Monthly Archives: February 2016

Secret Policing Inside the United States of America: “Domestic Adversaries” and Covert Electronic Weapons

New page added, in sequel to the earlier post probing US Department of Justice involvement in Directed-Energy Weapons/radiation neuroweaponry/electronic warfare weapons experimentation and assault under cover of Electronic Surveillance on citizens:

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Global Freedom Movement: Misconceptions Of Democracy: How And Why Government No Longer Serves The People With Nicole Paul

Re-posted from Global Freedom Movement Media/Australia, with thanks for this wonderful video –(video link below). Thanks also to Jean from Co-creating our Future on Planet Earth and her readers for posting this link recently. This is a terrific conversation between Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin of Global Freedom Movement Media with Nicole Paul, an attorney (a Barrister) from Australia, who offers incredibly clear insight into how our legal and government systems are set up to work, how they don’t work for people anymore, how a secret global control agenda is unfortunately at work, and how ways to change this system that is stacked against us inevitably involve stepping away from it, shifting the energetic paradigm. They offer this video free but request donations at their website.

From Global Freedom Movement Media:

Our interviews with Nicole Paul will be among the most important GFM Media will do. Why? Not merely because she brings a wealth of specialised expert knowledge to the table (as many of our other guests have), but because with Nicole, we are about to begin unveiling what may be just about our last hope if we are to stop the rampantly spreading tyranny around the globe and employ a realistic workable solution.

So, who is Nicole Paul?

Nicole was employed as a solicitor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) between July 2001 and June 2010. For eight of those years Nicole was attached to the Special Crime Unit. She held security clearance.

In July 2010 Nicole resigned from the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) to complete the Bar Practice Course at the Queensland University of Technology. Nicole was admitted to practice at the Queensland Bar in August 2010. She practiced law as a Barrister in Queensland and New South Wales.

Nicole also trained in ancient mystery school teachings and was a member of an international mastermind that was focused on the creation of structures and businesses that can re-pattern collective consciousness.

In June 2005 she founded Golden Age Paradigm which is an event production company that will be holding events around the world to gather together thought leaders who can assist people to shift into a new paradigm of thinking.

This unique background and insider knowledge of the legal system and government places Nicole well to effectively strategise solutions that are workable and acknowledge the realities of the situation we face.

In this publicly broadcast episode – the first of several we will be airing with Nicole (though not all will be public domain access-for-all) – she will discuss:

  • Why virtually all popular ‘solutions’ are NOT going to solve anything; Nicole breaks them down one by one. (For example: in the USA impeachment is a pointless exercise, direct confrontation/revolt against government, the futility of voting Left instead of Right, why petitions and letters to politicians don’t work, and more)
  • How and why the system of government cannot be self-corrected
  • (why we need a cunning external intervention that ‘they’ won’t anticipate)
  • How the fox has taken over the henhouse
  • How there is currently no established way out of our predicament with things as they are
  • The Biosecurity Act and imminent mandatory vaccination
  • What is the new world order?


  • TPP and how this will work
  • TPP-type legislations and what has happened in Canada a.k.a. corporate oligarchy masked as ‘free trade’
  • The UN agenda translated
  • How the global agenda is really all about keeping us energetically suppressed and unconscious
  • Current police state implementation

This episode of GFM Media with Nicole Paul is essential study and preparation for an effective intervention strategy to be disclosed in non-public domain discussions. Spread it far and wide if you value what tattered shreds are left of true freedom and unadulterated truth.

From their About page:

The world is undergoing an unprecedented and divine transformation as we, the inhabitants of Earth, wake up to the universal truth of connection and love that bind us at our very core. Consciousness has no colour, creed, boundaries, or enemies.

The time has come for the forces of suppression, domination, and ignorance which have clouded our realisation of true oneness, to be transcended. The time of disconnection has ended; now we choose to enter the era of love together, and birth the long foretold Golden Age of a conscious humanity.

Global Freedom Movement (GFM) is a collective of beings sharing the vision and mission of the manifestation of heaven on earth and beyond. GFM is here as an educational and activist portal to facilitate the global awakening to the reality of who we are, and to create a planet on which our collective values reflect that enhanced awareness of reality/truth.

Our policy is to promote substance over style, and provide access to depth and quality of information, rather than merely regurgitate the fluffy clichés that pervade the alternative media and “spiritual” sites. GFM writers are awakened hard hitters who take no prisoners and make no apologies for calling a spade a “bloody shovel.”

Though we are solution-based, political correctness is not our friend; we expose all forms of frauds and lies, whether they are popular in the mass mind and loudly publicly endorsed, or insidious and well concealed. One by one, we pluck deceptions and cover-ups from the proverbial house of cards, and replace them with truth bombs. We acknowledge that half the “battle” is dismantling illusions because falsity is not an ally in creating a peaceful world anchored in truth and reverence for the real.

We invite you to join us in breaking the rusty chains of conditioned thought and acceptable opinion, and engaging in an informed, lawful, compassionate rebellion, as we co-create the kind of planet we can be proud to bring future generations into!

If you are still reading this and starting to feel at home, then you ARE the GFM!

Please visit their About page to learn more about Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin. Explore their website and videos here.

The Shift Network/Support the Peace Process in Syria: Global Shift Meditation with James Twyman, March 1

If you’d like to add your light to a global meditation event for peace in Syria and the world, please join The Shift Network in a global peace meditation led by James Twyman on Tuesday, March 1 at 3 pm/Eastern Time for Syria.

A Free Virtual Event
With Special Guest, The Peace Troubadour
James Twyman
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm GMT
Register to tune in or receive the recording
Hosted by David T. Nicol, Gaiafield Project Co-Founder & TSN Faculty Member


From Stephen Dinan/The Shift Network, via email:

Are you concerned about the crisis in Syria? Do you want to help support positive peacebuilding in the Middle East?

Last year in the Summer of Peace, we launched the first ever Subtle Activism Summit. Our host David T. Nicol interviewed a wide range of scientists, spiritual leaders, and activists to discuss how the power of prayer and meditation can complement outer peacebuilding efforts to foster both personal and social transformation.

We are delighted to be continuing this innovative work with the Global Shift Meditation series, a monthly program of global meditations that focus on world situations calling for our collective support. Please join us on March 1 for our next event in the series: Peace Prayers for Syria, with Peace Troubadour James Twyman.

To register for free: click here.


Our special guest James Twyman is known as the Peace Troubadour. On the first of February, 2016, James led a worldwide global prayer vigil for peace in Syria from a small village in Israel overlooking several Syrian villages held by ISIL or Hezbollah. Ten days later, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that world powers had agreed to an ambitious ceasefire plan in the region.

The ceasefire agreement is fragile and the roots of violence in the region are deep. Syria still very much needs our prayers. James will share stories from his remarkable recent trip to the Middle East, discuss the inspiration behind the event, and guide us in deep meditation and prayer for the success of the Syrian peace process.

Your host for the call will be Gaiafield Project co-founder and The Shift Network faculty member David T. Nicol.

James F. Twyman is the New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including Emissary of Light, The Moses Code, and The Barn Dance. In 1994 he put the peace prayers from the 12 major religions to music and began traveling the world as “The Peace Troubadour,” often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war. He has performed in Bosnia, Iraq, Serbia, South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland, and many other places.

James has also produced seven music CD’s, and is the producer/director of five films, including the award winning “Indigo” and the upcoming “Redwood Highway.” He is also the founder of The Beloved Community, a network of spiritual peace ministers around the world, as well as the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking which has graduated and ordained over 500 ministers. James lives in Portland, Oregon.

You can keep up with world meditation events at his website WorldPeacePulse.

Kate Dalley/Fox News: An Open Letter To The Three FBI Agents That Killed LaVoy Finicum In Oregon

february 18 2015 kate dalley kate dalley 1 commentRe-posted from Fox News, with thanks. Thanks also to Jean Haines of Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth for posting this link. Powerful letter and plea from Kate Dalley of the Kate Dalley Show on Fox News. It’s heartening to see people speaking out from across the political and politicized spectrum, and speaking from the heart. Truly, it’s the one thing that can turn things around in this country and stop the tide of totalitarianism that seems to still be welling around us, in so many ways (speaking from the heart). Gratitude to Kate Dalley for speaking her thoughts, and expressing many of ours.


Kate Dalley: An Open Letter to the Three FBI Agents That Killed LaVoy Finicum in Oregon

I’ve thought about you. All three of you, with your guns pointed at LaVoy Finicum. The video still haunts me.

I would have been the first one to give you the benefit of the doubt. I was raised around law enforcement. I know good men in law enforcement. But that changed for me, as it did thousands of Americans, with the events that unfurled in Oregon as I felt utterly stunned at what I viewed in that video.

I watched the grainy version of the video that the FBI administration released of  LaVoy Finicums death, even though I knew that with our technology today,  they have better, more clear footage and footage with audio from this event. But you will not release that, it is too incriminating for the FBI.

They did this with purpose to deceive the public and that video would have revealed to the world your actions that day . This footage you did release, left people arguing about what they were seeing in the blurry video rather than  to bring their attention to the way that three FBI agents ambushed and murdered an innocent, non-violent rancher with no criminal history. A man with a large family. A good man. A man who never threatened you.

The FBI had clearly set this up in advance with stops prepared and dozens of agents ready to end the protest because four weeks of a land rights issues protest was all the patience they could muster. The protesters had left the ranch many times before and on this day we’re headed for a meeting to inform ranchers of their rights. You knew that.  You stopped the two cars and started shooting at LaVoy’s truck full of passengers- unprovoked. They never brandished a weapon against you.

Finicum told you he was driving to the Sheriffs office for protection from you. The only place he felt safe.  You fired on his vehicle. You could have just followed him if you had ever intended to have a peaceful outcome. But that was never your intention. Finicum knew why the local law enforcement wasn’t invited to this event- why the local Sheriff was intentionally kept at bay-  Finicum feared  what you would do to him with no local oversight. The Sheriff of Grant County, just over the county line where you ambushed him, valued  Constitutional rights and Finicum knew the Sheriff  would never approve of an ambush on the highway and and execution of a protester.

A tax-paying citizen who loved America could not trust you and fled for his life because he knew you could murder him and get away with it. Let that sink in.

When Finicum got out of his vehicle with his hands up, within seconds you gathered around him and shot him in the back.

You shot him him in the back.

Who would carry out such a cowardly deed? Who would follow orders to shoot a rancher with his hands up and shoot him in the back seconds after getting out of his vehicle? The three of you would do this. What were you thinking? How do you reconcile this in your head and in your heart?

No talking? Not one attempt at a peaceful negotiation? At the refuge all he did was talk to you, never threatened you. His hands were UP. Did your conscience allow you to shoot him  without any reservation? After his lifeless body dropped into the snow, you cared so little for this fellow citizen that you walked around his body and didn’t check for a pulse for 15 minutes? Why? Because of your guilt or because you had such little regard for him or for human life in general? Both of those answers are equally terrifying to me.

Moments later you  shot rounds of ammunition into Finicum’s truck with scared women inside screaming for help- trying to surrender.  You threw gas cans inside the vehicle.  Is this how you do it now? Are you sincerely okay with this? Look at what you have become. By a miracle they survived.

Before you hunted him down and silenced him like wild game, Finicum carried out two heroic acts. As he turned the blind corner on the highway, he almost ran into your barricade head on, as vehicles and men stood standing in the middle of the highway at your “stop”. He veered to the left on the snowbank to avoid hitting you. To preserve your lives.  He then got out of the vehicle with his hands up to divert your attention from his truck with passengers inside, so you would stop firing upon them. To preserve their lives. This is the man you surrounded and killed within seconds. You killed a hero.

I wonder what has happened to my America where you could easily tell the good guys from the bad guys. Are you mercenaries now? Carrying out executions on demand? Have you realized yet that you did the bidding of a government that is seeking to violate the property rights and steal the land of your fellow citizens? Do you realize that you are a citizen and that these ranchers were standing up for YOUR rights, too? Or have you not realized this.

Most Americans won’t take the time to do the research to find out that you shot him in the back before he ever reached for his stomach – the area where you shot him. And your bosses instructed the media to tell everyone he reached for a gun to justify this cowardly act of murder on a fellow citizen. What a pathetic cover-up for your actions that day.

I’m asking all three of you who carried out the execution of Finicum, to RESIGN.

Resign, because I have to know that you will never be allowed to act with force again. I have to know that men like you would not be allowed to continue on as FBI agents. If you are rewarded for this dastardly act, I will lose all faith in our justice system.

We need men with a conscience and a soul  in law enforcement.

We need good men who are there to protect the citizens rights. Your fellow men.

You took an oath to defend the Constitution. Did you understand this oath when you excitedly repeated its words to get your badge? It wasn’t a promise. It was an oath. An oath to protect and to serve- us. LaVoy was one of US.

Are you going to protect us or are you going to protect orders? Even if those orders compel you to disregard someone’s Constitutional rights in the most brazen and corrupt and evil way? Was this you “just doing your job”, so that you could end their protest?

Millions of  people have died as a result of those ” just doing their job”. Under Hitler. Under Stalin. Is this who you have become? Shooting someone with their hands up because you were told to?

You can no longer hide behind the lie that you felt threatened enough to shoot him dead. With a dozen or more  of you ready to attack him, the only one that felt threatened was Finicum, I assure you. You murdered an innocent man. The salt of the earth. A man who would have stood up for you and who would have respected you. A man who would have shaken your hand and talked to about his love for America. You killed him.

Let me ask you this. In all of your years in the FBI, how many ranchers have ever threatened you or have drawn weapons on you? I’m guessing the thugs you deal with everyday do not include ranchers and farmers.

How many ranchers over the years have left their working farms, to protest over the stealing of another ranchers land and imprisonment? I’m guessing probably none.

Here’s the difficult question. After decades of government abuse to rancher’s property rights, how many ranchers have YOU defended, or aided, or stood for- because you did take an oath to defend the Constitutional rights of those in your care. I am going to guess that you have never stood for any of these men against the abuse of the government. You have become pawns. You are protecting the governments special interests, not the people’s.

Resign, so I can sleep at night with some of my faith in America  restored.

Resign, so I can tell my kids to respect the FBI.

Resign, because I need to know there are not monsters out there with guns and badges that will do anything they are told to do, like killing innocent Americans, because we could be next.


You may be a fellow citizen, but you are not my fellow American.

Source, with thanks: Fox News


Dave Hodges/The Commonsense Show: “Your Doctor is Being Required to Assess Your Mental Health on an Informal Basis.”

Re-posted  (in excerpt) from The Commonsense Show, please visit there for the whole article: New Obamacare Mental Health Policies Can Take Your Gun and Put You In a FEMA Camp

This is an enormously important article that covers current and ongoing initiatives by the Obama administration and by the states, under the palliative aegis of improving mental healthcare in the USA via the Affordable Health Care Act, to set up informal mental health screenings for children and adults and mandate psychiatric treatment for all those labelled through these screenings as suffering from depression, and to charge members of the Independent media with conspiracy theorizing or “paranoid ideation,” a charge which permits states to run involuntary testing/screening and commit “conspiracy theorists” in a 3-day hold to a mental institution.

Dave Hodges traces the history of Teen Screen, which ran from 2003 to 2012 and was closed down only after intense outcry at the psychotropic medications being forced on young adolescents. Currently, mental health screenings are being set up in a most insidious way: your doctor can informally check in on your mental state, quite without your knowing, and write you down as a depressive, upon which you will be required to take psychotropic drugs to “correct” your newly-diagnosed disorder. 

Psychotropic drugs alter the brain, as Dave Hodges points out, this scenario therefore is quite like the political schizophrenia run by the Soviets, and its purpose is mind control.


The Affordable Health Care Act Replaces Teen Screen and Expands to the Mental Health Screening of All Adults

Next time you visit your doctor, be aware that your doctor is being required to assess your mental health on an informal basis. Be careful how you respond to your doctor, because you may be branded as mentally ill which could mean mandatory incarceration for “treatment” and forfeiture of assets to pay for said treatment. This is a thinly veiled version of the old Soviet Union’s “political schizophrenia”.

A panel advising the Obama administration, in partnership with Big Pharma, is in the process of requiring all doctors to screen American adults and children over age 12 to screening for alleged “mental health” disorders, especially for depression. Ultimately, anyone found to possess any type of mental disorder  will undergo state mandated “therapy” Part and parcel to this therapy comes some very  well-documented and highly dangerous side effects from the required medications which can be administered without the consent of the patient.

As it was with Teen Screen, teachers, social workers, and more are already being required to search for supposed “mental and behavioral health” issues 

Therapists are drawing upon a very new frontier in order to force people into treatment as psychiatrists invent new “illnesses such as ODD.” The ultimate goal is the mass medicating of the American people. And with a judgment of mental illness, this is Obama’s latest strategy of gun confiscation.

The controversial “recommendations” include screening all Americans between the ages of 12 and 18 for depression. A separate but related recommendation seeks to have all U.S. adults checked for “mental illness,” too. And consider that the list of “illnesses” is subjective (homosexuality was a mental disorder a few decades ago) and is constantly expanding as psychiatrists vote to create new ones, literally, as part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual — the “Bible” of psychiatry that has been widely criticized, even by leading psychiatrists.”

While Preventive Healthcare (Govt. website here) sounds perfectly logical and sane, the Requiring of preventive screening of any kind, hand in hand with Mandatory Drug Treatment, whether for kids or adults, should ring alarm bells for all of us. The Ministry of Prevention is approaching us, long syringe and straitjacket in hand–shall we wake up now and stop the nightmare, or just keep on dreaming that we’re free, as we’re being carted off to mental asylums in a misty fog of Prozac?

This new application of mental health treatment is being done under the auspices of the  United States Preventive Services Task Force, or USPSTF. Make no mistake about it, this organization, appointed by the Obama administration’s increasingly radical and United Nations controlled Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recommends various unconstitutional federal health policies which will result in the evisceration of civil liberties for millions of unsuspecting Americans.

The new guidelines  published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The USPSTF recommends screening for major depressive disorder (MDD) in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years,” the HHS task force said in the summary of its position. “Screening should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up.” The testing is be mandated and will required with no exceptions. You don’t have to be on Obamacare. All doctors will be required to participate.

On the subject of Indy media expressing views questioning the government:

These practices are reminiscent of how the Soviets used to imprison political enemies. The Soviets simply said if anyone disagree with the government, they must have “political schizophrenia” and required to have treatment in a mental healthcare facility.

All “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Mentally Ill According to DSM V

When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mental illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill if they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.

The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the Internet.

In most states, the government could arrest a member of the Independent Media based upon a charge of “threat to self and others due to paranoid ideation under the new ODD. The hold of the media types would be f0r 72 hours. The “patient” would not be able to speak with family and more importantly, with an attorney. The result could be a sentence which remands one to a mental health facility where they are forcibly drugged since they are now a ward of the state. Personal assets can be seized in order to pay for “treatment”.

An added revelation in this article is that not merely are mental health facilities opening all around the country, FEMA-camp-like mental institutions are being built, presumably to house those radical dissenters engaged in serious research and communications to the populace in their stance as Independent Media, which the state can characterize as “paranoid ideation” as it pleases.

Please read the whole article at The Commonsense Show, please pass on this information. We need to speak out against a system that would arbitrarily screen us and our children for spurious DSM-invented mental health “disorders” in its desperate attempts to control the narrative and contain dissent–these are transparent attempts to control behavior, thinking, and critiques of the government by seeking to mis-characterize, forcibly drug, and eventually, disappear all independent and critical thinkers, doers, and journalists. All signs of a fascism already here, if not approaching at frenetic speed, unless we wake up and recognize the tyranny for what it really is and collectively and individually put a stop to it.

Paul A. Philips/Activist Post: The Growing Tyranny of Free Speech Suppression and What You Can Do

Re-posted from this op-ed, posted Feb 22, by Activist Post, with many thanks. Paul A. Philips’ site is New Paradigms.

“Don’t become an unquestioning, compliant docile sheep. Don’t live your life muzzled, glued to the TV. Don’t let the pillar of public apathy keep the suppression of free speech propped up and standing.

Educate yourself. Understand the bigger picture of the growing tyranny of free speech suppression and spread the word. Understanding the bigger picture ought to be enough to make anyone want to shout down from the rooftops.

The solution is to confront. More people need to muster enough courage to speak out about what isn’t being said than ever before. Confront those politically correct weasels. Confront any control freak with ulterior motives to shut people up.

Boycott the social media giants. There are a growing number of other social media outlets dedicated to alternative-view communities where you’d be better off spending your time.

We have to stand in the gap, maintain our constitutional right to hold up a protest sign, preserve public opinion … whatever it takes to protect our freedom to speak.”

The Growing Tyranny of Free Speech Suppression and What You Can Do

humanfreedomOp-Ed by Paul A. Philips

Some people need reminding that the principled 1st Amendment was written to allow the flow of free speech without government interference. The 1st Amendment allows a person in the minority to say what they want while protecting them from the opposing majority.

What we’re witnessing today on unprecedented levels is the denial of our self-expression through a number of uncompromising authorities taking away our right to free speech.

Consequentially, we’re facing a crisis where citizens’ ability to think for themselves, communicate opinions or disagreement is seriously under threat.

The growing tyranny of free speech suppression can be found:

In schools

Yes, get them at an early age so that they can be under the ruling thumb with ludicrous, moronic prohibitions and zero-tolerance policies making the schoolchildren too scared to say anything for the rest of their lives.

For example, I’m told that schoolchildren in some schools cannot say certain words like, for instance, gun (now referred to as ‘the G-word’). How will this growing word embargo affect the ability to communicate clearly?

Political correctness

Hordes of politically correct weasels and control freaks have been allowed to run amok on citizens of all ages enforcing their petty word characterizations.

Here are just a couple of examples:

Some UK hospital staffs have been severely ticked-off for stigmatizing patients: To avoid the so-called stigmatizing, ‘out-patients’ must be called ‘clients.’

Music teachers have been told that pupils cannot teach the song ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep.’ In line with political correctness it must be called ‘Baa Baa Happy Sheep’!

Reported for speech categorization

Besides political correctness citizens are getting reported for a number of speech categorizations considered to make someone feel uncomfortable, unsafe or cause offense.

College campuses are known to be the hotbed for this. Besides encouraging the snitch-community, students could be reporting each other for ‘trigger warning’,’ micro-aggression’ and ‘red light’ speech categorizations…

In schools besides hateful speech, offending ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion … teasing is now considered to be bullying. Bullying is deemed by authorities as tomorrow’s hate crime…

Social Media

Bearing in mind the effects they have on government policy, besides Google, for some time social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter (see video) have been at work on what speech needs online censoring. Taking the case where you’re not approved, deemed by these corporations as ‘anti-government speech,’ then you will be deleted on the basis of ‘extremism.’

Implications, implications??

The consequences of the suppression of free speech

1. Inability to think critically

Already mentioned, the suppression of certain words and speech categorizations will greatly hinder the ability to think critically and communicate views in an articulate manner because of a lack of vocabulary.

2. Easier to control and manipulate

As a consequence of 1, it will make individuals that much easier to further control and manipulate.

Where will it go from here?

3. Creates limited choices

Language and thought creates our reality; and when greatly restricted, our choices will in turn be based on limited or even false paradigms.

4. Breeds ‘unhealthy skepticism’

Typical of a totalitarian scenario, adhering to the establishment’s growing suppression leads to what I call unhealthy sKepticism where more and more people will become fixed, rigid and dogmatic in their beliefs. Instead of investigating, anyone seeing outside of the limited viewpoint will be ignored, ridiculed or rejected, labeled as someone to be ‘skeptical’ about.

5. Encourages intolerance

We’ve seen a number of circumstances where dissent and public opinion has been demonized unjustly. Aren’t the authorities the real extremists or bullies?  

6. Easier to whitewash

If speech is under the control of corporations such as the social media giants (or any other mainstream media outlet) acting on government policy, then it makes it easier to manipulate the general consensus … even to the point of whitewashing dubious or criminal activities.

7. Bottling-up effect

The bottling-up of free speech could lead to violence and rioting on the streets through frustration in the desire to take action.

What you can do to protect free speech

Don’t become an unquestioning, compliant docile sheep. Don’t live your life muzzled, glued to the TV. Don’t let the pillar of public apathy keep the suppression of free speech propped up and standing.

Educate yourself. Understand the bigger picture of the growing tyranny of free speech suppression and spread the word. Understanding the bigger picture ought to be enough to make anyone want to shout down from the rooftops.

The solution is to confront. More people need to muster enough courage to speak out about what isn’t being said than ever before. Confront those politically correct weasels. Confront any control freak with ulterior motives to shut people up.

Boycott the social media giants. There are a growing number of other social media outlets dedicated to alternative-view communities where you’d be better off spending your time.

We have to stand in the gap, maintain our constitutional right to hold up a protest sign, preserve public opinion … whatever it takes to protect our freedom to speak.

You can read more from Paul A. Philips at his site

Source: Activist Post

Sibel Edmonds, Spiro Skouras, & Sheriff Mack Discuss Wrongful Investigations of Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Federal Tyranny in Oregon, CSPOA, and How You Can Help

Much-needed conversation on various topics surrounding the recent arrest of the Bundy group in Harney County, the wrongful shooting death of LaVoy Finicum, and the wrongful pursuit of Constitutional Sheriff Glenn Palmer in connection with the Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff in this video (linked below).

As Sibel Edmonds reports recently in Boiling Frogs Post, “In the latest development involving the Burns-OR Standoff case, the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training is asking the state Department of Justice to investigate Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer after receiving numerous complaints from the public and others, including dispatchers and the John Day police chief. The Department has released eight separate complaints, including ones from a 911 manager and the John Day police chief, alleging misconduct by Palmer, and raising alarm concerning Palmer’s association with leaders of the refuge occupation.

The Department of Justice has been asked to investigate the case, and the licensing agency has warned Palmer that if violations of police standards are found, he could face revocation of his police certification.” See more at: 

(An excellent article by Sibel Edmonds, dissecting biased coverage of this issue in Oregon Live where Sheriff Palmer has been presented, as per Oregon State Police/John Day Police/FBI characterizations, as a public safety concern and security risk, while his record shows him to be a keen Constitutional Sheriff with an interest in preserving the peace, a proponent of the separation of powers, pro local authority vs federal intrusions, and a staunch defender of the sanctity of the Second Amendment” all of which has apparently caused him to become the current target of Federal ire.)

Federal Tyranny and Political Persecution

Sheriffs across the country are taking note as Sheriff Glenn Palmer becomes the new focus of DOJ and FBI scrutiny, in the continuing attempt, it seems, as Spiro notes, to repress anyone associating themselves too closely with the Constitution as “domestic terrorists,” and prevent the rise of any meaningful movement for freedom in this country. Sheriff Mack notes that substantial evidence of wrongdoing would need to be found and that neither Sheriff Palmer’s voiced opinions of the OSP/FBI-portrayed “traffic-stop” as an ambush nor his interest in learning from a 911 despatcher what was taking place at this “traffic-stop” nor his conversing with the Bundy group (while respectfully refraining from open support of the Harney County/Malheur Refuge occupiers minus the permission of the Harney County Sheriff Ward) could be construed as a crime.

Sheriff Mack also discusses the background to the Hammonds’ imprisonment and the rally in their support preceding the occupation at the Malheur Refuge, which brings up a lot of questions regarding erratic and over-reaching BLM actions in this case and others in the state. The inaction of Sheriff Ward led to LaVoy Finicum’s death, he notes, yet it is not Sheriff Ward who is currently under the gun for “investigations,” but Sheriff Palmer, no doubt primarily because he is a Constitutional Sheriff.

An important point that Sibel Edmonds makes here is that we are currently existing in the US witnessing and experiencing Federal tyranny and over-reach, we are seeing political persecution of those who stand up for their rights, yet no-one in the US seems to want to acknowledge it but pretends otherwise instead; her experience of life in other countries under tyrannical regimes, she notes, was understood as life under tyranny, here what is transpiring is worse since everyone pretends they are not living under tyranny, and no-one seems to know the Constitution has been suspended–so no-one is going to stand up and fight.

CSPOA Rally in Support of Sheriff Palmer/How You Can Help

However, a large group of Constitutional Sheriffs, led by Sheriff Mack, are currently planning a rally in support of Sheriff Palmer to be held very soon in Grant County, offering Sheriffs a chance to publicly take a stand. Sheriff Mack asks that all those watching this video get involved today in the fight to restore Constitutional authority to the land, to recognize that we are at a very critical juncture in our nation’s history, that we are facing unreasonable and oppressive rulers not dissimilar to the one, King Charles III, who ignited the early colonialists’ passion for liberty and led eventually to American independence, to understand that it is time right now to stand up for our rights, to stand up for  what Patrick Henry termed “the holy cause of liberty”.

Ways to get involved:

Vet Your Sheriff--Find out of if he supports the Constitution (or the Corporation). Write to Sheriff Mack at for Vetting Documents you can use to Vet Your Sheriff.

Join CSPOA, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace-Keeping Officers Association--You don’t have to be Law Enforcement or a Sheriff to join, says Sheriff Mack, any one can and should join, to help your Constitutional Sheriffs stand up in solidarity and work to restore the US, working at the county level. Membership dues will help support Sheriffs’ expenses as they travel to Grant County.

“If there was ever a time to get everybody involved, it’s now.” (Sheriff Mack)

It’s entirely possible this Sheriffs’ Rally will turn out to be a pivotal event in the restoration of the US. For all those who continually ask, What Can I Do? these are concrete ways we can help. Please get involved as you can, please share this news widely with all your networks.

Please check Spiro’s channel and Boiling Frogs Post for promised further coverage and news with dates and times on this rally. I will add in information here as it unfolds.


Thomas David, House of Deegan: “Thought Crimes” & Free Speech on Trial? in West Virginia

thomas deeganThomas David, House of Deegan, who was arrested last fall on charges of terrorism as he tried to take action in West Virginia to expose corporation/corruption in government, was in Woods County Circuit Court on Feb 19 ostensibly for a bond revocation hearing regarding his earlier home confinement, an occasion converted without due notice to a motions hearing at the last minute. 

While this is a story that is not in mainstream media, it is also a story that truly needs more coverage in alternative media. Earlier posts and background posted here can be found here. What has happened to Thomas Deegan is not unlike what has happened to Ammon Bundy, Cliven Bundy, and LeVoy Finicum. It is the story of someone who spoke out, took a stand, and was apparently set up, arrested, and now faces possible incarceration on a wrongful charge (of domestic terrorism), all seemingly in an attempt by  Federal entities to suppress and crush the movement toward truth and freedom that is being ignited in various forms and forums today all over the USA.

Because of the paucity of coverage, we as a people are being deprived of real information and real understanding of what exactly is happening here, and how this relates to the suppression of free speech and civic rights that has been underway and is still evident across the US. The connections to what has been and continues to go down in Oregon, for instance, are not being remarked. Thomas Deegan needs support from We the People, yet who knows enough of his case to understand and care about the range of his efforts to restore Constitutional Government in West Virginia and nationwide, and to stand with him in this cause? What happens too, to these efforts?  Perhaps the CSPOA or other groups interested in restoring the Constitution and lawful, non-corporate Government will step forward. One can only hope.

To all those who have been following Thomas Deegan’s story, I would ask, please continue to do so. In these perilous times where suppression, oppression, and tyranny are striving to establish themselves as the New Normal, also largely through co-opting of media and their publishing of avid government propaganda, our consciousness, our awareness, and our caring for each other counts. The simple fact of our attention can create waves of change in the field of our common consciousnness. Those who seek to suppress movements for freedom (from the horrors of the Freedom Act/Patriot Act, for instance) know this, hence their continual “nipping in the bud” efforts, all across the US, from West Virginia to Harney County, Oregon, from secret policing via targeting community-oriented individuals (such as this writer) with covert, undisclosed electromagnetic weapons, COINTELPRO “gang-stalking” and local smear campaigns, to outright disappearances and inexplicable deaths of doctors, researchers, and scientists.  Our consciousness as a witnessing population is under assault, and we owe it to ourselves to continue to try to keep ourselves and each other informed of what really is going on, and make up our own minds as to what the truth is.

There is also a larger narrative here, of fighting for liberty, to restore the Constitution and to restore non-corporate representative government, that is at stake here–we’re all being asked to take a stand, for the country, not just for Thomas Deegan–who himself, was seeking to liberate the country.

Excerpt from Phil Hudok‘s note marking this event, from

2/22/16 Breaking Information:

It is with a heavy heart that I relay the following:

Those few people who turned out for Thomas on Friday, the 19th, witnessed, Judge Reed say “I can do whatever I want” and certainly he’s done it. 

Friday was supposed to be a hearing for continuance of revocation of home confinement charge for Thomas’s thought crimes for which Thomas he has yet to be tried. However, to the surprise of the prosecutor and the defendant, after the continuance was granted to March 15, it turned out to be a hearing on evidence and motions.  No motions by Thomas were objected to by the prosecution, but all were dismissed by heir Judge Reed. Since when is it supposed to be Judge vs Defendant?

However, Judge Reed, has outdone himself.  This morning, the sheriff hand delivered a letter from Judge Reed to Thomas.  The Judge informed Thomas that he will appear on March 1 instead of March 15.  Heir Judge Jeffrey B. Reed also notified Thomas that he has been found guilty. Heir Reed “don’t need no stinking hearing!”  The judge knows that only a handful of people give a rat’s ass.

Suspended constitution, private-for-profit corporate government, is case closed. Please continue reading this note at

Excerpt from Carl Alfred‘s note, also at

“Few are paying attention to what is happening to Thomas David: House of Deegan as he is being railroaded into prison on a “Thought crime” charge. Whether you understand or agree with his (Thomas) findings or his methods, this will affect every last one of you as this will establish the precedence needed to further demolish “Free Speech” in this land. From Georgia to California, people came in support and were horrified to see just how lawless this administrator (Jeffrey B. Reed) for the Wood County, West Virginia Circuit Court was acting. This was put on the docket as a bond revocation hearing but Reed (“I rule as I see fit”) decided to make it a motions hearing. Neither Thomas nor the Prosecutor had any idea this was going to happen so neither were prepared.

Of course that only matters if you have a legitimate court system which we, most assuredly, do not. Welcome to your “New World order” folks, where the law is whatever these administrators say it is and where their rules trump everybody’s rights.” Please continue reading this note at

Excerpt from Caleb Hitt‘s detailed article at The Daily Resistance:

After much anticipation among supporters of Thomas David House of Deegan, his revocation hearing for home confinement arrived Friday, Febuary 19 in Wood County Circuit Court at Parkersburg, WV.   Close to 20 of us gathered near the Judicial building downtown.  Those among us included 2016 Governor candidate Phil Hudok, Pastor Butch Paugh, Darlene Deegan (Thomas’s mother), and others from West Virginia, Ohio, California, and Georgia.

During this time, Phil Hudok was handing out copies of an article he wrote entitled, “On Government Corporations: The Matter Of West Virginia And The Condition Of The People.”  Phil’s article was originally published in the Nov/Dec 2015 edition of The American’s Bulletin, and later with his permission, republished right here on The Daily Resistance.  This article is an eye opening expose of the fraudulent conspiracy of  corporations posing as government.  Carl Swenson, who would also moderate post hearing reactions, was handing out small sized American Peace Flags.

American Peace FlagPer Phil’s request, everyone brought a copy of the Holy Bible.  After going through security, Pastor Butch instructed each of us to hold our Bible unashamedly high while entering the court room.  So we all did.  This was to signify our Heavenly Father’s highest authority.  Higher than even the circuit court.  Neither Administrator (Judge) Jeff Reed nor anyone else objected to this.

During the hearing, Administrator (Judge?) Reed began dismissing a series of motions.  Leonard, during his post hearing reaction commented, “…what I saw there was a lack of due process notification.  Thomas brought that up when he started to rule on these demands.  Their not motions.  There demands, let’s get that square.  But the judge referred to them as motions.  I think that is unlawful, number one.  Due process notification, what I’m referring to would be the fact they did not notify the alleged defendant in this case that they were going to be ruling on motions.  This was a revocation hearing, not to rule on motions.”

Indeed, as  Carl pointed out, “people came in support and were horrified to see just how lawless this administrator (Jeffrey B. Reed) for the Wood County, West Virginia Circuit Court was acting. This was put on the docket as a bond revocation hearing but Reed (“I rule as I see fit”) decided to make it a motions hearing. Neither Thomas nor the Prosecutor had any idea this was going to happen so neither were prepared.”

Please continue reading at The Daily Resistance. This is vital coverage we all need to read.

Caleb Hitt also includes videos vital to watch, one of his coverage of the post-court-hearing of supporters, and one of his interview with Phil Hudok on Battle of New Orleans Radio, who points out that what is happening in this corporate courtroom, and in the US, now that the US Constitution has been suspended (a historical scenario, from 1933, covered here in Truth about US Govt posts), is an attempt to keep the whole system (of government actually being a private corporation) from being exposed or brought down. He notes that this was an international case prior to Thomas’ arrest, people across the world were watching with interest. (Phil Hudok also discourses on the current court system, which is corporate, not Common Law, on the matter of  jurisdiction, on birth certificates and legal fictions, and on how the US has been hijacked and is currently being run by foreign agents, not elected officials.)

Video of supporters, after the hearing (reported in Caleb Hitt’s article)/close to 15 minutes:

Please visit and The Daily Resistance for updates, please engage as you see fit, and please share this information with other alternative/independent media groups who could provide further much-needed and continuing coverage.



Steve Kroschel Films/The Grounded: Documentary on Grounding, A Natural Solution to Heal All Kinds of Health/Pain Issues

Thanks to Dwight Mangum for posting this link on Facebook. Wonderful film from a  few years ago on the magical benefits of grounding, created by Steve Kroschel, a National Geographic filmmaker who lives in Alaska, caring for orphaned wildlife, and covering a variety of scientific studies, case studies, and personal information. There is a lot of information online elsewhere these days about the healing benefits of grounding–just taking some time everyday to walk barefoot or lie down on Earth, to reap the benefits of negative ions rising up from the Earth into the human body to neutralize free radicals and re-set the body’s electrical charge to match that of Earth’s, a powerful aligning that has proved in various people’s lives to improve sleep, remove chronic pain, thin blood, among other effects. This film offers quite a riveting approach to the subject by way of its scenic setting and the many physicians and practitioners of grounding it interviews. This review at About Documentaries tells more about the film, this article at the Mercola site discusses benefits of grounding.

In addition, Steve Kroschel’s 18-minute introduction to the film can be viewed at his site, where a lot of other links lead to further grounding resources, including more about film-participant Dr. Laura Koniver’s lovely art and grounding practices.



Bernie Suarez/Truth and Art TV: Extremist Mass Media Uses Oregon Standoff to Criminally Profile Truth and Freedom Lovers

Re-posted, with thanks, from Truth and Art TV. Please visit there for articles, news, and videos dissecting our current reality and presenting the truth on an ongoing basis. This op-ed references a recent article in the Washington Post, which seems to hold out government propaganda without irony, as it seeks rather insistently to depict Pete Santilli, recently arrested along with others in Harney County as less of a journalist and more of a troublemaker, and offers a fairly obvious slant against the activism and protest of the Bundy group. Whatever one thinks of Pete Santilli’s often rambunctious style of journalism, the implications in this article, and in the actions of the judge/and government it reports on, of all activism, protest, critiquing of the US government, and free speech as problematic and dangerous bears close examination. What really is “extremism”–wanting to “die as a free man” or casting that want as “potentially dangerous to the community”?

In the tenor of this Post article, it seems, activism is being problematized and demonized; free speech is being censored. Journalism, across the wide spectrum of its action today, from government propaganda (in mainstream media, as this article illustrates) to activistic journalism (a lot of new/alternative media today) is on display. An essential irony one sees in Leah Sotille’s article is the publishing of her own status, as noted on her website, as “Journalist and Storyteller,” while she prefaces her link to the Post article she has written “Journalist or Danger to Society?”

The article goes on to attack the notion of acting as a journalist or “ambush journalism”, the new media or the notion of acting as a leader. Clearly the goal is to discourage anyone from acting as a leader because if you do, you will be accused of “revving” up people to take action. This is exactly what the control system wants. They almost don’t mind what you actually believe, as long as you keep it to yourself, meaning as long as you don’t act on those beliefs and as long as you don’t attempt to lead others. Both of these actions are demonized in this latest mainstream media article. The control system attempts to demonstrate to the masses that both of these actions can and will be linked to a criminal act. This is because the success of the new world order is dependent on people doing nothing about the enslavement they are in. You are to shut up and take it.”


Extremist Mass Media Uses Oregon Standoff to Criminally Profile Truth and Freedom Lovers

February 21, 2016
Truth and Art TV article
Contributed by Bernie Suarez
Radical Mainstream Media

In one of the most radical and frightening moves by mainstream media this year, writer Leah Sotille of the Washington Post has used the distorted conclusion of the Oregon standoff, specifically the situation surrounding the charges against independent journalist Peter Santilli, who was covering the event, as an opportunity to spawn a vicious attack on not only Santilli, but more importantly truth seekers and freedom lovers all across America.

The shocking article lays down a relatively long list of attacks and conclusions about Santilli while conveniently and simultaneously spraying these attacks on the truth and freedom movement. These attacks and conclusions are carefully derived from pieced together past stories, quotes and comments taken from mostly unclear contexts, all designed to strike fear at the heart of anyone who dares to think on their own, take a stand for Truth, question the corrupt federal government, or even think for a minute that the idea of being free is worth dying for.

While on the surface the story appears to be an attack on just Santilli, writer Sotille leaves no room for genuine truth seeking or innocent love for freedom. With sweeping accusation and a sense of red hot vindication stemming from the patriotic pro-constitutional Bundy Ranch victorious standoff of 2014, Sotille destroys the character of anyone who simply wants to be free, anyone who doubts or disagrees with the federal government, refuses to accept the U.N.’s Agenda 21 hijacking of individual and state sovereignty, or anyone who expects the government to abide by the Constitution. Anyone falling in the cross hairs of the federal government’s resistance to globalization and tyranny is profiled by Sotille as radical and extremist.

If you have any love for humanity or concern for our future I challenge you to read this recent Washington Post article and see if you sense anything wrong. See if you can make any connection to past historical events. See if you can wrap your head around the meaning behind the famous quote from Edmund Burke when he said that:

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it

So let’s break down the points made one by one and we’ll add emphasis to key things that are being said:

In an almost unrelated very first paragraph, the 2015 Bundy ranch standoff that took place in defense of the illegal and criminal BLM cattle slaughtering and stealing is mentioned, and Cliven Bundy, not the BLM, is portrayed as the criminal for:

… trying to remove cattle they said Bundy was illegally grazing on federal lands

No mention that the BLM was told to leave at the time because they were (Constitutionally) in the wrong. Instead the article starts off with a typical cheap shot attack on Cliven Bundy which is essentially unrelated to the main story of Santilli. More so, no one commits a supposed crime then gets surprisingly arrested for it ONE year later. Doesn’t that timing seem more like the timing of a gang looking to get even? If Bundy truly broke any laws why was he not arrested at the time when the standoff occurred?

The article then retroactively tries Santilli as a criminal in the courtroom of public opinion based on comments made in the past on his own radio show about freedom and anti-corruption.

… a judge kept him in jail after hearing clips of Santilli’s show — proof, the government argued, of Santilli’s participation in the occupation and evidence of his potential danger to the community.

The prosecution played 20 minutes of clips from Santilli’s show for the court, dating as far back as last June, in which Santilli discusses burying illegal guns, dying a free man and shooting federal agents if they came through his door uninvited.

This suggests that anyone who stands for Truth and freedom, even as we speak, is actually on trial right now without that person realizing it. Everything that you are saying and doing right now, even though you haven’t committed any crime, is already being used against you. If Santilli was freely speaking his mind in the past BECAUSE freedom of speech is fundamentally what America stands for, and you are innocent until proven guilty, then why is he being tried retroactively based on past speech? This is a very dangerous road we are now walking and everyone needs to pay attention to this story.

Notice that wanting to die free itself is put on trial here. Don’t we all want to die free? If you don’t die free then doesn’t that mean that you die a slave? Who wants to die as a slave?? All of this normal and healthy quest for freedom is radicalized and demonized as unforgivable evidence of criminality:

(judge) Mosman saw Santilli’s words differently: “When he says he will die a free man, I don’t take that as a man who is joking about it,” he said.

This is a reminder that wanting to “die a free man” is only a “threat” to tyrants and those who want and need you to be their slave. Demonizing anyone for wanting to be free is extremely dangerous and irresponsible rhetoric. Anyone not frightened by one of our own fellow Americans fearlessly writing an article like this is simply not paying attention or is completely brainwashed.

Wanting to be free is not a crime under any historical circumstances and every human being should want to be free and be willing to die for that freedom. Read the very words of our star spangle banner, the Constitution and writings from our founding fathers. Go to a museum or read history and find me a patriot, revolutionary or freedom lover who didn’t want to be free or die for that freedom. Because people were willing to die for freedom is one of the main reasons America exists today. Most importantly, before anyone suggest I’m naive about American history, if nothing else, this very same willingness to die for freedom is at the very core of the message conveyed by the U.S. military recruiters when they enlist recruits. When I served in the U.S. Marines, a major driving force and a key question I had to answer first was- am I willing to die for freedom?

Now this same level of courage and desire to be free is considered radical and criminal somehow, and every American should stop and think before you digest any of the propaganda in this latest mainstream media article referenced here. If you believe and follow mainstream media ask yourself- when did wanting to be free and die free become a bad thing? And when did a willingness to be a slave and die a slave become the norm??

The author then goes on to further undermine freedom and Constitution lovers using Santilli as the proxy target to get at the entire movement. The attack this time is on those who potentially oppose Agenda 21 wildlife refuge as “anti-government” dangerous criminals:

To many, Santilli is seen as a provocateur, mouthpiece and broadcaster for the anti-government “Patriot” movement, often screaming into a bullhorn at any whiff of opposition at the wildlife refuge.

You would think it would all end there, but that would not be the case. The Santilli and Oregon story is then used to radicalize and portray even 9/11 truthers as dangerous “extremists”!:

In an interview at her Portland hotel room, Deborah Jordan Reynolds — Santilli’s girlfriend and co-host on his YouTube channel — told The Post that Santilli’s skepticism of America turned toward extreme around 2002 after he learned of conspiracy theories speculating that the government had prior knowledge of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Reynolds said that after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Santilli, a proud Marine Corps veteran, was ready to re-enlist.

But soon “he started looking into the idea that maybe the government did know something else,” she said, and the conspiracy theories threw him. “Pete’s done a lot of changing since 9/11.”

This should serve as a reminder that 9/11 is to be protected by the criminals who did 9/11, and as with the JFK assassination, they are prepared to block the quest for any true investigation of this crime for as long as possible. That they decided to sneak in 9/11 in and of itself should be a wake up call for all.

Reminding us that the controlled mainstream media is never one to let a good opportunity go to waste, the Santilli story is then used to portray even health conscious individuals as radical:

In his early YouTube dispatches, Santilli wears a suit and tie in videos he calls “Consumer Advocate TV,” pointing to bottles of Coca-Cola and telling viewers that high-fructose corn syrup is “destroying America.”

Then a subtle suggestion or link to even the Ron Paul movement:

That’s when Reynolds said the two met in an online Ron Paul meetup group and decided to co-host the show together.

Then the court of irrelevant public opinion is released to further assassinate their target who by now is solidly linked to the entire truth and freedom movement:

Reynolds said that the show caused Santilli’s parents and siblings to distance themselves from him. And it has attracted ire from all sides: Howard Stern, in 2013, questioned Santilli’s statements about Hillary Clinton (which reportedly attracted the attention of the Secret Service). And last summer, while attending Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Baltimore, Geraldo Rivera calls a screaming Santilli a “fascist” and a “Stalinist.”

So if Geraldo or Howard Stern opined in the past about the guy, that’s important in shaping the verdict of public opinion. This is frightening textbook collectivist mentality.

In the following two paragraphs notice how the quote extracted by the mainstream media often comes in the middle of the sentence. That tells us they are selectively editing out a specific part of the sentence while picking the part of the sentence they want you to hear. This amounts to an out of context sound bite.

“What he does is dangerous. He’s speaking out against the United States government, and he’s an activist,” Reynolds said— an activist drawn to the stories of people he feels are oppressed, “whether it’s ranchers, townspeople, black people, yellow people, green people.”

“It’s ambush journalism,” she said. It’s “this new in your face journalism.”

The writer then even suggests Santilli may have orchestrated the 2014 Bundy ranch standoff himself because an “expert” says so:

While Reynolds insists Santilli “broke the story” of the armed 2014 Bundy ranch standoff in Nevada, others argue that Santilli is the reason it occurred in the first place.

“You would not have had Bundy Ranch if not for Santilli,” said J.J MacNab, an expert on militias and anti-government extremist organizations in America.

The article goes on to attack the notion of acting as a journalist or “ambush journalism”, the new media or the notion of acting as a leader. Clearly the goal is to discourage anyone from acting as a leader because if you do, you will be accused of “revving” up people to take action. This is exactly what the control system wants. They almost don’t mind what you actually believe, as long as you keep it to yourself, meaning as long as you don’t act on those beliefs and as long as you don’t attempt to lead others. Both of these actions are demonized in this latest mainstream media article. The control system attempts to demonstrate to the masses that both of these actions can and will be linked to a criminal act. This is because the success of the new world order is dependent on people doing nothing about the enslavement they are in. You are to shut up and take it.

As we have seen, this is nothing more than an attempt to make an example of a truth and freedom seekers in hopes of discouraging others from taking a similar stance. As I wrote about in a recent article, this entire standoff may have been the last stand for America and it happened in broad daylight with ONE man down. It is possible that this is the victory the Agenda 21 plans needed to move forward.

Realize that the entire Oregon standoff is all about Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 and “sustainable” globalization which includes the massive land grab of rural areas and the relocation of people into urban areas. This is why we see cities all across America erecting apartment buildings everywhere as ranchers begin to give or risk their lives for the sake of freedom.

Hopefully freedom lovers will somehow be empowered not intimidated by this story and hopefully our minds will begin to grasp the three-dimensional reality of this fight for freedom. Why should we want to die free? Because the opposite of freedom is enslavement and I don’t know anyone who wants to die a slave.

The control system is trying desperately to flip the script so that you WANT to die a slave and be proud of it. Let’s not give in to this rhetoric and propaganda. The truth of the matter is that articles like the one referenced here are “radical” and “extremist” in and of themselves. Proving that this referenced article is such, is very easy by looking at history. Historically speaking, given what humanity knows today about freedom and tyranny, there are no examples of freedom lovers demonstrating themselves to be dangerous or violent except in a position of strictly defense; whereas there are many examples of tyranny lovers showing themselves to be dangerous and violent extremists.

So let’s ask writer Leah Sotille, what time in history is she referencing to base her claims on? Under what basis is someone who wants to die free a dangerous extremist? And under what basis is tyranny and top-down big government authoritarianism the best peaceful model for living? One recurring theme here is history. History is on the side of those who want freedom.

Realize that state propaganda is very much a part of history; a history that is clearly now repeating itself. Let’s all refer to history for answers on how to fight tyranny. May history, not mainstream media or government propaganda be our guide in these most perilous and dangerous times we live in. May wisdom and knowledge guide us. May Truth be a flame that burns in our hearts. And may freedom be our only goal as we approach our dying days. Everything in life has a value. Do not let someone assign a value to your perception of freedom. There is nothing more important, more natural and more precious.

Bernie Suarez
Creator of Truth and Art TV Project


Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He is the author of The Art of Overcoming the New World Order and has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.