Category Archives: corporate fraud

Further Examination of Banking Fraud in the UK: Are We Closer Worldwide to Routing Corruption At Its Core?

Video Reports, Neelu Berry Chaudhari & Lee Cant, 26th July 2023, 31st July 2023 | Posted here August 5th, 2023

Neelu Berry Chaudhari, pharmacist whistleblower and science journalist reporting on much corruption in the UK along with Lee Cant, retired auditor and accountant from London–interviewed here recently–continue their investigations of government, judicial system, and banking corruption in the UK (subjects often covered here including with Michelle Young on the Saturday News Panels series from 2020-2021), unearthing much as they speak with Ex-Police Crime Commissioner from Thames Valley, London, Anthony Stansfeld, as well as with Andy Agathangelou, Founder of the Transparency Task Force, whose international meeting online addressing the Great Insolvency Scam was covered here.

A remarkable set of conversations which highlight the true ills plaguing humanity and the efforts by deeply engaged and thoughtful professionals in science, banking, financial services, journalism, and law enforcement to bring powerful new change to our world, these two conversations are a must-listen, must-share set of candid panels and talks for private dissemination worldwide. Especially vital for all to hear are the suggestions from these panelists and presenters on how to address entrenched banking fraud in the absence of ethical backbone within the courts, banks, regulatory authorities in financial services and law in Britain, and the importance of raising to prominence the often-muffled voices of our whistleblowers.

Neelu Chaudhari’s focus as well on anti-terrorism laws to rout out corruption and terrorism in courts and governments, sadly what we are dealing with now worldwide (conversations returned to here earlier) as Edward Ellis’s and others’ work to bring Equity Law forward in the Mass Corruption Remedy Process to address hundreds of corruption cases equitably comes to fruition–is vital to follow.

Two statements from Thames Valley Police Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld on major banking fraud and high-level fraud, published earlier, along with earlier coverage on the Transparency Task Force highlighting reports from whistleblower and activist for mothers’ rights, Michelle Young, are also linked below.

1 of 2 | IS UK GOVERNMENT STILL A PUPPET OF JAILED TERRORIST BANKSTERS? with Ex-PCC ANTHONY STANSFELD | Neelu Berry Chaudhari and Lee Cant with Ex-PCC Anthony Stansfeld and Founder, TTF, Andy Agathangelou | 26th July 2023

2 of 2: IS UK GOVERNMENT STILL A PUPPET OF JAILED TERRORIST BANKSTERS? with Ex-PCC ANTHONY STANSFELD | Neelu Berry Chaudhari and Lee Cant with Ex-PCC Anthony Stansfeld | 31 July, 2023

Links and Notes from Neelu Berry Chaudhari:

Brief Notes on Major Banking Frauds overlooked by UK Fraud Agencies. PCC Anthony Stansfeld 2013-2021.

High Level Fraud. Anthony Stansfield, Ex-Police Crime Commissioner, Thames Valley Police gives Witness Evidence that Fraudulent Trading by UK Banks is still Money laundering £200 billion every year despite almost 50 year jail sentences of HBOS Lloyds bankers and £45 million fines by FCA.


Newsbreak 161 | July 2, 2023 | Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Wrongfully Held in Prison Shines a Light on 100s of Cases in the UK | Please Sign the Petition For His Immediate Release

Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Imprisoned Without Cause, Denied Appeals in “Inversion of Justice System”: Whistleblower Pharmacist Neelu Berry Chaudhari and London CPA Lee Cant Alert World to his Work for Humanity

Michelle Young and the Transparency Task Force Expose the UK’s Great Insolvency Scam

News Panel 23: Whistleblowing on Financial Crimes: Lloyd’s of London & High Level Fraud

UK Parliament Notified of Massive Insolvency Fraud Indicative of Malfeasance by Judges, Barristers, Banks, Courts, Law Firms Using Fraudulent Court Documents, Fabricated Debt, Repeated Violations of Statutory Law and Human Rights

UK Mothers Across Socio-Economic Lines Reveal the Crimes, Corruption, and Fraud Rampant in UK Family Courts and Bankruptcy Courts Which Unlawfully Asset-Strip and Defraud Women & Kidnap, Foster, Traffick, and Disappear Their Children and Babies

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Billboards, Signs, Papers in Ireland Warn of Scientific COVID Fraud, Dangers of Vaccine, Great Harms of Digital Reset

Brief Report | Ramola D | September 27, 2022

People worldwide are awakening to the nefarious world agenda of Global Communism and Techno Digital Slavery which numerous well-funded and fiat-propped world organizations and government corporations are continuing to build, publicize, and issue notice of, but which cannot be allowed to go forwarda situation which makes it necessary for everyone to get informed, and help raise public awareness of on an ongoing basis. Please share this report culled from Twitter posts in the last couple days widely.

Display Billboard in Ireland Alerts Citizenry to Harms of Vaccine and Great Reset

A display billboard in Ireland — posted on Twitter a few days ago (video below)– warns people about the fraud of the COVID tests and vaccine side-effects while publicizing the failure of the official Health System in Ireland (HSE), the failure of Irish Corporate Media (RTE) and the protection of pedosadists and pedophiles in high places by media such as RTE:

Digital Weapons for A Silent War/The Irish Light

Also circulating currently is this powerful video clip (below) of Gemma Doherty, investigative journalist and editor of the new Irish Light paper, presenting an issue of the paper titled Beware the Future, which covers the planned Digital Weapons for Silent Wars:

In this clip, Gemma relays that the Irish Light paper, published in conjunction with the Light Paper UK, is being distributed all across Ireland and can be subscribed to online for a print copy if you live in Ireland:

Published to address the deadly failure of mainstream media to accurately inform the public, this issue of the Irish Light (Beware the Future)–based on content from The Light Paper, UK (links below)–covers the pressing issues of harm to the people represented by the COVID vaccine, the Big Harma hold over governments and media, and the “Great Reset” into complete slavery intended by manic billionaires with a psychopathic bent and armies of paid minions (who are assisting in the reckless scaffolding of their own demise).

Screenshot/Sep 27, 2022/The Irish Light Paper, Website

Gemma Doherty:

“In this issue we have so much information about what the real agenda is — the digital weapons for the silent war they are inflicting on the Irish people. All of the information they are going to need about the Digital Prison that they are going to exist under if they do not stand up and resist it now — The implementation of a digital currency–And that is why the Irish People must use cash as much as possible–24/7 surveillance, Automated vehicles that they will be able to control remotely: You will no longer be able to get up in the morning and decide, This is where I want to go — This is about the complete removal of your freedom which is required for them to implement their Great Reset….”

Gemma Doherty of The Irish Light paper/Posted at Bitchute/Philosopher’s Stone.Info pureblood Sep 25, 2022

The Light Paper, based in UK can be found here:

The Light’s Beware the Future issue can be found here:

Protests in Dublin Over Inflation

People in Dublin are out on the streets today protesting the rising cost of living as food and energy prices soar all over Europe and the US–a situation everyone in the West is soon going to need to address as winter approaches. This is from a rally on Sep 24.

More coverage on the energy crisis in Europe to follow.

Please share widely.

Anna von Reitz Reports US Treasury Dept. Sought Her Support of Digital Currencies, She Turned Them Down | Dollar Notes in Your Physical Control Proof of Their Debt & Your Only Hope to Remain Free

Report | Ramola D | September 16, 2022

In this week’s webinar on Sep 12 with Teri Kealoha Sahm, Co-ordinator for the Washington Assembly, Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America, Unincorporated–the reconstructed America of the Founding Fathers on the Land and Soil–revealed some rather interesting news, which indicates that the incorporated “US Government”–essentially the British Territorial government corporation running “US” affairs as a contractor services corporation with the Roman Municipal government corporation–does indeed recognize her work and stature as they sought her support of their planned digital currency–which, she says, everyone needs to understand spells the death of all freedom, and which she cannot support.

Dollar Notes Comprise Physical Evidence of the Debt Owed to the People by the Federal Reserve

Dollar notes comprise physical evidence of the debt owed by the Federal Reserve to the people she says and are our only hope for freedom.

The Federal Reserve, she reports, is looking for a way to transition (out of existence) since it is operating in a “completely lawless” fashion. An important task looking forward is “trying to figure out what the transition can be from a central bank system to a new paradigm and to avoid the additional nonsense of trying to have a government-sanctioned and government-regulated digital currency”.

CBDCs, Bio Surveillance, Central Management, and Dystopia

The globalist mavens behind the WEF and the world central banking systems as we know are dead set on their Central Bank Digital Currencies, something often discussed over at the WEF forums, including this one: Central Bank Digital Currencies, Davos, #WEF22

However, as many financial analysts note, Digital Currencies–and the noxious and profoundly dystopian Social Credit System and Bio Surveillance systems they promise to usher in, on the faulty premise of managing “Carbon Footprints” and Vaccine-Status for whichever manufactured “pandemic” the WEF/WHO/White House will roll out next–are the death-knell for humanity, freedom, independence, free will, health freedom, and choice, and are not in any way an inevitable adjunct to humanity’s future.

Anna von Reitz addresses the absurdity of turning over our freedom of choice to irresponsible, arbitrary, and capricious computer operators able to manipulate your digital quotas at will, using the vivid metaphor of rats turning wheels and levers (Think behavior modification for humans to fulfil Carbon Footprint obligations) to earn a piece of corn dropped into their maze, but emphasizing that this is “not even a piece of Plastic Corn, but a piece of Thought Corn”: a “head trip and Mind Death” which makes no sense whatsoever.

“Who would ever give up their control of their lives–to something like this? You’d have to be stark raving Barmy! Nobody would do it—if they thought about it!”

Melissa Cuimei, financial analyst, who has previously described the plan of the central bankers to enslave humanity in an interview reported here, has spoken candidly of the need for all humans, worldwide, to engage in Mass Non Compliance to avert this conversion into digital currency, and she once more speaks out to remind all that saying No to Digital Currency is a necessary step for everyone to take, to avert the greater dystopias of the Schwabian deceptions of a “great reset.” The clip below of her speaking to all is one taken from Telegram and being shared around.

Meanwhile, Americans for Innovation reports from documented research that the Know Your Customer database which will prop up the Social Credit System has been set up by Thomson Reuters and the Rothschild Banks in London, a process set in motion from the time of 9/11 and the obnoxious Patriot Act, and significant in that Reuters has connections to Big Tech censorship and is instrumental in publishing the propagandizing narratives of the CFR/Davos set.

The understructure of the envisioned technological slavery of the future, with humans reduced to cog-in-wheel or hamster-on-wheel or rat-in-maze status, is increasingly coming clear, and Saying No to Digital Currency, a big first step in ushering in Full-on Enslavement becomes a vitally important thing to do.



ANNA VON REITZ: “Their plan was to shut down the Federal Reserve—and it deserves to be shut down because it’s been running on blood money which is illegal and has been illegal the entire time that they’ve been operating. Now they’re kind of second-thinking about this because they have to find a way to transition it.

The Federal Reserve has been acting as the central bank for the British Territorial United States since the end of the Civil War basically – and it existed prior to the Civil War; this is something people don’t realize, they think the Federal Reserve came into being with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and that is exactly not true.

The Federal Reserve has existed since way back (not under a different name) but as the Federal Reserve, since something like 1841. I’ll have to look it up but it existed well prior to the Civil War and it has existed continuously throughout. Anyway there’s all sorts of peculiarities with the Federal Reserve—there’s all sorts of long standing relationships with families which were investor families. One of the current people is a guy named Christopher Fife who is being brought forward as heir to the Federal Reserve. But, anyway they have to find a way to transition out of the Federal Reserve because what it’s doing is completely lawless.

But if they don’t transition it and just kind of: alright, that’s it, chop it off, you know–then you have chaos, and you have death and destruction. So you know, stopping that from happening was Job 1; Job 2 is trying to figure out what the transition can be from a central bank system to a new paradigm and to avoid the additional nonsense of trying to have a government sanctioned and govt regulated digital currency.

Now soon after we started all of this and we brought forward the truth and we brought forward who actually owns the gold and the silver and the land and you know, all this stuff, we had a visit from – two members of the Treasury Department showed up, and their mission was to No. 1) find out if I knew anything about digital currency and No. 2) would I agree to a digital currency, and No. 3) was, if this was something they could get me to support enthusiastically.

And of course the answer is no, for all the reasons that I went through a couple of weeks ago about THIS being proof of their debt. (holding up a dollar note)

And having something that is in your physical control is your only hope of remaining free—Ok? And we explained this to them in very short sentences. And they of course assumed that they were so superior because of their computer knowledge that we couldn’t possibly know what we were talking about and they went back to the Treasury and they reported that I was a Luddite and that there was no way they were going to get me to agree to a Digital Currency.

And, the digital currency in my view is just nothing but numbers entered into a ledger. It’s even cheaper for them to produce this valuable “commodity” than it is to spend money on actually printing it – they only spend 4 cents to the dollar for a 100 dollars and they keep all the seignorage which by the way – seignorage is the difference between whatever it costs to print this and whatever the face-value of the bill is – so in the case of a dollar bill, it would be 96 cents pure profit – in the case of a 100-dollar bill, it would be 99.96. You see my point?

Seignorage is one of the biggest thefts that they have. And they can get seignorage calculated off of keystrokes on a computer with digital currency. Now in a sense, our currency is digital now, because when you bring in your checks and your cash, and your money orders and other transfer instruments, they do enter it into a bank ledger and that represents digits, right? But there is still something physical, there is still something standing as evidence of a transfer and a possession, and a transfer of something standing behind those digits. Imagine what happens when fast Eddie O’ Hara progeny are sitting there at their computer desks and go, Hey yeah well, I think I’m just going to give Cindy 8106 dollars to Aunt Abatha!

Think about this folks—think about it—and the more you think about it the more ridiculous it’s going to seem. I mean this is worse than the corn being dropped down the slot in response to the rat in the maze pushing the lever. This isn’t even a piece of Plastic corn being dropped down the slot to the rat pushing the lever in the maze. This is a Thought piece of corn being dropped down the slot ok – there is no connection to reality here between the rat, the corn, and the machine ok. This is all just a head trip. This is a mind death ok?

And once you realize it, you stand there and you look at it and you go, That’s ridiculous! Who would even think about that for five minutes? Who would ever give up their control of their lives–to something like this? You’d have to be stark raving Barmy! Nobody would do it—if they thought about it!

So think about it folks – and encourage all of your friends and neighbors to think about it especially the young people in your lives, because they need to think about it. They are the targets—they are the ones having all this debt heaped on them. You know?

One of the things that I find most amusing is: they think they can threaten me. I got news for ya!–everyone my age has already lived at least 2 lifetimes!

If I had my way, all wars would be fought by men over 80!

All of those people in Congress that vote for it can be the first to go!

Everyone who signs off on a check on my credit or my assets to send to Ukraine or any other place that’s involved in a war, they’re welcome to it – go, ride the bomb down like Slim Pickens!

Slim Pickens, actor, as Major “King” Kong in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 

Just don’t expect me to pay for it, and don’t expect my kids to pay for it, don’t expect my great great great great great great great great grandkids to pay for it, because you don’t represent me, I didn’t give you my proxy. I’m not a shareholder in your bankrupt corporation and therefore I am not in receivership to your trustees. You see how this works now—you’re all beginning to get the drift here.”


What Melissa Cuimmei is conveying here is:

  1. When they bring in Digital ID prior to the Digital Currency is when we absolutely say NO because that’s the route to complete bodily enslavement;
  2. You have to be aware that when you keep money in these central banks it is not yours but theirs — so maybe act to safeguard it now (pull it out perhaps?
  3. They will tie Digital ID rollout to something major and essential you will need — so you have to be prepared for that and prepared to say no to the spectre of eternal slavery via digital ID and bio surveillance for social credit system imprisonment;
  4. And banks are seeking to screw us over with fiat money they invent out of thin air so why don’t we create our own monetary system and screw them over instead. Lincoln’s greenbacks, etc.

“The People in DC are Despicable and Need Neither Respect Nor Support”

Anna also addresses the issue of why not-supporting the folks in DC running the Blue-Red mirage of elections and showmanship and veering toward national enslavement now with digital currencies is a good idea, by describing the hypocrisy endemic in failing veterans and withholding medical care for them, recounting the story of her friend a Marine who is in need of heart surgery–please see the webinar in full here (Choose Sep 12):

Elitism, Hypocrisy, and Enemies of Our Country

Democrats in particular have let the country go to “rack and ruin” and have become enemies of our country, she notes.

ANNA VON REITZ: “…not only do the Marines go through hell, not only do they suffer every kind of hardship, but their families suffer every kind of hardship, their wives suffer every kind of hardship.

And if anybody deserves our care and our social consciousness, it is our veterans, it is our current service members—so as I was saying about the hypocrisy of the political elites who talk about Environment and do nothing about it, and who want to tax us out of their environmental concern and yet don’t do anything about it, so I say the same things about the people who get out there on the Fourth of July and wave the war flag and send their people off to battle and pay for mercenaries and pay for billions of dollars in tech and all this other stuff to go and blow holes in the world, and who send off all these brave men and women to do their bidding, and then bring them home and deprive them of their rights, and continue to prey upon them by extorting taxes that they don’t owe, and also then deprive them of the benefits and the services and the insurance that they are owed – they are despicable, those people in Washington DC, they are absolutely despicable, and they deserve neither respect nor support.

Every single one of them – who has allowed this country to go to this degree of rack and ruin while they have been busily selling off our infrastructure, letting things fall into neglect, and depriving our veterans of even a decent life, they all deserve to be kicked out of office without any kind of regard for anything they have ever done. These people are scum. And most of them are enemies of our country.

I count everybody in the Democratic party automatically an enemy of the country. Why? Because they are standing there, letting it go to rack and ruin, and instead they are sucking off the public money for their cronies. They are making themselves out big fellows at everybody else’s expense—how obnoxious is that? If they have a (D) by their name, just cross it out – because that’s all the Democrats have done for the last 60 years. They used to be out there at least doing things like allowing labor unions to represent laborers—how long has it been since you’ve seen them do anything like that? And as for Republicans, they’re so infiltrated with Democrats that doesn’t even have a party anymore. There isn’t a Republican Party – forget that!

And guess, what none of us vote because it’s illegal for us to vote in their private shareholder elections—so all those who are ASNS who adopted David Straight’s dual citizenship status, should go in there and vote the hell out of them—get rid of them! There is one thing you can do – if it’s not illegal for you to vote, go do so! Send them pink slips from me, from my friend the Marine and his wife.

These are serious times and serious topics. Medical care for veterans and their families should be top on the list, in my book.”

Please share this article widely!


Wolf at the Door and in September Skies, Plus a 44-Year Deadline: Anna von Reitz Recommends Americans “Return to the Land” at Speed and Reclaim Birthright Assets

Anna von Reitz | Mercenary Illuminati and Clandestine CIA Destroying Govts, National Sovereignty Worldwide Being Routed Out | Gold Trades Have Funded CIA Black Ops & Purchase of Chinese Central Bank from CCP

Fiduciary Anna von Reitz Restores America & World, Calls on All to Participate in Renewal | Making History Canceling 2 1934 Gold Bearer Bonds

Anna von Reitz: UN CORP — A Message for Davos | Root of All Evil Apparently UN CORPORATION, Behind US INC., UN, WHO, DOD, NATO |”Time to Liquidate it as a Criminal Entity”

Anna von Reitz: The Choice for All Mankind | Corporate Feudalism or Universal Free Will? Military Mavens Need to Step Up

David Sorensen, Stop World Control | MONOPOLY: How the Entire World is Owned by One Single Corporation

Repost from original at Stop World Control, with permission | Ramola D | Sep 7, 2022

Powerful and inspiring post from David Sorensen, journalist at Stop World Control, calling on people to get informed at speed and start standing up to share the information and speak out to stop the ongoing mega-attempts to shut down all freedoms of all peoples, worldwide, through a number of amped-up means in a number of spheres–as evident through the plandemic tyranny we have all experienced and continue to witness–all propelled by one mega corporation, Vanguard, the subject of Tim Geilen’s documentary Monopoly, described below.

–Ramola D

Screenshot, Stop World Control

How the entire world is owned by one single corporation | By David Sorensen, Stop World Control


MONOPOLY is one of the best, and most viewed documentaries of all time, even in an age of extreme worldwide censorship, that tries to hide these kinds of truths. But for those of you who haven’t viewed it yet, I want to give a brief summary, hoping this will tickle you enough to watch it anyway, despite your busy schedule.

In our world we see millions of brands, names, logos that all seem to compete with one another. There are countless corporations offering different services in clothing, food, travel, technology, agriculture, finance, medicine, and so on.

There is for example Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola, two major competitors in the field of soda drinks, right? WRONG!

There is also Samsung and iPhone, two gigantic competitors in the field of smartphones, right? WRONG!

There are Mac and PC computers, the ultimate example of two rivals, competing for the largest marketshare of personal computers, right? WRONG!

There is Facebook and Twitter, competing fiercely for the largest audience in social media, right? WRONG!

None of these corporations compete with one another. That’s only the surface for the ignorant consumers, like you and me, who are fooled by the different brand names. Sure, these brands used to compete in a distant past, but the stage has been changed long since.

Today all those major brands that seem to compete, are essentially owned by one and the same corporation: Vanguard. MONOPOLY shows this on screen, so you can see it for yourself.

Vanguard is the one entity in the world that virtually owns all the big industries in the world, be it pharmaceutical, news media, insurance, hospitals, technology, travel, food, mining, gas, oil, banking, and so on. 

This means that almost everything you eat, drink, dress with, sleep on, drive, travel with, read, watch, listen to, communicate with, work from, and so on is all owned by the same very small group of mega wealthy individuals. 

They have an effective MONOPOLY worldwide on virtually everything.

This has been their strategy for decades: 

“We will acquire the majority of the shares of all companies on the stock market, and also acquire the shares of the other companies who own the rest of the shares. That will give us complete ownership of everything, which then enables us to control the world.”

That’s how they were able to control all hospitals, health insurance, news media, etc. during the pandemic.

To simplify things, we can say the following: during the pandemic, one man who is at the top of this financial monopoly worldwide, just had to say one word, and all the news media, all the major hospitals, all the insurance companies, all the airlines, all the hotels, and a thousand other companies all jumped to obey this command.

Even most nations, who are official structured as for profit corporations (!), and therefore effectively owned by these same entities, have to jump to the command of their “Big Boss”.

What was the command? 

– mandate masks! 

– mandate lockdowns! 

– mandate vaccines! 

– mandate testing! 

– suppress cures! 

– suppress physicians! 

– suppress truth!

I am simplifying the situation now, as there are several families who collectively own Vanguard (and BlackRock, who sits right under Vanguard), but still that is in essence what it boils down to. One corporation virtually owns the entire world as we know it. That enables a tiny group of people to manipulate all of humanity, to do whatever they want. 

It is exactly what we have observed during the pandemic: all over the world physicians saving lives of patients, were fired from their hospitals, and the use of effective treatments was banned in virtually every nation of the world. 

One command was given, and the millions of minions of Vanguard jumped to their feet to obey unquestioningly. “YES BOSS!”

Many people can’t believe that a pandemic can be organized on a worldwide scale. But once you understand how the world is structured, and you see that one single entity owns almost everything worldwide, and you discern its hand in virtually every government, then you know that it is in fact very easy to pull of a worldwide pandemic, and impose mass tyranny. 

The criminal purpose of lockdowns

One of the purposes of the pandemic was to further increase the monopoly of this small group of people. They demanded lockdowns that had to destroy millions of small businesses worldwide, so the billions of consumers would flock from these independent businesses to the mega corporations of these tyrants. 

In practical terms: millions of small grocery stores had to close down for a year, so the entire world population could only get their food from the supermarkets that remained open, and are owned by these criminals. They made trillions of dollars while the small businesses lost everything.

Interestingly enough, none of the mega corporations had to close down during the lockdowns. They all stayed open, worldwide. Only the millions of small businesses were forced to close, while they have a mere handful of customers per day, and the supermarkets have thousands of people crowding on top of each other, day after day. 

The risk of infecting others is a thousand times greater in supermarkets, than in any small business. But it’s the local, independent shops that had to be closed. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Yet the mindless masses blindly and unquestioningly accepted this absurd insanity “for their safety”. 

MONOPOLY confirms what is revealed by the top experts that testify in the GRAND JURY EVIDENCE: the world is under attack by a very small group of astronomically wealthy people, who collaborate to seize complete control over everything on earth, that’s not fully in their hands yet.

Grand Jury Evidence 1


The financial tyrants are behind organizations like the World Health Organization, which is 100% owned and used by these criminals, to execute their agenda of world domination, under the guise of health emergencies, which they fabricate using fraudulent testing, manipulation of data, suppression of cures, and mass psychosis through media fear mongering. 

They are also behind the World Economic Forum and United Nations, that claim to improve the state of the world, while in fact their goal is to finish the total power grab over all of humanity, by demanding that all resources, all information, all governments, all power, all industries be handed over into their cruel, greedy hands. 

How can we stop these tyrants?

What is the solution to this? Very simple: STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME! Stop going along with their criminal agenda.

Wake up the people of the world, by sharing this post, the film MONOPOLY, and the GRAND JURY EVIDENCE like crazy.

If you are a small business, don’t give in to their criminal manipulation, but connect with other businesses and build networks that will resist.

In Australia a brilliant initiative was set up, where the people can safely shop at a vast network of non compliant businesses, that do not require a vaccine status. (Learn more about this brilliant project).

The people must step away from the big corporations, and start shopping at local, small businesses, that are not – and never will be – owned by these psychopaths. Find farmers, ranchers, butchers, and buy directly from them. It is a million times healthier, and so much more fun. 

Start your own small business, and serve the local community with handmade, fresh, natural, unspoiled goods, that excel in quality, way above the cheap toxic crap that is offered by most of these mega corporations. Be creative, courageous and follow your dreams.

If you are a lawyer, then rise up to defend the people in your community. 

If you are a judge, then defend justice instead of protecting criminals.

If you are a person of faith and prayer, then pray that this will all be exposed and brought to justice. 

If you are financially enabled, then support those that protect humanity. 

We can all do something: distribute flyers, place ads in newspapers, share on social media, send emails, talk to people. 

Set up a public viewing of MONOPOLY

Organize public viewings of MONOPOLY for your community. I received emails for example from a group of church pastors in Hawaii that organized public viewings of some of our most important videos, like THE BATTLE FOR HUMANITY. They gathered hundreds of pastors to wake them up. 

We can all do this! Rent a place, set up equipment, advertise it on the local radio and in local newspapers, and show MONOPOLY to the people. It can cause tsunamis of awakening…

Invite law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, commissioners, etc. Even if only two or three show up, once they see Monopoly, they can become the pebble that causes a rockslide of truth in your community.

People of the world, I am calling you to please rise up for real. Stop being an observer who criticizes and judges, but be the answer humanity needs. 

All of us are born to be heroes. We all have the divine seed of courage and justice planted inside of us. Let’s do it!



Stop World Control

Please share widely!

Planned Illusions | The EMF Assault on Humanity Featuring Ramola D

Repost from Original at Planned Illusions | Ramola D | August 20, 2022

Many thanks to Jimuphy at Planned Illusions in Australia for this interview featuring the radio frequency weapons and other kinds of anti-personnel energy weapons being used unlawfully on hundreds of thousands of people worldwide wrongfully targeted, victimized, and abused by the criminals occupying positions of power in local governments and “law enforcement” bodies who have opened the door to extreme crime run by the Intelligence, Military, and Academic sellouts of the world, commandeered and controlled by the manic and criminal central-banker billionaires keen to usher in a “New World Order” of abject enslavement for all using high technology and lack of ethics to propel themselves along.

–Ramola D

The EMF Assault On Humanity – Featuring Ramola D

In this episode:

PLannedilLusion welcomes writer and researcher Ramola D from, to discuss the follow on from the documentary 5G ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

Ramola unpacks the truth extent of the use of EMF and weaponized frequencies as a deadly weapon deployed to control population and to carry out subversive operations on the unsuspecting general public. The information revealed by Ramola is truly alarming when considering the extensive use of wireless frequencies in SMART CITIES and the damage therefore being caused to the physiological, neurological and psychological wellbeing of the masses, damages that are often wrongly attributed to Long COVID and the Jab.

We are beginning to realize that there are various weapons being used at this moment in time to bring down humanity.

Interview to be posted at Ramola D Reports channels shortly.


Visit Planned Illusion here:

Candid blogging from Jimuphy:

Chris Haskell Interview, April 24, 2022: “Ramola D The Incredible Independent Journalist Released from the Pen!”

Video Post with Links | Ramola D | April 26, 2022

Many thanks to Chris Haskell of Real Tucson News and HaskellFilmz for this candid conversation and interview on the wrongful 6-day Psych Hold I was subjected to from April 14-19, 2022 by wrongfully acting officers and officials from the Quincy Police Department, Brewster EMS, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Carney Hospital, Dorchester, Massachusetts on a false claim from a framing and slandering neighbor.

Expanding on Celeste Solum’s interview on April 21, 2022, Chris focused on my background growing up in India, my writing and teaching in the USA/mostly in the Washington DC area where I went to school for my MFA, my journalism, my children’s art and creativity workshops–slandered into oblivion in late 2013 and onward–my 8-year experience in my home neighborhood of Quincy, Massachusetts of being wrongfully watchlisted, Neighborhood Watch’d, character-assassinated, EMF-Tech-assaulted, and my long work of journalism since then investigating, researching, interviewing and exposing the wrongful targeting, watchlisting, life-takedown and non-consensual Military/Intel experimentation–with massive human rights violations–using EMF Tech, Spectrum Tech, Non Lethal/Crowd Control Tech, Neurotech on untold numbers of Americans, Europeans, Australians–people from everywhere, but Americans mostly.

Chris Haskell Interview, April 24, 2022/HaskellFilmZ/Youtube

My earlier interview of Chris Haskell at Ramola D Reports published on July 30, 2021 can be viewed here at Odysee:

Report 254 | Chris Haskell, Legendary Geo Eng. Chem Trails Activist on Signs, Chem Trails, Tucson.

I hope to publish Chris’s interview of me at all video channels shortly, it’s currently at Bitchute.

BITCHUTE: HaskellFilmz Interview: Ramola D The Incredible Independent Journalist released from the Pen!

Please share widely!


Celeste Solum Interview, April 21, 2022: Locked up with Ramola D–Journalism, DEWs, No-Consent, Heart

Celeste Solum: Locked up with Ramola D | Educating the World, Especially Psychiatry, on the Reality of EMF Tech & Microwave Weapons | But Connecting with Humans as Humans

Ramola D: Released from Political Persecution of Wrongful Psych Hold in Carney Hospital, Dorchester After 6 Days of Illegal & UnConstitutional Arrest/Detainment & Kidnapping by Quincy Police Department on False Claim from Loony Neighbor

Anna von Reitz: Reply to “The Ecumenical Council of Columbia” | Treaty and Contract with Holy See Resolves Ownership of World Financial Assets and Vests Power as Fiduciary in Anna

Re-post of original at | Ramola D | March 6, 2022

Preface: Here, Anna speaks of an Accord with the Holy See through Pope Benedict XVI in 2008, where the Pope has agreed the world financial and gold assets belong to the world’s people and administration of same was vested in Anna as Fiduciary–which she speaks more about in her Fiduciary post–and that the Vatican Chancery Court has affirmed her standing.

Pope Boniface VIII: “I own the Earth and all the souls on it”

She also speaks of a great many other things which I have no knowledge about but which people may wish to explore further, about the usurpers on this planet being Martian and Saturnine, etc. which she has written about before. In exploring this post a bit on her Facebook page–all her articles come from initial Facebook posts–I found two related articles: Final Reply to John Curren Chapman III and Notice to all Galactic Federation of Planets Forces, Agents and Council Members 2.0. Please read further and with discernment as always to figure out what rings true.

I’m re-posting this one here because it speaks of an accord with the Pope — whose lineage as people may know claims authority over all air land and sea after claims to the same from one particularly hubristic Pope Boniface VIII, covered here — recognizing the people own the gold not the Pope, and vesting power in Anna von Reitz as fiduciary, information the world may like to have.

I’ve posted many other posts of Anna’s here referencing Popes, just use “Pope” in the search bar to find her posts here–mostly addressing Pope Francis.

I do think, if galactic federations and Martians exist, they need to announce themselves to the rest of us stat 🙂 — Ramola D

[Image found online, so apt!]

Reply to “The Ecumenical Council of Columbia”

By Anna Von Reitz

Anna von Reitz

It may have escaped your Notice, John, but this country is not and never has been a theocracy of any kind and the Inquisition has insinuated itself in gross violation of the Public Law and the Treaties and Constitutional Service Contracts that I hold with the Holy See. So the position of Justice is squarely vested in me with respect to the subject matter and my capacity as Fiduciary and Donor. The Inquisition has been in here racketeering and presuming undisclosed contracts upon people and business entities in Gross Breach of Trust and the Holy See has been establishing undisclosed performance bonds upon Americans (and others) who were merely presumed to be Commonwealth chattel interests— without in fact being either stateless or belonging to the Commonwealth. These people are not subject to or citizens of either the Territorial or Municipal District Governments. Consider all your hands slapped.

These are not new or yet-to-be decided issues. These issues have in fact been decided since 2008. The Pope is not obligated to inform you and neither am I, but as you raise the specter of some purported Holy War based on material interests that do not in fact exist, I am fully informing you and your cohorts in the District. We concluded negotiations with the Holy See regarding these ownership and control issues in 2008 with the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI acting in his Secular Role as Pontiff and countersigned in his Sacred Role as Pope. This resulted in both treaty and contract, on the land and soil, and in the air. In the words of our beloved Teacher, “It is finished.”

The 2008 Accord was given over seven (7) years Due Process and Notice on a worldwide basis and I and my 900 assistants have literally thousands of pieces of registered mail and correspondence proving that this service was done and that both Principals and Agents were served throughout the World Trust bureaucracy and throughout the Roman Catholic and Protestant Church hierarchies. The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury have both received regular and faithful updates by mail and by email regarding the process of these activities for twenty-plus years and H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, the chief officer of the Vatican Chancery Court has also been continuously and fully informed since the completion of the determinations which culminated in the 2010 Postal Treaty of the Americas, the April 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders and the 2015 Sovereign Letters Patent.

Now, do you and your associates in The Ecumenical Council of Columbia have a word left to say for yourselves?

We have done our Due Diligence in all venues and absolutely all questions related to our position have been fully established and published now for nearly eight years. All required Notice periods have timed out and nobody can complain of any deceit or injustice or lack of Due Process. The Holy See knows and agrees and has the records of our ownership of the cadastral survey worldwide. It is also known and agreed that the bulk of the world’s gold, silver, and other assets belong in fact to us. We are the Donors. And the Vatican Chancery Court has affirmed my standing.

What, exactly, did you think you were going to do? Claim this country and this world, plus the solar system, without us speaking up? Without us enforcing our contracts and treaties? Without us tending our business? Did you think that we had all fallen asleep so that you could sneak in the back door and raise some kind of pirate flag and take over? Call yourself the Devil one day and the only Son of God the next?


Thank the True God that Pope Benedict XVI was still alive and functioning and competent to do what had to be done, and that we were still awake and aware of who we are and enabled to bring forward our interests in a competent fashion.

And now, I have some questions myself. Who in the Hell do you and your cohorts think you are? You, yourself, are a Martian refugee with absolutely no standing here. None. What makes you and your Princess Gaia Sophia, think that you have any material, energetic, or spiritual ownership interest in this planet or the people here? We took you in after you bungled up and destroyed your home planet and this is how you propose to repay us? By bungling up and destroying ours? Making a bunch of insupportable claims and allying yourselves with the Saturnine Brotherhood in hopes of killing off Mankind?

Not on my watch, Johnny Boy.

And exactly what do you have to complain about? Any of you?

Because of what we have done and established, the world will be made new and righteous order re-established. People will own their own land outright in absolute fee simple again. All the phony “national debts” will be canceled out. All the punitive phony mortgages and endless taxes will be lifted from the backs of the poor. The repugnant black market trading in bodies and souls will be stopped.

There will no longer be first-second and third-class “citizenships”. No 80 million statutes, rules, regulations, and codes to follow. No commodity rigging used to artificially obstruct trade and to expedite economic control and racketeering and price fixing. No more mercenary wars. No more bondage. No more enslavement in any jurisdiction whatsoever. There will be prepaid credit issued to the victims of The Great Fraud. There will be an end to politics and to politicized “science”.

People in the undeveloped world will have roads and bridges and water wells, food and energy and access to bank services and electrical power and competent, caring health services. The Earth itself will bloom anew and be restored.

What right or reason do any of you have to object to any of this? How are you being harmed so that you have any capacity to complain and say this injures you? And what interest do you have in promoting falsehood anymore? Have you not heard that the appointed punishment of “the Devil” and his progeny was to teach God’s Children to discern the difference between Truth and Falsehood? And do you not realize that that job is now done?

It really frosts my cake that you are all showing up here at the last moment, bitching and griping that I am somehow delaying the settlement of all these issues, when in fact, I am the one who has thus far prosecuted all of them to a happy conclusion and when I have no interest whatsoever in delaying the rewards of all this work for myself or anyone else.

See this article and over 3500 others on Anna’s website here:

Newsbreak 144: Pam Popper Explains How Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Caved to Lawsuits And Retracted Vaccine Mandates While Fraud at the FDA and Pfizer Opens the Door to Liability Lawsuits Likely to Topple Big Pharma for Good But Also Lead to Major Social Ripples

Report & Video | Ramola D | February 24, 2022

Blockbuster news from Dr. Pamela Popper, President of Make Americans Free Again and also Wellness Health Forums, who revealed today that it was her organization’s lawsuits against Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu and her misled and misleading doctors which forced Wu’s hand and made her issue a stunning retraction of the mad vaccine mandates she had unleashed on Boston recently.

Michelle Wu was essentially destroying the economy of Boston, states Dr. Popper, as residents began to travel to other towns like Cambridge and Somerville to enjoy an evening at a restaurant, causing Boston’s restaurant economy to shrivel.

Mayor Michelle Wu has been given a rather blunt view of her unpopularity recently as city workers, police, and firemen’s families took to the street to protest her mad and misled vaccine mandates for city workers, and a recent appearance at Instagram Live had her being mobbed verbally by unhappy Massachusetts citizens fed up with her autocratic impositions of mandates restricting their basic rights and freedoms.

The enormity of demanding compliance with Pharma-led mandates for a very experimental COVID vaccine which is causing record-breaking numbers of deaths in the USA and worldwide while Pharma-appeasing media such as the Boston Globe whitewashes the dangers of this toxic vaccine was covered in an op-ed report here recently.

Boston Police Should Be Arresting Mayor Michelle Wu, Not Keeling Over at her Unscientific and Unlawful Vaccine Mandates | Ramola D | 1/13/2022

Describing how Mayor Wu literally changed her tune on mandates 6 hours after an injunction was placed in court against her and her advising doctors, Pam Popper says, “People can march all they want but if you want results, you have to sue these officials.”

“On February 18, 2022, attorney Richard Chambers Jr. filed a lawsuit against the city of Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu, The Executive Director of Boston Public Health, and the Boston Public Health Commission. The lawsuit was funded by Make Americans Free Again. The suit concerned the unlawful orders issued in December 2021 requiring vaccine passports for admission to “indoor entertainment, recreation, dining, and fitness settings” in the city of Boston.

The lawsuit asked the court for “immediate, preliminary and injunctive relief” from these unlawful orders, and requested a jury trial to determine monetary damages. Chambers had previously sent a letter to Wu asking her to work within the law, and when she did not respond, he filed the action in federal court.

Just 5 hours later Wu caved,and lifted the proof of vaccination requirement.”

Make Americans Free Again Press Release, Feb 18, 2022

The lawsuit, notes the press release, has helped “Mayor Wu to understand that illegal actions have both political and personal consequences. When faced with the potential for personal financial responsibility for the damages her orders would cause to local businesses, she quickly changed course.”

Pam Popper reports that lawsuits have now been filed all over the USA and a rather major one against the CDC is coming up soon, welcome news for all aware of the tremendous havoc played by CDC in running a false pandemic which has caused numerous vaccine deaths and injuries among Americans.


Major Information Re. Fraud at Pfizer and FDA Vitiating All and Opening the Door to Future Lawsuits from the Vaccine Injured and Bereaved

This is Why Pfizer & Moderna are Expected to Crash

Also of groundbreaking import is Pam Popper’s discussion of what exactly has transpired lately regarding the news coming out of insurance companies, whistleblowers, and grassroots journalism. Essentially, one insurance company in America started the ball rolling by revealing a high and unusual number of deaths in the 18-49 year range, followed soon by others, including recently a German insurance firm which exposed that millions of adverse events had been recorded among its 11 million customer base.

Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs/Health Impact News/Jan 3, 2022

German Health Insurance Claims Show 31,254 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines While Official Government Stats Report Only 2,255/Health Impact News/Feb 23, 2022

Within this context, news has leaked that Stephane Bancel the Moderna CEO suddenly dumped $400 Million shares of his Moderna stock and got off Twitter. Edward Dowd, the Blackrock investment manager who has recently been whistleblowing about Wall Street becoming aware of high numbers of vaccine deaths and predicting that Moderna and Pfizer’s stock would crash soon, inevitably, has also remarked on the information coming out of insurance companies now, and noted that investors and financiers would pull out of Pharma for this reason.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Deletes Twitter Account, Sells Tens Of Millions Of Dollars In Stock/The Covid World/Feb 13, 2022

Pfizer and Moderna Investors Run for the Exits/Justus Hope, Desert Review/Feb 21-23, 2022

Former Executive of BlackRock Edward Dowd/Real America’s Voice

“Fraud eviscerates all contracts, that’s case law.”–Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd on Wall Street and Pfizer/Info Wars

“If people wake up to the fact that it’s fraud, then we can stop the vaccine program rightaway–and that’ll be a good start to ending the madness and nonsense that’s going on around the globe today”–Edward Dowd

(Edward Dowd is offering the same analysis as Pam Popper, it appears.)

Pam Popper shares however that two or three of the biggest reasons we can expect Big Pharma to crash—leading to ripple effects across world economies—is the lawsuit headlined by attorney Aaron Siri against the FDA recently by a group of physicians seeking Pfizer vaccine clinical trial data, which was withheld by Pfizer, and led to the FDA seeking a 75-year delay in the revelation of this data, thence refused by the judge who demanded the data by March 1. (Covered in this article advising against child vaccines here earlier: They’re Playing Russian Roulette with Child COVID Vaccines: 12 Primary Reasons NOT to Inject Your Child.)

As a consequence of this, Pam notes, Pfizer has gone back to its fourth quarter data publications and started to revise the language there—why? Because it clearly has something to hide. In addition, a Pfizer whistleblower Brooke Jackson from Ventavia has stepped forward to reveal that there was a lot of fraud rampant in the clinical trials themselves which were not conducted or documented properly, and much information such as deaths among participants has been hidden.

At the same time, Project Veritas investigations have revealed a FDA official disclosing that the FDA is essentially in Pfizer’s pocket, with millions of dollars being handed over regularly to the FDA by Pfizer to approve its trial data and its EUAs without adequate review, assessment, and oversight.

FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies: ‘Almost a Billion Dollars a Year Going into FDA’s Budget from the People we Regulate’/Project Veritas/Feb 16, 2022

#Pfizergate Brook Jackson Reveals Pfizer Fraud/Knowing the Truth

FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine For Children Have Worked For Pfizer, Have Big Pfizer Connections/Patrick Howley for National File, at Zero Hedge/Oct 27, 2021

Pam Popper also notes that this has been the case for decades with corrupt practices at the FDA overriding regulatory oversight protocols and leading to a complete failure of Public Safety where numerous dangerous drugs – known to cause harm – have been long approved by the FDA in response to large bribes from the drug companies.

What makes this situation so pivotal is that the FDA approved the EUA on grounds of the clinical trials proving safety and effectiveness—the famous CDC and FDA mantra—and the uncovering now of irregularities, contra-indications, and high risk means the FDA has made its approvals on faulty data which makes them fraudulent, thereby nullifying and invalidating those approvals while opening the door for liability lawsuits from all those American families which have suffered vaccine-injury or been vaccine-injured.




Given that millions rest their retirement funds and lives on investments in biotech including Pfizer and Moderna, it is likely that the ripple effect from crashes of Big Pharma will reach the man on the street, combining with other disruptions such as supply chain breakages and sudden wars to bring about fuel oil and gas hikes, real estate price escalations, food price hikes, and food shortages.

The future in fact—of imminent economic collapse following on the heels of stock market crashes—looks grim, says Pam Popper, which is why it becomes essential to look ahead and create new social and community realities and support systems.

This is something her organization Make Americans Free Again has long advocated, setting in motion the creation of local groups for likeminded people keen to protect their medical and health freedom and rights to come together to form support systems, find new means to address food shortages such as family farms and buying dry food mix—such as Pam Popper says her company is now selling—as well as work on things like homeschooling and materially supporting those in need.

Vaccine Deaths and Serious Myocarditis in Teenagers Still Not Covered by Mainstream Media: Both a Case of Misinformation and Great Harm

Prompting this Newsbreak in the first place are the autopsies of two teenage boys found tragically dead in their beds, found via autopsy to have serious myocarditis, a situation increasingly reported by young boys and men yet not properly covered by Media, which has chosen to push the vaccines rather than call for their termination.

Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose/Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine/Feb 14, 2022

Two teenagers drop dead days after getting ‘vaccinated’ with Pfizer, media silent/EU Times/Feb 19, 2022

There are some people though, Pam notes, who are so entrenched in their baseless belief in vaccines that they will continue to line up for them regardless whether Media covers the subject truthfully or not.

Those who are waking up and recognizing the true nature of these non-health injections are the families of the newly vaccine injured or bereaved and those actually researching and finding the data on vaccine deaths and injuries—which mainstream Media is still not reporting.

Misinformation in fact is being promoted by Media and Governments while accusations of same are leveled at those True-Media Reporters who are doing the research and publishing the actual science and facts—dismissed by the Pharma-directed enterprise of Media as “anti-vax.”

In the case of children and teenagers especially, Pam notes, there are no benefits to the COVID vaccine being administered to them, but all risk. To be promoting the lethal vaccines to this age group then—knowing the risks and harms—is unconscionable and criminal. An organization called Teen Vax, she reports, is currently encouraging teens to override their parents’ dissent and offer their bodies to the vaccine anyway, providing no information on the harms of the vaccine but encouraging them to “do their part to stop the spread” of an infectious disease. CDC does the same on their web site Teen Vax View.

On this score it must be noted there is no proof of COVID being in existence as a specific virus-led disease—given that the SARS-COV-2 virus has not been isolated, by admission now from 169 Public Health and government institutions—nor as an arbiter of contagion.

Deceiving teenagers by guilting them or bribing them or lying to them—leading to deaths, myocarditis, paralysis, brain injury—is reprehensible and criminal; parents worldwide are advised to dig deep and do further research.

From Newsbreak 144-Links above/Pam Popper speaking with Ramola D, Feb 24, 2022

An unexpected and enlightening conversation, Newsbreak 144 offers a real insight into the state of affairs regarding COVID and the promotion of the lethal COVID vaccines today. Please share widely.

Anna von Reitz/I Told You So: What is Now Known About (Vaccine) Batches: “Deliberate, Self-Interested Murder and Maiming for Profit”

Re-post from original at | Ramola D | Feb 11, 2022

Super Toxic Batches and Excessive Variability Found in Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen Vaccines by Data Analysis of CDC VAERS | Find Out How Toxic Your Batch Is

I Told You So

 By Anna Von Reitz

 I have been warning everyone to get into the habit of checking my websites for “extra” additional information that FB would censor.  Yesterday i issued an update on the status of the Plandemic which revealed in detail what was in the various batches of vaccine and what the recipients could expect as a result.  Although 100% truthful and verified by scientists and doctors worldwide, FB decided to censor me by cutting off my account for a week.  The information they are trying to suppress is reprinted below and has already been transmitted by many people, but it needs to be even more widely disseminated so that more people can know what to look for and more people can be encouraged not to take the “vaccines” at all. 

If you can similarly risk having your FB account cut off for a week in order to save lives, or have “extra” Facebook accounts you can sacrifice, please consider reposting this article for me and by distributing it by whatever other means you have.  Heck, make hard copies and paste it on bulletin boards.  Send it by mail to relatives. It’s the Truth, so be fearless.  

The Sword of Truth and the Spirit of the True God is all that can save us now. 


What Is Now Known About Batches

We now know that the various batches of bio weaponized Common Cold Virus vaccines contained different components and represented different levels of toxicity, which give rise to specific results.

The range of toxicity runs from truly lethal injections that are 2500 to 3000 times more toxic than the other varieties, all the way to saline solution placebo shots.

The various different less-than-lethal component payloads offer batches that are calculated to cause myocarditis, batches that suppress the Cancer Suppressor Gene —allowing cancers to develop and spread without immune response, HIV infected batches that lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), batches that cause unnatural blood thickening and coagulation, batches that contain high levels of graphene hydroxide which attacks cells and capillaries causing massive cell death and microscopic bleeding which then triggers a massive chronic inflammatory response, pain, unusual bruising, fevers, and fatigue, and last, but not least, substances that attack the myelin sheath of the nerve cells, causing symptoms akin to ALS and Parkinson’s Disease.

So, depending on which batch of vaccine the victims received, they could die outright within a short period of time, develop myocarditis, cancer, AIDS, Blood Coagulation Factor Disease (causes heart attacks, strokes, and COPD) , chronic inflammatory diseases, or neurological diseases.

All these vaccine results are far more dangerous and damaging than any of the over 240 naturally occurring corona viruses — and interestingly, none of the vaccine batches tested from the various manufacturers contained any coronavirus at all.

This underlines the fact that these ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines. They are genetically and chemically engineered bioweapons.

These injections had nothing to do with preventing any disease or preventing the spread of any disease, which is self-evident from the infection rate of vaxxed individuals and the runaway levels of infection in the most-vaccinated populations, such as Israel.

It is self-evident from the patents that this entire “live exercise” to use former Secretary of State Pompeo’s words, was intended to enrich certain corporate interests and individuals, massively depopulate Europe, Australia, Africa, Eurasia including India, and North and South America, and give the for-profit medical cartels a huge influx of new patients suffering from deadly chronic and debilitating diseases.

Johnson and Johnson has quietly ceased manufacture of its vaccine and Pfizer has just as quietly warned stockholders of potential losses.

The UK Government is even more quietly offering settlement payments to preclude claims from vaccinated individuals in the future.

Large oil companies and defense contractors and Silicon Valley corporations are already having their Personnel Departments identify those who took the injections and have ordered those departments to plan for replacement of those people over the next three to five years.

The writing is on the wall. This was deliberate, self-interested, murder and maiming for profit.

And as we look around, we see that China, India, Iraq, and a handful of African nations that declined to pay for the expensive experimental jabs, and which opted to use Ivermectin against “enhanced” coronavirus infections, instead, are the only ones relatively unaffected by this debacle.

In my opinion, China collaborated to a certain extent, realized that it was being set up as the Fall Guy for this attack, and turned the tables just in time to protect their own interests and people.

It is now clear that this entire scheme began in Britain, migrated to America via British-connected individuals and institutions, and from America, to China via illegal investment activities. It is also clear that the roots of this debacle began in Britain as far back as the Boer War and were carried forward by British Eugenicists and their organizations, notably, the Pirbright Institute, Wellcome Trust, and Pilgrims Society.

It was all coordinated by the British Corporation SERCO, which has been illegally issuing criminal patents and mis-administering the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Major players in this debacle, all connected by interlocking directorates, incorporation relationships, and patents include:

The Rose Law Firm of Little Rock, Arkansas

Hillary Rodham Clinton

The Pirbright Institute

The Wellcome Trust

The Pilgrims Society

Harvard University

Duke University

Bill and Melinda Gates

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The American Medical Association

The United States Department of Defense, Inc.




Moderna, Inc.

Astrazeneca, Inc.

Johnson and Johnson, Inc.

World Health Organization, Inc. (WHO, INC.)

United States Department of Health and Social Services, Inc.

World Bank



Anthony Fauci

Charles Lieber

Ralph Baric

Et Alia….

It also appears that President Donald Trump either knowingly or unknowingly participated in this covert agenda, as he signed Executive Orders that served to expedite it.

All of this has been confirmed by experimental results, laboratory analysis, numerous historical whistleblower testimonies and speeches given by people who had first-hand knowledge as far back as 1969 and ever afterward, and by current day whistleblowers having first-hand knowledge who have come forward and been formally deposed as part of our pursuit of criminal charges against these corporations and their officers.

The elitist, class conscious, caste system of British Society has gone stark raving mad. The Nazi-sympathizers among the British Royals even during World War II are well-known and documented. And the Nazis themselves were Eugenicists who participated in and promoted concentration camps and medical “experiments” modelled after Lord Pirbright’s actions against the Dutch POW’s of the Boer Wars.

We have motive (profit obtained at many levels including insurance scams) and evidence and opportunity, hundreds of witnesses and millions of victims. And despite all claims otherwise, we have standing to bring action in the International Criminal Court.

We also have the power to allow the court’s jurisdiction to extend to the US and the USA, which are both dependent sovereignties.

Get ready for more than Public Opinion hearings.

Please share widely!

News Report 5 | Super Toxic Batches and Variability in Vaccines | Find Out How Toxic Your Batch Is

Super Toxic Batches and Excessive Variability Found in Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen Vaccines by Data Analysis of CDC VAERS | Find Out How Toxic Your Batch Is

Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs

News Report 6 | Millions in Tests While DARPA/White House Plans Point to Endless Pandemics and A Clear Hybridizing Humans Agenda

All Vaccines Carry Dangerous Poisons, COVID Vaccines Filled with Mega Poisons: Check the Known Toxins and Found Ingredients Both

News Report 4 | High Signal of Harm from COVID Vaccines for Pregnant Women

News Report 3 | They’re Playing Russian Roulette with Child COVID Vaccines | 12 Primary Reasons Not to Inject Your Child

Mass Sterilization (and Deaths) of Children and Youth with Toxin-Laden COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines is Underway; Doctors Plead for a Halt: Pregnant Women and Children Must NOT Get the Vaccine

All Vaccines Carry Dangerous Poisons, COVID Vaccines Filled with Mega Poisons: Check the Known Toxins and Found Ingredients Both

Report | Ramola D | Feb 7, 2022


As the very dark WHO-CDC-WEF COVID plandemic and scamdemic agenda continues to roll out worldwide, with countries continuing to push the dangerous and lethal COVID vaccines now found to be filled with toxins, reported most recently here, despite the high numbers of deaths and seriously horrifying injuries being reported everyday, including here today and here, many of those most strident pro-vaccine pundits surrounding us remain oblivious to the true contents and true dangers of all vaccines, in particular this one.

Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most”/Vaccine Impact News/Feb 6, 2022

Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated/Vaccine Impact News, Feb 6, 2022

But the world is waking up now, and young parents being told to get their babies vaccinated and long-indoctrinated in the paradigm of “vaccinated if you’re educated” may want to open their eyes and check ingredients first, standing on their own two feet to question this long-entrenched paradigm, and challenge the premise of the “Immunization Schedule” which pediatricians–well-paid by the Drug Industry–foist on them.

It’s No Longer Educated to Get Vaccinated

The book Goodbye Germ Theory by Dr. William Trebing, a compelling must-read, offers educative insight into the dangers of all vaccines, showing clearly what is contained in the substances being pumped into our children–over 70 vaccines in the USA by age six–starting from their day of birth and shot into their veins at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 1 year and so on in regular intervals for a slew of supposedly deadly diseases, which in fact lead to childhood cancers, auto immune diseases, autism and neurological disorders, and more.

Rise in Childhood Cancers, Autism, Neurodamage, Infant Mortality Since Vaccines Began

While the CDC and FDA — in the laps of Big Harma — staunchly deny these connections, the evidence is clear from examining the statistics and history that this in fact is the legacy of all childhood vaccines, which have quite tragically been made mandatory for schoolchildren, and which have entered the public lexicon as needed immunizations to prevent harmful diseases, on the basis of lies-by-omission, lies-by-commission, and lies-by-distortion strung out by the Pharmaceutical and Medical Cartel which has infiltrated Government, Healthcare, and the Military, comprising the “MIS, DIS, MALINFORMATION” which DHS is currently striving to attribute to anyone questioning subverted-elections or extant government agendas–an Information Warfare topic of note for another day, surely.

This legacy of childhood vaccines, the connections with rising disease and ill-health, as well as with infant mortality, and coincidentally skyrocketing rates of cancer and autism in the USA, ever since the mid-1950s when vaccinations became entrenched and widespread here, will be discussed separately, with graphs and data, in another article in this series.

Hidden History and Statistics Surrounding Harms Inflicted by Vaccines to Protect Pharma Profits

Many physicians, holistic doctors, and science analysts know and have been speaking and writing of this connection for decades: this dedicated coterie continues to educate us and bring forward the true history and facts of vaccines, science and statistics which like the hidden science of Terrain Theory, has been disappeared out of sight, marginalized and mocked as unscientific “anti-vaccine” misinformation by the very well-oiled Mockingbird Op engine of mainstream media, run by the same large rockfaces of deception and greed running Big Harma, Blackrock and Vanguard and various other large investor firms holding hands with them.

As a consequence, people nationwide continue to sacrifice their babies on the altar of the Immunization Schedule, and the government pays out hundreds of millions in vaccine injury damages, which they won’t hold pharma manufacturers liable for.

Vaccines Actually Insert Foreign Proteins and Foreign Genetic Material Into Bloodstreams and Organs: Recipe for Toxification, Brain Damage, Auto-Immune Disease, Cancer

One of the most interesting discussions in Goodbye Germ Theory touches on what Dr. Trebing sees as a primary problem with vaccines. Given that all vaccines use organic matter from both human and non-human sources, such as supposed-viruses which really means cell-culture mixtures with monkey kidney cells, fetal cells, bovine calf serum cells, etc, vaccines actually insert proteins from these foreign cell sources, and genetic matter from these foreign cells into the human bloodstream, cell, and nucleus of cells, which instinctively reject this matter or, forced to incorporate it, careen out of control into abnormal cell multiplication, a hallmark of cancer.

These proteins cannot be digested by the body, note both Dr. Trebing and Dr. Robert Young, they impose a chronic burden of toxicity on the body, which effloresces sooner or later into disease of some sort including cancer.

In recent podcasts at Ramola D Reports, Dr. Young has stressed that large proteins, as also nanometallics and “cluster-bombs of graphene,” stay stuck in the blood for years, putrefying and causing toxic reactions.

Please see below Dr. Trebing’s discussion of this situation regarding proteins and polypeptides from vaccines, on pages 59 and 60 of his book, starting mid-page “Let us begin this discussion with the anatomy of a vaccine”:


Note as well that the proteins from the monkey kidney cells and horse blood cells come from sick and diseased animals, injected forcefully and repeatedly with mixtures of toxins to make them sick, in order to harvest their cells and plasma for use in cell cultures and vaccines–described further in the “Poisons in all vaccines” section below.

Poisons in all Childhood Vaccines: DPT, Polio, MMR, Diphtheria, Small Pox Shots All Contain Nerve Poisons and Carcinogens

Moving on to other, actual poisons. Listed as excipient or adjuvant, various potent chemicals are being assembled into dubious mixtures, all of which are being injected into the vulnerable arms of babies, grandpas and grandmas, teenagers, and various elderly people and children being deceived into taking flu vaccines, all to clog the blood, enter and clog up organs, or cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neuro-damage.

Dr. Trebing has listed the different poisons in a few vaccines, reproduced below–DPT, Polio, MMR, Diphtheria, and small pox shots, listing also a common list of ingredients included with many vaccines.

These terrifying ingredients include formaldehyde–a potent chemical used as an embalming fluid for dead bodies, mercury, a known neurotoxin which will and does create neurodamage, ammonium sulphate, a nerve and liver poison, latex rubber which causes anaphylactic shocks, and glutaraldehyde, which causes birth defects. There are many others, each as alarming as the other. Polysorbate 60 for instance–taken for granted today as inclusion in vaccines–is a known carcinogen.

Further, the putrefying proteins in the blood post-vaccine, whether one day after or several years after, release highly toxic chemicals into the bloodstream known to biochemists as dangerous and disease-causing: indols, creatinines, phenols, each of these further degrading the blood, the vitality, brain, and health of the “educated-to-be-vaccinated” subject.

As Dr. Trebing explains, these deadly toxins produce deadly “side-effects” , including convulsions, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, screaming episodes, fainting, high fevers, rashes, autism, SIDS, and so on–absolutely horrific consequences which are marked as “side-effects” not “EFFECTS” in inserts and which are completely ignored by nurses, medical technicians, pediatricians, and other receivers of funds from vaccine-makers as they hold down babies and thrust these poisons into them. (SIDS is probably not marked, since it like autism is being denied as consequence of vaccines by the vaccine-maker/CDC cartel.)

There is a high level of corruption in the entire world of Medicine–aka Western Medicine now exported worldwide–it seems, with doctors and nurses not just being brainwashed into believing people need these toxins (“antigens to produce antibodies”), but being bribed with incentives to ignore adverse events, being indoctrinated to not record and report adverse events, including symptoms of the very disease they are vaccinating against, and being miseducated and undereducated to such a degree that most pediatricians have no idea what is in the vaccines they are administering. Again, this is a separate subject, which will be addressed separately in this series.

Nanometallic Poisons Found in Numerous Vaccines–Including Flu, Diphtheria, Pertussis, MMR, Gardasil, Meningitis

In a 2017 paper reported again just yesterday in Toxins From Spilled Coronavac Vial In Thailand Induce Eye Damage, Skin Rashes | Argentine Researchers Find Self-Assembling Microcircuit Elements in Sinopharm, Sputnik, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Cansino | German Chemists Question Discoloration in BioNTech Vials, Dr. Gatti has identified numerous nanometallics which operate as toxic substances in vaccines, in her analysis of 44 vaccines from Italy and France.

Excerpt, Table 2 showing nanometallic ingredient findings in vaccines, Gatti AM, Montanari S. New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination. Int J Vaccines Vaccin. 2017;4(1):7‒14. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2017.04.00072

Note, these are flu vaccines, meningitis vaccines, diphtheria vaccines, MMR vaccines, pertussis vaccines, Gardasil–a whole platter of different vaccines all loaded with dangerous heavy metals and cytotoxics, being pumped into babies at four months old and grandmas at eighty years, both in highly fragile and vulnerable stages of their lives.

For her pains, the information Dr. Gatti reported in this now-historic paper, was seen as so incendiary and threatening to the pharmaceutical industry that local Italian police were sent to shut down her lab, confiscate her equipment, and grab her notebooks and papers.

Thankfully, Dr. Gatti continues her work these days, as reported in Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs, where her work in analyzing the misleading COVID nasal swabs loaded with metallic nanoparticulates as revealed to Planet Lockdown journalists is highlighted.

Mega Poisons Found in COVID Vaccines

Now to the question of the COVID vaccines, whose found ingredients–in vaccine and blood–have been painstakingly exposed by various primary researchers from Europe, South America, USA including La Quinta Columna doctors Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Jose Sevillano, Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Andreas Kelcker, Dr. Andreas Noack, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Franc Zalewski, Dr. John B, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, and various other doctors and scientists, reported here as also at many other sites and media outlets online. These analyses and discoveries continue everyday, with groups from Germany and New Zealand also coming forward to publish their findings. (Please see the post Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs for a listing of all articles published here exposing the found toxins in the COVID Vaccines, an ongoing project.)

Highly toxic graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide have been found in all four major vaccines–Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca–as well as in Coronavac, Sinovac, Sinopharm, Sputnik, and flu vaccines. Nanometallics of chromium, nickel, sulphur, cadmium, aluminium have been found. Parasites and nano and micro circuitry have been found.


Known poisons SM 102, ALC 1035, ALC 3015 are advertised as extant in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, highlighted by Dr. Theresa Long, a military surgeon whistleblowing on vaccine harms to the military, covered here recently.

Dr. Theresa Long testifying on vaccine injuries to Senator Ron Johnson

““One of the primary components of the lipid nanoparticle delivery system is“ ALC 1035. ”This is a toxic substance. It makes up between 30 to 50 percent of the total ingredients of a vaccine.

Among the many serious possible effects (lipid nanoparticles) is this reality: “Caution: The product is not fully validated for medical applications. For research use only. ” It is also noted: “Other journals and scientific papers also indicate that this ingredient has never been used in humans before.” Long correctly states:

“My assessment is that ALC 1035 is a known poison with few studies, particularly limited to ‘research-only’ and no history of (medical) use.”

The other ingredient in the vaccine is a known toxic chemical: “Polyethylene glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze.” There have been countless cases in which people have been fatally poisoned by this chemical. This comment by the officer, Dr. Long is particularly impressive: “I can’t tell what form of alchemy Pfizer and the FDA have discovered that antifreeze would become a healthy drug for the human body.”

Another important point is that “a key ingredient in Modern’s vaccine , SM-102… is significantly more dangerous than Pfizer’s ALC 3015.” It has been observed that “this ingredient in Modern’s vaccine is lethal.”

An excellent list of found ingredients can be found at

Many doctors, like Dr. Long, have revealed that the lipid nanoparticles are toxic to the human body and that the mRNA spike-protein amino acids are cytotoxic and genotoxic to the human cell, organs, and blood.

Dr. Carrie Madej discussed these inclusions in an interview with this writer early last year, while lately Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has been vocal in expressing the clotting harms to the body from the spike protein, other found ingredients, and consequent lymphocyte reactions: Explosive News–Irrefutable Scientific Evidence All COVID Vaccines are Causing Massive Death: Top Immunologist & Top Pathologist, Dr. Bhakdi & Dr. Burkhardt Reveal Killer Lymphocytes Have Caused Auto-Immune Death in All Dead-Vaccinated Studied & Call for IMMEDIATE VACCINE HALT Worldwide

Dr. Bhakdi

That interview was a year ago (video links in the Code Red article)–the vaccines have still not been stopped, and have now caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the USA and worldwide, as well as millions of deadly Severe Adverse Events or disabilities, including heart attacks and myocarditis in children and teenagers.

Physicians and parents worldwide have to become more vocal to demand answers of Public Health officials who are assisting currently in pushing through a most sinister and genocidal agenda and get these toxic COVID vaccines stopped. Government agendas and agreements with the WHO–covered here earlier–are unfortunately keeping these vaccines going.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich offers a comprehensive summation of the pandemic hoax forcing lethal injections on the world, published today, Feb 7, 2022:


It is to be hoped that published information on the mega poisons found in the COVID vaccines will assist people worldwide in forcing a termination of these most deadly gene-modifying injections before more people and more children are harmed–and killed.

Please share this information widely.

David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD | The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections

Explosive News–Irrefutable Scientific Evidence All COVID Vaccines are Causing Massive Death: Top Immunologist & Top Pathologist, Dr. Bhakdi & Dr. Burkhardt Reveal Killer Lymphocytes Have Caused Auto-Immune Death in All Dead-Vaccinated Studied & Call for IMMEDIATE VACCINE HALT Worldwide

All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Toxins From Spilled Coronavac Vial In Thailand Induce Eye Damage, Skin Rashes | Argentine Researchers Find Self-Assembling Microcircuit Elements in Sinopharm, Sputnik, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Cansino | German Chemists Question Discoloration in BioNTech Vials

US Military Doctors Whistleblow on 300% Increase in 2021 Soldier Miscarriages & Cancer Over 5-Year Average Post COVID-Vaccines; Dr. Jessica Rose Estimates Over 172,000 American Miscarriages from CDC VAERS Data

CDC and Media Push Cocktail-of-Toxins COVID Vaccines on Pregnant Women Despite High Signal of Harm from Miscarriages, Fetal Deaths, Newborn Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Stillbirths, Menstrual Problems, Birth Defects

News Report 5 | Super Toxic Batches and Variability in Vaccines | Find Out How Toxic Your Batch Is

Dangers of Vaccines & Dangers of the COVID Vaccine Whited-Out by Google (as well as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram) in Service to the False Narrative that Vaccines are Safe: It’s a Pfizer-DARPA Narrative, Finally

Pfizer’s Military Connections, and Moderna’s Too–mRNA Vaccines Come from DARPA and Seem to Be Operating as Neuro-Bioweapons, as per Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s Description

Billions for Boosters–Moderna & Pfizer Cash Out Big on Global Marketing Fraud, Fuelling Beta, Gamma, Delta Variants Amid Mask & Vaxx Mandates, Fantasy COVID Forever While American Children Die from Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines