Tag Archives: Techno Crime Fighters Forum

Not Havana Syndrome, Not “Mental Illness,” “Star Wars” Might Be Closer to the Truth: Of Obvious DEWs & Neuro Strikes: A Whistleblower Racket

Report | Ramola D | November 16, 2023

Recently, it appears, (American we hope) John Kiriakou of CIA Torture Whistleblower fame ran a series of “Havana Syndrome” shows on his Top Secret podcast on Russia Today–a conundrum in itself–publicizing the term “Havana Syndrome”–a catchy term from the Mental Health, Psychiatry, and Secret Service crowd aiming desperately to keep Neuroweaponry and Radio Frequency High-Powered Microwave Weapon attacks on everyday citizens Top Secret–while continuing to play Journalist.

Agencies such as the CIA, NSA, BND, KGB, and others–covered by many previously–must have been gratified.

The years roll on, apparently, and all we hear from our “National Security” mechanism preserving our freedoms and protecting our liberties are Crickets.

John in fact made a gratifying mention of this species in his introduction to a recent show dated 28 October 2023 (one of those pictured above): “The US Government iniitally dismissed the symptoms as the product of Crickets. Yes, Crickets. And that is of course, ridiculous.” (I may have that quote wrong since it appears to have changed, in the last few days–as also the rest of the show, with much added imagery and chatter–as I marvelled at this introduction.) (The new one mentions the word “sinister” which is about right, in my estimation, in relation to the CIA, and the NSA as well, both on prominent display on this show.)

Crickets were covered assiduously by the New York Times, I recall.

I covered these Cover Attempts earlier here, at Substack:

Worldwide DEW & Neurotech Targeting and AI- Cybernetic Torture, Bio Neuro Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity By Fusion Centers Et Al

I don’t believe John Kiriakou–like most other journalists, worldwide, not in contact with this writer–attended that first, stellar Online Press Conference held on October 15, 2021 on Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting and AI/Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, nor the second, Conference II, on Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation, held on October 22, 2022, reported here earlier, but then, neither did the New York Times. (Who don’t really cover Crimes Against Humanity.)

He does, however, do a good job playing Still-a-Spokesperson-for-the-CIA despite his long stint as In-the-Public-Eye-as-a-Righteous-Whistleblower, much like Edward Snowden, Bill Binney, and so many others. The CIA, I understand, is an exacting employer, which doesn’t quite let its whistleblowers go, as CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell has recently demonstrated, with a new batch of repeat-storytelling she may have been paid to storytell: my newer understanding of how Intelligence agencies operate is touched on here:

“This writer has increasingly been made aware over the years of the extreme strangeness of the so-called “Intelligence Community” in the USA through her interactions with and journalistic coverage of whistleblowers from various prestigiously-named agencies which apparently all seem to actually be filled with people idly entertaining themselves and others with various covers, stories, and lies.”

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

Merely asking, what is it about Whistleblowers from the Government agencies, really? isn’t enough anymore. Clearly they are a very special race, class, or species, unto themselves–and as explained to us once, many years ago, of the way terrorists apparently behave, of whom Intelligence agents seem to be the obverse half, they operate separately sometimes, in cells and conclaves. Yet none, it appears, are in actuality acting independently: a tragedy or a regrettable fact, either way you look at it.

Intelligence: A Disinfo Operation?

What Intelligence agencies are supposed to do has always remained an inscrutable mystery to most of us, especially those of us who’ve been relegated, I see, to the (Colorful) margin as Writers and Journalists so CIA whistleblowers like Kiriakou can Rise into the public eye through carefully constructed means, employing Time–an aspect of Reality NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney informs us is what Intelligence agencies seek honorably to work with:

“To project—or predict—Intentions and Capabilities of Adversaries or Threats—in advance, so you can actually do something to stop them and prevent them—That’s what Intelligence is supposed to do.”

–(Using Tragedy as an Excuse to Spy on Americans, The Whistleblowers, April 2023, Interview with Bill Binney by John Kiriakou)

Writing to John Kiriakou

I wrote to John Kiriakou once, in September 2016, at the time that he was awarded the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award for 2016–an award also bestowed on NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake, in 2011, to whom I also wrote at the time. (Curiously, I live in the town now where Sam Adams’ ancestors hailed from–a “City of Presidents”–and I learn he too was CIA once, in the ’60s, and a whistleblower, on Vietnam, obviously a story there too, and insight into how the CIA-NSA-Media is constructed and operates.)

John Kiriakou was in the Press a great deal at the time, for his speaking out on “enhanced interrogation” Torture activities inclusive of waterboarding, by the CIA.

John Kiriakou at the Fort Collins Community Action Network, earlier named the Center for Peace, Justice, and the Environment, speaking about being Chief of Counter Terrorism in Pakistan, awakening to the fact of children being terrorized (by the CIA), learning and whistleblowing about the “CIA’s Torture Program” and “Enhanced Interrogation” including Waterboarding, and capturing and handing over Abu Zubaydah, projected as being inner-circle Al Qu’aida, in 2002.(Very sadly, Abu Zubaydah was thence “renditioned” to black sites in Europe, then sent to Guantanamo in 2006, and seems (despite Lawyers existing in Amerika) to have been incredibly insanely tortured for 21 years, as reported in May 2023 by The Guardian here–as a consequence of which the entire world understands the US Legal System has failed utterly, that he–and all held at Guantanamo–on “no legal basis for detention (as found by the 95th Session of the Human Rights Council, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, UN, 14-18 November 2022)” needs to be released immediately: a subject surely for further coverage by all human rights groups and true journalists, worldwide, as well as address by those at the Head of Governments, worldwide.)
Former Vice President of US Inc. Dick Cheney on May 13, 2018, Hollywood-whisper- confiding to journalist Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Insider he was all for Enhanced Interrogation–“I believed in it, I was heavily involved in getting it set up,” wouldn’t call it Torture, and admired it for the “Intelligence” it produced. This was 2 years after 2016, when John Kiriakou won the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence award for his whistleblowing–(which turned out to be for, as reported by the Court/US Legal System revered by the New York Times, the reveal of an Agent’s Name), yet CIA-FBI Torture in its many guises was permitted to continue, a situation still calling desperately for change/https://www.foxnews.com/video/5784224187001.

That September, Cait Ryan, a New England RN, and Karla Smith, human rights activists and seeming leaders among a small group of concerned Americans I knew–who were then working together (I thought) to expose the crimes of factions in the Military and Intelligence agencies using and secretly testing so-called non-lethal microwave weapons, space telemetry, radar tracking and other such among other forms of harmful non-consensual bio-neuro experimentation technology on civilians, service members and veterans alike–in other words, indiscriminately, on Americans–were planning to attend the awards ceremony for the 2016 Sam Adams award and I entrusted my letters to them. Cait Ryan had made the acquaintance of John Kiriakou, she had told me sometime, through writing to him when he was in prison, and was going to Washington to meet him and Thomas Drake along with Karla Smith, a trip I was invited on but could not make eventually, by reason of family obligations. As I recall, Cait Ryan encouraged me to write to both whistleblowers, offering to take my letters to them; I believe I was asked and responded as a journalist and prominent human rights awareness-raiser reporting government crime, as I (thought I) was known then in this group; my intent then (looking back now) may have been to apprise these two CIA and NSA whistleblowers somewhat of the nature of the technology crimes many had reported to me, and which it appeared certain Government agencies were then working overtime to conceal.

Writing to inform whistleblowers was also encouraged at the time by Australian writer and human rights campaigner Paul Baird, author of the website SurveillanceIssues.com, who was then seeking to bring a few NSA, CIA, FBI and other whistleblowers together in a documentary or film to help reveal the overarching crimes of decades-long non-consensual brain, body, and life experimentation with remote-access stealth weaponry, inflicting essentially Torture, on both Americans and people worldwide.

SACHRP in May 2016: Talking about Protecting Humans While Pushing Ahead the Agenda to Strip all Protections from Humans

I was beginning to follow the doings of the SACHRP then–the Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Subject Research Protections–in its efforts to transform the Common Rule into an open door for unconsented-to human experimentation by the US Military and Intelligence (DOD/C5ISR) behemoth on Americans–already quietly permitted by both Intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice, having been only recently introduced, in 2014, 2015, 2016, through questioning US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research Projects, via the subject of FWAs (federal wide assurances), re-covered here recently, to the subject of Health and Human Services’s seemingly being involved–without revealing involvement–in the unlawful procurement, use, and exploitation of large numbers of (unlawfully) selectively targeted, terror-and-spy-listed people in the USA post 9-11.

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

[This was perhaps part of the now-emergent long-game concerted push in the entire world of Health, via concoctions such as “Behavioral Health” and constructs such as Community Behavioral Health Centers to begin or continue to disappear human intellect, individualism, family in building NWO frameworks hidden these days under “Smart City” language and concepts of sustainability, resilience, sanctuary, and innovation. I did not know that then.]

I had learned there was tremendous public uproar over the intent to disappear Informed Consent in biomedical experimentation–among the group awakened to this possibility that is, since the SACHRP meetings in May 2016 were not open public meetings permitting open public discourse, nor were covered openly by the so-called Media, as a War might be, or the US Open, or the Coronation of a sudden King.

The public dissent therefore was near-disappeared.

My coverage of this subject at the time included notice of public comment and Cait Ryan’s and Karla Smith’s public appearances at the end of two SACHRP meetings in May 2016, as also Nola Alexander’s, Peter Rosenholm’s, Joan Dawson’s, Cassandra Lewis’s, reported here : No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities | Ramola D | July 17, 2016

These May 2016 meetings interestingly were aimed to disclose Public Comment, after the Period for Public Comment on the NPRM–the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), published in the Federal Register on September 8, 2015, and running a lip-service public-comment period for three months–closed on January 6, 2016.

Their testimonies and statements, powerfully moving, yet constrained to five minutes at the end of 3-hour NIH-Campus (Fisher’s Lane: NIAID) meetings which should have been nationally televised and nationally responded to, can be found here, in the last 20 minutes of each meeting: SACHRP, May 18 and May 19, 2016.

[These meetings were not well-publicized, and did not permit for open public or journalistic access. A query I sent SACHRP for further information prior to these meetings went unanswered. However, based on responses I had received then on FOIA request to the US Air Force, and ongoing research, I provided Kate Ryan with some information on human experimentation weapons-testing programs, which she included in her presentation. Regrettably, I was not able nor encouraged to make it to these May meetings myself. I did address the SACHRP Committee however, in a letter sent by email and fax some time later in September (included below.) Cait I recall asked then if she could share my letter with CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, and also share it with NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe.]


I wrote then, to John Kiriakou and to Thomas Drake (letters below), requesting an interview, mentioning my coverage of Torture activities being indulged in apparently by various Defense and Intelligence agencies using the weapons of Electronic Warfare–counter-personnel energy neuroweaponry–and the danger of this continuing, via intended changes to the Common Rule permitting waivers for Intelligence and Justice, suggesting they might wish to investigate the matter further. My concern was both for the present and the future.


“In other words, these agencies—which group no doubt includes the CIA—are seeking carte blanche to conceal and cover any and all future experimentation on Americans, as well as, I presume, in this way cover any ongoing experimentation on Americans (or anyone else, worldwide, via Intel agreements), as perfectly normal, everyday Intelligence surveillance activities being conducted by these agencies, which they are under no obligation to divulge whatsoever, since of course all this activity will be classified and has to be hidden for the purpose of preserving National Security.”

–Letter to John Kiriakou, Ramola D, September 24, 2016

Not long after, John Kiriakou responded (letter below), not quite getting the import of what I was saying it appeared, suggesting that people reporting non-consensual experimentation might be “mentally ill” while also saying he had not heard of any such thing in his 15 years of working with the CIA.

This was rather crushing at the time, given our hopes to involve ethical whistleblowers in exposing the hidden crimes of over-reaching agencies of the US Government. Nevertheless, I wrote back, seeking to educate him further, as I passed on the letters also to Cait Ryan, Karla Smith, and Paul Baird, all of whom optimistically noted that perhaps we had sown a small “seed” one day to further blossom, while we each reminded ourselves this was a whistleblower who had been imprisoned for speaking out, and who had a young family–in other words, one not to be further imposed on really. Thomas Drake I did not hear from, but Cait Ryan assured me he might well write back later, given his being more fully engaged then in a doctorate he was working on. Neither agreed to an interview. John Kiriakou did send me on a note he had sent Cait Ryan and Cait told me she had assured John I “wasn’t mentally ill”–making me wonder how on earth Mental Illness had entered the conversation in the first place.

Why are Reporting Victims of Crime Referred to as “Mentally Ill”?

Of course, it appears John Kiriakou is using this term of reference now on his shows featuring the more than fraudulent Spychiatry-Invented “Havana Syndrome”, including in an unusual question aimed at former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney revealing more of his own leanings–or being-dragged–into the frantically Fabricating world of Psychiatry: “…in many cases they’re mentally ill. But in many cases they are legitimately suffering from something—and they have the MRIs and the CAT Scans to prove it. Is it possible to differentiate between people who need to be medicated and people who are suffering as a result of something electronic?”

[Is John Kiriakou a secret “Psychiatrist”–much like DOD/CIA neuroscientist James Giordiano, who has rushed out to get an “Adjunct Faculty” position in “Psychiatry”? (James Giordano’s new self-reporting bio here: Neuro-AI Convergence, NBIC, And a “New Global Order” Embodying Asymmetry in Ethics/June 28, 2023]

The Mythology-of-Mental-Illness being applied as Central Cover to conceal reports of electromagnetic/acoustic neuroweaponry use on the populace has been surfaced in many of my articles before and since, including:

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional. | June 14, 2016

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers | October 22, 2018

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies” | May 21, 2015

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion” | September 10, 2019

It’s true, I’ve lost faith in Whistleblowers, and in human rights activists who have pursued prominence as leaders while disappearing and discrediting others, engaging in both overt and subtle actions of COINTELPRO. “Handling” and “Containment” come to mind when I look back at conversations and communications, sudden apprisings of Public Comment deadlines at Health agencies, slow actions and exhortations to non-action. CIA and NSA whistleblowers–looking back at a long list of them (many of whom can be seen listed as Sam Adams awardees here)–seem to be artifacts of the CIA and NSA, primed to “reveal” while in fact aiding to Conceal.

Looking back on these 2016 emails with several others I thought then were as keen to raise awareness of the incredible human rights abuses engendered by the US Military, Security, and Intelligence factions, I have become aware there is possibly a story to be told here–perhaps the only story left to be told here–in the rise and Intelligence-engineered fall of promising public reportage of US Inc.– now US World Inc.– crimes committed in the name of National Security. But it is National Security which is compromised when taxpayer-paid, citizen-elected bodies turn their sophisticated New Age weaponry on the innocent, trusting populace–millions, worldwide–to destroy our lives.

It’s taken me many years–and re-watching these SACHRP meeting videos–to figure out something others probably know very well, working as they might Inside the NDA, NSL, Lie-to-Deceive world of Agencies, Forces, Services et al: Those who occupy positions in the Spotlight are inevitably Supported, or, more accurately, brought to where they are by intent; there are no “accidental” whistleblowers or activists or journalists permitted to rise to the fore at any time, they are all part of a well-oiled mechanism both bolstering extant Covert agencies and endless Covert Crime, or in other words: The CIA is/in the Whistleblower and the Whistleblower is/in the CIA. As also the NSA, probably–and yes I’ve had some first-hand experience there too, as also with (mysterious) European Royalty/MI5/Swiss Intel/BND–and I’ll have to examine other aspects of this “Government” scenario another time.

Letters: Revealing National Security Crimes

My letter to John Kirakou, September 24, 2016:

The Writer’s bio I enclosed:

The Letter to the SACHRP Committee, September 9, 2016, I sent links to:

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s first response to me, September 27, 2016:

Conversations regarding this response with Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My first letter back to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

John Kiriakou’s second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Conversation post that letter with Karla Smith and Cait Ryan, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Note back from John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My last response to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

[Open Season on Targets was eventually published, and can be found here:

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up | December 3, 2016]

Conversation around that thread, with ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart, Saturday October 8, 2016:

Conversation regarding John Kiriakou and the CIA in general, with Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Sudden Hollywood, CIA Stars, and a Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey

A few months later, in mid-2017, further discussing Paul Baird’s idea of bringing whistleblowers together for a film, there was some talk (shockingly enough) of John Kiriakou having won some kind of deal in Hollywood to scriptwrite or produce a series based on “TI”s or “Targeted Individuals” (whom he didn’t believe existed or leaned on a corrupt APA to call Mentally Ill).

I have no idea what transpired on that score beyond that point (emails below), but there was another rather large scenario unfolding around us at that time–or rather, failing to unfold, and that had to do with a much-vaunted and early-publicized Global Survey of “Targeted Individuals” (Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under the Peerless Direction of Top NSA Whistleblowers William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe/June 30, 2017) no-one was given enough information on, and which the probably Pharaonically (CIA/CFR?)-appointed leaders chose not to include me on, either as colleague or journalist, for reasons still unknown to me, while succeeding also in failing their target audience. There is a story to be told here too, and while I have reported in an ongoing way as information came my way, I do not have all the pieces of that puzzle–Was it Racism sent my way then, was it part of the Infiltrator-run support-group scenario crushing the work of the only Journalist working in this area then still, was it something else?

[Ella Free, Katherine Horton, and Techno Crime FIghters Forum all came along right when my print journalism, public reportage, community work, and public awareness-raising were becoming more visible. There were several attacks on my work, family, name, and life inclusive of the tremendous one from my daughter’s public school Principal Richard deCristafaro and Vice Principal Susan Shea Connor of Central Middle School in Quincy, Massachusetts in 2018, reported here: Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not “Untreated Mental Illness”. Excluding my work (and myself) entirely, the group “Targeted Justice” was formed, selectively refusing to recognize my reportage. And after that, when unanticipated implosions began to occur on group email lists, there appeared to be a concerted effort by many on the inside to target me in particular for extended Defamation and Slander and disappearance from both insider groups and the public eye by the Intelligence role-player and a former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague Katherine Horton, and thereafter, even more inexplicably, by the then-known-as NSA Whistleblower and also former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague whose accounts of extended targeting I had covered extensively, ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart.]

The Global TI Survey was never properly reported, by those who set it up and ran it. At the time that it was closed, in October 2017, I published what information I was given, which pointed to a very small number of participants in the survey: Global TI Survey Update: Survey Now Closed. A note from Karla Smith in May 2018 reminded a larger group “the primary focus of the survey was to gather medically diagnosed symptoms, and other symptoms/descriptions related to what each person has experienced in their own words and without any expectation of the results.” (“Symptoms” as central has always been problematic to me–as my questioning of Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe at the inception conference call for this Survey notes–as indeed the term “Targeted Individual” as well.) My requests in 2020 for an interview with Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe which went unanswered at the time were thwarted, I was given to understand later, by Katherine Horton engaging in rather obvious defamation and slander, which NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe alerted me to, as reported here earlier: Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/Jan 2, 2021.

I was fortunate to be able to interview with NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe later, who sought to further clarify the nature of the false-representation and false-light defamation activities conducted against me by Katherine Horton prior. One NSA Whistleblower at least could discern the truth I have taken pains over time to establish online.

Regarding that survey, perhaps John Kiriakou, Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Kate Ryan, and Karla Smith will enlighten us further one day. I do know that there was great drama surrounding the logistics of submitting the “evidence of the crimes”–medical records, photographs and so on–yet NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe told me five years later during the time of his interview with me on July 14, 2021 he did not see any evidence, that is, he apparently wasn’t given any. This was an important interview, and gave insights into how the NSA functioned back in the ’70s and what has occurred now, in terms of fall-away of Intelligence oversight and inability to constrain full-spectrum Surveillance Data collection and analysis while permitting all kinds of human rights abuses:

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments

The phenomenon of “support groups” being Intelligence and Military-created which I have understood only over the years and reported here (The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants) I did not know then was in operation among certain groups of people I was closely working with and whose work in public reportage I supported.

Meanwhile, here are a few snippets of the conversation on CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s new opportunities on a platter:

My then letter (September 24, 2016) to NSA Whistleblower, Winner of the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence Award for 2011, Thomas Drake, is here:

Whistleblowers and Intelligence Operations

While reading around this subject as I wrote this article, I came across John Kiriakou’s article in Scheerpost, a site I had never seen before–but clearly one which explains much: John Kiriakou: Havana Syndrome — Paranoia or Reality?/April 28, 2023.

Perhaps the rest of Amerika/America can figure out the extent of the irony here–or convolution in Cover–in a CIA Whistleblower playing Journalist turned Fiction Writer and Screenwriter using in Fiction the very subject he has denied to those reporting obvious military-intelligence-police-private-sector crime to him.

Perhaps America and the world notices also the sad irony in reporting Torture–on a very large scale, using very sophisticated military weaponry, developed now over more than 20 years of weapons-testing on people since 9/11 and over more than 50 years prior, probably since the institution of the National Security Act in 1947 which created the CIA, and involving all branches of the US Military (and other Militaries) and the Department of Justice (as reported here often)–to military and Intelligence whistleblowers who themselves cannot speak of what they may know or have awareness of thanks to NDAs (non disclosure agreements) and relationships of different sorts sealing their silence.

But is the CIA all the Media we have? “Havana Syndrome” as a term many people have now come to think may be about “mysterious weaponry” yet it is very obviously a fraudulently-tagged “Syndrome” involving the repressive use of Police-Dog Psychiatry.

This should be absolutely Unacceptable to the entire Thinking, Reading, Educated world.

The Cover of “Targeted Individuals” being presented by the CIA-Media as “Mentally Ill” with serious problems of Paranoia needs to be dropped. The Facts of unlawful targeting, abusive human rights violations by fusion center agencies and contractors, the use of extreme-abuse remote-access stealth neuroweaponry, electromagnetic and acoustic, and covertly-implanted radio telemetry–RFIDs, MEMs, BCI-CBIs, Neurostims, the approval and protection of AI, Brain and Pain experimentation and abuse by numerous agencies in a Techno Holocaust which needs complete exposure and complete termination need to be known.

Yet it’s that, the whole spectre of Mythology in Process of Creation as Mythology which John Kiriakou ironically seems to stand for–chronicling as he does this process in his well-linked History of the False Narrative of Havana Syndrome, elaborate and absurd, not unlike the storylines of the Christopher Steele Dossier, or the base mythologies of 9/11 having been run by mythical Muslim men from Arabia, while some have been captured and endlessly tortured for false confessions at Guantanamo as he himself chronicled in September 2023 at Consortium News here–which should be seen as the most disheartening, for it helps perpetuate Lies in a fast-awakening world.


In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?/March 26, 2015

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today/March 13, 2016

Ramola D/Intellihub News–(Updated) Psychologists Urged to Examine Complicity in Supporting Abusive Systems of Torture in U.S. Criminal Justice System and Covert Government Programs/April 20, 2016

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program/May 23, 2016

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities/July 17, 2016

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State/March 7, 2018

Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government”/September 4, 2019

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion”/September 10, 2019

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996/January 30, 2020

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change/February 24, 2020

TechnoGate for Targets: New Intel Gatekeepers NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe?/May 17, 2020

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People/May 5, 2021

Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/January 2, 2021

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments/July 19, 2021

Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) — Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons

Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted/January 17, 2022

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes

Public Disclosure By Military/Intelligence Whistleblowers on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today/May 18, 2023

Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons/September 21, 2023

“DETER” on Industry Day: Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER) Advanced Research Announced on October 19, 2023: The Techno Arc from Targeting Tech to 5G/Smart City/HAARP Tech in Visions of Large-Scale Human & Earth Control (For Humanity to DETER)/October 24, 2023

Less Than Lethal (LTL) Technical Security Systems (TSS)–Acoustic, Radio Frequency–Sought by the Department of State for “Protection” of Diplomatic Mission Compounds/October 29, 2023

Information Sought on Calls, White Papers, Proposals and Human Rights Responsibilites & Protections from US AFRL on Announcement of New Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER)/November 5, 2023

REPORT & JOINT STATEMENT ON HOW TECHNO CRIME FIGHTERS FORUM ENDED | Correction of Dr. Katherine Horton’s False Narrative Changing Facts

Report & Joint Statement | Ramola D | November 23, 2019


Subsequent to the extraordinary year and a half of outright falsehoods and slander propagated against me by former colleague Dr. Katherine Horton in an endless public display via several media including Youtube, Twitter, and her website, inflicting tremendous damage on my name and reputation while inciting others to engage nonstop in similar smears, mobbing, and cyber-bullying, it was recently decided to issue a joint statement to refute one of Dr. Horton’s most outstanding lies regarding how Techno Crime Fighters Forum ended.

This particular false-narrative-construct states that I “single-handedly blew up Techno” and is the primary lie this Joint Statement from all members of the TCFF team bar Dr. Katherine Horton intended to address.

This Joint Statement has come about thanks to the thoughtful efforts of an independent observer encouraging us to revisit this matter and jointly publish the truth of what occurred, in the interests of serving the truth and refuting the slander adversely affecting my name and journalism.

Over the past two or more weeks we have sought to do so, deciding on the text of this statement jointly after much conversation, contemplation, correction, edits, additions.

This statement was approved by all three members of the group on November 20.

Regrettably and unexpectedly, just before finalizing and publication, Karen Melton-Stewart sought to delay publication for four weeks, stating the timing could be seen as coinciding with Dr. Katherine Horton’s court case. Given that this entire effort—slicing into time much needed for other work including my journalism—has been undertaken to address new damage inflicted by Dr. Katherine Horton, whose continued slanderous attacks on me I have sought often to quell, I expressed my disinterest in such a consideration, pointing out that Dr. Katherine Horton’s court case schedules—which no-one had been keeping tabs on–were irrelevant to the historic matter being addressed by the Joint Statement. Nor, in my view, was it necessary to give credence and consideration to activities of dubious merit being undertaken by Dr. Katherine Horton, who had necessitated these very efforts, onerous and time-consuming, to repudiate her outrageous actions of slander and defamation against me.

Karen Stewart then stated that she withdrew her support for the Joint Statement–after she had already given her approval for the Statement as it is published below.

I highly regret that this has occurred, but I bear no animosity toward a sister warrior fighting for the truth about these crimes against humanity to be heard. I am honored to have worked alongside her, to have supported her voice and work, and to have reported at length on her story.

I am publishing the Joint Statement currently, as earlier intended, and as written, edited, and approved by all three of us in the service of truth, to repudiate wanton slander, and in the spirit of informing the public at large what really transpired.

–Ramola D

November 19, 2019


Correction of Dr. Katherine Horton’s False Narrative Changing Facts

Because there continues to be confusion among some on this matter, definitively speaking, we jointly need to establish that Techno did NOT end by way of Ramola “singlehandedly blowing up Techno,” as Dr. Katherine Horton has wrongfully mischaracterized it several times, including recently, on her website, in many videos, and on Twitter; Techno ended because of a primary issue we three–Millicent, Ramola and Karen–had tried hard over time and over that last week, via emails, to resolve with Dr. Horton but alas could not.

The major issue, brought to a head by her offer to host TCFF weekly at her channel while others wished to make TCFF monthly (thanks to the unstructured, time-wasting form some felt TCFF had degraded to, which had raised issues of changing its periodicity), was Dr. Katherine Horton’s calls for violence on some of our shows against those leaders running heinous operations against us; whether serious or sardonic, it was deemed by us all as unwise. A minor issue was Dr. Katherine Horton’s peppering her commentary with profanity not readily acceptable in American society, which struck us as unprofessional, and unwise.

Other reasons and issues have been documented by Ramola in her account The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstoryan account published only after review and approval by Millicent, Karen, and Melanie- -which unwound over a longer period of time than just that last week when conflict in conversation with Dr. Katherine Horton on the subject of those primary issues above, accentuated by her refusing to accept culpability for her own previous calls to violence, brought Techno to an end.

It also needs to be definitively stated that all 4 of us had understood that Techno Crime Fighters Forum had already come to an end, as a re-perusal of the email exchange between us establishes, before the occasion of the Video Note presented on August 2, 2018 by Karen, Millicent, and Ramola, which was only meant to be a note to viewers by one portion of the former group that the forum had closed.

Dr. Horton’s frequent statements that she was excluded from a TCFF episode are factually wrong. So also her statements that “Karen was shocked” to get a call that TCFF was to be announced as ended, when more accurately we understand now after much conversation, that Karen’s inability to be present for long at a 3-person conference call the night before (Aug 1) meant that she herself, sad at the impasse with Katherine, but aware (like all 4 of us) at that point that TCFF was over, was not expecting a call from Ramola and Millicent the next day (Aug 2) to publicly address the issue of TCFF closing; cyber-hacking on the day (Aug 2) also prevented Karen from being present earlier that morning to more fully discuss the matter before going on-air for a Video Note to say goodbye; all of which combined to her being “indeed surprised” when eventually reached late that morning, as she has stated earlier. However, it is important to note that the decision to go on-air to present that Note without Dr. Katherine Horton (and the distinct possibility of unpleasantness on-air) was taken by all three together, even if in haste, to honor the time-slot, and even if the Note itself, intended originally to be a brief and neutral announcement of the unfortunate end of TCFF, expanded unexpectedly into candor from Ramola as to why TCFF closed, after Katherine unexpectedly showed up in Chat and made statements there about “being excluded from the broadcast.” It is important to note Katherine herself did not label this in Chat a TCFF episode, which it most certainly was not, because she like all three of us knew full well by then TCFF was over. Her subsequent labelings of this being a TCFF episode from which she was excluded are questionable and erroneous.

Dr. Katherine Horton was indeed excluded from a notification podcast to wish viewers goodbye—on group consensus– only because she had already, prior to that podcast, rejected in-depth attempts, together and separately, from all three women to reason with her and find a solution. This was the primary reason for the breakup of the group, with much frustration and bad feelings generated by her refusal to further discuss the primary issue the group found problematic. TCFF as a group and a forum no longer existed at that point, and as a result, communications were strained and unfruitful or just finally non-existent.

Finally, it is important to note that Dr. Katherine Horton at the time, on email, denounced all three for not including her on that final Video Note, and all three stopped working with her on the Joint Investigation Team which she later erroneously cast as a team she had “led” when it had been agreed throughout it was a collegiate, not a hierarchized group, which certainly did not recognize her as a leader.

Dr. Katherine Horton’s repeated mis-characterizations since then and recently, scapegoating Ramola D as the prime cause or instigator of TCFF’s demise and publishing such mis-characterized interpretations and accusations against Ramola D— which may rise from her own denial that her calls to violence were inappropriate or had even been done, or as a desire to deflect attention from her own culpability in an unwise course of action which ultimately brought TCFF to an end– should be repudiated.


Karen Melton-Stewart, Dr. Millicent Black, Ramola D

November 19, 2019


Ramola D/The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

Ramola D/JOINT STATEMENT ON HOW TCFF ENDED Correction of Dr. Katherine Horton’s False Narrative Changing Facts/December 10th, 2019

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: The End of Techno Crime Fighters: Independent Observations & Analysis

–Posted 8/18/2018

Re-posted from CIA Whistlebower Barbara Hartwell‘s media site and blog, Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA, with permission. Many thanks to Barbara for her own independent analyses and reporting, and for her kind words of support.

BHEndofTechnoaPlease visit Barbara Hartwell’s site for this and many other excellent reports on contemporary events and affairs.



The End of Techno Crime Fighters: Independent Observations & Analysis

I first came into contact with Ramola D/Dharmaraj in late March of this year, when she invited me to be interviewed on her podcast, Ramola D Reports.

I was introduced to Ramola by FBI whistleblower, Geral Sosbee, whom I have known as a personal friend and professional colleague since 2001 and with whom I have had a close working relationship in exposing and standing up against FBI/CIA massive criminality/corruption.

(See the many reports on this site written by Geral Sosbee, some of which we co-authored.)

As one of many in the multi-pronged assaults by counterintelligence operations (FBI, CIA inter alia), we have reported on the deployment of directed energy weaponry (DEW), otherwise described variously as “anti-personnel”, “non-lethal” (a misnomer!), “electro-magnetic”, etc. etc.

I should state that science/technology is not one of my areas of expertise (far from it), but that, as a journalist, I have been investigating/reporting on this technology since the 1980s. My interest has been compelling, for the simple reason that it had been used against me (as well as my family, friends and colleagues), in my case since early childhood, as part of the horrors perpetrated by CIA via MK Ultra.

However, I do have expertise in other areas, especially, for the purpose of the issues covered here, psychological operations, counterintelligence, which are comprised of a wide range of disciplines.

I have, since April of this year, been working on an ongoing series of podcasts with Ramola, covering these issues, which include discussions of my personal experiences regarding this weaponry.

Ramola, as she states, has done intensive investigations on this technology and has interviewed numerous professionals, some of whom are scientists with expertise in this field. Her own knowledge of this weaponry, and its applications, is impressive and she also holds a degree in physics.

And equally important is that she works not only to expose the technology to the general public, but also to provide assistance to those who have been targeted for brutal abuse by it, including journalists, whistleblowers and activists.

Since getting to know her I have come to have tremendous respect and admiration, not only for her professional work, but for her as a person of honesty and integrity.

All that said, I feel it to be a moral imperative to stand with her on several issues which have been raised, most recently her involvement in a weekly forum, Techno Crime Fighters, which ended in July of this year.

I must state for the record that I speak strictly for myself, based on my own observations regarding this public issue. I have not had any involvement whatsoever in this group, nor am I personally acquainted with any of the former members, with the exception of Ramola.

However, my name has repeatedly been publicly dragged into this controversy, despite the fact that I had no direct involvement. Appearing as a guest on Ramola’s podcast in a series of interviews is in no way related to her involvement in any groups (including JIT or Techno Crime Fighters).

Nor have I ever been involved with any groups or organizations of those who describe themselves as “targeted individuals” (TIs). I have often seen references to what has been described in broad terms as “the TI community”. Again, I am not involved, nor have any contact with these collectives.

I have made it very clear, by notices on this website, going back many years, that any/all reports I make (written or on radio/TV/podcasts, etc.) are FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The reading/listening audience may make of my reports what they will.

I do not solicit comments from the public, nor do I engage in public discussions, arguments or debates. I am not a participant in social media, discussion groups, etc.

In my view (which I fully understand is far from the norm), the Internet is a hotbed of aggressive busybodies; it is a free-for-all, where anything goes, where the privacy and personal boundaries of individuals are grossly disrespected. It is certainly a function of the Surveillance State.

In particular, some of the people in the “comments” section of the You Tube videos I have done with Ramola have been slinging my name around, drawing false conclusions, making erroneous suppositions and unwarranted assumptions and engaging in rank speculation, based on nothing more than their subjective perceptions and personal biases.

Worse, my name has now been dragged through the mud in connection to Ramola’s podcasts addressing the end of Techno Crime Fighters. I don’t blame Ramola. She is not responsible for the smears of ignorant and malicious people, most of whom are anonymous cowards, hiding behind silly screen names.

And more specifically, Ramola has been the Target of accusations which have no basis in fact, along with hideous threats, including of an obscene nature, such that she should be brutally raped! This appalling behavior reflects severe psychopathology, and has nothing to do with the actual issues addressed in Ramola’s reports.

Here I have given links to a written report by Ramola, along with an accompanying podcast. I have taken excerpts from the written report, which I have found to be especially significant, followed by my own commentary.

But for a comprehensive view, please read the entire report and watch the podcast.



The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory



“One of the larger issues concerning all 3 of us—all through the past year–was her use of a highly unsettling language of violence that had for a long time put us and many reporting viewers—including prominent government whistleblowers and TI (“Targeted Individual”) activists–on edge: the habit she had fallen into of calling for bullets through brains, or putting people in crosshairs, or suggesting people take shotguns into places of work (the NSA, to be precise) and blow brains off, or calling for the military to take people out, people in fact that were named, often titular heads of Intel – these references to violence and occasional calls to violence, however theoretical, or rhetorical, all offered variously in jest, indignation, or to mere dramatic effect.”

“This, I should clarify, and underline, was quite separate and different from the death penalty she advocated and Karen supported, as a just and legal means of dealing with Deep State Intel and military crooks who are currently openly torturing millions in their own homes with “Surveillance” or Military electromagnetic and acoustic weapons, and calling reporting victims delusional and schizoid when they report it—supported by the Propaganda & Deceit Brigade of Mainstream Media, as well as the Deceit & Authoritarianism of Collusive Psychiatry. While Millicent and I do not support the death penalty and have said so, Karen and Katherine do support the death penalty and have said so. No-one was censored for a difference in opinion; we have each freely aired our views on this subject, and none of us stopped the other from airing her views.”

“To reiterate, this was not about the death penalty; this was talk of violence quite separate from that. Regular viewers will understand what I refer to here; others only have to go back and check our Techno videos or her own videos made at her channel which echo the same theme.”

“Furthermore, there were occasions when the death penalty or the emphasis on administrative address of crime was brandished by her as an add-on or tag -on to a blasé rendition of Off-with – their-heads! which was all very humorous no doubt at first but hardly convincing as an innate appeal to legal redress alone, and increasingly distressing as yet another incident of talk we found discomfiting.”

In our last historic email exchange, Millicent wrote:

“Talk of us doing ANY violence or promoting violence by anyone other than law enforcement and then only when warranted, should never be said of us. If they can go back to any Techno episodes and prove it was done, or at least that’s the way it sounded, we in America can be charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism OR inciting to riot. Not to mention that State law says I have a duty as a mental health professional and a pastor to report such talk. Because of that, I cannot be part of any televised media where such talk is even jokingly suggested. We might be held accountable for the actions of others. It IS NOT alright to make such statements then say, O I WAS JOKING. A jury would not care.”

…Thomas McFarlan has looked through the videos and identified a few time-markers where such statements were made:

Tech Crime Forum 66: Segment 1:33:00 – 2:00:02

Tech Crime Forum 70: Segment 1:46:41 – 1:52:00

Stop007 “Extreme Distress” video: Segments 3:15 – 18:00 / 21:50 – 26:30 / 37:33 – 39:51))

This is from a note Karen left on Facebook to similar accusations―currently flying fast and furious from the planted and paid cyber-trolls on Youtube and Facebook seeking to add to Katherine’s attempt to destroy my public name and reputation as a writer and journalist ―that I am a “plant” or “perp”:

“Dr. H. had started stepping over the line calling for violence against the perps OUTSIDE the law. We tried to gently rein her back but she was in denial. We have now found the examples of it to point ppl to. Ramola is no perp, she is more mature and responsible than many people and her brilliant journalistic work will go down in history. No one has done more for the TI community. Dr. H. would have been similar but for this incident. Sometimes ego is not worth it, we just have to suck it up, take responsibility and say “I’m sorry”. The decision was discussed as to whether to include her in the last TCFF sign off, very reluctantly we realized it would just be an on air fight. No one is happy how this went into the toilet.”

An Intel-Set-Up Break-Up; Not Recognizable as My Colleague; Not Really Ramola; Ramola was Neurotech’d to Bits and Fully Taken Over”: It’s lucky I have a good sense of humor, because my first response to hearing this massive platter of slander on Katherine’s video (after my eyebrows descended from the ceiling) is to fall over laughing.”

“But it is remarkably insidious to suggest that there were no real issues here on the Techno team, and that one member of the team who returned group attention to the key extant issues with Techno on an email thread cannot be taken seriously because she was “taken over,” and suddenly neurotech’d to oblivion and turned into an Intel-handled monster who was absolutely unrecognizable as her previously sane colleague. It is salutary to note as well that when Katherine says this, she also points to and seeks to underline my “victim” status as a clear token of disempowerment, repeating that I am a victim, who is “chipped” (and that her donation of a RFID bug detector has indeed established this), and therefore not to be blamed, since I (by virtue of being chipped, apparently) was essentially mentally disabled and had no private defences, and was so profoundly “taken over.” I believe she forgives me as well, in this masterpiece of sleight of hand where she gets rid of the opposition in short order by crying Mind Control! Not to Blame! Wasn’t her really! Lost her marbles! Taken over!”

“Which in itself is a huge mockery and exaggeration of the very real fact of people in society today, in 2018, in this new Delgado-to-Obama Millenium of the Brain, indeed being subjected to Remote Neural Influence Technologies.
But it is also a very specific public and defamatory attack on my integrity as a person, my cognitive and analytical skills, my discernment and thinking processes, my sovereignty as a thinking and feeling human being who just happens to be working publicly in this space as a journalist.”

Now, I feel it important to speak about these issues in support of Ramola.

I did watch a number of the podcasts of Techno Crime Fighters’ Forum. And I did observe the behavior of Katherine Horton, on more than one occasion, as openly advocating violence against specifically named persons, such as Gina Haspel. A “bullet in the brain” was one such statement. The dropping of F-bombs accompanied these rantings.

Personally, I do not have any problem with “swearing”, per se. I do it myself, as any friend of mine (including Ramola) could attest. I try not to do it to excess, especially on radio programs, but that is just me.

However, I do think that in what is supposed to be a professional presentation on crimes against persons, committed with impunity by government agencies, it does not enhance the credibility of the group as a whole, especially if the other members have voiced such concerns, which are apparently being disregarded.

But inciting violence and terrorism through advocating unlawful actions is quite another issue. Such talk of violent actions, outside the law, by a person in another country, not only reflects badly on those in the TCF forum who disagree, but could easily bring serious consequences to those living in this country, especially considering the fact that they have been targeted by those who are looking for any possible window of opportunity (“legal” or otherwise) to do maximum damage, including under the color of law.

Self defense, on the other hand, is an unalienable right, as protected under the Constitution.

Lastly, I find it necessary to address the issue of the accusations against Ramola, such that she is not in control of her own mind, or actions, due to interference by psychotronic weaponry. I find this to be not only insulting, but absurd.

In many hours of telephone conversations with Ramola, discussing all sorts of issues, I have never once heard anything from her which could possibly indicate such “control” being remotely wielded over her words or actions. Nor have I ever known her to be inconsistent in her stated principles, nor to make wild, unsubstantiated accusations against anyone.

Anyone who wishes to reach their own conclusions about these issues may see these links to podcasts:


Note/Techno Crime Fighters Forum


The End of Techno Crime Fighters’ Forum (Stop 007)


In summary, I have addressed these public issues as a journalist making independent observations and analyses. I do not presume to speak for anyone but myself. My support of Ramola is based on shared objectives and primarily on principle. Readers, as always, may make of it what they will.
Thank you for your consideration.

Barbara Hartwell
August 16, 2018


Source: Barbara Hartwell/Published with permission

Please share widely.

Ramola D/The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

-Ramola D/Posted 8/15/2018

Pdf: The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum-The Real Backstory

Video: https://youtu.be/TIN0fF76EvI


The need for this written statement of course arises from the fact that Katherine (Dr. Katherine Horton)–with whom Karen (NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart), Millicent (Dr. Millicent Black) and I have worked for over a year on the weekly Techno Crime FightersForum podcast set up by Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken and on JIT, the Joint Investigation Team set up by Katherine –has recently made a massively defamatory video pretty much slamming me to death and putting out an incredible amount of misframing, misdirection, lies, deceit, and slander about how and why Techno has closed, and what really occurred in the last week prior to its close.

Issues Over the Past Year & the Primary Issue

The real backstory—which Katherine has not touched, being too involved in image damage control apparently while regrettably focusing on projecting a false sense of innocence and being-wronged-ness–is that numerous frustrating issues had been brewing in the background for quite some time, issues in particular related to Katherine but also issues related to how increasingly unfocused and unplanned Techno had become, how much time it took up on Thursdays, how delayed it often was, as well as how dominated it often was by Katherine on-air, often extended toward the end by her sharing screens and expounding interminably when it was time to wrap up.

Language of Violence Quite Separate from Talk of Death Penalty

One of the larger issues concerning all 3 of us—all through the past year–was her use of a highly unsettling language of violence that had for a long time put us and many reporting viewers—including prominent government whistleblowers and TI (“Targeted Individual”) activists–on edge: the habit she had fallen into of calling for bullets through brains, or putting people in crosshairs, or suggesting people take shotguns into places of work (the NSA, to be precise) and blow brains off, or calling for the military to take people out, people in fact that were named, often titular heads of Intel – these references to violence and occasional calls to violence, however theoretical, or rhetorical, all offered variously in jest, indignation, or to mere dramatic effect.

This, I should clarify, and underline, was quite separate and different from the death penalty she advocated and Karen supported, as a just and legal means of dealing with Deep State Intel and military crooks who are currently openly torturing millions in their own homes with “Surveillance” or Military electromagnetic and acoustic weapons, and calling reporting victims delusional and schizoid when they report it—supported by the Propaganda & Deceit Brigade of Mainstream Media, as well as the Deceit & Authoritarianism of Collusive Psychiatry. While Millicent and I do not support the death penalty and have said so, Karen and Katherine do support the death penalty and have said so. No-one was censored for a difference in opinion; we have each freely aired our views on this subject, and none of us stopped the other from airing her views.

To reiterate, this was not about the death penalty; this was talk of violence quite separate from that. Regular viewers will understand what I refer to here; others only have to go back and check our Techno videos or her own videos made at her channel which echo the same theme.

Furthermore, there were occasions when the death penalty or the emphasis on administrative address of crime was brandished by her as an add-on or tag -on to a blasé rendition of Off-with – their-heads! which was all very humorous no doubt at first but hardly convincing as an innate appeal to legal redress alone, and increasingly distressing as yet another incident of talk we found discomfiting.

Reasons for Our Discomfort with Talk of Violence

Fascist, Corrupt, Over-Reaching, Exploitative Fusion Centers & Bogus Laws: The reason for our discomfort with such talk should partially be obvious: in the ridiculous atmosphere of totalitarianism we are currently living in, all over the world, but markedly and indisputably in the USA and in Europe, where we live, people making mention of violence are glibly seen to be putative terrorists or violent extremists by the very over-reaching and exploitative Intel and fusion centers who are in fact engaging in violence themselves upon the citizenry with Stealth weapons, which makes them Plausibly Deniable, and yes, they’re denying it, and continuing to commit massive crimes against humanity, we know that; that has been the subject of my investigative journalism for four years now. The Global War on Terror is in our American and European and Australian neighborhoods, and it practises Deception with a capital D. The programs of Countering Violent Extremism and Community Policing and Infragard are all trawling the streets and Net, eager to snag anyone and everyone for pretty much anything, and stick a label of Under Investigation on their backs so they can run around defaming innocent people as pedophiles, drug traffickers, and prostitutes as well as “Violent Extremists” or “Terrorists” in their neighborhoods, sell them into fiscally-rewarding incredibly treasonous and immoral DOD/USAF/Navy contracts engaging in barbaric, inhumane, terminal, Death-Dealing neuro and bio-behavioral experimentation with lethal military weapons criminally named “non-lethal,” and rationalize and deny every aspect of what they do by keeping it secret.

Parallel Construction Corruption & Framing by Deep State Criminals: As well:The FBI we know engages in Parallel Construction; as FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee has explained, much corruption is achieved via corrupt FMJs—federal magistrate judges—and FISA court judges, with hundreds of thousands of National Security Letters being issued on innocent Americans who make the unfortunate mistake of whistleblowing about corruption, speaking out about anything meaningful, engaging in human rights or animal rights or eco activism, or acting with integrity in any sphere, in this Gladio/Phoenix/Op Chaos/Cointelpro atmosphere where Crime, Corruption, and Criminality are well-ensconced in both the highest and lowest echelons of our multi-national corporatist governments, federally and locally, currently, and constitute the New Yardstick to Live By, in this ZioNaziSatanic New World Dysorder rolled out on the globe.

Energetic Aspect to Talk of Death and Violence: That (above-addressed reality) isthe backdrop to our public conversations on the Techno Crime Fighter Forums; that is the deception we most definitely sought to challenge and expose. That awareness of deceiving Surveillance all around us however, with awareness of Fusion Center intent to hone in on talk of violence among human rights activists, was not our only objection to talk of violence; Millicent and I in particular objected to the negative word-energy and image-energy of death and violence, which had come to invade the show: in conjunction with the random references to violence, death of some kind appeared to intrude on every show, whether in one of Katherine’s analyses of cartel signalling or one of her narrations of family members’ or others’ deaths and funerals.

There is an energetic aspect to the Universe that conventional science ignores but which the new understandings of quantum physics and Consciousness science explores; the notion of the morphogenetic field or unifield field in which we all live and variously thrive or barely survive yet inevitably affect and influence with our words, intentions, and actions (and which the 0.1% Controller faction work night and day to keep in their control, by pumping hate, fear, anger, and discord through war, apartheid, occupation, terrorism, false flags, mass shootings, fake protest movements, created migrants, destruction of families, propaganda, targeting, weapons-testing, torture, child abuse, ritual sacrifice, etc.) is one some of us are aware of, that backgrounds our disinterest in constant focus on death and violence.

I must clarify, I am speaking about repeated focus on death, not necessary and essential reference. I am not at all saying or implying that we had strictures in place or needed them, excessively, to censor any of us on Techno from speaking about death in itself; unfortunately, these dark and barbaric programs of non-consensual human neuro-experimentation and GOG’s NEW GESTAPO assault of citizens with “dual-use” “non-lethal” “anti-personnel” technologies that we are reporting, investigating, and demanding human rights attention for from the larger public do result in the Fusion Center/Military-created death of targets, whether via directed-energy-weapon attack, inducing of terminal disease such as sudden cancer, stroke, blood clots, or via driving people through extremely abusive DEW and V2K/Neuro-Invasion attacks to suicide.

Programming Aspect to Talk or Images of Death & Violence: Death in itself assubject therefore was not the issue, but the repeated focus on death and violence; Millicent has discussed with me the (unintended-by-us but pulled off by Katherine) effect of this repeated focus and theme functioning also as a sort of programming of the younger viewing audience especially, to acclimate them to images of death and violence, much in the style of what Hollywood does.

We Are Human Rights Activists Reporting State-Sponsored & State-Run Violence: Another underlying objection to talk of extra-judicial violence we three shared was: As human rights advocates speaking out against and openly reporting to the wider, MSM-misled public the violence being done to us, as wrongful targets of Surveillance by an utterly-out-of-control and despotic, Globalist Deep State–I repeat, the violence of Stealth Weapon usage on human beings is most definitely State-Sponsored and State-Run Violence, Assault, Battery, Torture, and Terrorism, in all legal definitions of those terms, despite the atrocity of the cover of Dual-Use/Non-Lethal/Anti-Personnel/Electronic Surveillance Technologies they are hiding under— we do not think it is in any way right to project an interest in violence–especially since we do not have such an interest, at all.

Violence Cannot Address State Surveillance Violence & Military Experimentation Violence: Defending oneself legally and legitimately against wrongful violence is no doubt another aspect to socially acceptable and Constitutionally-protected responses to violence; that is another story and not one we have covered in depth on our show. As socially-minded women warriors for truth and justice exposing targeting and surveillance and military crimes, we are not and never have been a group advocating violence to address the violence of Surveillance Abuse, the violence of State- Sponsored Terrorism, and the violence of Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation; Millicent especially has taken care to spell this out on our shows. As public speakers engaged in truth-telling and public exposure, we are believers in Martin Luther King’s brilliant understanding of the only possible response to violence to end violence: Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that.

Attempting to Address the Primary Issue of Talk of Violence

For all these reasons we had tried to bring up in particular this issue of talk of violence and images of death and violence with Katherine on more than one occasion over the past year, and had sought video meetings with her to discuss these openly, several times after broadcasts when these had occurred. Interestingly, Katherine’s availability always plummeted when these issues were mentioned; she simply vanished at will, staying off Skype, refusing to answer emails and refusing to respond to our concerns; this actually happened several times. She would also avoid showing up a little early for the show when we could do a pre-show check-in and discussion, but often signed in just as the show was about to start or after it had started. Occasionally she tangentially issued excuses about being excessively attacked, at just these times. As a result, our very real concerns with her on this primary issue was shelved, week after week.

Indeed, this was her customary response to open address of any kind of issue. As an example, there was the recent incident of a tweet she had posted, I think to World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes, stating she was the leader of a team of investigators, and referring to us as her team, whom she “led,” which I wrote at length to her about; contrary to public projections, none of us on the Joint Investigation team had ever agreed to call her Dear Leader, nor had we ever considered ourselves her private team; each of us, I believe, is a powerful human rights activist in our own right, engaging in high -caliber research, reportage, public address, and human rights reportage, we each have our separate identities as Intelligence analysts, pastors, founders of international human rights groups, and writers, and our working together has always been a matter of free will and friendly collaboration. Katherine ignored my and Millicent’s emails and requests for a meeting on this issue for two months, engaged in the same avoidance and delayed-arrival-on-show strategy described above, and eventually made remarks to me in a private Skype conversation about how she had not intended to project leadership exactly, etc., which did not seem convincing, but which I let go of, in the interests of friendship and collegiateship, especially since it was months after the fact.

This strategy was in evidence right up to the last week preceding the close of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, when Katherine once again made remarks about people like Gina Haspel and James Giordiano needing to be “taken out,” which I actively countered live on the show and which many people commented to me about later as being wrongful and problematic, and about making Katherine a liability on the show, to the show, and to our individual professional profile as human rights activists, as well as to myself as a journalist.

In our last historic email exchange, Millicent wrote: “Talk of us doing ANY violence or promoting violence by anyone other than law enforcement and then only when warranted, should never be said of us. If they can go back to any Techno episodes and prove it was done, or at least that’s the way it sounded, we in America can be charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism OR inciting to riot. Not to mention that State law says I have a duty as a mental health professional and a pastor to report such talk. Because of that, I cannot be part of any televised media where such talk is even jokingly suggested. We might be held accountable for the actions of others. It IS NOT alright to make such statements then say, O I WAS JOKING. A jury would not care.”

It must be noted that we have over the past year tried to both verbally address and sent emails to Katherine repeatedly to convey the advisability of curtailing references to violence, whether made in jest or in dramatic emphasis, in addition to respectfully requesting that she curtail or cut back on the swearing (discussed further below), but she has repeatedly argued on and on about the swearing and refused to stop either the swearing or the references to extra-judicial or non-judicial violence—which, via avoidance, she mostly refused to acknowledge.

Secondary Issue of Swearing & Profanity & Attempt to Address

Millicent in particular has conveyed to us the comments of many viewers, over this past year (comments we also heard independently on our own social media and contact lists) regarding Katherine’s free and forceful use of swearing on the show, which has been a source of distress to her, as a Christian pastor who is also reporting and experiencing ongoing V2K abuse which includes abusive cursing and swearing daily, and which she repeatedly cautioned Katherine against.

This was an issue of some concern to us also by reason of the professionalism factor; I don’t think I need to explain that a general rule of thumb in any kind of professional circle, including the arena of media and public address, where we have been playing, is to curtail any excessive swearing, and not exactly go around dropping the F bomb a zillion times.

I personally am not averse to swearing nor is any other American I know, but Katherine pulled a fabrication about the “prudery” of Americans out of thin air and inevitably cast our discontent with the nonstop cussin’ n’ swearin’ as prudish American behavior—while Europeans, apparently, she was trying to have her world audience believe, were a supremely savvy lot given to the healthy release of expletives night and day. And appearing perfectly polished and powerful besides, to the extent that all their public forums are sizzling with this sort of stuff, and no-one bats an eyelid.

Group & Community Concerns Disrespected

The fact of the matter is, the conveyance of group and community concerns to Katherine made not a dent in her succeeding comportment on the show; she brushed us off like fleas and marched right on ahead, not paying any attention to the information we were trying to have her look at: to wit, that there was a serious amount of community and therefore also group concern about the cursing and violent-talk both, and that we would appreciate a cutting back here.

This essentially was a disrespecting and dismissal of the group; whatever anyone watching us may think of these issues, whatever anybody’s opinions may be of these issues, this was a group concern to our little group, and connected to a larger community concern, and it was not recognized by Katherine as especially important or necessary to address.

I do not mean to suggest, by the way, that everyone in the world watching us had these same concerns; there is no doubt flash and glamor to dropping the F bomb publicly to a certain, especially young and male crowd (Katherine has mentioned view count increasing with greater incidence of swearing), and all those hundreds of thousands of spineless men and women out there—especially inside the Intelligence agencies, pulling a fat paycheck while watching the ZioNazis run Terror Programs of Silent Targeting and Assault with Anti-Personnel Neuroweapons on innocent and accomplished citizens, under their very noses, worldwide –who will not themselves stand up and oppose this Nasty Global Terrorism but don’t mind cheering on a young woman posture and grandstand about blowing people’s brains out no doubt think this makes for great visual copy and “expresses their own anger” and is going to save us all shortly, just by virtue of its effrontery and audacity. I am aware this faction exists, and that they will worship at the feet of anyone who seems to speak boldly for them, while not bothering to stand up and speak boldly for themselves, and while censuring and protesting and seeking to shape the rest of us who do.

This was merely an issue of a substantively-backed group request, which was not respected, and became the source of extended frustration over this past year, along with a host of other issues related to show focus, planning, duration, and domination. This too is a fact to be kept in mind: there were several ongoing and underlying issues.

Request for Curtailment Is Not Censorship of Style, Personality, Dynamism, Voice

Contrary to what Katherine suggested on her Slam and Smear video, none of us ever at any time sought to censor her style of delivery, her voice, her personality, her dynamism, or her mode of expression. All we asked and requested repeatedly was a cutback or curtailment of the swearing and a termination of all talk that involved or could be construed as an extra-judicial call to violence. We appreciated her energy and voice and her particular way of putting things.On many of our shows, when it was mostly myself and her “working the floor,” we worked together rather synergistically, I thought, able to speak publicly and candidly about all the various aspects of this Targeting, Surveillance, Weapons-Testing, and Experimentation Crime we and millions are reporting―not compromising either of our very distinctive personalities, nor clashing, nor curtailing, nor censoring, nor self-censoring.

This was absolutely not about censorship of anyone’s style, it was about trying to work amicably together as a group and honor and respect each of our individual thoughts and concerns.

There was However an Issue of Domination

Viewers have noticed this, all of us on the set felt it, and we tried to address this a few times. Katherine and I most especially have stood out, I am aware, for being the ones quick to interrupt with a question or comment or interjectory analysis, I know I do this too. We have ended up acquiring and holding the floor a little more I have thought was fair, and have tried to openly address this; we did not wish to drown out Karen’s or Millicent’s very important voices. Katherine and I recently vowed to be more inclusive in terms of time-sharing so Millicent and Karen could share their thoughts more equitably―and made an attempt to honor this consciously.

However I don’t think I have to really point out that Katherine often dominated the show and especially embarked on long projects of analysis with shared screens and cartel-signal-analyzing when it was time to close, a repeating issue; she often also gave longer lectures.

Domination of time was coupled with attitudes of dominance and establishing of authority; many viewers have remarked on this, for literally the entire year and a half that Techno has run. Being on the inside, and being mature, well-adjusted people, we worked with this situation always cordially and amicably, but this, coupled with Katherine’s avoidance strategies in dealing with issues, and disinterest in heeding our or the larger community’s opinions, led to ongoing impasse.

In one of her email responses, Millicent wrote: “I’m for bi-weekly or monthly. It’s always better and less stressful for me to be able to be prepared for the show. I do have more to say than I’m allowed to say.

Issues of domination never work well in groups; they inevitably ask to be addressed, they brew discontent, they never stay subterranean, they always surface―again, I don’t think I need to elaborate on this; it is basic understanding from any psychology of groups―particularly collegiate, peer-to-peer, non-pyramid groups. (This subject is revisited below.)

More Concerning: A Very Serious Issue Behind the Scenes

There is also a very concerning issue I have not addressed publicly before―but which Katherine herself has now made public―after my mention of it to her in my final email to her– which I will discuss further down in this statement.

Suffice to note here that a week ago, just prior to Katherine issuing her defamatory video onme, I had emailed a small group of prominent activists sharing these private concerns―whichwere not new, which I had indeed aired earlier with Melanie Vritschan and Millicent and Karen a few months ago. They have to do with extremely disturbing non-verbal cues and signaling I had been receiving over months from Katherine on our private Skype-calls, which I describe as echo-stalking: the exact mirroring of habitual hand-gestures (such as the particular way of moving hair out of my eyes or smoothing hair behind my ears), exact body movements, exact physical actions on calls, habitual words and phrases I used, colors I wore, colors of coffee mugs.

I also wish to mention that my observation distinctly also was that she was engaging in these actions in a studiedly surreptitious way but consciously, and self-consciously, not without awareness, in fact, in echo of her own analyses of Cheshire Cat glee, with a look of complacency and glee on her face; I am aware from research that Neural Influence Technologies and nasty Surveillance-arranged-fake-synchronicities are indeed being used by the supercilious DOD/CIA Project Minerva Social Engineers to manipulate people and groups with all manner of Psy Ops and Meme Creation, that unconscious echoing is being manufactured. But this did not look like unconscious echoing to me, it looked like conscious and deliberate and purposive echoing.

Such echoing is commonly seen from the COINTELPRO Gangstalker Brigade and the Psy Op Warriors to gaslight, psy op, harass, mock, and disrespect targets―almost every TI is aware of this bizarre Stasi phenomenon. I also noticed she appeared to be screen-reading while talking with me, and recording me while I spoke informally with her―Melanie has reported a similar sense of witnessing the screen-reading, which she says in her case Katherine explained as reading emails that flashed across her screen; in my case, it appeared rather as if she were reading continuous text, and she once laughed inappropriately during our conversation, then attributed this rather lamely, I thought, to some image conjured up in her mind, which did not make sense at the time. Melanie also noted that Katherine had once told her she records everything. (I certainly had not given her my permission for her to record my private conversations with her, and trusted her so implicitly back then I would not have even imagined she would do thatwithout asking.)

To see all this from Katherine was a rather major and extreme shock, and I could barely believe my eyes when it first began happening, or rather when I first began to notice it, around the time–shortly after the incident at Erasme Hospital, I think–when Melanie’s baby was wrongfully removed from her by hospital staff after Katherine spoke to a midwife. I did not speak of it until a few months later when this echoing kept recurring, intending to observe further privately first. I spoke of it finally to Melanie first, Millicent second, then Karen. In all cases, I let them know I had started to wonder about Katherine’s authenticity as a targeted victim and activist, but that I would continue to keep tabs on this and observe further, before I came to any conclusions. I also related other odd anomalous cues I had received from her, such as for instance a sense I had had when I first met her of being deliberately interrogated―as opposed to simply being conversed with, on our earliest Skype conversations when we were getting to know one another as activists working in the same space. I wondered if I was being personality-profiled―as the DOD/CIA is indeed currently engaged in doing, on various projects, targeting “influencers” and prominent activists for this invasive and presumptuous attack on human sovereignty.

I would like to stress here therefore that other prominent activists have been aware of this major concern of mine for months―that I was increasingly being given cues that Katherine was indeed echo-stalking me, personality-profiling me, recording me, and working on-screen with a team while I believed she and I were having private conversations, which really means Katherine is not who she says she is, purely an Intelligence agency victim and activist, but an Intelligence agency or military infiltrator, working at the highest levels of TI activism, with subterranean intent to disrupt, misdirect, and derail the movement. Or/and collect data for feeding into negative AI systems of control of all humanity being planned and put in place by negative factions in the DOD/CIA.

Please be aware of my excessive caution prior to publicizing this information: I strove to stay vigilant and continue working with her while I continued observing her over months, in order to determine whether she was indeed doing this or whether I was extrapolating and projecting and becoming over-vigilant to a point of paranoia and imagining things. These echos continued. Further, through private conversations currently, I have learned I am not the only one noticing these activities; other targeted activists have relayed to me that they have observed her use of echo-words, phrases, and experiences from their own targeted-experience expressed verbally on videos or in her Twitter feed. In my own case, I have noticed she has left some evidence in words, phrases, images shared on Twitter and on Techno and on emails.

The day after I wrote privately to a small group of prominent activists describing my concerns―shared months ago with others―Katherine sat down and did her Defamation Video, also mentioning and denying this echo-stalking. That day, she also blocked me on Twitter.

I will return to this issue shortly, further down in this epic.

This Didn’t Just Blow Up That Last Week of July

Quite separate from the subterranean signaling and its implications, which I had not sought to publicize for months, was all that was happening in full public view―and all that I was fully making and keeping public, including the shared email thread that last week of July on which none of us four on the Techno team was excluded.

Katherine has fabricated and presented on her video an elaborate story of how all of the issues on Techno just blew up that last week of July, after our last episode, Episode 71 was live-streamed on July 26, 2018, and stated several times that it was I who blew up Techno, making a “unilateral decision” to end Techno.

This is so false it is ludicrous. It is blatantly misleading and an outright and deceitful lie to state that this blew up just that last week, when the major public issues eroding Techno had been brewing for months and months, and had simply not been addressed, and even when addressed, led to us going around in circles since Katherine simply had different interests regarding swearing, and refused to acknowledge there was an issue with her talk of non-judicial violence.

What was really occurring, in my assessment, is a slow ongoing subterranean erosion of Techno. I was not the only one to feel it, Millicent did too, and several times tried to drop out―she had many separate issues with Katherine not being responsive to her, including one very large issue, that of impulsively revealing her primary persecutor/perpetrator’s name on air, in open contravention of her request for privacy on that score (more on this below). We separately had ideas to energize Techno, including having regular guests, but these were not carried out. The focus from Katherine seemed to be long-drawn-out affidavit collection template creation which became increasingly expanded―supposedly to include victims of every crime on the planet including child abuse, SRA, and more; eventually she appeared to respond to our suggestions to streamline and focus and worked on a multiple-choice-style template, but which in itself went on for 100 pages―I found all of this difficult, but she did not include us in this project except to review and offer suggestions if we had any, and started to refer to it as her “baby.” (More about a real baby later.) We seemed to have fallen into a rut and it also appeared we were being pulled in a direction through tactics of domination that none of us felt comfortable with.

And no, as to that other lie and false accusation: I made no “unilateral” decisions here, and took no drastic action, of the kind she is stating I have; everything that has happened over that last week is recorded in email and can be verified. Nor did I “singlehandedly blow up Techno” as she has confabulated on her Smear & Slander video, this is not merely a false representation of events, it is an absurd and deceitful lie.

What Did Happen That Last Week of July

What did happen two weeks ago is that, after weeks of private consideration given the nature of the issues and impasse we were facing on Techno, and my own interest in other projects and campaigns, I sent around an email to the group explaining that I was becoming too overloaded with work as well as needed to start other projects and so needed to withdraw from a weekly play of Techno, but that an alternative I could envision was running the show once every 2-3 weeks or once a month. Karen responded that monthly would work for her since her time was being taken up by other pressing issues as well; Millicent said she was open to either biweekly or monthly. However Katherine, completely ignoring my suggestion that we move away from the weekly show, offered immediately to host the show at her channel weekly, and stated that weekly shows were very necessary because much was happening; she also said she would run the show weekly and the three of us could join as we wished.

Although it seemed odd that all of us were now being seen as optional participants on a show that she insisted (unilaterally, I might add) must continue to run weekly, given that with Katherine we were sitting on an unaddressed pile of issues particularly the most important one centered on her casual talk of non-judicial violence, I responded to clarify I was not relinquishing the hosting of the show, I was hoping we could talk about moving away from the weekly show format. I also encouraged her to run her own show weekly if she wished―with a different name―at her own channel.

The ensuing back and forthing of emails had Katherine insisting on a weekly show and explaining in different ways why this was important and me explaining that we had a whole pile of unaddressed issues here and were reluctant to entrust the hosting to her in our absence, particularly given the outstanding issue of the violent-talk; I was not the only one to feel this situation was unwelcome; Karen and Millicent provided their opinion, similar to mine, as well. None of us wanted Techno to be moved to her channel, to be hosted weekly, when certain basic issues were not addressed; we had and have no wish to be associated with wild-card talk of non-judicial violence of any kind, and we could not trust her to refrain from such talk in our possible absence.

Katherine informed me she was outraged at this attitude and found my emails patronizing, then I spelled out what I was outraged by, which she responded to, and so on. This became an unraveling of the issues, except, I should point out, Katherine on her own began to list the issues as she saw them, putting Swearing―which I had not mentioned―at the top of the list and presenting her usual ideas about that. She flatly denied she had ever made any kind of other reference to violence in any of our videos against anyone other than those made referring to the death penalty. She also expressed her outrage at me for daring to say we could not entrust the hosting to her, insulted me roundly, accused me of a power grab, said this was not the Ramola D Show, and so forth. To which I responded it was not the Katherine Horton show either, re-iterating that we were most definitely a group show but we had some problems to deal with here as a group. So on it went.

I did also clarify that the issue for me was not really where the show was hosted, that is, at whose channel, but noted―with no special emphasis–that I believed (and Karen and Millicent concurred) that keeping it at mine had a certain value since I was running a media platform, as a journalist, a circumstance which could give the show a journalistic seal which I believed is of value. (A statement she has twisted on her Smear Video, I will address this further later.) I reminded her the real issues were weekly versus anything else and needing to address the primary problem of irresponsible talk of doing violence to others―which she continued, inexplicably, to deny.

I will spare readers here by not going into a blow by blow account of these acrimonious and heated emails, but they exist and have been perused and can be verified by other prominent activists and whistle-blowers we are in close contact with; Karen and Millicent were a part of the thread. Publishing these emails in full (apart from quoting) would require everyone’s consent; I have no qualms about publishing mine, but there are three other people here and I am not currently asking.

Suffice to say that each return email I received from Katherine succeeded in misframing anything I said. The increasingly recalcitrant and combative tone of her emails was exemplified in her imperious demand to the three of us to go through and find the parts in the videos where she had made statements espousing random violence, to “produce the evidence,” she said.

This has to be one of the more ridiculous things Katherine has said since we three are not the only ones to have flinched at her statements when she made them, to have noticed them, or to have been appalled by them. We certainly did not have the time to start coursing through videos, but we have not misremembered this at all.

(Since then, Thomas McFarlan has looked through the videos and identified a few time-markers where such statements were made:

Tech Crime Forum 66: Segment 1:33:00 – 2:00:02

Tech Crime Forum 70: Segment 1:46:41 – 1:52:00

Stop007 “Extreme Distress” video: Segments 3:15 – 18:00 / 21:50 – 26:30 / 37:33 – 39:51))

This was essentially a situation of impasse, as always, with Katherine, and she continued to espouse military violence (firing squads for Haspel and Giordiano) in her emails after my last email to her before Thursday explaining my own base understanding―guided by Martin Luther King―on the uselessness of violence at any time to end violence. In between she ran a lecture on free speech and defended her right to say anything she pleased, suggesting we were censoring her and bullying her, ignoring that we were striving to speak rather of show etiquette and joint agreement on focus, tone, and approach.

An additional stated source of contention to her was that of my “being present on every show” and therefore apparently engaging in a power grab; I reminded her that it was not that I was present but that I had hosted and run every show as a matter of commitment, despite many time constraints, after Paul and Mindy bowed out of hosting, and that she herself had enjoyed the convenience of my hosting it, so that she could pop in as she could, between her many travels.

In any case, I’m not covering it all. Suffice it to say that at some point we all realized Techno was royally dead and could not be resuscitated. Karen and Katherine exchanged emails examining the corpse. I stopped emailing. I spoke privately on a video meeting later that evening with both Karen and Millicent, with Karen only briefly since she had an interview. The next morning right up to one hour before the allotted time for Techno we continued to receive emails from Katherine questioning the value of public exposure of these crimes and stating that people like Ceasescu and Hitler had only been stopped with a bullet in the head. (“Do you really believe that multi trillion dollar projects are going to be pulled because there are web articles and a few YouTube videos on the crimes? If the military ever thought so then they would fire tweets, but they don’t. They fire bullets and rockets. And they never failed to get the job done.” “By the way, Nicolae Ceasescu was an agent of the banking cartel, just like Gina Haspel. He had non-stop public exposure during his reign and it did diddly squat. Hitler had public exposure, so had Stalin. It was all worth jack. The only thing that ever did the job were executions. That’s why the Mafia uses them, because they are the only thing that works on psychopaths.”)

(In my previous email I had reiterated my views about the importance of public exposure versus the lunacy of violence: “Bullets through brains are not the answer, in my view, and public exposure is indeed the answer. It is not courage that puts bullets through brains: destruction is EASY, this is why thugs do it. Killing and assaulting people–which is what the CIA/FBI/NSA is doing to us, with stealth weapons–are the actions of cowards and criminals. Perhaps you need your own show where you talk about bullets through brains incessantly– the whole POINT of having a show like Techno was and is and has been public exposure. So if we disagree there, so be it. That is a FUNDAMENTAL difference in point of view.

It is not our “holier-than-thou” attitude or swearing, either, which will stop the psychopaths. But continuous public exposure, the vanguard of a firm resistance, and the power of words, intention, and information to inform larger and larger masses of public who do indeed need to take firm action to stop the psychopaths (I mean round them up, prosecute and jail them). And change the laws.”)

By this point we had gotten the impression that Katherine did not care about the group opinions or interests or ideas, had disrespected and abandoned the group, and didn’t care what we thought, felt, or requested. Throughout this contentious exchange she had continued to re frame our concerns as American prudery and indoctrination (“You are the most brainwashed nation on earth”) and questioned our very real remonstrances as attacks on her free speech, idle accusations without evidence, and bullying and ganging up on her (“You don’t come along and start telling people that they have to change or can’t say things because they clash with your views or the image you want to project. If you want to enforce homogeneity don’t pick a free speech platform.”)

It is unimaginable for Katherine to say that she did not know Techno had ended: Karen and she had discussed this. Our group emails had simply petered out into an absolute impasse and there was nothing more to say. It is completely off-base for her to issue public notificationsthat I took a decision on my own to end Techno. I sent out a meeting invite to Karen and Millicent (corrected 10/26/2019: not Katherine, as I had had it earlier)  before the hour―primarily to honor the time slot of Techno and to discuss whether we should announce that Techno had ended on our own, the three of us, or try to make that announcement with Katherine. It would be an understatement to say that we were not all feeling devastated by what had just transpired, over the space of the last few days. We could not envision Katherine coming on with us and not continuing the acrimony on air and continuing to deny what she had spent several emails to deny, hence the decision to not send her a meeting invite. This had certainly ended badly, and I personally―being the one she primarily directed her ire against, and the one repeatedly verbally battered, framed, and abused―was neither interested in working with her any further in any way, shape, or form nor in having her on set myself. But I would like to point out that the decision to not invite her was a threefold one, not mine alone. It was a group decision to strive to honor the accomplishments of Techno and end with gratitude and grace, as much as we could, chalking the end up to ideological differences, which was certainly true.

Please also note that none of us saw this as an “episode” or “the last show.” This was only a a joint video note from the three of us―who had already been disrespected and abandoned as agroup by Katherine— to honor the regular time slot and mark the end of Techno for viewers (so they would not wonder what had happened that day to the show). The actual last episode ofTechno, which we did not know at the time, was Episode 71, on July 26, 2018. Techno had begun as TI Forum at Pineconeutopia with Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken on March 17, 2017.

Lies and Slander Aimed at Discrediting the Work & Words of a Journalist

While it is most certainly tedious and annoying to have to address the many accusations and confabulations Katherine has published on her video, I am taking the time to do so because she has engaged in massive defamation of my work as a journalist―which I have been engaged in long before she came onto the public scene―and I think it is very important to address the false allegations, for the sake of the authenticity of the disclosure on Surveillance and Military Crimes Against Humanity that I and others―including the NSA, CIA, and FBI whistleblowers as well as scientists and engineers and reporting victims and activists who have been gracious and extending enough to have done interviews with me–are engaged in here.

Ego Clashes, Power Grabs, Singlehandedly Blowing up Techno, Taking Drastic Action Without Discussion, Unilateral Decisions to Exclude: The recurring theme in Katherine’s video is her accusation that I “singlehandedly blew up Techno””by blowing up on email on her suggestion of weekly hosting at her channel–and took drastic action to break up our group. The emails were indeed pretty heated, from my end too, yet never as aggressive and rude and combative as hers and do not exactly portray a blow-up from my end. People who have now read the emails note that it was she who blew up in a reactive way to my emails, and also note the abusive nature of her communications to Millicent and me in particular.

This is from a note Karen left on Facebook to similar accusations―currently flying fast and furious from the planted and paid cyber-trolls on Youtube and Facebook seeking to add to Katherine’s attempt to destroy my public name and reputation as a writer and journalist ―that I am a “plant” or “perp”:

Dr. H. had started stepping over the line calling for violence against the perps OUTSIDE the law. We tried to gently reign her back but she was in denial. We have now found the examples of it to point ppl to. Ramola is no perp, she is more mature and responsible than many people and her brilliant journalistic work will go down in history. No one has done more for the TI community. Dr. H. would have been similar but for this incident. Sometimes ego is not worth it, we just have to suck it up, take responsibility and say “I’m sorry”. The decision was discussed as to whether to include her in the last TCFF sign off, very reluctantly we realized it would just be an on air fight. No one is happy how this went into the toilet.”

Karen also left a message on her Facebook page to explain things from her perspective, and recently published this note on Youtube:


Actively Malicious”: Supposedly, not content with power grabs and takeovers, in Katherine’s confabulation of how Techno came to an end, I then embarked on a campaign of active malice by speaking “behind her back” with Melanie and Mindy about what had transpired. The absurdity of this is astounding.

Melanie and I have kept in touch with each other from several months ago; I have been intimately involved in covering her story in relation to the “Medical Kidnap” and abduction of her baby last October by Erasme Hospital in Belgium. As a leading activist in Europe, she has kept me informed on all things ICATOR, of which I have become a member; we have become friends and share information on our personal lives on our many Skype calls and texts. I informed her about what has happened, certainly, expressing my own views and private assessment of Katherine in the process―I rather think this is natural, to share information with a friend after an upsetting incident has occurred.

For Katherine to then say I was sabotaging European scanning projects and her work with Melanie etc. is slightly mind-bending; I personally would not work further with Katherine and said so on our joint Video Note on August 1, and said so to Melanie as well, about my own HR activism interests going forward―with full disclosure, having shared all my misgivings about Katherine many months earlier―but Melanie is her own person and runs her own HR organization in Brussels and makes her own decisions. While I reserve the right to publicize my own experience and offer my own counsel to anyone about anything based on my own experience, that is neither active malice nor sabotage, it is the free expression of opinion, a basic and natural human right.

Similarly with Mindy, co-founder of Techno with Dr. Paul Marko, with whom I have kept in touch via email and Skype, and whom I have appreciated speaking and discussing matters with, again, a very important friend with core connections to Techno who knew all of us, and who could understand what was happening here with compassion and sincerity. Interestingly, our Skype conversations that last week were continuously cyber-hacked and interfered with in real time, in much the same ways that Techno’s broadcasts on Google Hangouts were continuously cyber-hacked, particularly when Millicent or Karen or I were speaking (I don’t believe Katherine was ever cyber-hacked, incidentally, the way we 3 were while we were on Google Hangouts); someone in the deranged Intel world of cyber-hacking clearly did not wish for me and Mindy to be in contact and speak freely. Regardless, we were able to visit; she conveyed her sympathies and best wishes to all on new ventures, as I relayed on our Video Note of August 1. These too were conversations of friendship and kind support, nothing more.

An Intel-Set-Up Break-Up; Not Recognizable as My Colleague; Not Really Ramola; Ramola was Neurotech’d to Bits and Fully Taken Over”: It’s lucky I have a good sense of humor, because my first response to hearing this massive platter of slander on Katherine’s video (after my eyebrows descended from the ceiling) is to fall over laughing.

It’s no laughing matter, certainly, in a certain light, given the fact and the actuality of powerful stealth neuroweapons which include mass brain-affecting ELF transmissions via HAARP and GWEN towers and cell towers as well as plain old-fashioned Black Ops technology from theBlack Ops Brigade over at Langley and Pentagon City (or Dulce and Montauk) where the real Men in Black stamp Top Secret on the Portable Manpads, all of which no-one knows too much about, except through dozens of public-domain patents, whistleblower and scientist testimony, and the reported experience of hundreds of victims of Neuro/DEW experimentation, who report especially the effects of Neurotech on their immediate families, remote-influenced to disbelieve victims, or manipulated into sudden outbursts of rage, fear, or other extreme emotions (See the patents on manipulation of the nervous system, brain andbehavior: http://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/US_PatentedMindControl.php); the entire Manchurian Candidate phenomenon, the mass shooters, the inflated numbers of suicides, the rise in depression can all be understood better from the vantage-point of this Remote Neural Influence Neuro Technology.

It is very true that we are living in the Age of Covert Neural Influence or Mind Control, and the 0.1% who have been working on Neuro and Behavior Modification from Tavistock times are still hard at it and seeking to manipulate us all at the neuro-level; I know, I have been researching and writing and speaking about these matters for four years. Weaponized Neuroscience (invasively and nonconsensually modifying the brain) is now entering the public-domain, as James Giordiano’s lecture at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in August 2017, From Bench to Battlefield openly reveals. His other earlier lecture in 2013 on Predictive Neuroscience, Facts, Fears, and Fictions, detailing the use of neuro-imaging technologies in neuro-surveillance and “predictive policing,” offers a glimpse into another aspect of weaponized neuroscience: Law Enforcement interest in invasively peering into brains, pigeonholing brains, and Delgado/Cameron-style modifying brains under self-righteous pretensions of attending to Violent Extremism, and Potential for Crime. Neuro-influence technology is indeed being used on humans today―by the Covert Intel Suppression-of-Reality crowd who insistently imagine―being Omniscient no doubt–they can control Everyone sneakily through Silent Brain Entrance and keep these invasive horrors secret forever.

But it is remarkably insidious to suggest that there were no real issues here on the Techno team, and that one member of the team who returned group attention to the key extant issues with Techno on an email thread cannot be taken seriously because she was “taken over,” and suddenly neurotech’d to oblivion and turned into an Intel-handled monster who was absolutely unrecognizable as her previously sane colleague. It is salutary to note as well that when Katherine says this, she also points to and seeks to underline my “victim” status as a clear token of disempowerment, repeating that I am a victim, who is “chipped” (and that her donation of a RFID bug detector has indeed established this), and therefore not to be blamed, since I (by virtue of being chipped, apparently) was essentially mentally disabled and had no private defences, and was so profoundly “taken over.” I believe she forgives me as well, in this masterpiece of sleight of hand where she gets rid of the opposition in short order by crying Mind Control! Not to Blame! Wasn’t her really! Lost her marbles! Taken over!

Which in itself is a huge mockery and exaggeration of the very real fact of people in society today, in 2018, in this new Delgado-to-Obama Millenium of the Brain, indeed being subjected to Remote Neural Influence Technologies.

But it is also a very specific public and defamatory attack on my integrity as a person, my cognitive and analytical skills, my discernment and thinking processes, my sovereignty as a thinking and feeling human being who just happens to be working publicly in this space as a journalist.

Katherine has detailed an elaborate drama of just having posted her affidavit template online and just having met and spent eight hours speaking with former Assistant Secretary of Housing and financial whiz Catherine Austin Fitts as the causative backdrop to a confabulation of Intel swooping in to destroy Techno and her team by the lightning-swift mental take -out of a certain sadly chipped and victimized team member whom she at some point in her video strives to bury further by saying “claims to be a journalist.”

Not merely is this incredibly reprehensible and a clear way of evading responsibility for her own problematic actions and words brought under scrutiny, it is an Attack-the-Messenger act of targeting which fails to acknowledge the steely core of my character and persistent caliber of my work as a highly self-motivated and spiritually-empowered writer and journalist, who has not flinched from revealing a wide variety of incredibly evil Crimes Against Humanity which continue to be committed by Deep State criminals on millions of us.

I would like to point out as well that the appeal to “being neurotech’d” is an appeal to disavow of responsibility, to attribute the actions of someone to other-than-self, an invitation to consider this someone void of personal will, motivation, energy, awareness, intent, or ability, an invitation indeed to consider this person incapable of resistance. Contrary to this projection, I don’t in any way disavow responsibility for anything in the emails I sent to Katherine and the rest of the team that week, I stand by every word I wrote and stance I took, I have not changed my mind or point of viewwhich has been built up over months of interaction, not dropped into my head overnight by a fictitious Intel-handler―and I consider myself in full control of my own mental prowess―evidenced, I would like to point out to naysayers (who love to say “You too have this tech on you!/We’re all being mind-controlled!”) by the fact that I have been working rather productively for four years in this space as a writer, interviewer, reseacher, reporter, and journalist, work which requires, at a minimum, focus, attention, and intellect. And steady persistence despite all odds!

Unlike Katherine, I will not let her off the hook here and return in kind (by suggesting she was obviously neurotech’d to bits and taken over when she was making that Smear video), I will submit instead, from everything I have learned so far, that it appears to me rather that Katherine is a highly sophisticated paid infiltrator and agent provocateur, whose attempted takedown of my intellect and reputation and dismissal of my journalism with those words was intentional.

All this hoopla and character-assassination succeeding my suggestion to move Techno from weekly to not-weekly does raise the spectre of Intel actually being quite interested in continuing Techno on a weekly basis with her calling for beheadings at the helm, and one has to wonder why exactly that would be.

Melanie’s Baby: “I Was Neurotech’d to Bits, I Couldn’t Stop Myself”: Of course, this was not the first time we have heard from Katherine the line about being neurotech’d to bits, she famously used this about herself in connection with the utter disaster of Melanie’s newborn being removed from her care less than twenty-four hours after the birth in October 2017, shortly after Katherine spoke to a midwife and, in full volition, without being asked, offered up the information, out of medical concern, she said, that a portion of a foreign object– which she had scientifically analyzed―was still residually retained in Melanie’s throat, and might obstruct her breathing, information that Melanie had hoped and intended to keep confidential. (The story of this foreign object was covered in a podcast and article at Alfred Webre’s NewsInsideout.com, where a patent for a rather deadly and clearly inhumane military bioweapon, a self-assembling nanotechnology DARPA/Motorola strangulator implant is also published, information provided for consideration by researcher and investigator Dr. Stanninger.)

Katherine also reported at the time that since the midwife responded with apparent surprise and ignorance to this confidence, she then proceeded to provide extensive information on the many different kinds of implants that Intel agencies clandestinely plant in people’s bodies today, including cochlear and other implants which she said could put voices in people’s heads, and offered up other information about her work doing scanning of reporting victims with an RF detector and finding implants, and her work as a lead investigator on a criminal investigation team and much more.

The midwife responded by informing the gynecologist of this conversation, and the information contained in it, out of medical concern, she said; shortly after, Erasme psychiatrists swooped in and removed the baby, subjected Melanie to a train of indignities and abuses which included dragging her in the middle of the night to another hospital for a secondary mental evaluation and locking her in a Psychiatric ward for a week, and more. (This was covered extensively and can be researched further from JIT press releases and articles at my site, everydayconcerned.net.)

As this story of extreme injustice played out―culminating in the baby being removed to a children’s home where Melanie is currently permitted only half-hour visits per week –we on the Techno team supported both Katherine and Melanie with great compassion and sensitivity given the absolute horror of what had happened. We did ask Katherine what had really happened, and her answer regarding any queries as to how or why she would inundate an unschooled-in-Black-Ops-implantation-affairs midwife with so much sudden information about implants et al always was: “I was neurotech’d to bits to keep on talking, I couldn’t stop myself.”

This disavowal of responsibility has always sat thinly with me, and does raise many questions, given what most people targeted extrajudicially by the power-grabbing Surveillance State know, regarding the use of the Mental Health excuse to cover up all report of implantation or assault with Neuro/DEWS, and regarding the incredible ignorance (or collusiveness) especially of doctors, psychiatrists, and hospital staff in relation to covert implants, Intel agency abuse, DEWs and military neuro-experimentation.

Melanie’s Baby: “I got her off the psych drugs myself by shouting and demanding they listen.” During the time that this saga unfolded, I was in rather close touch with Katherine, often Skyping with her when she called from Brussels, and podcasting with her once on Alfred’s show and later on Techno, as she continued to report and I continued to write up JIT press releases detailing the story as it developed. I also called later and spoke to staff at the hospital and to Melanie when she was in the Psychiatry Ward. Throughout, I was, like everyone else on the team, extremely affected and upset by the situation and tried to do everything I could do to help.

The part of the story that Katherine has not revealed as she has striven to establish that she has helped rather than hurt this situation is that when she found out Melanie had been dosed with anti-psychotics, she conveyed this information to me, very much along the lines of fatalistically, “And now they have started to give her psych drugs!” reporting that Melanie was appearing drugged and disaffected as a result. As soon as I heard this, I said instantly she needed to make a very strong protest immediately, involve Melanie’s father as well, and that they both needed to make a stand and demand that the drugs be stopped; I informed her that by US law people cannot be involuntarily or forcibly put on psychiatric drugs without Informed Consent unless there was a mental diagnosis. I did not know the European law on this subject but proceeded to research this subject and sent her links. I also advised her that as she was now effectively Melanie’s patient advocate that she needed to make a very strong stand and not take No for an answer, she should mention US law and demand Melanie be taken off the drugs immediately.

Katherine reports that she did indeed make a fuss, to such impressive effect that Melanie was indeed taken off the drugs by the nurse. This is commendable, but to suggest these actions of hers should somehow establish–as she has suggested in this video―proof that she cannot therefore be an infiltrator and saboteur who just may have played a star role in destroying Melanie’s and her baby’s life, is not clear to me, especially given my own part in this, which she never mentions.

Journalistic Seal”: I have addressed this earlier, but wanted to mention that the way Katherine has presented this notion in her video is once again an issue of misframing. Our primary issue with the idea of her hosting Techno at her channel in our absence was the issue of unaddressed and unresolved talk of non- judicial violence; she reframed this to say the primary issue was a stubborn attachment I had to hosting the show at my channel, and suggested that I had become recalcitrant about this, presenting the “journalistic seal” story immediately as my rationale for this attachment.

This is patently untrue. When Katherine first offered to host at her channel, I clarified immediately that I was not making an issue of the hosting, but seeking to address the periodicity of the show. In ensuing discussion I noted―quite tangentially, and not as a primary point of any kind–that since I was building my channel as a media platform, I believed there was a value to hosting at my channel, since it offered a seal of media enterprise, and would benefit from my seal on the show as a journalist and writer. I had to clarify later that this did not mean personal branding as she instantly accused me of, but rather placement within amedia space.

I also want to note, for historic purposes, that when Paul stopped hosting the show at his channel, he and Katherine both encouraged me to host the show at my channel, primarily to build the channel, which I had only recently started. Katherine did indeed host the show at her channel on days I was too cyber-hacked to do so, and not once did I suggest, even on this email exchange, that the show necessarily needed to be hosted at my channel for posterity. The issue was always, through and through, that of hosting on her channel while unresolved issues of talk-of-extra-legal-violence lay between us.

I Threw Her Out of JIT”: On her video, Katherine states with apparent relish that inresponse to this mythical and nonexistent, “unilateral”and “singlehanded” decision and “drastic action” of mine to blow up Techno as well as exclude her from our video note livestream on August 2, she threw me out of JIT.

The fact of the matter is, the steady onslaught of rude and combative emails that entire week had been abrasive enough that I was compelled to conclude I could no longer work with her and said so on-air on our Video note livestream.

On August 2, after the livestream, Katherine sent us an email, addressing me in this: “I was shocked to hear that you cannot work with me anymore. That is ok though. Then let’s not work together on the Joint Investigation Team either because that would be too tough on you, I’m sure.”

I responded: “I don’t see how you could imagine you could send me such incredibly disrespectful and combative emails and then think I could continue working with you. You are correct about the JIT, I am withdrawing from it — I cannot work with people who are not supportive or respectful of my work.”

And that’s the story of that.

The Start of Techno, Who Introduced Who, Who Started Techno: On her videoKatherine addressed my expressed uncertainty in memory as to the sequence of who met who and how Techno started by stating rather definitively that she remembered, she had met Dr. Paul Marko and introduced me to him, after which he interviewed me, suggesting a primary role that she had played in both my interview and my being on Techno.

This is not true. Dr. Eric Karlstrom was the one who introduced me by email to Dr. Paul Marko, who interviewed me shortly after. I had sent off the Memo to Trump around that time, a letter I had put together with Katherine and Karen, and had been retaliated against rather extremely, with severe DEW attacks which left me ill for quite a few weeks―our first interview date was postponed and I kept the second date, despite still being somewhat ill.

Katherine, who had done podcasts and her pyramid/psychopath videos earlier, and whom I had met after her interview with Richie Allen, through other TI activists, had started the JIT around that time, which Karen, Millicent, and I had joined and when Dr. Marko and Mindy broached the idea of a conference-call-style podcast we were all pleased to be on it. As Mindy shared with me recently, the whole idea for a weekly show had come from her (Mindy’s) conceptualizing. The name itself came out of brainstorming lists from Karen, and was originally called TI Forum.

Abandoning Crime Victims by Not Doing a Weekly Show: One comment or aspersionrather that Katherine made was that I had somehow abandoned targeting crime victims by dropping Techno weekly or even wanting to, and that I had especially abandoned Millicent and opened her to further ravages by the deranged USAF veteran who continues to cyber-stalk and BCI-chip/satellite assault her by not offering her a weekly space of support and solidarity.

Considering that I continue to do podcast and print interviews with those targeted as well as whistleblowers and scientists, in addition to other articles probing issues of Surveillance and Military experimentation, I am not sure how this could be levelled at me. And in regards to Millicent, with whom I keep in touch on the phone regularly, it was not I but Katherine who revealed Barrett Wolf’s real name (this was his alias in the article I wrote on Millicent’s case) without her permission, causing her much grief and intensified attacks on her knees in aftermath. (I do not at all mean to suggest that criminals perpetrating these crimes should not be called out and named; but rather that it was not I here who was not cognizant and protective of the special situation and special request of Millicent.)

Free Speech: I resist utterly the notion that Katherine has put out in her video that my and our desire to curtail talk of violcnce on the show or cut back on swearing was in any way an attack on her free speech. It was rather, as I have said earlier, a matter of collective etiquette and joint agreement on focus, tone, and approach. I would think any group doing anything together would have discussions on such aspects. None of us has ever censored the other in matters of content; we have indeed indulged our right to free speech extensively, in a time-period when hundreds of millions are keeping their minds closed and their mouths shut―especially about Surveillance Abuse and Military Crime–including well-paid CIA media.

Echo-Stalking, Mirroring, & Neuro Linguistic Programming: I have learned after intensive discussion with many and in particular ex-CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell who reports she was trained in these and other programming techniques as a trained hypnotherapist while in the CIA, that the echo-stalking I describe is termed mirroring and could relate to Neuro Linguistic Programming, a cultic manipulation of people using modeling techniques to induce behavior change and map behavior, and used in Scientology, Tony Robbins’ movement and other Human Potential Movements, as well as connected to CIA Behavior Modification programs. I am of course personally interested in finding out more, after this experience, and will research further.

End Notes

I have worked with Katherine for a long time despite all of the many underlying issues including my increasing observation of her mirroring actions and words. I have loved her as a friend and cared for her as a sister target of Intelligence and Military weaponized crime. I have admired her powerful voice as a speaker, her clarity and her incisiveness in analysis, and have continued to work with her within our group and partnership structures for the sake of the very important fight I thought we were in together. For all the reasons I have spelled out here and more, I personally no longer trust her and question what she is doing. Much has not been said in this too-long statement of the Real Backstory behind the break-up of Techno. Perhaps I will say it all another time.

For now, to all those who will still choose to see this entire break-up as a Divide and Conquer game played on us by Intel, I will only say that things that don’t work sometimes do come to natural and necessary ends. Like many of us, I happen to be both level-headed, analytical, and intuitive; I am not misremembering the many occasions and incidences of echo-stalking I was treated to from Katherine; it raises the ultimate red flag for me. Unlike many in the spiky world of TI activism, I do not seek to unite or work with infiltrators or disruptors who derail, disrupt, delay, and slowly, inch by inch, in a steady downward spiral of destruction, dissolve activism movements. There are many of these in our midst, and I, like other well-known TI activists have pinpointed a few and distanced myself from them.

I will shortly write an op-ed on The Consequences of Infiltration to explain why I think infiltration among the targeted Untouchables of today’s Global Occupation is particularly reprehensible. This will probably go hand in hand with another op-ed addressing how targets being tortured in broad daylight have been fully disappeared by highly-credentialled, well-known if not glamorously famous journalists, physicians, and law-enforcers telling lies: Targets: Modern Lepers whom Mainstream Media Mocks.

I am presenting this information comprehensively so others can draw their own conclusions just as I have drawn my own.

Cyber-Hacking While Writing This

As well as Cyber-Eating, Cyber-Trolling, Planes, Drones, Helicopters, Crashing Trucks, Power Mowers, Power Trimmers, Heart & Private Part Hitters, ELFs, Infrasound, Microwaves

On 8/11, after steadily working on this statement for days, I woke to find the latest version wiped from my laptop and corrupted on my flash drive. Interestingly, not all copies and versions had been wiped, so I was able to procure an earlier version and rewrite the three pages I had lost—also no doubt a trick of the Neural Mapping Brigade who are constantly eating e-mails and paragraphs and compelling repeat writings of the same material while they no doubt sit in back rooms and engage in neurolinguistic analysis like maniacs—or get their AI supercomputers to do the same. In addition, the file seemed to be corrupted each time in smaller ways, with Japanese and other typographic characters introduced at places.


Cyberhackers2The attention this room, house, and street (Pine Street in Quincy, Massachusetts) has received the last few days as I worked on this, with nonstop single-engine plane, helicopter, and crashing trucks and zooming cars has been astounding. Once it sounded like a fighter jet was taking off in my backyard. Numbers of people dressed in red and crossing my path on a walk. Extreme attacks on my person with heart-hits and private-part hits, nonstop. I relay this information to convey I am experiencing a definite sense that the (Mafia) Intel Behemoth here which is assaulting people unlawfully under cover of Surveillance apparently did not want me to write this. Again, we have to ask ourselves why that would be.

Something many of us know who have awakened to the reality of the Global Occupation is that the black-magic and negative-energy Controllers who consider themselves supreme like to play both sides, and like to establish layer upon layer of limited hangouts and controlled opposition. Two covert communications placed in my path recently, as the email exchange between us seemed to heat up the Uninvited Readers of Private Emails Brigade, for your rumination: On the back of a van: OUR Revolution; and in front of me as I drove, a Pest-Control van with the tag line: The Future of Pest Control is Here.

In closing, I prefer to believe that the 9-million pound Supreme Gorilla we’re all facing down here is not going to win, that our combined and continuing efforts will indeed pay off and the entire world will indeed awaken by way of simple truth-telling and continued exposing to conscience, action, and positive energetic change. Techno has ended but the authentic activists among us will stay the course and make that change happen. Stay tuned.


Deep State Treason–NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Reveals Massive Surveillance Abuse of Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond FISA Memo: #BIGGERthanReleaseTheMemo

  –Ramola D/Posted 2/6/2018


–NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart

As a slew of analysts dive in to interpret the now-revealed FISA memo, unearthing evidence of top-level FBI/DOJ corruption and connivance in striving to frame then-Presidential nominee Trump and keep him from the White House via allegations of treason and fabrication of a Russian dossier, enlightened Americans who care about the Constitution and lost American freedoms and rights wait for disclosure of the actual nature and depth of the Surveillance Abuse being committed by the Deep State on Americans and civilians worldwide.

Weaponized Everything in the Age of Asymmetric Information Warfare

Many know at this point—despite the lies and cover-ups of corporate Weaponized Media–that Surveillance Abuse rampant in the US and worldwide currently is about a lot more than spying on emails and phonecalls, but involves Weaponized Spying with deadly Electronic Warfare weapons—that is, electromagnetic, sonic, scalar neuroweapons—running “Electronic Surveillance” on civilians.


NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart

While emasculated journalists disdain to cover this subject, being occupied rather in collecting bloodchecks from corporate media masters, and even otherwise-intrepid CIA whistleblowers avoid speaking of the high-tech neuroweaponry being used by the dirty Deep State on Americans, NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart stands out as the lone Top Secret Clearance Intelligence Analyst retiree unafraid to name the monster for what it is, speaking openly on talk shows and forums about the horrors of modern-day Surveillance Abuse passing off as Surveillance, as reported here earlier:

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Today, Karen Melton-Stewart has released this informational #BiggerthanReleaseTheMemo flyer (below) on the DHS Terrorist Watchlist Scam to inform Americans that the revelations of the Nunes FISA memo are far surpassed by the crimes of wrongful identification of thousands, if not millions of innocent Americans as terrorists over the past seventeen years since 9/11, as billions of dollars have been funneled into the Surveillance industry, the Defense/Intelligence/Corporate complex, and into the creation and maintenance of the vast and Nazi-esque Department of Homeland Security.

Such wrongful identification has led to further abuses: “human trafficking: selling inhumane, nonconsensual kill contracts on victims to the military industrial complex, and the murder of innocent watchlisted citizens from torturous experiments” while, on the side, dirty backroom deals ensure profits for corporate criminals riding high on the hog of Military/Security/Intelligence counter-terrorism budget bounty: “ID theft, life insurance fraud, trust fund fraud, joint property purchases fraud that pay off ghost partners upon death (murder).”

Please download the pdf of this flyer here, and blanket your neighborhood with copies.

















–Author: Karen Stewart

The Exploiting of Surveillance Targets for Profit

The ways and means by which the Deep State—with its treasonous Globalist tentacles on the ground in the USA– has pulled off the wrongful targeting and neutralizing of innocent Americans while trafficking them into deadly military experimentation projects involving the non-stop use of carcinogenic, mutagenic, physically destructive and brain-invasive telemetry and radiation weapons the DOD purposively mislabels as “non-lethal” was explored here earlier at Real Talk True Media in two conversations with whistleblowers Midge Mathis and Karen Stewart.

The use of cover corporations and concealment of the targeting and trafficking operations being run by a conglomerate of Intel and corporate partners is still being explored by this team of whistleblowers and researchers.

Challenging Surveillance Abuse: There’s a New Game in Town

No doubt taking the secretive fusion center world by storm and fully intending to disrupt comfortable lives of corruption in masonic Mil/Intel circles where Americans and Europeans are clearly being human-trafficked into New Age DOD/USAF/Navy/Other directed-energy weapons testing projects and various abusive non-consensual human experimentation neurotech/AI projects which essentially constitute Crimes Against Humanity, the Techno Crime Fighters Forum team blazed onto the scene a scant year ago.  


Image by Ortaine Devian


Image from first TCFF video/TI Forum on World Beyond Belief

A group of five whistleblowers originally led by Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken of World Beyond Belief at his PineConeUtopia Youtube channel and currently broadcasting live at Ramola D Reports, Techno Crime Fighters Forum continues to speak openly about the horrors of this wrongful targeting, trafficking, and calculated assault and battery worldwide with EMF neuroweapons, covert Mil/Intel/corporate implantation, and unconscionable irradiation from cell towers, antennas, satellites, concealed microwave emitters in parked cars, garden equipment, and utility equipment. Techno Crime Fighters Forum released its 46th episode last week, focusing on Surveillance Abuse beyond the Nunes memo, and framing this assault on humanity within the context of the UN’s Agenda 21 and their continued, transhumanizing attempted takeover of humanity.

Over this past year of running this show weekly, organizational psychologist and researcher Dr. Paul Marko, video producer Mindy Urken, particle physicist Dr. Katherine Horton, pastor and counselor Dr. Millicent Black, NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart, and this writer have been contacted by and informed of the targeting and surveillance abuse experiences of numerous civilians and veterans in various states of the USA and countries of the world. Several have joined in providing research, donations, and informational assistance behind the scenes, and several continue to connect and communicate on social media in hopes of bringing these treasonous Deep State abuses fully to light and redressal.

In last week’s episode, Karen Stewart discussed the choice currently facing all Americans: whether to keel over and comply with Deep State takeover of neighborhoods demanding Stasi-like co-operation in the harassment, persecution, weapon assault and trafficking of other Americans—in which they’ve now been well-trained by anti-American Neighborhood Watch groups posing ironically as “Patriots”–or find some core American values of morality, ethicality, spine, and integrity within their souls and say No to these amoral assaults.

Dr. Marko discussed the part that humanity plays in suppressing humanity and pointed to ways in which people could begin to free themselves from the enslavement imposed by corporations and agencies in co-opting people to act against others. Dr. Horton, who joined the conversation later, relayed her success in presenting expert witness and testimony at a cornerstone case in Europe where the use of electromagnetic weapons on civilians was publicly discussed in court.

NSA Can Use Any Country’s Satellites, Hardware for Surveillance

This writer pointed to recent podcasts, including one with journalist Suzie Dawson (below) who is perusing the previously-released Snowden NSA documents and finding important information within them, including notice of the international agreements NSA has with other countries to use their satellites and hardware for surveillance, and of NSA customer bosses which include the Federal Reserve and the State Department.

Clandestine Use of Neurotech, EMF Weaponry on Civilians Suppressed by Deep State but Increasingly Revealed by Whistleblowers

It’s a fact that despite corporate media seeking to deny, dismiss, and discredit the clandestine use of electromagnetic weapons, sonic weapons, neurotechnology and nanotechnology effecting brain invasion and brain interference, all this exotic but quite rolled-out-already and unethical neurotech–V2K or Voice to Skull, microwave hearing, Synthetic Telepathy, BCI-CBI systems, EEG Cloning, EEG Heterodyning, Bio-Robotizing, Forced Speech, Thought Injection/Insertion, Mood and Emotion Modification, Synthetic Dreams, RHIC-EDOM—remote hypnotic intra-cerebral control and electronic dissolution of memory—and other sources and methods of destroying and invading brains and bodies, once secretly raveled under MK ULTRA and other black-ops Intel programs, is increasingly being revealed by a few persistent whistleblowers and voices.

The DHS, FBI and the military/Intel complex seeks to suppress the witness of reporting victims–”Targeted Individuals”–with defamation and slander campaigns in neighborhoods, as Karen Stewart describes above.

Interestingly enough, those targeted are often ethical citizens who speak out against corruption and crime: in other words, their whistleblowing and activism has led to them being targeted by criminals in government with apparently globalist totalitarian aims.

Deep State Treason Coded Into Sources and Methods

Military Psy Ops, Joint Doctrines and Journals of Trickery and Deception, Clandestine Ops, and bizarre Executive Orders from former US President Barack Obama permitting the Military to run Psy Ops and Behavioral Research on Americans have permitted the treasonous, money-grubbing lot in the military/Intelligence/corporate complex to run Psychological Warfare ops in CONUS—the Continental United States of America—in addition to Electronic Warfare, Cyber Warfare, Information Warfare, and Asymmetric Warfare. Deep State Treason, anyone?

Far from being run by “Patriots,” these ghastly programs of assault and trafficking hiding under Surveillance are involved in taking down America and Americans and rolling this country up as vassal to international banks, corporations, mercenaries, and Orwellian Mafia, often fondly—and wrongfully–self-described as “The Elite.”

Two recent podcasts, Report # 46 with Dr. Eric Karlstrom on decoding Agenda 21 and Report # 47 with Drs. Horton and Marko on the Crown Corporation, the Vatican, and corporations in general explore the various species of psychopath running these deadly takeover operations on the rest of us.

Ultimately, a new Globalist Communist “Transformation” is underway, and Americans who give in to the Deep State in neighborhoods are Americans who are helping the Deep State take down America for good. Where do we each stand?

Please tune in Thursday mornings 11 am Eastern Time for more disclosures, and subscribe/check in to the podcasts being released on an ongoing basis at Ramola D Reports to understand the true depth and breadth, magnitude and atrocity of the Deep State’s—and your co-opted neighbors’–Surveillance Abuse of innocent and commendable Americans as well as Europeans, Australians, Asians, Africans today.

Please share this post widely.


Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Deep State Whistleblower Cody Snodgres Reveals the Targeting of Americans with Mind Control, Microwave, Psychic Energy Weapons

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart’s Petition for All Targeted Americans: Federal Government, Take Me Off Your Fraud Enemies List Now


Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 44: Targeted Justice Addresses Surveillance Abuse with Directed-Energy Weaponry–Class Action Lawsuits & Public Awareness

–Ramola D/Posted 1/24/2018

As the spectre of Surveillance Abuse in the USA today comes into ever sharper focus even among mainstream media audiences with Americans clamoring to #ReleaseTheMemo—that is, the Senator Devin Nunes memo, “a four-page memorandum, written by his own staff, that is said to outline how the federal government abuses its secret surveillance powers,”(https://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/01/devin-nunes-releasethememo-frenzy-explained.html) – a group of resolute Americans intent on exposing Surveillance Abuse have come together to plan a class action lawsuit and other group actions to stop the Deep State from continuing to target and assault innocent Americans with electromagnetic, sonic, and other exotic New Age military weapons—as they are currently! in actions of abusive, extra-judicial surveillance and non-consensual human experimentation.

Those who are targeted, they explain on their website, are being subjected to unconscionable hate-crime abuse from the alphabet agencies, Israeli intelligence, and the US military:

“”Targeted Individual” refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad;  globally affecting tens of thousands of people and their families.  These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution.”

Members of Targeted Justice joined the weekly public discussion on Surveillance Abuses and Crime at the groundbreaking livecast Techno Crime Fighters Forum last week, taking turns to describe aspects of the widespread abuse and targeting—inclusive of organized stalking, modern roadway COINTELPRO, gaslighting, covert-implanting, and blasting with microwave and sonic weapons—that they have experienced, and that thousands of people in the US and worldwide are reporting everyday.

“The arrogance of power is what I call it, they think they have power over everybody,” is what former Technical Director of the NSA William Binney said Jan 23 on InfoWars. “And the only way to do it is to shine a light on them and go after them.”

Of course, Mr. Binney was speaking here not specifically about those large numbers of targeted Americans but about “exposing a lawless conspiracy, launched from the deepest recesses of the surveillance state, to undermine the Trump campaign and the future president of the United States.” (https://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/01/devin-nunes-releasethememo-frenzy-explained.html) Still, many hope the surveillance and FISA court abuse mentioned in the Nunes memo will include awareness of the stalking, covert implantation, and electromagnetic weapon crimes being reported today by many across America.


Susan Olsen asks a question

Relaying a meeting with Mr. Binney in New York at a public event, Susan Olsen of Targeted Justice (video here) reported that everybody in that room filled with liberal Democrats seemed to be “fed up with corruption, fed up with the Surveillance State, with non-consensual human experimentation” about which she informed the audience as she asked a question and mentioned implantation and targeting. “Nobody


William Binney and Ray McGovern

blinked an eye, nobody disbelieved me at all.”

The use of satellite weapons on Americans is illegal and criminal, she goes on to state, as she described her own experiences with covert implantation, fraudulent doctors, abusive psychiatrists, microwave weapon assault, and being hit with directed-energy in a hospital. A classical singer and a former Miss Boston, Susan Olsen’s testimony rings across the airwaves or cyberwaves with spellbinding clarity as she describes other members of Targeted Justice who came together in December in Texas to form their organization, including a Kennedy family member, seeing all things coming together currently as a form of divine intervention. “I believe light energy is going to prevail.”

Members John Christiana and Doug Cruz answered questions on how to join the organization, and how class action lawsuits differ from individual lawsuits and what the purpose is behind them and how both could be run simultaneously, etc.

John Christiana, a legal expert, addressed the issue of this being a war that those targeted never knew was a war until they were drawn into it, later describing his own ten-year targeting experience after he rose to world prominence as a Mt. Everest and seven-summit Guinness record-setter.

Doug Cruz addressed membership and outreach issues and sought to describe his own targeting, an explosive story obviously since he was unfortunately continuously hacked, even as he strove to hold up a placard illustrating his own targeting at work at Trader Joe’s, the popular retail grocery store. At this point of course, everyone who is targeted is


Doug’s message written with a Sharpie before his video froze

aware of the vast network of public-private partnerships whereby employees and customers both at stores and malls, churches and cafes, restaurants and skating rings—pretty much everywhere!–have been drawn by local fusion centers into harassing, surveilling, and literally “gang-stalking” targets, the Modern Untouchables of the “New World Order.” In this way, many are being made accomplice to these crimes.

Hopefully, each of their stories will be covered further in separate podcasts at Ramola D Reports shortly. John Christiana has been on a couple podcasts earlier, here, and here.

Please listen, share, send this video out to raise public awareness about the reality of Surveillance Abuse today, Intelligence agency and military crimes—which include clandestine implantation and radio frequency weapon-use on civilians—and visit TargetedJustice.com for more information or to join the organization.

Yes, it’s much worse than the parallel universe of mainstream media (#RevealTheMemo) dares to suggest as they fixate on Russia and Trump: those targeted know that Surveillance Abuse goes well beyond any need for surveillance and involves possibly millions of Americans, as well as millions worldwide. (Mainstream media outfits–seemingly mouthpieces for the Deep State–have consistently denigrated reporting victims as paranoid and delusional, in hopes of dismissing mounting reports of surveillance abuse and crime. See United States of Psyops: Call them Paranoid. Call them Delusional to see how they’ve done it.)

In the absence of transparent media coverage of targeting and surveillance issues—and in the interests of rolling back this ridiculously fascist surveillance state–it’s up to each of us to spread the word. Please share this post widely. 


Video Recording of Larouche Pac Public Event/Susan Olsen Addresses a Question to Mr. Bill Binney (link cued to question):  End the Coup, Stop the Next War, Part 2: Q & A, Boyd, Binney, McGovern

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Deep State Whistleblower Cody Snodgres Reveals the Targeting of Americans with Mind Control, Microwave, Psychic Energy Weapons

Active Deception in New York Times Reporting Aims to Cover Up Surveillance Abuse:

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Human Rights Watch/The Questionable Reporting of the New York Times

Freedom SOS/The New York Times of Corruption

United States of Psyops: Call them Paranoid. Call them Delusional

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart’s Petition for All Targeted Americans: Federal Government, Take Me Off Your Fraud Enemies List Now


Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 38: EMR Weapon Use in Europe, Secret US Car-Trunk Target Lists, Serial US Neurohacking Killer & Cyberhacker

–Ramola D/Posted 12/16/2017

Widespread EMR Weapon Use in Europe, Secret US Car-Trunk Targeted Americans Lists, CyberHacking by Serial Remote Killer

We know that many in Europe are aware of the use of electromagnetic weapons on civilians, of the rigging of telecom cell antenna and cell tower networks to attack civilians with high powered microwaves, and the use of covert antenna systems concealed in cars and trucks to disperse microwave shots, as Oxford-educated high-energy physicist and former CERN research scientist Dr. Katherine Horton has previously shown, with documented online evidence from company websites and whistleblowers, in previous Techno Crime Fighter Forum podcasts.

Activists in Europe and America and Worldwide Being Hit With EMF Weapons

In last week’s episode of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Dr. Katherine Horton reports traveling to Germany from Switzerland, meeting journalists open to covering EMF targeting, and hearing reports of widespread EMF weapon use on activists in Germany. It is no secret, she says, that these deadly stealth weapons—identical to those being reported in the USA—are being used on activists and whistleblowers, and that literally people are being killed outright by the Intel agencies, including by car accidents, being made suddenly ill and dying in hospital, or by heart attacks. Additionally people with a history of drug use now appear to have become victims of non-consensual experimentation and are reporting or experiencing what appear to be horrific and inhumane assaults with carcinogenic microwave radiation.

European intelligence agencies are targeting activists and others with these stealth weapons; the nature of their medium and usage offers the cover of plausible deniability they all operate under. As a result, those they target and assault with impunity—the finest in our societies, men and women of intellect and integrity, who stand up to question injustice and take action to protect humans and environments—are being wiped out in a eugenicist and genocidal attack on humanity by shortsighted and ruthless mercenaries in “Intelligence.”

This situation is well-known as well among activists in America and Australia and New Zealand; I report what I have heard from various chem-trail activists, 9/11 Truth Movement activists, and Occupy activists: the extra-judicial targeting of activists with electromagnetic weapon use on their bodies—hidden under covers of “electronic” or “biometric” surveillance is well-known in activist circles today. Not everyone speaks openly about it—because the Intel agencies are famous for targeting all those who even acknowledge electromagnetic targeting publicly—and activists often seek to protect those around them. But activists know.

Journalists also know—as we have discussed earlier on other Techno Forum podcasts—and refuse to cover, for similar reasons, perhaps, but also because mainstream media outlets are run by the CIA, and Operation Mockingbird –whose hold never stopped, apparently, as per German journalist Udo Ulfkotte’s revelations about every single media outlet in the West being compromised by the CIA — is responsible today for agents posing as journalists and editors operating as robotic propaganda mouthpieces for Intel, throttlers of true journalism, and rabid gatekeepers to Truth.

Whistleblower Retaliation: Lawsuits, Arrests, and Criminal Charges

techno38-1NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart updates us on the two lawsuits she is having currently to fend, both expressing an inordinate subversion of Justice—the first an EEOC lawsuit related to the diversion of her well-deserved double promotion to a woman sleeping her way up the ladder of NSA management, who was wrongfully granted credit for her own award-winning report which saved lives, and the second a fraudulent criminal charge levied against her for self-defense with a flashlight in the face of a drifter hulk from the neighborhood with a criminal record – and nepotistic connections to the Sheriff — who decided to step onto her parents’ property and assault her. The Sheriff was called by both parties, and while deputy sheriffs rushed out to arrest the man, their supervisor stopped them saying “Renee’s son” could not be arrested. Absurdly, Karen was arrested instead.

Karen reveals that the sister of this man actually visited her home and informed her that the Sheriff’s “family” could not be touched.

Extrajudicial Car Trunk Target Lists, Where Targets Cannot Be Assisted by Law Enforcement

Karen also reveals (around 1:19) that the duty officer from the Leon County Sheriff’s department she had visited yet again to ask for help about DEW assault took her name, stepped out of the building, and consulted a backdoor folder from a bundle of files he was carrying in the trunk of his car before informing her he could not help her.

This perhaps offers insight into how Florida’s Sunshine Act requiring public servants to answer FOIA requests was being sidestepped handily by hiding records in car trunks, rather than inside the building. Is this a key to how these lists are being maintained—is this how lists of Targeted Individuals are being handily hidden so as to escape journalistic and FOIA and legal, subpoena scrutiny—by just stowing these lists in car trunks? Which would make these lists extrajudicial—which many suspect targeting is anyway: an extra-judicial program to take out outstanding people in communities.

Millicent remarks here that in his last term in Congress, one of the last bills Dennis Kucinich put forward was one that prohibited extra-judicial killing. Karen notes this implies he knows what is going on, because he was the one who put through the Space Weapons bill as well, he knew the Star Wars weapons were being used not to protect and defend but to extra-judicially attack Americans targeted and being scapegoated for the military-industrial complex–for “sport and profit.”

Cyberhacking by Known Serial Killer Using Hi-Tech BCI Neurohacking Technology; Case FBI Refuses to Address

A further moment of interest unfolded when Dr. Millicent Black, in trying to describe the case of a woman with two young children who had tried hard to report domestic violence to the police and was later found murdered, was severely cyberhacked and Dr. Horton stepped in to explain how Randall Webster, the man with access to BCI-CBI systems and a satellite was not merely tormenting her physically with radio wave attacks but also cyberhacking her and preventing her voice and research from reaching the world.

Inevitably, we discussed the lackadaisical response of the FBI to Dr. Horton’s and Ms. Stewart’s reports of extreme abuse by Randy Webster on the person of Dr. Black, as well as evidence of his rampage of serial killing by remote control of several women in Mt. Pleasant as well as men.

Dr. Horton issued a powerful call for the whitehats of the NSA to step forward and assist Millicent rather than simply permit the cyberhacking and cyberjacking of her voice on our podcast, week after week.

American Intelligence and Security Agencies are Becoming the Laughing Stock of the World

We also noted how local police are also not responding, and went on to note that it seems apparent our Intelligence and Security agencies are clearly not showing any interest in resolving cases of domestic terrorism being brought to their attention, thereby revealing their complicity, and becoming the laughing-stock of the world as American citizens themselves become the focus of their predation: the very people they are sworn to protect become their prey, victims of their own tax-supported, overreaching and overabusive “intel” agencies. This situation was well-described not so long ago in a letter Dr. Horton wrote to a few outstanding Americans of integrity, here.

One encouraging piece of recent coverage at TruthUncensored.Net recognizes the work of NSA whistleblowers Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, and Karen Stewart as well as Dr. Horton and the Techno Crime Fighters panel in publicizing the plight of those being targeted and assaulted today with covert weapons.

Of course, mainstream media is striving to keep the massive abuse of Americans and Europeans with deadly Electromagnetic, Sonic, and other Stealth Weapons tightly under wraps, as they fall over themselves to lie for the cloven-hoofed “Intelligence Community” who in turn are apparently playing out the whims and fancies of the pathologically insane Luciferian bankers and others financing them.

Please listen to the whole show for more disclosure.


Techno Crime Fighters Forum is Investigating and Disclosing Modern-Day Crime by Governments, Militaries, Intelligence Agencies, Justice Depts/Courts, Universities, Media

Techno Crime Fighters Forum is a 2-hour live podcast you can tune in to at the Ramola D Reports Youtube channel every Thursday morning/afternoon at 11 am Eastern Time, which is 10 am Tennessee Time, 8 am West Coast time, and 5 pm Zurich or Central European Time. Currently, viewers tune in from around the world, please join them, especially if you are a journalist, researcher, or academic seeking to cover these subjects.

Disclosure about US/Europe Surveillance Abuse, Domestic Terrorism, Electromagnetic Weapon Use on Civilians, “Targeted Individuals,” and Non-Consensual Human Experimentation by various Govt/Military/Intel/Academic/Justice parties, in addition to other criminality currently underfoot worldwide, is provided on an ongoing basis, through the investigations and commentary of the Joint Investigation Team.

Techno Crime Fighters Forum: Notifying the World in 2017 of Widespread EMF/Neuro-Tech Crimes Against Humanity

Please drop in at Youtube and subscribe to World Beyond Belief/pineconeutopia to stay tuned to the weekly Techno Crime Fighters Forum shows, which are broadcast live on Google Hangout at 11 am, Eastern Standard Time every Thursday morning.

Featuring NSA Whistleblower and retired Intelligence Analyst Karen Stewart, High-Energy ex-CERN Physicist and Systems Analyst Dr. Katherine Horton, Pastor and Family Therapist Dr. Millicent Black, and this Writer & Independent Journalist (Ramola D), the purpose of this show is to offer open conversation on issues related to the global and criminal EMF/Neuro-tech targeting that is ongoing worldwide (under cover of “Surveillance”), particularly on issues related to exposing, addressing, and resolving these 21st-Century crimes.

Members of an international Joint Investigation team along with Melanie Vritschan, the Founder and President of ICATOR, International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotization of Living Beings, this team hopes to go where no corrupt investigator in our many so-called Intelligence agencies bothers to go (plausibly being complicit), to inform and notify local communities, to assist reporting victims of covert EMF/Neurotech torture, to work with all other investigators of integrity, to notify public officials and “authorities” worldwide, to help start court cases, and otherwise help and support today’s Holocaust victims of these Electronic and Neurological Concentration Camps worldwide.

Global Tsunami Email Campaign to Save Humanity

Crime1To this end, Dr. Katherine Horton, with Ms. Karen Stewart, and a small, dedicated group of activists recently launched a brilliantly thought-out and carefully-scheduled Global Tsunami Email Campaign to Save Humanity, whose intent is Burning Down the House of Crime by mobilizing concerned citizens worldwide to join in to send notifications of these extreme human rights violations to all public officials in every US state and every country in the world. This is a 2-month long campaign ending on 1st June 2017, and has already made waves around the world and nation as the collective wave of emails has rippled across half the world this April.

Note to the world: If you care about your kids or grand-kids or elderly parents or your own self, peers, and colleagues being bio-robotized and transhumanized–a horrific fate which by the way is currently underway, as any “Targeted Individual,” automatically aware, by reason of the technology being used on him/her, will have you know–you may like to join us in sending out emails. We need people to wake up! Neuro Surveillance and stealth application of Directed-Energy Weapon torture methods, courtesy our darkest Covert Ops and Covert Agencies, is not some nebulous paranoia of a flaccid, militarized Future, but is already here. And has been around, and in the works, via Clandestine and compartmentalized Secrecy-contrived black-budget programs for more than 4 decades.

memo1Truths we conveyed earlier this year to Mr. President via our joint Memorandum to President Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance signed by high numbers of highly educated, accomplished, and outspoken Americans and civilians worldwide from a variety of respected professions, including medicine, engineering, law, journalism, writing, psychology, neuroscience. And endorsed similarly in Ms. Karen Stewart’s impassioned appeal to the nation this past year in her statement of discovery and disclosure, Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place In the United States.

This, as well as information on collecting evidence and writing affidavits for upcoming court cases, as well as discussions around Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch‘s founder and General Counsel Larry Klayman commenting on President Trump’s recent, encouraging statements of concern on “Surveillance” in his video (Klayman Agrees With President Trump: Mass NSA/CIA Surveillance of American Citizens Needs to Be Legally Snuffed Out), can be found on this episode’s video. Includes a special appeal from this journalist and this team to all alternative True-Media of truth, fearlessness, and integrity: This is no time to be operating on fear! Please watch, share widely! 

Excerpted from the above video, in a bombshell moment of disclosure from Karen Stewart on the part played by well-known Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin in organizing stalking harassment networks in 47 states of the United States of America, please see the brief clip below:


Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Dr. Katherine Horton to All Americans with Integrity: Global Nazi Extermination Program Underway–Why You Need to Help Rescue Electronic Concentration Camp Victims Now!

Global Tsunami Email Campaign to Save Humanity: Urgent National Security and International Terrorism Alert!

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults on “Targeted Individuals”

Victim of Neuro-Experimentation Rohinie Bisesar Reports Abuse in the Canadian Jail System (includes many Canadian/American Neuro Holocaust survivor testimonies)

Increased Attention Worldwide to the Reality of Covert & Inhumane Electronic Assault on Innocents

–Ramola D/5/5/2017