Monthly Archives: January 2022

Canada’s Record-Breaking Freedom Convoy Truckers Converge at Ottawa and Ignite Hope Around the World — Dr. Roger Hodgkinson & Dr. Francis Christian Salute the Truckers

Report | Ramola D | January 30, 2021

News from Canada is lively with footage of the immense crowds in Canada’s capital city Ottawa as millions came out Saturday Jan 29 to support the truckers and stand up for freedom from unlawful vaccine mandates, vaccination cards, and the lockdown of people’s rights, which has continued steadily in Canada, with new bans on the unvaccinated from public places.

Several new-media outlets have been covering the protests including Top TV-Canadian Punjabi Media (video below). The commentator, as indeed all commentators on other videos remarks the “fringe minority of racists and anti-science protesters” which Trudeau had suggested comprised the protest against vaccine mandates in Canada; clearly the hundreds of thousands who have turned out in bitter winter temperatures to demand the removal of all mandates are neither fringe nor minority, as footage shows.

Canadian truckers have driven across the vast snowy scapes of British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, to reach Ottawa in the east, the city housing Parliament and sitting northwest of Boston and New York.

The line of truckers has stretched for over 45 miles tallying at 75 km currently breaking all world records for trucker lines.

Canadian ‘freedom’ truckers massive vaccine mandate protest convoy may smash world record/Independent Eagle/Jan 27, 2022

Trudeau Flees Ottawa in Hopes of Lying Low While Masses of Canadians Erupt in Protest of his Mandates

Reports in mainstream media note that Justin Trudeau and family have fled the capital, citing “security reasons” shortly after reports were published saying he or a family member had “gotten Covid” necessitating isolation.


Canadian ‘freedom convoy’ truckers arrive in Ottawa, ‘Trudeau brought to safety’ | instagram/Liberty Lyle

“Fuck Trudeau!” a Happy Chant from Hundreds of Canadian Protesters

The atmosphere in Ottawa is electric as Canadians assemble in freezing cold to express their dissent, a movement which this filmmaker who has been posting trucker videos on his ride with the truckers from Manitoba hopes will inspire the world to stand up. (Youtube channel: Tireroasters Garage/Full video here)


Canada’s Freedom Truckers Have Inspired Millions Around the World as Vaccine Mandates and Police Actions Have Horrified All

People around the world are watching the freedom truckers who plan to stay in Ottawa to force the government’s hand toward the will of the people–currently being ignored as Trudeau follows the Klaus Schwab and bankers’ imperative for tyrannizing citizens and forcing compliance with Great Reset objectives intended to transform free people into digitally and physically enslaved peons condemned to cattle-chutes and showing CDC papers, naked arms, and masked faces to (Pharma-run) “government” forever.

Truckers in Europe, Australia, and USA Unite to Engage in Freedom Rallies Around the World

The actions of Freedom Convoy 2022–inspired no doubt by the Australian trucker actions earlier have set off plans for trucker rallies across Europe, as this post on Twitter reports:

American Truckers Announce a Convoy to DC to End all Vaccine Mandates in USA

In breaking news, American truckers are planning to follow Canada’s lead and lead a trucker rally from California to DC, to stay in DC until all government vaccine mandates are ended–Telegram ink:

Canada Rally and Convoy Video Coverage

Canada Speak Freely is one of the many sites posting the trucker and rally videos from Canada. This page lists video coverage:

Dr. Roger Hodgkinson: “We are going to fight this to the end whatever it takes–this is an International Movement”

Dr. Roger Hodgkinson who has been very vocal in altstream media warning parents not to vaccinate their children and teens with the COVID gene-modification and heart-attack-inducing injections, has recorded a message to the truckers and to Canada’s failed government figureheads, including a poem from Dr. Francis Christian marking the historic nature of this world moment:

“This is a moment in history. This is a moment when we need to retake our freedoms, that we’ve unfortunately taken for granted for far too long. It’s the future of society, it’s the future for our children.

And if we don’t put our standard in the ground now, and object vigorously, then I think we’re at a turning point in history here of how politics and how governments rule over us.

It’s an enormous opportunity. The tables have turned–we have an opportunity here to change the way politics is done. The time is ripe for major pushback. For a major Reset, in our favor this time–so the Great Reset is your story, be careful of what you wish for, for now the tables are turned. We know what you are up to, and we’re gonna retake control ourselves. So you better head for the hills–for we’re comin’ for you. Sorry guys, the gig’s up–We are the people, you are our servants, and we will now start dictating terms to you.

We want to get back to living, to actually enjoying life, to go out to restaurants, to hug our grandchildren, to travel wherever we want…make the most of every living second, enjoy it to the full, but we can’t do that with government restricting us on X Y and Z-No. No.

We are going to Ottawa, our Prime Minister of course is hiding under his bed (with his little peapods). These truckers are going to put a cordon around Ottawa–and they’re not going anywhere, they are going to be there until there’s capitulation. This is an international movement — It has gained such incredible momentum over such a short period of time.

From an idea just a few weeks ago, they’ve had about 7 million dollars in the bank, it’s a convoy that measures 75 km long, 1000s of trucks, this is an unstoppable–an unstoppable demonstration, we are going to fight this to the end whatever it takes. This is the moment for us to turn this around. The Great Resetters are going to get gobsmacked!” — Dr. Roger Hodgkinson

Also inspiring is orthopedic surgeon Dr. Francis Christian’s poem read out by Dr. Hodgkinson, to be published later in transcript. Dr. Christian was removed from his job in Saskatchewan Province because he dared to speak out about how inappropriate it is to vaccinate children with the deadly COVID vaccines–whose dangers for children, as indeed for adults as well, were covered here in News Report 3 | They’re Playing Russian Roulette with Child COVID Vaccines | 12 Primary Reasons Not to Inject Your Child.


In the annals of human history,

a time comes but rarely

When a nation awakes to freedom

to Liberty

to Truth

and to a new beginning

This is such a time.

You the truckers of Canada

have brought hope

back to a nation languishing in the long night of tyranny

and oppression

You have made our grandmothers and our children


and dance again

You the truckers of Canada

have made the songs of freedom soar

and sound in you

from mountaintop to shining sea

from Prince Edward Island to British Columbia

from our Great White North

to our teeming border south

Your roar of freedom

has reverberated across our towns and our cities

and has been heard around the world

Canada is cheering you on

Our American brothers and sisters are cheering you on

And we know

From every continent

From every global outpost of tyranny

a shout of affirmaton

and a hand of solidarity

is being raised to you, to us in Canada

for all of humanity

You the truckers of Canada

have said to our rulers: Enough!

We have raised the glass with you

and our trembling lips

also cry with you

Enough! You have said Enough!

We will not have vaccine mandates, the truckers,

for our aeroplanes, for our trains

for our right to be strong and free Canadians

in this strong and free and beautiful land

And we cry with you Enough!

You, our Canadian truckers of freedom have said Enough!

We will not have vaccine mandates in our hospitals,

in our schools, in our hockey rinks, in the places we eat,

in the places we gather with lovers and families,

And we say it with you—Enough!

We are heroes! Canadian truckers for freedom

who have said Enough!

We will never allow you to lock us down again

Never! Never!

We are Free!

And we say with you Enough!

We are truckers.

Our Canadian Truckers for Freedom say

to our tyrannical rulers: Enough!

Stop dividing us now!

Stop making the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Us versus Them

We are One People

and we will be One Nation

One Family

One Canada

And we say with you Enough!

You our Warriors for Freedom say Enough!

Stop our Taxpayers’ money to muzzle doctors

and censor the news


We say with you stop!

Canada honors you

Canada salutes you

We have your back

Canada has your back

And you roar across this great nation

The roar you hear

is from the sleeping lion

called Canada

It is now awake

And every roar of your trailer and truck

will be met by the collective roar of Canada

We love you!

We can never thank you enough!

God Bless You!

And Godspeed!

(External Link)

O Canada!’ Truckers break out into national anthem at massive Ottawa protest/Lifesite News/Jan 29, 2022

US Military Doctors Whistleblow on 300% Increase in 2021 Soldier Miscarriages & Cancer Over 5-Year Average Post COVID-Vaccines; Dr. Jessica Rose Estimates Over 172,000 American Miscarriages from CDC VAERS Data

Report | Ramola D | Jan 28, 2022

At a senate hearing for Senator Ron Johnson on Monday January 24, 2022, Attorney Thomas Renz, attorney for America’s Frontline Doctors revealed that three military doctors have come forward to whistleblow on excessive numbers of miscarriages, infertility diagnoses, cancer diagnoses, Bell’s palsy, myocardial infarctions and other serious ailments among previously fit and healthy soldiers who lined up for the dubious COVID-19 injections. These reports come from diagnosis codes recorded at the DMED database–Defense Medical Epidemiology Database–for insurance purposes, which were investigated by the military physicians on seeing an increase in cases they were seeing clinically.

“According to Renz, it was the actual clinical experience of the three named doctors and several unnamed doctors that led them to investigate DMED, and their discoveries reflected their experience treating patients with ailments extremely unusual to healthy, young soldiers since the rollout of the vaccines.

I have spoken to one of the whistleblowers who attests to being gravely concerned with seeing young soldiers with sudden metastatic cancers, auto-immune diseases, and heart and circulatory disorders that have caused many soldiers to drop out of various training programs. “These doctors were motivated to explore DMED data due to the numbers of case increases they were seeing empirically,” said the whistleblower, who served in the military for many years.”

–Daniel Horowitz,

Noted on Twitter by new-media journalist Chief Nerd:

Daniel Horowitz, the journalist who spoke to Attorney Renz and reported the story at Blaze reports:

“Aside from the spike in miscarriage diagnoses (ICD code O03 for spontaneous abortions), there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

Some other numbers he did not mention at the hearing but gave to me in the interview are the following:

  • myocardial infarction –269% increase
  • Bell’s palsy – 291% increase
  • congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase
  • female infertility – 471% increase
  • pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase.”

Excerpt from the hearing below:

Dr. Jessica Rose, the Canadian researcher and computational biologist who testified last year at the FDA’s Advisory Panel on the inadvisability of giving children the COVID-vaccines already causing grave harm to adults, has published an analysis of Renz’s DMED data and reports an Under Reporting Factor of 49, which she applies to the CDC VAERS data tally of 3,527 to find a staggering estimated total of 172, 823 spontaneous abortions or early miscarriages among Americans. Among the military pregnant she estimates “the background rate based on DMED data is 132 spontaneous abortions per 100,000 women”.

CDC VAERS data is known to be under-reported, as indeed all databases recording adverse events to the vaccines. But the fact that women in large numbers are experiencing menstruation problems, fertility problems, early miscarriages or spontaneous abortions post-COVID-vaccine is well-known now in true-media circles reporting on the adverse event reports in these public databases (CDC VAERS, WHO’S VigiAccess, EU’s Eudravigilance, UK’s Yellow Card Scheme) as well as from social media posts, covered earlier here in detail at News Report 4 | High Signal of Harm from COVID Vaccines for Pregnant Women and News Report 3 | They’re Playing Russian Roulette with Child COVID Vaccines | 12 Primary Reasons Not to Inject Your Child as well as other reports and articles.

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Theresa Long, aviation surgeon and one of the military whistleblowers along with Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Peter Chambers has earlier testified to Senator Ron Johnson about vaccine injuries in the military, featured here earlier: Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs

Dr. Long’s affidavit was published earlier in that article and can be read here: Affidavit of LTC. Theresa Long, MD…

Evidence has long been piling up about the dangers and harms of the COVID vaccines now found to be filled with harmful nanographene and nanotechnology, and one can only hope that these revelations of grave harm to US soldiers will lead at speed to a termination of these lethal vaccines here in the USA and worldwide.

(External Links)

Horowitz: Whistleblowers share DOD medical data that blows vaccine safety debate wide open

The true under-reporting factor (URF) for miscarriages is 49./Dr. Jessica Rose

Dr. Jessica Rose Unloads on FDA Advisory Panel/Principia Scientific International/Dec 2, 2021

A U.S. Army doctor warns of toxic ingredients in COVID vaccines/Newsessentials Blog/October 14, 2021

Posted here:

Dr. Theresa Long’s Affidavit in support of an injunction order to halt the vaccines for the military

Report 278 | James Martinez on Dystopian Anti-Human Tech Vs Humanity, Revival of Cold Fusion & The Future of Energy

Video Report and Links | Ramola D | Jan 28, 2022

Refreshing and insightful conversation with James Martinez, a media analyst and ecologist who has witnessed the rise of alarming new technologies since the ’90s, working with top writers and scientists such as Walter Bowart and Tom Bearden in the publication of work extending Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, and who also presents the work of Pons and Fleischman in Cold Fusion, now termed Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, a means of producing over-unity energy, a foreign concept to Newtonian physics, which has the potential for changing the future of energy and the construct of human societies.

Sadly LENR or Cold Fusion has been suppressed for decades, he informs us, as the politics of science and National Security covers served to remove it from public view, yet the provable science of over-unity energy production using this methodology of nuclear reaction at a low intensity has now caught the attention of the private sector and governments in Europe and elsewhere, offering the possibility of a comeback.

We discuss the transfer of military technologies to the marketplace and James Martinez offers an insightful look at how military, governments, and media have conspired across Time to capture the human psyche’s submission to technology, presenting technological-dependency in stages, bringing us to the present moment of brain invasion tech and body invasion tech, which too many people are mindlessly acquiescing to, currently.

From the CIA’s MK ULTRA–still continuing--to the present dystopia of cybernetic augmentation and “enhanced humans,” we are looking today at a panorama of dystopic technocracy with many of the top players in tech companies competing with each other for primacy over human choices, behavior, freedom, and future–visions of an already building-out future which most of us wish to cut away firmly from, as we dream of organic, spiritual evolution and existing in harmony with each other, our environment, and our world.

Many of the known technocrats are already cybernetically augmented, he tells us, mind-hived and engaged in Synthetic Telepathy with each other–a disclosure brought to readers of my work & viewers earlier by Omni–Phillip David Walker–a technologically-targeted witness testifying to CIA MK ULTRA experimentation today and the existence of an Electronic Cybernetic Telepathy network linking people’s minds (through brain-computer-interface and brain-to-brain implants), which others experiencing Syn Tel without their consent have testified to as well.

This is the sorry future they envision for all of humanity as they push techno progress insistently toward Global Brain Net and Cerebral Internet projects, projecting an inevitability and beneficiality to ‘Borging the entire lot of us into one massive sorry brain mess they engineer for us all.

In this Media has a huge part to play, transforming human awareness of this dystopic future into a passive and compliant consent by a manipulated majority as information is dribbled, slanted, withheld, carefully watered down and spun to deceive all.

Report 278 | James Martinez on Dystopian Anti-Human Tech Vs Humanity, Revival of Cold Fusion & The Future of Energy

WATCH REPORT 278 at Brighteon:

Report 278 | James Martinez on Anti-Human Tech Vs Humanity, Cold Fusion & The Future of Energy/Bitchute

Report 278 | James Martinez on Anti-Human Tech Vs Humanity, Cold Fusion & The Future of Energy/Rumble

Report 278 | James Martinez on Dystopian Anti-Human Tech Vs Humanity, Revival of Cold Fusion & The Future of Energy/Odysee and Lbry


James Martinez’ Patreon page where he is setting up podcasts and information to help all on Mind Control projects:

More Info on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions:

US Navy and US Government now working on LENR projects:



Try Clean Slate, Zero-In, and Restore for detox and daily health at this link (which supports this channel):

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Author website:
Ramola D Reports is at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, Live 528, Rumble


Sign in to the Matrix Freedom platform for more information:;;ag=Ramola%20D


Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 1 – American State Citizen with Ronald Carriveau, Massachusetts State Assembly

Video report and links | Ramola D | Jan 26, 2022

First in a new series of podcasts to educate America on American State Assemblies, the united States of America being restored by Americans around the continent, led by Anna von Reitz and several focused researchers and civic-minded folks who are bringing jural assemblies back in every state, unincorporated, as opposed to the incorporated city, county, state and Federal governments of US Inc. we have currently, ships sailing in Maritime Law we can step right off to get back to the land of America’s soil and full house of freedom.

It’s a matter of jurisdiction, Ronald explains, and learning that the true USA-on-the-land has always been here, although much less known, and leaving the seafaring and corporate-oppression jurisdiction of US Inc. to find our feet on the land and build our own courts, schools, health choices, and lives is of the greatest import currently as US Govt along with others around the world tramples on basic human freedoms in hopes of building a transhumanist dystopia which will destroy all our children’s futures in one fell blow if we don’t act now.

You can “correct your status” to return to being the true American you always thought you were, and step away from mandates, ordinances, statutes, codes and laws from the state government corporation because they don’t apply to you anyway, as living men and women of the soil, the American soil, land of your birth or naturalization, land of freedom always waiting, in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and most of all in the unalienable rights God gave you, and common law confirmed.

Ronald speaks of what an American state citizen means, and what such a citizen can gain, in terms of monetary support, and how this relates back to Anna’s work to getting the banks to release the funds to us, the true creditors and beneficiaries of ancient trusts which have been ravaged by the deceptive doings of the corporate service government which has spent a few hundred years defrauding us and depriving us of our rights while indeed more and more enslaving us.

A candid conversation which explores many different facets of the whole extraordinary return to freedom becoming a state citizen or state national promises, this is information for all Americans–especially those craving the return of their God-given freedoms of speech, movement, occupation, profession, health, and life, the first, we hope in a series to inform all as this venture gains momentum and gets further underway.

Watch at Bitchute:




The American States Assemblies site with all of Anna von Reitz’s information:

States United Nationals Youtube site:

Why should I correct my status?

Correct your status

Chart your course

Contact state coordinators

Anna von Reitz’s website with her writings and videos:


Try Clean Slate, Zero-In, and Restore for detox and daily health at this link (which supports this channel):



Feel free to send questions, comments, concerns to Ronald Carriveau at my email address posted above, I will be glad to pass them on to him. Thanks, Ramola D

Christine Massey | Response to Peter Smith, “Canadian Anti-Hate Network”, re “virus” isolation | SARS-COV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated

Re-post of original by Christine Massey, with permission | Ramola D | January 25, 2022

Posted December 3, 2021, by Christine Massey

Peter Smith, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is identified as the author of an article containing false and misleading statements regarding both “COVID-19” and 2 gentlemen who I happen to have a great deal of respect for.

The gentlemen in question are quite capable of speaking for and defending themselves, but I wish to address Peter’s damaging and false claim that the alleged “COVID-19 virus” has been isolated (a necessary step in proving the existence of an alleged “virus”).

Here is Peter’s article:

Canadian Police Officer Following Fringe Legal Philosophy Appears Alongside US QAnon Influencer – Canadian Anti-Hate Network (

A quote from Peter’s article:

… Pritchard tells his viewers the familiar line that COVID-19 and the pandemic is a lie, claiming that it has failed to be isolated in a laboratory, despite this being patently false.”

In this quote, Peter included hyperlinks to 3 resources that he seems to believe prove that the alleged “virus” has been isolated. These are the only pieces of “isolation” evidence provided in his article. Let’s check them out.

The links point to 1) a webpage of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2) a Globe and Mail article attributed to Ivan Semeniuk, published March 13, 2020, and 3) a March 2020 preprint of a “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study.

The “SARS-CoV-2 Viral Culturing at CDC” webpage was last updated Dec. 29, 2020 and claims that:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community“,

and that:

SARS-CoV-2 strains supplied by CDC and other researchers can be requested, free, from the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research (BEI) Resources Repository“.

CDC explains that “the virus” was “grown” by CDC researchers, and lists all the fabulous ways that the “strains” are being used to further the good of humanity.

Wow, so impressive. This is all the evidence we really need, right? It’s been isolated, end of story! Only a kook would suggest otherwise. And hey, the CDC even provided a time line of their epic accomplishment and a link for more details.

On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture…”

Wait a minute. What was that again? They immediately placed the clinical specimen into cell culture. Huh?

Does this mean that the patient sample was immediately placed into a cell culture – a source of genetic contamination? Surely they mean that the virus was placed into a cell culture after it was isolated from the patient. Because if the patient sample was immediately contaminated with a cell culture, how could it then be established scientifically that the patient was infected with a new virus? I’m confused. Let’s keep reading.

On February 2, 2020, CDC generated enough SARS-CoV-2 grown in cell culture to distribute to medical and scientific researchers.

Fabulous, but how did they determine that a virus, and specifically SARS-COV-2, was even present? I’m still confused. Let’s keep reading.

On February 4, 2020, CDC shipped SARS-CoV-2 to the BEI Resources Repository.

Woah, talk about putting the cart before the horse. Let’s keep reading and figure this out.

An article discussing the isolation and characterization of this virus specimen is available in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Ok, well we will definitely have to check out that article and get these details sorted out.

So the link for the article takes us to “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States” by Jennifer Harcourt (affiliation: CDC) et al.

Jennifer Harcourt… That is also the name of the first author listed in the study cited by Peter. They are the same study. Peter cited the preprint, and the CDC’s webpage links to the final published version. So let’s focus on the final version, which is published in the CDC’s own journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

In the Specimen Collection section of this CDC paper, we find that “clinical specimens from a case-patient … were collected on day 3 postsymptom onset, placed in 2–3 mL of viral transport medium, used for molecular diagnosis, and frozen. Confirmed PCR-positive specimens were aliquoted and refrozen until virus isolation was initiated...”

That’s interesting, because a colleague of mine noticed that the CDC’s Standard Operating Procedure for viral transport medium includes fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs. So… this means that the clinical specimens were contaminated with cow material before the molecular diagnosis (via PCR) and “isolation” procedure even began.

That seems strange. And troubling. And unscientific. But let’s keep reading and see how they isolated the virus from these contaminated patient/cow specimens.

The Methods contain a section on Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation. In that order? Hmm. More confusion.

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage.”

So, in the CDC’s mind, culturing a patient sample in a cell line and “virus isolation” are the same step. Iiiiiinteresting.

And what are Vero CCL-81 cells?

Google search. First link: a company called ATCC lists Vero CCL-81 as animal cells.

Organism: Cercopithecus aethiops.
Morphology: epithelial.
Tissue: kidney.

Derivation: The Vero cell line was initiated from the kidney of a normal adult African green monkey on March 27, 1962…
Passage history: The cell line was brought to the Laboratory of Tropical Virology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health in the 93rd passage from Chiba University by B. Simizu on June 15, 1964.

And, under Required Products:

These products are vital for the proper use of this item and have been confirmed as effective in supporting functionality. If you use alternative products, the quality and effectiveness of the item may be affected. Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium…; Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)…

More fetal bovine serum. Seriously? Fetal bovine serum and kidney epithelial cells from an African green monkey are necessary to “isolate a virus”. You can’t make this stuff up.

Back to the supplier, ATCC. Their product sheet states: “This product is intended for laboratory research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use.

Back to the CDC study:

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage. We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%) and antibiotics/antimycotics… We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate. We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL. We added 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols

When CPEs [Cytopathic effects aka harm to the monkey cells] were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip. We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.

Did you see anything in that blurb about isolating a virus? Me neither. Monkey cells, fetal bovine serum, swab specimens and drugs mixed together. Harmful effects to poisoned monkey cells irrationally, unscientifically attributed to “the virus”. Nothing isolated/purified, not even from the monkey cell mixture.

No virus purified, characterized, sequenced or studied with controlled experiments. No virus was even looked for in the patient samples. What the hell?

THIS is what’s passed off as “isolating a virus”?

Hmm, well what about that Globe and Mail article that Peter cited, the one with the smug photo of Dr. Rob Kozak and Dr. Samira Mubareka of the University of Toronto, and Dr. Arinjay Banerjee of McMaster University?

Fortunately I’ve seen that article before, many times, and dealt with that “isolation” claim well over a year ago.

In fact, I even obtained Freedom of Information responses from all 4 of the institutions involved, and the CDC, showing that none of them have any record of a “virus” having been isolated/purified, from any patient sample, by anyone on the planet – all of which have been publicly available on my website for well over a year now.

I’m actually surprised that Peter, who is clearly familiar with the claim that “the virus” has never been isolated, never came across my FOIs. Or the ever-growing collection of FOI responses from institutions (138 of them as I write this) in over 25 countries, showing that no one on the planet has any record of a “COVID-19 virus” having been isolated/purified from any patient sample, by anyone, period.

Despite Peter’s article, and despite the list of further useless/fraudulent “isolation” studies, and published “virus genomes” that Peter later emailed to Gabriel (shown at the bottom of this page), it is 100% clear that the alleged virus has never been isolated/purified from any patient sample.

And because “it” has never been purified, we also know that “it” has never been sequenced, characterized or studied with controlled experiments.

Instead, virologists have always worked with soups of material that they assume contains “the virus”. And wild assumptions have no place in science or logic.

In other words, there is zero proof or compelling evidence that the alleged disease-spreading virus, allegedly composed of a 30,000 base pair RNA strand and a spikey protein shell, actually exists.

It is 100% clear that “the COVID-19 virus”, like viruses in general, is purely theoretical and imaginary, with “genomes” that are fabricated electronic codes corresponding to nothing in the physical realm.

If Peter actually begins reading the Methods sections of the “virus isolation and sequencing” studies, instead of relying on headlines and Abstracts, he will be able to see this for himself. Not just for the imaginary “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”), but “viruses” in general.

Because virology is not a science.

Whether or not Peter would then admit and report these facts, or retract his misleading, inaccurate claims, is another matter altogether.

Peter’s list, that he wrongly claimed shows proof of the isolation of “the virus” and that “it” has been fully sequenced multiple times:

Either Peter has, like a lot of people, not read the Methods used in these “isolation” studies, or he is intentionally playing along with the unscientific and absurd practice of blaming harm to starved and poisoned cells on a phantom virus that was never actually shown to exist.

And, either Peter has not read the Methods used to conjure up a “virus genome”, or he is playing along with fabricated, fraudulent “genomes” patched together from zillions of sequences (allegedly) detected in patient samples and cell cultures.

More from Peter:

Note to Peter:

Yawn. I read Siouxsie’s slanderous, red-herring article long ago.

So you are aware of the FOI collection, interesting.

Well, if you actually read the requests, you should have noticed that the vast majority of them make no mention of Koch’s Postulates whatsoever. Because we know that a strict application of Koch’s would not be possible, even if imaginary viruses existed.

The requests only ask for records of isolation/purification, which, like it or not, is necessary for proving the existence of a “virus”. No matter how inconvenient for virologists and all the related indu$trie$.

Aside from being focused almost entirely on this red herring topic of Koch’s Postulates, Siouxsie’s article relies heavily on ad hominen attacks and contains zero citations for any studies proving the existence of “the virus” or any other “virus”.

Not impressed!


For some more insight into what’s really going on:


Christine Massey | Open Letter to Dr. Mercola, January 17, 2022 | SARS-COV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated

Christine Massey | Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022 | SARS-COV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated

Report 277 | Christine Massey Concludes SARS-COV-2 Is Not Proved to Exist, Virology a False Science: Everyone Can Examine the Evidence

Cyberhacking to Prevent Release of Interview on No-Virus-Isolate with Christine Massey, as Virology Wars Heat Up: Peterborough, Ontario Medical Health Officer Lies to Police After Being Served with Notice of Liability; Dr. Mercola and Journalists Steve Kirsch, Jeremy Hammond Swear the Virus Exists–Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Tom Cowan Counter

New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

CDC, DHHS and Massachusetts Governor, Dept. of Health Queried for Information on Isolation & Transmission of “SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus” & “Delta Variant” Behind all “Public Health Guidance”

Office of the Governor, Massachusetts Admits They Have No Information on Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus –and No Basis Therefore for All COVID Restrictions, Mandates, Vaccine-Pushes by Governor and Government

Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions

Christine Massey | Open Letter to Dr. Mercola, January 17, 2022 | SARS-COV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated

Re-post of original by Christine Massey, with permission | Ramola D | Jan 23, 2022

Christine Massey | January 17, 2022

Open Letter to Dr. Mercola January 17, 2022

Published January 17, 2022

Hi Dr. Mercola,

You’ve published a blog titled “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus“.

One of the sources you relied most heavily on for this claim is a recent blog by Steve Kirsch, which is really interesting because in that blog Steve admitted right off the top that he actually has no idea whether or not the alleged virus has even been isolated and that he relies on other people’s opinions.

I wrote an educational Open Letter to Steve Kirsch in response to that blog and strongly suggest you and your readers review it.

Now in your blog you state that: “SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, photographed, genetically sequenced, and exists as a pathogenic entity.

I hope we can agree that a specific thing must be known to exist in order to know that “it” is pathogenic. Not believed, imagined, assumed, or wanted to exist, but known. Because otherwise it’s impossible to establish even a correlation, let alone prove causation of anything.

Yet nowhere in your blog did you present or cite any proof that that the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs surrounded by a spikey protein shell actually exists.

I’ll briefly review some of the sources you’ve cited to explain why I say this.

You start out with a video that features Jeremy Hammond insisting that “the virus” is real, has been isolated, and is a necessary factor in “COVID-19”.

(For the record, I had an extensive email exchange with Jeremy on this topic, between October 25 and November 14, 2020. I encourage you and your readers to review it.)

In this video, Jeremy made bold claims indeed. But despite stating that the “virus” existence issue is “probably” his “biggest pet peeve“, he came to this interview armed with zero sources showing that the alleged virus does exist. In fact Jeremy cited no studies of any kind. Just unsubstantiated claims, and reliance on the beliefs of others. They could do this, they could do that. They can’t do this, they can’t do that. So-and-so says this, so-and-so says that.

Instead, Jeremy insisted that the following is the “gold standard” for “isolation” of a disease spreading “virus”: irrational and unscientific interpretation of cytopathic effects in a cell culture – typically malnourished monkey kidney cells to which toxic drugs have been added, and further contamination in the form of fetal bovine serum is added as food for the cells, along with a patient sample (not a purified sample of anything).

This, in Jeremy’s mind, establishes the existence and presence of a virus. Which is why he’d make a great virologist. Jeremy doesn’t think like a scientist, and as I always point out, “virology is not a science“.

And Jeremy lied through his teeth when he went along with the naïve (I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt) comment from his interviewer that virologists then pull “the virus” from the cell culture. “It really is that simple.” (I challenge Jeremy or you, Dr. Mercola, to cite any study where a specific thing was “pulled”, even from a monkey/cow/human mixture aka cell culture, and shown scientifically to be a disease-spreading “virus”.)

And according to Jeremy, we just “know” what “coronaviruses” look like, despite the fact that no specific thing alleged to be a “coronavirus” has ever been purified from any patient sample (or even from a cell culture) so that it could be studied logically and scientifically. Who needs science? We just know these things.

Jeremy insists that the CDC has isolated “SARS-COV-2”. Well, yes they have according to the meaningless, antiscientific approach to “isolation” used by Jeremy and virologists.

But did the CDC researchers apply even a modicum of logic or scientific method and actually establish the existence of the alleged virus? That’s an entirely different matter and the answer is a resounding “No”.

The CDC’s “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study is just another example of the typical fraudulent monkey business (literally) that plagues our world. I have addressed the CDC’s study previously, and will address this same issue of virology’s blatantly bogus “isolation” methods below.

Jeremy carried on with more bizarre claims: that scientists never isolate/purify anything, and don’t have the technology to purify things like alleged viruses.

Jeremy also strangely implied that people (such as myself) who say that proof of a disease-spreading “virus” requires purification actually demand that the alleged virusbe floating in a vacuum.

Dr. Mercola, I’ve been involved in this issue for almost 2 years now and don’t know a single man or woman who defines isolation/purification as “floating in a vacuum“.

And I make explicitly clear in my Freedom of Information requests that this is not how I define isolation/purification. Below is a screenshot from a recent FOIA request to the CDC. They have no records, like all 164 other institutions in roughly 30 countries, that have been asked by people around the world. No one on the planet has purified a sample of the alleged “virus” from a disease human, or knows of anyone who has, even though supposedly millions and millions of people are infected and spewing this “virus” every time they breath.

And no, contrary to Jeremy’s claim, it is not people such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, or Jon Rappoport, or Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, who bizarrely redefined the word “isolation”. It’s virologists who redefined it, to mean mixing various complicated substances together and drawing wild conclusions – quite the opposite of its historical meaning.

It’s funny how everyone knows that “isolate” means “separate” when it comes to isolating humans and the “confusion” only arises when it comes to theoretical “viruses”. And how a virologist’s use of the word “isolate” gives the impression of legitimate science when nothing could be further from the truth.

Dr. Mercola, I couldn’t help but notice the unicorn in the background over the shoulder of Jeremy’s interviewer. Was this video inserted into your blog as someone’s idea of a joke? I mean, these people proved a virus no more than a unicorn, and unicorns are a popular analogy for imaginary viruses these days, thanks to Dr. Tom Cowan, and I can’t for the life of me imagine why you would have purposely included this video when it’s completely useless to anyone looking for proof of a virus.

And no Dr. Mercola, we are not confused. We’re quite familiar with what virologists have been getting away with.

As distressing as it is to do so, since you have chosen to rehash Steve Kirsch’s summary of the curious “science” of Sabine Hazan, I will briefly address it once again, here, as I did in my educational Open Letter to Steve.

To put it bluntly, Sabine Hazan’s study is 100% useless and fraudulent. The RNA used in her “sequencing” was a genetic soup from various sources, including patients, and not shown to involve any alleged “virus”.

She fabricated meaningless codes on a computer that have never been shown to correspond to anything in the physical realm and falsely passed these off a “viral genomes”.

Sabine compared her meaningless “sequencing” results to the results of her utterly meaningless and fraudulent PCR tests (that she is quite secretive about, at least with me) that also have never been shown to have anything to do with a “virus”.

Sabine comes unhinged when directly challenged on the validity of her so-called “science”. I encourage your readers to try this themselves and see what happens (and send me the results at

Dr. Mercola, I also already addressed ATCC’s very expensive and fraudulent “virus” product that you are now promoting as well, in my educational Open Letter to Steve Kirsch. Please be sure to review that section. It includes a  Buyer Beware! from Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, PhD, who spent 30+ years as a scientist (as opposed to a virologist) with Health Canada.

Dr. Mercola, I challenge you to track down the origin and contents of any ATCC “SARS-COV-2” product, as I did last year for the so-called “SARS-COV-2 isolate” that is referred to as “MUC-IMB1” aka “BavPat1” and sold by companies like EVA for 2 000,00 € per vial, and report back to your readers what you learn. Report the detailed methods that were used to allegedly verify that the product contains any disease-causing “virus” whatsoever.

Regarding your claim that “Germ Theory and Terrain Theory Both Have Merit”, can you prove with science that virology has any merit whatsoever?

Please prove the existence of a specific physical thing alleged to be a disease-spreading “COVID-19 virus/variant” aka “SARS-COV-2” and prove that that specific thing spreads disease from host to host via natural modes of exposure in animals or humans.

I challenge you to publish a study proving that such a thing exists. Show with science that only subjects that are exposed to that specific thing get “COVID-19” respiratory disease, as claimed by Jeremy, whose wild unsubstantiated claims you are now disseminating.

Dr. Mercola, as evidence that “the virus” has been isolated and sequenced, you are citing studies that rely in part on PCR “tests”. Without bothering to go into all the well documented fatal flaws with these so-called tests, a little logic is in order.

  1. It is impossible to validate any “test” without a gold standard. 
  2. It is impossible to validate any “test” claimed to “confirm” the presence of a “virus” (or a “viral infection”) before the alleged “virus” has been proven to exist. 
  3. It is impossible to validate any “test” claimed to “confirm” a “viral disease” before the alleged “virus” has been a) proven to exist and b) proven to cause the disease.

Obviously an indirect test for a “virus” cannot logically be used to prove the existence of the alleged “virus”. The test is what it is. In the case of PCR, in the very best case scenario, it is evidence of the presence of the very tiny target genetic sequence. Nothing more. Not a virus, not a genome, just a tiny little sequence.

And cytopathic effects on a cell culture, any cell culture, are just that – effects. An effect is not the cause of the effect. And wild assumptions about the cause of the effect are just that – wild assumptions, not science. This is especially true when the cells in question have been malnourished by lowering the level of food for the cells (typically fetal bovine serum) and poisoning the cells with toxic drugs.

Dr. Mercola, I am shocked that you actually published this quote from the sketchy, brief Letter from Italy that you cited, as evidence that a “virus” has been sequenced:

“[Vero E6 aka monkey kidney] Cell culture supernatants from passage 1 (P1) of four isolates were collected, and RNA was extracted…”

First of all, as you seem to understand and as should be clear by now, “isolates” do not mean purified, isolated specimens in virology. Quite the opposite. In the case of “SARS-COV-2” studies, they are monkey/cow/human mixtures. And the authors are telling you in plain language that they extracted the RNA from the cell culture supernatants. Not from a purified specimen of an alleged virus.

These authors are telling the world that they have a soup of genetic material, and are going to concoct on their computer a so-called “viral genome” out of the zillions of sequences that they (kinda, maybe, sorta) detect therein. Because this is virology, not science.

Do we really need to discuss this any further?

Dr. Mercola, fabricated “genomes”, meaningless, impossible-to-validate PCR “tests”, wild assumptions about the cause of effects on a malnourished/poisoned cell line, and arrows added to EM images and pointing at particles that were never purified, never sequenced, never characterized, never studied with controlled experiments does not add up to science.

Virology is not a science.

Dr. Mercola, it is very distressing to see you promoting blatant pseudoscience that has been used for decades to fool and coerce people around the world in myriad ways, not limited to the utterly useless and harmful injections that have fraudulently been passed off as “immunizations”.

Every time you (or someone like Peter McCullough) do this, people such as myself have to spend hours clearing up all the confusion you have caused with the public.

You need to do your due diligence, find and share the “missing” scientific proof of viruses, or retract your blog, apologize to your readers, and get on the right side of history. You’ve had 2 years already to figure this out.

Hopefully the public will soon tire of relying on “experts” and simply read the ridiculous “virus isolation” studies for themselves. When that happens, this pseudoscience (which is really too generous a word) is finished forever.

Best wishes,
Christine Massey, M.Sc.
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Pdf of my Jan. 18, 2022 email to Dr. Mercola:

Many thanks again to the indomitable Christine Massey for this brilliant and insistent letter pointing out the fallacies of testing for a virus never isolated, never identified, and the fallacy of identifying “cases” when the PCR test works with only a “very tiny target genetic sequence. Nothing more. Not a virus, not a genome, just a tiny little sequence.” The methodologies that virologists use and which their afficionados endorse are so highly suspect that no-one in the world should be letting them get away with it, let alone physicians with advanced degrees and an understanding of molecular biology, yet that is what has occurred, and in this letter, Christine Massey painstakingly addresses all aspects of this extraordinary heist, using Dr. Mercola’s statements in his piece, Yes, Sars-Cov-2 is a real virus to pinpoint the glaring holes in the Yes-SARS-is-a-real-virus argument, especially when all papers and all virologists admit their versions of “isolates of virus” merely are “monkey/cow/human mixtures.” Why is it that prominent physicians–including those like Dr. Mercola who often question prevailing narratives, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough who do a brilliant job questioning vaccine mandates and discussing the harms of the COVID vaccines especially for children–cave when it comes to examining the foundational pillars of virology? Is this too much of an established area of Medicine now for physicians of their stature to assail? Don’t they see this is the moment now to tear it all down and take it all apart, to find the sedimentary truth nestled within–since the entire present and future of free humanity is at stake? These are questions we speak freely about in Report 277 as we examine the possibility of politics, Pharma funding, and Pharma control controlling the amount of disclosure certain doctors will give. The great gift that Christine Massey gives us with her insistent FOIA project and her willingness to ride the long road in communicating with doctors and science journalists who aver that virology is science, and never-isolating something is in fact isolating something is the example of critical and independent questioning: the time has come for each of us to ask the necessary questions, each of us to examine the evidence, and each of us to find our own conclusions, independent of established “experts” who are now operating as most of us can see in a thoroughly corrupted world of easy money, low ethics, and completely politicized “science.” –Ramola D

Christine Massey | Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022 | Links to several articles and videos from Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Cowan, Frances Leader, Dr. Saeed Qureishi, Dr. Robert Young here under Related Links at end

Report 277 | Christine Massey Concludes SARS-COV-2 Is Not Proved to Exist, Virology a False Science: Everyone Can Examine the Evidence

Christine Massey | Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022 | SARS-COV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated

Re-post of original by Christine Massey at Fluoride-Free Peel, with permission | Ramola D | Jan 23, 2022

Christine Massey | January 10, 2022

Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022

Hi Steve,

You’ve published a blog titled “Has the virus been isolated? Yes“.

You go on to clarify that you actually have no idea if this is true, and that your title is based on faith in certain individuals:

I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust for certain issues like whether or not the virus has been “isolated.” It’s a reasonable approach if you are careful about which experts you trust. All of the expert friends I’ve asked (including Robert Malone and Li-Meng Yan) tell me that “the virus has been isolated.” So it has been “isolated” according to their belief in what the term means.

Hmm.  Well I personally don’t rely on other people’s beliefs – especially people with a long history involving many millions of dollars with the so-called “vaccine” industry that claims to protect us from alleged “viruses”. 

Now to your credit, you did disclose that “isolate” means different things to a virologist versus a regular man or woman, or a scientist.  But you didn’t explain to your readers what “isolate” actually means to a virologist.  I think it’s important for the public to know.  Don’t you agree?

Here’s an example, from researchers at the CDC:

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage. We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%) and antibiotics/antimycotics… We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate. We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL. We added 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols

When CPEs [Cytopathic effects aka harm to the monkey cells] were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip. We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.

I’ve had to submit a FOIA request to the CDC for details of the vaguely referenced “mock infected cells” used in this study.  But the Methods that are available from Harcourt et al. (and all other “SARS-COV-2 isolation” studies) make clear that “isolation” to Robert Malone and anyone else who insists “yes, the virus has been isolated” means combining monkey kidney cells (aka “Vero” cells, or some other cell line) with fetal bovine serum, patient specimens and toxic drugs, and then irrationally, unscientifically attributing any resulting harm to the poisoned monkey cells (which are typically also malnourished by the researchers) to “the virus”.  

Nothing is isolated as per the meaning of the word to regular humans, not even from the monkey/cow/human mixture.  

And since no one on the planet has managed to cite or provide any record describing isolation/purification of the alleged “virus” or any “variant” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, ever (which you seem to realize based on your repeated references to the FOIA collection that is publicly available on my website and now contains failures from 156 institutions in roughly 30 countries) it’s quite clear that no science has ever been carried out with the theoretical “virus”.  

No one, including Sabine Hazan and the CDC researchers, has ever extracted genetic material from a purified sample of the alleged “virus” so that they could sequence “it” and characterize “it” to find out if the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs with a spiky protein shell actually exists.  And no one, including Sabine Hazan and the CDC researchers, has performed fully controlled experiments to see if the alleged “it” actually spreads disease via natural modes of exposure.  Because virology is not a science.

Since you brought up the curious “science” of Dr. Sabine Hazan, I’ll share with you the bizarre email exchange I had with Sabine that went off the rails as soon as I pointed out the blatant flaws in her same paper that you have cited.  

Steve, I have a question for you.  Regarding the expensive products that you promote and refer to as “virus” to your readers, have you ever read the descriptions of these products to find out what they actually contain?  

From EVA’s product description:

“Infectious cell culture supernatant containing BetaCoV/France/IDF0372/2020, clade 19A…. Unit definition: one vial.. 2 000,00 € (Cost per access for Academics).”

Regarding the ATCC and other products that you’ve promoted, Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, PhD, who spent 30+ years with Health Canada conducting hands-on and multi-disciplinary laboratory research in pharmaceuticals regulatory assessment and is an internationally recognized expert in pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, and analytical chemistry, felt the need to publish a warning: Buyer Beware! 

For $1200, what’s the customer really buying? A diluted human mucus/phlegm/mucus from swab samples with all kinds of added chemicals (30+), including African green monkey kidney cell (Vero cells) broth. In short, they are faking it and lying all the way with confidence and authority!”

Steve, last year I tracked down the origin of the so-called “SARS-COV-2 isolate” that is referred to as “MUC-IMB1” aka “BavPat1” and sold by companies like EVA (also for 2 000,00 € per vial).  It turned out to be just more of what I call “monkey-business fraud”, in this case courtesy of the infamous team of Corman and Drosten.  Never shown to have anything to do with “a virus”.

Maybe it’s time you do your own due diligence instead of repeating the wild unsubstantiated claims of your trusted experts, none of whom can prove the existence of any alleged virus in the complete and utter absence of any purified samples of such.

Best wishes,
Christine Massey, M.Sc.
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Pdf of the above email:

p.s. this is where I found Steve Kirsch’s email address, for anyone wondering.

January 21, 2022 Update:

After my Open Letter to Steve, he contacted me by leaving a comment under my letter (where it was published on Principia Scientific International) and via email, challenging me to a 5 hour zoom call with “his experts”. Below are a few of our emails:

The above and more emails between Steve and I are here:

Steve has now published misleading comments about his “offer”, giving the impression that he communicated additional details to me that he in fact did not.

I invite anyone to read our communications, and try to find anywhere that the following were actually indicated (as Steve now implies to his readers):

– if I’m done early, we end early
– where I accused him of anything
– that I could bring as many people on my side as I want
– that he’s fine with a shorter zoom call

This morning I notified Steve via email that I’m in communication regarding some possible dates/times that could work for “my side”, plus proposed “rules of engagement”. Later, I put him in touch with Dr. Andrew Kaufman to work out the details. Stay tuned.

Many thanks to Christine Massey for permission to re-post this excellent Open Letter to Steve Kirsch–with links to pertinent correspondence–which clearly delineates the main subjects under scrutiny in examining whether the SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been isolated, whether any virus has ever been isolated, and whether anyone needs to abide by the “expert opinions” of virologists, including CDC scientists, who cannot isolate a virus but say that substances found in cell culture mixtures of random proteins and toxins are viruses and arbiters of deadly disease. Is Virology a science or is it a pseudo-science contrived by the Medical Cartel gatekept & sanctioned by CDC and FDA–Pharma/Media/Government/Central Bankers–to thence contrive pandemics and shutdowns and vaccines, all of which are destroying people’s lives worldwide? A question whose time has come. — Ramola D

Report 277 | Christine Massey Concludes SARS-COV-2 Is Not Proved to Exist, Virology a False Science: Everyone Can Examine the Evidence

Cyberhacking to Prevent Release of Interview on No-Virus-Isolate with Christine Massey, as Virology Wars Heat Up: Peterborough, Ontario Medical Health Officer Lies to Police After Being Served with Notice of Liability; Dr. Mercola and Journalists Steve Kirsch, Jeremy Hammond Swear the Virus Exists–Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Tom Cowan Counter

THE VIROLOGY DECEPTION by Frances Leader/Hive Blog

Time is Up! by Dr. Saeed Qureishi

Dismantling the Viral Theory by Dr. Robert Young

How Scientists Find Viruses! by Dr. Robert Young

News Report 6 | Millions in Tests While DARPA/White House Plans Point to Endless Pandemics and A Clear Hybridizing Humans Agenda

Video Report & Links | Ramola D | Jan 23, 2022

News report, analysis, and commentary on multiple DOD testing contracts with Defense contractors now set up to work with Health and Human Services to produce antigen tests for COVID detection well into 2025, DARPA and White House plans to extend the pandemic-preparedness agenda with mRNA vaccines for multiple viruses, while reshaping life as we know it into a constant round of tests, contact tracing, fear of breathing, social distancing forever and vaccines forever–while nanotechnology in masks, swabs, and vaccines point to the transhumanist hybridizing agenda ongoing and intended to continue: moves to destroy humanity which every human being will have to stand up to reject.

Most importantly, children are being tortured with the nasal swab tests, masks, open windows at school, and vaccines; parents will need to stand up for their children and speak up to halt this child abuse and torture.

All articles referred to in this video news report–apart from the current-day Boston ones–can be found at this site. The two main articles covered are:

Millions in COVID-19 Test Contracts & Pandemic Plans Signal Escalating Build-Up of Testing, Vaccine, Pandemic Industry in Treasonous DARPA/WEF Hybridizing Humans Agenda: Reject The Tests & Vaccines Both

From Pandemic to Permanence: How DOD and DHHS are Maneuvring to Instal Future Pandemic Controls while Painfully Testing & Vaccinating All US School Children for COVID, Despite PCR-Testing Failure and Deaths & Disability Caused by the Experimental Gene-Based Vaccines

News Report 6 at Brighteon:

News Report 6 at Bitchute

News Report 6 at Odysee/Lbry

Please subscribe at all my channels especially Bitchute and Screencast where I am usually first able to post my video reports and interviews. The fact that these videos are being slowed down, cyberhacked, and frozen while posting points to the collusion of the medical cartel–Pharma/Media/Government/Private Banker Mafia–and local fusion centers with their paid minions and drone/satellite/jammer infrastructure: further evidence of an unpardonable war on humanity.


Make 2022 the year you support this ongoing work of independent investigative research and journalism via Patreon or via Paypal.

Please be aware I am shadowbanned and deplatformed on social media–more than most, apparently since I also expose Manufactured-Target “Counter Terrorism” which persecutes whistleblowers, activists, journalists, natural leaders–including myself--with 24/7 Microwave/Acoustic/ELF/RFID Weapon Assault (currently being hidden away further by the Havana Syndrome Cover Operation).

I ask everyone therefore to please share my work widely on your social media and other platforms (please download/upload my videos on your channels; re-post my articles, reports, posts, reposts at your websites, with linkback) so all those being deceived by mainstream media may learn the truth and save their children from the harms and planned digital enslavement intended by the non-vaccines, aerosols (chem trails), radiation, and other means of humanity-takeover being used against us.

Report 277 | Christine Massey Concludes SARS-COV-2 Is Not Proved to Exist, Virology a False Science: Everyone Can Examine the Evidence

Report & Links | Ramola D | Jan 23, 2022

In a profoundly important interview recorded on January 19 and finally posted Jan 21 despite mega cyberhacking reported here, Christine Massey, M Sc, a Canadian biostatistician with several years of working in cancer research, discussed in detail the critically repercussive work she is doing and has done already in querying Public Health departments in Canada and elsewhere for proof of a purified isolate of the supposedly-existent SARS-COV-2 virus, projected by Anthony Fauci and other pharmaceutically-backed-friends at the NIH, NIAID, WHO as the deadly and lethal coronavirus for which the whole world needed to stop and be vaccinated (with gene-therapy injections now found to be deadly and lethal).

Starting with queries to Public Health Canada, joined soon by a researcher in New Zealand and one in the UK, Christine’s FOI-requesting has become infectious among the intellectually-inclined community worldwide who have questioned the COVID narrative from the start, and marvelled at the extraordinary measures being taken by governments over what has previously been known only as a common cold virus: the coronavirus.

Now it seems that very notion, of a virus being at the heart of the global totalitarianism-riding-in-on-a-supposed-pandemic has been fundamentally challenged.

That viruses do not exist and are a convenient construct of the imagination concocted to justify the drug and vaccine industry and build a basis for pandemic-paradigm-setting while Antoine Beschamps’ theories of terrain-management for health have been long known to many scientists, physicians, naturopaths, homeopaths, and science journalists, some of whom have stepped forward over the past year to educate the public, including, notably, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Robert Young, Jon Rappoport, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Zara Anne Bourgeois, Dr. Stefan Lanka, and others.

Dr. Kaufman has brought forward the understanding of exosomes, proteinaceous matter extruded from cells in the presence of acidic toxins and chemicals or when irradiated, which it appears may be what virologists are calling viruses.

Exosomes from human plasma of patient with leukemia under transmission electron microscope:

In fact, what virologists call “isolated viruses,” Christine explains are “material contained in cell culture”–cell lines or random genetic matter taken from a cell-culture mixture of patient sample with Vero monkey kidney cells, bovine serum, fetal cells, chemicals, antibiotics and other toxins used for “cell culture,” as described by Drs. Kaufman and Cowan and Sally Morell in their Statement of Virus Isolation.

The CDC has in fact stated in response to FOIA requesters–including myself, as reported here earlier–that the methods virologists use do not go by Koch’s and Rivers’ postulates.

Yet the CDC also states the virus has been “detected” and that it has been genome-sequenced. How can something that has never been purified in isolate be detected, and what genome sequences of which cell and genetic matter is being passed off as a definitive and discrete and specific virus?

These and related subjects are addressed in Report 277, where Christine Massey explains that “isolation” of a virus by dictionary-definitions of the word, by all common-sense and logical understandings of that word and concept would require a separation and visibility of the specific micro-particle being called a virus, using modern laboratory methods of isolation such as ultra-centrifugation.
Interesting imagery–but not a micrograph of a virus

Such an isolation is also called for by what is termed the ‘gold standard’ of microbiology, Koch’s and Rivers’ postulates describing isolation and attempted-infection of a healthy animal or human.

Such an isolation however is not practiced by virology, which Christine avers is not a science for this very reason: virologists have never isolated a virus, any virus.

For not merely has her FOI request project focused on SARS-COV-2 isolation, Christine has also put in FOI requests for information on other viruses such as the measles virus and AIDS virus, and reports in a letter to a physician with an indoctrinated faith in vaccines and viruses that have never been proved to exist by Koch’s and Rivers’ postulates, Thomas Ciaran Havey posted at her site, she has received no record of isolation in her “FOIA responses from the CDC on HIV, Ebola, Zika, Influenza, HTLVI, HTLVIII, XMRV… they have no record of any having been purified by anyone, ever.”

This information is also documented on her website, as discussed in Report 277.

At this point, 164 institutions around the world have stated they have no information on a purified isolate of SARS-COV-2 including the CDC, Public Health Canada, Massachusetts Department of Health, Brazil Ministry of Health, Australian Government, Indian Council of Medical Research, and Public Health England–114 of these are listed below, as of Oct 5, 2021:

The full list as of date (Jan 22, 2022) can be found here below, and please check Christine’s FOI post from her home page for her latest beyond this week:

Challenging the quite-entrenched field of virology is proving to provoke some heated reaction. Recent exchanges with Dr. Peter McCullough, Jeremy Hammond, Dr. Mercola, Steve Kirsch, and Thomas Cieran Havey suggest that high stakes in pharma profits and insider-opposition are probably in play behind some of these.

Because the world situation and local situation currently is so dire, with deaths from the vaccines mounting, and vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and vaccination passes restricting all basic rights and freedoms, several groups of concerned citizens and retired police in the UK, Canada, and Australia have submitted complaints to police, demanding a halt to the death-dealing vaccines and a criminal investigation of the vaccines and vaccine makers.

Medical and public health officers as also government leaders are complicit in grave crimes against humanity by permitting the vaccinations to continue; the entire network of global bureaucrats who have planned and orchestrated this so-called pandemic with real-world effects of harm, now, unpardonably killing children (many have died directly after the vaccinations) are culpable and should be held accountable. The findings of no-virus-isolate Christine Massey has made, led, and collected therefore are of enormous import; as she writes on her website, it proves that Virus Theory is built on fraud, which means the entire pandemic is a fraud of gigantic proportions–as many other scientists also note–and should be halted at once.

Christine has participated in submissions to Ontario police, and updates all on her recent serving of a Notice of Liability to Thomas Piggot, Medical Health Officer for Ontario, reported earlier here.

The evidence package with much information which she handed to Ontario police can be found on her website, as discussed in the video:

News and Updates with Resources from Christine Massey

Christine also offers the following resources to check out, along with news updates in her latest newsletter, posted below:

Greetings and Best Wishes,

A wonderful man named Tyler Berry and I were both unlawfully arrested on Thursday and now have multiple bogus criminal charges to deal with, thanks to Thomas Piggott who works as Peterborough Medical Officer of Health and, after being lawfully served a Notice of Trespass etc. blatantly LIED to police about a fake assault attempt (public mischief on his part, for which he has naturally not been charged).Video, et c:

Solid proof the legal system in Canada is useless and corrupt?

Sébastien Grammond, a man who works as “Federal Court judge” here in Canada, has concocted a bogus and harmful “confirmation” that “SARS-CoV-2 virus is real” – based on zero valid science and despite knowing of that all 138 institutions listed in my affidavit had failed to cite even 1 example of “it” having been purified from any patient sample on the planet. 

Why waste time on science or logic when you can simply “accept” the “Attorney General of Canada’s invitation to take judicial notice that the virus is real”.  Sounds perfectly legit.  “Noticing” widespread beliefs is so much better than reviewing the pertinent facts. 

“…where allegations are contrary to judicially noticed facts, because judicial notice is conclusive…Such allegations, therefore, are ‘manifestly incapable of being proven.’”

What could possibly go wrong?

Dr. Tom Cowan’s video Response to Dr. Mercola’s Recent Statement that “SARS-COV-2 is a Real Virus”, With Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Virus-Isolation Is It Real?  Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Jeremy Hammond

My Open Letter to Dr. Mercola January 17, 2022

My Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022

Covid-19 Virus Isolation: Where is the EVIDENCE? Sars CoV2, The Trojan Horse in the Room 

Time is Up!  
Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, PhD, who spent 30+ years with Health Canada conducting hands-on and multi-disciplinary laboratory research in pharmaceuticals regulatory assessment and is an internationally recognized expert in pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, drug dissolution testing, and analytical chemistry:
If one likes to study something, one needs to have its purified sample.”

January 16, 2022:
At a Police Service Corporation in the Republic of Cyprus, a Notice: Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist was filed along with copies of additional verified claims of extremely serious criminality, for example the filing that was made with the Metropolitan Police, London, England on the 20th of December 2021 and given crime reference number 6029679/21.  See videos here and here.

January 16, 2022:
Update re the Metropolitan Police (London) criminal filing, from retired police constable Mark Sexton:

Look at what “Dream Function” <> sent me, a website with handy summaries of the $$ funding $$ received by various MDs from pharma, etc.
Here is the entry for PETER A MCCULLOUGH (335114) where you can find summaries of the funding he’s received since 2014:

A Small Victory
I received confirmation from the local courthouse that Max Rogers #277, who works for Peterborough Police Service, never entered into the system the bogus “trespass ticket” that he gave me after preventing me from lawfully, peacefully serving Notice to “public servants” at Peterborough Public Health.  Seven days have long passed so now it’s too late. I guess he had 2nd thoughts.  Thank you to Christopher James for guidance and inspiration. 

I’m a little preoccupied right now but have more FOIs to upload, hopefully soon 🙂“They” don’t exist and virology isn’t a science   FOI responses and court documents from 164 institutions (and counting) in >25 countries: Every institution failed to cite any record re purification of the imaginary “covid-19 virus” from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, or proof of “its” existence.  I hereby declare the virus-less pandemic “cancelled”.

SARS-COV-2 FOIs grouped by country:

Growing collection of FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):

For Truth, Freedom and Sanity,
Christine Massey,
Peterborough, ON Canada

Report 277 is now at Ramola D Reports at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, Screencast, and Rumble, links can be found here.

Cyberhacking to Prevent Release of Interview on No-Virus-Isolate with Christine Massey, as Virology Wars Heat Up: Peterborough, Ontario Medical Health Officer Lies to Police After Being Served with Notice of Liability; Dr. Mercola and Journalists Steve Kirsch, Jeremy Hammond Swear the Virus Exists–Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Tom Cowan Counter

New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

CDC, DHHS and Massachusetts Governor, Dept. of Health Queried for Information on Isolation & Transmission of “SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus” & “Delta Variant” Behind all “Public Health Guidance”

Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions

Office of the Governor, Massachusetts Admits They Have No Information on Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus –and No Basis Therefore for All COVID Restrictions, Mandates, Vaccine-Pushes by Governor and Government

NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

Stealth Ingredients & Concealed Knowledge: Karen Kingston and Dr. Andy Kaufman Expose the Seamy Underside of DARPA’s mRNA Vaccines–Toxic Graphene Oxide & Known Spike-Protein Shedding

Canadian Covid Care Alliance: Level 1 Scientific Evidence the Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm than Good–Alert All Governments, Share Video Presentation & PDF

Explosive News–Irrefutable Scientific Evidence All COVID Vaccines are Causing Massive Death: Top Immunologist & Top Pathologist, Dr. Bhakdi & Dr. Burkhardt Reveal Killer Lymphocytes Have Caused Auto-Immune Death in All Dead-Vaccinated Studied & Call for IMMEDIATE VACCINE HALT Worldwide


THE VIROLOGY DECEPTION, by Francis Leader/Hive Blog

FOIs reveal that 165 health and science institutions have no record of purification or isolation of SARS-COV-2 virus anywhere/ever/Christine Massey

Cyberhacking to Prevent Release of Interview on No-Virus-Isolate with Christine Massey, as Virology Wars Heat Up: Peterborough, Ontario Medical Health Officer Lies to Police After Being Served with Notice of Liability; Dr. Mercola and Journalists Steve Kirsch, Jeremy Hammond Swear the Virus Exists–Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Tom Cowan Counter

Report | Ramola D | January 21, 2022/Report 277 Posted Now (links below)

Last night, my laptop – the PC I use to finalize and post podcasts – was frozen as I tried to finalize and post a podcast recorded the day before with Christine Massey.

Every attempt I made to download and import the file was frozen. Turning to my other laptop – also hacked, despite a recent supposed clean-out at Geek Squad ( a suspect outfit I know) – proved useless; my video editing software was suddenly corrupted and I could not use the program, despite re-installing the software, getting off the Internet, and so on.

I’ve been meaning to write a dedicated post on the kind of cyberhacking I am being subjected to on my computer – apparently because my posts are turning the Internet upside down – and have been, in very intensified form, for several months now—to add to the general hacking I’ve been subjected to for over 8 years now, all a part of the personal targeting program aimed at me, intensified as my writing and journalistm expanded and began to expose the so-called Intelligence agencies who like to sit on all our PCs and record every letter we type.

This general cyberhacking is in itself extreme, outlandish, and blatantly illegal and unlawful both.

Let me summarize. For every podcast I attempt to download and post, every single move I make on my video editor—I mean, to write in a word of text for my cover graphics, no, make that write in a letter for a word of text, to select a letter, to move a graphic—has been hacked and frozen out for long moments: clearly intended to frustrate. Actions I do take get undone. Images get moved. Fonts get changed. Think of the level of cyberhacking that must entail: a hundred cybertrolls illegally “peered” onto my pc, replicating and freezing my every single move. Meanwhile, every single move I make is accompanied by a loud satellite jammer hit on the roof or side of the house as one of the 400,000 satellites and drones—and jammers from neighbors and SUV-zoomers engaged in cyberhacking–arrayed over my head record my keyboard moves and act immediately to thwart the next move, that is, freeze out the keyboard.

This has been happening for months now, and every podcast I complete—I can barely edit on my video-editor given this lunacy—and publish is a feat of persistence, patience, and restraint from throwing the PC against the wall.

Meanwhile, as noted, the sound of drones overhead, the sound of zoomers zooming in to the street, and the sound of satellite/LRAD/cyber/jammer hits on the side of the house, and from specific neighbor “fusion-houses” accompanies the keyboard hacking—advertising the origins of this freeze.

Last night, all this was multiplied a hundredfold, and no amount of rebooting, restarting programs, closing down browsers helped. I was compelled at midnight after hours of freezing to set the podcast aside. (Also having spent hours earlier in the day to complete and post News Report 6, currently only at Bitchute—another one the hackers didn’t like.)

I should also note: the chemtrailing in Quincy has been off the charts lately. On a walk yesterday I noticed rivers of effluent in the sky in massive slashed ribbons criss-crossing, sizzling, slanting, parallaxing, fanned out; at night there were Illuminati-sunrise-spray patterns of rayed trails over the backyard. A new SUV parked up the hill, while all the local suspects had their SUVS—their Chevy Tahoe spaceships I should say—parked in their drives as they concentrated inside on reading my words and thwarting every letter on the video-editor. (Fifteen dollars an hour or twenty-five?)

Steve Kirsch’s Claims of Virus Existence Seem to Be Belief-Based, not Evidence-Based

This morning I see Steve Kirsch has penned a long complaint in response to Christine Massey’s email responding to his absurd challenge to her to engage in a 5-hour Zoom call with “his experts” on virology.

Christine has posted their email and public comment exchange here:

Christine also reports this post she has made on Facebook:

“After my Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, he contacted me by leaving a comment under my letter (where it was published on Principia Scientific International) and via email, challenging me to a 5 hour zoom call with “his experts”.

Our communications on this topic are here:

Steve has now published misleading comments about his “offer”, giving the impression that he communicated additional details to me that he in fact did not. I invite anyone to read our communications, and try to find anywhere that the following were actually indicated (as Steve implies to his readers):

– if I’m done early, we end early

– where I accused him of anything

– that I could bring as many people on my side as I want

– that he’s fine with a shorter zoom call”

(For those who haven’t followed this exchange it started with Steve Kirsch publishing this article:; Christine published an Open Letter to Steve Kirsch–a must-read for all:, where Steve Kirsch left his comment about a 5-hour Zoom call.)

In her Open Letter, Christine Massey called attention to Steve Kirsch’s statement that he relied on “experts” to tell him whether the virus (SARS-COV-2, the supposed bogeyman behind 2 years of supposed World Pandemic) exists:

“You’ve published a blog titled “Has the virus been isolated? Yes“.

You go on to clarify that you actually have no idea if this is true, and that your title is based on faith in certain individuals:

I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust for certain issues like whether or not the virus has been “isolated.” It’s a reasonable approach if you are careful about which experts you trust. All of the expert friends I’ve asked (including Robert Malone and Li-Meng Yan) tell me that “the virus has been isolated.” So it has been “isolated” according to their belief in what the term means.

Hmm.  Well I personally don’t rely on other people’s beliefs – especially people with a long history involving many millions of dollars with the so-called “vaccine” industry that claims to protect us from alleged “viruses”.

Now to your credit, you did disclose that “isolate” means different things to a virologist versus a regular man or woman, or a scientist.  But you didn’t explain to your readers what “isolate” actually means to a virologist.  I think it’s important for the public to know.  Don’t you agree?”

Mega Cyber Hacking of Journalist to Prevent Release of Major Interview on This Subject of Virus-Not-Being-Proved-to-Exist–As Before

Was Steve Kirsch writing this complaint last night as I was being mega-cyber-hacked to prevent release of Report 277 with Christine Massey last night? I do wonder.

Because it sure as heck is evident to me the same agencies engaged in cyber-surveillance of my and other journalsts’ PCs are linked to mainstream media and linked also to their carefully-planted-insiders in alt media, the ones who seemingly push for freedom of speech and factual reportage yet express the insidious opinions of the establishment, often with a note of authority and projected confidence.

Very often, my exposure of mainstream media– or government shenanigans—while in the very process of being developed on my laptop, has resulted in sudden massive-truck, UPS, or USPS (mail/CIA) van pull-up right next door on the street and immediate intensification of cyber-hacking (in addition to intensified bio-hacking—aka microwave weapon assault from close quarters).

Journalist Jeremy Hammond Also Swears the Virus Exists and Promotes the Cell-Culture-Filled-With-Toxins Methodologies of Non-Isolation Virologists Use

A couple days ago, Dr. Andy Kaufmann released a video response to Jeremy Hammond’s recent video interview posted by Dr. Mercola questioning the fast-growing awareness that the SARS-COV-2 virus has not been isolated.

In addition to this video interview post is the article by Dr. Mercola, claiming the virus exists, republished by Patrick Wood of Technocracy News with a brief editorial note suggesting he supports Dr. Mercola’s position on this subject: Mercola: Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is Real Virus

Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Cowan plan to address this paper in a livestream today, JAN 21/2022:–now at Bitchute, below:


This is a vastly interesting video and I will watch it again, to fully take it in—I recommend it highly to everyone interested in figuring out who is right here, Jeremy Hammond and all the many virologists who tell us viruses do indeed exist or Dr. Andy Kaufmann and all the many scientists and questioners looking to see the evidence.

FOIA Requests to Health Departments and CDC Reveal No-One Has a Purified Isolate of the Supposedly-Existent SARS-COV-2 Virus

I am one of those questioners, and like Christine Massey, Frances Leader, Patrick King, and many others doing FOI requests (or subpoena’ing Health ministers) have turned to our resident-authoritarians at the CDC and other government-inflected spots to solicit this evidence—why?

Because two years at this point of a false-pandemic rests on this evidence.

What exactly are they calling the deadly SARS-COV-2 virus, inducive of a worldwide pandemic so deadly they had to lock us all down and demand we wear masks and torture our children with nasal swabs and submit to deadly experimental non-vaccines?

Charlie Baker hasn’t a clue, his office said so. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health—filled with unhealthy-looking-officials, which has ignored previous FOIA requests—responded this time to say they had no information either, on the very virus they are telling us to #MaskUpMA! for: Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions

The CDC, using much obfuscating language, conceded they had no information on a purified isolate of the virus by Koch’s and River’s postulates, but implied these were outdated, and said the virus had been “detected” while not being really isolated, by plain dictionary definitions of the term “isolated.”

Christine Massey Serves Notice of Liability to Medical Officer of Health in Peterborough, Ontario, Who Lies to Police About Being Threatened

Christine sent me a note just this morning to say she was arrested wrongfully on two criminal charges yesterday–the conversation with a police officer recorded on film here (below), where she and her colleagues offer to show the officer their video of the entire conversation with Thomas Piggott the MOH and she refuses it, claiming the film may not capture “tone, body language or sense of threat the person got”–this is blatant gaslighting, given what is perfectly evident from the recording.

The person recording also points out that the police did not respond to a complaint from them recently while rushing to Thomas Piggott’s residence on a false call of being threatened. Clearly, Thomas Piggott has lied (watch the video).

Commendably, Christine Massey explains the whole story of the virus not really being properly isolated–which means the entire pandemic is based on a scientific fraud, and indeed is responsible for a major crime of genocide because the entire vaccine rollout–now causing massive numbers of deaths and stillbirths–has been predicated on this supposed pandemic and supposed or putative SARS-COV-2 virus. This was also the message in the confirmatory and admonitory letter I wrote to the CDC after their response to my FOIA request, which can be found here: New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

Peterborough MOH served, LIES to police!

Virology Wars Heating Up — But Will Bring This Entire, Basic Subject Out Into the Open

My computer has been hacked again to drop the saving and uploading of my file–which suggests there are people out there seriously worried about this interview–which was a wonderful, relaxed, detailed conversation on the subject, and about which I will write more whenever I am able to release it (will post a link here when I do.)

Christine offered a lot of information in this interview, and gave permission to all viewers to use anything on her website, and share out the documents she has posted, including to local police and local governments. The open letter, evidence package, and letter of notice of liability served to Thomas Piggott and to Ontario Police is reported and linked here.

Report 277: Christine Massey Reveals SARS-COV-2 is Not Proved to Exist, No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated | Is Virology a False Science, Made for Pandemics and Vaccines? | Everyone Can Examine the Evidence

FINALLY POSTED AT SCREENCAST/To be posted elsewhere shortly–please share the link to this article widely, thank you!

UPDATE: Saturday, Jan 22, 2022:


Posted at Brighteon: Report 277 | Christine Massey: SARS-COV-2 Not Proved to Exist, Virology Not a Science | Open Info Wars with Journalists & Scientists

Posted at Odysee/Lbry: Report 277 | Christine Massey: SARS-COV-2 Not Proved to Exist, Virology Not a Science | Open Info Wars with Journalists & Scientists

Posted at Rumble: Report 277 | Christine Massey: SARS-COV-2 Not Proved to Exist, Virology Not a Science