Category Archives: Climate Change

Kevin Galalae Calls On Humanity to Help Stop Global Depopulation Genocide: This is a Time to Stand Up and Be Counted–So Stand Up

by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted June 16, 2016

(Images of Rome below taken from Hunger Strike Prayer videos, filmed by Rupert Quaintance)

peace without poison cover1Kevin Mugur Galalae, who recently completed a 60-day hunger strike in Rome this May and June at the Vatican, protesting the Global Depopulation policies of essentially genocide being implemented by the United Nations, the Vatican, and multiple country governments, and whose hunger strike and work have been covered here earlier, is a Canadian human rights activist, author, journalist and historian, who offers this biographical information below. He was born in Romania, grew up in Germany and is a naturalized Canadian since 1990.

Over the past five years, Kevin Galalae has successfully challenged the military-industrial complex and the security apparatus of the international world order by exposing and shutting down in 2010 a pan-European covert program of surveillance and censorship of universities. He has defended the independence and authority of the European Court of Human Rights and has advocated for judicial reform at the international level and in his own country.

Due to his criticism of the judiciary, he has come under attack by the institutions responsible for the administration of justice in Canada and has had to defend himself against false charges and manufactured evidence, as no Canadian lawyer has the courage to challenge the corruption of the legal establishment. He has sued the governments of Canada and the UK at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR) and the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) for violations of fundamental rights.

He is also an ardent defender of the last bastion of freedom, the World Wide Web, and participates in many blogs and social media discussions to ensure that our expressional rights are safeguarded and to expose ongoing attempts at censorship online. He is a frequent contributor to The Real Agenda, Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, The Daily Journalist, Beirut Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The Sleuth Journal, European Journalism Centre, Education is Our Addiction and several other media organizations.

His most notable accomplishment took place in 2012, when he exposed for the first time in its 68-year old history the chemical and biological methods employed by the UN-delegated Global Depopulation Policy and showed that demographic objectives are carried out by covertly undermining human fertility as a substitute to war. In 2013, he published part of his research on the history of the Global Depopulation Policy, its causes and consequences; the first account of the world’s best-kept secret and the central axis of the international framework for peace and security post-World War II. And in 2014 he presented indisputable scientific evidence that countries around the world are committing genocide in the name of population control and has forced the international community to begin a process of radical reform of the chemical regulatory environment in order to remove more than 200 depopulation poisons from our food system and consumer products.

He is the founder of the Center of Global Consciousness, The People’s Protection Force, The People’s Protection Court, the Human Rights Party of Canada, OM (Our Mind), and of Freedom in, non-governmental and non-profit organizations dedicated to defending people from governments, restoring the rule of law, and protecting our expressional rights. (For further biographical information, please click here.)


Prayer 16: In a Grain of Sand/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

Ramola D: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview. You are currently in the last few days of your planned hunger strike which you have documented extensively online. I found very interesting that the Vatican spokesperson you corresponded with, Andre Petersson, maintained a rather colorful correspondence with you, even writing on your Facebook timeline, trying to discourage you from continuing your fast and deriding your efforts. At this moment, how would you evaluate the Vatican’s response to your hunger strike and your efforts to draw global attention to this issue?

Kevin Galalae: The Vatican is in denial and in hiding, as it has no other defenses. But it is not concerned about repercussions because it considers itself to be above the law and indeed is above the law, at least in the West, which is why it has been able to commit genocide for more than one thousand years, as part and parcel of its role as controller of human life in Christendom, and since the inception of the UN, as controller of human life on earth, which is literally the Holy Grail of the Church and the only reason for its existence.

The Vatican tried first to convert me to Catholicism so I would submit to its will and in this fashion not only control me but also take credit for my accomplishments exposing the depopulation genocide. Had it succeeded, it would have been able to protect itself by hiding its centrality and complicity in genocide while cutting off the tail of the system, the UN and its agencies.

But it did not succeed to convert me, and its second strategy has been to try to entice me with promises of returning my wife and children to me, whom I have not seen in five years, or as its spokesperson put it, help me reconcile with my wife, knowing full well that its Opus Dei chapter in Kingston, Ontario, the city where I lived with my wife and children, is responsible for destroying my family back in 2011 by putting pressure on my wife, through her father who is a member of Opus Dei and other Catholic organizations, to make false accusations against me that led to my arrest and the destruction of my career and livelihood in retaliation for protecting the expressional rights of Muslims in academia, which were under attack due to the machinations of fundamentalist Christian elements operating from within Europe’s intelligence and political conservative establishments, which the Church largely controls.

When that did not work either, the Church’s strategy shifted to threats of expulsion and arrest, which though empty were followed by cyberattacks on my main supporters and on my computer. This in turn was followed by threats to cut off my sources of funding by shutting down my GoFundMe and PayPal accounts for purportedly discriminating against the Church. But that did not go anywhere either since the influence of the Church, which has always depended on manipulating and perverting the administration of justice and the institutions of state by applying undue influence behind the scenes, has diminished due to my revelations about the depopulation program and my earlier revelations about the surveillance and censorship program, both of which are the handiwork of the Church either directly or indirectly.

The latest strategy of the Vatican has been to divert my attention from the Church and to focus instead on other real and invented culprits, from the Orthodox Church to President Erdogan of Turkey and from ISIS to the UN.


Prayer 24:Water/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

What the Vatican’s behavior demonstrates is an absolute unwillingness to accept responsibility for its role in the depopulation genocide and to change course by dropping its ban on contraceptives and closing the permission it gave secular authorities to sterilize the global population under the pretext of healing disease. It also shows the disdain it has for the wellbeing of people and the arrogance with which it violates our fundamental rights, including the right to life.

After 60 days of hunger strike none of the four demands I made have been met by the Vatican, namely that:

  1. Pope Francis accords me an audience;

  2. Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals publicly apologize for their complicity in genocide by constraining secular authorities to covertly damage our fertility and longevity so long as they cure us from a bodily disease;

  3. the Church changes its doctrine on birth control by issuing a new encyclical letter to replace “Humanae Vitae: On the Regulation of Birth”; and that

  4. Pope Francis appears on St. Peter’s Square so I can give him and by extension the Church absolution for its crimes.


Prayer 19: God is Offended/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

What I have accomplished, however, is that we now have confirmation that:

  1. The moral center and anchor of the depopulation genocide is the Vatican and the loophole it has created for secular authorities to sterilize the populace under the pretext of curing disease. At no point did the Vatican deny that its encyclical letter Humanae Vitae and paragraph 15 do not constitute an ethical loophole for genocide;

  2. Religious and secular authorities work hand in hand to combat population growth by subverting fertility and promoting morbidity and that we are encircled by a global coalition of elites bent on genocide;

  3. The media is fully controlled and media freedom, expressional rights as well as fundamental rights and liberties do not exist and are mere fictions; and

  4. That the rule of law and democratic checks and balances do not exist, as they have been circumvented by the elites in order to commit genocide while preserving the façade of legitimacy and legality when in fact all governing structures, both national and international, are criminal and therefore neither legitimate nor legal.

I have in other words shattered the system’s walls of censorship, deception and dishonesty and have brought out the truth in its raw and unadulterated form.

What I have also accomplished is to provide proof to those in power that we are capable of:

  1. Sacrificing for the common good, the planet and future generations;

  2. Understanding the dire problems we face as a species and a civilization;

  3. And of assuming responsibility for the world.

And we have done this despite and not because of the system, which at no time offered us any help to understand the dilemmas we face and the limited solutions we have. This is important because it will split the moderate from the fundamentalist insiders and will shatter the global coalition of partners in crime from within; a coalition that hinges on the ability of the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy to justify the continuing use of covert methods of depopulation by mass chemical and biological poisoning as necessary due to the people’s inability to understand, sacrifice and assume responsibility. We have provided a clear alternative to genocide and the system’s refusal to embrace this alternative makes the existing course unjustifiable.

Last but not least, we have exhausted all peaceful means to force a change from covert, criminal and immoral to overt, legal and moral methods of population control, which frees us to take the law into our own hands and use any and all force necessary to protect ourselves, our children, our families, our future, our genetic lineages and our place in creation.

You’ve made a statement regarding moving on to a next phase of action, involving both letters and more active resistance. I’m a little concerned that you mention violence, as also in your recent video call to world leaders—do you really mean this? And what exactly do you mean? Also, can you explain how this hunger-strike action of yours could constitute a pivotal moment in this fight to convince the UN, world governments, and the Vatican to turn away from covert depopulation measures which essentially mean poisoning the population?

Kevin Galalae: Having exhausted all peaceful means three times over, violence is the only option left to protect ourselves and our children from the fate planned for us, which is our total extermination. We are not dealing with reasonable or rational people but with an organization of fanatics that has taken full control of the world and seeks to inherit the planet by annihilating the vast majority of us through mass poisoning.

Stop Depopulation (white)1Not only does the law of self-defense compel us to act and to use any and all force necessary to stop the attack on us and on our innocent and vulnerable children, the criminal code of any country as well as international law compel us to use any and all force to stop the genocide. The only proviso the criminal code makes is that we give fair warning to the perpetrators of the crime to stop but if they refuse to stop we can force them to stop and indeed are obligated by law to use whatever force necessary to stop those who commit crimes against innocents. If we do not resort to naked force at this point, after having exhausted all peaceful means and given multiple warnings and ultimatums to our secular and religious authorities to stop the genocide, we make ourselves liable for prosecution for failing to do our legal, civic, moral and parental duty. More than anything future generations will look upon our inaction with disgust and disdain and will rightly consider us the most cowardly and pathetic generation in the history of man.

And since the perpetrators of this global crime sit in the highest positions of government and corporations, of religious and international organizations and of legal, scientific, military and medical authorities, we will have to take them all down by force. We all know who they are as they are the very people who govern us and whose faces we see almost every day in the media.


Prayer 19/Film: Rupert Quaintance

My hunger strike is pivotal because through it we have won the information war and our leaders can no longer manipulate us so that we work towards and pay for our self-destruction. Since they are a miniscule minority, a super elite whose power is ill-gained and authority misused, they have become powerless in the face of an awakened and informed majority. They can only exercise power over us through the chain of command and I have broken their chain of command since no one wants to cooperate with them anymore and no one takes orders from them anymore. For all intents and purposes I have cut off their arms and legs. They can bark orders and issue threats but there is no one to carry out their orders, because no human being will willingly and knowingly work towards his or her own self-destruction and certainly no human being will work towards the destruction of his or her own children.

The criminals who govern us know they are now powerless. They also know that we know that they are illegitimate since legitimacy comes from legality and their actions are in gross violation of the law both moral and juridical. They refuse to change course because they are desperate and because they know that sooner or later we will take them down by force and hold them accountable for their criminal actions; actions that are of such scope and scale as to require the harshest punishment under the law.


Prayer 11: The Church is Ours, Not Theirs/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

If they stop the global genocide it will be out of fear for their own lives and for the lives of their own children, thus for reasons of self-preservation. The decision to stop will come as a result of the internal disintegration of their partnership in crime; a partnership that was tenuous to begin with as it was based on mutual coercion mutually agreed upon and as such it was never willing or voluntary but forced.

 It is up to all of us now to make our leaders understand that we will hang them all unless they stop the genocide, apologize for the crimes they have committed, provide full disclosure and move out of the way.

If they do this within the next few months we may give them immunity from prosecution. If they do not then not one of them will be spared because with every day lost millions pay with their lives.

Children’s Vaccines, Flu Vaccines

syringe-vaccination1I recently saw the film “Bought” and was struck by how it was the mothers and fathers of children who developed autism after vaccines, or suffered from the side-effects of potent psychiatric drugs or GMOs who presented the strongest case for scrutinizing and prosecuting the pharmaceutical and GMO industries. What you are revealing to the world is that all vaccines—including the annual flu vaccine–are deliberately being filled with immune-suppressing and fertility-inducing substances. How can we get this information to every single parent in the world, so they understand they have a personal stake in this issue? What is the vision for our children otherwise?

Kevin Galalae: We must all become the media. Every human being who knows the truth must make it his or her second profession to disseminate this vital knowledge to everyone they know. We must all do this with the utmost sense of urgency because every day we come closer to annihilation.

We must all refuse to cooperate in any way, shape or form with the authorities in carrying out the global genocide.

If you are a nurse or a doctor, you must throw all vaccines in the incinerator and not administer a single one until such time as our governments come forward and state clearly that the depopulation program has been shut down.

If you are a pilot, you must refuse to fly any plane, commercial or otherwise, if that plane is used for spraying of chemicals.

If you are a farmer, you must refuse to plant a single GMO seed or use a single gallon of glyphosate.

If you are a lawyer or a social worker or a cop, you must refuse to carry out a protocol or obey a law that destroys a single family or violates the authority of parents over their children.

If you are a chemist or a scientist, you must refuse to contribute your knowledge for the creation and use of any substance or drug or procedure intended to sterilize or sicken under a false pretext or cover.

When in doubt you must use the precautionary principle and always weigh on the side of caution so as not to harm life. In all walks of life and at all levels of authority we must disable the program of genocide. It is all our responsibility.

No one is exempt because no one is outside of it and we all contribute to it in one way or another.

This means that we must all become educated. To educate people I provide a package of essential works free of cost to each and all, so that no one is led astray and confused by the disinformation machine of the mainstream media and by contradictory material provided by compromised alternative media sources. In this way people receive everything from one and the original source of this forbidden knowledge, me, and in the most concise form possible and free of cost. This is the material I provide:

  1. A Message to World Leaders: Stop the Depopulation Genocide

  1. Statement: We are now officially at war

  1. Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy (book, 110 pages)

  1. The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives (article, 33 pages)

  1. Methods of Depopulation (video, 25 minutes)

  1. Phases of Depopulation (video, 6 minutes)

  1. Addressing Pope Francis (video, 90 seconds)

  1. Chemical and Biological Depopulation (book, 178 pages)

  1. Peace Without Poison (book of evidence, 1040 pages)

  1. Survival or Extinction (book of solutions, 216 pages)

  1. Depopulation and Decarbonization (article, 6 pages)

  1. I was offered millions to stop exposing depopulation (radio interview, 55 minutes)

  1. The Future of Global Governance (roadmap book, 90 pages)

  1. The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives” (video of speech, 60 minutes)
  1. The Epidemiology of Genocide: Medicine as the Handmaiden of Population Control” (video of speech, 73 minutes)
  1. Planetary Wellbeing Authority (radio interview, 79 minutes)

  1. Vatican Hunger Strike Timeline (text, images, interviews, and videos)

  1. Why A Mass Killing Event Is Inevitable Absent Political Consensus This September (article, 4 pages)

  1. Why You Are Important (article, 3 pages)

  1. Planetary Wellbeing Amidst Clashing Prerogatives (article, 7 pages)

  1. The Preservation of Life: Letter to Pope Francis (letter, 2 pages)

  1. Letter to Bill Gates (letter, 3 pages)

  1. Letter to GAVI (letter, 3 pages)

  1. Why Your Government Wants Your Premature Death And Seeks It With Mandatory Flu Vaccines (article, 8 pages)

  1. How to Destroy the Depopulation Lobby without Destroying the World (article, 9 pages)

  1. TURNING NATURE AGAINST MAN: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth (article, 34 pages)

  1. Vaccines and Zika Virus are Part of the Depopulation Agenda (110 minutes)

Interview with American Freedom Radio (7 March 2016)

Interviewer: Vinny Eastwood, New Zealand Media

  1. Methods of Depopulation in the Age of Sustainability (136 minutes)

Interview with Global Freedom Movement (13 March 2016)

Interviewers: Brendan D. Murphy and Aimee Devlin, Australian Media

  1. BEHIND THE MASK: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization (published 18 March 2016) (article, 27 pages)

  1. Methods of Depopulation

Interview with Deanna Spignola of Republic Broadcasting Network (2 April 2016)

  1. Methods of Depopulation in the Age of Sustainability (136 minutes)

Interview with Global Freedom Movement (13 March 2016)

Interviewers: Brendan D. Murphy and Aimee Devlin, Australian Media

  1. The OM Principles

  1. Hunger Strike Prayers to Stop Depopulation by Vaccines and Chemtrails

  1. First Week of Hunger

  1. Second Week of Hunger

  1. Third Week of Hunger

  1. Fourth Week of Hunger

  1. Fifth Week of Hunger

  1. Sixth Week of Hunger

  1. Seventh Week of Hunger

  1. Eighth Week of Hunger

There is not a single vaccine out there that is not adulterated to either sterilize or sicken us, or to do both through genetic reprogramming. There is not a single bite or a single sip that we take that is not poisoned with endocrine disruptors intended to sterilize and sicken us. And there is not a single day that we are not being showered with heavy metals and carcinogenic and radioactive materials through aerial spraying.

Those who refuse to battle this evil will go down with the enemy since by their silence they are accessories to mass murder. Everyone must establish a public record as to which side they have chosen and what actions they have taken to stop the global genocide because everyone will be judged in light of this public record. There are no other criteria to go by since all institutions, organizations and authorities are part of the genocide unless they can show otherwise, publicly and clearly.

Any action taken or word said in private against the global genocide is useless as it cannot be proven and therefore protects those responsible and will do little or nothing to stop the genocide.

Climate Change


Image: Geoengineering Watch

It’s refreshing to read your views since you openly call to task the globalists who have set in motion this destructive scenario, without humanity’s consent, across the globe. What do you make of the current frenzy over Climate Change which seems to completely ignore the damage wreaked by geoengineering or chem trails—which mainstream media won’t talk about (except to name as “conspiracy theory” the dismissal-term of choice)?

Kevin Galalae: There is no doubt that we are damaging the planet on all fronts and that the damage we are causing endangers all life on earth including our own. There is also no doubt that global warming is real. What is still in doubt is to what extent this warming trend is man-made and to what extent it is the result of natural cycles.

Since political decision makers need conclusive data and clear evidence of an imminent threat to make laws that impose hardship here and now, I can see why scientists would be under pressure to exaggerate the threat of global warming. If we were to wait for conclusive evidence on a geophysical process that takes decades or even centuries to occur but that we could prevent by taking preemptive action now, based on best guess projections, then we would be a hundred years too late. So I see no harm in considering the worst case scenario as that would be a real life application of the tried and tested precautionary principle. There is simply too much at stake to take chances and risk disaster in the form of catastrophic climate change.

People need to also understand that we have to decarbonize the economy for reasons that go well beyond the climate and global warming, though none unites us in purpose better than global warming since it knows no national boundaries.

Climate change is but one of nine planetary boundaries or life support systems identified by environmental scientists as crucial to life on earth. And we have already surpassed the safe thresholds or have reached the tipping points of three of these planetary boundaries: CO2 concentration, biodiversity loss, and the nitrogen cycle.

Contrary to information disseminated by the alternative media and even some mainstream media, chemtrails play no role in accelerating global warming but in delaying it. That is why I refuse to use the word geoengineering in relation to chemtrails since they are not an attempt to change the weather but to prevent it from changing. Unfortunately, that is not the only purpose of chemtrails as they are also intended to increase the presence of heavy metals and carcinogenic and radioactive Welsbach materials on the ground, so as to increase morbidity and mortality for the purpose of killing the baby-boom generation, and of shortening our lifespans to an economically desirable 70 years until the demographic transition is completed, and the dependency burdens now posed by a great proportion of elderly are lightened.

The battle that we now see over chemtrails is justified but there is an insidious aspect to it. A lot of system insiders who work for organizations crucial to the depopulation genocide participate in the battle against chemtrails because they cannot protect themselves and their families from polluted air as they can from endocrine disruptors, vaccines, GMOs and fluoride, thus the other depopulation methods that they are responsible for implementing, which is why they refuse to mention that chemtrails are also a depopulation method and instead debase their message by pretending that chemtrails are a climate engineering method. They wouldn’t give a damn if that were the case, but they do give a damn that they can no longer protect themselves and their own since chemtrails democratize the death program.

Another reason why I have no sympathy for climate change deniers is that many of them are disingenuous as they are funded by big oil to prevent the decarbonization of the economy which necessitates abandoning investments in fossil fuels that have not yet matured and that cuts into the profit margins of this powerful industry and their lobbyists.

Global Pandemics and Vaccines


Image from Turning Nature Against Man/Kevin Galalae

I’d like to focus on a few issues raised in your article Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth, where you make a convincing case for the recent engineered creation of global pandemics—not a new idea to many paying attention, other analysts, like Jon Rappoport, Dr. Rima Laibow, Mike Adams, also cover such issues—but one that will never stop being shocking. It seems almost like a detective story, teasing out the information from WHO statistics. How did you uncover all this information, what is it about your process of analysis that helps reveal this?

Kevin Galalae: Once you learn to think like the globalists and to consider in your analysis the multiple objectives they have set for the Sustainable Development agenda it is relatively easy to see through the deception and to grasp their true intentions, which are by and large noble.

Key to opening the door to their secrets, of course, is knowledge of the Global Depopulation Policy, which is the lynchpin on which all other goals depend since no progress can be made anywhere and in any field without first stabilizing the population.

Even more importantly, I have no ulterior motive and no financial interests. My purpose is to find out the truth and to free it so that everyone knows the truth and so the truth can set us free and a better international accommodation can become possible. In this respect I am unique, which is why my work is second to none and free of cost and why I am the only source to be trusted and the only one stop shop.

I do not limit myself to single issues to monetize my knowledge and I am not limited by ulterior motives to secure funding or protect interests. I provide context and a complete explanation of the system, of its methods and intentions. I also provide an alternative that empowers us all and excludes none from the circle of wellbeing and from the future. And I make extraordinary personal sacrifices to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of our evolution to a better system, be that ignorance, self-interest, social inertia, institutional rigidity, ideological obtuseness, or religious dogma. As such I am not merely a critic but also a think tank, a creator, an influencer, a fighter, a spiritual leader, and a revolutionary.

Most importantly I have no preconceived notions and no ideological stand. I do not allow my analysis to be affected by ideology, since I have none, and I am not attached to any existing ideals since I have abandoned all false and dated loyalties to nation, creed, profit, religion, ethnicity, self-interest and culture.

For all of the above reasons I am trusted by all those who seek the truth and nothing but the truth and I am also widely read by people within the system because I am the only person in the world with a full understanding of the system, its past and its future, and have come to this understanding by the power of my own intellect and my personal integrity. Those working within the system are trapped in their areas of expertise and denied knowledge of the overall plan so they remain useful cogs in their own demise; while those working outside the system are kept clueless, and are deliberately and continuously misinformed so they are powerless.

I understood early on that to change the world, to change the direction of human civilization, you must first understand it and then find a place entirely outside of it so as to move it to a new and better place rather than be trapped by it. I had to put myself entirely outside the system, entirely outside society, and to abandon all personal ambitions and interests.

Purity of thought and purpose is the reward of this sacrifice.


Image: BBC

You’ve used the term “biological warfare” in speaking about the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak in the US when 46 million were vaccinated, as well as the introduction of the AIDS or HIV virus in Africa in 1978. Most people would find it hard to conceive of a deliberate governmental hand in creating and spreading viruses—meaning disease and death—among humanity, just for population control; it sounds diabolical. The Swine Flu vaccine, you say, creates immuno-suppression and reduces life-expectancy, and the HIV virus was genetically engineered to target people of color, and was introduced deliberately in Africa. Can you address the enormity of these issues a little?

Kevin Galalae: Both man-made viruses were intended to shift humanity from unchangeable states and thus accomplish goals that could not otherwise be accomplished.

The HIV/AIDS virus sought to stop the population from growing in an area of the world where neither the political will nor the necessary infrastructure existed to limit fertility through covert chemical methods as the West had done, through legislation as China had done, or through involuntary surgical sterilizations as India had done, and where as a result population growth could only be stopped by increasing mortality. Stable populations can only result when the number of births and the number of deaths are equal and if you cannot reduce births in a population with very high fertility rates you have to increase deaths to accomplish this state of equilibrium.

The depopulation lobby managed to target mainly people of color by designing the virus to have an affinity for people of color. HIV/AIDS was after all intended primarily for Africa so it was designed to kill primarily Africans or people of African descent.

HIV/AIDS also allowed the depopulation lobby to maintain unnaturally high mortality rates for as long as Africa refused to reduce its fertility rates, which is why the infected were never quarantined, why people were deliberately infected through immunization programs, and why treatment was denied to the sick by keeping the price of antiretroviral drugs unaffordable.

The Swine Flu virus, by contrast, was intended to reduce life spans in the developed world to an economically sustainable age and also to balance the genders in old age by reducing the lifespans of women more than that of men since women, on average, outlive men by several years.

I have never discussed the latter goal because I wrote the article “Turning Nature against Man” under great time pressures, but the data clearly shows that the reduction in the lifespan of women was greater than that of men and brought the dying age of women closer to that of men, which is an achievement that has saved the American government billions in pensions to widows and that has undoubtedly contributed to a higher standard of living.

Stopping the unrelenting growth in life expectancy for both genders has benefited the national budget even more than balancing the genders in old age and has undoubtedly contributed to the American way of life since old people are very expensive to maintain. That is the price Americans have paid for their unrelenting push for a higher standard of living and is part and parcel of the pursuit of happiness philosophy, which the old certainly “sabotage” by living too long and therefore being dependent for too long on the working population at a time during the demographic transition when tax revenues are under great pressure and in a country that is more concerned with policing the world than caring for its old and therefore in need of maintaining the superiority of its armed forces and arsenal rather than enabling the old to live to the end of their natural lives.

So, in a sense we have come to a time period where America’s infatuation with war and bloated Defense budgets affects all American lives at a very personal level, where war priorities are privileged over civilian society and natural life span by this demographic transition paradigm?

Kevin Galalae: America is the most extreme example because it insists on perpetuating its military superiority to police the world, but in the era of the depopulation genocide all governments and corporations, aided by the military-industrial complex, exist primarily to poison us into extinction and to be able to do this they use the wealth we create and turn it against us.

Every government wages a war of attrition against its people by subverting fertility to limit births, by weakening immunity to increase morbidity and mortality, and by undermining the family and social structures to keep people in survival mode so life is hard and expensive and families as well as societies struggle and do not bloom.

This costs money. It costs enormous amounts of money and human resources to bring society to a grind and turn everything in society upside down and inside out so that everything seems normal but is the opposite of normal.

The best metaphor is that of a river flowing backwards. This is what the Global Depopulation Policy does. It makes humanity recede rather than expand.

And to accomplish this governments have become predators of citizens.


World Health Organization

I’d like to address the overall issue of authoritarian “Public Health” management and the rather totalitarian assumption of authority over people, globally, that it implies. In your analysis, you show that the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) mechanism that the World Health Organization has employed variously for H1NI, polio, Ebola, and lately, the Zika virus, is a cover to unleash sterilizing and immune-suppressing vaccines on different, highly-dense populations. What can nations and peoples do, to combat such top-down management actions by the WHO, where physicians, epidemiologists, and vaccine manufacturers have worked together to impose essentially reproductive censorship on whole populations, regardless of actual cost to people’s health?

There is only one remedy possible for this sick and sickening system: people assuming responsibility and exercising restraint over their reproductive rights by faithfully using contraceptives, and governments legislating replacement level fertility and providing free or nearly free contraceptives to all people of reproductive age.

This, however, implies that governments tell people what they need to know and not what they want to hear and that people expand their consciousness and make sacrifices for society at large and for future generations.

Until such time as governments legislate limits to fertility people must refuse any and all vaccines and view any so-called public health initiative with the greatest suspicion especially if free or subsidized by the government, which is a sure sign that a depopulation method hides behind the purported public health initiative.

danger-pesticideaWith regards to Zika, you note that the Brazilian doctors’ group ABRASCO has identified the malaria incentive’s larvicide Pyroproxyfen, manufactured by a subsidiary of Monsanto, which has been fed into the drinking water and coats hundreds of thousands of mosquito nets hanging in every village, as prime cause of microcephaly, not the Zika virus. This claim from February 2016 was quickly rebutted by many Public Health defenders, such as in this Huffington Post article. But many analysts and reporters (see Makia Freeman’s Activist Post article) continue to question Pyroproxyfen and other insecticides—what would you offer as your assessment, currently?

Kevin Galalae: The claim is as valid now as when it was first made. The so-called rebuttal is the system suppressing the truth and stifling the voices of doctors and of a medical organization that was not yet controlled from the top by the depopulation lobby.

Pyroproxyfen is simply too valuable a chemical to the depopulation effort as it is a crucial component in the malaria eradication program that is the latest and largest front for mass involuntary sterilization across the developing world. Hundreds of millions sleep under bed nets coated with Pyroproxyfen for mosquito vector control but also for sterilization purposes, and billions more sleep under bed nets coated with similar chemicals, as I have shown in my article “Behind the Mask: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization”, which has been approved for publication in a medical journal after being stalled for months by political pressure.

Until it is published by the medical community, this article can be read here:

War and Population Control


Photo from The Guardian/Ukraine, 2015: Alexander Ermochenko/EPA

Then there’s War, ever-present recourse for the military industry. As you know the US and other Western countries seem to be getting in war-mode again, trying to whip up support for a war on Russia, while continuing wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Other countries also engage in continual actions of war, Saudi Arabia against Yemen, Israel against Palestine, to name a couple. Do you see links here with the UN’s Global Depopulation agenda?

 Kevin Galalae: Most wars are waged solely for population control purposes and all wars have a population control objective.

The wars in Yemen and Palestine are purely for population control, the former because Yemen could no longer keep its mass sterilization program in place and fertility rates went back up to an unsustainable 8 children per woman and the latter because Israel wants the Palestinians off the land and refuses to accept a one state solution where the faster growing Arab population would soon be in the majority.

The same goes for the war in Afghanistan, which was made possible by the false flag event on 9/11 without which the US and its allies would not have had an excuse to invade the country and subject its people to covert chemical and biological methods of fertility suppression.

Iraq had outgrown its natural resources and become dependent on food imports burdening an already overburdened global food system. In addition, the world could not turn away from fossil fuels and adopt renewable energy sources, without first stabilizing the populations of countries fully dependent for their survival on oil exports, and Iraq is one such country.

The conflict between NATO and Russia over the Ukraine is also geopolitical and population related. The Ukraine has always been an important breadbasket and the international community cannot accommodate an incoming two to three billion additional people on Planet Earth over the next three decades, until the population stabilizes, without fully using Ukraine’s fertile land to increase global grain production and feed an already hungry world.

Russia, however, is not willing to allow corporations control over Ukraine’s resources, which is part of its economic market and political sphere of influence, and western encroachment in the Ukraine threatens both.

The attack on Syria is not population-related but politically motivated, as it is the only remaining regional ally of Iran. If Syria falls and is subsumed into the depopulation/globalization system, Iran will soon follow.

Other Views on Population Growth & Control

I’m sure all of us who are waking up to this situation are grateful to you for describing to us these Global Depopulation policies and analyzing what they have translated into. But are you alone in this fight? Do you know of other groups, movements, individuals working on the same side, to expose and end this?

Kevin Galalae: All civil society groups struggle against various aspects of the covert depopulation and coerced globalization matrix of global control but did not know it until I placed their struggle in context. Now they have begun to connect their particular issues – be it chemtrails, GMOs, surveillance, fluoridation, police brutality, the erosion of rights and liberties, economic justice and so on – to the cause of all causes, namely the depopulation/globalization axis.

Unfortunately, much of civil society is controlled by agents of the system in order to keep the many groups that exist separate, weak, and clueless of the overall plan and the system’s true objectives and to prevent them from coalescing and becoming a powerful political front capable of toppling the existing system. This strategy has allowed the system to give an inch when the pressure builds around one or another marginal issue and take two inches in return elsewhere and by another method thus giving civil society the false impression of victory when in fact nothing will have been gained.

Only by freeing the truth about the nature and objectives of the New World Order could civil society begin to free itself from the system’s control, and focus on the heart of the problem rather than nibbling at its heels. And freeing the truth is almost entirely my accomplishment.

Now that all civil society groups have learned what the system is all about, I am no longer alone. None of us is. The resistance is growing by leaps and bounds, and with it our influence on global affairs. In this new environment, all civil society groups are my allies while I am the most effective weapon they have.



Regarding Population Control solutions, you must know there are other theories out there regarding land use and abundance of resources rather than scarcity; our current land use might promote notions of scarcity, but perhaps permaculture, small-plot-size farms, organic farming, and others could feed us better. Is the real issue resource use and regeneration or is the issue population control?

Kevin Galalae: No technology or invention can save us from social and environmental collapse due to overpopulation. Permaculture, organic farming, renewable energy sources, and recycling of materials can only delay the collapse but not prevent it. For the reality is that absent breaks on fertility, the population doubles every twenty to thirty years, depending on sexual mores and cultural norms, and the planet cannot survive a doubling from the existing 7 billion to 14 billion, which, absent breaks on population growth, would occur by 2040, let alone the next doubling from 14 to 28 billion by 2070.

A doubling of the global population from 7 to 14 billion would require us to build as many cities and infrastructure in the next 30 years as we have built over the past 10,000 years, and to do this at a time when the planet’s life support systems are already strained to the max by the needs and wants of the existing 7 billion.

A doubling of the global population would also require that we at least quadruple our energy production if the developing world and the additional 3 billion people who will be born into the world between now and 2040 are to enjoy a standard of living similar to the one we now have in the developed world. That is not possible without utterly devastating the planet.

Dialogue with Other Activists

Would you accept that yours is one view and there may be others as concerned about Global Depopulation as you but with other views on population control and scarcity? Would you be interested in engaging in a meaningful open dialogue with them—almost as a secondary focus really, since your primary one is getting these covert genocidal programs to stop, which probably everyone would agree with? How could other thinkers and analysts in this area contact you to exchange views?

Kevin Galalae: Assessing the impact of population on resources and environment is not subject to opinion or preference. Irrespective what we believe or want to believe, the reality is that human beings are the most demanding of creatures as we are at the top of the food chain and that our impact on the planet is devastating.

We each consume a truck load of resources in any given year and live an average of 70 years and there are already 7 billion of us. And we all draw our resources from this one planet we share; planet that has no new continents to discover and exploit, which is why we go to great lengths to tap into the resources found at the bottom of the oceans and other remote places and extreme environments.

It does not matter how frugal we become and how efficient our technology becomes because the more of us live on this earth, the smaller the slice of resources becomes for each and every one of us and the greater and more brutal the competition for these finite resources.

The graph below illustrates at one glance the dilemma we face due to increasing population and decreasing per capita resources, as well as the direct relationship this has on living standards to say nothing of environmental cost or social and political strains.


The only meaningful dialogue there could be on this subject is how fast will we legislate replacement level fertility across the planet and how fast can we educate the people as to why this is necessary, so that everyone knows what is expected of them and why.

Anyone can contact me at any time by email or social media. I go out of my way to respond to every email and message. This is where I can be found as well as my contact details:



Skype ID: kevin.galalae

I ask only that people familiarize themselves with the facts before attempting to persuade me to adopt their particular ideology. The reason I give all my work for free is to facilitate the dissemination of this vital knowledge without which there can be no change from covert to overt methods of depopulation and no end to genocide.

How Can We Help You?

In striving to expose academic censorships on campuses as well as these UN policies of global depopulation, you came up against high-level officials in the UK and Canada who have operated state mechanisms against you, and tragically you have been separated from your children. Is there anything concerned citizens reading this could do to help you reunite with your family?

Kevin Galalae: A great injustice has been done to me and my children yet all institutions and organizations tasked with addressing such injustices, both in Canada and abroad, remain silent because my work threatens the global matrix of control and therefore their interests.

Justice is not possible in the era of genocide. Those who have violated the most fundamental principles of jurisprudence, the rule of law and due process in order to destroy my life, separate me from my flesh and blood and silence me are the very people who are poisoning us into extinction and the very people we have entrusted to uphold the rule of law and they are not about to condemn themselves. If they do, the former Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General of Ontario, the Speaker of the House of Commons and several lawyers, doctors and police officers will have to go to prison for at least a decade for conspiracy to prosecute and a dozen other serious crimes. The same level of culpability exists elsewhere in the world with respect to the depopulation genocide.

My children and I as well as the people of the world will get justice only after we overthrow the global coalition of mass murderers who now govern us. All citizens must at this point prepare for violent confrontation with our governments and authorities.

No other solution exists since all governments, all authorities, and all international organizations exist solely to complete the depopulation genocide, thus to wipe us off the face of this planet. Our rights and liberties mean absolutely nothing to them.

Believing that we will get justice through peaceful means is futile at this point since I have exhausted all peaceful means three times over, and the only response has been to intensify and accelerate the genocide.

My children and property should have been returned to me five years ago along with a multimillion dollar check in compensation for damages and a public apology. That has not happened and will not happen. Just as no governing authority will go in front of the cameras and apologize for poisoning us for the past six decades and for robbing us blind. We will have to force them down on their knees.

This is a political conundrum and a global one at that. There is no outside force remaining that is not at least tainted by the system of genocide. And that means that there will be no knights in shining armor coming to our rescue.

Violence on a scale never before seen will soon engulf the world because those in control of the world will take us down with them before they admit guilt and submit to justice.

I will be reunited with my family when those in control of our nations and of the world are separated from power.


Hunger Strike Prayer 19


Ramola D is a writer with a background in science, management, and literature who  currently researches issues in science, technology, and ethics relevant to our times, including issues related to Intelligence, Surveillance, Security, and Defense. She runs a solutions journalism site at, and edits the online literary quarterly, Delphi Quarterly. Her literary journalism, fiction, and poetry have been published widely. Please follow her on Twitter at @EccEveryday, or at The Everyday Concerned Citizen on Facebook.

Re-publishing of this interview is welcomed, in whole or part, with attribution and linkback.

Paris Climate Summit’s 1.5 degree C temp. rise limit includes Geo-Engineering: Sign-on to Say No

The ETC Group is speaking out to turn back the proposal to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Centigrade in conjunction with geo-engineering, please read and send an email as advised below to sign on and add your name to this letter if you can see the dangers inherent in carbon capture and storage approaches as outlined as well as geo-engineering technologies, whose use is already underway.

Re-posted with thanks, from ETC Group’s website.

No to 1.5°C with geoengineering!

Sign-on letter

Paris, 11 December 2015

Seemingly out of the blue (or rather, out of the black smog of the UNFCCC process), some of the largest historical culprits for climate change, countries including the United States, Canada and the European Union, have decided to back an “ambitious goal” of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. To achieve this, radical emissions cuts would be needed from now, but in the case of these countries, that’s not their real intention.

Instead, behind the smokescreen of a more ambitious goal, there is a set of Trojan Horse technologies being proposed, collectively called “geoengineering”.

The new proponents of the 1.5°C goal include also the largest oil companies. (*) They tell us that they can continue to burn fossil carbon and protect their assets because they are inventing something called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) that will eventually capture CO2 emissions and store them “safely” in deep geological formations.

And, further still, they say that they can develop bioenergy with CCS (BECCS), a so-called “negative emissions” technology that will burn carbon that is locked up in the soils and forests, and bury this underground too. These are false “solutions” proposed by the oil industry, that will allow it to keep polluting in the false hope that future technological innovation can bring down emissions at a later date.

Please continue reading at ETC Group’s website.

To add your signature, please send a message to

Alex Newman/The New American: Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Re-posted (in excerpt) from Sean Adl-Tabatabai’s post at Your News Wire, please visit for full story. Original article by writer and foreign correspondent Alex Newman at The New American.

While the absence of geo-engineering from talk of global warming at the Paris Summit is a whole big story in itself–not covered by mainstream media because they’re apparently paid not to talk about geo-engineering (as also so much else)–the other big story is about fudged data, evidence for global cooling, and global warming alarmism as strategy to push through global carbon taxes, global control, and global government. Are we tired of the word “global” yet…? I’m grateful to the scientists speaking out about these dark world-domination agendas and to the writers who are reporting them. Many thanks to Alex Newman and The New American as well as to Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Your News Wire, for this article; please visit there for the full story.


Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Posted on December 9, 2015 by

An international team of scientists have stunned attendees at the UN’s climate change conference in Paris recently by debunking claims that global warming is man-made.  


The scientists say that while the science refutes the UN’s claim that man-made carbon emissions are to blame for global warming, they claim that the UN is pressing ahead with its sinister ‘climate regime’ agenda, which includes: destroying industrial civilization, propping up kleptocrats with Western tax funds, and seizing control of the global economy under the guise of regulating the immensely beneficial “gas of life,” also known as carbon dioxide. reports:

Dubbed “Day of Examining the Data,” the conference featured numerous presentations, each one debunking multiple elements of theincreasingly discredited anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming theory (AGW). From explaining the myriad benefits of carbon dioxide to the environment and mankind to highlighting the ongoing 19-year pause in warming, no intellectually honest attendee could have left the summit still believing the “climate” hysteria pushed by various governments and international outfits. Indeed, practically every fear-mongering narrative pushed at the nearby UN climate summit was mercilessly debunked with facts, data, logic, and common sense. Later in the day, the film Climate Hustle brutally exposing the climate alarmism premiered at a nearby cinema in Paris, earning nothing but profuse praise from attendees.

Among the scientists speaking at the realist summit were Dr. Robert Carter, former chief of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. “Global warming is not happening,” he explained, even noting that long-term cooling was predicted. Carter’s presentation was especially fascinating because it totally shredded the outlandish notion that CO2 — exhaled by humans and critical to life — is “carbon pollution” in need of regulation. In fact, he said, even at current atmospheric concentrations, the Earth and the plants it supports are “starving” for more CO2. And in the past, CO2 concentrations were some 10 to 15 times higher. “Attempting to stop climate change is an exercise in utter futility,” he added, noting in an interview with The New American that nobody would seriously consider trying to “stop” earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Also speaking at the summit was Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he explained, “is totally anti-science, and is harming science.” Emphasizing the massive role played by the sun in the Earth’s incomprehensibly complex climate system, Soon narrowed in on one particular claim in the IPCC report on the issue that he said made a complete mockery of science. “The IPCC is pure gangster science,” he explained. Speaking to The New American after his presentation, Soon said the vicious attacks against his character and family by global-warming alarmists had only motivated him to work harder. Rather than launching personal attacks, he said, critics should instead focus on the data and his conclusions published in the peer-reviewed literature.

Another top scientist at the summit was University of Virginia Professor Emeritus Dr. Fred Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. “There has been no statistically significant warming in 18 years,” he told the summit, showing a slide comparing observed temperatures with the various bogus predictions made by “climate models” relied upon by the UN, all of which predicted warming as CO2 increased. “The models don’t work. We should not use them to make policy.” He also noted that carbon dioxide — “the original plant food,” as he called it — is very valuable. “Plants are starving. They want more CO2,” Singer added.

Essentially, the internationally respected scientist continued, the climate has always changed due to natural forces — warming, cooling, and so on — from the beginning. And so, that means the obvious hypothesis that natural forces are still driving climate change, as they always have, must be shown to be false by proponents of the man-made climate change propaganda. In other words, the burden to show that the recent minor changes are attributable to mankind is on the alarmists who want to empower the UN, control CO2, and redistribute wealth. So far, though, the alarmists have failed, and they have a tough job ahead, Singer said.

“This is about money and power,” Singer told The New American in an interview, adding that governments had purchased the cooperation of many scientists on climate alarmism. “Science plays a small role, and mostly it’s being misused.” “It’s a matter of really trying to control things,” Singer said, noting that control of CO2 means control of economies and ultimately, people. What is being plotted right now at the nearby UN COP21 summit, he added, is a “direct subsidy to kleptocracies,” which are pocketing the climate loot and hiding it in their bank accounts. “It’s a matter of the poor in rich countries supporting the rich in the poor countries,” Singer concluded.

Please continue reading at Your News Wire.

State of the Nation: Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering Exposes Climategate

Re-posted in excerpt from State of the Nation, please visit for full article. This Global call to action, covered below, brings together Geoengineering activists and calls for all concerned citizens worldwide as well to participate by keeping the focus on Geoengineering through all 12 days of this conference.

Article links included in this article point to added State of the Nation reportage on Geoengineering and Chem Trails which have been loading toxins into our atmosphere now for decades, and which are being scientifically linked by many scientist and meteorologist whistleblowers to climate warming, instability, and change–but which are being ignored by the Globalists pursuing their Global Carbon Control Matrix, which they possibly hope to roll out post-summit, and which may just be prelude or shoo-in to their totalitarian vision of One World Government.

Things are heating up worldwide; and our time to speak out and protest most definitely is now. If Geoengineering is a sketchy subject to you, please look it up and find out more. This Climate Summit is seeking to fully ignore Geoengineering, and it’s only concerned voices like yours and mine that can challenge and protest that approach.


A Global Call to Action to Stop the Chemtrails and Terminate Geoengineering


Disseminating Accurate Information and Data via Social Media and Email, YouTube and Instagram, and every kind of News Blitz (Articles & Essays welcomed)

State of the Nation

All eyes are now on Paris, France.  Not only did the false flag terror attacks of Friday the 13th draw the attention of the whole world, the upcoming U.N. Climate Conference has likewise seized the attention of numerous anti-geoengineering groups and anti-chemtrail organizations. The meticulously engineered drama in the City of Light has somehow shifted the light of truth on the darkness of the clandestine NWO agenda.

It’s quite true that many folks have awakened many to the real agenda behind the upcoming 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference being conducted in Paris from November 30th through December 11th.  Many armchair investigators have even pointed to the real reason for the attacks as a way of directing the outcome(s) of the Climate Summit.

Paris Terror Attacks: Executed To Lock Down Climate Summit Conference

The very fact that the French Government is working triple time to ensure that the conference takes place, in spite of the intensified security fears and lingering mayhem, is quite suspect.  Why would they not simply cancel or postpone this momentous climate conference?  Is it because they have serious plans to execute the first major phase of a One World Government?

One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime

Certainly the tenacity of those hidden forces who are will not be deterred from holding this conference is extraordinary by any standard.  It’s as though they have a set schedule to put the foundation of the new Global CO2 Management Regime into place and nothing will get in their way.  Of course, it does appear that the Paris terror event was specifically timed before the conference so as to create a coercive environment in which to impose their highly misguided agenda.[1]

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 4.04.03 PM

Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering

This is where the organizers of the “Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering” come in.  These folks have been pounding the pavement and banging the drums ever since this conference in Paris was put on the calendar.  The knew instantly what the real NWO game plan was.  They were also immediately aware that the conference must be stopped before it gets started; that is, if the greater good for humanity is to be ensured.

Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengeneering

This march is one of many which have been conducted around the geoengineered globe over the past several years.  However, this particular march is the most important one ever precisely because it will coincide with the 12 day climate conference.  In this way this march will serve to greatly raise the awareness about the true intentions behind this unprecedented international meeting.

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

(Please visit State of the Nation‘s site, link below, to continue reading this important article and call to action.)

Source: Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering Exposes Climategate

Bernie Suarez/Activist Post: Pope Pushes Malthusian Elite Agenda in Historic Call for New Global Order

Re-posted (in part), with thanks, from Activist Post, please click on link for the whole article.
popeUNPlease click over to Activist Post to read the whole article by Bernie Suarez which deconstructs the Pope’s talk at the UN and discusses further the climate change/global warming meme which is being pushed by the Agenda 21 globalists as rationale to roll in  the “sustainable development” New World Order. Excerpts from top and bottom of article posted below.

By Bernie Suarez

“Government corruption by lobbyists to silence the voices of the people, staged war on terror, endless illegal wars of aggression, ongoing false flag operations with crisis actors, out of control police state, creation and arming proxy terrorist armies like ISIS, geoengineering ongoing crimes against humanity and the planet, ongoing GMO poisoning of the human race’s DNA, the list goes on and on of all the issues ‘Pope Francis’ did NOT address in his “historic” visit to the U.S. this week. The rote ceremonies, staged political speeches and propaganda have been ongoing particularly after the Pope’s visit and speech to Congress where he officially endorsed the coming “sustainable” new world order.

That’s right. Instead of addressing the problems humanity faces mentioned above, Pope Francis conveniently echoed almost all the key talking points consistent with the desires of the controlling oligarchs who want to rule the world. The most important message being to endorse the anthropogenic global warming turned climate change issue by talking about the “environment”. The environment issue as it relates to the original global warming CO2 lie, is the most important issue as without it the global elitists will never be able to force Agenda 21 and thus “sustainability” on humanity. Without it, they will never get their global carbon taxes to fund the global government for which the Pope seems to be speaking on behalf of. And thus they will never get their new world order. This IS the most important issue, and I would argue is possibly the primary reason for this whole Pope staged visit to the U.S. with corresponding national, global 24/7 mainstream media coverage.”

From the close of the article:


Stay informed. If you are still not sure why over 30,000 scientists and researchers sued Al Gore for fraud then ask and do your own research. Also do your research and find out about groups like the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300 and confirm their documented goals of controlling all of humanity by introducing an environmental-related crisis which humans would have to be responsible for cooperating in.

Read about the concept and the history of Malthusianism and try to see if the message sounds familiar with today’s “sustainable” message. Try to connect the dots and see the truth for yourself. That’s the knowledge part of the solution. Then share this knowledge and take steps in your personal life to focus on strengthening and expanding your own sovereignty and your freedoms. Focus on your own family network and friends and realize the value. Focus on taking action at the local level to protect your town and city from the top-down control of government. We must find ways to promote government from the bottom-up. Everyone must realize as soon as possible that every form of top-down governance leads to tyranny. There is no other way. For this reason bottom-up governance is the only form of government that can be considered if we’re going to have a government at all.

For some people removing your consent altogether may be the best option. We’re all in this mess by consent after all and each and every one of us has an option of acquiring the knowledge we need to start taking steps toward detaching ourselves from our legal fictional characters created for us since birth. If enough people truly wrap their heads around this reality we may be able to nullify the new world order on the spot. Are we ready for this? That is the bigger question. Hopefully we are because it is here now.”


Please visit Activist Post at this link for the whole excellent article.

Spelling Out the Truth About Chem Trails–Jeff Saxon: Murdering Us From the Sky

Powerful song on chem trails, both in melody and message, by Jeff Saxon–really spells out what is happening with chem trails raining toxins down on us, in a persuasive musical package:

The Truth Denied interviews Jeff Saxon:

Murdering Us From the Sky: The Interview with Jeff Saxon

Action Items proposed by Jeff Saxon on his video:


Climate Change is Being Created: Speaking Out on Chem Trails, GeoEngineering, Aerosol Assault

This video posted by Truth Denied of activist Jim Lee speaking out to the EPA recently–Aug 11, 2015–as did Patrick Roddie, whose video was posted here recently–is inspiring and informative. I especially appreciated that he mentioned in his talk the deleterious effects of chem trail smog on terrestrial astronomy, a subject not often covered openly in relation to chem trail and aerosol assaults.

Again, the term “contrails” is being used here in lieu of chem trails, but the phenomenon referred to is that of chem trails/aerosol spraying from aircraft/aircraft creation of clouds.

The Truth Denied, an informative radio show and website run by activist Roxy Lopez, includes the transcript of Jim Lee’s address in the article on their website dated August 27,2015 featuring this video: James Lee Testimony at EPA Has an Urgent Message about Climate Modification.

Excerpt from the transcript of his address: “Do a search for the word “chemtrails” and you will see millions of concerned citizens who “Look Up” and wonder “What in the World Are They Spraying?” [10] Despite what you may think of the myriad of maladies attributed to these clouds, the global outrage is nonetheless clear.  They are right to be worried and we should all be concerned.

The EPA’s claim that CO2 is a greater threat to human health than contrails and aviation induced cloudiness is based on incomplete IPCC data that downplays the effects of contrails on our climate. The IPCC’s 4th assessment of contrail radiative forcing only accounted for “linear contrails,” meaning that any contrail that spreads out and turns into cirrus clouds was not accounted for.

How significant is the heat-trapping contrail conundrum? Quote:

“Contrails formed by aircraft can evolve into cirrus clouds indistinguishable from those formed naturally. These ‘spreading contrails’ may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation.” [11]”

Please visit The Truth Denied site for the whole transcript.

GeoEngineering Watch: US Military Veteran Courageously Speaks Out About Geoengineering And Government Tyranny

The beginning of massive exposure of the destructive and unlawful program of “geoengineering” which drops toxic chemicals on populations via chemtrails/aerosol spraying? Let’s hope so. This is an awfully encouraging stepping-forward by a young military veteran.

Re-posted with thanks from Global Elite TV/9/3/2015, originally posted by Dane Wigington at

Source: US Military Veteran Courageously Speaks Out About Geoengineering And Government Tyranny

From the start of the article: “On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life.

Numerous experts spoke out at this event including former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world.

Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Mario Ramirez is a US Navy veteran who has shown tremendous courage by speaking publicly about the tyranny that is rampant within the ranks of our own government and military.”

Please visit GeoEngineering Watch for the whole post.  Source: US Military Veteran Courageously Speaks Out About Geoengineering And Government Tyranny

Patrick Roddie, Geo-Engineering Activist Addresses the EPA/Please Speak Out to the EPA to Demand an End to Chem Trails/Aerosol Spraying of Toxins

Re-posted with thanks to Roxy Lopez, from The Truth Denied/Aug 14, 2015:

Please visit The Truth Denied‘s web site to watch the video of Anti-Geo-Engineering Activist Patrick Roddie’s outstanding 10-minute testimony/Aug 11, 2015 to the apparently corporate-run EPA regarding the pollution of water and air by means of toxins sprayed over San Francisco, and his clear exposition Patrick Roddieon the alarming increase in respiratory diseases, as air and water analyses prove the presence of extremely high and damaging levels of aluminium, barium and other metals and materials in the atmosphere and in collected rainwater. Please note, he uses the term “con-trails” throughout, possibly to combat the extant official blanking-out of the term “chem trails.” Roxy Lopez, who runs The Truth Denied, offers an insightful comment on this in the Comments section succeeding the post.

Patrick Roddie runs the organization and website

Excerpt from the transcript of his speech/from the ending part:

“San Francisco’s air should be pristine: we get prevailing winds from the Pacific Ocean. Why is it left to concerned citizens to pay for our own rainwater analysis – and why did EPA stop publishing data on airborne aluminum in 2002? Let me take this opportunity to formally submit a freedom of information request for EPA to release the historical results of metal levels in our air and rainwater from the 1980s to the present.

I have recorded hundreds of time-lapse videos showing the progression of these persistent contrails since 2011. Thousands of others worldwide have also documented the alarming increase of these persistent contrails and been met with deafening silence from supposedly green organizations like Greenpeace – ­ a proud partner in the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative ­ – and all governmental agencies, including the EPA.

Your mandate is to protect the environment, especially the air we breathe. I wouldn’t expect you to admit the existence of a program as covert as the Manhattan Project – even one blatantly obvious to an increasingly aware and outraged populace –  but when a geoengineering program is causing millions of premature deaths a year you must do more than pass the buck back and forth between other three letter agencies. Do your job. ­ History will judge you on your action – and inaction.”

Please visit The Truth Denied for the video replay and the whole transcript.

Take Action/Speak Out Against Geo-Engineering/Chem Trails/Aerosol Spraying

dc-chemtrailsPlease note also that this testimony was offered in relation to a new rule the EPA is proposing–which in itself sounds slightly convoluted–for it looks like they are seeking to prove here that aircraft fuel emissions/greenhouse gas emissions are causing air pollution and should be regulated with higher carbon standards–which sounds reasonable on its face and yet, as many are aware, is part of the UN Global-Governance overarching strategy, to claim the need for carbon taxes, a cost which will eventually trickle down to the individual taxpayer.

Further, note their quoting of the Clean Air Act, and complete omission of awareness of chem trails, which is absolutely monstrous given the continued aerosol-spraying we have All been enduring and living through for years, and continue to be subjected to. Chem Trails have made complete mockery of the Clean Air Act, and yet the EPA–like all other branches of government– absolutely shut out any discussion of it.

This studied obliviousness seems patently absurd, given that any one of us, in any part of the country, merely has to look up into the sky to see no-longer blue skies but: a persistent haze, streaking lines of white, or expanding aerosols into clouds.  As we are learning today, the dangers to populations as researchers have currently uncovered them include Morgellons, and mass robotization via nanotechnology.

See the whole Proposed Rule–Greenhouse Gas Determinations here, and please drop in here to submit a public comment on this rule. As Patrick Roddie has done, perhaps we can each make note of how Chem Trails–Stratospheric Aerosol spraying or Solar Radiation Management is/are the primary pollutant/s that need/s to be stopped.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Proposed Rule: Greenhouse Gas Determinations: Emissions from Aircraft Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (<<—-Click here to file your comment!)

Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch: The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering

Re-posted from GeoEngineering Watch/Exposing the climate geoengineering cover-up

“A battle cannot be successfully fought without an army of committed and qualified individuals that are working together. Such a movement is only possible when a critical mass of awareness is achieved. After many years of struggling to raise this awareness, the anti-geoengineering movement has now reached a level of awakening that has brought legal experts and other essential professionals into the fight on our side.” (Pl. click on link for full post.)

The Push For Legal Action To Expose Climate Engineering.