Jeff Hayes/Bought–Free Viewing of Film on Harmful Effects of Vaccines, GMOs, Medications

Please click over to Jeff Hayes Films/Bought to register for a brief period this May and June (starts May 23) to watch this incredible documentary for free online, which documents the conversations of a pediatric physician with other physicians, scientists, whistleblowers, and mothers of vaccine-damaged children, and traces many problems related to vaccines, including autism, as well as covering other issues, such as untested GMOs, and potent medications with dangerous side-effects over-prescribed to children.

watch_the_first_30_minutes_of_boughtWhile Vaxxed continues to be on our to-watch radar, this film, which came out in 2014, offers deep insight into the devastation caused by vaccines gone awry, and over-medication by spending time with families who have autistic children, while also exploring with physicians and professors of law the issues of profit and lack of liability propping up the pharmaceutical industry.

I found this documentary both very moving and informative. Hard not to draw connections between autism and vaccines after watching this. 1 in 68 children, as per 2014, now have autism in America. Meanwhile, the $30 billion a year vaccine industry continues to be protected with no-liability laws. GMOs and toxic drugs also come under scrutiny here, and while some conclusions are left to the viewer, the focus on this particular mix of modern toxins calls to mind and can be understood, I think, not merely in light of pharmaceutical profits but in the hard-to-believe but apparently operative context of an actual global UN depopulation agenda, discussed by activist Kevin Galalae, covered here earlier.

From the Bought website:

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

  • Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline pleaded guilty and agreed to pay a $3 billion fine for illegal marketing and withholding information about health hazards associated with several of its drugs, including Avandia and Paxil. This was the largest fine ever paid by a drug company.
  • Since the first National Vaccine Injury Compensation (VICP) claims were filed in 1989, 3,981 compensation awards have been made. More than $2.8 billion in compensation awards has been paid to petitioners.
  • Between 2012 and mid-2014, Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) successfully blocked GMO labeling laws in over 30 states, at a price tag of more than $100 million.

Natural News offers some information in preview: Powerful new film to expose vaccines and Big Pharma

“This new film, called “Bought,” looks like it will be the most powerful, hard-hitting documentary we’ve ever seen about the dangers of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. With 70 percent of the U.S. population now on prescription medications, we are reaching a critical phase of human survival: if we don’t wake up as a species and realize that vaccines and drugs are only making us sicker and more dependent on the “sick care” system, we are doomed.”

Help wake up the world to the dangers of vaccines and drugs

It’s time for the world to wake up to the devastating dangers of vaccines and prescription medications. Autism rates have skyrocketed, yet the medical establishment continues to inject our children with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG — all admitted ingredients in vaccines.

Seventy percent of our population is on medication, but our population is sicker than ever. If prescription medications made people healthier, America would be the healthiest nation in the world, but it’s actually one of the sickest.

Prescription medications are not just killing Americans in record numbers, they’re also distracting people from the real solutions to lasting health: nutrition, regular exercise, sunlight, avoidance of toxins, fresh foods, superfoods and natural, holistic therapies like chiropractic care and massage therapy. Due to the influence and power of Big Pharma’s marketing machine, people have been suckered into the false belief that the answer to all their health problems is just a pill away… and then another pill… and another… until they’re taking a chemical cocktail of ten prescriptions that are crucifying their liver and kidneys (while causing cancer).

The pharmaceutical industry is a mass death machine, and we’ve got to blow the whistle on it in a big way. This film, “Bought,” would deliver a crushing blow to the pharmaceutical monster and help wake up potentially millions of people to the truth about the dangers of swallowing synthetic patented chemicals as a “lifestyle.”

Learn more:

Trudy Scott/Every Woman Above 29, a health and nutrition expert with an immense trove of resources on her blog offers this review. (Excerpt below, please visit her site for full review.)

“BOUGHT is a groundbreaking documentary that exposes the shocking truth behind drugs, vaccines and GMOs. It’s all about Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Pharma and is all about money and profits.

The movie subtitle is perfect: “Your health – now brought to you by Wall Street.”

Watch this film and hear from acclaimed experts in science, medicine, and the law, plus the activists who are raising awareness to help protect their families and will help you protect your family.

Big Pharma funding medical education

You may recognize Dr. Kelly Brogan MD., integrative psychiatrist. I interviewed her on both season 1 and season 2 of the Anxiety Summit. She talks about how Big Pharma funded her medical education. She shared how she was heavily courted by the drug industry and taken to first class restaurants. Of course, she questioned all of this and now educates her patients about real food, gut health, inflammation, curcumin, low vitamin B12 etc.

Selling a drug (the antidepressant Paxil) off-label to children

Former drug sales rep (and now whistleblower) Blair Hamrick, was fired from GlaxoSmithKline when he reported that the company was selling a drug (the antidepressant Paxil) off-label to children. The drug was indicated for 18 years and above.

In July 2012, James Cole, Deputy Attorney General announced that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) had to pay $3 billion dollars in fines. Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney, MA, shared that GlaxoSmithKline “bribed physicians to prescribe GSK drugs using every imaginable form of high-priced entertainment.”

– See more at:

Here’s the link again to watch–well worth the viewing time. Please share, especially with parents of young children and pediatricians.

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