Monthly Archives: March 2015

Documenting the (Very Recent) History of Secret, “Classified” Radiation Experiments on American Citizens, & Uncovering the Current Reality of Their Continuation in the USA and worldwide

Post edited 3/31/2015.

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage? (Page updated; more links to articles, interviews, blog posts by other bloggers studying this subject; more history; more to read: 3/31/2015. Shall break up page eventually for ease of access, it’s already getting too bulky…)

This is an ongoing project: The secret (nuclear) radiation experiments on humans Clinton apologized for in 1997 never stopped. They just went undercover. This is a history and current reality being unearthed by many researchers. Non-ionizing radiation–meaning Electromagnetic Radiation, Sonic/Ultrasonic, Scalar waves–experiments are currently underway as joint projects of Defense agencies, private Defense contractors, Universities and research institutions, Depts. of Justice/Energy–various federal agencies, and, most crucially, Intelligence agencies–variously the DIA/CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS who work assiduously to keep the biomedical/biobehavioral experiments & weapons testing “classified” — but no agency can expect to harm human beings openly and expect to have its activities remain secret forever: this reality is being uncovered today. How they are being permitted to occur at all–under patently false claims of “minimal risk”–and without Informed Consent, is a resounding mystery, that needs to be unearthed.

Research begins with this new post, with a lot of links to information and commentary from newspapers, journalists, bio-ethicists, activists on the Secret Radiation Experiments reported in 1997 at this page, linked to Clandestine Experimentation under Human Rights:

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

John Whitehead/The Daily Bell – The Only Truly Compliant, Submissive Citizen in a Police State Is a Dead One

The Daily Bell – The Only Truly Compliant, Submissive Citizen in a Police State Is a Dead One.

Article by John Whitehead, originally published at The Rutherford Insititute.

“Rest assured, if we just cower before government agents and meekly obey, we’ll find ourselves repeating history. However, history also shows us a different path, one that involves standing up and speaking truth to power. Jesus Christ walked that road. So did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other freedom fighters whose actions changed the course of history.”

Rest assured, if we just cower before government agents and meekly obey, we’ll find ourselves repeating history. However, history also shows us a different path, one that involves standing up and speaking truth to power. Jesus Christ walked that road. So did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other freedom fighters whose actions changed the course of history. – See more at:
Rest assured, if we just cower before government agents and meekly obey, we’ll find ourselves repeating history. However, history also shows us a different path, one that involves standing up and speaking truth to power. Jesus Christ walked that road. So did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless other freedom fighters whose actions changed the course of history. – See more at:


Paul T Hellyer Speaks Out: America is in Grave Danger

Linking to this post on Starship Earth (thank you!) which embeds his video–vital to watch–and yes, maybe we’re all just wringing our hands currently, but perhaps there is something concrete we can do–Paul Hellyer believes, as I do, that our words Will make a difference–we must Speak Truth to Power, and we must do it Now–Time is compressing around us:

Hon. Paul T. Hellyer Discloses All, March 18, 2015: America is in Grave Danger

Covert Assaults Satyagraha

Introducing 2015: Covert Assaults Satyagraha, a site in progress, dedicated to the clandestine war & DEW weapons-testing on activists and US citizens, as well as citizens worldwide, covered here under Human Rights pages. Articles will be cross-posted. Site is being launched this week. Stay tuned.

TEN LITTLE KNOWN FACTS about the Forced Vaccination Program in the US



from Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines–Information about the Forced Vaccination Program every American should know.

World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent

World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent.

Article by Mike Harris and Preston James from Veterans Today–and an eye-opening video and talk by Christopher Bollyn, journalist who’s lived in, and long studied and covered the Middle East : “we have to let our neighbors and communities know, about the mass deception.”

Breaking: Google gives new meaning to “Orwellian”

The fight for the Internet continues.

Anonymous Our Promise To A Non Violent Revolution

Anonymous Our Promise To A Non Violent Revolution.

via Anonymous Our Promise To A Non Violent Revolution

A call to act, in your own way, on the issues that concern you the most, without letting naysayers or negativity get in the way, for a new spring 2015 of sustained global action against corruption, imperialism, totalitarian control, and injustice.


Ongoing Secret Human Experimentation on American Citizens & Residents Using EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweaponry

New Page added under Human Rights, on Secret Human Experimentation on Americans, and Citizens Worldwide:

“Thousands of Americans, and citizens worldwide, are being experimented on today, and have been, for some decades, by “stealth” technologies and “concealed monitoring,” without their consent and knowledge, in many many fields of bioscience and social science and psychology, including neuroscience, through the use of deadly, EMF radiation & sonic/ultrasonic neuroweaponry, satellite and ground surveillance, cybersurveillance, electronic surveillance, and “radiation surveillance”–a euphemism within a euphemism, essentially pointing to EMF and sonic neuroweaponry.

How is this achieved? A few ways:”  See more.

Ali`i Nui Mō`ī Edmund K. Silva, Jr., 3-5-15… King’s Message to the world… “Peaceful End”