assets go—you can start that interchange, that flow of both commerce and trade, and people can benefit from that, because the devaluation of this (the US dollar) means the revaluation of the asset that this is based on—and you own both (the credit and the asset).”

Teri notes that ”because the dollar is now gold-backed, it’s strengthening” and Anna confirms “because the debt is reduced; every time we redeem these (dollar notes) the debt goes away and the credit returns to the issuer.”


Anna further explains the significance of the credit and money seesaw created, the notion of recognition of the American Govt/Federation of States by the US Government, and the nature of the change that has now occurred with this asset-backing of the dollar, reserve currency of the world, and how it will affect all countries tied to the dollar

And Who Exactly is the American Government?

We open Report 298 with Anna describing further who the American government is, as opposed to the US Government.

“The United States of America,” with a capital T to the “The,” Anna reminds us, refers to the original and unincorporated American government on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, a restoration of the original States of the Union, with the fifty restored sovereign State Republics contributing to a rebuilt Federation of States—a venture of restoration Anna von Reitz and Head of State Clinton James Belcher have spearheaded, and that has become an actuality as all the state assemblies have been put together and are now standing on Land and Soil.

The American government therefore is not the same as the United States Government, a British Territorial incorporated government, nor the municipal United States government, a Papist incorporated government, both operating in the Jurisdiction of the Sea or Maritime/Admiralty Jurisdiction–as has often been discussed in many of her articles, and also covered in the Let Freedom Ring! Podcasts and in her recent September 2022 report at Ramola D Reports, Report 292 | Anna Von Reitz & Teri Kealoha Sahm | Update on American State Assemblies & the US Raj. (Also see American States Assembly for links to a few explanatory articles.)

“The American government stands outside and apart from the US government,” says Anna in Report 298, “…and when I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin in the ’60s and ’70s we knew they were separate subjects, we had textbooks very clearly labeled American History and US History. But over the years since Jimmy Carter’s Department of Education—which is basically illegal and unConstitutional—began to get involved in setting the curriculum for all the state public schools it’s only been US History.

So entire generations have grown up thinking there is only US History and believing American history is US History, and it’s not!

So knowing this, when I grew up, I went back and started looking at the history and structure of government as I knew it and as I was taught it, and the fact is the American government is the employer of the US government.”

What are the Implications for Americans and People Worldwide?

Anna addresses the questions of what this means for the people of America and the world, in particular American state nationals who have understood this crucial difference between jurisdictions and governments and are working with Anna and their state assemblies to bring freedom and positive change to their states on the land (which all Americans can do)—while stepping out of the Sea Jurisdiction of the US Government, using the process of declaring oneself living and a state national which was discussed recently in a podcast with Michelle Ford, Co-coordinator for the California State Assembly:


Report 295 | Michelle Ford, California State Assembly on Restoring Your American Status on Land and Soil Jurisdiction

“What it means,” says Anna, “is the employers are taking control of the employees again, we are interacting with them, we are telling them what we want done and how we want it done.”

Americans on the land have therefore been recognized quite openly with this momentous move–as they are also recognized each time an American State National interacts with or Notices them.

Does the US government recognize the American government then, and American State Nationals?

What Anna suggests is that a transition is in the process of taking place although it may take a while, years or decades to fully see it through—but a Great Shift is upon us:

“They have to work with us—we’re their employers, we’re the source of their money, we’re the source of their credit.”

A Few Concepts: The Constitution, Credit, and Gold and Silver

Notions of debt, credit, and actual money (gold, silver, precious stones/anything of commonly recognized value) usage in the USA go back to the time of the drafting of the US Constitution.

Anna explains that the US Constitution requires that the government—meaning the government service contractors or the US Govt/British Territorial government and Municipal Government—act on Credit, while requiring the States—the unincorporated states, not the current State government corporations—to pay with gold and silver. But for a century and several decades the States have not been in session and although land-and-soil Americans have always been here, the governments, through “unlawful conversion” of all into US citizens—a presumption and impersonation—have been ignoring them.

Anna’s commentary:

Further explanations in a new article by Anna von Reitz: Public International Notice of Reversionary Trust and Claim

“We have not been functioning on that system for a very long time because the Constitution requires the Government to act on credit, and requires the States to pay with gold or silver. Well, if the States haven’t been in session there’s no responsible parties able to pay in gold and silver—or oil or anything else. So everything gets rolled over into a trust.”

The assets of Americans therefore have been held in trust in various banks—much of this gold confiscated from American families in the 1930s but also earlier, as Anna has described in recent articles at her website including this article on Trust Gold–A Brief Explanation to the World, Donors, Middlemen and You, the Blood Money, Money Spell series and others such as this one: Who really owes who in America?

These American assets are considerable in value, Anna notes. The momentous act of literally saving not just the American economy from plunging into a debt crash but the entire world economy, similarly burdened, by being linked to the US petro-dollar was made possible, Anna explains, by the fact that Americans do have huge amounts of physical assets—not just land and mineral assets like other countries but riches in gold, silver, metals above and beyond the holdings of other countries such as China.

American assets had historically “been left adrift out there—banks were beginning to say our assets were abandoned. The situation is we were declared missing, ‘we don’t know where they went.’” As in the case of Robinson Crusoe or anyone who goes missing: Anna explains that after 7 years if someone is still missing their estate is taken into the public venue, a probate court distributes those assets to whoever, their public interests are ceded, their private interests are distributed to their next of kin.

Part of the research and disclosure Anna has been providing in writings at her site over the years includes discovery of these American assets. “We have the receipts and deposit slips, we have records. We raised our hand and claimed those assets.” “Our government was missing since 1865…so here we come back on stage and we are the richest nation on earth. ….we exercised only 3 accounts—and those 3 contain 150,000 metric tons of gold.” In contrast she notes that decades of accumulation had left China with only “28,000 tons of gold total.”

These astronomical amounts of gold and other assets therefore—locked inside trusts (as well as hidden in caves, such as in the Philippines)–are being freed by the claiming-of-assets, which is being used by the Federation to facilitate international trade.

What has happened now is that an international trade bank dealing in physical assets—gold and silver—has been set up, over and above the current commercial banking system, which brings the commercial banking system as subsidiaries under public law just as the international trade bank is operating under public law, and the US dollar, which has been in actuality a debt note or Federal Reserve promissory note, is now linked to the credit of actual physical assets and the gold exchange rate.

Additionally, the American States Assembly is now minting coins. “We are ordering the minting of some of our gold into American Eagles—and those will be available for international trade purposes.”

Again how that works will be through the Treasury and Mint: “We go to the Treasury with our gold and ask them to take it to the Mint and have them mint our coins.” Further explaining “it’s not the gold standard, it’s the gold exchange rate,” Anna notes that through it all the part played by the American people is central.

Snapshot, Report 298

Holding up a dollar note she states: “We give value to this, we extend our credit through this, when we redeem this, it not only lowers the debt of the issuer, it also then accrues as a credit to whoever is holding the debt—the value of it depends on the exchange rate. 22 of these to one ounce of silver, and 2000 of these to one ounce of gold. So when we strike those coins, they will have a value—and will be traded internationally according to what that value is on the exchange rate—it just gives us a means to trade internationally and we have credit to trade in the commercial realm, as required by the Constitution. When the states manage their gold and silver assets they own both the gold and silver and the credit generated by the gold and silver—for you as the ultimate asset owner it’s a win-win situation—you own both sides of the teeter totter—you’re in the catbird seat because you own both sides.”

By using asset-backed currency from now on, she says “We’re trying to transition from the status quo where everything is based on credit to a mixed system where there is both credit and what is behind it” permitting an “ebb and flow” to vivify and catalyze the economy into dynamic motion.

Dollar Notes Based on Actual Money/Gold Rather than Debt Collateralizing People and Labor

Inevitably this move to back the dollar with gold will lead to freedom from historic enslavement, of the kind pulled off by those who sought to register and securitize everyone from birth, not to mention create Legal-Fiction “persons” as corporations from names.

In Report 298, Anna discusses anew the semantic deceits in language used by those who collateralized people and labor while aiming to keep the truth of those frauds hidden. Long term practices of incorporating governments led to further deception. Notions of Civil War continuing on to the present day relate to mercenary conflicts run by the British and Papists since 1865 – they are still at war with each other, she says.

Report 298 is a richly informative and meandering discussion, addressing many aspects of what we all face and hopefully will rise from as these ancient frauds and unseasonal crimes are addressed by one and all.

Baby-boomers and older Americans as also all age groups and genders are exhorted by Anna to “get off the couch” and help to clean out the corruption. The route forward to medical freedom, health freedom, clean air and rejection of bad ideas such as transhumanism and social credit schemes lies just ahead, but people will have to rise to make sure we and all our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are on it.

For more information on all these subjects, and to read Anna’s advice and regular updates, please visit and The American States Assembly site. To go directly to the banking and dollar/gold discussion in this podcast, please go to about one hour into the conversation.

Watch Report 298 here:

Bitchute/Report 298 | Breaking! Anna von Reitz: American Govt Backs US Dollar with Gold, Bank Collapse Averted

Watch at Odysee:

Watch at Rumble:

Watch at Brighteon:

Please share this article and the videos widely!


Anna von Reitz: Public International Notice of Reversionary Trust and Claim

Breaking: American Government Seeks to Build New Banking System with Heir of the D’Avila Trust | Anna von Reitz Issues International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest

BREAKING | Anna von Reitz: International and Public Declaration of Possession by Right | International Notice to Cease Production of FRNs and Revert US Inc. Assets to the True Govt, Unincorporated Federation of States, USA

Report 292 | Anna Von Reitz & Teri Kealoha Sahm | Update on American State Assemblies & the US Raj

Anna von Reitz Reports US Treasury Dept. Sought Her Support of Digital Currencies, She Turned Them Down | Dollar Notes in Your Physical Control Proof of Their Debt & Your Only Hope to Remain Free

Wolf at the Door and in September Skies, Plus a 44-Year Deadline: Anna von Reitz Recommends Americans “Return to the Land” at Speed and Reclaim Birthright Assets

Anna von Reitz | Mercenary Illuminati and Clandestine CIA Destroying Govts, National Sovereignty Worldwide Being Routed Out | Gold Trades Have Funded CIA Black Ops & Purchase of Chinese Central Bank from CCP

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 5: Fraud Since 1861 When US GOV Corporations Cropped Up

Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 9, Massachusetts State Assembly: Freedom From The Matrix, Grounding On Land & Soil

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 2: A Little History on Lincoln & Your Status

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: European Members of Parliament Expose Pfizer’s Lies on Vaccines Stopping Transmission, Fake Vaccines Used for Show By Politicians, French PM Macron Included; Canadian Dr. Hodgkinson Reveals 20 Million Dead from Vaccine, 2 Billion Injured

Video posts and links | Ramola D | October 12, 2022

Cristian Terhes, Member of Parliament from Romania — who has been outspoken on corruption in the EU and European Commission as reported at their conference in Strasbourg earlier here where a group of ethical MEPs in Europe exposed Ursula von der Leyen’s corruption in striking backroom deals with Pfizer even as the gigantic scientific fraud of COVID was being exposed worldwide — has once again spoken with a group of MEPs on the subject of Albert Bourla from Pfizer failing to be present at the COVID Committee hearing yesterday at the European Parliament.

A Pfizer director–Janine Small–instead showed up as a spokesperson and made the bombshell announcement — under questioning — that Pfizer knew perfectly well its vaccine had not been tested and so could not verify the vaccine stopped transmission–on which lie the entire vaccine roll-out had been predicated, as Dutch Member of Parliament Rob Roos published in a video which has gone viral on social media.

Rob Roos, Dutch Member of Parliament questions and exposes the Pfizer representative Janice Small:

The entire committee meeting/European Parliament is here (the marketing-speak from Pfizer would require a separate article to dissect in all its flatulence):

Rob Roos has since appeared on Fox News, as reported here:


Ballgowns in Satin for a Vaccine Business Plan: Ursula von der Leyen Delivers Corruption in Europe | Strasbourg Press Conference Reveals the Ursula von der Leyen-Albert Bourla-Stephane Bancel Dealmaking in Secret/Substack

What Pfizer and Politician Lies Have Produced: 20 Million Vaccine Deaths, 2 Billion Injured

In Canada, Dr. Roger Hodgkinson has exposed that new analyses of vaccine injury and death data shows 20 million dead, 2 billion injured–“unimaginable carnage”:

Full interview with Laura Lynn here:

Former French MP Jean Lassalle Suffers Massive Heart Damage and 4 Heart Surgeries in 9 Months, Exposes Macron and Other Politicians as Having Faked the Vaccine

Jean Lassalle, former French member of Parliament reveals he almost died after he took the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine and actually reported it during his election campaign but was silenced. He states he did not know Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated, nor other members of French government. People like Macron, Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin, he says rolled up their “blond arms for the camera”, pretending to get vaccinated with the actual COVID jab while in actuality it was all just show. He on the other hand wanted to publicly demonstrate whether the effects of the vaccine were good or bad and indeed reported publicly that the effects were dire, to no avail. The effects on him were extremely serious, he says, he almost died, and had to have four heart surgeries within nine months.

Liars in Media, the CDC, the White House Are Now Being Seen to Be the Incredible Liars on Camera They Have Been From the Start As They Pushed the Deadly COVID Vaccine

This brilliant compilation of the figureheads in media and de facto govt-corporation politics swearing deceitfully to the efficacy of the vaccine in stopping transmission of the never-proven-to-exist SARS-COV-2-virus back in 2020 and 2021 — and thereby deceiving not just millions but billions of people worldwide, many of whom have lost their lives, their children, and their health permanently to this experimental gene-therapy, loaded-with-graphene, loaded-with-parasites injection — has been going viral on social media too, and is most salutary to watch, at this moment in time:

Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs But Terrain: COVID’s Always Been A Lie

The lies of politicians and crooked billionaires and their paid figureheads in media also draw attention to the harms of Germ Theory which has posited “viruses” as being responsible for disease while no virus has ever been isolated, and while the Terrain of the human body determines health or disease, according to many scientists, researchers, physicians, and holistic health practitioners, including several featured at Ramola D Reports, as this vital interview as well:

The Hidden Science: Greater Cause of Disease Not Germs but Terrain | Of Pleomorphism and Microzymas–Educative Panel on Terrain with Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman

People Have Woken Worldwide But Governments Continue the Carnage

That the vaccines are causing extreme carnage and must be stopped is something millions have woken to worldwide — yet other media-mindwashed-millions continue to be deceived as governments, media, police, and Pharma continue to push the deadly jabs.

Raising public awareness therefore is a matter of conscience, and one in which everyone can take right action–please spread the word. The very deranged “Pharaohs” at the head of the power pyramid in the world are harming people everyday as they plunge ahead with their global enslavement plans; it’s going to be every one of us taking peaceful action to protect our children and ourselves that will change this world.

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Thousands of Doctors Worldwide Convene to Declare International Medical Crisis & Call for Immediate Suspension of All COVID Vaccines

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Billboards, Signs, Papers in Ireland Warn of Scientific COVID Fraud, Dangers of Vaccine, Great Harms of Digital Reset

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: UK Defenders of Children Expose Pharma-Protecting Police, Act to Close Vaccination Center in Bristol to Prevent Further Child Deaths & Injury

Please share widely.

Candid Conversation on Ongoing World Lunacy Vs People Awakening to True Health, Surveillance & EMF/Neurotech Targeting Crimes, Pharma Harms, COINTELPRO, Neighborhood Stasi in the US: Giuseppe Vafanculo/Perfect Triangle with Ramola D

Video post and links | Ramola D | October 10, 2022

Last Friday night Giuseppe Vafanculo, journalist, radio host, holistic practitioner, musician and songwriter who runs the show The Perfect Triangle hosted a conversation with me on a number of subjects, current affairs to esoteric and spiritual; it was lovely to have an open and candid conversation with someone attuned to the lunacy of what is going on inside the USA and worldwide across the board from the vaccine harms and deaths, targeting crimes, Psychiatrist and physician complicity in entrapment-harassment operations run by the covert ops contingent (seeking to keep their EMF Tech/Neurotech targeting, operation, and experimentation crimes concealed)–as reported in my several interviews, articles, and press release related to the unlawful Psych-Grab run on me in April 2022 (which I am still addressing in journalistic reportage and the law).

False Psychiatric Labels a Mega Crime Which Needs Further Reportage

A primary aspect of this Local Police-run Psych Grab on a journalist reporting police, military, and Intelligence crimes was to get corrupt psychiatrists to stick a false psychiatric label on the reporting journalist — in attempts to shut down the very necessary human rights, whistleblowing, and advocacy journalism I do: a subject I will not stop writing and speaking about.

As I said to Giuseppe during the show, there is no way I am going to sit back and let corrupt physicians and psychiatrists affix false psychiatric labels on me–for the daring “crime” of reporting the “delusion” of definitive EMF Technology assault which several police, military, and Intel parties are engaging in-– I am working on an affidavit, a statement, and much else to follow on the reportage I have already done on this matter and the letters I have already sent to various parties, including the local police, the local ambulance service, the hospital, the health insurance people, all of which will be published shortly.

The crimes committed on me are identical to the crimes committed on millions of people, hundreds of whose stories I have reported on.

It is time to halt this madness–Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Law Enforcement, and Mental Health departments are engaging in extreme crime when they attempt to disappear a reporting journalist of crimes against humanity with false psych labels.

I will be glad to speak openly on this subject with any journalist, any alt or indy media, anywhere in the world who wishes to interview me on Fraudulent Psychiatry and Complicit Law Enforcement/Emergency Services to conceal the use of Anti-Personnel Spectrum/EMF/Neurotechnologies on civilians, please email me at

Livestreamed on Friday night, now posted at The Perfect Triangle and posted here by permission:

Watch on Streamyard:

Visit Giuseppe’s website and listen to his radio shows here:

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Thousands of Doctors Worldwide Convene to Declare International Medical Crisis & Call for Immediate Suspension of All COVID Vaccines

Report & Links | Ramola D | October 4, 2022

Thousands of doctors worldwide have rallied in the last few weeks to meet, hold press conferences, publish or sign a Medical Crisis Declaration, and call on their colleagues in the medical profession to examine the evidence with them and join their call for an immediate suspension or halt to the COVID vaccines–referred to by many as gene-therapy injections, not really vaccines.

These doctors join the thousands who have spoken out earlier in 2021, made videos, appeared in podcasts, interviews, and conferences calling early for a halt as Vaccine Injury databases began to record deaths, heart attacks, and strokes, and blood clotting damages began to be scrutinized with intent by cardiologists, pathologists, and research scientists.

Today these databases are recording the deaths of children, the young, sudden deaths across age-groups, and the deaths of athletes, while many analysts speculate it’s millions currently dead from the vaccines, not thousands, as the VAERS/MHRA Yellow Card/EudraVigilance databases suggest.

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs/Oct 25, 2021

Screenshot from article:

Medical Crisis Declaration

The doctors and scientists who have come together to formulate this statement declaring an unprecedented international medical crisis cite the many alarming facets now seen to be associated with the COVID vaccine such as excess mortality in all countries where the majority of the population have been vaccinated, sudden rise in deaths among young people, rise in miscarriages and perinatal deaths, and adverse side effects which include permanent disability.

The declaration calls for thorough investigations of the deaths post-vaccine and of interactions between ingredients of the vaccines as well as molecular, cellular and biological vaccine-effects. Recommendations include compensation and psychological help for the afflicted, early detection programs to address cardiovascular issues, as well as research and treatment for all who have experienced adverse side effects.

The Medical Crisis Declaration can be found here; as of date, 22,628 people have signed, thousands of these being doctors and scientists from the world over.

Several doctors have made videos, posted here and at Odysee and Rumble.

Indian Doctors Conference Discussed Vaccine Damages and Called to Stop the Shots

A group of Indian doctors recently held a conference online on Sep 10, 2022, to publicize the Medical Crisis Declaration then signed by physicians from 34 countries, alerting India and the world to vaccine injury from the COVID injections as they called for all authorities to stop the shots, covered at the Universal Health Organization and Awaken India Movement.

Their press release announcing the conference — with more information — is here.

The livestreamed conference is at Facebook and posted below.

World Council for Health Press Conference/Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, Says the Vaccine Must be Suspended

Link to Newsroom link at WCH: Newsroom (

The World Council for Health held a press conference recently where Dr. Malhotra, a UK consultant cardiologist, presented his experience and findings encapsulated in a recent peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, where he was joined by Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist from the United States, and Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director of E-BMC Ltd and EbMCsquared CiC and member of the WCH Steering Committee.

The WCH press release for this event with links to much information is here.

Dr. Malhotra’s call for a suspension of the mRNA vaccine until serious side-effects are fully investigated comes after an initial support for the vaccine when it was first rolled out and a current turnaround after his very healthy father (72) died suddenly with clogged arteries after the shot.

Dr. Malhotra does not seem to be against all vaccines–indeed, his comments during the conference suggest he has not explored the entire subject of vaccines very deeply–but he does critique the base set-up of the pharmaceutical industry which is fixated on delivering profits to its shareholders and not on anyone’s health, and reports the recent admissions from Lancet and other medical journal editors that a whole lot of scientific fraud pervades the medical journal (propped up by Pharma) landscape, with over 50% of what’s published being false.

““We must use this as an opportunity to transform the system to produce better doctors, better decision making, healthier patients and restore trust in medicine and public health. Until all the raw data on the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines have been independently analysed, any claims purporting that they confer a net benefit to humankind cannot be considered to be evidence based.”

Dr. Ryan Cole presents some rather compelling slides with his presentation, sharing his analysis that the spike protein is found all over cells in the body while displaying samples of the very long and rubbery amyloid clots found in deceased people who were vaccinated.

Unfortunately, Dr. Cole, like various other prominent physicians currently speaking out does not make reference to the graphene findings and other metallic and parasite findings in the vaccines and vaccinated blood, which have been covered extensively here (list of most articles/podcasts at Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs) and will continue to be covered.

The only reason the shots are not being stopped worldwide yet is that we continue to live in an inverted world where corporations keen on profit run governments–as noted here, it’s people now who need to rise and stop their families and communities from being harmed by these non-vaccines: All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Please share this information widely.

Breaking: American Government Seeks to Build New Banking System with Heir of the D’Avila Trust | Anna von Reitz Issues International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest

Report | Ramola D | September 29, 2022

In a major announcement which will have long-lasting significance the world over, Anna von Reitz has issued international notice of Julius Shiva, heir to the immense D’Avila Trust, now becoming a South Carolinian and American State National and coming therefore under the protection of the American Government–which is different from the US Government (really the British Territorial US Incorporated Govt), as described often in her articles and in much coverage at this site, including in podcasts such as this one recently with her–and free from the exploitative clutches of the British Monarch and the CIA, who had previously proclaimed themselves his Trustees and Representatives, with Power of Attorney over him, permitting them (and their overlords) to oversee and execute astronomical amounts of banking corruption worldwide–for multiple decades.

New Asset-Backed Currency a Possibility

While turmoil in currencies and banking is now being expected worldwide, Anna has made a few recent statements in webinars and articles which suggest that a new asset-backed currency from the newly restored American Government is a possibility, one which the American Military may need to get behind–as opposed to functioning as US Inc. Military and continuing to support US Inc.’s harvesting of labor, assets, and people in the USA, not to mention international slave-dives into central bank digital currencies; a few of these excerpts are noted below.

Withdraw Your Cash, Use Your Cash

Anna von Reitz Reports US Treasury Dept. Sought Her Support of Digital Currencies, She Turned Them Down | Dollar Notes in Your Physical Control Proof of Their Debt & Your Only Hope to Remain Free

Also posting here a reminder to withdraw cash and use cash from Anna–also covered here recently–since nefarious plans are being made by corrupt bankers to freeze bank accounts. Paul Stramer’s website is a good one to subscribe to and support; he posts Anna’s updates on a rolling basis with much other news of note:

What’s Wrong and Right with America?/Anna von Reitz

Let’s Review Before the Test/Anna von Reitz

D’Avila Trust, Restored, Could Restore the World

Anna von Reitz has previously written both about the D’Avila Trust and Julius Shiva in various articles and letters to government and military heads, a few excerpts with article-links noted below for context, and her International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest posted below them:

Excerpt, The Actual Tiburcio Villamor Marcos and the So-called Global Collateral Accounts

Further extensive discussion on the D’Avila Trust and banking heist is discussed in The Marshall Plan- Part Two-Who is Owed the Return, April 23, 2022, a letter from Anna von Reitz to various international parties, excerpts from which follow:

Continuing this list, 426 banks are listed in this article (Marshall Plan Part Two) from which these excerpts are taken, and more were being discovered, Anna reports further down there, at time of that writing in April 2022. Listings of banks in the Treasury Certificate document from 2007 at the Dropbox link below will be of interest to all curious about the rather massive banking fraud and corruption revealed here.

International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest

 By Anna Von Reitz/Sep 27, 2022

I am publishing the attached Dropbox files for the entire world to see and understand.  These records concern only one (1) of dozens of accounts that are under the administration and Power of Attorney of Julius Shiva.  At the time these documents were created, Julius was being shadowed by Giovanni Battista (sometimes spelled Baptista) Richello, a CIA Officer who was his Witness. 

Like many other immigrants to this country, Julius was not given the benefit of full disclosure and so, he spent many years in the No Man’s Land of U.S. Citizenship, without knowing that he wasn’t yet in America — but instead, inhabiting a foreign jurisdiction under the auspieces of the District of Columbia.  That changed once he realized how and why the CIA was claiming (through the person of Giovanni Battista Richello) a General Power of Attorney over funds that belong to and which should naturally be administered by Julius.  

It was the same crock that the Brits have used against all of us, falsely claiming that we were voluntarily adopting U.S. Citizenship and acting as willing Wards of their State-of-State organizations as Subjects of the Queen.  

So, when Julius stepped through the open door after decades of being in political status limbo and became a South Carolinian, part of the population of an Organic State of the Union, everything changed.  The Queen and the CIA could no longer claim to be his Trustees and “Representatives”. 

And the entirety of his fortune and the power of his inherited General Power of Attorney came back to him, no longer subject to a foreign sovereign.  

This circumstance means that the World Bank and other banks that have been abusing and misusing his deposits as if they owned those deposits, and who have been allowing vast crimes of money laundering and misappropriation, have been caught red-handed in a personage fraud scheme that has impacted millions of people.  

I am here as Julius Shiva’s Witness, to say that he is the rightful heir of the D’Avila Family and that he owes no special allegiance or fealty to the British Monarch, is not an “asset” belonging to the CIA, and is, instead, a living man and an American, a South Carolinian owed all the protections of the Federal Constitutions. 

Whereupon as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, I clearly and unequivocally say that Julius Shiva is an American and stands under the protection of the American Government.  

We hold the only proper role of Government to be the simple aim of protecting the people and their assets, whereupon, we claim that Julius Shiva is owed the unencumbered enjoyment of his fortunes and the exercise of all the General Powers of Attorney that he has acquired as the rightful heir and administrator of all the primary trusts and accounts held here and throughout the world. 

This is just one primary account out of dozens.  There are over 5000 secondary accounts and literally billions of individual personal accounts.  

By stepping forward and offering this as an initial proof to all Parties, we invoke the protection of the mighty presence of the True God and ask for assistance and guidance as we create a new understanding of money and institute a new banking system. 

To see the evidence regarding just one of the accounts that Julius holds under General Power of Attorney see the following link:

The banks of the world know his name, know that he is the true heir, and have pretended otherwise for their own self-interest.  They have colluded together to seize upon deposits that lawfully and legally belong to him.  Let all honest men bear Witness to the truth.  

Notice Issued By:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                       The United States of America

See this article and over 3800 others on Anna’s website here:

Stay tuned to Anna von Reitz’s webinars as well. See links below the video posted here: Report 292 | Anna Von Reitz & Teri Kealoha Sahm | Update on American State Assemblies & the US Raj

Please share widely!

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Billboards, Signs, Papers in Ireland Warn of Scientific COVID Fraud, Dangers of Vaccine, Great Harms of Digital Reset

Brief Report | Ramola D | September 27, 2022

People worldwide are awakening to the nefarious world agenda of Global Communism and Techno Digital Slavery which numerous well-funded and fiat-propped world organizations and government corporations are continuing to build, publicize, and issue notice of, but which cannot be allowed to go forwarda situation which makes it necessary for everyone to get informed, and help raise public awareness of on an ongoing basis. Please share this report culled from Twitter posts in the last couple days widely.

Display Billboard in Ireland Alerts Citizenry to Harms of Vaccine and Great Reset

A display billboard in Ireland — posted on Twitter a few days ago (video below)– warns people about the fraud of the COVID tests and vaccine side-effects while publicizing the failure of the official Health System in Ireland (HSE), the failure of Irish Corporate Media (RTE) and the protection of pedosadists and pedophiles in high places by media such as RTE:

Digital Weapons for A Silent War/The Irish Light

Also circulating currently is this powerful video clip (below) of Gemma Doherty, investigative journalist and editor of the new Irish Light paper, presenting an issue of the paper titled Beware the Future, which covers the planned Digital Weapons for Silent Wars:

In this clip, Gemma relays that the Irish Light paper, published in conjunction with the Light Paper UK, is being distributed all across Ireland and can be subscribed to online for a print copy if you live in Ireland:

Published to address the deadly failure of mainstream media to accurately inform the public, this issue of the Irish Light (Beware the Future)–based on content from The Light Paper, UK (links below)–covers the pressing issues of harm to the people represented by the COVID vaccine, the Big Harma hold over governments and media, and the “Great Reset” into complete slavery intended by manic billionaires with a psychopathic bent and armies of paid minions (who are assisting in the reckless scaffolding of their own demise).

Screenshot/Sep 27, 2022/The Irish Light Paper, Website

Gemma Doherty:

“In this issue we have so much information about what the real agenda is — the digital weapons for the silent war they are inflicting on the Irish people. All of the information they are going to need about the Digital Prison that they are going to exist under if they do not stand up and resist it now — The implementation of a digital currency–And that is why the Irish People must use cash as much as possible–24/7 surveillance, Automated vehicles that they will be able to control remotely: You will no longer be able to get up in the morning and decide, This is where I want to go — This is about the complete removal of your freedom which is required for them to implement their Great Reset….”

Gemma Doherty of The Irish Light paper/Posted at Bitchute/Philosopher’s Stone.Info pureblood Sep 25, 2022

The Light Paper, based in UK can be found here:

The Light’s Beware the Future issue can be found here:

Protests in Dublin Over Inflation

People in Dublin are out on the streets today protesting the rising cost of living as food and energy prices soar all over Europe and the US–a situation everyone in the West is soon going to need to address as winter approaches. This is from a rally on Sep 24.

More coverage on the energy crisis in Europe to follow.

Please share widely.