Monthly Archives: January 2019

FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: “Profound Corruption of Law and Society by J. Edgar Hoover And His Offspring, the FBI”

–Ramola D/Posted 1/17/2019

Geral Sosbee, intrepid FBI whistleblower, former English professor, Vietnam War veteran, attorney, and judge alerts us to the incredible corruption rampant today at the FBI and crimes being committed by the FBI on US and world populations, part of the roster of Surveillance Abuses now being enacted, it appears, by the whole slew of Intelligence agencies, local Law Enforcement, and military parties operating with impunity through Fusion Centers in the US, UK, and worldwide—and being covered up with Blanket-Ridicule-Coverage by mainstream media such as The New York Times and Washington Post, Wired, VICE, Daily Beast, and other Rothschild-run media outlets.

In Mr. Sosbee’s estimation, the FBI in particular is responsible for these modern-day Targeting crimes, but of course each of these other parties no doubt also play a prominent part in wrongfully watch-listing and terror-listing innocent citizens in order to secretively and unashamedly enroll them in horrific, criminal, and unethical non-consensual human subject experimentation, weapons-testing and medical and University research involving RFIDs, WBANs, medical implants, neuro-implants, neuroweapons, nanoweapons, bio-sensors, aerosols, irradiation with microwave and milliwave weapons, lasers, masers, and so on, as well as Satanic neurotechnology such as V2K, synthetic telepathy, induced dreams, pumped-in videos and images, RHIC-EDOM, EEG Heterodyning, EEG Cloning, brain computer interface (BCI) technology, neural interface technology, and “neuro behavior modification” technology involving RF weapons, while also subjecting them to “bio-behavioral research” involving sanctioned Psychological Operations or Psychiatric Warfare on them.

Complaining DOD/DOJ/CIA/DARPA/NIH experimentees are quickly hauled off on 302 Holds to Psychiatric Wards for force-medication and fraudulent-diagnoses, churned out by either complicit or ignorant psychiatrists unfamiliar with modern military RF neurotechnology or Stasi operations of “community policing” involving neighborhood harassment and large-scale organized stalking. Society has been stripped of organic community today; FBI and DHS and other Fusion Center “police” have succeeded in deceiving communities into scapegoating, isolating, attacking, slandering, defaming, and ostracizing targets–who are usually highly educated, highly moral, highly accomplished, and community-minded and civic-minded people whom the current “New World Order” run by apron-wearing Freemasons and hand-signaling death-oathtakers from Skull-and-Bones, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta and other corrupt and criminal secret societies ensconced now inside private corporations, local and federal governments, and spy agencies particularly wishes to silence.

Mr. Sosbee himself is being subjected to ongoing persecution of this nature, and has reported physical assault being levied at him by members of his community in public, provocations to which he carefully refrains from reacting, since, as he and many others report, it is this precise Provoke-Harass-Induce Reaction cycle which the Global Gestapo continually use that is designed to Incarcerate or Psych-Commit via a provoked reaction from the target.

The tragedy of course is that most people remain oblivious to these horrific ongoing abuses and violations of rights, thanks to the determined Propaganda Campaign run endlessly by amoral, spineless, ethics-less spy-agency-subservient media. The witness testimonial of all targets therefore, and in particular the words and witness of whistleblowers with insider experience of FBI, CIA, and NSA foibles such as Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, and Karen Melton-Stewart becomes especially important. Many thanks to Geral Sosbee for his unswerving integrity and candor in speaking out to alert all humanity, before it is too late.

Of course it may be too late already—people are actually being tortured to death with these being-kept-secret-with-a-vengeance EMF, RF, Scalar, Sonic, Neuro/DEW technologies today—but Geral Sosbee’s speaking out will hopefully alert all reading to the actual fact and reality of these crimes and abuses. These agencies and militaries and Universities and hospitals absolutely have to be stopped in their tracks in these deadly and barbaric programs of human rights abuse—but people of conscience, morality, and integrity perhaps need to understand the truth of what is going on first. We are living through an extreme holocaust involving the use of stealth weaponry and social sabotage, worldwide–which needs to be fully exposed and fully stopped. Please share this information widely.

Geral Sosbee’s “The Issue” was posted first at and is re-posted here with permission. Please note, Geral Sosbee refers to the FBI always as “fbi” for reasons spelled out in an earlier post, here.



By GERAL SOSBEE, January14, 2019

Abstract: This paper presents an historical perspective on the profound corruption of law and society of the USA by J. Edgar Hoover and his offspring, the fbi.

The Issue

During the unstoppable rise to power of fbi, J. Edgar Hoover (JEH) and universal fascist indications, especially during the roaring ’20s and the sorrowful Depression of the decade, from 1929-1939 (and continuing at the speed of light today), JEH was behind the curtain gathering and exercising brutal authority at the national, state and local levels.

JEH understood the meaning of fascism and nationalism by watching events in the ’30s & ’40s regarding threats by Nazis, Communism and attack on Pearl Harbor. He knew that power must be violently forged in international politics, war, and in standards for domestic rule.

JEH exploited all such threats on USA to consolidate his grip on media and all of society.

In essence JEH was a “Master of Deceit” who developed secret operations and technology to control his Targets. See my reports on psychological operations, gaslighting, and the use of chemical and biological attacks on selected individuals such as me.

The COINTELPRO also sprang up to further lay the foundation for destroying privacy; and the use of deep-space-based weaponry became the secret tool by which later fbi operations would torture, maim and kill adversaries.

JEH was born in 1895, bacame director of fbi in 1921 & 1924, and died in 1972. The overriding objectives during his life were to control the population and to foster extreme nationalism. After all, such goals also brought success to the most notorious human monsters of his time, Hitler, Mussolini et al.

JEH also created the fbi National Academy in 1935 where he and his followers would program all law enforcement officers in USA (and others around the world) in the brutal and often deadly art of control over the population. KILL was the key and was central to all training.

Other federal or national groups were also created so as to strengthen the power of JEH and his baby, the fbi. For example, Office of Coordinator of Information (an Intel & propaganda group) in 1941, OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1942 (subsequently the cia).

JEH gathered other staunch allies who shared his views on power. In 1947 the cia was formed with similar values. NCIC (National Crime Information Center) was created in 1947 when JEH realized the need for a federal (or ‘nationalistic’) system for demonizing Radicals, political enemies, and critics of the national government.

From 1953-1999, the U.S. Information Office gathered and shared war data with fbi and the intelligence community. Today, all Intel groups such as military, doj, cia, STATE DEPARTMENT, Congress, etc., follow fbi ‘s directives toward and for benefit of nationalistic control of the world (viz: NWO). See also my report on the *collapse of the constitutional government of USA and other documentations on fbi use of Directed Energy Weaponry against me and others globally.


A few men challenged JEH’s unrivalled rise to power: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JOHN F KENNEDY, et al. They were murdered.

I was born in 1945, served in US ARMY from ’66 – ’68 & fbi from ’71-’78. Soon after JEH appointed me as Special Agent, his cadre of ‘True Believers’ began psychological operations against me to discourage my continued service. Ultimately I was forced to quit, but fbi leaves no loose ends.

The machinery of fbi’s torture, forced suicide, false imprisonment and assassination program were set in motion to silence me from reporting crimes by fbi.

My reports are ‘online’ as is my very existence .

Beware of the supreme US authorities who are the fbi and federal judges who program the population and threaten the world, for they are modern-day fascists who use deadly MAFIA tactics and Directed Energy Weaponry to threaten, torture, maim & kill; such extreme measures are unprecedented in human affairs.

Thank you kindly.

Current attacks on me by fbi in retaliation include: sleep deprivation by DEW, chemical assaults, physical attacks by fbi operatives, thugs and serial killers, intense psychological operations and gaslighting.


Related work by the splendid BARBARA HARTWELL & RAMOLA D:

Source: Geral Sosbee/


NPR/Feb 2012/The History of the FBI’s Secret “Enemies” List

SFGate/Jan 2014/Seth Rosenfeld/’The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI”

Ward Churchill/To Disrupt, Discredit, and Destroy/The FBI’s Secret War Against the Black Panther Party

What Really Happened/FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities–COINTELPRO Revisited–Spying and Disruption

Also Related:

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: “We are Defending All Mankind and We Are the Unacknowledged Legislators of the World”

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality

Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI



Above Top Secret Crime: Phillip Douglas Walker AKA Omni Reports He is Being Disappeared and Threatened With Replacement by an EEG/Brainwave Clone

–Ramola D/Posted 1/14/2019

Second in the article series exploring The Classified Research Cover, this report addresses the critical question “Is ‘Classified Research’ Covering up Deadly Crimes?

The first article in this series was an earlier interview with Omni: Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

Above Top Secret Crime: Phillip Douglas Walker AKA Omni Reports He is Being Disappeared & Threatened With Replacement by an EEG/Brainwave Clone

Phillip Walker, or Omni, before targeting crimes, 10 yrs ago

Phillip Douglas Walker of Oregon (34) aka Omni, whose recent reports of intense harm and counterintelligence crime in a compartmentalized and classified program which is quite possibly a Special Access Program classified beyond the Above Top Secret classification and involving crimes against humanity such as MK ULTRA-extended trauma-based mind control, Manchurian Candidate-style bio-robotizing, BCI-CBI Neuro Modification and Control, EEG Heterodyning, and EEG Cloning were covered here earlier, is currently reporting an “incredibly dire” situation of threatened identity erasure, psychiatric disappearance, and real-world replacement with an EEG or brainwave clone.

Returning home in late December 2018 from a two-week stint in Providence St. Vincent Medical Center hospital in Oregon, where he was psychiatrically committed after he was, he says, “mind and body controlled” to admit himself, Phillip who has been reporting extreme externalized brain control via BCI interfaces in recent text and audio conversations with this reporter is insistent about the danger of complete disappearance he currently faces.

Crimes Against Humanity: “Targeted Individuals” Report Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

“To put it into perspective, the targeted individual holocaust is denied by most of the planet, and the victims are labeled mentally ill.” ~Phillip Walker

While the general public—misled by government Propaganda through mainstream media reporters who openly, deceitfully, and egregiously lie about “Targeted Individuals” who report covert, non-consensual neuro-experimentation, and also altstream media reporters who avoid coverage for whatever compromised and fearful reason—is kept ignorant about the advanced state of neuroscience experimentation today, whether public-domain or Black Ops undisclosed Military/Intelligence Weaponized Neuroscience, reporting victims like Phillip Walker have been coming forward for decades to report similar kinds of invasive brain takeover.

Indeed, comments under recent video conversations with Phillip as well as with others this reporter has interviewed such as Galina Kurdina, Gretta Fahey, Cassandra, Natalie Moore, Chris Howard, and Chris Burton publicly record that many worldwide are familiar with the kind of invasive EEG cloning and bio-robotizing these individuals as well as Phillip are reporting. Ongoing public record of such rampant, non-consenting-experimentation crime is also offered by numerous videos, websites and social media posts by hundreds if not thousands of reporting victims worldwide.

Remote Body and Mind Control to Self-Delete Online Work

In several recent conversations, a couple recorded here, in Ramola D Reports/Report #98 and Report #100 (video linked below), Phillip reported that he was being simultaneously mind-forced and bio-robotized—meaning, involuntarily forced to move limbs, arms, fingers, against his will—to delete his own creative work, the product of many years of focused labor in what he notes is hard earned Targeting research, analysis, and reportage, involving websites, videos, and PDF’d documents posted online and privately shared earlier with a few activists, including this writer. “My body of work (over 20 websites), art, films, and music were all body control erased.”

This was remarked elsewhere online, at Reddit: “Phillip Douglas Walker (Omni, Omnisense, Counter Darkness, Universal Aspects) has been erased from the internet

Signature Graphic from Omni’s portal website Universal, featured often in his art work

(Ahmad Enani of has downloaded and saved some of his websites. Phillip has also sent me some of his documents in pdf format which I will upload soon.)

Some of these websites and documents can be found here, from his Universal Aspects website, via the Wayback Machine archive:

Samples of Omni’s website documentation, now available via web.archive:

Creative, human-rights-centered and entrepreneurial, Phillip has had an extensive presence on the Internet, with music, graphics, art, videos, photographs, research, and writing posted at various sites. The identity he is afraid is being erased is intimately linked with this online record of his work; the fact that he is reporting being bio-robotized to delete his own work therefore is singularly troubling.

What is being prepared for his future by these Black Ops Artists of the Insane (compartmentalized CIA? DIA? NSA? US Navy? US Army?), he reports, is erasure of his real persona—and all evidence of it online—along with neuro-framing into a new persona, a criminal persona in fact, which would then become his calling-card online (and in person) to all “Surveillance” maestros from other compartments of the DOJ/NSA checking up on who he really is. He wishes therefore for this to be recorded: “Phillip Douglas Walker is being identity replaced, planned to be framed as a sexual predator. I have been covered up to Surveillance throughout my life. They are covering up my identity within my own neuroscience profiles.

He further offers this updated list (discussed earlier in Reports #98 and #100) on how he is being framed:

Models That Framed Me:


Brain Damage (presumably the brain stem – thought generation based)
Neural Programming (years of programming)
Genetic Alteration (genetic programming)
Soul Programming (years of programming)
Spiritual Deadening (minimized spirituality through trauma)
Neural Soullessness (precise to fraudulent attribution)
Anhedonia (the limits of programming with anhedonia)
Memory and Micro-Conceptual Spectrum Control (isolation and negation)
Psychiatric Drugging & Neuropsyche Drugs”

Inversion of Perception About Myself (respect and accuracy based):

Forced Speech (programming individuals and provoking everyone against myself including those I am being targeted by)
Full Spectrum Illusion about myself”

–Phillip Douglas Walker/1/12/2018

Another extremely troubling aspect of what he reports is being done to him is deliberate programmatic damage to his memory, where his short-term memory as well as complete memory is so extremely tampered with and altered that he is being forced, like a dementia patient, to forget both recent and past conversations, thoughts, intentions, and communications.

In a Skype conversation a few days ago, fearing for his own life, and reporting “Surveillance Fraud,” Phillip noted down who he really is—a persona those of us familiar with his work and life the past few years can indeed attest to as well:

“Phillip Walker Bio:

Independent music producer, independent author, graphic designer, filmmaker / videographer, amateur photographer, webmaster, activist, futurist, entrepreneur, targeted individual, whistleblower, and researcher. I am a heretic, a street historian, and a de-occultist who identifies with altruism, the artistic and the esoteric.

Some of the subjects that interest me are music / sound, photography, the arts, language – words, social progress, decentralization, self development & self discovery, black project science, the electromagnetic spectrum, technology (BCI & Ai), the tactics of warfare, de-occultism, history, the future, universal aspects & archetypes, and the natural laws of the universe.

I dedicated my life to serving Planet Earth when I was about 15-17 years old. I enjoy making music and art, writing, the internet, activism of several types, opposing evil and its systems of control, making informational videos, thinking about the future and more or less assisting any innocent being find their way to good fortune. Two words I live by are Truth and Progress. I believe in the open movement, de-corrupting the world, the evolution of society, caring for the planetary ecosystem, and overall being responsible stewards of our planet and solar system.”

Covert Ops Creation of Crime: Neuro Framing, Surveillance Fraud, Manchurian Body Control

In Skype and podcast conversations and in his recently written and posted affidavit, Phillip earlier reported that he was being threatened to be neuro-framed as a rapist and pedophile, by way of BCI Fraud through pumping images likely to typecast him as these into his head while simultaneously working neuro-influentially with patented Remote Neural Influence Radio Frequency and BCI technologies on his will, impulses, and body-control to possibly force him toward actually physically committing such crimes, a horrific possibility that he wishes to avoid at any cost.

It was this which led him to the Psychiatric department at Providence, the fear of a “lack of control.” “I was threatened that they would do body control crimes through myself, and I am being framed as a sexual predator.

Such remote body and brain control has also been reported by others suspected to be Manchurian candidates such as Rohinie Bisesar, a putatively targeted financial services consultant who fatally stabbed a young stranger in a Toronto shopping mall in December 2015–and recently found “not criminally responsible” after acceptance of a schizophrenia diagnosis, and Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer who provided subject for Charlize Theron’s Oscar-awarded portrayal in “Monster,” who made a statement about being deliberately neuro-modified by “sonic pressure to the head” to kill a number of people shortly before she was executed.

Authoritarian Psychiatry to Suppress and Modify Brain with Neuro-Toxic “Medication” While Being Replaced With an EEG/Brainwave Clone

As most people know, stepping into a psychiatric facility either on someone else’s recommendation, an “Involuntary Hold” executed by police with Mental Health Community Intervention social workers or on one’s own steam inevitably results in being dosed with neuro-affective psychiatric medication, which is exactly what Phillip reports was done to him.

Now enrolled in a program of continued medication and mental health counseling, he is afraid he is being dragged deeper into the Authoritarian Psychiatry vortex which he says his V2K sources—the “handlers” and military/Intel neuroscientists running these Satanic programs–assure him they intend to use full-swing on him in order to pull off a Full-Spectrum-Domination program on his life. He is currently afraid that he will once again be force-committed or “sectioned” into submitting to Forced Authoritarian Psychiatry and by this means be possibly interned and disappeared for life, while evidence of his labor, name, and social profile will be erased online as well forever.

In addition, Phillip suggests he may be replaced in real life with a “brainwave clone,” a person or computer endowed possibly with his own brainwaves, harvested over time through myriad BCI and algorithmic Remote Neural Monitoring interactions and modifications he has been subjected to, who would then exist in the world with his cognitive and creative processes, skillsets, personality, and conscience, while he himself—his body, his brain–is “taken over” by the EEG Brainwave Clone—or member of the cybernetic hive-minding team working on his brain whose brainwaves have been heterodyned with his in order to permit access to his own neural pathways of personal neuro-control of his own body. EEG Heterodyning and Cloning is discussed by whistleblower DOD/CIA scientist and cyberneticist Dr. Robert Duncan in his books Project Soulcatcher, The Matrix Deciphered, and in numerous video talks and interviews.

In this scenario, Phillip himself would languish in a Pyschiatric ward for life, kept under by strong psychotoxic medication, bio-robotized by the cannibalizing “EEG/brainwave clone,” transformed to all intents and purposes to all observers including his family, into whatever form of degraded, disgraced, depraved, delimited shadow-of-a-human the Covert Ops Hive or clone intends, unable to return neurological control to his own brain, will, and body.

While this no doubt sounds so grotesquely extreme as to seem acredible to some, other brain-hacking victims have indeed been reporting similar experiences of feeling their “brainwave clone” periodically take over their body—a phenomenon of Living Manchurian Candidate creation, whereby a person can be forced to commit crimes by simply being a victim of calculated and sustained brain-hacking and bio-hacking and fully losing control of their body. This in other words is an indication of the Deliberate Creation of Crime by megalomanically abusive neuroscientists and cyberneticists operating above the law—in not merely experimenting on healthy non-consenting people wrongfully framed and fed into unregulated and unethical Military/Intel experiments but in subjecting their victims to extreme physical, psychological, and neurological torture and thence neuro-mapping, neuro-cloning, and neuro-manipulating their victims into committing horrendous crimes–while being forever protected by secrecy, classification, and a whole slew of lies about “national security.”

In a note to another human rights activist and friend on 12/27, Phillip, who wishes to publish that he currently lives in Forest Grove, Oregon, wrote: “My situation is incredibly dire. I am being threatened with being forgotten in a tortured psyche ward and in a replaced identity situation…I am being completely erased.” Phillip also thinks he will be bodily controlled soon out of using his own phone. “I will be in a nightmare. Please remember me.” He requested causing “a ruckus on social media if possible, that my websites were body control erased and I was hit with punitive psychiatry in a Psych ward.”

The other significant disclosure Phillip has made, all in hopes that the right attention may be brought to his case in order to save him through recording these crimes in basic reportage, is that “They are covering up my life and work and I have been neurally reprogrammed and given MK ULTRA alters.”

Covert Ops Neuro-Crime Covered Expediently by Authoritarian Psychiatry

“They want to turn America and the world into a psychiatric prison.” ~Phillip Walker

To summarize: Threats he is currently enduring, he reports, include Identity Replacement and Surveillance Fraud to Artificial Intelligence programs documenting himself.

(This can be understood only when one understands that Neuro-Surveillance and Neuro-Monitoring is being currently conducted, while Neuro-Modification and Neuro-Takeover is also being currently conducted, possibly by two different Intelligence agencies or Criminal Justice divisions, permitting therefore one agency to deceive another through the fraudulence of neuro-framing and the automation of Artificial Intelligence and supercomputer monitoring.)

He repeats that he has experienced neural reprogramming with someone else’s neural profile being superimposed over his own, and is being threatened with psychiatric detainment after fully hijacked body control and framing as a sexual predator. Additionally, he is being threatened with murder of both himself and anyone who is valuable to himself, and is keen to publish these threats so as to divert their intention while also informing any white-hat Military or Intelligence factions who can help to do so.

The part played by Authoritarian or Punitive Psychiatry here—much in line with KGB-style Political Psychiatry–in keeping these crimes protected and unrevealed to the public must be highlighted.

Reporting victims of Neurotechnology Experimentation Crime invariably report being “sectioned” or force-committed on a psychiatric “Involuntary Hold” succeeding orchestrated or manipulated COINTELPRO-provoked set-ups whereby police are called in by neighbors, strangers, or even family on some concocted or created charge, and arrest and escort victims to Emergency Rooms on Baker Act or Involuntary Hold Mental Health commitments—an action thence entered into medical records for life, and initiative of endless force-medication and biochemical suppression of victims’ brains, wills, and bodies.

The tragedy of course is that close family members are also persuaded to believe these are mental health issues and assist in silencing, disappearing and making available to further neuro-experimentation torture their own relatives. Mind control today–as per declassified documents, whistleblowing, and public-domain disclosure–can be effected by Remote Neural Influence technologies using specific radio frequencies for specific emotion induction, subliminal radio hypnosis, via RHIC-EDOM–Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory, concealed tooth RF implants, and other means.

Concerned readers within and without the Intelligence agencies, ethical Military, and Criminal Justice in the USA and internationally are invited to step forward to take action within their spheres of influence to assist Phillip Walker, rescue him from these extreme Destructive Neurotech operations of Crimes Against Humanity, and help save his life and work—as also, all of humanity, from these extreme and criminal and unethical neurotechnologies. Such dark neurotech should not be kept concealed behind barriers of secrecy but openly known to and questioned by all humanity—since it poses imminent  danger to all of us. In an ethical world, those reporting such extreme exploitation as Phillip is reporting, should be granted every diagnostic advantage and offered rescue and restoration to their true, authentic selves and lives.  


THE REAL STORY: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Addresses the Rotary Club on Treasonous, Criminal Stalking & Harassment Watchlist Programs Run By FBI, Infragard, Fusion Centers

–Ramola D/Posted 1/11/2019

In a short series of emails headered THE REAL STORY and sent to the Washington, DC Rotary Club this week, NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart addressed the Rotary Club on the subject of treasonous and criminal watchlisting programs being run by the FBI by way of its community policing organization, Infragard, and in collusion with fusion centers—a subject she has frequently spoken about in interviews and online forums as well as written about in articles, flyers, and letters, and  also addressed directly to the FBI, in a previous  candid letter she penned to Infragard-running FBI, “America’s Unconstitutional Brown Shirts.”

Evidence of the extreme corruption engendered by revolving-door policies between corporate contractors and government personnel, as well as the out-of-control growth of the secretive and self-protecting Military Intelligence Industrial Complex, these covert but well-padded “Targeted Individual” programs yielding profit to corrupt insiders have involved the persecution, torture, and targeted killing of Americans–and citizens worldwide, through international contracting agreements.  Top-level employees in the FBI, NSA and other Intelligence agencies have been involved, it appears, in approving and running these programs, which Mrs. Stewart informs us currently President Trump intends to clear out.

No secret to the discerning readers of The Everyday Concerned Citizen, these programs—which include electromagnetic weaponry usage and bio-telemetric surveillance–have long been the subject of discussion on podcasts with whistleblowers, scientists, authors, and reporting victims at Ramola D Reports and in articles at this site, and were revealed to President Trump shortly after his inauguration in January 2017 in the Memorandum to President Trump on US Domestic Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance. Whistleblowers from the FBI such as Geral Sosbee and Ted Gunderson have spoken about these programs, as also whistleblowers from the CIA such as Barbara Hartwell; a recent podcast interview, Report # 106, with Geral Sosbee and Barbara Hartwell published once more the truths about Surveillance abuses being reported both by whistleblowers and ordinary Americans.

Additionally, police whistleblowers have recently come forward to Targeted Justice to reveal the involvement and centralized command of fusion centers in the running of these “gangstalking” and illegal targeting and physical assault programs with anti-personnel or “non-lethal” weapons. Security service personnel and paid stalkers have whistleblown as well, as these linked videos featuring Justin Carter and Nappy Head Roots’ interview with a young paid stalker illustrate.

Rotary Club Endorsement of FBI Infragard Coordinator Kara Sidener Occasions Question

Occasioned currently by confidential information provided to Targeted Justice of the DC Rotary Club’s recent endorsement of Washington, DC’s FBI Infragard Co-ordinator and Special Agent Kara Sidener as well as of Infragard’s community policing and covert money-making harassment programs, Mrs. Stewart reminded the Rotary Club that criminals in the FBI and Infragard have long been engaged in treasonous activities targeting innocent Americans and trafficking them under public-private partnership contracts into stalking, harassment, and murder programs—some, as this writer has discussed often, and whistleblowers like Dr. Robert Duncan have confirmed, now involving DOD Field Weapons Testing of Electronic Warfare weaponry, DOJ Neurosurveillance, and other Military/Intelligence/Academic terminal non-consensual Neurotechnology/Medical implant research projects–while also taking out life insurance policies on them (the latter discussed to some extent by this writer and Ahmad Enani in Real Talk True Media podcast Episode 1 and Episode 2 with Karen Stewart and Midge Mathis, founder of Targeted Justice). 

While community “policing” has drawn many into these barbaric harassment programs against people of integrity targeted by powerful criminals for neutralization using Government mechanisms, many educated Americans remain oblivious to their existence, primarily because they are not covered by large human rights organizations and establishment media, which it now becomes clear are also linked to selfsame powerful crime syndicates. These latter –such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Vice, The Daily Beast, Wired, and recently the Dr. Phil show–are focused instead on amorally covering up evidence of these programs for the FBI/CIA/DHS/NSA/DOD and dispensing Disinfo Propaganda with a blanket charter of ridicule aimed at disappearing reporting victims under the label “Targeted Individuals.”

Karen Stewart notes that these extreme targeting and harassment programs have provided the fusion centers and FBI a bogus means to socially control communities and repress outstanding individuals, while obtaining high-octane budgets for their continued, false and baseless “war on terrorism.” Mrs. Stewart was herself subjected to the horrors of these programs after her internal EEOC complaint of internal negligence and corruption at the NSA—in denying her a double promotion and credit for her award-winning work—was retaliated against with untoward psychiatric evaluations, organized stalking by NSA Security, FBI, and Naval Security, as well as anti-personnel DEW use to extreme and deleterious effect, on the scale of unprecedented persecution with military weaponry reported also by other whistleblowers from the FBI and CIA. FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee recently opined that such persecution is directed through abuse of powers at FBI against thousands of innocent Americans.

Reminding the Rotary Club of the new inquiries into the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Towers and mass murder that day of thousands of Americans, Mrs. Stewart also enclosed a forwarded email on the subject of genocide, because it is being understood by many that these watchlisting progams with their deadly train of abuses mounting to massive crimes against humanity are nothing less than programs of genocide.

In her first communication with the DC Rotary Club, Karen Stewart offers this new information of forthcoming repercussions, that “President Trump has amended the Manual for Courts-Martial to include the military arrest and military trial of criminal FBI, Fusion Center, and InfraGard and their partners involved in the fraud Watch List scam as treasonous enemy combatants.”

While many still report to this writer (this week) that these targeting and stalking and harassment programs are in full swing today–even through the current partial government shutdown–it is to be hoped these criminal and unethical programs are rapidly being brought to an end.


Karen Melton-Stewart: 1. Email to DC Rotary Club, Tuesday, January 8, 2019

From: Karen Stewart 
Date: January 8, 2019 
To: “Rotary Club – Washington D.C.” 

Are you aware of the fact the FBI is yet again warring on another faction of innocent Americans to expand their budget, powerbase, and foment baseless fear as a social control mechanism? Are you aware that the FBI committed unabashedly criminal acts against the Civil Rights movement and the Women’s Right’s movements in the 1950’s-1970’s when the Senator Church hearings concluded the FBI had vastly overstepped and trampled the Constitution to attempt to keep women and blacks suppressed and oppressed? Were you aware that the Church Committee issued scathing criticism of such criminality under color of law and ordered them to “never again war on the Amercan people”? Are you aware that not only did they never cease, but they have a monstrous and seditious off-book, mercenary civilian stalking harassment program disguised as “protecting the fatherland” when it is not only a complete sham but worse, a fabricated premise upon which to destroy our freedoms? Are you familiar with the articles that reveal a large number of FBI are ready to step forward to tell the Intelligence Oversight Committee about an illegal, off-book, FBI, baseless, civilian harassment program?

Are you familiar with the fact that Benjamin Franklin said, “Any people who would trade freedom for safety, deserve neither and will lose both”? Or are you ignorant of our history, origins, and principles upon which we were founded? (Here’s a hint, it had nothing to do with vulture capitalism or betraying your fellow Americans for money.)




Do you know, that FBI takes “contracts” on innocent people to enrich themselves privately, then tasks a main Fusion Center to FABRICATE FALSE ACCUSATIONS, FALSE EVIDENCE, FALSE WITNESSES TO NON-EXISTENT CRIMES in order to place innocent people on the Infragard Watch List? Do you care or are your Judas members enjoying their filthy lucre / 30 coins of silver far too much betraying and human trafficking their fellow Americans to care? Ms. Sidener knows she is a criminal and is likely pocketing under-the-table money for murdering innocent people, on whom the Fusion Centers have taken out fraudulent life insurance policies. But I am sure you, their sycophants, know this and are also sharing in the secret kill bonuses – like those taken out on the anticipated victims of 9/11 months beforehand?

The US is in a declared state of war since 9/11 and under a State of Emergency since Dec 2017 as declared by President Trump due to a crisis in human trafficking. Any serious criminal act committed under such conditions is also TREASON punishable by death after one is arrested by military. Martial Law is the temporary suspension of civilian law under emergency conditions. Criminals and traitors are subject to the far more quick and decisive actions of a military tribunal. President Trump has amended the Manual for Courts-Martial to include the military arrest and military trial of criminal FBI, Fusion Center, and InfraGard and their partners involved in the fraud Watch List scam as treasonous enemy combatants.

Have a nice day.

K. M. Stewart
National Security Agency
Intelligence Analyst, ret. 28 yrs


Karen Melton-Stewart: 2. Email to Rotary Club, Forwarded, Tuesday, January 8, 2019

(Ed Note: Forwarded email from another researcher, sent to Karen Stewart and forwarded on to DC Rotary Club and Targeted Justice.)

You may want this included in the law suit.

Killing members of the group includes direct killing and actions causing death.

Causing serious bodily or mental harm includes inflicting trauma on members of the group 

Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to destroy a group includes the deliberate deprivation of resources needed for the group’s physical survival, such as clean water, food, clothing, shelter or medical services. Deprivation of the means to sustain life can be imposed through confiscation of harvests, blockade of foodstuffs, detention in camps, forcible relocation or expulsion into deserts.

Genocidal acts need not kill or cause the death of members of a group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm, prevention of births and transfer of children are acts of genocide when committed as part of a policy to destroy a group’s existence.

The phrase “in whole or in part” is important. Perpetrators need not intend to destroy the entire group. Destruction of only part of a group (such as its educated members, or members living in one region) is also genocide.Most authorities require intent to destroy a substantial number of group members – mass murder. But an individual criminal may be guilty of genocide even if he kills only one person, so long as he knew he was participating in a larger plan to destroy the group.

Karen Melton-Stewart: 3. Email to DC Rotary Club Tuesday, January 8, 2019

From: Karen Stewart 
Date: January 8, 2019 at 3:11:18 PM EST
To: “Rotary Club – Washington D.C.” 

Karen Melton-Stewart, NSA Id Badge


(Ed Note–The Truth About 9/11: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart–“A Serious Concern to All Thinking Americans” formatted better, also here:

The below men, are mass murderers and traitors who profited from 9/11. The DHS/FBI/FUSION CENTERS cover for them, targeting first, people who have knowledge and evidence that 9/11 is not as it was presented. A new 9/11 commission is even being re-opened because of the lack of plausibility in the 9/11 story. The question is, are you going to “go along with” this now that you know, and be fully complicit, or can you find an ounce of integrity and courage to stand against this? The Bible says not only to not participate in evil but to reveal it.

K. M. Stewart
National Security Agency
Intelligence Analyst, ret. 28 yrs

Ed. Note–Karen Stewart also included with this email, images of an award coin and sew-on “GPS Jammers Test Task Force” patch, and says:

Nothing secret about them. They were awarded to those on the project my reports engendered. Newspapers covered the fact that intel had discovered the Russians (private company) were selling GPS jammers attuned specifically to our weapons to the Iraqis secretly just before the planned and (stupidly) announced invasion in January 2003. The US government even démarched the Russian embassy over the tech transfer. It was forbidden technology to share with the Iraqis. At first the Pentagon asked me, so what, Iraqis have jammers, their tech is crap. I told a general’s adjutant on the phone it is Russian tech, not Iraqi, his response? “Oh sh*t.” Some of our weapons from offshore were reported to have gone off course during the first part of the invasion because special forces dropped behind enemy lines had not destroyed two of the jammers yet. But they did soon thereafter.”–Karen Stewart/Email to Ramola D/Jan 10, 2019)

Karen Melton-Stewart: 4. Email to DC Rotary Club, Thursday, January 10, 2019

From: Karen Stewart 
Date: January 10, 2019 
Rotary Club – Washington D.C.
CC FBI Baltimore<>
United States Attorney General Matthew  Whitaker<>

By the way, this is why I have been targeted for slow-kill murder by FBI/Fusion Center InfraGard retards and traitors with Cuba and China style electronic weapons attacks 24/7. I guess you people in Rotary have no problem supporting the murder patriots? I was asked to submit something to the new 9/11 commission. You apparently side with High Treason, like the FBI’s Ms. Sidener. You can stay the course as Deep State dupes, or you can stand up like patriots. Which do you people choose? Of course, crime and treason “pay” better in the here and now. Is that your priority? Decide.

Source: Karen Stewart, by email


Cease and Desist Orders Citing Violations of Law Sent to David Glawe, Under Secretary, Intelligence at Homeland Security & Gen. Raymond, US Air Force Space Command by Wrongfully Targeted Individuals

–Ramola D/Posted 1/7/2018

Richard Lighthouse, former NASA scientist and currently an Advisory Board Member at Targeted Justice, a non-profit representing several hundreds of targeted Americans reporting illegal and criminal harassment and psychological warfare as well as physical assault and battery with anti-personnel spectrum and other stealth directed-energy and neural weapons, reports that a Cease and Desist order has been sent on January 4, 2019, by Certified Mail and email to the Under Secretary David J. Glawe and Deputy Under Secretary Brian J. Murphy at the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The letter, citing numerous violations of Federal and State laws, is reproduced below, and follows on recent disclosures made by police whistleblowers that Fusion Centers led by DHS and FBI are at the core of criminal “Targeted Individual” programs involving organized stalking, torture, and harassment directed at wrongfully targeted people under Surveillance quotas and covers. Mr. Lighthouse, author of numerous e-books publishing his research on technologies and tactics used against the wrongfully targeted, as well as on different aspects of physics and engineering, has published a new e-book reporting these findings, titled The Governors of Gangstalking, available for free download from his website.

Here he states: “During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you.”

A graphic at his website and at Targeted Justice illustrates their basic conception of the targeting program, which several analysts estimate is now being leveled at hundreds of thousands of Americans and in similar form at millions worldwide as well:

An earlier Cease and Desist Order was sent on December 10, 2018 to General John Raymond at the US Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base following on research implicating the Air Force use from Schriever Air Force Base of directed-energy weapons (DEWs), in particular a high-powered microwave weapons system titled Vircator developed by the Air Force Research Lab, mounted on satellites and used against wrongfully targeted people in the US and possibly worldwide. That letter is also reproduced below.

Mr. Lighthouse recommends that all reporting unlawful targeting in the USA support these actions by also writing to the DHS, FBI, and DNI. “Targeted Individuals are encouraged to write or call the DHS Secretary and FBI agents – and tell them what is happening. Try to use different channels to contact them. It appears that the Office of the DNI and FBI’s Counterterrorism Unit are also directly involved. Write to your Senators and Congressmen. Talk to your State legislators. Email your City Council members and Medical Doctors. I have provided a long list of contacts at the DHS – please contact them, or if you are in the Washington DC area, please hand-deliver messages and leave flyers on their cars.

Additionally he recommends writing to the DNI (Directorate of National Intelligence), possibly addressing the new Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Susan Gordon, (email id possibly, ) to report the targeting and harassment.

Kara Sidener/Image: From Linked In, Karen Stewart

He also recommends writing to Kara Sidener, Infragard Co-ordinator, and Washington DC FBI Special Agent. Reach the Washington Infragard Field Office at Kara Sidener can be reached on LinkedIn:

Mr. Lighthouse states, “In my opinion, Glawe and Murphy have committed acts of High Treason against United States citizens” and reminds government personnel:

ATTENTION Govt personnel:      You took an oath, “… to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.”  

Under federal law, 18 USC 242, it is illegal for any government employee to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and under 18 USC 241, it is illegal to conspire to violate such rights.  It is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Signatories to both letters include Karen Stewart, 28-year veteran Intelligence Analyst and NSA whistleblower, other Targeted Justice Board members, and various national and international human rights groups seeking justice for those currently being illegally targeted, surveilled, and exploited in non-consensual experimentation or field weapons-testing projects.


Letter to David J Glawe, Under Secretary & Brian J Murphy, Deputy Under Secretary, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security, Jan 4, 2019

This Letter was sent via Certified Mail:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

4 January 2018

David J. Glawe, Under Secretary
Brian J. Murphy, Deputy Under Secretary
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Washington, D.C. 20528

Mr Glawe & Mr Murphy,

After significant research, the undersigned have determined that the DHS is one of the primary organizations attacking civilians with psychological torture techniques, including stalking, gangstalking, harassment, and intimidation.  The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis has executive oversight of the Fusion Centers and Emergency Call Centers in the United States.

The undersigned represent the interests of more than 1,000 Targeted Individuals (“Non-Investigative Subjects”).  We demand an explanation for these activities and compensation for pain, suffering, and illegal torture.  A similar letter has been sent to General John W. Raymond, at the Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs.

As a leader in the DHS, we demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST your illegal activities, including the use of government personnel and any external groups, which may also be participating.  Such operations are in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions (psychological torture) and numerous Federal & State laws.

This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER is to inform you that your harassing, stalking, and intimidation actions are illegal and will not be tolerated. We demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST.  Should you continue to pursue these activities in violation of this CEASE AND DESIST ORDER, we will not hesitate to pursue further legal action against you.

This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER demands that you immediately discontinue and do not at any point in the future, under any circumstances, do the following: pursue, harass, attack, strike, bump into, brush up against, push, tap, grab, hold, threaten, telephone (via cellular or landline), instant message, page, fax, email, follow, stalk, shadow, disturb the peace, keep under surveillance, hack electronic devices, gather information about and/or block movements at home, work, social gatherings, in public areas, or religious functions.

You may have already violated numerous Federal laws, including:

–  18 U.S. Code § 2381;  Treason.
–  18 U.S. Code § 2340; (c) Conspiracy to commit torture.
–  18 U.S. Code § 2382;  Misprision of Treason.
–  18 U.S. Code § 2384;  Seditious Conspiracy.
–  18 U.S. Code § 2389;  Recruiting for service against the United States.
–  18 U.S. Code § 241;  Conspiracy to Deprive Constitutional Rights;
–  18 U.S. Code § 242;  Deprivation of Constitutional Rights;
–  US Federal Laws 18 USC § 2265 Full Faith and Credit, 18 USC § 2261A Interstate Stalking, 18 USC § 875(c) Interstate Communications, 47 USC § 223(a)(1)(c) Harassing Telephone Calls in Interstate Communications
–  18 U.S. Code § 1961; Organized Crime Control Act of 1980. (RICO)
–  Federal Criminal Statutes 18 USC § 2261A – Interstate Stalking and 47 USC § 223(a)(1)(c) – Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications
–  Numerous State laws, defined below.

Should you choose to continue your current activities, we will not hesitate to file complaints with Police Departments and publicly expose your ongoing criminal activity.

This letter does not constitute an exhaustive statement of our position, nor is it a waiver of any rights or remedies in this or any other related matter.

We insist on your immediate compliance, and expect a written response within two weeks.


Richard Lighthouse –, Targeted Justice Advisory Board
Karen Stewart, Targeted Justice Advisory Board
Midge Mathis, Targeted Justice Board Member
Susan Olsen, Targeted Justice Board Member
Frank Allen  –
Vickie Miller
Caroline Nini
James Hargrove
Emma Green
Frank Disisto
Steve Baysden
Jennifer E. Marsh
Linda Dean
Mike B. Piri
M. Earring
Jacqueline Meyers
Targeted Individual Awareness –; 1,037 members
Houston Targeted Individuals  –; 48 members
TargetedMassachusetts  –


(1), “DHS Support Implementation Plan for State and Local Fusion Centers, June 2006.” – designated I & A as the executive agent for managing the DHS role in the nationwide fusion center initiative.
(2), “Relationships Between Fusion Centers and Emergency Operations Centers,” page 3;
(4)  Richard Lighthouse, “The Governors of Gangstalking;”, December 2018, ISBN 9780463549049.

State Laws

This demand applies to all states, including:

New York: Note that your agency’s behavior is a violation of New York State Penal Law Section 240.25 – Harassment in the First Degree, Section 240.26 – Harassment in the Second Degree, Section 240.30 – Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree, Section 240.45 – Criminal Nuisance in the Second Degree, Section 120.45 – Stalking in the Fourth Degree, Section 120.50 – Stalking in the Third Degree, Section 120.55 – Stalking in the Second Degree, Section 120.60 – Stalking in the First Degree, Section 135.60 – Coercion in the Second Degree, Section 105.00 – Conspiracy in the Sixth Degree, Section 120.15 – Menacing in the Third Degree.

Connecticut: Sec. 53a-181c – 1992, Stalking in the first degree, Sec. 53a-181d – 1992, Stalking in the second degree, Sec. 53a-181e – 1995. Stalking in the third degree, § 53a-182b. Harassment in the first degree, 53a-183. Harassment in the second degree

New Jersey: Code of Criminal Justice Title 2C:12-10 – Stalking, Title 2C:33-34 – Harassment.

Maryland: violation of Maryland State Code Title 3, Subtitle 8, Section 3-802 – Stalking, Section 3-803 – Harassment, Section 3-804 – Misuse of Telephone Facilities, Section 3-805 – Misuse of Electronic Mail, Subtitle 9, Section 3-901 – Visual Surveillance, Section 3-902 – Visual Surveillance with Pruient Intent and Section 3-906 – Divulging Private Communications.

Illinois: violation of Illinois Compiled Statutes Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.3 – Stalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.4 – Aggravated Stalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 5/12-7.5 – Cyberstalking, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/1-1 – Harassment by telephone, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/1-2 – Harassment through electronic communications, Chapter 720 ILCS 135/0.01 – 135/2 – Harassing and Obscene Communications Act and Chapter 720 ILCS 135/0.01 Short Title Harassing and Obscene Communications Act.

Massachusetts: violation of Massachusetts Criminal Statutes Chapter 265:37 – Violations of Constitutional Rights, Chapter 265:43 – Stalking, Chapter 265:43A – Criminal Harassment and Chapter 265:14A – Annoying Telephone Calls

Washington DC: violation of Federal Criminal Statutes 47 USC 223(a)(1)(c) – Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications; District of Columbia Code, Title 22, Section 504 – Threatened Assault in a Menacing Manner; Stalking

Virginia: violation of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 18.2-60.3A – Stalking, Class 1 Misdemeanor and 18.2-60.3B – Stalking, Class 6 Felony.

California: violation of the California Penal Code Subsection 646.9 – Stalking and 422 – Punishment for Threats

Texas: violation of the Texas Penal Code Subsection 42.072(a)(b)(c) – Stalking and Subsection 42.07(a)(b)(c) – Harassment


Letter to General John Raymond, US Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base/Dec 10, 2018

10 December 2018
United Nations Human Rights Day
Revision A

General John Raymond
Air Force Space Command
Peterson Air Force Base
150 Vandenburg St
Colorado Springs, CO 80914-4184

General Raymond,

After significant research, the undersigned groups have determined that the U.S. Air Force Space Command is the primary organization that is attacking civilians with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

The undersigned represent the interests of more than 1,000 Targeted Individuals. We demand an explanation for these activities and compensation for pain, suffering, and illegal torture.

As Commander of the Air Force Space Command, we demand that you immediately cease and desist the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) against civilians and any locational tracking of civilians, worldwide. Such operations are in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions, and further, they are an act of High Treason in the United States.

Everyone in the United States is being tracked by military satellites – even your family members and children are being hit with microwave “bullets” from satellites and cell towers. These are directed at their heads and cause brain damage. The satellites are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base.

Further, 10 US Code §950t(2) forbids attacking non-combatant civilians with military weapons, and 18 USC §2441 prohibits the Federal government and agents thereof from committing acts of war upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians.

Under California civil code 1708.7(a), this letter represents a clear and definitive demand to cease and abate your pattern of activity, including stalking, tracking and privacy violations.

We request a written response from your office within two weeks.


Richard Lighthouse   –
Karen Stewart, Targeted Justice Advisory Board
Midge Mathis, Targeted Justice Board Member
Susan Olsen, Targeted Justice Board Member
ICATOR Europe        –
IGEF Germany         –
Targeted Massachussets –
Houston Targeted Individuals –

P.S. – Do you really think the CIA is telling you everything?

FACT 1: The U.S. State Department has admitted that 26 diplomatic personnel have been attacked by “sonic weapons” and a team of medical doctors have concluded that microwave weapons are the culprit. This medical team includes Dr Douglas Smith, MD of the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD of UC San Diego.–rld082918.php

FACT 2: The Air Force Research Lab sponsored the development of numerous microwave weapons, including the Vircator, U.S. Patent #4345220. The initial research was done under contract to Mission Research Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

FACT 3: Patent #4345220, High Power Microwave Generator, was granted to Donald J. Sullivan on 17 August 1982, and was assigned to the USAF.

FACT 4: The Titan Corporation in San Leandro, California, has designed and built many Directed Energy Weapons, under contract to the USAF. The Vircator weapons operate at 3920 – 3935 MHz.   (pdf file – Titan DEW Capabilities)

FACT 5: The Air Force Space Command claims they are the “…sole provider of positioning, navigation, and timing, as well as the bulk of satellite communications to the warfighting community.”  The satellite GPS targeting on the ground is accurate to less than one centimeter. The satellite tracking frequency is 3600 – 3750 MHz.

FACT 6: Air Force personnel have admitted that the Air Force Space Command has weapon systems placed in orbit. According to one profile; 1,300 personnel at Schriever Air Force Base operate 9 different weapon systems in space.

FACT 7: The Air Force Space Command is the largest satellite operator in the world and tracks every satellite in orbit, currently numbering around 1,800. The AFSPC knows the country of origin for each satellite and what frequencies it utilizes. If AFSPC wants to pretend they are not the origin of these microwave attacks, then they can identify the country and government. Prove it.

Source: Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice


Richard Lighthouse/Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals and the Terrorist Watchlist

International Emergency: US Congress, President, Intel/Military Heads on Legal Notice Re. Abusive Satellite Weapon “Surveillance Use” on World Populace

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Letter to All Governors, Sept 16, 2018: Fusion Centers are a Scam — Karen Melton Stewart

Arlene Johnson/TrueDemocracy.Net: Note to All TIs, Send Demands for the Government to the Speaker of the House

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart & JIT: Attn. Law Enforcement/Police & Sheriff’s Deputies: Are You Oath Keepers or Oath Breakers?

Kola Boof/Letter to Obama, 2016: “Illegal and Wholly Inhumane Stasi-Cointelpro-Like programs Being Executed by the U.S. Government to Target Individuals”

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart’s Petition for All Targeted Americans: Federal Government, Take Me Off Your Fraud Enemies List Now

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Writes Openly to FBI Infragard, “America’s Unconstitutional Fascist Brown Shirts”

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

THE REAL STORY: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Addresses the Rotary Club on Treasonous, Criminal Stalking & Harassment Watchlist Programs Run By FBI, Infragard, Fusion Centers

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Ramola D/Posted 1/6/2019

In an in-depth and candid conversation last night, Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower and Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower spoke freely on the true depredations of Surveillance Abuse still ongoing in this New Year of 2019, where the CIA, FBI, and DHS engage today in unconscionable acts of persecution and rights violations against targets of their ire using undisclosed “Electronic Supervision Technologies” and “Federal Location Monitoring” which include deadly directed energy weapons and Psychological warfare to isolate and neutralize American lives of integrity and conscience.

Report # 106: Barbara Hartwell & Geral Sosbee: CIA & FBI Cover Stories, Lies, & Provocations
Monica McLean And The Undeclared FBI Investigation of Former Special Agent Geral Sosbee 

Starting with the curious case of Monica McLean who lied once in a courtroom in 2000 by Geral’s report—and whose veracity  therefore might well be considered in question in the Christine Blasey Ford accusation-of-Kavanaugh-of sexual-assault affair, Barbara Hartwell read from a recent report at her site highlighting Geral Sosbee’s statement in 2000 on Monica Mclean.

Ms. McLean, a former FBI agent, has entered the news recently purporting to be a lifelong friend of Ms. Blasey Ford and testifying that she had not been coached to lie on a polygraph by her (as a former boyfriend of Ms. Blasey Ford had alleged, thereby calling into question the authenticity of Ford’s own polygraph for the Senate), but the fact remains, says Geral Sosbee, that Ms. Mclean, as counsel to the FBI, once produced a sworn affidavit in the courtroom at which his case against the FBI was being heard and stated blandly that no FBI investigation had been opened on him, while this FBI “investigation” essentially comprising extrajudicial and criminal “goon squad activity” was known to be common knowledge both within the FBI and in the courtroom.

In his statement, Mr. Sosbee has stated: “As a matter of common knowledge in the fbi and the cia (among other government agencies) the unofficial investigation (i.e. : covert and death squad activities) by the use of fbi and cia informants, operatives, handlers, contacts and undercover special agents and their assigns and contract thugs (such as those in Wackenhut as referenced in commentaries at this site) is pervasive, secretive and illegal throughout the U.S. and the world….

.while McLean ostensibly has no access to the fbi’s and the cia’s hit squad criminal activity, she knows or should know by virtue of her position as counsel to the fbi that such ‘goon squads’ exist and that Sosbee is and has been at all times (as set forth in this site and in the writ) targeted for neutralization by such squads {note: neutralization in this context generally means torture, imprisonment or death of the targeted person}; therefore, both McLean and Robinson, to the extent of their participation in the government cover-ups, are in fact terrorists and assassins for their secondary roles in the perjurious defending of the fbi ‘s (and the cia’s) high crimes, misdemeanors and crimes against Humanity as described in this and other sites.” 

The full statement, along with a copy of Ms. Mclean’s affidavit, can be found at

Targeted for Neutralization: Persecutory Surveillance Abuse Meted Out to Whistleblowers, Journalists, Innocent Americans

The kind of persecutory abuse previously meted out sporadically to whistleblowers from inside the Intelligence agencies and military has currently expanded it seems to include large swathes of the population, while being rather viciously focused still on whistleblowers as well as journalists of import, including this writer, who dare to report on the atrocity of this targeting and abuse as also on other issues of corruption and criminality rampant today in the Intelligence Community.

The advent of radiation weapons, WiFi, and cell phones appears to have exacerbated this situation by permitting Intelligence agency principals and minions free rein to surreptitiously and covertly attack Americans with impunity, with no due process, no Constitutional rights, no civil rights accorded those they randomly set within their sights to target with weaponry, budgeted counterintelligence operations, and goon squad COINTELPRO activity. 

The problem is with Congress, says Mr. Sosbee, who knows this is happening yet does nothing to stop it. The corruption is endemic and runs deep. They are all blackmailing each other, Ms. Hartwell reminds us. The ways in which these bleak and torture-based operations are kept quiet and continue is through binding the mouths of politicians with bribes and blackmail. “They are morally bankrupt.”

Cultist Secret-Society New World Order Destruction of America

What this signals is nothing less than the dark rise of the cultist secret-society-run New World Order, an order of secretive laws, secretive courts, secret warrants, secret charges, secretly falsified records, and secret fraud-profiling of targets as criminals, mentally incompetent, mentally ill, autistic, and other expediences intended to permit on paper the “supervision” and management of targets in the community by the FBI and law enforcement. To this end, in-built protocols dictate free-fall recourse to the exigencies of Authoritarian Psychiatry by simply condemning targets to Psych Wards and Psych Commits whenever mention of directed-energy weapon usage on them (still known in mainstream media parlance as “Electronic Harassment”) is made public, or whenever Parallel-Construction provocation tactics yield distinct action of whatever kind, even verbal, offering Law Enforcement an “in” to enter the fray and run “Involuntary Holds” on targets or arrest them.

These gargantuan and Kafkaesque injustices are accompanied by a larger criminality and depravity, Ms. Hartwell elaborates, involving the destruction of American individuality, rights, psyche, society, media, ethos, and values, also via the permitted corruption and criminality rampant in the illegal actions and activities of the FBI and CIA and DHS, exacerbated after 9/11 with the pre-planned Patriot Act and extremist laws set in place then.

Lies of Media, Lies of Psychiatrists, Lies of Doctors

All this of course is hidden to many Americans by the lies of media, the kowtowing lies made via Mockingbird agents running Propaganda operations for the Intelligence Community, thereby protecting them continuously and implicating themselves in this nonstop trainwreck of crime—where innocent Americans become scapegoats and victims and the most cruel, inhumane persecutions wreaking nothing less than torture unto death, goaded mental breakdowns, life destruction, and death itself now being run in organized, budgeted, taxpayer-paid Government Death Squad Operations go unremarked, unacknowledged, and unpunished.

Fear holds many journalists in check, but obligations to paymasters and unrevealed political allegiances also do. American journalism therefore appears to have entered a miasmic tunnel of deceit and like American psychiatry and American medicine—professionals from these fields also walking the line between complicity and embraced ignorance—engages in open betrayal of truth and reality.

Geral Sosbee relays his own experience of how co-opted and planted doctors refuse all reports of military-grade stealth weaponry being used on people and hand out false diagnoses of “paranoid and delusional.” Psychiatry itself is problematic and questionable, points out Barbara Hartwell, and it is currently being used in tandem with Law Enforcement to bind people down with labels and neurotoxic medication—and by this means also keep all report of these terrible crimes hidden and withheld from the larger public.

Mental illness itself is today in question when military neuroweaponry is putting voices into heads and synthetic images and dreams as well, via V2K, synthetic telepathy, and subliminal radio and ultrasonic influence technologies and BCI-CBI tech—but media’s refusal to cover these honestly permits the lies of psychiatry to continue, and permits these crimes of Fusion Center assault and military/Intelligence experimentation also to continue.

Our Task, Moving Forward: Keep Speaking Out

Because the importance of journalism in this space cannot be overstated and because the future of humanity literally hinges on the actions we take today, all we can do, says Ms Hartwell, who says her Christian faith is what has supported her over the years of continuous persecution, is keep speaking out, exposing these crimes and drawing public attention to them. A small fraction of us are dealing in the truth and publishing the truth of these times, with whistleblowers now turned journalists, such as Geral Sosbee and Karen Melton-Stewart, with their immense body of writings freely published online, and others targeted also speaking out or writing books—many of whom this writer has had the privilege of interviewing, such as Natalie Moore, Cassandra, Gretta Fahey, Melanie Vritschan, Galina Kurdina, and others. (And many more, not mentioned in this podcast but whose work continues to be exemplary and is mentioned elsewhere at this site.)

We are publishing the unvarnished truth, we are alerting the world, and we are speaking out in order to awaken numbers of others who can each take action within their own spheres of influence to put an end to these incredible crimes and bring the old America, the one of “original intent” as Barbara Hartwell says, back. It is up to America to listen.

Articles Referenced:

Barbara Hartwell/FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: Statement on FBI Coverup & Former FBI Agent Monica McLean:

Geral Sosbee/Quasi Criminal Justice System:

Geral Sosbee/Veterans Administration:

Geral Sosbee/The Fix:

Also Relevant:

Geral Sosbee/Call for a New Nuremberg Trial:

Barbara Hartwell/Political Persecution & State Sponsored Terror in America: REPORTS by FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee:

Ramola D/“No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers: