Category Archives: COVID-19

Billions and Millions: Moderna and NIH Make Deals Behind the Scenes as New Variants Steal In

Note & Op-ed | Ramola D | August 23rd, 2023

As a new round of (false-claim) Corona Panic starts up again in America, with whispers of Eris going around, variantly decimating millions to come, and Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel makes the Massachusetts Billionaire list again (like Moderna in general, and Pfizer, et al, having made billions already off COVID or the vaccine or both), and fixations aim to begin on masking, sheathing, desisting from breathing, it may be a good reminder to all to stay focused on the real story: the Exposing of the Harms of these vaccines, which appears to have swung into new rounds of wheelspinning this year as much as the last and the one/s before.

On EG.5 and Eris

EG.5 Initial Risk Evaluation, 9 August 2023/World Health Organization

What to Know About the New Dominant Covid Variant/NYT/August 11, 2023

As the new Eris Covid variant spreads across the world, here’s what we know so far/CNBC/August 15, 2023

New Covid vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax will likely protect against Eris variant/CNBC/August 18, 2023

At the March 22, 2023 hearing held by the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pension, Senators Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul and others questioned Stephane Bancel on COVID vaccine hikes (to $130 a dose), airing the concept of Conflict of Interest and surfacing the industry downplaying and disappearing of heart disease findings in adolescents post-vaccine.

A hearing requiring its own further dissection, this one shows Senators questioning the overnight billionaire with some intelligence.

Chair Senator Sanders’ opener starts with a taxpayer focus on the price hike reported widely earlier in corporate media: “We are looking at an unprecedented level of corporate greed and that is certainly true with Moderna today–according to a recent survey, 37 percent of the American people could not afford the prescription drugs their doctors prescribed, got that–over one-third of the American people can’t fill their prescription drugs that the doctors prescribe, meanwhile 10 major pharmaceutical companies made over a hundred billion dollars in profit in 2021, a hundred and thirty seven percent increase from the previous yield in these same corporations; the 50 top Executives made over 1.9 billion dollars in total compensation in 2021 and are in line to receive billions more in Golden parachutes once they leave their companies. In other words all over this country, in Vermont and in every state represented here, people are getting sicker and in some cases dying because they cannot afford the outrageous cost of prescription drugs while these companies make huge profits and the executives become billionaires.”

Persisting in his pleas to M. Bancel to consider lowering the price of an upcoming booster, Chair Senator Sanders was nevertheless rebuffed by prior allegiances to profiteering.

CDC’s OpenVAERS Data

In this context therefore it is interesting to note that mention of the overall numbers of CDC-reported (and other-reported: MHRA, UK’s Yellow Card scheme, et al) deaths and disabilities from the vaccine, often covered here over the past couple years, still marked at Open VAERS (although seen to diminish across the last two years as, no doubt, the vaccine too began to change its profile) was carefully skirted.

Earlier explorations by this writer of the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines have included a conversation with Rutgers University’s Dr. Shobha Swaminathan, a Principal Investigator on clinical trials for Moderna, who spoke then of further phases of clinical trials to come and suggested the CDC (not researchers) be questioned on VAERS reports of the deaths and injuries post-COVID-vaccine, something surely every journalist should be working on with diligence.

Report 270: Moderna Trials Principal Investigator at Rutgers, Dr. Shobha Swaminathan Endorses COVID Vaccine Safety while Numerous Physicians Prof. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Elizabeth Eads Cite Vaccine Dangers & Urge Against Vaccinating Children

The DARPA-NIH-Moderna Nexus

Unwittingly revealing more than he probably wished to, Stephane Bancel admitted to handing NIH $400 million essentially, it appears, to help bring in the next wave of pseudo pandemics (via novel variants or known “viruses”), as Senator Rand Paul questioned him closely on the dangers of the COVID vaccine in relation to its particular harms in the realm of myocarditis for young adolescent males in the age range 16 to 24.

This handover was widely noted at the time, and reported by Moderna in its quarterly financial report although it is perhaps less clear what the purpose is behind it. The reminder of the interplay between NIH and Moderna in the development of the mRNA vaccine, ownership of the patent for which has been in much dispute made for a cornerstone moment. Senator Paul’s remarks as also Senator Sanders’ examination of the subject from both ends, NIH and Moderna, invite every American parent watching to investigate further.

The notion of Conflict of Interest takes on new meaning when billions are in play obviously.

When the Government (DoD) awards billions of dollars to a (gene-based) vaccine company annually to buy millions of doses of a vaccine and then accepts millions of dollars for a vaccine technique their own (NIH) scientists helped develop, then handing over said technique back to the company to do with as it wills, while the company avers the Government knows best as to how that money will be used, and clearly new “viruses” and vaccines are being planned, by both parties–in a long saga of “pandemic preparedness” to come–then who exactly is the “governor” here and who the “customer,” is it likely this pantomime will ever end?

A key to the immediate rollout of new vaccines for the next set of variants, modulated by category (of what kind precisely needing further investigation) is M. Bancel responding to Senator Sanders: “This is not the same product. We used to have ten doses in every vial. Now every vial will have a different dose.”

Given the intentions, openly published, both at this hearing and elsewhere, of mRNA technology’s applicability to other drug and cancer treatments to come, as well as other variants to come, the question of how these treatments are going to be personalized or use targeting modalities becomes of special interest.

Reminders from Defense and Health on Moderna’s rise

It becomes requisite to read between the lines really, when the manufacture of viruses and vaccines both spring from an immaculate melding of military and multinationals professing keen interest in the One Health of billions, and the Continuation of Government and Industry is found to be a long-scripted saga replaying itself in the halls of Congress–something some are only now waking to.

A cursory examination of Moderna contracts with the US Army and Defense over the past three years tells us a lot more about entrenched corporations and systems, about what we can expect to see mildly pull back in the next few years and what intends to stay.

Contracts For June 21, 2021 | Contracts for July 29, 2022

DoD Awards $1.74 Billion Agreement to Moderna, Inc. to Secure Over 65 Million Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine for Fall Vaccinations | July 29, 2022

HHS and DOD Statements on FDA Authorization of Moderna Vaccine/December 18, 2020

Variants and Viruses, Biowarfare and Biosecurity

Billions for Boosters–Moderna & Pfizer Cash Out Big on Global Marketing Fraud, Fuelling Beta, Gamma, Delta Variants Amid Mask & Vaxx Mandates, Fantasy COVID Forever While American Children Die from Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines

Screenshots from the CDC Website:

Military laboratories working in the realm of biowarfare (to create “viruses”) and contractually with Moderna to create vaccines put some of this in plain sight. Brigadier General Michael Talley of the U.S. Army Medical Research And Development Command (USAMRDC) and Fort Detrick, Maryland offers this tidbit about Army scientists at USAMRDC and Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) at an Army medical conference:

Their efforts have led to significant advancements in science and the development of medical countermeasures to protect and treat against infectious diseases.  Today, as we move at top speed in the fight against COVID-19, the work being done by our scientists at both laboratories are yielding promising results.

“At USAMRIID (USAM Research Institute for Infectious Diseases), they’ve been safely replicating the virus to support countermeasure development.  Meanwhile, the team at WRAIR has designed a unique COVID-19 vaccine candidate.” –Brigadier General Michael Talley, USAMRDC

Question Clinicians and Research Scientists Both

Two takeaways from this brief look at what Moderna’s up to in Massachusetts and DARPA ditto while folks at NIH and Washington DC dream of delivering new COVID vaccines to every child in every country worldwide (Pandemic Preparedness to the fore): the Government’s sailed into this mix with new fervor it’s clear, while “personalized” and “targeting” gene-based “therapeutics” are making their way into homes through the usual mandated or propagandized means–it’s up to parents to start saying No to vaccines more vociferously, and looking into what exactly is in these vaccines, which are clearly beginning to proliferate, not shut down.

Parents could start by interrogating their Primary Care Physicians and pediatricians, with some insistence. Medical professionals–and managers–must learn they cannot steamroll people into compliance–or ignore queries for information–without being held accountable for their words and actions.



Millions in COVID-19 Test Contracts & Pandemic Plans Signal Escalating Build-Up of Testing, Vaccine, Pandemic Industry in Treasonous DARPA/WEF Hybridizing Humans Agenda: Reject The Tests & Vaccines Both

Newsbreak 144: Pam Popper Explains How Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Caved to Lawsuits And Retracted Vaccine Mandates While Fraud at the FDA and Pfizer Opens the Door to Liability Lawsuits Likely to Topple Big Pharma for Good But Also Lead to Major Social Ripples

Bombshell: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer Scientist, Deep-Sixes COVID Vaccine at World Council for Health’s 66th Assembly: Reject Genetic Vaccines, Reject Digital ID, Reject Digital Currencies to Prevent Human Enslavement

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: European Members of Parliament Expose Pfizer’s Lies on Vaccines Stopping Transmission, Fake Vaccines Used for Show By Politicians, French PM Macron Included; Canadian Dr. Hodgkinson Reveals 20 Million Dead from Vaccine, 2 Billion Injured

BREAKING: US Media, US Govt, CDC, and FDA Corruption Revealed As FOIA Documents Show HHS Widely Paid Media to Blindly Promote the Deadly COVID Vaccines while Pfizer Paid FDA 2.8M to Expedite EUA | Death-by-Vaccine Continues

Pfizer’s Military Connections, and Moderna’s Too–mRNA Vaccines Come from DARPA and Seem to Be Operating as Neuro-Bioweapons, as per Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s Description

“Pandemic Preparedness” and the Defense-Health Infrastructure Behind It

Plans for Preparedness or “Pandemics”? A Brief Look at the “Global Health Security” Industry

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

“Global Health Security” Versus AI-Run Digital Health: Does the WHO, European Commission’s Partnership Respect Human Rights or Aim for Cerebral Internet Cyborgism?

WHO and Central Bankers’ Impending Pandemic Treaty to Establish Global Fascism at Speed | Reclaim Your Sovereignty

Bombshell: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer Scientist, Deep-Sixes COVID Vaccine at World Council for Health’s 66th Assembly: Reject Genetic Vaccines, Reject Digital ID, Reject Digital Currencies to Prevent Human Enslavement

Note & Links | Ramola D | Nov 23, 2022

Riveting testimonial and urgent advice from Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer scientist in the Respiratory and Allergies unit at the World Council for Health’s 66th General Assembly to wholesale reject the genetic vaccines, reject all attempts by governments and central banks to roll out digital IDs and digital currencies, and recognize the great harms to all humanity, present and future if we do not refuse these first steps to digital enslavement.

Red Voice Media and Vigilant Fox cover Dr. Yeadon’s confessions about the vaccine here:

The whole World Council video can be found here (video link below) and is a must-watch for everyone, worldwide, especially those unsure about the meaning of digital IDs and digital currencies–some of us know they are a surefire way to take everyone’s rights away at blinding speed, since the intention is to link these to a social credit scheme where Communist “handlers” can define what you can eat and when, who you can speak to, and what you can say, matters Dr. Yeadon addresses with “If they tell you you can’t buy meat and eggs without a digital ID, forget the meat and eggs and Refuse the Digital ID because it will lead to only worse infringements on your rights”:

“There is no Public Emergency,” he stresses, “governments are doing this for their own ends.”

“This is not just about money – although money is involved; it can’t be about just control but more control – movement across every threshold and every transaction you do will be controlled.” The matter is urgent, he emphasizes, powerful urgency you can hear in his voice. “Many of the players you see—Gates and so on—have an interest in desizing the human population…many of these very old families have a vision of taking people in the direction of totalitarianism, transhumanism, depopulation—they have planted people in governments, media toward this end.”

“There is no Public Emergency,” he stresses, “governments are doing this for their own ends.”

“This is not just about money – although money is involved; it can’t be about just control but more control – movement across every threshold and every transaction you do will be controlled.” The matter is urgent he emphasizes, powerful urgency you can hear in his voice. “Many of the players you see—Gates and so on—have an interest in desizing the human population…many of these very old families have a vision of taking people in the direction of totalitarianism, transhumanism, depopulation—they have planted people in governments, media toward this end.”

World Council for Health’s coverage is here:

Dr Mike Yeadon: Why the Depopulation Agenda is Real (

Please share this video and information widely!

Children Excessively Harmed | The COVID Vaccines MUST Be Halted

Repost & Links | Ramola D | November 15, 2022

This is an ongoing story which needs continuous frontline coverage, and many worldwide are beginning to address this publicly but those running the vaccine horror show have not budged–to the rest of us, this is beyond outrageous: Why haven’t the vaccines been halted? Especially for the children!

Dr. Jessica Rose addresses the issue of more and more vaccines disguised as boosters

–and this is just about what is being done to the immune system with the continuous efflux of spike proteins into the system (never mind the graphene is the implication perhaps: and this is because many Board-licensed and in-the-public-eye doctors are refusing to publicly address the findings of graphene and numerous other metallic and parasite components of the mRNA vaccines under spectroscopes and optical and electron microscopes–which they absolutely need to!):

Dr. Robert Malone explains how children are being affected by more and more vaccinations in a War Room video posted by The Vigilant Fox:

“These Are Stunning Numbers’: 1 in 4 Children Unable to Perform Daily Activities After 3 COVID Inoculations

Dr. Robert Malone: ( “And this is from 4362 participants who completed the survey between December 9, 2021 and August 21, 2022.”

Interestingly, in the recent publications and exposure by a new public figure on the media circuit who appears to be an establishment scientist from a pointedly named University–Professor David Hughes of Lincoln University–of what has been found in the vaccines by “at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis”–26 being the number Z of recent Regulation Z-exposure fame–which Dr. Robert Young, one of those 26, an expert whose work propelled this subject to the fore acknowledges here, there appears to be a slow turning of the tide–and a curious consent to exposing “Deep State criminality” a primary feature of this media site since its inception in 2014:

What is In the So-called COVID-19 “VAXXXines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity!/David A. Hughes Ph.d, published at Dr. Robert Young’s blog

Professor David A. Hughes, Lincoln University, author of: WHAT IS IN SO-CALLED COVID-19 “VACCINES”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity/International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research

Vaccines are killing children, giving children heart attacks, damaging their hearts, being found dead in their beds–Why are they still on the market, asks Vaccine Safety Research Foundation in this video which highlights the incredibly deceitful ads glorifying child-use-in-experimental-trials by Pfizer, New York Presbyterian, Columbia University, and Weill Cornell Medicine–heart of the Luciferian Venetian Crown 33 Club permitting these vaccines to remain on the market:

“Still making a profit while pretending to pay attention to harms to children” seems to be the motto of the very dark deceitful P-Harma Brigade from the netherworld.

There are many many many reports, videos, articles published currently on what is happening to the children–including the rather major story of the Argentinian child used as a poster boy for the vaccines now dead from the vaccines–and I will aim to add to this post, going forward, but please start focusing intensively on saving the children now–hope for the common future of humanity–all else being discovered about the vaccine links back to this center.

Sara Haboubi 🦖Old Fashioned Dinosaur Woman on Twitter: “The world is a sick and twisted place. That little boy didn’t make the decision – his parents and the medical staff did. Horrific. RIP” / Twitter

Mohammed Khan on Twitter: “Argentina’s poster boy for vaccinations has “died suddenly”. RIP, little one.” / Twitter

Santino died, the boy who starred in a vaccination campaign: they denounce abandonment of the hospital (

Children’s Health Defense/Child Vaccine Injuries UK/Dr. Mike Yeadon reminds us the entire Pandemic was a lie, and our children must be primary:

“If I Perish Attempting To Avert This It will be fine. It’s About My Children And Grandchildren”

Dr. Henry Ealy reminds us the CDC is in Harma’s pocket: Meet the 15 CDC Members Who Voted to Add Deadly COVID Shots to Kids’ Vaccine Schedule – America Out Loud

And here’s the list, from the CDC ACIP page online: ACIP Membership Roster | CDC–Writing to them to let them know what you think about their actions here may be a great idea:

Previous Posts:

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Report 270: Moderna Trials Principal Investigator at Rutgers, Dr. Shobha Swaminathan Endorses COVID Vaccine Safety while Numerous Physicians Prof. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Elizabeth Eads Cite Vaccine Dangers & Urge Against Vaccinating Children

Dr. Robert Malone, Creator of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Advises All Parents Strongly Against Vaccinating Children with COVID Injections

Public Health Holocaust: Worldwide, the Vaccinated Are Suddenly Dying | Six Canadian Doctors Dead | Eleven Italians Dead at the Beach | 818 Athletes Dead, 1225 Cardiac Arrests | Children & Babies Are Dying

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Mass Sterilization (and Deaths) of Children and Youth with Toxin-Laden COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines is Underway; Doctors Plead for a Halt: Pregnant Women and Children Must NOT Get the Vaccine

Billions for Boosters–Moderna & Pfizer Cash Out Big on Global Marketing Fraud, Fuelling Beta, Gamma, Delta Variants Amid Mask & Vaxx Mandates, Fantasy COVID Forever While American Children Die from Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines

News Report 3 | They’re Playing Russian Roulette with Child COVID Vaccines | 12 Primary Reasons Not to Inject Your Child

Candid Conversation on Ongoing World Lunacy Vs People Awakening to True Health, Surveillance & EMF/Neurotech Targeting Crimes, Pharma Harms, COINTELPRO, Neighborhood Stasi in the US: Giuseppe Vafanculo/Perfect Triangle with Ramola D

Video post and links | Ramola D | October 10, 2022

Last Friday night Giuseppe Vafanculo, journalist, radio host, holistic practitioner, musician and songwriter who runs the show The Perfect Triangle hosted a conversation with me on a number of subjects, current affairs to esoteric and spiritual; it was lovely to have an open and candid conversation with someone attuned to the lunacy of what is going on inside the USA and worldwide across the board from the vaccine harms and deaths, targeting crimes, Psychiatrist and physician complicity in entrapment-harassment operations run by the covert ops contingent (seeking to keep their EMF Tech/Neurotech targeting, operation, and experimentation crimes concealed)–as reported in my several interviews, articles, and press release related to the unlawful Psych-Grab run on me in April 2022 (which I am still addressing in journalistic reportage and the law).

False Psychiatric Labels a Mega Crime Which Needs Further Reportage

A primary aspect of this Local Police-run Psych Grab on a journalist reporting police, military, and Intelligence crimes was to get corrupt psychiatrists to stick a false psychiatric label on the reporting journalist — in attempts to shut down the very necessary human rights, whistleblowing, and advocacy journalism I do: a subject I will not stop writing and speaking about.

As I said to Giuseppe during the show, there is no way I am going to sit back and let corrupt physicians and psychiatrists affix false psychiatric labels on me–for the daring “crime” of reporting the “delusion” of definitive EMF Technology assault which several police, military, and Intel parties are engaging in-– I am working on an affidavit, a statement, and much else to follow on the reportage I have already done on this matter and the letters I have already sent to various parties, including the local police, the local ambulance service, the hospital, the health insurance people, all of which will be published shortly.

The crimes committed on me are identical to the crimes committed on millions of people, hundreds of whose stories I have reported on.

It is time to halt this madness–Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Law Enforcement, and Mental Health departments are engaging in extreme crime when they attempt to disappear a reporting journalist of crimes against humanity with false psych labels.

I will be glad to speak openly on this subject with any journalist, any alt or indy media, anywhere in the world who wishes to interview me on Fraudulent Psychiatry and Complicit Law Enforcement/Emergency Services to conceal the use of Anti-Personnel Spectrum/EMF/Neurotechnologies on civilians, please email me at

Livestreamed on Friday night, now posted at The Perfect Triangle and posted here by permission:

Watch on Streamyard:

Visit Giuseppe’s website and listen to his radio shows here:

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Thousands of Doctors Worldwide Convene to Declare International Medical Crisis & Call for Immediate Suspension of All COVID Vaccines

Report & Links | Ramola D | October 4, 2022

Thousands of doctors worldwide have rallied in the last few weeks to meet, hold press conferences, publish or sign a Medical Crisis Declaration, and call on their colleagues in the medical profession to examine the evidence with them and join their call for an immediate suspension or halt to the COVID vaccines–referred to by many as gene-therapy injections, not really vaccines.

These doctors join the thousands who have spoken out earlier in 2021, made videos, appeared in podcasts, interviews, and conferences calling early for a halt as Vaccine Injury databases began to record deaths, heart attacks, and strokes, and blood clotting damages began to be scrutinized with intent by cardiologists, pathologists, and research scientists.

Today these databases are recording the deaths of children, the young, sudden deaths across age-groups, and the deaths of athletes, while many analysts speculate it’s millions currently dead from the vaccines, not thousands, as the VAERS/MHRA Yellow Card/EudraVigilance databases suggest.

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs/Oct 25, 2021

Screenshot from article:

Medical Crisis Declaration

The doctors and scientists who have come together to formulate this statement declaring an unprecedented international medical crisis cite the many alarming facets now seen to be associated with the COVID vaccine such as excess mortality in all countries where the majority of the population have been vaccinated, sudden rise in deaths among young people, rise in miscarriages and perinatal deaths, and adverse side effects which include permanent disability.

The declaration calls for thorough investigations of the deaths post-vaccine and of interactions between ingredients of the vaccines as well as molecular, cellular and biological vaccine-effects. Recommendations include compensation and psychological help for the afflicted, early detection programs to address cardiovascular issues, as well as research and treatment for all who have experienced adverse side effects.

The Medical Crisis Declaration can be found here; as of date, 22,628 people have signed, thousands of these being doctors and scientists from the world over.

Several doctors have made videos, posted here and at Odysee and Rumble.

Indian Doctors Conference Discussed Vaccine Damages and Called to Stop the Shots

A group of Indian doctors recently held a conference online on Sep 10, 2022, to publicize the Medical Crisis Declaration then signed by physicians from 34 countries, alerting India and the world to vaccine injury from the COVID injections as they called for all authorities to stop the shots, covered at the Universal Health Organization and Awaken India Movement.

Their press release announcing the conference — with more information — is here.

The livestreamed conference is at Facebook and posted below.

World Council for Health Press Conference/Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, Says the Vaccine Must be Suspended

Link to Newsroom link at WCH: Newsroom (

The World Council for Health held a press conference recently where Dr. Malhotra, a UK consultant cardiologist, presented his experience and findings encapsulated in a recent peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, where he was joined by Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist from the United States, and Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director of E-BMC Ltd and EbMCsquared CiC and member of the WCH Steering Committee.

The WCH press release for this event with links to much information is here.

Dr. Malhotra’s call for a suspension of the mRNA vaccine until serious side-effects are fully investigated comes after an initial support for the vaccine when it was first rolled out and a current turnaround after his very healthy father (72) died suddenly with clogged arteries after the shot.

Dr. Malhotra does not seem to be against all vaccines–indeed, his comments during the conference suggest he has not explored the entire subject of vaccines very deeply–but he does critique the base set-up of the pharmaceutical industry which is fixated on delivering profits to its shareholders and not on anyone’s health, and reports the recent admissions from Lancet and other medical journal editors that a whole lot of scientific fraud pervades the medical journal (propped up by Pharma) landscape, with over 50% of what’s published being false.

““We must use this as an opportunity to transform the system to produce better doctors, better decision making, healthier patients and restore trust in medicine and public health. Until all the raw data on the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines have been independently analysed, any claims purporting that they confer a net benefit to humankind cannot be considered to be evidence based.”

Dr. Ryan Cole presents some rather compelling slides with his presentation, sharing his analysis that the spike protein is found all over cells in the body while displaying samples of the very long and rubbery amyloid clots found in deceased people who were vaccinated.

Unfortunately, Dr. Cole, like various other prominent physicians currently speaking out does not make reference to the graphene findings and other metallic and parasite findings in the vaccines and vaccinated blood, which have been covered extensively here (list of most articles/podcasts at Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs) and will continue to be covered.

The only reason the shots are not being stopped worldwide yet is that we continue to live in an inverted world where corporations keen on profit run governments–as noted here, it’s people now who need to rise and stop their families and communities from being harmed by these non-vaccines: All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Please share this information widely.

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Billboards, Signs, Papers in Ireland Warn of Scientific COVID Fraud, Dangers of Vaccine, Great Harms of Digital Reset

Brief Report | Ramola D | September 27, 2022

People worldwide are awakening to the nefarious world agenda of Global Communism and Techno Digital Slavery which numerous well-funded and fiat-propped world organizations and government corporations are continuing to build, publicize, and issue notice of, but which cannot be allowed to go forwarda situation which makes it necessary for everyone to get informed, and help raise public awareness of on an ongoing basis. Please share this report culled from Twitter posts in the last couple days widely.

Display Billboard in Ireland Alerts Citizenry to Harms of Vaccine and Great Reset

A display billboard in Ireland — posted on Twitter a few days ago (video below)– warns people about the fraud of the COVID tests and vaccine side-effects while publicizing the failure of the official Health System in Ireland (HSE), the failure of Irish Corporate Media (RTE) and the protection of pedosadists and pedophiles in high places by media such as RTE:

Digital Weapons for A Silent War/The Irish Light

Also circulating currently is this powerful video clip (below) of Gemma Doherty, investigative journalist and editor of the new Irish Light paper, presenting an issue of the paper titled Beware the Future, which covers the planned Digital Weapons for Silent Wars:

In this clip, Gemma relays that the Irish Light paper, published in conjunction with the Light Paper UK, is being distributed all across Ireland and can be subscribed to online for a print copy if you live in Ireland:

Published to address the deadly failure of mainstream media to accurately inform the public, this issue of the Irish Light (Beware the Future)–based on content from The Light Paper, UK (links below)–covers the pressing issues of harm to the people represented by the COVID vaccine, the Big Harma hold over governments and media, and the “Great Reset” into complete slavery intended by manic billionaires with a psychopathic bent and armies of paid minions (who are assisting in the reckless scaffolding of their own demise).

Screenshot/Sep 27, 2022/The Irish Light Paper, Website

Gemma Doherty:

“In this issue we have so much information about what the real agenda is — the digital weapons for the silent war they are inflicting on the Irish people. All of the information they are going to need about the Digital Prison that they are going to exist under if they do not stand up and resist it now — The implementation of a digital currency–And that is why the Irish People must use cash as much as possible–24/7 surveillance, Automated vehicles that they will be able to control remotely: You will no longer be able to get up in the morning and decide, This is where I want to go — This is about the complete removal of your freedom which is required for them to implement their Great Reset….”

Gemma Doherty of The Irish Light paper/Posted at Bitchute/Philosopher’s Stone.Info pureblood Sep 25, 2022

The Light Paper, based in UK can be found here:

The Light’s Beware the Future issue can be found here:

Protests in Dublin Over Inflation

People in Dublin are out on the streets today protesting the rising cost of living as food and energy prices soar all over Europe and the US–a situation everyone in the West is soon going to need to address as winter approaches. This is from a rally on Sep 24.

More coverage on the energy crisis in Europe to follow.

Please share widely.

German Scientists Report Toxic Metallic Matter Found Via Microscopy & Spectroscopy in All COVID Vaccines; Rouleaux, Foreign Objects, Micro Clots in Blood of the Vaccinated; Call for Immediate Halt to the Vaccines

Report | Ramola D | August 25, 2022

A team of German and Austrian scientists, researchers, and journalists has published a report summarizing their findings succeeding much research on the contents of the vaccines and the effects in the blood of the vaccinated, finding the same alarming metallic toxins, foreign objects, and blood clots reported by other scientists such as the La Quinta Columna researchers, the Scientists’ Club, Dr. Andreas Kelcker, Dr. Andreas Noack, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Robert Young and others (much reported here: Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs and in numerous podcasts at Ramola D Reports video channels).

All screenshot images here are from the report, posted below in PDF as well.

In a press release dated July 5, 2022, they call for an immediate halt to the vaccines which continue to produce deaths and disability worldwide in the tune of hundreds of thousands, possibly, at this point, millions, in what many see clearly is a genocide or democide in action.

Using a number of technical tools, “Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Mass Spectroscopy (MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Analysis (ICP), Bright Field
Microscopy (BFM), Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) and Live Blood Image Diagnostics, as well as analysis of images using Artificial Intelligence,” they report finding undeclared toxic elements in all vaccines they examined, mostly metallic, of different size, of complex structure similar to what they have also found in the blood of the vaccinated people they studied as well as a correlation between the stability of the lipid nanoparticles and increase in incidence of adverse reactions to the vaccine. They discount the interpretation of these inclusions as random contamination from the vaccine manufacturing process.

“We Ask That the COVID-19 Vaccination Programs Be Discontinued Immediately”

Noting that their analyses of the vaccines are supported and cross-validated by similar results found by other researchers, they call for an investigation into the possible causal links between the vaccines and fatalities and issue an unequivocal call for a halt:

“In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the COVID-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately.”

This July 5 press release and report was recently reported by The Epoch Times here and has brought renewed attention to the pressing subject of the toxic vaccines now known to be causing huge numbers of deaths and injuries worldwide: Public Health Holocaust: Worldwide, the Vaccinated Are Suddenly Dying | Six Canadian Doctors Dead | Eleven Italians Dead at the Beach | 818 Athletes Dead, 1225 Cardiac Arrests | Children & Babies Are Dying

Commenting on the fact that public prosecutors and governments have not intervened to halt the vaccines they note that no other vaccines have produced the number of injuries these have:

“The fact that this experiment continues to be carried out with no sign of being stopped; the fact that there has been an unprecedented number of adverse reactions and injuries from these so-called vaccines; the fact that national statistics around the World demonstrate an unmistakeable excess mortality in the wake of the respective vaccination programmes; the fact that no public prosecutor’s office has yet intervened in this matter, although the deadly effects of these programmes are already obvious; the fact that critics of the programmes have been publicly defamed, ostracised and economically ruined – all of this makes us shudder. This is why, contrary to the customary practice in science, we have decided to protect ourselves by remaining anonymous as authors of this report.”

–Foreword, Summary of Preliminary Findings, Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis

All Four Major Vaccine Brands Were Examined

The following vaccine brands were examined:

 AstraZeneca
 BioNTech/Pfizer
 Moderna
 Johnson & Johnson
 Lubecavax
 Influspit Tera

Metallic Toxins Found in AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna

The primarily metallic elements found in vials from AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna belong, they report, in the following categories:

 Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K),
 Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba),
 transition metals: cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti),
 Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd),
 Mining group/metal: aluminium (Al),
 Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material/slide),
 Oxygen group: sulphur (S)

“Among the metallic particles that were detected are cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)), rare earth metals such as cerium (Ce) and gadolinium (Gd), barium (Ba), caesium (Cs), aluminium (Al), but also silicon (Si), sulphur (S), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca). The size of the particles varied from 1 μm to 100 μm.”

Included in the report is a medical discussion of how these metals act and interact in the body. Caesium and barium for instance can disrupt the role of potassium in cells while chromium produces toxic effects like nausea.

Poisonous Antimony Found in Moderna

One very striking finding is the discovery of antimony in the Moderna vaccine, and the notation that the kind of effects it produces such as nausea, vomiting, headache, ECG changes have all been noted post-vaccination.

Toxins Galore in All Vaccines: Anomalous Objects, Lipid Crystals

Crystalline Structures in Moderna

Pfizer Vaccines Uniformly Show Large Numbers of Unusual Objects: Not Impurities Therefore

Multiple Toxins in AstraZeneca Sample: Silver, Sulphur, Cobalt, Cerium, Gadalinum

Foreign Objects and Rouleaux in Blood

Correlation Between PEG Lipid Stability and Increased Vaccine Reactions

Videos Showing the Movement of Foreign Objects in the Vaccine and Blood of Vaccinated

Report: Summary of Preliminary Findings

Clear Changes and Worrying Signs in the Blood of the Vaccinated

Especially concerning, the scientists note, is the fact that distinct changes have been found in the blood of vaccinated people they looked at. Red blood cells are deformed, strange structures in spiral and rectangular shapes clog the blood–and could occlude or obstruct capillaries, stopping blood flow–cells rouleax into stagnation, and micro clots are visible.

“The blood from vaccinated patients (specifically those having had either the BioNTech/Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines) stands out mainly because of the following differences:

 Novel structures (Figures 3, 4 and 5) that we have previously only seen in the vaccines themselves directly (sealed vaccines were analysed, at least 3 batches with over 12 vials), e.g. rectangular and square crystal shapes, spirals, etc., these kinds of structures have never been found in human blood before. These structures were most frequently found in the Comirnaty vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer
(size up to 25 μm, erythrocyte has approx. 7.5 μm diameter) (Figure 4, 2nd row left).

 There is a clear deformation of the cell membranes of erythrocytes, which we otherwise only encounter in chronically ill people and people with severe degenerative diseases (Figures 4, 2nd row left).

 Blood clots, lamellar structures that can occlude small vessels (size up to 40 μm), are also frequently seen. The blood viscosity (reduced flow capacity of the blood) in vaccinated people is significantly elevated. We normally only see this evidence in people who are at risk of stroke or thrombosis (Figures 4, 2nd row left).

 Observation of the decomposition process (blood from healthy people can live actively on the slide for days) shows a rapid progression, the blood sometimes only lives for a few hours.

 However, the decay processes of erythrocytes, so-called ghosts/erythrocyte shadows, can also be seen at the beginning, which we normally only see in patients with severe chronic inflammatory processes and chronically ill patients (Figures 2 to 5).

 What is striking is that one does not necessarily have to know whether the patient has been vaccinated or not. This can be recognised by the conspicuous changes in the patient’s blood. From our experience with numerous patients, we should like to report that there are clearly significant dissimilarities in the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The microscope does not lie.”

Traveling Terror: Blood to Lungs to Anywhere

The scientists also conclude that the persistence and mobility of the structures visible under the microscope suggest they could travel to anywhere in the body–and cause havoc anywhere.

“The images of the blood of vaccinated people are very worrying, particularly because no one knows to
where the body is transferring these structures. It is known from environmental medicine that heavy metals, for example, can enter the connective tissue and the brain. In the case of vaccines and the technology that they use, we are forced to conclude that these substances can spread throughout the whole organism.”

Dangers of the COVID Vaccine Addressed by Numerous Scientists and Researchers

1250+ COVID Vaccine Publications and Case Reports | by React 19 | Jul 9, 2022 

Wayne Allyn Root: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around the World Proving the COVID Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Healthcare Disaster in World History

Detox Everyday

Many doctors and naturopaths recommend detox protocols to use everyday for all who have taken the vaccine and who recognize the need to evict the metallic toxins and lipid capsids and all else. Some are listed here: How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails & Vaccines in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

Also see:

Newsbreak 136 | Life-Saving Information: Dr. Young Discusses Vaccine Damage and Powerful Detox Protocols

News Panel 21: Detox from the mRNA & Nanotech in COVID Vaccines, Neural Dust & Nanometallic Particulates from Aerosols/Chem Trails, Cleanse Your Pineal Gland with Clean Slate & Natural Remedies

Report 231 | News Panel 16 | Feb 7, 2021: Rejuvenation and Detox: Restoring Health & Vitality with Dr. Marina Carew


Riveting & Powerful: Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee Apprised by Dr. Peter McCullough of Dangerous Numbers of COVID-Vaccine Deaths, Injuries & of World Council for Health’s Appeal for Global Recall of all COVID-Vaccines

Wayne Allyn Root: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around the World Proving the COVID Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Healthcare Disaster in World History

Newswatch Live 2 with Dr. John Reizer: No Virus for COVID Has Been Isolated, Mass Hypnosis via Media/Govt Psy Op Fixated on False PCR Test is Underway–Intent? To Push Dangerous RNA/DNA-Altering Vaccines, Boosters on All

Please share widely!

New Zealand Rises to Rally Against Government Tyranny | NZ MP Dr. Gaurav Sharma & Journalist Anna Fifield Expose Jacinda Ardern’s MO of Manipulating Information to Disinform and Disempower Citizens | Sir Russell Coutts Joins Protest

Report | Ramola D | August 23, 2022

Thousands of New Zealanders rallied with signs and chants outside Parliament in Wellington today, protesting the endless and excessive mandates and restrictions issuing forth from the New Zealand government: mask mandates, vaccination rules, quarantine rules and lockdowns which have painfully affected lives around the country.

The rally was organized by Freedoms and Rights Coalition — Telegram LInk:; Website:

Airlines scrambled to cut people off from getting to Wellington:

Meanwhile recent New Zealand news exposes Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government of running an Orwellian Disinformation and Restriction operation reminiscent of Brave New World and 1984, says Dr. Gaurav Sharma, an MP suspended currently for his apparently forthright and candid views revealing that the “Transparency” winners in New Zealand are in fact Transparency losers.

Journalist and Editor Anna Fifield speaks openly of government arrogance in shutting journalists down from doing their jobs and cutting off access to the so-called experts behind the Jacinda Ardern policies of everyday tyranny served with a mask. Sir Russell Coutts, famous New Zealand yachtsman describes why he has dropped support for government restrictions, pointing out that ridiculous rules like forcing people to wear a mask in restaurants while walking to the restrooms and forcing schoolchildren to suffocate inside masks warrant his protest.

Dr Gaurav Sharma claims dystopian levels of manipulation from the Government/Newstalk/August 19, 2022

When did our public service get so arrogant? | Anna Fifield, 5, 2022

Post in Telegram:

New Zealand has been excessively despotic and idiotic in its restrictions, as the whole world has noticed. This clip from the UK is from January 2022:



Meanwhile the NZDSOS New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science have informed the New Zealand police and government of increasing deaths from the COVID vaccines, and advised parents to do their research before giving their children this death-producing vaccine.

Urgent Message to Parents Considering the C-19 Vaccine for Children/August 23, 2022/NZDSOS

Matador Films | Uninformed Consent: Documentary on the Truth Behind COVID and the Vaccine Pushers

Video Link & Repost from Matador Films | Ramola D | August 19, 2022

Watch the official public release of Matador Films new “Uninformed Consent” documentary, presented by and Vaccine Choice Canada.

An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it, and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet.

Please consider supporting the filmmaker by pressing the SUPPORT button below.

Still from the film:

The film explores how the narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man’s tragic loss.

Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.

“This film reveals that we have been massively deceived by our own governments, public health, and mainstream media.” – Ted Kuntz – President – Vaccine Choice Canada

“Can’t wait for this movie to come out. Crude propaganda “crisis of the uninjected” followed by censorship, reprisal and totalitarian brute force on the people. I say bring it on!” – Dr. Peter McCullough – Internist & Cardiologist – Professor of Medicine

“Todd is a brilliant filmmaker who has a unique way of exposing the devastation to families from the mandates.” – Odessa Orlewicz – Partner –

“Uninformed Consent is the most scientific and factual TRUTH to come out of Canada in the last 3 years. If you are a parent, this should be on the TOP of your viewing list. It is TRULY an eye-opener. Everyone needs to see this film!” – Amanda Forbes – Children’s Health Defense

“This is the most powerful documentary of the Covid era.” – Sherri Strong – Children’s Health Defense Canada

Featured experts include Dr. Chris Shaw, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Author Alan Cassels, and many more.

Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films. Please support here: (

Share this film – Our future depends on it!


Interview from Rebel News with Todd Michael Harris:

Premiere with Q and A panel, from Children’s Health Defense:

Greg Hill, Free to Fly | Inspiring Call to All to Stand Up | “We Are in a Battle for Our Future”

Repost of Video | Ramola D | August 15, 2022

This video call to action including to law enforcement in Canada from a Canadian pilot and military veteran, Greg Hill, co-founder of the organization Free to Fly, is inspiring and reminding to all to stand up and pursue the truth and speak out against the wrongfulness of vaccine record checks and vaccine mandates for pilots and passengers alike.

Greg Hill, Co-Director, Free to Fly

As airlines shut down thousands of flights (one story here) and pilot vaccine injury becomes more known — vaccine-injured pilots, aka vaccinated pilots are not safe flying planes as many incidents of cardiac arrest during flight make evident.

Meanwhile restrictions to fly mount. Pilots are fighting back.

Screenshot, Free to Fly

Visit Free to Fly for more information.


Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition | URGENT, ESSENTIAL: Oppose FDA Approval for Shots in Babies and Infants. New Deadline June 13th | All International Public Can Participate. Full Instructions Here