Tag Archives: Thomas Deegan

Thomas Deegan Denied Parole, Held in Solitary

Phil Hudok at Hudok.info reports the following unsettling news about Thomas Deegan, whose quest for parole was recently posted here. Please continue to maintain contact with Thomas through letters, and continue to let the prison and court system know he has supporters.  As many may know, Thomas Deegan is essentially a political prisoner who is being held by the West Virginia government on wrongful charges–please run a search on his name here to find previous posts. It’s truly astonishing that he is being confined in solitary, and it does throw light on how the corporate system seeks to treat those it has deemed a threat, even as it draws attention to the horrific practice of solitary confinement.

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Image: Hudok.info

Solitary confinement is increasingly being understood to be profoundly inhumane, and a violation of international law; prolonged solitary confinement has been recognized by the UN as a form of torture.

There is a growing nationwide movement to end solitary confinement.

Some excerpts from relevant articles below, please click on title links for the full article.

Last August, the Center for Constitutional Rights posted an article pointing to New York Times coverage of their long-term research into solitary confinement, and their work to help prisoners in California challenge the cruelties of solitary confinement:

Solitary Confinement: A “Social Death” – NYT on “Shocking” Data from CCR Case

“Today’s New York Times science section features a front-page piece about the research that CCR commissioned and compiled for our ground-breaking challenge to long-term solitary confinement. “Solitary Confinement: Punished for Life” introduces to the public the 10 expert reports we submitted to the court in Ashker v. Brown, the class-action lawsuit on behalf of prisoners in solitary in California’s Pelican Bay prison. Together, this research presents an unprecedented 360-degree look at the science behind how and why solitary confinement causes irreversible physical and mental harm.

According to the expert reports, prisoners subjected to prolonged solitary experience a form of “social death” that is not cured upon release, but rather lingers as a “post-SHU syndrome” characterized by social withdrawal, isolation, and anxiety. One researcher said it was “shocking, frankly” that some prisoners endure decades of isolation. The Science Times piece is accompanied by a moving video of our clients.”

June 26 was named the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. A CCR blog post on June 24, Highlights from CCR’s anti-torture work for International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, noted:

This Sunday, June 26, is the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. On this day, and every day, CCR recognizes the courage and resilience of our clients, allies, and movement partners with whom we continue to fight for justice.

It was on June 26, 1987 that the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) entered into force. This international human rights treaty makes clear that there can never be a justification for torture—ever—and that it is the responsibility of every state to prevent it from happening, and punish it when it does. Yet it is a cruel reality that torture continues with impunity all over the globe, often at the hands of those at the highest levels of governments – including our own….

Challenging the torture of solitary confinement in U.S. prisons

CCR client George Ruiz is 72 years old. For 30 years, he spent every day alone — locked in a cramped, windowless cell inside the Security Housing Unit (SHU), first at California’s Pelican Bay State Prison, then at Tehachapi prison. He was only allowed out for one hour a day to exercise in another concrete cell. Ruiz was not in the SHU for breaking any prison rules, but because prison officials claimed he was “affiliated” with a prison gang.

As the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has made clear, prolonged solitary confinement is a form of torture, prohibited under international law. On September 1, 2015, in a landmark settlement in our lawsuit, Ashker v. Governor of California, CCR ended indeterminate solitary confinement in California, dramatically reducing the number of people in isolation, including Mr. Ruiz.

Prisoners’ human rights may be a novel concept to some, but it is a vital issue of concern gaining visibility today, that people being incarcerated do not suffer a blanket loss of their basic human rights. The prisoners in California who endured decades of solitary and worked together with CCR to challenge and end indeterminate solitary issued this statement, thanking those outside who did not forget them:

Statement of plaintiffs on settlement of Ashker v. Governor of California

This settlement represents a monumental victory for prisoners and an important step toward our goal of ending solitary confinement in California, and across the country.  California’s agreement to abandon indeterminate SHU confinement based on gang affiliation demonstrates the power of unity and collective action.  This victory was achieved by the efforts of people in prison, their families and loved ones, lawyers, and outside supporters.  Our movement rests on a foundation of unity: our Agreement to End Hostilities.  It is our hope that this groundbreaking agreement to end the violence between the various ethnic groups in California prisons will inspire not only state prisoners, but also jail detainees, county prisoners and our communities on the street, to oppose ethnic and racial violence.  From this foundation, the prisoners’ human rights movement is awakening the conscience of the nation to recognize that we are fellow human beings.  As the recent statements of President Obama and of Justice Kennedy illustrate, the nation is turning against solitary confinement. We celebrate this victory while, at the same time, we recognize that achieving our goal of fundamentally transforming the criminal justice system and stopping the practice of warehousing people in prison will be a protracted struggle.  We are fully committed to that effort, and invite you to join us.

Their story, posted last September at CCR: After Decades of Enduring Solitary, They Joined Forces. Here’s What Happened.

Fact-sheet from Solitary Watch:  The High Cost of Solitary Confinement

In the United States today, at least 80,000 prisoners are in some form of isolated confinement, including some 25,000 in supermax prisons.

Solitary confinement goes by many names, including administrative segregation, disciplinary confinement, security housing, and restricted housing, but it normally consists of 22- to 24-hour lockdown in a small cell. Terms in solitary confinement often extend to months, years, or decades. Solitary confinement has been found to cause serious psychological damage. Studies have also shown that it increases recidivism and fails to reduce prison violence.

Solitary confinement is also expensive, in large part because of added staffing costs. One study estimated that the average per cell cost of housing an inmate in a supermax prison is $75,000, as opposed to $25,000 for an inmate in the general population.

From The Daily Beast, news of a new documentary, titled, “Solitary”:

The Agony of Solitary Confinement: It’s Like Being ‘Buried Alive,’ Prisoners Say

A new documentary goes inside a supermax prison to discover what it’s like being in solitary confinement—a practice experts now describe as unnecessary and prisoners say is torture. Watch an exclusive clip here.

Here’s what it’s like to be in solitary confinement in a supermax prison—you are locked into your 8- by-10-foot cell for 23 hours per day, where the lights are on all the time. There are no windows in your cell to let in sunlight. Your only view is the window in the cell door that looks out onto a sterile cellblock.

When you are allowed out for one hour of recreation per day, you must first be strip-searched. Then you are shackled hand and foot and taken by two guards to a small wire cage that is your “exercise” yard. You are not allowed to talk to the guards, or to the other prisoners who may be exercising in the cages next to you. You are then shackled again, and led back to your cell. All meals are served to you through a slot in your cell door. If you’re very lucky, you will be allowed outside twice a week where, shackled to a table in the middle of the cellblock, you will perform menial labor, like wrapping packets of sporks and salt in napkins that will be placed in the prisoners’ meal trays.

Imagine living like this year after year after year.

“I don’t think solitary as it currently exists, the lack of any human contact of any sort, is necessary in any case,” says Kristin Jacobson, whose film Solitary, shot at the Red Onion State Prison in Wise County, Va., debuts this week at New York’s Tribeca Film Festival and will be broadcast later this year on HBO. “This is the United States. We have a Constitution, we condemn the abuse of human rights elsewhere, and just because you’ve committed a crime you have not given up your rights as a human being.”

Solitary confinement has, in fact, been part of American penology since at least 1829, when Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary housed prisoners in isolation, hoping that the silence would encourage them to think about their foul deeds and become truly penitent (thus the term “penitentiary”).

But the practice really took off in the 1980s, when harsh drug laws, gang activity and mandatory sentencing saw the prison population increase dramatically. “Solitary grew rapidly just about everywhere; it tracks with the growth in the prison population, and prison overcrowding,” says Jean Casella of Solitary Watch, a Web-based organization providing research and news about solitary confinement in the U.S.

From another political prisoner, heroic whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who revealed many sordid truths about the Iraq War, and was kept in solitary confinement for 9 months, in her May op-ed at The Guardian:

Solitary confinement is ‘no touch’ torture, and it must be abolished
I spent about nine months in an isolated cell behind a one-way mirror. It was cruel, degrading and inhumane

May 2, 2016 by Chelsea E Manning

solitary_050216Shortly after arriving at a makeshift military jail, at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, in May 2010, I was placed into the black hole of solitary confinement for the first time. Within two weeks, I was contemplating suicide.

After a month on suicide watch, I was transferred back to US, to a tiny 6 x 8ft (roughly 2 x 2.5 meter) cell in a place that will haunt me for the rest of my life: the US Marine Corps Brig in Quantico, Virginia. I was held there for roughly nine months as a “prevention of injury” prisoner, a designation the Marine Corps and the Navy used to place me in highly restrictive solitary conditions without a psychiatrist’s approval.

For 17 hours a day, I sat directly in front of at least two Marine Corps guards seated behind a one-way mirror. I was not allowed to lay down. I was not allowed to lean my back against the cell wall. I was not allowed to exercise. Sometimes, to keep from going crazy, I would stand up, walk around, or dance, as “dancing” was not considered exercise by the Marine Corps.

Chelsea Manning is in the news this week for hospitalization that was initially reported as a suicide attempt by a CNN reporter and then retracted. She is currently back in military jail at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where she is serving a shocking  35-year sentence. She, like Thomas Deegan, compel us to look at what is going on in our midst today with the prison system. Incarceration in American prisons, which is already off the charts, spiked with the inhumanities of solitary confinement, is perhaps something all those of us who are outside prison walls need to become a lot more aware about and speak out about, in this peculiar time period we are living through of heightened oppression on all sides.

Thomas Deegan Enduring Long-Term Solitary: Please Write, Support His Request for Parole

td1Phil Hudok of Hudok.Info reports that Thomas David House of Deegan, whom many may know was unlawfully incarcerated in West Virginia during his quest to restore Constitutional government there, has been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment–he has been in solitary confinement for over 7 months and continuing, reports Mr. Hudok–and has currently been moved to a maximum security prison, for reasons undivulged, is in need of supportive letters to help in his request for parole. His case comes up before a parole board next week, and Mr. Hudok suggests that letters be faxed. The excerpt below is taken from his June 22 and June 23 posts, and includes a template anyone can use (changing names and dates); this (template) document also carries all the prison and fax information you will need. You can fax a file online for free at various sites including Gotfreefax.com. Please send letters in support of the character of Thomas David House of Deegan and requesting that his request of parole be granted. Please send rightaway.

Additionally, please also send letters of inquiry, advice, and concern directly to Thomas, to show support and to ensure that prison authorities become aware that Thomas is not forgotten, there are people nationwide and worldwide watching his case. Amnesty International often reports that the number of letters arriving at prison–particularly in the case of political prisoners–makes a huge difference in how prisoners are treated, and in when they are released. No idea if Amnesty is covering this case–they should–but until then, please pass the word and send a letter to Thomas David. Highly concerning reports from Darlene Deegan posted at Hudok.info suggest that Thomas is not being treated well, some believe that his life may be in danger. Please write. This is his address: Thomas David Deegan  #3559707/HCC/P.O. Box 1/Huttonsville, WV  26273


Phil Hudok/Hudok.Info


My letter to Parole Board – Word:Template.docx

In PDF:Template.pdf

June 22 update on Thomas:    (Link to June 23 developments)

I have a sample letter to the parole board linked above. You may use it as a guide.  Please address Thomas’s character.

I talked to a Mr. Paul Simmons recently.  He is a Deputy Commissioner who is head of the correction system’s wardens.

He said Thomas is still in the Mt. Olive Maximum Security Prison infirmary.  I asked him why he was transferred from Huttonsville and he reluctantly admitted that it was because Thomas was not cooperating and Mt. Olive was the only location he could be housed in.  He said Thomas can, but refuses to contact anyone.  He said Thomas has not been asked to sign any “agreements”.  It has been 15 days without any contact from Thomas.  Darlene, I, and others believe there is something else going on here causing there to be no communication.

The reaction of the corrections system was predicted beforehand by Thomas. Please use the template and send a letter to the parole board, I would also suggest that folks send Thomas letters to support Thomas and show the system that Thomas is not forgotten.

Source: Phil Hudok’s June 22 post, Hudok.info


Phil Hudok/Hudok.info/June 23 post

Darlene, Thomas’s mother, called me today. She had just received a letter from Thomas, being only the second communication from Thomas since he has been at Mt. Olive maximum security prison.  Below are some of the notes I made from Darlene’s call.  Please use the notes to craft a letter to the parole board on Thomas’s behalf in accordance with his present wishes which is to address only character issues.  If you sent out a focused letter addressing of truths involved as was previously requested, that was meant to be. As it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a season for all things.



Parole board will be at Mt. Olive at the beginning of July.

Gene, Phil, and Thomas’s mother should be receiving info on date and time of parole board hearing, can attend and may be allowed to speak.

Thomas does not want anything said of the fraud of the system as it will work against him.

He is in prison because of the Supreme Court case lawsuit 15-0491.

Thomas has caused no injury to person or property.

He enjoys being around his family, as he was last year when he was arrested.

He’s been in no trouble for the first 34 years of his life.

He admitted that he grew medicinal pot. 

Thomas is not nor has ever been a threat to society.

He has the support of a wide network of friends and family.

(Address issues of his character only)

Letters to the parole board must be made immediately.  If possible, they should be faxed.

Source: June 23 post/Hudok.info

Dee Corley/Scanned Retina: An independent observer: Witness to the fraudulent misrepresentation of a private criminal impersonation of a court of law.

Re-blogging, with thanks to Scanned Retina, on The Everyday Concerned Citizen.

A powerful personal narrative of witness of the court proceedings in the case of Thomas Deegan. Many thanks to Dee Corley for making this trip to West Virginia and for recording and reporting her personal thoughts and observations on the trial. Please visit Scanned Retina to read the whole, illuminating account. Dee Corley reports that the conference call to action where Thomas Deegan is purportedly stated by the FBI to be making “terroristic threats” was replayed in full in the courtroom. In the process, the jury heard the reason behind the call for action: the construction and operation of fraud in government.

“A beautiful thing took place within the trial, something completely unexpected by Mr. Deegan’s accusers. I found it thrilling to watch, and was honored to have the privilege to watch this scene play out within the courtroom, as the eyes of some of the members of the jury began to open. Some appeared to be in disbelief at first, as they discovered that their rights have been stripped away through fraud that has been taking place in our government unbeknownst to them for generations. A few jurors appeared to experience some degree of horror, while others still seemed dazed and clueless of what they were hearing, until the accusing witness’s testimony began to disintegrate before them. Others never got past the words in the recording.”

This conference call to action, 9/14/2015, as also much material surrounding this wrongful arrest, incarceration, and indictment may be found on Hudok Info, and is linked here.

You can read a transcript here, of an earlier conference call on 7/30/’15 which introduces this subject to an open audience. This earlier post here covers it. You can also see earlier posts following this story by searching for “Thomas Deegan” here.

Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny: Precedent Setting Verdict: Thomas Deegan

Re-blogging, with many thanks to Doreen for covering this story.

I don’t think it’s a meaningless coincidence that both this unjust verdict on Thomas Deegan and new evidence surfacing in LaVoy Finicum’s death are occurring at just this moment in time. We cannot look away from what is happening here. Two men, speaking out and challenging State and Federal authority: one, arrested, wrongfully charged, indicted as guilty of making undefined “terroristic threats”, the other killed.

Reporters and court witnesses Caleb Hitt, Dee Corley, and Carl Swennson discuss how this verdict on Thomas sets a precedent for the criminalizing of free speech, how the FBI had infiltrated earlier meetings in attempts to entrap and provoke, how false charges had been laid at his door, and how this verdict sets the stage for a longer appeal process, which will hopefully bring the truth about fraudulent corporate government that Thomas sought to expose into larger view. “The Constitution doesn’t exist anymore.” “All of the courts are frauds.” “This is a step in the process–it’s not the end.” Full article and video link at Our Greater Destiny. Also see Thomas Deegan’s closing arguments in court here.

Judge Anna von Reitz: Vital Information on the Current US Court System for Thomas Deegan, Ammon Bundy, and Everyone Else Facing Prosecution; Informing the Court with a Declaration of Political Status, and a Release and Discharge for the Judge

Re-posted from Maine Republic Alert, with thanks. Please visit there for updated news and information on the restoration of the US, among other vital news and information.


Judge Anna offers a quick run-through here to explain the current court system, the history behind its change-over from 1933, the hidden histories of names, birth-certificates, and citizenship within the system of fraud that we have all taken to be our reality, and how those facing prosecution may gain legal remedy within this situation. Please scroll down for her instructions on how to declare political status and release judges fromany obligation to impose military common law in his court created by the Constitution”.

I don’t know whether people who are currently incarcerated and facing prosecution on wrongful charges have access to the Internet, but I do hope their relatives are paying attention to the nationwide movement to restore Common Law and the Constitution to the US, and can forward this information to them. (I don’t claim to offer any legal or law-related advice myself, I am merely following her work with interest as I too seek to gain knowledge on Common Law means to gain legal remedy from injustice, so please do explore her work further on your own.) Judge Anna’s posts are being collected here on an ongoing basis; you can see more at her website: http://www.annavonreitz.com. You can also find out more in the Truth About US Govt. posts here.  Colors and highlights below are mine/just for emphasis & ease of reading.


The Down and Dirty for Thomas Deegan, Ammon Bundy, and Everyone Else Facing Prosecution by the Vermin Pretending to Serve and Defend America

—by Judge Anna

1. The Federal District Court today is a hybrid that was never intended to be.

2. Every Federal District Judge takes his oath to uphold the Constitution —– 5 USC 3331. (Bear in mind that you cannot use CFR, USC, or any other of their private statutes in their courts, with the single exception of the United States Statutes at Large, which are public. The most you can do is remind them of their oath and accept it.)

3. March 9, 1933 martial law was imposed by Proclamation 2040 on both the federal and state government franchises organized as the United States of America, Inc. and its “states” doing business as the “State of California”, etc. The “Trading With the Enemy Act” of October 6, 1917 (50 USC App. 5(b) was amended by the “Emergency Banking Relief Act” of March 9, 1933 (12USC95a) —-2040 continued Emergency Proclamation 2039.

4. On April 25, 1938, the US Supreme Court demolished federal general common law civilian due process and the military common law jurisdiction was imposed.

5. In September 1938, new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were introduced “as authorized by Section 17 of the Trading With the Enemy Act”. Four years later, in 1942, new Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure followed.

6. After that, there has been no distrinction between suits at law and suits in equity— they are constitutionally created courts, but sitting in a foreign, statutory, emergency war powers military jurisdiction. Civilian “U.S. citizens” are now treated as “enemy combatants” subject to military due process of law— i.e., international martial common law.

7. From July 28, 1868 to March 9, 1933, all Americans in the organic states were Private American National Citizens without any implied or express contract with the Federal corporations or the Federal “State” franchises. They were protected by Section 1 of the corporate Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

8. FDR’s Proclamation 2039 made all U.S. citizens “enemies” and their property was deemed “enemy property”— which was seized via exercise of titles held under color of law by the Alien Property Custodian, now the Secretary of the Treasury;

9. On March 9, 1933, Congress approved — after the fact — Roosevelt’s actions back to March 4, 1933, the day of his inauguration— and approved both his Proclamation 2039 and 2040;

10. Every Private American National Citizen was “deemed” to be Registered as a “U.S. citizen” — a foreign situs trust named after them and deemed a citizen under federal “diversity of citizenship”—- via a Certificate of Live Birth. The foreign situs trust created by this “registration” rather than “recording” yielded an artificial “person” which was operated under a name in Upper and Lower Case identical to the given name people were used to using and this “person” was deemed “registered property” of the bankrupt federal corporation. The living Americans were also “deemed” voluntary sureties and voluntary trustees for the resulting corporate persona: James Albert Doe. After 7 years of this, when clueless Americans didn’t come forward and object and reclaim their status by Expatriation, it was “presumed” that the owner/trustee was “lost at sea” and a second constructive trust was created—-a Cestui Que Vie Trust operated as: JAMES ALBERT DOE, for example.

11. This reduced the status of the Private American National Citizen to that of a “U.S. citizen”—- a corporation created under federal corporation auspices as a franchise.

12. This PERSON named after you is by definition an “enemy combatant” subject to international military jurisdiction.

13. AS a result of all this GARBAGE and FRAUD, every court procedure both civil and criminal, involves two jurisdictional trusts—- one express and inactive and constitutional, one implied and active and unconstitutional.

14. The express trust is the Constitution for the United States of America. Under this trust, the plaintiff is the trustee and the defendant is the beneficiary (presumed innocent).

15. Thanks to the rupture caused by FDR, the government has foisted its responsibility to be trustee off on the victims of this fraud— the people.

16. The implied trust is the court case itself, conducted within the military jurisdiction of the “civilian” court.

17. This implied trust arises from the “hybrid” nature of the Defendant— a man presumed to be acting as a thing– a corporation and “enemy combatant”—-which results in the Defendant being “deemed” an “enemy combatant” and “presumed guilty”.

18. In a criminal prosecution in a federal court (and all courts are federal— either district or Federal “state” courts— all operated by the United States District Court) the plaintiff comes in the name of the sovereign government—-NOT the sovereign people. The indictment enabling the government to prosecute the victim is a True Bill— see the legal definition of a True Bill and a Bill of Attainder— and then see the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

19. The plaintiff is now the beneficiary and the defendant is now the trustee— this has been accomplished via two contracts—- the first one for the Private American National Citizen and the other for the government.

20. The first implied contract binding the Private American National Citizen is the registered “Certificate of Live Birth” coupled with the seized of all property associated with that NAME;

21. The second contract that replaced our lawful civilian government with martial law was express by the Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA) and its amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act.

HERE IS AN IMPORTANT TAKE HOME MESSAGE. The “government” is a corporation bringing “charges” against a “vessel in commerce” via means of a Bill of Attainder presented as a True Bill. They are doing this by pretending that Thomas Deegan,the man, is the “same as” THOMAS DEEGAN, the corporate “PERSON” they created as a franchise to benefit themselves.

Now, what to do about it?

PLEASE NOTE: the Judge is between a Rock and a Hard Place. He has taken his oath to the Constitution on one hand, and yet is obligated to uphold the statutes of the United States on the other.

***The Article III Judge must be RELEASED and DISCHARGED from any obligation to impose military common law in his court created by the Constitution.***

You, as the living man and true sovereign, can release the Judge from this “conflict of duty” and end the nightmare.

23. Set up a one page Declaration of Political Status and Release and Discharge for Judge _______________ . Place a one dollar United States Postage Stamp in the top right hand corner of the page as consideration for the new contract you are creating.

For example: I, Thomas of the Lawful House of Deegan, release and discharge Judge ___________ from his emergency war powers jurisdictional duties created by Section 17 of the “Trading With the Enemy Act” and clearly inform the court that I, a Private American National Citizen who has harmed nobody and nothing do not consent to statutory military jurisdiction of any kind. I did not willingly or knowingly consent to statutory military jurisdiction prior to being unlawfully detained and I do not consent to statutory military jurisdiction now. I do not consent to statutory military jurisdiction now nor at any foreseable time in the future.

I do, however, accept the Oath of Judge_______________________and his trust obligation to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States under the Law of the Land affirmed “So help me God” and I do accept the “perpetual friendship” and “amity” of all members of the Bar Associations owed to Americans by the Treaty of Westminster 1794 and their honest conduct owed by The Bar Association Treaty of 1947.

I repeat that I am a non-combatant and not an “enemy” and I do not consent to any statutory military jurisdiction being exercised against me by this court since my unlawful detainment, I do not consent to any statutory military jurisdiction being exercised with respect to me in the present, and do not consent to any future statutory military jurisdiction being offered against me.

I revoke all and any consent actual or implied to act as or be considered a voluntary surety, trustee, volunteer, a corporate officer of any kind, a tax payer, commercial driver, corporate franchise operator, warrant officer, licensee, beneficiary of the public charitable trust or any other individual or employee subject to the British Crown or the British King in any capacity whatsoever.

I clearly attest and declare that I am an American born on the land of the ___________state and am one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States as defined by The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783. I have never considered any other political status actual or implied to be a benefit.

Autographed by__(handprinted first name only)____Thomas (thumbprint seal).

24. Next, repudiate the presumptions, accept the Indictment, and return it to the government acting as plaintiff. On the face of a copy of the Indictment write: “Accepted for Value by Grantee, Returned for Value by Grantor-Settlor, On Special Deposit Without Recourse, IT IS ORDERED: Discharge All Obligations/Presentments/Bonds/Fees/Taxes/Tithes to Extinguish the Debt and Settle the Account of THOMAS DEEGAN: Date____________________, Signature_________________________________(Upper and Lower Case) Authorized Representative, all rights reserved.

This turns the tables back on the government agents and makes them the trustees. And the grantor-beneficiary of the Constitution trust has just ordered the trustees to pay the charges and release the penal bonds.

This entire “schtick” depends on (1) identity theft; (2) corruption of the courts; (3) ignorance coupled with non-disclosure to mischaracterize innocent people and their natural political status. No matter what they say or accuse you of, they are there to protect the interests of the British Crown and to extract money out of Americans and the lawful American government. It is your duty to fully inform the court and hold it accountable.

Now here are some other facts you can use to “fully inform” the court(s).

According to 16 American Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition, Sections 71 and 82—- no “emergency” justifies a violation of any Constitutional provision.

Despite this fact, as admitted in Senate Report 93-549 (1973): “A majority of people in the United States have lived all their lives (mischaracterized as British Subjects thanks to registration via Certificates of Birth) under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by statutes of national emergency.”

Any idea that a statutory entity, a corporation, can “declare war” is by its nature fantastical and logically unsound, for the divide between the living and the dead is absolute and precludes such a notion. The corporate charter would be irrevocably violated and the perpetrators exposed as a mere band of criminals.

“Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power or remove or diminish restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency. Its grants of the power to the Federal Government and its limitation of the power of the States were determined in the light of emergency and they are not altered by emergency.” — Home Building and Loan Association v. Blaisdell 290 US 426 (1934).

“The Constitution of the United States is a LAW for rulers and people equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection ALL classes of men, at ALL times, and under ALL circumstances. No doctrine, involving more pernicious consequences, was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or to despotism.” Statement of Opinion, United States Supreme Court, Annals 1866, in response to a new class of proposed infringing Reconstruction legislation that was similarly promoted on the basis of “national emergency”.

Powers and property interests that the corporate officers of the United States of America, Incorporated or the UNITED STATES, Inc. did not possess prior to the 1933 bankruptcy “emergency” did not magically accrue to them as the result of any emergency economic or otherwise.

All that really happened is that two international banking cartels colluded among themselves to initiate a “war” for profit, a war that pitted foreign situs trusts named after innocent Americans against Roman Inferior TRUSTS also named after the same innocent Americans.

“Calling it an apple does not make it an apple.”— Benjamin Franklin, 1772.

Naming a Roman Inferior Trust “JOHN MICHAEL DOE” or a foreign situs trust “John Michael Doe” does NOT make either of these en legis “persons” equivalent to or the “same as” the living man whose given name has been seized upon and whose identity has been stolen. All it does is create an environment rich in confusions and semantic deceits that have been used to cheat, harass, entrap, enslave, defraud, and steal from the peaceful people of this land who are the employers, benefactors, and creditors who are owed “good faith service” from both the offending international banking cartels and both their sponsored governmental services corporations.

The Private American National Citizens are at peace, not parties to any “war” among fictional incorporated entities, not bound to act as sureties for the debts of governmental services corporations merely under contract to provide them nineteen essential enumerated services. To the extent that competing foreign banking cartels have created “emergencies” and advanced these outrageous claims against the employers and benefactors of the governmental services corporations they have each sponsored, they deserve to be recognized as crime syndicates engaged in identity theft and credit fraud, insurance fraud, securities fraud, press-ganging, entrapment, racketeering, armed extortion under color of law, personage, barratry, enslavement, embezzlement, conspiracy, unlawful conversion, and other crimes against humanity.

There are no “emergency powers” granted to Congress. There is no basis for the Trading With the Enemy Act ever being applied against us nor against any “vessel” in commerce named after us. There is no excuse for pretending that all the Americans magically “volunteered” to be considered British Subjects, either.

On April 14, 1802, the actual United States in Congress Assembled passed United States Statute-at-Large 2, 153, Chapter 28, Subsection 1. The actual government of, for, and by the people clearly defined the necessary process for any American to ever become a United States Citizen—that is, a British Subject merely residing on the land of the United States— a process requiring multiple notices and conscious acts by consenting adults confirmed by public officials and on the public record over a period of two years — not an undisclosed “implied” contract foisted off under conditions of deceit upon babies in their cradles and women recovering from childbirth.

This is the thanks we get from the British Monarch for loyally supporting Britain and British interests in two World Wars.

Source: Maine Republic Alert

Thomas David, House of Deegan: “Thought Crimes” & Free Speech on Trial? in West Virginia

thomas deeganThomas David, House of Deegan, who was arrested last fall on charges of terrorism as he tried to take action in West Virginia to expose corporation/corruption in government, was in Woods County Circuit Court on Feb 19 ostensibly for a bond revocation hearing regarding his earlier home confinement, an occasion converted without due notice to a motions hearing at the last minute. 

While this is a story that is not in mainstream media, it is also a story that truly needs more coverage in alternative media. Earlier posts and background posted here can be found here. What has happened to Thomas Deegan is not unlike what has happened to Ammon Bundy, Cliven Bundy, and LeVoy Finicum. It is the story of someone who spoke out, took a stand, and was apparently set up, arrested, and now faces possible incarceration on a wrongful charge (of domestic terrorism), all seemingly in an attempt by  Federal entities to suppress and crush the movement toward truth and freedom that is being ignited in various forms and forums today all over the USA.

Because of the paucity of coverage, we as a people are being deprived of real information and real understanding of what exactly is happening here, and how this relates to the suppression of free speech and civic rights that has been underway and is still evident across the US. The connections to what has been and continues to go down in Oregon, for instance, are not being remarked. Thomas Deegan needs support from We the People, yet who knows enough of his case to understand and care about the range of his efforts to restore Constitutional Government in West Virginia and nationwide, and to stand with him in this cause? What happens too, to these efforts?  Perhaps the CSPOA or other groups interested in restoring the Constitution and lawful, non-corporate Government will step forward. One can only hope.

To all those who have been following Thomas Deegan’s story, I would ask, please continue to do so. In these perilous times where suppression, oppression, and tyranny are striving to establish themselves as the New Normal, also largely through co-opting of media and their publishing of avid government propaganda, our consciousness, our awareness, and our caring for each other counts. The simple fact of our attention can create waves of change in the field of our common consciousnness. Those who seek to suppress movements for freedom (from the horrors of the Freedom Act/Patriot Act, for instance) know this, hence their continual “nipping in the bud” efforts, all across the US, from West Virginia to Harney County, Oregon, from secret policing via targeting community-oriented individuals (such as this writer) with covert, undisclosed electromagnetic weapons, COINTELPRO “gang-stalking” and local smear campaigns, to outright disappearances and inexplicable deaths of doctors, researchers, and scientists.  Our consciousness as a witnessing population is under assault, and we owe it to ourselves to continue to try to keep ourselves and each other informed of what really is going on, and make up our own minds as to what the truth is.

There is also a larger narrative here, of fighting for liberty, to restore the Constitution and to restore non-corporate representative government, that is at stake here–we’re all being asked to take a stand, for the country, not just for Thomas Deegan–who himself, was seeking to liberate the country.

Excerpt from Phil Hudok‘s note marking this event, from hudok.info:

2/22/16 Breaking Information:

It is with a heavy heart that I relay the following:

Those few people who turned out for Thomas on Friday, the 19th, witnessed, Judge Reed say “I can do whatever I want” and certainly he’s done it. 

Friday was supposed to be a hearing for continuance of revocation of home confinement charge for Thomas’s thought crimes for which Thomas he has yet to be tried. However, to the surprise of the prosecutor and the defendant, after the continuance was granted to March 15, it turned out to be a hearing on evidence and motions.  No motions by Thomas were objected to by the prosecution, but all were dismissed by heir Judge Reed. Since when is it supposed to be Judge vs Defendant?

However, Judge Reed, has outdone himself.  This morning, the sheriff hand delivered a letter from Judge Reed to Thomas.  The Judge informed Thomas that he will appear on March 1 instead of March 15.  Heir Judge Jeffrey B. Reed also notified Thomas that he has been found guilty. Heir Reed “don’t need no stinking hearing!”  The judge knows that only a handful of people give a rat’s ass.

Suspended constitution, private-for-profit corporate government, is case closed. Please continue reading this note at Hudok.info

Excerpt from Carl Alfred‘s note, also at Hudok.info:

“Few are paying attention to what is happening to Thomas David: House of Deegan as he is being railroaded into prison on a “Thought crime” charge. Whether you understand or agree with his (Thomas) findings or his methods, this will affect every last one of you as this will establish the precedence needed to further demolish “Free Speech” in this land. From Georgia to California, people came in support and were horrified to see just how lawless this administrator (Jeffrey B. Reed) for the Wood County, West Virginia Circuit Court was acting. This was put on the docket as a bond revocation hearing but Reed (“I rule as I see fit”) decided to make it a motions hearing. Neither Thomas nor the Prosecutor had any idea this was going to happen so neither were prepared.

Of course that only matters if you have a legitimate court system which we, most assuredly, do not. Welcome to your “New World order” folks, where the law is whatever these administrators say it is and where their rules trump everybody’s rights.” Please continue reading this note at Hudok.info

Excerpt from Caleb Hitt‘s detailed article at The Daily Resistance:

After much anticipation among supporters of Thomas David House of Deegan, his revocation hearing for home confinement arrived Friday, Febuary 19 in Wood County Circuit Court at Parkersburg, WV.   Close to 20 of us gathered near the Judicial building downtown.  Those among us included 2016 Governor candidate Phil Hudok, Pastor Butch Paugh, Darlene Deegan (Thomas’s mother), and others from West Virginia, Ohio, California, and Georgia.

During this time, Phil Hudok was handing out copies of an article he wrote entitled, “On Government Corporations: The Matter Of West Virginia And The Condition Of The People.”  Phil’s article was originally published in the Nov/Dec 2015 edition of The American’s Bulletin, and later with his permission, republished right here on The Daily Resistance.  This article is an eye opening expose of the fraudulent conspiracy of  corporations posing as government.  Carl Swenson, who would also moderate post hearing reactions, was handing out small sized American Peace Flags.

American Peace FlagPer Phil’s request, everyone brought a copy of the Holy Bible.  After going through security, Pastor Butch instructed each of us to hold our Bible unashamedly high while entering the court room.  So we all did.  This was to signify our Heavenly Father’s highest authority.  Higher than even the circuit court.  Neither Administrator (Judge) Jeff Reed nor anyone else objected to this.

During the hearing, Administrator (Judge?) Reed began dismissing a series of motions.  Leonard, during his post hearing reaction commented, “…what I saw there was a lack of due process notification.  Thomas brought that up when he started to rule on these demands.  Their not motions.  There demands, let’s get that square.  But the judge referred to them as motions.  I think that is unlawful, number one.  Due process notification, what I’m referring to would be the fact they did not notify the alleged defendant in this case that they were going to be ruling on motions.  This was a revocation hearing, not to rule on motions.”

Indeed, as  Carl pointed out, “people came in support and were horrified to see just how lawless this administrator (Jeffrey B. Reed) for the Wood County, West Virginia Circuit Court was acting. This was put on the docket as a bond revocation hearing but Reed (“I rule as I see fit”) decided to make it a motions hearing. Neither Thomas nor the Prosecutor had any idea this was going to happen so neither were prepared.”

Please continue reading at The Daily Resistance. This is vital coverage we all need to read.

Caleb Hitt also includes videos vital to watch, one of his coverage of the post-court-hearing of supporters, and one of his interview with Phil Hudok on Battle of New Orleans Radio, who points out that what is happening in this corporate courtroom, and in the US, now that the US Constitution has been suspended (a historical scenario, from 1933, covered here in Truth about US Govt posts), is an attempt to keep the whole system (of government actually being a private corporation) from being exposed or brought down. He notes that this was an international case prior to Thomas’ arrest, people across the world were watching with interest. (Phil Hudok also discourses on the current court system, which is corporate, not Common Law, on the matter of  jurisdiction, on birth certificates and legal fictions, and on how the US has been hijacked and is currently being run by foreign agents, not elected officials.)

Video of supporters, after the hearing (reported in Caleb Hitt’s article)/close to 15 minutes:

Please visit Hudok.info and The Daily Resistance for updates, please engage as you see fit, and please share this information with other alternative/independent media groups who could provide further much-needed and continuing coverage.



Seeking Justice: Thomas Deegan Update

Re-posted from Hudok.info, in the interests of spreading the word. Thomas David House of Deegan, as many know, is under arrest under spurious charges. Phil Hudok’s update is below, along with requests to email Charleston, West Virginia bishops (email addresses below) asking them to intervene in the quest for his immediate release.

“Thomas would like folks to email Monsignor Quirk who is assistant to Bishop Brandsfield of the Wheeling/Charleston Diocese to request that they intervene in a case of political persecution of the expatriated Thomas David House of Deegan, who formally repatriated sovereignty under the Creator Of All.”

If you have been following this case and understand the implications, please email as requested below. For further information, please see earlier posts. Also see Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth for more information on ongoing developments.

Closed Hearing 12/22/15 !!!

***  Breaking  ***

Unbeknownst to anyone, Thomas David House of Deegan was taken to Court in Parkersburg today, Tuesday, December 22, for a “Closed Hearing”.

I made a phone call to Parkersburg Circuit Court yesterday, (Monday, December 21, 2015) and at exactly 3:58 PM and was told by a woman who identified herself as Tracy, that there was no hearing scheduled for Thomas David Deegan.  In less than 24 hours, on December 22, 2015 the hearing was held with Judge Reed, Prosecutor Wharton, Thomas, and Thomas’s “forced and formally fired attorney”, present.

What follows is what was relayed to me by Thomas’s mother, Darlene after Thomas called her:

Whenever Thomas tried to speak, he was told that he could not.  He attempted to refuse the attorney, but Judge Reed force the attorney on him.

Thomas was told that charges of violating home confinement and threats of terrorism are being combined with a hearing date of January 26th.  This is two days prior to the Doddridge County Writ of Habeas Corpus hearing that is scheduled on January 28th.

Thomas was offered a plea deal by Prosecutor, Jason Wharton.  If Thomas would plead guilty to both charges, he would be sentenced one to five years.

Thomas was removed from court by officers for attempting to speak.

Questions that come to mind:

1. Why was I told less than 24 hours prior to the hearing that no hearing was scheduled?

2. Thomas was bound over to grand jury by Magistrate Waters and the grand jury has not convened so Thomas has never been charged with threats of terrorism!

3. Thomas has formally fired his court forced attorney to no avail!

4. Thomas is being denied assistance of counsel despite numerous requests!

5. Thomas is prevented from speaking in his own defense!

Evidently, the only justice to be had is the “Just Us Kangeroos” in this case!

I will be calling the Wood County Circuit Clerk, Carol Jones, and asking why there was a hearing when none was scheduled. I will also be asking Clerk Jones how I can get a transcript of what was said in the hearing.

I will be emailing this information to the Elkins Inter-Mountain and Tim MacVean.

If I cannot get a transcript of the hearing, please consider the following West Virginia Code.



§29B-1-1. Declaration of policy.
Pursuant to the fundamental philosophy of the American constitutional form of representative government which holds to the principle that government is the servant of the people, and not the master of them, it is hereby declared to be the public policy of the state of West Virginia that all persons are, unless otherwise expressly provided by law, entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments of government they have created. To that end, the provisions of this article shall be liberally construed with the view of carrying out the above declaration of public policy.

But then, remember that since 1933 all constitutions and state sovereignty, and rule of law is subject to the whim of the powers!  That is CORPORATE POWERS!

The actions serve to prove what Thomas, Gene, and I alleged and proved in West Virginia Supreme Court!

Thomas would like folks to email Monsignor Quirk who is assistant to Bishop Brandsfield of the Wheeling/Charleston Diocese to request that they intervene in a case of political persecution of the expatriated Thomas David House of Deegan, who formally repatriated sovereignty under the Creator Of All.

I will also paste below the email for Bishop Brandsfield.

With no apologies, but prayers,

Phil Hudok

Monsignor Quirk-Wheeling/Charleston Diocese: kqurik@dwc.org

Bishop Brandsfield-Wheeling/Charleston Diocese: kshaffer@dwc.org

Please visit Hudok.info for ongoing updates.

Note from Phil Hudok re. Thomas Deegan: Please Send a Note to Cincinnati Archbishops

Source: Thomas Deegan, from Phil, via Alicia . . . please, please do all that you can to help!

Re-posted, with thanks, from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth.

If you have been following this story and understand how Thomas Deegan continues to be unjustly detained, please do email the two Archbishops via their website link posted below, as Phil Hudok requests, requesting the release of Thomas Deegan, as modeled for us by others in this earlier post. Archbishop Lorrie, leader of the US Metropolite, may be emailed at this address: Archbishop@archbalt.org. Thomas Deegan’s letter to the Metropolite may be viewed here, and the background information to this arrest consequent to an exposing of fraud in the corporate government in West Virginia may be found here and here.


I sincerely thank those that have pitched in and Thomas thanks you also.

Thomas has made a request that these two archbishops in Cincinnati be contacted via email and fax if you can.

He would like for the plea or reason be “Political Prisoner & Heir to the Creator”

I have tailored another section in the hudok.info website for this specific purpose.  In also has a much shorter link.  The only way to email these archbishops is through their website below.  So you will have to type or copy and paste your information and the link into it.

Thomas’s mother is going to be the contact person.  I have her number below and it is on the hudok.info website page that is linked via http://hudok.info/index.php/metropolite/

Also, if you can fax, I have included the fax number.

We are getting down to the wire and pretty much out of options. 

The LORD helps those that keep their faith in HIM

Phil Hudok


Most Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr  Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk

Website:  http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/about-us-2/contact-us/

Fax: 513-421-1582


Thomas David House of Deegan, political prisoner and heir to the Creator.

Please contact Darlene Deegan, mother of Thomas at 304-481-6292.

Thomas Deegan, West Virginia: Travesty of Justice

Please visit Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth  and Hudok.Info for updates regarding Thomas Deegan, who seems to be being held unlawfully in jail for an extraordinarily inflated bail amount of $300,000, succeeding his arrest on fraudulent charges of inciting terrorist action while he was seeking to take action against corporate fraud in government–the whole story is covered at Hudok. Info, ScannedRetina.com, Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth, Maine Republic Email Alert, and in earlier posts here.

The facts in Thomas Deegan’s case must be widely known. Given that this case is all about trying to wrest the US back from absolute, pervasive corporate fraud and tyranny which only threatens to get worse, Americans all over the United States may be interested in learning what this case is about, and what is at stake here–especially those who understand the endemic fraud in the legal and political system and can intercede on his behalf.  Like a few other outstanding Americans today, Thomas Deegan was seeking to challenge institutionalized fraud in government; but as activists often are today, his group was infiltrated, and he was charged wrongfully. 

Action Items

Please write to Archbishop Lorrie, as requested below by Holly and others, asking him to intercede and free Thomas. Although his hearing today has apparently not been held, possibly due to people writing and calling, it’s not too late to continue to write and call.

Please share this information widely.

Re-posting Information

I include here some pieces of information not covered here in earlier posts, from the sites named above, in the interests of further disseminating this information–which of course is not being covered by mainstream media–and I encourage video and audio journalists in alternate/indy media to continue to cover this ongoing story–we’re not going to end the corruption in this country by remaining silent:

The latest from Jean, at Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth–many thanks to her for her diligence in posting these updates:

Breaking: Thomas Deegan, via email 🙂 🙂 🙂


For some unexplained reason, and with Thomas’ unauthorized public defender present, the bailiff announced that there will be no hearing held on Thomas’ behalf today.  The purported attorney John Oshaway specified that Thomas was never transported to the justice center from the jail.  Did our barrage of FOIAs to these foreign agents or our barrage of letters to Archbishop Lorrey in Baltimore have something to do with this?  We are desperately attempting to find out, so hold on.


A Reader on my blog, Holly, shares an email letter she has sent to Archbishop Lorrie regarding Thomas Deegan.

Archbishop Lorrie,

You have the power to get Thomas Deegan out of jail.  Why are you not

doing it?  Will the Catholic Church want blood on their hands if Thomas

is murdered?  I would guess not!!!!!

I think at this point, it would be in the Catholic Church’s best

interest to have Mr. Deegan released from jail.  He has stated that

everyone will be forgiven, so for him there will be no “bad” deeds.

We fully understand the Pope is in control, for now anyway, and that is

soon to be stopped. Once it is stopped and the folks of American find

out what you “could have done” then it will be irreparable.

Please have Thomas Deegan released from jail tomorrow, alive and well.

Thank you,

Holly Winsman

Her commentary:

Good morning everyone,

Thomas Deegan has a hearing tomorrow @ 9;30 am.  For those of you that have not followed Thomas, he came to me on Jean’s site about 6-7 months ago.  Thomas has researched our laws, statutes, Constitution, etc. for the last 15 years.  He went back to 1666 when the city of London was burnt to a crisp and why it was burnt. In 1666 (gotta love that numerology) we were turned over to the Vatican to rule our land.

When the Pope visited the US a couple of months ago, the paperwork he signed, C’est tu de Vie (not sure about this french spelling? Translated in French it would be “This is the life.”) accounts, we have NO RULE OF LAW anymore.  It’s done, finished, gone.

I would like each one of you to please help Thomas before his hearing tomorrow morning.  Please call and email today if you would.

Because Thomas claims ecclesiastical law/ God’s Law……This man.via the Vatican/Pope…has the power to get Thomas out of jail…If you read Thomas’s cover page to the Metropolite… …It is explained there in that document…in his own words…  This seems to be the last avenue we can venture to…to get him out!!

Here is the name of the metropolite leader in the US who can stop this heinous crap that’s going on…and can have him freed…

Archbishop William Lorrie

(410) 547 – 5437


I will be flooding him today with emails and phone calls to step up to the plate and have Thomas released….He has all of the documents…and has admitted to Phil that Thomas should not be in there…If you get a chance…please contact or email this man…

Metropolitan Archdiocese

The Metropolitan Archdiocese has the authority over one and/or more Suffragan sees within an ecclesiastical district that is under a bishop’s jurisdiction. This international Orthodox Catholic (Western Rite) jurisdiction is independent and autocephalous. This website is for the purpose of presenting our organizational structure and various ministries. Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa and In Partibus Infidelium of The Spanish Orthodox Church EACS/Orthodox Catholic Church and Allied Jurisdictions.


ALSO, if you read Laura’s report for today, it’s probably not the best day for doing this?  I’ll copy and paste why:  www.oraclereport.com

Heads up!  Today, Mars moves into exact opposition with Uranus.  This dynamic has been building all week and peaks today.  When Mars and Uranus are in opposition, opposition and conflict tend to arise.  Mars is active, assertive, aggressive energy, and Uranus brings sudden changes and surprises.  Anger flies.  Accidents happen.  Everything that happens, everything that is said, and everything that comes from out of the blue is supposed to happen, and it is supposed to catalyze change.


We can navigate all of this energy  by recognizing that it wants to MOVE things and CHANGE them, so moving our bodies will be very helpful.  It is also helpful to not immediately judge anything that comes up.  It is most likely a positive thing, not a negative thing at all.  The silver lining that Uranus brings is rarely seen at the time of Uranus’ surprises.  Later, we are able to look back, like a retired sea captain watching ships entering and leaving a harbor, and see how if “x” had not happened, then “y” would not have happened.

What a birthday, huh?

So, please watch the tempers today when calling for emailing the Metropolite.

Thank you so much and please feel free to share this email.


Thomas Deegan’s Personal Appeal to the Metropolite

If Thomas is taken from us – he fears for his life because of what he knows, he isn’t going down without a fight, and without revealing who is oppressors really are. We are all going to have his loss on our hands.

 Full post here.

Excerpt from Thomas’ Appeal:

Under and by Divine A’uthority, under and out of absolute necessity. Whereas, I, Thomas David House of Deegan, personally noticed the Pope, select administrators of his and all of the Almighty Author’s Creation in the Year of my Lord two thousand thirteen and fourteen of my claiming, accepting, acknowledging and continuing of full and unfettered control of my physical body, spirit and soul, as well as managing and disposing of my daily affairs by paper mailing and Creation-wide posting at public notice 420.blogspot.com .

These same noticed entities, real men and their agents, assigns, successors and principals are all at present in permanent default and dishonor in Law, at Law and otherwise. But as Christ did, and does, I am offering full forgiveness, settlement and closure to all of the aforementioned for the required, necessary, equitable and ecclesiastical relief, remedy, forgiveness, settlement and closure so prayed for below.

I have already raised numerous points and issues with the Pope’s agents and administrators, also known as purported governmental officials, employees, agents, etcetera of any and all local, “STATE OF”, State of, national and international purported governments, all to complete silence and the furthering of their self-confessed crimes and egregious violation of the Almighty Author’s Laws. All public filings by Thomas David House of Deegan are restated in their entirety, and incorporated therein, as is set forth in full.

All attached documents are restated in their entirety, and incorporated herein, as is set forth in full. Therefore, I, Thomas David House of Deegan, Administrator, General Executor, General Custodian, Heir of the Almighty Author of All, Equal Beneficiary of the Creation, do by These Presents, under full liability and complete transparency, pray for relief, remedy, settlement, closure and forgiveness so set forth below;

I, Thomas David House of Deegan, come to this metropolite, an agent for the Pope, the purported Global Estate trustee, who has claimed and utilized that capacity and status knowingly, willingly and intelligently by and through his own actions and statements, for the post settlement and closure of all purported accounts, escrows, contracts, agreements, “charges”, commercial dealings, etcetera, maintained and/or claimed by creatures of the mind, under the control and authority of the Roman Curia Law form, jurisdiction and venue, which created the same is liable for the harm caused to the Author’s Heirs.

 Full post here.

(This is a long post; I excerpt a bit more, including a couple more letters from there–Rd.)

Who is Metropolite:

Alicia, who is one of those working to free Thomas shares:

They are going to try very hard to eliminate him…never letting him see the light of freedom again…as he is an enormous threat to all the fictitious and fraudulent foreign operatives…and he has outed them all ….You may publish his words…as they are his…and he wishes for them to be out there…Phi has posted his handwritten one on hudok.info[also see below ~J ]

He personally feels that they are going to execute him in there…Those are his very words to his Mom Cookie…We have to do what we can to try to stop that from happening….or much will be lost….including our freedom and our very lives,,,

Because Thomas claims ecclesiastical law/ God’s Law……This man.via the Vatican/Pope…has the power to get Thomas out of jail…If you read Thomas’s  cover page to the Metropolite… …It is explained there in that document…in his own words…  This seems to be the last avenue we can venture to…to get him out!!

Here is the name of the metropolite leader in the US who can stop this heinous crap that’s going on…and can have him freed…

Archbishop William Lorrie

(410) 547 – 5437


Metropolitan Archdiocese

The Metropolitan Archdiocese has the authority over one and/or more Suffragan sees within an ecclesiastical district that is under a bishop’s jurisdiction. This international Orthodox Catholic (Western Rite) jurisdiction is independent and autocephalous. This website is for the purpose of presenting our organizational structure and various ministries.  Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa and In Partibus Infidelium of The Spanish Orthodox Church EACS/Orthodox Catholic Church and Allied Jurisdictions.

The term “in partibus infidelium” is used to indicate the “lands of the infidels” and historically has had such usage for Titular Sees (bishoprics). Bishops doing other work would be appointed to cities under occupation by the infidels. Our usage is to indicate any place where non believers in Christ are in control–even partially–and/or hostile to the message of Christianity.

Governance:  The ecclesiastic government of the Metropolitan Archdiocese is by Council of Bishops. The Council of Bishops is presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop. The Council of Bishops presently consists of +++David Leon Cooper, OMM, KTG, OCC, Metropolitan Archbishop, and two other bishops. We consider our church to be autocephalus–self-governing.

Jurisdictional Allegiance: The Metropolitan Archdiocese is ecumenical and honors all of the Eastern Orthodox patriarchs as well as the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.

Hope the links below help…We too are learning about this stuff as of late…through Thomas..

 * * * 

Phil Hudok’s two cover letters, accompanying Thomas’ plea: 

December 4, 2015

Dear Archbishop William E. Lori,

My name is Phillip Hudok.  I am a retired high school physics teacher living in Randolph County, West Virginia.  I have found myself increasingly involved in situations having political and civics implications.

Recently, I became involved with two other plaintiffs in a case at the Supreme Court of Appeals.  Two other cases that I had and by the grace of God prevailed in at this level pale in comparison to the implications of this present case. 

Suffice it to say that due to the implications of this case, one of the plaintiffs is suffering what is clearly political persecution and is lodged in the Northern Central Regional Jail in Greenwood, West Virginia under a $300,000 cash only bail.  However, upon conviction, the fine would be limited to $25,000.

The plaintiff, Thomas Deegan, has exhausted all other avenues and been unduly hindered at every turn. He is forced to take an attorney when he wishes to defend himself.  There has been no damage to person or property. There has been exposure of government improprieties.

I have been in contact with Monsignor Quirk, assistant to Bishop Brandsfield of the Wheeling-Charleston Diocese.  Monsignor Quirk has been looking into this situation.  Except for the initial contact with me, I have been unable to communicate with him and today received the message from his secretary’s answering machine that she will be out of the office until December 15th.

I am asking you to please help expedite this matter as a hearing will be held on Dec. 11th which will determine if Thomas is sentenced to prison under an alleged violation of home confinement.  May I suggest that Monsignor Quirk or someone capable in the Church have a personal meeting with Thomas. First hand communications could clear up any misunderstandings. Admittedly, Monsignor Quirk was delivered a mountain of information to provide and verify a complete picture. 

Thomas’s is offering forgiveness for past unlawful actions of the establishment against him in return for restoration of freedom which I believe Monsignor Quirk can be instrumental in brokering.

I have been blessed for the past 40 years to have a good working relationship with the Wheeling Diocese and my neighbors of the Bishop Hodges Catholic Conference Center.  I got to meet some really great people of the Diocese when I was the photographer for Father Currie’s inauguration as the President of Wheeling Jesuit University, then Wheeling College.  I and the other plaintiffs have been quite civil and justified in our case of petition for redress of grievances and breach of promise.

As a matter of conscience and conviction, I am duty bound to continue to seek Earthly justice as Jesus expects of us. 

With no apologies, but many prayers, sincerely yours,

Phil Hudok

[address info – private]

* * *

Rev. Msgr. Kevin M. Quirk,

I thank you for your help and interest in this situation. Enclosed is a two part DVD set that I produced titled Free The Churches 2014.  I was quite shocked to learn that Article 6, Section 47 of the West Virginia Constitution prohibits church incorporation. 

When I ran for U.S. Senate in 2014, I made it an important part of my campaign.  I also made it part of a joint complaint with Gene Stalnaker and Thomas David House of Deegan which we filed in the State Supreme Court of Appeals. I enclose a DVD set and a copy of the filing for you.  You will find church incorporation referenced on pages 3 and 10.

I am presently the candidate for West Virginia Governor and will increasingly stress the importance of the Rule of Law and our State Constitution. We certainly can see the wisdom of the writers in 1872.

The Constitution Party of West Virginia distributed many of these DVD sets. I personally distributed dozens and I gave one set to my neighbor, Shawn Madden, who said he would forward it to Wheeling for the diocese leaders to review.

If you haven’t seen it, I beg you to do so.  We can’t have a moral society and muzzled churches. I actually got what I perceived as terrified looks when addressing the subject with some pastors.  The Bible says fear is not of the Lord, even if it originates from the IRS.

I’ve only known Thomas for about a year, but find him to be honorable, courageous, and quite intelligent. Combining all three attributes, I can’t say I know of anyone who surpasses him. Please understand that what made him take that path he’s on was initially using marijuana in a desperate move which successfully replaced over a dozen prescriptions following a severe auto accident. The accident didn’t kill him, but pharmaceuticals appeared to be an alternative method.

It is amazing how intersections in life’s path sets new courses. The question for many is for what purpose and who’s in control. For Thomas, Gene, and I, it is HIS purpose and will.

With no apologies but many prayers,

Phil Hudok

A letter to Judge Andrew Napolitano concerning Thomas Deegan

Alicia also asks that we all take the time to watch this video by Judge Napolitano:

Published November 19, 2014

Phil Hudok says:

This is what Thomas’s, Gene’s and my actions were all about.  The good judge has the guts to tell it like it is.

And now, Thomas sits in jail when “they” have broken the law in every way possible, such as obstruction of justice.

There will be a kangaroo hearing on Dec. 11th.  It is scheduled for 9:30 A.M. in Wood County Circuit Court.  A handful people will come in support of Thomas. The judge can make a ruling using “reasonable cause in belief” that Thomas violated home confinement.

Will Thomas be sentenced to a maximum 5 years in prison?  There will be no jury, just the corporation and their fictional lackeys to eliminate a true patriot, a thorn in the side of the criminal establishment.

The big club can then praise themselves in having cleansed the land of a malcontent so that the compliant can live happily with their perceived freedoms of the American dream.



 *  *  *

Alicia has now written to the good Judge:  

December 5, 2015
Judge Andrew Napolitano
[Address info private]

Dear Sir…

My name is Alicia, House of Lutz-Rolow .

I am a former American Airlines Flight Attendant Crew Member with 35 plus years of seniority, who, on November of 2006, “voluntarily” walked off of what would be my last work flight.

At that time, I was unfortunately forced to become a Whistleblower against my own company, due to, but not limited to, the company’s corporate upper and lower management’s decisions, to conduct daily business with immense “efficiency cost’s corruption” and “industrial organization of corruption”, bottom line speaking; the company’s complete disregard for flight safety, and the ongoing “corporate monetary incentive”; otherwise known as “human bean counting”

I have since joined the ranks of, and have proudly become one of, the hundreds / thousands of most honorable American Patriots in our Nation, who are today fighting fiercely for our Republic’s Sovereignty, the return of our Nation’s Rule of Law, and our God given inherent rights and freedoms He bestowed upon us at birth.

My fight is against the foreign owned, operated and controlled UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which I am quite sure you know is a Private Company, fraudulently and unlawfully purporting to be the lawful government of, by, and for the People inhabiting The United States of America.

Sir, from all that I have read about you and have heard you personally address in your own words, regarding our Nation’s current state of extreme distress and desperate dire straits; I am trustful enough of you to believe that you are indeed one of us, We the People, and therefore, I now come to you for some much needed advice and possible help in an urgent matter.

My Dear Friend, Thomas David, House of Deegan, an American Patriot, extremely knowledgeable and versed in natural law, has been unlawfully incarcerated in a military venue and is not being afforded true “assistance of counsel.” He is being persecuted by a military tribunal system.

All attempts for remedy have been performed at the county, state, federal, provost marshal, coast guard commandant, and finally the metropolite venues, and as of late, no remedy has been obtained.

The entire STATE OF THE WEST VIRGINIA CORPORATION has been fraudulently purporting to be the lawful government of We the People of West Virginia.  This corruption has been brought to the forefront, via an unanswered complaint, filed in the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals by Thomas David, House of Deegan, Phil Hudok and Gene Stalnaker.   That very action the above named men have taken has now placed that entire STATE, in total default and dishonor.  Hudok.info 

I would really appreciate it if I could present a couple of questions to you Sir, seeking your valuable advice;  hence, my first question:

(1)Do you happen to know of someone who is knowledgeable and versed in Natural Law who would be able to provide assistance of counsel for my friend Thomas?

(2)Do you happen to know of any possible way to obtain remedy in the matter of West Virginia being in total default and dishonor?

Unfortunately, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA aka State of West Virginia et al, continues to operate under a for “profit corporation” status purporting to be lawful government under military enforcement rule. Please Sir, I would be most grateful to you if you would please accept my mailing to you of pertinent documents, regarding Thomas David, House of Deegan and the West Virginia case for your review, and point me in the direction of an assistance of counsel you yourself would be ready to use for your own personal defense. I will wait to hear from you and may God Bless your efforts in the fight for freedom and the Republic that I love so very much.    

In Solidarity & In Freedom

Alicia, House of Lutz-Rolow
[address info  – private]    

American Patriot/Guardian of the Republic…

My Life, My Fortune, My Sacred Honor

So Help Me God

Links to other relevant posts on this subject can be found in the Updates listed here.

One other piece of information, of note, from ScannedRetina.com, from the post:

West Virginia Impostors perpetrate an act of piracy: Thomas Deegan – Brutally Attacked and Captured!


Postscript from Phil Hudok to a post on Nov 25:

 P.S. There will be a hearing on 12/11 at 9:30 A.M. in Parkersburg Circuit Court.  Thomas is now facing 1-5 in prison for violating his home confinement.  Seems his ankle bracelet came off when they pile drove him to the floor, dislocating his shoulder which required immediate hospitalization.  Keep in mind that had a judge put him on the docket for release from home confinement which was due him the end of July, bogus violation could not even have occurred.  Welcome to the USS of A, home of the slaves and land of the pussies.


Now is the time to speak out. Please send a letter on Thomas’ behalf as others have done. If we do not speak out to resist endless tyranny today, we’re not going to have any tomorrows left as tyranny marches on as it likes to do, day after day, through the open gates of our silence.

Updates to the West Virginia Story/What Concerned Americans Can Do

Update 9/28/2015: Phil Hudok will be doing an exclusive interview on TalkLine with Hoppy Kercheval on Tuesday, September 29.  The interview is to run from 9:06 through 9:30 A.M. Please see this page at Hudok.info for more information.

Please visit the post Urgent Call to Action in West Virginia to Legally and Peacefully Restore Constitutional Government in the US which is being kept updated with new information, and links to the original sites posting further on this story as news unfolds. Considering that I’ve been posting initial calls to action here, I feel obliged to stay on top of this. Hudok. info is the central site, also Scanned Retina, and Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth.  (On Scanned Retina, you can click on the date in the calendar for all of the day’s posts.) Of course, now that things are happening, mainstream media sites may also jump into the fray, but who knows what they’ll post, and how they’ll skew it.  For original info from the source, please visit the source.  Thanks.

Re. what one can do, both latter sites suggest staying informed and spreading the word, as well as writing letters to/contacting media outlets.

Scanned Retina: Phillip Hudok: Victim of Impostors West Virginia Pirates is Gaining Support Worldwide 

Co-Creating our Future on Planet Earth: Here are all the Dun and Bradstreet Report Screenshots that prove Thomas Deegan’s case, download them, enlarge them, share them widely

For anyone new to these actions and this story, one of the best things one can do probably is self-educating and becoming informed about The Truth About US Govt, being pursued here in short posts as I personally get up to speed on what this is all about, but really, being discussed widely online at various excellent sites, including the ones listed above, and, among numerous others, Stillness in the Storm, The Anti-Corruption Society, Omnithought.org, and Sofia Smallstorm’s blog.

(The US is a corporation, all our state and county and city governments are corporations, Roosevelt set up a state of emergency in 1933 which has never been revoked, we’ve been under military rule since then, the War Powers Act (or Emergency Banking Act) of 1933 pronounced all of us enemy combatants, we’ve been in a state of national emergency since then, hence all those Executive Orders, and endless wars, and currently expanding super-surveillance (we’re enemy combatants!), slavery was never abolished (we’re all slaves too!), and beyond that, Cestui Que Vie trusts and the saga of the legal name fraud which pronounces all Americans dead at sea (yep, we’re dead too!) when they’re born or naturalized, as it converts them into legal fictions via capitalizing and co-opting their names as legal-fiction corporations–your head spinning yet? Mine sure is, and I don’t know the half of it! Anyway, please stay tuned, and I’ll keep exploring it here!)

(However, please do research on your own too:-)