Tag Archives: 9/11

Not Havana Syndrome, Not “Mental Illness,” “Star Wars” Might Be Closer to the Truth: Of Obvious DEWs & Neuro Strikes: A Whistleblower Racket

Report | Ramola D | November 16, 2023

Recently, it appears, (American we hope) John Kiriakou of CIA Torture Whistleblower fame ran a series of “Havana Syndrome” shows on his Top Secret podcast on Russia Today–a conundrum in itself–publicizing the term “Havana Syndrome”–a catchy term from the Mental Health, Psychiatry, and Secret Service crowd aiming desperately to keep Neuroweaponry and Radio Frequency High-Powered Microwave Weapon attacks on everyday citizens Top Secret–while continuing to play Journalist.

Agencies such as the CIA, NSA, BND, KGB, and others–covered by many previously–must have been gratified.

The years roll on, apparently, and all we hear from our “National Security” mechanism preserving our freedoms and protecting our liberties are Crickets.

John in fact made a gratifying mention of this species in his introduction to a recent show dated 28 October 2023 (one of those pictured above): “The US Government iniitally dismissed the symptoms as the product of Crickets. Yes, Crickets. And that is of course, ridiculous.” (I may have that quote wrong since it appears to have changed, in the last few days–as also the rest of the show, with much added imagery and chatter–as I marvelled at this introduction.) (The new one mentions the word “sinister” which is about right, in my estimation, in relation to the CIA, and the NSA as well, both on prominent display on this show.)

Crickets were covered assiduously by the New York Times, I recall.

I covered these Cover Attempts earlier here, at Substack:

Worldwide DEW & Neurotech Targeting and AI- Cybernetic Torture, Bio Neuro Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity By Fusion Centers Et Al

I don’t believe John Kiriakou–like most other journalists, worldwide, not in contact with this writer–attended that first, stellar Online Press Conference held on October 15, 2021 on Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting and AI/Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, nor the second, Conference II, on Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation, held on October 22, 2022, reported here earlier, but then, neither did the New York Times. (Who don’t really cover Crimes Against Humanity.)

He does, however, do a good job playing Still-a-Spokesperson-for-the-CIA despite his long stint as In-the-Public-Eye-as-a-Righteous-Whistleblower, much like Edward Snowden, Bill Binney, and so many others. The CIA, I understand, is an exacting employer, which doesn’t quite let its whistleblowers go, as CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell has recently demonstrated, with a new batch of repeat-storytelling she may have been paid to storytell: my newer understanding of how Intelligence agencies operate is touched on here:

“This writer has increasingly been made aware over the years of the extreme strangeness of the so-called “Intelligence Community” in the USA through her interactions with and journalistic coverage of whistleblowers from various prestigiously-named agencies which apparently all seem to actually be filled with people idly entertaining themselves and others with various covers, stories, and lies.”

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

Merely asking, what is it about Whistleblowers from the Government agencies, really? isn’t enough anymore. Clearly they are a very special race, class, or species, unto themselves–and as explained to us once, many years ago, of the way terrorists apparently behave, of whom Intelligence agents seem to be the obverse half, they operate separately sometimes, in cells and conclaves. Yet none, it appears, are in actuality acting independently: a tragedy or a regrettable fact, either way you look at it.

Intelligence: A Disinfo Operation?

What Intelligence agencies are supposed to do has always remained an inscrutable mystery to most of us, especially those of us who’ve been relegated, I see, to the (Colorful) margin as Writers and Journalists so CIA whistleblowers like Kiriakou can Rise into the public eye through carefully constructed means, employing Time–an aspect of Reality NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney informs us is what Intelligence agencies seek honorably to work with:

“To project—or predict—Intentions and Capabilities of Adversaries or Threats—in advance, so you can actually do something to stop them and prevent them—That’s what Intelligence is supposed to do.”

–(Using Tragedy as an Excuse to Spy on Americans, The Whistleblowers, April 2023, Interview with Bill Binney by John Kiriakou)

Writing to John Kiriakou

I wrote to John Kiriakou once, in September 2016, at the time that he was awarded the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award for 2016–an award also bestowed on NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake, in 2011, to whom I also wrote at the time. (Curiously, I live in the town now where Sam Adams’ ancestors hailed from–a “City of Presidents”–and I learn he too was CIA once, in the ’60s, and a whistleblower, on Vietnam, obviously a story there too, and insight into how the CIA-NSA-Media is constructed and operates.)

John Kiriakou was in the Press a great deal at the time, for his speaking out on “enhanced interrogation” Torture activities inclusive of waterboarding, by the CIA.

John Kiriakou at the Fort Collins Community Action Network, earlier named the Center for Peace, Justice, and the Environment, speaking about being Chief of Counter Terrorism in Pakistan, awakening to the fact of children being terrorized (by the CIA), learning and whistleblowing about the “CIA’s Torture Program” and “Enhanced Interrogation” including Waterboarding, and capturing and handing over Abu Zubaydah, projected as being inner-circle Al Qu’aida, in 2002.(Very sadly, Abu Zubaydah was thence “renditioned” to black sites in Europe, then sent to Guantanamo in 2006, and seems (despite Lawyers existing in Amerika) to have been incredibly insanely tortured for 21 years, as reported in May 2023 by The Guardian here–as a consequence of which the entire world understands the US Legal System has failed utterly, that he–and all held at Guantanamo–on “no legal basis for detention (as found by the 95th Session of the Human Rights Council, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, UN, 14-18 November 2022)” needs to be released immediately: a subject surely for further coverage by all human rights groups and true journalists, worldwide, as well as address by those at the Head of Governments, worldwide.)
Former Vice President of US Inc. Dick Cheney on May 13, 2018, Hollywood-whisper- confiding to journalist Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Insider he was all for Enhanced Interrogation–“I believed in it, I was heavily involved in getting it set up,” wouldn’t call it Torture, and admired it for the “Intelligence” it produced. This was 2 years after 2016, when John Kiriakou won the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence award for his whistleblowing–(which turned out to be for, as reported by the Court/US Legal System revered by the New York Times, the reveal of an Agent’s Name), yet CIA-FBI Torture in its many guises was permitted to continue, a situation still calling desperately for change/https://www.foxnews.com/video/5784224187001.

That September, Cait Ryan, a New England RN, and Karla Smith, human rights activists and seeming leaders among a small group of concerned Americans I knew–who were then working together (I thought) to expose the crimes of factions in the Military and Intelligence agencies using and secretly testing so-called non-lethal microwave weapons, space telemetry, radar tracking and other such among other forms of harmful non-consensual bio-neuro experimentation technology on civilians, service members and veterans alike–in other words, indiscriminately, on Americans–were planning to attend the awards ceremony for the 2016 Sam Adams award and I entrusted my letters to them. Cait Ryan had made the acquaintance of John Kiriakou, she had told me sometime, through writing to him when he was in prison, and was going to Washington to meet him and Thomas Drake along with Karla Smith, a trip I was invited on but could not make eventually, by reason of family obligations. As I recall, Cait Ryan encouraged me to write to both whistleblowers, offering to take my letters to them; I believe I was asked and responded as a journalist and prominent human rights awareness-raiser reporting government crime, as I (thought I) was known then in this group; my intent then (looking back now) may have been to apprise these two CIA and NSA whistleblowers somewhat of the nature of the technology crimes many had reported to me, and which it appeared certain Government agencies were then working overtime to conceal.

Writing to inform whistleblowers was also encouraged at the time by Australian writer and human rights campaigner Paul Baird, author of the website SurveillanceIssues.com, who was then seeking to bring a few NSA, CIA, FBI and other whistleblowers together in a documentary or film to help reveal the overarching crimes of decades-long non-consensual brain, body, and life experimentation with remote-access stealth weaponry, inflicting essentially Torture, on both Americans and people worldwide.

SACHRP in May 2016: Talking about Protecting Humans While Pushing Ahead the Agenda to Strip all Protections from Humans

I was beginning to follow the doings of the SACHRP then–the Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Subject Research Protections–in its efforts to transform the Common Rule into an open door for unconsented-to human experimentation by the US Military and Intelligence (DOD/C5ISR) behemoth on Americans–already quietly permitted by both Intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice, having been only recently introduced, in 2014, 2015, 2016, through questioning US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research Projects, via the subject of FWAs (federal wide assurances), re-covered here recently, to the subject of Health and Human Services’s seemingly being involved–without revealing involvement–in the unlawful procurement, use, and exploitation of large numbers of (unlawfully) selectively targeted, terror-and-spy-listed people in the USA post 9-11.

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

[This was perhaps part of the now-emergent long-game concerted push in the entire world of Health, via concoctions such as “Behavioral Health” and constructs such as Community Behavioral Health Centers to begin or continue to disappear human intellect, individualism, family in building NWO frameworks hidden these days under “Smart City” language and concepts of sustainability, resilience, sanctuary, and innovation. I did not know that then.]

I had learned there was tremendous public uproar over the intent to disappear Informed Consent in biomedical experimentation–among the group awakened to this possibility that is, since the SACHRP meetings in May 2016 were not open public meetings permitting open public discourse, nor were covered openly by the so-called Media, as a War might be, or the US Open, or the Coronation of a sudden King.

The public dissent therefore was near-disappeared.

My coverage of this subject at the time included notice of public comment and Cait Ryan’s and Karla Smith’s public appearances at the end of two SACHRP meetings in May 2016, as also Nola Alexander’s, Peter Rosenholm’s, Joan Dawson’s, Cassandra Lewis’s, reported here : No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities | Ramola D | July 17, 2016

These May 2016 meetings interestingly were aimed to disclose Public Comment, after the Period for Public Comment on the NPRM–the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), published in the Federal Register on September 8, 2015, and running a lip-service public-comment period for three months–closed on January 6, 2016.

Their testimonies and statements, powerfully moving, yet constrained to five minutes at the end of 3-hour NIH-Campus (Fisher’s Lane: NIAID) meetings which should have been nationally televised and nationally responded to, can be found here, in the last 20 minutes of each meeting: SACHRP, May 18 and May 19, 2016.

[These meetings were not well-publicized, and did not permit for open public or journalistic access. A query I sent SACHRP for further information prior to these meetings went unanswered. However, based on responses I had received then on FOIA request to the US Air Force, and ongoing research, I provided Kate Ryan with some information on human experimentation weapons-testing programs, which she included in her presentation. Regrettably, I was not able nor encouraged to make it to these May meetings myself. I did address the SACHRP Committee however, in a letter sent by email and fax some time later in September (included below.) Cait I recall asked then if she could share my letter with CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou, and also share it with NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe.]


I wrote then, to John Kiriakou and to Thomas Drake (letters below), requesting an interview, mentioning my coverage of Torture activities being indulged in apparently by various Defense and Intelligence agencies using the weapons of Electronic Warfare–counter-personnel energy neuroweaponry–and the danger of this continuing, via intended changes to the Common Rule permitting waivers for Intelligence and Justice, suggesting they might wish to investigate the matter further. My concern was both for the present and the future.


“In other words, these agencies—which group no doubt includes the CIA—are seeking carte blanche to conceal and cover any and all future experimentation on Americans, as well as, I presume, in this way cover any ongoing experimentation on Americans (or anyone else, worldwide, via Intel agreements), as perfectly normal, everyday Intelligence surveillance activities being conducted by these agencies, which they are under no obligation to divulge whatsoever, since of course all this activity will be classified and has to be hidden for the purpose of preserving National Security.”

–Letter to John Kiriakou, Ramola D, September 24, 2016

Not long after, John Kiriakou responded (letter below), not quite getting the import of what I was saying it appeared, suggesting that people reporting non-consensual experimentation might be “mentally ill” while also saying he had not heard of any such thing in his 15 years of working with the CIA.

This was rather crushing at the time, given our hopes to involve ethical whistleblowers in exposing the hidden crimes of over-reaching agencies of the US Government. Nevertheless, I wrote back, seeking to educate him further, as I passed on the letters also to Cait Ryan, Karla Smith, and Paul Baird, all of whom optimistically noted that perhaps we had sown a small “seed” one day to further blossom, while we each reminded ourselves this was a whistleblower who had been imprisoned for speaking out, and who had a young family–in other words, one not to be further imposed on really. Thomas Drake I did not hear from, but Cait Ryan assured me he might well write back later, given his being more fully engaged then in a doctorate he was working on. Neither agreed to an interview. John Kiriakou did send me on a note he had sent Cait Ryan and Cait told me she had assured John I “wasn’t mentally ill”–making me wonder how on earth Mental Illness had entered the conversation in the first place.

Why are Reporting Victims of Crime Referred to as “Mentally Ill”?

Of course, it appears John Kiriakou is using this term of reference now on his shows featuring the more than fraudulent Spychiatry-Invented “Havana Syndrome”, including in an unusual question aimed at former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney revealing more of his own leanings–or being-dragged–into the frantically Fabricating world of Psychiatry: “…in many cases they’re mentally ill. But in many cases they are legitimately suffering from something—and they have the MRIs and the CAT Scans to prove it. Is it possible to differentiate between people who need to be medicated and people who are suffering as a result of something electronic?”

[Is John Kiriakou a secret “Psychiatrist”–much like DOD/CIA neuroscientist James Giordiano, who has rushed out to get an “Adjunct Faculty” position in “Psychiatry”? (James Giordano’s new self-reporting bio here: Neuro-AI Convergence, NBIC, And a “New Global Order” Embodying Asymmetry in Ethics/June 28, 2023]

The Mythology-of-Mental-Illness being applied as Central Cover to conceal reports of electromagnetic/acoustic neuroweaponry use on the populace has been surfaced in many of my articles before and since, including:

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional. | June 14, 2016

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers | October 22, 2018

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA & Other Western “Democracies” | May 21, 2015

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion” | September 10, 2019

It’s true, I’ve lost faith in Whistleblowers, and in human rights activists who have pursued prominence as leaders while disappearing and discrediting others, engaging in both overt and subtle actions of COINTELPRO. “Handling” and “Containment” come to mind when I look back at conversations and communications, sudden apprisings of Public Comment deadlines at Health agencies, slow actions and exhortations to non-action. CIA and NSA whistleblowers–looking back at a long list of them (many of whom can be seen listed as Sam Adams awardees here)–seem to be artifacts of the CIA and NSA, primed to “reveal” while in fact aiding to Conceal.

Looking back on these 2016 emails with several others I thought then were as keen to raise awareness of the incredible human rights abuses engendered by the US Military, Security, and Intelligence factions, I have become aware there is possibly a story to be told here–perhaps the only story left to be told here–in the rise and Intelligence-engineered fall of promising public reportage of US Inc.– now US World Inc.– crimes committed in the name of National Security. But it is National Security which is compromised when taxpayer-paid, citizen-elected bodies turn their sophisticated New Age weaponry on the innocent, trusting populace–millions, worldwide–to destroy our lives.

It’s taken me many years–and re-watching these SACHRP meeting videos–to figure out something others probably know very well, working as they might Inside the NDA, NSL, Lie-to-Deceive world of Agencies, Forces, Services et al: Those who occupy positions in the Spotlight are inevitably Supported, or, more accurately, brought to where they are by intent; there are no “accidental” whistleblowers or activists or journalists permitted to rise to the fore at any time, they are all part of a well-oiled mechanism both bolstering extant Covert agencies and endless Covert Crime, or in other words: The CIA is/in the Whistleblower and the Whistleblower is/in the CIA. As also the NSA, probably–and yes I’ve had some first-hand experience there too, as also with (mysterious) European Royalty/MI5/Swiss Intel/BND–and I’ll have to examine other aspects of this “Government” scenario another time.

Letters: Revealing National Security Crimes

My letter to John Kirakou, September 24, 2016:

The Writer’s bio I enclosed:

The Letter to the SACHRP Committee, September 9, 2016, I sent links to:

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s first response to me, September 27, 2016:

Conversations regarding this response with Cait Ryan, Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My first letter back to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

John Kiriakou’s second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My second letter back, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Conversation post that letter with Karla Smith and Cait Ryan, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Note back from John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

My last response to John Kiriakou, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

[Open Season on Targets was eventually published, and can be found here:

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up | December 3, 2016]

Conversation around that thread, with ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart, Saturday October 8, 2016:

Conversation regarding John Kiriakou and the CIA in general, with Paul Baird, Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Sudden Hollywood, CIA Stars, and a Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey

A few months later, in mid-2017, further discussing Paul Baird’s idea of bringing whistleblowers together for a film, there was some talk (shockingly enough) of John Kiriakou having won some kind of deal in Hollywood to scriptwrite or produce a series based on “TI”s or “Targeted Individuals” (whom he didn’t believe existed or leaned on a corrupt APA to call Mentally Ill).

I have no idea what transpired on that score beyond that point (emails below), but there was another rather large scenario unfolding around us at that time–or rather, failing to unfold, and that had to do with a much-vaunted and early-publicized Global Survey of “Targeted Individuals” (Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under the Peerless Direction of Top NSA Whistleblowers William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe/June 30, 2017) no-one was given enough information on, and which the probably Pharaonically (CIA/CFR?)-appointed leaders chose not to include me on, either as colleague or journalist, for reasons still unknown to me, while succeeding also in failing their target audience. There is a story to be told here too, and while I have reported in an ongoing way as information came my way, I do not have all the pieces of that puzzle–Was it Racism sent my way then, was it part of the Infiltrator-run support-group scenario crushing the work of the only Journalist working in this area then still, was it something else?

[Ella Free, Katherine Horton, and Techno Crime FIghters Forum all came along right when my print journalism, public reportage, community work, and public awareness-raising were becoming more visible. There were several attacks on my work, family, name, and life inclusive of the tremendous one from my daughter’s public school Principal Richard deCristafaro and Vice Principal Susan Shea Connor of Central Middle School in Quincy, Massachusetts in 2018, reported here: Ramola D/Public Exhibit: Investigative Journalism is Not “Untreated Mental Illness”. Excluding my work (and myself) entirely, the group “Targeted Justice” was formed, selectively refusing to recognize my reportage. And after that, when unanticipated implosions began to occur on group email lists, there appeared to be a concerted effort by many on the inside to target me in particular for extended Defamation and Slander and disappearance from both insider groups and the public eye by the Intelligence role-player and a former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague Katherine Horton, and thereafter, even more inexplicably, by the then-known-as NSA Whistleblower and also former Techno Crime Fighter Forum colleague whose accounts of extended targeting I had covered extensively, ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart.]

The Global TI Survey was never properly reported, by those who set it up and ran it. At the time that it was closed, in October 2017, I published what information I was given, which pointed to a very small number of participants in the survey: Global TI Survey Update: Survey Now Closed. A note from Karla Smith in May 2018 reminded a larger group “the primary focus of the survey was to gather medically diagnosed symptoms, and other symptoms/descriptions related to what each person has experienced in their own words and without any expectation of the results.” (“Symptoms” as central has always been problematic to me–as my questioning of Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe at the inception conference call for this Survey notes–as indeed the term “Targeted Individual” as well.) My requests in 2020 for an interview with Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe which went unanswered at the time were thwarted, I was given to understand later, by Katherine Horton engaging in rather obvious defamation and slander, which NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe alerted me to, as reported here earlier: Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/Jan 2, 2021.

I was fortunate to be able to interview with NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe later, who sought to further clarify the nature of the false-representation and false-light defamation activities conducted against me by Katherine Horton prior. One NSA Whistleblower at least could discern the truth I have taken pains over time to establish online.

Regarding that survey, perhaps John Kiriakou, Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe, Kate Ryan, and Karla Smith will enlighten us further one day. I do know that there was great drama surrounding the logistics of submitting the “evidence of the crimes”–medical records, photographs and so on–yet NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe told me five years later during the time of his interview with me on July 14, 2021 he did not see any evidence, that is, he apparently wasn’t given any. This was an important interview, and gave insights into how the NSA functioned back in the ’70s and what has occurred now, in terms of fall-away of Intelligence oversight and inability to constrain full-spectrum Surveillance Data collection and analysis while permitting all kinds of human rights abuses:

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments

The phenomenon of “support groups” being Intelligence and Military-created which I have understood only over the years and reported here (The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants) I did not know then was in operation among certain groups of people I was closely working with and whose work in public reportage I supported.

Meanwhile, here are a few snippets of the conversation on CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s new opportunities on a platter:

My then letter (September 24, 2016) to NSA Whistleblower, Winner of the Sam Adams Integrity in Intelligence Award for 2011, Thomas Drake, is here:

Whistleblowers and Intelligence Operations

While reading around this subject as I wrote this article, I came across John Kiriakou’s article in Scheerpost, a site I had never seen before–but clearly one which explains much: John Kiriakou: Havana Syndrome — Paranoia or Reality?/April 28, 2023.

Perhaps the rest of Amerika/America can figure out the extent of the irony here–or convolution in Cover–in a CIA Whistleblower playing Journalist turned Fiction Writer and Screenwriter using in Fiction the very subject he has denied to those reporting obvious military-intelligence-police-private-sector crime to him.

Perhaps America and the world notices also the sad irony in reporting Torture–on a very large scale, using very sophisticated military weaponry, developed now over more than 20 years of weapons-testing on people since 9/11 and over more than 50 years prior, probably since the institution of the National Security Act in 1947 which created the CIA, and involving all branches of the US Military (and other Militaries) and the Department of Justice (as reported here often)–to military and Intelligence whistleblowers who themselves cannot speak of what they may know or have awareness of thanks to NDAs (non disclosure agreements) and relationships of different sorts sealing their silence.

But is the CIA all the Media we have? “Havana Syndrome” as a term many people have now come to think may be about “mysterious weaponry” yet it is very obviously a fraudulently-tagged “Syndrome” involving the repressive use of Police-Dog Psychiatry.

This should be absolutely Unacceptable to the entire Thinking, Reading, Educated world.

The Cover of “Targeted Individuals” being presented by the CIA-Media as “Mentally Ill” with serious problems of Paranoia needs to be dropped. The Facts of unlawful targeting, abusive human rights violations by fusion center agencies and contractors, the use of extreme-abuse remote-access stealth neuroweaponry, electromagnetic and acoustic, and covertly-implanted radio telemetry–RFIDs, MEMs, BCI-CBIs, Neurostims, the approval and protection of AI, Brain and Pain experimentation and abuse by numerous agencies in a Techno Holocaust which needs complete exposure and complete termination need to be known.

Yet it’s that, the whole spectre of Mythology in Process of Creation as Mythology which John Kiriakou ironically seems to stand for–chronicling as he does this process in his well-linked History of the False Narrative of Havana Syndrome, elaborate and absurd, not unlike the storylines of the Christopher Steele Dossier, or the base mythologies of 9/11 having been run by mythical Muslim men from Arabia, while some have been captured and endlessly tortured for false confessions at Guantanamo as he himself chronicled in September 2023 at Consortium News here–which should be seen as the most disheartening, for it helps perpetuate Lies in a fast-awakening world.


In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?/March 26, 2015

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today/March 13, 2016

Ramola D/Intellihub News–(Updated) Psychologists Urged to Examine Complicity in Supporting Abusive Systems of Torture in U.S. Criminal Justice System and Covert Government Programs/April 20, 2016

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program/May 23, 2016

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities/July 17, 2016

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State/March 7, 2018

Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government”/September 4, 2019

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion”/September 10, 2019

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996/January 30, 2020

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change/February 24, 2020

TechnoGate for Targets: New Intel Gatekeepers NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney and Kirk Wiebe?/May 17, 2020

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People/May 5, 2021

Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed/January 2, 2021

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments/July 19, 2021

Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) — Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons

Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted/January 17, 2022

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts/October 11, 2023

Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes

Public Disclosure By Military/Intelligence Whistleblowers on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today/May 18, 2023

Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons/September 21, 2023

“DETER” on Industry Day: Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER) Advanced Research Announced on October 19, 2023: The Techno Arc from Targeting Tech to 5G/Smart City/HAARP Tech in Visions of Large-Scale Human & Earth Control (For Humanity to DETER)/October 24, 2023

Less Than Lethal (LTL) Technical Security Systems (TSS)–Acoustic, Radio Frequency–Sought by the Department of State for “Protection” of Diplomatic Mission Compounds/October 29, 2023

Information Sought on Calls, White Papers, Proposals and Human Rights Responsibilites & Protections from US AFRL on Announcement of New Directed Energy Technology Experimentation Research (DETER)/November 5, 2023

9/11/2018: Expose the Treason, Challenge & End Domestic US Fusion Center & Military Terrorism Masquerading as Surveillance

–Ramola D/Posted 9/11/2018

Twin Towers, 9/11/2001/Image

For those of us who have found ourselves wrongfully thrust under surveillance by too-well-budgeted and clearly corrupt fusion centers in the wake of 9/11, and wrongfully rolled into non-consensual neuro-experimentation programs being run by a treasonous US Military and Intelligence Community, the betrayals of 9/11 — spanning two towers full of innocent Americans at work, New York firefighters who succumbed to cancer, millions of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine whose lives, homes, and families were destroyed in horrific and needless Deception-Begun wars, as well as a massive rollout of intense surveillance and stealth-weapon assault with anti-personnel Electronic Weapons (in Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Civilian-Military Operations) on innocent civilians in America and worldwide — haven’t stopped.

Surveillance Abuse Today is a Lot More Than Email/Cellphone Surveillance & Comprises Bio-Hacking, Neuro-Hacking, and Radiation Assault

For five years now, since 2013, when a concerned letter to Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, State Representative Tackey Chan, the Boston Globe, and the Patriot Ledger about chem trails & tree damage, and a chance conversation questioning the need for paid daycare of our second-grade children at a Parent-Teacher conference with a particularly egoistic and apparently underworld-Mafia connected Treasurer of the School Board at a private Montessori school in Quincy, Massachusetts (City of Presidents, also City of Lies and since 2013 the Site of C/Overt Field Weapon Testing of Directed-Energy Weapons by General Dynamics, a Defense contractor with a Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research 49-million dollar contract with the US Air Force), I have been covering the stories of those like me who have been extra-judicially targeted, lawlessly “detained,” stripped of Due Process and all Constitutional Rights, Human Rights, Civil Rights, and subjected to:

  1. 24/7 Harassive COINTELPRO stalking, tracking, & Psy Ops — disguised in communities as Community Policing, with your own neighbors turned virulently against you;
  2. 24/7 Electronic Assault — assaultive and carcinogenic anti-personnel EMF weapons-testing, Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro-Experimentation and Neuro-Surveillance with military tracking radar, covert RFID implants, microwave, milliwave, sonic, scalar, remote electrical, bio and nano weapons, drone, plane, helicopter, and satellite tracking and stalking — disguised in communities as Electronic Surveillance, necessitating constant shielding and eliciting extreme health damage;
  3. Community Blacklisting & Character Assassination — as mentally ill, pedophiles, prostitutes, child molesters, pornographers, terrorists, suspected terrorists, potential terrorists, putative terrorists, violent extremists, troublemakers, all to discredit our witness and testimonial to these incredibly egregious USAF/DOD/CIA/NSA/DHS/FBI assaults.

(These are not idle accusations; I recommend that uninformed readers kindly explore the articles, interviews, and videos at my website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and my Youtube/Vimeo/Bitchute channels Ramola D Reports; in particular, pay special attention to my interviews with highly significant whistleblowers from the CIA, FBI, and NSA, engineers, NASA scientists, and Emeritus Professors; finally, please peruse all letters from whistleblowers and activists supporting my journalism shortly after a Quincy Middle School principal questioned my reportage specifically on DHS/FBI/USAF abuses, including my unanswered Letter to the Quincy School Board, which provides acutely relevant information on General Dynamics, the FAA, and the City of Quincy — a subject still under investigation for further reportage.)

Mainstream Media — CIA-Driven — Has Been Schooled to Dismiss Reporting Victims as Paranoid and Delusional

During this time period, I have witnessed the cavorting and convolutions of numerous bought-and-sold reporters in print and in video as they bent over backwards to accede to the demands of their CIA/And Other Clandestine-Ops-Agencies masters to conceal these crimes of Surveillance Abuse by actively dismissing as “delusional and paranoid” the reports, testimonials, and cries for help from increasing numbers of highly educated and accomplished people of integrity, conscience, and community-mindedness suddenly targeted for apparent assaultive elimination with Stealth Radiation Weapons. I mean reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, Vice, Wired, and others — classic “mainstream media” mavens run by the CIA, whose paychecks have apparently prevented them from pursuing the truth. And in fact, given them oodles of leisure time in which to write excoriating pieces of vitriol mocking and maligning reporting victims of Surveillance crimes and Military Experimentation abuse, such as in Rational Wiki and Wikipedia, helping the CIA/DOD equate “Targeted Individual” with “Delusional” and that other CIA-Trickster-Term intended to stop all further critical inquiry: Conspiracy Theorist.

This situation — of unlawful targeting, harassment, and clandestine Military/Intelligence experimentation — is one that writers like Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues have reported have been operative for decades, from well before 9/11, in the ’80s and ’90s, but there is no doubt that the years since 9/11 have seen an increase in the systematic targeting and extreme-abuse that people have been reporting. Note also that journalists and writers like CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, Alex Constantine, Walter Bowart, John Marks and others have long reported clandestine CIA experimentation, and MK ULTRA experiments that went underground. (And have currently resurfaced.)

Today scientist whistleblowers and agents who have worked for the US DOD, CIA, US Navy, UK Navy, MI5, and Mossad like Robert Duncan, Richard Alan Miller, Barrie Trower, Carl Clark, Tim Rifat, and David Voigts are speaking out; hundreds of activists worldwide are bearing witness to these targeting crimes; human rights organizations like Targeted Justice, ICAACT, and ICATOR are addressing and publicizing these abuses.

Historic figures like Dr. Rauni Kilde, once Chief Medical Officer of Finland and Gloria Naylor, celebrated author of several novels and screenplays including The Women of Brewster Place have borne witness to these crimes. Critically important writers like Paul Baird, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Dr. Nick Begich, Mark Rich, Dr. John Hall, Cheryl Welsh, Mary Gregory, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Rosanne Schneider, and many others have written books, articles, and maintain websites filled with compendious historic, scientific, whistleblowing, and testimonial information revealing these crimes.

A recent honoring of reporting victims with rallies across the world was marked by journalist Thomas McFarlan in a video and article reporting “Targeted Individual Day”: Targeted-Individuals Protest Worldwide — From Chicago to Bangkok, to Warsaw to London, and Far Beyond

Rallies in the USA

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart has published several flyers, letters, articles, in addition to giving interviews revealing the crimes of Surveillance Abuse, many of which can be found on my website, including this seminal disclosure: NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Signing of the Declaration of Independence/Painting by Trumbull/Wikimedia

Everyone in Congress has been apprised of these crimes, over and over. Civil Liberties and human rights group like ACLU and Amnesty International ditto; they have turned away reporting victims for years. President Trump was informed in a Memo shortly after he became President: Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

President Trump Taking the Oath To Protect America and Americans

Despite MSM Dismissal, We Need to Move On To The Next Step: Dismantle Fusion Centers, Stop All Military/Air Force/CIA/NSA/NIH/US Gov DEW Testing, DEBR, and Neuro-Experimentation: People Are Being TORTURED

Despite the covers, despite the lies, despite the cover-up of FBI KST (Known and Suspected Terrorist) lists, War on Terror lies, Patriot Act/Freedom Act/NDAA/FISA/NSL/Executive Orders, Countering Violent Extremism covers, despite the sanctimonious “National Security” covers under which non-lethal-weapons testing and neuro-weapon testing, AI testing, nano-weapons testing and operations are being run, the most essential fact here is: people are widely reporting being tortured. These are barbaric and inhumane weapons, they are wreaking extreme abuse on people’s bodies and brains, as many have testified.

Presidents who signed off on these Military/Intel programs betraying Americans?/Image

The worst part is, because doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists have been manipulated — either through collusiveness at the top, ignorance at the bottom, sealed by the DSM — Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders, a feature of naturally-weaponized Psychiatry — they assist in further victimizing the victim with an egregious “diagnosis” and general hand-over to the neuro-experimenters and neuro-controllers for further victimizing with psychiatric drugs, social isolation, and continued exploitation.

In addition, insidious neuroweapons engage today in subliminal mind control, precisely what the CIA and their wealthy banker patrons want: a radio-hypnotically controlled populace, docile and sheeplike. And currently, especially the families and friends of non-consensual test subjects, so that barbaric MK ULTRA-style neuro-experimentation can continue, without interference.

Activists, journalists, whistle-blowers, people reporting corruption are being hit with these weapons, and being character-assassinated by fusion center protocol to permit exploitation.

Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower in his many posts online has spelled out for all how America really has fallen and how the CIA and FBI are culpable; Karen Stewart, NSA whistleblower advises that the DHS be dismantled. Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower has today published a reprint of an article written earlier covering the Black Ops Mind Control and Ritual Sacrifice aspects behind the evil masterminding of 9/11 by deranged criminals posturing as Americans inside our government: Tyranny, Treachery, Terrorism & Trauma: The Formula.

President’s Men, 9/11/Image from The War on Terror Was a Hoax, Americans Were Deceived

I suggest that people start waking up in a hurry and working to understand the true horrors of these “anti-personnel” “crowd-control” “dual-use” “non-lethal” electromagnetic and acoustic and neural Directed-Energy Weapons, because those who report the remote use of such weapons on their bodies are reporting extreme abuse (Would You like to be electrically vibrated, shocked, burned, and pulsed, in any part of your anatomy — and I mean ANY part, from a distance?), and what this really portends is that All of humanity, let alone all of USA, will soon be under threat of their subjection if we do not commonly rise and demand that their use, even experimentally, on citizens be immediately terminated. The very-near future promises to be Neuro Slavery and Remote Electronic Slavery for all if humanity does not act.

This is the real domestic cost of 9/11, and it is absurd that this is not being splashed across the front pages of the world, today, on 9/11/2018. The front pages are locked down though, and that’s a reason to shut down treasonous Mainstream Media as well.

Please visit everydayconcerned.net, surveillanceissues.com, mindjustice.org, peacepink.org, icaact.org, icator.be, targetedjustice.com, citizensaht.org, biggerthansnowden.com, and many other fine websites for more information.

Originally posted on Medium.

AE911Truth: Europhysics Article Nears 200,000 Views, Sparks Controversy over Facebook’s Trending News Feed

Posted from email today from AE911Truth, with thanks. Interesting example of mainstream media swooping in to try to distort and disappear the narrative. So it’s not just information about covert programs of ongoing neuro-experimentation targeted for disappearance by media like The Washington Post or The New York Times or The Guardian (who won’t cover its exposure by whistleblowers such as ex-Navy David Voigts, in his marathon walk across America) but also discussions of demolition of the Towers in a major Physics journal. Mainstream Media Shows Its Hand? Luckily, for those of us who prefer Physics to media distortions and lies, Joseph Jankowski assures us Mainstream Media Is Dying: A New Poll Shows Only 6% of People Trust Mainstream Media.

Europhysics News

Share this Groundbreaking Article with Everyone You Know!

Last Friday, while AE911Truth was busy preparing for the Justice In Focus conference, a controversy of sorts erupted after Facebook displayed one of the many articles about our Europhysics News feature on its trending news feed. A reporter from the Washington Post apparently felt this was not an acceptable subject for Facebook to be spreading around — no matter how many people were talking about it.

In a matter of hours, a wave of frenzied pseudo-journalism broke out in the mainstream news media. From the Washington Post to the Daily News, they chastised Facebook for allowing algorithms rather than gatekeeper editors to decide what should be circulated in its trending news feed. Eventually Facebook was forced to remove the news item.

Europhysics NewsAmid the firestorm of indignation, only Alan Yuhas of the Guardian bothered to actually look at the original article at the center of the controversy. But, as to be expected, he went to great lengths to smear and minimize the authors. And despite the fact that Europhysics News is published by the prestigious European Physical Society, Yuhas preferred to cite Hearst-owned, pop-science magazine Popular Mechanics and parrot its claim that it disproved such “conspiracy theories” long ago.

Just the Beginning of this Article’s Impact

Yet again the mainstream news media has proven it will pull out all the tricks in its bag to suppress or dismiss the evidence of controlled demolition on 9/11. But that won’t stop millions of decent, concerned citizens around the world from sharing this information with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers.

You can do your part by sharing this breakthrough scientific article with everyone you know. Right now it’s nearing 200,000 views. How far will it go?

Source: AE911Truth

The Truth About 9/11: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart–“A Serious Concern to All Thinking Americans”

This year, as we collectively mark the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, remembering that momentous golden September morning in 2001 when thousands unexpectedly died, as well as the many horrific years of war and oppression that have followed, as we look around at this untenable Surveillance and militarized police state (replete with CIA torture, covert Control operations, and clandestine non-consensual neuro-experimentation and weapons-testing) that has come to America, as also to many other countries in the world, we already know, many millions of us, that the official 9/11 story was a lie. The scales have fallen from our eyes, thanks to the erstwhile efforts of many dedicated researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, journalists, and documentary film-makers.

The Truth About 9/11

Many sites online are commemorating this anniversary with detailed and thoughtful reportage, including these:

PBS, Top Officials Question 9/11 Official Story/WantToKnow.InfoFor the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Colorado’s PBS station, CPT12, has produced a most awesome 9/11 documentary. Titled “Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11,” this incisive production honors the many victims of this great tragedy, yet also finds many revealing problems with the official story of 9/11. Watch it free at the link below and tell your friends.

PBS Documentary/Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11: http://www.cpt12.org/9-11/

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have also expressed significant criticism of the official story and the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of just 20 of the many prominent public servants who have spoken out. Links are included for verification and further investigation.”

9/11 at Phi Beta Iota/Public Intelligence Blog:It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria.”

AE911Truth/News: 15 Years Later/On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses/Europhysics News

Veteran Intelligence Whistleblowers Address the Truth About 9/11

Several Agency whistleblowers, from the NSA to the CIA, have come forward to disclose governmental abuses of power post 9/11 through secret interpretations of the Patriot Act, as this 2013 article from The Guardian illustrates:

Former Whistleblowers: Open Letter to Intelligence Employees After Snowden.

Ex-NSA Technical Director of World Geopolitical & Military Analysis at the Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (SARC), William Binney speaks at length about these secretive actions of surveillance and control, as well as the failings of intelligence by the NSA that led to 9/11, in this BlogTalkRadio conversation with Dave Scott, Spaced Out Radio, in Canada: William Binney on the NSA and 9/11

From their site, some key items William Binney covers in this conversation:

“The NSA buried key intelligence that could have prevented 9/11.

The agency’s bulk data collection from internet and telephone communications is unconstitutional and illegal in the US.

The NSA is ineffective at preventing terrorism because analysts are too swamped with information under its bulk collection programme.

Electronic intelligence gathering is being used for covert law enforcement, political control and industrial espionage, both in and beyond the US.

Edward Snowden’s leaks could have been prevented.”

Ex-NSA senior official Thomas Drake, whose first day on the job at NSA was 9/11, and who was indicted after reporting corruption at the NSA, in accepting the 2011 Sam Adams award for Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, exhorts all listening to recognize the great dangers of loss of democracy we face through all-extending surveillance, and to stand up for the American Constitution and hold government accountable, at all times. The full transcript and video of this very inspiring speech may be found here, at the Real News Network site.

Thomas Drake: “As a student of history and politics, I firmly believe that we have reached a breaking point in this country, when the government violates and erodes our very privacy and precious freedoms in the name of national security and then hides it behind the convenient label of secrecy. This is not the America I took an oath to support and defend in my career. This is not the America I learned about while growing up in Texas and Vermont. This is not the America we are supposed to be. “

Paraphrasing Frederick Douglass at the end of his speech, he closed with these powerful words: “Power and those in control concede nothing, I repeat, concede nothing without a demand. They never have and they never will. Every one of us, every one of us in this room and beyond this room, each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out, and must speak up until justice is served, because where there is no justice there can be no peace.”

Former Department of Justice Ethics attorney, Jesselyn Radack, who responded with heart to accounts of Thomas Drake’s experience as a whistleblower, eventually represented Thomas Drake, and was the subject, with Thomas Drake, of the film Silenced by James Spione, concurs, and urges all Americans in an inspiring speech at the end of this joint interview to use their own diverse and varied talents to make a stand, whether it be through poetry, art, film, or prose, to question and challenge the Surveillance State, to be persistent, and to make every effort to help turn things around, to return privacy and freedom to our lives. The video link to that interview on Youtube is below.

Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, James Spione Interview on Silenced, with Ondi Timoner, BYOD, at Tribeca Film Festival

Guantanamo Defense lawyer and retired Army Major Todd Pierce, in conversations with Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss, offers his thoughts on wrongful directions in American foreign policy, wars in the Middle East “fostered by propaganda and falsehood”, and these developments as threats to American democracy, as reported in two articles linked at the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence site, Everything That We Have Done Since 9/11 is Wrong, and The United States of Innocence.

Everything that we have done since 9/11 is wrong. We are embarking on a totalitarian foreign policy that is a hallmark of how Hannah Arendt defines fascism… The false claims about radical Islam show how little we understand about ourselves or the Middle East.”

Ex-NSA whistleblower, linguist, and veteran Intelligence analyst Karen Stewart details below in conversations with Mark Hoffman of Patriot Nation (starts midway/1:13:44) at BlogtalkRadio/World Integrity News Network, and with Phil Marie at The Wheel of Freedom her own experience of injustice at the NSA, failures in intelligence that led to 9/11, and covert NSA retaliation for her whistleblowing that, shockingly, includes organized counterintelligence harassment (COINTELPRO) and covert attack with electronic-warfare weapons such as pulsed microwave and ultrasonic weapons.

In an extraordinary and dramatic account of events that transpired at her NSA workplace on 9/11, Karen Stewart reveals a disturbing picture of in-house corruption at the NSA where actionable intelligence on 9/11 was deliberately suppressed, and honest Intelligence analysts hounded. She conveys the troubled musings of those, who like her, ask: Was 9/11 actually permitted, by those in power at an agency supposedly committed to “National Security” primarily to gain billions in funding and establish our current Surveillance state?

Karen Stewart: “But the fact that people still in power at the NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives, or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.”

Karen Stewart: My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

As we approach yet another anniversary of 9/11, 14 years after the fact, almost every adult in the USA can remember where he or she was that day, that morning, – and the gamut of emotions that played out in their hearts and minds. On that day we Americans could not imagine a horror and injustice beyond such a scope, nor even begin to fathom the demonic depravity of those who had devised and executed such a plan. But in two days time, I would discover something far worse that would stay with me forever, that my employer, the National Security Agency, had knowingly allowed the attack on September 11, 2001.

At that point in my life, I had been an intelligence analyst for about 20 years. I came from a military family, my father had served in the Air Force, served in Vietnam, helped plan the defense of the Fulda Gap in Europe against potential Soviet invasion in the 1970’s, and had retired back to his hometown with his family, where I finished up college. Instead of going into the military, I decided to use my talents and abilities to serve my country within the intelligence community, thus I applied for and got a position with the National Security Agency in 1982. Due to my generation’s known experimentation with recreational drugs, my initial session with the NSA job interviewer became contentious when she required me to admit that, I had done drugs but promised to never do them again while employed by NSA. She simply refused to believe anyone my age had the character to refuse to participate in drinking and drug experimentation, but I had decided early in my life that that was not for me. A job interview polygraph proved I was telling the truth. I was hired with no problems in my background to ever cause NSA any heartburn.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my small team of workers were the first who had moved into an almost empty division size room on the backside of NSA in the Weapons & Space Division, so we had it almost completely to ourselves, but for our female Deputy Division Chief manning the front office.

A little before 9:00 am, she ran over to our area, telling us to quickly come to her office to see an awful event unfolding on TV. When we got there, we saw smoke pouring out of the first Twin Tower struck, but it was not clear what had happened. When the division chief said that a commercial jetliner had struck the building, we suspected it was no accident. When we saw the second jet approaching we knew it was an attack and that there could be more targets. While NSA upper management was silent, I convinced a coworker to leave and go home since he was an older man with severe mobility issues. I got him to his car and saw him off. As I was returning to the building, people began leaving the building telling me that NSA management had finally decided to release the workforce. We had wondered why management had taken so long to come to an obvious conclusion, but we learned later that they had told their assistants to release the general workforce only after the last executive had left.

When the general workforce was released en masse however, the main complex became a massive traffic jam with people stuck in their cars for literally hours, according to friends who worked in other areas of NSA HQ. Had NSA been targeted, many would have perished in their cars. I lucked out in that I parked in a lesser frequented area and was home in 15 minutes. Like all of America, I sat glued to the TV, trying to make sense of it all.

I believe the general workforce was allowed to return to work Thursday, September 13th. As I walked down the hall toward my office, I came upon a group of people standing in the hall. There were 3-4 women standing around a man in his early 40’s, who was not only crying, but crying in almost breathless, heaving sobs that were making his whole body shake. His story came out in bits and pieces, beginning with – “all those people did not have to die”, “we could have saved them”, “we knew this was being planned six months ago, but they – meaning NSA upper management would not let us (meaning, him and his team) issue the numerous reports they had written, outlining the who, what, where and why of the attacks. When his team thought the problem was convincing evidence, they went into overdrive to gather even more evidence to convince NSA management to allow them to warn the appropriate authorities, he said that NSA management used NSA Security to begin threatening them, demanding that they cease and desist bothering management about this plot and cease investigating this topic or they would face disciplinary actions even up to and including job dismissal.

After getting his story out, and with many women trying to comfort him, the man was finally able to pull himself together and return to his office. I was horrified and stunned, I had not imagined that I could feel worse than I had coming into work that morning but I did. I waited to see if this was spoken of again in the next few weeks or months, but it clearly became a forbidden topic. It was not until a few years later that my paths crossed with yet another analyst from the very same office as the crying man, who also had tried desperately to convince NSA management to allow the people on his team to issue a series of warnings delineating the 9/11 plot. He was a senior analyst and a rare and brilliantly talented multi-linguist (person who speaks multiple foreign languages well). When the analyst I’ll call “Hero”, because he truly was, kept trying to convince management to allow the 9/11 warning reports to be issued, ignoring their threats, NSA upper management sic’ed NSA Security on him, specifically Security Psychological Services, which is comprised largely of substandard psychologists who, due to poor ability, psychological problems of their own, or previous serious breaches in medical ethics, are largely unemployable elsewhere. These “attack psychologists” are ordered to write up a targeted person, in such a way as to portray him or her as mentally ill – with their favorite one-trick pony being an accusation of paranoia with delusions. Thus, “Hero” was written up as being “obsessed with WWII and Kamikaze pilots” to dismiss his concerns that hundreds of Americans were in danger and could die. Then low-level NSA Security thugs were sent to follow him 24/7 for months as intimidation but also to flesh out the fraudulent NSA psychological attack premise of his being paranoid and delusional – and therefore unfit to hold a security clearance or work at NSA. What better method than to actually send people to follow him around and intimidate him so NSA could accuse him of thinking people were following him around and “out to get him”? (They certainly were!)

Once “Hero” was fraudulently fired by Security using NSA’s tried and true psychological gas-lighting attack conspiracy to circumvent the Federal No Fear Act, which clearly forbids retaliatory dismissal and fraudulent psychological attacks as well as other abuses of power, NSA Security’s harassment did not stop there. Though “Hero” had highly sought after, unique talents, NSA Security blackballed him from any other Federal job to keep him from finishing up his 30 years with the government that would have enable him to collect full his Federal pension and then sabotaged through vicious slander, any and all well paying positions he applied for in the private sector for about a decade – keeping his ability to earn a living at a bare minimum. After the decade of “punishment” for trying to go against NSA’s wishes to save the 9/11 victims, he was told that Security would “allow” him to finally apply for a job commensurate with his talent an education, without telling his new employer lies about him to ruin his prospects or viciously slandering him throughout a new community as they had previously. But Security caveated that with the warning that if he ever spoke about the fact that NSA had had all the information needed to thwart the attacks 6 months before they happened, that they would hound him the rest of his life and keep him from ever again holding a job with a living wage. “Hero” also reported that occasionally he still would return from work to find that someone had gotten into his home and rearranged his belongings as a message to him that he is still being watched and that they can get to him any time that they want to.

So, “Hero” will forever remain an unknown American hero who lost so very much in his efforts to save his fellow Americans, which is truly a shame. But the fact that people still in power at NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.

Karen Stewart
Former Intelligence Analyst
And Whistleblower

Sept 1, 2015
2:30-3:00 pm


NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Studying Global Covert Assaults with Classified Electronic Warfare Radiation and Neuro-Technologies

Press TV–Pam Bailey, Euro-Med Monitor of Human Rights: Israeli Violence Overshadowed By Paris Attacks

Excerpted from Press TV, please click over there for the full interview:


Press TV video image

Press TV has interviewed Pam Bailey, with the Euro-Med Monitor of Human Rights from Washington, to ask for her take on the ongoing Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Looking at the situation, as we have just said, 90 Palestinians have been killed since October; however, we are not seeing that much of an outrage when it comes to Israeli human rights violations be it through arresting minor Palestinians aged 12 to 14 or be it through the demolition of homes and of course these killings.

Bailey: Well, especially now. You know, now you have got everybody focusing on Paris and bombing Syria and it is sort of working out to Israel’s favor. So no one is paying attention which gives Israel a blank check to do whatever it wants. So Israel is really exploiting the opportunity at this point.

Press TV: Many have pointed out; you know not to diminish anything from the tragedy that took place in Paris, but the reality is that the Palestinians have to live through that horror day in and day out at the hands of the Israeli settlers and forces.

Bailey: Yes absolutely, again not to belittle what you said what happened in Paris is terrible, but you have the Palestinians who have been living through daily direct violence or structural violence for nearly decades now, but at least in Gaza 7 or 8 years. So it has become a daily reality for them and yet the world stage, you know the government leaders, the media and the public seem to swing from crisis to crisis as soon as it gets a little bit less urgent or as soon as another emergency happens…and then you have these used-long crises that were allowed just keep festering.


(Bailey:) No one seems to want to deal with the underlying cause and the underlying cause is the occupation and the blockade and I think the world is sort of throwing up their hands. They say it cannot be solved, they say it is because the two sides cannot come on an agreement, no partners for peace, no strong leaders, but the reality is the international community does not have the backbone.


(Full article at Press TV)

Source: http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/11/17/438064/Pam-Bailey-Israel-Palestine-Paris-



Paris Attacks: Please Keep Yourself Informed About False Flag Terror and Its Intentions: Martial Law, War, Increased Surveillance, Secret Police Actions, Global Policing, Global Techno-Government

parisThis afternoon already there is a lot of information and commentary online on this subject, and it is becoming clearer that what unfolded in Paris last night is questionable on many counts. The sites listed here yesterday continue to follow this story and post multiple news and commentary articles, please keep visiting them for probing analysis and commentary. (Additional sites/links below.)

At this particular point in world affairs, given the multiple number of False Flags–terror unleashed by governments on their own people, in the guise of foreign terrorism–that we have all experienced or learned about in the last 20 years, and more, we need to be very aware that, in this 21st-Century of Hi-Tech Surveillance and Weaponry, False Flag Terror has become a tool of corrupt governments–as part of their self-allowed arsenal of PsyOps, Military Deception, and Government Propaganda, and it is a tool that is used against the people, in an attempt to tighten the noose around all of us of the Surveillance state, High-Security state, Police state. Almost any act of public violence, particularly involving multiple victims, needs to be scrutinized in this regard.

There are also, of course, those acts of terror committed by one nation against another–with the complicity of the second’s government, while setting up a third as fall guy — such as, in the view of many analysts, what happened in the US on 9/11.

Which brings us to the subject of Global Policing, and the steamrolling-ahead of the Global Governance machine, under the aegis of the UN, which is still trying to crush the world’s nations into one melted-pot of borderless spaces inhabited by a diversity of peoples equally rained-on by chem trails, equally surveilled, equally controlled, and equally transhumanized–a Brave New World of powerless cyborgs who will raise no voice and sign no petitions and wave no signs but let multinational corporations plunder resources worldwide, exploit labor worldwide, and destroy the earth worldwide (rough description of the TPP), while being intimately mind- and body-controlled via nanotechnology and neurotechnology into believing they are participating in the creation and maintenance of a Sustainable Earth.

What happens immediately post False Flag Terror? The quick passing of laws decreeing increased Surveillance–witness the Patriot Act in the US, and a new surveillance law passed in France post-Hebdo attacks in January, whose intent is very close to the Patriot Act–mass surveillance, vaccuuming up metadata, wiretapping everyone.  The potential for Martial law, foreign wars, the increase of secret police actions, and the use of New-Age classified Directed-Energy Weaponry on the people, to stifle dissent and control populations. This reality is already here, in large part, in many countries in the world–people from all around the world are now reporting covert assaults with Directed Energy Weaponry (DEWs) on blogs, talk shows, and alternative media (while mainstream media, clearly complicit,  keeps mum about it). This is not exclusive to any one country–these assaults are global, and they are surely part of a secret Global Policing initiative, part of the ruthless underground roll-out of Global Techno-Governance–being kept covert by nature of the deadly neurotechnology being used, that governments actually seem to think they can keep classified forever–secret radiation weaponry offers an opportunity for secret assault, an opportunity currently not being passed up by unscrupulous governments. (An issue of especial concern to this site, which will be covered in greater detail in many articles to come.)

Why do we need to figure out what exactly is going on? Because being taken in by False Flag Terror is one step away from permitting and acquiescing to excessive government surveillance, and the further stripping-down of our rights. Many in the US thought it was perfectly fine to pass a medieval law like the Patriot Act after 9/11, and many in France believed the Hebdo attacks came from outside. I have no idea anymore how exactly one compels one’s government to listen to what the people want–they don’t heed protests, emails, faxes, petitions, except if bombarded with these en masse maybe–since they seem to steamroll ahead and embark on illegal wars and illegal assaults just as they please. But I do believe our reality worldwide is changing. We are becoming aware globally of what these governments and multinationals are doing to us, and there are many ways we can withdraw consent from their actions and policies.

From quantum physics we learn that just the intention to withhold consent is powerful: in a probabilistic universe where the vibrations of our thoughts, and the nature of our consciousness can ripple through the unified field connecting all of us and make a change in our world, we should be awfully hopeful that our clear-seeing of what is going on, our refusal to condone false flags, and our own determined orientations as ordinary folk inclined toward a peaceful society, a non-surveilled society, a free society will inevitably build to a global crescendo, and prevail.

One day I believe all these corrupt governments will be completely stopped from creating False Flag Terror–and that day will come only if we can wake up today and see it for what it is while it’s happening. Our consciousness is literally the only peaceful tool we have today to make a difference in how our collective future turns out. If we don’t want that Brave New World of their dystopian dreams, we need to stay aware of what they’re doing and through our very awareness stop them from envisioning it or enabling it.

A few articles I found interesting:

From New Eastern Outlook: http://journal-neo.org/2015/11/14/attack-in-france-state-sponsored-terror-but-which-state/

Excerpt: How Did France’s Expanding Surveillance State Miss This? 

On a scale significantly larger than the previous Paris terror attack carried out against several targets across the capital in January of this year ending in the death of 12, the Western media is already assigning blame to the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS/ISIL) or those “inspired” by ISIS.

It was in the wake of the January attacks that France expanded its already towering surveillance state. The Guardian in an article titled, “France passes new surveillance law in wake of Charlie Hebdo attack,” reported:

The new law will allow authorities to spy on the digital and mobile phone communications of anyone linked to a “terrorist” inquiry without prior authorisation from a judge. It forces internet service providers and phone companies to give up data upon request.

Intelligence services will have the right to place cameras and recording devices in private homes and install so-called keylogger devices that record every key stroke on a targeted computer in real time. The authorities will be able to keep recordings for a month and metadata for five years.

One of the most contentious elements of the bill is that it allows intelligence services to vacuum up metadata, which would then be subject to analysis for potentially suspicious behaviour. The metadata would be anonymous, but intelligence agents could follow up with a request to an independent panel for deeper surveillance that could yield the identity of users.

Despite having allegedly lacked these capabilities before the “Charlie Hebo attack,” it would be revealed shortly after that indeed, French security agencies were extensively familiar with the attackers years beforehand – letting the suspects “drop from their radars” just 6 months before the attack occurred, precisely the amount of time generally required for planning and executing such an attack. First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/11/14/attack-in-france-state-sponsored-terror-but-which-state/

From Washington’s Blog: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/11/the-first-question-to-ask-after-any-terror-attack-was-it-a-false-flag.html

From Covert Geopolitics: http://geopolitics.co/2015/11/14/paris-attack-hollande-government-as-the-prime-suspect/ (This is a post which includes other articles including posts from Kevin Barrett and Paul Craig Roberts.)

Excerpt: If one would notice, there’s now a developing trend out of Europe where the incumbent Cabalists are being knocked out of power, one by one, by progressive parties with the direct participation of the awake and aware segment of the European society.

Leftist, socialists, and even nationalists are gaining political foothold in Britain, Portugal, Spain and France itself, and suspects #2 and #3, not only have the capabilities to launch such attacks, they are also highly motivated considering their loses across the Middle East and at home.

The present French government is under threat from Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party, and the national economy is deteriorating since 2013…

Also: Finally, we would like to ask about some of the conflicting details of the attack:

  • How many assailants exactly were there considering the already conflicting numbers being broadcasted from several attackers now progressing to a lone gun nut;
  • Certainly, the security of the country is on heightened alert for at least four (4) reasons: the ongoing influx of refugees, the UN “climate change” summit, the fallout of the Charlie Hebdo false flag, and the recently concluded “The Shared 21st Century International Mission” featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawyers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet [see video below]. Hmmmn, what a coincidence, right?
  • Are the gunmen still in “police custody”, “or are they all “dead”?
  • How many were the actual victims? The numbers keep on changing by the minute.

The French Government, CIA and MOSSAD intelligence agencies are our prime suspects. At the very least, the French government is yet to come clean on Charlie Hebdo false flag operation, participated in by military shaven crisis actors [here], before this particular event could be considered a real terrorist attack.

Will there be another “unity march” soon?

There should be one on a very exclusive street in France as this is a much “bigger attack”. See full article, along with posts by Kevin Barrett and Paul Craig Roberts here: http://geopolitics.co/2015/11/14/paris-attack-hollande-government-as-the-prime-suspect/

Before It’s News: (Includes a couple videos) http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2015/11/9-reasons-the-terrorist-attacks-in-paris-could-be-a-false-flag-event-2756906.html

Excerpt: My heart goes out to anyone who lost a family member in these horrific attacks, it does, but once again, history tells us to keep a watchful eye over what happens next. With details still sketchy at best, and the number of dead or injured being very fluid, one number I noticed in the video below was not fluid: President Hollande declared a state of emergency and mobilized 1,500 troops to patrol Paris streets. In the video, you’ll see an article that says “officials“ have the right to perform searches, and “military justice” may be enacted. I assume that means citizens can get ventilated if they aren’t fully cooperative, no questions asked… but who knows? Also in one article, Obama promises to do “whatever it takes” to bring the terrorists to justice. Hmmmm.

The task of keeping a city or a country safe is one that very few people in this world have to deal with, so who are we to second guess their decisions right? Is 1,500 troops a harsh response? Would 500 be better? What about 5,000? It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback a scenario after it’s over, but right now there’s no way to know if the attack is over, not for sure anyway, and the government’s priority SHOULD be protecting the people of Paris… period. 

Where things begin to get dicey, is how and when all the current hightened sensitivity begins to dissipate… or doesn’t it? Once the threat has been contained, and that is confirmed, do the soldiers remain on the streets? Are searches and “military justice” still sanctioned? Recall the words of former Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, “never let a crisis go to waste.” It’s disgusting to think that “conspiracy theorists” jump immediately to the possibility of a false flag attack, when there are families that don’t even know to begin grieving yet… BUT… anyone who doesn’t believe a government would fire on it’s own for what it perceives to be the “greater good,” doesn’t know history very well. 

Earlier this week, the United States did our best North Korea impression with the launching of two nuclear capable missiles. Just yesterday, in a post titled, Jim Willie Explains U.S. Nuclear War Threats to China and Russia Over Challenging Dollar Supremacy, Jim Willie explained why the U.S. would risk nuclear war at this point. The world is a powder keg waiting to blow, and events unfolding in the Middle East and Europe are at the heart of the tensions. Who knows what a government might do to rationalize actions it felt were in its best interests. Whether Paris was a false flag attack or not should be more evident in the days to come as we watch and see how the government responds. Whether it is or it isn’t, doesn’t negate the fact that we live in a time that as citizens, we have to be eternally vigilant of our surroundings if we expect to survive. That includes being VERY aware of what our governments are up to.

From Global Research: (This site hosts several articles and op-eds on the subject.) http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-paris-terrorist-attacks-911-french-style-le-11-septembre-a-la-francaise/5488896

Excerpt: The political discourse is in some regards reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks and the statements of George W. Bush et al.

The media immediately started comparing the November 13 attacks in Paris to 9/11, intimating that France was at war and that the alleged Islamic State attack was from abroad, i.e. the Middle East.

Police State Measures

President Hollande had ordered by decree without debate or consultation with France’s National Assembly the enactment of a State of Emergency throughout France, coupled with the closing of France’s borders allegedly to prevent terrorists from coming in, and from terror suspects from leaving the country.

The measures also included procedures which enable the police to conduct arbitrary arrests and house searches without a warrant within the Paris metropolitan area opening up the development of a potential hate campaign directed against France’s Muslim population.

These drastic police state measures (including the repeal of habeas corpus) ordered by president Hollande were decided upon prior and in the absence of a police report. Initial reports confirmed the involvement of half a dozen terrorists. There was no evidence of a nationwide terror network.

But as we mentioned above, Hollande had no doubt been briefed by French intelligence which had, according to reports, “predicted” the possibility of a 9/11 style attack. (October 2 media reports).

The Corbett Report is conducting an open-source investigation and invites comments and information from all: https://www.corbettreport.com/the-paris-terror-attacks-an-open-source-investigation/

David Swanson/Washington’s Blog: Non-French War Deaths Matter

We are all France. Apparently. Though we are never all Lebanon or Syria or Iraq for some reason. Or a long, long list of additional places.

We are led to believe that U.S. wars are not tolerated and cheered because of the color or culture of the people being bombed and occupied. But let a relatively tiny number of people be murdered in a white, Christian, Western-European land, with a pro-war government, and suddenly sympathy is the order of the day.

“This is not just an attack on the French people, it is an attack on human decency and all things that we hold dear,” says U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. I’m not sure I hold ALL the same things dear as the senator, but for the most part I think he’s exactly right and that sympathy damn well ought to be the order of the day following a horrific mass killing in France.

I just think the same should apply to everywhere else on earth as well. The majority of deaths in all recent wars are civilian. The majority of civilians are not hard to sympathize with once superficial barriers are overcome. Yet, the U.S. media never seems to declare deaths in Yemen or Pakistan or Palestine to be attacks on our common humanity.

I included “pro-war government” as a qualification above, because I can recall a time, way back in 2003, when I was the one shouting “We are all France,” and pro-war advocates in the United States were demonizing France for its refusal to support a looming and guaranteed to be catastrophic and counterproductive U.S. war. France sympathized with U.S. deaths on 911, but counseled sanity, decency, and honesty in response. The U.S. told France to go to hell and renamed french fries in Congressional office buildings.

Now, 14 years into a global war on terror that reliably produces more terror, France is an enthusiastic invader, plunderer, bomber, and propagator of hateful bigotry. France also sells billions of dollars of weaponry to lovely little bastions of equality and liberty like Saudi Arabia, carefully ignoring Saudis’ funding of anti-Western terrorist groups.


Please visit Washington’s Blog for the rest of this post.

Preston James, Phd/Veterans Today: Divided Loyalties Inside the Pentagon

pentagonGroundbreaking article from Dr. Preston James at Veterans Today, discussing the emergence lately in the US Military and among officers in the Pentagon High Command of a slowly-awakening consciousness that all wars in the last century, and most poignantly, the recent wars fought by the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, and currently ongoing in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere have been contrived maneuvers by Wall Street bankers and the shadow elite/cabal running the government, to amass personal profit at the expense of enormous loss of life, limb, health, and future of millions of young Americans who have fought in the US Army, and to maintain criminal schemes of drug-running, human trafficking, pedophilia, and organ-trafficking to pad their vast empire of ill-begotten wealth; and that the War of Terror the US has been obsessed with for more than a decade now, post-9/11, was a deliberate construct, built on the horrific, constructed, false-flag event and massive crime that was 9/11. Pointed excerpts below, please click over to Veterans Today for the whole article.

Americans Framed as Domestic Terrorists and Psychotronically Harassed, Gang-Stalked/Secret Police

I especially commend Dr. James for unflinchingly covering the creation of the “domestic terrorist” in this regard, the false labeling of activists and whistleblowers as “Domestic Terrorists” and the subjecting of them to intensive surveillance, organized gangstalking, and psychotronic harassment with microwave weapons, and the rise of a ruthless and violent Secret Police in the US, covered recently here in this article probing DOJ involvement, all subjects of major concern at this site–excerpt below.  I also commend the forthrightness in this article, as also many others at Veterans Today, in candidly discussing the nature of the beast we are dealing with–an extremely wealthy Mafia engaging in Nazi actions of repression and totalitarianism against the entire American population, and an organized crime syndicate involving Intel agencies such as the CIA and Mossad running “murder, drug trafficking, pedophilia, human compromise” rackets, all propelled by the practice of very dark Satanist and occult religions involving the unimaginable horrors of child and human sacrifice, including via wars–excerpt below.


Excerpt from early in the article:

“The American masses as well as many Pentagon Officials are now learning how our nation’s highest echelons were infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia and its subordinates the Bush Crime Cabal (aka the BCC) and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors (aka the Zios).

As this hidden truth is now becoming known and obvious to all, it can no longer be denied that High Treason has been committed in the Pentagon’s High Command Structure surround 9-11-01 and all the subsequent wars it triggered. Nor can it be denied that thousands of the best American Soldiers have been needlessly sacrificed, killed, horribly wounded and disabled for nothing but the evil profits of the Banksters and their war contractors.

As you can imagine as this truth sweeps through the Pentagon and the US Military, dissidence and rage grows by the day. And this realization is now spreading throughout the Pentagon at breakneck speed.

The truth that the Pentagon High Command and the US Administration were deeply involved in the attack on America and managed the stand-down on 9-11-01 is so clear cut, so definite, and so compelling that it can no longer be denied by anyone that takes the time to carefully consider that basic evidence.

The Pentagon High Command has worked very hard with the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), the Administration and Congress to contain these terrible deep dark secrets and prevent the American masses and American Military from finding them out. To learn of the specifics of either of these secrets is usually a mind-boggling shock to the system for anyone that finds out, especially the second secret.

The first dark secret is that the Pentagon High Command has been infiltrated and hijacked by the World’s largest Opium Cartel and manipulated into helping the CIA and the Mossad, using the DEA and US Customs as cover to become the World’s largest illegal drug traffickers.

The second deep dark secret even more terrible for America if you can imagine that is that the Pentagon High Command assisted the Mossad and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and the US Administration in their attack on America on 9-11-01.”

On People Being Miscast as Domestic Terrorists and Terrorized by the State:

The decision was made by the top several Policy-Makers who really control the Pentagon and the USG that the only way to continue illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, perpetual wars was to create a new imaginary enemy that could be redefined at any time.

This enemy (“The Terrorists”) must be able to be modified and expanded or refocused at any time to include any nation that they needed to destroy and gain access to their natural resources cheaply. Thus the ideas of the DVD (Fourth Reich or Abwehr) to deploy Gladio-style, False-flag, inside-job engineered synthetic terror were accepted.

But even worse the Khazarian Mafia decided that the definition of what a terrorist is would be expanded to include any American citizen who asked too many questions, was a whistle-blower of any kind, or did not immediately comply with any government or police order.

They proceeded to consolidate all American Law Enforcement into a Khazarian Mafia Secret Police, Homeland Security (DHS) using Pentagon weapons and technology and Israeli anti-terrorist training given for free by the ADL to almost every large Police Department.

Their plan was to merge the American Police, the NSA and the Pentagon with those who were in control of Homeland Security, the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens which they had direct control over. In this way they could create a master control grid and quickly identify any dissident ant any level, and then label them domestic terrorists to be harassed, psychotronically “corrected”, gang stalked or arrested and imprisoned.”

From the section on Satanism, “the Process”:

“And we now know for certain that every major police department has had an American Intel contact, usually CIA (sometimes other US Intel), with top secret credentials, often a NOC, that runs cover ups. The embedded Intel ops typically run cover-ups for any activities associated with the CIA, including setting up “stand-down” Arkensides (murders made to appear as suicides) to get rid of whistle-blowers and dissidents.

These embedded Intel Agents run cover-ups for the CIA/DEA/Mossad “controlled deliveries” of narcotics for black ops money which are supposed to catch the “Mr. Big drug traffickers” but never do.  And they suppress any serious investigations or recognition of the numerous and serious crimes and violence of the Satanic Cult Network known as the “Process”. Obviously these men are Traitors and are functioning as a part of a major RICO crime syndicate.

It is time they are exposed and brought to justice. Anyone committing these crimes using National Security as False cover obviously has lost their soul and humanness if they ever had one in the first place.

The invocation of so-called “National Security” to cover murder, drug trafficking, pedophilia, human compromise is in this case a separate RICO crime in an of itself, besides all the other major felonies involved.

We now know from those that have been close to the World’s largest Satanic Cult called “the Process” that it started out as an MI-6 type operation based on the teaching of John Dee, Aleister Crowley and Alice Bailey. This massive World’s largest cult is based on ancient Baal Worship, child and human sacrifice and deployment of wars and mass death eugenics.

Sadly this Satanic cult “the Process” has been deputized as an agent of US National Security and given complete immunity and protection for all its activities including human sex trafficking, organ trafficking, pedophilia, drug trafficking and various other criminal cult activities.”

Please visit Veterans Today for the whole, eye-opening article.

State of the Nation: Counter Coup D’état in Progress: USA Becomes a Hotbed of REAL Anti-Government Conspiracies

Re-posted (in excerpt) from State of the Nation, with thanks. Please click over to Sott.net for the full article, which draws connections between the JFK assassination and 9/11, and the real conspiracies–not “conspiracy theories”–behind them, points up the role of the CIA in these, and offers links to many eye-opening videos on both subjects. Americans from all walks of life today, including government, intelligence, and law enforcement personnel, are waking up to the real truth of what happened in 1963 and 2001, and the question posed here is: are we going to sit back and let things slide and let things worsen and let history repeat itself, or are we going to address/arrest this history as a people and seek justice?

JFK’s Courage and 9/11 Truth Both Inspire a 2nd American Revolution

Will the American people wake up before they, too, become a victim of U.S. foreign policy?

Excerpt: “In fact one of the greatest coups d’état in history occurred on U.S. soil, yet very few knew it even took place.

That historic coup d’état transpired on November 22, 1963.  The event is widely known as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Who killed JFK? And why did they do it?

That coup was carried out in Dallas, Texas by the very same “U.S. embassy” which has subsequently terrorized numerous nations around the globe ever since.

The Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) essentially owns and operates those U.S. Embassies—all of them.  The CIA is the intelligence arm and secret service which does all their (MIC) dirty work … … … real dirty work, like the very brutal and public assassination of the President of the United States of America in 1963.”


Also: What’s the real point?   The article posted below by Paul Craig Roberts lays bare the current realities facing each and every U.S. citizen.  Of course, what Paul fails to mention is that the false flag terror attacks of 9/11 were actually planned, coordinated, executed, and covered up by the CIA working in concert with the entire Military Industrial Complex, just like the JFK assassination was conducted.  Hence, the American people are inescapably obligated to address that treasonous crime against the American Republic in the most decisive way.”

Source: Counter Coup D’état in Progress: USA Becomes a Hotbed of REAL Anti-Government Conspiracies

James Tracy: 9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)

Re-posted, with thanks, from James Tracy’s Memory Hole Blog:

Press For Truth

Source: 9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)