Ramola D | Notes & Updates

Record of Notes & Updates | Ramola D | January 29, 2024 | Updated March 30, 2024, 8:08 pm | Updated April 1, 2024, 9:43 pm | Updated April 3, 2024, 11:29 pm | Updated April 9, 2024, 12:57 am | Updated April 19, 2024, 12:29 am

Seeking to maintain here a record of my public notes and posts to all regarding anything really in relation to my work and my name–which of course has been battered nonstop (much like parts of my body and brain) by complete and absolute #TopCrims working assiduously in numerous agencies playing “Intelligent” or “Investigating” or “National Security.”

[I have figured therefore it might be a good idea to address all that I need to address more publicly, so everyone gets the picture here as to what the Truth is, and what the incredible built-up Fabrication is, at all times.]

POSTED APRIL 18, 2024, 11:21 pm:

Status This Week:

Yes, I am still fending heart-hits and arm-hits and pulse-shots on the knee, face, neck from still criminally-acting neighbors, drones, devices in armed pickups and SUVS parked on the hill or just opposite, the visitors here have been drones and helicopters in addition to blue jays and juncos, shouters from houses beside and across reveal their interest in empty provocation, harassment, and entrapment, but the cherry tree has bloomed, the hyacinths are perfuming the suddenly chill air again, I am staying alive. The social isolation the CIA-Black-Op has sprung on me continues, my family remains unreachable. My phone carries false-relatives–the CIA-overlay of phone-cloning apparently–and the impersonation-actions I have written of elsewhere persist. Chem trails have increased, odd occurrences have occurred–more in Reporter’s Notes eventually. I am working however on reporting major information of vital import to all, and on alerting the world to the crimes of stealth agencies, private corporations, individual contractors, and lying, deceitful “health” and “law”-centered organizations–who work hard to enact violence in Silence, Through Wall, while professing Piety, Virtue, Integrity, Care, Healthcare, and Public Safety. This world needs a Changeover, and it won’t happen if we don’t keep on speaking.

Updates on Pages:

I’ve updated the Advice to All Targeted page, and will keep doing so, in snippets, to share the info–on shielding and healthcare and lifecare–that’s come to me across 10 and a quarter years of unlawful targeting now in this town, also as related to what’s ongoing currently in the world.

I’ve added in at Letters and Personal Reports the pdf of the email I sent to the Indian Embassy on April 5, 2024, alerting the Ambassador, sharing the three letters I have written to local and Federal officials on the subjects of unlawful use of EMF weapons (microwave, millimeter wave) on myself, of 5G switch-ons to stop breathing, and the cruelties from next door in the use of Spectrum and Neuroweapons killing our beloved cat.

I’ve updated the ECC-FOIA Request log with information received from the Quincy Clerk’s office on the municipal government, on the claimed non-link between Quincy District Court and the City, as I’ve sought to figure out the connections, links, accountability for unlawful actions on this writer in April and December 2022. (Brief note there.)

There is more to do on that subject before I can publish fully and report fully on this matter. Suffice to say many parties are involved in the serious crime of Defamation and Slander–in addition to much else–against this journalist and writer effected through False Psychiatric Profiling in order to shut down the journalism revealing unlawful human biomedical and brain/Artificial Intelligence & Robotics experimentation and AP-DEW weapons testing which I along with a few steady others have been exposing for a decade now, and proof for which has indeed already been published–more proof in reportage upcoming. What psychiatrists, physicians, EMS, police, and health insurance–along with the CIA and FBI, I think, along with DHS, and the State’s DMH and DCF–have together done here–twice now in 2022, with more accomplished by them in 2023–is nothing short of criminal; it’s clear they’re doing this to others, including to children, and they need to be Stopped.

I’ve started a new page for International Treaties and Agreements as I examine science and technology agreements from a human rights perspective. I’ve started reporting once more on the COVID and Vaccine debacle as I strive to catch up on what’s been happening and what’s been reported there from late 2022 through 2023 to the present.

And I will be getting back to updating all Watch pages soon.

The Power of Returning Blooms

POSTED APRIL 10, 2024, 12:57 am:

Status Update:

Despite open exposure in the Letter to President Biden et al, I am still being socially isolated and deprived of all connection and communication with my family including spouse and child and in-laws’ family: very clearly a CIA Psych-Terror Takeover of my home life and family, not merely reprehensible and vile but openly criminal. Such Psychological Deprivation has been achieved it is clear through pure deception of my nuclear family and in-laws as well as my parental family, all of whom have both been deceived and are maintaining deceptions. This is despite emails and phonecalls and attempts to reach–obstructed by the CIA Overlay of minions operating from next door probably to repress, oppress, and maintain lies. Noticing this lunacy here therefore, and calling out the CIA, Quincy Police, Brewster Ambulance, and all 3 Hospitals engaged in Lie Productions post massive physical assault and battery December 20-29, 2022 and April 12-19, 2022.

Reporter’s Note 26:

This post, whose upload of videos has clearly been tampered with, will be left as is for now since I am continually being cyberhacked as I seek to post the correct videos. Again, cyberhacking from the resident CIA-Mossad-Vanguard-Hewlett Packard hackers apparently living next door and operating with impunity in lawless cyberstalking Massachusetts.

Time out from examining FOIA-released documents and engaging in daily reportage had to be taken to report the mega death hits and arm hits I have experienced the last 3-5 days. Reporting these hits on video these days seems to have some effect–although other kinds of stealth EMF hits continue: a matter for continued observation, vigilance, and reportage.

I would like to thank those clearly in the Agencies who are taking heed of these reports and working to end the crimes on this reporter and others; it is not as clear to me however why I continue to be techno-accessed and techno-hit, day after day. It is a matter of daily survival here, and constant, nonstop attempts to recover and restore my health–while being blasted over and over again on the same spots on my body, with RF HPM pulse shots, continuous wave FM generators, radar weaponry, ultrasonics, ELFs, and more: this is not merely Crime it is Human Rights Abuse on a massive scale, and is off-the-scale Torture, in the lawful and legal definitions of that word.

Neighborhood Hostility and Attempts to Re-Entrap, Harass, and Provoke:

These have continued, as reported in recent video talks posted in Reporter’s Note 25; more to report here regarding each day’s provocations; this is being logged. Once more the Le Ming woman sought to open an interaction by demanding restraint from filming as this writer filmed her garden and a pair of wild turkeys walking down the street today–that’s the evening of April 9 actually, an absurdity noticed and logged; both she and the blonde woman opposite are playing the same game clearly, as they have played before. No-communication with these two women and with the other assassins on the street is my continuing motto.

Exposing the Crimes of the Medical Device Industry:

I am continuing to investigate, research, and expose the crimes of the Medical Device Industry which has clearly gone overboard in its attempts to control all humans–unbeknownst to most people who unwittingly become patients, visit their Primary Care Physicians, accept referrals and “diagnoses”: a major travesty, and thence biological takeover by absolute criminals. Physicians have become criminals, as psychiatrists have become criminals–and people need to wake up and actively address their crimes, verbally and on paper. Never let physicians get away with unlawfully implanting you, “diagnosing” you, and “prescribing” poisonous drugs for you or your family. More to cover on this subject shortly. Please stay tuned to Watch pages here. Very obviously my personal interest in this subject stems particularly from South Shore Hospital-Brewster Ambulance-Quincy Police-Quincy District Court-Midwest Medical Transport-Bournewood Hospital-Steward Carney Hospital responsibility for the unlawful devices locked into my left arm and my chest and spine–and elsewhere probably–on December 20, 2022. The CIA is definitely part of this mix, as also DOD/DARPA, and yes they are responsible.

POSTED APRIL 3, 2024, 10:57 PM:

Watching Weaponry:

Update to the Police, Public Safety, Public Health, Behavioral Health, Mental Health & Tech Watch page reporting Electronic Control Weapons and Electrical Control Weapons being used by Massachusetts Police and soliciting the complicity of EMS–that’s Medical Professionals, supposedly–in the use of such medically dangerous and unapproved Electrical and Electronic Warfare Weapons on people in emergency and crisis situations where (EMS & Police) Unhealthily Traumatizing people first is a base premise, as noted in a new EMS Manual on Treatment Protocols posted online at Mass Gov’s Public Health Department.

FOIA Requests:

Made two FOIA requests by email to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Quincy City Clerk for current contracts, licensing agreements and Sections 12s related to Brewster Ambulance, Midwest Medical Transport, and Quincy District Court’s unlawful actions on 12-20-2022, 12-21-2022 in forcibly kidnapping, trafficking and selling into psych-asylum captivity for false psych labeling, device-implanting, forced-EKG’ing and medical record- and life- defamation of this writer and journalist. ECC-FOIA-10 and ECC-FOIA-11 at The ECC-FOIA Request Log.


Added a copy of my CV and list of publications from ten years ago, slightly updated, to the page at Ramola D. Yes, the CIA-FBI-NSA-DHS grabbers and holders of lives need to let me out of their forever-black pens. Which need dissolving and opening.

Posted April 1, 2024, 8:58 pm:


Posted, at Ramola D | Letters & Personal Reports, the Letter to President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee reporting the plethora of 24/7 targeting, harassment, discrimination, directed-energy, biomedical experimentation, psychological terror, physical torture, city, military, police, medical, school, and neighborhood crimes recently observed and experienced by this writer and family, in particular the sordid torturing, persecution and murder of her family’s cat, most certainly by the hostile neighbors engaged in covered-party crimes for a number of unknown causes inclusive of unlawful, unconsented-to, and execrably inhumane Artificial Intelligence, Brain, and Bioeffects research on humans, unlawful police harassment of the populace, and unlawful CIA-DOD-DARPA practices of anti-personnel directed-energy use on people along with KGB-style terror, trauma, and psych-labeling of those now known as “victims” in order to disappear their testimonial while continuing to use, exploit, abuse and destroy their bodies and their lives. Sent, along with this Letter, the 2 previous letters to FCC Commissioners and the Quincy Commissioner of Public Health.

Zippy…sweet, loving, fugitive, solitary, caring/We were blessed to have known him, to have had him with us for the few precious years of his lifeended wrongfully and brutally on March 13/14, 2024 by people who have lost their way in life.

Many thanks to Maury Riggan, Sheila Nix, Amit Jan, Chris Evans, Josh Sorbe–whom I do not know, but whose email ids offer some hope that it might be possible to reach the Biden-Harris Administration and the Senate Judiciary Committee with the news or information we need to make available to them–for passing on the Letter to the requisite parties: These Are issues of national significance and we need to bring these crimes to an end. The Letter was faxed to the provided number to the Senate Intelligence Committee–who need to step up their game if they want to assure Americans and the world we care about people’s rights here and really don’t like Torture or Slavery or Techno Battery or Psych Terror that much and still do believe in life, liberty, freedom, individuality, privacy, sanctity of life and limb and the pursuit of happiness.

New Post:

An updating post on the DETER documents added online post FOIA query made despite apparent tumult in the skies and on the seas and some rather major attack and battery all weekend and last night with exotic-tech heart-hits and private-bio-hits by the covert parties (zipping and flying about quite obviously and overtly) keen to keep their crimes hidden from larger view while perfectly happy to engage in them casually through walls and windows, from car chassis, hoods, trunks, and right next door. (To be more fully reported in Reporter’s Notes shortly.)

[Some massive hits on the unlawfully non-consented-to implant device in my upper left arm as I write this: 9:21 pm, 4/1/2024.]

Posted March 30, 2024, 2:27 pm/8:02 pm:

FOIA Request Updates:

Received a note from the USAF FOIA office regarding the DETER Industry day with news regarding new documents being made publicly available, as requested in my FOIA query, and being reported currently, for the alerting and edification of all (News report to follow): ECC-FOIA-6.

Received a note from the Office of Information Policy, OIP FOIA office, Department of Justice, regarding my Feb 26, 2024 request for the 1994 DOD-DOJ MOU plus all updated MOUs since then, plus state of the art info on LLWs, NLWs, LTLS in use or being developed or tested by the construct of Law Enforcement, noting an extension in time needed to fulfil the request, and wrote back to acknowledge this letter as well as repeat a request for responsive documents: ECC-FOIA-8.

Finally posted the Letter to Steven Treat, Assistant General Counsel, Mass Gov Department of Children and Families and his earlier Denial note citing non-applicable laws at the ECC-FOIA log, 3-30-2024, 7:56 pm (after yet another day filled with obstructive neighborhood action, to be reported shortly): The ECC-FOIA Request Log, ECC-FOIA-9.

New Pages:

Added a new page under Law/human Rights Law for Questionable Laws on Health, Biotechnology, Human and Animal Experimentation with a focus on Massachusetts Department of Public Health laws currently. Posted the CMR 960 on Biotechnology (stem cell research) which addresses Human Reproductive Cloning and genetic modification of humans.


Waylaid in my attempts to analyze and report the USAF documents (ECC-FOIA-1) this week by added assault and need to report the persecuted death of Zippy and 5G/Weaponry assaults on my self nationally and internationally for immediate cessation of these crimes. Both efforts currently ongoing and I should have more to report Monday April 1.

Posted March 23, 2024, 6:45 pm:

Received, from the US Air Force, a Final Reply Letter from Colonel Bryan L Logan, Deputy Commander, 502nd Air Base Wing, Joint Base San Antonio, and 17 Documents, in response to the renewed FOIA Request (ECC-FOIA-1) for current and updated versions of the 2013 USAF DEBR (directed energy bio behavioral research) contract with General Dynamics: https://everydayconcerned.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FOIA-Partial-Release-for-Dharmaraj_CD-Signed.pdf

Updated the ECC-FOIA Request Log to include this information, with email correspondence and the USAF Letter. Documents will be released with a News Report next week. [Earlier reports on this Contract obtained partially earlier via FOIA request made at Muckrock include: Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons.]

Received from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, a Response from Steven Treat, Assistant General Counsel, Commonwealth of Massachusetts DCF, denying the FOIA request of March 3, 2024, and responded to him to correct the misapprehensions and False Records being maintained apparently at DCF, in absolute Defamation and Slander of this Writer and Journalist’s Name, Reputation, and Mental Health, and that of this Writer’s daughter, which matter will continue to be addressed publicly until fully resolved to this Writer’s satisfaction.

Unable to update the ECC-FOIA Log currently to reflect this information, thanks to cyberhacking accompanied by loud crashes next door (150 Pine).

Letter sent to Mr. Treat here: https://everydayconcerned.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Letter-to-DCF-Steven-Treat-Post-FOIA-Request.pdf

Letter received from DCF here: https://everydayconcerned.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/DCFPRR3.5.24Dharmaraj_PR_Repsonse.pdf

Posted March 21, 2024, 2:29 pm:

Posted, under Additional Information, With Letters | 2013-2023: False Psychiatric Profiling, the following Notes as I return to building my Account of all events associated, and other Police, FBI, CIA and DOD Journalism:

Notes on Police Journal Reports in Relation to April 14 2022 and December 20 2022 Medical and Police Crime Against Reporter and Writer | Police Lies Noted | Posted March 21, 2024

Posted March 20, 2024, 7:24 pm/Addendum, March 21, 2024, 11:36 am:

Noting here that I have now apprised the Commissioner of Public Health in Quincy (an extraordinary title for an extraordinary position that must have been created recently for the New Fourth Reich in Quincy Massachusetts) of the venal, cruel, inhumane and murderous attack on our cat Zippy, first named David by the Boston Rescue League when we brought him to our home, over a period of 10 days with what I figured out only later were extreme 5G attacks at face, mouth, nose, lungs, heart from the immediate neighbors, neighboring houses, and 5G installation on a cell mast nearby, as well as directed-energy and neuroweapon hits on the brain, muscles, and vocal chords to create unnaturally loud howls, induce near-complete loss of muscle control, blow the life out of him literally, and roll back his Natural Homecare Reiki, nutrition, massage, hydration-accomplished recovery after his shaky return from the South Shore Animal Hospital. Simultaneously I was hit with 5G and AP-DEW breath-removing and heart-congestion-inducing hits.

I have also written to the 5 FCC Commissioners listed on the FCC website requesting a shut-down of 5G, copying my letter to Fiduciary of The United States of America and Historian Laureate (in my view:) Anna von Reitz, Teri Sahm, and the Massachusetts Co-ordinators Ed Fulke and Ronald Carriveau.

Letters are being posted at Ramola D | Letters & Personal Reports and noted here:

Letter to Commissioner of Public Health in Quincy, Massachusetts, Marli Casilli, Re. 5G, March 16, 2024

Through the course of the last couple weeks, I have been reporting the Technotronic Neighborhood Crime and CIA-DIA-FBI-Police attacks on me and Cat –Bio, Neuro, Cyber–at Reporter’s Notes.

Reporter’s Note 23: Neighborhood Crime with Directed-Energy Technologies and Sound Devices, 5G Attacks, Neuroweapon Hits: Cat Killed with RF HPM Weaponry & 5G | March 14, 2024, Updated March 17

Reporter’s Note 22: Electromagnetic & Neuro Technologies Used By Police Contractors in Community to Attack The Selected, Drones & Zoomers Used Nonstop for Noise Harassment & Stalking | March 11, 2024

Reporter’s Note 20: Intense 5G High-Frequency Pulse Hits To Stop Breathing: AP-DEW “Less Than Lethal” “Crowd-Control” Tech | March 8, 2024

Following discoveries of criminal falsehoods being maintained on the online “PHI” associated with my name, in other words, purporting to be my health record and my medical record, attributing false labels, concoctions and creations, clearly CIA-run, also Police- & Ambulance-run, to me, in hopes no doubt of “informing” every hospital in sight in the Boston area that Quincy Police secretly wants desperately to drive me to, for yet more Takedown Labels to bury the writer forever, I have now posted Notices to call attention to this Maintenance of Lies, Falsehoods, and Fabrications by United Healthcare, aided and assisted by all complicit parties–EMS, Police, ER Physicians, Local Psychiatrists–or vice versa. I have also reported this on the fly at Reporter’s Notes.

Notice of False Medical Records Being Maintained by United Healthcare in the Name Ramola Dharmaraj | Notice of Crime | March 9, 2024

Notice of False Section 12s, 10s, False Claims of Mental Health Crisis, Psychosis, Mania, Suicide, Harm by Quincy Police, EMS Brewster Ambulance, Quincy District Court, EMS Midwest Medical Transport, 3 Boston Area Hospitals, & United Healthcare: Notice of Crime, March 14, 2024

Reporter’s Note 21: United HealthCare Appears To Be Running a Hit-and-Run False-Record-Keeping Operation

Cyberhacking of News Report 12 reported on March 2 here was finally addressed more helpfully with, I suspect, some help from behind the scenes DHS or NSA (to help me actually save files and post files online, as well as get Reimage to work to clean up the pc first, after making some space on my hard drive)–while the crazed IDF and CIA and DIA next door on both sides and the QPD across the street and probably FBI Data Interceptors in Red Capes were freezing my PC out nonstop with crashes, bangs, zoomers, drones attendant (as reported earlier).

News Report 12 was finally posted on March 12, after being recorded on March 2: Link at Bitchute here.

[Reporter’s Note 19 reported on the Cyberhacking: Reporter’s Note 19: News Report 12 on Police Use of EMF, Acoustic, Neurotech Weapons on Americans Thwarted and Cyberhacked by Probably CIA | Reporter Physically Attacked]

Having discovered new “Non Lethal Weapons” advertised as Goose Control Devices were going to be, according to the Quincy website, a place where apparently News can be made without prior notice and request for public comment, discourse, discussion, and open palaver in public spaces–easily broadcastable, findable, reachable by all–deployed in Quincy soon, to chase away and terrorize and torment Geese, possibly kill them too (non lethals can kill; birds die in droves from infrasonics and 5G), I made a comment on the subject Friday March 15 at the new ECC EcoWatch page, encouraging the People of Quincy to rise up and Ask Questions, a Noble Pastime for Anyone Educated, Aware, and Environmentally Conscious.

On March 14, March 15, March 16, I was subjected to intense death-hits, described in Reporter’s Notes and in videos I have not been able to post yet.

Addendum, 3-21-2024: Knowing that I am not alone in continuing to seek Public Notice of the unlawful targeting, watchlisting, and trafficking of Americans to Classified-yet-Criminal CIA, DIA, DARPA, FBI, DHS, NIJ, USAF, USN, USAr, USMC, NSA, Police operations of experimentation, testing, and fielding of Spectrum EMF, Electrical, Sound, & Neuroweapons causing grave and deathly harm, injury, debility, health-removal, torture, persecution, continuous harassment, that is, torment, all extremely illegal, unlawful and Extreme in every way, in no way “minimal risk” operations, on in no way “unable to consent” populations, which have indeed and continue to result in Death after great suffering, of living men, women, children, animals, pets, babies, on Sunday afternoon March 17, 2024, I wrote a brief Advice to All Targeted, posting it at 3:44 pm, an opener, encouraging Letter Writing, Website Postings, and Continuous Surfacing and Sharing of this Information, as well as Open and Wide Sharing of all the Articles, Reports, Interviews at this site and my video channels, where these unimaginable military, intelligence, criminal justice, and police crimes against the people have been thoroughly exposed, and continue to be investigated and reported.

Noticing that a Quincy Police Car was parked outside my door on Sunday afternoon, March 17, after someone rang the doorbell around 4:05 pm, I spent some time thinking about what they could possibly want, and, finally realizing the obvious, that they had no business coming to my door to terrorize the Journalist and Writer they have now abducted twice, along with an EMS Ambulance Company in Quincy which seems to be working for the CIA or IS the CIA, subjecting her to Trauma, Terror, Sickness, Being Knocked Unconscious, Poison, Gassing, Bondage, Forced-EKGs, Torture-Device-Implants, Nano-Implants, Chip-Implants, Trafficking to a Psych ER, Later a Mental Asylum, Interminable No-Reprieve Captivity, Refusal to provide Medical Records, Recording Only Lies on a PHI, Conniving with ER and Psychs at Hospitals & with Conspirators at Health Insurance to Bump Up the Planned Paranoid Schizophrenia Climb (more on that Delusional One-Act Play shortly)–some of it reported briefly in FOIA letters recorded at the ECC-FOIA Request Log and Additional Information, With Letters, still being reported in full at this writer’s desk (all Accounts and Reports upcoming)–returned to my day, making entries in a journal later and thence posting a third Notice on the outside wall of the house porch, right at the top step, to stop any and all Quincy Police in the future from entering my porch or ringing my doorbell. [Checking the front area from a window a few minutes later revealed the Quincy Police car had left, it may have been 4:08 or 4:10 pm then. Keeping the door closed and locked was exactly the right thing to do, and it is clear now QPD did not need to pay me a visit at all. That I had averted something major was an understanding I came to only later, as I pondered this and subsequent events in my journal, and thought further as well about Offers of Service, which is all Police can offer.]

This Notice, snapshot, was then thwarted from release yesterday as posted at my door (March 19); I hope to post it online here today.

Snapshot of Notice posted at outer wall of porch, March 19, 2024

Quincy Police should know however that the previous Notice from October 2023, posted online and on my front door and front window, as well as all my previous Notifications and Letters of Notice to Quincy Police all fairly clearly spell out the Facts regarding my Jurisdiction on Land and Soil, my Right to Privacy and to living Peacefully (as I certainly am–despite being continuously attacked with stealth weaponry) in my own private home, here in Massachusetts, which I have adopted as my place of permanent domicile–as published in Summer 2022 in the Quincy Sun–standing as I do with all the native and indigenous tribes and people, especially those, powerful, whole, sovereign in themselves, yet disempowered by reason of race, class, color, of Massachusetts, America, India, New Zealand, Australia, and the World, historically attacked by the British and Roman Empire as we have been, and needing to stand together in solidarity of Soul and Spirit, Feet Firmly and Materially on the Ground. While the British-Roman Empire and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be trying hard to run a New Agenda 21 Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Dictatorship as their recent reports indicate–reported recently here–using Trauma, Terror, and Needlessly knocking on people’s doors, None of us who is living and working peacefully, productively and calmly for the good of self, family, and community need answer those Offer-of-Terror Knocks at the Door. No thank you, QPD, back to your desk please.

My Reporter’s Note on the subject is here, just published: Reporter’s Note 24: Neighborhood Crime at All Time High in Quincy Ghetto

The Notice on my Top Step is here: Notice to All Police, Physicians, EMS, Psychiatrists, Attorneys, Social Workers, Nurses


Noting here that the Cyberhacking of my laptop has gone bonkers locally, with all 4-5 parties immediately surrounding me spending last night and the whole of today banging car doors, stealing my cursor, stealing the mouse, stopping all saving, inserting, editing, producing actions on 2 short video recordings made last night, to introduce the NIJ Document report to the world on video, causing immense frustration and engaging in obvious tortious interference with my journalism. (Loud LRAD hit on my radiator as I write the word “journalism.” — 6:11 pm, 3/2/2024) Have sustained heart hits and arm hits all day and yesterday and last week while working on the article. The fact that I don’t have a Youtube channel means I cannot livestream with ease–or I would have, last night. ALSO tortious interference with basic journalism. The revelation of police crimes apparently is being thwarted. Wild zoomers and pounders on the street–inclusive of armed CFC (Commonwealth fusion center) pickups–closed bed these days with even more deadly weaponry in their beds, I can attest to, having been attacked by several–drones and lightplanes with Growler tones, broadcasting their presence apparently, or just seeking to stir up the Ether, nonstop burning of rubber on these wet rainy streets and the flicker of radar on chest, arm, calf, shielded from. Saturday on Pine Street has been one long Noise and Cyber Assault after another.

I produced the video finally, minimally, and could not save. The cursor is gone and I cannot insert the second video, am being hacked with false error messages of no storage. The cover image is as below, and I will post this video when I eventually can. On 3-3-2021, my Youtube channel Ramola D Reports was crashed. Today as I stood at my sink at 3:33 pm, a helicopter drove across. Zoomers pounded up the street. My computer kept stalling. It is 3-2-2024.

The fact is: The CIA, the FBI, the Local Police, the State Police, the NSA, the DIA, the DHS, the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps have all been exposed: Their Satanic experiments and “weapons-tests” on human bodies and brains, using “non lethal, less lethal, less than lethal, counter personnel, anti personnel” technologies: directed energy, microwave, millimeter wave, 5G, electrical, acoustic, neurotechnology, horrific, inhumane, persecutory, torturous, are now known. [Please see the list of articles posted under Related with NIJ Documents Reveal Dangerous Electromagnetic, Electrical, Acoustic Non Lethal Weapons & Neuroweapons Are Being Used in War & Peace, Unapproved by People, On People | Sadistic Medical & Police Experiments Rampant.] Their own documents, some declassified, some unclassified, some recently published online, some released on FOIA request including to this writer, reveal these crimes. And how can it Not be criminal, to test (crude, barbaric, biohacking, neurohacking) weapons of war on people, and to electroshock, electrograze, electrostun people?

Truly, did Legal Counsel at all these agencies and branches approve of Torture of the citizenry? It is time for us to collectively look into the Law here.


Barbara Hartwell’s interesting new missive “GASLIGHT THEATER BROUGHT TO YOU BY “TRUTH JOURNALIST” RAMOLA D noted with interest. Idly cruising down that page I notice she has spent many days, weeks, months, certainly column-inches fixating on Yours Truly who seems to have assumed inordinately astonishing proportions in the penning-as-Barbara’s mind: so many articles, headlines, inchoate ramblings.

“Targeted Individuals”–to get straight to the point here–is a label the Internet Avatar playing Ms. Hartwell has written earlier about, and which I too have addressed, in several articles. I have thought a little more lately about this re-expressed aversion and disavowal of hers regarding not merely this label but those it has wrongfully been affixed to, and all I can say is she must not be aware that Labels conferred by Military and Intelligence Psy Opsters with very dark intentions to destroy people’s lives while preying on them for secret target practice, unholy weapons-testing, and Paleolithic brain clubbing for AI experimentation–not to mention disappearance as “Mentally Ill”–prime intent of that label and the Usage thereof–is primarily about Cover and Cover Story, something I would have thought most steeped in Counterintelligence and Psy Ops would have picked up right away. Or perhaps she Is aware, and that is the real story here. One I’ve hardly thought about, hardly believed could possibly be the truth.

I’m told the CIA is actually quite intelligent, in fact “Very” intelligent, “profoundly” intelligent: erudite, cultured, versed in Latin and Greek, P’s and Qs, and in that conundrum of which fork, which spoon to use first at those ultra-formal dinners that the Navy boys and Air Force too (Army…?) learn young, incisive in their analysis, superlative in their Writing–and that they’re all over the Writing world, Journalism, Media, that they Are the Media and the Media Are They–so it’s possible I missed this early here: that it was Them all along, who came up with that Use of that obviously-quite-military Tag (“Targeted Individuals”), to hold hands with Psychs to disappear those reporting these Crimes, the Ultimate: Stealth Destruction of the Human Body and Brain, Psyche included, and This, which the new Internet Writer purporting to be Barbara Hartwell Percival is engaged in, slamming those, Reporting, Real, who are exposing this most extraordinary Crime of the Ages, is itself the Counterintel Psy Op, the Sleight of Hand or Continuous Attempt to Continuously Disappear: I would caution Anyone to be careful here, to be aware that what is being reported by those targeted unlawfully is nothing less than Torture, with weaponry no longer “New Age”: it is radar, EMF weaponry from the last century, acoustic, neuro–tech blasting past all Ethics, Conscience, Humanity to harm and persecute--and where is the CIA in all this? Cover stories, media, mockery, campaigns to denigrate and disappear while incredible Harm is being executed, on those unlucky enough to fall into the CIA’s clutches. [Or DOD-CIA, which appears to be the way they’re being referred to these days, by certain scientists.] We must speak of the CIA, we must investigate the CIA, we must investigate both, the DOD and the CIA–in addition to the DOJ–we must try to take on board the notion of their being deeply intertwined, running continuous (illegal and unlawful) spy operations and experimenting operations, minus Conscience, in our midst, we mustn’t flail at their flaunting of Cover–upon Cover; we mustn’t permit ourselves to be Silenced.

CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell once gave a remarkable interview at my channel where she discussed who the CIA were, in her understanding, from her history of engagement with them. I wrote about that interview here, on Steemit:

“No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

12:17 am, Feb 23, 2024: Let me note, as I have been writing here, a rather incredibly loud hit–LRAD–on the radiator sounded. The CIA I’ve understood has come to live closeby and “make its presence felt”: They have no business doing anything of the kind, but the non-neighbors next door dabble in very loud, harassive LRAD hits, among other completely unlawful remote-access with EMF tech pursuits.

Suffice to say, in closing, those who are unlawfully targeted and trafficked into unlawful experimentation and weapons-testing are people, not labels, and the label being used to disappear them is one each of them can recognize as being a label. Psychiatrists and police are responsible on the ground for this labeling and disappearing–and that is part of the problem we face now as a society, one which needs addressing by many.

Barbara Hartwell is once again reminded she must cease and desist maligning, defaming and slandering my name. And those unlawfully targeted–and those doing the targeting–I hope will rise in great numbers and address these matters and that label, more and more each day until these targeting crimes end.

Posted February 7, 2024:

Letter Online sent via ABC Australian news site regarding the rather pointed Rainbow Lorikeet Paralysis story (Mainstream Media tends to run stories based on Words, being pulled into the public eye based on whatever particular cycle of intention is being driven by the SS (secret society) Pharaohs with Nothing to Do but Attack Humanity operative in Media themselves–spies and wordsmiths both–and one has to wonder about the current focus on Rainbow, I am sure world media will elucidate for us soon enough; Syndrome may just come from current skepticism regarding the endless DMS Syndromes and Disorders being drummed up, Noticed at this site as well recently):

Dear Miranda Saunders–These birds look as if they have been hit with neuroweaponry to be paralyzed: please look into any military testing in the area, any use of 5G in pulses nearby, any Air Force or Navy or Army experimenting with Directed Energy Weaponry, and please alert your communities about the powers of unethical neuroweaponry to harm birds and humans both. More info can be found at The Everyday Concerned Citizen, please look up the Public Disclosure articles on neurotechnologies. We can save these birds if ABC issues a firm reprimand to local military and academics to stop experimenting on and harming birds and their habitat. Thanks very much for your valuable reportage–Best, Ramola D

ABC North Coast Breakfast/Miranda Saunders’ story is here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-01/lorikeet-paralysis-syndrome-affecting-hundreds-birds-in-grafton/103407968

Arthur Firstenburg’s coverage: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/rainbow-lorikeets-dropping-from-the-sky-2/

Posted, February 6, 7, 2024:

Notice regarding Barbara Hartwell’s post “https://barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com/2024/02/ramola-d-dharmaraj-exploiting-name-of.html” at her website, which appears to be a series of non sequitur rants and repeats from another time: I have previously addressed some of the more noxious, false, and derogatory statements made at this site by whoever is writing them since CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell and I ceased communication with each other, more about which can be found at my responses under Swans Against Slander:

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | July 17, 2023

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | September 23, 2023

I have spoken earlier of Barbara’s friendship and whistleblowing, and of her smarts and integrity, I have supported her work, passed on donations, and fundraised for her work and her life. I have admired her writing and her disclosures, some of which she shared in interviews at my channel Ramola D Reports.

It appears she–or the person writing this piece and some others earlier apparently in February 2024, January 2024 and December 2023 which I had missed–is particularly concerned about her name being used in relation to her disclosures, which is the only way in which her name has been used at my site, generally speaking.

As a journalist investigating the crimes of Surveillance Abuse, and the misdeeds of Intelligence agencies and Military divisions in using Electromagnetic Weaponry and Neuroweaponry as also Fraudulent Watchlisting on the American populace and the world’s, since late 2013, I have been grateful for the voice and words of all whistleblowers from government agencies addressing these crimes, and have published numerous video and print interviews of this kind.

In keeping however with a journalist’s proper respect for Media History, I don’t expect to retract or ignore any of these past interviews, which continue to bear witness to the facts of Crime Against Humanity committed by US Gov Inc. which I have interviewed people on, and which I will continue to highlight.

I have not failed to notice however the differences in thinking between myself and other whistleblowers, and have indeed remarked in print these differences. [If I speak of myself as a whistleblower, it is as a whistleblower journalist.] One such is the term and the group of people unlawfully named “Targeted Individuals,” the very people wrongfully watchlisted and sold, literally, into classified human subject experimentation and Non Lethal Weapons Testing projects, all of which should be completely exposed and terminated–I have written earlier on this matter.

The other of course in the case of Barbara Hartwell is the (inexplicable) defamation and slander directed my way earlier, which I have addressed. Statements such as these (below) are defamatory, absurd, false, baseless, presumptuous, and Barbara is once more enjoined to refrain from pointless repetition, fabrication, and slander against my name:

This report once again exposes one such self-important busybody, Ramola D, who seems to believe that she is entitled to gate-crash her way into the professional business of others, to exploit their names, to overstep her bounds by interfering in their business (professional and personal). And to issue broad-ranging public directives, in attempts to tell “EVERYONE” in the world what they “should” be thinking, believing and doing.

But it doesn’t end with her obvious desire to wield influence and power over others. No, she wants public recognition (including from mainstream media, such as The New York Times) for what she claims to be her very important “truth journalism” (“one-of-a-kind”, she boasts), of which she believes herself to be the foremost practitioner in the entire world.

NOTE: She has actually said these things. These statements are based on her own words, not mine.

Her behavior shows that she lacks even the slightest respect for the privacy, the personal boundaries, even the fundamental rights, of others. I don’t know what kind of person (aside from a member of the leftist woke mob) would tolerate this unscrupulous, disrespectful behavior, but I can guaran-damn-tee that I am not one of them.“–Barbara Hartwell/https://barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com/2024/02/ramola-d-dharmaraj-exploiting-name-of.html

There appears to be a renewed CIA program of Assault and Battery on my Name currently–as also, in reprehensible continuance, on my Body and Brain–and my Truth Journalism must indeed be making Waves in the Troposphere of Truth out there (just above the Firmament of Lies we all seem to be trapped in here below), for which of course I am duly grateful.

The New York Times by the way is no newspaper of Truth and not one whose recognition I personally seek. Judging by the reception to my books so far–which have barely been launched really–I doubt anyone there knows I exist.

–Ramola D, February 6, 2024

There is one other thing of note I must address. Like others who have made it a point–after apparently being activated by parties in the shadows–to go after my name publicly, it seems there is a push over here as well to chase down mention of my name and unearth past comment I have made online, as for instance, here: https://thereporters.org/letter/government-guinea-pigs/. That Is peculiar, and I’m noting it here for the record. I have made many efforts over the years to educate people online on the subjects covered in my comment there, and I’m glad the public record shows I have never swerved from my task.

–Ramola D, February 7, 2024

Notice regarding the podcaster “KiC” –“Keeping it Criminal” on Youtube–author of a misled rave “A look into delusion: Ramola D the targeted sovcit”/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBDd2peglt8 who apparently is too afraid to post his real name and real face–the Masked BlackHatted BlackShaded Visual Virtual Avatar is a dead giveaway, to some of us at least, who do recognize sad Psy Ops on the Internet when we see it (most usually from the Propaganda Churners over yon at Langley)–but who does spend a lot of energy and time voicing my work yet jumping to the wrong conclusions, peculiarly defending Police crime in running unlawful “Section 12″s, and issuing defamatory slander in audio rants:

This writer is neither a “Sovereign Citizen” nor “Delusional” nor a “Conspiracy Theorist” nor “filming anyone’s kids” nor planning to sit back when so defamed and advises “KiC” he has engaged in clear defamation and slander on this video and needs to take it down and issue a public apology; if he is unfamiliar with my work, which he says he is, he needs to study it; the work of journalism to expose Crimes Against Humanity committed by many parties is not to be mocked, ridiculed, or denigrated; those who engage in such petty pursuit are revealing their true colors, of being agents for those who are indeed executing these crimes on Americans, and on people worldwide; “KiC” is advised to follow the continuing reports on these matters at my website, to read the “Living Testimonial” presenting the truth of the April 14, 2022 Forced Psych-Kidnap of a Journalist before he comments by publishing lies, to follow the information at the Note Against False Psychiatric Labels, still in process, and recognize that Truth and Facts will always surface, regardless of endless efforts by a broken CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOD and DHS coterie to keep these hidden; the deadly use of Electromagnetic Weaponry and Neuroweaponry, in stealth, on the American populace is no small thing, it is a Major and Ongoing Crime, which this writer and journalist continues to work to fully expose so it can be fully stopped; those glibly ridiculing the reportage of this crime on Americans are indeed responding as traitors to God, nation, and humanity.

–Ramola D, February 6, 2024

Please Note: I now have 2 new channels at Telegram, as posted on the right-hand bar at this website (ECC). Will continue to post there as also at Ramola D Reports Chat attached to my original channel which I’m hoping Telegram will revive for me.