Tag Archives: clandestine

Treasonous Betrayal–Local Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as “Surveillance”: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities

Report and Letter | Ramola D | Feb 24, 2021

In a letter of notification sent in paper copy last week (and email earlier) to local public officials in the City of Quincy and the State of Massachusetts, comprising a Notice of Liability, a Cease and Desist, and an abbreviated Affidavit of Fact, this writer has publicly notified these local governments in Quincy and Massachusetts of the profoundly depraved neuro and bio hacking crimes committed on her over a period of eight years by various parties which include, putatively, the US Air Force, US Army, the CIA, General Dynamics Corporation, the FBI, the DIA, DARPA, the US Department of Defense, the US Justice Department, the US Marine Corps, Special Operations, and the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate.

Notification and Request, Feb 10, 2021

This letter was also sent in copy by email to a few of the many advocates and activists for humanity this writer has interviewed and knows of or is currently in contact with, in hopes both of informing them of the grave nature of the crimes committed on her body and brain–as well as her name and reputation–and alerting them to the immense human rights crisis currently prevalent in USA, as well as worldwide. These include Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur of Torture for the United Nations, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe, and Founder of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, Sacha Stone.

In addition, copies of this letter were mailed today to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Norfolk County Sheriff Patrick McDermott.

The outrageous assault and battery with electromagnetic weapons, scalar weapons, RFID weapons, and acoustic neuroweapons this writer has been subjected to, since November 2013, has been previously reported publicly, and is being more fully reported at this website under the section Ramola D: Personal Reports, which will be updated shortly to publish all testimonials, interviews, and broadcasts made on this subject.

In 2014 when it became clear that an Air Force operation was being carried out over her house and neighborhood with the constant overflight of small planes, drones, helicopters, and concomitant vehicular zoomers on the street using their car horns to alert the drone brigade (now found by her to be part of the AI-run Distributed Common Ground System, linked to the Air Force), along with concomitant radar flickers on her body, forceful activation of covertly-implanted RFIDs, and subsequent rain of microwave pulse assault, several FOIA requests were submitted to US Government departments and agencies to attempt to unearth the nature, reason, and meaning for these unexpected assaults on her person.

Ramola D to William Barr|November 19, 2019

Citing “Public Safety,” Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies are Justifying Using Anti-Personnel Energy Weapons on Anyone They Please As Well As Permitting Human Trafficking into Military/CIA Mengele-Style Weapons-Tests & Experimentation Projects

While this writer has covered the subject of these extreme human rights violations on people in the US and worldwide for over seven years now, this letter, which follows on the Demand Letter sent last August to then Attorney-General William Barr expressly details–although not comprehensively, in partial summary only–the nature of the brutalities visited on her person through the use of Remote Access Human Control weapons in a variety of overt and covert operations, clearly classified to conceal crime, by the motley lot of Defense, Intelligence, Criminal Justice, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement and private-party perpetrators operating via Fusion Center and FISA/FMJ permissions to assault, as FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee has reported constitute the primary gateway mechanism to target, traffick, and assault American citizens.

Modalities of assault include the use of cell towers, antennas on neighboring houses, portable antennas, portable and locally installed emitters, repeaters, sensors, magnetrons, as well as a variety of exotic scalar, radar, and acoustic devices wrongfully permitted for use, demonstration, and operation on the streets of Massachusetts and every state in America by the NIJ and DARPA’s Limited-Effects Technologies program, euphemistically named since these are profound invasions of human rights and bodily integrity being effected by these bio-hacking and neuro-hacking technologies.

Fusion Houses Set Up in All US Neighborhoods, Drones & Satellites Used to Monitor Targets with Tracking Radar and LRADs for Full Spectrum Surveillance and 360 Degrees Full Spectrum Assault: Outright, Abysmal Crime

Fusion center contractors installed in neighboring houses, as well as commercial contractors–which include utility vans, telecom trucks, Verizon, Comcast, Xfinity, National Grid, UPS, USPS, FedEx, Trash and Recycling vans, landscaping vans as well as sedans, mini-vans, and SUVs–permitted to zoom into neighborhoods at high volume at all hours of the day and night, along with the use of drones, aerostats, satellites, and LRADs permitted to issue loud acoustic cracks on house pipes and radiators are primary perpetrators of bio-hacking crimes, using microwave pulse weapons, tracking radar, and through-wall millimeter-wave technology to pulse-hit, heart-hit, nerve-hit, and skin-crawl, as well as sleep-deprive with heat-hits and radio frequencies from right next door in the neighbor’s driveway, on the street, or two doors down.

The totality of this assault, while seemingly unbelievable, has been built over time, it appears through clear consent of local governments, especially post 9-11 and the unlawful Patriot Act, including Mayors, City Councils, Governors, and State Governments, who have essentially opened the door, inside USA, in US neighborhoods, to the construction of Electronic Concentration Camps akin to Guantanamo to permit the “Indefinite Detainment” via Directed Energy of the NDAA, first announced by Bush and Rumsfeld, subsequently renewed by all US administrations and openly acknowledged in the currently operative NDAA 2020.

Clandestine assaults on Americans have also been permitted by the NDAA’s concessions to the Defense Clandestine Services (as also to the ISR and NSA) in counterintelligence, counterterrorism, security, information warfare, and cyberwarfare, and retained in perpetuity by Machiavellian design by the CIA via the National Security Act of 1947, updated jointly by DOD/CIA via encroachments on human dignity, privacy, autonomy, and bodily rights in the Revised Common Rule–overseen, as revealed by SACHRP/OHRP committees run by the US Department of Health and Human Services, by treasonous medical professionals in government, academe, and research–which has currently removed Informed Consent as a requirement for any kind of human experimentation under the aegis of Intelligence, Criminal Justice, or National Security activities.

Regressing infinitely therefore from the days of the Tuskegee Syphilis experiments and the Plutonium radiation experiments which journalist Eileen Welsome uncovered and whistleblew about, the stage has been unlawfully set by corrupt public institutions through the aegis of the NDAA, NSA 1947, Revised Common Rule, 1994 DOD-DOJ Memo of Understanding to “legally” permit clandestine torture, rape, assault and battery, frequency assault on organs, joints, nerves, Active Denial burning, covert implanting, nanotech assault, chemical weapon assault, neuroweapon assault and any other kind of high-tech military grade weapon assault remotely, using the stealth weapons of Electronic Warfare, Neuro Warfare, Information Warfare, and Cyber Warfare–which translate to radio frequency weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, wifi, and various exotic weapons such as quantum tunneling weapons and scalar weapons, some described here.

Legal departments in all organizations, starting with local city, county, and State governments, Law Enforcement, federal departments such as the Justice Department, DOD, USAF, CIA and others have clearly permitted these atrocities to occur; attorneys and General Counsels in these organizations are therefore fully cognizant, aware, permitting, and liable for the execution of these crimes on people’s bodies.

These activities are apparently being budgeted for and reported to Congressional Committees as needed human bio-effects weapons testing of anti-personnel DEWs, needed human testing of Neuro Warfare and Cognitive Warfare weapons, needed acquisition of intelligence using RINT, SIGINT, HUMINT and Neuro Surveillance, needed AI-Cybernetics testing, needed Crowd-Control Device and Deterrence-Weapon testing, in the interests of counterintelligence, counter-terrorism, crowd-control, “peace-enforcement,” and homeland security.

In actuality, they comprise actions of profound and depraved Government over-reach and abuse, and have been enacting crimes of brutal, sadistic, and cruel Remote-Access assault and battery, 24/7 electromagnetic rape, ELF vibrational assault, radiation burns, inflammation, organ damage, neurodegradation, disability, and death on hundreds of thousands of people wrongfully labelled “Terrorist” and “Extremist” and exploited for all manner of Satanic target practice by trigger-happy sadists operating these weapons, which should be vociferously condemned, exposed, and decried by all members of sane, moral, sentient, thinking humanity–in order to fully halt and terminate these execrable activities.

These activities are also being partaken in unlawfully, wrongfully, and exploitatively by a wide network of telecom companies, media networks, Departments of Education worldwide, Defense contractors, Universities and research institutions, hospitals and health care providers working through the DOD and CIA on multiple Brain, Behavior, AI, Machine-Learning, Gaming, Simulation Modeling, and Data Collection projects–as the IP trail on the computers of all being wrongfully targeted and trafficked, including this writer, readily show (to be more fully reported shortly).

These activities evidence the extension and intensification of the CIA’s MK ULTRA activities revealed in the 1970s, among other evil experimentation projects by Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists and their progeny, as acknowledged by DOD/CIA scientist Dr. Robert Duncan, who has participated in the creation of brain-energy-harvesting, EEG Cloning/Modifying projects, and as discussed by him in conversation with this writer as reported here.

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

These evidences as well as others point to exploitation and human trafficking on a tremendous global scale, involving all state, city, and national governments as well as the United Nations, NATO, and various globalist organizations keen to establish a One World Government, a New World Order, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Global Digital Enslavement, a Brain Internet, Cerebral Net, Internet of Bodies, Internet of Things, Internet of Nano Bio Things, and Nanobotized transhumans Humans 2.0.

Thousands of Americans as well as thousands worldwide have attested to similar crimes on their person, as these various petitions currently to stop electromagnetic weapon assault on human beings attest:



Suppression of Wide Public Knowledge of These Fusion Center, Military, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Crimes Has Influenced the Current COVID Fraud and Communist Psy Ops Regarding Masks, Nasal Swabs, Vaccines

The concealing of these Surveillance crimes through co-opted human rights organizations such as ACLU and Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, American Red Cross, Physicians Committee for Human Rights and through co-opted and participating mainstream media networks has led to the current totalitarian situation where lies regarding a virus which has not been proven to exist, and the promotion of deadly mRNA vaccines which are causing high numbers of deaths continues to hold sway: clearly, people have been indoctrinated, co-opted, corralled, silenced, and terrorized into docility and coerced consent as Satanic modalities of Depopulation Eugenics by Gene-Injections are run on the populace succeeding twenty years of Stasi indoctrination and neighborhood subjugation to Patriot-Act-run Communism and Stealth Weapon Assault, all over the USA.

A primary means of suppression has been to name all reporting victims of these EMF/Neuroweapon assaults “Mentally Ill,” and local governments, Law Enforcement, local EMS have all had a part in that–as widely reported, including through this writer’s coverage (see especially the many video interviews at Ramola D Reports).

False-Claim of Mental Illness in the Microwave, Millimeter Wave, Other “Non Lethal” Weapons Testing on Citizens in USA & Worldwide

No Way Forward Without Exposing These Profound Atrocities Being Committed by Local and State Governments and Mil/Intel/LE While Running a Massive “Public Health” Psy Op on All

This writer, in her quest for answers, has interviewed various people on issues of freedom, rights, law, liberty, sovereignty, including :Russell-jay: Gould and Lady-Crown: Tutikatuku III, and chosen to obtain a live-life-claim with :Lady-Crown, Crown of the Mauri Nations and the Purple Thumb Community, as she continues to explore the accurate use of grammar, law, and flag protocols within the context of needing to communicate clearly and issue a meaningful and binding Cease and Desist to any and all parties enacting Remote-Access EMF crimes on her body: this is why the letter uses a flag (the Great Iroquois Flag of Peace) on the document, semi-colons, and strange punctuation–however, her learning is in process and the punctuation she uses continues to evolve.

Regardless of format, protocol, or punctuation, the intent of this letter — which has to date not been honored in request, as she continues to be assaulted with radio frequencies, microwave pulse hits to head and heart, with zoomers and honkers on the street and in the air proceeding as if they plan to keep going to Kingdom Come — is to inform and notify, both addressees and world, as to the nature of the crimes ongoing here in Quincy, Massachusetts and worldwide, and highlight the need for people to start taking action from within all their professions and spheres of influence, to halt these profound depravities, atrocities, and crimes against humanity on all.

These deadly weapons which permit stealth assault need to be banned — and currently, there’s a whole arsenal of them in use. All our lives, including our children’s and future generations to come are in danger through the use of these myriad Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro weapons and systems of assault. The situation in fact is so dire currently that literally the entire Department of Defense, CIA, Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Law Enforcement and all contractors need to be shut down immediately to address these atrocities and halt these profound Crimes Against Humanity.

What this writer can see clearly now, with the assistance of several FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers–and after the eye-opening experiences of betrayal and defamation she has personally experienced in her 7-year-quest to expose and halt these crimes in partnership with other human rights advocates (many of whom have turned out to be COINTELPRO infiltrators)–is that the Black Opsters running these criminal assault programs believe themselves invincible, unassailable, unrevealable, unprosecutable, and behave accordingly, with impunity, and with savagery. There is every need therefore to expose them continually.

Previous notifications and letters (all unanswered) to public officials locally include:

Continued Noise Harassment and Deliberate Health Endangerment in Quincy, Massachusetts in a Time of Professed “Public Health” Concern

Ramola D | NOISE HARASSMENT & HEALTH ENDANGERMENT IN QUINCY/Re: Noise Harassment in Quincy Neighborhoods While School Starts Online

JIT/Press Release: Quincy Central Middle School Principal Richard DeCristofaro, Jr. Makes Irresponsible & Malicious False Report of “Neglect” to Child Protective Services Against School Mother, a Journalist and Human Rights Advocate with Brilliant, Thriving, Contented, High-Performing Child

Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not “Untreated Mental Illness”

Letter from Ramola D to the Chair & Quincy School Committee

Informative articles on this subject (of personal assault):

Massive Heart-Hits/Obvious Outright Assassination Attempts While Exposing CBS News–60 Minutes, Chicago Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg, Midge Mathis, Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice, Ella Free, Matthew Aaron, Freedom for Targeted Individuals, and Others

Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults

Memos to President Trump on this subject (of personal and national and worldwide assault):

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Articles on this subject attesting to the facts can be found under multiple categories at this site including Disclosure on Targeting.

Recent coverage of US and worldwide assault:

American Victim of Microwave Radiation & Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapon Assaults Further DEW-Hit After Notifying Under Secretary of Defense for Research, Terry Emmert, of Non-Consent to Military Experimentation

Report 233 | Harald Brems Testifies Regarding Neuro/DEW Targeting and Stasi Community Harassment in Germany

CIA Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny Informed Consent in Mind Hacking Research and Human Experimentation in the USA

cia-blackNew page reporting the response of CIA personnel to a long-delayed appeal of an original Freedom of Information Act request (by this writer) asking for information on Informed Consent in any ongoing directed-energy neuroweapon research and human experimentation in the USA:

FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA

James Tracy, ScoopFeed: International Conference on Covert Harassment Exposes Inhumane Mind Control Experimentation and Robotization of Humanity

Update 2/8/2016: Please also see this post for links to videos uploaded now at the Conference site.


Re-blogged from ScoopFeed with thanks.


James Tracy, Memory Hole Blog/ScoopFeed

FORUM-Factory, Berlin – Thurday 1 and Friday 2 October 2015 http://www.covertharassmentconference.com

Please visit Scoopfeed for the full post. neuroweapon

Excerpt: “Today, the existence of weapons related to the recording, analysis and interpretation of bio-electric signals from the human organism covertly tested on individuals and the global population is a terrifying reality….

With the support of key-note speakers like Dr. Nick Begich amongst other distinguished juridical and technology experts, the STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking), The European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH), Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter (IGEF) and STOP Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom (STOPZET) are now organizing this unique event to stimulate the debate on unethical, non-consensual research and look for solutions to end the abuse.”

Please visit Scoopfeed for the full post. 

Disappearing the Testimonials of Today’s Clandestine Human Subjects: How US & Western Psychiatry Function As Political Tool to Muzzle Witnesses

While all of us are fully aware the Surveillance state in the US (and worldwide) has morphed into a Police state, not everyone seems to know that it is replete with covert policing, covert assaults, and covert conscription of societies into joint persecution of certain “targeted individuals.” 

The covert assaults occurring today in the US and elsewhere--of many outspoken community members, ethical employees, whistleblowers, activists, writers, journalists, college students–with 21st-century radiation neuroweapons, detailed here, are being kept covert and suppressed by ruthless means.

Those means include the active collusion of psychiatrists, in aiding the “disappearing” of testimonials and witness accounts of what all experimentees report avidly is nothing but Torture, by slapping a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoid-disorder on the individual, deeming the individual “Unstable,” a “risk to self and society,” or/and forcibly holding or committing the individual to a mental institution. Echoes of the KGB, anyone….?

It is precisely this KGB-style phenomenon, of rampant political persecution by an Excessively Authoritarian Statetrying desperately to both keep its assaults covert, and simultaneously “disappear” many of the awakened, the aware, the activistic, the ethical, the questioning among us, a vivid suppression of whole communities, now visible all around us (but hopefully, declining as we speak, as we become aware, as we collectively educate ourselves on what exactly is going on in our midst) that this new page under Human Rights/Clandestine “Classified” Human Subject  Experimentation…explores: 

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA and Many Western “Democracies”

What is also being kept hidden by this determined assault by Organized, Fraudulent Psychiatry on the intelligent, ethical, and outspoken in our society is the covert and ongoing establishment of Transhumanism in our midst–on All of us, not just some of us.  What this horrific phenomenon of covert persecution of “Targeted Individuals” heralds therefore and really means for All of us is partially covered in this discussion on political psychiatry (& will be focused on in a later post).

Clandestine MKULTRA Continues Today, Hand in Hand with Clandestine Electronic Warfare Radiation Neuroweapons Testing & Training on Americans

How and why is it that thousands of people in the US who are reporting being assaulted by pulsed radiation weapons are ignored by pretty much everyone they approach for help/exposure/justice: members of Congress they write to, doctors and psychiatrists they look to for help–who don’t bother acting like the scientists they are supposed to be by actually testing or physically measuring this radiation which can indeed be picked up by radio frequency meters, human rights advocates at the big Human Rights organizations like Amnesty International or the American Civil Liberties Union, even their local Law Enforcement officers–who ignore the thugs in cars speeding into neighborhoods and pointing military Non Lethal Weapons at certain, select “Targeted Individuals” and demand that counseling or a psychological evaluation is in order instead?

How and why is it that small aircraft and helicopters incessantly buzz –everyday, constantly during the day, and constantly during the night too–into certain neighborhoods, often hovering or circling for hours, often seemingly summoned by said speeding cars on the ground–their intent and mission deliberately not shared with the public, even when questioned–as FOIA requests to the FAA indicate? (See Muckrock for my FOIA request to the FAA, stalled and delayed over all of last year, and ultimately non-responsive, currently under appeal.)

Could it be that Top-Secret/Special Access Electronic Warfare EMR Neuroweapons are being tested and trained on them? Could it be that pilots–and ground crew–are training together in Electronic Warfare on these “Targeted Individuals”? (The people on the ground who are being assaulted, the so-called “Targeted Individuals,” including this writer, know this rings true–the hits on their bodies speak to the aircraft connection.)

Perhaps the extreme and questionable silence surrounding this situation is because these assaults have been fully permitted and authorized as Classified “Top Secret” Research and Experimentation Projects, to be conducted in a Clandestine way–meaning no-one can legally speak about them. Just go on “legally” assaulting, criminally and covertly, forever, the assaulters well-hidden by Secrecy laws, Defense directives actually permitting weapons-testing on civilians, and the Common Rule with its flagrant loopholes permitting the Institutionalized Hijacking of Informed Consent–which isn’t required in Classified Research on Human Subjects today.  All of this extreme criminality and flagrancy of human rights violations can exist in silence and refusal-to-acknowledge, thanks to our society’s current miasmic cowering in the face of Secrecy.  Secrecy permits abuse, and Clandestine Projects which promote Secrecy are currently promoting Extreme Abuse. Innocent individuals are being openly tortured, in the USA–and this practice is occurring worldwide.

These speculations and analyses, supported by commentaries and interviews and videocasts with various other analysts, doctors, researchers, weapons experts, weapons creators, and neuroscientists, are examined on this new page under Human Rights: 2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO  and Electronic Warfare

Documenting the (Very Recent) History of Secret, “Classified” Radiation Experiments on American Citizens, & Uncovering the Current Reality of Their Continuation in the USA and worldwide

Post edited 3/31/2015.

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage? (Page updated; more links to articles, interviews, blog posts by other bloggers studying this subject; more history; more to read: 3/31/2015. Shall break up page eventually for ease of access, it’s already getting too bulky…)

This is an ongoing project: The secret (nuclear) radiation experiments on humans Clinton apologized for in 1997 never stopped. They just went undercover. This is a history and current reality being unearthed by many researchers. Non-ionizing radiation–meaning Electromagnetic Radiation, Sonic/Ultrasonic, Scalar waves–experiments are currently underway as joint projects of Defense agencies, private Defense contractors, Universities and research institutions, Depts. of Justice/Energy–various federal agencies, and, most crucially, Intelligence agencies–variously the DIA/CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS who work assiduously to keep the biomedical/biobehavioral experiments & weapons testing “classified” — but no agency can expect to harm human beings openly and expect to have its activities remain secret forever: this reality is being uncovered today. How they are being permitted to occur at all–under patently false claims of “minimal risk”–and without Informed Consent, is a resounding mystery, that needs to be unearthed.

Research begins with this new post, with a lot of links to information and commentary from newspapers, journalists, bio-ethicists, activists on the Secret Radiation Experiments reported in 1997 at this page, linked to Clandestine Experimentation under Human Rights:

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?