Reporter’s Note 19: News Report 12 on Police Use of EMF, Acoustic, Neurotech Weapons on Americans Thwarted and Cyberhacked by Probably CIA | Reporter Physically Attacked

Reporter’s Note | Ramola D | March 6, 2024

4:19 pm on Wednesday (Trash Day on Pine Street, an Occasion for the Imprisoned Reporter and all Jailers Parked (Right On the Street) in every house on the block) and I’m here to report a few Facts:

One, News Report 12 has been Thwarted and Obstructed from being posted despite determined efforts on this writer’s part to get the news out to the People, with massive, insane, and electronically-slavebinding cyberhacking from the resident cyberhackers on Pine Street, to my right, left, and opposite, some of these police parties, some CIA, some DIA/US Army or with connections to Israeli Police/Mossad/IDF (judging by their actions and their checked blue and white Medical Tyranny colors on their window) and all with MIT/DARPA connections to AI Experimenters, who, as everyone reporting the use of these deadly Radiation/Acoustic/Neuroweapons knows, are busy engaging in massively unlawful Trauma-Creation through nonstop assault and battery with AP-DEWs, social harassment, gaslighting, and deceit, while being supported, concealed, and permitted to operate Crime on the bodies of Americans by local Police, FBI, local Government, and the ever-ubiquitous CIA–all in the interests of harvesting Brains and Neural Networks and using them for Private Gain, by those Medical Device/BCI-CBI/Neurostim manufacturers such as Blackguard and Neuralink–and many more besides.

Brief Video Report on News Report 12 Being Hacked to Bits/March 6, 2024

Two, I have been massively physically attacked all through the writing and posting of this article and news report production both–also thwarted, minimally produced–with both brain hits from the house right next door and heart hits yesterday, from the moment I got up, of such extreme nature that I had to shield excessively immediately and lie low for nearly the whole day–the kind of thing I hear from other writers who have exposed these particularly heinous Brain-Attack Crimes by Brain Experimenters and Brain Thieves–most definitely including the CIA, the FBI, and various other agencies along with every known branch of the US Military, as revealed rather clearly in numerous Justice and Defense documents posted previously and discussed recently at this site.

Three, I want to iterate that this is Human Rights Violation on a gross scale and is Torture. There are laws against Torture. Documented bodies of law, International, National, State, County, City all prohibit Assault and Battery, Torture, Murder; today these crimes are being effected Through Walls; many have died; many have been killed; some, driven mad by 24/7 assault with energy weapons and neurotechnology, have been pushed to suicide; those who live right next to us, who have taken jobs and commissions from classified and covered agencies such as the CIA, DIA, NSA, DHS, NRO, NGA, DEA, DOE, NASA, DARPA (heart hit as I write, 4:48 pm, March 6, 2024–direction of Mazzeo house) as well as those who are working as graduate students or such for Universities funded by any of the above or by private contractors, those who have contracted directly with fusion centers and “Public Safety” while using weapons on us night and day, protected as they are by “Classified Cover” or, in the case of Police affiliates, “Confidential Cover,” and imagining themselves immune, must know they have become and are operating as criminals, attacking others through walls and chassis of cars, freely blasting people with microwave pulses, 5G to stop their breathing, vibratory frequencies to jolt their lungs and hearts. They are more than petty thieves or felons, they are Murderers and Accomplices in the Crime of Murder.

Four, As a reporter operating in a dangerous war zone–inside America–and needing to report the incredible crimes committed against her for over 10 years now and especially recently, this writer cannot be thwarted from using the basic tools at her fingertips, her laptop and her voice, but that is exactly what is happening. This is a request to all secret parties sitting on both my laptops: Kindly get off, and let me report the Facts. Merely because Crimes of certain well-heeled secret factions are being revealed doesn’t mean I or my Cat should be killed or be so cyberhacked as to be unable to communicate–which is what is happening currently. Shame on you all.