Category Archives: EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweapons

Not Havana Syndrome, Not “Mental Illness,” “Star Wars” Might Be Closer to the Truth: Of Obvious DEWs & Neuro Strikes: A Whistleblower Racket

Report | Ramola D | November 16, 2023

Recently, it appears, (American we hope) John Kiriakou of CIA Torture Whistleblower fame ran a series of “Havana Syndrome” shows on his Top Secret podcast on Russia Today–a conundrum in itself–publicizing the term “Havana Syndrome”–a catchy term from the Mental Health, Psychiatry, and Secret Service crowd aiming desperately to keep Neuroweaponry and Radio Frequency High-Powered Microwave Weapon attacks on everyday citizens Top Secret–while continuing to play Journalist.

Agencies such as the CIA, NSA, BND, KGB, and others–covered by many previously–must have been gratified.

The years roll on, apparently, and all we hear from our “National Security” mechanism preserving our freedoms and protecting our liberties are Crickets.

John in fact made a gratifying mention of this species in his introduction to a recent show dated 28 October 2023 (one of those pictured above): “The US Government iniitally dismissed the symptoms as the product of Crickets. Yes, Crickets. And that is of course, ridiculous.” (I may have that quote wrong since it appears to have changed, in the last few days–as also the rest of the show, with much added imagery and chatter–as I marvelled at this introduction.) (The new one mentions the word “sinister” which is about right, in my estimation, in relation to the CIA, and the NSA as well, both on prominent display on this show.)

Crickets were covered assiduously by the New York Times, I recall.

I covered these Cover Attempts earlier here, at Substack:

Worldwide DEW & Neurotech Targeting and AI- Cybernetic Torture, Bio Neuro Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity By Fusion Centers Et Al

I don’t believe John Kiriakou–like most other journalists, worldwide, not in contact with this writer–attended that first, stellar Online Press Conference held on October 15, 2021 on Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting and AI/Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, nor the second, Conference II, on Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation, held on October 22, 2022, reported here earlier, but then, neither did the New York Times. (Who don’t really cover Crimes Against Humanity.)

He does, however, do a good job playing Still-a-Spokesperson-for-the-CIA despite his long stint as In-the-Public-Eye-as-a-Righteous-Whistleblower, much like Edward Snowden, Bill Binney, and so many others. The CIA, I understand, is an exacting employer, which doesn’t quite let its whistleblowers go, as CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell has recently demonstrated, with a new batch of repeat-storytelling she may have been paid to storytell: my newer understanding of how Intelligence agencies operate is touched on here:

“This writer has increasingly been made aware over the years of the extreme strangeness of the so-called “Intelligence Community” in the USA through her interactions with and journalistic coverage of whistleblowers from various prestigiously-named agencies which apparently all seem to actually be filled with people idly entertaining themselves and others with various covers, stories, and lies.”

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

Merely asking, what is it about Whistleblowers from the Government agencies, really? isn’t enough anymore. Clearly they are a very special race, class, or species, unto themselves–and as explained to us once, many years ago, of the way terrorists apparently behave, of whom Intelligence agents seem to be the obverse half, they operate separately sometimes, in cells and conclaves. Yet none, it appears, are in actuality acting independently: a tragedy or a regrettable fact, either way you look at it.

Intelligence: A Disinfo Operation?

What Intelligence agencies are supposed to do has always remained an inscrutable mystery to most of us, especially those of us who’ve been relegated, I see, to the (Colorful) margin as Writers and Journalists so CIA whistleblowers like Kiriakou can Rise into the public eye through carefully constructed means, employing Time–an aspect of Reality NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney informs us is what Intelligence agencies seek honorably to work with:

“To project—or predict—Intentions and Capabilities of Adversaries or Threats—in advance, so you can actually do something to stop them and prevent them—That’s what Intelligence is supposed to do.”

–(Using Tragedy as an Excuse to Spy on Americans, The Whistleblowers, April 2023, Interview with Bill Binney by John Kiriakou)

Writing to John Kiriakou

I wrote to John Kiriakou once, in September 2016, at the time that he was awarded the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award for 2016–an award also bestowed on NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake, in 2011, to whom I also wrote at the time. (Curiously, I live in the town now where Sam Adams’ ancestors hailed from–a “City of Presidents”–and I learn he too was CIA once, in the ’60s, and a whistleblower, on Vietnam, obviously a story there too, and insight into how the CIA-NSA-Media is constructed and operates.)

John Kiriakou was in the Press a great deal at the time, for his speaking out on “enhanced interrogation” Torture activities inclusive of waterboarding, by the CIA.

John Kiriakou at the Fort Collins Community Action Network, earlier named the Center for Peace, Justice, and the Environment, speaking about being Chief of Counter Terrorism in Pakistan, awakening to the fact of children being terrorized (by the CIA), learning and whistleblowing about the “CIA’s Torture Program” and “Enhanced Interrogation” including Waterboarding, and capturing and handing over Abu Zubaydah, projected as being inner-circle Al Qu’aida, in 2002.(Very sadly, Abu Zubaydah was thence “renditioned” to black sites in Europe, then sent to Guantanamo in 2006, and seems (despite Lawyers existing in Amerika) to have been incredibly insanely tortured for 21 years, as reported in May 2023 by The Guardian here–as a consequence of which the entire world understands the US Legal System has failed utterly, that he–and all held at Guantanamo–on “no legal basis for detention (as found by the 95th Session of the Human Rights Council, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, UN, 14-18 November 2022)” needs to be released immediately: a subject surely for further coverage by all human rights groups and true journalists, worldwide, as well as address by those at the Head of Governments, worldwide.)
Former Vice President of US Inc. Dick Cheney on May 13, 2018, Hollywood-whisper- confiding to journalist Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Insider he was all for Enhanced Interrogation–“I believed in it, I was heavily involved in getting it set up,” wouldn’t call it Torture, and admired it for the “Intelligence” it produced. This was 2 years after 2016, when John Kiriakou won the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence award for his whistleblowing–(which turned out to be for, as reported by the Court/US Legal System revered by the New York Times, the reveal of an Agent’s Name), yet CIA-FBI Torture in its many guises was permitted to continue, a situation still calling desperately for change/

That September, Cait Ryan, a New England RN, and Karla Smith, human rights activists and seeming leaders among a small group of concerned Americans I knew–who were then working together (I thought) to expose the crimes of factions in the Military and Intelligence agencies using and secretly testing so-called non-lethal microwave weapons, space telemetry, radar tracking and other such among other forms of harmful non-consensual bio-neuro experimentation technology on civilians, service members and veterans alike–in other words, indiscriminately, on Americans–were planning to attend the awards ceremony for the 2016 Sam Adams award and I entrusted my letters to them. Cait Ryan had made the acquaintance of John Kiriakou, she had told me sometime, through writing to him when he was in prison, and was going to Washington to meet him and Thomas Drake along with Karla Smith, a trip I was invited on but could not make eventually, by reason of family obligations. As I recall, Cait Ryan encouraged me to write to both whistleblowers, offering to take my letters to them; I believe I was asked and responded as a journalist and prominent human rights awareness-raiser reporting government crime, as I (thought I) was known then in this group; my intent then (looking back now) may have been to apprise these two CIA and NSA whistleblowers somewhat of the nature of the technology crimes many had reported to me, and which it appeared certain Government agencies were then working overtime to conceal.

Writing to inform whistleblowers was also encouraged at the time by Australian writer and human rights campaigner Paul Baird, author of the website, who was then seeking to bring a few NSA, CIA, FBI and other whistleblowers together in a documentary or film to help reveal the overarching crimes of decades-long non-consensual brain, body, and life experimentation with remote-access stealth weaponry, inflicting essentially Torture, on both Americans and people worldwide.

SACHRP in May 2016: Talking about Protecting Humans While Pushing Ahead the Agenda to Strip all Protections from Humans

I was beginning to follow the doings of the SACHRP then–the Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Subject Research Protections–in its efforts to transform the Common Rule into an open door for unconsented-to human experimentation by the US Military and Intelligence (DOD/C5ISR) behemoth on Americans–already quietly permitted by both Intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice, having been only recently introduced, in 2014, 2015, 2016, through questioning US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research Projects, via the subject of FWAs (federal wide assurances), re-covered here recently, to the subject of Health and Human Services’s seemingly being involved–without revealing involvement–in the unlawful procurement, use, and exploitation of large numbers of (unlawfully) selectively targeted, terror-and-spy-listed people in the USA post 9-11.

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

[This was perhaps part of the now-emergent long-game concerted push in the entire world of Health, via concoctions such as “Behavioral Health” and constructs such as Community Behavioral Health Centers to begin or continue to disappear human intellect, individualism, family in building NWO frameworks hidden these days under “Smart City” language and concepts of sustainability, resilience, sanctuary, and innovation. I did not know that then.]

I had learned there was tremendous public uproar over the intent to disappear Informed Consent in biomedical experimentation–among the group awakened to this possibility that is, since the SACHRP meetings in May 2016 were not open public meetings permitting open public discourse, nor were covered openly by the so-called Media, as a War might be, or the US Open, or the Coronation of a sudden King.

The public dissent therefore was near-disappeared.

My coverage of this subject at the time included notice of public comment and Cait Ryan’s and Karla Smith’s public appearances at the end of two SACHRP meetings in May 2016, as also Nola Alexander’s, Peter Rosenholm’s, Joan Dawson’s, Cassandra Lewis’s, reported here : No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities | Ramola D | July 17, 2016

These May 2016 meetings interestingly were aimed to disclose Public Comment, after the Period for Public Comment on the NPRM–the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), published in the Federal Register on September 8, 2015, and running a lip-service public-comment period for three months–closed on January 6, 2016.

Their testimonies and statements, powerfully moving, yet constrained to five minutes at the end of 3-hour NIH-Campus (Fisher’s Lane: NIAID) meetings which should have been nationally televised and nationally responded to, can be found here, in the last 20 minutes of each meeting: SACHRP, May 18 and May 19, 2016.

[These meetings were not well-publicized, and did not permit for open public or journalistic access. A query I sent SACHRP for further information prior to these meetings went unanswered. However, based on responses I had received then on FOIA request to the US Air Force, and ongoing research, I provided Kate Ryan with some information on human experimentation weapons-testing programs, which she included in her presentation. Regrettably, I was not able nor encouraged to make it to these May meetings myself. I did address the SACHRP Committee however, in a letter sent by email and fax some time later in September (included below.) Cait I recall asked then if she could share my letter with CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, and also share it with NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe.]


I wrote then, to John Kiriakou and to Thomas Drake (letters below), requesting an interview, mentioning my coverage of Torture activities being indulged in apparently by various Defense and Intelligence agencies using the weapons of Electronic Warfare–counter-personnel energy neuroweaponry–and the danger of this continuing, via intended changes to the Common Rule permitting waivers for Intelligence and Justice, suggesting they might wish to investigate the matter further. My concern was both for the present and the future.


“In other words, these agencies—which group no doubt includes the CIA—are seeking carte blanche to conceal and cover any and all future experimentation on Americans, as well as, I presume, in this way cover any ongoing experimentation on Americans (or anyone else, worldwide, via Intel agreements), as perfectly normal, everyday Intelligence surveillance activities being conducted by these agencies, which they are under no obligation to divulge whatsoever, since of course all this activity will be classified and has to be hidden for the purpose of preserving National Security.”

–Letter to John Kiriakou, Ramola D, September 24, 2016

Not long after, John Kiriakou responded (letter below), not quite getting the import of what I was saying it appeared, suggesting that people reporting non-consensual experimentation might be “mentally ill” while also saying he had not heard of any such thing in his 15 years of working with the CIA.

This was rather crushing at the time, given our hopes to involve ethical whistleblowers in exposing the hidden crimes of over-reaching agencies of the US Government. Nevertheless, I wrote back, seeking to educate him further, as I passed on the letters also to Cait Ryan, Karla Smith, and Paul Baird, all of whom optimistically noted that perhaps we had sown a small “seed” one day to further blossom, while we each reminded ourselves this was a whistleblower who had been imprisoned for speaking out, and who had a young family–in other words, one not to be further imposed on really. Thomas Drake I did not hear from, but Cait Ryan assured me he might well write back later, given his being more fully engaged then in a doctorate he was working on. Neither agreed to an interview. John Kiriakou did send me on a note he had sent Cait Ryan and Cait told me she had assured John I “wasn’t mentally ill”–making me wonder how on earth Mental Illness had entered the conversation in the first place.

Why are Reporting Victims of Crime Referred to as “Mentally Ill”?

Of course, it appears John Kiriakou is using this term of reference now on his shows featuring the more than fraudulent Spychiatry-Invented “Havana Syndrome”, including in an unusual question aimed at former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney revealing more of his own leanings–or being-dragged–into the frantically Fabricating world of Psychiatry: “…in many cases they’re mentally ill. But in many cases they are legitimately suffering from something—and they have the MRIs and the CAT Scans to prove it. Is it possible to differentiate between people who need to be medicated and people who are suffering as a result of something electronic?”

[Is John Kiriakou a secret “Psychiatrist”–much like DOD/CIA neuroscientist James Giordiano, who has rushed out to get an “Adjunct Faculty” position in “Psychiatry”? (James Giordano’s new self-reporting bio here: Neuro-AI Convergence, NBIC, And a “New Global Order” Embodying Asymmetry in Ethics/June 28, 2023]

The Mythology-of-Mental-Illness being applied as Central Cover to conceal reports of electromagnetic/acoustic neuroweaponry use on the populace has been surfaced in many of my articles before and since, including:

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional. | June 14, 2016

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers | October 22, 2018

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies” | May 21, 2015

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion” | September 10, 2019

It’s true, I’ve lost faith in Whistleblowers, and in human rights activists who have pursued prominence as leaders while disappearing and discrediting others, engaging in both overt and subtle actions of COINTELPRO. “Handling” and “Containment” come to mind when I look back at conversations and communications, sudden apprisings of Public Comment deadlines at Health agencies, slow actions and exhortations to non-action. CIA and NSA whistleblowers–looking back at a long list of them (many of whom can be seen listed as Sam Adams awardees here)–seem to be artifacts of the CIA and NSA, primed to “reveal” while in fact aiding to Conceal.

Looking back on these 2016 emails with several others I thought then were as keen to raise awareness of the incredible human rights abuses engendered by the US Military, Security, and Intelligence factions, I have become aware there is possibly a story to be told here–perhaps the only story left to be told here–in the rise and Intelligence-engineered fall of promising public reportage of US Inc.– now US World Inc.– crimes committed in the name of National Security. But it is National Security which is compromised when taxpayer-paid, citizen-elected bodies turn their sophisticated New Age weaponry on the innocent, trusting populace–millions, worldwide–to destroy our lives.

It’s taken me many years–and re-watching these SACHRP meeting videos–to figure out something others probably know very well, working as they might Inside the NDA, NSL, Lie-to-Deceive world of Agencies, Forces, Services et al: Those who occupy positions in the Spotlight are inevitably Supported, or, more accurately, brought to where they are by intent; there are no “accidental” whistleblowers or activists or journalists permitted to rise to the fore at any time, they are all part of a well-oiled mechanism both bolstering extant Covert agencies and endless Covert Crime, or in other words: The CIA is/in the Whistleblower and the Whistleblower is/in the CIA. As also the NSA, probably–and yes I’ve had some first-hand experience there too, as also with (mysterious) European Royalty/MI5/Swiss Intel/BND–and I’ll have to examine other aspects of this “Government” scenario another time.

Letters: Revealing National Security Crimes

My letter to John Kirakou, September 24, 2016:

The Writer’s bio I enclosed:

The Letter to the SACHRP Committee, September 9, 2016, I sent links to:

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s first response to me, September 27, 2016:

Conversations regarding this response with Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My first letter back to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

John Kiriakou’s second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Conversation post that letter with Karla Smith and Cait Ryan, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Note back from John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My last response to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

[Open Season on Targets was eventually published, and can be found here:

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up | December 3, 2016]

Conversation around that thread, with ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart, Saturday October 8, 2016:

Conversation regarding John Kiriakou and the CIA in general, with Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Sudden Hollywood, CIA Stars, and a Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey

A few months later, in mid-2017, further discussing Paul Baird’s idea of bringing whistleblowers together for a film, there was some talk (shockingly enough) of John Kiriakou having won some kind of deal in Hollywood to scriptwrite or produce a series based on “TI”s or “Targeted Individuals” (whom he didn’t believe existed or leaned on a corrupt APA to call Mentally Ill).

I have no idea what transpired on that score beyond that point (emails below), but there was another rather large scenario unfolding around us at that time–or rather, failing to unfold, and that had to do with a much-vaunted and early-publicized Global Survey of “Targeted Individuals” (Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under the Peerless Direction of Top NSA Whistleblowers William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe/June 30, 2017) no-one was given enough information on, and which the probably Pharaonically (CIA/CFR?)-appointed leaders chose not to include me on, either as colleague or journalist, for reasons still unknown to me, while succeeding also in failing their target audience. There is a story to be told here too, and while I have reported in an ongoing way as information came my way, I do not have all the pieces of that puzzle–Was it Racism sent my way then, was it part of the Infiltrator-run support-group scenario crushing the work of the only Journalist working in this area then still, was it something else?

[Ella Free, Katherine Horton, and Techno Crime FIghters Forum all came along right when my print journalism, public reportage, community work, and public awareness-raising were becoming more visible. There were several attacks on my work, family, name, and life inclusive of the tremendous one from my daughter’s public school Principal Richard deCristafaro and Vice Principal Susan Shea Connor of Central Middle School in Quincy, Massachusetts in 2018, reported here: Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not “Untreated Mental Illness”. Excluding my work (and myself) entirely, the group “Targeted Justice” was formed, selectively refusing to recognize my reportage. And after that, when unanticipated implosions began to occur on group email lists, there appeared to be a concerted effort by many on the inside to target me in particular for extended Defamation and Slander and disappearance from both insider groups and the public eye by the Intelligence role-player and a former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague Katherine Horton, and thereafter, even more inexplicably, by the then-known-as NSA Whistleblower and also former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague whose accounts of extended targeting I had covered extensively, ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart.]

The Global TI Survey was never properly reported, by those who set it up and ran it. At the time that it was closed, in October 2017, I published what information I was given, which pointed to a very small number of participants in the survey: Global TI Survey Update: Survey Now Closed. A note from Karla Smith in May 2018 reminded a larger group “the primary focus of the survey was to gather medically diagnosed symptoms, and other symptoms/descriptions related to what each person has experienced in their own words and without any expectation of the results.” (“Symptoms” as central has always been problematic to me–as my questioning of Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe at the inception conference call for this Survey notes–as indeed the term “Targeted Individual” as well.) My requests in 2020 for an interview with Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe which went unanswered at the time were thwarted, I was given to understand later, by Katherine Horton engaging in rather obvious defamation and slander, which NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe alerted me to, as reported here earlier: Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/Jan 2, 2021.

I was fortunate to be able to interview with NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe later, who sought to further clarify the nature of the false-representation and false-light defamation activities conducted against me by Katherine Horton prior. One NSA Whistleblower at least could discern the truth I have taken pains over time to establish online.

Regarding that survey, perhaps John Kiriakou, Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Kate Ryan, and Karla Smith will enlighten us further one day. I do know that there was great drama surrounding the logistics of submitting the “evidence of the crimes”–medical records, photographs and so on–yet NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe told me five years later during the time of his interview with me on July 14, 2021 he did not see any evidence, that is, he apparently wasn’t given any. This was an important interview, and gave insights into how the NSA functioned back in the ’70s and what has occurred now, in terms of fall-away of Intelligence oversight and inability to constrain full-spectrum Surveillance Data collection and analysis while permitting all kinds of human rights abuses:

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments

The phenomenon of “support groups” being Intelligence and Military-created which I have understood only over the years and reported here (The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants) I did not know then was in operation among certain groups of people I was closely working with and whose work in public reportage I supported.

Meanwhile, here are a few snippets of the conversation on CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s new opportunities on a platter:

My then letter (September 24, 2016) to NSA Whistleblower, Winner of the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence Award for 2011, Thomas Drake, is here:

Whistleblowers and Intelligence Operations

While reading around this subject as I wrote this article, I came across John Kiriakou’s article in Scheerpost, a site I had never seen before–but clearly one which explains much: John Kiriakou: Havana Syndrome — Paranoia or Reality?/April 28, 2023.

Perhaps the rest of Amerika/America can figure out the extent of the irony here–or convolution in Cover–in a CIA Whistleblower playing Journalist turned Fiction Writer and Screenwriter using in Fiction the very subject he has denied to those reporting obvious military-intelligence-police-private-sector crime to him.

Perhaps America and the world notices also the sad irony in reporting Torture–on a very large scale, using very sophisticated military weaponry, developed now over more than 20 years of weapons-testing on people since 9/11 and over more than 50 years prior, probably since the institution of the National Security Act in 1947 which created the CIA, and involving all branches of the US Military (and other Militaries) and the Department of Justice (as reported here often)–to military and Intelligence whistleblowers who themselves cannot speak of what they may know or have awareness of thanks to NDAs (non disclosure agreements) and relationships of different sorts sealing their silence.

But is the CIA all the Media we have? “Havana Syndrome” as a term many people have now come to think may be about “mysterious weaponry” yet it is very obviously a fraudulently-tagged “Syndrome” involving the repressive use of Police-Dog Psychiatry.

This should be absolutely Unacceptable to the entire Thinking, Reading, Educated world.

The Cover of “Targeted Individuals” being presented by the CIA-Media as “Mentally Ill” with serious problems of Paranoia needs to be dropped. The Facts of unlawful targeting, abusive human rights violations by fusion center agencies and contractors, the use of extreme-abuse remote-access stealth neuroweaponry, electromagnetic and acoustic, and covertly-implanted radio telemetry–RFIDs, MEMs, BCI-CBIs, Neurostims, the approval and protection of AI, Brain and Pain experimentation and abuse by numerous agencies in a Techno Holocaust which needs complete exposure and complete termination need to be known.

Yet it’s that, the whole spectre of Mythology in Process of Creation as Mythology which John Kiriakou ironically seems to stand for–chronicling as he does this process in his well-linked History of the False Narrative of Havana Syndrome, elaborate and absurd, not unlike the storylines of the Christopher Steele Dossier, or the base mythologies of 9/11 having been run by mythical Muslim men from Arabia, while some have been captured and endlessly tortured for false confessions at Guantanamo as he himself chronicled in September 2023 at Consortium News here–which should be seen as the most disheartening, for it helps perpetuate Lies in a fast-awakening world.


In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?/March 26, 2015

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today/March 13, 2016

Ramola D/Intellihub News–(Updated) Psychologists Urged to Examine Complicity in Supporting Abusive Systems of Torture in U.S. Criminal Justice System and Covert Government Programs/April 20, 2016

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program/May 23, 2016

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities/July 17, 2016

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State/March 7, 2018

Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government”/September 4, 2019

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion”/September 10, 2019

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996/January 30, 2020

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change/February 24, 2020

TechnoGate for Targets: New Intel Gatekeepers NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe?/May 17, 2020

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People/May 5, 2021

Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/January 2, 2021

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments/July 19, 2021

Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) — Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons

Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted/January 17, 2022

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes

Public Disclosure By Military/Intelligence Whistleblowers on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today/May 18, 2023

Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons/September 21, 2023

“DETER” on Industry Day: Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER) Advanced Research Announced on October 19, 2023: The Techno Arc from Targeting Tech to 5G/Smart City/HAARP Tech in Visions of Large-Scale Human & Earth Control (For Humanity to DETER)/October 24, 2023

Less Than Lethal (LTL) Technical Security Systems (TSS)–Acoustic, Radio Frequency–Sought by the Department of State for “Protection” of Diplomatic Mission Compounds/October 29, 2023

Information Sought on Calls, White Papers, Proposals and Human Rights Responsibilites & Protections from US AFRL on Announcement of New Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER)/November 5, 2023

Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons

Report & Note | Ramola D | September 21, 2023/Doc Links in Process Sep 26, 2023

Top Secret declassified though redacted documents from 2015 comprising parts of US Air Force (Air Force Research Laboratory) contracts released by FOIA offices at Air Force Materiel Command at Wright Patterson Air Force Base to this writer on Freedom of Information requests made in 2014 confirm weapons-testing operations on humans of radio frequency high power microwave weapons (RF HPM) in “Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research.”

Characterized as volunteers in an Active Denial System contract which also provides close instructions for volunteers enrolling in new research experiments, referred to more obliquely as “human use” in the BAA (broad agency announcement) Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research Basic Contract, humans used in these field and laboratory weapons-testing operations are posited to be protected by Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) documents involving Air Force Institutional Review Boards and filed with the Office of Human Research Protections, as well as numerous Defense and Federal regulations and laws governing human use in experimentation, listed in released contract documents and highlighted below.

General Dynamics Electronic Warfare aircraft F-111 Aardvark

The Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contract

The 2013 DEBR contract with General Dynamics Information Technology Corporation headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, notes in a Statement of Work that the US Air Force has researched the biological effects of RF/HPM radiation technologies for over 30 years–over 40 years now, for both military and commercial use. The Department of Homeland Security, the Joint Services, and commercial customers were expected to benefit from the research conducted under this contract.

Documents posted here.

Primary aims of the contract were to research and catalogue bioeffects in dosimetry investigations extending beyond this contract “as part of an extensive research program.” These were expected to inform national and international health and safety standards to be used by the Air Force Surgeon General for OSHA considerations as well as in further development of “DE technologies” intended to be rapidly developed and deployed–suggesting international operation of Directed Energy technologies in the future, to be tech-transferred to other fields in Health and Safety.

“Research results will be transitioned and transferred to national and international health and safety standards, which will be used by the Air Force Surgeon General for Occupational Health and Environmental Safety, as well as for data to support the rapid development and deployment of DE technologies.”

Section J, Attachment 1
12 April 13
Basic Contract SOW – Directed Energy Bio-Mechanisms

These aims would support the mission of the Radio Frequency Bioeffects Branch (711 HPW/RHDR–Human Performance Wing/Radio Frequency Radiation Bio Effects) to protect Air Force personnel from radiation hazards while also finetuning delivery mechanisms to “minimize negative operational impact.” High Powered Microwave weapons and Ultra Wide Band Directed Energy were expected to be used.

Studying Cellular and Genomic Human Health Degradation from Radio Frequency High Powered Microwave Weapon Use

Technical areas to be covered by this contract for the Air Force Research Laboratory included DEW effectiveness and safety, DE bio-mechanisms, RF Bioeffects Modeling and Simulation, and Human Effectiveness analysis and integration, all with intent to investigate and identify bio-effects of DE technologies on humans, to be either exploited or mitigated in DEW (weapon) use and in “transitioning DoD technologies.”

Health degradation, an intended objective of such DEW-discovery, was intended to be studied at the cellular, molecular, protein, and RNA/DNA genomic level. The bio-mechanisms of health degradation–biological responses to directed energy in a number of RF HPM radiation systems–were thus intended to be identified, for specific use in further development of directed energy weaponry.

1.4.1 Directed Energy Bio-Mechanisms. Conduct proteomic, genomic, and metabolomic studies that identify critical biochemical or molecular changes following exposure to DE prior to or during mission operations that assists in the prediction of health degradation. Investigate basic mechanism(s) of interactions between biology and RF radiation (DC-THz). Uncover previously unknown bioeffects of RF exposure that may provide a defensive or offensive capability to the Air Force. Conduct and design laboratory and field research and testing of the bioeffects of RF and DEW systems hardware and software.”

Section J, Attachment 1
12 April 13
Basic Contract SOW – Directed Energy Bio-Mechanisms

Exposing Humans to Counter-Personnel Non-Lethal Weapons In Order to Characterize and Test Devices and Technologies

Effectiveness and safety–to lend to the formulation of “tactics, training and procedures” for safe use of DEWS as well as the development of “future DE weapons and other emerging technologies” were intended to be studied by examining bioeffects from exposure to RF/HPM radiation, which was also intended to yield statistical analyses and the creation of predictive modeling and simulation software.

Human bodies therefore were intended to be subjected to pulsed microwave radiation in systematic ways, to study a variety of bio-effects, to study “human effects” to “characterize devices and technologies,” to help in developing counter-measures to Directed Energy or DE harm, to assist in meeting legal and treaty requirements, and to help develop and test materials and prototypes for new DE devices.

An interest in addressing the “physical and cognitive health and safety concerns of DE systems” also suggests that both bodies and brains were intended to be subjected to directed energy bio-behavioral research operations–and were to be seen as part of “DE systems.” [Neuroweaponry is known also to be directed energy weaponry, as noted in various Biodefense conferences and addressed by military neuroscientists, some of which has been reported here earlier.]

“The development and execution of modeling and simulation of electrical current, DE weapons, and radar and communication effects shall aid in the understanding of effects on and within biological systems.

1.4.4 Human Effectiveness Analysis and Integration. Develop an understanding of the bioeffects associated with exposing humans to counter-personnel, non-lethal weapons is essential for legal, treaty, policy, and material development purposes. Without it, escalation of force options cannot be provided to war fighters. The objective of this effort· shall provide Human Effects data and information that is necessary to characterize devices and technologies intended for this purpose….

1.4.5 Health and Safety. Shall provide substantial value to the Air Force and scientific community by evaluating bioeffects of DE exposure. Shall address the physical and cognitive health and safety concerns of DE systems. Data obtained from RF/HPM radiation bioeffects research shall be designed in this technical area to support national and international health and safety standards.”

Section J, Attachment 1
12 April 13
Basic Contract SOW – Directed Energy Bio-Mechanisms

Excerpts from contract documents (posted here earlier) provided by Wright Patterson Air Force Base in response to a query regarding a 2013 USAF contract with General Dynamics:

Animal Use in DEBR Projects

Animal use in this Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research Project is also revealed. While specific animal care manuals and instructions are named, this means that the basic DEBR contract used both humans and animals simultaneously in its research studies using directed energy weapon technologies.

Excerpt, FA8650-13-D-6368, Section J, Statement of Work, Directed Energy Bio-Mechanisms

Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small-Diameter 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots

Active Denial Systems, the Air Force Research Laboratory tells us, have been developed over 15 years of research–in 2013, which makes that number over 25 now–supporting their “safety and effectiveness as a non-lethal weapon”. Further research in this area is continuing, as a Research Project document returned by Wright Patterson Air Force Base revealing experimental use of 95GHz Millimeter Wave energy spots intended to penetrate skin notes.

This project, with a Protocol Number FWR20120147H, and risk marked “Greater than minimal” by an Institutional Review Board nevertheless approved the call for volunteers, publishing instructions which read as alarming to say the least while minimizing the harm to humans and animals in carefully shielding language.

Full FWR20120147, Version 3.00 document describing the Protocol titled “Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small-Diameter, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots” (excerpted above) returned from USAF on their combined FOIA return linked here.
Documents posted here.
Full FWR20120147, Version 3.00 document describing the Protocol titled “Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small-Diameter, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots” (excerpted above) returned from USAF on their combined FOIA return linked here.

Human Subject Research Protections

While there remains much to be investigated, analyzed, and reported regarding these US Air Force documents, and the entirety of the available documents is still and newly being awaited from the US Air Force and from Muckrock, where the FOIA requests for them were originally made–and this writer has resumed closer scrutiny of all declassified documents from the Forces revealing energy-weapon research using human subjects, especially post the Second Worldwide Conference on Non-Consensual DEW/Neurotechnology use on world populations, this document which now includes lists of regulations and rules governing Human Research Protections from the US Air Force, US Navy, US Army, and OSD (office of the secretary of defense) will be of interest to all in the USA and worldwide who believe–for good reason–they are being non-consensually remote-accessed with electronic warfare technologies i.e. Directed Energy weaponry or technologies in weapons-testing contracts still being kept classified and unrevealed by local governments and fusion centers involved in permitting and executing these research projects on them, i.e. on unlawfully targeted civilians and veterans on the ground.

This writer, as many may know, has experienced much unanticipated, unwarranted, and egregious whistleblower retaliation in recent times–including endless slander in smear campaigns and false psychiatric labeling–for her work in investigating and reporting such projects–but continues to examine and report the human rights and substantive, technical aspects as indeed she must.

Excerpt from Document posted above, DoD Regulations and Guidance, Human Subject Research Protections

It’s Directed Energy Weapon-Testing, Not “Mental Illness”

There is much to report on this subject, and I continue to examine international human rights law, DoD regulations as noted above, other aspects of these received documents, and other aspects of Directed Energy Weapons Testing Operations, which have been conducted in the US and worldwide since it appears 1997, and perhaps earlier.

This is a preliminary overview report to resurface this subject and these documents, because they are important: they prove that such weapons-testing operations have been (and are still being) carried out in the USA–under guise of surveillance and counter-terrorism it appears–and they attest to all that these remote-accessing electronic warfare Directed Energy Weapon technologies affecting bodies and brains are real.

Those experiencing harm today from such organized projects involving fusion center contractor action against them should share this report and all documents here with family members and friends, primary care physicians, therapists, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists. Almost everyone reporting these crimes is falsely named mentally ill by their own neurally-influenced family members. Those in Government aware of these projects and operations yet participating in keeping them secret may want to focus instead on these human subject research protections and act to save lives and families, rather than Defense budgets: weapons-testing operations, clearly, on human beings need to be Stopped.

I hope to add to this page and post all received correspondence and documents on the several FOIA requests which inform this report, some of which was brought to my attention only recently. Confusion at Muckrock–where my FOIA requests, I was told recently, were put under embargo, while notifications of receipt of documents, let alone documents and correspondence, were never sent to me on time and other correspondence not retained online–is still being examined.

Directed Energy Weapons Testing Contracts All Over USA and World

At the time that I made and followed these FOIA requests, I also spoke to FOIA analysts on Air Force bases, one of whom shared with me that there were numerous weapons-testing contracts–upto 1300 she said–ongoing then, with non-lethal weapons or DEWs, all over the USA, as indeed has been reported in the military press, if only briefly, and noted in my US and NATO Weapons-Testing thread.

These Directed Energy Weapons Testing and Training operations, it appears, are being conducted worldwide. Under cover of these projects, other classified projects, in biomedical research, Artificial Intelligence research, Brain research and others are also being flown, it appears. Social harassment in neighborhoods–what used to be called “Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment–OS/EH” by some or “Gangstalking” by others–also owes its existence, partially, this writer believes, along with Phoenix Operations and COINTELPRO and current-day “community policing” and “community participatory research” and “community care” to the cover of these DEW testing operations. Uncovering these weapon-testing projects using humans therefore should be a major subject for all journalists and human rights activists working in the basic fields of Surveillance and political journalism today.

In my view, this is National Security journalism, and all editors, publishers, reporters aware of and able to further interpret and report on these declassified military documents may want to do so. I will continue to report as best I can.

[Links to be posted in full shortly]

Initial FOIA requests

[I made a few to USAF in 2014, to a couple different offices: for a single contract in response to the named General Dynamics BAA solicitation, and for all contracts; plus, I queried HHS for the General Dynamics FWA. Many other related, similar, or identical requests to other offices including the Department of Defense remained unanswered or came up with “no responsive documents.” Some of the correspondence maintained currently at the Muckrock site (as I see it here) I do not recall seeing at the time; much crossing of correspondence also points to miscommunications. Another USAF request with further correspondence with FOIA offices seems to have been removed; hopefully Muckrock will return all requests and correspondence as is/as was online shortly.]

Requests were made at Muckrock and these are the links/to be posted at ECC shortly:

Single-contract request: Request for Documentation of Informed Consent in USAF DEBR Contract/Air Force Materiel Command/October 18, 2014 | ECC Link

All-contract request: Request for Documents/Informed Consent on all current DEBR contracts/Air Force/November 10, 2014 | ECC Link

Request to HHS, OHRP (office for human research protections): Request to OHRP for FWA on Directed-Energy Weapons Research contract/Department of Health and Human Services/October 27, 2014 | ECC Link

[A Related Request, pertinent to all FOIA requests made on this matter:

Request re. information on small aircraft over Wollaston, Quincy, MA/Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts/Public Records Division of Massachusetts/April 7, 2014

Request for Information re. small aircraft over Wollaston, Quincy, MA/Federal Aviation Administration/May 5, 2014 ]

Cover letters and correspondence:

Cover Letter, Colonel John Devillier, USAF, Commander, 28th May, 2015.

Cover Letter, Karen M. Cook, FOIA Manager, Wright Patterson AFB/OH, 27th July, 2015.

Acknowledgment of Single-Contract FOIA Request, FOIA Office, Knowledge Operations Division, USAF, Wright Patterson AFB, 88th Air Base Wing (AFMC), November 6, 2014

All received documents to be maintained at the Documents Obtained…link below.]

Current postings of documents are partially linked here and at Muckrock(More of an explanation and updates as I receive them I hope to maintain here as well):

Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up


Technologies Used in Targeting, Tracking, Trafficking

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues: Covert Oppression Using Classified Technologies

Interview with Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues: “Bogus National Security Laws Have Enabled Big Brother to Monitor Everyone and Harass Many”

Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes

Targeting is Real

Fourth of July, 2015: Covert Civil War–& “Asymmetric” Stealth Warfare–Rages All Over the USA Today

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

Ramola D | Living Testimony in Form of Affidavit and Statement of Fact Re. April 12-19, 2022 Spych Op on American State National, Author, and Truth Journalist, Nov 9, 2022

Report | Ramola D | November 20, 2022

Updated 12th of January, 2023 | Updated 4th of March, 2023 | Updated September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023:

This post is being updated today since the unlawful whistleblower retaliation on this journalist has continued and accelerated in intensity in the last few days while further unlawful attempts are being made to harass, provoke, and continue directed energy-weaponry assault on me in this neighborhood which is clearly being supported by fusion center miscreants, while I am in the very business of addressing in reportage the False Psychiatric Labeling directed against myself and which clearly illustrates 1) that I am not and have never been Mentally Ill and 2) the crimes committed against me by the parties named below and those yet to be named in the second unlawful action against me in December 20-29, 2022 are Abject and Absolute.

Much harassment, provocation, and energy-weapon assault has succeeded that time period and persists; the family opposite (reported in this testimonial) and engaged in harassment and false reportage crimes against me appears to be accompanied now by police parties–who have kept their police cars off the street but have brought them here on occasion since this summer–as well. Other neighbors–mentioned earlier in this Testimonial–have continued to engage in harassive and provocatory actions.

This writer will continue to report these crimes of retaliation because they are criminal, and should be stopped. I will make an effort to post and continue reporting informal v-logs made over the past year at my Personal Report pages. At this point I believe I should take all actions to keep my name and work as a journalist in the public eye as much as possible as I proceed, for my own protection and the safekeeping of my family. This especially follows two days of intense energy-weapon assault from September 22 to September 24, 2023 and especially through September 23, 2023 which may have resulted in my assassination were it not for the continuous safekeeping of Divine Providence and material shielding.

4th of March, 2023:

This post is being updated today, the 4th of March, 2023, because I have just recently learned that while I have been focusing on reporting on the abusive actions against me recorded in this living testimonial, further unlawful actions of false psychiatric labeling and repercussions thereof were taken against my daughter and my family–these are incredibly grave and serious crimes against my daughter, myself as a mother, my family and humanity; they are deliberate whistleblower retaliation against this dedicated human rights advocacy and science and technology journalist who is still working out how exactly to fully report the whistleblower retaliation she has faced since the time of that first Section 12, with a second abusive Section 12 run on 12/20/22, with abusive repercussions and retaliation continuing, grievously, to this day, partially reported in earlier posts here and made reference to in Ramola D, 2/23/2023: Reporter’s Note and in my continuing brief update podcasts as here: REPORTER’S NOTES-1: TECHNO-CREATIVE POSTS AT ECC.

12th of January, 2023: This post is being updated today, the 12th of January, 2023, with a Redacted version of the :Living-Testimony-in-the-Form-of-an-Affidavit-of-Truth-and-Statement-of-Fact being reposted here below, primarily and solely to redact the names and addresses of neighbors mentioned in the Living Testimony alone, in acknowledgment of requests made by a couple neighbors and high tension in my home thanks to over-anxious reaction from certain family members–a task I was aiming to engage in the very day, 12/20/2022 that a second unlawful and egregious Section 12 was run on me, when I was physically ill and trying to recover from a period of unlawful and egregious whistleblower retaliation I have addressed in recent posts, in private emails, and in threads on Twitter, more on which I will write and speak soon–and not to in any other way tamper with the Truth and Facts set out in this Living Testimony dated November 9, 2022 and which was published online first on November 20, 2022.

This page is once more being restored to Public viewing today, with the extant Living Testimony (posted privately here) being replaced with this redacted version.

More on this page will be redacted and returned to Public viewing shortly.

As I have previously stated (in recent posts exploring issues of status)–and established definitively through documentation and notification of all requisite parties before I published this Living Testimony online on November 20, 2022–I am a Massachusetts state citizen and real, living woman living privately in the Land and Soil jurisdiction of The United States of America (Unincorporated), working since 2013 as a journalist reporting internationally–and in my current status, as a diplomat–on various matters as a matter of public service and in honor of the most basic and fundamental human rights we are all born with and endowed by God with, and it is in this spirit of working to ameliorate our living standards worldwide that this Living Testimony is being published.

:By: Ramola-grace: Dharmaraj©™

All rights reserved, without prejudice

Posted, for the public record:


in regard to

The April 12-19, 2022 Victimizing Ambush, Capture, Kidnap, Trafficking, and Persecution-in-Captivity Operation Run By Quincy Police Department, Brewster Ambulance Service, Steward Carney Hospital, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Instigating Lady at XXX:

Exhibits | To Accompany Living Testimonial of April 12-19, 2022 Ambush, Kidnap, Capture, Persecution Operation on American State National and Truth Journalist

Exhibits | To Accompany Living Testimonial of April 12-19, 2022 Ambush, Kidnap, Capture, Persecution Operation on American State National and Truth Journalist /Returned to Public Viewing with redactions on the Notice of Trespass and Deceit and scanned note featuring it. | 23rd of January, 2023

[This Page and links will be returned to Public viewing shortly, after I go through and redact whatever may need to be redacted, for reasons spelled out above–Ramola, 12th of Jan 2023]

Article and broadcasts to follow.


Ramola D: Press Release, April 30, 2022: Neighborhood Watch Harassment & April 14-19 Section 12 Involuntary Psych Hold on Defamatory False-Claim: Police Crime & Police Retaliation for Truth-Journalism

Weaponized RF/ELF: Who’s Doing This? | Lookoutfa Charlie on Youtube Compiles the Facts

Video post with links | Ramola D | October 11, 2022

Brilliant compilation of cases of people subjected to sudden illness, sudden blood clots, sudden death, stalking and harassment, migraines, brain pressure attacks, Blackhawk helicopter attacks–who include actress Brittany Murphy and her husband, DHS whistleblower Julia Davis, journalist Michael Hastings, Merck whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, and the very tragic Aileen Wuornos–as well as a slew of “mass shooters” or Manchurian’d victims/MK patsies–Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, Nicholas Cruz, James Holmes, Stephen Paddock, Aaron Alexis, and many more–going back to Mark Chapman, many of whom reported hearing voices: it’s all weaponized Radio Frequency weapons and Extremely Low Frequency weapons, suggests Lookoutfa Charlie, in a very compelling video which needs listening to and sharing widely.

Interestingly he also records and plays back ambient radio frequency buzz sounding like voices which he and many others have found to be steady in our environment, or pulsed at regular intervals, as in Clifford Carnicom’s observations.

We have a number of Intelligence agencies, private corporations, Defense contractors, military divisions currently wallowing deep in the industry of electromagnetic weaponry, both anti-object and anti-personnel–and the entire field has expanded to include neuroweaponry, nanoweaponry, sonic/acoustic weaponry inclusive of Synthetic Telepathy, putting voices in heads (see Military/CIA scientist Dr. Robert Duncan’s recent expose of technologies which mimic schizophrenia--putting voices and subtle inner voice for neural influence into heads) and all sorts of other exotic technology as well as AI which has turned into a powerful negative force — as Tarun Ravi and I discussed recently in Report 296 with Tarun Ravi, a new and bombshell interview which will be reported on more fully shortly.

Dr. Robert Duncan | Neurotechnologies: Voices in Heads, Hive-Minds, Neural Influence | Aug 2020


It’s an ongoing saga of criminality which needs public airing, redressal, and halting.

It is inexplicable to many of us how this situation has been allowed to go on for decades — and part of the reason is we have physicians, psychiatrists, law enforcement, emergency service personnel all involved in the cover-up — which perpetuates the criminality, and continues the trend of crimes Manchurian-committed by the most exploited victims, as well as continues the trajectory of the covert divisions running these deadly operations across a range of intensities and effects on pretty much everyone in society today, to lesser or greater effect. We are all being targeted, to one extent or another. RF and ELF weapons can cause physical illness or brain effects or both. Some are being targeted under cover of Surveillance, some singled out by grasping predators in the spy agencies for their “Genius” harvesting of brains (open IP theft and neuro destruction), some thrust by whim into the most serious Manchurian Candidate programs of crime-creation, some being given chronic illness for life control, some given occasional illness for targeted doctor-visits and pharma-profits (suggesting the Pharma industry is quite complicit), and more. The human herd is being managed by psychopaths, nothing less.

It is possible that most if not all of the crimes currently being committed today are Manufactured Crimes, manufactured in stealth by the maniacs running this terrifying neuroweaponry on their chosen targets–the circle of which continue to expand today.

People will have to get informed and find their consciences to make this madness stop.

Lookoutfa Charlie has another video examining the history further of the Manchurian assassin-creating programs of MK ULTRA and more of the cases of the mass shooters and serial killers–once an American product, now cropping up all over the world:

Please share widely.

Planned Illusions | The EMF Assault on Humanity Featuring Ramola D

Repost from Original at Planned Illusions | Ramola D | August 20, 2022

Many thanks to Jimuphy at Planned Illusions in Australia for this interview featuring the radio frequency weapons and other kinds of anti-personnel energy weapons being used unlawfully on hundreds of thousands of people worldwide wrongfully targeted, victimized, and abused by the criminals occupying positions of power in local governments and “law enforcement” bodies who have opened the door to extreme crime run by the Intelligence, Military, and Academic sellouts of the world, commandeered and controlled by the manic and criminal central-banker billionaires keen to usher in a “New World Order” of abject enslavement for all using high technology and lack of ethics to propel themselves along.

–Ramola D

The EMF Assault On Humanity – Featuring Ramola D

In this episode:

PLannedilLusion welcomes writer and researcher Ramola D from, to discuss the follow on from the documentary 5G ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM.

Ramola unpacks the truth extent of the use of EMF and weaponized frequencies as a deadly weapon deployed to control population and to carry out subversive operations on the unsuspecting general public. The information revealed by Ramola is truly alarming when considering the extensive use of wireless frequencies in SMART CITIES and the damage therefore being caused to the physiological, neurological and psychological wellbeing of the masses, damages that are often wrongly attributed to Long COVID and the Jab.

We are beginning to realize that there are various weapons being used at this moment in time to bring down humanity.

Interview to be posted at Ramola D Reports channels shortly.


Visit Planned Illusion here:

Candid blogging from Jimuphy:

Helena Csorba: The Havana Syndrome…Caused by Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

Tribute & Re-post of Helena’s article accompanying her petition from the original | Ramola D | June 4, 2022

Civil engineer, educator, activist, researcher and investigator Helena Csorba recently very tragically passed away at age 72 on March 10, 2022 as a consequence of being extremely harmed by microwave weapon assaults in her hometown of Etna borough in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania intensified in recent times and experienced for several decades. Discerning, matter-of-fact, and intelligent, Helena made several FOIA requests over the years of her local police department to find out what kind of law enforcement technology they were using and what kind of funds were sent their way on COPS, CVE and other community policing funding. Intensive research turned up information on Through-wall-surveillance-radar devices being used by police, a kind of pulsed radar device used in many different industries including for RF ablation of cell tissues by surgeons. These radio frequency devices are now being used in neighborhoods to target and attack people through walls in their own homes, as surveillance devices which track, lock on, pulse, vibrate, and burn people, she reports, with police involvement or oversight, in ways that are extremely violative of all laws and human rights, causing extreme pain and harm. “It is heinous,” she says, “and should be stopped.” Helena also reports they are being used as weapons of vendetta and revenge by police and government parties and private-party criminals to hurt, damage, and destroy select people. What Helena reports is being reported by thousands all over the USA and world, evidence of both abuse and overreach by police as well as by military and intelligence factions which are operating covertly in neighborhoods, using people targeted by police and FBI for their own purposes of unlawful non-consensual experimentation. Helena’s research was previously reported here at Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up, and points to the same Crowd-Control technologies now being rolled out, without disclosure to the people, and without consent.

In this informative document reproduced here below, Helena explains how the symptoms reported by diplomats and spies in the labeled “Havana Syndrome” are the same as those accruing from pulsed high-power microwave weapons, which thousands in the USA (as also worldwide) are reporting.

Helena Csorba’s Petition Signed by Nearly 8000

Helena published a powerful petition recently calling for a Congressional hearing and investigation here, which 7,920 people have now signed. She was in the middle of organizing a lawsuit when she was unseasonally assaulted with radio frequency weapons, which she has reported along with progress on the lawsuit on the petition page.

People are still signing–Petition still open:

Powerful Radio Interview of Helena Csorba by Geoff Brady, July 2018

See Helena’s impressive and informative interview at In Other News by Geoff Brady in July 2018 here:

See more links to her work and a tribute to her life and great efforts to expose these crimes at Targeted Artist Poet’s page here.

Helena was a great researcher, educator, and friend to many being similarly targeted unlawfully with Spectrum weapons: what she reports is true, as this writer is well aware, and will continue to inform millions worldwide, and wake up all to the great harms and unethicality of their use on humans. Many thanks and great appreciation for the work of this extraordinary, dedicated researcher and teacher. Rest in Power, Helena! — Ramola D

The Havana Syndrome … Caused by pulsed, high-power microwave radiofrequency directed energy weapons  (DEWs). 

by Helena Csorba 

There are more than just a handful of diplomats and undercover special agents  that are being assaulted with pulsed microwave radiofrequency Directed Energy  Weapons (DEWs). More, thousands and thousands more; countless numbers  more in the United States of America and all over the world. 

Dr. Beatrice Golomb, teaching medicine at the University of California, was the  first medical professional to recognize the symptoms of the U.S. diplomats,  stationed in Havana, Cuba, to be radiofrequency microwave radiation assaults.  She has also been wanting to call attention “to a larger population of people  who are affected by similar” assaults and to explain and address the symptoms experienced by ” ….. large number …. outside the diplomatic corps …” struck  by identical trauma. 

“Researcher links diplomats’ mystery illness to radiofrequency/microwave  radiation”–rld082918.php “Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation” 5b7f95930e2e7262c9be0455/1535088022263/Cuba+2018-08-23c+-NEJM.pdf 

Senator Marco Rubio (FL) arranged a hearing when the news of the invisible, yet  devastatingly destructive assaults roiled the nation, that U.S. citizens (diplomats)  stationed in Havana, Cuba were being assaulted, surreptitiously with a heinous,  debilitating, directed energy weapon, that left them with neurological dysfunction, including traumatic brain injuries, balance issues, as well as other health harm. 

Screenshot from Senate Hearing video above

The FCC calls these devices radiolocators and intentional radiators; they are motion sensors, very much like the speed RADAR that most people are  accustomed, which measure motion in MPH. These ‘slightest of motion’ speed  detectors, measure the motion at a person’s wrist to detect heartbeat; measure  the breath rate by detecting the motion of a person’s chest heaving; pick up leg,  hand and arm motion for gesture and gait recognition; pick up eye motion with  gaze tracking recognition and even detects the vibration of vocal cords and reads  the motion of lips, to discern speech (articulation) – through multiple walls.

By the way, these are our individual and unique bio-identifiers, when being  observed, from a distance, through obstructions. 

When pulsed at embassies, they are specifically used for ‘listening-in’ espionage  devices. There is no need to do a ‘break and enter’ to place a hidden microphone; the eavesdropping can easily be accomplished by pulsing a microwave  radiofrequency (MW RF) signal into a building, through walls, with direct line of  sight. The device can pick up many conversations and locate everyone. 

The RADAR guns are widely available to First Responders, law enforcement and  firefighters. MW RF Through-The-Wall-Surveillance (TTWS) RADAR devices  were designed to be used during catastrophic and exigent circumstances, like  after an earthquake to find the tiniest, micro-motion of a barely alive person  under a big rubble or during a mud or snow avalanche or during a SWAT or  hostage situation, where law enforcement has to quickly determine a building’s  layout and the number of people inside, their location and where the weapons  cache is, if any. 

Firefighters use the pulsed radio wave “echoes” or “noise” returns to the RADAR  gun’s computer screen, to find their way out of a smoke filled structure. 

But these devices are being misused and have been co-opted and re-purposed.  When the device’s low power (power density) is increased (because after all,  they are computers that can be reprogrammed), you have a low frequency, but  high-power microwave device (HPM), to pulse directed energy at a singled-out  target and a specific body part of that target, surreptitiously, for revenge and  retaliation, to settle grudges, burning, hurting and vibrating that target’s body  part. This seems to have developed into a VIRTUAL REALITY belly laugh pastime.  It is ‘CRAZY-MAKING’. 

The ACLU recognizes that TTWS surveillance devices are being rampantly used  and abused by law enforcement and have asked for everyone’s involvement and  help, to create laws and oversight: control-over-police-surveillance-technology-101/PDF;

Screenshot, ACLU Report: Community Control Over Police Surveillance: Technology 101

The definition of the acronym RADAR, is RAdio Detection And Ranging +  RAdio Direction And Ranging, so the devices can locate people and lock on to  them and track them. 

Dielectric constant (also called relative permittivity), software is loaded on the RADAR gun’s computer to have the capability to identify anything. Everything has a dielectric or relative permittivity property, whether it is a solid, liquid or gas or a composite. Dielectric Properties of the Human Body: properties/

List of some other Dielectric Constants: 

If the MW RF power is increased and is pulsed, through walls at a target, the  RADAR TTWS device delivers ‘shockwaves’ or ‘pressure waves’. The MW RF can be adjusted to deliver the slightest of touch or adjusted to deliver brute force  shockwaves, that bashes the brain up against the inside of your hard skull-bone,  causing brain bruising, concussions and traumatic brain injury (TBI), accompanied by an excruciatingly unbearable ‘brain ache’; the MW RF causes burns; incredible bone crunching pain; RF Ablation (necrosis or destruction and death of tissue); RF Anesthesia – putting you to sleep; causes auto-immune diseases and neurological deterioration, cataracts and cancer. All are well known biological effects of  microwave RF. 

Research on microwave radiofrequency radiation biological effects (bioeffects) are abundant. At the Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan alone, there are about 8000 pages, in 10 boxes, of researched and cataloged information by  Nicholas Steneck in preparation for his, “The Microwave Debate” book. 

Paul Brodeur started writing about microwaves for The New Yorker, after serving  in the United States Army Counter-intelligence Corps, in Germany. In 1977, he compiled his extensive knowledge and  research to publish, “The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk  and the Coverup”, because even to today – unbelievably – especially today, there is a cover-up. 

Cover, Paul Brodeur’s book, The Zapping of America, 1977

Around 2016, both the United States and Canadian diplomats, their spouses and  children, and some eight CIA undercover officers, stationed in Havana, Cuba,  were targeted with debilitating pulsed microwave radiofrequency, causing severe,  traumatic brain and balance injuries. The complaint mentions sonic and  microwave assaults, then settles in calling the targeted attacks as ‘mysterious’  and then collectively refers to the injuries as Havana Syndrome.  

There is terrific reporting by Carl Zimmer, dispelling the mystery of ‘when sound  is NOT sonic’, because the sound is microwave, which is in the radio frequency  range of the EMF Spectrum. It is the Microwave Frey Auditory Effect that  delivers the clicking, chirping and hissing noise and other sounds. 

What’s a Science Reporter to Do When Sound Evidence Isn’t Sound? A ‘Sonic Attack’ on Diplomats in Cuba? These Scientists Doubt It

Screenshot, NYT
Screenshot, NYT

After the Canadian families returned from their post, they filed a lawsuit which  describes in jaw-dropping detail, the current modern day, cover-up of this  technology. The complaint names “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada”  (Canada) as the Defendant, who owes and is in breach of contractual, statutory  and common law duties to the Plaintiffs; consisting of six families with children,  one of them a preschooler.  

The Canadian families were kept in the dark about the cause of their assaults and have been thwarted at every turn when they tried to seek medical attention;  unimaginably, were even restricted from sharing information with their family members after coming home from work, at the end of each day. 

According to the complaint: 

“10. Despite belatedly acknowledging the existence and harm of Havana  Syndrome, Canada has actively interfered with the ability of the Plaintiffs to seek  appropriate and necessary medical care for their injuries. Canada has greatly  restricted the information that the Plaintiffs are permitted to share with health  care professionals, placed restrictions on who the Plaintiffs can seek medical care  from, and withheld information from the Plaintiffs and medical professionals  regarding Havana Syndrome and its possible causes that would help in the  diagnosis and treatment of the Plaintiffs. In one particularly egregious case,  Canada used diplomatic channels in the United States to instruct the University of Pennsylvania Centre for Brain Injury and Repair to “stop testing the  Canadians”, despite the fact that the affected individuals were seeking testing  and treatment at a world-renowned brain injury and trauma center at their own  initiative and expense. As a result of Canada’s intervention, testing was  immediately halted.” 

In another instance, one of the Canadian families traveled to the University of  Miami to undergo testing. All members of the family were diagnosed with  traumatic brain injuries, akin to concussions. “Senior officials with Global Affairs  Canada contacted the physician and asked him to alter his assessment ……. specifically to downgrade the injury rating ….” T-238-19-John-Doe-Et-Al-v-Hmq#from_embed  

It is mind-blowing that the Canadian government would interfere in medical  treatment of their employees by going as far as “instructing hospitals to stop  testing and treating them” and by picking up the phone and calling their doctor and asking to change the diagnosis. UNBELIEVABLE!  

On February 7, 2019, one day after the Canadian’s filed their lawsuit, Attorney Mark Zaid filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit on behalf of The New Yorker and the James Madison Project, seeking the production of documents from the U.S.  Department of State, namely the report of the Accountability Review Board  addressing circumstances surrounding medical and health problems reported by  U.S. Government officials (the diplomats and CIA Special Agents) working in  Havana, Cuba, as well as steps that will be or have already been taken to  implement the recommendations of the report. Madison-Proj-New-Yorker-v-State-Dept-Accountability-Review-Board#from_embed  

I am wondering if The New Yorker called Mr. Brodeur, their former employee and  investigative science writer and microwave expert, when the news of the  mysterious targeted attacks in Havana, Cuba hit the news? But they did display their sense of humor when they published, “The Freshest Tinfoil Hats for  Conspiracy-Theorist Fashionistas” conspiracy-theorist-fashionistas although the pulsed, microwave radiated targets felt the piece derided their torture and pain.  

Screenshot, The New Yorker

It has been reported that Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH) is working as a ‘social  worker’ for the United States employees who were working in various cities in  China, as the State Department has refused to acknowledge or recognize their heinous microwave radiofrequency targeted DEW attacks, in order to preserve  international trade relations.

So the obfuscation continues.  

When the pulsed HPM is directed at a specific body part, it can stimulate that  body part, using either a wider band MW RF assault or a very tight, pin-point  focused beam. If the MW RF is directed at your nostrils, you will sneeze  uncontrollably; if a portion of your body is pulsed (stimulated) where the nerve  endings are close to the skin surface, like your toes or feet, the synapses will  rapid fire, which will feel like zapping or electrocution; dial back the MW RF power and you will feel a phantom touch. Hit a nerve reflex point, you will experience  restless leg or involuntary extremity movement. The burning and stinging are well known effects of RADIO WAVE SICKNESS; it feels like thousands of pin-pricks or bee stings. Pulsed vibrating stimulation directed at our lower intestine causes  involuntary defecation; pulsed stimulation directed at the bladder causes you to  pee your pants; if the pulsed, stimulation is beamed at our genitals or rectum, it  is rape.  

When the MW RF pulse is directed at your digestive tract, you will feel nauseous  or will downright projectile vomit. If your gag reflex or esophagus is pulsed and  stimulated, you will feel choked and cough to near asphyxiation. If your heart and lungs are pulsed and vibrated, you will have a panic attack. When pulsed at your brain, it causes brain bruising, accompanied with a horrific ‘brain ache’ and you  will feel light headed, vertigo and faintness and can loose consciousness; you will  also excessively salivate and drip or drool cerebral brain fluid, indicating that  the blood brain barrier has been compromised. 

This is a bullying and intimidation device to modify behavior and to force compliance by terrorizing a person with pain, with the intent to incite, provoke  and aggravate, and designed to humiliate and shame.  

The invasive microwave RF shockwaves are life destroying and hurt not only  humans, but can be maliciously directed at pets. The MW RF will destroy (burn  up) your vegetable and flower gardens, plants, bushes and trees; and will make  you look like you can’t take care of your home or property or your affairs  anymore. The pulsed, vibrating pressure waves will tear apart and crack plaster  and mortar; it will vibrate your home’s copper pipes’ solder loose and cause a  waterfall in your ceilings and walls; it will melt and sag the lead surround of  stained glass; it will at the most inopportune times, flash your lights on and off,  uncontrollably, since RF thinks any wire is an antenna (as an engineer, I think it is a fire hazard).  

When pulsed and directed, through walls, from a large stand-off range, at either  small or large electrical appliances, the wiring will burn up; your computer  ‘cooked’ or at the very least the RF communication signal disrupted; your calls on  your wireless D.E.C.T. handset or on your smart phone, will be dropped or at the  very least be disrupted with interference.  

Pulsed with MW RF, your vehicle will unexpectedly freeze-up and be locked in its  tracks, when perilously going around a treacherously narrow and steep mountain bend. 

It appears that the FCC has lost control of monitoring these MW RF pulsed RADAR guns, that can ‘see’ though obstructions, that can track and lock onto a selected  person, that can be modified to hurt, burn and vibrate. After licensing the  specifications, there is little to no oversight once the HPM device is sold.  Although, there have been confiscations and fines relegated and imposed, there  are just too many devices like these out there. 

FCC Part 15 Intentional Radiators

Trends in FCC Enforcement, Equipment Violations 2014 Update.Equipment-Violations.20141.pdf 

FCC Enforcement Monitor ~ November 2020 2020-98544/

Equipment Marketing Violations violations  

Don’t let these equipment violation actions buoy your hopes. I am telling you; the FCC has truly lost the handle on these devices, they just simply do not have the  manpower to send agents into the field, every time someone complains.  

The FCC requires a “Stop Buzzer” point of contact when colleges, research  laboratories and healthcare facilities, operate under an FCC Experimental License for RF technology, but gosh knows if it applies to targets.  

In 1998, there was a joint Congressional Hearing, with warning of ‘BACKYARD  TERRORISTS’ using handheld, portable, pulsed MW RF Directed Energy  Weapons (DEWs). “Hearings on High-Power MW (HPMW) Weapons”, 28 February  1998 

And there were articles on MW RF Backyard Methods: 

Ray gun feared as America’s biggest threat, by Michael Maloof’How-to‘ for EMP weapon stunningly accessible, by Michael Maloof accessible/  

This is a horrific, sadistic, atrocious crime. It is unbelievably awesome and heinously exact, deadly, surreptitiously delivered technology.  

If the TTWS HPM RADAR device uses pulsed ultrawide band (UWB) also known as  ‘baseband’ or ‘carrier-free’ or ‘impulse’ radio beam; it is inherently difficult to  measure, extremely difficult to intercept, has great immunity to interference (or  jamming), but has high, laser-like precision characteristic. These beamed frequencies are also known as Micropower Impulse RADAR (MIR). 

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories on some of the capabilities and the stealthiness of MIR technology:

The DOJ and NIJ, Sensor, Surveillance and Biometric Technologies Center of  Excellence has published multiple reports on TTWS MW RF technology: surveillance/pages/through-wall.aspx 


On page 26 of the 2012 Market Survey Report, prepared by ManTech for the DOJ  and NIJ, is the most capable TTWS RADAR device that I am aware of, called STORMS (Sense Through Obstructions Remote Monitoring System). It  has a 300 meter (about 1,000 feet) standoff range to pick up your speech (a  private conversation in your living room or while talking to your spouse in bed),  pick up breath rate and heart beat, through multiple walls, available as a  handheld model since Q2 of 2012. The STORMS operates between 3.3 and 3.8  GHz at low power levels.

Through-The-Wall-Surveillance devices eliminate any assurance or possibility of retreating into the quiet comfort and ‘privacy and safety of your VERY own home’.  

My FOIA request to the FCC for the complete list of all Doppler RADAR and/or pulsed RADAR, of all stepped-frequency, continuous-wave (CW) RADAR, of all  ultra-wide band (UWB) RADAR and/or the combination of these intentional  radiators and radiolocators, produced a spreadsheet of only UWB devices. doppler-radar-andor-pulsed-radar-of-all-stepped-frequency-continuous-wave-cw radar-of-all-ultra-wide-band-uwb-radar-andor-the-combination-of-these-intentional radiators-and-radiolocators-29786/ 

The last item on the spreadsheet that the FCC sent in response to my FOIA  request for RADAR devices is the This UWB  device will locate, map and track multiple people – providing 3D mapping and  personnel location inside buildings, underground and in other areas where GPS is  not available. GPS’ weak signal cannot penetrate buildings, Ground Penetrating  RADAR (GPR) can, which these pulsed MW RF directed energy devices are.  

An article describing ‘shockwaves’ and ‘cavitation’ and brain trauma: may-lead-to-a-breakthrough-in-brain-research.html  

And an article on ‘pressure-waves’: “Clandestine eavesdropping using microwaves – gigahertz audio snooping system”: 4015282/Eavesdropping-using-microwaves  

There is only one case that I am aware of where a home was searched using radio waves, a TTWS radiolocator and intentional radiator, microwave RADAR gun  device, that has gone to court. In U.S. v. Denson, Neal Gorsuch, in the 10th  Circuit Court of Appeals, wrote the opinion that allowed the search of Mr. Denson’s home, to locate him before they busted the door down. Neal Gorsuch is  now Justice Gorsuch. walls/22007615/ 

United States v. Denson

Searching a home with intrusive, pulsed microwave radiofrequencies, as far as I know, has not been tested in our U.S. Supreme Court.  

As a side note, Justice Scalia wrote the majority opinion in Kyllo v. U.S., that the  forward looking infrared camera (FLIR) that detected the escaping heat from the  building, shone at Mr. Kyllo’s home was invasive and constituted a search under the Fourth Amendment and required a warrant, therefore the warrantless search violated Mr. Kyllo’s Constitutional Rights, and the evidence that it produced, of the overheated marijuana growing room, was not admissible as evidence. KYLLO V. UNITED STATES (99-8508) 533 U.S. 27 (2001) 

190 F.3d 1041, reversed and remanded.

These eavesdropping devices have matured from the microwave RF devices that were beamed at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for decades, from the 50’s to the  mid-70’s, which caused various illnesses and cancers to the embassy personnel. NYT -1976- SOVIET DIMS MW BEAM AT U.S. EMBASSY 

Soviet Halts Microwaves Aimed at U.S. Embassy aimed-at-us-embassy.html 

Recently, these eavesdropping, assault weapons have shown up more frequently  in the news and now have been reported to be used on undercover NSA and CIA  agents; used on diplomats and their children stationed in foreign countries; and used on United States Department of Commerce and Department of State  employees and their family members in multiple cities in China; used on United  States citizens in New Zealand, Australia, Uzbekistan and even pulsed or ‘hit’  (assaulted) a White House staffer while she was walking her dog in a D.C. suburb. She has reported being hit (assaulted) with pulsed MW RF before this, in August  2019 when she was on a trip to London with John Bolton.

I get a kick out of the term “hit” (assaulted), showing up in recent news reports,  as there are a ton of everyday, normal and ordinary, law abiding, United States  citizens that these pulsed MW RF directed energy weapon (DEW) assaults are  happening to, including me.

When I went to see Dr. Michael Hoffer in April 2019, in Miami, Florida, to be  examined similarly to and as the United States and Canadian diplomats and their family members were; I was told that there was a steady stream of microwave RF injured people coming to see him, to be examined by him, from all over the world, as we were all experiencing similar MW RF DEW assaults, for years. The  sin is, that no one has paid attention to our letters, reports and cries. I tried to  ask for help from my local law enforcement, to no avail, but they did recognize that the assaults were done with a “high-power-radio-wave” weapon and that it is a heinous crime. 

12 27 2016 FOIA to Etna Borough, PA 17-2012-report-concerning-the-use-of-illegal-frequencies-and-getting-a spectrum-analyzer-to-measure-them-30936/  

I appreciate Marc Polymeropoulos’ recent interview, “How radio frequency waves ended a CIA officer’s career”, as there are thousands of us, too  many to count, living on United States soil and those who have abandoned their  homes, their careers, jobs and families; who have tried to run to save their  health, escaping overseas, but are still being assaulted with target locking, target  tracking, pulsed, MW RF RADAR DEWs. cia-officers-career  

What kind of people are these people, who make up their minds, to pick a person  to destroy? to intentionally, select and isolate a person to sabotage their life, to  disrupt a family unit? to clandestinely pulse a person with microwave radio waves, a directed energy, from which there is no shielding and no escape?  

Attorney Mark Zaid represents some of the U.S diplomats, CIA special agents and he also represents Mike Beck, a former National Security Agency counterintelligence officer, who suspected that he was exposed to microwave  attacks, while on an overseas assignment with a partner in 1996. Both men later developed Parkinson ‘s disease. In his effort to get Beck disability compensation,  Attorney Zaid has gotten the NSA to release a letter in 2014, which reads in part: 

“The National Security Agency confirms that there is intelligence  information from 2012 associating the hostile country to which Mr.  Beck traveled in the late 1990’s with a high-powered microwave ….  weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an  enemy over time …. without leaving evidence …. which is designed to  bathe a target’s living quarters, causing nervous system damage.” 

Also covered here:

The original NSA court document: 665ff9158ffa09ed1e91/optimized/full.pdf#page=1  

The article from which the NSA document was taken: 

“Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers” microwave.html 

In the first part of 2019, Nils Melzer, the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on Torture has taken up the investigation of these heinous assaults as a form of torture and has rightfully labeled the technology as CYBERTORTURE, because  if you are experiencing pulsed MW RF DEWs, you are truly being cyberstalked and watched on someone’s Atari, XBOX or Nintendo-type RADAR gun’s computer  screen. 

At the request of the State Department, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, investigated and produced a 64-page report on the plausible cause of the diplomats’ mysterious, but extremely serious and  debilitating attacks, resulting in severe balance problems, neurological symptoms  and brain injuries, among other dysfunction.  

Senator Jeanne Shaheen questions Avril Haines, ODNI, regarding the microwave attacks/Covered here:

After pressure from Senator Jeanne Shaheen and other leading members of the  Senate Foreign Relations and Appropriations Committees, the United States  Department of State has finally released the Relman Report, as prepared by Dr.  David Relman, Stanford University: posted below as well

Helena Csorba: My three radio interviews: and and my 3rd interview, where you will find more of my research, including some of the legal cases I have talked about: years-the-helena-csorba-story/  

I have over 2,700 targeted people’s email, names and addresses (a very, very small list compared to other data bases). I regularly send research to 600 of  them; all are being assaulted and terrorized with this horrific weapon. 

We are calling on our Senators and Congressmen to hold joint Hearings on this heinous crime that has become ubiquitous and pervasive in our society, in  this United States of America (as well as all over the world).

It is the responsibility of our United States Department of Justice (DOJ), our top  law enforcement agency, to safe-keep and assure that citizens are not tortured and are not assaulted in this manner (or in any manner). Each states’ prosecutors, in all 94 federal judicial districts should start intake of complaints of such assaults and order investigations and then schedule Grand Jury hearings, to bring these criminals to justice and bring relief to normal, law abiding citizens who have been enduring these heinous, extrajudicial, surreptitiously meted out assaults.  

No one should have to live like this! No one should have to endure this. No one!.  THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP. 


Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims

The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants

Reporting the Journalism that’s been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments | Reposting a Twitter thread/Part of The Hidden Hand Reveals/Substack/Ramola D

The “New Way” of Stealth Urban Spectrum Assault: Yes, Microwave Weapons Are Being Used From Neighboring Houses & Parked Cars, Utility Vans, Service Trucks | Not just Drones, Celltowers, Antennas, Satellites: Countering New Disinfo from Richard Lighthouse/Substack/Ramola D

Truth11 | Dave Hodges: Senior DARPA Scientist Warns of Widespread Lethal Attacks Upon the Public Coming from Microwave Towers

News Report 9: FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Describes The Issue: History of Secret Terror in the USA: Illegal Harassment, Persecution, Deceit that’s Currently Out of Control & Uses Neighbor-Mercenaries, Portable DEWs/Neurotech/Drones, More for In-House Torture

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Public Consent

Celeste Solum: Locked up with Ramola D | Educating the World, Especially Psychiatry, on the Reality of EMF Tech & Microwave Weapons | But Connecting with Humans as Humans

The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What It’s Really Brought To Light | An Ongoing Series on Substack by Ramola D/Please subscribe at Substack for the next post

Part I: A Few Facts

Part II: The Backdrop

Part III: Dark Realities in a Conquered-by-Communism USA

Nikolai Ivanovich Anisimov: Psychotronic Golgotha | Factories in Ukraine, Dangers of World Psychotronic Enslavement, Tremendous Human Rights Efforts to Expose Massive DEW/Neurotech Crimes by Mil/Intel/Police in Former Soviet Union

Review and Repost | Ramola D | May 28, 2022

“Psychotronic generators have long been coming off the assembly line of the Octava plant located in Kiev. What are psychotronic generators? This is electron-beam equipment, which causes the effect of controlled control in the human body. In particular, it affects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.”

–Psychotronic Golgotha, Nikolai Ivanovich Anisimov

An excerpt from the 1999 memoir-plus-review of psychotronic weapon use in the lands of the former USSR by Nikalai Ivanovich Anisimov, this book (PDF below), which chronicles the use of highly secretive “psychotronic” weaponry — essentially, neuroweaponry and anti-personnel directed energy weaponry (DEW) of the kind the US Joint Non Lethal Weapons directorate and DARPA and the US Navy, Airforce, Army, CIA, DIA have also been building and using secretively and unethically for years (as revealed here and here) — offers astonishing insights into decades of classified development and secret use of this technology on civilians in Russia, Ukraine and other parts of the Soviet Union along with the rise of the “Yellow Gulag” of punitive psychiatry to shut down the tremendous rising tide of human rights activism to publicize and shut down these dreadful police crimes.

Psychotronic Weapons: Bio Hacking and Neuro Hacking Weapons of Great Cruelty

What this book, translated here on a Deepl translation by researcher Georg, who sent in earlier Russian documents in translation covered here recently and here, reveals especially is the tremendous suffering that hundreds of thousands, now probably millions, of Russians and Soviet civilians have endured as military and intelligence contractors experimented on them in secret with deadly stealth Spectrum weaponry, pervasively termed psychotronic or psycho-corrective weaponry in the Russian literature, by way of its effects on the brains, psyches, and behavior patterns of people subjected to its very physical assault and battery over long periods of time while at the same time cloaking its existence in secrecy so that Psychiatry could swoop in and incarcerate all reporting victims–much as has been done in the self-righteous but equally inhumane and unethical “West” of UK, USA, Europe and the Five-Eyes countries (a deceitful and evil protocol thence exported worldwide).

In addition to physical remote-access and cruelty, these precision energy weapons operate as neuroweapons, able to insert voices, images, sounds, smells, sensations of touch into people’s heads through a variety of means, as discussed for instance here by Dr. Robert Duncan, a DOD/CIA whistleblower: Dr. Robert Duncan: Hacking The Human Mind | The Art and Science of Neuroweapons | Ethical Considerations of Capable Weapons.

Swaying Elections with Neural Influence Weapons

As such they have the capability to influence thinking and action, as in swaying elections and persuading people to elect certain politicians over others, which in the former Soviet Union, writes Anisimov, has had the effect of returning hard-core Communists to the government.

All over the country, Anisimov asserts, people have become aware of the use of psychotronic weapons on the population. The rising tide of human rights activism in the ’90s — severely persecuted by the KGB yet persistent — across the USSR and in Moscow sparked concern and conscience all over the media and in people, leading to much disclosure. Brain institutes and military scientists were exposed as whistleblowers, intentional and accidental, made statements to journalists.

The Yellow Gulag of Complicit Psychiatry

Also exposed was the habit of carting reporting victims off to the “Yellow Gulag” of psychiatric facilities, a venture which required the complicity of psychiatrists – much as it does in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand today.

Why is it that these weapons – which affect human bodies and brains – in particular have been kept so stringently secret that secret services and intelligence agencies sought to incarcerate and miscast those in the know as mentally ill?

Perhaps because the unethical scientists and military men – and shadowy powers behind them – who enacted these psych-commit crimes sought and still seek absolute control over human behavior, human thinking, and human action—at any cost, even the physical, social, and psychological destruction of large numbers of men, women, children, families.

And because they have indeed been successful at controlling people, whether spread out over regions, contained to a building, or specifically individual, with these very invasive neural and bio-hacking weapons. And imagine they can keep engaging in this secretive form of absolute control, forever—without anyone knowing for certain about this weapon-system’s existence and use by them.

Psychotronic Weapons Go Back to the Nazis and the Third Reich

A subject also exposed in this document covered here, it is still rather astonishing to learn these Spectrum neuroweapons had their origins in the concentration camps of the Nazi Third Reich.

New Weapons Are Used First By the Military and Government Bodies

In the USSR, governments and military groups were given access.

New weapons have been deployed by all nations in every war, Anisimov notes, with intent to try out assiduously developed technology of mass destruction—from geological/tectonic weapons to biospheric and atmospheric to psychotronic weapons.

“Humane” Non Lethal Weapons Which Zombify People & Point to Psychotronic Enslavement of the Whole Population

The irony here is that these Remote-Access Neuroweapons have been developed and are being touted as “humane” weapons by the masters of warmongering – but there is nothing humane about them. “Under the guise of “humane” ideas, more and more government programs of criminal encroachments on the human brain are planned.”

Nothing less than zombification or biorobotization of the population is achieved by the use of remote-influence weapons.

The dangers to the entire population cannot be ignored. Almost anyone can be hit by a remote-access weapon to induce illness, temporary or chronic.

Weapons Which Wreak Crimes Against Humanity Need Criminal Legislation

Nikolai Anisimov closes with advice to the people of his country and the world to work toward establishing legislation to curb the untrammeled assault with radiation weapons on the population. His advice holds of course for every country on the planet at this point, each of which seems to have adopted the Communist practices he describes, including the once-touted-as-free countries, the USA, UK et al.

While it’s interesting to read his account from the former Soviet Union which casts the US in much the same light the US casts Russia, the fact remains both countries and all others worldwide now have access to and are using these Stealth Weapons of Body and Brain War on their own populations–as reports from human rights activists worldwide today, including to this reporter and also posted widely online, prove.

A disturbing but powerful read, the translated PDF is posted here below, as also a separate document which includes Nikolai Anisimov’s introduction to his book and many accounts of his own experience, both in human rights activism to raise awareness of this weaponry and in the psychiatric hospitals which sought to destroy him body and soul as also other activists, but could not succeed in breaking his powerful and vibrant spirit which shines through the entire volume.


Nikolai Ivanovich Anisimov was the chairman of the Moscow branch of the Human Rights
Information Center at time of publication of this book.

The book “Psychotronic Golgotha” is a warning to the millions of people who are being secretly
turned into remote slaves to create an elite-controlled society. For over thirty years the intelligence services have been armed with a secret technologically new weapon of the radiant type. It is a monstrous weapon of mass suppression, enslavement and destruction. Along with publicly known information this book contains previously unpublished confidential and secret materials. Members of the Moscow branch of the Information Center for Human Rights are grateful”–Andrey Vladimirovich BABUSHKIN, Chairman of the Committee for Civil Rights and Rector of the Human Rights Institute, who made it possible to publish his book “Psychotron Calvary.”

“This book is an abridged version of my basic, unpublished book Psychotronic Golgotha. The book
is written in simple and accessible language, designed for a wide range of readers. Along with the
well-known information the book contains confidential information about the secret psychotronic

In writing the book I used various sources of information. These are scientific and special literature, military publications and reference books, articles in the mass media, interviews with experts,
classified information and my own experience as a victim of psychotronic weapons. The abridged
variant of the book includes only a small part of all available information. However, it also informs
readers about the monstrous atrocity committed against the peoples of the former USSR. I am sure
that there are many victims among the readers who have experienced the whole horror of the
psychotronic terror themselves and their families.” — Nikolai Ivanovich Anisimov

Document with additional notes:

Many thanks to Georg from Germany for this translation and for reminding us all of this publication, which Cheryl Welsh has posted in translation by Ramon Ruelas on her Mind Justice site, along with photographs of the Russian activists exposing these government crimes. Please visit her site at Golgotha Pics for these photographs. Please share this article widely!


Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims

21st-Century Weapons of Terror Now On Our Streets & Being Used Worldwide as “Crowd-Control Technologies”: Psychotronic Weapons, a Chapter from “Parallel Weapons, or What and How to Kill in the XXI Century”

Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Public Consent

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

News Report 9: FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Describes The Issue: History of Secret Terror in the USA: Illegal Harassment, Persecution, Deceit that’s Currently Out of Control & Uses Neighbor-Mercenaries, Portable DEWs/Neurotech/Drones, More for In-House Torture

21st-Century Weapons of Terror Now On Our Streets & Being Used Worldwide as “Crowd-Control Technologies”: Psychotronic Weapons, a Chapter from “Parallel Weapons, or What and How to Kill in the XXI Century”

Post of translated chapter, courtesy Georg | Ramola D | May 19, 2022

“Psychotronic Weapons” is a chapter from a book in Russian which can be found here, titled Parallel Weapons, or What and How to Kill in the XXI Century, which seems to be an anthology of sorts, no primary author noted.

The PDF of the translated version into English is below, sent on by Georg from Germany who also sent in other translations recently, some posted here: Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims.

Screenshot/Image search for Psychotronic Weapons, Duck Duck Go


An overview of public-domain disclosures from Russia and the USA on the development of biohacking weapons which sought first—early in the last century–to probe and manipulate consciousness, behavior, minds, and bodies with numerous means, both chemical, psychological, and electromagnetic, but which transgressed quickly into unethical and inhumane territory with the CIA’s MK ULTRA being launched in 1953 as chronicled often online these days including here, and had its unethical counterparts in Russia too, this chapter is a bit of an eye-opener into such horrors as zombification, bio-robotization, complete mind reversal, and suicide-induction, all accomplished through stealth EMF Neurotechnologies.

Stealth Assault to “Crowd Control” While Bodies & Brains Are Being Remotely Accessed, Invaded, Damaged, and Modified

Today, numbers of these stealth Spectrum and Non Lethal Weapons energy and neuro technologies are being used worldwide both by dark actors working for the Intelligence agencies and taking out whomever they please, as Carl Clark, MI5 and CIA whistleblower detailed for all in this chilling account he offered to a German magazine, corroborated by Tim Rifat, British physicist Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US, by police agencies and local Law Enforcement, sanctioned in the US by DOD-DOJ agreements, as Crowd Control Technologies–whose inhumane aspect has never been publicly discussed, disclosed, or approved–as detailed here recently, Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Feb 12 Canberra Protest Make People Sick | Police Questioned in Parliament Refuse to Elaborate, and being rolled out by hubristic politicians as if a done deal in documents and press conferences with nary a word on the hugely invasive nature of remote-access wifi tech which is literally being used to modify brains, as covered here recently: 5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies.

Previous coverage of much whistleblowing on these energy and neural weapons can be found at this site under the Disclosure on Targeting tab, and listed in Targeting is Real, including this stark account from the Dominican Republic: Abreu Report: “My Brain was Cooking,” Says Victim of Psychotronic Weapon.

Never Forget Sarah Kershaw

Sarah Kershaw, New York Times reporter, comes to mind here–she wrote about targeting and psychotronic weapons and was possibly investigating them in the Dominican Republic when she was suddenly found dead, of asphyxiation by strangulation, in 2016: NY Times Reporter Found Dead After Exposing CIA’s Alleged Mind Control Program/HQAnon.

Interestingly, in 2008, Sarah Kershaw slanted her writing about “Targeted Individuals” (who report being hit with DEW/Neuro/Psychotronic weapons) as being mentally ill in her typical-of-New-York-Times-Cover-Ops article, Sharing Their Demons on the Web, but by 2016, when information leaked in the Dominican press about other than “coal plants” being built there, it is possible her enquiries into psychotronic weapons had yielded confirmatory information, as the Abreu Report also speculates (link below).

Sarah Kershaw

Behavior and Brain Modification From a Distance, Using Radio Frequency Weapons

Some highlights from this document:

Emotion-modification on a collective basis from a distance using radio waves (“Crowd Control” today!) was experimented on and accomplished by brain study scientists in Russia in 1925:

“In 1925, the organizer and head of the Psychoneurological Institute (now named after V.M.
Bekhterev) and the Institute for Brain and Mental Activity Research (1918), Academician V.
Bekhterev conducted and gave positive results the first experiments on the collective
suggestion of emotions at a distance by radio.” (page 7)

That EMF pulses of medium and short wavelength could be used to affect brain zones responsible for emotions and the functioning of various organs was known in the 1930s:

“The thing is that B. G. Mikhailovsky established: different combinations of electromagnetic pulses modulated in the range of medium and short waves affect the brain zones responsible both for human emotions and for the work of individual organs. He proposed to apply his discovery to the treatment of workers in the Country of the Soviets.” (page 8)

Nazi experimenters at Auschwitz (1940s) figured out they could reverberate human organs into resonance at certain frequencies and dissonance and death at certain other frequencies, and developed “psychotronic generators” to run these operations:

CIA experimenters starting in 1953 had figured out by 1966 how to use EMF emissions with drugs to create bio-robots, manipulate muscles and emotions from a distance, wipe out and replace memory, induce thoughts of a certain nature, put people to sleep, place new skillsets in someone’s brain, et al:

Russian energy companies in the 1980s worked on equipment and successfully initiated programs to influence masses of people remotely and “correct behavior” remotely–“psycho correction” in fact is a term used by Russian scientists to denote remote behavior change using EMFs (probably ELFs, super low frequencies which affect the brain at the long-wavelength, low-frequency levels the brain operates in):

Energy Companies Are Involved in Remote Behavior and Brain Modification for Shadow Government Defense Entities

Energy Companies are therefore being used by Intelligence and Military divisions to run Behavior Modification Operations on a large scale on people, as both the Abreu Report details in Sarah Kershaw’s case (see above) and the Russian disclosure confirms.

These operations are being kept classified and Top Secret, the Abreu Report notes, from the case in the Dominican Republic, where General Electric, a US Defense contractor was being protected by classified covers–but perhaps, as many investigators have since found, their ELF (extremely low frequencies) imprint can be witnessed on scalar waves in clouds, HAARP and GWEN transmissions, and the resultant docility and placidity of large regions of people.

Neuroweapons Which Induce Suicide or Homicide

Infrasound Weapons, Acoustic Neuroweapons, Hypnosis & Zombification Weapons, and Psychotronic Suicide Weapons are also discussed at length in this chapter, with much anecdotal, reported, and published information from both the Soviet press and US military documents, including some very chilling information on suicides induced in a group of CPSU investigative committee members who had exposed a crime ring in the ’90s, which reads a lot like the madness of mutual killing set off in Rwanda in the ’90s. As well, mass shooters of course are often speculated to be the recipient of manipulations via Neurotechnology/MK ULTRA maneuvers by various covert ops agencies.

People Worldwide Need to Wake Up and Ask Publicly about These Harmful Technologies

Neurotechnologies and non lethal weapons technologies using microwave and millimeter wave frequencies have currently progressed–or really, regressed–to the point of being seriously dangerous to all humanity, in fact to all living beings, and it is up to us to raise public awareness of these very harmful technologies which are now in the hands of the certifiably insane and completely unethical cowering behind “classified” covers, speak openly about them, challenge all military and commercial neuroscientists touting their existence and use openly today (and with pride) on TED Talks and various NatSec and University forums, and demand that they be fully exposed, fully publicly disclosed, and fully banned!

For more, please see:

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Public Consent

Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals

Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Some Corroboration

A few compendium-articles with much corroborating information:

Microwave Technology And Its Use Against Humanity

Documented U.S. Government Black Projects, Programs and Operations

Please support my work–monthly via Patreon, or monthly/one-time via Paypal. Apparently, certain dark forces would like very much to shut me down, as reported here most recently, but I refuse to be silenced.

Please share this article widely!

Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims

Post of translated documents, thanks to Georg | Ramola D | May 11, 2022

Re-posting, with excerpt, the translated versions of a document in Russian covering research into public-domain disclosure of the development of electromagnetic energy weapons and neurotechnologies, both long-term areas of Human Control weaponology of great interest to the Nazis in Hitler’s time as well as the Cheka or secret police in Russia after World War II, with thanks to Georg, who heads a Victims Group in Germany for the translations which he sent to me by email this week.

(Yes there are Victims, today, of the unlawful, unethical, inhumane actions of Intelligence agencies and military and police divisions worldwide testing all manner of these weapons on anyone they please, particularly people of talent, high IQ, psychic sensibilities, personal power and influence, activists, journalists, and whistleblowers–as well as people of special spiritual and energetic power. Everyone being silently assaulted in fact is a victim–but there are some who are being assaulted 24/7, as the many testimonials and interviews published by this writer here testify.)


Please note: Microwave Weapons and other Energy Weapons are not new…they are a century old. The Americans and English and Europeans have been developing and using them for decades on people — while simultaneously building a monument of lies with Psychiatry and Propagandizing Media to hide their existence, labeling reporting victims as “Mentally Ill”–it’s not just the Russians who developed this technology, although the Russians certainly went all-out over decades to investigate human bio-effects and revealed their work a lot sooner than the Americans. It is time for the entire world now to confess openly to the existence, use, and horrific inhumane use of these stealth energy technologies on people–particularly the vulnerable in prisons and mental asylums: Thousands have died, millions have suffered–When will it end? Profoundly powerful, essentially secretive in nature, these weapons can be and have been used to control minds, emotions, actions, behavior, and health of whole groups, regions, areas of populations as well as attacked people discretely with precision-targeting. Co-opted psychiatrists know all about them. And so, obviously, do Police. When Police engage in “Psychiatric Hold” arrests of people who mention the term “microwave weapons”–as recently reported by this writer here: Ramola D: Press Release, April 30, 2022: Neighborhood Watch Harassment & April 14-19 Section 12 Involuntary Psych Hold on Defamatory False-Claim: Police Crime & Police Retaliation for Truth-Journalism, you can be sure they are working well in cahoots with the Psychiatry and Intelligence factions who are actively suppressing public knowledge of these weapons while using them in stealth on people. This was borne out by this writer’s unlawful Psych Hold experience and all experience over 8 years prior–on which much more will be published soon.

Psychotronic Nonlethal Weapons as the Havana Syndrome – Human Zombification

This is a contemporary report written originally in Russian which has been translated into English and German and is posted here for worldwide reference.

Here are the links:

Psychotronic Nonlethal Weapons as the Havana Syndrome – Human Zombification

In Russian, the original:

In English:

In English, in text:

In German:


Georg points to Page 62 of this PDF, which lists the many technologies in use:

Page 62

… Electromagnetic non-lethal weapons have very good prospects. Electromagnetic pulse generators, which use the energy of an ordinary rather than a nuclear explosion. They can be used to burn computer circuits, electrical equipment, power plants, air defense radars. These generators can be made the warheads of bombs and precision missiles.

Electromagnetic non-lethal weapons also include sources of microwave – ultrahigh frequency radiation. When exposed to people they disrupt the central nervous system and the brain, cause a feeling of badly tolerated noise and whistling, affect human internal organs up to fatal outcome (60, p.368-369).

One of the most promising types of non-lethal weapons is considered to be acoustic weapons. It is known that infrasound with its low frequency when directed to people throws them into panic, deprives them of reason, causes heart and nervous system disorders. At the same time it perfectly penetrates through walls into the deepest shelters or bunkers, behind armor and bulwarks. The development of this type of weapon has been made in two directions. On the one hand, these are infrasound generators that act as “directional beams. On the other are infrasound “bombs” dropped on the enemy (60, p.367).

Such defeating properties of the products could not but interest the relevant agencies. I. Tsarev writes: “Publications began to appear in the press about design bureaus where devices for remote influence on human psyche were created; with reference to a former employee of the KGB it was reported about special generators with which some apartments in large cities were irradiated for a long time” (52, p.91). This information was fully confirmed (26, p.72). Both in Russia and in the United States security agencies have been experimenting with new technologies for more than half a century. Louis Slizen, editor of the American “Microwave News” magazine, writes: “The human body is an electrochemical system and the devices affecting it have already been created. Naturally, in our high-tech country, the military could not but be interested in such devices. Work in this field has been going on for more than 30 years and is surrounded by a veil of secrecy. Laboratories of some universities and five military research centers are engaged in it. In particular, the U.S. Air Force Electrochemical Laboratory plans to spend more than $100 million on psi-weapons in the next five years.

Work on the creation of devices that allow to influence people not directly, but at a distance (and significant) was one of the first started by the military Institute for Radiobiological Research in Bethesda, Maryland (56, p.30). These experiments began as early as 1965, but scientists achieved visible results only by 1980, when special microwave radiation generators capable of sending commands to the human brain to control its behavior were created. And the control device is insignificant in size, i.e. it is easy to move it from one point to another. This miracle of military technology is called the pulse-wave myotron. If you send the radiation directly to a person from close range, you can completely suppress his will and paralyze him. The military see a great future for this device (56, p30-31). The Military of the U.S.S.R. tested the psychotronic weapons on human material on a large scale, as it was not common in the Soviet Union to be ceremonious with people. Only in the 1990s it became known that in the Soviet Union top-secret research was authorized under the national program for “studying, implementation and technical testing of bioenergetic means of destruction in the interests of national defense and security”. For this purpose, a number of research institutes opened branches that were controlled by the secret services. Astronomical sums were allocated for the existence of these branches, institutes and departments. It is difficult to estimate how many people were exposed to illegal and clandestine radiation even now since the tests of psychotronic weapons continue in Russia (56, p.46) (62, p.77).

There are known facts of works on creation of generators of high-frequency and low-frequency coding of brain, biolocation installations, on use of chemical and biological means in order to create controlled human material. Processing of test subjects begins with suppression of their ability to resist. This is the most important thing. Turn off control – and you have mastered the psyche of another person, that is, you can now do whatever you want with him. It is not easy to “turn off” the consciousness of several people at once. Therefore treatment begins with sending of a bundle of electromagnetic, sound, or torsion radiations (56, p.23). A person after such powerful treatment completely loses control over himself and, if he stays alive, becomes controllable.

According to the type of action, all methods of turning off the consciousness can be divided into electromagnetic (field) and sound, with torsion (micro-lepton) influence standing apart. All types of these radiations are extremely destructive to human health and can cause severe diseases.

Laser and X-rays are also used, which are even more destructive to humans. For experimenters this is a very convenient type of radiation, because there are no visible obstacles for them: it is possible to direct radiation through reinforced concrete walls! In addition, such radiation can be directed at the desired point. Laser irradiation is often used at the beginning of programming to achieve a quick result. Such radiation has been used to eliminate people because death by laser aiming looks natural.

The most advanced is considered to be torsion or microleptonic radiation, the same vortex currents that were discovered by the Germans at Anenerba. There is simply no protection against it. Torsional radiation cannot be shielded at all. If X-rays are stopped by a thick lead plate, then torsional field passes through the lead (56, p.24). Weak torsional influence can put a person to sleep, medium intensity violates logical connections and “erases” memory, and high intensity can destroy both brain and body. With the help of torsion generator it is possible to provoke some diseases, to decrease sharply or, on the contrary, to increase the activity, and it is also possible to influence the brain activity, causing some desires or introducing programs. Back in 1998 our specialists created a mobile generator, which could cover a large crowd from the distance of 300-500 meters for 15-20 minutes (56, p.24-25).

Noteworthy is the information of Georgy Konstantinovich Gurtovoy, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and Igor Vladimirovich Vinokurov, MSU graduate in physiology, about the practical application of applied products.

Among the existing methods of elimination (deliberate car crashes, imaginary suicides, poisonings, organization of injuries at work, psychological provocations, etc.) one has an obvious advantage – irradiation in apartments. This is a covert and almost unprovable method. Citizens are literally being driven out of their dwellings by technical means. Sources of radiation can be located in adjoining rooms of communal apartments, on the upper floors or in houses across the street. The adjoining rooms are allegedly occupied by the employees of the regional electric utility company or the building’s DEZ, while the upper floors are rented by the KGB-FSB services by agreement with the tenants, who in this case leave for long periods of time. It is impossible to penetrate into such apartments – people who have settled in them without registration open only to the police. Victims of such actions complain about poor health, somatic and neurological ailments-headaches, hypertension, insomnia or conversely sinking into an unnatural sleep. Painful sensations: stabbing-type cramps in the kidney, liver, heart area. After a night’s sleep, bleeding defects 1-2 mm in diameter, burn spots of different caliber, cuts and scratches are found on the skin. Cuts appear also during the day, sometimes their appearance can be noticed visually – on the face, shoulders, legs, sometimes they do not heal well, they are deep and bleeding.

During sleep, when the body is in a fixed position, the person is unprotected. His body is exposed to profound effects on the body, mainly on the heart, blood vessels and the genitourinary system. A variety of physical traces (wounds, cuts, burns) and sensations (pricking, cooling, vibration, acoustic shocks) testify to the use of a wide range of radiation-UHF, laser, ultrasonic location, infrasound, acoustic waves of the shock type [26,p.49]. …

Course material in the Historic Development of Psychotronic Weapons

Georg also points to information online in Russian from 2011, offering a military course in the historic development of psychotronic weapons, with much useful information, that can be found here, and Google Translate or Deepl Translate should help translate from Russian:


Psychotronic weapons

History of the development and improvement of psychotronic weapons; identification of the negative impact of electron-beam equipment on the body. The use of laser, beam, ultrasonic and infrasonic technologies in the repressive campaign of the Soviet authorities.

In the list of nomenclature of the equipment in service there is no position called psi-weapon as a weapon of psychotronic influence. In such lists, which are reflected in the state plan and in the industrial technical plan, there is something else: microwave generators, laser, ultrasonic, x-ray emitters, extremely high frequencies of millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths of radio and ultrasonic range, infrared, ultraviolet, isotope, gamma, etc. radiation receivers for all types of ranges, converters of ultrasonic and radio radiation into sound and visible, special means of transmitting image data over telephone, television and radio channels, means of docking receivers of transmitted signals and televisions or computer equipment, etc. control of the presence of radiation for all types of their power.

But these are not lists of nomenclature for the general consumer, these are special lists of the nomenclature of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, inaccessible not only to ordinary civilians, but also to organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological service and even local emergency departments.

The equipment specified in the certificate is included in the hardware systems created to study a person as a biological object in the conditions of his daily life.

These researches and developments in the vast majority of cases are carried out secretly with the use of various types and types of inventions that affect the human psyche and can lead it to a tragic ending.

The “List of Information Prohibited for Publication” of 1990 included, for example, data on diseases of military personnel arising from work on microwave radiation devices, as well as data “On technical means (generators, emitters) for influencing human behavioral functions (creation biorobots)” paragraph 13.8, [50, p. 78; 26, c.358], as well as scientific research and development work in the field of creation and use of microwave generators and accelerators for military purposes and the impact of their radiation on various military facilities and humans “[31, p. 40; 26, p. .358].

Psychotronics is the science of the mechanisms of information communications, regulation and control of the psyche, energy and human physiology.

Psychotronics is based on the assertion that the conception, development and psychophysiological formation of the human body are based on information processes – cosmic, planetary, general organismal, cellular, molecular, bioplasmic, biogravitational, quantum, vacuum (52, p. 19).

The majority of (major) Russian scientists took part in the creation of effective methods of influencing a person at a distance: V.M. Bekhterev, B.B. Kazinsky, K.I. Platonov, A.V. Dubrovsky, V. Messing, A.P. Slobodyanik, M.Ya. Okunev, S.G. Fainberg, V.M. Svyatoshch, D.V. Kandyba, V.E. Rozhnov, A.V. Chumak, Yu.G. Gorny and others.

In 1921, a special department for remote influence on biological objects was created under the Cheka. The developments of this special department of the organization, which periodically changed its names from the Cheka to the FSB, formed the basis of NLPi methods, psychotropic and psychotronic technologies. These developments caused serious concern among a whole group of Russian scientists: Pavlov, Vernadsky, Chizhevsky, Kazhinsky and others. Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Slepukha confirms that the daughter of F. Dzerzhinsky-Margarita Teltse was at the origins of the development of “psy”-impact methods in our country and “docent” D. Looney. The main emphasis was placed on the use of psychotropic drugs based on natural and synthetic drugs. But even then it was noticed that the effect of mental deformation is significantly accelerated if the subject is in a high-frequency field (52, p. 93).

The most significant achievements in the field of psychotronic technologies and human control were achieved in Nazi Germany. One of the most unusual official organizations of the Third Reich – Ahnenerbe – was founded in 1933. The Ahnenerbe was headed by SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers. The Luminous Lodge Society, later called the Vril Society, became part of the Ahnenerbe. This society, based on the ideas of occult anthropology, studied, within the framework of the Ahnenerbe program, the possibility of creating a new race of “superhumans” – a special mutation of the Aryan race that emits “giant radiations of energy.” Additionally, members of the Japanese Green Dragon Society were involved. The Tibetan sect Agharti, relying on black forces, also became part of the Ahnenerbe. Back in 1926, a small colony of Indians and Tibetans was formed in Berlin and Munich. Later, when funds allowed, the Nazis began to send numerous expeditions to Tibet, following one after another almost continuously until 1943. The Vril Society and the Agharti sect formed the SS Black Order within the Ahnenerbe. The leading cadres of this order and the leaders of the Gestapo were required to take courses in meditation, the occult and magic. In January 1939, the Ahnenerbe, along with 50 institutions that it had, was included in the SS, and the leaders of the Ahnenerbe entered the personal headquarters of Himmler, who made the Ahnenerbe an official organization attached to his black order. Germany spent colossal funds on research conducted within the framework of the Ahnenerbe, much more than the United States spent on creating the first atomic bomb.

In the forties, Germany was the world’s leading scientific center for the study of the reserve capabilities of the psyche and human physiology. The only Institute of Psychology in the world was located in Germany, and it was in Berlin that the great psychiatrist-hypnologist Johann Schulz worked – the author of a new European concept of mental self-regulation, which absorbed all the best that was in the East and in the world, and by 1932 the discovery of Schultz was finally formalized into a fundamentally new form – auto-training, aimed at opening and using the reserves of the human body. In his system, Schultz included the discovery of the French researcher Coué about the unusual effect of repeatedly spoken words; the discovery of the American researcher Jacobson about the specific psychophysiological effects obtained with the help of maximum psychomuscular relaxin, and the main achievement of the East is the Indian, Tibetan and Chinese teachings about unusual physical and mental phenomena, which can be obtained with the help of specially altered states of consciousness. I. Schultz called his discovery “autogenic training” or “new system of autohypnosis”.

Simultaneously with the discovery of Schulz in Germany, occult-mystical research was carried out for a long time on the basis of Nietzsche’s brilliant idea of ​​the superman. And since Hitler himself was the greatest mystic of his time and an official member of several secret occult organizations, then, having come to power, in 1934 he immediately gives a secret order to create fifty (!) Research institutes in Germany to study theory and practice activation and use of hidden human capabilities (52, p.142-145).

In the forties, top-secret psychophysiological research work on an unprecedented scale was launched in Germany, involving all the best that was in India, Tibet, China, Europe, Africa, the USSR and America. Briefly formulated research goal is the creation of telepsychic weapons or, as we now say, “psychotronic weapons”. Of particular value are the secret German experiments that were performed on concentration camp prisoners. International conventions define such cruel and inhuman research on living people as a crime against humanity, therefore, never before the war and never after the war, scientists have the right to perform such experiments on living people. For these reasons, all German research materials are unique and priceless for science.

After the war, all Germany’s secret research went to the winners – rocket and engineering research went to the USA, and psychophysiological (psychotronic) research went to the USSR (52, pp. 142-145).

When conducting many years of covert research, products developed by modern science expand the methods of inducing such a high-frequency field in a limited space, while the generator itself can be located at a sufficient distance. Communications of networks of residential buildings can be used as a transmitting source of radiation from the generator: wiring of lighting, telephone and radio networks, water pipes, radio, TV (26, p. 75).

Questions of controlling individual mass consciousness were also studied in the USSR at the “Brain” Institute, created by the remarkable Russian academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. When working in this direction since the 30s, the staff of the institute was significantly increased, first to 150 people, and then more, the best Russian scientists. Here, for the first time, in addition to hypnotic influence, technical innovations began to be used: people were irradiated with radio signals and sound of different frequencies, imperceptibly affecting the human energy system.

See the whole document here:

Stay tuned for further coverage and commentary. Many thanks to Georg for this find. Please share this information widely–wake up the world! Psychiatrists, lying mainstream media, and complicit police and ER doctors should not be permitted to destroy the lives of those being destroyed already with the use of these EMF technologies on their bodies and brains by dismissing their reports as the ravings of the “Mentally Ill”; many being unlawfully DEW’d/Neurotech’d have reported being aggressively detained by police–all on false reports, being held down, being unlawfully sedated and drugged with psychiatric meds–this needs to stop, once and for all.

In the interests of Public Safety, Public Health, and National Security, stealth technologies should not be used on anyone, no technology engaging in harm should be kept secret.

And, as a matter of fact, these are indeed mass weapons of mass destruction, are being used en masse in secret on large swaths of populations worldwide, are being deployed in every single country, and represent a massive threat to the phsyiological, social and psychological health, freedom, free will, bodily autonomy, brain privacy, brain ownership, Intellectual Property rights and consciousness of all peoples worldwide: primary reason for the entire world to wake up today to the existence and use of these deadly Stealth weapons, and take action to halt their use immediately.

Celeste Solum: Locked up with Ramola D | Educating the World, Especially Psychiatry, on the Reality of EMF Tech & Microwave Weapons | But Connecting with Humans as Humans

Video Post and Note | Ramola D | April 22, 2022

Many thanks to Celeste Solum for this livestream interview yesterday. As an informed journalist and former FEMA employee well aware of military technologies and government actions, as a thoughtful and spiritually-centered woman and mother, Celeste was the perfect journalist to speak with first about this experience. Thank you Celeste for this open and informative conversation.

People have told me they cannot quite access this interview on their phones or computers, I’ve conveyed that to Celeste, and hopefully will post this at my channels shortly as well, stay tuned.

Reposting here, with permission:

Interview with Celeste Solum, April 21, 2022/Livestream: Locked up with Ramola D

My most recent interview prior to this with Celeste was on the US Army 2050 Cyborg Soldier document on Newsbreak 147, published April 10th, on which I’ll post more shortly.

More coverage to follow, please stay tuned.

Please share widely.


Ramola D: Released from Political Persecution of Wrongful Psych Hold in Carney Hospital, Dorchester After 6 Days of Illegal & UnConstitutional Arrest/Detainment & Kidnapping by Quincy Police Department on False Claim from Loony Neighbor

Thank you v. much to data analyst and broadcaster Albert Benavides for this one: Ramola D Is Home Safe Now! April 20, 2022/WelcometheEagle88