Category Archives: crushing of dissent

Intensified High-Tech Crime & Harassment in Massachusetts: Attorney-General Maura Healey Once More Apprised

Report | Ramola D | August 10, 2021

Reporting, for the record, a letter I was compelled to send this past week to Attorney-General Maura Healey of Massachusetts, despite her previous letter to me washing her hands of CIA/FBI/NSA/DARPA/DOD/DHS and local LE/Sheriff-assisted crime, freely run all over the USA and most definitely in this current state of my domicile, Massachusetts.

While I have been noting occasional logs of the nonstop, lunatic RF/Neurotech assault on me in my home and criminal hounding with drones, helicopters over my home and yard at Bentley 360, and filming ongoing lunacy in the neighborhood, the attacks have intensified over the last three months and particularly the last few weeks–making it impossible to stay silent and continue my writing and broadcast projects while I am literally being battered to death by a demonic crime syndicate holed out in the classified sector and apparently imagining they are invincible–since they do not stop their assaults, whatever one does, however many letters and memos to senators or Presidents one writes, however many Cease and Desists one dishes out to locals clearly involved.

Silence is not going to end these assaults which I can see are being expanded out to larger circles of people: many do not know they are being hit with pulsed high-powered microwave weapons or remote-access acoustic neurotechnology: they’re just breaking down and have no idea EMF/ultrasonics is doing it.

The purpose therefore in publishing this letter is to alert the nation and the world: the kind of Nazi atrocities the entire “Law Enforcement” (Lie Enforcement and Crime Enforcement seems more accurate) contingent headed by the FBI, State Police, local police, DHS–and all their traitorous Globalist bosses–have sanctioned, permitted, and participate in executing are beyond comprehensible: they have crossed every line imaginable of basic decency, normalcy, sanity, and comprehension and are roiling well in the pits of abject barbarism and sadism.

Crimes, committed behind closed doors, through walls, from a distance, using microwave weapons, millimeter wave weapons, scalar radar, BCI chips, RF chips, nanotech: Stealth weapons, for stealth assault, Plausible Deniability built in.

The CIA, many divisions of the military–US Army, US Airforce, US Navy, US Marine Corps being fully involved. Dozens of Universities, biomed research outfits, telecom companies, ditto.

The behind-it-all moneyed Mafia running the frauds of the Federal Reserve & now the attempted “Great Reset,” no doubt.

Much has been spelled out here: Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

In the US, human rights groups have abandoned their watch. Civil liberties and rights groups–maintained and funded by the very same Mafia–look the other way. Anarchy abounds.

While I continue the work of more organized disclosure, both at this website and in panels, reports, and books, I intend to publish ongoing reports of all letters and memos I send to anyone in a public office, on this subject–primarily to inform all and raise public awareness of these incredible, beyond-Nazi atrocities using the most incredibly intrusive and invasive bioweapons and neuroweapons–which SHOULD BE BANNED.

Again, I use the thin-skin of quantum-grammar in this letter as I find myself sitting astride the need to convey the facts in plain English and using a flag-convention and protocol to slice through the metaphorical seas of the fraudulence of Maritime Law on my own steam; no doubt it’s all rife with protocol-errors: it comes however from a place of urgency, the need–incited and initiated by the very actions of harm these past few weeks from local Quincy and Boston loons therein described–to expose these incredible crimes of Silent-Assault and Stealth-Assault–playing “Electronic Surveillance” “Bio Surveillance” “Neuro Surveillance”–within a context of blatant, overt, obvious, and plain-sight Noise Terrorism using drones, planes, helicopters, zooming trucks, SUVs, cars on the streets of this neighborhood (and every location of my presence, including on walks) and corralling neighbors around the block in rotating noise harassment and monitoring activities.

What is the reason for this profound invasion of privacy and rights?

The FBI is unable to say. The US Attorney-General is silent. The Mass. Attorney-General sees no reason to intervene.

My previous letters to these parties (in recent times) are here:

Ramola D: Demand Letter (1) to Attorney-General William Barr To Be Removed Instantly From Fraudulent Watchlist & All Associated Fraudulent Surveillance & State-Run Domestic Terrorism Programs Inclusive of Unethical Non-Consensual Military/Intel/Academic Brain/Other Experimentation

Treasonous Betrayal–Local Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as “Surveillance”: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities

What these local governments and crime-enforcement bureaus–who have permitted darker agencies to engage in darker crimes but assist and facilitate–have taught me is this: they are too far gone, they need to be fully exposed, in every way, in entirety, all the time. They do not respond in normalcy because none exists here. They need to be exposed–and DISSOLVED.

Americans need to know that. It’s not just COVID-tyranny ongoing, its entrenched commitment to assault on humanity.

To those who care and want to know I’m alright: I do shield continuously, and I do pursue natural healing therapies which keep me from being completely physically destroyed by these intense attacks on me–which should not be happening to me or anyone else.

But I will not be silent. The more intensely I am assaulted, obviously the more urgent the need to expose the facts. Clearly I am being harmed.

As a working journalist and writer, living in America and being assaulted as atrociously I am–now it appears on a continuous basis in retaliation for my exposing-work of candid journalism (such retaliation for journalism, by any count, being unlawful and illegal in every way), but from the start (in Oct/Nov 2013) for what reason? (We’ll have to ask President of the School Board at Adams Montessori School Sinead Walsh and former President School Board and all-out DOD Contractor Criminal Attorney Alexander Steffan about that–and more on them will be published soon)–I think everyone needs to know about it.

This opener should inform everyone on some of the opening salvos in this one-sided war being waged against me by a delinquent directorate of misled maniacs playing now with high-tech toys on people’s bodies from well behind closed doors and drones:

Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults

This is a Record of Crime in Massachusetts (1) with no doubt more to come. Please share it widely and send it to all news publications and journalists who cover the facts of government crime. In addition to recording the crimes executed on others, and addressing injustice and techno-lunacy through open broadcasts and articles, I will be continuing to publish openly on any further assaults on me, a working journalist, a mother, a writer, a poet, a teacher, a broadcaster–being cast as a “mentally-ill criminal” by, you guessed it, mentally ill criminals in public office.

Massachusetts has become a hell-hole of crime and harassment. And that’s a fact.


Dr. Robert Young |The Havana Cuba Syndrome Caused by Directed Pulsating EMF Microwaves/March 10, 2021, Updated August 9, 2021

Ramola D: Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion”

–RAE (Report, Analysis, Op-Ed) | Ramola D | Posted September 10, 2019

On the 21st of April, 2019, the Chicago Sun-Times, owned by a group of neither intellectuals nor literati but businessmen and politicians in Chicago, ran a story by columnist and editorial-team member Neil Steinberg, who was once arrested for getting drunk and beating his wife, and spent a month in an alcohol-rehab facility, as his profile in Wikipedia—in itself a forum famous for its selective truths and rampant propaganda (much like Steinberg’s article here)—so ardently details.

The title of this masterpiece by a little-known journalist now marked in Wikipedia as a drunken wife-beater is “Are you being tracked? Burned by lasers? Maybe you are a ‘Targeted Individual

Not solicitous, not concerned, not critically enquiring nor journalistically curious, but skeptical, mocking, stopping just short of sticking a question-mark at the end of that pithy projection of disbelief, and offering a label in quotes, “Targeted Individual,” priming the reader to care just as less as the writer about all of it.

A label, indeed, used as an indictment and straitjacket, a closed door and condemnation, as labels usually are.

And a not-so-subtle invite to the reader to dismiss the entire subject as illusory.

No Longer in Kansas, Neil, Time to Read Orwell

Which is more than confirmed in Steinberg’s opening as he launches into a cascade of scenarios, all presented as improbable, unimaginable—a skepticism which might be convincing if we lived in Dorothy’s Kansas, but reeks of Fusion-Center-driven propaganda instead since we actually reside in post 9/11, post-Orwell, All-Horrors-Plausible America:

Strangers are following you. Teams of them, coordinating their surveillance. Recording you. Attacking you with sonic devices. Maybe burning you with lasers. Maybe implanting grain-sized trackers inside your body. You can feel the hard bumps under your skin.

You are alarmed, naturally, and turn for help to those you trust: your family and friends. Maybe law enforcement. Only they don’t believe you. They might even act like you’re the problem. Like you’re crazy.

Welcome to the world of Targeted Individuals, a loose confederation of those, in their words, subject to the “growing crimes of organized stalking, surveillance, abuse and electronic harassment.””

This last, in tandem with the bland caption below the photo of a group of people with signs noting Covert Experiments, Torture, Microwave Weapons, and Failures of Law Enforcement, now labelled as “People who claim they are being put under organized surveillance and harassed by shady forces” continues the priming: you, the reader, are enjoined to react only with skepticism to the possibility of surveillance crimes, illicit experiments, torture, microwave weapons, and harassment being reported.

DHS Information Bulletin

Because of course, with the callous promiscuities of the Patriot Act, the excesses of the NDAA’s Indefinite Detentions, the twisted revisions of the Common Rule favoring carte blanche secret experiments for Intelligence agencies & the Justice department in conjunction with Executive Order 12333, the cannibalizing military complacencies of 5241.1R which permit surveillees to be experimented on and character-assassinated, the hundreds of bio-behavioral field-tests with millimeter/microwave weapons currently ongoing, the numerous categories of citizen the FBI has declared it must and will surveil and investigate, the nauseous militarizing of police and hand-over of multiple powers to fusion centers, the sinister 1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the DOD and DOJ permitting the testing of “advanced technologies” on Americans, the many revelations by whistleblowers from the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS of perfidy in-house inclusive of DEW attacks on whistleblowers, the hundreds of thousands of National Security Letters rubberstamped every year by the corrupt FISA court, the unauthorized spying of innocents up and down the coasts & heartland of the US, including the outright targeting and surveillance of an elected President by men in high office, the Stasi crossover into community policing nationwide, no organized surveillance and harassment by shady forces could possibly be happening, oh no…Neil Steinberg (the rehabilitated alcoholic) says so.

The Mental Illness, Paranoia, and Delusion Fraud: The DOD/CIA Psy Op of Labeling Victims and Equating that Label with Paranoia and Delusion

One part of this troubled scenario—where purported journalists can write hit-pieces on whole groups of people and get away with it, thanks also to precedent set by such stalwarts as The New York Times (“The United States of Paranoia”) and Wired (“Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of “Targeted Individuals””), proving they’re really full-on propagandists, paid to deceive—is the inherent difficulty in the label “Targeted Individual.”

A smattering of headlines from mainstream media articles & Psy Warfare websites, still online, over the last few years, directing the reader to link the term “Targeted Individual” with “Paranoia” and “Mental Illness” while the US Govt. commits War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity against its own people

A military term quite factual in its meaning yet offering a pigeonholing label now historically misused and abused by reporters who claim people “self-identify” as TIs (short-form for Targeted Individual) and do nothing to investigate their claims/reports but spend reams of column-inches mocking, ridiculing, and calling them “delusional,” this term now occupies a conflicted signifying space, at once literal and associative, which no doubt has been the intention all along, to tie the term to notions of paranoia and delusion.

Stage set, therefore, for a propaganda artist like Mr. Steinberg to engage in some hard-core Media POPPCon—Psy Op Propaganda Piece Conning—which he does, with aplomb. Reading the rest of his article follows the formula for propaganda success over at POPPConville (a MockOp subdivision of Langley): Cast TIs as delusional, interview someone who helps establish TIs are delusional, cast this someone as delusional, call on a psychologist to state the lot are delusional, bring up “mass delusions” and “Internet” syndromes, close-case on anything TIs claim, now that you’ve worked so hard to damage their credibility by naming them delusional.

What is lost in this merry-go-round of formula madness is that “Targeted Individuals” are reporting victims of extremely grave human rights violations under cover of Fusion Center Surveillance, involving the non-consensual use of silent electromagnetic weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, neuroweapons, bioweapons such as microchip implants—all bio-hacking, neuro-hacking “advanced technologies” and “non-lethal weapons” that both DOD and DOJ have publicly established they are testing—treasonously and unethically—on Americans, in addition to harassive COINTELPRO, extrajudicial surveillance, and worldwide “community policing” Psy Ops also known colloquially as Gang Stalking—as this writer has been reporting for several years now, and as many other writers and whistleblowers, such as Paul Baird, Barbara Hartwell, Karen Melton-Stewart, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Mark Rich, Cheryl Welsh, Soleil Mavis, John Finch, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Harlan Girard, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Mary Gregory, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Rosanne Schneider, Mojmir Babacek, and others, have also been reporting for years.

It is no exaggeration to say Targeted Individuals have been extrajudicially targeted for extreme persecution and illicit and unethical Mil/Intel experimentation—by corrupt criminals in power seeking to ruthlessly silence people of integrity, including activists and whistleblowers—and my own numerous interviews over the years, my own 6-year experience of being extrajudicially targeted, and my research and published investigative journalism, in addition to that of others (named above) confirms this.

Ella Free’s Statement to Neil Steinberg Regarding Targeted Individuals Being Mentally Ill

In this particular case, it has been extraordinarily concerning to myself and other journalists and human rights activists to note that Ella Free who runs talk shows on Talkshoe for TIs and has tried to establish herself as a radio and talk show persona under her banner “Freedom For Targeted Individuals,” purporting to be deeply concerned about TIs and seeking to offer human rights “support” is quoted as herself calling TIs mentally ill.

Calling spokeswoman, “Ella Free,” started with a surprise.

A good portion of people who claim to be Targeted Individuals are actually mentally ill,” she said. Straight to the elephant in the room. “So many of them, people have the same story: it’s interesting that a person isolated is having a very similar scenario.”

She meant “interesting” as in “persuasive” — these people are describing the same thing, therefore it must have basis in reality. That logic doesn’t hold up.

Giving Ella the benefit of the doubt, despite being incensed—as an investigative science and technology journalist who has been researching and reporting on this subject for 5 years–at this false statement (more on this below) I contacted Ella fairly immediately on Twitter, DM (text on Twitter), and email to find out what she had said to Neil Steinberg and if indeed she had said what he claimed, that many TIs are mentally ill.

Ella Free: “It Was A Strategy Behind It”

In the course of the convoluted text/email conversations that followed, it became clear that Ella Free had 1) indeed said to Steinberg that a “portion” of Tis were mentally ill, and 2) sought to explain to him simultaneously—with her apparently non-existent communications skills—that TIs “came across that way’ because “it’s hard to discern the symptoms”/”the symptoms seem the same.” Her texts sought to explain to me that she’d had a “strategy” behind this statement of hers, a strategy which had apparently backfired.

Does agreeing with a propaganda-publishing misleading reporter working for mainstream media constitute a strategy?

Ella also stated that she did not keep on top of all that has been published in recent times in terms of disclosure or analysis, which means she has missed Dr. James Giordiano’s recent rather stunning disclosures of military neuroexperimentation on “selected targeted individuals” and Debra Schnelle’s astonishing reveal of “neuro cognitive weapons” inducive of high-speed-Alzheimer’s the US Navy was seeking to build countermeasures for, and Dr. Hoffman’s and Dr. Golumb’s and Dr. Giardiano’s affirmations of neuroweaponry and radiation weaponry being used on the diplomats from China and Cuba reported to have been hit with sonic weapons originally–among other interesting revelations.

What DARPA, MIT, and Dr. Giordiano in particular have been publishing recently is nothing short of mind-blowing—especially in terms of public acknowledgment of the kinds of neurotechnologies only Tis had previously been talking about, even though patents for many of these have been long in the public domain.

Stressing how busy she is “supporting” those who are targeted, she stated she had no time to read.

What then is she doing acting as a spokesperson for those targeted?

Post the publication of Report #144 with CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, Ella Free left a torrent of comments on Twitter, including one disavowing any claim from her of being a journalist, and one suggesting that talking about the technology being used on targets was provenly pointless, in response to a tweet from me pointing out that Targeted Justice Board members Dr. Katherine Horton and Richard Lighthouse were both putting out Disinfo regarding the technology, and that Midge Mathis was blindly supporting them, despite, most especially, Dr. Katherine Horton’s well-reported and widely-known petty, juvenile, but profoundly injurious and sinister smear attacks, sabotage-activities, calls to violence, and echo-stalking/mirroring displays-in-plain-sight of her Intel Neuro-Linguistic-Programming efforts, the latter aimed directly at me, earlier described in The Consequences of Infiltration, Swiss Cheese and Bayonets, and The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory.

Contextualizing Ella Free’s tweet (below) regarding ignoring the technology, are some of my previous tweets regarding Disinfo, clarifying my stance re. what I see as an influx of Disinfo being poured into the TI activism space by highly questionable personalities in Targeted Justice and Freedom for Targeted Individuals and supported and endorsed by others such as Frank Allen of Targeted Massachusetts (@FranktheArcher), and a couple tweets in response to Lulie’s (@B91827364) questioning of that stance. (Lulie apparently has removed her Twitter account, hence the blanks below.) Ella’s tweet, focus of this scrutiny, is in the last tweet pictured below.

Part of a longer thread/Full thread here:

Then there’s the assurances from Ella Free, post-article, that she’d had most enriching conversations with #MockOp minion Neil Steinberg and he was going to issue a follow-up article filled with truth and facts (Dream On, really), while stating to her it was not his intention to “sadden” anyone. In contrast, consider the actual pithless remonstrances she apparently made on email, post-article, which her pal Neil brushes off like he might a flea, oh, a mentally-challenged flea at that. Both below.

Ella’s stellar emails post-article to pal Neil who employs patronizing verbiage to distinguish himself as a Class I Jerk/pl. read from bottom-up

Mindwash Media Tactic from Neil Steinberg: Find a Lone “Spokesperson” to Cast as Delusional

Tellingly, and most intriguingly, Ella revealed that Neil Steinberg had told her he wanted to talk to her alone for his article.

Remember the POPPCon formula for success in Mindwash Media, over yon at POPPConville (wealthy suburb of Langley)? Cast TIs as delusional, interview someone who helps establish TIs are delusional, cast this someone as delusional…

Obligingly, just as Justin Rohrlich at The Daily Beast cast down highly-respected Cheryl Welsh—research scholar, writer, attorney, founder of a non-profit and website at—as delusional, and Mike McPhate at the New York Times cast longstanding #WarCrimeWitness Timothy Trespas as delusional and slurred or obscured the witness of well-known and well-respected others like Rosanne Schneider (see her commentary on this farce here), NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart, and military/CIA neuroscientist Dr. Robert Duncan (see his commentary), Neil Steinberg cast Ella Free as delusional:

I spoke with Free and listened to her interviews on Internet shows, about how a bad online relationship expanded into obsessiveness — whether hers or someone else’s I’ll leave unaddressed. Maybe everyone at the beach was videotaping her.

I knew right off this guy had hired these people to do this to me,” she said.

Maybe the stabbing pain in her leg was being induced.

I knew it was artificial,” she said. “I thought it was a laser, maybe going off the wi-fi.”

I do not mean to suggest that I see Ella in the same light as any of the other named witnesses above, each of whom has a solid history of highly credible research, testimonial, and reportage behind them.

The difference is, Ella – whose words, as she stated to me, could certainly have been taken out of context in order to cast her as delusional, as evident in the semantic sleight-of-hand above – openly confesses she has no idea about the technologies being used, makes no effort to determine what they might be, discourages others from doing so (as recently on Twitter), and suggests it is schizophrenic to read and learn widely from articles and videos, exercise critical thinking, and get informed!

The Insider-Outsider MockOp Media Psy Op: Factors of Note

I will also note here that Ella’s story of being obsessively stalked by a single deranged acquaintance appears to many of us, extrajudicially targeted, who are being multiply-monitored, surveilled, COINTELPRO’d, high-tech-weapon-hit and harassed by whole groups of Fusion Center-run minions (including local police, ambulance, and EMS personnel, often flashing Masonic symbols) in highly organized fashion indicative of Mil/Intel operations, is highly anomalous and in no way typical of the general TI experience. But comes across really as nothing but a fairy-tale, token concoction to gain her entrance into the highly-fragmented and severely-infiltrated, data-collector-strewn, targeted “community.”

This of course ties in with my general assessment of Ella as planted insider, as discussed earlier in my podcast with CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell and noted here in my article on that podcast as well.

In fact, as many readers may know, one important reason I am writing this article is to illustrate why Ella Free is clearly not a trustworthy spokesperson for those targeted and reporting victims of fusion-center trafficking into black ops military/intelligence/academic neuro/behavioral/medical experimentation, who are being disappeared with the label “Targeted Individuals” now freely being synonymized by Mainstream Media, as Steinberg does, with Paranoid and Delusional—as part of the gigantic False-Reality-Construct being run by Operation Mockingbird’s media minions, as noted in this recent expose of CBS 60 Minutes’ Targeted America, a well-scripted-and-played Tell-a-Lie-Vision production playing the Cuba/China Mysterious Weapons Charade.

When she is not informed, not well-read, not aware, what is she doing running an organization termed “Freedom for Targeted Individuals” and handing out flyers which strategized-tunnel-vision reporters like Neil Steinberg can latch on to?

And why then would the small group of activists protesting in Chicago and handing out flyers choose those in particular—quite bypassing the stellar flyers posted online by NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart, or myself, or Dr. Eric Karlstrom, or anyone else?

Also of note is the fact that it is the Targeted Justice group here, along with Ella Free and Matthew Aaron’s group, Freedom for Targeted Individuals, offering a public face for mainstream Chicago media to notice while using her flyers: is this their joint intent–through on-street-activism, while also pushing Disinfo and Misdirection in efforts to limit the public disclosure, as covered here earlier?

And why, most of all, did Neil Steinberg interview only Ella for his little froth-piece with a purpose, to denigrate Tis as mentally ill? What does that really signify about his own interests in covering the issues of targeting and being targeted? Not to mention the interests of the Chicago Sun-Times in projecting those reporting the persecutory depredations of Surveillance Abuse and wrongful watchlisting—which has permitted Mil/Intel/Univ exploitation and human trafficking–as mentally ill?

How does this not establish the Chicago Sun-Times as complicit, in this clear Failure-to-Report-Crime production?

Also: As Barbara Hartwell asks in her meticulous examination of Ella’s own words and actions here, who is supporting the many billboards she has now placed in many cities and seeks to place in many more? Those who are targeted and being destroyed are generally flat-broke, near-homeless, kept unemployed or low-income-employed by severe blacklisting, wrongfully psych-committed or wrongfully incarcerated; clearly her benefactors are well-monied: what is their purpose? Given especially, the Victim Message of those weeping blue-eyed billboards, which completely bypass the Governmental/Fusion Center/Military/Intelligence/Academic/Medical Research nature of these illicit targeting and persecution programs, and highlight contract-stalking instead, suggesting private stalking, not taxpayer-paid-for, pervasive, government-run, military-funded, Defense-granted programs.

To me, as to many others (who have reported to me the lopsided focus and selective highlighting of witness on the interminably long (3-4 hours) conference calls that she runs), the conclusion that Ella Free is a carefully-strategized, deliberately-planted misdirector “activist” running an insider Psy Op to match the carefully-strategized, deliberately-planted misdirector “journalist” outsider Psy Op, which Steinberg embodies, is inescapable.

And how this might fit into a historic alt-media construct run by CIA fraudsters keen to keep us all swimming in Fake News and False Realities, is well-described by CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell in her observation of long-time alt-media persona Ken Adaichi, who stepped forward in 2017 to squash and obscure the witness of real truth-telling writers and journalists, including myself, by avidly tunnel-vision-spotlighting the Talkshoe antics of Ella Free.

My own previous comments on Ella Free’s Hollywood connections and background-supported ability to persuade the most extraordinary guests onto her calls, including such as former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney–who has to date ignored my several requests and invites to come do an interview on my video channel Ramola D Reports–can be found at The Consequences of Infiltration, and other articles and comments I have posted online.

Targeted for Organized Persecution With High-Tech Weapons: Of Course the Government is Involved

On the subject of who is targeting and assaulting TIs, what also surfaced from my emails with Ella Free was that she had sent Steinberg a list of statements about people targeted which her FFTI partner Dr. Matthew Aaron had compiled. Much of this is highly questionable. Both have made statements that government agencies are not involved, when much evidence to the contrary exists. Pretty much everyone knows that large-scale organized social ostracizing, blacklisting, character-assassination, and harassment which includes ground and aerial stalking (involving small planes, drones, and helicopters), non-stop monitoring, neighborhood hostility, and obvious COINTELPRO on the roadways cannot be accomplished without Fusion Center and local government complicity and oversight.

Excerpt 1/NIH Employee Dr. Matthew Aaron’s Disinformation Sheet sprinkled with possible partial truths handed to Neil Steinberg by Ella Free via email to accompany her verbal, telephone interview; Note, the “no longer targeted” should be a tip-off (TIs almost 100% report continuity of assault.) Suggesting that some cities are free of this organized NWO /Fusion Center-run crime ditto.
Excerpt 2/Matthew Aaron’s Disinfo and Outright Storytelling suggesting this is “community-level organized criminal activity” is a Cover Story protecting government/military/Intelligence crimes against humanity.
Excerpt 3/Matthew Aaron’s Fairy Tales for the Seriously Unhinged. Implying that Law Enforcement and Government policies are not complicit and participating, that local governments are not Perpetraitors, and that random criminal offenders are responsible runs contrary to the long-standing and corroborated research and reportage from myself, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Mark Rich, Karen Stewart, and many others.

While private individuals and companies may be involved in targeting and covert persecution of people, their participation is both concealed and made possible by Fusion Center (government agency) contracting. NSA whistleblower Bill Binney has expressly spoken of public-private partnerships in mass surveillance and counterterrorism activities which has ensured that thousands of private contractors are being supported and directed by the government.

It is both misdirective and inaccurate therefore to say the government is not involved—and it leads away from the fact that Defense divisions like the US Airforce and US Marine Corps are engaging in field-testing of non-lethal weapons, that the National Institutes of Justice is testing advanced neurotechnologies on an unsuspecting populace, that local police and sheriffs’ departments have and are operating a whole slew of classified non-lethal directed-energy neurotechnologies which include through-wall-radar, and that the CIA and others are engaging in secretive human experimentation, the details of which they refuse to reveal ( Amy Gutmann’s Moral Science Report, 2012): those being targeted and reporting as targeted are victims of all these and more.

Further, in a multiplicity of programs connecting Defense funds to University researchers (DURIP and MURI programs, for instance, as well as the Minerva Research Initiative and new Defense Education Institution and Civilian University Research (DECUR) Partnership) and to research institutions which are increasingly doing away with Informed Consent, citing lies and equivocations like Minimal Risk, Broad Consent, and Benefit to Participant, government monies are being funneled into unethical experimentation involving top Universities, hospitals, research institutions—as Dr. Millicent Black’s experience indicates, and others’ – matters of interest to this writer, to be further investigated and fully reported soon.

So yes—in contradiction to what Ella Free and Dr. Matthew Aaron suggest–these are unethical, inhumane government-run-and-contracted programs. Local governments/police/sheriffs/FBI are clearly fully aware, public and private sector both have been drawn into participating. Please see the plethora of reports at this site and in interviews at D Reports that offer much disclosure on this subject.

The Danger of Projecting Cover-Stories that Reporting Victims of Serious Government Crime are Mentally Ill

The grave danger of wrongful casting by Media of reporting victims of serious crime as mentally ill and delusional –mentioned here earlier—is multifaceted and needs to be fully and exhaustively reported within a human rights context, just as Torture has been reported comprehensively by human rights groups like Physicians for Human Rights, as in their reports Broken Laws, Broken Lives: Medical Evidence of Torture by the US and Deprivation and Despair: The Crisis of Medical Care at Guantanamo.

Suffice to note in this essay that two extremely grave crimes are committed by those journalists and the psychologists/psychiatrists/sociologists they quote who engage in such absolute deception:

  1. The primary Failure-to-Report-Crime of covering up the base Government crime of wrongful Surveillance watchlisting, and from there, wrongful human trafficking into exploitative and persecutory and terminal (profoundly unethical) medical experimentation programs—and thereby misleading the public while protecting Serious Government Crime.
  2. The also primary Abuse-of-Publishing-Powers-Crime of publishing injurious untruths which have extremely deleterious ramifications for reporting #GovtCrime victims within their families, work environments, and communities. Reputations are ruined, characters are smeared, careers are halted. Families and communities believe the published lie, disbelieve and shun the being-abused #GovtCrime victim. Blacklisting, social ostracism, social isolation, and utter ruination of the #GovtCrime victim’s life follow. Families themselves report the #GovtCrime victim as Mentally Ill to Community Services, police, and hospitals, and ruthlessly and cluelessly force their already-persecuted family-member into psychiatric drugging and incarceration—as reported in numerous cases. Medical treatment is compromised; many targets report that doctors IGNORE their actual physical problems and call for psychiatrists. Doctors, in fact, misled by Media Lies, believe the lie and completely dismiss the reports of #GovtCrime victims of radiation assault and implant assault as delusional.

This Question of Targeted Individuals Suffering Mental Illness

The instant-labeling of Targeted Individuals as delusional, precisely the intent and enacted intention of the perpetraitors assaulting and exploiting them, as described earlier, is nothing to endorse and project by any genuine human rights activist seeking to represent, support, or protect them.

But regarding the notion that mental illness can exist among any sector or group of the population, including TIs, here is my base understanding: Yes, from what has been reported to me, and what I have learned, there are some who before they were targeted were being treated for milder issues such as anxiety, or stress, or depression, and continue to take pills for these—but not full-blown schizophrenia or paranoia; there are some who have developed PTSD or stress or anxiety after being targeted—for good reason, given the 24/7 COINTELPRO and neuro/DEW trauma they endure, and that is still not schizophrenia or paranoia; and most vitally, there are some, in fact quite a few crisis actors and infiltrators in the such-as-it-is TI community who write and speak disjointedly, leave weird comments on websites and under videos including mine, espouse bizarre theories and report a-credible occurrences: these are not the genuine targets but the genuine Intel plants deliberately playing mentally-ill in order to help outsiders like Steinberg label TIs as mentally-ill–and apparently feed Ella Free’s unsupported and unscientific notions of 5% of TIs being mentally ill as well.

And then, crowning coup for misleading, abusive, authoritarian Psychiatry: there are some, force-drugged, force-committed, force-false-diagnosed as schizoid, delusional, schizophrenic and on Disability—who are fully mentally-sound, sane and well, but victimized, exploited, persecuted, as described earlier.

Additionally, it is entirely possible–going by the historic Government record of rampant experimentation crime–that people locked away in psychiatric institutions or homes with false diagnoses of serious psychoses and schizophrenia are also being non-consensually experimented on by unethical Military/Intel/Academic researchers, just as prisoners in the nation’s numerous private prisons, including Guantanamo–as testified to by many imprisoned there, no doubt also are.

THE MISO/PSY OP CONSTRUCTED PERCEPTION OF MENTAL ILLNESS: Not to be forgotten is the fact that the entire MISO/Psy Op (Military Information Support Operations/Psychological Operations) of the “Gangstalking” COINTELPRO/MK ULTRA Trauma that targets are subjected to 24/7 in homes, neighborhoods, communities seems to be aimed at eliciting the self-incriminating projected symptoms of mental illness–heightened reaction to constant harassment and provocation, while slyly aimed also at provoking reports of stalking and gaslighting to be easily DSM-dismissed by DSM-indoctrinated psychiatrists as “paranoia” thereby creating the bugaboo “diagnosis” to dog and discredit reporting victims as paranoid and delusional.

Given that mental illness is the precise tool of oppression being used against targets and used to conceal these crimes publicly, it is the one most important aspect to be careful about when speaking to MSM reporters—which Ella Free, self-confessed “leader” (a term she has used to describe herself on her podcasts and conference calls) acting like she is to be considered a primary Voice for TIs, flubbed.

Psychology Professor David La Porte: Paranoid Individuals Enflamed & Organized by the Internet into “Probably a Delusion”

Then there’s the issue of the Authority Figure. Predictably, as in Mike McPhate’s Psy Op slam-piece in The New York Times, Steinberg cites a psychologist to give credence to this convolution of a “mass delusion” which, the psychologist explains, is fed by the finding-each-other phenomenon the Internet offers:

People who are paranoid start to latch onto the same kind of delusion,” said David LaPorte, a professor of psychology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

This is not uncommon. When airplanes first started, people started having delusions they were being followed by airplanes. The computer has been a huge issue that leaked into paranoid delusions. Every technological advance becomes fodder for paranoid individuals.”

And later:

They’re well organized because of the Internet,” LaPorte said. “That’s part of the problem. It deepens and entrenches what is probably a delusion.”

Note the “probably” in the previous sentence. Sometimes the improbable does happen. Stalking is real, though usually by individuals, not shady networks.

No one’s really actually talked to these individuals in a clinical way to establish whether they are nuts,” LaPorte said. “Anybody who has worked in this field for a long period of time, you hear stories of fantastic delusions only to find out it was true. What they’re talking about could be true, but it’s probably not.”

“To establish whether they are nuts,” note. Not, “To find out if what they are saying is true” but to establish whether they are nuts.

I wrote to Professor La Porte, given that his university affiliation was published and email posted online. My intent was to inform and educate him, and assure him he was wrong about his delusion theories in relation to government and military crime victims.

Subject: Re: Your recent comments in Neil Steinberg’s Chicago Sun Times article on “Targeted Individuals” versus the facts

This is the letter, sent to Professor La Porte on April 26, 2019:

From: Ramola D<>

 Friday, April 26, 2019 1:59 AM


Dear Professor La Porte,

I am an investigative science and technology journalist who has been covering the subjects of current-day science and technology, surveillance, Defense, ethics, and consciousness for the past 5 years, with an educational background in Physics, Business Management, and Writing and a 20-year career in teaching College English, Creative Writing, and Literature, as well as in management consulting and technical communications, and ongoing practice as a fiction-writer, poet, playwright, memoirist, essayist, literary editor, publisher, and journalist, in addition to broadcasts and articles at my media sites and channels, Ramola D Reports and The Everyday Concerned Citizen.

I am writing to you because I have covered the subject of “Targeted Individuals” for five years, and engaged in investigative research with the US military and Intelligence agencies on the subject.

As I have written in my Investigative Reporter Statement for Todd Giffen

In the course of my investigative reportage, I have studied military and Intelligence documents, spoken with and reported the testimonial of US Government whistleblowers and scientists, including from the NSA, CIA, FBI, Department of Defense, US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, and US Army, as well as former French and Belgian Intelligence; I have researched and reported the work, words, and testimonial of scientists from the CIA, US Navy and UK Navy, as well as widely researched and reported on the work of scientists and militaries worldwide, particularly in the areas of electromagnetic weaponry or DEWs, neurotechnology, EMF/neuroweapons testing, wireless telemetry, and surveillance technology. I have investigated and reported on human subject protections and non-consensual neuro-experimentation among other modern science and technology issues, interviewed a wide variety of professionals including science and technology journalists, authors, academics, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, electronic engineers, scientists, writers, other journalists, and published the testimonials of many people worldwide reporting non-consensual military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation with Radio Frequency and Sonic technologies today. From my perusal of military and Intelligence documents, listening to and reading audio/video/print testimonial of whistleblower scientists and Intelligence analysts, researching the history of weaponized Neuroscience, and speaking personally with whistleblowers, and multiple reporting victims, I can attest to the reality of ongoing Neuro-technology testing and training as well as non-consensual neuro-experimentation with electronic warfare weaponry, Brain Computer Interfaces, and RFID tracking micro/nanotech on civilian populations in the US, Europe, and worldwide.

“Targeted Individuals” are the Crime Victims of the Military Intelligence Industrial Complex. The wrongful watchlisting of innocents and the human trafficking of them into military/USAF/Marine Corps Anti-Personnel Non-Lethal Weapons Tests and Neuro Surveillance Beta Testing by the National Institute of Justice/FBI/CIA as well as military and NIH/NSF medical experiments have together unleashed a new era of horrific violence in our midst with Spectrum (EMF/sonic/scalar) weapons being used on people; these people are literally the targets of new emerging military technologies which use Radar, Scalar, and Sonic tech as well as covert RFID/nanotech implants on their bodies to non-consensually test out a variety of concepts from cybernetics, AI, robotics, neurotechnology, behavioral psychology, criminal justice and other sciences.

Your statement here therefore that “They’re well organized because of the Internet. That’s part of the problem. It deepens and entrenches what is probably a delusion.” is untrue. 

“Targeted Individuals” are not delusional, nor does the Internet create their condition, the US Military and the US Department of Justice and the US Department of Homeland Security does. They are also victims of Torture, which is illegal by US and International Law, and those who seek to conceal these War Crimes being investigated and reported today by journalists and whistleblowers may well find themselves called to testify soon at new Nuremberg trials for their crimes: today, reporters like Neil Steinberg and others who work for corporate Propaganda Media as well as psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists who confirm their biases and propaganda, wittingly or unwittingly, by calling Mil/Intel Crime Victim targets mentally ill without investigating the matter will be culpable.

(Please note, it is people like Steinberg and psychologists who don’t read, don’t investigate the state of the world today re. Surveillance, except in mainstream media channels/fora which suppress the truth of what the Government is doing and conceal the War Crimes the Government is committing who are displaying Confirmatory Bias.)

These matters are discussed in numerous articles at my website, including this one by Dr. Seth Farber, a psychologist: 

Seth Farber, Ph.D: The Psychiatric Metanarrative, Targeted Individuals, and the Deep State: A Response to The New York Times

I also recommend you read the following articles also posted on my website:

Groundbreaking Bill Proposal Prohibiting Organized Covert Torture Effected With Electronic Weapons & Organized Stalking Under Review By State Legislators In California; Support Needed

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart: Open Letter to Media, NYT on Schizophrenic Coverage of Microwave Weapon Use on US Diplomats in Cuba versus US “Targeted Individuals”/September 13, 2018 at Activist Post; October 4, 2018 at ECC

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart & JIT: Attn. Law Enforcement/Police & Sheriff’s Deputies: Are You Oath Keepers or Oath Breakers?/July 26, 2018

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets/June 12, 2018

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI/April 1, 2018

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist by Richard Lighthouse/Free E-book on Smashwords, Feb 4, 2018

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States/May 26, 2016

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance/January 26, 2017

Kola Boof/Letter to Obama, 2016: “Illegal and Wholly Inhumane Stasi-Cointelpro-Like programs Being Executed by the U.S. Government to Target Individuals”

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart’s Petition for All Targeted Americans: Federal Government, Take Me Off Your Fraud Enemies List Now

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Writes Openly to FBI Infragard, “America’s Unconstitutional Fascist Brown Shirts”

THE REAL STORY: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Addresses the Rotary Club on Treasonous, Criminal Stalking & Harassment Watchlist Programs Run By FBI, Infragard, Fusion Centers

Geral Sosbee/Call for a New Nuremberg Trial

Barbara Hartwell/Political Persecution & State Sponsored Terror in America: REPORTS by FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee

Ramola D/“No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Exploring The FBI’s “Consensual Monitoring” and the CIA’s “Concealed Monitoring”: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications?

In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: “Profound Corruption of Law and Society by J. Edgar Hoover And His Offspring, the FBI”

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Targeting is Real

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons | March 10, 2019

“Exemptions to Informed Consent” in Classified Research and Non-Consensual Covert/Clandestine Human Subject Experimentation in the USA Today Versus “Consent of the Governed”

There are many others, both at my site and at Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s sites, and

I especially recommend the extensive post on his home page at the former, and his repost of a Twitter thread I have been publishing this week and which I hope to continue further and complete shortly: 

Proof Of Treasonous and Terrorist U.S. Military and Corporations Testing Directed Energy Torture Weapons On Innocent Civilians in America and Worldwide (Ramola D Tweet Thread 4/19)

This thread, on Thread Reader:

On Twitter–

In addition, I recommend that you watch the many video podcasts I have posted at my Youtube channel RamolaDReports, which include interviews with many “Targeted Individuals”–in truth, Crime Victims of the MIIC.

Finally, please consult the two Investigative Reporter Statements for Todd Giffen and Frederic Laroche at my site for details of whistleblowing and declassified documents attesting to the reality of these War Crimes. 

As a journalist publishing the truth of current-day reality, I will be compelled to address the several false and ignorant statements you have made in this article, in print. However, I urge that you inform yourself with deep exploration of this very vital subject, issue a retraction of your amazingly off-base and false statements, and wisely choose not to make the same mistakes in the future. 

I also enclose a Ten Step Checklist for Doctors and Psychologists and Psychiatrists I am developing to help bring much-needed medical services for TIs. A primer on human rights is also being developed and I will be glad to send you a copy soon when it is completed.

Best wishes for your Continued Education,
Ramola D

Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist
Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on YoutubeVimeoBitchute
Author: Invisible Season, Temporary Lives, For the Sake of the Boy (forthcoming, Paycock Press, 2019) Twitter: @EccEveryday
Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

To this, Professor David La Porte responded shortly after:

Friday, April 26, 2019 11:05 AM

From: David La Porte <>

To: Ramola D<>

Dear Romola,

thank you for taking the time to write to me and also thanks for send me the links. As is often the case with interviews only a portion of what I said is ever published. I was quoted correctly when I indicated that I’ve heard wild stories from people in the past that on first blush appear to be delusions only to find out that they are completely true. And there is little doubt that in the past the government has done things to citizens without their permission or knowledge. That said, it is still an open question if paranoia is a possible explanation. I try to keep an open mind about such things and it is my intention to do further research on this by interviewing as many TIs as are willing to talk with me. I need to obtain permission from my university’s Institutional Review Board before I do so and hopefully that will occur this summer. I will definitely be looking at the information you sent me once the semester ends.



David J. LaPorte, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

1020 Oakland Ave.  220 Uhler Indiana, PA 15705-1068 724-357-4524

I then wrote back to Professor David LaPorte, copying my letter to Dr. Seth Farber, also a psychologist and insightful scholar and author whose well-known article on the subject of the Psychiatric Metanarrative regarding Targeted Individuals, the Deep State, and shoddy New York Times coverage is noted above.

From: Ramola D<>

  Sunday, April 28, 2019 3:57 PM


Dear Professor La Porte,

Thank you for your note in response and noted, that only a portion of what you said was published, and that you acknowledge previous stories of delusions you have heard turning out to be true.

I am glad to know you will be further investigating this matter.

However, given the subject matter, and given, as you acknowledge, the nature and history of non-consensual military and medical experimentation, it is my informed opinion that investigating the claims of truly “Targeted Individuals” is not the purview of Psychology alone, but also Journalism, Radiology, Toxicology, Forensic Science, Medical Physics, Neuroscience, and Radio Frequency and Electrical Engineering.

In fact, I would suggest that no psychologist is equipped to undertake a study of Reporting Victims of Military Weapon Use on their own. The material evidence provided by physical scanning for RFID implants via MRIs, X-Rays, Faraday RFID Detection, SCADA scanning for nanotechnology wave guides, and bodily and residence scanning for receiving and emitting radio frequencies, in conjunction with documented photographic and/or videographic evidence of high, pulsed EMFs such as is obtainable with an electrosmog detector or EMF detector app, spectrum analyzer, or other detecting and recording equipment; evidence of burns, blisters, lesions, and scars on body; hair, skin, and nail analysis, blood plasma analysis, as well as recorded footage of repeated Community Oriented Policing or Neighborhood Watch cell-phone-pointers/recorders or COINTELPRO swarming, or repeated drone and helicopter stalking will more readily furnish absolute evidence of EMF/Neuro DEW Targeting & Organized Stalking.

I have personally examined and reported on the scientific scanning reports from private investigators and industrial toxicologists attesting to the reception and/or emission of radio frequencies on different parts of the body (indicating presence of RF implants or RFID nano-clusters) as well as examined MRIs and X-rays and read the radiologists’ reports provided for several TIs, and reported in print on some of these cases. These articles will offer further information:

Your statement therefore, here, about paranoia cannot be tested without physical, medical, radiological  analysis alongside. Excluding the Surveillance and Military Experimentation/Weapons Test and completely physical Weapon-Use context when examining the claims of TIs can only lead to false, illogical, and incomplete conclusions: “That said, it is still an open question if paranoia is a possible explanation. I try to keep an open mind about such things and it is my intention to do further research on this by interviewing as many TIs as are willing to talk with me.”

Reporters like Neil Steinberg who work for corporate media adhering to CIA Operation Mockingbird principles of Deception and Propaganda in the interests of Psychological Warfare and Information Warfare on the American citizenry are doing Americans a great disservice by starting, framing, and concluding that MIIC Victims are mental patients needing help from psychiatry–when they completely ignore the exacerbated Surveillance and Military Weapons Testing context (both public-domain knowledge) we are all living within, in contemporary America, and in fact, ridicule and mock it, as if it doesn’t exist. In this, they give away their obvious base allegiances to the Surveillance Abuse State — and their lack of intelligence as journalists.

Had Mr. Steinberg wished to really conduct a meaningful investigation, he would have spoken to a group of TIs and especially examined their physical evidence, as I have. He also would not have spoken to just one “spokesperson” for TIs–Ella Free–nor told her he did not wish to speak to anyone else (as she reports).

I would suggest that in your University-supported research project, you especially speak with those TIs who can and have furnished evidence of the physicality of this atrocious anti-personnel weapon targeting and nonstop torture, some of whom I have interviewed.

Dr. Seth Farber, whom I copy here, has suggested that I offer personally to be interviewed by you, since I too am reporting Military Weapon use on my person, and have collected much video/photo evidence of such; however, I am still collecting medical and radiological evidence of non-consensual RFID implants even as I continue to publish my own experience in articles and affidavits, and recommend, if you are interested, research of my story online, as published & broadcast in Washington’s Blog and The World Beyond Belief/Pineconeutopia, for more information. There are many others with solid radiological and toxicological evidence.

Ramola D

Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist
Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on YoutubeVimeoBitchute
Author: Invisible Season, Temporary Lives, For the Sake of the Boy (forthcoming, Paycock Press, 2019)
Twitter: @EccEveryday
Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Ignoring the extensive information on ongoing military and Intelligence technology tests, experiments, and war crimes I had provided, including my suggestion that Radiologists, among other technology professionals would be needed to test out the claims of Targeted Individuals, and ignoring the insights and information in Dr. Seth Farber’s meticulously thought-out and referenced article, Professor David La Porte wrote back, working desperately to swing the focus back to Mental Illness:

Monday, April 29, 2019 9:24 AM

From: David LaPorte <>

To: Ramola D <>


As a psychologist I cannot, as you point out, investigate the various science and technology aspects of this issue since I have no training in those areas. I’ll leave that to others. You have to understand that to many people the claims of TIs sound “crazy” and that stain will remain until the issue of mental illness is formally addressed. That is my goal: to address the mental state of TIs, since that has not been done to date. Thanks for your offer of an interview and once I have received IBR permission I will certainly take you up on that offer.



David J. LaPorte, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

1020 Oakland Ave. 

220 Uhler Indiana, PA 15705-1068


Considering that I hadn’t offered and wasn’t offering to interview with a psychologist who could not apparently assimilate the information I was providing, I felt obliged to write back to Professor LaPorte and inform him as much. I also forwarded this correspondence (on which Dr. Seth Farber had been copied) to Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Professer Emeritus of Physical Geography from California State University, and NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart, for their information, and Dr. Seth Farber wrote back a detailed letter analyzing and addressing Professor LaPorte’s stance. This email he addressed to this small group, although his letter itself was addressed to me. In addition I understand he wrote to Professor LaPorte separately. Professor LaPorte also wrote back again to me, informing me he was a trained skeptic and intended to hold his blighted pattern. I responded briefly, skeptical myself. All 3 emails are below, with Dr. Farber’s offering the clarifying final word.

From: Ramola D <>
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:19 PM
To: David LaPorte
Subject: Re: Your recent comments in Neil Steinberg’s Chicago Sun Times article on “Targeted Individuals” versus the facts Dear Professor La Porte,

Thanks for your note and apologies for my late response. However, I felt I should clarify I wasn’t offering to interview with you, particularly since you fixate on mental illness in the face of the blatant Surveillance/Military Context as well as solid scientific evidence I was striving to call your attention to. Dr. Seth Farber wrote you the most apt response and I will not repeat myself. Suffice to say your efforts to address “the mental state of TIs” are an insult to the earnest efforts of (perfectly sane and mentally well) reporting victims of Military/Intelligence/Industry crime, and your determined ignoring of absolute fact AND evidence regarding the use of Anti-Personnel DEWs in testing and operation by DOD/DOJ suggests nothing less than pre-planned agenda, well in support of Mainstream Media Propaganda. I have published extensively on this subject; the information is out there for all sufficiently intelligent to avail of it.

Take care,
Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist
Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on YoutubeVimeoBitchute
Twitter: @EccEveryday
Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

From Professor La Porte:

From: David LaPorte <>

To: Ramola D <>

Friday, May 3, 2019 9:34 AM

Dear Ramola,I certainly understand your position and respect your wishes. I take issue with the intimation that I have a pre-planned agenda here. As a scientist I am skeptical by nature and training. So my agenda is to seek answers not to promote one position over another.

Best regards,


David J. LaPorte, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

I did write back to Professor LaPorte, although by this point I was tired of this being-ignored attempt to educate and inform him.

From: Ramola D <>
Sent:  Friday, May 3, 2019 10:14 AM
To: David LaPorte
Dear Professor La Porte,

This is hardly an issue of promoting positions but unearthing facts, which I certainly do not believe can be accomplished by a psychologist alone in a void of factual and physical scientific context, and a stated pre-determined focus, which is precisely what invokes the possibility of pre-planned agenda. 

I continue to investigate and publish on the subject myself, as noted earlier, as do others, and will look forward to more real scientists, including psychologists capable of assimilating physical evidence stepping forward to support the hard-core physical reality of non-consensual RFID, WBAN, BioMEM, Nanotech & BCI implants, RF transmissions, and acoustic and radiation weapon use on people, which is the reality “Targeted Individuals” AKA Military/Intelligence Weapons-Testing Crime Victims report. 

Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist
Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on YoutubeVimeoBitchute
Twitter: @EccEveryday
Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Finally, the brilliant Dr. Seth Farber’s incisive, scholarly, and considered response, referred to in my final emails to Professor LaPorte:

Monday, April 29, 2019 9:08 PM, Dr. Seth Farber wrote:


These conventional psychologists are all the same…He writes, “You have to understand that to many people the claims of TIs sound “crazy” and that stain will remain until the issue of mental illness is formally addressed.”

This is a non-sequitur. It tells me that LaPorte has no intention of removing the stain– a stain reified by mental health professionals.

If  a person–say a self-described TI– hears punitive voices that have no referent in the external world then by psychiatric standards and by common sense she is “mentally ill.” (I don’t accept the disease paradigm–so  I would use a different formulation to describe her emotional crisis) If she says the CIA creates the voices in her head through advanced cyber technology to harass her,  then (by psychiatric standards) she is a “paranoid schizophrenic.” 

But if the CIA is in fact using directed energy weapons and experimenting on her brain then obviously her assertions are veridical and she is not paranoid–even by psychiatric standards.

LaPorte’s idea that he can determine whether someone is ‘mentally ill” without determining whether the putative technology –of  which they claim to be victims–  exists  or not makes no sense. He does not need training to determine the latter—he only needs to be willing to look at the evidence.

He did not answer my letter because I pointed out the pseudo-scientific nature of “psychodiagnosis” which bases its finding of “psychosis” not upon  scientific knowledge, but upon ‘”common sense” about what is possible. Psychiatry/Psychology substitutes psychiatrists’ consensus about what is delusional for a view of reality that actually corresponds to the “real world” as confirmed by empirical investigation. For example the veracity of TIs’ claims about group stalking could easily be confirmed or vitiated by hiring a private detective to investigate their claims. THat is an easy way to assess whether a TI is delusional.

But as psychologist Bruce Levine says they do not want to know  the truth.    

The validity of  a view of reality is established by the generation of  predictions that are subjected to testing and confirmed—not by taking a straw poll among psychiatrists and psychologists! Had scientists taken LaPorte’s approach in 20th century, quantum (physics) never would have been discovered.

I pointed out in my letter to LaPorte that once Hemingway’s friend/biographer read the FBI files on Hemingway 25 years later, he changed his assessment of Ernest. This may be the reason LaPorte wants to address the issue of “mental illness” without  even glancing to see if there is an elephant in the room. He’s a phony. If he admitted there was an elephant in the room, how could he declare that people pointing to the elephant were all mentally ill, all delusional?? 

What if there was a tiger in the room? If a person’s sympathetic nervous system is aroused for no reason, he  probably had a panic attack. If  in addition he sees things that are not there, he  is “psychotic” by psychiatric standards. But if there is a tiger in the room he would be “mentally ill” if his sympathetic nervous system  were not aroused! LaPorte  intends to look at signs of arousal without examining  the environment.

The fact that Dr LaPorte thinks he can assess one’s mental health in abstraction from social context shows that like his cohorts he is involved in stigmatizing persons–any deviation from the status quo is deemed pathological, including any dissident (“extreme”) political views.

Psychiatry is an effort to discredit people by declaring them “psychotic.”  In the case of TIs this requires ignoring the elephants and the tigers in the room. Then after the frightened person, the TI, is declared psychotic his claims about the deep state can be dismissed and the mental health profession can continue to serve–wittingly or unwittingly– the social control objectives of the deep state.

Seth Farber, PhD

As Dr. Farber so aptly pointed out, the stance that David LaPorte, Ph.D takes is to ignore the actual physical context and fixate on his primary and unsubstantiated obsession that reporting victims of high-tech Government crime must be mentally ill, that being the premise and lens to regard #TargetedIndividuals through. If that’s not a pre-planned agenda, I’d like to know what is.

Neil Steinberg’s glib recourse to LaPorte’s unexplainable premise advertises itself therefore doubly as government-protecting propaganda, and part of a sustained, determined, Information Warfare and Psychological Warfare operation being conducted against Americans–and by extension and in replication, citizens worldwide–by #MengeleMen in the US Department of Defense and CIA, operating through their larger umbrella of academics, journalists, brain-experimenters, weapons-testers, medical researchers, Intel analysts, insider activists and outsider reporters to conceal their incredibly appalling roster of extremely unethical #WarCrimes and Crimes Against Humanity via illicit targeting, surveillance, and injurious, intrusive, human-rights-violative non-consensual experimentation. Many people are involved in this criminal Psy Op, many agencies, many government, military and Intelligence divisions. Those losing out here are the innocent people of integrity, wrongfully targeted and trafficked.

The only way forward is to continuously expose all of it.

Ramola D

Ramola D is an award-winning author, poet, journalist, educator, publisher, and human rights activist who continues to report extrajudicial targeting with neuro/bio/energy weaponry by an out-of-control and corrupt US government mechanism and has become increasingly interested in exposing the media treachery and deceit which protects it. Her own true-story of being wrongfully targeted may be found widely online, including in the opening part of this to-be-continued series: Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults

Her fiction, poetry, and writer-interviews have been widely published. Subscribe to her video-channel at for ongoing science and tech, investigative, and human rights journalism. Stay tuned for the revival of her literary review Delphi Quarterly and author website, the launching of a literary press, and a new book of short fiction whose publication has been mysteriously delayed. If you are a whistleblower, activist, journalist or other wrongfully targeted who wishes to publicize via podcast interview or have information to share for an article, please write to her with your story at If you appreciate her voice and work, please support her no-holds-barred, truth-seeking, and clear-speaking journalism via or via the Paypal Donate link here.

Redbridge Council Cites “Personal Care” Exemption in Refusing to Explain Aggressive & Fraudulent Sectioning Attempts on Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer

–Ramola D/Posted August 3, 2o19

Letters  of inquiry and concern sent earlier to Redbridge Council Press Office and to the Care Quality Commisssion overseeing NHS Trust Hospitals at Brighton, Sussex, and Essex regarding the recent multiple and aggressive sectioning attempts on Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer were replied to on July 30, with a terse refusal to address by Redbridge Council. Citing the 2000 Freedom of Information Act, the Adult Care, Public Health and Well-being Team stated, “We are unable to provide a response as this relates to a matter of personal care and treatment that falls outside of the FOI process.”

Considering that the letter requesting information had raised a number of concerning issues about Mr. Ellis’s being pursued by the Mental Health workers at Redbridge Council on multiple occasions, including with police officers carrying tasers as they entered the home they broke into on 26 June and on another occasion as reported here earlier, and also considering that earlier coverage had established quite definitively that Mr. Ellis was hardly mentally ill and had become instead the victim of fraudulent sectioning attempts by Redbridge Council on the basis of faulty information from NHS Trust doctors, particularly the questionable Dr. Lever, head nephrologist at Queen’s Hospital, this is hardly an adequate response to a concerned public.

Among the questions raised by this reporter in her request for information from the press office were the following:

Why was this action taken on 26 June 2019 to break down Mr. Ellis’s door in intention of “search and capture” of Mr. Ellis?

Why was Police Officer EO 4333 holding a taser in his hand behind his back just as he entered the home?

Are you aware of the extreme dangers of tasers–which have caused numerous deaths and cardiac arrests, and which harm people in relation to the level of their physical health? (Please see my Community Care…article linked above, which links to many articles reporting these dangers.)

Are you aware Mr. Edward Ellis is a kidney patient, who has moreover been the recipient of a fistula surgically placed in him by Sussex University hospital with no follow-up for dialysis over 7 months, who is himself working on acquiring the best treatment for his kidney issues?

Are you aware that Redbridge Council has essentially approved the use of a taser on a 66-year-old kidney patient–if this police officer acted in a pre-approved manner, that is? If he did not, are you aware that this is a serious matter of concern and that Law Enforcement in the whole of the UK needs to be made aware of the extreme dangers of taser use on unwell people, who are for obvious reasons, in a vulnerable physical state–and that Law Enforcement should not therefore be permitted to use or threaten use of tasers on people known to be medical patients?

Failure to answer such basic questions is inexplicable, given their intent to elucidate why the Council would embark on such pernicious actions against a senior citizen and NHS patient who is also a whistleblower and equity lawyer of high international repute, working to end corruption crimes against upstanding citizens, who is known and loved by millions, if not billions. 

Questions of Concern Regarding Taser Use and Wrongful Sectioning Attempts Shockingly Left Unanswered

Questions of concern regarding taser use when left unanswered by an “Adult Care, Public Health, and Well-Being” team surely suggest a blithe and unsettling lack of concern on this subject by this team. More than shocking given that the very presence of police officers accompanying a mental health team taking the extreme step of breaking down a resident’s door with force, citing the Mental Health Act, has obviously been decreed by the council.

Given that the Council sent that team, with police escort, to Mr. Ellis’s home, it follows that the Council is responsible both for the wrongful citation of the Mental Health Act (in absence of any evidence of mental illness, as discussed earlier here in Egregious Sectioning and Kidnap Attempts on Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis As the Completing Mass Corruption Remedy Process Exposes Pervasive Crime & Corruption in UK Courts, Police Departments, and Hospitals) and for attempts by police officers to knock people out with tasers, perhaps occasioning their sudden death by cardiac arrest, as doctors and lawyers have attested is an ever-present danger with 50,000-volt-shock-delivering tasers, discussed earlier here: Community Care or Deranged “Mental Health Team”? UK Police Carry Taser Into Home Break-In to Attack Whistleblower Patient with Kidney Failure

6 July, 2019 Visit of Officer with Taser/Covered Here

On a later occasion also recorded by human rights activist and reporter Neelu Berry, it is clear the police officer who sought to enter and search her home is prominently carrying a taser.  

On the occasion of the dramatic and thickly-peopled break-in on 26 June where not one mental health nurse or social worker but several bustled in on the officers’ heels to look under beds and peer into closets with intent to capture a hardworking equity lawyer, it is further clear the officer with the taser had full intent to use it, or keep it handy for swift use, as he whipped it out from under his vest and carried it behind his back as he entered.

26 June 2019, Nurse Smiles as Officer Holds Taser Behind Back/Covered Here

If this is not a betrayal of the public trust, what is? How is a Mental Health team engaging in adult care, public health or well-being by delivering 50,000 volt shocks using a deadly conducted energy device which shoots prongs into people’s bodies, designed to paralyze and incapacitate, and known cause of several deaths by cardiac arrest in the past?

And how is the Adult Care, Public Health, and Well-being Team at Redbridge Council justified in maintaining a cool silence over this matter? Does the Council wish to imply that they intend to continue in this practice and believe it is perfectly alright to knock out and quite possibly kill senior citizens in this fashion? It is quite clearly not a matter of public health, public safety, or personal well-being but its opposite when a police officer is permitted to brandish and deploy a deadly energy device on a member of the public, under the aegis of “Mental Health Care.”

It becomes painfully obvious rather that such an extreme police action in accompaniment with a team intent on a psychiatric arrest is intending primarily to subjugate and subdue a non-mentally-ill citizen, for purposes of political silencing, in flagrant violation of all protected freedoms of speech and expression in a democracy.

Neelu Berry notes that the Redbridge Council should respond to the taser held by the police officer and the Mental Health nurse smiling, also the fact that there was no incident that invoked the Mental Health Act. “The fact that the taser being used before the Mental Health Team Assessment was proof of an assassination of character or intellectual property. All the above actions of the team were contrary to Section 4 of the Criminal Law act 1967 which mandates wide publicity for crimes being committed, especially by corrupt state officers against Whistle.blowers who are protected Witnesses.”

Questions of Concern on Evidence of Fraud and Medical Malpractice by Queen’s Hospital Nephrologist Left Unanswered

The primary matter of medical malpractice evinced by wrongful attribution as mentally-ill of perfectly sane and mentally-well professionals like Mr. Ellis, covered at length earlier, was also left unanswered:

5) Are you aware that, as Ms. Berry spells out below, there does not appear to be any cause whatsoever for a Mental Health sectioning to have been indicated by any hospital or doctor in recent contact with Mr. Ellis: “The Mental Health Team of 8 had no reason to believe Mr Ellis had Mental Health issues because Dr Lever confirmed there was no evidence of it during a consultation.” Please note that this matter of Dr. Lever stating clearly it was not in his remit to make mental health evaluations while oxymoronically and peculiarly asking Mr. Ellis to submit to his recommendation that someone else should make a mental health evaluation–for no reason whatsoever–was discussed in my article Egregious Sectioning….linked above. Dr. Lever’s attitude and actions suggest that he is unreasonably and suspiciously persecuting a whistleblower reporting high-level corruption including hospital corruption.

The claiming of a personal data exemption to withhold information on the sectioning attempts on Mr. Ellis–a matter of vast public concern, and not in any way purely private, given its implications for all members of the UK and world public–also reads as an unnecessarily lax and expedient refusal to discuss the matter further, a commentary on the evasion of transparency and public accountability by the London Borough of Redbridge.

Questions of Concern on General Practice and Protocol also Left Unanswered

Questions regarding general practice and protocol in the matter of the Council pursuing a mentally sound citizen under false-labeling as mentally ill were equally left unanswered, with a “personal data” exemption being claimed, when the questions themselves indicate an interest in general procedure.

7) Why were there so many staff workers of whatever kind attendant, who are they, what is their professional qualification, and why were they all storming the bastion of Mr. Ellis’s home that morning?

8) What had these staff workers been told to warrant their all being there, en masse, as if they all needed to be there?

9) What is your understanding (I am asking Redbridge Council and the Care Quality Commission Health Service Regulating Body here) of the rationale behind getting a warrant under the Mental Health Act to section a completely sane and sound citizen, who in no way has engaged in harm to self or society and has never been in danger of same–and has given no-one, no doctor, no nurse, no medical professional, no neighbor, no friend, no interviewer any evidence whatsoever of such imputed harm?

The Council’s blanket response:

“The information is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA). The information is personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). As it is information about someone else I’m unable to give this to you; release of this information would constitute a breach of Principle 1 of the DPA. Principle 1 states that personal data shall be processed (used) fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be used unless at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 of the DPA is met; in this case none of those conditions have been met. This response therefore acts as a refusal notice under section 17 of the FoIA.”

This matter continues therefore to be of great concern, and while the Council suggested Mr. Ellis could protest his treatment–“If Mr Ellis wishes to complain about his treatment he can do so by contacting the NELFT complaints team at“–this writer intends to submit an appeal for internal review, as suggested by the Information Request and Compliance team at the Council, as per their letter. 

It is also regrettably clear from this cover-all response that the officials at the Council penning it have sought to screen themselves from scrutiny and public accountability on a matter of grave concern to all citizens in a democracy; every citizen is at risk if a democratically-elected government can sink into syndicated corruption, protect people in authoritative positions who engage in medical malpractice, and unleash over-arching actions of harm on citizens in the name of psychiatric well-being.

Anyone and everyone could be subjected to a Mental Health Arrest-With-Taser on any doctor’s fraudulent, false-labeling recommendation then, it seems–and no need for the Council Mental Health teams to explain these actions: a situation which calls for immediate reform in both the Freedom of Information Act and the Mental Health Act.

Concerned citizens should be doubly alarmed and might wish to subject each member of this Council to closer scrutiny of platform and agenda for integrity and true interest in public health and safety. 

American Journalist Covering this British Government Debacle Retaliated Against with Anti-Personnel Weapons in India

It should also be reported that directly after completing a draft of this article and sending it in to the London Borough of Redbridge and their Press Office for review and comment as per their request, this reporter was hit immediately with intense anti-personnel “non-lethal” weapons AKA Stealth Assault Anti-Humane Weapons, inclusive of resounding ELFs from a local construction mixer and precision-hit Microwave Weapons from nearby cell towers or satellites, as well as intense scalar weapon-hits on private parts–all sounded on external shields, inducing projectile vomiting, migraines, and burning for over 48 hours. (The program of stealth assault involving electronic-warfare weaponry now installed in the US and UK to stifle freedom of speech and expression is worldwide, from all reporting victim accounts, and has been installed in India in exactly the same format.)

Clearly, the reason this story–as also many others of international import–is not being covered by mainstream media outlets in the UK or elsewhere is because such coverage is being stifled and repressed, by brutal attack of the journalists attempting coverage.

This information is being reported in the interests of informing the world public and UK public that Freedom of the Press in the UK is quite literally dead, despite fake attempts by the UK Government with the recent Global Conference on Media Freedom touting interest in media freedom–which perhaps translates more accurately to propaganda freedom for government use.

This information regarding anti-personnel assault on this writer was also provided earlier today to the Redbridge Council with a second request for comment, which elicited the following anonymized and opaque reply from the Press Office, London Borough of Redbridge:

“A council spokesperson said: “The council has responded to your FOI request and we have nothing further to add.”

Clearly, the London Borough of Redbridge believes it is possible to maintain an impenetrable silence on all matters related to their fraudulent Mental Health Act invocations on sane and mentally sound citizens and get away with it. This should be deeply concerning to all sane and mentally sound UK residents, and this writer advises that all in UK concerned by this matter make their feelings about Redbridge Council’s actions known publicly to them in writing.

This writer also requests that all readers take note of what is being reported here, about anti-personnel anti-humane weapon retaliation against journalists with gravitas.

British, American, and all Western governments seem to think they can maintain a semblance of “democracy” while assaulting all questioners, writers, journalists, activists, and whistle-blowers in stealth, with electronic-warfare weapons–and not be held accountable for it. As many know from reading my reports and watching my interviews, I believe these weapons, whose thrust I have been on the receiving-end of for almost six years now, are profoundly inhumane and should be banned.

My most recent correspondence with Redbridge Council reporting Anti-Personnel Stealth Weapon retaliation and their response to my request for comment: Response from Redbridge Council Press Office & Report of Anti-Personnel Assault on Journalist

The Redbridge Council Response letter is here: Response (information exempt)

My Letter of Concern to Redbridge Council and other members of the UK Government is here: Letter of Concern_Request to Stop All Wrongful Mental Health Sectioning Attempts on Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer – Ramola D

My Request for Information to the Press Offices at Redbridge Council and the Care Quality Commission, along with Neelu Berry’s letter to the Care Quality Commission is here: Request for Information on Wrongful Sectioning Attempts on Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, 26 June 2019


Egregious Sectioning and Kidnap Attempts on Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis As the Completing Mass Corruption Remedy Process Exposes Pervasive Crime & Corruption in UK Courts, Police Departments, and Hospitals

Community Care or Deranged “Mental Health Team”? UK Police Carry Taser Into Home Break-In to Attack Whistleblower Patient with Kidney Failure

Ramola D Reports/NewsBreak 30: Wave of Mental Health Frauds in UK, New Zealand | Queen’s Hospital Fraudulently Reports Edward Ellis as Absconded Dialysis Patient

Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Reports the Launch of a Mass Corruption Remedy Process in the United Kingdom and Calls for Principled Independents and Empowered Citizens to Step Forward

Suzie Dawson and #Unity4J: Legitimate Questions, Unrevealed Allegiances, and the Public Media Ignoring of Deadly EMF/Neuro DEW Targeting

–Ramola D/Posted 12/27/2018

A few days ago, a young emerging writer, activist and friend, Cassandra alerted me on Twitter that Suzie Dawson of #Unity4J fame and “Being Julian Assange” fame, Occupy, Internet Party, #ContraSpin and #DecipherYou fame, and other journalistic work of renown, whom I have interviewed (in a 3-hour long interview where I was charmed and impressed by her warmth and brilliance and undoubtedly essential work in digging through some of Snowden’s documents as exposed by The Intercept and unearthing nuggets of importance regarding the NSA, the Five Eyes huddling of fascist global uber-surveillance, and other Intel agency shenanigans the world over), had blocked her on Twitter. She sent me the tweet that had got her blocked, which she’d responded to in a thread, where she had posted some of my article-links as well, and noted to me that she had no idea why she had been blocked for this tweet and this tweet thread.

Well, a brief glance yielded nothing to me in the way of clarity or speculation either as to why this particular tweet or tweet thread had been blocked.

So I resolved to address this in my own tweets later that day when I had a chance, and did so that night, posting my thoughts in a tweet as I retweeted Cassandra’s tweet thread.

This is the tweet by Suzie Dawson to which Cassandra responded to, after which she was blocked.

This is the full tweet by Cassandra in response to Suzie Dawson’s tweet which she reports got her blocked by Suzie Dawson:

Cassandra’s tweet thread reporting the blocking:

(I screenshot the rest of the tweets in Cassandra’s tweet-thread reporting Suzie Dawson’s blocking below).

Cassandra’s tweet-thread with links to articles can be read here:

My first response on Twitter to the blocking of Cassandra by Suzie Dawson on Twitter:

Interestingly, Suzie Dawson responded, and what followed was a conversation on Twitter that appeared to me increasingly misframed and misdirected by Suzie Dawson, which I sought to correct, to no avail, as a series of censuring and increasingly repressive tweets were sent my way.

Suzie Dawson responded to my tweet above as below. My response to her follows. I will replay the conversation below in screenshots, pardon occasional repetition.


This nasty crack from a #Unity4J journo who along with others has spent quite some time in articles and tweets rebutting and countering smear campaigns on Julian Assange lately from mainstream journos and publications like Barrett Brown and The Guardian seems amazingly shortsighted and thoughtless to me, particularly since the recent podcasts Suzie Dawson references here were made to counter false allegations and accusations, severely defaming and slanderous, made by a former colleague who bears all the marks of being an infiltrator, impostor, and counterintelligence operative–quite possibly from an overarching ZioNazi  or GCHQ JTRIG faction infiltrating activist groups to mow down legitimate activism, advocacy, and journalism on the vital subject of uber-targeting and extreme persecution of targets with EMF/Neuro DEWs.

Suzie Dawson blocked me shortly after that tweet above. The next morning I noticed a tweet in response to this last one from @BBFromPA, whom I don’t know and have never communicated with. I responded however to her chastising and misframing and deliberately obtuse tweet–which, like Suzie Dawson’s tweets, persisted in distorting what I had said on this thread from the very beginning.

Just for the record, my support of #Unity4J and Julian Assange, whose work with Wikileaks I have, like many other writers, activists, and journalists found invaluable in helping inform the world what secretive governments and militaries are really doing, has never been in question. I too had been dazzled at the promise of the #Unity4J interviews and vigils and covered some of the opening interviews, here, praising the work Suzie Dawson and #Unity4J were doing:

I have discussed the human rights ramifications of a journalist held in virtual captivity and curbed from open Internet communication while his work in releasing important information and videos has helped raise the consciousness of humanity with documentary filmmaker and Decency founder and activist Jeff Godwin:

While praising the work of #Unity4J in bringing together the valuable voices of  journalists, whistleblowers, and political commentators in supporting Julian Assange, I have also discussed the need for the US Government to back down from its stance of wishing to indict and prosecute Assange and possibly step forward to have him assist as a National Security witness, an idea put forward by NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart:

I re-published Jude Fleming’s letter to the Australian High Commission: Jude Fleming: Letter to the Australian High Commission, Ottawa/Free Assange

Three years ago, in October 2015, in keeping with the ethos of my site, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, which started off as a solutions journalism and petitions-posting site  (and has since morphed into an investigative journalism media site and blog) I started a petition for Julian Assange to receive medical care:

I posted notice of this petition on my site and asked people to sign and speak out: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Being Denied Medical Care/Please Speak Out

Here I wrote: “Please speak out and ask the Prime Minister of Britain to step up and act humanely and responsibly in this situation and immediately make arrangements to permit Julian Assange to visit a hospital for the medical diagnosis and treatment he needs. To all intents and purposes, he is being held as a political prisoner in the UK, and the UK would be contravening the Geneva Convention and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and every national and international coda of human rights by denying basic medical care to a prisoner.

In his unwavering pursuit of truth, as Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have exposed hidden information on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, active deception as revealed in US diplomatic cables, and continue to expose information vital to all peoples of the world, including the text of the most-secret TPP document, he has brought us to a more awakened world where more of us are focused on pursuing and supporting truth, transparency, and justice. Please speak out for someone who has unstintingly spoken out for all of us. Julian Assange needs medical care today, and he needs our advocacy. Please sign to make your voice heard.

After learning the next morning that Suzie Dawson had blocked me, I posted a few more tweets on the subject:

Thread I posted on RNM Mind-Reading, Game-Playing, and Restriction online, which includes tweets on #Unity4J and Suzie Dawson:

Unrelenting, world-informing activist, Cassandra, whose page on Twitter features Julian Assange, and the hashtags #ReConnectJulian and #TargetedLikeJulianAndWorse has worked diligently online to support Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and myself–a fiction-writer, poet, activist, mother, children’s and adults’ creativity workshop-leader, college creative writing and English faculty up to 2011 targeted extremely since 2013–as I have battled debilitating and ruthless targeting with inhumane stealth Electronic Warfare weapons, character assassination, employment sabotage, blacklisting, and social ostracism in my community for five years while pounding articles out, or posting and publishing others’ work , week after week, month after month, year after year, since late 2013–and lately, tweets as well, and podcasts and interviews since March 2017. Articles and podcasts ignored alike–I mean with no public acknowledgement, recognition, or address–by mainstream media and altstream media, including #Unity4J journos such as Suzie Dawson, Elizabeth Lea Vos, Cassandra Fairbanks, and Caitlyn Johnstone–despite my own support of them, openly in articles, tweets, and podcasts. Also ignored by so-called “adversarial journalists” as Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, and the entire Intercept operation–whose moderated community boards have been egregiously adversarial to “Targeted Individuals” including a targeted Time & Atlanta Journal journalist who reports cavalier responses there from Greenwald’s lawyer Mona Holland who has not merely been scathingly rude to  being-physically-irradiated-and-neuro-tortured-TIs but who has set up a False-Reality-Construct page on Wikipedia or Rational Wiki abusively decrying, mocking, and ridiculing those reporting targeting–as delusional and paranoid– including myself, by name–a rare recognition indeed of Ramola D, but one made primarily for public denigration. Also ignored by Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and Ed Snowden. Also ignored by whistleblowers such as Ray McGovern, Kevin Shipp, John Kiriakou, Thomas Drake, and Bill Binney, whom I have contacted, informed, and made interview requests to.  The Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Brigade has been in action for a very long time.

On this subject, and in stark contrast to the above-named, I will name three outstanding Government whistleblowers–also targeted extremely and being persecuted by the US Government, as I am, too (heart-hit with ultrasonics as I write, on Christmas Day, 2018, in Quincy, Massachusetts), and as Cassandra is, too–who have stood by me, supported me, recognized my work, validated me, done interviews with me, stood right beside me as we have each worked in our own intensive ways to inform the world of the horrors of ongoing EMF/Neuro DEW targeting, and given me the honor and privilege of their friendship and counsel: NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart, CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, and FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee.

I will write more on all these matters at a later date, and return here to the point I am trying to make that as a supremely-targeted and extremely-attacked writer turned journalist, I have yet supported the freedom of the Press, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the #Unity4J efforts in a spirit of open-heartedness and intellectual allegiance, and so has Cassandra, as any cursory glance at her extraordinary online activism–singular in its insightful and incisive perception, acuity, and analysis–will readily demonstrate.

I had not known until recently what an extraordinary job Cassandra has done in helping broadcast my articles and podcasts online–while “journalists” working as journalists in new or old media online ignore with studied fervor anything associated with my name–in nominating me for a Project Censorship award, and in rallying others online to notice the vital subject and content of my reporting. I thank Cassandra hugely for this unswerving and selfless raising of public awareness on her part and especially for her kind and continued championing of my work, my name, and the notice of my own travails as a targeted, persecuted, and being-tortured American journalist and writer–ignored also by PEN American, I should add, of which writers’ organization “supporting persecuted writers” I am a member, and whom I have notified several times, to no avail whatsoever. I especially thank Cassandra, knowing after interviewing her and speaking with her, what she too, a young EFL teacher with degrees in Modern Languages and Linguistics, is being put through and has experienced, in the UK: extreme targeting with anti-personnel DEWs as well as neuroweaponry, orchestrated police set-ups, social isolation, and employment blacklisting. It is a testament to her personal sense of humanity, open-heartedness toward others, will, resolve, and intellectual fortitude and courage that she continues to speak for those who are targeted and voiceless, and those like me who are targeted and ignored, even as I strive to speak out myself and help raise to public recognition the voices of others targeted, used, abused, and exploited by a mercenary military and industrial and Intelligence complex keen to full-spectrum-subjugate humanity at the neuro/bio level of brain, nervous system, muscle, organ, cell, and DNA.

There is a much deeper story, I suspect, to the blocking of Cassandra’s tweets by Suzie Dawson–as also to the blatant and oddly obtuse misframing and acerbic responses she sent my way–and I will discuss this further below. But first I want to thank and honor Cassandra for her extensive and diligent activism and raising of public awareness about Electronic Warfare and Neurowarfare weaponry targeting–with all the Social and Psychological Psy Ops and Police State Persecutions that go with it–and particularly for her singular recognition and insistent publicizing of my otherwise-disappeared-by-most-so-called-journos work.



I am not new to online censorship. I have experienced this distinctive repression for five years now, since 2013, as I have sought to openly discuss and publish online the current-day horrors of post-9/11 and post-Patriot Act out-of-control-fascist-surveillance, where absolutely innocent people in America and worldwide, including myself, are being hit, egregiously and outrageously, and supremely invasively, with deadly and barbaric and Physical Torture-administering Electromagnetic/Sonic/Scalar Neuroweapons, coyly hidden by the US Department of Justice as “Anti-Personnel Non-Lethal Weapons” and undisclosed “Surveillance Devices” and “Crowd-Control Devices,” while the FBI rolls their targets-of-private-sector-vengeance (activists, whistleblowers, indy journalists, people of integrity exposing local corruption or smart moms like me with a history of anti-war and human rights and animal rights activism who speak out to School Board syndicated-criminals are their especial favorite) into “Countering Violent Extremism” and FISA-Warrant-Needed-Suspected-Terrorist and Federal-Magistrate-Judge-Ordered-”Endless Fake Investigations” programs, and the CIA/NSA Black Ops Conglomerate rolls in to poach off these innocents now wrongfully blacklisted and watchlisted and feed them like shrimp into their decades-long Neuro-Monitoring, Neuro-Surveillance, Neuro-Hacking, Neuro-Modification, AI and BCI-CBI, EEG Heterodyning, EEG Cloning, Bio-Robotizing, Zombie-Making, Mass-Shooter-Hypno-Patsy-Creating, Manchurian-Milling, Cybernetic-Hive-Minding, Neuro-Retardation, Neuro-Takeover, Neuro-Colonizing, Neuro-Cannibalizing, MK ULTRA-extended Neuro-Appropriation programs, all in the interests of Supercomputing, Singularities, Transhumanism, Supersoldiering, and Full Spectrum Dominance of All Humans on Planet Earth—and let’s toss in all Insects, Animals, and Reptiles, Plants, and Trees there too, anything with a Nervous System, Brain, or EMF field, really—and the US Navy and the US Air Force and the US Army, NRO, NGA, NASA, DOE, and other US Government agencies swoops in to cluster these innocents, numbered and named, true Nazi style, as Human Test Subjects, Fully Non-Consenting, now named “mentally challenged,” “incompetent,” “autistic” “schizophrenic” “bipolar” and other carefully-concocted loophole designations, in order to on-paper justify their Use, Abuse, Exploitation, and Criminal Appropriation of these innocents in such public-domain EMF/Neuro DEW Weapons Testing contracts as Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research contracts running field-weapons tests all over the USA—and apparently the entire world—using planes, drones, satellites, celltowers, vans, trucks, SUVs, cars, bikes, backpacks, walker-stalkers which include children and teenagers, and Project Minerva social engineering projects running self-permitted Psy Ops on whole populations, all under the guise of doing benevolent “research” intended to benefit these very innocents themselves. Yes, classification conceals crime, and the entire US government appears filled with criminals currently.

Every single reporting victim of this weapon use—in tandem with the Social Psy Op Program run on them involving massive employment and social and community Blacklisting, Character Assassination, and Life-Sabotage—has reported these crimes on their person, to me, to other writers, whistleblowers, human rights activists and journalists, and widely online in social media, on blogs, videos, Facebook, Twitter, elsewhere, as nothing less than Torture.

The physical use of physical weapons on a person’s body is indeed invasive of personal physical privacy, and is Torture; the remote neuroweapon use on a person’s brain with abusive V2K or synthetic telepathy, voiced or subliminal, and other military bio-communications technology streaming images, video, and other people’s brainwaves (EEG Heterodyning/Cloning) as well as deliberate harvesting and restreaming of one’s own anger or fear brainwaves into one’s own head is also invasive of personal physical privacy, and is Torture; every one of the military and medical “researchers” here as well as every FBI agent permitting these crimes should be prosecuted for torturing people—torture is a crime recognized as crime by US and international law.

None of what they are doing is legitimate—when reporting victims report this weapon-use as torture, then hello, let’s conclude, quite clearly, that all this “covered research” is nothing but a Cover Story for Nazi and Satanic criminals in high places to run Torture Operations on the populace—and get away with it.

These weapons clearly, are the ultimate weapons to destroy humanity with: they’re here, they’ve already been developed and fine-tuned (although, as per recent hints by US Airforce Secretary Heather Wilson, endless further finetuning in precision sensor monitoring via Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance contracts is forthcoming) and the Inhumanes Abusing Power in the military and Intelligence agencies, well-supported by their private-sector Defense and Security contractors, are doing a good job destroying humanity with them—starting with outstanding Americans whose brains, bodies, and entire lives they wish to damage.

By these means, the New World Order of George Bush and co. is already running its Fascism and Repression and Complete-Subjugation operations on humanity—and keeping the means, the remote Neuro DEWs and Remote Neural Monitoring and Covert Implantation and EMF/sonic/scalar weapons well-hidden.

My articles, videos, tweets, tweet-threads reporting my findings, speculations, opinions, and interviews with reporting victims and whistleblowers and scientists have all been censored online and shadowbanned and restricted. A cursory glance at the figures underneath my podcasts—even in comparison with similar videos by any other person such as Kerry Cassidy or Alfred Webre who have also covered similar subjects (although I do not in any way wish to suggest comparison with any extant alt media, including these above-named, regarding full-spectrum-in-terms-of-subject-matter or duration of their efforts)—will establish that.

There is indeed a singular Black Hole in operation online, whereby the work I do in interviewing those reporting targeting and persecution by fusion centers and Intelligence agencies, including whistleblowers, scientists, nurses, doctors, engineers, attorneys, in video and print journalism is simply disappeared online; only the rarest of alt media acknowledges or recognizes it at all. More often it is simply disappeared, as those who are targeted and persecuted in the USA, UK, Europe, entire Western world, Five Eyes countries—as well as elsewhere worldwide–are being disappeared. I emphasize the West because the West pirouettes the most in Government Propaganda media—aka mainstream media—touting “human rights” records, which is a bleak and macabre joke, because in-house-torture, all-locations-torture, and everywhere-in-sight-of-satellites, celltowers, drones-torture is being practiced, contracted, budgeted, taxpayer-supported, expanded, extended, entrenched, industrialized now by Western governments, starting no doubt with that beacon of human rights protection, US Inc.

Basic human rights and basic civil rights are being incontrovertibly violated, and extremely, by use of these anti-personnel neuro/bio weapons which permit remote access, invasion, and manipulation of human brains and bodies. My position on these weapons, as that of many of the whistleblowers (every “targeted individual” is a whistleblower) I have interviewed, is unflinching: they should be completely and absolutely banned.

By disappearing my journalism online, publishing notice of this weapon use on world populations—as also disappearing the groundbreaking journalism and notice of Paul Baird, Cheryl Welsh, Renee Pittmann Mitchell, Mark Rich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Gloria Naylor, Soleil Mavis, John Finch, Barbara Hartwell, Dr. John Hall, Roseanne Schneider, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Vic Livingston, Deborah Dupre, Mojmir Babcek, Arlene Johnson, Harlan Girard, the original Eleanor White, and the original Julianne McKinney and many others via their websites, articles, and books—journalists today in both mainstream and altream media appear to be existing in a Twilight Zone of denials, refusals, close-mindedness, behind-the-times inability to cover modern weaponized neuro/bio technology and Electronic Warfare weaponry, of which today there is ample information online—as well as outright, lies, propaganda, and deceit, practiced ardently by the most obfuscating arms of the New World Order ZioNaziMasonicVaticanBanksterSatanic State we are all being oppressed by worldwide, including such POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece Con) pushers as the New York Times, The Washington Post, Wired, VICE, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, Motherboard, Wikipedia, and Rational Wiki.

When I first engaged with Suzie Dawson several months ago—almost a year ago, actually, I think in January 2018 (Suzie Dawson has blocked me on Twitter currently, wiping out the record there of her conversations with me then and later)—along with former Time and Atlanta Journal reporter E. Coady (Twitter handle @HeadlineJuice), Suzie was vocal in deprecating E and myself for critiquing and criticizing Glenn Greenwald for not publishing further on those spied-on and targeted, and not covering the testimonials of those reporting extreme targeting aka, in shortform for dismissal in media today, “Targeted Individuals.” (I, like many others targeted whom I know, have all written to Greenwald and received silence in return.) Readers may recall it was Glenn Greenwald who was given Snowden’s documents and published only a miniscule fraction of them, being ostensibly bought out for millions of dollars by Pierre Omidyar’s Intercept and the NSA and CIA behind him—on whom Whitney Webb published on January 26, 2018:, a story picked up and followed by FBI whistleblower and Newsbud publisher Sibel Edmonds,

Sibel Edmonds of course had earlier published on Glenn Greenwald, Paypal, and Omidyaar’s NSA and CIA connections at her site Boiling Frogs Post in 2013:

In looking back on this series of articles and interviews and all the information contained in them, I realize anew there is a lot of murky deception afoot. There are factions and unrevealed allegiances among these whistleblowers and publishers and journalists. I did not understand at the time the true nature of the politics behind Greenwald, Snowden, Omidyar and the Intercept, but now that I see a little more clearly Suzie Dawson’s own role in playing defense here—and the scales are rapidly falling from my eyes as it becomes obvious to me I need to express this in the simplest of terms—I will spell out in completely candid terms my own speculations shortly below.

In January 2018, Suzie Dawson (in her tweets to me and @HeadlineJuice then) defended Greenwald and Snowden while calling on the “targeted community” to support whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden. In the course of a heated exchange—which tapered off with an offer from me to interview Suzie Dawson and an acceptance by her—I remember writing through tears and recording that despite all evidence currently that journalists refused to cover targeting and uber-surveillance persecution being reported by those targeted (TI’s), I would myself cover till I died, while also congratulating Suzie Dawson for her earlier work reporting the Wikileaks documents covering DEWs, and her #DecipherYou project.

Snippets from that thread:

I eventually interviewed Suzie Dawson in an open-ended, non-confrontational conversation livestreamed by her on Jan 29, 2018 permitting her free rein to tell her story of targeting, activism, journalism and defending Assange and Snowden as the world’s most famous“Targeted Individuals.”

That interview, the fourth in my Changemaker series can be found here:

Over the course of this year I have supported Suzie Dawson’s #DecipherYou broadcasts, retweeted her tweets, and supported her #Unity4J campaign, as described below. I have indeed stood up for Julian Assange myself, although I found the September 2017 tweet from @AssangeDefence suggesting the US diplomats in Cuba reporting sonic weapon hits suffered from “paranoia” profoundly dismissive of Electronic Warfare weaponry and promotive of current false narratives afoot in suppressing the truth about EMF/Neuro DEW targeting.

Now, examining the virulence of Suzie Dawson’s misframing and insulting responses to me in defending Cassandra and her tweets calling for coverage and acknowledgment from #Unity4J journos of the larger spectrum of NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI EMF Neuro/DEW targeting which contextualizes Julian Assange’s own targeting and persecution, and of my work—as a journalist reporting such targeting by people all over the world—I do wonder about her unrevealed allegiances and unrevealed support base, as she continued in her responses to misframe and to fixate on defending Snowden at all costs and Assange at all costs and talking about #Unity4J as a “movement” that the persecuted targeted should emulate—including myself and Cassandra, two writers who report targeting and report on targeting, instead of simply answering Cassandra’s pleas and queries and notices regarding supporting my journalistic work or including me as an interviewee on #Unity4J vigil broadcasts or the possibility of #Unity4J journos covering the horrors of neuro/bio weaponry targeting, Surveillance Abuse, and Non-Consensual Military/Intelligence experimentation themselves.

While there are several glaring problems on this Twitter exchange with Suzie Dawson’s bulldog-behavior and repressive/patronizing attitude in striving to shut down writers and vocal targets of extreme EMF/Neuro DEW assault by government, fusion center, military and mercenary criminals in power such as Cassandra and myself, I will point out a couple especially egregious and unpardonable aspects. One, throughout this latest thread where Suzie Dawson apparently felt the need to keep responding obliquely and repressively to my clarifying responses to her inexplicable tweets, she appears to harp on building movements and starting campaigns and doing activism, while it should be fairly clear to anyone reading Cassandra’s tweets and my own that what we were really talking about was the need for more journalists and for #Unity4J journalists to cover the horrors of undisclosed targeting with undisclosed Spectrum weaponry which hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are reporting today. The notion of asking reporting victims to do their own activism—which they are actually doing, incidentally, since journalists for sure are not covering the crimes and violations of human rights they report, except myself and a few others—in itself being more than quaint. When did the Holocaust victims get asked to run their own campaigns? When will journalists like Suzie Dawson realize that what we are reporting are nothing less than targeted Killing programs, treasonous and Trojan and extreme, where every reporting victim is reporting extreme bodily harm, neuro and brain invasion, assault, injury, and persecution with the New Age Weapons of Mass Destruction, Electronic Warfare Neuro/Bio Weaponry, which crooked governments and crooked militaries and crooked Fusion Centers and crooked Intelligence agencies and crooked Law Enforcement are bending over backwards to hide? People are being experimented on with carcinogenic DEWs and torturous Direct Contact chemical and nano bioweapons and bio-robotizing neurotech and body-shocking, electro-vibrating, body-raping and brain-raping radio frequency weapons non-consensually unto death, targeted unto death, persecuted unto death. I myself, as a reporting journalist and victim both, am being heart-hit and face-hit and head-hit and back-hit and spine-hit not just on a daily basis or nightly basis but on an hourly and minute-by-minute basis. We are literally speaking from Inside the Holocaust. Anyone listening?

Two, Suzie Dawson reports being targeted, positions herself as a targeted and oppressed journalist herself, and says she supports and identifies with targets, and in these tweets to me, actually mentioned being an ally–whom apparently I had now alienated with my responses—and someone already working on the issue—to no effect that I can discern, from her recent journalism. Note that I have in the past thanked and praised Suzie Dawson for her work, including reposting her Twitter thread on DEWs not so long ago, with her predicting that this would be the year DEWs would be increasingly covered, and making noises about this future DEW coverage garnering eventual Pulitzers—completely forgetting and overlooking extant journalism and literature on this subject already published and online and in books, including my own, I may add—but then of course the Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Brigade no doubt understands that closed-eye attitude perfectly:

Note also that I supported and asked others to support Suzie Dawson in that post replaying her tweet thread where she mentions many different aspects of Surveillance Abuse, field weapons testing, community policing, fusion center mayhem, non-consensual military Intelligence experimentation on populations and other aspects of uber-targeting already reported—including by myself, seeing her as a sister journalist working to bring such crimes to the wider notice of mainstream and altstream media readers. An irony in itself, since I have most certainly covered these subjects way, way more than Suzie Dawson—despite her challenging tweets to me lately suggesting, wrongfully, that she has “discussed targeting extensively”and written much about it and that I have not read all her work covering this subject and have a “slanted perception” of her work. I challenge Suzie Dawson and her followers to examine the entire compendium of work I have on my websites—both my own and my reposting and recognition of others’ work–at and Youtube/RamolaDReports before she gets back on Twitter or online pronouncing to one and all on matters of covering, reporting, or discussing EMF/Neuro DEW targeting and State tyranny, suggesting her own primacy in this regard—she has simply not been covering the depredations of Surveillance Abuse and Military/Intelligence/Private Sector tyranny and terrorism against civilians as I have, choosing, like every other journalist in alt and mainstream media to turn away from covering this vital subject integral to all our freedoms as human beings in this benighted technology-driven century—and talks down to victimized and persecuted writers instead, telling us to “get on” with “building our own movement.”

However, what this brings me to is the note I recently received from Thomas McFarlan after I announced my intention to write further on the subject of Suzie Dawson’s repressive tweets to me, saying he wished to further inform me on her unknown-to-me intentions by letting me know that Suzie Dawson had recently reached out to him—with no previous contact efforts on his part—after reading an article he had recently published on Medium on targeting, and told him she wished to work further with him to expose “organized stalking” and help promote his article which she had found very impressive and so forth. Now this is all well and good and rather interesting all around but the question does cross my mind: why would Suzie Dawson not contact me on this subject at all, given my previous support of her work, and given my longstanding, quite-evident body of work online on this subject, but instead, a little while later, not having informed me of her interest in promoting McFarlan’s article or indeed any other effort on her part to further cover this subject, excoriate me repressively on Twitter for supposedly “berating” and “trying to shame” journos like her into covering targeting, and chastising me for being ignorant about her ongoing efforts and alliances in this area—which I was never informed about?

Over the last few months, Thomas McFarlan, newly arrived on the scene of journalism on targeting and Surveillance Abuse, has been publishing a few articles on the subject—which I have indeed found encouraging and helpful, given, as noted before, the dearth of journalism on this subject, even though I do not agree with his characterization of targeting as “security-service-stalking” or his focus on “organized stalking”: extreme-targeting is being run out of fusion centers and fusion-center trafficking into military, Intelligence, and mercenary private-sector EMF/Neuro DEW Torture, Terminal Experimentation, and Cheka/Stasi-style Social Terrorism projects; “gangstalking” or “organized stalking” is an aspect of these cybernetic hive-minding and Social Psy Op programs. One of his articles was noticed and promoted at Collective Evolution by Richard Enos whom he had contacted, and another, republishing portions of an article of mine (with my permission) was also noticed by Richard Enos.

Interestingly, both have let misspellings of my name stand, one as “Ramola Reports” rather than “Ramola D Reports” and the other as “Ramola Dharmaraj” rather than “Ramola D,” my publishing name. Is this an honest mistake or some kind of underground express ZioNazi Magick spelling trick I know little to nothing about–again, designed to Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Online?

Returning to my central question here, what really is behind Suzie Dawson’s repressive admonitions to me to cease bothering her—with a misframed and quite inaccurate construct of “berating journos”–while behind-the-scenes connecting and seeking to promote Thomas McFarlan instead? How is it Richard Enos or Collective Evolution has never republished my work except only after Thomas McFarlan contacted him? (And really, how is it no other alt media online ever bothers to republish or notice my work—which features the voice of important whistleblowers as well?) I bring these questions up for a reason, and I bring them up only because Suzie Dawson’s authoritarian and oppressive language to me in her tweets does make me wonder why she is so vehement in her uber-defensive attitude about Snowden and in her repressive attitude toward me—when I have been the lone, continually publishing journalist on the subject of targeting, “targeted individuals,” and all attendant crimes for quite a long time, almost five years now. Is the Bury Ramola D At Any Cost Brigade working overtime to bury me online? And is she working for them?

I have certainly experienced an uptick in repressive operations aimed at me lately, as for instance Katherine Horton’s recent smear campaign against me, apparently a counterintel construct seeking to defame and slander and tie me up in knots which I have written about—where I have made reference to the constellating of alt media around those who pose no significant problem to the controllers of controlled opposition working in our midst, whereas I do, being non-controllable as a writer, and further, non-belonging to the special tribe of operatives who all appear to have underground connections with each other—despite working in separate pods or cells but apparently all riding the ZioNazi underground express together.

So is that what we are seeing here unfold now? Is Suzie Dawson a sophisticated media quarterback playing defense for limited-hangout whistleblowers such as Snowden playing Oppressed, and possibly/putatively even more secretively limited-hangout whistleblowers like Assange, and reaching out to other new journalists riding the same Inner Circle Rothschild Circus while bumping off non-belongers-to-the-tribe such as yours truly and doing so in fact quite offensively? Is the whole spectacle of Snowden and his focus on spying via phone and email, landline and cell, computer and electronics the set-up snow job to detour attention from the Greatest Scandal of All Time—the ZioNazi Empire/Central-Bankster-Run Neuro Hacking and Bio Hacking of people’s bodies and brains worldwide, in hidden covers of Biometric Surveillance and Sources & Methods of Gathering Intelligence, with deadly stealth weaponry these Covert Factions assaulting all peoples equally worldwide wish fondly to keep stealthy forever and undisclosed to the increasingly-targeted, progressively-sickened, mind-controlled, brain-damaged, and bodily-subjugated world public?

These are the sorts of speculations not aired so often in media—which is maintaining all sorts of other pretences and deceits as well. And I raise these speculations openly not because I am convinced they are all true but because I too have started probing the field for subterranean connections and unspoken allegiances. In this quest, I have been working with Dr. Eric Karlstrom, retired Emeritus Professor in Geography from California State University, on the Global Gestapo series where we have been exploring different facets of this worldwide program of torture-targeting and surveillance abuse, where we especially examine the Segregating, Racist, and Gentile-Excluding Crypto-Jewish or Zionist Empire aspect of the Global Gestapo in Episodes 7 and 8:

For ultimately, the most hidden secrets are also the most egregious. Unrevealed allegiances and infiltration in every field are rife currently. Dual citizens from Israel run all our offices and councils and governments and insinuate themselves into every group. “We always lead our own opposition,” according to Theodore Hertzl, father of Zionism.

I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” –Joel Stein

Well, I am pretty sick and tired of the ZioNazi primacy carnage corporation. I have spent an entire lifetime chasing after literary journals, literary agents, and the bogus literary publishing industry, helmed in New York, which I now see clearly—from research, reading, and newfound awareness of the Crypto-Jewish/Zionist/Jesuit/Satanist/Eugenicist/Bankster aspect to the longstanding CFR/Tavistock and CIA-run Operation Mockingbird hold on journalism, literature, and publishing–is controlled from the inside and most definitely has a high Zionist profile. I have seen my manuscripts of poetry and fiction rejected year after year while seeing the publication of surprising text ranging from insipid to mediocre to absolute tripe all around me, and witnessing the cultivation of literary and teaching careers by those inside this Zio system, willing to be tokenized by this system, or willing to remain subjugated and hierarchized by it. I have had my manuscripts read and patronized by literary agents incapable of understanding what they were reading. Some careers are supported by the ZioNazis, some careers are interfered with and destroyed or seriously thwarted. My first collection of short fiction, Temporary Lives, which took over ten years of endless submittals to publish, was, notably, not reviewed by a single literary reviewer when it came out, even though it had just won the prestigious national AWP Grace Paley Award in Short Fiction (2008). And unlike other talented writers whose work sees publication much faster, I have several fiction and poetry manuscripts, acclaimed by highly-credentialled readers and well-known writers and academics, from one and two and three decades ago, still in search of publishers.

Now, after surviving five years of absolute carnage—with implants sharpshot into me, implants clandestinely implanted in me, remote radiation weapons sending microwave pulse hits into every part of my body, consistent heart-hits for over three years, massive migraines, electromagnetic rape, laser burns, millimeter-wave weapon burns and blisters, nanoweapon attacks, direct-contact chemical weapon attacks, continuous access by precision tracking radar and scalar pencil weapons, remote electro-shocks, remote electro-vibrations—along with all sorts of other indignities such as neighborhood and family character assassination and social and employment blacklisting and Psy Ops Gangstalking Even By Relatives also reported by others so persecuted by the Satanist Masonic ZioNazi crowd infiltrating fusion centers and local governments alike—through all of which I continued to read, research, do FOIA requests, investigate, discuss, speak, write, and publish on these crimes levelled at others as well, and in persistent danger for my life, which is continuously and egregiously attacked every single day, I have neither time nor patience for beating around the bush here.

Despite her statement regarding #Unity4J being a “single-issue movement,” the fact remains that Suzie Dawson and the journalists and public commentators she has featured on #Unity4J vigils—in their public #Unity4J silence on this subject–have established their absolute disregard for the reportage of extreme Surveillance targeting and persecution, as well as of the DE and neuroweapons being used to accomplish this tyranny, which I have been covering and exposing for years. Instead of disrespectfully snapping online on Twitter at writers like me who are still surprisingly alive to tell the tale of nasty targeting here, I suggest she come clean and break free of her unrevealed allegiances and biases if she wishes to be seen as a truly concerned investigative journalist and not the putative puppet of a secret and sophisticated Illuminati/Rothschild ZioNazi & Israeli Cons and Carnage Operation running Snow Ops on the entire world—of which Snowden and Greenwald and Omidyaar it seems are most definitely a part. (Just as an aside, Greenwald in particular has been informed about Uber-Targeting by several highly-educated people, including myself; two highly accomplished and intellectual people I know, one long-targeted, the other not, have informed me of conversations they have had with him via email and in person at a book-signing, informing him, and receiving cognizance of his awareness on the subject.)

The jury’s still out on Julian Assange—but I must note here he has never spoken publicly of EMF/Neuro DEW targeting and Brain/Body Control Weapons either, although he has indeed made one historic reference to “enforced telepathic readings”–about which he is wrong too, it’s not “only a few years left” to get to that point, we have been at that point for over three decades already. Remote Neural Monitoring, Surveillance, and Modification have been practiced for a while now—yes, people’s minds are being eavesdropped on and being read, via trauma-based mind control, courtesy the Paperclip Nazi #MengeleMen who litter our Universities, DOD, and Intelligence agencies. The 1992 John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA lawsuit offers massive disclosure on NSA Signals Intelligence which can pull this off from satellites. There is much other disclosure—covered elsewhere, and to be covered further as well elsewhere.

It’s that complete lack of truthful coverage on DEW targeting and New Age neuroweaponry that alt media journalists, mainstream media journalists, and indy media journalists alike are refraining from offering, that continues to keep the wider public in the dark about the true state of brain and bio hacking, now in late 2018 being used definitely as a tool of torture, terrorism, tyranny, eugenics, and genocide by Black Ops Banksters running governments worldwide.

However, I am no longer holding my breath and advise that no-one else sit around either waiting for the ZioNazi Underground Express and the Inner Circle Rothschild Circus to “reveal” and “expose” targeting in no doubt covered and constricted terms to the world–while creating fake superstar “truthtellers” who play to scripts and have been pre-marked for Pulitzers, in themselves questionable given their being-situated in the selfsame ZioNazi Industry of Publishing & Media Deceit.

I am already covering this subject—as a few others are–and aim to do so to the end. We, the truly targeted, the truly speaking-out, and the truly publishing for decades, have already exposed these crimes, and continue to expose them. Despite being censored, censured, banned, shadowbanned, proxied, spoofed, cyberhacked, cybersabotaged, hidden, shut down, thwarted, obstructed, restricted and perennially oppressed online. 

Note to the many ZioNazi infiltrators cybertrolling among the targeted in various guise, running Controlled Opposition ops in our midst as they gatekeep, reframe, misframe, misdirect, and attempt continuously to repress the whole Truth: I do not, cannot, will not ever again work with you.  My interest is Complete and Absolute Exposure of Every Single Covered Crime Being Indulged In by Tax-Paid and Fiat-Floated Criminals–which is resulting in the absolute persecution, extreme suffering, utter human rights violations, and killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent, beautiful, accomplished and wonderful human beings in America and worldwide, my sister and brother victims in this Publicly Unacknowledged But Extreme Third World War EMF/Neuro/Nano DEW Full-Spectrum Eugenics-Laced Lucifer-Driven Holocaust running worldwide.

As always I invite other new-and-true-media outlets to freely republish, in full, my many articles on the subject, with full accreditation and linkback. I do ask that you kindly get my name and the name of my sites and channels right. Thank you.

Ramola D/The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum: The Real Backstory

-Ramola D/Posted 8/15/2018

Pdf: The End of Techno Crime Fighters Forum-The Real Backstory



The need for this written statement of course arises from the fact that Katherine (Dr. Katherine Horton)–with whom Karen (NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart), Millicent (Dr. Millicent Black) and I have worked for over a year on the weekly Techno Crime FightersForum podcast set up by Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken and on JIT, the Joint Investigation Team set up by Katherine –has recently made a massively defamatory video pretty much slamming me to death and putting out an incredible amount of misframing, misdirection, lies, deceit, and slander about how and why Techno has closed, and what really occurred in the last week prior to its close.

Issues Over the Past Year & the Primary Issue

The real backstory—which Katherine has not touched, being too involved in image damage control apparently while regrettably focusing on projecting a false sense of innocence and being-wronged-ness–is that numerous frustrating issues had been brewing in the background for quite some time, issues in particular related to Katherine but also issues related to how increasingly unfocused and unplanned Techno had become, how much time it took up on Thursdays, how delayed it often was, as well as how dominated it often was by Katherine on-air, often extended toward the end by her sharing screens and expounding interminably when it was time to wrap up.

Language of Violence Quite Separate from Talk of Death Penalty

One of the larger issues concerning all 3 of us—all through the past year–was her use of a highly unsettling language of violence that had for a long time put us and many reporting viewers—including prominent government whistleblowers and TI (“Targeted Individual”) activists–on edge: the habit she had fallen into of calling for bullets through brains, or putting people in crosshairs, or suggesting people take shotguns into places of work (the NSA, to be precise) and blow brains off, or calling for the military to take people out, people in fact that were named, often titular heads of Intel – these references to violence and occasional calls to violence, however theoretical, or rhetorical, all offered variously in jest, indignation, or to mere dramatic effect.

This, I should clarify, and underline, was quite separate and different from the death penalty she advocated and Karen supported, as a just and legal means of dealing with Deep State Intel and military crooks who are currently openly torturing millions in their own homes with “Surveillance” or Military electromagnetic and acoustic weapons, and calling reporting victims delusional and schizoid when they report it—supported by the Propaganda & Deceit Brigade of Mainstream Media, as well as the Deceit & Authoritarianism of Collusive Psychiatry. While Millicent and I do not support the death penalty and have said so, Karen and Katherine do support the death penalty and have said so. No-one was censored for a difference in opinion; we have each freely aired our views on this subject, and none of us stopped the other from airing her views.

To reiterate, this was not about the death penalty; this was talk of violence quite separate from that. Regular viewers will understand what I refer to here; others only have to go back and check our Techno videos or her own videos made at her channel which echo the same theme.

Furthermore, there were occasions when the death penalty or the emphasis on administrative address of crime was brandished by her as an add-on or tag -on to a blasé rendition of Off-with – their-heads! which was all very humorous no doubt at first but hardly convincing as an innate appeal to legal redress alone, and increasingly distressing as yet another incident of talk we found discomfiting.

Reasons for Our Discomfort with Talk of Violence

Fascist, Corrupt, Over-Reaching, Exploitative Fusion Centers & Bogus Laws: The reason for our discomfort with such talk should partially be obvious: in the ridiculous atmosphere of totalitarianism we are currently living in, all over the world, but markedly and indisputably in the USA and in Europe, where we live, people making mention of violence are glibly seen to be putative terrorists or violent extremists by the very over-reaching and exploitative Intel and fusion centers who are in fact engaging in violence themselves upon the citizenry with Stealth weapons, which makes them Plausibly Deniable, and yes, they’re denying it, and continuing to commit massive crimes against humanity, we know that; that has been the subject of my investigative journalism for four years now. The Global War on Terror is in our American and European and Australian neighborhoods, and it practises Deception with a capital D. The programs of Countering Violent Extremism and Community Policing and Infragard are all trawling the streets and Net, eager to snag anyone and everyone for pretty much anything, and stick a label of Under Investigation on their backs so they can run around defaming innocent people as pedophiles, drug traffickers, and prostitutes as well as “Violent Extremists” or “Terrorists” in their neighborhoods, sell them into fiscally-rewarding incredibly treasonous and immoral DOD/USAF/Navy contracts engaging in barbaric, inhumane, terminal, Death-Dealing neuro and bio-behavioral experimentation with lethal military weapons criminally named “non-lethal,” and rationalize and deny every aspect of what they do by keeping it secret.

Parallel Construction Corruption & Framing by Deep State Criminals: As well:The FBI we know engages in Parallel Construction; as FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee has explained, much corruption is achieved via corrupt FMJs—federal magistrate judges—and FISA court judges, with hundreds of thousands of National Security Letters being issued on innocent Americans who make the unfortunate mistake of whistleblowing about corruption, speaking out about anything meaningful, engaging in human rights or animal rights or eco activism, or acting with integrity in any sphere, in this Gladio/Phoenix/Op Chaos/Cointelpro atmosphere where Crime, Corruption, and Criminality are well-ensconced in both the highest and lowest echelons of our multi-national corporatist governments, federally and locally, currently, and constitute the New Yardstick to Live By, in this ZioNaziSatanic New World Dysorder rolled out on the globe.

Energetic Aspect to Talk of Death and Violence: That (above-addressed reality) isthe backdrop to our public conversations on the Techno Crime Fighter Forums; that is the deception we most definitely sought to challenge and expose. That awareness of deceiving Surveillance all around us however, with awareness of Fusion Center intent to hone in on talk of violence among human rights activists, was not our only objection to talk of violence; Millicent and I in particular objected to the negative word-energy and image-energy of death and violence, which had come to invade the show: in conjunction with the random references to violence, death of some kind appeared to intrude on every show, whether in one of Katherine’s analyses of cartel signalling or one of her narrations of family members’ or others’ deaths and funerals.

There is an energetic aspect to the Universe that conventional science ignores but which the new understandings of quantum physics and Consciousness science explores; the notion of the morphogenetic field or unifield field in which we all live and variously thrive or barely survive yet inevitably affect and influence with our words, intentions, and actions (and which the 0.1% Controller faction work night and day to keep in their control, by pumping hate, fear, anger, and discord through war, apartheid, occupation, terrorism, false flags, mass shootings, fake protest movements, created migrants, destruction of families, propaganda, targeting, weapons-testing, torture, child abuse, ritual sacrifice, etc.) is one some of us are aware of, that backgrounds our disinterest in constant focus on death and violence.

I must clarify, I am speaking about repeated focus on death, not necessary and essential reference. I am not at all saying or implying that we had strictures in place or needed them, excessively, to censor any of us on Techno from speaking about death in itself; unfortunately, these dark and barbaric programs of non-consensual human neuro-experimentation and GOG’s NEW GESTAPO assault of citizens with “dual-use” “non-lethal” “anti-personnel” technologies that we are reporting, investigating, and demanding human rights attention for from the larger public do result in the Fusion Center/Military-created death of targets, whether via directed-energy-weapon attack, inducing of terminal disease such as sudden cancer, stroke, blood clots, or via driving people through extremely abusive DEW and V2K/Neuro-Invasion attacks to suicide.

Programming Aspect to Talk or Images of Death & Violence: Death in itself assubject therefore was not the issue, but the repeated focus on death and violence; Millicent has discussed with me the (unintended-by-us but pulled off by Katherine) effect of this repeated focus and theme functioning also as a sort of programming of the younger viewing audience especially, to acclimate them to images of death and violence, much in the style of what Hollywood does.

We Are Human Rights Activists Reporting State-Sponsored & State-Run Violence: Another underlying objection to talk of extra-judicial violence we three shared was: As human rights advocates speaking out against and openly reporting to the wider, MSM-misled public the violence being done to us, as wrongful targets of Surveillance by an utterly-out-of-control and despotic, Globalist Deep State–I repeat, the violence of Stealth Weapon usage on human beings is most definitely State-Sponsored and State-Run Violence, Assault, Battery, Torture, and Terrorism, in all legal definitions of those terms, despite the atrocity of the cover of Dual-Use/Non-Lethal/Anti-Personnel/Electronic Surveillance Technologies they are hiding under— we do not think it is in any way right to project an interest in violence–especially since we do not have such an interest, at all.

Violence Cannot Address State Surveillance Violence & Military Experimentation Violence: Defending oneself legally and legitimately against wrongful violence is no doubt another aspect to socially acceptable and Constitutionally-protected responses to violence; that is another story and not one we have covered in depth on our show. As socially-minded women warriors for truth and justice exposing targeting and surveillance and military crimes, we are not and never have been a group advocating violence to address the violence of Surveillance Abuse, the violence of State- Sponsored Terrorism, and the violence of Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation; Millicent especially has taken care to spell this out on our shows. As public speakers engaged in truth-telling and public exposure, we are believers in Martin Luther King’s brilliant understanding of the only possible response to violence to end violence: Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that.

Attempting to Address the Primary Issue of Talk of Violence

For all these reasons we had tried to bring up in particular this issue of talk of violence and images of death and violence with Katherine on more than one occasion over the past year, and had sought video meetings with her to discuss these openly, several times after broadcasts when these had occurred. Interestingly, Katherine’s availability always plummeted when these issues were mentioned; she simply vanished at will, staying off Skype, refusing to answer emails and refusing to respond to our concerns; this actually happened several times. She would also avoid showing up a little early for the show when we could do a pre-show check-in and discussion, but often signed in just as the show was about to start or after it had started. Occasionally she tangentially issued excuses about being excessively attacked, at just these times. As a result, our very real concerns with her on this primary issue was shelved, week after week.

Indeed, this was her customary response to open address of any kind of issue. As an example, there was the recent incident of a tweet she had posted, I think to World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes, stating she was the leader of a team of investigators, and referring to us as her team, whom she “led,” which I wrote at length to her about; contrary to public projections, none of us on the Joint Investigation team had ever agreed to call her Dear Leader, nor had we ever considered ourselves her private team; each of us, I believe, is a powerful human rights activist in our own right, engaging in high -caliber research, reportage, public address, and human rights reportage, we each have our separate identities as Intelligence analysts, pastors, founders of international human rights groups, and writers, and our working together has always been a matter of free will and friendly collaboration. Katherine ignored my and Millicent’s emails and requests for a meeting on this issue for two months, engaged in the same avoidance and delayed-arrival-on-show strategy described above, and eventually made remarks to me in a private Skype conversation about how she had not intended to project leadership exactly, etc., which did not seem convincing, but which I let go of, in the interests of friendship and collegiateship, especially since it was months after the fact.

This strategy was in evidence right up to the last week preceding the close of Techno Crime Fighters Forum, when Katherine once again made remarks about people like Gina Haspel and James Giordiano needing to be “taken out,” which I actively countered live on the show and which many people commented to me about later as being wrongful and problematic, and about making Katherine a liability on the show, to the show, and to our individual professional profile as human rights activists, as well as to myself as a journalist.

In our last historic email exchange, Millicent wrote: “Talk of us doing ANY violence or promoting violence by anyone other than law enforcement and then only when warranted, should never be said of us. If they can go back to any Techno episodes and prove it was done, or at least that’s the way it sounded, we in America can be charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism OR inciting to riot. Not to mention that State law says I have a duty as a mental health professional and a pastor to report such talk. Because of that, I cannot be part of any televised media where such talk is even jokingly suggested. We might be held accountable for the actions of others. It IS NOT alright to make such statements then say, O I WAS JOKING. A jury would not care.”

It must be noted that we have over the past year tried to both verbally address and sent emails to Katherine repeatedly to convey the advisability of curtailing references to violence, whether made in jest or in dramatic emphasis, in addition to respectfully requesting that she curtail or cut back on the swearing (discussed further below), but she has repeatedly argued on and on about the swearing and refused to stop either the swearing or the references to extra-judicial or non-judicial violence—which, via avoidance, she mostly refused to acknowledge.

Secondary Issue of Swearing & Profanity & Attempt to Address

Millicent in particular has conveyed to us the comments of many viewers, over this past year (comments we also heard independently on our own social media and contact lists) regarding Katherine’s free and forceful use of swearing on the show, which has been a source of distress to her, as a Christian pastor who is also reporting and experiencing ongoing V2K abuse which includes abusive cursing and swearing daily, and which she repeatedly cautioned Katherine against.

This was an issue of some concern to us also by reason of the professionalism factor; I don’t think I need to explain that a general rule of thumb in any kind of professional circle, including the arena of media and public address, where we have been playing, is to curtail any excessive swearing, and not exactly go around dropping the F bomb a zillion times.

I personally am not averse to swearing nor is any other American I know, but Katherine pulled a fabrication about the “prudery” of Americans out of thin air and inevitably cast our discontent with the nonstop cussin’ n’ swearin’ as prudish American behavior—while Europeans, apparently, she was trying to have her world audience believe, were a supremely savvy lot given to the healthy release of expletives night and day. And appearing perfectly polished and powerful besides, to the extent that all their public forums are sizzling with this sort of stuff, and no-one bats an eyelid.

Group & Community Concerns Disrespected

The fact of the matter is, the conveyance of group and community concerns to Katherine made not a dent in her succeeding comportment on the show; she brushed us off like fleas and marched right on ahead, not paying any attention to the information we were trying to have her look at: to wit, that there was a serious amount of community and therefore also group concern about the cursing and violent-talk both, and that we would appreciate a cutting back here.

This essentially was a disrespecting and dismissal of the group; whatever anyone watching us may think of these issues, whatever anybody’s opinions may be of these issues, this was a group concern to our little group, and connected to a larger community concern, and it was not recognized by Katherine as especially important or necessary to address.

I do not mean to suggest, by the way, that everyone in the world watching us had these same concerns; there is no doubt flash and glamor to dropping the F bomb publicly to a certain, especially young and male crowd (Katherine has mentioned view count increasing with greater incidence of swearing), and all those hundreds of thousands of spineless men and women out there—especially inside the Intelligence agencies, pulling a fat paycheck while watching the ZioNazis run Terror Programs of Silent Targeting and Assault with Anti-Personnel Neuroweapons on innocent and accomplished citizens, under their very noses, worldwide –who will not themselves stand up and oppose this Nasty Global Terrorism but don’t mind cheering on a young woman posture and grandstand about blowing people’s brains out no doubt think this makes for great visual copy and “expresses their own anger” and is going to save us all shortly, just by virtue of its effrontery and audacity. I am aware this faction exists, and that they will worship at the feet of anyone who seems to speak boldly for them, while not bothering to stand up and speak boldly for themselves, and while censuring and protesting and seeking to shape the rest of us who do.

This was merely an issue of a substantively-backed group request, which was not respected, and became the source of extended frustration over this past year, along with a host of other issues related to show focus, planning, duration, and domination. This too is a fact to be kept in mind: there were several ongoing and underlying issues.

Request for Curtailment Is Not Censorship of Style, Personality, Dynamism, Voice

Contrary to what Katherine suggested on her Slam and Smear video, none of us ever at any time sought to censor her style of delivery, her voice, her personality, her dynamism, or her mode of expression. All we asked and requested repeatedly was a cutback or curtailment of the swearing and a termination of all talk that involved or could be construed as an extra-judicial call to violence. We appreciated her energy and voice and her particular way of putting things.On many of our shows, when it was mostly myself and her “working the floor,” we worked together rather synergistically, I thought, able to speak publicly and candidly about all the various aspects of this Targeting, Surveillance, Weapons-Testing, and Experimentation Crime we and millions are reporting―not compromising either of our very distinctive personalities, nor clashing, nor curtailing, nor censoring, nor self-censoring.

This was absolutely not about censorship of anyone’s style, it was about trying to work amicably together as a group and honor and respect each of our individual thoughts and concerns.

There was However an Issue of Domination

Viewers have noticed this, all of us on the set felt it, and we tried to address this a few times. Katherine and I most especially have stood out, I am aware, for being the ones quick to interrupt with a question or comment or interjectory analysis, I know I do this too. We have ended up acquiring and holding the floor a little more I have thought was fair, and have tried to openly address this; we did not wish to drown out Karen’s or Millicent’s very important voices. Katherine and I recently vowed to be more inclusive in terms of time-sharing so Millicent and Karen could share their thoughts more equitably―and made an attempt to honor this consciously.

However I don’t think I have to really point out that Katherine often dominated the show and especially embarked on long projects of analysis with shared screens and cartel-signal-analyzing when it was time to close, a repeating issue; she often also gave longer lectures.

Domination of time was coupled with attitudes of dominance and establishing of authority; many viewers have remarked on this, for literally the entire year and a half that Techno has run. Being on the inside, and being mature, well-adjusted people, we worked with this situation always cordially and amicably, but this, coupled with Katherine’s avoidance strategies in dealing with issues, and disinterest in heeding our or the larger community’s opinions, led to ongoing impasse.

In one of her email responses, Millicent wrote: “I’m for bi-weekly or monthly. It’s always better and less stressful for me to be able to be prepared for the show. I do have more to say than I’m allowed to say.

Issues of domination never work well in groups; they inevitably ask to be addressed, they brew discontent, they never stay subterranean, they always surface―again, I don’t think I need to elaborate on this; it is basic understanding from any psychology of groups―particularly collegiate, peer-to-peer, non-pyramid groups. (This subject is revisited below.)

More Concerning: A Very Serious Issue Behind the Scenes

There is also a very concerning issue I have not addressed publicly before―but which Katherine herself has now made public―after my mention of it to her in my final email to her– which I will discuss further down in this statement.

Suffice to note here that a week ago, just prior to Katherine issuing her defamatory video onme, I had emailed a small group of prominent activists sharing these private concerns―whichwere not new, which I had indeed aired earlier with Melanie Vritschan and Millicent and Karen a few months ago. They have to do with extremely disturbing non-verbal cues and signaling I had been receiving over months from Katherine on our private Skype-calls, which I describe as echo-stalking: the exact mirroring of habitual hand-gestures (such as the particular way of moving hair out of my eyes or smoothing hair behind my ears), exact body movements, exact physical actions on calls, habitual words and phrases I used, colors I wore, colors of coffee mugs.

I also wish to mention that my observation distinctly also was that she was engaging in these actions in a studiedly surreptitious way but consciously, and self-consciously, not without awareness, in fact, in echo of her own analyses of Cheshire Cat glee, with a look of complacency and glee on her face; I am aware from research that Neural Influence Technologies and nasty Surveillance-arranged-fake-synchronicities are indeed being used by the supercilious DOD/CIA Project Minerva Social Engineers to manipulate people and groups with all manner of Psy Ops and Meme Creation, that unconscious echoing is being manufactured. But this did not look like unconscious echoing to me, it looked like conscious and deliberate and purposive echoing.

Such echoing is commonly seen from the COINTELPRO Gangstalker Brigade and the Psy Op Warriors to gaslight, psy op, harass, mock, and disrespect targets―almost every TI is aware of this bizarre Stasi phenomenon. I also noticed she appeared to be screen-reading while talking with me, and recording me while I spoke informally with her―Melanie has reported a similar sense of witnessing the screen-reading, which she says in her case Katherine explained as reading emails that flashed across her screen; in my case, it appeared rather as if she were reading continuous text, and she once laughed inappropriately during our conversation, then attributed this rather lamely, I thought, to some image conjured up in her mind, which did not make sense at the time. Melanie also noted that Katherine had once told her she records everything. (I certainly had not given her my permission for her to record my private conversations with her, and trusted her so implicitly back then I would not have even imagined she would do thatwithout asking.)

To see all this from Katherine was a rather major and extreme shock, and I could barely believe my eyes when it first began happening, or rather when I first began to notice it, around the time–shortly after the incident at Erasme Hospital, I think–when Melanie’s baby was wrongfully removed from her by hospital staff after Katherine spoke to a midwife. I did not speak of it until a few months later when this echoing kept recurring, intending to observe further privately first. I spoke of it finally to Melanie first, Millicent second, then Karen. In all cases, I let them know I had started to wonder about Katherine’s authenticity as a targeted victim and activist, but that I would continue to keep tabs on this and observe further, before I came to any conclusions. I also related other odd anomalous cues I had received from her, such as for instance a sense I had had when I first met her of being deliberately interrogated―as opposed to simply being conversed with, on our earliest Skype conversations when we were getting to know one another as activists working in the same space. I wondered if I was being personality-profiled―as the DOD/CIA is indeed currently engaged in doing, on various projects, targeting “influencers” and prominent activists for this invasive and presumptuous attack on human sovereignty.

I would like to stress here therefore that other prominent activists have been aware of this major concern of mine for months―that I was increasingly being given cues that Katherine was indeed echo-stalking me, personality-profiling me, recording me, and working on-screen with a team while I believed she and I were having private conversations, which really means Katherine is not who she says she is, purely an Intelligence agency victim and activist, but an Intelligence agency or military infiltrator, working at the highest levels of TI activism, with subterranean intent to disrupt, misdirect, and derail the movement. Or/and collect data for feeding into negative AI systems of control of all humanity being planned and put in place by negative factions in the DOD/CIA.

Please be aware of my excessive caution prior to publicizing this information: I strove to stay vigilant and continue working with her while I continued observing her over months, in order to determine whether she was indeed doing this or whether I was extrapolating and projecting and becoming over-vigilant to a point of paranoia and imagining things. These echos continued. Further, through private conversations currently, I have learned I am not the only one noticing these activities; other targeted activists have relayed to me that they have observed her use of echo-words, phrases, and experiences from their own targeted-experience expressed verbally on videos or in her Twitter feed. In my own case, I have noticed she has left some evidence in words, phrases, images shared on Twitter and on Techno and on emails.

The day after I wrote privately to a small group of prominent activists describing my concerns―shared months ago with others―Katherine sat down and did her Defamation Video, also mentioning and denying this echo-stalking. That day, she also blocked me on Twitter.

I will return to this issue shortly, further down in this epic.

This Didn’t Just Blow Up That Last Week of July

Quite separate from the subterranean signaling and its implications, which I had not sought to publicize for months, was all that was happening in full public view―and all that I was fully making and keeping public, including the shared email thread that last week of July on which none of us four on the Techno team was excluded.

Katherine has fabricated and presented on her video an elaborate story of how all of the issues on Techno just blew up that last week of July, after our last episode, Episode 71 was live-streamed on July 26, 2018, and stated several times that it was I who blew up Techno, making a “unilateral decision” to end Techno.

This is so false it is ludicrous. It is blatantly misleading and an outright and deceitful lie to state that this blew up just that last week, when the major public issues eroding Techno had been brewing for months and months, and had simply not been addressed, and even when addressed, led to us going around in circles since Katherine simply had different interests regarding swearing, and refused to acknowledge there was an issue with her talk of non-judicial violence.

What was really occurring, in my assessment, is a slow ongoing subterranean erosion of Techno. I was not the only one to feel it, Millicent did too, and several times tried to drop out―she had many separate issues with Katherine not being responsive to her, including one very large issue, that of impulsively revealing her primary persecutor/perpetrator’s name on air, in open contravention of her request for privacy on that score (more on this below). We separately had ideas to energize Techno, including having regular guests, but these were not carried out. The focus from Katherine seemed to be long-drawn-out affidavit collection template creation which became increasingly expanded―supposedly to include victims of every crime on the planet including child abuse, SRA, and more; eventually she appeared to respond to our suggestions to streamline and focus and worked on a multiple-choice-style template, but which in itself went on for 100 pages―I found all of this difficult, but she did not include us in this project except to review and offer suggestions if we had any, and started to refer to it as her “baby.” (More about a real baby later.) We seemed to have fallen into a rut and it also appeared we were being pulled in a direction through tactics of domination that none of us felt comfortable with.

And no, as to that other lie and false accusation: I made no “unilateral” decisions here, and took no drastic action, of the kind she is stating I have; everything that has happened over that last week is recorded in email and can be verified. Nor did I “singlehandedly blow up Techno” as she has confabulated on her Smear & Slander video, this is not merely a false representation of events, it is an absurd and deceitful lie.

What Did Happen That Last Week of July

What did happen two weeks ago is that, after weeks of private consideration given the nature of the issues and impasse we were facing on Techno, and my own interest in other projects and campaigns, I sent around an email to the group explaining that I was becoming too overloaded with work as well as needed to start other projects and so needed to withdraw from a weekly play of Techno, but that an alternative I could envision was running the show once every 2-3 weeks or once a month. Karen responded that monthly would work for her since her time was being taken up by other pressing issues as well; Millicent said she was open to either biweekly or monthly. However Katherine, completely ignoring my suggestion that we move away from the weekly show, offered immediately to host the show at her channel weekly, and stated that weekly shows were very necessary because much was happening; she also said she would run the show weekly and the three of us could join as we wished.

Although it seemed odd that all of us were now being seen as optional participants on a show that she insisted (unilaterally, I might add) must continue to run weekly, given that with Katherine we were sitting on an unaddressed pile of issues particularly the most important one centered on her casual talk of non-judicial violence, I responded to clarify I was not relinquishing the hosting of the show, I was hoping we could talk about moving away from the weekly show format. I also encouraged her to run her own show weekly if she wished―with a different name―at her own channel.

The ensuing back and forthing of emails had Katherine insisting on a weekly show and explaining in different ways why this was important and me explaining that we had a whole pile of unaddressed issues here and were reluctant to entrust the hosting to her in our absence, particularly given the outstanding issue of the violent-talk; I was not the only one to feel this situation was unwelcome; Karen and Millicent provided their opinion, similar to mine, as well. None of us wanted Techno to be moved to her channel, to be hosted weekly, when certain basic issues were not addressed; we had and have no wish to be associated with wild-card talk of non-judicial violence of any kind, and we could not trust her to refrain from such talk in our possible absence.

Katherine informed me she was outraged at this attitude and found my emails patronizing, then I spelled out what I was outraged by, which she responded to, and so on. This became an unraveling of the issues, except, I should point out, Katherine on her own began to list the issues as she saw them, putting Swearing―which I had not mentioned―at the top of the list and presenting her usual ideas about that. She flatly denied she had ever made any kind of other reference to violence in any of our videos against anyone other than those made referring to the death penalty. She also expressed her outrage at me for daring to say we could not entrust the hosting to her, insulted me roundly, accused me of a power grab, said this was not the Ramola D Show, and so forth. To which I responded it was not the Katherine Horton show either, re-iterating that we were most definitely a group show but we had some problems to deal with here as a group. So on it went.

I did also clarify that the issue for me was not really where the show was hosted, that is, at whose channel, but noted―with no special emphasis–that I believed (and Karen and Millicent concurred) that keeping it at mine had a certain value since I was running a media platform, as a journalist, a circumstance which could give the show a journalistic seal which I believed is of value. (A statement she has twisted on her Smear Video, I will address this further later.) I reminded her the real issues were weekly versus anything else and needing to address the primary problem of irresponsible talk of doing violence to others―which she continued, inexplicably, to deny.

I will spare readers here by not going into a blow by blow account of these acrimonious and heated emails, but they exist and have been perused and can be verified by other prominent activists and whistle-blowers we are in close contact with; Karen and Millicent were a part of the thread. Publishing these emails in full (apart from quoting) would require everyone’s consent; I have no qualms about publishing mine, but there are three other people here and I am not currently asking.

Suffice to say that each return email I received from Katherine succeeded in misframing anything I said. The increasingly recalcitrant and combative tone of her emails was exemplified in her imperious demand to the three of us to go through and find the parts in the videos where she had made statements espousing random violence, to “produce the evidence,” she said.

This has to be one of the more ridiculous things Katherine has said since we three are not the only ones to have flinched at her statements when she made them, to have noticed them, or to have been appalled by them. We certainly did not have the time to start coursing through videos, but we have not misremembered this at all.

(Since then, Thomas McFarlan has looked through the videos and identified a few time-markers where such statements were made:

Tech Crime Forum 66: Segment 1:33:00 – 2:00:02

Tech Crime Forum 70: Segment 1:46:41 – 1:52:00

Stop007 “Extreme Distress” video: Segments 3:15 – 18:00 / 21:50 – 26:30 / 37:33 – 39:51))

This was essentially a situation of impasse, as always, with Katherine, and she continued to espouse military violence (firing squads for Haspel and Giordiano) in her emails after my last email to her before Thursday explaining my own base understanding―guided by Martin Luther King―on the uselessness of violence at any time to end violence. In between she ran a lecture on free speech and defended her right to say anything she pleased, suggesting we were censoring her and bullying her, ignoring that we were striving to speak rather of show etiquette and joint agreement on focus, tone, and approach.

An additional stated source of contention to her was that of my “being present on every show” and therefore apparently engaging in a power grab; I reminded her that it was not that I was present but that I had hosted and run every show as a matter of commitment, despite many time constraints, after Paul and Mindy bowed out of hosting, and that she herself had enjoyed the convenience of my hosting it, so that she could pop in as she could, between her many travels.

In any case, I’m not covering it all. Suffice it to say that at some point we all realized Techno was royally dead and could not be resuscitated. Karen and Katherine exchanged emails examining the corpse. I stopped emailing. I spoke privately on a video meeting later that evening with both Karen and Millicent, with Karen only briefly since she had an interview. The next morning right up to one hour before the allotted time for Techno we continued to receive emails from Katherine questioning the value of public exposure of these crimes and stating that people like Ceasescu and Hitler had only been stopped with a bullet in the head. (“Do you really believe that multi trillion dollar projects are going to be pulled because there are web articles and a few YouTube videos on the crimes? If the military ever thought so then they would fire tweets, but they don’t. They fire bullets and rockets. And they never failed to get the job done.” “By the way, Nicolae Ceasescu was an agent of the banking cartel, just like Gina Haspel. He had non-stop public exposure during his reign and it did diddly squat. Hitler had public exposure, so had Stalin. It was all worth jack. The only thing that ever did the job were executions. That’s why the Mafia uses them, because they are the only thing that works on psychopaths.”)

(In my previous email I had reiterated my views about the importance of public exposure versus the lunacy of violence: “Bullets through brains are not the answer, in my view, and public exposure is indeed the answer. It is not courage that puts bullets through brains: destruction is EASY, this is why thugs do it. Killing and assaulting people–which is what the CIA/FBI/NSA is doing to us, with stealth weapons–are the actions of cowards and criminals. Perhaps you need your own show where you talk about bullets through brains incessantly– the whole POINT of having a show like Techno was and is and has been public exposure. So if we disagree there, so be it. That is a FUNDAMENTAL difference in point of view.

It is not our “holier-than-thou” attitude or swearing, either, which will stop the psychopaths. But continuous public exposure, the vanguard of a firm resistance, and the power of words, intention, and information to inform larger and larger masses of public who do indeed need to take firm action to stop the psychopaths (I mean round them up, prosecute and jail them). And change the laws.”)

By this point we had gotten the impression that Katherine did not care about the group opinions or interests or ideas, had disrespected and abandoned the group, and didn’t care what we thought, felt, or requested. Throughout this contentious exchange she had continued to re frame our concerns as American prudery and indoctrination (“You are the most brainwashed nation on earth”) and questioned our very real remonstrances as attacks on her free speech, idle accusations without evidence, and bullying and ganging up on her (“You don’t come along and start telling people that they have to change or can’t say things because they clash with your views or the image you want to project. If you want to enforce homogeneity don’t pick a free speech platform.”)

It is unimaginable for Katherine to say that she did not know Techno had ended: Karen and she had discussed this. Our group emails had simply petered out into an absolute impasse and there was nothing more to say. It is completely off-base for her to issue public notificationsthat I took a decision on my own to end Techno. I sent out a meeting invite to Karen and Millicent (corrected 10/26/2019: not Katherine, as I had had it earlier)  before the hour―primarily to honor the time slot of Techno and to discuss whether we should announce that Techno had ended on our own, the three of us, or try to make that announcement with Katherine. It would be an understatement to say that we were not all feeling devastated by what had just transpired, over the space of the last few days. We could not envision Katherine coming on with us and not continuing the acrimony on air and continuing to deny what she had spent several emails to deny, hence the decision to not send her a meeting invite. This had certainly ended badly, and I personally―being the one she primarily directed her ire against, and the one repeatedly verbally battered, framed, and abused―was neither interested in working with her any further in any way, shape, or form nor in having her on set myself. But I would like to point out that the decision to not invite her was a threefold one, not mine alone. It was a group decision to strive to honor the accomplishments of Techno and end with gratitude and grace, as much as we could, chalking the end up to ideological differences, which was certainly true.

Please also note that none of us saw this as an “episode” or “the last show.” This was only a a joint video note from the three of us―who had already been disrespected and abandoned as agroup by Katherine— to honor the regular time slot and mark the end of Techno for viewers (so they would not wonder what had happened that day to the show). The actual last episode ofTechno, which we did not know at the time, was Episode 71, on July 26, 2018. Techno had begun as TI Forum at Pineconeutopia with Dr. Paul Marko and Mindy Urken on March 17, 2017.

Lies and Slander Aimed at Discrediting the Work & Words of a Journalist

While it is most certainly tedious and annoying to have to address the many accusations and confabulations Katherine has published on her video, I am taking the time to do so because she has engaged in massive defamation of my work as a journalist―which I have been engaged in long before she came onto the public scene―and I think it is very important to address the false allegations, for the sake of the authenticity of the disclosure on Surveillance and Military Crimes Against Humanity that I and others―including the NSA, CIA, and FBI whistleblowers as well as scientists and engineers and reporting victims and activists who have been gracious and extending enough to have done interviews with me–are engaged in here.

Ego Clashes, Power Grabs, Singlehandedly Blowing up Techno, Taking Drastic Action Without Discussion, Unilateral Decisions to Exclude: The recurring theme in Katherine’s video is her accusation that I “singlehandedly blew up Techno””by blowing up on email on her suggestion of weekly hosting at her channel–and took drastic action to break up our group. The emails were indeed pretty heated, from my end too, yet never as aggressive and rude and combative as hers and do not exactly portray a blow-up from my end. People who have now read the emails note that it was she who blew up in a reactive way to my emails, and also note the abusive nature of her communications to Millicent and me in particular.

This is from a note Karen left on Facebook to similar accusations―currently flying fast and furious from the planted and paid cyber-trolls on Youtube and Facebook seeking to add to Katherine’s attempt to destroy my public name and reputation as a writer and journalist ―that I am a “plant” or “perp”:

Dr. H. had started stepping over the line calling for violence against the perps OUTSIDE the law. We tried to gently reign her back but she was in denial. We have now found the examples of it to point ppl to. Ramola is no perp, she is more mature and responsible than many people and her brilliant journalistic work will go down in history. No one has done more for the TI community. Dr. H. would have been similar but for this incident. Sometimes ego is not worth it, we just have to suck it up, take responsibility and say “I’m sorry”. The decision was discussed as to whether to include her in the last TCFF sign off, very reluctantly we realized it would just be an on air fight. No one is happy how this went into the toilet.”

Karen also left a message on her Facebook page to explain things from her perspective, and recently published this note on Youtube:


Actively Malicious”: Supposedly, not content with power grabs and takeovers, in Katherine’s confabulation of how Techno came to an end, I then embarked on a campaign of active malice by speaking “behind her back” with Melanie and Mindy about what had transpired. The absurdity of this is astounding.

Melanie and I have kept in touch with each other from several months ago; I have been intimately involved in covering her story in relation to the “Medical Kidnap” and abduction of her baby last October by Erasme Hospital in Belgium. As a leading activist in Europe, she has kept me informed on all things ICATOR, of which I have become a member; we have become friends and share information on our personal lives on our many Skype calls and texts. I informed her about what has happened, certainly, expressing my own views and private assessment of Katherine in the process―I rather think this is natural, to share information with a friend after an upsetting incident has occurred.

For Katherine to then say I was sabotaging European scanning projects and her work with Melanie etc. is slightly mind-bending; I personally would not work further with Katherine and said so on our joint Video Note on August 1, and said so to Melanie as well, about my own HR activism interests going forward―with full disclosure, having shared all my misgivings about Katherine many months earlier―but Melanie is her own person and runs her own HR organization in Brussels and makes her own decisions. While I reserve the right to publicize my own experience and offer my own counsel to anyone about anything based on my own experience, that is neither active malice nor sabotage, it is the free expression of opinion, a basic and natural human right.

Similarly with Mindy, co-founder of Techno with Dr. Paul Marko, with whom I have kept in touch via email and Skype, and whom I have appreciated speaking and discussing matters with, again, a very important friend with core connections to Techno who knew all of us, and who could understand what was happening here with compassion and sincerity. Interestingly, our Skype conversations that last week were continuously cyber-hacked and interfered with in real time, in much the same ways that Techno’s broadcasts on Google Hangouts were continuously cyber-hacked, particularly when Millicent or Karen or I were speaking (I don’t believe Katherine was ever cyber-hacked, incidentally, the way we 3 were while we were on Google Hangouts); someone in the deranged Intel world of cyber-hacking clearly did not wish for me and Mindy to be in contact and speak freely. Regardless, we were able to visit; she conveyed her sympathies and best wishes to all on new ventures, as I relayed on our Video Note of August 1. These too were conversations of friendship and kind support, nothing more.

An Intel-Set-Up Break-Up; Not Recognizable as My Colleague; Not Really Ramola; Ramola was Neurotech’d to Bits and Fully Taken Over”: It’s lucky I have a good sense of humor, because my first response to hearing this massive platter of slander on Katherine’s video (after my eyebrows descended from the ceiling) is to fall over laughing.

It’s no laughing matter, certainly, in a certain light, given the fact and the actuality of powerful stealth neuroweapons which include mass brain-affecting ELF transmissions via HAARP and GWEN towers and cell towers as well as plain old-fashioned Black Ops technology from theBlack Ops Brigade over at Langley and Pentagon City (or Dulce and Montauk) where the real Men in Black stamp Top Secret on the Portable Manpads, all of which no-one knows too much about, except through dozens of public-domain patents, whistleblower and scientist testimony, and the reported experience of hundreds of victims of Neuro/DEW experimentation, who report especially the effects of Neurotech on their immediate families, remote-influenced to disbelieve victims, or manipulated into sudden outbursts of rage, fear, or other extreme emotions (See the patents on manipulation of the nervous system, brain andbehavior:; the entire Manchurian Candidate phenomenon, the mass shooters, the inflated numbers of suicides, the rise in depression can all be understood better from the vantage-point of this Remote Neural Influence Neuro Technology.

It is very true that we are living in the Age of Covert Neural Influence or Mind Control, and the 0.1% who have been working on Neuro and Behavior Modification from Tavistock times are still hard at it and seeking to manipulate us all at the neuro-level; I know, I have been researching and writing and speaking about these matters for four years. Weaponized Neuroscience (invasively and nonconsensually modifying the brain) is now entering the public-domain, as James Giordiano’s lecture at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in August 2017, From Bench to Battlefield openly reveals. His other earlier lecture in 2013 on Predictive Neuroscience, Facts, Fears, and Fictions, detailing the use of neuro-imaging technologies in neuro-surveillance and “predictive policing,” offers a glimpse into another aspect of weaponized neuroscience: Law Enforcement interest in invasively peering into brains, pigeonholing brains, and Delgado/Cameron-style modifying brains under self-righteous pretensions of attending to Violent Extremism, and Potential for Crime. Neuro-influence technology is indeed being used on humans today―by the Covert Intel Suppression-of-Reality crowd who insistently imagine―being Omniscient no doubt–they can control Everyone sneakily through Silent Brain Entrance and keep these invasive horrors secret forever.

But it is remarkably insidious to suggest that there were no real issues here on the Techno team, and that one member of the team who returned group attention to the key extant issues with Techno on an email thread cannot be taken seriously because she was “taken over,” and suddenly neurotech’d to oblivion and turned into an Intel-handled monster who was absolutely unrecognizable as her previously sane colleague. It is salutary to note as well that when Katherine says this, she also points to and seeks to underline my “victim” status as a clear token of disempowerment, repeating that I am a victim, who is “chipped” (and that her donation of a RFID bug detector has indeed established this), and therefore not to be blamed, since I (by virtue of being chipped, apparently) was essentially mentally disabled and had no private defences, and was so profoundly “taken over.” I believe she forgives me as well, in this masterpiece of sleight of hand where she gets rid of the opposition in short order by crying Mind Control! Not to Blame! Wasn’t her really! Lost her marbles! Taken over!

Which in itself is a huge mockery and exaggeration of the very real fact of people in society today, in 2018, in this new Delgado-to-Obama Millenium of the Brain, indeed being subjected to Remote Neural Influence Technologies.

But it is also a very specific public and defamatory attack on my integrity as a person, my cognitive and analytical skills, my discernment and thinking processes, my sovereignty as a thinking and feeling human being who just happens to be working publicly in this space as a journalist.

Katherine has detailed an elaborate drama of just having posted her affidavit template online and just having met and spent eight hours speaking with former Assistant Secretary of Housing and financial whiz Catherine Austin Fitts as the causative backdrop to a confabulation of Intel swooping in to destroy Techno and her team by the lightning-swift mental take -out of a certain sadly chipped and victimized team member whom she at some point in her video strives to bury further by saying “claims to be a journalist.”

Not merely is this incredibly reprehensible and a clear way of evading responsibility for her own problematic actions and words brought under scrutiny, it is an Attack-the-Messenger act of targeting which fails to acknowledge the steely core of my character and persistent caliber of my work as a highly self-motivated and spiritually-empowered writer and journalist, who has not flinched from revealing a wide variety of incredibly evil Crimes Against Humanity which continue to be committed by Deep State criminals on millions of us.

I would like to point out as well that the appeal to “being neurotech’d” is an appeal to disavow of responsibility, to attribute the actions of someone to other-than-self, an invitation to consider this someone void of personal will, motivation, energy, awareness, intent, or ability, an invitation indeed to consider this person incapable of resistance. Contrary to this projection, I don’t in any way disavow responsibility for anything in the emails I sent to Katherine and the rest of the team that week, I stand by every word I wrote and stance I took, I have not changed my mind or point of viewwhich has been built up over months of interaction, not dropped into my head overnight by a fictitious Intel-handler―and I consider myself in full control of my own mental prowess―evidenced, I would like to point out to naysayers (who love to say “You too have this tech on you!/We’re all being mind-controlled!”) by the fact that I have been working rather productively for four years in this space as a writer, interviewer, reseacher, reporter, and journalist, work which requires, at a minimum, focus, attention, and intellect. And steady persistence despite all odds!

Unlike Katherine, I will not let her off the hook here and return in kind (by suggesting she was obviously neurotech’d to bits and taken over when she was making that Smear video), I will submit instead, from everything I have learned so far, that it appears to me rather that Katherine is a highly sophisticated paid infiltrator and agent provocateur, whose attempted takedown of my intellect and reputation and dismissal of my journalism with those words was intentional.

All this hoopla and character-assassination succeeding my suggestion to move Techno from weekly to not-weekly does raise the spectre of Intel actually being quite interested in continuing Techno on a weekly basis with her calling for beheadings at the helm, and one has to wonder why exactly that would be.

Melanie’s Baby: “I Was Neurotech’d to Bits, I Couldn’t Stop Myself”: Of course, this was not the first time we have heard from Katherine the line about being neurotech’d to bits, she famously used this about herself in connection with the utter disaster of Melanie’s newborn being removed from her care less than twenty-four hours after the birth in October 2017, shortly after Katherine spoke to a midwife and, in full volition, without being asked, offered up the information, out of medical concern, she said, that a portion of a foreign object– which she had scientifically analyzed―was still residually retained in Melanie’s throat, and might obstruct her breathing, information that Melanie had hoped and intended to keep confidential. (The story of this foreign object was covered in a podcast and article at Alfred Webre’s, where a patent for a rather deadly and clearly inhumane military bioweapon, a self-assembling nanotechnology DARPA/Motorola strangulator implant is also published, information provided for consideration by researcher and investigator Dr. Stanninger.)

Katherine also reported at the time that since the midwife responded with apparent surprise and ignorance to this confidence, she then proceeded to provide extensive information on the many different kinds of implants that Intel agencies clandestinely plant in people’s bodies today, including cochlear and other implants which she said could put voices in people’s heads, and offered up other information about her work doing scanning of reporting victims with an RF detector and finding implants, and her work as a lead investigator on a criminal investigation team and much more.

The midwife responded by informing the gynecologist of this conversation, and the information contained in it, out of medical concern, she said; shortly after, Erasme psychiatrists swooped in and removed the baby, subjected Melanie to a train of indignities and abuses which included dragging her in the middle of the night to another hospital for a secondary mental evaluation and locking her in a Psychiatric ward for a week, and more. (This was covered extensively and can be researched further from JIT press releases and articles at my site,

As this story of extreme injustice played out―culminating in the baby being removed to a children’s home where Melanie is currently permitted only half-hour visits per week –we on the Techno team supported both Katherine and Melanie with great compassion and sensitivity given the absolute horror of what had happened. We did ask Katherine what had really happened, and her answer regarding any queries as to how or why she would inundate an unschooled-in-Black-Ops-implantation-affairs midwife with so much sudden information about implants et al always was: “I was neurotech’d to bits to keep on talking, I couldn’t stop myself.”

This disavowal of responsibility has always sat thinly with me, and does raise many questions, given what most people targeted extrajudicially by the power-grabbing Surveillance State know, regarding the use of the Mental Health excuse to cover up all report of implantation or assault with Neuro/DEWS, and regarding the incredible ignorance (or collusiveness) especially of doctors, psychiatrists, and hospital staff in relation to covert implants, Intel agency abuse, DEWs and military neuro-experimentation.

Melanie’s Baby: “I got her off the psych drugs myself by shouting and demanding they listen.” During the time that this saga unfolded, I was in rather close touch with Katherine, often Skyping with her when she called from Brussels, and podcasting with her once on Alfred’s show and later on Techno, as she continued to report and I continued to write up JIT press releases detailing the story as it developed. I also called later and spoke to staff at the hospital and to Melanie when she was in the Psychiatry Ward. Throughout, I was, like everyone else on the team, extremely affected and upset by the situation and tried to do everything I could do to help.

The part of the story that Katherine has not revealed as she has striven to establish that she has helped rather than hurt this situation is that when she found out Melanie had been dosed with anti-psychotics, she conveyed this information to me, very much along the lines of fatalistically, “And now they have started to give her psych drugs!” reporting that Melanie was appearing drugged and disaffected as a result. As soon as I heard this, I said instantly she needed to make a very strong protest immediately, involve Melanie’s father as well, and that they both needed to make a stand and demand that the drugs be stopped; I informed her that by US law people cannot be involuntarily or forcibly put on psychiatric drugs without Informed Consent unless there was a mental diagnosis. I did not know the European law on this subject but proceeded to research this subject and sent her links. I also advised her that as she was now effectively Melanie’s patient advocate that she needed to make a very strong stand and not take No for an answer, she should mention US law and demand Melanie be taken off the drugs immediately.

Katherine reports that she did indeed make a fuss, to such impressive effect that Melanie was indeed taken off the drugs by the nurse. This is commendable, but to suggest these actions of hers should somehow establish–as she has suggested in this video―proof that she cannot therefore be an infiltrator and saboteur who just may have played a star role in destroying Melanie’s and her baby’s life, is not clear to me, especially given my own part in this, which she never mentions.

Journalistic Seal”: I have addressed this earlier, but wanted to mention that the way Katherine has presented this notion in her video is once again an issue of misframing. Our primary issue with the idea of her hosting Techno at her channel in our absence was the issue of unaddressed and unresolved talk of non- judicial violence; she reframed this to say the primary issue was a stubborn attachment I had to hosting the show at my channel, and suggested that I had become recalcitrant about this, presenting the “journalistic seal” story immediately as my rationale for this attachment.

This is patently untrue. When Katherine first offered to host at her channel, I clarified immediately that I was not making an issue of the hosting, but seeking to address the periodicity of the show. In ensuing discussion I noted―quite tangentially, and not as a primary point of any kind–that since I was building my channel as a media platform, I believed there was a value to hosting at my channel, since it offered a seal of media enterprise, and would benefit from my seal on the show as a journalist and writer. I had to clarify later that this did not mean personal branding as she instantly accused me of, but rather placement within amedia space.

I also want to note, for historic purposes, that when Paul stopped hosting the show at his channel, he and Katherine both encouraged me to host the show at my channel, primarily to build the channel, which I had only recently started. Katherine did indeed host the show at her channel on days I was too cyber-hacked to do so, and not once did I suggest, even on this email exchange, that the show necessarily needed to be hosted at my channel for posterity. The issue was always, through and through, that of hosting on her channel while unresolved issues of talk-of-extra-legal-violence lay between us.

I Threw Her Out of JIT”: On her video, Katherine states with apparent relish that inresponse to this mythical and nonexistent, “unilateral”and “singlehanded” decision and “drastic action” of mine to blow up Techno as well as exclude her from our video note livestream on August 2, she threw me out of JIT.

The fact of the matter is, the steady onslaught of rude and combative emails that entire week had been abrasive enough that I was compelled to conclude I could no longer work with her and said so on-air on our Video note livestream.

On August 2, after the livestream, Katherine sent us an email, addressing me in this: “I was shocked to hear that you cannot work with me anymore. That is ok though. Then let’s not work together on the Joint Investigation Team either because that would be too tough on you, I’m sure.”

I responded: “I don’t see how you could imagine you could send me such incredibly disrespectful and combative emails and then think I could continue working with you. You are correct about the JIT, I am withdrawing from it — I cannot work with people who are not supportive or respectful of my work.”

And that’s the story of that.

The Start of Techno, Who Introduced Who, Who Started Techno: On her videoKatherine addressed my expressed uncertainty in memory as to the sequence of who met who and how Techno started by stating rather definitively that she remembered, she had met Dr. Paul Marko and introduced me to him, after which he interviewed me, suggesting a primary role that she had played in both my interview and my being on Techno.

This is not true. Dr. Eric Karlstrom was the one who introduced me by email to Dr. Paul Marko, who interviewed me shortly after. I had sent off the Memo to Trump around that time, a letter I had put together with Katherine and Karen, and had been retaliated against rather extremely, with severe DEW attacks which left me ill for quite a few weeks―our first interview date was postponed and I kept the second date, despite still being somewhat ill.

Katherine, who had done podcasts and her pyramid/psychopath videos earlier, and whom I had met after her interview with Richie Allen, through other TI activists, had started the JIT around that time, which Karen, Millicent, and I had joined and when Dr. Marko and Mindy broached the idea of a conference-call-style podcast we were all pleased to be on it. As Mindy shared with me recently, the whole idea for a weekly show had come from her (Mindy’s) conceptualizing. The name itself came out of brainstorming lists from Karen, and was originally called TI Forum.

Abandoning Crime Victims by Not Doing a Weekly Show: One comment or aspersionrather that Katherine made was that I had somehow abandoned targeting crime victims by dropping Techno weekly or even wanting to, and that I had especially abandoned Millicent and opened her to further ravages by the deranged USAF veteran who continues to cyber-stalk and BCI-chip/satellite assault her by not offering her a weekly space of support and solidarity.

Considering that I continue to do podcast and print interviews with those targeted as well as whistleblowers and scientists, in addition to other articles probing issues of Surveillance and Military experimentation, I am not sure how this could be levelled at me. And in regards to Millicent, with whom I keep in touch on the phone regularly, it was not I but Katherine who revealed Barrett Wolf’s real name (this was his alias in the article I wrote on Millicent’s case) without her permission, causing her much grief and intensified attacks on her knees in aftermath. (I do not at all mean to suggest that criminals perpetrating these crimes should not be called out and named; but rather that it was not I here who was not cognizant and protective of the special situation and special request of Millicent.)

Free Speech: I resist utterly the notion that Katherine has put out in her video that my and our desire to curtail talk of violcnce on the show or cut back on swearing was in any way an attack on her free speech. It was rather, as I have said earlier, a matter of collective etiquette and joint agreement on focus, tone, and approach. I would think any group doing anything together would have discussions on such aspects. None of us has ever censored the other in matters of content; we have indeed indulged our right to free speech extensively, in a time-period when hundreds of millions are keeping their minds closed and their mouths shut―especially about Surveillance Abuse and Military Crime–including well-paid CIA media.

Echo-Stalking, Mirroring, & Neuro Linguistic Programming: I have learned after intensive discussion with many and in particular ex-CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell who reports she was trained in these and other programming techniques as a trained hypnotherapist while in the CIA, that the echo-stalking I describe is termed mirroring and could relate to Neuro Linguistic Programming, a cultic manipulation of people using modeling techniques to induce behavior change and map behavior, and used in Scientology, Tony Robbins’ movement and other Human Potential Movements, as well as connected to CIA Behavior Modification programs. I am of course personally interested in finding out more, after this experience, and will research further.

End Notes

I have worked with Katherine for a long time despite all of the many underlying issues including my increasing observation of her mirroring actions and words. I have loved her as a friend and cared for her as a sister target of Intelligence and Military weaponized crime. I have admired her powerful voice as a speaker, her clarity and her incisiveness in analysis, and have continued to work with her within our group and partnership structures for the sake of the very important fight I thought we were in together. For all the reasons I have spelled out here and more, I personally no longer trust her and question what she is doing. Much has not been said in this too-long statement of the Real Backstory behind the break-up of Techno. Perhaps I will say it all another time.

For now, to all those who will still choose to see this entire break-up as a Divide and Conquer game played on us by Intel, I will only say that things that don’t work sometimes do come to natural and necessary ends. Like many of us, I happen to be both level-headed, analytical, and intuitive; I am not misremembering the many occasions and incidences of echo-stalking I was treated to from Katherine; it raises the ultimate red flag for me. Unlike many in the spiky world of TI activism, I do not seek to unite or work with infiltrators or disruptors who derail, disrupt, delay, and slowly, inch by inch, in a steady downward spiral of destruction, dissolve activism movements. There are many of these in our midst, and I, like other well-known TI activists have pinpointed a few and distanced myself from them.

I will shortly write an op-ed on The Consequences of Infiltration to explain why I think infiltration among the targeted Untouchables of today’s Global Occupation is particularly reprehensible. This will probably go hand in hand with another op-ed addressing how targets being tortured in broad daylight have been fully disappeared by highly-credentialled, well-known if not glamorously famous journalists, physicians, and law-enforcers telling lies: Targets: Modern Lepers whom Mainstream Media Mocks.

I am presenting this information comprehensively so others can draw their own conclusions just as I have drawn my own.

Cyber-Hacking While Writing This

As well as Cyber-Eating, Cyber-Trolling, Planes, Drones, Helicopters, Crashing Trucks, Power Mowers, Power Trimmers, Heart & Private Part Hitters, ELFs, Infrasound, Microwaves

On 8/11, after steadily working on this statement for days, I woke to find the latest version wiped from my laptop and corrupted on my flash drive. Interestingly, not all copies and versions had been wiped, so I was able to procure an earlier version and rewrite the three pages I had lost—also no doubt a trick of the Neural Mapping Brigade who are constantly eating e-mails and paragraphs and compelling repeat writings of the same material while they no doubt sit in back rooms and engage in neurolinguistic analysis like maniacs—or get their AI supercomputers to do the same. In addition, the file seemed to be corrupted each time in smaller ways, with Japanese and other typographic characters introduced at places.


Cyberhackers2The attention this room, house, and street (Pine Street in Quincy, Massachusetts) has received the last few days as I worked on this, with nonstop single-engine plane, helicopter, and crashing trucks and zooming cars has been astounding. Once it sounded like a fighter jet was taking off in my backyard. Numbers of people dressed in red and crossing my path on a walk. Extreme attacks on my person with heart-hits and private-part hits, nonstop. I relay this information to convey I am experiencing a definite sense that the (Mafia) Intel Behemoth here which is assaulting people unlawfully under cover of Surveillance apparently did not want me to write this. Again, we have to ask ourselves why that would be.

Something many of us know who have awakened to the reality of the Global Occupation is that the black-magic and negative-energy Controllers who consider themselves supreme like to play both sides, and like to establish layer upon layer of limited hangouts and controlled opposition. Two covert communications placed in my path recently, as the email exchange between us seemed to heat up the Uninvited Readers of Private Emails Brigade, for your rumination: On the back of a van: OUR Revolution; and in front of me as I drove, a Pest-Control van with the tag line: The Future of Pest Control is Here.

In closing, I prefer to believe that the 9-million pound Supreme Gorilla we’re all facing down here is not going to win, that our combined and continuing efforts will indeed pay off and the entire world will indeed awaken by way of simple truth-telling and continued exposing to conscience, action, and positive energetic change. Techno has ended but the authentic activists among us will stay the course and make that change happen. Stay tuned.


Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

–Ramola D/Posted 4/18/2018


Posted below is the Community Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes endorsed and supported by FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers and the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team, a group which investigates crimes involving directed-energy weapons and military neuro/biotechnology, published earlier on this site at Flyers for Public Education. Please download this document for use as a flyer in pdf format here. Given that these Crimes Against Humanity are occurring nationwide and worldwide, please download this document in doc format here and replace place-names in the header with your own place-names as appropriate and relevant. (Note: To use this flyer with the named endorsements, please ONLY change place-names as relevant, and no other text, thanks.) Please feel free to re-post and re-publish this Notice on your own websites with linkback.

This notice is being published to raise public awareness, to educate the American and world public, and to inform local communities and neighborhoods. The information in this flyer is not speculative and is fully backed up by the sourced, cumulative investigative reportage at this site (and elsewhere), and follows on recent informative interviews in print and audio with FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers published here at The Everyday Concerned Citizen as well as at YouTube/Ramola D Reports.

Human rights advocates and organizations, investigative journalists, scientists,  whistleblowers, ethicists, and concerned American and world citizens are encouraged to step forward to openly support this Community Notice as the global human rights and bioethical movement to expose and end these pernicious and extreme 21st-century Crimes Against Humanity daily expands. Please email to endorse.

This notice is also supported by the 28 August 2017 Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy and Neuro/Bio Weapons citing Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the 1998 International Criminal Court, published here earlier.  Please print and distribute widely. 


from The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Notice to One is Notice to All

Psychological Warfare, Operations, & Deception Along with Electromagnetic Anti-Personnel Assaults Are Being Run in Quincy & Boston, Massachusetts by Govt Agencies–FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, DOD, DOJ;

All Participating are Accomplices to Potential Murder

Source: FBI, CIA, NSA Whistleblowers/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team



These programs are extrajudicial COINTELPRO Character-Assassination, Mutilation, Destruction, Blacklisting, Life-Sabotage, Torture, and Murder campaigns, intending to fully destroy the lives of outstanding community activists, journalists, writers, teachers, professors, whistleblowers, and civic-minded citizens.

Thousands of Americans are being destroyed like this by the FBI/CIA/DHS.


Remember please that only FBI/CIA have powers with Fusion Centers globally to run horrendous campaigns for torture and murder. Also, FBI has a duty to investigate the crimes we describe. The FBI and FMJ (Federal Magistrate Judges) authorize these offenses and could stop them. (April 11, 2018/Leaked Gangstalker Recruitment Video, The Everyday Concerned Citizen)

The FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Viral Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people. (April 1, 2018/Ramola D Reports/Report #56-Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI)


The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA (Patriot Act)...Police are even used as liaisons to citizen vigilante groups like Infragard, or other “civic minded” organizations who are lied to about the target (being a terrorist/ traitor/ criminal) and enticed/paid to stalk and harass them 24/7. (May 26, 2016/NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States)


I can’t hone it down to just CIA, but I can tell you, all these people, they’re all connected. For instance, in a Town Hall, every little town in the United States, every city, you’ll get people–there’s a Town Hall and there’s a City Government or a Town Government, they’ve got people in there…they have them in the Post Office…What they’re doing is they’re recruiting an army of Citizen Spies and Busybodies—and the People, who don’t even know what’s going on, some of them, they gladly become a part of it, thinking “Oh, I’m doing a service to my country!” But they’re NOT. (April 10, 2018/Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Discusses CIA History, Propaganda, Targeting)


Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State

–Ramola D/Posted 3/7/2018

The Con’s on You, America, and the Deep State’s POPPin’ Alright

In the Bizarro world of Mainstream Media (ticking with Mockingbirds), Psy Op Propaganda Pieces have become the norm now—as far as Surveillance Abuse by this rogue Surveillance Abuse State goes, and journalists with conscience continue to hide rather than step up to reveal the ongoing Crimes Against Humanity being perpetrated on civilian populations—in the name of Surveillance or National Security or both.

Now Laura Yan of WIRED joins Mike McPhate of The New York Times and Justin Rohrlich of The Daily Beast as well as others behind them to pen POPPers for the Deep State—helping to dismiss the thousands of reports of Surveillance Abuse and Deep State/Military Crime surfacing nationally and internationally, labeling all reporting victims mentally ill, paid handsomely no doubt in Mocktails at a shiny bar in downtown Langley. (No matter if the coins pattering under the table have the telltale stain of blood on them, Mocktails are free.)

Meanwhile the platter of weapons (covert RFID (radio frequency identifying device) implants, DEWs (directed energy weapons), sonic weapons, scalar weapons, BCI (brain computer interface) weapons, through-wall radar, nanotech rain) being used on citizens grows as “Homeland Security” shapeshifts into Domestic Terrorism—spelled out recently by NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart in this summary of the DHS Terrorist Watchlist Scam—and facile, wrongful placement of “Non-Investigative Subjects” coded “Silent Hits” on the corrupt FBI’s corrupt KST lists (Known or Suspected Terrorist) also grows into the hundreds of thousands, as this ACLU report details.

Regardless, it has become convenient for the MockMedia to use the label “Targeted Individuals” and “TI Community” as shorthand for Mentally Ill, Paranoid, Schizoid, and to whip out articles every now and then to POPP this whopper home via the tried and true CounterIntel tricks of repetition and deception. In this light we have this latest which should have been labeled Mind Games: The Tortured (or Torturous? take your pick) Lies of CIA Minions, but apparently Ms. Yan was using the CIA AI Spell Check and couldn’t quite get there.

In any case, this morning after an astonished read of this platter of lies and shoddy reportage, I penned a quick comment setting WIRED straight on what the Mental Health label on reporting victims of DOD/CIA crime is really all about, and noted that my comment was registered online. Later today, while discussing Ms. Yan’s little shocker of a Mocker with Dr. Katherine Horton, Oxford physicist and whistleblower on targeting crimes by Intel agencies, we made the transcontinental discovery that my comment had been removed from the Wired website. I checked Disqus, whose id I had used for my comment, and my comment was still recorded there, but “Detected as Spam.” I made a couple of screenshots of the Disqus comment, and post them below as public record.

There’s really only one simple question for anyone contemplating this scenario to consider: Why would WIRED wish to remove—and indeed remove—my comment if it wasn’t hellbent on running a POPPCon on the American and world public, and my too-truthful comment wasn’t throwing a spanner in the works here? Do please read, ruminate, and decide for yourself.


My Censored Comment on Laura Yan’s WIRED Psy Op Propaganda-Piece for the Deep State, “Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals”

I have an alternate title for this s/hit piece on whistleblowers reporting the crimes of the rogue Surveillance Abuse & Torture State that this DOD/CIA fiction writer obviously works for: Mind Games the CIA/DOD Like to Play on Americans to Avoid Any Exposure of Their Dirty Surveillance Abuse and Outright Torture with EMF and Neuro Bio Weapons. Laura Yan obviously wishes to go down in history with Mike McPhate of the New York Times and other sad pretenders to journalism as a govt. propaganda artist keen to cover up the crimes of this dirty govt. Psychiatry and mental health are age-old magick tricks and deadly State tools of oppression the CIA, KGB, Stasi, Nazis and others have used to dismiss the reporting witness of weapons-testing, non-consensual experimentation, and extreme abuse of civilians.

Please visit my site for the REAL journalism, documentary witness, and evidence of these crimes:, and watch my interviews with whistleblowers at Ramola D Reports on Youtube, Vimeo, Bitchute, D-Tube.

“Targeted Individuals” are as far from paranoia and mental illness as Laura Yan is from Truth; they are reporting the serious crimes of the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, USAF, DOD, NGA, DHS, and a host of other agencies, Universities, corporations. When people report serious crime–by these govt. agencies–the one and only fallback cover these thugs in power have is to call the reporters mentally ill. I am getting ready to expose this massive Psy Op the CIA/DOD is running on the American reading public–you can subscribe and follow at my sites to read it as soon as it is released.

Meanwhile, please read these and other articles at my site for the truth about the EMF/DEWs Laura Yan forgot to report (her piece is littered with flat-out lies, shoddy reportage, and complete lack of research, both about RFIDs/microchips and military remote-control neuroweapons):

WIRED has previously published more information on the weapons being tested on Americans and others than Laura Yan shows any awareness of. The party line with all mainstream media of course (which WIRED is now replaying wholeheartedly), is that no weapons exist, surveillance does not include implantation and torture and stalking, and so on. Dream on, America!

Note too that the elaborate comments posted here by various jokers congratulating each other on the acuity of their insight and depth of their caring for these sadly “mentally ill” TIs has the pawprints of CIA-NARRATIVE all over it….as a writer myself who has worked, taught, and continue to write in three genres–non-fiction, fiction, and poetry, I can assure you the CIA-NARRATIVE is rather easy to take apart–and I will take pleasure in doing so, in my upcoming article. Never forget however that the reason these Lies-in-Print by CIA/DOD agents or minions are published is primarily to cover up Ongoing Serious DOD/CIA Crimes.

–Ramola D/3/6/2018


Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Ramola D/Posted 12/3/2016 

Updated 2/17/2017

(With thanks to all the writers, whistleblowers, journalists, and human rights activists whose reviews supported the creation of this piece, and whose links, words, and quotes are included here.)

Secret High-Tech Surveillance, Targeting, Assault

The Deadly Reality of Today’s Covert Radiation-Policed and Neuro-Policed State, USA and WorldWide

How Blacklisted Individuals in Today’s Surveillance State, worldwide, in all Five-Eyes Countries (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) as well as NSA-contracted countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Are Targeted 6-Times and Used Like Lab Rats For Running-as-“Legal” yet Essentially Illegal, Wrongful, Criminal Non-Consensual Military/Navy/USAF Directed-Energy Weapons Operation, Testing, & Training as well as Non-Consensual Covert CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA/DOJ/DHS Neuro-Experimentation in “Behavior Modification”, and Deliberately Disappeared from Public View By 1) Insidious and Strategic Deception Practiced by Colluding Psychiatrists, Colluding Medical Professionals, Colluding Media, Colluding Law Enforcement―Who Agree to Lie, and Call Them Paranoid, Delusional, and Schizophrenic; and 2) In-Community Agency Infiltrators―Who Control from Within.

How the End Result is treasonous Secret Military Subjugation of entire communities, neighborhoods, towns: In US Military jargon, Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Information Warfare, Information Operations, Special Operations, Special Warfare, Psychological Warfare.

While this expose focuses on the USA, this exact protocol is being applied worldwide, in United Nations countries, in a long-running program, escalating in recent times, of ramping-up totalitarian and global control. Individual citizens will have to rise to stop it.

Written from the documented awareness, observations, experience, and analysis of those being wrongfully assaulted and exploited by this corrupt program; and necessarily inclusive of speculation, since the methodologies and technologies being used to attack and persecute individuals covertly, yet in plain view, hidden in plain sight, in the false name of National Security, may be largely classified. Information on these technologies is also obtained from public-domain patents, whistleblowers, and scientists who have worked on similar projects.

Please note: The secretive processes of current-day targeting and high-tech surveillance have been covered by many researchers, analysts, and writers in books and websites, many of which inform this article–a speculative op-ed rooted both in fact and experience. Military and Intelligence documents, talks by whistleblowers, lawsuits, published articles and reports highlighting the use of Executive Orders, statutes, and Defense-centric laws such as the NDAA and 5240.1R, information and documents gained on FOIA request, also contribute to this discussion, and are partially linked in-line, as well as listed in Sources & Further Information at the end.

Note also that because we are subject today to lies, deception, and PsyOps online, in Mainstream media, in books, and in the public domain, it’s essential to note, in human rights advocate Paul Baird’s words, “many truths are censored and kept secret…and these things we address, experienced by countless people worldwide, are no less true because proof cannot be extracted from the bowels of the Pentagon.”

The purpose of this article is to present the experience and understanding of those being targeted, assaulted with radiation weapons and neuroweapons, and non-consensually experimented-on,as understood by this writer; to unravel and piece together the means and processes by which people are being targeted–in terms of extant laws, military and Intelligence regulations and directives, Joint Targeting processes, Memoranda of Understanding between the DOD and the DOJ, loopholes in Human Subject Protections; to expose the inhumanity, moral depravity, and obscenity of this targeting and to-death human experimentation; and to offer solutions to address this inhumanity and end this targeting and assault of innocents.

This article builds on the analyses presented earlier at this site in several articles, collected under Human Rights, and explores and seeks to answer the questions: How exactly are people being targeted? How is the Military-Industrial-Intel complex, the DOD and the DOJ getting away with it? What is the extent of the PsyOp being run on the American public–and by extension, the global public? Who is involved? Who is colluding? Why is Media silent? And what can and should be done to stop it? To extend, correct, or comment on any information presented here, please email the writer or leave a comment below.

1. Scarlet Letter: Community Informants Falsely Label the Target as Terrorist/Spy

Targets are first wrongfully and unlawfully named terrorists, spies, or suspects, by paid Fusion Center FBI/DHS informants, operating in communities, weeding out the outspoken, the activists, the morally upright, anyone they take a dislike to: this includes older women and men, minorities, independent thinkers. This includes journalists, writers, whistleblowers, retirees, peace/justice activists, professors, nurses, doctors, attorneys, engineers, ex-Intel agents, veterans, teachers, home-makers, artists, people from every profession.

Secret FISA Letters and Warrants, and National Security Letters are issued wrongfully to “start an investigation” of the innocent American/named a “suspected terrorist or spy,” couched as legal criminal investigation. They are now subjects of Extreme Surveillance. The Patriot Act permits extended and useless surveillance of pretty much everyone, for pretty much any concocted reason. This may be Running-as-“Legal”, but, because it targets innocents, and builds a folder of lies around innocents, it is Illegal, and already a Crime: it is flagrantly Wrongful, and it’s being applied Inaccurately, to Non-Terrorists, Non-Spies. What results is a sustained dragnet targeting of innocents, absolutely without cause or evidence of wrongdoing, hidden by secrecy.

Diane Roark, former Congressional staffer with the Senate Intelligence Committee, explains here in this talk how Executive Order 12333 and the Patriot Act have permitted extreme abuse in targeting in the name of counter-terrorism, how NSA data is “now being used for criminal investigations, not just for counter-terrorism, which was the original purpose”, how NSA gives tips to local Law Enforcement, and “the courts are also corrupted, because they set up a fake evidentiary trail and cannot expose their data as (sourced from) NSA surveillance”, which, she notes, would be unConstitutional, how local Law Enforcement take the FBI’s lead and illegally engage in domestic, sneak-and-peek surveillance, and how the FISA court is involved (the FISA court cannot refuse to issue a warrant). Also see ex-FBI Mike German‘s talks on Youtube on indiscriminate targeting of non-terrorists, non-spies, non-criminals. See William Binney‘s expose here of secret laws, secret surveillance. See why Section 215 of the Patriot Act is detrimental to national security, and the nation at large: Let the Sun Set on PATRIOT- Section 215, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Solution: Repeal/Scrap the Patriot Act and EO 12333, Open the Secret FISA Court, Bring Due Process Back: No-one can or should be investigated as a terrorist or spy without being openly informed and openly charged in an open society. NSLs that are kept-secret should be scrapped.

NSA Whistleblower and retired Intelligence Analyst Karen Stewart, in her interview with Rob McConnell, X Zone, mentions an appeals process that should be instigated: anyone who is watchlisted should have a right to appeal this watchlisting. Due Process must be reinstated; no-one should be denied access to a meaningful defense.

This absolute power of being able to blacklist anyone in absolute secret, that the Intel agencies are currently indulging, has to be completely wrested from them. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. While Secrecy is Permitting Extreme Abuse of Powers. Targeting anyone and everyone without due process, without cause, for reason of personal vendetta, for reason of suppression of free speech, activism, or dissent is not Counter-Terrorism, and is not protective of National Security.

This has to be understood for what it is really is: Secrecy-Protected Crime. Why are Intelligence agencies being permitted to criminally target Anyone without public accountability, transparency, and oversight? Innocents are being targeted in secret and destroyed in secret, this has to stop.

2. Modern Enslavement/Radiation & Neuro Policing: Innocent Targets are Put by DOJ Under Secretive 24/7 “FISA-Court-Ordered” Electronic Surveillance & Lab-Rat Physical/Biometric Surveillance

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully subjected to a new and secretive Department of Justice program of 24/7 (FISA-Court-ordered) Electronic Surveillance, which involves secretive, continuous audio/video recording of the target, bugs and cameras covertly planted at their residences, continuous clandestine location tracking–a Special Operations Command military maneuver reported in 2013 as futuristic, and which secretly permits the continuous use of radiation, radar, sonic, scalar non-Lethal Weapons (possibly hidden in terminology as Biometric Surveillance Devices or Physical Surveillance Devices, on the person of the target, by local Law Enforcement and by Regional Fusion Centers which includes the Military (who are also authorized to support law enforcement agencies by Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code).

This could include undisclosed Pre-Crime/Neuro-Crime/Neuro-Surveillance technologies under new, being-tested and being-rolled-out Neuro-Crime programs run under the aegis of Criminal Justice/21st-Century-Policing and permitted via long-standing classified-technology-sharing using Memoranda of Understanding with the DoD.

giordano0giordano1giordano2giordano3To understand that Neuro-Crime as contemporary facet of Criminal Justice has definitely arrived, see this brief interview with Vanderbilt Law and Biological Sciences professor Owen Jones for the 2013 PBS show Brains on Trial; also see this 2013 talk on Predictive Neuroscience given by Georgetown Neuroscience professor James Giordano(graphics from video, left); watch this collection of videos on Youtube on neuro-criminology and neurotechnology; search on Youtube using keywords Neuro Crime, Neuro Criminology, Neuro Ethics, for more.

To understand that Remote Neural Monitoring technologies, possibly classified (yet reported definitively as being experienced, non-consensually, by numerous targets, in the USA and worldwide), may be in use by DOJ under technology sharing agreements with DOD, see the expansive and detailed information on the capabilities of NSA Signals Intelligence described in ex-NSA employee John St. Clair Akwei’s 1991 lawsuit against the NSA. (While the information in this cornerstone lawsuit is unique, there is a tremendous amount of related information on this subject available on patents and technologies from researchers and whistleblowers, documented in books, videos, websites, and articles, a few listed here in Sources & Further Information.)


Excerpt/Akwei vs. NSA


Excerpt/Akwei vs NSA

General Category: Electronic Surveillance (Electronic Surveillance IS Electronic Harassment.)
Physical (Bodily) Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? See this FOIA request denied by the Massachusetts Fusion Center, refusing transparency on the subject of non-lethal weapons admittedly being used on the streets, and see this FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band (UWB) equipment, inclusive of Ground Penetrating Radar and Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) radar devices currently in use on the streets, obtained by a Pennsylvania resident on FOIA request.

There is also this Secret Surveillance Catalogue, ostensibly used (by Mil/Intel/local Law) only for cell phone surveillance, published by The Intercept in Dec 2015).

And just in: word of portable sonic devices marketed to Mil/Intel permitting remote bodily assault: Sonic Assault, and Sonic Nausea.

Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) Doppler radar devices as subset
RFID Identification chips and tracking as subset/Covertly implanted microchips, nanochips
Human Organ Surveillance as subset/Pulsed radar hits on organs
Remote ElectroMuscular tracking as subset/Remote electric shocks, low amperage
Biometric Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? Beyond facial recognition, iris, gait is Neuro-Surveillance. Is Brain and Nervous System Surveillance all being rolled into “Biometric” Surveillance?

Remote Functional MRIs, Remote EEGs, and Remote Neural Monitoring are all being reported by targets. )

Neuro-Crime Brain/Neuro Surveillance as subsetRemote MRIs, Remote EEGs, Remote Brain Scans
Remote Neural Monitoring as subsetPrecision targeting of nerves in human body
Radiation Intelligence Monitoring as subset–Picking up unintentionally radiated EMF/scalar brain waves as part of the NSA Signals Intelligence program (See the information on Signals Intelligence in the lawsuit John St. Clair Akwei Vs. NSA)

Remote Brain Experimentation/Neuro-Surveillance: It is entirely possible that targets are both being “surveilled/monitored” by the DOJ/FBI/Local Law Enforcement with physical/biometric surveillance devices, and also being used by the DOJ/FBI as hush-hush lab-rats for Pre-Crime, Neuro-Crime experimentation using remote radiation neuroweaponry such as those running remote fMRIs and remote EEGs, by secretly (and obviously wrongfully) enrolling them in “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) and other convenient programs. Supposedly, these CVE programs are being rolled out in Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis; however, this targeting, from victim/Target accounts, is nationwide.

From Target accounts: These weapons, as experienced, include Through-Wall radar, portable Directed-Energy Weapons, covertly-implanted RFIDs and RFID Tracking; weapons also include the more exotic, being-tested Neuro Crime and Neuro Surveillance weapons, permitted to deliver Remote EEGs, Remote Electroshocks, Remote Neural Monitoring―all of which weaponry is possibly black-budget, covert-ops, CIA “sources & methods,” and “classified.”

(Can FOIAs and FOIA lawsuits force DOJ to reveal what classified or non-classified non-lethal weapons are in use by Fusion Centers as surveillance devices, without disclosure, on Americans? Massachusetts Fusion Center refuses to divulge information on these, citing “public safety” behind its withholding―which would suggest an acknowledgment that they (undisclosed non-lethals) are definitely in use, just not being disclosed. A FOIA request to the FCC by a Pennsylvania resident however, yielded a listing of radar-based through-wall surveillance devices as well as ground-penetrating radar possibly in use by local Law Enforcement or/and the Federal Government included in a FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band equipment licenses.)

PLEASE NOTE: Classified non-lethal weapons jointly developed by DOJ/DOD for Criminal Justice appear to have been permitted for use on targets by the Department of Justice; no public disclosure or consent has preceded this usage. The usage of the weapons itself is covert―undisclosed; this is Secret Policing, and every American should know about it. When a state Fusion Center refuses to divulge its arsenal of non-lethal weapons currently in operation on its streets―and hidden under categories of surveillance, as surveillance devices–on a Freedom of Information Act request, as the Massachusetts Fusion Center has, to this writer, one has to question what part that attitude of deliberate secrecy has in a democracy. When it comes down to it, that attitude typifies repressive dictatorships―quintessential Banana Republics, not democracies. Is the government of the United States of America in actuality a repressive dictatorship then, and not a democracy?

Solution: The Department of Justice should fully disclose weaponry in use, and programs in use, whether pilot, experimental, or operational; no secret or covert electronic or radiation surveillance of any citizen should be allowed. This is bodily-invasive, intrusive, and extremely harmful radiation, scalar, and sonic technology. There has been no public debate and there is no public consent for this use, of undisclosed weaponry and undisclosed surveillance technology. This weaponry has been reported by all being assaulted with it as barbaric and inhumane; a military investigator has openly stated that certain non-lethal weapons are in actuality lethal; an ex-UK Navy microwave weapons expert has stated that all non-lethal weapons can be used lethally; targets report continuous 24/7 assault with these radiation weapons―that is not non-lethal usage, that is lethal usage.

3. Modern Enslavement/Target Practice: Innocent Targets are Secretly Enrolled into Multi-Million-Dollar Defense Contracts for Terminal Lab-Rat Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Effects Testing

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above, and made the wrongful subjects of surveillance) are unlawfully entered–human-trafficked–into multi-million-dollar Military/USAF/Navy/Space Weapons experimentation programs, mostly field weapons testing of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), exploring Anti-Personnel Effects or Bio-Effects.


Excerpt/Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small Diameter, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots, FWR-2012-0147H/Obtained on FOIA Request, Aug 2015

(See this post here for links to RFPs, contracts, and reports. See Dr. Robert Duncan’s note on field testing of weapons. Visit the Non-Lethal Human Effects page on the DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program website. Research DEW Bio-Behavioral Research or Human Effects.)

From RFP information and target accounts: These are Bio-Behavioral Effects Research programs, testing levels at which deleterious effects of radiation weapons can be detected on the human body, including damage to DNA, tissue, and cell structure, testing specific thermal and bio-electric effects, and testing the diverse capabilities of diverse EMF/RF/ELF sensors (land, space, and air-based, stationary and moving, close and distant, portable and hand-held, all covert) in tracking radio frequencies emitted by corporally-integrated RF microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology clandestinely implanted in the target’s body, as well as those emitted by individual brain and heart EMFs.


Secret Military Experimentation Unto Death: This experimentation is 24/7, and involves the operation of death-dealing Directed-Energy Weapons. The US Department of Defense has dared to characterize these deadly energy weapons acting across distance as “Non-Lethal Weapons” of “Electronic Warfare” — but in permitting, conducting, and promoting the experimental usage of these weapons on American civilians and veterans, as well as citizens worldwide, has openly proved to these Americans how deadly these weapons are, in their ability to very quickly degrade human organs, human brains, human bodies, in their use of radiation, sonics, and scalar technologies to cause chronic health damage, cancers, strokes, heart attacks, and–it must be stressed–death.

To be very clear, this incredibly inhumane US Military experimentation–masterminded by the conscienceless, mad scientists who have set up these testing and experimentation programs (and who pick up padded paychecks for it)–appears to be experimentation unto death. As far as this writer knows (as per information from numerous “Targeted Individuals,” books, and whistleblowers), no target has ever been released from these grotesque and cruel programs of non-consensual human experimentation; many targets, especially in recent times, have died both of illnesses from chronic directed-energy assault and suddenly-induced heart attacks. This includes well-known and beloved activists, public speakers, and writers Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD, author Gloria Naylor, and activists Sean Stinn, and Zakaos Breedlove-Ewing.

This death-industry experimentation ―completely non-consensual–is legally being permitted on the subjects of surveillance under cover of being important for “national security” by such outrageous, citizen-harming, and barbaric laws as the AUMF, NDAA, EO 12333, and the Defense-Industry-centric Military Directive 5240.1 R, an oligarchic imperative which freely permits military experimentation on All US citizens.

Put under surveillance by the NSA/FBI/FISA/DHS; Subjected to experimental non-stop “electronic” (read radiation/neuro) surveillance by DOJ; Experimented on for Intelligence Purposes by EO 12333 and 5240.1R; Indefinitely detained without due process by NDAA; Cleared for Non-Consensual Experimentation by loopholes in the Common Rule and OHRP, HHS (Office of Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human Services); Experimented on Forever/& Terminally by way of Indefinite Detention, Neverending “Investigations,” Neverending Surveillance; Subjected to PsyOps and Smear Campaigns; Lives, livelihoods, and relationships destroyed: this is the Trail of Tears for targets today.

It should be noted here that in fact, All US citizens are indeed currently being targeted, assaulted, and experimented on, with heavy-metal aerosols (chem trails), nanotechnology, EMF radiation, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), toxins and fertility-disruptors in vaccinations, ELF transmissions via HAARP, and more, in covert health-degradation programs related to the very real and long-standing United Nations depopulation agenda run globally. Some US citizens however are experimented on several times over, as detailed here, as enslaved targets entered into Electronic Warfare DEW-assault programsand other covert Intelligence experimentation programs, discussed further below.


False Labels of “Enemy Combatant”/Geneva Convention Protections Scrapped: Perusing Military Intelligence Oversight documents online also suggests that targets are possibly being named “enemy combatants” who are “engaging in actions of hostility” against the United States, and are then permitted to become military/war-time objects of surveillance, counter-intelligence, and counter-terrorism―in collusion with Intelligence “components”–ie, other Intelligence agencies and departments, and, in their confabulation as “enemy combatants,” are no longer considered “protected persons” under the Geneva Convention―opening the door to an infinity of massive abuse as subjects of deadly military experimentation.

This slide from the DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation points to the key, citizen-harming directives governing the activities of Military Intelligence, although other regulations and directives also exist:

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016/Procedure 13
Procedure 13 – Experimentation on Human Subjects for Intelligence Purposes


This procedure applies to experimentation on human subjects if such experimentation is conducted by or on behalf of a DoD intelligence component. This procedure does not apply to experimentation on animal subjects.


1. Experimentation in this context means any research or testing activity involving human subjects that may expose such subjects to the possibility of permanent or temporary injury (including physical or psychological damage and damage to the reputation of such persons) beyond the risks of injury to which such subjects are ordinarily exposed in their daily lives.

2. Experimentation is conducted on behalf of a DoD intelligence component if it is conducted under contract to that component or to another DoD component for the benefit of the intelligence component or at the request of such a component regardless of the existence of a contractual relationship.

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016

Executive Order 12333 permits various kinds of surveillance and physical searches by different Intelligence agencies and departments of the military for various purposes, particularly Intelligence surveillance, and includes this qualified allowance for human subject experimentation, in itself deceptive, because DHHS guidelines mentioned below lead, via loopholes in the Common Rule (slightly modified individually for and by different agencies and DOD), right back to the whims and vagaries of agencies and DOD, to waivers of Informed Consent by the Secretary of Defense, blank-check internal Review Boards for research projects, and no external oversight:

2.10 Human Experimentation. No agency within the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for or conduct research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The subject’s informed consent shall be documented as required by those guidelines. (EO 12333)

Indefinite Detention without trial, as we know, is being preserved in the NDAA 2016, both for Guantanamo and for the rest of the USA, fought for by President Obama’s Administration as noted here in 2013, even as empty promises to close Guantanamo were frequently aired:

“Yet Obama was less concerned with the constitutional rights of American citizens, who can still be detained indefinitely under the NDAA. From Salon:

Meanwhile the troubling NDAA provision first signed into law in 2012, which permits the military to detain individuals indefinitely without trial, remains on the books for 2014. Efforts to quash or reform the provision (especially with regards to the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens) have failed and been fiercely fought by the administration. Most notably, a lawsuit filed against the president by plaintiffs including journalist Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg against the provision has been aggressively fought at every turn by the president’s attorneys. The plaintiffs argue that the NDAA provision constitutes a significant expansion of the laws regarding indefinite detention already established by Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).

Hedges has chronicled his fight against the detention provision of the NDAA here at Truthdig. And it should be a worrisome provision for anyone who believes in basic American civil liberties, which have been significantly eroded since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” Truthdig/Obama Signs NDAA, Maintaining Indefinite Detention Provision/Dec 27, 2013

Ironically, this slide on the 2013 DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation offers the rest of us a revealing glimpse of Intelligence activities being conducted (and kept undisclosed and “protected from disclosure” with a label) that the world at large might find questionable, improper, immoral, venal, exploitative, dishonorable.

The various means by which targets are being used as lab-rats for the operation of deadly directed-energy weapons used in Electronic Warfare on their bodies include avid Military Deception, termed MILDEC in military jargon.

Is Informed Consent being buried by (false) claims of “Minimal Risk”? Consider for instance that a recent FOIA request to the USAF, delayed for many months, for documents and details on Informed Consent onthe 7-yr, 2013 USAF-General Dynamics Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Behavioral Research contract, yielded only partial and redactedinformation (released documents here), claimed Exemption 5 USC 552 b (4)to withhold technical data, did not yield full information on field testing of the DEWs mentioned–meaning, could not openly prove that the weapons-testing on this contract had the full, informed consent of all those being tested on–yet had a Federal Wide Assurance (of human subject protections and Informed Consent) filed with the OHRP, obtained separately on FOIA from the OHRP (FWA here). (Information from this FOIA will be covered separately in an article soon.) Note, this is an ongoing USAF weapons-testing contract doing DEBR-Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research on Americans, which has been approved by the Office of Human Research Protections, at the US Department of Health and Human Services.

While this particular possibility needs further research, given current Common Rule/Based on The Belmont Report loopholes regarding Informed Consent, given current OHRP Federal Wide Assurance loopholes regarding applicability to the Common Rule and Informed Consent, and given that General Dynamics Federal-Wide Assurance filed with OHRP, it could just be that the Principal Investigators and Human Protections Administrators at Defense contractor corporations and Institutional Review Boards signing off on these contracts and signing Federal-Wide Assurances (FWAs) filed (as required–as per OHRP–for all contracts using “human subjects”) with the Office of Human Research Protections at the Department of Health and Human Services are openly lying about “minimal harm” to subjects, “minimal risk,” and acting as authoritarian arbiters of Informed Consent for their non-consensual subjects, even as the Common Rule offers the Military convenient loopholes to permit waivers of Informed Consent, and the NDAA openly permits enslavement of American citizens for lab-rat exploitation, all in the false name of National Security.

Permitting the Military to train weapons on citizens under cover of necessity–and consenting to Military Deception in burying Informed Consent from potential “human subjects”–is not “National Security”, it is National Suicide.

Solution: Repeal the NDAA. Rescind the DoD Directive 5240.1 R. Revoke EO 12333. Remove all loopholes from the Common Rule, and from the terms of the OHRP’s Federal Wide Assurance. Rescind all military, intelligence, and JTRIG directives permitting citizen-use for weapons-testing or any kind of human experimentation. In addition, publicly question the US Department of Defense and all Intelligence agencies permitting this current covert assault on citizens, hold them accountable for the inflicting of harm and for gross human rights violations: these should be considered in the light of war crimes, for what they are, crimes against humanity.

Strike all noxiously permissive legislation allowing human bio-behavioral effects testing from the books. Do not permit or legalize weapons-testing on citizens for any reason. Citizens should NEVER be harmed by their own governments, whom they themselves elect, support with taxes, and expect to represent them. Militaries are supposed to defend citizens, not assault them. There is no such thing as needing to harm citizens for National Security, just because China or Russia may also have these weapons.

Governments that experiment with military weapons on citizens are in fact flagrantly harming National Security―there is no national security when military and mercenary contractors are running around hunting down innocent citizens everywhere they go with deadly Electronic Warfare radiation weapons, the correct word for that is State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism. Worldwide, it must be noted that these quite-lethal “non-lethal” Electronic Warfare weapons, like blinding lasers, like nuclear weapons, are barbaric weapons which must be banned, worldwide.

4. Modern Enslavement/MK ULTRA Neuro-Experimentation: Innocent Targets are “Detained” without Due Process for Lab-Rat Remote Brain Interrogation in Classified Non-Consensual CIA/DIA/DARPA Intelligence “Sources and Methods” MK ULTRA-Extended Experiments

Under current law, the federal government has proclaimed the power, has arrogated to itself the power to obtain indefinitely without charge or trial U.S. Citizens and lawful permanent residents who are apprehended on American soil. Let that sink in for just a minute.” Senator Lee also reminded the Congress that the last time the U.S. federal government detained Americans was the internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War.

Senator Rand Paul noted that President Obama recognized the danger of granting the federal government the power to indefinitely detain Americans. Upon signing the bill in 2011 President Obama added a signing statement promising not to use the power. “He said, this is a terrible power and I promise never to use it. Any president who says a power is so terrible he is not going to use it should not be on the books,” Paul stated. “Someday there will be someone in charge of the government that makes a grievous mistake, like rounding up the Japanese. So we have to be very, very careful about giving power to our government.” Activist Post/NDAA 2017 Includes Draft for Women, Indefinite Detention for American Citizens

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully detained without due process by the NDAA for “interrogation,” as per President Obama’s casual sign-off on this Constitution-busting military power-grab, which attempts to legalize and opens the door both for “Criminal Justice” interrogation experimentation using Neuro Crime weaponry to remotely probe brains as described above in (2), and also for “Intelligence Surveillance” interrogation experimentation programs conducted by the NSA/CIA/DARPA/DIA to further their in-process, classified CIA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro-Modification, and Behavior-Modification.

NSA/DARPA/CIA Full-Spectrum Dominance steps in here. Subjects under surveillance are being legally exploited for invasive remote non-consensual experimentation by Military and Intelligence entities, since surveillance currently permits experimentation.

From the FAQ page at the CIA website:

By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting foreign intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens. Its mission is to collect information related to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence. By direction of the president in Executive Order 12333 of 1981 and in accordance with procedures approved by the Attorney General, the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required. These restrictions on the CIA have been in effect since the 1970s.

The “Collection” referenced above is, from target accounts and lawsuits such as ex-NSA’s St. John Clair Akwei lawsuit, and from the work of analysts, writers, and targets, speculated to include information gathered from Neuro or Brain Surveillance, Monitoring, and Interrogation.

By this means, under Criminal Justice Neuro-Interrogation and Intelligence Surveillance Neuro-Interrogation, Intelligence and Security agencies are being permitted to experimentally remotely probe, monitor, and modify brains, actions that, from inference on FOIA requests, are “properly classified” as “sources and methods of gaining intelligence” and not subject to any Common Rule protections of human subjects because classified research is permitted by current loopholes in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to evade Informed Consent requirements. (This recent post, exploring proposed 2015 changes to the CFR/Common Rule–which seek to include further evasions, exclusions, and concessions for classified research–explores the subject of current-day neuro-experimentation without Informed Consent by “covered agencies”.)

In other words, targets already subjected to Extreme Radiation Electronic Surveillance by the DOJ, and used non-consensually for military weapons-testing, are also unlawfully entered into classified CIA/DIA/NSA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of non-consensual neuro-experimentation and neuro-modification, bio-hacking, and bio-robotization, involving 24/7 pain and trauma signalling for neural network re-programming, no-touch torture, sleep-deprivation, V2K (voice to skull/synthetic telepathy, i.e., voices in head), clandestine implantation of RFID microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology, clandestine activation of these implants for pain and trauma-signaling, continuous remote brain and neural monitoring via remote EEGs, brain-EMF-harvesting, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Electronic Brain Links, Brain-to-Brain communication, EEG cloning, mind hiving, and interrogation via Dream Manipulation. This information on current-day MKULTRA neuro-experimentation is provided both by ex-CIA scientists, whistleblowers, and current-day “TI” victims of this unlawful and extreme experimentation. Also see the Akwei lawsuit and the Larsen report.

Proving the fact of this ongoing experimentation―if insider whistleblowers and human-rights-centered hackers don’t step forward, as they ethically, absolutely must–will necessitate a no-holds-barred interrogation and investigation of NSA/CIA/DARPA, their contracts, and their contractors. Secrecy that permits such torture of citizens, such violence hidden in plain sight, yet bound by lies suggesting “proper classification” Must be ended. Concerned neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, human rights advocates, journalists, Information Technology specialists, and citizens Should initiate such an investigation―over more than three decades, Congress has been made aware by constituents, is possibly fully aware, but is silent. This situation cannot hold. Secrecy that permits crime is a crime, and must be ended.

Solution: Bring Due Process and Full Accountability back, no exceptions. Hold the Department of Justice accountable. Hold the CIA, DIA, ODNI, NSA, and DARPA accountable. Demand transparency.

No secretive, classified, covert and non-consensual pre-crime Criminal Justice Neuro-Surveillance or (Neuro) Behavior or Brain Modification operations or experimentation should be permitted or tested on humans; it must be stressed that all experimentees report their experience as barbaric and inhumane experimentation. To clarify: All neuro-experimentation being reported by non-consensual experimentees today is being reported as Torture.

Classified research which is hiding under cover of “National Security” and engaging in these covert crimes of absolute, untenable Torture against humanity needs to be fully opened up. This is a case of Classification to permit covert crimes. Hidden under “sources and methods” in efforts to create “the perfect spy” or to aid HUMINT or Human Intelligence Collection, these are grotesque, barbaric, and completely inhumane experiments and an assault on our common humanity.

In other words, these covered agencies, using National Security and Counter Terrorism as cover, may say they are conducting “Counter Intelligence,” but in reality are conducting Torture.

Dismantle the CIA’s, DIA’s, and NSA’s dirty-ops research wing, which is using EMF/sonic/scalar and wifi-based Pain, Trauma, and Torture (in continuation of MK ULTRA’s pain-based experiments) to modify neural networks, personal memories, psychology, behavior, and human brains, to hack into brains, take over human brains, and manipulate motor, audio, and visual cortexes in attempts to create compliant, subjugated, docile, and fully manipulable human beings. Challenge All classification of research on human beings, disallow the CIA, DARPA, and NSA from experimenting under cover of classification for any reason on humans. Covered experimentation is Pure Abuse.

NOTE: As noted above, the CIA is quite possibly concealing the use of these radiation/scalar/sonic DEWs and neuroweapons under both classified labels and the cover-all-crimes Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence category, as FOIA request responses imply. Further, as per the 2015 NPRM for the Common Rule, the CIA, with other agencies, has recently been seeking sweeping changes to the Common Rule, demanding that all research it conducts be considered normative and beneficial Intelligence activity, and therefore be exempted fully from the human subject protections of the Common Rule. (This is nothing but a covered agency already abusing humans under cover seeking even deeper cover by way of deliberate Public Deception–possibly to hide its current abuse of humans, which many “Targeted Individuals” and MK ULTRA survivors are speaking out about, but perhaps also to protect its future, so it can run future programs of abusive experimentation undercover, unknown to all, and unchecked.)

5. Psychological & Social Domestic Terrorism: Targets are subjected to community-wide COINTELPRO assaults, character-assassination, community ridicule, isolation, color-coding tied in to Lab-Rat Exploitation in Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro Imaging, Psychiatry, Artificial Intelligence Networks, and New Police-State Paradigm Social Engineering experiments.

Targets (unlawfully targeted, surveilled, “detained”, and remotely neuro-interrogated as above) are further unlawfully subjected to COINTELPRO actions by the FBI/DHS/local Law/local fusion centers and their community accomplices: Infragard, Citizen Watch, and Community Watch units―which include continuous traffic and street harassment, organized stalking, public-place swarming, mobbing, organized noise harassment, employment sabotage, and community smear campaigns or character-assassination. Active Deception is used to tell communities targets are threats who need to be watched continuously.

In the ’70s, COINTELPRO was found to have flourished on secrecy:

“The Church Committee found that part of the problem with COINTELPRO was that no one outside the FBI was ever supposed to know it existed.14 No one could object to activities they weren’t aware of and, as investigators found, “the absence of disapproval” was “interpreted by the Bureau as sufficient authorization to continue an activity.”15 Secrecy created a haven from the public eye where abuse could flourish.-Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU, Dec 2007, What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

Merging with COINTELPRO today is the program of PsyOps supplied by the DOD/CIA (MK ULTRA/Monarch) Neuro-Experimenters running large-scale, Artificial Intelligence-run, community-based Neuro Imaging experiments and Neural Linguistic Programming―possibly roping communities in under the guise of “Community-Based Participatory Research”, a new code-word for research involving communities identified as “at risk”, and recruiting whole communities in social engineering projects, not dissimilar to the Military’s social science projects being conducted under the Minerva initiative–and which could easily be considered to be COINTELPRO actions of organized stalking and harassment by way of the tactics used: organized color-coding, organized street theatre, organized runners, walkers, manipulated conversations, organized “interventions” via telemarketers, surveyers, utility-staff, students, military psychologists, using Infragard and Neighborhood Watch civilians as stalkers, organizing secretive house break-ins and “gaslighting”, compelling community members to act as meme-spreaders/mimes/ mimics, creating community echoes of the target’s words and phrasing, actions, clothing, all in “plausibly deniable” ways.

In other words, targets are subjected continuously in public and at home in their neighborhoods to COINTELPRO Disruption of the enemy’s life or PsyOps for, possibly, Neural Imaging/Neural Linguistic Programming purposes disguised as Community-Based Participatory Research/or disguised as Community Policing or Neighborhood Watch which essentially ropes whole communities/towns into 24/7 surveillance/ Zersetsung/ PsyOps against the target. Psychological warfare on civilians has been made legal. Note that President Obama signed an Executive Order into effect in September 2015, referring to Government-Approved Deception of the Public as obtaining “Behavioral Science Insights” and openly permitting Open-Season for PsyOps on all targets, and on all Americans.


Excerpt/The Complex: How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse

COINTELPRO Includes Public and Private Radiation Assaults: Please note, this level of COINTELPRO―which includes the continuous Electronic Surveillance secretly permitted by the DOJ―permits Citizen Watch and utility and local business personnel in any enterprise, i.e., FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon, any store-front, gas-station, the City’s trash trucks and recycling trucks, landscaping, roofing, chimney-cleaning, swimming-pool cleaning, National Grid, gas and power utilities, to point cell-phones at targets in public, directing wifi/microwave signals at them, and to point covert portable DEWs at them in public and inside buildings and homes, constantly irradiating targets. Telecom companies in particular―Comcast, Xfinity―and power companies such as National Grid are being used to do even more, such as pump ELFs into targets’ homes, covertly rig targets’ homes and neighborhoods with electrical circuits which facilitate Remote Electro-Shocking, engage in Remote Neural Monitoring, and direct extreme-spread microwave/X-ray radiation attacks at them (while inside homes, inside stores, churches, museums, restaurants). DHS and military personnel often work as drivers of these utility and business trucks.

This secret surveillance program is neither delusory nor imagined; this is exactly what Bush promised, shortly after 9/11, in TIPs (Terrorism Information and Prevention System):

“As with the Patriot Act, TIPS is being pursued as part of the so-called war against terrorism. It is a Department of Justice project.

Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.

A pilot program, described on the government Web site, is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage. Assuming the program is initiated in the 10 largest US cities, that will be 1 million informants for a total population of almost 24 million, or one in 24 people.” (The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

Neither current-day TIPS, now known as National Neighborhood Watch (and run by the National Sheriffs’ Association), nor the addition of “electronic surveillance” gets coverage in mainstream media. But there has been some recent public disclosure of covert electronic surveillance, eg of X-Ray vans in New York, in the media; this Asymmetric or Unconventional Warfare (explained in this 2008 Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare handbook) is well covered by targeted writers and analysts online and in books, including being reported in Mark Rich’s New World War, and has been explored here earlier.

COINTELPRO PsyOps Designed to Make Target Sound Paranoid: It has also been noted that these PsyOps are intended to make the target sound delusional if he/she reports the massive, all-round COINTELPRO/organized stalking/PsyOps he/she receives. The purpose here being even more insidious, to get this fully-exploited victim of non-consensual covert neuro-experimentation slammed with a psychiatric diagnosis of delusional disorder/paranoid schizophrenia―an old, dirty tactic to discredit the non-consensual experimentee, keep the real truth of (“properly classified” yet criminal, torture-based) neuro-experimentation and electronic experimentation from getting out to the general public, and to enable continued, endless, secretive electronic-warfare and neuro experimentation, abuse, and torture of the victim.

A quote from the ex-Military security professional who runs the highly informative website spells it out:

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.”

In essence, by this COINTELPRO, targets are being –extrajudiciously, inhumanely, invasively―continuously psychologically, physically, and socially assaulted.

Solution:Today’s COINTELPRO has to be exposed and abolished, with the perpetrators prosecuted. That Executive Order permitting PsyOps needs to be repealed. Fusion Centers need to be publicly questioned and prosecuted. Community Based Participatory Research run on military contracts, whether classified or not, needs to be publicly questioned by human rights groups, its ties to COINTELPRO exposed, and terminated. The entire Watch program has to be opened up, exposed, audited, challenged, ended. Hold the FBI, DHS, JTRIG, and local fusion centers accountable. Hold DARPA, CIA, DIA, NSA, their private contractors, and all Universities assisting on such contracts accountable.

Hold all utilities and businesses participating in such noxious electronic abuse of targets accountable. Open up the secrecy behind all counter-intelligence practices by the covered Agencies. Make all such crime, including by the FBI or DHS under counter-intelligence or surveillance headers, illegal and prosecutable. Make all such programs of “participatory-research” by deception completely obsolete. Make America Sane again.

6. Fusion Center-Encouraged Abuse By Neighbors/Neighborhood Assault: Targets are being subjected to the extreme abuse of continuous surveillance, PsyOps, noise harassment, and electronic abuse by their neighbors, in their own neighborhoods/as part of Lab-Rat Exploitation in New Paradigm (4th Reich?) Social Engineering operations

Targets (already subject to the extreme abuses of unlawful targeting, radiation and neuro-surveillance, military weapons testing, neuro-experimentation based on trauma and pain-signalling, and harassive COINTELPRO on the streets) are therefore now being unlawfully assaulted and abused by their own community members who have consented (under false notice of investigations, surveillance, and defamatory lies about the target):

1) to assist in “ManHunting” or high-tech tracking the target (for 24/7 continuous electronic surveillance) using GPS tracking and cell phones/apps to track the target’s location and implanted-RFID emissions or brain EMFs or both, and to openly surveill the target,

2) to assault the target with Pulsed Microwave Frequencies, via provided cell phone apps, or provided directed-energy weapons, or installed antennas on their property;

3) to engage in PsyOps/Neural Linguistic Programming actions against the target as described above of color-coding, mimicking, engaging in street theater and directed conversations,

4) to engage in COINTELPRO actions of street harassment and noise harassment against the target, and

5) to further spread the lies, rumors, and defamatory stories about the target in the target’s neighborhood and community.

Exactly like the East German practice of Zersetsung, and the Nazi practice of forcing neighbors to snitch and spy on neighbors, this current-day 24/7 Neighborhood Abuse of targets, masquerading as surveillance, works to further assault, abuse, and victimize the target. It also conditions neighbors to dehumanize and hunt down neighbors, and furthers the program of New Police State Paradigm social re-engineering which seems to be underway.

Solution: Turning neighbors wrongfully against neighbors are crimes. These are acts of psychologial, social, and domestic terrorism and should be treated that way. The military and Intelligence agencies, operating through fusion centers, local law enforcement, and neighborhood watch groups should be publicly questioned, exposed, and prosecuted. Fusion Centers and their many components should be held publicly accountable. Neighborhood Watch groups should not be permitted to engage in actions of assault―surveillance, PsyOPs, electronic―against others in their neighborhood. Dismantle the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA and military groups, who are permitting or creating this atrocity; at the very least, question them publicly, open up their budgets, audit them, and force the public exposure and termination of this systemic crime.

7. Establishment Cover-Up: The witness―the victim, the experiencer, the target of radiation-surveillance, the 2016 non-consensual classified-ops neuro-experimentee, the exploited lab-rat―is silenced by colluding medical professionals, colluding and ignorant psychiatrists, colluding law enforcement, and a bought, corporate and colluding mainstream media, while being stifled in-house by Govt/Agency infiltrators

Silencing the Witness: Colluding medical professionals, in particular, psychiatrists move in to disappear and Blame the Victim in an astounding act of medical malpractice by naming all those reporting such covert harassment and remote electromagnetic experimentation on their bodies as delusional and schizoid―without once testing their claims of being implanted and frequency-assaulted scientifically, with measuring instruments; without once consulting with neuroscientists, radiologists, toxicologists, medical physicists; without ever getting informed on the current state of neuroscience, the history of experimentation on human beings and animals with electromagnetic radiation, and the history of covert non-consensual neuro-experimentation (eg, MK ULTRA, MK DELTA, MK NAOMI, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke); and without examining the vast body of evidence available today in patents or revealed by various whistleblowers―guided instead by the wrongful labeling of psychiatric disorders in the increasingly fraudulent DSM, which many psychologists and psychiatrists of integrity question. Disorders named and labelled in the DSM as absolute illnesses, for instance, are not based on physiological evidence but are subjectively decided by a group of psychiatrists, by vote.

Colluding psychiatrists, working for the state and working for the psycho-pharmaceutical complex which puts out the DSM, invent deadlier and deadlier drugs each year, and are responsible for the mass drugging into absolute oblivion of various populations, be they ADHD or “oppositional defiant disorder” teenagers or too-excitable toddlers deemed worthy of Ritalin or Seroquel to help prop up the diseased State with its overt and covert arsenal of intimate Surveillance and Control mechanisms. In essence, acting against psyches, against psychological health and well-being, and against societies. In complete opposition to the ethos, essence, and metier of the Hippocratic Oath, and in absolute servility to society’s current oppressors. In Servility to Surveillance should perhaps be emblazoned on their doors. Or Subservience to Surveillance.

History shows us that psychiatrists support the State in situations of totalitarian oppression, overt or covert. History―from right here in the USA―also shows us that corrupt doctors and psychiatrists lie to cover up secretive and abusive non-consensual experimentation―as the 1950s Plutonium Experiments reported by Eileen Winsome, for instance, readily prove. Today, psychiatrists effectively collude with the State to silence and disappear the victims of this 21st-century tyranny: abusive, classified, non-consensual neuro-experimentation and DEW research.

Colluding medical professionals at Universities and hospitals such as surgeons, anaesthetists, technicians, neuroscientists, physicians, and dentists obviously also support the Deep State’s Intelligence agencies by conducting the covert surgical operations of implanting RFID chips, bioMEMs, neurostimulators/BCI chips/other kinds of chips, microcircuits, stentrods, and wires in the bodies of those individuals who have been blacklisted and roped into the criminal programs of covert experimentation discussed here.

Colluding corporate government-run mainstream media swoop in for the kill when targets protest, naming targets insane and seeking to destroy their credibility, as recent New York Times, Mother Jones, and Daily Beast articles and rather frantic Psy Op entries in Rational Wiki and Wikipedia demonstrate. Further, since 2014, when Glenn Greenwald went abruptly silent on the subject after promising to publish the names of all NSA-surveilled individuals, corporate media has shown it will not cover the issue of blacklisted individuals at all. Worse, those reporting as Targeted Individuals are glibly named insane by well-paid journalists, while Targeting itself, a continuing, obvious, oft-stated, and primary concern of this Surveillance State, is completely avoided by mainstream media as a subject of any concern whatsoever; since The Intercept‘s limited reveal of a group of Muslim professionals targeted wrongfully by the State, no further follow-up has occurred. Did Snowden’s trove of documents include details on this targeting of individuals, did it include names and personal circumstances? We’ll never know, will we, if The Intercept is to exclusively mind this information―and has shown reluctance to publish. Whether they have this information or not, however, neither they nor any other media group is pressing the NSA for details on targeting, past or present. The subject of domestic targeting in fact has literally fallen off the radar in mainstream media.

The perfidy and extremity of Media malfeasance here cannot and should not go unnoticed.

Media has essentially become a mouthpiece for Government deception or MILDEC―Military Deception. Media thereby removes itself from its base responsibility to research and report on current affairs for the people, exonerates itself from any culpability in the large matter of ignoring the reports of non-consensual experimentation and covert assault rising continually in cries for help from an assaulted public, and in so doing, proves its collaboration with the State, and against the people.

The campaign to suppress vocal and eloquent non-consensual experimentees and dupe their audience has in fact taken on an urgent and unsavory twist; blaming the Victim, the (CIA-run?) New York Times has shown, is a practice that seeks desperately to be comprehensive and meta-aware. It involves denigrating every single action the reporting victim has taken―whether it is contacting Congressmen, organizing online for support or validation, or writing letters to the editor of the New York Times (or any other media outlet) asking for help. All of this is marked as delusional, all of this is referred to the Psychiatry Establishment as essentially their domain of concern.

(This, despite the fact that, historically, neuro-experimentation, both public-domain and classified, is a known fact, that thousands of patents exist for both neuro-experimentation devices, weaponry, and methodologies, contracts exist for directed-energy weapons testing, and mainstream neuroscience no longer conceals that brains can be invaded, thoughts read, and neural networks modified.)

So Media helps along the fallacy in action here; when people report assault with radiation weaponry and symptoms of neuro-experimentation, no recourse to Medical Physics, Radiology, Radio-Frequency Engineering, or Neuroscience is sought. Instead, a colluding or uninformed DSM-loyal psychiatrist is appealed to, for help in securing a facile and fraudulent “schizophrenia/schizoid/delusional” diagnosis, and Media, not batting a single analytical eyelid, reports this diagnosis as the legitimate, accurate, last word.

Media collusion here expresses the intent of those who are manipulating Media, the Intelligence agencies who still seek absolute hegemony over Americans and the whole of humanity: clearly, the intent is to ruthlessly suppress all reports of covert assault and experimentation by silencing the reporting individual, that is, silencing the witness, the experiencer, the primary voice alerting the world to ongoing Covert Ops programs of neuro-torture and electromagnetic weapons-testing being run by clearly out-of-control Intelligence agencies, complacent military contractors, and a vast National Security apparatus crying “Spy! Terrorist! Unstable! Threat!” on random innocent citizens, whistleblowers, and activists.

Colluding Law Enforcement help establish the deception; just like those psychiatrists and medical professionals in the Know, who assist with the covert implantations or actively collude to diagnose victims reporting the situation as schizoid, Law Enforcement engages in the most insidious deception, permitting, supporting, and assisting the cruel and barbaric targeting of individuals with deadly radiation technology, on the one hand using Through The Wall Surveilance pulsing radar devices―and other, undisclosed “non-lethal weapons” disguised as physical/biometric surveillance–on them, and on the other, denying any knowledge of targets being targeted, feigning concern that all reporting are mentally ill, need community Mental Health intervention, and helping provide this by Baker-Acting them. See NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s account of being Baker-Acted.

In-Community Government Infiltrators, meanwhile, help along the Covert Ops cause by insinuating themselves as “helpful” technology experts, information analysts, activists, counselors, and organizers right in the middle of the community of brutally assaulted, seriously-victimized lab-rat targets, jostling their way into key positions at the head of “TI” groups, seeking to establish themselves―on listservs, email lists, regional groups–as key spokespersons, taking charge of what technology can and cannot be spoken about (no talk of Black Ops Neuroweapons allowed, no mention of Remote Neural Monitoring, Neurophones, Mind Control, Covert RFID or Bio-MEM implants, Brain EMF Harvesting by Cell Phone, Pulsed Microwave Radiation delivered via Cell Phone, Scalar Technologies, neighbors using portable DEWs, or Ionizing (radioactive) Radiation weapons), decrying and squashing legitimate attempts at HR activism and advocacy, misdirecting, misframing, and running deceptive Psy Ops on this already-victimized, Mil/Intel-PsyOp’d group.

Just as with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Movement―as with many other groups of activists―this Government infiltration seeks to be divisive, authoritarian, controlling, and stifling―and often succeeds. As a result, attempts to organize legitimately are often sabotaged―from within. Not merely are targets exploited as lab-rats from without, by the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, and DARPA, they are exploited from within, by undercover operatives from these very Departments and Agencies―and possibly also from the larger, overarching entities representing the Crown, the Wall Street bankers/Bilderbergers/TriLaterals running this charade, the Vatican and the soulless secret societies and clubs of feckless billionaires, the Tavistocks/Clubs of Rome/Freemasons/Skull and Bones/Bohemian Grove/Satanists, the “Illuminati” and the Operation Paperclip Nazis, the global shadow government manipulating Intel agencies worldwide–selling themselves as “TIs”, spreading abroad elaborate stories of being targeted themselves, while seeking to squash all meaningful public education and activism, in programs of absolutely immoral deception, manipulation, and exploitation. Raping the rape victim should come to mind, as also stoning the rape victim to death. Twice over, these Departments and Agencies―of the United States Government―and their global shadow government overseers condemn themselves.

Solution: Psychiatrists need to be held to higher standards of accountability to society, as do all medical professionals. In-built oversight and privacy mechanisms should exist, to prevent medical professionals and hospitals from secretly colluding with military and Intelligence agencies to allow or facilitate non-consensual and secret operations, implantings, and experimentations on patients.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Educated: Psychiatrists and physicians both should be educated on basic advances in neuroscience, and need to understand the expansive frontiers of both neuroscience and neuroweaponry today; they should also be apprised of the basics of Electronic Warfare, what non-lethal weapons are, and the fact that the Military is currently running open field tests of these radiation/sonic/scalar weapons on citizens; and they should be made aware of the ongoing history of non-consensual medical experimentation on citizens.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Required to Scan Patients: When patients report electromagnetic signals on their bodies, or the sensations of implants being activated in their bodies, or say they have a RF microchip in any part of their bodies, or report “voices in their head” which can be induced electronically―by various means, and have, ever since the Neurophone was invented in 1958 by a bright 14-year-old (Patrick Flanagan)– they need to be scanned or checked radiologically and physically, not gagged neuroleptically, and further abused with disbelief, discrediting, and psychosis-inducing drugs―this is exactly like raping the rape victim, or stoning the rape victim to death, as is currently practiced in that bastion of human rights, Saudi Arabia.

Neuroscientists and psychiatrists today need to be in conversation with each other, and military and Intelligence scientists need to step forward and engage in some candid whistleblowing about what the military and Intelligence agencies are really doing―instead of collecting blood-money paychecks for overseeing Covert Ops torture and maintaining an immoral silence. Tribunals should be held to hold doctors, psychiatrists, and hospitals accountable for misdiagnoses and malpractice on an astronomical scale: for colluding in non-consensual experimentation and exploitation of their patients, and for permitting the secret agencies to step in to inflict harm on the patients in their care.

Further, all societies and cultures should have a central ethical reporting body, separate from state departments of health, where anyone suspecting they have become subjects in non-consensual experimentation can go, or write/email to, to present affidavits, documentation, and testimonies, gain technical assistance to get body and brain-scanned, get their homes checked for surveillance devices and torture wiring, or otherwise prove such assaults electronically. Failing the presence of such a central reporting/assisting body, this ship continues to be rudderless and vacuous in direction. Non-consensual experimentees have no-one to report to, and our existing bodies like the President’s Bioethical Commission and SACHRP have stated or indicated they are not accepting and addressing any such reports―proving their absolute Strawman hollowness and inadequacy, and suggesting a covert establishment use as facade and in-name-only purveyance of Ethics. Beyond such hollow Commissions and Committees, in every county, every city, every state, every country, we need a dedicated human rights advocacy center for the examination of all claims of non-consensual covert experimentation and covert harassment for victims.

Media should be held accountable for the printing of lies and distortions, and should not be permitted to work actively with agencies to print propaganda and deceit. That Executive Order permitting propaganda and Psy Ops needs to be repealed. Media’s primary role as true informer to society and analytical observer of events needs to be reinstated. Essentially, Media should be held to the same high standards as for all citizens, and should be made prosecutable for acts of active deception, conducted to palliate the Military or the Government. The CIA’s link to Media needs to be well and truly broken. We need Media watchdogs who work ethically, with integrity, to keep Media on track.

Law Enforcement needs to be persuaded to change its orientation here, to assisting and supporting the public, not covered agencies running deadly programs of secret violence on us. This issue is obviously connected with our laws: we need to strike all citizen-harming laws from the book, and ensure that our police can act with openness and integrity instead of running Psy Ops and deception on the populace. Crime in the 21st-century has to be understood to include radiation assault with DEWs and antennas, and crime victims should be protected―not further abused―by police.

As for undercover infiltration and stifling of victim groups seeking desperately to inform the world of their exploitation and seeking humanity, seeking help, these US Departments and Agencies should know their day of reckoning is going to come much sooner than they imagine, and when it does, the supremely venal nature of their cruelty to Americans and citizens worldwide will be fully revealed, and will only serve to condemn themselves further. Again the answer here is to fully open the Government, require a complete accounting for all Covert Ops and Psy Ops budgets, demand full disclosure of all Covert Ops and undercover activities―and remove all such funding from these Departments and Agencies.

What Does This All Mean for America, and For the World?

Many believe the “New World Order” is a distant behemoth, one yet to be unrolled or manifest in our midst. Those of us actively being oppressed in the ways spelled out here know however that the criminals running this dystopia of control and suppression they seek to couch in euphemisms coyly suggestive of newness and order have already rolled it out, they’ve been rolling it out for years, and each year it gets more and more Orwellian and ruthless.

From the USA, to Canada, to countries in Europe, to South Africa, to India, to Sri Lanka, to Australia, to New Zealand, and many countries in between, we have been “taken over.” Still under cover of “Democracy” we have become societies where governments run secretly by vested corporate and banking interests–as well as covered Intelligence agencies filled with Satanic secret society members and Operation Paperclip Nazis–willingly countenance secret citizen abuse, secret oppression with radiation weapons and neuro-weapons, and secret cover-ups with Psy Ops, keeping one part of the masses numbed and ignorant with Media trickery, the other part terrorized and unlawfully co-opted with talk of terrorists/spies in their midst, which cover helps them run long-term programs of slander, abuse, and grotesque human experimentation (as human sacrifice?) on a select few: the most outstanding, the most outspoken, the most moral, the most incorruptible, the most innocent.

And what that experimentation is and promises to establish, globally, should not be forgotten.

One, the undisclosed use today of directed-energy weapons, remote neuroweapons, and sonic/radar surveillance devices (by the DOJ, by DHS, by the FBI, by local Law Enforcement, by Defense contractors) whose discharge is invisible and which lend themselves therefore to covered use as stealth weapons included in a stealth network of Smart Grids, cell towers, cell antennas, cell phones, satellites, planes, drones, helicopters, SUVs, vans, cars, Man-pads, utility vans, various kinds of parked equipment, landscaping/leaf-blowing/snow-blowing/street-sweeping equipment wielded by Special Ops/DIA operatives operating from “cover” businesses in our midst, ground-penetrating radar, and the vast, noncommital cover of “Electronic Surveillance”, permits not just continued unsuspected mass radiation & continued covert neuro surveillance, undisclosed, but the promise of secretive and remote and never-ending, future-lockdown, Full Control of populations, bodies and brains included, through mere threat of use of these deadly technologies―hinted at to communities currently, through use on specific, unfortunate, scapegoated targets in their midst.

Two, the programs being run by the Classified Ops brigade―the NSA/CIA/DARPA―with the involvement of DOJ, possibly, in Neuro-Crime programs―of MKULTRA-extended Trauma-Based Experimental Neuro-Modification, which include: Satellite Surveillance, Extremely Low Frequency/HAARP use in Electronic Brain Stimulation, Brain-Computer Interface, Electronic Brain Link, EEG Cloning/Heterodyning, Mind Hiving, and Neural Network research, Neural Dust, Nanotechnology, Neurostimulators, Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence―all of which these covered agencies are struggling to keep secret―suggest that what is being worked on behind the scenes is nothing less than the intention of eventual secretive and remote Full Brain, Nervous System, and Body Control of All humans, worldwide, by the technocrats in power.

Please note: Perusal of extant, historic, public-domain information on Neuroscience and Neuroweapon studies, as well as information from target accounts make very clear that such complete control of brains, nervous systems, and bodies is actually possible.

Is this the world that all those in Mainstream Media, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, the Intelligence agencies, the Security agencies, Law Enforcement, Information Technology, the DOD, the DOJ, who are either in the know, or actively and passively supporting, through their work and through their silence, really want?

Let’s be very clear, for all those in Law Enforcement, for all those employed at the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense, for all those in Intelligence and Security agencies and in every branch of Government who have integrity, uprightness, conscience, morality, ethics, and humanity at their core: this entire Targeting program is a program of Extreme Abuse. By means of this program―and all the pernicious Military and Intelligence weapons-testing and experimentation it allows―every single person who is involved is complicit and a participant in nothing less than the State-sanctioned and secret use of violence, torture, and all too often, murder of innocent civilians and veterans. This is indeed violence, indeed torture. It is also cruelty, malice, and victimization. It is absolutely not just “Surveillance” nor is it keeping the nation secure. It is both select human exploitation and mass repression of the kind that people endured under the Nazis and KGB, under Hitler and Stalin.

It is absolutely time for anyone and everyone of conscience to step forward, en masse, for mass whistleblowing, for conscience-driven hacking. We need―as global humanity–to shut down these satellites, these cell towers, these GWEN towers, the whole Smart Grid of Electronic Warfare that is currently inexorably turned on us, the whole panopticon of Surveillance under which it hides, we need to tear down the mammoth secrecy shielding and protecting these deadly programs of exploitation.

Either we all continue to consent silently to give ourselves and our children over to the endless secrecy and power of classification which endlessly permits the most heinous abuse, or we collectively find the steel and the spine to challenge and revoke that power today. If we let things slide today and do nothing, be assured, it’s our children who are being set up now to be further covertly controlled, electronically brain-stimulated, remotely radiation- and neuro-assaulted, bio-robotized, brain-linked, mind-hived, trans-humanized: for them, as also those thousands worldwide being exploited today as lab rats, and all 7 billion of us being targeted one way or the other, tomorrow is going to be too late.

Criminals in High Places: Delineate the Crime and Expose the Criminals

“Why call it something that it isn’t? The testing ended in the ’80s. This is an illegal subjugation program. The criminal elements running this program are doing it out of their greedy self interest. Whether it’s to intimidate and silence someone, discredit someone, sexual abuse, extortion, enslavement, sadistic torture that would make Nero blush, forced criminal labor, etc…Long term it’s social engineering and population control to preserve the power and interests of the criminal elite at the helm….This war being waged by elements in the deep state to illegally enslave the general populace for their greedy self interest is no experiment, even though I’m sure they’re still developing new devices. …Calling it an experiment…downplays it in the public’s mind and almost gives it a ringing of justification. It’s not, it’s a coup, a junta, treason, and a crime against humanity.

Look at all totalitarian regimes, which is the road America is on, who did they target, from Stalin to Pol Pot? The crème of the crop, the intellectuals, the well regarded military officers, the principled, the Christians, the self-made, and those that posed the greatest threat to the tyrants’ ability to carry out whatever agenda they saw fit or those most capable of steering the loyalty of the people away from the tyrant.”

–Spencer Carter,

“The US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence should be looking into the relevant crimes as should the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on national security and foreign affairs. Any approaches to these bodies through MPs, should note that the Departments of Defence, Energy, Homeland Security, Treasury, State, etc., as well as the CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, ODNI, Office of Homeland Security and (since ’96 when this escalated) the NGIA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) are all involved or complicit in the crimes in question. The systematic covert oppression, discreditation, experimentation and more in relation to caring, honest citizens branded as dissidents by criminals in high places is one of the greatest hidden crimes of the last 50 years. It is a ‘silent holocaust’.”

–Paul Baird,

“The United States has a long history of non consensual experimentation … no one can dispute this ….

Well, it appears that they’re at it again as thousands around the world complain of painful electronic assaults which are affecting their bodies and minds …. Of course, the attempts to discredit these reports are well funded, … I guess that Defense contractors don’t want to give up their huge multi-million dollar contracts …. the pain and horror inflicted upon the victims doesn’t seem to matter … it’s a matter of National Security they’ll say … collateral damage they’ll say …. yeah right, but never any mention of one dime for the victims who are often tortured for years at a time with these war toys … it’s as if they’re not even human beings, just lab rats, nothing more … another chapter from “The Death of Compassion” movement which we seem to be going through as money becomes King …

Millions are being made by weapons manufacturers and the victims of these assaults are bankrupted, ignored, destroyed and discredited … there’s absolutely no excuse for this, but then everyone connected with National Defense is brainwashed into an attitude of the ends justifying the means, and hey, it aint their families being destroyed … but you know, once this technology becomes widespread, it very well could be …

…The following has now been confirmed by direct evidence presented to our courts:

    1. Innocent citizens are being used against their will in painful experimentation.
    2. Innocent citizens are being drugged and implanted with modern technology without their knowledge or consent.
    3. Remote influencing technologies are causing pain and chaos to innocent lives.”

–Rosanne Schneider,,Author, Surveillance, Torture, and Control in the Modern World

“The most heinous of all realizations: I am a HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. Just writing those words still shakes me to the core. I guess I have known for more than a year, but only in the last few months have I seen enough to know with 100 percent certainty. The most shocking thing of all, the Government I served, vowed to give my life for as a member of the US Armed Forces runs the Test Laboratory, and I am their LAB RAT.

I guess what is even more appalling, if there could be such a thing is more appalling than knowledge of your own participation in human experimentation, is that just as in every laboratory experiment, once the researchers extract as much as they can from the Lab Animal, they always end their test subject’s life through euthanasia.

Thousands of Innocent Americans share my plight. Thousands try to call this to the attention of a country of citizens who “Just refuse to believe” our government could do that to us. The most tragic thing about all of this is, if this were a prosecutor looking for likely suspects, there could only be one. American history is littered with thousands of known victims of these unthinkable crimes against humanity, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, MK-Ultra LSD trials, CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, DoD injecting soldiers with micrograms of plutonium for Project Oak Ridge, testing the effects of Agent Orange on the skin of US Soldiers, and on and on. Still we continue to tell our truth to (deaf) ears. I, like the thousands of other victims do not deserve this. We suffer as these butchers work tirelessly to try to convince the world that somehow we do deserve it. I say, ‘How could anyone deserve this?'”

–Kenneth Peartree, Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force, Retired

“…The Defense Intelligence Agency just released a report, saying the military needs to spend more on neuroscience―up to and including “making the enemy obey our commands”. The problem is the line between who the enemy really is has become blurred and technology is now turned on (us) and operated by those practicing unscrupulous, unethical tactics and strategies due to little public knowledge, and, as I write in ‘You are Not my “Big Brother!”, the covert, subliminal, manipulative capabilities of numerous technologies and numerous delivery systems. In other words, “All hell has broken loose” as the ethics and moral issues surrounding the technology and inevitable abuses and victimizations, outside of any laws of protection, continue to escalate unchecked and unmonitored.”

–Renee Pittman Mitchell,,Author, Remote Brain Targeting (2012), You Are Not My “Big Brother!”, Covert Technological Murder, and other books

“This program of persecution is not carried out by the government you learned about in your history books. Currently, supra-governmental think tanks, which are interlocked with Wall Street and the tax-exempt foundations, control America and other NATO nations.

These groups are composed of multinational corporations, royalty, international banks, and people of tremendous wealth. This interlock has been called the Invisible Government. It is a satanic/psychopathic organization.

They control the mass media, which is their primary distribution center for lies and propaganda. Politics, industry, academia, and finance are also under their control. The President is their puppet.

They create policy by circumventing Congress and the voting public, which is filtered down into federal, state, and local governments. It is enacted without public knowledge or approval. Influenced by convincing propaganda, there are people who carry out their policy with the best of intentions. In all likelihood, the Hidden Evil is their creation.”

–Mark Rich,,Author, The Hidden Evil (2008), New World War, and other books

“On Feb. 7, 1950, James Paul Warburg, “testified” to the American Senate: “We shall have World Government,whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”… His uncle, Paul Warburg, was co-founder of the Federal Reserve. The Warburg family is Illuminati (a powerful German Jewish secret society).

Also, Fletcher Prouty makes clear in his 1973 book, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, that achieving a “One World” order was a primary, albeit secret, political/military objective of American leaders in the immediate post-WWII period.

In this context, we can view the chemtrail spraying of toxins, EMF radiation, vaccines, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), ELF transmissions via HAARP, etc., as parts of a blanket (United Nations) depopulation program, whereas gang stalking/DEW is a weapons system designed to target and neutralize (kill) individuals who are perceived as threats to the system.

This is obviously today’s covert equivalent of a typical despotic government’s “first strike” to target and eliminate the intelligencia/teachers/social workers/political activists, as was, for example, the CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam. With these potential leaders removed, totalitarian governments can more easily manipulate the masses. To better understand how the NSA/DHS/CIA/FBI organized stalking program is merely the modern extension of the CIA’s MKULTRA, the FBI’s COINTELPRO, and the CIA’s Phoenix programs, see Marshall Thomas’ “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program.”

The main point here is that these are top secret, U.S.-government-sponsored, Black and Wet Operations. Most Congressmen, Senators, political representatives, and citizens evidently do not even know about them. MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and the Phoenix Program, of course, were also top secret Black and Wet Ops in the 1950’s – 1970s. No one was supposed to know about these programs either, but they have long since been thoroughly exposed.

Today’s organized stalking operations are so heinous and unAmerican that education and exposure is probably our best defense against them. When a critical mass of American and world citizens learn about these programs, I believe they will stop and heads will roll. It is up to us, as TIs, then, to make sure that these programs are exposed soon and the right heads roll. It is now our job to name the guilty, the top planners and sponsors of these programs, as best as we can. This won’t be that hard. We already know the names of many of the CIA “spychiatrists” involved in Project MKULTRA and we also know the names of the individuals who developed the patents for the critical psychotronic weapons.

I feel our imperative, then, is to expose the guilty. And re-expose and re-expose and re-expose. First, we must delineate the crime and then we must expose the criminals.”

–Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University;,


Sources and Further Information

Laws, Executive Orders, Military Directives, Handbooks

Executive Order 12333

Executive Order on “Behavioral Insights”

Department of Defense Regulation 5240.1R

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2016

Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code

United States Homeland Security Laws and Regulations Handbook

Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Handbook

Electronic Warfare/Non-Lethal Weapons/Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research

Developing Non-Lethal Weapons: The Human Effects Characterization Process

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fourth Edition

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fifth Edition

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons/Document Provided to Donald Friedman on FOIA Request, 2006

Cheryl Welsh, MindJustice: Sample of Rare and Outstanding Articles from 1976 to 1996

Buyable Portable DEWs/Available Online:

Shomer-Tec Sonic Assault

Shomer-Tec Sonic Nausea

Physical & Biometric Surveillance and Monitoring Technologies

Sep 30, 2014, Becky Lewis, Tech Beat Magazine: Through-the-wall sensors advance tactical awareness

April 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Use Case Scenarios, Version 1.3

October 2012, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement Market Survey/Annotated List

March 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Test and Evaluation, Version 1.2/Technical details

Handheld RFID Scanner: RFID Asset Management/Law Enforcement

William Pawelec: Billions of Microchips Made by Siemens in 1984, Trackable from Space

Ex-IBM Employee Reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips

Mark Rich/Excerpt from New World War; Surveillance Technologies and Methods

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland: Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About

2005, AzoNano: Tagging, Monitoring, and Tracking Using Nanotechnology Methods and Devices

6/25/13, Privacy SOS: The Future Beckons But We Aren’t Ready For It

5 Sep 2007, Slideshow Briefing, Unclassified: US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)

April 17, 2012, PBS Brains on Trial, Alan Alda Interviews Owen Jones/When Neuroscience Meets Criminal Law (video). Extended Brains On Trial videos here.

2013, James Giordano, Predictive Neuroscience: Facts, Fictions, and Fears of Scanning Brains and Reading Minds (video)

2008, Kingsley Dennis, Opening Pandora’s box: How technologies of communication and cognition may be shifting towards a ‘Psycho–Civilized Society’

Nov 18, 2010, Joe Hasler, Popular Mechanics: The Truth About TSA Airport Scanning

Nov 9, 2015, Peter Moskowitz, GQ: The Future of Policing is Here, and It’s Terrifying

Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues: Advanced Surveillance and Harassment Technologies

2013, ICAACT, Robert Naeslund: What is Mind Control?

Surveillance and Monitoring Processes

Sep 2015, GAO, Confidential Informants/Updates to Policy and Additional Guidance Would Improve Oversight to DOJ and DHS Agencies

Sep/Oct 2011, Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones: The Informants

Sep 5, 2008, Van De Kamp vs Goldstein, ACLU Amicus Brief (Unregulated reliance on informants)

The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

August 2004, Jay Stanley, ACLU: The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society

Aug 22, 2012, Stephen Lendman, Mint Press News: Lawless National Security Letters

Wrongful Surveillance and Secret Physical Searches On Thousands of Innocent Americans Permitted by “Rubber-Stamped” FISA Court Warrants andApprovals

May 2015, President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing, Final Report

21st-Century Policing Implementation Guide

Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Department of Justice/Website

October 2016, Strategic Plan For Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States

National Neighborhood Watch/National Sheriffs’ Association Website

Fusion Centers and RISS Centers/DHS Website

Dec 2007, Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU: What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

FOIA Request Reports and Documents

FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA

FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use

Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002

FCC Spreadsheet of UWB Devices Inclusive of TTWS Devices

Whistleblower Testimony

John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA lawsuit

June 2014, Diane Roark: Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward (video)

Nov 18, 2016, Jeff Rense and Karen Stewart: NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart, Gang-Stalking victim (video)

Nov 22, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: The NSA Gang Stalks Its Own: Jeff Rense Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart – Part I/Transcript

Nov 25, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: NSA/Homeland Security “Paid Vigilante Militia Thugs” (Excerpts from Rense-Stewart Interview (11/18/16))- Transcript

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

Sep 27, 2016, Karen Stewart’s interview with Rob McConnell, Xzone (video)

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Nov 29, 2016, Jeff Rense and Preston James: Psychotronic Mind Control Technologies (video)

Geral Sosbee: Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent’s Gruesome Ordeal

March 2007, Geral Sosbee, Affidavit

Carl Herman/Washington’s Blog: National Security Whistleblower Mark Novitsky Interview: NSA spies on absolutely everything, will never stop, and will only expand

March 2014, Project Camelot Interviews Mark Novitsky(video)

26 April, 2011, Ted Gunderson, Affidavit

NSA Mind Control and Psyops” by Will Filer

 Evidence of Covert Implantation

David A. Larson: Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation

John Nicholson, BAE Implant World: Illegal Human Experimentation

Roxy Lopez/The Truth Denied: How to Remove an RFID Implant (Interview with James Wahlbert)

Richard L. Cain: Lawsuit Vs Barack Obama, DOD, CIA, others

Robert Naeslund: A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out

The Targeting Program

Marshall Thomas: Monarch, The New Phoenix Program–Army Intelligence, INSCOM, MKULTRA, COINTELPRO

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

“Exemptions to Informed Consent” in Classified Research and Non-Consensual Covert/Clandestine Human Subject Experimentation in the USA Today Versus “Consent of the Governed”

Exploring The FBI’s “Consensual Monitoring” and the CIA’s “Concealed Monitoring”: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications?

Renee Pittman Mitchell/How the Covert Psycho-Physical Program is Structured Today

Books and Website Compilations, Patents, Technologies

Links to Informational Websites:

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues/Links

Renee Pittman Books

Lists of Patents & Covert Technologies:

Resources, Targeted-Individuals.Net

A List of Patented Mind Control Weapons the Government is Using on You/StopOrgangstalking

The Complex, How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse (Metropolitan Books, 2008)

New World War by Mark Rich

The Hidden Evil by Mark Rich

Bright Light on Black Shadows by Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD

Remote Brain Targeting by Renee Pittman Mitchell

Invisible Crime by Michael Bell

Gangstalking: The Threat to Humanityby Dr. Cork Cherubini

Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace, by Dr. Nick Begich

Earth Rising: Betrayal of Science, Society, and the Soul, by Dr. Nick Begich

Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, by Dr. Nick Begich

The Matrix Deciphered by Dr. Robert Duncan

Project Soul-Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed by Dr. Robert Duncan

Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control, by Dr. John Hall

The Body Electric, by Robert O. Becker


This article may be re-posted in whole or part with attribution and linkback–please share widely.

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted 10/16/2016

(With information from Ella Free, Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, and other human rights activists)

In a breakthrough historic and supportive move on a Talkshoe call-in show last week—and a first in terms of notable public figures publicly acknowledging covert targeting with electromagnetic and neuro-weapons as real–NSA whistleblower powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe stepped forward to announce their support, concern for, and distinct plans to assist the entire community of “Targeted Individuals” in the United States and worldwide.


William Binney, Retired Technical Director, NSA
Kirk Wiebe, Retired Senior Analyst, NSA

Informed observers will know that “TIs” –often outspoken people of integrity in their communities who become the targets of wrongful surveillance–have long sought redress through civil liberties and human rights groups for their experience of long-term, continuous, and profoundly inhumane remote assault with radiation and sonic weapons, directed-energy weapons (also labeled “non-lethal” weapons), and classified technologies, as well as community slander, stalking, and psychiatric discrediting in what many have suspected are clandestine and illegal programs of biometric surveillance, COINTELPRO, and non-consensual weapons-testing and neuro-experimentation.

(While data continues to trickle in, it is currently estimated by various activists that there are up to 10,000 Targeted Individuals in the US and guesstimates of up to 30 million worldwide.)

The call was hosted and arranged by activist and Talkshoe host, Ella Free, a media-savvy activist from Oregon with training in broadcasting from Juillard, a career background in fashion-modeling and advertising from New York and California, and a warm and generous persona well-suited to putting her guests and callers at ease on the supportive call-in show she hosts twice weekly for those being wrongfully assaulted by classified technologies and radar/microwave surveillance devices.

This particular late night show garnered a lot of interest among TIs nationwide with 211 callers, 87 live participants, and 160 downloads (and hundreds more since the first week) of the nearly four-hour long show, which is still online at Talkshoe and can be accessed here. Ella Free, a long-time foster-mother and currently adoptive mom to three siblings offered an intellectual probing of NSA surveillance and security issues yet projected a warm and nurturing tone to the conversation which felt like it was taking place under mellow lamplight in a family living-room, with both illustrious guests seemingly as candid and eager to talk as the many callers who offered their appreciation and support.

In consequence, both Mr. Wiebe and Mr. Binney offered quite candid retrospectives of their experience at the NSA post 9-11, of uncovering illegal programs of surveillance violative of the US Constitution, more vivid in many ways than previous national reportage on these subjects (more below).

Proving the Reality of Remote Radiation Targeting, Tracking, and Assault

chc_2014_facebookWhen asked how they had heard about the darker programs of targeting, Bill Binney said he had been introduced to the phenomenon of “Targeted Individuals” when he was invited to give a talk in Brussels at the Covert Harassment Conference in 2014, by well-known Swedish mind control activist Magnus Olsson, and heard the testimonies and talks there by several speakers. Kirk Wiebe said he was first informed about this kind of abusive targeting by Phil Marie in Connecticut, host of the Wheel of Freedom radio show, which has featured several NSA whistleblowers including Kirk Wiebe, Karen Stewart, and Thomas Drake.


Wheel of Freedom

Mr. Binney, who assured his audience his and Mr. Wiebe’s over-40 years of experience with data analysis, crypto-mathematics, and scientific process is being brought to bear on this task, is seeking to prove to an all-too-under-informed world the absolute reality of assault with remote radiation neuroweaponry in our midst and described his plan to do so.

Kirk and I have agreed to look at data that is being compiled by other TIs–and they’re looking at the community around the world and trying to gather information. Here’s what we’re attempting to do.

We need to have some kind of irrefutable process to prove what kinds of things are happening …and what the consequences are and how it’s affecting people. So we want to collect all the symptoms people have–not emotional or feeling, but just the basic facts–what is happening and exactly what it is, not burying it in any kind of emotion, but assembling the basic facts—on specifically how they are affected.”

The next step, he says, comes from “assembling information from publications and so on from the government—on non-lethal weapons that are being developed, and the kinds of consequences that can accrue from these kinds of weapons–and then we’ll be matching one with the other… putting together ways and means of looking at the spectrum within which these devices operate, and seeing how it will be possible to detect and verify that these things are occurring.

And then finally, we’ll try to put together recommendations on how people should proceed, to try and prove what is happening with them specifically with compiled evidence–in such a way that you can bring the evidence into a court of law, without emotion, a straightforward means of documenting events and happenings and evidence. We’re trying to use the discipline that we use for our data analysis, the kind of process that Kirk and I have experience in for over 40 years–trying to put it in this kind of scientific process that would be demonstrable in a court of law.”

Concealed High-Tech Side of NSA Surveillance: Remote Brain Targeting

Offering supportive responses to the many callers who thanked them for their courage in standing up for TIs, as for instance, a man from Florida, who informed them his teenage sons were also targeted, and said, “It takes courage to stand up to a government out of control,” Kirk Wiebe responded to a question by long-time activist Todd Giffen on what they knew of NSA’s more high-tech satellite tracking capabilities. Todd remarked he had done much investigative research, and had documentation to prove his case yet lacked funding and lawyers, to which Wiebe responded:

We understand the predicament you are in, we have been in similar situations–just because we haven’t seen it at NSA or CIA doesn’t mean a doggone thing…NSA and CIA work in compartmented areas, or on a Need to Know basis. We do know government has a history of experimentation against people, and the DOD has authorization to conduct experiments on people, some with consent, some without consent–they have the power and the money to deliver all kinds of electronic methods against people. We need to do some correlation as a group. Thank God we have people like you.”

us_military_satellite_network2Todd Giffen, who created and runs the informative websites,, and, had pointed out that although much information now exists, thanks to Snowden and other whistleblowers about “the low tech side, the fiber-optic bulk acquisition through telecommunications,” we don’t hear at all about the high-tech side, and space capabilities, which he said Russell Tice has spoken about. He mentioned satellite technologies, remote electron spin resonance scans, 3-d holograph scans from military satellites, as well as remote brain scans—described in Malech’s patent of 1974—and through-wall surveillance technology. From his experience of time spent at Oregon State Hospital, he mentioned also that he had seen “security audio and video of staff spying on people, doing a full brain scan.” Bill Binney responded that he could only say he knew of “some of the capabilities they have, but nothing of the nature of what you’re talking about–I’d like to see documentation.”

malech1Todd Giffen suggested they might look up “military radar MRI,” technology which has been around for 40 years, which, he says, is being used now for counter-Intelligence, to torture people who have witnessed Government crimes. In comment, Todd adds, “In fact, military radar does MRI, and all MRI machines are adapted from military radar/satellite tech.”

Targeted Individuals” Call in With Information on Covert Brain Targeting and Directed-Energy Weapons Assault

Other notable callers to the show included David Voigts, former US Navy officer who has been walking across America to raise awareness about Targeted Individuals and the covert human-machine-interface program experimentation he says they are being subjected to, Dave Case, an electronics engineer who said he was targeted following an invention on photonic processes he tried to patent, and who offered a countermeasure to beat the tinnitus and induced brain damage from continuous Remote Neural Monitoring, James Lico, another long-term activist who spoke about radar tracking from satellites and directed-energy weapon use from neighbors, and Rosanne Marie Schneider who has compiled much useful information in a book titled Surveillance, Torture and Control in the Modern World, and offered advice on toxicology analysis and SCADA analysis, methodologies she noted of determining the content of radio-frequency nanotrancievers in human bodies, related to targeting with remote surveillance radar.

51oozfom-zlaAdditionally, various callers called in to report the traumatic and deleterious effects of the abusive targeting they are currently experiencing, with a few in tears as they reported round-the-clock assaults with directed-energy weapons that cause all kinds of damage to health including radiation burns, tinnitus, hypertension, organ damage, electric shocks, painful remote neural monitoring, and EMF attacks on their children. Callers expressed outrage and distress over the use of covert weaponry in a program of 24/7 surveillance which is apparently being hidden glibly by our Surveillance State as rightful “surveillance,” under false cover of a blitz of National Security Letters to communities, local vigilanteism, and wrongful secret charges of Patriot Act/Freedom Act-extended “terrorism” and “espionage”.

Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation


David Voigts

Ex-Navy Officer and whistleblower David Voigts, introducing himself, mentioned his Naval training as a systems engineer specializing in Nuclear warfare and Electronic warfare, where he had learned that a covert program of non-consensual neuro-experimentation with brain-computer interfaces was underway and ruining the lives of thousands of people across America and worldwide. As a whistleblower, he intimated, he too had had to weigh his own options of disclosure; the path he chose was to find a way to have himself be targeted or entered into the program, so he could work from the inside to speak out and reveal its existence.

Dave Case, an electronic engineer who said he tries to come on as many calls as he can and offers his invention freely as a countermeasure to help targets defeat the remote brain link and sleep better, explained both his targeting and his invention: “I tried to make a photonic processor and a photonic memory system–I was attacked by an agency with very high technology–ringing tinnitus in my ear absolutely destroyed my life. My countermeasure helped 29 people reduce or eliminate tinnitus.” He said he learned “that a patent on my photonic processor already exists and it’s called National Security, that’s why I was targeted, I have documentation of a NSA lawsuit.”

brain2Describing the system of remote brain targeting, he said:

“NSA Signals Intelligence uses remote brain stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring and Electronic Brain Link–what my invention does is jam the spectrum they are using, it’s called a bio-relevant feedback loop. If you target a individual, you have to get their heart rate, their body temperature, brain waves, many sets of data, and I believe they’re using the GPS signal as a main carrier and these photonic processors in a magic tree formation and they’re using this to target a large number of individuals…they are using the skin as a transducer, in other words, the skin is transforming a higher frequency to an audible frequency.”

Questioned by Kirk Wiebe about the audible frequency, he said “it is a range of about 5 khz to 35 khz,” and that his countermeasure created a signal played via CD and headphones that “contaminates the bio-relevant feed-back loop and breaks down the loop and then the brain is free from brain-link and your brain is allowed to heal—because they’re actually damaging the brain, they are interfering with the brain chemistry.” Both Binney and Wiebe expressed interest in hearing more and in working more closely with Mr. Case.

dsm5Other callers included one from Tomo Shibata, an activist in the Bay Area working on setting up class-action lawsuits, one aimed at the American Psychiatric Association for permitting and creating the duplicitous superstructure for psychiatrists to issue wrongful diagnoses of paranoid schizophrenia for all those reporting remote electronic assaults with EMFs. She reported that initial conversations with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group, had been encouraging, with EFF suggesting they might get involved as co-counsel.

Another caller mentioned the need for scientific and technical expert assistance with measuring, documenting, and proving the reality of assaults with electromagnetic weapons. In both cases, Mr. Wiebe was encouraging and helpful, offering advice and contact information for people he knew who might be able to help, and stating that their survey project was intended to lead to eventual identification of the right scientific and medical team, who could assist further.

Notably, one caller asked if Snowden may have downloaded a document covering this EMF targeting, and Kirk Wiebe mentioned the names of journalists Glenn Greenwald and Barton Gellman among those in charge of Snowden’s 1.5 million-document cache as the right people to ask about this. Bill Binney mentioned the difficulties in parsing through such vast amounts of data, including the need for unique descriptors and keywords. The book, The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (The American Empire Project) by Chalmers Johnson, a historic treatment of the rise of the US military/Intelligence state was recommended by another caller.

Scrapping the Constitution in Secret and Creating a Secret Government Within the Government”

The framework for this call of course was Ella Free’s interview with both high-profile whistleblowers, whom she had first contacted in relation to possible shows with Sean Stone, actor, TV producer, and documentary film-maker (and son of Oliver Stone), featured in Jesse Ventura’s show, Conspiracy Theory/Brain Invaders, with whom she had struck a connection after reaching out to him on social media.

Re-living their own experience at the NSA just around the time of 9/11 offers startling insights into the atmosphere and secrecy of covert government programs originating at that time.

In describing his own latter work supporting Bill Binney’s efforts to extract “nuggets of Intelligence gold” from the vast cache of data available on the Internet, Kirk Wiebe, retired Senior Analyst at the NSA said he was “appalled that NSA completely ignored what Bill had done in that effort and left the ballgame to private industry, no doubt to curry favor financially after that—it’s part of a normal tradition for senior government workers: they leave government life and take lucrative jobs with private contractors essentially, so money took a fair amount of importance at the cost of American lives–money took precedence over normal lives.”

Turning the System Loose Against Americans

An important question posed by Ms. Felder was: When did these whistleblowers first realize the lack of integrity in the NSA and notice violations of the Constitution?

Kirk Wiebe narrated how a sudden storing of servers in the hallway and being kept out of “sensitive discussions” at a meeting helped raise suspicions that something at the NSA wasn’t quite right. Confirmation came, he said, when the contractor Bill Binney was working with “was asked by NSA authorities to begin using some of the tools Bill had put together for analysis, to look at the private data of American phone calls, in other words, US citizens, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong. And that contractor asked Bill: Bill, do you realize what they are doing…they are turning the system loose against Americans.”

And of course when you hear something like that, that’s the worst thing possible. And it had been drilled into our heads that one does not spy, and turn the machinery of spies against the American people. We had gone through that kind of illegal behavior in 1975. Severe penalties were put against the NSA, two Congressional Intelligence committees were set up to make sure it never happened again—and here we are in the 2000s now, years later, and the Intelligence committees are actually in bed with NSA, they act in concert to protect what NSA is doing, rather than doing the oversight for the American people that they were empowered to do in 1975. What an utter catastrophe for privacy and freedom in the United States.

Bill Binney picked up the narrative:

Of course I discussed it with Kirk–we couldn’t stay there and be accessories to all these crimes they were committing. They were scrapping the Constitution in secret and creating basically a secret government within the government–and they got it by bringing in initially only 4 people from Congress: Chair and Ranking Member of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees; on the House that was Porter Goss, Chair, and Nancy Pelosi was the Ranking Member. And (Bob) Graham and (Richard) Shelby were Members on the Senate side. They brought those 4 people in on the 4th of Oct, 2001, and gave them a briefing on it, they were not allowed to bring any staff or talk to anyone about it and they all agreed to these programs at that time–and at the same time they got briefed on all the torture programs and such out of the CIA. Once they agreed, you see, they were now co-opted in, they had to defend the programs in their respective Houses of Congress.

At that point we decided we couldn’t stick around for all this and we had to get out there as fast as we could. It took us two and a half weeks to get out of the place.”

Bill Binney also notes that since he knew all the leadership at the NSA, since he was, himself, in a top management position, working for the Deputy Director, NSA, he “didn’t think it was necessary to talk to them because they were all committed to this–obviously their orders came from the White House. I mean, Richard Nixon got impeached for a fraction of what was happening today. It was obvious to me it was pointless to talk to them, we had to go directly to the Congressional Committees–it was their job, their charter, the Committees were created to protect against this, but you see, we didn’t know that the leadership of those Committees were both committed to this–so that was a pointless effort.”

And Diane Rourke was the one we went to initially, she attempted to try to get it across to them, she wrote internal memos about it too at that time, this was late 2001, early 2002–but that didn’t work–after that we attempted to go to the third branch, the Supreme Court, get a meeting with Chief Justice Rehnquist at the time.” He details, interestingly, how this effort was conducted through social connections. “We were going outside channels, because we knew that channels would stifle it—but that didn’t work at all either–eventually we complained to the DOJ and DOD Inspector Generals, and also some members of Congress—but after that, that’s when the FBI and the DOJ attempted to falsify evidence to indict us–the only reason they didn’t was we caught them at it, and we had evidence of malicious prosecution, and they dropped us like a hot potato at that point.”

Sabotage, Framing, Fabrication, Blacklisting

Discussing his program Thin Thread at NSA, Bill Binney emphasized that filters it used to detect threats focused primarily on known targets, identified through zone-of-suspicion graphing via specific social media activity, and excluded Americans communicating with Americans unless a known target was involved, but these filters, among others, were dropped, as the more sweeping and less-focused Trailblazer was adopted instead.

Kirk Wiebe recounted how “after we left the building, we decided to get together with Ed Loomis (Senior Computer Systems Analyst) who also managed that research with Bill at the NSA” and use typical court-procedures based on probable-cause information to apply to their own data analysis of high volume digital communications, for clients such as the CIA and DHS, in ways that did not violate the Constitution or the Fourth Amendment.

This was repeatedly sabotaged:

Every time we succeeded we were shut down…even though we were demonstrating success with several clients, including DHS and Boeing Corporation. Contracts were terminated….When I spoke to a senior executive at Boeing and showed him a basic graph (how) we would protect the IDs of innocents, he said ‘Nobody cares about that!’–and this guy had high contacts in government. And Bill and I were appalled to hear that response–‘Nobody cares about that.’ That was a rude awakening for me, finding out that your government didn’t really care about the Constitution and the rights of the people.”

Bill Binney also notes, about the heavily-redacted DOD Inspector General’s report (following whose release the FBI raided the homes [on the 26th of July, 2007], of complaint-signers Binney, Wiebe, Loomis, and Roark simultaneously) investigating their complaints of fraud, waste, and corruption at the NSA: “The IG report is redacted because it catches them in all their lies—the corruption, the fraud, and the waste.”

Then-insider NSA official Thomas Drake, instrumental in the research and creation of the IG Report, was also raided, six months later. In both cases, Binney notes, fabrications and wrongful attempts to tie them to wrongdoing were evident: “It’s framing people. That’s basically what they tried to do to us, to fabricate evidence to convict us, to put us away for thirty-five years just like they tried to do with Tom.”

Binney notes that after three times of being charged in this way after the FBI raid, Binney and Wiebe unloaded all their evidence (on a known-to-be-tapped phone-call to Thomas Drake) so as to inform the tapping-in FBI they would sue them for fabrication of evidence and malicious prosecution if they tried to indict them, not long after which, unsolicited, they were quietly provided letters of immunity by the Department of Justice and the charges dropped.

The point to be made here, Mr. Wiebe stressed, was that the NSA sought desperately to make examples of Thomas Drake as well as these whistleblowers, suspending clearances, stooping to fabricate evidence in attempts to “put the fear of God” into any future whistleblower, and punish them.

Bill Binney stated that taxpayers were being bilked out of hundreds of billions of dollars by the NSA, where a steady pipeline runs from the non-solving of the problem to keeping contractors contracting and profiting. “What they’re doing is cover up the biggest swindle the world has ever seen.” The vision statement for the NSA that Binney provided to Thomas Drake’s campaign ran: “Keep the problem going, so the money keeps flowing.”

Consequences outside these charges also persisted; Binney mentioned being warrantlessly wiretapped and blacklisted, so neither could obtain further employment in their field and continue to use their security analysis expertise in service to the nation. “The FBI would come behind us and say we’re investigating these people,” so job opportunities and contracts fell through. Thomas Drake, as well, was subject to these attempts at complete career destruction.

Were these the country’s most high-profile Targeted Individuals themselves then? Blacklisting and employment sabotage along with character ruination in the community, TIs know, are hallmarks of the inexplicable assault on their character and integrity. Both whistleblowers aver commitment to exposing government wrongdoing. “Now the target is to get the word out on how the government is shredding the Constitution…we’re not even able to get redressal in the courts.” Kirk Wiebe mentioned the case Jewel vs the NSA in the 9th Circuit Court, as the only case that is still ongoing, that might offer some hope.

The recently-released films, A Good American and Oliver Stone’s Snowden, Bill Binney recommended, are means for letting Americans see more clearly “what kind of evil government we really have”.

Intelligence Agency Exemptions from Whistleblower Protections & Government Audits: “A Set-Up For Corruption”

Very relevant to the issue of covert targeting and covert electronic surveillance today are the issues of blanket exemptions for Intelligence agencies, who don’t have to protect whistleblowers, and are permitted to keep all their expenditures hidden, even from Congress, by dodging audits.

Kirk Wiebe notes, “There are laws to protect whistleblowers everywhere in government except the Intelligence Community—so we’re exempted, and I wonder why.”

Bill Binney points out also that “NSA and Intelligence agencies are exempt from auditing by the US government…Which means, as Head of NSA, you get 10-15 billion dollars a year to spend, and no-one checks to see where you spent it…it’s a set-up for corruption and that’s exactly what’s going on.”

Kirk Wiebe marked the inexplicable refusal by Congressional Committees to address NSA corruption, surveillance over-reach, and denial of rights:

While we’re helping educate the average person about these issues, we’re making no headway in the political arena. We’ve been invited to the Hill to talk to Congresspeople but nothing changes, and we’re never even invited–we have testified before the Council of Europe, in the British Parliament, the Austrian Parliament, and other EU Parliamentarians–but not once have we sat down with a Committee of Congressmen to discuss what we could bring to the government in the way of fixing what is now a Constitutional crisis of mass surveillance and denial of rights–never once.”

A rejoinder from Bill Binney caps the irony here of Intelligence Committees failing to gather intelligence:

“I also testified to the German Bundestaag, and the Intelligence Committees of the US government sent representatives over to listen–I looked at them and said, you know I’m only just 20 miles up the road, why don’t you give me a call, I’ll come down. Instead, they sent them all the way to Germany, Berlin to listen to my testimony–that tells you the kind of corruption and insecurity involved in our own government.”

Deeper and Darker NSA Today: “A Raft of Failures”

To Ella’s closing question about their thoughts on the current NSA, whether they think it’s gotten better, or just deeper and darker, both former NSA officials indicated the latter.

nsa-1aBill Binney said “They like to stay deeper and darker…They left vulnerabilities in place in source code for years and permitted exposure of data, leaving everyone in the world vulnerable to attack–and that’s how the OPMs got hacked, millions of citizens applying for clearances…and now they’re using this information that we are being attacked to drum up much more money for Cybersecurity.”

Direct in his assessment, he spelled out: “It’s a process of trying to swindle money out of the population–so it’s been a swindle all along with these Intelligence Communities and Committees. This is what Eisenhower warned about–the Military-Industrial complex—now, it’s the Military-Industrial-Intelligence complex.”

Kirk Wiebe pointed to the inefficiencies of massive bulk collection of data, and NSA’s inability to stop terrorism:

The other thing I would add, Ella, is it’s shocking to hear of attacks in Paris, Brussels, the shootings, it’s been a raft of failures—NSA failed to stop any of them, that is shocking–the only reason NSA exists is to stop threats and they’re failing miserably, and every year they ask for more money, and more access to data, and they continue to argue that they are failing because they don’t have enough, but no, they are failing because they are dying on too much data–they can’t pick out the needles from a monstrous haystack–this lunacy of getting more and more about innocent people is ridiculous; we need to focus on getting data only from those with most suspicion of committing terror on people.”

Care and Concern For Those Being Targeted, Tortured with Remote Radiation Weapons

Outstanding on this call, which commends itself for so many reasons, and should be listened to by any and every citizen worldwide with an interest in the truth, human rights, and humanity, was the true concern and kindness evinced by both Kirk Wiebe and Billl Binney, who frequently said, “I wish we could do more to help all these people,” “Someone had to do something,” and “We are going to get this addressed.” Interviewer Ella Felder’s care and concern, as well, to support and connect all callers shone through.

Considering that the issue of Targeted Individuals and remote attacks with radiation/psychotronic/Mind Control weapons—much maligned, lied-about online at places like Wikipedia, Rational Wiki, (and, surprisingly, even the moderated Comments section at The Intercept), clearly propagandaized by mainstream media, including stalwarts like the New York Times—has been suppressed, repressed, and kept covert for decades now (all in the service of “National Security”?) this public endorsement by these two whistleblowers of integrity and conscience seems to represent a huge step forward both for “TI”s and all of humanity.

Ella Free spoke truly for all being covertly assaulted worldwide, no doubt, when she mentioned the relief of TIs at finally being recognized: “We are beyond grateful.”

Robert Duncan, author of Project Soulcatcher, and cybernetics expert who has spoken out about covert military and Intelligence “mind-hacking projects” marks the moment rather portentously for the world on Facebook: “You have the right team. You have embarked on an important and remarkable journey. The world will never be the same. Innocence will be lost.”

Information for Those Being Targeted

The team working with both whistleblowers to collect information and documentation is being led by Cait Ryan, Director of US CACH, United States Coalition Against Covert Harassment.

Those targeted, both here in the USA and worldwide, are advised to patiently wait for the Survey which will be sent out soon, via listservs, Facebook, websites, and other means, and which will offer a precise framework to send in the details of their targeting.

Those wishing and able to send in information on Government publications, patents on technologies, relevant papers, and research are advised to send these in immediately, on an ongoing basis, to the US CACH team, email id (please use either or both): or Participation of all being targeted worldwide is requested.

Updating information will be posted at US CACH and also at this site, The Everyday Concerned Citizen.

Stay tuned, as this massive establishment cover-up of covert targeting with stealth weapons worldwide continues to unfold. One more blow for the global totalitarian Surveillance State? Let’s hope so.


Government Accountability Project/Bio: William Binney and Kirk Wiebe

Democracy Now/Inside the NSA’s Domestic Surveillance Apparatus: Whistleblower William Binney Speaks Out

Democracy Now/NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Details Gov’t Retaliation After Helping Expose “Gross Mismanagement”

Tim Shorrock/The Nation: Obama’s Crackdown on Whistleblowers/The NSA Four reveal how a toxic mix of cronyism and fraud blinded the agency before 9/11

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

US CACH/Whistleblowers, Honorable Advisors To US and World CACH

WORLD CACH/Magnus Olsson Launches World CACH/Against AI-CIA-NSA DEW transhumanist neural robotoid agenda

Deborah Dupre/Targeted Individuals’ 24/7 Nightmare: NSA Whistleblower Tells EU Parliament

Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues/Hard Evidence: Social Engineering–Crimes Against Humanity

Cheryl Welsh/MindJustice/Targeted Individuals of Experimentation and Harassment Using ElectroMagnetic Radiation and “Non-Lethal” Weapons

Renee Pittman Mitchell/How the Covert Psycho-Physical Program is Structured Today

Renee Pittman Mitchell/Technology Approval

Soleil Mavis/Peace Pink: Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleil Mavis/Peace Pink (via Nicole Schmidt’s blog): Laws Against Criminal Uses of Electromagnetic Energy Weapons

Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation/Sonoma State University: US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights

Spencer Carter/Bigger than Snowden: Stealth Weapons Are Being Used to Torture and Subjugate Countless American Citizens

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today

John Finch: Message to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Book and Website Recommendations/Lists

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues/Links

Renee Pittman Books

David Voigts/Targeted Individuals Reading List

Re-posting of this article online in full or part with attribution and linkback is welcomed. Please share widely.

The Truth About 9/11: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart–“A Serious Concern to All Thinking Americans”

This year, as we collectively mark the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, remembering that momentous golden September morning in 2001 when thousands unexpectedly died, as well as the many horrific years of war and oppression that have followed, as we look around at this untenable Surveillance and militarized police state (replete with CIA torture, covert Control operations, and clandestine non-consensual neuro-experimentation and weapons-testing) that has come to America, as also to many other countries in the world, we already know, many millions of us, that the official 9/11 story was a lie. The scales have fallen from our eyes, thanks to the erstwhile efforts of many dedicated researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, journalists, and documentary film-makers.

The Truth About 9/11

Many sites online are commemorating this anniversary with detailed and thoughtful reportage, including these:

PBS, Top Officials Question 9/11 Official Story/WantToKnow.InfoFor the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Colorado’s PBS station, CPT12, has produced a most awesome 9/11 documentary. Titled “Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11,” this incisive production honors the many victims of this great tragedy, yet also finds many revealing problems with the official story of 9/11. Watch it free at the link below and tell your friends.

PBS Documentary/Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11:

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have also expressed significant criticism of the official story and the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of just 20 of the many prominent public servants who have spoken out. Links are included for verification and further investigation.”

9/11 at Phi Beta Iota/Public Intelligence Blog:It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria.”

AE911Truth/News: 15 Years Later/On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses/Europhysics News

Veteran Intelligence Whistleblowers Address the Truth About 9/11

Several Agency whistleblowers, from the NSA to the CIA, have come forward to disclose governmental abuses of power post 9/11 through secret interpretations of the Patriot Act, as this 2013 article from The Guardian illustrates:

Former Whistleblowers: Open Letter to Intelligence Employees After Snowden.

Ex-NSA Technical Director of World Geopolitical & Military Analysis at the Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (SARC), William Binney speaks at length about these secretive actions of surveillance and control, as well as the failings of intelligence by the NSA that led to 9/11, in this BlogTalkRadio conversation with Dave Scott, Spaced Out Radio, in Canada: William Binney on the NSA and 9/11

From their site, some key items William Binney covers in this conversation:

“The NSA buried key intelligence that could have prevented 9/11.

The agency’s bulk data collection from internet and telephone communications is unconstitutional and illegal in the US.

The NSA is ineffective at preventing terrorism because analysts are too swamped with information under its bulk collection programme.

Electronic intelligence gathering is being used for covert law enforcement, political control and industrial espionage, both in and beyond the US.

Edward Snowden’s leaks could have been prevented.”

Ex-NSA senior official Thomas Drake, whose first day on the job at NSA was 9/11, and who was indicted after reporting corruption at the NSA, in accepting the 2011 Sam Adams award for Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, exhorts all listening to recognize the great dangers of loss of democracy we face through all-extending surveillance, and to stand up for the American Constitution and hold government accountable, at all times. The full transcript and video of this very inspiring speech may be found here, at the Real News Network site.

Thomas Drake: “As a student of history and politics, I firmly believe that we have reached a breaking point in this country, when the government violates and erodes our very privacy and precious freedoms in the name of national security and then hides it behind the convenient label of secrecy. This is not the America I took an oath to support and defend in my career. This is not the America I learned about while growing up in Texas and Vermont. This is not the America we are supposed to be. “

Paraphrasing Frederick Douglass at the end of his speech, he closed with these powerful words: “Power and those in control concede nothing, I repeat, concede nothing without a demand. They never have and they never will. Every one of us, every one of us in this room and beyond this room, each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out, and must speak up until justice is served, because where there is no justice there can be no peace.”

Former Department of Justice Ethics attorney, Jesselyn Radack, who responded with heart to accounts of Thomas Drake’s experience as a whistleblower, eventually represented Thomas Drake, and was the subject, with Thomas Drake, of the film Silenced by James Spione, concurs, and urges all Americans in an inspiring speech at the end of this joint interview to use their own diverse and varied talents to make a stand, whether it be through poetry, art, film, or prose, to question and challenge the Surveillance State, to be persistent, and to make every effort to help turn things around, to return privacy and freedom to our lives. The video link to that interview on Youtube is below.

Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, James Spione Interview on Silenced, with Ondi Timoner, BYOD, at Tribeca Film Festival

Guantanamo Defense lawyer and retired Army Major Todd Pierce, in conversations with Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss, offers his thoughts on wrongful directions in American foreign policy, wars in the Middle East “fostered by propaganda and falsehood”, and these developments as threats to American democracy, as reported in two articles linked at the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence site, Everything That We Have Done Since 9/11 is Wrong, and The United States of Innocence.

Everything that we have done since 9/11 is wrong. We are embarking on a totalitarian foreign policy that is a hallmark of how Hannah Arendt defines fascism… The false claims about radical Islam show how little we understand about ourselves or the Middle East.”

Ex-NSA whistleblower, linguist, and veteran Intelligence analyst Karen Stewart details below in conversations with Mark Hoffman of Patriot Nation (starts midway/1:13:44) at BlogtalkRadio/World Integrity News Network, and with Phil Marie at The Wheel of Freedom her own experience of injustice at the NSA, failures in intelligence that led to 9/11, and covert NSA retaliation for her whistleblowing that, shockingly, includes organized counterintelligence harassment (COINTELPRO) and covert attack with electronic-warfare weapons such as pulsed microwave and ultrasonic weapons.

In an extraordinary and dramatic account of events that transpired at her NSA workplace on 9/11, Karen Stewart reveals a disturbing picture of in-house corruption at the NSA where actionable intelligence on 9/11 was deliberately suppressed, and honest Intelligence analysts hounded. She conveys the troubled musings of those, who like her, ask: Was 9/11 actually permitted, by those in power at an agency supposedly committed to “National Security” primarily to gain billions in funding and establish our current Surveillance state?

Karen Stewart: “But the fact that people still in power at the NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives, or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.”

Karen Stewart: My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

As we approach yet another anniversary of 9/11, 14 years after the fact, almost every adult in the USA can remember where he or she was that day, that morning, – and the gamut of emotions that played out in their hearts and minds. On that day we Americans could not imagine a horror and injustice beyond such a scope, nor even begin to fathom the demonic depravity of those who had devised and executed such a plan. But in two days time, I would discover something far worse that would stay with me forever, that my employer, the National Security Agency, had knowingly allowed the attack on September 11, 2001.

At that point in my life, I had been an intelligence analyst for about 20 years. I came from a military family, my father had served in the Air Force, served in Vietnam, helped plan the defense of the Fulda Gap in Europe against potential Soviet invasion in the 1970’s, and had retired back to his hometown with his family, where I finished up college. Instead of going into the military, I decided to use my talents and abilities to serve my country within the intelligence community, thus I applied for and got a position with the National Security Agency in 1982. Due to my generation’s known experimentation with recreational drugs, my initial session with the NSA job interviewer became contentious when she required me to admit that, I had done drugs but promised to never do them again while employed by NSA. She simply refused to believe anyone my age had the character to refuse to participate in drinking and drug experimentation, but I had decided early in my life that that was not for me. A job interview polygraph proved I was telling the truth. I was hired with no problems in my background to ever cause NSA any heartburn.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my small team of workers were the first who had moved into an almost empty division size room on the backside of NSA in the Weapons & Space Division, so we had it almost completely to ourselves, but for our female Deputy Division Chief manning the front office.

A little before 9:00 am, she ran over to our area, telling us to quickly come to her office to see an awful event unfolding on TV. When we got there, we saw smoke pouring out of the first Twin Tower struck, but it was not clear what had happened. When the division chief said that a commercial jetliner had struck the building, we suspected it was no accident. When we saw the second jet approaching we knew it was an attack and that there could be more targets. While NSA upper management was silent, I convinced a coworker to leave and go home since he was an older man with severe mobility issues. I got him to his car and saw him off. As I was returning to the building, people began leaving the building telling me that NSA management had finally decided to release the workforce. We had wondered why management had taken so long to come to an obvious conclusion, but we learned later that they had told their assistants to release the general workforce only after the last executive had left.

When the general workforce was released en masse however, the main complex became a massive traffic jam with people stuck in their cars for literally hours, according to friends who worked in other areas of NSA HQ. Had NSA been targeted, many would have perished in their cars. I lucked out in that I parked in a lesser frequented area and was home in 15 minutes. Like all of America, I sat glued to the TV, trying to make sense of it all.

I believe the general workforce was allowed to return to work Thursday, September 13th. As I walked down the hall toward my office, I came upon a group of people standing in the hall. There were 3-4 women standing around a man in his early 40’s, who was not only crying, but crying in almost breathless, heaving sobs that were making his whole body shake. His story came out in bits and pieces, beginning with – “all those people did not have to die”, “we could have saved them”, “we knew this was being planned six months ago, but they – meaning NSA upper management would not let us (meaning, him and his team) issue the numerous reports they had written, outlining the who, what, where and why of the attacks. When his team thought the problem was convincing evidence, they went into overdrive to gather even more evidence to convince NSA management to allow them to warn the appropriate authorities, he said that NSA management used NSA Security to begin threatening them, demanding that they cease and desist bothering management about this plot and cease investigating this topic or they would face disciplinary actions even up to and including job dismissal.

After getting his story out, and with many women trying to comfort him, the man was finally able to pull himself together and return to his office. I was horrified and stunned, I had not imagined that I could feel worse than I had coming into work that morning but I did. I waited to see if this was spoken of again in the next few weeks or months, but it clearly became a forbidden topic. It was not until a few years later that my paths crossed with yet another analyst from the very same office as the crying man, who also had tried desperately to convince NSA management to allow the people on his team to issue a series of warnings delineating the 9/11 plot. He was a senior analyst and a rare and brilliantly talented multi-linguist (person who speaks multiple foreign languages well). When the analyst I’ll call “Hero”, because he truly was, kept trying to convince management to allow the 9/11 warning reports to be issued, ignoring their threats, NSA upper management sic’ed NSA Security on him, specifically Security Psychological Services, which is comprised largely of substandard psychologists who, due to poor ability, psychological problems of their own, or previous serious breaches in medical ethics, are largely unemployable elsewhere. These “attack psychologists” are ordered to write up a targeted person, in such a way as to portray him or her as mentally ill – with their favorite one-trick pony being an accusation of paranoia with delusions. Thus, “Hero” was written up as being “obsessed with WWII and Kamikaze pilots” to dismiss his concerns that hundreds of Americans were in danger and could die. Then low-level NSA Security thugs were sent to follow him 24/7 for months as intimidation but also to flesh out the fraudulent NSA psychological attack premise of his being paranoid and delusional – and therefore unfit to hold a security clearance or work at NSA. What better method than to actually send people to follow him around and intimidate him so NSA could accuse him of thinking people were following him around and “out to get him”? (They certainly were!)

Once “Hero” was fraudulently fired by Security using NSA’s tried and true psychological gas-lighting attack conspiracy to circumvent the Federal No Fear Act, which clearly forbids retaliatory dismissal and fraudulent psychological attacks as well as other abuses of power, NSA Security’s harassment did not stop there. Though “Hero” had highly sought after, unique talents, NSA Security blackballed him from any other Federal job to keep him from finishing up his 30 years with the government that would have enable him to collect full his Federal pension and then sabotaged through vicious slander, any and all well paying positions he applied for in the private sector for about a decade – keeping his ability to earn a living at a bare minimum. After the decade of “punishment” for trying to go against NSA’s wishes to save the 9/11 victims, he was told that Security would “allow” him to finally apply for a job commensurate with his talent an education, without telling his new employer lies about him to ruin his prospects or viciously slandering him throughout a new community as they had previously. But Security caveated that with the warning that if he ever spoke about the fact that NSA had had all the information needed to thwart the attacks 6 months before they happened, that they would hound him the rest of his life and keep him from ever again holding a job with a living wage. “Hero” also reported that occasionally he still would return from work to find that someone had gotten into his home and rearranged his belongings as a message to him that he is still being watched and that they can get to him any time that they want to.

So, “Hero” will forever remain an unknown American hero who lost so very much in his efforts to save his fellow Americans, which is truly a shame. But the fact that people still in power at NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.

Karen Stewart
Former Intelligence Analyst
And Whistleblower
Sept 1, 2015
2:30-3:00 pm


NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Studying Global Covert Assaults with Classified Electronic Warfare Radiation and Neuro-Technologies