Monthly Archives: January 2021

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

Report | Ramola D | Jan 30, 2021

Last week, concerted attack from Youtube and Twitter at my (unmonetized, public-education) channel Ramola D Reports on Youtube and my Twitter page @EccEveryday targeted videos exposing the grave dangers of the mRNA COVID vaccine and tweets exposing the use of synthetic proteins manufactured from computer-generated codes for the mythical SARSCOV-2 virus, proven never to have been isolated, genome-sequenced-in-fact-and- reality, seen, photographed, grown in a petri dish, re-infected anyone, or otherwise proven to exist.

Youtube also went on a takedown spree shortly after, removing other videos of interviews with doctors currently speaking out on many other channels besides mine, including on their own websites and podcasts, published and posted earlier.

Videos Exposing the Grave Dangers of Vaccines in General and the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Particular Removed from Youtube

To date, these are the videos featuring doctors and science researchers removed from my Youtube channel on the subject of the mythologies built up around the COVID-19 imposed-and-fictional-pandemic, the dangers of vaccines in general, the grave dangers of the experimental, unsafe, ineffective, and currently-proving-to-be-fatal-and-casualty-producing mRNA COVID vaccine, as well as on the real science on the safety of masks, and the fact that the SARSCOV-2 virus–apparently like all viruses–has not been proven to exist via a full genomic sequence in reality, and is therefore not being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, raising the crucial question: What IS in the vaccine then, if not that much-touted-virus, if antibodies are intended to be produced, and immune systems are supposed to be provoked?

Also removed from Youtube recently and earlier are News Panel and Newswatch shows highlighting the rollout of 5G concomitant with clusters of COVID cases marked in those very spots of 5G rollout and the mass worldwide protests across Europe, USA, UK, Australia against the life-destroying lockdowns and shutdowns.

Report 228, News Panel 15

Newsbreak 105

Report 227

Report 222, News Panel 12

Report 216

Report 199

NewsWatch 4 with Seven

Report 168

These videos can now be accessed at Bitchute and Brighteon. Clicking on the images above (not all images active yet) will lead to a separate page with video links. Please pick up video links for the main Ramola D Reports video channels currently from the new Ramola D Reports Broadcast Center page.

Newswatch 4 with Seven has proved a particularly sensitive video apparently and has been removed from Brighteon where I had great difficulty posting it to start with. This is very odd because Seven’s own posting of this video at Brighteon has been permitted to stand at her own channel there. Currently, this video is posted online here at this site, and can be downloaded and uploaded to anyone’s channel worldwide, with accreditation and linkback to this site, copyright remains with myself/Ramola D Reports. I will try to upload the video at some other platforms shortly.

Youtube’s “Medical Misinformation” Policy Seems to Embrace Medical Misinformation, Promote Medical Fraud, and Suppress True Medical Information

What Youtube stated in their notes succeeding the removal of the last few videos is that these videos went against their “medical misinformation” policy and professed virtuously and revealingly that their allegiances here regarding information on COVID-19 lay only with the WHO and the CDC.

However what they are actually doing is remove any conversation with highly experienced and qualified doctors and medical researchers questioning that narrative and exposing the grave dangers of the COVID vaccine and the deceptions surrounding the entire imposed-fictional-pandemic.

The language being used does point to the reality of what they are doing: They do not allow “claims” about the vaccines which contradict anything issuing forth from local “health authorities” or the WHO.

My local health authority is myself, hence “health authorities” in quotes; to most of us, health care is a personal and private matter, and each of us has our own approaches, methodologies, and protocols whether it is home remedies from the kitchen, herbs from a herbalist or naturopath, homeopathy, acupuncture, a favorite Chinese medicine practitioner, native American medicine from the wild garden, traditional soups and foods, old European herbal teas, Ayurveda, a favorite physician we can trust, etc.

Ramola D | Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

As I acknowledged on one of my early reports on the imposed-fictional-pandemic from India last spring, my healthcare is not your healthcare. We each do things differently. I may like rose hip tea, while you prefer raw red peppers for a natural consumption of Vitamin C, for instance.

What is happening now of course (via Big Tech & Bought Media) is a desperate push by globalists and governments to forcibly standardize healthcare and demand that we all keep to one uniform protocol emanating it appears from sets of people in WHO and the local “Public Health Department” who do not examine the raw data in published clinical studies from Pfizer as Dr. Carrie Madej reports she has, the deadly ingredients in vaccines and the falsity of the PCR Tests as Dr. Judy Mikovits has and Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny has, the facts about the SARSCOV-2 virus as Frances Leader has, and are clearly publishing fraudulent information and instruction to one and all regarding both the mythical virus and the experimental vaccine.

That Youtube has removed all these profoundly important videos I find gravely concerning. A false-reality- construct has been created by the One World Government globalists, and it is being upheld by Youtube. (My channel on Youtube built up over the last 3 years reaches over 15,800 subscribers. The other channels have much fewer subscribers. Disclaimer: All figures are probably being manipulated and are false, but this is what I have to go on currently.)

Twitter Removes Posts Pointing to the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine, 5G, Synthetic Nature of the mRNA Vaccine, Vital Fact That the Mythical SARSCOV-2 Virus Has Never Been Isolated

Twitter has locked my account for a week now for posting this tweet, which points to Youtube censorship of the truth regarding the vaccine and the virus, and earlier, locked my account for a week for daring to speak candidly about the synthetic nature of the vaccine based as it is on a mythical virus which is acknowledged by all medical professionals to never have been isolated–both tweets below.

Again, the language used by Twitter here, which suggests that they are kindly removing information which might endanger people’s health succeeds in doing exactly the opposite: they are in fact removing critical information and commentary on a highly unsafe and experimental vaccine which in fact is what is endangering people’s health.

For confirmation of the dangers of this vaccine, please see the videos linked above (at Bitchute/Brighteon), see the news reported daily now on deaths and vaccine injuries from the mRNA vaccines, and stay up to date on the numbers being reported even by the CDC on deaths and damages.

Screenshot/CHD Article from 1/29/21

NewsWatch 6 Reports on This Situation & The Grave Dangers to Everyone’s Health of Ignoring Crucial Information Regarding an Experimental Vaccine & a Never-Isolated Virus

While the tearing down of videos, websites, pages, and channels which numbers of broadcasters and journalists report currently is going on, pointing to massive censorship by the now phasing-out channels Youtube, Facebook, Twitter in clear intent to protect a massive false-narrative worldwide, I think it is important to note these takedowns individually and remark on their implications.

Freedom of speech and expression is under attack.

The publication of critically important truthtelling is under attack.

False-narratives are being protected.

False-reality-constructs are being shored up.

People need to make some efforts to search online to find the truth on any given subject, most especially this one, on the vaccines and the virus connected to COVID-19.

All this and more, including the huge protests in India of the proposed Farm Bills (to be covered separately shortly)–taking away grain-selling-rights from millions of small farmers in India and handing them over to centralizing, grain-grabbing billionaires--are discussed in this Newswatch, recorded last night, to be uploaded at Bitchute, Brighteon, and other channels shortly, but which can be watched from the linked page below now.

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D | Youtube, Twitter Remove Information on Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine


CODE RED: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death: Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide

No President, Governor, or Mayor Can Mandate Wearing Masks, Taking Tests, Taking Vaccines, or Self-Isolating: These Are Not Laws Anyone Need Follow, They Are Outright Deceptions

Report | Ramola D | Jan 26, 2021

It’s a fact that no American President, Governor, or Mayor (of a private Government corporation–yes, all Governments, including the bankrupt US Inc. are registered as corporations) can issue LAWS pertaining to any of us.

When Governors of American States and Mayors of American cities and counties get in front of podiums in their best Brooke Brothers suits with their purple polka-dotted ties and a 100 American flags waving behind them while an ASL interpreter pantomimes their every spoken word and issue demands for the entire state to “wear masks” “take a flu shot” “get a COVID vaccine” “stand 666 feet apart” and “self-isolate” and smother their children to death with 2 masks, not one — as the irresponsible Today Show/NBC News plus Fauci Inc. first broadcast & the irresponsible New York Times pushes –they are merely doing their best to push the envelope as far as they lucidly can without appearing completely NWO-manipulated and imbecilic. (Which they are: hence the global/ist lunacy of these massively deceptive public statements.)

Every statement that such deceivers have made is a deception and a lie and these titled frontmen and frontwomen should be ashamed of themselves.

Lawmaking is a process after all which none of these CEOs and talking heads are a part of, as members of the Executive branch. None of them can announce laws or edicts or “mandates” or rules or guidelines or guidance or Executive Orders which have not been converted into statutes–codes in fact pertaining only to employees of their private corporation, even then, not to every living man and woman living in the state on the land and bound only to the laws and Constitution of “original jurisdiction” in standing on the soil, not corporate statutes–by their own set legislative process.

For further understanding regarding the State corporations being run rather blatantly by NWO/globalist foreign entities under centuries-long British and Roman piracy–endangering all our freedoms–and what Original Jurisdiction means, please see Anna von Reitz’s article Freedom is as Close, or as Far, as Original Jurisdiction

“5. Pushing any form of mask mandate or forced vaccination program on the General Public under color of law is a crime of constructive fraud.

6. Any publicly organized corporation (holding a charter or articles of incorporation from the United States Government or from any State-of-State franchise) is obligated to obey the Public Law, including the Constitutions, and cannot assume rights or authorities depriving any member of the General Public of any right guaranteed by the Constitutions or Public Laws —
including the right of privacy, religious freedom, and self-determination. “

Anna von Reitz, The Brits Again — Monotonous, Isn’t It?

“Public Health” and “Public Safety” Cannot Propel Mandates on Medical Interventions Legally

The statements they have made and are currently making in front of podiums and flags which are transmitted and broadcast into printed word and spoken lie all relate in fact to medical interventions which cannot legally be mandated, whether mask, test, or vaccine, whether in name of “Public Health” “Public Safety” or “Public Anything Else” without all the requirements for Informed Consent being met (more on this subject below).

By word-trickery and sleight-of-hand, these public figures have succeeded in deceiving massive numbers of people into thinking everyone HAS to wear a mask out in public or in a store, everyone HAS to “social-distance,” and, as they are hoping now to deceive everyone into thinking everyone at some point HAS to take the (genome-deforming, nanobot-implanting, cyborging) COVID vaccine, or COVID test, and everyone HAS to “self-isolate” each time you cross a border

The word “mandate” has no significance, in terms of law, because it is not a law.

The words “guidance” and “guideline” are not references to a law.

The word “rule” is not a reference to a law.

For clear and candid discussion on this entire subject of Mandates absolutely not being laws, with reference to publications and the US Constitution, please watch and share Peggy Hall’s vitally important videos below:

There is no Mask Mandate…Because No President or Governor Make a Law!/11/8/2020
BIDEN 100 DAYS OF MASKING, MASK MANDATE? Jan 20, 2021 — Peggy Hall

Peggy Hall: No president can make a law. There is no “mask mandate” that applies to you unless you work for the federal government. Even then, it can be appealed. That’s because you have the right to life, and life requires oxygen. It is unlawful for someone to restrict your oxygen against your will. Learn more about your rights and how to protect them here:

“1. Stop staying “mandate” — as that word has no meaning.

2. No individual can make a law.

3. There are no laws requiring you to wear a mask.

4. Why the science of masks doesn’t even matter.

5. No one has authority over your body and your property except you.

6. You can reject any medical intervention, including masks, testing and vaccines.” — Peggy Hall/The Healthy American

No President or Governor or Mayor or store-owner or store manager or business owner citing their deceptive blather-in-front-of-podiums-and-flags can mandate any personal action involving YOUR breathing, YOUR nose, YOUR mouth, YOUR immune system, YOUR health, YOUR body, or your childrens’–even though they are daring to try to pull off this Massive Public Deception, telling you it’s all for Public Health and Public Safety. Your body and health belong to you–not to me, not to people playing President, not to Governors and misanthropes like Bill Gates who are seeking to link you up to the Cloud and supercomputing AI with their deadly mRNA vaccines and digitally-enslaving dreams of Humans 2.0.

None of these people can demand that you wear a mask, which is a medical device regulated by the FDA.

The FDA does not and cannot require you to wear a medical device–this has and always is a matter of your own choosing. Without Informed Consent succeeding a Health Risk Assessment provided by the government (which they haven’t done and cannot do), the FDA cannot and is not demanding you wear a mask.

The CDC does not and cannot require you to wear a mask–they can only push Fauci to the podium to variously bleat about wearing One Mask Two Masks or maybe Three Masks to finish off the Public Asphyxiation in style–and word their non-requirements carefully as “Considerations” while telling you to check “your locality’s mask rules.”

(Your locality cannot make rules on masks for anyone–they are a medical device, regulated by the FDA, which requires your locality to provide adequate Risk information for Informed Consent, see below.)

Remember also the FDA, which has pushed the dangerous and experimental mRNA COVID vaccines onto the market–with thousands of reports of allergic reactions, strokes, paralysis, convulsions, seizures, and deaths, yes, deaths currently pouring in, is cradled in the deadly bosom of the pharmaceutical industry: Caroline Chen/Pro Publica: FDA Repays Industry by Rushing Risky Drugs to Market.

And the CDC ditto, while being a vaccine company themselves: Robert Kennedy Jr.: CDC Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company


Excerpt, FDA/Medical Devices


CDC/Cloth Face Cover Guidance-Considerations for Wearing Masks

Additional Information on UK laws and rights, as well as Dangers of Masks from Anna de Buisseret

Post from Know Your Rights Facebook Group, Jan 22, 2021:


From Anna de Buisseret

The Government has FAILED to conduct a Risk Assessment of the risks to the individual members of the public for the harms caused to them by mask wearing- or wearing a face covering.

Without such a Risk Assessment, the individual is NOT providing “informed consent” to wear a “medical device” (which a mask is as defined under the Medical Devices Regulations 2002).
A face “covering” falls to be regulated under the Consumer Protection Regulations. The Face Coverings Regulations are therefore - prima facie - unlawful and should not be enforced.

In the view of our legal team, the Face Coverings Regulations are ultra vires the Government’s powers but that legal argument is ongoing.

None of the supermarkets are providing their customers with a Risk Assessment either - so their customers are also not able to provide their “informed consent” to wearing a face covering/mask.

This is unlawful as “informed consent” must be obtained.

Anyone being asked to wear or use a medical device - such as a mask - should be medically assessed by an Occupational Health team for their INDIVIDUAL risk posed to them by wearing a mask.

Failure to conduct a Health & Safety Risk assessment is both a civil and a potentially criminal offence.

Therefore both the Government and the supermarkets - and anyone else enforcing mask mandates in the absence of a full Health & Safety Risk assessment in the workplace -, is acting unlawfully and can be held PERSONALLY liable for the damage caused to the individual.

Legal challenges are already being run against the “mask perpetrators” to challenge this unlawful and harmful mask mandate and cases are already being won, and damages for harm caused paid out.

I’m a specialist disability discrimination lawyer who also has a stream of claimants lining up to bring legal claims for damages from this mask mandate. Countless people are being harmed by wearing a mask and others are being harmed from the discrimination they are enduring from being mask exempt.

The flood of litigation is going to be Tsunami-like!!! Be warned: perpetrators will be held to account.

Anyone enforcing or imposing this mandate should be warned that they are acting unlawfully and will be held personally liable for the harm they cause.

I advise anyone harmed by this mask mandate in a work environment (which supermarkets are) to file a report of your harm to the Health & Safety team and ask them to conduct an investigation into whether the employer or supermarket or other “mask perpetrator" has conducted a valid H&S Risk Assessment.

The local council’s Environmental Health Officer is responsible for ensuring that commercial premises in their area are safe for the public. This includes whether it’s safe for the public to be forced to wear a face covering or mask whilst in a supermarket or other commercial premises. Without a full Risk Assessment, no one should be required or forced to wear a face covering or mask - it’s a breach of the Health & Safety laws and a potentially criminal offence.

If the employer or other “mask perpetrator “ hasn’t followed the law in forcing you to wear a mask, criminal investigations can follow under Health & Safety laws.

The Equality Act 2010 does not permit anyone to discriminate against a disabled person on the grounds of their disability.

Refusing entry to a shop or access to public services to a disabled person is prima facie disability discrimination. No evidence can be lawfully demanded. It’s a breach of both the right to privacy and the Equality Act 2010 to ask for medical evidence in this manner.

Masks worn by the public in community settings, do not prevent transmission of a virus particle as tiny as SARS-CoV-2: that’s what the scientific research evidence shows.

Masks can INCREASE the risk of transmission if not face-fitted and fit-tested for the individual wearer as leakage occurs.

Masks can INCREASE the risk of secondary bacterial and fungal infections due to incorrect putting on and taking off of the mask, incorrect storage and lack of sterilisation of the contamination collecting on the surfaces of the mask.

These contaminates are then inhaled: the moisture and humidity of the mask is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus which multiply in the mask fibres.

These are then inhaled deeply into the lungs where they multiply further, along with the loose fibres of the mask which collect in the lungs.

Secondary bacterial lung infections are a major risk factor from inhaling bacteria into the lungs. Secondary bacterial lung infections were the major cause of death in the Spanish Flu. They had cloth mask mandates then too. See a correlation??

Masks cause multiple organ damage - some of which is irreparable and permanent.

Masks cause social, cognitive, emotional and psychological harm too.

Have YOU been fully informed of all the harms that wearing a mask causes to YOU??

Have YOU had a H&S Risk Assessment by an Occupational Health Team for the risks posed to you - as an individual- for mask wearing?? If not, how do YOU know what the risks are?? How are YOU providing YOUR individual informed consent to wearing this medical device without a full H&S Risk Assessment?? You’re not able to.

You’re simply guessing that it won’t harm you in the absence of a full Risk Assessment.
I have 55 pages of scientific research evidence proving the many harms caused to the mask wearer.

I’ve prepared a detailed Risk Assessment and a Health & Safety Risk Assessment on mask wearing for any of you who would like to be informed of the harms and risks of mask wearing.

There are a team of around 70 of us professional lawyers, medics, Health & Safety inspectors, industrial hygienists, psychologists, scientists and others who are collaborating to raise legal challenges against the unlawful and harmful mask laws and mandates and policies. Our evidence is therefore drawn from top experts in their fields.

Antony Newby
Leah Butler-Smith
Katia Smith #COVID19

Additional Information on American Laws and Rights from Anna von Reitz

Full text of The Brits Again — Monotonous, Isn’t It?/Nov 25, 2020

There are over 200 known and separate strains of coronavirus, which is associated with influenza, otherwise known as a common cold.

The specific variety from which the still-unidentifiable and un-isolated Covid-19 virus purportedly derives is patented by the British Pirbright Institute and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Oh, go figure. Again.

Meantime, many Americans are just now waking up to the following facts:

1. The CDC and NIH are not government institutions. Both are private entities that are in the business of producing and profiting from vaccines. Both compete for government contracts to carry out research and do statistical analysis, but they are not part of the government.

2. There is no provision in any Federal or State-of-State Constitution authorizing any government official to mandate anything at all about our health or medical options. Their only power is over their own employees and dependents as a condition of employment or of receiving benefits.

3. Forced vaccination is banned under the Nuremberg Code, Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, and anyone involved in a forced vaccination program is liable.

4. There is nobody responsible for harm caused by a vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies have been off the hook since the 1980’s and the governmental services corporations that accepted the liability for them are bankrupt. There remains an industry-funded “Vaccine Court” but it has a reputation for protecting the industry.

5. Pushing any form of mask mandate or forced vaccination program on the General Public under color of law is a crime of constructive fraud.

6. Any publicly organized corporation (holding a charter or articles of incorporation from the United States Government or from any State-of-State franchise) is obligated to obey the Public Law, including the Constitutions, and cannot assume rights or authorities depriving any member of the General Public of any right guaranteed by the Constitutions or Public Laws — including the right of privacy, religious freedom, and self-determination.

7. “My body, my choice.” applies to more than just abortions.

8. If someone doesn’t have the right to make you brush your teeth, they don’t have the right to make you stay home and wear a mask. Contrary to what some people and corporations have been assuming, we don’t live in a Nanny State.
See this article and over 2800 others on Anna’s website here:

Many thanks to Peggy Hall for her outstanding video discussions, to Anna von Reitz for her profound historical excavations and writings, to the Know Your Rights group and Anna de Buisseret for their important posting on laws and rights in face of unlawful and supremely deceptive “mandates.”

This article may be re-posted anywhere online with attribution and a linkback. Please share and re-post widely.


CODE RED: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death: Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Report | Ramola D | Jan 17, 2021

In a blockbuster interview on January 13 (links below), Dr. Carrie Madej delved into the many unsettling problems associated with the experimental Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, and emphasized that these are primarily experimental vaccines: they have not been clinically tested in humans (no clinical trials), they use experimental technology which has never been tested in humans, and they are now being seen, by all reports on both mainstream media and social and other media to be producing deadly side-effects, including paralysis, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, convulsions, and death.

Further, the brand new technologies being used in the vaccine, mRNA and nanotechnology, she says, point to this not really being a vaccine but a means of reprogramming human cells and inserting a digital neural interface via nanobiosensors for integration of humans with supercomputers and AI; the genetic manipulation code being inserted intends 100% to create sterility by including code for a spike protein which helps build a woman’s placenta, provoking the human immune system to attack itself and inhibit placenta-creation.

So many risks and questions surround this vaccine, she points out, that a moratorium is needed on this vaccine, and calls for all her physician colleagues to join her in calling for an immediate halt to the vaccine rollouts.

COVID Vaccine is NOT Proven to Be Safe

False information and presumptions are being published as fact, says Dr. Madej, both by top doctors and mainstream media as well as the manufacturers themselves.

While Fauci, the CDC and the Surgeon-General assure Americans these vaccines are “safe,” in reality, says Dr. Madej, no safety tests have been conducted beyond these very basic endpoints examined: Does the vaccine suppress one, just one symptom of COVID (such as fever and cough)? Does the vaccine ensure no positive PCR tests? Does the vaccine offer temporary short-term relief?

And even that is in question:

“You have to understand when they’re saying that that is what they’re seeing as the benefit, well we have very little data on that because again we’re inside the middle of the experiment. At the end of the experiment maybe they would see none of those are true – because we have to see the whole experiment in its entirety.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

The larger questions as to the long-term effects of the vaccine, the effects it may have on the nervous system and the immune system, its ability to immunize permanently against COVID, its ability to “stop the spread” have neither been studied nor can be answered, she says.

“Does it prevent transmission, or you being contagious–it doesn’t look at that. Does it prevent people from dying—doesn’t look at that. Does it prevent you from going to hospital or the ICU–doesn’t look at that. So the benefits are very minuscule…Manufacturers are assuming, only assuming 2 mths immunity after second shot—that is partial immunity – so that is not very much benefit. “

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

“In UK Institutions, Resuscitation Units Have Been Set Up Next to Vaccine Administering Areas”

Looking at the risks of the vaccine, starting with the short-term effects, Dr. Madej mentions the rise of anaphylactic allergic reactions to COVID now being reported in the mainstream news, a distressing situation which turns out to be profoundly serious in some cases, which she attributes possibly to the highly allergenic Polyethylene Glycol contained in the vaccine: “70% can be allergic to that.”

“So much so that people in the UK or the institutions are now putting resuscitation units next to where they’re administering the vaccines–that means people are actually going into a state of needing resuscitation meaning bring back to life okay–you’re dying from the vaccine within minutes. I honestly don’t know of any other vaccine that ever works in that manner or has that side-effect. So we have that and that’s due to the Polyethylene Glycol, that’s what we’re assuming in the vaccine, because we know that about 70% of people can be allergic to that.”

Dr. Carrie Madej | Report 227/Ramola D reports/Reprogramming of cells without informed consent: moratorium needed
Screenshots from the National Protocols for the Administration of the COVID mRNA VAccine, PHE: PDF/
National protocol for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) available at this page

Pfizer/Moderna Vaccine is a High-Risk Experimental Vaccine: Experiment Incomplete, Arm-Lenders Not Told They Are Being Experimented On

What is even more concerning is that this is an experimental vaccine with high risks associated with it, as readily evident in the reported numbers of anaphylactic reactions from people taking the vaccine, including numbers of deaths.

Coronavirus Vaccine sending hundreds to ER, according to US Govt reporting system/Lifesite News

Videos have been circulating on social media now showing people suffering head-to-toe vibrations, convulsions lying in bed, Bell’s Palsy on one side of their faces, fainting, and paralysis.

No clinical trials have actually been conducted on this vaccine, says Dr. Madej, the first full clinical study will not be published until October 2021. “Every single person taking the vaccine is a research participant.”

Both vaccines have been rushed into market and apparently laxly and recklessly approved for use by the FDA under Emergency Authorization Use, a completely unnecessary mechanism activated by questionable officials at the FDA on pressure from Fauci and the CDC, under the false suggestion that “no treatment exists” for the much-falsely-propagandized Coronavirus, which has been acknowledged even by the CDC to show a 99.9% survival rate in most age ranges and has been shown to be successfully treated with Vitamin C, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc and other treatments, as per many doctors worldwide, including American Frontline Doctors.

Despite these vaccines being rushed to market under EAU, the fact remains they have not been properly tested in humans–such testing takes years, for most vaccines–and that they are essentially EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES, using technologies never used before on humans.

There are two brand-new technologies, mRNA and Nanotech AI also which are being inserted into the vaccine.

“These vaccines are completely experimental on the human race. It’s such an experiment that right now honestly by all science and all legalities, every single person taking a vaccine is now a research participant. There is no clinical study that has been completed–not one of them will be completed until October of 2021. That means every single person that takes any shot is now a research participant. That means that not one person, not one entity, not one government can ever tell you what to expect. We don’t know, we really don’t know, we need the whole experiment to go through.

So we’re in a grand experiment. On top of that they’re introducing a minimum of two brand new technologies into the human body that has never been launched or released on such a large population of people so we have the experiment and then we have two new technologies being introduced –on top of that we have substances inside the vaccine … that can not only alter our DNA, our genetic code but also introduce Artificial Intelligence nanotechnology into the body, and some other substances like polyethylene glycol that can be very allergenic to people that we’re seeing problems right now.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227, Ramola D Reports

Are people taking the vaccine being told they are research test subjects? No, says, Dr. Madej.

From her travels around the United States recently and speaking to people, she says no-one is being told this, and most people think the vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective, because that is the storyline coming out of mainstream media, Fauci, Pfizer, and Moderna.

Pfizer/Moderna Raw Data in Published Studies Heavily Manipulated; Outright Lying to Scientists and Doctors

In actuality, says Dr. Madej, the published studies by Pfizer and Moderna in medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine clearly show heavy manipulation of data.

Examining the raw data, she says, which all doctors should do, to check the conclusions of the statistician, shows all sorts of irregularities and outright duplicity in the way the data is presented: for instance, large numbers of elderly people over 70 suddenly disappear from the data, cited in data as “lost to follow-up” (did they get a second dose, did they die, what happened?), and conclusions are presented from cherry-picking and looking at data from other participants. “That’s so unethical,” she emphasizes.

“That is such horrible manipulation of the data, it’s lying, it’s outright lying to the public and to other scientists and doctors – so people need to understand that we are being lied to on many levels. And the data is being manipulated at the largest extent– that’s just what I could figure out from the little information I have received. What if we got all of the raw data, I could imagine there’s going to be a lot more than that.

And what do they exclude from the side effects and adverse events from the vaccine–in many instances they are actually saying DEATH will be excluded as an adverse reaction—cardio-vascular events will be excluded as an adverse reaction—are you kidding me? What? Also short time frames—nothing past this point will be coming from our vaccine–Cherry-picking, not allowing all the data.”

US Surgeon-General’s Statements on Vaccine Being “Incredibly Safe and Effective” Are Therefore Lies

The lying obviously is going on at the highest levels of government in addition to coming from the people from Pfizer and Moderna. US Surgeon-General Jerome Adams was on Twitter last week and he too was assuring viewers and readers the vaccine was safe and effective, in fact saying he “believe(d) the vaccine was incredibly safe” (watch video snippet at this Twitter link):

This is clearly deceptive, since, as Dr. Madej points out, we really have no proof the vaccine is safe given that the experiment has not been completed. And what comfort is it when the supposed top surgeon in the country says fervently he believes the vaccine is safe? Is that science or a religious hope?

“Is that not disgusting that on the highest level that they’re using such poor science and professionalism, I’m just disgusted and horrified.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227, Ramola D Reports

COVID Vaccine Not Really A Vaccine but Genetic Manipulation to Reprogram Your Cells

The fact is, not merely are mainstream media and top showmen at the Government mike publishing a false narrative that the vaccine is safe, this is apparently not even a vaccine, really.

“In a vaccine you should give people the organism…In this instance—we are putting a code into you to reprogram your cell, to then force it to make a protein, or another genetic code that is not from nature, that is completely synthetic, you’re reprogamming a cell, this is nothing to do with a vaccine, nothing to do with what we have ever done before.

If we put a code into anything–and everybody has smart devices they know they don’t always work—this is the first time we’re going to roll this out. Look at Microsoft, they’ve been around forever, they still have so many problems and they’re actually the No. 1 programmer behind this — and now they’re doing it to a human body, of course they’re going to have problems.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

Moderna Reveals COVID Vaccine Actually Injects You With an Operating System “mRNA Drug”

Information on Moderna’s web site currently acknowledges that the vaccine–referred to as an mRNA Drug— is actually putting synthetic programming into the human body.

Dr. Carrie notes that Moderna is now stating up front their “mRNA Drug” is going to become an operating system in your body — which most doctors know is a marvelous creation all in itself, with self-healing properties and a powerful immune system to tackle any kind of disease threat, not in sudden need of a synthetic operating system from a pharmaceutical company!

“Moderna has finally put out a statement, being somewhat honest about their drug, and they’ve said: Our vaccine drugs are operating systems and we use each RNA that goes into the vaccine to act like the download of an application on your phone – they use that analogy. So now they’ve actually published a statement saying this is what it does — as time goes on they’re telling you more and more about the truth of the vaccines — and it’s crazy, because yes, you present this data to people but I guess it’s too much for them to believe, they can’t comprehend it.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

COVID Vaccine Intended for Intrusive Intimate Bio-Surveillance and Control

Perhaps this is because the concept of wifi-enhanced nanotechnology inside the body hooked up to supercomputing and AI is so foreign and sci-fi, permitting external human control of the human body — not the kind of thing you would normally attribute to your doctors offering you “health care” — that people fail to grasp the real and deadly import of this technology.

Dr. Carrie Madej explains further, tying in the notion of nanobiosensors with what she learned from business and science meetings a few years ago on the subject of intended Full Body Full Spectrum control by the shadow power structure trying hard currently to corrall, contain, and fully subjugate the entire human species on the planet.

“It’s not just introducing a genetic synthetic code into the body, it’s that they’re introducing nanotechnology. The nanolipid particles are all under a term called nanotechnology which is under a term called hydrogel okay they’re using different terms for the same substance. And so they have many different functions: one of them is to be a drug delivery system on demand – and that’s what they’re saying is the intent of this.

But if you look at all the research and the literature and the meetings I went to, it’s very clear that they intend to use this nanotechnology for other purposes and the other main purpose would be for a biosensor, meaning your body would have sensors in it that are really like little nanobots–it’s an artificial interface hookup – and if you get enough of this substance inside your body, it would make it feel like having a smartphone inside your body, so that remotely via wi-fi you could control things but also things can control you or your body could put out information and your body could receive information so messages can go going back and forth without the need of this intermediate device here.

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

What nanobiosensors do inside the body is permit data collection at an intimate level.

“The idea is to accumulate data from your body all your physical characteristics which might sound great– your blood sugar, your blood pressure, medications in your body, very intimate details like sexual function, how much sun you’re getting, your thoughts and your emotions– the software is already built into the phones to gather that — they just need the hardware inside of us to do the ultimate hookup and so the vaccines are a method and an excuse to get this kind of technology into the human body.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

Nothing short of granular biosurveillance, this nanobiosensor technology permits external and remote monitoring, modification, control–translatable into punitive control systems and social credit systems, such as promised by Microsoft’s new unholy patent for cryptocurency linked to human energy harvesting, US Patent 060606–and subjugation of the human body.

While information has already been floated about nanorobotic insulin pumps and beneficial use of nanobiosensor tech to safeguard your health from a distance, Dr. Carrie recalls the information shared at her meetings and reminds us the intent is intrusive bio-surveillance and control:

“If you look at what they discuss in meetings and the patents that are out there…these biosensors will be gathering the information but it’s going to be used for other purposes, it’s going to be used to know everything about you, to do surveillance, and there won’t be any more privacy, they’ll know what you’re thinking before maybe you think it, right — so it’s really for surveillance and control.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

COVID Vaccine Will Provoke Immune System to Attack Itself: Intelligence & Fertility Under Attack

Dr. Carrie Madej also notes the effect on fertility and human intelligence via the synthetic codes introduced into the body carrying the code for spike protein for placenta-creation and human Chromosome 8, related to cognitive faculties–all highly concerning, which should inspire all people to act to stop these vaccine rollouts immediately:

“With the genetic manipulation, the code codes for things in our body—coding for a spike protein of a woman’s placenta—we know that—also chromosome 8 happens to be in that spike protein; the body will attack and damage your intelligence, your fertility—I can’t believe we are talking about this, that we are going forward with this—anything in that vaccine the body will learn to attack.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

COVID Vaccine Found to Result in Positive Tests for AIDS

Even more concerning–as if we needed more bad news on this vaccine!–Dr. Carrie tells us some people tested positive for AIDs after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

“In Australia with one of the similar vaccines, their batches that they gave out–they happened to test the people for HIV after they gave the vaccine. When they did, the people were testing positive. Now the manufacturer and the government of Australia they said, ‘Oh don’t worry, they’re only false positives’ but we know that there’s no way that any of us could know that for sure until time goes on. Give it some years–three years, five years, maybe it’s a true positive. Those poor people won’t know until years later. So they were so concerned that they did ditch about one billion dollars of those vaccines they were going to administer to the rest of the population.

We expected that to happen because they also analyzed that code and found there were at least 18 subunits of HIV1 in the code of this spike protein by chance – so your body will be making bits of HIV1–how much will that affect your immune system? Only time will tell when this experiment ends. People need to know what is in the code – there’s so much in here, I am just clueless and shocked at how my colleagues aren’t speaking up more, I don’t understand it. I’ve never seen anything like this in science.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

“We Need To Put a Moratorium on This Vaccine”

The upshot really is that this vaccine has already proved to be exceedingly unsafe, is producing deadly immediate effects, is loading synthetics into the body, reprogramming human cells without Informed Consent, and apparently handing over control of one’s intimate bodily functions to Moderna, Pfizer and AI.

“This vaccine, it already looks like a failure—as far as COVID-19 –but I don’t think they care about this. The point of it is to intro other tech into us that’s really for surveillance and control..

What are people signing when they get the vaccine….there’s so many twists and turns and dirty little things going on … we need to put a moratorium on this and see what is going on on so many different levels.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reports

Watch Report 227 at Bitchute or Brighteon



Report 227 at Brighteon:

Report 227 at Bitchute:

All concerned readers and media are encouraged to re-post this article (with accreditation and linkback) widely online. Please print and share this information, download and upload Video Report 227 to your channels, share this article and video widely on all forms of social media, and take every measure to make this profoundly important information known worldwide immediately.

The future of humanity is at stake.

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

Op-Ed | Re-Post, from 1-9-2021| Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth | Jan 11, 2021

Opinion by Dr. Rima |
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 9, 2021

Dr. Andy Wakefield Explains How mRNA Vaccines Work
Brief video snippet from a recent interview with Dr. Andy Wakefield/ Longer interview here:

Dr. Andy Wakefield is a British physician who got caught in the cross-fire of orchestrated pro-vaccine propaganda at all costs to truth. I urge you to listen carefully to the information in this important video in which Dr. Wakefield  makes it clear that

  1. The mRNA pharmaceuticals are, in fact, not vaccines since they do not present the body with antigens, stimulating an antibody (protein) response
  2. They are untested genetic alteration devices which capture the body’s immune capacity forcing a response to the inserted material which forever changes the cell
  3. Once inserted, vast numbers of people will face the unknown effects of these untested devices
  4. There is no known way to neutralize, cancel, remove or correct the effects of these untested devices
  5. Fatalities and other serious adverse events are already occurring around the world following the injection of these untested devices
  6. Every country in the world except Brazil has given the makers of these devices full financial and legal indemnity from any liability of any kind, no matter what damage is caused by these untested devices

Dr Wakefield does not point out that the authorization of these dangerous devices in the US on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means that the devices are, by definition, experimental and that anyone is free to exercise his or her right of Informed Consent, according to the FDA’s information page on this topic.

Furthermore, we at Natural Solutions Foundation believe that the EUAs given for the Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna devices are illegal since such authorization cannot be given to a product if there are other available treatments for the condition. There are several and they have been ruthlessly and lawlessly squelched by unscientific, politicized attacks employing public relations and faux-scientific and medical journals.

But then, why would we be surprised when we consider the massive financial conflicts of interest between the government regulators and so-called “experts” like Fauci and the money machine known as the pharmaceutical industry?

We at Natural Solutions Foundation know that Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century and have long predicted that the battle for control of society would be fought on the battleground of your body. That is precisely what is happening now with the push to inject experimental novel gene-editing technology into your body as if it were good for you.

Because we saw this coming, we developed the Advance Vaccine Directive Card which provides you with a valid way to assert your right of Informed Consent and refuse all vaccines. These wallet cards are available here: 

Dr Wakefield predicts that the toxic results of the vaccine will be evident in 6 months and the entire global vaccination push will fall apart at that point. I have made similar predictions, offering my guess of 6-12 months.

Be careful.

Many thanks to Dr. Rima Laibow for this vital op-ed and permission to re-post.

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Brief Post | Ramola D | Jan 9, 2020

What makes a disease a disease?

What makes a pandemic a pandemic?

What makes a hoax a hoax?

Koch’s Postulates for Viruses apparently define what constitutes an infectious disease and COVID-19 fulfils none of them: the ability to observe, isolate, culture, re-infect, using the supposed virus or infectious agent causing the disease.

This presentation by Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains how the Koch’s postulates and other means of defining viruses are not really fulfilled in this case: SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated, can’t be cultured, has not been used to reproduce any illness, as many researchers admit (clicking will download the pdf):

Dr. Mohamed Iqbal Adil

Dr. Mohamed Iqbal Adil, NHS cancer surgeon, explains in this video (below) posted earlier last year how all hospital services have been shut down in the NHS, how the Infection Control people took over the hospital, and how the Bill Gates depopulation vaccine was introduced by Bill much earlier in 2015 at MIT, the transhumanizing GMO-making it intends, and why people should stand up and fight right now for their children, their humanity, and the future of this planet. The vaccine is intended to sterilize, cyborgize, and DNA-mutate you, as covered here earlier and as is being reported widely online by concerned doctors and researchers in alternative and social media, including the US-UK-EU group featured in the #AskTheExperts video.

This post by John Goss from July 25, 2020 details how Dr. Adil was struck off after 30 years of labor at NHS, how hospitals are empty, staff are threatened, and the stories and lies in mainstream media about hospitals overflowing and thousands infected with COVID-19 are just that, stories and lies by a bought-and-paid-for media mechanism belonging to the same elites seeking currently to depopulate (meaning genocide) the planet and enslave the remnant:

Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil – a voice crying in the wilderness

All this would mean COVID-19 is a hoax, not a real disease. The COVID-19 vaccine however will be very real in its transformation of humans into DNA-mutated Nanobot-laden GMO-Humans.

Don’t stand for it: please research further, speak out, inform your friends and family, and stop the assassins in all the most inventive (non-violent) ways at your disposal; this is really Information Warfare, just spread the word.

Make the lies of Mainstream Media obsolete. Remember, all corporate media is tied to the Pharma lobby in multiple ways, notably via drug advertising to the tune of millions. Vaccines are big business, and Pharma benefits. There’s a darker agenda though, and it is a top-down slave-farm agenda, rooted in eugenics, intent on depopulation and Human Management, and at this point firmly ensconced in Transhumanism, Full Spectrum Surveillance, Bio Surveillance, and AI. This agenda has been woven into the Vaccine Agenda and has manifested currently in the mRNA vaccine intending to alter the human genome.

More on these subjects in succeeding posts. Subscribe at D Reports and D Reports, D Reports for past and ongoing coverage: especially see the Saturday Night News Panels, to be featured on a separate site shortly.


COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part One

BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on COVID-19, Vaccines, Fear and Health

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Three

Report | Seth Farber, Ph. D | Jan 6, 2021

Contd. from Part Two: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

Anatomy of an Epidemic

Those familiar with this website or Robert Whitaker’s books know that he has been arguing for years that it is the psychiatric drugs that have created the epidemic of mental illnesses–that have transformed acute illnesses or life crises into chronic mental and physical illnesses. Whitaker writes, “The number of disabled mentally ill has risen dramatically since 1955, and ring the past two decades [1990-2010], a period when the prescribing of psychiatric medications has exploded, the number of adults and children disabled by mental illness has risen at a mind-boggling rate. Thus, we arrive at an obvious question, even though it is heretical in kind: Could our drug-based paradigm of care, in some unforeseen way, be fueling this modern-day plague?” (Whitaker, 2011, p.9) The question is rhetorical–the book indeed shows how this has occurred–the drugs themselves are neurotoxins that create symptoms labeled as mental illnesses. For example, while psychosis is usually an “episodic disorder,” anti-psychotic drugs create a state of chronic disability.

This is a very similar argument to the one the medical critics make about vaccines. Dr. Cowan puts it concisely: The “mistreatment of acute disease [through vaccination] is a mechanism for chronic disease”(p 21). Robert Kennedy Jr.– son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, the American hero and martyr– is a lawyer and public spokesperson for the medical safety movement. As an environmental lawyer he was used to reading scientific studies when he first began to investigate vaccines. He has read the scientists and the medical critics and he eloquently argues that vaccines as they exist today have created an epidemic of chronic illnesses. He is expressing the argument made by virtually all of the medical critics of vaccines. The analogy with Whitaker’s argument about psychiatric drugs is striking.

Kennedy states repeatedly that he is not an “anti-vaxxer” – rather he is calling to us to listen to the science. Kennedy does not claim to know whether a safe vaccine can be manufactured. He wants us to realize that due to economic and political factors there is no incentive for Big Pharma to even try to manufacture safe vaccines–thus, vaccines are not even safety tested before they are put on the market and mandated for children. For almost every disease for which Big Pharma has a vaccine, CDC issues a government mandate even when it is for a disease that there is virtually no chance the child will contract. In other words the motive for the vaccine mandates is the growth of Big Pharma, not the health of the child.

Kennedy points out that “the pharmaceutical industry– the 4 large companies that make all the childhood vaccines – make 50 billion dollars a year selling our kids these 72 injections” but “they make $500 billion a year selling all the meds targeted to treat the vaccine side effects of the diseases they cause, the diseases listed on the inserts of the vaccines.” Big Pharma has created life-time clients. Kennedy called this “the business plan of Big Pharma” and described it as “the most criminal scheme we have ever seen in human history.” (

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. And what are these diseases? They’re the neuro-developmental diseases, ADD, ADHD, language delays, speech delays, tics, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and autism. The auto-immune disorders, Guillanne-Barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anaphylactic diseases, food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. All of these exploded in 1989. There are a lot of culprits. Many new things. We have cell-phones. We have ultra-sound. We have glyphosate. We have many other things. Our kids are swimming in a toxic soup.

We’re not saying all of those illnesses came from vaccines. But there is no intervention that is so exquisite and precisely timed as what happened when we went in 1989 and changed that vaccine schedule and raised the levels of aluminum and mercury, tripled and quintupled them. We went from the 3 vaccines that I had, to the 72 my kids had, and to the 75 that kids are going to get next year. And there are 273 new vaccines in the pipeline.”

One in every two (49.5%) 13-18 year olds have been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder. One in every six American children (17%) has a developmental disability according to the CDC.One in every eight American children (14%) requires special educations services.

One in twelve American children has asthma (8.4%).

One in every 13 American children has at least one food allergy and two fifths of those with food allergies have a history of severe reactions including deadly peanut allergies.

One in 285 U.S. children will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. Each year, an estimated 15,780 U.S. children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 will be diagnosed with cancer.

“The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological or immune-system damage,” Patti White, a school nurse, told the House Government Reform Committee in 1999. “Vaccines are supposed to be making us healthier; however, in twenty-five years of nursing I have never seen so many damaged, sick kids. Something very, very wrong is happening to our children.”

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

The leading medical critics of the current vaccine schedule have all reached similar conclusions. Some of them use vaccines sparingly and others are against all vaccines. None of them are anti-science––although this is the common accusation, as we saw with The New York Times. Their critique is scientific and evidence–based but many of them have adapted a different scientific paradigm than the one embraced by the vaccine promoters.

The critics I have read all come to the same explanation for why the vaccinations have created an epidemic of chronic diseases. I want to look at 2 critics here— I have no expertise in medical science–my purpose here is merely to give a brief explanation by citing 2 practicing pediatricians, Thomas Cowan and Richard Moskowitz, well acquainted with the science, who believe that the vaccinations adversely affect the immune system, and have engendered an epidemic of chronic illness.

Both Cowan and Moskowitz believe that common childhood diseases (measles, chickenpox, mumps) play an important role (or did before we introduced vaccines to prevent them) in training and educating the immune systems. The vaccine is no substitute. Moskowitz writes, “[W]ithout the acute illness, there is no priming of the immune system as a whole, no significant improvements in the general health of the recipients, no reliable mechanism for expelling the invading virus or bacterium” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.14). Fever, rash, coughing, sneezing, etc. are signs the body is expelling the antigen, ridding itself of the infection. It is not the virus that makes us sick. Sickness is the effects of a robust healthy immune system eliminating, expelling the invader (Cowan, 2018 p.24).

In other words, the acute illness is what is experienced when the body is fighting back.

“The normal febrile illnesses of childhood, measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, are the formative experiences for normal maturation of the immune system” (Moskowitz, p.17). “A sick child with a fever is not having an emergency. She is going through a valuable learning process which if continually thwarted will undermine her sacred quest to build a strong body, mind and immune system for her strong journey ahead” (Cowan, p15).

Indeed, the evidence proves that those who get these childhood diseases are better fortified by nature to resist other diseases. Children who get through measles at the usual age (pp. 4-7) are less likely to get heart disease, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases later in life (Cowan, p.98). They are 60% less likely to contract numerous forms of cancer if they had experienced 3 or 4 of common childhood diseases (Moskowitz, p. 12).

There are two immune systems in the body. The first is referred to as “the cell-mediated immune system” –its function is to respond to a foreign substance, such as a virus or toxin (like aluminum or mercury), that has invaded the body, by sending in white blood cells to eliminate infected cells. This response by cell mediated system involves “elimination,” ––and causes us to feel sick. Cowan writes that “we need a cell-mediated response to clear unwanted invaders from our bodies” (p.25). The second immune system is the humoral system which comprises extracellular fluid substances which attach to protein on the invaders and destroy them or mark them for destruction by other cells.

Moskowitz and Cowan both believe we should have more appreciation for the cell-mediated immune system. Vaccination attempts to by-pass it, but at what cost? “Modern pediatrics is an assault on the cell mediated immune system”(Cowan, p .27). Rather than allowing a child to experience chicken pox we inject her with an antigen–a piece of the virus. If the virus is dead (as it is in most vaccines), it will not elicit an antibody and must be linked to an adjuvant–which must be an irritant, a toxin. “This is the blueprint for all modern vaccines: Isolate an antigenic piece of a virus, combine it with a toxin, and hope for a lifelong antibody response” (Cowan, p.27). But how will the body clear the toxin? It will not. According to both Cowan and Moskowitz, the cell-mediated response is the only way to clear these toxins from our tissues.

Moskowitz and Cowan–and doubtless countless others whom I have not read– identify several problems with vaccinations: 1) The atrophy of the cellular immunity system undermines the ability of the organism to respond to challenges, 2) The humoral immune system is unable to eliminate the antigen from the body– thus it leads to chronic diseases 3) The overstimulation of the humoral system through numerous vaccinations establishes a pattern of overreacting and thus leads to autoimmune disease.

Moskowitz quotes Dr Howard Buttram, who writes that the humoral system is placed by the vaccine program into “a dominant position for which it is physiologically unsuited, while cellular immunity lacking the challenges of the minor childhood diseases [measles, mumps, chickenpox] of former times may undergo progressive atrophy from disuse”(p.16). This is exactly what has happened, and it will get worse because many more vaccines are in the pipeline and public health officials–with the support of the government and the press–and Bill Gates–plan to cajole or force adults to start taking vaccines regularly.

As one astute holistic health practitioner observed, “Through a persistent pervasive hypnosis from pediatricians, news outlets, print ads, web content, governmental press, TV programs and magazines parents are being taught it is normal to have a child who can’t talk, poop, walk, eat, digest food, grow, attend school or perhaps even breathe without the benefit of a litany of medications and vaccines. Worse we are taught that children who don’t join in are somehow not normal…”(Converse, 2012, p.127). And now post-COVID-19 adults will be subjected to the same propaganda to persuade us we need their vaccines to function–and if persuasion doesn’t work they intend to issue mandates and to restrict us if we don’t do as mandated. Our immune systems will be destroyed courtesy of the medical establishment and our public health officials.

Without the cell-mediated response produced by the body itself — the acute illness—there is no way to detoxify, “no reliable mechanism for expelling the invading virus or bacterium.” (Moskowitz, 2017, p. 14). Stephen Marini aptly notes that as a result of vaccinations, “[t]he body is essentially constipated with viruses that it cannot expel!” But to suppress this natural response “can be as hazardous to our health as suppressing waste elimination from the bowel or toxin release from the skin. ”

Vaccination, Moskowitz points out enables the virus, the antigen, to accomplish the very thing the whole immune mechanism was designed to prevent– it grants “bacteria, viruses and other foreign antigens free and immediate access to the bone marrow, spleen, liver, intestines, thymus, blood, and lymph nodes with no reliable means of getting rid of them” Vaccines “drive the invading organism deeper in to the interior of our bodies” where they remain permanently, chronically infecting the organs where they reside (Moskowitz, 2017, p.16). According to Marini, vaccines can exhaust the immune system by forcing the body to deal with a chronic ongoing infection. (

Moskowitz says that live viruses can remain latent for years within the host cells without ever provoking acute disease: “In most cases, viruses achieve this by attaching their own genetic material as an extra particle or “episome” to that of the host cell and reproducing along with it. The body will continue to make antibodies but “with the virus permanently integrated into the genetic material of the host cell, these antibodies will now have to be directed against the cell itself” (Moskowitz, 2006, p.8). This results in autoimmune diseases since attacking and destroying the infected cell and the body’s own tissue is now the only way the “antigenic challenge” can be removed from the body. This is one mechanism leading to autoimmunity.

Cowan says autoimmunity is a result of an over-stimulated humoral response (p28). With millions of people suffering from autoimmune disease “at a number unheard of before the introduction of a mass vaccination program” how can this connection be dismissed? (p.28). Researchers in Japan vaccinated animals according to the current vaccine schedule and concluded “autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune system by repeated immunization” (p.28).

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

The argument made by Cowan and Moskowitz is the same made by other doctors like them–almost all of whom vaccinated children without much thought in the beginning of their practice as pediatricians and over the years became increasingly critical of vaccines. Unlike the experts at CDC and FDA who felt, as the FDA official put it, that “any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent …” these doctors felt it was their responsibility to put their patients first– above their own financial gain– to honor the Hippocratic oath, and to sound the alarm to their fellow citizens, even at the cost of being demonized by the press.What is remarkable is not only that there are so many of us….but also that our arguments..all sound so much alike” because they arise not from theory, “but from our shared cumulative and hard-won experience in the trenches of everyday medical practice” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.47).

Dr. Larry Palevsky speaks for these doctors: “It’s heart-breaking to see kids who were speaking, doing well, and were developmentally normal, who lost their voice, made no eye contact, developed seizures, asthma, and allergies, and had nowhere to go because the doctor said it was a coincidence. The studies that deny any correlation between vaccination and autism don’t meet scientific standards” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.49).

Dr. Cowan concludes that vaccines have not succeeded, “Our communities, hospitals and schools are filled to the brim with sick and injured children” (Cowan, 2018, p.71). “We are..dealing with something frightening and threatening: a massive epidemic of chronically ill children and a medical establishment that is not only enabling the situation but profiting from it” (p. 6). And he reached the same conclusion that a vocal minority of doctors, but probably the most well-informed, have reached:“My understanding after years of studying the science behind vaccines, is that a truly safe and effective vaccine has not yet been discovered” (p.70).

The Therapeutic State

COVID-1984 has changed the landscape of America and served as a pretext to create a global digital panopticon, a system of total surveillance, domination and control. Like mental patients we may all soon be forced by the State to take poisonous drugs (i.e., vaccines). The authorities may not come and forcibly plunge the needle into our arm—although that is happening in New Zealand– but those who refuse may be prevented from going to work or school or traveling–there seems to be no end to what the supporters of a corporate bio-security surveillance State would be ready to do.

The trend toward mandatory vaccination began before COVID-19 but it has accelerated. The seeds of totalitarianism lay within the mental health system– and it also lies within the public health bureaucracy and its paternalistic ideology. Thomas Szasz realized this as early as 1960. ( The public health treats ordinary citizens with the same kind of condescension mental health professionals display towards mental patients. I discussed above the CDC mandates and vaccine schedule. Up until recently every state has always allowed exemptions for religious and medical reasons. During the last 5 years, California, Vermont, New York, Maine and Hawaii have outlawed these religious exemptions. ( West Virginia and Mississippi do not permit them. (

Even medical exemptions are being so severely restricted they are virtually meaningless and expose the most vulnerable children to great harm. According to Mary Holland, chief counsel and vice-chairman of CHD, in New York, for example there are now emergency guidelines that the Department of Health publicized on December 31, 2019. Those guidelines say the only basis for a medical exemption is if children have anaphylaxis, i.e., they can’t breathe and they nearly die, or they have a documented brain injury. Even in those cases, Holland points out, that would be an exemption only for that specific vaccine. In other words, to get an exemption the child must have already had a medical crisis in response to that one vaccine. Medical exemptions by treating physicians in New York are now reviewed by the Department of Health bureaucrat who can overrule the child’s doctor without even examining the child. For example, he can say, “No, I disagree with the neurologist who says that this child is at risk of brain injury from the next vaccine. I deny the child’s exemption.” There are hundreds of children whose exemptions have been thus overruled (Fitts, pp.5-6,

According to Barbara Loe Fisher,,“The government has a National Vaccine Plan. It is a Plan designed to make sure you, your child and everyone in America gets every dose of every vaccine that government officials recommend now and in the future… [F]ederal health officials accurately characterize the U.S. vaccination system in the 21st century as a business. A decade ago they admitted that ‘The 2010 National Vaccine Plan provides a vision for the U.S. vaccine and immunization enterprise for the next decade. That’s because they know the National Vaccine Plan is really a Vaccine Marketing Plan for the pharmaceutical industry.” The Plan is described on HHS website (( According to Fisher, the Plan is the reason why the states are trying to eliminate exemptions and mandates every vaccine the pharmaceutical industry produces and the CDC recommends. (

Recently Massachusetts passed a law mandating all students ages 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine this year–2020. Although other states require flu shots for very young children, Massachusetts is the first state to also require influenza vaccinations for all students attending kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and colleges and universities. (

It would take another paper to discuss the variety of “conspiracy theories” that have been propounded to explain the origins of the COVID-19 epidemic and more importantly the response to it. Whether it was deliberately released and manmade or natural, many people believe the response is incommensurate with the problem posed by COVID-19 and that furthermore the response has been and will be to the advantage of the very wealthy. Is the virus a pretext to implement another agenda?

But even if COVID-19 was a natural virus it is still obvious that there has been a concerted effort to profit from it. Naomi Klein’s book on the “shock doctrine” explains how vested interests respond to a crisis (2008). As Klein put it to an interviewer: The “shock doctrine” is the political strategy of using large-scale crises to push through policies that systematically deepen inequality, enrich elites, and undercut everyone else… Political and economic elites understand that moments of crisis is their chance to push through their wish list of unpopular policies that further polarize wealth in this country and around the world.” (

But it’s not only economic policies, as we ought to know from 9/11.

Kennedy wrote, “Are powerful state and corporate entities using the current crisis to remove basic rights and intensify pressures to promote vaccines and surveillance? Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that #BillGates — and his Mini-Me, Tony #Fauci — will somehow be running our Brave New World?” (

As I write in August, 2020, every day there is something alarming in the press. There is a new bill– New York State bill A99– which is now under consideration in the NY State legislature. It allows the state to take an individual “suspected” of being infected or contaminated to a detention center to keep her there, and compel her to receive any medical treatment deemed necessary – including forced vaccination. This bill could become the model for other similar bills to be passed into law in other states. Virginia and Massachusetts are already indicating they intend to pass mandatory vaccinations. In New York, there are low key programs to set up Covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. What is terrifying is the assault on the rights that have for centuries been considered fundamental to our identity as Americans. (

But it is even more disturbing when we look at Australia or New Zealand.“Right now, Australia and New Zealand are slamming citizens with perhaps the most draconian measures yet in the Western world. These are policies that the elites want to introduce everywhere, but they are going full bore in Australia, and it just keeps getting worse” (

At an August 19th press conference, Australia’s second most senior medical officer said the government would be “discussing measures such as banning restaurants, international travel, public transport, and withholding government programs through ‘No Jab No Pay’ in order to coerce vaccine resisters.” (

In Australia, residents are not allowed to travel more than 3 miles from their homes. Citizens violating these rules are subject to $10,000 fines or arrest. In New Zealand, quarantine camps are now under the control of the military, and all citizens who are suspected to have Covid can be separated from their families and placed in the camps, which are hotels converted into prisons. The pretext– a mere 525 deaths in Australia and 22 deaths in New Zealand. (

Is this a precursor for America? Covid camps? “Mainstream media outlets have been suggesting this strategy for months. The Washington Post applauded the use of forced isolation camps in other nations and asks why the US has not yet used them beyond ports for foreign travelers?” (

Bill Gates, vaccine evangelist and now the largest funder of WHO–since the US stopped the funding— has been pushing for digital tracking. “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” said Gates. (

Gates is working with a number of organizations to create these digital certificates–one of the technologies being developed is a “quantum dot” tattoo, delivered through vaccination, stored under the skin and read by smartphones. The certificates would include a person’s medical records (including vaccination status), as well as financial information and identification. Such technology could be used to prevent those who choose not to vaccinate from participating in many aspects of society, including travel, work and school.. Germany has already implemented “immunity certificates,” (

Kennedy said in a recent speech, “Big Pharma is capturing politicians, running governments, in every nation on the globe. Today we have inflections of new technologies which gives them power to impose controls that never existed before in history, unimaginable controls on human beings no tyrant in history ever had… Digitalized currency–they will be able to enforce obedience. If you’re disobedient they will shut down your bank account and starve you…Government agencies orchestrating obedience –that is not the product of democracy. It is the product of a pharmaceutical-driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptic forces of greed and ignorance will be running our lives and destroying the dreams we hope to give to our children.”

In America the Therapeutic State that Thomas Szasz has warned us about is coming into existence. But Szasz’s term sounds benign—it is a bio-fascist State. But it is not through psychiatry that it is extending its reach over every American– it is through the “public health” bureaucracy which works in tandem with Big Pharma. As a Libertarian, Szasz did not realize that this is an alliance between the State and private enterprise. It is not the State alone. It is neither socialism nor democracy. As indicated above: due to the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, as far as vaccines go, this industry is not accountable to the American people. The agencies which are supposed to regulate it, instead promote its products and protect it from exposure. The corrupt medical establishment gives it a facade of scientific legitimacy although its products do great harm to millions of Americans. It could produce vaccines which would kill millions of people and it would still not be held accountable.

But decades ago, Szasz had intuitively grasped the perils of the public health ideology. He reminded us the Nazi genocidal eugenics program was not based on racial hatred, although it included it. It was based on a utopian vision of a harmonious world order—and the subordination of the individual to the greater good of the public. Historian Robert Proctor wrote that Nazism is “a vast hygienic experiment designed to bring about an exclusionist sanitary utopia”(p.505).

It was “medical puritanism,” Szasz contends, that motivated the Nazis “to wage therapeutic wars against cancer and Jews.” The Therapeutic State today is also based on a medical program– ostensibly to protect citizens from viruses. This enables Big Pharma to make money, the Vaccine program to grow and the technocrats to invade every person’s body, to take over their lives. It covers all aspects of human existence. Szasz wrote, ”The therapeutic state thus swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological state had swallowed up everything human on the..ground that nothing falls outside the province of God” (p.515).

. “Once we begin to worship health as an all-pervasive good—a moral value that trumps all others, especially liberty—it becomes sanctified as a kind of secular holiness” (p.505-6). This profound insight of Szasz’s explains the fervor of the believers in the vaccine religion, their intolerance of “anti-vaxxers”–and it explains why they are so intent upon silencing the heretics, the“anti-vaxxers.” ( “Anathema on them.”) And also, because they don’t want to be accused and thus reminded of their crimes– because they have guilty consciences knowing they are complicit with harming millions of their fellow citizens, mostly children.

The fear of a virus has proven to be a greater instrument for inducing conformity and submission to authority than the fear of terrorism. The American health ideology, Szasz says, rests on the premise that “the individual is incompetent to protect himself from himself and needs the protection of the paternalistic state”(p.505). To protect himself from himself, the virus is a worse threat than the terrorist. The citizen needs the state, she needs Big Brother. But little does she know—the vaccine is poison. In the name of protecting citizens, the paternalistic State, the bio-fascist state, is poisoning them.

Many Americans would be willing to allow the Therapeutic State to destroy the constitutional rights that have been at the center of our national identity since the founding of the republic. But it is in the name of the republic, in the name of democracy, that American citizens must now rise up and declare that our bodies are not the property of the state, that our children are not the property of the State, that we are citizens, not slaves, not children, not “mental patients,” not targeted individuals (TIs) –we must re- affirm our national identity based upon the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and carry out a 2nd American revolution.

As Robert Kennedy Jr. said, “We are not going to let you take our democracy away. We are not going to let you take our health away. We are not going to let you take our children away. We are not going to let you take our freedom away.”

This concludes Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State by Dr. Seth Farber

Part One: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part One

Part Two: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

The other references are in the article. I listed Blaylock here because his article is on multiple sites.


Blaylock, R. (2008), “Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development:The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders”

Bruesewitz, R. (2012), “Justice Disserved: The Hannah Bruesewitz Odyssey” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.

Children’s Health Defense (2018), Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health, ebook, Children Health Defense.

Colbin, Annemarie (2012), “A Holistic Health Perspective,” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.

Converse, Judy, (2012), “Sick is the New Healthy,” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY:Skyhorse Publishing.

Cowan, Thomas (2018), Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, White River Junction Vt: Chelsea Green Publishing.

Fisher, Barbara Loe (2008), Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic Worthington, Ohio: P.B.Industries.

Fitts, Catherine Austin ( 2020), ”Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D.”, February 25, 2020

Handley,J. B.(2018), How to End the Autism Epidemic,White River Junction, Vt:: Chelsea Green Publishing

Holland, Mary (2010), “Reconsidering Compulsory Childhood Vaccination,” Public Law Research Paper,No. 10-64, NY:New York University School of Law.

Humphries, Suzanne and Roman Bystrianyk, (2013), Dissolving Illusions:Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, New York, CreateSpace Publishers (

Klein, Naomi (2008), The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, New York: Picador.

Moskowitz, Richard (2006), “How Do Vaccines Work,” Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue 10, June-July 2006.

Moskowitz, Richard (2009) “On Anti-vaxxers,” Age of Autism, Jan, 2019.

Moskowitz, Richard (2017), Vaccines: A Reappaisal, New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Proctor, Robert. (1999) The Nazi War on Cancer. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press..

Stoller,K.P. (2019), “The Denial of Adverse Event Risk Following Immunization and the Loss of Informed Consent – A Perspective, ” ACTA SCIENTIFIC PAEDIATRICS, Vol. 2 Issue 1 January 2019

Szasz, Thomas (2001),The Therapeutic State:The Tyranny of Pharmacracy, Volume V, Number 4, Spring 2001,Independent Review.

Wilcox, Brent (2018), Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family, New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Whitaker, Robert (2011), Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, New York: Broadway Books.