Monthly Archives: September 2014

Speak Out Against Endless War in Iraq and Syria/Needless Torture of Animals

Many peace groups tell us it is still important to write to Congress and make our views known this week, even though the US has started bombing Syria and Iraq–Congress is still accountable to us, and we must continue to hold Congress accountable.

New please-sign links today, to petitions from Roots Action (for Win Without War & World Beyond War), and (for University of Wisconsin alumna doctor’s petition against torturing baby macaques)–please see the Peace/Not War and Living Beings pages to click on petition links.

From World Beyond War:

Watch World Beyond War director David Swanson oppose the latest U.S. war on U.S. television here.

If you’re in the U.S. join our friends at RootsAction and Win Without War in registering your opposition here and here.

If you’re in England join our friends in the Stop the War Coalition protesting in London here.

A protest is being planned in Washington on Thursday as well. CodePink should have the info soon  here. (This is past.)

Let us know about any other events anywhere in the world and we’ll post them on the World Beyond War website.

Take this opportunity to introduce others to the World Beyond War movement and encourage them to sign their names and get involved at

There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

Sign the Declaration of Peace.

The Global Chemtrail And Geoengineering March That Will Change The World

The Global Chemtrail And Geoengineering March That Will Change The World.

Why is Geo-Engineering Not Being Talked About Openly?

What do the geo-engineers have to hide? Spraying for supposed “geo-engineering” which dumps thousands of tons of nano-particulate heavy metals and dangerous chemical compounds into our atmosphere, right above our heads — ostensibly to engage in “Solar Radiation Management” (yes, that would suggest Managing the Sun) and into our yards, our streets, our houses, our lungs, our children’s lungs — happens in broad daylight. Anyone can look up into the sky and see the spraying. Just don’t look for it on the News.

Look-Up (Flyer from

These days the spraying is becoming creative. Thin white trails that taper off. Spraying over oceans and spraying over rural areas and spraying at night so the wind brings the dispersed aerosol in the form of thick metallic haze over cities and towns the next morning. Metallic haze that covers the sun, everyday, whether there are clouds or not in the sky. Billowing aluminium clouds which block the sun.

Take a flight today on a commercial airline inside the US–and probably out–and you’ll see a narrow stream of whitish effluent ooze out from a nozzle on the wing. No, that’s not exhaust. It’s not water vapor. (See filmed in-air spraying, from Dane Wigington, of Geo-Engineering Watch.)

What are the geo-engineers so afraid of? Why are they not speaking openly about this? Why are meteorologists on news stations silent? Why are climate scientists professing concern about climate change yet not acknowledging the part “geo-engineering” has to play in changing our weather patterns and creating drought?

Is it because they have embarked on a path that is infinitely deleterious to humanity? And they know it?

These videos featuring interviews with doctors and farmers, among others, reveal disturbing scenarios of what this aerial spraying is doing to our children, our earth, and ourselves. For more information and for flyers to hand to friends and neighbors, please visit and and and  This is one of those things we need to speak out about! To everyone we know, and everyone in positions of government in our vicinity–at county, state, and federal levels. Geoengineering Watch has a whole bunch of resources and ideas for anyone concerned enough to take action on this.  I hope to post some action links soon, to letters and petitions. Meanwhile, if you know a meteorologist or climate scientist, you might want to ask them: why are we all not talking about this openly and publicly?

Why in the World are they spraying?

Vitamin D Deception

What Chem Trails are doing to your brain

Ebola, Cholera, Black Lives, Created Viruses, Bio-Weapons, Eugenics, and Pandemics–all Coming to America?

These articles linked here point to all sorts of issues with the current Ebola scare worldwide–seriously, is Ebola a manufactured GMO? Is the vaccine set to destroy and depopulate rather than restore and return health? And how pointed is it that cholera devastated black lives in Haiti, and now Ebola is devastating black lives in Africa?

Finally, many observers note Ebola is surely headed to America–and could be the tipping-point or excuse for the final engendered collapse, and the Administration’s establishment of martial law. Dave Hodges spells out this horrific vision.

I’ll close with a final link though that’s a lot more hopeful–Vitamin C as curative, on which there’s much information online, and also quite some controversial rebuttal. A doctor responds to the controversy below.

From the Black Agenda Report, an article by Peter James Hudson and Jemima Pierre: Ebola, Cholera, and the Epidemiology of Anti-Blackness–or, Black Lives Don’t Matter

From The Sleuth Journal, by Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology from Liberia: Ebola and AIDS manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals and US DoD?

From the DC Clothesline, an article by Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show: The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near

From the DC Clothesline, an article published yesterday by Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show: How Ebola will Irreversibly Transform America.

From Dr. Thomas Levy of Natural Health 365, an article touting the powers of Vitamin C versus dubious vaccines: Surprising Solution for Ebola Virus.


Why I Started This Blog

“Some of us have imagined we live in a democracy. We do not….But some of us are waking up. We are finding what is wrong with the world. We are going to make it right. We are learning that we live by each other, and that the life for each other is the only life worth living.” Helen Keller, 1913

The short of it is: I started this blog because over the past 3 years of signing petitions, calling and emailing Senators, and learning–to my horror– through a hundred non-profits sending action alerts to my Inbox what is going on in the country and the world in the areas of campaign finances, unemployment, poverty, environmental degradation, sonar blasting in oceans killing whales, humans killing and eating whales, oceans dying off, hundreds of species becoming extinct, ongoing cruelty in factory farms, GMOs and cancers, neonicotinoids and other pesticides finishing off our pollinators, corporations selling water in colonially-exploited countries, human slavery all over the world, human trafficking, weird and exotic “non-lethal” weapons being manufactured, neuroscience hacking the brain and unethical neuroscientists sticking neuroimplants in unsuspecting patients, the undiscussed dangers of cell phone and microwave radiation, weird weather events and their connection to military experiments, fracking and earthquakes, chem trails and geo-engineering, bioweapons, nanotech, microchips, dubious vaccinations, endless on-and-on wars and weapons development and sales, microwave weapons being used covertly on citizens, mass surveillance, censorship of journalists, persecution of whistleblowers–Manning/Drake/Snowden, Guantanamo, mass mind control technologies already in use, civil rights being rolled back by the bogeyman of “national security,” Fukushima, and other such, I have come to two major conclusions:

1) Signing petitions, emailing and calling Senators, writing letters to the editor, physically showing up to speak out or hold a sign at a rally or protest–these things Matter Hugely, and make a Huge Difference. All around us, change is happening only because ordinary citizens like you and me are speaking out and signing their names to an online petition, or leaving a public comment on some government agency website. And using Facebook and Twitter and everything else to get the word out matters too–for the mere repetition of a positive action creates ripples, and reinforces in consciousness what is possible, and what can change. Especially now, with mass surveillance and mass censorship and mass repression looming, we need to be, en masse, perhaps paradoxically, but exponentially needfully, unafraid to raise our voice. Signing Petitions Matters.

2) If you and I do Not speak out, protest, sign petitions, spread the word, and take action Now to save our oceans, our atmosphere, our country, our food, our water, our democracy, I am certain we are doomed to lose our basic rights and freedoms, our children’s futures, and our planet. There are huge mechanisms–of corporate, military, financial, and government creation–ranged against us, and they are working everyday, with their huge funds, their arsenal of rolled-back laws, their clutch of “classified” operations, and their downright disregard for the everyday working citizen, to undermine us. We are living in a time when our democracy is hanging on a thread. All those conspiracy theories we thought hovered on the far fringes of the Internet–or certainly many, many of them–turn out to be actual conspiracies, and true. This is no longer a normal world. With the advent of high-technology–in every field but especially Applied Physics–Telecommunications/Radiology/Nanotechnology/Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence/Cybernetics and Biology–Neuroscience, Neuropsychiatry, Microbiology–we are living in a world gone crazed at high speed for power and control over all the Earth’s resources, including humans. Ethics has fallen by the wayside. Every one of us needs to wake up and speak out!

And there are many ways of doing this, for sure, and staying in touch with what bigger groups are doing and supporting them is one way. That is what this site is all about.

I’m aware that not everyone is signed up by email with a hundred non-profits to receive Action Alerts and sign a petition, and also that full-time workers probably don’t have the time–which is why what I hope to do here is share those action alerts online, so anyone can check in here and take action via links, anytime. I will organize by subject, so one can pick and choose, and my aim is at least one everyday post. Additionally, I will share news of interest.

And, if you want the longer, slower version as to why I’m impelled to do this, here it is:

Quiet Quincy

Over the last couple years, after we moved up to the Boston area from Washington DC in the summer of 2011, I have been working mostly from home on various writing projects, editing a literary journal, and running creativity workshops and summer camps in art, science, and writing for children, as well as working at local academic institutions nearby.

I’ve had a real taste this way of the quiet, lazy feel of the South Shore; I’ve enjoyed the ambience of living in a “settled” hundred-year old neighborhood in Quincy filled with stately, long-lasting oaks and maples, gentle and genteel neighbors, mostly older, with the occasional friendly young family with kids, a diverse mix of Irish- and Chinese-American families, the usual scurry of backyard bird life woken by the occasional inland-straying seagull, and above all, daytime quiet.

Interspersed with daily dog walks round the neighborhood there have been fairly frequent forays down to the water at Wollaston Beach, or Squantum Beach, or along the canoeing channels of Merrymount Park and by Black’s Creek near Caddy Park, and driving down to Weymouth and Braintree for my daughter’s piano and gym classes. Quiet, sleepy, placid, slow, laid-back, relaxed, easygoing are words I might have used to describe both the South Shore and its residents back then.

Crazed Quincy

This unfortunately is no longer the case. Over the past year, things have changed dramatically in Quincy.

Now, police sirens scream night and day down the once-quiet streets, including the main streets Newport Avenue and Hancock and, in my neighborhood, the close-by Harvard Street–and I mean, quite frequently, as if a thousand criminals were driving hellfire down the South Shore with trusty Quincy cops in high pursuit–and fire engines also shriek fairly often as they clang and roll by, often on quiet walks down winding sidestreets where no hint of burning houses can be seen, to add to which EMS trucks and vans also clog sidestreets and main streets, using sirens and trundling urgently by, as if the number of accidents or emergency medical calls had somehow increased overnight. Daytime quiet therefore no longer exists–there has been a dramatic escalation in the use of sirens, and it continues. This absurdity–especially absurd in its contrast to previously-peaceful Quincy–is clearly contrived. The local police have been incentivized to act like crazed patrollers of a criminal town. To add, if anyone’s noticed–all across the country, police cars and sirens have changed–they are outfitted with dozens of lines of blue lights now, their siren whoops and hollers now, rather than emitting a single round call, and the whole vehicle buzzes and shakes and whoops and dazzles as it flies by–bizarre? You bet.

Traffic also has changed. The roads of Quincy are now clogged with gigantic SUVs, Hummers, large pick-up trucks, and military-style pick-ups with menacing metal frames over the truckbed, large trucks of every kind, and frequent clogging of roads with roadwork trucks, even when there is no roadwork in sight. Starting in Fall 2013, traffic lights suddenly increased in duration. This has not abated. Traffic lights are noticeably longer, which means the long lines of cars with engines chugging, releasing masses of dirty exhaust into the atmosphere at lights are longer, and drivers–the usual Bostonian highway bellicosity notwithstanding–are markedly more belligerent, frequently tailgating, cutting off directly in front of cars, and crowding like swarming bees on highways.

Just to add, aircraft once routed elsewhere from Logan International fly buzzily down the South Shore, in frequent, unceasing drones, joined by peculiar small craft and helicopters which fly into, around, and over suburban neighborhoods, often staying aloft over specific areas and houses for noticeably loud periods of time. (To this end, please see my still-ongoing FOIA request to the FAA regarding small aircraft on, the ensuing correspondence, and sadly, the unrevealing outcome.)

There are other aspects to the current craziness ongoing in Quincy–having to do with neighborhoods, communities, “fusion centers,” deliberate noise harassment practiced by communities, the military in neighborhoods, covert use of military “non-lethal weapons” on “targeted individuals,” citizen informants, and illegitimate Intel investigations–all of which I am learning are nationwide and sadly NATO-nation-wide phenomena, which I’ll touch on below, but cover more fully in a separate post another day.

Chem Trails, Geo-Engineering, Ethics, Activism, & Vast Cover-ups

Last fall, while walking our dog on a sunny October day, I happened to look up and notice a series of white trails criss-crossing the blue sky. They were being made by planes flying down and across in what seemed like a peculiar pattern. That was my first introduction to “chem trails” or what is termed “geo-engineering” in more scientific parlance, both terms I discovered after Googling “criss-crossing white trails in sky.”

Chem trails, I have found, are an ever-expanding mystery. But they are a vital piece in this puzzle, and this blog will focus on unravelling what they are all about, among other concerns. Folks wiser than I who have been researching them for years point to all sorts of aspects of their intent and purpose, more on which later. (But check into and meanwhile.)

At the time, I discovered merely that a great deal of what is in the white effluent released by planes overhead is disastrous to human and earthly health: massive amounts of heavy metal nanoparticulates, consisting of (toxic) aluminium, barium, strontium, various other metals, mutated viruses, molds, fungi–all supposedly designed to provide aerosol’d ions for the seeding of clouds to cover the sun, in an attempt to “reduce global warming,” and coyly titled Solar Radiation Management. This stuff is in nano-form–meaning super-small, small enough to be breathed, swallowed, ingested–and it is: we are breathing this fallout; it sweeps down in rain and wind and enters our lungs, our earth, our organically prepared soil in our organic gardens, our organic fruits and vegetables. It burns holes in leaves, destroys roots, and encourages the attack of tree fungi–I could see this on my walks: trees covered in green mold, breaking branches, dried bark, leaves blackened, with black and orange and yellow spots on them, in some cases burnt through into holes. It enters our bodies and makes us ill. It causes–or becomes a causative factor in– respiratory illnesses, and all the creeping illnesses of dementia, arthritis, varicose veins, arterosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc., which, some say, manifest from accumulations of inorganic debris in veins, arteries, nerves. It causes breathing problems in non-asthmatic children, as I have witnessed and heard about, on school playgrounds.

Yet there is no public, mainstream-media discussion of the horrors of geoengineering fallout–why?

There are however, many concerned sites discussing this phenomenon, among them. On their advice, I wrote to my Massachusetts Senators, Quincy City Councillors, the Quincy Mayor, and local State Representatives. I copied this letter to the Boston Globe and the Quincy Patriot Ledger. No-one wrote back except two State Reps, one elaborately explaining leaf-damage as fungal, and perfectly normal, and one Senator, asking for a written letter. I will detail this further in a separate post.

Around this time, I also raised the issue of ethics in a school childcare operation at my child’s school, and corresponded with Amnesty International regarding a Write for Rights campaign they were running.

Apparently I was sticking my neck out, one way or the other, and was attracting the attention of those who apparently have no use for writers, activists, or anyone expressing ethical concerns of any kind–and who, Snowden informs us, are everywhere now, in our workplaces, our Universities, our children’s schools, on School Boards, in libraries, in YMCAs, in airlines, NSA in plain clothes, operating as illegitimate oppressors in plain sight, yet concealed by seemingly innocuous facades as civilians.

In less than two weeks, mayhem arrived at my Boston-suburb neighborhood. A plethora of SUVS and cars, strangers watching me, non-stop surveillance, stalking by car and foot, and on the streets, everyday, harassment on the roads. In addition, I was treated to the mainstream-suppressed, c/overt 24/7 assault on my person of microwave and radio-frequency radiation via 21st-century remote-controlled “non-lethal” neuroweapons or Directed-Energy Weapons (DEWs) using Remote Neural Monitoring technologies, used clandestinely by joint operations of a military/Intel/civilian cartel in neighborhoods, in a gigantic cover-up operation that is, as of September 2014, still not acknowledged by mainstream media, elected Representatives, or major human rights organizations. (See New World Wars: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control, by Mark Rich.) However, again, there is plenty of information on this on the Internet, many groups around the world striving to expose and fight this horror and crime, and alternate media sites covering this phenomenon. I learned from my research that I had apparently become a 21st-century COINTELPRO “targeted individual” and that the pleasures of being a subject of clandestine weapons-testing and clandestine neuroscience- and neuropsychology-probing via Defense-funded research in Universities and hospitals were now also mine. In addition, very shortly after, local Fusion Centers moved in like sharks on my neighborhood, co-opting neighbors into a massive noise and color-harassment campaign which continues–each time I step out, and each time the covert-neuroweapon-wielding maniacs zipping up and down our streets well-above the speed limit fail to “lock on” to my person with their remote-controlled radio-frequency probes. Not long after, I learned I had also become the subject of an illegitimate “investigation”–an FBI investigation? a criminal investigation? –by corrupt government agencies intent on securing the suppression of my writer/activist voice–and the subject of bizarre slander and innuendo in my local communities; my research once again pointed to bogus investigations being “opened” on various people, as a direct mechanism of suppression; ex-FBI agent Mike Germain, for instance, speaks of this in videos on Youtube. Mark Rich and others detail how activists are targeted for oppression, which includes deliberate slander and defamation campaigns, illegitimate FISA letters, bogus FBI investigations which go on forever, and the casual, obviously unethical selling of humans (passing on names and accepting kickbacks) into nonconsensual, unethical research and experimentation programs run by Universities and hospitals in tandem with Defense grants, today, in 2014–all covered up by “classified” labels and secrecy laws. Does this stuff sound savory yet?

Now it seems, in the US (and elsewhere), people of every stripe, in every community, easily incited by falsehoods fabricated and spread by the local arm of the DHS–the fusion center, the Neighborhood Watch–and swayed by a badge, a Government seal, Government letterhead, and false files, consent easily to become part of the massive citizen Stasi that has been covertly but insistently sweeping across America. Perhaps they are told they are “fighting terrorism” or “protecting the Homeland.” Perhaps they are told the person they are acting against is a “threat” to their community. An “extremist” or an “anti-American.” They are certainly being lied to. For, even educated as (some of them) are, they think nothing to step out in stores, in businesses, in soccer fields, in restaurants, in gyms, in local communities of every kind to play the parts of watcher, surveiller, disruptor, noise-harasser, color-harasser, conversation-repeater, echo-creator in petty, hostile actions aimed against certain “targeted” people, often with the most self-righteous looks on their faces–not realizing they themselves are being manipulated in vast social-engineering networks designed to control and subjugate people, and that they are themselves part of vast Artificial-Intelligence and cybernetic experiments surreptitiously being run by Intel and military in collusion with Universities, again, with the intent of managing, controlling, subduing, and deceiving whole populations. See Robert Duncan’s The Matrix Deciphered for more.

How could this be happening in America? But it is. Something Orwellian is going on, globally, but especially here in the US that only people who are paying attention–via alternate media–are aware of. Something to do with a scarcely-believable manic, psychopathic, elitist plan to depopulate, subjugate, and establish a global fascist government charmingly titled a One-World government, using the horrors of 21st-century science and technology to forcefully acheive their aims.

Again, I will post more on all of this later–this whole subject of New World Order military/corporates setting out to establish control over populations surreptitiously, covered extensively online elsewhere–and will post links to this information as well. I include this subject–COINTELPRO state-sponsored and citizen-co-opting terrorism in 2014 in the USA–on this website, as a common concern for all citizens of this country to address.

Frankly, I do not refer to myself these days as a “targeted individual,” nor do I see myself as a victim. What has arrived at my doorstep is completely symptomatic of the deterioration and decay of our society–the slide downward in our government from a flourishing democracy to a surveillance- and censorship-obsessed totalitarianism which promotes psychopathy in high places. It does not define who I am–but perhaps is directly responsible for my intention to expose the criminality and corruption it embodies.

America (the USA) has changed

America has changed, and not for the better. But that doesn’t mean we accept it.

With every ounce of who we are as a thinking, feeling human species, we need to resist this totalitarianism whose ugly face we are seeing more and more around us–in Ferguson, in the US government’s nonchalance toward Gaza, in the militarization of police nationwide, in the imposition of corporate dominance in every arena, be it food, air, water, “solar radiation management,” or anything else. This is not who we are as Americans. This is not the America we signed up to live in. We, the people of America, who live and work here, who take pride in community, in peace, in equity, in justice, in helping, not hurting, in creating friends, not enemies, in being open, not covert, in sharing and caring–we need to take our country back from the corporations intent on ruining us.

In the words of the immortal Helen Keller, who was fighting corporate oppression in the time period before, during, and after the First World War: Some of us have imagined we live in a democracy. We do not….But some of us are waking up. We are finding what is wrong with the world. We are going to make it right. We are learning that we live by each other, and that the life for each other is the only life worth living. A new light is coming to millions who looked for light and found darkness, a life to them who looked for the grave, and were bitter in spirit. We are part of this light. Let us go forth from here shafts of the sun unto shadows. With our hearts, let us see, with our hands, let us break every chain. Then indeed shall we know a better and nobler humanity.”

Podcast: As Congress Buys Into More War, CODEPINK Becomes the Conscience of America

Peace, Not War

Climate Change and Climate Engineering

So today’s historic–the day of the big climate march in New York and more than 2000 other co-ordinated marches worldwide.

Here are two news sources offering coverage on climate change and describing some of the reasons behind climate concern.

The first of these is Nation of Change, which offers live video from Democracy Now on the march, and all the UN-centered coverage on the importance of creating global change in this arena.

The other is, which is sounding the alarm of deliberate, undercover climate engineering globally, some say a UN-related Global Governance measure that is destroying the environment worldwide while aiming partially to control climate change. Geoengineering however is still being kept under wraps, as many Watch sites note–see also

Is the climate justice movement–focused on global warming–missing something essential related to the deliberate destruction of our environment, via geoengineering? In other words, is the mayhem in climate events we’re experiencing everywhere directly related to geoengineering? (Which is deliberately not covered by mainstream media.) You decide.

The Everyday Concerned Citizen: a site to get info, take action, make change happen

The Everyday Concerned Citizen is a site for the everyday working person to easily get info & take online action in the ongoing campaign to revive & restore our country–the USA, democracy, & world.

This site started as a Facebook page, and is currently active there. Here’s the link:

If you are someone who cares about what is happening everyday in the US, and want to take online action to make change of a positive sort happen–whether it’s to stop fracking, or save the Arctic from oil drilling, or save manatees in Florida from motorboats, or right whales from harpoons, or children and women from trafficking, or stop incessant wars in different parts of the world, join us! Become part of the community on Facebook–and check in here as the site unfolds.

On Facebook and here, the ECC is a site to post petitions and news articles, and to inspire change in our world.

This site truly hopes to support all the wonderful non-profits and individuals who are already making positive change happen. If this describes you, and you would like your petitions to be posted here, please send me a note at

If you’d like to be involved in building this site, also do send me a note!

ECC is founded and run by Ramola D (,,, a writer who believes we can make positive change happen by everyday adding our voice to movements and gestures for change, whether in art or activism.  I’ll post a page soon detailing a bit further why I am starting this site, and what it personally means to me. Meanwhile, please drop in at the About page for a little more information. And I promise to post some meaningful info soon!

Until then:

Stay inspired! Stay engaged! Take action everyday!