Tag Archives: Dangers of mRNA COVID Vaccine

Promoting the COVID Psy Op: Neil MacFarquhar of The New York Times Ignores the Facts & Pushes False-Narratives

Op-ed | Ramola D | 28 March, 2021

Desperation must be scenting the air in the newsrooms at The New York Times if a former bureau chief from Libya (no background in science) with a resume that reeks of #MockOp, CIA Central should be tasked to issue an op-ed frantically seeking to quell the rapid spread of information worldwide on the numbers of deaths and cases of disability rising post-COVID-vaccine, calling in panic to all the gods of Falsehood bandied about by the Falsehood Maestros over at the Federal Bureau of Running Terror & Smear Operations to Subjugate America: Extremism, Far-Rightism, Q-Anonism, White Nationalism, now being smudge-fudged by Neil M with Anti-Vaccinism.

Anti-Vaccinism, of course, is seen as primordial sin over in the New York Zionist Publishing Industry zone of all-non-science-based literati right alongside the pseudoscience-immersed “experts” quoted often by the fluffy-haired anchors at CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC et al in their quest to lift Fauci to the level of Pharaoh and state Governors citing Fauci to the level of demi-Gods issuing needed decrees to subjugate the citizenry with all the paraphernalia of Psy Op pushed by our current One World Governance disguised as separate-nation-states: suffocation-masks, self-isolating, and seriously toxic gene-deforming vaccines.

Newsbreak 109: Dr. Ariyana Love Shatters the Myths Around the COVID Psy Op

COVID Psy Op Needs to Stop Right Now: Children Are Dying From the Masks, Children Are Committing Suicide

Berlin Police Agree the Masks Are a Sham, Real Enemy is Bill Gates & COVID’s Transhumanist, Sterilizing Control Agenda

COVID-19, a Dangerous Conspiracy That’s Gotten Out of Hand

The “science” of vaccines is only now being critically investigated en masse online, with numbers of doctors, molecular biologists, journalists, information analysts, historians delving deeper into the history of vaccination in the US and Europe, as well as worldwide, the part played by the Rockefeller clan in drug-creation, pharmaceutical-company-promotion, medical-school-industry-creation to promote drugs and vaccines, the general rise of Big Pharma, the eugenicist aims and actions of the vaccine industry, and the sad truth about the horrors of vaccine injury, the vast numbers of vaccine-injured and “SIDS”-deaths, the neuro-degradation, disability-creation, and immune-system-assault accomplished by mandatory vaccines on American children over the past 50 years.

Report 238 | Paul Anthony Taylor, Dr. Rath Health Foundation: The Corporatization of Public Health

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part One

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Three

Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ deep-dive into vaccination history and harms was never more needed than now, to educate all as to where exactly the Public Health focus on vaccines has come from, and how it has caused infinite harm to American and worldwide health.

Anti Vaccination Rally in 1920/Dissolving Illusions Website

The deliberate privileging of the Germ Theory over the Terrain Theory by the pharmaceutical industry, which latter homeopaths, naturopaths, holistic physicians successfully use to this day as guiding light in their understanding and treatment of the human body underlies the WHO, CDC, and NIH’s manic focus on viruses and pandemics, clarified by Canadian homeopathic doctor in this vital report, Report #169: Zara Bourgeois, Homeopath, Tackles COVID-19 Deception- Faulty Tests & Ignoring Terrain, as also in an earlier interview with this writer, Report #162: Zara Anne Bourgeois, Homeopath:Vaccine Risks/Harms, Natural Remedies, Immunity, Healing.

To be anti-vaccine today, with all the new information at our fingertips now of what exactly is in vaccines, what vaccine injury is, and how many millions have been harmed over the years by vaccines, is not exactly being anti-intellectual, conspiratorial, or ignorant but the opposite. As Dr. John Reizer asks indeed, in Newsbreak 107, why would people Not be anti-vaccine today, given the facts of vaccine damage?

Newsbreak 107 | Feb 12, 2021 | Unsafe Vaccines in Light of Vaccine Injuries: Focus on COVID Vaccine Adverse Events & Deaths with Dr. John Reizer

However, Neil MacFarquhar makes no mention of any of this. Suffice to dismiss the entire field of critical enquiry into the safety, efficacy, and Pharmaganda promotional history of vaccines pejoratively as “anti-vaccine” and then rush quickly to citing generic “experts” with no information whatsoever on why these particular ones are chosen over others, those others in fact who question all vaccines and those who question these mRNA vaccines in particular–determined by Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits to be “the injection of a chemical pathogen,” referred to by Dr. Andy Wakefield, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny, Dr. Andy Kaufmann as genetic engineering, mRNA “gene-therapy,” and described by Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup as drug-treatments designed to invoke “cytokine storms” via pathogenic priming, and auto-immune-disease creation as immune-systems become primed to attack the cells of the human body.

What exactly is the cytokine storm/Dr. Dolores Cahill

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Auto-Immune Disease, Genetic Modification of Humans, Transhumanism, Death and Disability from Vaccine

The breakdown of the natural human immune system — which thousands of doctors, naturopaths, holistic medicine practitioners worldwide do not believe needs the “priming, education, prompting” of toxins in vaccines (and all vaccines contain toxins) to activate — and the genetic modification of humans are both intended by the mRNA vaccines, where synthetically-manufactured messenger RNA literally provokes the body’s immune system to turn upon itself, as Dr. Carrie Madej describes in this interview with journalist and broadcaster David Sorensen, posted here: COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Transhumanism via vaccine is an openly published intention of the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab in his COVID-19 The Great Reset tome of doom for humanity, yet Neil MacFarquhar, with his years of experience as a reporter covering the Middle East (and fixated on “extremists”) fails to question this intention and imposition by governments dancing to the tune of Schwab and his billionaire buddies dreaming of Techno Enslavement 701 and Full Spectrum Biosurveillance at the level of the human cell.

Au contraire, Mr. MacFarquhar assiduously pushes the cyborg agenda of misled governments as he pushes “faith in government” and “return to normal” via, presumably, the touted markers of apartheid, “vaccine passports” which Israeli dictator Netanyahu has rolled out today in Israel, insidious encroachment of fascism which truth-journalist and news-analyst Shai Danon calls out as crime against humanity in this recent interview: Newsbreak 113: Shai Danon Describes the Medical Apartheid in Israel, Urges People To Stop Complying

“The more vaccine opponents succeed in preventing or at least delaying herd immunity, experts noted, the longer it will take for life to return to normal and that will further undermine faith in the government and its institutions.”

Neil MacFarquhar, New York Times, Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine/March 26, 2021

Does Mr. MacFarquhar sound like a thoughtfully enquiring reporter working for an independent news outlet or a shill for “the government and its institutions” reliant on vague “experts”?

But then of course the New York Times is neither independent nor a news outlet but a full-spectrum propaganda creation factory which admittedly runs its stories by US government, in fond continuance of Operation Mockingbird and the CIA’s deep-dish hold on all corporate media outlets:

NY Times admits it sends some stories to US government for approval before publication/Ben Norton, The Gray Zone/June 24, 2019

The greatest failure of course of Mr. Farquhar’s op-ed which seeks urgently to draw connections between the concocted characters of “far-right extremism,” “Capitol rioters” (whom he does not trace back to the crisis-actors and “surveillance role players” of the FBI/DHS and the CIA’s Op CHAOS, as most unbiased analysts do), “rightwingers,” “paramilitary organizations,” “Proud Boys,” “Boogaloos,” “Q-Anons,”and “anti-vaccine activists” is his refusal to examine closely the actual deaths and adverse events from the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines recorded in the CDC’s VAERS, which he posits as his prime focus in his opening paragraph and keeps making vague reference to but never dissects:

“Adherents of far-right groups who cluster online have turned repeatedly to one particular website in recent weeks — the federal database showing deaths and adverse reactions nationwide among people who have received Covid-19 vaccinations.”

“Last spring, a common purpose among far-right activists and the anti-vaccination movement first emerged during armed protests in numerous state capitols against coronavirus lockdown measures. That cross-pollination expanded over time.”

“In the months since inoculations started in December, the alliance grouping extremist organizations with the anti-vaccination movement has grown larger and more vocal, as conspiracy theories about vaccines proliferated while those about the presidential vote count receded.”

Neil MacFarquhar, New York Times, Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine/March 26, 2021

The only close mention of VAERS that Mr. MacFarquhar makes rushes glibly through a few statistics from a few weeks ago, while rushing immediately back to the safety of “scientists and medical professionals” who, he implies, we, the reader-public must all trust to interpret raw data for us, while we stand helplessly by, blinding ourselves.

Use of the passive and couching of lies in hyperbole appears to be his go-to tool for glib persuasion of the blinded unaware: “The Covid-19 vaccines in use, like most vaccinations, are considered overwhelmingly safe…” (By who, Neil?)

“Numerous channels link to the government website called VAERS, for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, to energize followers. It had reported 2,216 deaths among people vaccinated for the three months before March 22, with 126 million doses administered. The Covid-19 vaccines in use, like most vaccinations, are considered overwhelmingly safe, but inevitably a small percentage of recipients suffer adverse reactions, some of them severe. The deaths have not been directly linked to the vaccinations.

The raw, incomplete VAERS statistics are meant for scientists and medical professionals, but are widely used among extremist groups to try to undermine confidence in the vaccine.”

Neil MacFarquhar, New York Times, Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine/March 26, 2021

Misplaced Complacency in Dismissing Unexamined Fact as Conspiracy Theory

The mention of “conspiracy theories” of course gives Neil MacFarquhar away as proponent of a CIA Psy Op designed to deceive. It’s truly curious how those who seek to publish false-narratives and clear disinformation rely today on the free and easy shorthand of this term, while imagining they have successfully led their readers away from deeper exploration of the subject with this mud-slinging fudge-making label.

The glossing over of adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccines including increasing numbers of deaths is quite frankly, inexplicable. Why would anyone ignore the facts–unless they had an agenda to protect, that is?

“Although negative reactions have been relatively rare, the numbers are used by many extremist groups to try to bolster a rash of false and alarmist disinformation in articles and videos with titles like “Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction — and Could Wipe out the Human Race” or “Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will be Tried as War Criminals.””

Neil MacFarquhar, New York Times, Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine/March 26, 2021

Unwilling to examine the data, unable therefore to clarify how anyone’s articles or videos could be false or alarmist or disinformative, casually labeling anyone he pleases an “extremist group,” this reporter’s opinion piece ultimately stands on purely flaky ground.

The truth about the deaths and disabilities due to this vaccine are being considered in greater detail by other writers and analysts who focus on the facts, which currently point to great need for concern. How many nurses fainting on-camera, dying off-camera, collapsing in an hour, two hours, two weeks are needed before someone calls these vaccines UNSAFE, not safe?

Shall we just tot up the stats on deaths against the “millions of doses” already injected into American arms–many of them placebos, Shai Danon suggests; some of them indeed placebos, Dr. Carrie Madej suggests, since these vaccinations currently are open clinical trials running double-blind with placebos being included–and call them “relatively rare” MacFarq-style, and rest complacent? Or shall we protect our children’s lives, our elders’ lives, our own lives by just saying NO to these lethal vaccines?

“What other product do we know of on the market,” asks Dr. Christiane Northrup in News Panel 17, “that would not be immediately removed off the shelves given the numbers of deaths, cases of paralysis, strokes, Bell’s palsy we are seeing, but a vaccine?”

Such is the diabolical power of the pharmaceutical industry that 1) the vaccines continue to be handed out 2) governments continue to push them and 3) recklessly endangering reporters like Neil MacFarquhar consent to promoting the COVID Psy Op on the American and world populace, without a care that the False-Narratives being promoted could actually lead to people’s blind trust being reinforced and result in their deaths or disability from these vaccines.

News Panel 17: Women’s Power in Humanity Rising : You Have to Stand Up to Stop the Tyranny and Crime | Use the Power of the Spoken and Written Word

The Fact is: People are Indeed Dying, Convulsing, Stroking After Taking the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca mRNA GMO Vaccines

The latest data, marking last week’s cumulation of deaths and disability recorded at the CDC VAERS website:

Mass Deception by Governments Promoting a Lethal Vaccine While Deaths Pile Up at VAERS, CDC Website

Desperate Attempts by Twitter and Facebook to Suppress the Deadly Truth About Pfizer & Moderna’s mRNA Vaccines as More Disturbing Videos of Disabling Vibration/Spasms/Coma & Deaths Post-Vaccine Surface

Newsbreak 107 | Feb 12, 2021 | Unsafe Vaccines in Light of Vaccine Injuries: Focus on COVID Vaccine Adverse Events & Deaths with Dr. John Reizer

Dangers of ALL Vaccines Highlighted as Deaths and Injuries From the Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines Pile Up

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Need to Be Halted Immediately: Increasing Evidence of Danger to Public Health

Do Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccines: Reports & Videos of Convulsions, Seizures, Palsy, Death Are Increasing

The perfidy of governments is daily being made evident in vaccine drives, lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports, business shutdowns and lies, yet Neil MacFarquhar, citing public-relations enterprises such as Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, Card Strategies, and Network Contagion Research Institute — whose cited “report” on “institutional distrust” and “viral disinformation of the COVID vaccine” warrants its own teardown shortly — projects a touching belief in the virtues of government as he uses the New York Times MO of dispassionate-observation-from-afar and recounts the awakened questioning of vaccines in deprecating tones, equating all with “far-rightism”: “Apocalyptic warnings about the vaccine feed into the far-right narrative that the government cannot be trusted, the sentiment also at the root of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.”

Readers of the New York Times would be far better served examining the raw data themselves and beginning to think on their feet about the dangers of these vaccines, and whether they truly want to visit death and disability upon themselves, as Mr. MacFarquhar’s irresponsible op-ed promotes. Stepping out of the false left-right paradigm promoted by shadow-government-run media and stepping far away from the False-Narratives run by the FBI on extremism and terrorism and striving to link those falsely with the clear analytical thinking of anti-vaccine enquiry might also help.


Worldwide Medical Tyranny in Finland Under COVID Regulations/Dr. Ariyana Love, Liberty Beacon

WORLD PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY! Stop Big Pharma’s DNA “Vaccine” Experiment!/Dr. Ariyana Love

Faith, Trust, or Science – The COVID Vaccine, Part 1 | Rachel Parsons, Vaxxter.com

Faith, Trust, or Science – The COVID Vaccine, Part 2 | Rachel Parsons, Vaxxter.com

Learn about the ingredients and intentions:

Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 1 – UPDATED 2-27-2021 | Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny, Vaxxter.com

Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 2 – UPDATED | Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny, Vaxxter.com

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

Report 199: Dr. Judy Mikovits: Corruption in Science, “Plandemic” Crimes, Grave Dangers of Vaccines


Latest Release of VAERS Data from National Vaccine Information Center website

NVIC’s Medalerts.org website which helps you run your own searches on VAERS Data

The OpenVAERS Project website, which also helps you run your own searches and posts summaries

UPDATED 26th March – How many people are the vaccines killing? | Dr. Vernon Coleman

Report 194: Dr. Andy Kauffmann: The Virus, The Test, The Vaccine–What People Should Really Know

NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

“Herd Immunity”? A dishonest marketing gimmick | JB Handley, Children’s Health Defense June 21, 2018

68-Year-Old Dies After Anaphylactic Reaction to COVID Vaccine as CDC Continues to Ignore Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths | Megan Redshaw, Children’s Health Defense, March 26, 2021

Health Impact News, March 28, 2021 | North Carolina College Professor DEAD After Johnson and Johnson COVID Shot

Health Impact News, March 28, 2021 | Entire City in Shock as Another Italian Professor is DEAD Following the AstraZeneca COVID Injection

Health Impact News, March 18, 2021 | 534 Dead 330,063 Reported Injured following COVID19 Experimental Vaccine Injections in the U.K.

The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Need to Be Halted Immediately: Increasing Evidence of Danger to Public Health

Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | February 5, 2021

New reports of deaths and horrific reactions of unstoppable convulsions directly after taking the COVID vaccines are increasing worldwide, signaling high danger to human health.

The experimental COVID Vaccines need to be halted immediately: While “Public Health” as a concept and operation has been historically co-opted by governments as a means to impose large-scale controls disguised as preventative or public-safety-centered health measures such as vaccinations, it is becoming increasingly clear to all observers now that the Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca & other mRNA vaccines are causing neurodamage and death and should be recalled immediately, as a matter of safeguarding large-scale human health or indeed “public health.”

This should be a no-brainer for all physicians who care about healing diseases as opposed to those locked to pharmaceutical industry benefits who are currently maintaining a strange silence as reports of vaccine deaths and injuries mount up.

New Reports of Neurodamage and Death Directly After Taking the Vaccine

Recent reports of high concern:

RN Kristi Simmonds Testifies Her Convulsions Started after she took the COVID Vaccine: MODERNA MRNA COVID-19 VACCINE VICTIM. PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THIS.. PEOPLE NEED TO BE AWARE!

(Note below video posted at Bitchute, Angel Realm/Quote: “Adam, [31.01.21 21:39] [Forwarded from 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚡 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚝 (𝙿𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌)] [ Video ] ❗North Carolina • Kristi Simmonds, RN is suffering from a neurological & overall physical reaction to the poisonous Moderna Covid19 experimental mRNA injection that she received January 19, 2021. In this video she posted yesterday January 30, 2021, Kristi’s goal is to reach someone that can help her with her injury, as the medical professionals & ERs she’s been to & consulted with cannot help her at this juncture. Original FB post:)

Health Impact News/Feb 4, 2021: 45-Year-Old Italian Doctor “In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health” Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead

Image: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/45-year-old-italian-doctor-in-the-prime-of-life-and-in-perfect-health-drops-dead-after-the-pfizer-mrna-covid-shot-39-year-old-nurse-42-year-old-surgical-technician-also-dead/

Dr. Carrie Madej: Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

The indifference of physicians and the need to halt these experimental vaccine rollouts is precisely what Dr. Carrie Madej highlighted in this interview at Ramola D Reports a few weeks ago, where she issued a call to all vaccine manufacturers to put a moratorium on these vaccines immediately since they clearly are a failure: the detriment to health post-vaccine–death, neurodamage, organ breakdown–is too high.

Watch Report 227/Dr. Carrie Madej at Bitchute & at Brighteon

CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Judy Mikovits: Not a Vaccine But Experimental Gene Therapy Causing Neuro Inflammation, It’s Illegal, It Should Be Stopped Right Now

Dr. Mercola has released a new interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, author of The Plague of Corruption and molecular biologist, virologist, who also says the vaccines must be halted immediately as we see these cases of death and neurological damage:

Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Judy Mikovits, 1/31/2021: How Covid-19 Vaccines may destroy the lives of millions/ COVID-19 Vaccination: Experimental Gene Therapy Under the Guise of Immunity? A Special Interview With Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. By Dr. Joseph Mercola

The full transcript of that podcast can be found here–many thanks to Dr. Mercola and Dr. Mikovits for this interview:


Dr. Judy Mikovits: …I’m just actually literally beside myself with anger over this gene therapy, this synthetic, as you mentioned, gene therapy chemical poison and what they’re doing worldwide. They’re already not just the potential to kill but, in fact, we’re already seeing the victims of the deaths from this shot that it’s not only – it’s illegal. It shouldn’t be done. It should be stopped right now. It should’ve never been allowed to happen, and yet we see it being forced on the school populations. That’s what I have to do, is I have to go talk at school board, talk at churches, talk at meetings. Do everything we can to stop the innocent victims who are being lied to in this fraud perpetrated even further than the fraud of SARS-CoV2 and what really COVID-19 is.

Dr. Mercola: Yeah, I think the media’s going to do everything they can to suppress the truth, and the truth is that people are starting to drop like flies.

Dr. Judy Mikovits gave a detailed presentation on the dangers of vaccines and the ingredients in vaccines recently on Report 199/Ramola D Reports, which can be viewed at Bitchute, since Youtube has now removed the posting there (to be uploaded elsewhere shortly):

Report 199/Dr. Judy Mikovits at Bitchute

As Dr. Mercola notes in his interview. mainstream media is criminally suppressing the truth about the deadly horrors unfolding currently with the COVID vaccine-administering while employing a fraudulent edifice of supposed “fact-checking” and “medical misinformation policy” to shut down all postings on social media, as noted recently in this article post removal of several videos posted at Ramola D Reports on Youtube:

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent.

Regardless, the rising number of reports of adverse reactions to this vaccine, collected by Dr. Vernon Coleman at his site as reported earlier here, and by Corona/COVID-19 researcher John Lukach here point to an absolute need to stop the vaccines immediately, as conscientious doctors recommend.

These doctors all say: Do Not Take the COVID Vaccine!/ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

These sites (linked in articles below) have posted collections of news reports on the deaths and neurodamage/organ breakdown/allergic reactions

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?/Dr. Vernon Coleman

Corona-Hoax, Had Enough Yet?/John Lukach

45-Year-Old Italian Doctor “In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health” Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead/Health Impact News/2/4/21

California Health Officials Call for Pause on Moderna Vaccine Batch Due to Reports of Allergic Reactions/Children’s Health Defense/1/18/21

329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show/Children’s Health Defense 1/29/21

Why are Governments, Public Health Departments, Media Outlets, and Social Media Companies Permitting this Atrocity and Censoring the Truth about COVID-19 and the Experimental, Deadly COVID Vaccines?

There is no doubt that the censorship is real and the suppression of the truth is extensive. Were it not so, we would not have public officials standing in front of podiums mandating mask-wearing and waxing enthusiastic about the COVID mRNA vaccines and focusing on how accommodating they are in rolling them out to all demographics and populations–while not saying a word about the numbers of people dropping dead, dying in nursing homes, dying after a week, going into major convulsions, unable to recover.

The facts, at this point, cannot be stepped away from. It is very clear from the public spectacle we are being treated to that governments, public health departments, corporate media outlets, and social media Big Tech companies are ignoring the true science and facts associated with the deaths and adverse reactions to these experimental vaccines, just as they have ignored the true science and facts associated with the dangers of masks, the detriment to children of prolonged lockdown and mask-mandates, the detriments to children and adults of extended online schooling and work, the detriment to businesses in being shut down and forced online, and the detriment to entire societies in being plunged into sudden house-arrest, removal from human social interaction, and forcible compliance to totalitarian directives invading every aspect of human life.

The historic facts, investigated, researched, published by many, including at this site point an unshakeable finger at an obvious conclusion: these government and public organizations do not care about science, facts, truth, and the great harm to humanity. In fact, they appear to be promoting Great Harm to Humanity.

The truth behind this shocking and horrifying stance is delineated online again by many astute researchers–irrefutable at this point, despite appearing as “conspiracy theory” to those indoctrinated by mainstream media (run by Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banks, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the hungry Roman & Khazarian shadows behind them all)–published here by Mike Adams of Natural News in August, 2020 points to the deliberate, eugenicist, depopulationist promotion of death-by-vaccine via suicide-via-vaccine:

The coronavirus vaccine is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine”/Mike Adams, Natural News

Depopulation has been a documented intention of the United Nations since its inception; the countries linked to the UN signed off on an international “health agreement” to roll out pandemic drills on their populations in 2020, as this writer exposed in a video which apparently went viral last summer on July 26, 2020:

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Newsbreak 81/At Bitchute and at Youtube

As people awaken to these unhappy facts, people–not governments–in every walk of life, including government service, need to take decisive lawful action to stop the criminal actions of the organized crime syndicates imposing these tyrannies on all.

Please share this information widely, so further deaths and neurodamage to humanity can be stopped by those of us who care about humanity and who care about preserving our human families and our human genome, currently under major attack.


Do Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccines: Reports & Videos of Convulsions, Seizures, Palsy, Death Are Increasing

CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

COVID Psy Op Needs to Stop Right Now: Children Are Dying From the Masks, Children Are Committing Suicide

NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Three

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part One

Do Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccines: Reports & Videos of Convulsions, Seizures, Palsy, Death Are Increasing

Public Notice | Ramola D | Feb 4, 2021

Increasingly reports and videos are being shared online on social media showing people having convulsions and seizures after taking the COVID vaccine. This is on top of all the reports of deaths fairly immediately–within 48 hours of taking the vaccine–or within 2 weeks.

Even one such report should be enough to halt these vaccine rollouts — in a world where rumors of E. Coli lead to retractions of spinach and rumors of COVID lead to mass culling of minks.

Instead we have Pfizer personnel shrugging off these reports and CDC personnel, FDA personnel, the US Surgeon-General turning a blind eye.

As Dr. Vernon Coleman rightly points out, these are War Crimes these doctors and nurses administering these experimental gene-altering mRNA, nanotech-laden vaccines are committing.

To top all, we have mainstream media refusing to report on these reactions or padding some reactions as “annoying but harmless.” And we have social media Big Tech removing videos, tweets, articles, groups, channels they consider goes against the WHO lie-line; in the process they are removing all notice of deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccines, and adverse events of any kind due to these vaccines.

Death and convulsions are anything but harmless. Please watch and share the video below widely, do not take the vaccine, do not let any of your family get the vaccine, and help inform friends and family about the dangers of this vaccine, which Dr. Carrie Madej has done much to warn the world about, and as 32 doctors and journalists in this video also warn the entire world about.

They are unanimous: Do Not Take the Vaccine.

Image: Doctors around the world issue dire warning: Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine!/Health Impact News

We need to pray also for the people who are featured in these videos, who are suffering continuous convulsions after taking the vaccine: Who will heal them?


Mainstream and social media who suppress this information are committing crimes against humanity as they bolster Big Pharma profits despite the horrific collateral damage we are all being made witness to now–and are becoming liable for the piling-up of vaccine injuries and deaths-by-COVID-vaccine–which latter are being reported at VAERS, ICAN, and the CDC: please visit Children’s Health Defense for the latest figures.

329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

It is literally up to each one of us to disseminate this information and inform others on these facts. Save lives, let others know.

Please share this post and the video widely.


CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Re-post of original article by Dr. Vernon Coleman , January 2021 | Report | Feb 4, 2021

Dr. Vernon Coleman has posted an article listing the reports of vaccine deaths and injuries–which Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and mainstream media in sinister, Pharma-supporting wise are suppressing publication of by removing posts, videos, tweets and deplatforming journalists and content creators for–and also made this powerful video appeal to point up the War Crimes of the doctors and nurses administering the experimental and hazardous mRNA COVID-19 vaccines while reports pour in worldwide of immediate deaths, paralysis, seizures, convulsions, strokes, rashes from the Moderna, Pfizer BionTech and other companies’ vaccines. Please explore these articles below and share this post widely to spread the word on how dangerous these vaccines are and hasten their being stopped. These vaccine rollouts which are actually non-consented-to clinical trials of dangerous gene-altering drug systems Must be stopped. –Ramola D


How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine:

1) Vaccine injury video deleted from Facebook
Vaccine Injury

2) ‘They’re dropping like flies’ – Courageous nursing home CNA speaks out.
Courageous nursing home whistleblower (video)

3) At least 22 residents dead in three weeks in Pemberley House, Basingstoke care home – ‘It is understood the outbreak started as residents began to have their coronavirus vaccines…’
At least 22 dead

4) X-ray technician dies two days after getting the second dose of the covid vaccine
Man dies after second dose

5) A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two who worked in paediatrics died at a hospital in Porto just two days after being vaccinated against covid-19
Portuguese health worker 41 dies…

6) Norway is investigating the deaths of two nursing home residents who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
Norway investigating death of two people who…

7) Chinese health experts call to suspend the use of mRNA-based covid-19 vaccines following the deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway.
Chinese health experts call to suspend Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine…

8) In Florida, U.S., a doctor died after suffering a stroke after receiving a covid-19 vaccination.
Death of Florida Doctor

9) A 32-year-old medical doctor suffered seizures and was paralysed after receiving the covid-19 vaccine.
Doctor is paralyzed after…

10) Fifty-five people have died in the U.S. after receiving covid-19 vaccines.
55 people have died in US after receiving covid-19 vaccines

11) A 46-year-old healthcare worker dies 24 hours after receiving the covid-19 vaccine but government says death is not related to the jab
A 46-year-old healthcare worker…

12) German specialists are looking into the deaths of 10 people who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
German specialists probing 10 deaths of people vaccinated against covid-19

13) Norway warns frail patients over 80 of vaccine risks after deaths
Norway warns….

14) Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination
Norway investigates…

15) Doctors in California call for urgent halt of moderna vaccines after many fall sick
Doctors in California…

16) Two people in India die after receiving the covid jab
Two people die…

17) Coronavirus vaccine put on hold as volunteer suffers serious adverse reaction
Coronavirus vaccine put on hold…

18) California pause some covid vaccinations after reactions
California pause some…

19) Thousands of covid vaccine injuries and 13 U.S. deaths reported
Thousands of covid…

20) Nursing home had zero covid deaths then it vaccinates…
Nursing home had zero deaths…

21) Baseball legend dies of ‘undisclosed cause’ 18 days after receiving covid vaccine
Baseball legend dies…

22) Woman injured by vaccine (Warning: disturbing video)
Woman injured…

23) Mother seriously injured by covid vaccine
Mother seriously injured

Those are just some of the possible deaths and injuries that have followed vaccination.

I have no doubt that the authorities will claim that these deaths were coincidental.

But let us remember if a patient dies within 28 days of being tested positive for coronavirus (and the test doesn’t mean that the patient even has the disease since most tests are false positives) then the death will be listed as a covid-19 death and the patient will be said to have died ‘with’ covid-19. So by the same token, it is perfectly reasonable to say that if a patient dies or falls ill within 28 days of being vaccinated then the death or illness was related to the covid-19 vaccine.

Will the mainstream media ever start recording these deaths or illnesses? Or are journalists going to continue to promote the official government line – and to deny, distort or suppress the truth?

Dr. Vernon Coleman | How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

How many people have to die before the media wakes up?

Other Important Covid Vaccine Information

1) AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 shot shouldn’t be given to people over 65, Germany’s vaccine committee reportedly says
AstraZeneca’s covid-19…

2) Covid-19 vaccine side effects world map
vaccine side effects

Personal experiences relating to the new covid vaccines (Very important. Please read and share)

4) Pathogenic priming in older adults yet another concern with covid-19 vaccines
Pathogenic priming …

5) Top coronavirus official warns that second dose of covid vaccine tends to cause even worse side effects than first dose
Second dose of covid vaccine

6) CDC: Anaphylaxis rate with covid vax 10 times greater than for flu shots
Anaphylaxis rate…

7) Warning: mixing coronavirus vaccines
Warning: mixing…

8) UK draws up plans to mix coronavirus vaccines
UK draws up plans…

9) Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel
Helsinki Committee…

10) 12,400 people in Israel tested positive for coronavirus after being injected with the Pfizer vaccine
12,400 people in Israel…

11) Australian vaccine abandoned over false HIV positive results
Australian vaccine abandoned…

12) More vaccine adverse event reports
More vaccine…

Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects

The pro-vaxxers like to tell you that vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. Even when they wouldn’t be considered safe enough to use as oven cleaner, the fanatics enthuse about them. Young people and those who know little about medicine or science, talk about vaccines with reverence because they’ve been indoctrinated into believing the pro-vaccine lies.

And the pro-vaxxers are lying, of course.

Vaccines cause a lot of illness and quite a few deaths and they don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. Governments around the world have paid out many billions of dollars to patients who have been made ill by vaccines – or to the relatives of patients who were killed by a vaccine.

Dr. Vernon Coleman | How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

There are, for example, grave doubts about what the covid-19 vaccine actually does. Since the vaccine is a new type of vaccine and is being given before the usual tests and observations have been completed no one knows what will happen to the people who have the stuff injected into an arm.

What side effects will there be? How many will die?

Well, I don’t know and nor does anyone else.

What if a woman is pregnant when she has the vaccine or gets pregnant after being given the vaccine? The vaccine isn’t supposed to be given to pregnant women but not all pregnancies are planned.

Will the vaccine interfere with essential life-saving drugs? Many elderly patients already take a number of prescribed drugs. Will the vaccine interfere with them? No one knows. The covid-19 vaccine is the biggest experiment in history. And, unlike a proper clinical trial, it is largely unregulated. As with all vaccines most of the problems which develop will never be reported or recognised.

It is estimated that in the U.S., only 1 in 100 vaccine side effects is reported.

The best we have is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes which the FDA has published in the US. (Here is the link to the draft working list)

Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

Guillain-Barre syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy, Birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non anaphylactic allergy reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Vaccine enhanced disease

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death.

And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list.

Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned.

Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill.

Dr. Vernon Coleman | How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial.

They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months.

Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.

But it would give some very interesting results so I doubt if they’ll be doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know.

Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2021

Home/Dr. Vernon Coleman’s website


CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D| Youtube, Twitter Remove Information on Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

Report | Ramola D | Jan 30, 2021

Last week, concerted attack from Youtube and Twitter at my (unmonetized, public-education) channel Ramola D Reports on Youtube and my Twitter page @EccEveryday targeted videos exposing the grave dangers of the mRNA COVID vaccine and tweets exposing the use of synthetic proteins manufactured from computer-generated codes for the mythical SARSCOV-2 virus, proven never to have been isolated, genome-sequenced-in-fact-and- reality, seen, photographed, grown in a petri dish, re-infected anyone, or otherwise proven to exist.

Youtube also went on a takedown spree shortly after, removing other videos of interviews with doctors currently speaking out on many other channels besides mine, including on their own websites and podcasts, published and posted earlier.

Videos Exposing the Grave Dangers of Vaccines in General and the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Particular Removed from Youtube

To date, these are the videos featuring doctors and science researchers removed from my Youtube channel on the subject of the mythologies built up around the COVID-19 imposed-and-fictional-pandemic, the dangers of vaccines in general, the grave dangers of the experimental, unsafe, ineffective, and currently-proving-to-be-fatal-and-casualty-producing mRNA COVID vaccine, as well as on the real science on the safety of masks, and the fact that the SARSCOV-2 virus–apparently like all viruses–has not been proven to exist via a full genomic sequence in reality, and is therefore not being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, raising the crucial question: What IS in the vaccine then, if not that much-touted-virus, if antibodies are intended to be produced, and immune systems are supposed to be provoked?

Also removed from Youtube recently and earlier are News Panel and Newswatch shows highlighting the rollout of 5G concomitant with clusters of COVID cases marked in those very spots of 5G rollout and the mass worldwide protests across Europe, USA, UK, Australia against the life-destroying lockdowns and shutdowns.

Report 228, News Panel 15

Newsbreak 105

Report 227

Report 222, News Panel 12

Report 216

Report 199

NewsWatch 4 with Seven

Report 168

These videos can now be accessed at Bitchute and Brighteon. Clicking on the images above (not all images active yet) will lead to a separate page with video links. Please pick up video links for the main Ramola D Reports video channels currently from the new Ramola D Reports Broadcast Center page.

Newswatch 4 with Seven has proved a particularly sensitive video apparently and has been removed from Brighteon where I had great difficulty posting it to start with. This is very odd because Seven’s own posting of this video at Brighteon has been permitted to stand at her own channel there. Currently, this video is posted online here at this site, and can be downloaded and uploaded to anyone’s channel worldwide, with accreditation and linkback to this site, copyright remains with myself/Ramola D Reports. I will try to upload the video at some other platforms shortly.

Youtube’s “Medical Misinformation” Policy Seems to Embrace Medical Misinformation, Promote Medical Fraud, and Suppress True Medical Information

What Youtube stated in their notes succeeding the removal of the last few videos is that these videos went against their “medical misinformation” policy and professed virtuously and revealingly that their allegiances here regarding information on COVID-19 lay only with the WHO and the CDC.

However what they are actually doing is remove any conversation with highly experienced and qualified doctors and medical researchers questioning that narrative and exposing the grave dangers of the COVID vaccine and the deceptions surrounding the entire imposed-fictional-pandemic.

The language being used does point to the reality of what they are doing: They do not allow “claims” about the vaccines which contradict anything issuing forth from local “health authorities” or the WHO.

My local health authority is myself, hence “health authorities” in quotes; to most of us, health care is a personal and private matter, and each of us has our own approaches, methodologies, and protocols whether it is home remedies from the kitchen, herbs from a herbalist or naturopath, homeopathy, acupuncture, a favorite Chinese medicine practitioner, native American medicine from the wild garden, traditional soups and foods, old European herbal teas, Ayurveda, a favorite physician we can trust, etc.

Ramola D | Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

As I acknowledged on one of my early reports on the imposed-fictional-pandemic from India last spring, my healthcare is not your healthcare. We each do things differently. I may like rose hip tea, while you prefer raw red peppers for a natural consumption of Vitamin C, for instance.

What is happening now of course (via Big Tech & Bought Media) is a desperate push by globalists and governments to forcibly standardize healthcare and demand that we all keep to one uniform protocol emanating it appears from sets of people in WHO and the local “Public Health Department” who do not examine the raw data in published clinical studies from Pfizer as Dr. Carrie Madej reports she has, the deadly ingredients in vaccines and the falsity of the PCR Tests as Dr. Judy Mikovits has and Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny has, the facts about the SARSCOV-2 virus as Frances Leader has, and are clearly publishing fraudulent information and instruction to one and all regarding both the mythical virus and the experimental vaccine.

That Youtube has removed all these profoundly important videos I find gravely concerning. A false-reality- construct has been created by the One World Government globalists, and it is being upheld by Youtube. (My channel on Youtube built up over the last 3 years reaches over 15,800 subscribers. The other channels have much fewer subscribers. Disclaimer: All figures are probably being manipulated and are false, but this is what I have to go on currently.)

Twitter Removes Posts Pointing to the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine, 5G, Synthetic Nature of the mRNA Vaccine, Vital Fact That the Mythical SARSCOV-2 Virus Has Never Been Isolated

Twitter has locked my account for a week now for posting this tweet, which points to Youtube censorship of the truth regarding the vaccine and the virus, and earlier, locked my account for a week for daring to speak candidly about the synthetic nature of the vaccine based as it is on a mythical virus which is acknowledged by all medical professionals to never have been isolated–both tweets below.

Again, the language used by Twitter here, which suggests that they are kindly removing information which might endanger people’s health succeeds in doing exactly the opposite: they are in fact removing critical information and commentary on a highly unsafe and experimental vaccine which in fact is what is endangering people’s health.

For confirmation of the dangers of this vaccine, please see the videos linked above (at Bitchute/Brighteon), see the news reported daily now on deaths and vaccine injuries from the mRNA vaccines, and stay up to date on the numbers being reported even by the CDC on deaths and damages.

Screenshot/CHD Article from 1/29/21

NewsWatch 6 Reports on This Situation & The Grave Dangers to Everyone’s Health of Ignoring Crucial Information Regarding an Experimental Vaccine & a Never-Isolated Virus

While the tearing down of videos, websites, pages, and channels which numbers of broadcasters and journalists report currently is going on, pointing to massive censorship by the now phasing-out channels Youtube, Facebook, Twitter in clear intent to protect a massive false-narrative worldwide, I think it is important to note these takedowns individually and remark on their implications.

Freedom of speech and expression is under attack.

The publication of critically important truthtelling is under attack.

False-narratives are being protected.

False-reality-constructs are being shored up.

People need to make some efforts to search online to find the truth on any given subject, most especially this one, on the vaccines and the virus connected to COVID-19.

All this and more, including the huge protests in India of the proposed Farm Bills (to be covered separately shortly)–taking away grain-selling-rights from millions of small farmers in India and handing them over to centralizing, grain-grabbing billionaires--are discussed in this Newswatch, recorded last night, to be uploaded at Bitchute, Brighteon, and other channels shortly, but which can be watched from the linked page below now.

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D | Youtube, Twitter Remove Information on Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine


CODE RED: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death: Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide