Monthly Archives: November 2017

Seven/Soulutionaries Media Network: “Blockchain is Phenomenal Tech Which Will Transform the Landscape as We Move Toward Autonomous Structures”

Ramola D/11/26/2017

Report #33: Seven Presents 80-page Grenfell Report, UK Court Corruption, Targeting and Identity Theft, Blockchain

Video has been removed temporarily for technical reasons, will be returned online shortly, thanks.

In this November Update–toward the end of which she presents her views on Blockchain–Seven of Soulutionaries Media Network presents the Grenfell Tower Fire Report, an 80-page report she co-authored with Roni Nicholas which examines in detail the several anomalies surrounding the fire at Grenfell Tower in Kensington, London, on the night of June 13 into 14, and which finds, “undeniably a mass murder and crime against humanity of mammoth proportions,” uncovers the criminal conspirators behind this fire, and offers solutions to combat this criminality and hold the corporate and Satanist perpetrators accountable.

This report can be found linked at Alfred Webre’s article on the Report here: “Grenfell Fire Public Inquiry: 80 Page report finds “undeniably a mass murder and a crime against humanity of mammoth proportions.”/ Alfred Lambremont Webre

Seven-1aSeven, who has been on Ramola D Reports a few times, discussing the Grenfell Tower fire and her own case of epic intellectual property theft within the entertainment industry, touches a bit here on this case, where she sued ten corporations in the media and entertainment industry and won, yet was not compensated, nor experienced a return of her stolen copyrighted property. (Instead, as many may recall, she was targeted and persecuted extremely by this industry.)

Seven’s original lawsuit and report can be found here.

Additionally, Seven discusses the recent claim she filed against Genesis Housing Association, which she says has been targeting her for years, and most recently in life-affecting ways such as with the destruction of her boiler, tampering with her water supply by re-routing her water pipes and sending poisoned, murky water into her water system, erecting and leaving stand a scaffolding which permits strangers to lurk just outside her windows, and now threatening her with eviction.

Filing this claim has involved experiencing corruption at the hands of the judicial system; describing different aspects of this claim and highlighting the legal procedure which should have occurred, she shows how the court, in an act of open corruption, has blatantly fudged the dates of her submission of the claim and receipt dates so as to disallow her follow-up claims of default.

Targeted criminality continues, as new media gigs pop up out of nowhere, sporting fairly obvious ID theft as they strive to take over the name and identity of Seven’s Soulutionaries Media Network and Soulutionaries TV Network with “Solutionaries TV Network.”

Highlighting the importance of speaking out against corruption and crime, Seven points to her long campaign against slavery and human trafficking in the UK, which has now garnered headlines and come to national attention.

Is the tide turning in the world against corruption and entrenched criminality? Many signs point to this welcome possibility, including Blockchain technology, which Seven describes a little, to show how the ideology behind Blockchain offers a foolproof method of honoring and nurturing autonomy and sovereignty in any industry and any human endeavor, whether it be banking, publishing, or media—a subject to be focused on further, in succeeding podcasts.

Many thanks to Seven for this informative conversation.


WEBINAR: SEVEN[UK] Sept 23 Revelation Prophecy – Blockchain & Divine Order – gold-backed Digital currencies, With Alfred Lambremont Webre

Need to Know Report No. 1: Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted (11/25/2017)

In this premiere edition of the weekly Need to Know Report at my YouTube channel Ramola D Reports, along with guests particle physicist Dr. Katherine Horton and human rights activist Frederic Laroche, we launch the Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted, a close look at psychiatry worldwide, which seems to be increasingly used these days as a weapon in support of State surveillance and authoritarianism. This edition focuses on French and Belgian psychiatry.

Frederic Laroche updates us on his court case in Grenoble, France, a hearing about a seemingly engineered accident or entrapment operation, whereby he was wrongfully pulled into psychiatry, subjected to forced medication, and given a false diagnosis which now threatens his life and future. (This story was covered in detail earlier in podcasts with Frederic, also reported here earlier.)

Dr. Katherine Horton provides close analysis and commentary on Frederic’s case, raising important questions about the ways in which video evidence from CCTV footage is being ignored, and offering insightful hypotheses regarding the significance of the quick misdiagnoses, dubious record of injuries of the pedestrian who leapt on and then off his car–later accusing him of intentional manslaughter, withholding of the police report, and quick pipelining of him into psychiatry—a deadly move which resulted in his near-paralysis from potent and neurotoxic anti-psychotics given to him at the local psychiatric hospital.

Dr. Horton also provides an update on the case of Melanie Vritschan, human rights advocate and founder of ICATOR, the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotization of Living Beings, whose newborn was inexplicably snatched from her last month at Erasme Hopital in Brussels, Belgium, by a group of psychiatrists, whose hand in continuing to hold the baby in the Neonatal Unit via the auspices of the Youth Court/Tribunal de la Jeunesse appears evident. Once again, an activist is targeted for her activism; the nature of her work—which exposes the covert operations of Intel agencies and militaries in clandestinely and non-consensually implanting civilians—appears to have been questioned by these psychiatrists, who have displayed an alarming level of either ineptitude or criminality in refusing to examine the scientific evidence of an implant removed from Melanie’s own throat, evidence which puts paid to their wrongful diagnosis of her of being delusional by way of belief in implants—which of course led to their involving the court system and “ordering” the removal of her child from her care.

In both these cases, the role of authoritarian psychiatry needs to be openly questioned.

To help with Melanie Vritschan’s legal fees, please visit and donate at:


Special thanks to Dr. Katherine Horton for the brilliance of her christening of these new weekly video updates with the Classified-Info/Read-In echo of Need to Know Reports!

(Slight difference here of course: the World Needs to Know!)

Need to Know’s intent is to provide a weekly livestream platform to offer updates on ongoing cases explored here and on Techno Crime Fighters Forum, as well as to advance the focus of Ramola D Reports in examining current-day science, technology, surveillance, and defense in the light of Ethics, Consciousness, Spirituality, and Humanity.

Please subscribe to the Ramola D Reports channel at YouTube for notice of these video updates; to be livestreamed there weekly on Saturday mornings, 11 am Eastern time. Will be on Vimeo as well soon. And thank you!

–Ramola D/11/26/2017

Unwarranted/Restore the Fourth Thanksgiving Newsletter: Action 1: Call on IBM to not bid on “extreme vetting” software contract

From their website, Restore The Fourth is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation, dedicated to restoring the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and ending unconstitutional mass government surveillance.

rfIn the wake of the Snowden revelations of June 2013, and initially on Reddit, groups began meeting across the United States, under the banner of “Restore The Fourth”. Under our first National Chair (Anna Wilmesher, summer 2013), we coordinated protests for July 4 and for Orwell Day. Under our second National Chair (Ben Doernberg, fall 2013), we helped organize the nationwide protests, culminating in a rally of thousands in Washington DC. Under Alex Marthews (2014-), our focus has shifted more towards legislative advocacy and public education, particularly around sunsetting the legal authorities underlying mass government surveillance.

Please visit their website for more information, and read their newsletters here. Reproduced here is part of their 11/22/2017 newsletter which landed in my inbox earlier today–with some rather interesting news and action items. You can join them–“If you’d like to join, or help start a chapter of Restore The Fourth, please get in touch!”

–Ramola D/11/22/2017

Unwarranted/Issue 4–Excerpt:

Appropriately, our main call this week is to protect immigrants from the kind of digital “extreme vetting” that none of us could well sustain. A new, Senate version of the USA Liberty Act was released; we filed two amicus briefs at the Supreme Court; and the Pentagon leaked evidence of its mass internet surveillance through an unsecured upload to Amazon’s cloud.

Action 1: Call on IBM to not bid on “extreme vetting” software contract

ICE is stepping up automated “extreme vetting” of immigrants, and companies like IBM are interested in powering it. As conceived of by this administration, “extreme vetting” would include requiring visa applicants to provide consular officers with extensive information about their online presence, such as their social media handles. An automatic screening system will continuously analyze a multitude of databases, including those containing social media information, to evaluate such subjective characteristics as whether a traveler is likely to “becom[e] a positively contributing member of society.” If you’re not comfortable with IBM, or other large companies, bidding to become the gatekeepers of who is “likely to become a positively contributing member of society”, sign this petition: And remember: Just as is happening with facial recognition software at airports, what gets applied to foreign nationals today will be applied to US nationals tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

Action 2: This week’s specific asks on 702 surveillance

This week’s asks are as follows, and luckily work for Representatives and for Senators.
– Cosponsor the USA RIGHTS Act (H.R. 4124 / S. 1997)
– Oppose the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act (S. 2012)
– Oppose the inclusion of any 702 reauthorization provisions in an end-of-year omnibus spending bill

For Senators in particular, please also ask them to cosponsor and work to strengthen the Senate version of the USA Liberty Act (no bill number yet, introduced by Sen. Leahy and Sen. Lee).

It may be surprising to take a relatively favorable stance towards the Senate version of USA Liberty. RT4-Boston has a longer legislative analysis up at that goes into our thinking in more detail, and specifies what to recommend about Senate USA Liberty.

For background on how the debate is progressing, try and

Action 3: Inspirational State and Local Legislation

Activists around the country have some good new ideas that can inspire us to do the same in our own communities. In NH, a new bill would opt the state’s police departments entirely out of the 1033 program that enables police departments to procure military surplus equipment, including armored vehicles and surveillance cameras: In NYC, City Councilman James Vacca is introducing a useful algorithmic transparency measure:

What’s New at RT4-National?

Our activists’ check-in calls happen on the Fourth of every month (next one December 4, 9pm Eastern; call in to (650) 285-1763 [no code]).

It’s been a busy week for us, what with tax filings and amicus brief filings. You can find our new briefs here: Collins v. Virginia, Byrd v. United States; congratulations to Mahesha, Vivek and the students at Harvard’s Cyberlaw Clinic for their assistance. Also, check out our new “Privacy Patriots” podcast episode: We’re still looking for new board members (email if interested; minority or female candidates especially welcome), and we’ll be starting our winter fundraiser next week. If you think we’re doing good work, please give generously!

What’s New with RT4 Chapters?

RT4-Boston / Digital Fourth followed up from the November elections by reaching out to newly elected local and state officials to talk with them about surveillance.
RT4-SF Bay Area worked on reducing Oakland PD’s cooperation with ICE, advocated successfully with the City of Berkeley to secure greater oversight of 1033 military surplus equipment acquisitions, and pushed to preserve net neutrality.
RT4-Pittsburgh highlighted, among other things, the fascinating new findings from the Snowden files at
RT4-Susquehanna Valley advocated against autonomous killer robots. You’d think it would be a given for most people, but, #2017, I guess.
The subreddit covered major surveillance news, but also enjoyed an argument over the Wisconsin Senate’s vote to call for a constitutional convention:

News Roundup: National

(a) The Pentagon used Amazon Web Services to store billions of public internet posts and news commentary from Department of Defense intelligence-gathering operations, which were then stored insecurely, enabling them to be leaked: With impeccable timing, Amazon just announced its special cloud offering for intelligence services, “Amazon Web Services – Secret Region”.

(b The J20 protesters, and why they threaten the establishment more than the white supremacist protesters, even though the prosecution has already told the jury there was no evidence suggesting any of the J20 defendants personally engaged in property destruction:

(c) Oh, so we’re in it for the money! Big Oil brings RICO allegation that Greenpeace and others collude to make trouble at pipeline protests, so that they can get more donations.

(d) The Shadow Brokers’ publication of tools has shaken and undermined the NSA, and has compounded the problems of data breaches:

(e) Is Silicon Valley building the infrastructure for a police state? A great video from Reason Magazine:

(f) Do people care about government surveillance? presents some survey evidence that they don’t really, with a response from

(g) Planning on passing through your local governmental identification center this Thanksgiving? TSA will be gathering your data:, but will likely not be very good at using it to improve security:

(h) A reflection on how Section 230 keeps the Internet healthy:

Please visit Restore the Fourth online and their newsletter archive for the rest of this newsletter. Thanks to Restore the Fourth for their great work.

Ben Colodzin, Ph. D: Encountering Clients Claiming Externally Controlled “Implants” Are Affecting Their Health: An Advisory for Healthcare Professionals

Dr. Ben Colodzin, Health Educator and Therapist with a Ph.D in Psychology and 30 years of experience in teaching useful self-help methods to those who have experienced trauma of various kinds, has offered this advisory for purposes of public education, which could be used both to inform healthcare professionals, and also to support those reporting victims of covert implantation crime in our societies today. 


Click to enlarge image/linked to source

Given that non-consensual implants are increasingly being reported by civilians worldwide, and microchips and nanotechnology are both subjects of high concern in this current age of abusive surveillance and non-consensual military/intelligence experimentation–explored here earlier–this primer may be invaluable in the ongoing effort to inform and educate doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists about the reality on the ground today regarding implants, covert weapons systems, and sophisticated remote neurotechnologies. While ER physicians, psychiatrists, and psychologists have previously rushed to label all victims reporting covert targeting or non-consensual implants “delusional,” Dr. Colodzin cautions that such misdiagnoses, “the common lot of almost everyone who has become an experimental test subject for these technologies” can be extremely harmful. “We are in a whole new diagnostic ball game.”

With much gratitude to Dr. Colodzin for his thoughtful and detailed advice for healthcare practitioners on this very vital subject.

Please find the pdf of this advisory here; all those who are “targeted individuals” in particular, who are reporting these crimes today, may find this document useful, to hand to physicians and psychologists and psychiatrists. 

–Ramola D/Posted 11/11/2017



Ben Colodzin Ph.D.

June 2014

Over the last several years I have consulted with individuals from 5 U.S. states and 4 sovereign nations who have claimed to be “implanted” without their consent with some type of technology that affects their physical, mental, and emotional functioning.

I am a therapist and educator in California. Earlier in my career, like most of my colleagues, I had dismissed claims of these types of harassment as an impossibility, and likely a sign of mental illness. One of the first credible accounts that opened my mind was a paper written by the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, M. D., titled MICROCHIP IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, AND CYBERNETICS, December 2000. Once I became at least somewhat better informed about the very real possible uses of state of the art remote sensing and influencing technologies, I realized that my earlier reflex to simply assume that people who reported such phenomena were “crazy” was based more upon my ignorance than upon scientific fact.

In the 1980’s I worked with many Vietnam veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . At that time, PTSD was a newly recognized mental disorder, newly included in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd edition. I met many veterans who qualified for the PTSD diagnosis, and many of them had histories of being mis-diagnosed with a wide variety of other mental disorders. Within the established health care bureaucracies, there was a lot of resistance to supplementing their diagnostic evaluative procedures in whatever ways might help them notice if a possible PTSD diagnosis had been overlooked, or if mis-diagnosis had occurred. As people with PTSD increasingly came forward and told their stories, and as our culture increasingly began to listen to them, collectively we got better at noticing when PTSD was present. But before PTSD was officially recognized—and for quite a time after—there was a tremendous amount of mis-diagnosis, and many people were harmed by the failure of health care providers to adequately recognize what was happening for these individuals.

Now in 2014 I see a very similar problem occurring for individuals with advanced implanted technologies non-consensually placed in their bodies. Whereas once we could only speculate if this was real or fiction, we now have toxicological tests that can confirm the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured items that can self-assemble into operational machines) in the body, as well as highly sensitive scanning equipment that can detect frequency signals emanating from and directed to a person’s body. This means we can actually now use validated tests to discern if a physical system capable of externally altering a person’s functioning is actually present and operating.

Although practically no one yet seems to know about these mostly military-type technologies or their fantastic-sounding abilities, and are unaware of the possibility to test for their presence, nonetheless the sound scientific basis of the testing procedures does exist, and increasingly there are individuals whose tests are showing they are indeed imbedded with advanced nano materials, and they are indeed emitting signals and/or resonating with external signals in ways that are just not natural for a human body. This is a reality in the present that should not be ignored. However, without the knowledge that externally controlled machines within the body can massively affect physical and mental functioning, diagnosticians of all health-related disciplines continue to NOT look for the presence of such possible causative factors. This is the established norm today.

How could these technologies possibly be in widespread use without being widely detected? Dr. Luukanen-Kilde, from the perspective of a Chief Medical Officer of a sovereign nation, offered this view in December 2000:

One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric DIAGNOSTIC STATISTICAL MANUAL IV, produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric “bible” covers up the secret development of MC (mind control) technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school. Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare. [END QUOTE]

However, as in the earlier example I mentioned about PTSD, eventually enough evidence can accrue that previously disregarded information reaches a critical mass, and the possibility that something previously undetected is playing a role begins to gain support. That is the point we seem to be at now, regarding scientific evidence that there truly are “targeted individuals” being externally influenced in ways we who are not privy to classified information previously thought impossible.

Now it can be proven that advanced nano machines do exist inside some human bodies, and it can be proven that the knowledge and technical infrastructure exists to transmit signals remotely that powerfully affect the brain and other human functions in selected or “targeted” individuals. The capability is now being developed to track these external controlling frequency signals back to their sources. With this development we are entering an era where accountability for this totally unregulated human experimentation and manipulation may become possible for these previously invisible activities. In this situation and with these technologies now poised to proliferate, the ethical health provider needs to be informed about this sad state of affairs.

I make this declaration to witness to health care professionals around the world: if you have clients who claim they are being targeted or “chipped” and present the symptoms that are commonly associated with this phenomena (see references below), do not automatically assume they are delusional. They may be, but they may not as well. Or, they may have delusions that are not indicative of organic psychosis, but instead of artificially induced, virtual reality-based, externally transmitted delusions. For which there is no diagnostic category in current psychiatric thinking. With the application of these technologies increasing as their sophistication grows, we are in a whole new diagnostic ball game.

And if such clients come to you with Raman spectroscopy tests confirming the presence of advanced nano materials in their body fluids, and sophisticated scanning tests showing unusual frequency emissions emanating from their bodies or other results that are not in the normal range for human beings, it may be time to re-think the possible, to get more informed about the state of the art of brain-altering weapons systems, and to listen to what these people who are calling themselves “targeted individuals” have to say.

Misdiagnosis is the common lot of almost everyone who has become an experimental test subject for these technologies. The lack of recognition of what is actually happening for them causes perhaps as much harm as the aggressive technological attacks they are subjected to. For all health practitioners who find the injunction to DO NO HARM a worthy standard, be prepared to investigate the possibility that “targeted individuals’” claims of being externally programmed may be real, prior to reaching other diagnostic conclusions.

Ben Colodzin Ph.D.

June 21 2014


  1. MICROCHIP IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, AND CYBERNETICS Luukanen-Kilde, Rauni-Leena, M.D., former Chief Medical Officer, Finland. Available at:
  2. International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies: European organization with website with multiple “targeted individual” accounts and links to further information. Available at:
  3. Human rights organization dedicated to protection of mental integrity and freedom from new techbnologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system. Symptom list for targeted individuals available at:
  4. Advances in Computers: Volume 71 NANOTECHNOLOGY Zelkowitz, M.V. (Ed.), Dept. of Computer Science, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, College Park Maryland, Copyright 2007, Academic Press/Elsevier Inc.
  5. Nanotechnology vs. Environmental Technology Staninger, Dr. Hildegarde, presented at Annual Conference 10/11, National Regustry of Environmental Professionals, available at: 1cellonelightcom/pdfNanovsEnvironmentalTech100411.pdf
  7. Freedom from Covert Harassment: U.S. organization advocating for rights of targeted individuals, website with information links and self-report questionnaire for possibly “targeted individuals” at:
  8. Secretly Forced Brain Implants. 4 part San Francisco Examiner investigative report by Deborah Dupre, 2010, regarding one “targeted individual” who won landmark lawsuit to cease his nonconsensual targeting through implanted devices.
  9. SECRET DARPA MIND CONTROL PROJECT REVEALED; LEAKED DOCUMENT (Whistleblower reveals military mind control project at major university) July 29, 2013 available at:
  10. NANO AIR VEHICLES A TECHNOLOGY FORECAST Davis, W.A., Major, U.S. Air Force, April 2007, Blue Horizons Paper, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College. Available at:

Source: Dr. Ben Colodzin

Baby Amethyst Vritschan Still Being Held in Erasme Hospital, Brussels: Urgent International Call to Action

Ramola D/Posted 11/4/2017

Please Share Widely on Social Media and All Media

Please take action immediately to write to, email, call Erasme Hospital Neonatal Services and the Brussels Youth Tribunal/Tribunal de la Jeunesse judge to return newborn Baby Amethyst to her mother Melanie Vritschan.

Please also alert embassies, governments, human rights advocates, media to the gravity of this situation. Melanie and Amethyst Vritschan are German citizens, who have been criminally mis-treated by Belgian hospital and court authorities at L’Hopital Erasme and the Youth Tribunal Court.

Please alert media and populations in both Germany and Belgium. Germans and Belgians could especially make a difference by demanding of their governments and embassies that this situation be resolved immediately by returning this newborn baby to the care and protection of her mother.

Criminal Actions by Hospital and Juvenile Court

Briefly: Baby Amethyst was “confiscated” by Erasme Hospital child psychiatrists Oct 19 under the false pretext of her mother being suddenly found to be delusional, in what seems to be transparently criminal retaliation for Ms. Vritschan’s successful whistleblowing and human rights work via her human rights agency ICATOR in helping victims of covert implantation obtain scientific evidence for use in a European class-action lawsuit.

The full story of Ms. Vritschan’s ill-treatment at L’Hopital Erasme may be found in the press releases, articles, and podcasts linked below.

Current Situation with Amethyst and Melanie: Sparse Visits Authorized by Youth Court/Neonatal Department

Currently, the Youth Tribunal court which issued the 30-day separation order to keep mother and baby apart for 30 days signed by Judge Serck, has issued a revised order, signed by Judge J. F. Velge, to permit Melanie to visit her baby. But these visits, he stipulated, were to be organized with the Neonatal Services at Erasme Hospital. Melanie reports that the revised order “says that the physical or psychological integrity of Amethyst is still exposed to grave danger and that is why they order her maintained in the Neonatal unit of the hospital.”

Given this advisory, the Head of Neonatal Services at Erasme Hospital, Professor Bart van Overmeire has decreed that Melanie—and Melanie alone, without family or friends-may see Amethyst for a sparse 3 hours a week, under the supervision of an appointed psychologist.

Melanie reports that she visited yesterday, November 2, with her own baby, Amethyst, for the first time since the removal of Amethyst from her room on October 19, for one hour. In response to her asking why she was not permitted to take her baby home now, after a court convened on Oct 25 had examined earlier events that had transpired at Erasme just after the birth of Amethyst (whereby she was falsely and inexplicably labeled mentally ill and delusional by Erasme Hopital psychiatrists) and found her NOT to be mentally ill in any way, the appointed psychologist supervising this visit with Amethyst, as per the Erasme Hopital Neonatal Department Head’s orders stated, “It is more complicated than that. We are very concerned about you and concerned for the future of the child. We think the child needs to be protected from you.”


Melanie Vritschan with 2-week-old Baby Amethyst Vritschan, Erasme Hopital, Nov 3, 2017

In a second visit today, where the accompanying picture was taken, the psychologist indicated the visits were being limited to the meager 3 hours a week “in the interest of the child.” The reason given was: “She will have to re-adjust to seeing you. She will need to get used to you again.” Melanie was also told that if the next visit also went well, the hospital would consider expanding her visits.

Whether this means the hospital is gearing up to release the baby to Melanie very soon is unclear. Concerningly, reports Melanie, the written order from Judge Velge still considers her the mother, to be “dangerous.”

Melanie Vritschan Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as Mentally Ill and Dangerous By This Youth Court and the Erasme Neonatal Department

It should be known that Melanie Vritschan, as key member of the human rights group, the Joint Investigation Team, of which this writer is a part, and founder and mover of ICATOR, is an outstanding human rights advocate who is performing a great service to humanity by standing up for and assisting victims of organized crime in Europe. She is performing charitable service, taking effective action for her community in Belgium in a highly responsible, competent, mentally astute, indeed highly intelligent, thoughtful, and humanitarian way. She is the mother also of an 8-year-old son, and by all reports has a close, caring, and loving relationship with him. She is loved, admired, warmly respected, and supported by her close friends and colleagues, including by all members of the Joint Investigation Team, as well as by all those who have come to know of her work in media and human rights.

We know that it is ludicrous that Melanie Vritschan, being the competent leader and caring mother that she is, could ever be characterized as mentally ill, delusional, removed from reality, a danger to herself or to others, or someone that her own baby daughter would need to be protected from.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, gynecologists, and neonatologists working for Erasme Hospital and the Youth Tribunal should understand that Melanie Vritschan is a well-known and highly effective human rights advocate working on a legitimate and important human rights matter – and cannot be characterized as “Mentally Ill/Paranoid/Delusional” by reason of her vitally important human rights and charitable work.

Intentionally characterizing and stigmatizing a human rights activist engaged in addressing 21st-century crime as mentally ill and dangerous—by questioning the reality of this crime, which the Joint Investigation Team can attest to, with scientific evidence—is in itself criminal, libelous, and legally actionable.

This “Child-Protection” Juvenile Court is Essentially Preventing Critical Early-Days Mother-Baby Bonding

We who are concerned supporters of Melanie Vritschan see this as a criminal outrage–and a transparent vendetta and act of retaliation by criminals in power within the Belgian judicial and juvenile-court-and-psychiatry system who have a stake in obstructing the humanitarian work for justice and community that Melanie Vritschan is engaged in.

We deplore this action in the strongest possible terms and call urgently for all international supporters and readers moved by this travesty to step forward and speak and advocate for this newborn child Amethyst and her responsible and caring mother who is well known in the world human rights community, in order to effect an immediate mother-baby reunion and permit the critical, early-days bonding of mother and child to take place.

Child-Protection Systems Worldwide, and Brussels Are Linked to Pedophilia, Child-Trafficking

An added concern which must be mentioned is that family court and child -protection juvenile court systems in the USA and Europe have been found to have close ties with pedophile and child-trafficking rings. Brussels, Belgium has been repeatedly exposed as being at the center of child-trafficking and child-exploitation. In this atmosphere, it becomes doubly critical that we act immediately to rescue Amethyst Vritschan. Please act now!


1. If you have met and worked with or know Melanie, please write an immediate character reference for her and send it via mail, email, or fax to the Youth Court/Tribunal de la Jeunesse:

J.F. Velge
Juge de la Jeunesse
Site Portalis
Rue des Quatre Bras 4
B – 1000 Brussels
Fax no. + 32 2 519 87 02

2, Please write immediately to or call the Erasme Hospital Director and the Head of Neonatal Services and let them know there has been a miscarriage of justice here, and they are directly responsible for setting right this wrong they have set in motion:

Johan Kips, Directeur-General, Erasme Hopital:

Directeur général
tel. 02 555 32 08
fax 02 555 45 09

Neonatal Intensive Care (NIC) and Non Intensive Care Unit (N*) Units

Phone: 02/555 34 30


Administrative Department Phone Number

02/555 36 84


Head of Department: Doctor Bart Van Overmeire

3. Please alert the German Embassy and the Belgian Embassy in your country by either visiting them (as film-maker Jeff Godwin has done in London, while filming his visit) or emailing/calling, and ask them to intervene to return this German baby back to her German mother where they live in Brussels, Belgium. Check or similar sites for embassy and consulate contact information in your country.

Some contact information below.

German Embassy in USA:

4645 Reservoir Road NW
DC 20007
United States
Fax: +1-202-298-4261
Post address
Website URL
German Ambassador to US: Peter Wittig

There are German consulates elsewhere in the USA, check
this list:

Belgian Embassy in USA:

Mr Dirk Wouters, Ambassador
3330 Garfield Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
United States
Ph.: +1 202 333 69 00
Ph.: +1 202 338 49 60 (Administrative)
Ph.: +1 202 352 64 28 (For consular emergencies only) (link sends e-mail) (link is external)
Also check consulates in other US cities:

German Embassy in Belgium:

Address 8-14, rue Jacques de Lalaingstraat, 1040 Bruxelles (Brussels), Belgium
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 09.00 am – 12.00 pm, Wednesday: 09.00 am – 12.00 pm, 02.30 pm – 04.00 pm
Phone local: (02) 787.1800
international: +32.2.787.1800
Fax local: (02) 787.2800
international: +32.2.787.2800
Web site
Ambassador: Rüdiger Lüdeking

Belgian Embassy in Germany:

Belgian Embassy in Berlin, Germany

Jägerstrasse 52-53
10117 Berlin
(+49) 30 20 64 20
(+49) 30 20 64 22 00

Ghislain D’hoop, Ambassador

4. Please donate to the legal fund if you can.

Please express your opinions politely but firmly. An incredible miscarriage of justice has occurred here, and officials holding the keys to this wrongful incarceration and separation of a newborn from her perfectly competent and loving mother must be made aware that concerned humanity around the world needs them to let this baby go back to her mother, or risk continued international uproar.

We are grateful for all participation in this campaign to rescue Amethyst and thank you for taking action.


Alfred Webre/ Melanie Vritschan Seeks Freedom for Baby Amethyst Vritschan and Exposes Belgian Psychiatrists

Listen Online/Bedlam in America: Criminal Use of Psychiatry in Brussels Hospital to Kidnap Newborn Baby  Amethyst Vritschan

JIT/Press Release 10/26: Melanie Vritschan Released, Newborn Still Held by Erasme Hospital on Separate Court Order

JIT/Press Release 10/25: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders

JIT/Urgent Press Release 10/22: Renowned Human Rights Advocate Melanie Vritschan’s Newborn Baby Medically Kidnapped by Brussels Hospital Erasmé Under False Psychiatric Charges

Alfred Webre/ Melanie Vritschan Seeks Freedom for Baby Amethyst Vritschan and Exposes Belgian Psychiatrists

Alfred Lambremont Webre, publisher of and international War Crimes judge, conducted this recent video interview with Melanie Vritschan, founder of ICATOR, on the subject of the criminal abduction of her newborn baby daughter, Amethyst Vritschan.

Please watch this interview to hear the whole story, in Melanie’s own words, of how irresponsible doctors and psychiatrists in L’Hopital Erasme, a well-known hospital in Brussels literally ganged up on this human rights advocate to, without cause, criminally label her mentally ill and remove her newborn baby daughter from her care. The child is still being held–despite the fact that Judge Kristine Hansch found Melanie Vritschan to be perfectly whole, sane, and normal, and had her released from the hospital last week, on Oct 25. These are crimes against humanity, and the hospital administration and corrupt psychiatrists should be held accountable.The situation is urgent; critical bonding times shortly after birth have been disrupted by this criminal action by Erasme Hospital

Please follow this story, spread the news widely, and take action to help this tireless advocate for humanity get her baby back from this Belgian hospital, which, assisted by the Youth Court, has essentially kidnapped Amethyst.

Please visit this page on his site for the entire post and news releases with the whole story, which are also housed here, links below.


Melanie Vritschan seeks freedom for baby Amethyst Vritschan and exposes Belgian psychiatrists.

Melanie is Founder and President of the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings []
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Watch on OmniverseTV [Streaming]

Watch on ExopoliticsTV [You Tube]

Support Freedom for Baby Amethyst Vritschan 

Please donate to Amethyst Vritschan’s legal fund to bring her safely home to her mother:


JIT/Press Release 10/26: Melanie Vritschan Released, Newborn Still Held by Erasme Hospital on Separate Court Order

JIT/Press Release 10/25: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders

JIT/Urgent Press Release 10/22: Renowned Human Rights Advocate Melanie Vritschan’s Newborn Baby Medically Kidnapped by Brussels Hospital Erasmé Under False Psychiatric Charges

Listen Online/Bedlam in America: Criminal Use of Psychiatry in Brussels Hospital to Kidnap Newborn Baby Amethyst Vritschan

WLJA RADIOKatherine Hine’s online radio show on 10/31/2017, Bedlam in America, discussing the criminal use of weaponized psychiatry to kidnap Amethyst Vritschan, newborn baby daughter of Melanie Vritschan, human rights advocate and founder of ICATOR, with Dr. Ed Spencer and myself, can be listened to here:

I was honored to be on this show, to strive to represent Melanie Vritschan’s experience and relay the story of how a group of doctors and psychiatrists, based on hearsay from a midwife, abruptly charged Melanie with being delusional, called the State Prosecutor and the Youth Tribunal, removed her day-old baby from her care, and subjected her to criminal trauma shortly after her C-section delivery. A court hearing convened on Oct 25 found Melanie to be perfectly normal and not in the slightest mentally ill or delusional. However, the situation is unresolved. The baby is still being held by the hospital who is citing the Youth Court order decreeing a 30-day separation of mother/and all family and the baby.

Trauma to the baby has also been effected by this criminal action on the part of the hospital and psychiatrists; recent reports from the Neonatal ward have noted that the baby has “become very quiet.” 

Our conversation ranged from the story of Melanie’s experience, the behavior of the psychiatrists and gynecologist, the traumatic CIA-rendition-style midnight interrogation Melanie was subjected to, her treatment subsequently, and the contents of that conversation with the midwife which touched on modern microtechnology,  nanotechnologies, and directed-energy weapons being used by Intelligence agencies and military groups to covertly and non-consensually implant and experiment on civilians currently worldwide–subjects I cover regularly here, and subjects of investigation by both ICATOR and the Joint Investigation Team led by physicist Dr. Katherine Horton, of which we are both members.

Dr. Ed Spencer, a retired neurologist, provided vital insight into the suspected use of directed-energy weapons in the creation of the recent deadly fires in Santa Rosa and other parts of Northern California, and into the current-day covert use of microchip insertion into our bodies–adults and children both–via vaccines and other injections, using syringes.

Many thanks to Katherine Hine for running this vital show on the Internet on a regular basis, for her great knowledge of the law and of the social service landscape in America where psychiatrists are used routinely apparently to remove babies from mothers in America citing not merely mental health, but income levels and inability to care for children.

Psychiatry, in other words, is being used as a weapon to permit the abduction and kidnapping of babies. How many of those babies end up damaged in the foster care system, how many are child-trafficked, how many meet a more dire fate at the hands of Satanists and pedophiles?

In this writer’s view, it is more than time to turn a very hot and blazing spotlight on the whole edifice of Psychiatry, and how doctors and governments are using Psychiatry today as a powerful weapon–essentially to inflict State Terror–to shut down people, groups, and societies. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, please act on Amethyst Vritschan’s behalf. Melanie Vritschan is a German citizen living in Belgium. Please call the German Embassy in Belgium or in your own country, call the Belgian Embassy in your country, speak out for Amethyst. Call Erasme Hospital. Call the Brussels Youth Court. Emails, phone calls, faxes all help show that concerned humanity does exist and can speak, for a child targeted in the first day of her birth, and her mother. Spread this news on social media, inform anyone you know who still has a beating heart.

Please help support the legal fees involved in retrieving a mother’s own child:

More information forthcoming. Thank you for whatever you can do. 

–Ramola D/11/2/2017