Tag Archives: War on terror

“Invent2Prevent” & “Bug Bytes”: Failure of Government and Rise of Institutionalized Terrorism as DHS Ramps Up the Criminalizing of One and All (an FBI Tactic, Extended), Now Roping College Students In & Chasing Schoolkids

Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | Feb 9, 2022

“The War on Terror,” many know, has just become an excuse for overt and covert State-sponsored terrorism, a subject I have been reporting on now for 8 years, going on nine, since 2013, when it landed on my doorstep, demanding closer scrutiny.

War on Terror: Spy planes and drones operating inside USA, courtesy Electronic Warfare tests, training, operations and “Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance” targeting Americans

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

Secret Policing Inside the United States of America: “Domestic Adversaries” and Covert Electronic Weapons

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted

Lies, Deception, False-Narratives on an Elaborate Scale to Watchlist and Terrorize Select People and Their Communities

Lies, covers, denials, refusals to reveal information coupled with badge-flashing and character-assassination in communities, tried and true (and super-scummy) COINTELPRO methodologies employed since Hoover’s time, along with false NSLs, FISA warrants and FMJ warrants obtained under false pretences, lies, lies and more lies have marked the cavortings, trapeze-acts and inversions of fact run by the FBI, DHS, CIA, and NSA in their drive to unlawfully subjugate Americans in their own communities, while camouflaging their oppressions formally on paper as noble attempts to “counter violent extremism” and quell “domestic terrorism.”

Lies have permitted the FBI to target, covertly assault (with DEWs, neurotech, noise harassment, vehicular mobbing, retail mobbing, community policing, drone and helicopter stalking), and daily and nightly persecute people of integrity, whistleblowers, activists, and journalists grotesquely as people, no, “threats” “likely to commit crimes,” including this writer, whose letters of enquiry and demand to well-shielded bureaucrats have been completely ignored, as the unlawful assaults since late 2013 continue, reported most recently here and here. (See also FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee’s extensive reportage on FBI crimes, and CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell’s reportage on government crimes against whistleblowers–some of it reported here, most reported at their websites.)

Lies have now permitted the DHS to ramp up its programs of terrorism-prevention–lies in this case surrounding the Jan 6 riots which most observant analysts recognize as contrived-rioting established by infiltrators and paid agent-provocateurs, very much the MO of the FBI-CIA-DHS (and Soros/Schwartz) brigade, who can be roundly blamed for all false-flags and in-house terror events such as mass shootings and lone-wolf MK ULTRA patsy shootouts since the days of the grassy knoll and multiple shooters taking out JFK but maintaining longstanding myths of one crazed man with a gun.

Armed with lies, we now have government agencies tasked with Security and Law Enforcement pulling in millions and billions in budgeted funds eager to watchlist, terrorlist, redlist, and blacklist anyone they please–or anyone their “FBI informants” in the community: read, planted snitches of Freemasonic/Secret Society bent, linked to one of the many cartels in operation today: Pharma, Defense, Health, Security, Law Enforcement, Intelligence pleases, for malicious reasons of vendetta, punishing activism against war or against animal ab/use in cruel experiments, punishing any kind of whistleblower against corruption or crime, or retaliating against anyone who dares to write to, question, critique or ridicule a government figurehead.

“Domestic Terrorism”: Cash Cow for DHS and FBI

“Domestic Terrorism” has become a cash cow for the DHS and FBI–one they don’t want to give up, but expand every year into further extension of budget, “surveillance” aka secret torture activities, and entrenchment of terrorizing holds on local communities: all of these are acts of aggression and crime against the populace.

For this writer’s commentary on the over-reaching and abusive November 2020 bulletin from FBI and DHS citing the NDAA’s (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020) notions of “Domestic Terrorism” written to incriminate anyone with a breath who expresses empathy with animals, the unborn, the unprivileged, or the oppressed, please see here: NDAA Report, Definitions of Domestic Terrorism, Comments by Ramola D (To be further addressed in a video news report soon, please stay tuned.)

As with the FBI, so with the DHS.

Just as the FBI has now entered schoolrooms with its Don’t be a Puppet program to supposedly extinguish extremism in its inception in American classrooms, the DHS has taken to roping college students into its convoluted program lair with a new venture, Invent2Prevent, getting students to buy into the “ever present terrorism” myth by having them compete to create new and inventive programs to further criminalize, detain, and disappear their own fellow Americans and neighbors, calling it all a virtuous attempt to “stop terrorism before it starts:”

INVENT2PREVENT: A New Way to Bring War-on-Terror Targeting, Obsession, Fear, Subjugation, Repression, Indoctrination, and Brain Entrainment onto College Campuses

This week, DHS is preparing to pick a winner in a curious competition for college students, with a curious title, Invent2Prevent, designed to help them “develop and deploy dynamic projects to prevent targeted violence and extremism” and in fact sustain these programs “to continue on beyond the term.”

Invent2Prevent or perhaps more accurately Invent2Pretend2Prevent in fact is exactly what the FBI has been doing for 20 years since the unlawful Patriot Act was rolled out–legitimizing on paper a horrific assault on rights and freedoms protected under the true US Constitution and Bill of Rights, now completely trampled out of sight–and it is interesting to see this very startling phrasing used in a new DHS War-on-Terror initiative which will bring an obsession with “targeted violence and extremism” concomitant with dehumanizing training in suspecting fellow students, stalking and monitoring fellow students, targeting fellow students, harassing and persecuting fellow students, inhibiting academic freedoms of fellow students onto college campuses.

How is it possible that University Campuses–long thought of as spaces for true academic freedom, openness of intellectual enquiry, critical thinking on every subject, deep scholarship, creativity, and imagination, as indeed I too have experienced and helped build in my long career of teaching Creative Writing, English Composition, Literature at Washington DC area universities and community colleges, from 1988 as a Graduate Teaching Assistant right up to 2011 teaching Fiction and Poetry at George Washington University–are now becoming arenas for Brown Shirt Fascism of which Mussolini would be proud, and how is it possible that American Universities are permitting this to happen?

But that is indeed the case now, and it bodes ill for American freedoms–which are further being hustled out of sight as Communist tentacles of the Sustainment and Resilience Octopus of Ending Human Rights now creep into college campuses and strangle Free Speech, Free Thinking, and Free Behavior out of sight.

The excuse today is “targeted hate-based violence and mass shootings” and “Targeted hate against minority groups” as spun for instance at the McCain Institute, which essentially is running this Invent2Prevent campaign, funded by the DHS, as the Monterey Herald notes: “Funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Invent2Prevent is a national competition run by the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University and EdVenture Partners, an organization that develops industry-education partnership programs.” (https://www.montereyherald.com/2022/01/20/middlebury-institute-moves-forward-in-national-competition/)

Violence and Extremism, Terror and Terrorism are not normal ways of life — except for the very “National Security” mechanism comprising the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, who are now running programs of terrorism on the American populace, replete with riotous “Antifa” and “BLM” movements, mass shooters for every occasion, and persecutory targeting of intellectuals, activists, writers, artists, whistleblowers, people of integrity in their own neighborhoods–using Parallel Construction, COINTELPRO, and Lies, as described here, from experience–who are thence disappeared as “Mentally Ill Troublemakers” when reporting these targeting crimes–making the fortressing of State terrorism and State crime against the populace complete: This is profoundly diabolical, organized State-run crime against Americans and against humanity.

These are not idle claims, nor are they the glib “anti-government rhetoric” the DHS (like the fascist bastion of tyranny it has become) seeks newly to criminalize, with its latest Terrorism Threat Bulletin dated Feb 7, 2022. For proof of these State-run crimes of Terror–which rely on the complicity and deception of Media and Medicine to remain hidden from open public discourse, please see my extensive reportage on this subject at this print site and at my video channels, see also my personal reports, FOIA requests at Muckrock, and the Online Press Conference of 15 October 2021.

Using Spectrum Weapons, a built-up Smart Grid, and numerous programs (many touting “Threat Prevention”), in conjunction with the DOD and CIA, to inflict serious harm, injury, on Americans is both criminal aggression and an act of Terrorism–and this is being done today by the very criminal DHS, FBI, and DOJ, and their many “public-private partners.” That harm is being done, physically and materially, in very provable ways, I reported on recently in a personal report exposing the malfeasance of physicians in helping cover up and hide this harm (thousands of stories from others online report this too).

Ever more reason for all Americans to wake up and help build the American States Assemblies of the on-the-land American Republic–the older, freer jurisdiction separate from US Inc, DHS, and FBI, for all State Nationals to rightfully claim their God-given rights and freedoms, as described here recently: Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 1 – American State Citizen with Ronald Carriveau, Massachusetts State Assembly

“Bug Bytes” in “Online Safety Resources for K-12 Schools and Students”: DHS Wades Into Schools Under Pretext of Protecting Schoolchildren from Targeted Violence, Radicalizing to Violence, Mental Health Vulnerabilities, Online Threats, Electronic Aggression, and Mis/Dis/Mal-Information

Just published this week as well is a one-pager from DHS outlining several programs aimed at brainwashing schoolchildren into the anti-science propaganda coming out of the pharmaceutical industry and buoyed up by government figureheads and CDC mouthpieces–whom intellectuals worldwide have now come to recognize as Pharma puppets paid-to-perform to push through a WHO-WEF One-World Agenda of Slavery and Compliance, but whom DHS now wants schoolkids to revere as “Trusted Voices.”

No truth about the dangers of masks and the imaginary aspect of viruses for instance is allowed in these propaganda pieces put out by the Ministry of Deceit here, as the bizarre graphic novel “Bug Bytes” featuring mask-obsessed twenty-year-olds, riotous 5G-tower-burners, and cyber disinformation sleuths attacking all information online connecting 5G to the “coronavirus” (which means radiation poisoning) as “disinformation from bot farms” proves.

DHS is therefore very clearly just propping up CDC-disinformation and pseudo-science here, in larger service clearly to the apparently too-powerful-to-vamoose Pharma industry giants who run the CDC and FDA revolving doors–and the WHO’s as well. Plus, it’s buoying up the Telecom industry, presenting 5G (see the Bug Bytes graphic novel) as “just the next generation of wireless technology” with no notice of its harms–or the harms of wireless–presented at all.

No, this isn’t “Homeland Security” – nor I might add is this Public Health or Anyone’s Health –this is playing handmaiden to Pharma and Telecom. And extending the propagandizing done by Media to prop up Pharma and Telecom–both of which industries are propped up on lies!

“Potential Risk Factors that may make an individual more susceptible to the radicalization to violence”

Also pernicious from the verbiage on this sheet is the wrongful linking of mental health vulnerabilities–being traced, accurately to the gigantic mess induced by the COVID non-pandemic aka world-hoax-for-shutdowns in children and teenagers forced to suffer masking, school shutdowns, endless rules, virtual school and handwashing forever–to “the radicalization to violence.”

Children are still being psychologically and mentally harmed by the horrific assault on their childhood and freedoms through these means, and as a long-time educator, mother, and science journalist I can say they are not susceptible to “radicalization to violence” as this pamphlet suggests but in crying need of return of their childhood and freedoms to prevent extended depression, misery, feelings of helplessness, impotence, apathy, despair, and fearfulness about both their present and the doom-filled future, which is precisely what all the horrible “pandemic rules and mandates” from government and “Public Health” bullies have brought to them.

MDM Information Control: Training Children to Look to “Experts” and “Trusted Voices’ for “Resilience Messaging,” not trust their own minds

Children need space, freedom, and support to live their lives and grow intellectually and socially and independently–and they sure as heck do not need the government in their classrooms, breathing down their necks and informing them what disinformation is and what information is: the whole point of education is to facilitate their own critical thinking, enquiry, analysis, and understanding, and lead each enquiring and unique mind to a clear and deeper exploration and confidence in their own intellectual faculties, growing knowledge, and unique and independent voice.

Precisely what the entire MDM-Mis Dis and Malinformation program run by CISA, yet another DHS agency named the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, doesn’t want children learning or experiencing as their verbiage exposes.

Far from wishing to encourage children to learn, explore, examine, and analyze, this lot wishes to foist Subject Matter Experts on children, training them to consume “messaging and advertising,” while looking helplessly to “Trusted Voices” to shape their thinking for them, these being “state and local government officials, community leaders, and associations”: this is Communism, pure and simple. The (very stale, and CIA-storyline-sounding) throughline here is that “threat actors” from foreign (and domestic) sources are seeking to “undermine our democracy” and children need to be trained in “resilience” to resist their wiles.

Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools

The entire atmosphere of invoked paranoia, hypervigilance, and suspicion-of-others intended by this invasive intrusion of Homeland Security into the school system is writ large in this intended aim to “prevent violent extremism” and alert school staff to “at-risk behaviors” which point to students’ actions of, not just random but “social and psychological commitment to violence as a method for resolving a grievance.” This is just absurd.

While it is one thing to keep an eye on kids in school and call out and reprimand bullies or break up physical tussles–as in the old days–the heightened language of casting children as “extremists” and identifying “at-risk behaviors’ while seeing kids “committed to violence” is hugely disrespectful of children and the entire academic enterprise of school; it is also just very dangerous targeting, monitoring, and labeling, as the FBI high-school programs also are, preliminaries to criminalizing children as pre-criminals and “likely to commit crime”. (Rich, given who is doing this criminalizing: FBI and DHS, who are running whole programs of acting criminally against the citizenry.) Psychologists can probably analyze the inherent harms of such an approach more closely here. Suffice to say this opens the door once again to suppressing children from thinking, questioning, speaking, and acting freely and gives school staff even greater power over them: for who defines “at-risk behaviors”?

Literally, both FBI and DHS are now building databases on every single child in the school system, targeting, watching, identifying–and jumping to all the wrong conclusions, as very evident from their targeting programs on adults.

National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin, 7 Feb 2022, and New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) to Combat “Domestic Violent Extremism”

A very busy DHS this week has also released a new Terrorism advisory bulletin, chockfull with narratives of lone wolves and conspiring groups led by foreign actors to post disinformation, make calls to violence, and plan infrastructure attacks, leading to a “heightened threat environment.”

“The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders
or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances
often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent
extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will
continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States.”


There is a lot of fear-stirring in this missive, preamble no doubt to new and contrived false-flags to come set up by these very maestros of deceit and propaganda whose language of lies is becoming increasingly transparent to those of us examining the train of current events with a critical eye.

The panicked stress on “false and misleading narratives” as contributive to a “heightened threat environment” is just laughable: the rise of intellectual inquiry, independent thinking, and excavation of truth and facts hand in hand with a return of yearning for freedom which has swept the USA and world in recent times in direct consequence to the decades of deceit, lies, propaganda, anti-science, anti-sanity, false and misleading narratives emanating from all agencies of the US Government and from their Media propaganda arm is being desperately decried here and miscast for further Terror-stirring.

For a little shakedown of Truth, research “false-flags” and read 9/11/2001 was a False Flag Event at I am the Face of Truth. The COVID Conspiracy and Mega Hoax is well-covered online, including at this site: COVID-19, a Dangerous Conspiracy That’s Gotten Out of Hand.

Truth, apparently, is a great source of fear–clearly projected fear–to the DHS-FBI-NSA-CIA “National Security” (read: National Terror-Stirring) establishment. A little bit of truth sweeps online, and DHS runs to declare a “heightened threat environment.”

There is also a lot of accusation of “undermining public trust in government institutions” — for which they don’t need to look far, really, since all trust-breaking has been accomplished by them. This line for instance, “DHS remains committed to working with our partners to identify and prevent all forms of terrorism and targeted violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe” is a blatant lie, since it is terrorism and targeted violence which is being run every day and every night all across the USA by several military and intelligence divisions, with the help of DHS and FBI: From 2018: Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers.

The formation in May therefore of yet another new center to combat terror, the New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3), reads as further extension of DHS’ budget and activities in illegally targeting people, as the FBI specializes in, and as they facilitate. This is the running of Terror, not the prevention of Terror.

Please see for instance, my many FOIA requests to DHS, reporting and questioning the nonstop pounding of SUVs, sedans, pickups, and vans down our street (in Massachusetts) for years, along with nonstop drone, small plane, and helicopter action over my home, and the zooming in and parking of said pounder-vehicles in neighbors’ driveways at all hours of the day and night: their response was all bland, one-line “no responsive documents” and no concern about this targeted violence and terrorism on my street. Do not forget that I am also reporting the unlawful use of Spectrum weapons on my person, a clear act of terrorism, sanctioned and set in place by the DHS and FBI–while DOD and CIA are also very clearly involved.

Even without looking at their budgets–a subject for another article–it is clear that DHS is busy creating the infrastructure and propaganda, now also in schools and colleges, to increase their targeting activities and subject more and more people–and children and teenagers–to their “surveillance” covers of intrusive bio-hacking weapons operation, while laying the groundwork to openly criminalize children and college students.

Such extreme behavior, in my view, is Writing on the Wall: It is surely time to exit the false jurisdiction of the US Inc corporation which DHS and FBI prop up and return to the true American jurisdiction of being on the land, as a living man or woman, as an American and State National returning to sovereignty, common law, and sanity via basic “Do No Harm” law, as opposed to the “Live in Terror, Expect Terror, Flail in Terror, Believe in Terror” treatises of DHS and FBI.

Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals

Report & Video Links | Ramola D | Nov 12, 2021

Published on October 22, 2021, this historic recorded Online Press Conference (video links below) held on October 15, 2021 features an international panel to raise public awareness, inform all media, inform all human rights organizations and concerned humanity around the world, and alert all people worldwide that deadly and unlawful targeting, bio-neuro trafficking and bodily and brain torture programs are ongoing today, all over the world, thanks to the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity being executed by “War on Terror,” 5-Eyes and 15-Eyes Intelligence agencies, Mengele Military Divisions of US/UK DOD/MOD, NATO, UN, unethical Health and Human Services departments, Universities, Fusion Centers, Law Enforcement, unConstitutional Sheriffs, Local Governments and elected officials, Research Institutions, Utility Companies, Local Community “Policing” and “Monitoring” Stasi and Communist Snitching-and-Surveillance Programs manufactured by Fusion Centers.

Bio-Hacking, Neuro-Hacking, Community Character-Assassination, Falsified Records, Stasi Zersetzung Run By FBI/DHS with Co-Opted, Terrorized & Bribed Neighborhoods, Continuation of MK-ULTRA by DOD/CIA #MengeleMen: Flying Under Cover of Surveillance, Counter Terrorism, Pre-Crime Community Policing and Monitoring

These programs have been and continue to target outstanding community members, activists, journalists, writers, artists, animal rights advocates, scholars, whistleblowers, homemakers, veterans–not criminals, but character-assassinating and falsely-smearing targets in local neighborhoods worldwide as criminals and mental cases who need to be watched and electronically surveilled 24/7 in Pre-Crime Policing and Monitoring.

People wrongfully watchlisted and terror-listed by an overbudgeted and overreaching and clearly criminally-behaving FBI—linked to local Freemasonic Networks of Private-Party Criminals and FBI Informants paid to deliver targets for Electronic Torture and Enslavement–are being bio and neuro trafficked to the Biomedical Research Community, Intelligence Community, and Military Community of unethical scientists often operating under Classified Cover—increasingly being used to conceal Massive Crime (of Sadistic Torture, Sexual Abuse with Electronic Weapons. Mental and Psychological Abuse with Invasive Brain Technologies, and Physical Abuse with anti-personnel and anti-human bio-hacking Directed Energy Weapons and covertly-placed RFID microchip, nanotechnology implants/assemblies and Wireless Body Area Networks.

For too long, these crimes of secrecy and surveillance have been hidden by colluding media, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and human rights and civil liberties organizations including the ACLU, Amnesty International, and others approached by severely-abused and bio-trafficked victims for help.


Media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wired, VICE, The Daily Beast and numerous others have actively aided in these slow-kill extermination and torture programs by going out of their way to label reporting victims as Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizophrenic, and victims of “Mass Delusion,” labels used in the Psych Bible of Disorders, the DSM as emblematic of severe mental illness–a handy trick picked up from the KGB.

Casting victims of profound abuse who are reporting continuous neuro/bio hacking and torture with “anti-personnel” “non-lethal” energy weapons as Severely Mentally Ill and using this deception to corral neighbors, family, employers into Community Policing and Monitoring activities using insulting methods of visual surveillance, auditory surveillance, cell phone surveillance, and radar tracking has permitted the DOD, CIA, NSA, FBI, and DHS to literally get away with murder — many have died as a result of their disabling injuries with these weapons of mass atrocity and many have been induced with radio-frequency neuroweapons or led by extreme trauma from targeting-and-terror operations to commit suicide.

The shunning of all reports of victims by mainstream media has intentionally pushed reportage into “alt-media” territory, which is then characterized by both collusive and ignorant mainstream journalists as “fringe” reportage and dismissed as “conspiracy theory,” a desired outcome for those dark strategists running both MK ULTRA and Operation Mockingbird on the masses and on those especially whose voice, work, influence, skills, talents, energies, psychic powers and spirituality they have sought to shut down.

Military and Intelligence weapons-testing, bio-behavioral research, neuro-interrogation, neuro-harvesting, mind-hiving, AI-cybernetic “supersoldiering,” neuro-prosthetic, and BCI-Cloud experimentation programs involving such atrocities as Trauma-Based Mind Control for neural mapping, EEG Cloning and Heterodyning, Continuous Stress Creation to push targets into PTSD disassociation and worse are being run on the select super-intelligent, super-spiritual, super-psychic, and super-influential to transform their lives, potential, soul-purpose, and destiny downward into rapid disabling, disfigurement, aging, destitution, and death.

These are the actions of sadists, barbarians, severely mentally-deranged and megalomanic, Mengele men and women who have lost their way and become outright criminals. Starting with the Legal Departments in the CIA, FBI, NSA, Navy, Airforce, Marine Corps, DOD, DOJ, DHS and the Congressmen on the Senate Intelligence Committee and other committees, as well as local and state government officials who have permitted these (often classified) crimes, and inclusive of every complicit policy-maker, strategist, weapons-manufacturer, contractor, scientist, graduate student, and low-level weapons-wielder who signs a contract with a fusion center to live next door to a target and harvest their brainwaves while assaulting them nightly and daily with deadly microwave pulse weapons, everyone involved is engaging in Stealth Assault and Battery, Bodily Torture, Social and Psychological Terrorism, IP Theft, Life Theft, and Soul Theft: these actions are immoral, unethical, inhumane, and unacceptable–and should be stopped.

Activists, journalists, and writers gather together to blow the whistle on these abject Crimes Against Humanity, alert the world, and demand their halt. 

Notable among the disclosures at this conference was author Rosanne Schneider’s mention of the Havana Syndrome, the name given by the US government to spectrum assaults on diplomats and CIA spies in foreign climes, a cover story to conceal US use of the same and similar weapons on US citizens, Irish accountant Alex Crosbie’s mention of Dr. James Giordano’s disclosures of the deadly neuroweapons developed by the US military and in use on Americans as also Europeans and others worldwide, Legal Director of Targeted America Jack Christiana’s emphasis on continued exposure and reaching Congress and city councils with evidence, Canadian President of the Organization of Mind Control Victims Galina Kurdina’s reports of raising public awareness of the neurotechnologies developed on targets’ brains now reaching private sector commercializing, musician and singer Patrick Alavi’s report of the German attorney-general being made aware of hundreds of cases of spectrum assault in Germany, and activist Rainetta Jones’ mention of the smart-city technologies many are becoming aware of today being tested non-consensually on targets.

Rosanne Schneider’s presentation at the conference is posted in transcript here at her blog: Online Press Conference on DEW/Neurotech/Stasi COINTELPRO Targeting Fri, Oct 15, 2021

The article from which I read excerpts on the panel can be found here: Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

The article by Dr. Rauni Kilde I read excerpts from post-conference is here: Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland: Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

Watch the Online Press Conference at Bitchute or here:

Watch the Online Press Conference at Brighteon.

Please Share this Conference Video with All Media, Human Rights Groups, and Governments

Viewers are encouraged to share this video panel widely with media, human rights groups, and governments.

Included in this video is a guide to a few major outstanding websites, books, writers and whistleblowers from the mid 1990s onward, to help situate the report of these crimes further. All materials used such as clips from video interviews and talks are used under Fair Use, with intent to educate and raise public awareness.

Many thanks to all who participated in this historic panel: John Christiana, Rainetta Jones, Rosanne Schneider, Alex Crosbie, Patrick Alavi, Galina Kurdina.

Many thanks as well to all whose work is featured here: Cheryl Welsh, Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Mark Rich, Paul Baird, Dr. John Hall, Steve Shellenberger, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Gloria Naylor.

Please share this video widely–you can mirror, upload at your channels, sites with linkback here to this article or to the post at Bitchute or Brighteon. In fact, please do download the video file and upload to your channels, since my channels are being severely shadowbanned and it is critical to get this information out and share with everyone worldwide.

Dr. Nick Begich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRvagTMb7ao/5/15/07
Cheryl Welsh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2k4KESfCNY
Dr. Rauni Kilde: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc5IHLCoQmQ

Galina Kurdina’s website: https://organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com/
Rosanne Schneider’s website: https://humanrightswatch3blog.wordpress.com/
John Christiana’s website: https://www.lifeofjohnchristiana.com/
Rainetta Jones’ Herbs Detox Website: https://blacksonrise.com/herbs-page/
Rainetta Jones Youtube Channel, Rai Jo: https://www.youtube.com/c/RainettaJones/videos
Patrick Alavi’s channel: https://www.youtube/c/patrickalavi
Ville Hellberg’s article: https://everydayconcerned.net/2021/05/31/ville-hellberg-rendition-flights-anyone-inter-and-cross-governmental-torture-programs-manifested-under-the-new-surveillance-and-counter-terrorism-laws-withhold-legal-protection-human-rights-and/

Cheryl Welsh’s Website:http://mindjustice.org/
Dr. Nick Begich’s website: https://earthpulse.com
Dr. Rauni Kilde’s article: https://everydayconcerned.net/2015/10/22/dr-rauni-leena-luukanen-kilde-md-former-chief-medical-officer-of-finland-microchip-implants-mind-control-and-cybernetics/
Mark Rich’s website: http://newworldwar.org/
Steve Shellenberger’s The Spark/a film: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thespark
Paul Baird’s website: https://www.surveillanceissues.com/

Books by Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Gloria Naylor, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Rosanne Schneider can be found at Amazon.

Email: ramolad@everydayconcerned.net

Hi-Tech Weapons Webinar | Nov 4, 2021: Celeste Solum Interviews Ramola D (on Targeted Individuals, DEW Tech, Neurotech, Covert-RF-Implant Tech: Abject DOD/DOJ/DHS/FBI/CIA Crimes Against Humanity)

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations: Egregious Assault and Persecution with Anti-Personnel DEWs, ELF Neuroweaponry

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Dr. Robert Duncan: Hacking The Human Mind | The Art and Science of Neuroweapons | Ethical Considerations of Capable Weapons

Report 229 | Feb 3, 2021 | Invasive Neurotech, True Neuroethics – Panel 1


Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Dr. Rauni Luukanen Kilde: Mind-Control, Robotization, and TransHumanist Agendas Can Be Defeated Only with Awareness

American and Polish Broadcasts Honor Dr. Rauni Kilde, Visionary, Whistleblower on DEWs & Mass Mind Control Weapons, Voice for Humanity


Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996

Non Lethal Weapons Documents Obtained from Wikileaks

Hearing Voices and Suicide Ideation: Entirely Possible Julian Assange is Being Hit with “Offensive Information Warfare” Neuroweaponry

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Secret Policing Inside the United States of America: “Domestic Adversaries” and Covert Electronic Weapons

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Affidavits, Letters of Validation and Support, & Legislation Efforts Attesting to Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation & DEW Use on Civilians

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments

Report & Video | Ramola D | July 19, 2021

In an expansive and revealing conversation last Wednesday, NSA whistleblower and retired Senior Intelligence Analyst Kirk Wiebe spoke at length about the need for everyday Americans to rise up and start speaking out and taking action at a grassroots local-government level to curb the corruption and moral decay evident and endemic at highest levels today in agencies and the Administration of the US Government.

NSA Whistleblower on Mass Surveillance and Retired Senior Intelligence Analyst Kirk Wiebe

Going back in time to June 1975 when he himself joined the National Security Agency, then led by an officer he names as one of the most distinguished NSA officers he had known, Vice-Admiral Bobby Inman, Kirk Wiebe offers an insight into the concerns of that time period when the Church Committee was uncovering evidence of domestic NSA spying–in addition to unravelling the now-known yet still-fully-concealed horrors of the MK ULTRA experiments run by the CIA and 80 complicit Universities (given that thousands of pages of reports were shredded then on order of CIA Director Richard Helms).

“If you look up the Church Committee, you will find that it was in 1975 and a little before that, that NSA was caught spying on Americans. The current spying is not the first time this has happened. People in control of governments often go astray and misuse their power. And we started doing that in the late ’60s, early ’70s with a couple of programs designed to spy on anti-Vietnam-War personnel, members of the Senate, including Senator Frank Church himself and Martin Luther King, many others in society.”

Kirk Wiebe, Report 251/Ramola D Reports

In this regard, Christopher Pyle, a ‘1970s whistleblower, now a professor of Constitutional Law, author of Military Surveillance of Civilian Politics and Getting Away with Torture, who revealed NSA surveillance of anti-war figures and civil rights activists to the Church Committee, asked, in 2013:

“If the NSA was targeting people like Sen. Frank Church, who were in a position to oversee the NSA — is that happening now? That is, are people like intelligence committee chairs Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and other congressional leaders — who are supposed to be providing oversight themselves — compromised in some way by the NSA?”

NSA Spying — Church Committee Whistleblower: “Are Senators Compromised?”/Institute for Public Accuracy, Sep 26, 2013

Senate & House Intelligence Committees were Formed by Congress in the ’70s Primarily to Curb NSA Spying

The issue of current-day oversight of the Intelligence agencies who like to spy on one and all is curious because there appears to be none.

Especially notable is Kirk’s emphasis on the fact that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) were formed directly as a result of those deliberations on oversight and monitoring, primarily to rein in the domestic spying activities of Intelligence under cover of Surveillance.

Now, he says, these powerful military and law enforcement agencies are trying to turn back time and go back to before those committees and oversight mechanisms were formed.

“They have simply turned the clock back to prior to the Intelligence reforms that led to the formation of two Intelligence committees. People do not understand the reason there is a Senate Select Subcommittee on Intelligence and a House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence–SSCI and HPSCI–is because of actions ordered by Congress to stop the unauthorized spying on American citizens. That’s why those committees exist. A lot of people assume that they exist just to look at legislation affecting Intelligence and so forth–No, they were established to stop the unlawful surveillance of people.

Kirk Wiebe, Report 251/Ramola D Reports

“We are in danger of losing our Constitutional Republic”

Attention to American rights and freedoms by oath-taking to defend the Constitution was taken seriously back then. The atmosphere, Kirk suggests, was different, at least in some circles.

Kirk relays that Vice-Admiral Bobby Inman who headed the NSA when he joined and helped the Church Committee establish rules for NSA surveillance and set the tone for integrity at the NSA then was a “law-abiding officer who enforced allegiance not to the President, not to the Chief of the Intelligence Community, the CIA then, but to the Constitution of the United States–this is critical.”

Vice-Admiral Bobby Inman, NSA Director, 1977-1981

” When you join the Military or go to work for the Government, used to be we all signed oaths, to defend the Constitution of the United States, not to defend a Democrat or Republican administration, not to defend a sitting President, that has nothing to do with it, it has everything to do with loyalty to the principles stated in that sacred document known as the United States Constitution.”

“Now as we all know these days people just think that document was created by old white Europeans who really were these fuddy duddy white guys who didn’t know anything and they want us to throw it out and start anew with socialism or fascism–and that’s what I see happening before us now.”

“When you see the Government tell phone companies to intercept people’s text messages to look for those who don’t want to take an experimental vaccine, that’s a red flag.”

Awareness of the dangers of government misuse of powers and concern for the rights of individuals and the preservation of American freedoms when NSA and the White House asked them to include billing data in their analyses of surveilled data is what led to the whistleblowing on mass surveillance that he and other NSA officials, Bill Binney, Ed Loomis, and Diane Roark accomplished, he says, even as they failed in-house to get the NSA administration to adopt their selective-surveillance tool Thin Thread.

“We have a government that, not just in 1975, that cheated, not just in 2001 when we (myself and Bill Binney and Ed Loomis and Diane Roark) blew the whistle on illegal unconstitutional surveillance of the people, we have a government that is progressively seizing ever more power, and we are in danger of losing our Constitutional Republic and tipping the scales toward a dictatorship better known as Governmental control, and you can pick your title, you can call it Fascism, you can call it Socialism, you can call it Communism, I don’t care, the result is the same: the power moves from the people to the Government and if we are going to be a free society, it is absolutely critical people understand these things that are happening in Government in terms of their own personal future, liberty, and well-being–and that is at the heart of it.”

Classification to Conceal Crime is Criminal But Has Been Long Practiced by the Agencies and Military

The rise of mass surveillance and spying on all US citizens by agencies now working together has at this point escaped all measure of oversight. Collecting all communications under PRISM and handing over this data to the CIA and FBI is still being kept secret, Kirk suggests. “They’ve kept this under wraps for many years and they don’t want it out, the matter has never been in front of a judge.”

“Something of this magnitude has to involve the White House, members of Congress and of course the agencies themselves.”

Agencies which should be accountable to Congress and the President–the Commander-in-Chief of the military and Chief Classification Officer of the US Govt–are no longer overseen, monitored, audited, or held accountable.

Going by the book, there is indeed legislated provision against classification to conceal crime but in actuality, says Kirk, that is how the covert operation faction has gotten away with it, it’s been done “repeatedly, frequently, and often, to keep the truth from the American people.” “Because they are in power and they can do it.”

Section 1.7 of Executive Order 13526 (which protects classification in the interests of national security) addresses criminal classification:

Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526) Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.

“War on Terror” used as Pretext to Spy on Everyone (NSA) & Name Anyone a Suspect (FBI)

Since 9/11, with the Patriot Act and other means, mass surveillance has increased on the pretext of terrorists sneaking over the border and harboring terror plans in US communities–an excuse to surveill everyone and concoct spurious markers to tag “persons of interest” such as the wrong conception of religion, interest in human rights, animal rights, the environment, the Constitution, anything whatsoever–as indeed the FBI has done (published in their manuals and alerts).

Simultaneously, the Government has shown that it has little interest in actually resolving the matter of possible foreign insertion of terrorists into our midst by not addressing simple Immigration issues such as maintaining solid records of immigrants and visa-holders, Kirk notes, relaying the account of his and Bill Binney’s work at Boeing for the US Govt in analyzing the tracking of visa-holders and reporting on this matter, wherein they offered advice and recommendations which were simply not implemented by the government. “Political interest and businesses wanting to have the benefit of the workers–cheap good smart labor from many countries–there’s always money involved somewhere” kept that from happening.

Mass spying and collection permits selective and arbitrary targeting.

“NSA has strayed from its original purpose, which was to support military operations, to a broad spectrum of subject matter running the gamut, from science to economics to you-name-it, NSA’s got a hand in it,” collecting information in multiple databases, which they have and hold permanently to delve into and use even if they say they “don’t look at it all.”

“Who says? How do you know they are not looking at it?”

Abusive Surveillance, Spying, Persecution of Targets under “Covered Research” by NSA, FBI, DHS, CIA, DOD

Which leads to the targeting of innocents and trafficking them into unethical and inhumane black operations, which FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee tells us is indeed being done, by handing over “suspects” to “covered research.”

Oversight of the agencies by Intelligence committees to ensure they are not acting illegally is “virtually nonexistent.”

Persecution in Surveillance

The failure of ethics, morality and oversight at all levels of Intelligence and military has now led to a situation where people in the US, UK, and countries worldwide are reporting extreme persecution, covert harassment, sadism, and life-takedown run by organized factions from fusion centers–an agglomeration of Intelligence agencies, law enforcement, Sheriffs, EMS, military, sharing information, surveilling nonstop, provoking nonstop (using COINTELPRO methods) and creating falsified records and false profiles of people they wish to target and terminate: activists, journalists, whistleblowers, community leaders, as well as everyday people of integrity from various professions or in retirement.

Persecution in Non-Consensual Human Experimentation and Military Weapons-Testing

Lack of oversight coupled with profound moral decay might account as well for the noxious human experimentation ongoing by covert operations of Intelligence and the military where people report being non-consensually implanted, bio-hacked, neuro-hacked, and clandestinely attacked, while weapons-testing projects are advertised, unlawfully using Americans as target practice–as for instance unleashed by the 1994 DOJ-DOD Memorandum of Understanding publishing the joint military/law enforcement development and testing of so-called “non-lethal weapons” of Electronic Warfare and Limited-Effect Weapons in programs run by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and the NIJ (National Institute of Justice).


2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”| June 11, 2016

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | Feb 2, 2020

Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under the Peerless Direction of Top NSA Whistleblowers William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Addressing this question of abusive targeting where thousands of Americans and citizens worldwide are reporting being surveilled, stalked, monitored, and harassed to the point of extreme persecution with electromagnetic weapons and neurotechnology by government-run programs and projects, and the ACLU reports it may be millions now being so targeted and falsely labeled “Known and Suspected Terrorists,” “violent extremists,” and “domestic extremists,” as reported in their 2016 report “Trapped in a Black Box: Growing Terrorism Watchlisting in Everyday Policing,” Kirk points to the rise and spread of corruption in all agencies of US Government.

Self-serving interest arising from public-private partnerships and utilizing the infamous “revolving-door” principle between Government and private-sector in the Defense industry as well as every other industry including pharmaceutical and biomedical research has also led to the wide commercialization of Mass Surveillance and select targeting.

“There is No Real Oversight–If Congress Wanted Real Oversight, They Would Establish a Tech Team”

The Intelligence sub-committees in Congress are clearly not doing their jobs, and Kirk outlines a simple method whereby they could easily set up a technical team with access to the NSA TCP/IP networks, with ability to roam on the networks, examine data retrieval actions and check for possible publication/report creation (or not), linkages to client sites, money trails et al based on that data, to pinpoint any source of questionable and non-transparent actions and thereby track down only those particular nodes, sites, or sources requiring surveillance.

However, what the NSA, Pentagon, and other departments are now doing (and have been doing for 20 years since 9/11 if not before) he notes, is full-spectrum surveillance and full-communications collection, all of which poses immense danger to our constitutional Republic, he says, in its complete trampling of citizen rights and privacy.

Politically speaking, “these agencies, the FBI don’t want real oversight.” In this context, it is valuable to note what FBI Whistleblower has stated of the FBI versus the DOJ, which latter is supposed to have oversight of the FBI. In reality, Geral Sosbee says, it is more likely the other way around–powerful agencies like the FBI, CIA, and NSA seem to be running the show.

People Need to Be Speaking Out at School Boards, City Council Meetings

Kirk Wiebe says it is possibly past time for marches and rallies but indeed these are still needed, as also are needed other means of public and private speaking and activism to persuade government officials back onto the straight and narrow, such as speaking out at School Board meetings, city council meetings and reaching out to Senate Intelligence Committees.

The threat to American freedoms has arrived at every door, he says, and everyone needs to be standing up to change this situation around. It is not important to be perfect in one’s presentations, he notes, but to be authentic to purpose and true of heart. “Pureness of heart is recognized by all.” In such ways, change can begin.

This is the case also for schools wishing to teach racist ideology via Critical Race Theory (CRT) or thrust sex education on kindergartners at a time when the National Education Association has vowed it will force CRT onto curricula in all 50 states: parents need to wake up and take a stance and start getting active at School Board meetings and to principals. Stopping racism, chaos, and subjugation of rights begins with each one of us. “CRT is racism.”

Scientists, RF Engineers, Physicians Need to Come Forward to Assist Targets with Scanning and Establishing Evidence

And what of those targets, the truly victimized and extremely persecuted, who report their lives have been utterly destroyed by surveillance and secret experimentation programs?

Scientists, radiologists, medical professionals do need to come forward to assist here, he agrees, people need to be scanned professionally and instruments such as frequency spectrum analyzers and Faraday detection need to be wielded by engineers and scientists who can accurately identify the nature and direction of frequencies people are reporting. Perhaps targets can group to fund the lease of such analyzers and hire professionals, he suggests.

Something people need to do also is self-advocate more powerfully by using scientific method and language to report the kinds of radiation assaults they are reporting, he says, since there are enough forces out there (in media, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement) arrayed to discredit reporting targets as mentally unstable when they report being hit by pulses from satellites or planes, for instance.

There are most definitely targets, he says, but not all of them are credible, and recourse to science in reportage can go a long way.

Best Way Forward is Still Approaching Congress and the Intelligence and Oversight Committees

In a later email with this writer, Kirk Wiebe recommends that approaching Congress is still the best way forward to gain public acknowledgment and redressal of all surveillance and targeting crimes, “especially the Intel Committees and the Government Oversight Committees” and recommends that those targeted move their efforts in these directions, going forward.

Report 251 | NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Encourages Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics and Morality to Government

Kirk Wiebe’s profoundly important interview with repercussions for Governmental change for the better can be viewed at Ramola D Reports channels at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee.

Please share widely, and feel free to re-post and mirror at your channels and websites.

WATCH AT BRIGHTEON: Report 251/Brighteon


Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Dr. Eric Karlstrom | Flagship Post | Organized Gang Stalking (GISTAPWO – 666), Mind Control, and Cults

–Ramola D/Posted 5/1/2019

Extensive and detailed post from Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography from California State University,  publishing the culmination of his years of research on the phenomenon of organized “gangstalking” or Stasi Community-Oriented-Policing and Psychological Warfare being inflicted on populations of all countries especially NATO countries today by Intelligence agencies, militaries, Fusion Centers and the private contractors they deal with, who have consented to use Remote Access, Remote Assault Weapons (AKA “Non-Lethal Weapons” and “Less Than Lethal Weapons”) and Psy Ops to physically and psychologically torture, terrorize, and subjugate large swaths of human populations–in absolute treason and consent to committing the most atrocious Organized Crimes Against Humanity the world has ever seen

Please also watch the Global Gestapo series which Dr. Karlstrom and I have been running, at Ramola D Reports, where we discuss various aspects of these Crimes and he makes available the vast compendium of his research into the historic underpinnings of these current-day genocide and torture projects, which Western governments and others seek to hide under Mental Health labels, outright denial, and Mainstream Media Treason Propaganda.

Dr. Karlstrom’s Summary of this flagship post on his home page which he has permitted re-posting of at this site:

“The “big lies” of: 1) 9/11, 2) the “Global War on Terrorism” and “National Security Enterprise,” and 3) catastrophic man-caused global warming/climate change are propaganda and coercive PSYOP deceptions designed to justify conquest by global military-police and imposition of totalitarian, world government (UN Agenda 2030). To achieve their long-sought Luciferic empire, Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati-satanists controlling the major nations are waging unconventional-electronic-cyber-netcentric-civil-military and brain (psychotronic) warfare against civilian populations. This “Fourth Generation” warfare deploys special operations forces (SOFs) and psychological operations groups (POGs) of all military branches, government intelligence agencies, FBI, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian (“Neighborhood Watch”/”Citizens On Patrol”) and cult-religious groups in conjunction with false-flag, state-sponsored terrorism and weather warfare (geoengineering), “total surveillance/big data,” Global Information Grid (GIG), A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) supercomputers, PSYOPS, satellites, directed energy/”nonlethal” and neuro weapons, the Global Neural Network (hive mind), no-touch torture, “man-machine integrations,” and “brain-to-computer” interface supercomputers for mind and behavioral control of individuals and populations. This system identifies, tracks, targets, and eliminates innocent civilians, whistle-blowers, critics of government policy, etc. who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as “threats”/ “adversaries”/ ”enemies”/”terrorists,” etc. Elite planners expect that by 2030, these A.I. warfare and brain subjugation systems will be fully automated and will combine the above elements with 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), SmartCities, Smart devices, and the “one-world brain;” the internet.”

A truly outstanding researcher, writer, public speaker and educator, Dr. Karlstrom’s biographical profile marks him as questing and unflinching in his search for the truth on all fronts. From his website, 911nwo.org:

Eric Karlstrom began teaching at California State University, Stanislaus in 1990, after five years as an Assistant Professor at Northern Arizona University, one year as a Visiting Professor at The University of Kansas, and one year as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wyoming. At CSUS, in addition, to teaching physical and environmental geography courses (Geomorphology, Climatology, Introduction to Physical Geography, Human Ecology), he has also taught courses cross-listed with the Geology department (Geology/Geography of Soils, Physical and Environmental Geology), and an honors course (State of the World: The Environmental Perspective).

Throughout his career, Dr. Karlstrom has continued his research program in soils and geomorphology as means of reconstructing Quaternary paleoclimates. This research has involved field investigations in Montana, northern Arizona, Kansas, Wyoming, Alberta, and British Columbia. In the 1980’s, Karlstrom served as an officer (Treasurer) of the American Quaternary Association.

The following short quotes outline perhaps the major challenge that American’s face today.  Whereas Thomas Jefferson noted:


CIA Director, William Casey, articulated the exact opposite goal at  his first staff meeting under President Reagan in 1981:


Since the corporate media now presents us mostly with “info-tainment) / propaganda rather than facts and the truth, it now seems incumbent upon citizens / researchers to discern the truth from many various sources and disseminate the facts to their fellow citizens.  As an educator (University Professor for 30 years), this is my goal.  It is my hope that, fortified with accurate information, the American citizens will have the wisdom and ability to implement the solution, articulated by Jefferson over 200 years ago:


Please share this tremendous post pulling together the multiple military assaults on humanity from this outstanding research scholar and professor. Many thanks to Dr. Eric Karlstrom for his selfless and extraordinary public service to humanity, as he educates the world on the Truth about “Targeted Individuals” and why the world’s governments, particularly the US, struggle to hide the enormous platter of crimes they continue recklessly to commit against them.


Organized Gang Stalking (GISTAPWO – 666), Mind Control, and Cults


Webmaster: Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (ETK), Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus

Other websites maintained by webmaster include:


“What’s happening here is that we’re building a domestic military because it’s unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So what we’re doing here, and let’s not kid about it, we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens. We’re building an Army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?”

Marine Corps Col. Peter Martino At Concord, NH, Town Council Meeting (2013) We’re Building A Domestic Army:” Marine Corps Colonel Before Concord, NH, Town Council (8/2013)

NSA-whistleblower, Bill Binney: “NSA decided that with bulk acquisition of data, US citizens would be the first to have (all) their information collected. The rest of the world are now being treated like US citizens.”

Moderator: “In a recent London Guardian story, you said the NSA was surveilling its own population for “totalitarian population control.” Can you say that again in your own words?”

Binney: Yes, it falls back to the principles of totalitarianism and how dictators have operated down through the centuries. It’s know what your people are doing and find the ones who are not conforming to what you want them to do and then get rid of them. And that’s fundamentally what this process does.

Moderator: … there is a historical relationship between mass surveillance on a population and the crushing of dissent of that population. Can you explain that?

Binney: Well, this goes back to Caesar Augustus. Anybody that opposed him- you needed to know about it first of all, and once that happened, they would disappear. The same was true of the Soviet Union or East Germany with the Stasi. If you said anything out of line, you ended up in jail or in a sanitarium or something or in a gulag somewhere. The same was true of the Nazis and the Gestapo and SS.

This is the way totalitarian states operate. This gathering knowledge about people and the entire population is a totalitarian procedure. This is the domestic threat that our Constitution and the oath of office we took was given to prevent. No other country in the world could have done to us what we have done to ourselves.

This is the time when all good Americans need to stand up and oppose this. … these agencies are threatening what is fundamental to human rights everywhere. (We) have to ensure that we have some way of verifying and keeping these agencies in line.

Ex-NSA’s Bill Binney on Operation “Stellar Wind;” NSA’s Totalitarian, Global, Bulk Data Acquisition Spying Program; How NSA Surveilles You

Webmaster comment: What government spy agencies like the NSA refer to as “surveillance,” then, often refers, in practice, to extra-judicially targeting anyone for slow-kill, soft-kill, silent-kill, no-touch torture and murder.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful enemy.

George Washington

It is Rothschild Zionism’s control over the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, and its total subversion of this complex, which the American citizenry must collectively be made aware of. Especially since this Orwellian complex is being used in secret to brain map the entire U.S. population in the interest of ultimately reducing us to a cybernetic race of beings, whose state of consciousness will come from a neural network of artificial intelligence driven computers.

Imagine a race of people all thinking the same thoughts simultaneously while being incapable of having an individual thought – a true slave race – and you can begin to understand the inherent evil which drives those who operate within the very hierarchy of this complex.

“If we are attempting to unravel the secret of the most perplexing mystery of this century, we should acknowledge that certain segments of mankind, in order to accomplish their power-hungry plans, have often been happy to pull a veil over the eyes of (if not put out the eyes of) their fellows who inhabit this earth.

James F. Marino, “The Human Species Is On The Precipice Of Becoming A Race Of Mind-Controlled Cybernetic Slaves”

“The state, with the aid of psychiatrists, can effectively silence people who oppose its policies. State manipulation of psychiatry for political ends is a reality in many countries.”

– “The Breaking of Bodies and Minds: Torture, Psychiatric Abuse, and the Health Professions” (1985)

Brains can be stolen and raped. The authorities do it! In 1977, the New York Times published 30 articles about the CIA’s brain control systems. The most important things brought to light were that this project had already begun in the late 1940’s and that with this technology, they had built a state-within-a-state.

In April 10, 1967, the New York Times editorial, “Push-Button People,” discussed the ongoing (mind control/cybernetics) experiments and warned about the dangers of this technology. They also mentioned that probably there were countries that already planned to subjugate their people using this technique. Both the U.S. and Sweden were countries that had far-reaching plans to subjugate citizens, beyond their knowledge, in brain control systems.”

Also, you should be aware that many of those that sit in the (EU) parliament also have their brain incorporated into the defense departments’ supercomputer control systems. Of course, they become a type of puppets for the will of others.


“Brain-computer interface (BCI) or direct brain control are communication technologies: they take information from the brain and externalize it…. Contemporary society is confronted with changes that have to do with the anthropological (ETK- and spiritual) essence of individuals…To what extent might this technology be misused by the military? The Member States and their ethics councils have a responsibility to create conditions for education and constructive, informed debates in this area.”

Throughout the history of mankind, there has never existed anything more totalitarian. There has never been anything more anti-democratic. A dictatorship can never be greater than when its citizens’ brains are linked to computer control.

The State has become a cannibal, a rapist who is eating its citizens. Transforming us into biological manipulable components.

What happened during over 60 years of brain experimentation? Which doctors, professors, what institutions have been involved in the most anti-democratic project that ever existed? By what kinds of methods has it been possible to keep it off the media and from people’s attention? What is the role of the medical corporations? They are involved. FOI’s (Sweden’s DOD/DARPA) and America’s NSA supercomputers must be turned off. We are all about to become the State’s lab rats and chip-regulated behavior-skulls.

(The Phoenix Program) in Vietnam in 1970 used this same brain technology to identify and mass murder 33,000 civilians who were identified, by the technology, as Vietcong sympathizers!”

– Robert Naeslund: The Human Brain Project

Webmaster’s Brief Summary Statement: Having explored the topics in this and the above websites extensively over the past years and decades, I can finally summarize my findings in the following paragraph!:

The “big lies” of: 1) 9/11, 2) the “Global War on Terrorism” and “National Security Enterprise,” and 3) catastrophic man-caused global warming/climate change are propaganda and coercive PSYOP deceptions designed to justify conquest by global military-police and imposition of totalitarian, world government (UN Agenda 2030). To achieve their long-sought Luciferic empire, Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati-satanists controlling the major nations are waging unconventional-electronic-cyber-netcentric-civil-military and brain (psychotronic) warfare against civilian populations. This “Fourth Generation” warfare deploys special operations forces (SOFs) and psychological operations groups (POGs) of all military branches, government intelligence agencies, FBI, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian (“Neighborhood Watch”/”Citizens On Patrol”) and cult-religious groups in conjunction with false-flag, state-sponsored terrorism and weather warfare (geoengineering), “total surveillance/big data,” Global Information Grid (GIG), A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) supercomputers, PSYOPS, satellites, directed energy/”nonlethal” and neuro weapons, the Global Neural Network (hive mind), no-touch torture, “man-machine integrations,” and “brain-to-computer” interface supercomputers for mind and behavioral control of individuals and populations. This system identifies, tracks, targets, and eliminates innocent civilians, whistle-blowers, critics of government policy, etc. who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as “threats”/”adversaries”/”enemies”/”terrorists,” etc. Elite planners expect that by 2030, these A.I. warfare and brain subjugation systems will be fully automated and will combine the above elements with 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), SmartCities, Smart devices, and the “one-world brain;” the internet.

Short Definitions of Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Cults, and GISTAPWO-666:

Gang Stalking:

Gang Stalking is the common term for military-intelligence protocols used by the US government, cooperating States, private security firms, and civilian-vigilante and other groups to incrementally and systematically destroy persons secretly designated as “internal enemies/”threats”/terrorists,” “targets,” etc. Most “enemies” are invented to justify and perpetuate the phony, multi-trillion dollar “War on Terrorism”/”National Security Enterprise” system. Many targeted citizens are human trafficked and used as non-consensual human experimentees in military, corporate, and academic neuroweapons and nonlethal weapons testing programs. Synonyms for gang stalking include “Zersetzung” (German scientific term for “decomposition,” “disintegration,” “corrosion”), “counter-intelligence stalking,” “organized stalking,” “workplace mobbing,” etc. This system has been developed and deployed over the past century by “security services;” including the Soviet Cheka and KGB, the East German Stasi police, MI6/CIA/NATO’s Operation Gladio and “Stay Behind Armies” in post-WWII Western Europe, and in the FBI and CIA’s COINTELPRO (“counter-intelligence program”), MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and Phoenix Programs, among others.

Gang stalking protocols incorporate covert “soft torture”-“slow kill,” “silent kill,” and “soft-kill” psyop techniques with electromagnetic (psychotronic) weapons that harass, torture, manipulate, and eliminate “targets”/”adversaries.” This global operation is here termed GISTAPWO-666; for “Global Intelligence-Syndicate, Secret, Satanic, Space-based, Surveillance, Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Psycho-Political, Policing-for-Profit, Psychotronic, and Psychological Warfare Operations.”Today, GISTAPWO-666 is a key component of the totalitarian, UN Agenda 21 (Agenda for the Twenty-First Century) and the U.S. military’s “New (“Unconventional”) World War” cum “full-spectrum dominance” of planet earth.

Global Gang Stalking operations (GISTAPWO-666) deploy essentially the same personnel, technologies and objectives as JADE HELM and UWEX, the massive multi-state US military drills for “dissident extraction” carried out in 2015 and 2016. These “assymetrical,” “unconventional,” network-centric warfare,” “civil-military and cyber-warfare operations”-“Military Operations Other Than War” are carried out by 1) all military branches and their Special Operations Forces and psychological operations groups, 2) CIA, FBI, DHS, NSA, FEMA, etc. 3) local, federal and state police, 4) private security contracting firms, and 5) many sectors of the civilian population. Victims may be the targets of tens to hundreds of illegal, covert operations per day. Each of these operations generally also involve deployment of: 1) GIG (Geographic Information Grid) satellite system, 2) AI-supercomputers, 3) “big data” derived by NSA surveillance, 4) the wireless smart phone-cell tower communication system, and 5) psychological operations (psyops), and 6) plainclothes military and civilian psy-actors, “surveillance role players,” “crisis actors,” etc.

All of these operations involve secret targeting of citizens who have been extra-judicially designated as “enemies of the state”/”enemy combatants”/”domestic terrorists.” These citizens are secretly placed on black lists such as the “Terrorism Watch List,” “Main Core,” and FEMA Detainment Lists. Like Operation 9/11, which provided the pretext for these treasonous activities, these black, “wet” operations are entirely unconstitutional and illegal. We may speculate that these operations are prelude to: 1) imposition of martial law and a totalitarian police state in America and perhaps worldwide, and possibly 2) mass genocide, as called for by UN Agenda 21 (2030) documents.

Mind Control:

Since WWII, scores of top-secret mind control experiments and programs, including Projects MKULTRA, Bluebird, Artichoke, Chatter, MKOften, MKDelta, and MKSearch, have been, and are still being conducted by the CIA and the US military in conjunction with psychologists, psychiatrists and cognitive/neuro-scientists at universities, medical facilities and military bases across America. These programs build upon prior research done at the Tavistock Institute in England, in Nazi and pre-Nazi Germany, and elsewhere. They commonly involve the use of non-consenting and unwitting civilians in “terminal experiments.” The principle goal has always been twofold: 1) to “get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation” (wording from original 1953 MKULTRA documents), i.e., creation of programmed multiple personality “Manchurian Candidates”-mind-controlled assassins, and 2) to create a “pscyho-civilized” (aka “mind-controlled,” bio-robotized) society. To achieve these ends, all manner of chemicals, biologicals, drugs, electro-shock, sleep and sensory deprivation, brain implants, electromagnetic frequencies, and torture techniques have been tested on human subjects.


In recent centuries, intelligence services have created innumerable cults, including the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Illuminati, Theosophy, Mormonism, and a host of UFO, New Age, Christian, and Satanic cults, including Scientology, Jonestown, Children of God, Heaven’s Gate, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, Branch Dividians, etc. These cults are mini-totalitarian systems that provide cover for controllers to advance various secret agendas, including subjugation of cult members through coercion, mind control, traumatic abuse, forced and slave labor, etc. A look at “deep politics” reveals that the “master cult” is the Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati, a satanic cult based on the black magic system of the Jewish Kabbalah. The long-term plan of the “slave masters,” as spelled out in the Old Testament, Talmud, Kabbalah, “Protocols of Zion,” and the Communist Manifesto” among other documents, is global dominion. The phrase, “Tikkun Olam,” Hebrew for “reinvention or repair of the world,” refers to the coming Jewish world empire- the Jewish Utopia. Under Noahide Law (Jewish law for gentiles), all non-Jews (goyim) would be robbed, robotized, enslaved, and/or genocided.


The following 13-minute video by DJ Welsh of Level 9 News explains GISTAPWO-666’s larger context. The US government/Pentagon is implementating a computer-driven “autonomous warfare system” designed to achieve “full spectrum dominance of the human terrain.” This system regards civilians as “combatants” and “human inventory items,” identifies desirable and undesirable groups and individuals, and deploys “electronic warfare” (EW) and “man-machine integrations” to target and remove “undesirables” in order to “master the human domain.” TCs (“targeted citizens”) are being targeted by this system.

In “YOU Are THE ENEMY” (2014), Preston James, Ph.D., of “Veterans Today” identifies America’s rulers as the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS). In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus Christ refers to this system as the “Synagogue of Satan.” Their goal, in my opinion, is to implement fascist, one-world government/UN Agenda 2030 under the transhumanist, antichrist-BEAST system. The interests of the American people, the American constitutional republic, and humanity itself may be best served by filing a class action lawsuit against the U.S. government. For further information, insights, and clarifications please refer to the nearly 900 posts on this website:

Introductory Statement to “TCs” (Targeted Citizens) and Others:

If you are a “Targeted Citizen” (TC) (aka “Targeted Individual” (TI)), you have been secretly and extra-legally designated by unknown and unaccountable persons as an “enemy of the state.” The full resources of the State, including the civilian sector, are coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI to slowly, silently, and secretly torture, terrorize, and kill you. In other words, the Federal-State bureaucracy collectively termed the “Interagency,” which includes the military, intelligence, paramilitary (police, private security and intelligence firms), academic, legal, and civilian sectors, is waging psychological, chemical, and electronic warfare against you. (See: “New World War; Revolutionary Methods for Political Control” by Mark M. Rich, 2011).

As “enemy of the state,” you are a non-person, very much like the “detainees” at Guantanamo Bay and the Palestinians. Your constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties and due process of law have been (illegally) stripped. You have been secretly enrolled in a highly covert program that intelligence services have developed over the past century to terrorize and eliminate political enemies, foreign spies, heads of state, journalists, “dissidents,” critics of government, activists, etc. Unbeknownst to you, your name probably appeared on a classified, secret blacklist, such as the “Terrorism Watch List,” before your targeting/torture began. Bottom line: Officially, you are now an “it,” a “target,” and no longer a legal person.

Rather, you are an (illegal) “covert operation” to be executed by military, intelligence, civilian, and any number of non-governmental agencies on behalf of the State. You are a potential “contract” for thousands of private security firms such as the FBI-spinoff, InfraGard, and the Israeli Mossad-spinoff, Black Cube. These and other mercenary and organized crime groups partner with the U.S. government, FBI, DHS, CIA, police agencies and others to wage the phony “war on terrorism” against you and millions of other innocent civilians worldwide. You may also be a non-consensual human guinea pig in one or several of the innumerable DARPA-Pentagon-funded weapons-testing and mind control programs and experiments now being carried out secretly and globally which involve hundreds to thousands of neuroscience-psychology-biology-computer science departments at universities and medical facilities.

“Counter-terrorism” is an integral part of the “National Security Enterprise,” the “Global War on Terrorism,” and the Pentagon’s “Fourth Generation Warfare”/”Revolution In Military Affairs” (RMA). Most “targets” are innocent civilians who have been designated as “enemies” to help justify the multi-trillion dollar “National Security”-“Counter-Terrorism” corporate-military-intelligence-police complex which drives the American economy as well as the global “terrorism” economy (which also profits from arms and drugs sales, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, etc.). Since 9/11, some $9 trillion in federal funds has been transferred from social programs to the National Security Establishment and over $6 trillion in federal funds have been squandered to prosecute foreign wars of aggression under the pretext of “The War on Terrorism.” These wars primarily benefit (greater) Israel and the corporate-military complex.

Many Targeted Citizens are unaware they are being targeted, tracked, and monitored via satellite and supercomputer and on-the-ground government and private security spies and community-based agents (CBA), informants, etc. They are unaware that their day-to-day activities are surveilled, manipulated, disrupted, and controlled by shadowy military special forces operatives and other government and private security agents, vigilantes, paid street thugs, and other “useful idiots” and “useful idiot groups.” They are unaware that hordes of mind and behavioral scientists at hundreds to thousands of universities and medical facilities are essential participants in these operations.

Georgetown University neuroscientist and “neuro-ethicists,” Dr. James Giordano, spelled out the rational for these highly treasonous activities in a 2017 lecture at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in Livermore, CA:

“We” (Pentagon-big science-National Security Establishment) need “viable targets” “to test our latest neuroweapons and neurotechnology.” Giordano also noted that “mortality and morbidity (in these programs) is real.”

Regardless of his/her level of awareness, the “TC’s” life, freedom, and sovereignty are disrupted, controlled, and effectively, stolen through these operations. TCs now effectively inhabit an unreal, false world, a virtual “electronic concentration camp.” The invisible fence of this cage is comprised of lies, spies, “surveillance role players,” “spotters,” setups, covert ops, psyops, defamation campaigns, betrayal by friends and family, electronic assaults and manipulations, and scripted sabotage and street theater by strangers- all designed to psychologically break down the TC. As noted, many TCs are also “disposable subjects” in (CIA) MKULTRA-style “terminal experiments” that involve torture and/or mind mapping/mind cloning from electromagnetic and neuro-weapons. Similar techniques were deployed against civilian populations by the Soviet Cheka and KGB, Russian FSB, East German Stasi, CIA-MI6-NATO’s Operation Gladio in Western Europe, FBI’s COINTELPRO, CIA’s MHCHAOS and Phoenix Program, etc. Similar technologies were recently deployed against American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba. Luke Harding, journalist with The Guardian, describes his own targeting by the Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) in his book, “Mafia State” (2011).

A 2003 Boston Globe article states that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plan is to recruit 100 million citizen-spies to fight the “War on Terrorism.” Is it any wonder that unemployment in America today is at its lowest (3.9%) since 1969, when the FBI’s secret COINTELPRO, the CIA’s top-secret MHCHAOS and Phoenix political spying/sabotage/murder programs and the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control programs were in full swing? Is it any wonder that America is falling apart? Effectively, CIA-DOD-NSA-FBI-DHS, etc. are staging a covert civil war here.

The Bigger Picture:

I regard the late Dr. Rauni Kilde, former chief medical officer of Northern Finland, political insider, and author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows,” as perhaps the world’s leading expert on organized stalking and mind control. These essential insights of Dr. Kilde provide the much-needed context to help explain GISTAPWO-666 operations:

a) The elite have plans to get rid of 2/3 of the world’s population with electromagnetic warfare, chemical warfare, and psychological warfare.
b) The nations, and by extension, the secret services, militaries, etc., are the “plaything” of the (ETK: Judeo-Masonic-satanic) elite.
c) Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers.
d) All the US military branches are involved in developing this technology, in cooperation with civil institutions like the Department of Health, in what is known as the NEURAL NETWORK ASSOCIATION. At their 1991 conference, it was revealed that they submitted and endorsed over 1000 projects in brain-computer technology at 350 medical centers, universities, etc.
e) Cybernetics, full neurological control and communication, has been in use since the 1940s without the knowledge of the public. The objectives are behavior modification and influencing mental and bodily functions, processes, and emotions remotely through computer-satellite links.
f) Directed Energy (DE) weapons, mostly EMF (electromagentic frequency) and acoustic weapons, act on the psyche and the body of human beings and all living creatures. They have been called by many names: Psycho-physical weapons, weapons of information warfare, psychotronic weapons, cognitive weapons, neurological weapons, mind-invasive weapons, mind control and electronic harassment weapons, remote neural monitoring, active denial systems, weapons of electronic warfare, means of neuro-linguistic programming, means for behavior modification, means of influence technology, computerized brainwashing machines, devices to zombify people, means to induce mental and physical illness, means for hostile surveillance, people zappers, and weapons of mass destruction.
g) On July 21, 1994, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) proposed that “non-lethal” weapons be used against anyone engaged in activities that DOD opposed. That could include almost anyone.
h) The secret services and their sabotage and terror “departments” are the biggest “terrorists” in the world and work together with the mafia. That was the case even in World War II.
i) More crimes against humanity have been committed under the shield of “national security” than people can ever know…. possibly even more than the mafia.
j) Mass remote mind control of the population is achieved via the mobile phone network.
k) This is the main policy of the United States government.


The implications of the above statements, all all of which are documented on this website, are profound and staggering. They include:

1) The American corporate-military-intelligence complex’s fraudulent “War on Terrorism” and “National Security Enterprise” system comprises a multi-trillion dollar business. Its perpetuation requires the perpetual destabilization of domestic and foreign populations and continual creation and/or invention of foreign and domestic “enemies,” “adversaries,” “threats,” and “targets.”
2) The duly-constituted US government has effectively been overthrown. Criminals controlling the US government have scrapped the US Constitution and are waging war on the American people.
3) Through the use of incessant, fear-inducing propaganda and the GISTAPWO-666-organized stalking-electro-terrorism system, government leaders have successfully manipulated millions of American citizens into becoming “perpetrators” who stalk and terrorize their fellow citizens, thus effectively stage-managing a civil war.
4) America today is a fascist corporate-civil-military-intelligence-police state,
5) The US government is more or less indistinguishable from the international criminal syndicate that controls it. Veterans Today contributor, Dr. Preston James, Ph.D., identifies this group as the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS). Thus, the U.S., like Russia and many Third World nations, is a “mafia state,”
6) The international criminal syndicate controlling America appears to be behind or at least co-extensive with the Illuminati-New World Order-UN-one-world-government antichrist system.
7) The leaders of this international criminal cabal have a long-term plan to genocide the majority of the population and to reduce the rest of us to mind-controlled slaves.
8) As noted, the late Dr. Rauni Kilde concludes: “Mass remote mind control of the population is (to be) achieved via the mobile phone network.”
9) Thus, among other things, “TCs” could be ‘beta tests’ for the remote, electronic torture, mind and behavioral manipulation, and possibly extermination of the population through the 5G-AI-IoT-internet-cyber warfare system. In 1979, Israel created Operation Talpiot to achieve wireless control over humanity through their control of these technologies.

Terminology Issues

The term “gang stalking” is an inadequate descriptor for this monstrously evil system. “Counter-intelligence stalking” better identifies its predatory inventors and primary perpetrators. Here, I often use the more comprehensive term, “GISTAPWO-666,” an abbreviation for “Global Intelligence-Syndicate, Secret, Satanic, Space-based, Surveillance, Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Psycho-Political, Policing-for-Profit, Psychotronic, and Psychological Warfare Operations.”

The terms “Targeted Individual” (TI) and “dissident” are also inadequate and misleading. Rather, we “Targeted Citizens” (TCs) are generally more accurately characterized as “truth-tellers,” “whistleblowers,” “peace activists,” “human rights activists,” “veterans,” retirees,” “Christians,” “patriots,” “constitutionalists,” “critics of government policy,” “individuals thought to represent a particular demographic group, ” i.e., just about anyone.

The Following Quotes Help Explain The Logic, Dynamics, and Perpetrators of the “Global Gestapo” (GISTAPWO-666):

1) “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

-Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany

Webmaster (ETK) Comment: Thus, if, for example, a full professor of Geography such as myself (the webmaster) proves in his websites that 9/11 was a false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terror event contrived by the U.S.A. and Israel; or that the “War on Terrorism” and “Man-Caused Global Warming” are fraudulent cover stories which mask totalitarian New World Order agendas, that person might be secretly placed on the “Terrorism Watch List” and become a “targeted citizen” (TC).

2) “The goal is to create a nationwide system of “vigilantes” who do not think for themselves but follow orders — the Evildoing, US-Gov-paid “defense” contractors’ private army of “shooters” (not thinkers). The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.”

-Targeted Individual (TI)

3) …. regarding “The National Security Racketeering Network”… “the program” at its core is an extra-judicial, political targeting and elimination program. This is a soft-kill operation. The expected outcome is self-harm, financial disruption, social disruption (of “Targeted Citizens”). They want to get rid of you (the TC) via any means possible in a clandestine fashion and also have fun and generate revenue while doing it. This is a style of “parasitic crony capitalism” because Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and possibly DOD, are farming out contracts on innocent Americans….. So it is both a political targeting operation as well as a revenue generation scheme that starts off within the deep state shadow government.

I’ve read that DOJ/DHS have contracts with corporate private prisons in which DOJ helps these prisons maintain a certain quota of prisoners. They’ve done the same thing with the private intelligence agencies which run the extra-judicial militias, or targeting crews, which DOJ refers to as “surveillance role players” or” live action role players.” (I.e., they guarantee delivery of “quotas” of “targeted individuals.”

Who owns these private intelligence agencies? Retired federal law enforcement and intelligence personnel; FBI, NSA, DEA, JTTF, Homeland Security, ex-military officers…. there are over 1800 private intelligence agencies in the US that operate with zero oversight. This is a giant racketeering network…. probably the biggest, underground, black-market illegal businesses in the United States today.

Dr. X Keyscore

4) “I can pay one half of the working class to kill the other half.” 19th-century robber baron, Jay Gould

5) “Neuroscience captures $175 billion dollars annual market space…. The brain is the next battlespace…. We are targeting the brain…. We need to recon (the) target area (i.e., the domestic population) in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed… is real.

We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my human intelligence (HUMINT), my signals intelligence (SIGINT), and my communications intelligence (COMINT). NEURINT (Neuro intelligence) coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities…. I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to extract information from key intelligence targets.”

-Dr. James Giordano, Professor of Neuroscience, Georgetown University, DARPA/U.S. Army Consultant Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)

6) “As a Targeted Individual, you are attacked by many forces from all sides. You are an enemy of the state. This is called Joint Targeting. This military strategy is described in these military documents. You are a MILITARY TARGET.

Joint Publication 3-60: Joint Targeting (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007) (pdf)
Joint Publication 3-60: Joint Targeting (2013) (pdf)
JP-3-60 Joint Targeting and US Targeted Killings (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2013)

These documents describe how and why you are chosen as a Target. They even describe why your immediate and extended family is attacked as well:

“Target development always approaches adversary capabilities from a systems perspective. While a single target may be significant because of its own characteristics, the target’s real importance lies in its relationship to other targets within an operational system. A target system is most often considered as a collection of assets directed to perform a specific function or series of functions. While target systems are intra-dependent to perform a specific function, they are also interdependent in support of adversary capabilities (e.g., the electric power system may provide energy to run the adversary’s railroads that are a key component of their military logistic system). Target development links these multiple target systems and their components (targets) to reflect both their intra- and interdependency that, in aggregate, contribute to the adversary capabilities.”

Citizens Against Harmful Technology (CAHT)

Webmaster (ETK) comment: While the term, JOINT, here evidently refers to “Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Kay Griggs (M.A. in history, political insider, descendant of James Madison, Christian, and TI) offers a different definition worth considering in US Army is a Mind-Control Operation Run by Sexual Deviants:

“He’s a robot, my husband…. except when he’s drinking. He says he’s an existentialist. My husband, Col. George Griggs, had gone through four years of mind control (at Princeton). And I believe his brother was killed to keep him in. Bill Clinton was also one of those profiled boys. It’s mind control, MKULTRA, somebody said. Even my husband’s roommates in Princeton told me about it.

Vietnam was really important because a lot of (mind control) experiments were done on boys (young soldiers) who went over there.

Joint mob-military partnership operations were conducted in Korea and Vietnam. At the highest levels of the Marine Corps and the Army in the Special Operations Forces, the individuals are all actually in the (Jewish) Brooklyn-New Jersey mob. My husband, General Al Gray, General Sheehan, Henry Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger… are part of a group of Zionists who came over from Germany. They do a lot of money laundering in the banks, cash transactions in the banks for the drugs they are bringing over. The military (personnel) are all involved once they retire. They go into drug and secondary weapons sales. It’s all about the “funny money.”

It’s Training and Doctrine Command, it’s NATO, it’s SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), started by President Eisenhower (a Jew). It’s a totally independent corporation. It’s main function is to sell weapons and launder money. It’s all being done by Army people who are now JOINT. The word JOINT is used to describe the people (Jews) who came over illegally to escape Nazi Germany… They are cowards and bullies….

You see the organized crime, the Meyer Lansky, the Jewish Kabalist group, who don’t believe in God, believe they have to get rid of all the good people… and they get brownie points in their little cult for doing that. They really do this. They are killing good people on purpose… All (American) Jews are automatically in the Israeli military.”

7) “Immediately after his public address to a shaken nation (after the staged, false-flag, state-sponsored terror attack of) Sept. 11, 2001, President George Bush (ETK: Yale, Skull and Bones, class of 1968) turned to his White House staff and gave them secret orders to allow torture saying: “I don’t care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some ass.” In the months that followed, administration attorneys translated the president’s unlawful orders into US policy by adopting three controversial neoconservative (Jewish neo-Trotskyite) doctrines (ETK: aka lies):

1) The President is above the law.
2) Torture is legally acceptable.
3) The U.S. Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay is not U.S. territory.

… (Then) the Bush administration began building a global gulag for torture at Abu Ghraib, Baghram, Guantanamo and half a dozen additional sites worldwide. In February, 2002, the White House assured the CIA that the administration’s public pressure to abide by the Geneva Conventions did not apply to its operatives and the White House also allowed the agency 10 enhanced interrogation (torture) methods designed by agency psychologists, including waterboarding.

…Through this total three phase attack on sensory receptors, cultural identity and individual psyche, Guantanamo perfected the CIA’s psychological torture paradigm. After regular inspections of Guantanamo from 2002 to 2004, the International Red Cross reported: “The construction of such a system cannot be considered other than a form of cruel, unusual, and degrading treatment, and a form of torture.”

Dr. Alfred McCoy: The History of Mental Torture in the U.S.A.

8) “The Vietnam war was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalistic revolution fought as a guerilla war.

The Phoenix program, assassinating suspected VC (Viet Cong) sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black operation (aka gang stalking) targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the “Mind War” (1980) paper written by Michael Aquino.

The Department of Defense has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminate killing of the Phoenix program continues on American soil. The terms “soft kill,” “slow kill,” and “silent kill” refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and in small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.

The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Ted Shackley, Richard Helms, (CIA Director) William Casey, Maj. John Singlaub, Richard Secord, Maj. John B. Alexander, Col. Michael Aquino, Paul Vallilee and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with “silent kill” technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image.

Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.

Military intelligence officers involved in developing these “non-lethal weapons” also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persinger’s work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA-created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used by actively harassing them in public in neutralization techniques described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents.

In the race to develop a new weapon it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no different. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people, the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population and then to humanity as a whole.”

Marshall Thomas, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2007) (See: “Gang stalking”/Electronic Torture as Asymmetric Warfare Against Political Dissenters (M. Thomas),MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program (Marshall Thomas)- youtube, notes, and book linkMonarch- The Phoenix Program Parts 1-5 (Marshall Thomas)CIA Monarch and MKULTRA Mind Control Programs (1-5) youtubes (Marshall Thomas))

9) “The (CIA’s) Phoenix program, created in 1967, brought together 25 agencies and aimed them at (Vietnamese) civilians in the “insurgency….” They are teachers, laborers, mailmen, farmers; but they’re not soldiers… It’s political warfare. It’s secret. It’s against the rules of war. It violated the Geneva Conventions…. It pulls together people from the army, navy, air force, and Special Forces. It includes the Vietnamese secret services. It coordinates everybody that’s involved in the war and brings every resource to bear on the political people in the villages, in an effort to wipe them off the face of the earth.… The total number of (civilian) people killed was between 25,000 and 40,000. They relied on sanitized military jargon to obscure the inhuman brutality that pervaded “death squad” operations like the Phoenix program.

(This) is what Homeland Security does in the US (today); bringing agencies together and focusing them on civilians who look like “terrorists”…. (Now as then) murdering civilians is unstated policy.

“Where can the Phoenix Program be found today? Wherever:

1) Governments of the left or right use military and security forces to enforce their ideologies under the aegis of anti-terrorism,
2) Police check points ring major cities,
3) Paramilitary police units patrol in armored cars,
4) Military forces are conducting counterinsurgency operations,
5) Emergency decrees are used to suspend due process,
6) Dissidents are interned indefinitely,
7) Dissidents are rounded up and deported,
8) Security forces use informants to identify dissidents,
9) Security forces keep files and computerized black lists on dissidents,
10) Security forces conduct secret investigations and surveillance on dissidents,
11) Security forces (or thugs in their hire) harass and murder dissidents,
12) Such activities go unreported in the press.”

-Douglas Valentine, “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017) (See: From the Phoenix Program (1967-1972) to Today’s Global Gestapo (GISTAPO-666): Excerpts from D. Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017) Posted onCIA’s Phoenix Program/”Computerized Genocide”/CIA As Organized Crime/DHS As New Phoenix Program: Douglas Valentine Interviews)

Webmaster (ETK) Statement: All of the above Phoenix program activities are currently being carried out by America’s “National Security Establishment/Enterprise” within America and globally. ERGO, GANG STALKING-GISTAPO-666 IS THE GLOBAL PHOENIX PROGRAM.”

10) “There is now a New American War. It is inside America. It is called the “War on Terror”. The enemy is YOU! It is a staged, Phony War that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

Every Military Force needs an enemy. Without an ongoing or perpetual war, the War profiteers quickly go bankrupt. In order to keep their profit stream going from war, war-profiteers need to create successive new wars or a significant threat of impending war.

This new War on Terror has been socially engineered to provide a continual stream of degradations and provocations against the average American, provoking many in a never-ending stream to resist, and causing them to be labeled dissenters. Once they have been labeled dissenters they are put on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Main Core Terror Watch List, which top insiders know is a targeted assassination list for later eradication of all Freedom-loving Americans who want to restore the American Constitutional Republic.

At present the Main Core list has over ten million Americans on it, and it is growing every day with thousands of new additions. Get a ticket for a driving offense or any arrest (even if later proven innocent) and it is highly likely you will be placed on this Main Core Terror Watch and Assassination list.

Over time these provocations are designed to result in a continuing stream of America dissenters that want to take their Republic back from the zionist hijackers and will meet DHS tyranny and force with the like. Any and all Dissenters are now being defined as “Enemies of the State”.

… the Department of Homeland Security is now recognized as a major IZCS beach-head inside America and part of a long term plan to establish a foreign controlled IZCS neo-Bolshevik military force inside America to tyrannize, wage war against, and eventually serially mass murder most Americans.

This is why some top insiders refer to DHS as the New American Gestapo or Stasi. Some see it now morphing into a New Red Cheka mass-murder machine for dispensing Bolshevik-style Red Terror and the serial mass-murder of Americans.

The War on Terror is obviously a Phony. But it has been the greatest boon to the American Defense Complex ever, with many times more net American Taxpayer dollars spent on this war than any other war in history, including WW2 or the Vietnam War.”

-Preston James, Ph.D., (YOU Are THE ENEMY, Veterans Today (2014))

11) “We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

…. we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

(ETK Comment: That the “military-industrial complex” has now executed a success coup (overthrow) of the American government is evidenced by the fact that “alert and knowledgeable citizens are now targeted as “enemies of the state.”)

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

…The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded…. we must be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

-President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell speech, January 17, 1961

12) “Intelligence operations have turned out to be a domestic war.” -Maria Serna, Crusade For Justice (From CounterSpy Volume 3, Issue 1, 1976) (Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide)

13) “Should the practice of Spydom become universal, farewell to all domestic confidence and happiness.” -London Times, Christmas 1859

(ETK comment: “The practice of Spydom” has become universal.)

14) “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?”

-Colonel George Hunter White, MKULTRA Operative, CIA/OSS (Office of Strategic Services)/FBN in his final report to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, overseer of 4 CIA’s MKULTRA Programs, including “Midnight Climax”

15) “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.” – President John F. Kennedy, shortly before his assassination (by the CIA and others) on Nov. 22, 1963

16) “It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize the American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms….” -John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief and highest CIA employee to “go public” (EX-CIA Whistleblower, John Stockwell: “US Fascist Shadow Government, CIA Secret Wars and Drug Running, Gulf War I and NWO, JFK Assassination, etc. (1986, 1989, 1991)

17) “Abolish the CIA and Covert Action: The Organizing Committee demands the CIA and covert action be abolished not only because we recognize that the CIA serves only the multinational corporate empire, which is thoroughly antidemocratic and unAmerican, but also because the CIA ls a criminal organization and covert actions are criminal actions.” -(From CounterSpy Volume 2, Issue 4, 1976) ((Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide)

18) “My basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the World.”

“There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews… The US government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable…

Jews are intensely selfish, intolerant and antisocial. They are full of hate, greed, malice. Naturally, other people, i.e. the non-Jews, don’t like being bulldozed aside, robbed and murdered by the Jews, and will sooner or later resist. That is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into place. No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too small… Jews live by lying, and die with coming in contact with the truth.”

“Almost everyone who has been around me turned out to be a secret agent working for the Jews, working for the CIA… The Jews have planted so many of their Jew agents and CIA rats all around me. So many people… girlfriends, lawyers, everybody almost, turned out to be working for the CIA and the Jews. Unbelievable but true.”

-Bobby Fischer (of Jewish parentage), American chess grandmaster, 11th World Chess Champion, often considered the greatest chess player ever (and possible TI)

19) “Jews are behind the whole (organized stalking) thing.” Alan Landis, implanted TI of Jewish parentage who claims to have suffered microwave attacks for over four decades to webmaster, 2014

(See: Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture youtube (With Partial Transcription of Text)Jewish Gang StalkingMore On Jewish Gang StalkingJewish Gang Stalking: Israeli Contractors Protect Weinstein by Stalking Women and Reporters (11/17)Jewish Organized Stalking: Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies)

20) “We (Jews) control America, and the Americans know it.” -Arial Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, October, 2001

21) “With so many jews involved with methods of deep psychological torment directed at me for so many years, it is impossible that these methods are not culturally jewish, known by all jews above a certain age…. This culturally jewish method of profiling and stalking someone to ruin would have existed before technology made it easy, perhaps explaining why jews have been exiled from so many lands.

The benefits to shadow governments are endless; spy operations, police stings, drug dealing, money laundering drops and black operation terror events where an asset or target are surrounded by nothing but layers of backup in a pre-scripted crowd simulation…. What gave away the core of this mob stalking method as culturally jewish was that Israelis always positioned themselves in the lead to appear as a victim, with their terrain cues consistently ordinary, per Mossad and Shin Bet’s mottos of deception and concealment as a strategy.

The culturally jewish methods of deception and concealment are mafia tactics, as evidence by the similarity in criminal activities between American jewish mafia and the Israeli mafia; the embedded Nation of Israel and Israel proper:

Jewish-American mafia criminal activities: Narcotics trafficking, racketeering, gambling, loan sharking, bookmaking, contract killing, diamond trafficking, extortion, weapons trafficking, fraud, prostitution & money laundering.

Israeli mafia criminal activities: Drug trafficking, diamond trafficking, racketeering, loan sharking, robbery, extortion, money laundering, highjacking, gambling, prostitution, bookmaking, weapons trafficking and human trafficking.”

“Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture” youtube (Op Catalyst; And Partial Transcription of Text)

22) “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the abolition of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order, the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

-Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928

23) “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.” -Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D (Jewish Talmud)

24) “The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

“Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.

… This war will end for all time the struggle against the Gentiles… Our race will rule undisputed over the world… And so, with vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World”.

-Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich; Speaking of the Third World War, Rabbi Rabinovich is publicly reported to have addressed a special meeting of Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952 as reported in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin (N.P. Purvis, Editor), The Canadian Intelligence Service – Excerpt from September 1952 issue, “The World’s Troublemakers,” [See resources ] “THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE GENTILES”

25) “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.”

-Patrick Henry, American Founding Father, first Governor of Virginia

Webmaster’s Introduction:

I began this website in the fall of 2016 with the goal of learning as much as possible about global organized stalking and mind control operations and sharing that information with others. As a former university professor and a “Targeted Individual” myself since at least about 2004, I have researched these topics both from an academic standpoint as well as from my own direct experience. This website is an outgrowth of my naturalclimatechange.org911nwo.com, and sanluisvalleywaterwatch.com websites and builds upon and/or incorporates information provided in those websites. Having researched these related issues for decades, I can now offer some major conclusions, the chief of which is that through their systematic torture and murder of law-abiding American citizens, the U.S. military-intelligence is guilty of committing the highest form of treason imaginable.

Indeed, today, the U.S. military wages secret warfare on the people of the world in order to assert “full spectrum dominance” over planet earth and usher in One-World-Government as per United Nations Agenda 21 (“Agenda for the 21st Century,” now called Agenda 2030). The U.S. and Israeli governments and their corporate partners now conduct surveillance on everyone. And they secretly deploy high-tech, directed energy- and neuro-weapons against (probably) many millions of “Targeted Individuals” (TIs) worldwide who have been extra-judicially placed on “Terrorism Watch Lists” and classed as “enemies of the state.” These people are referred to as “the target” and “it” in Joint Publication 3-60 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (see above quote) and are denied due process of law, their constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties, and the protection of the innumerable state, federal, and international laws and statutes that prohibit such non-consensual targeting/non-consensual experimentation on civilians. These surveillance, targeting, torture, neutralization, and killing operations are part of the U.S. military’s “Unconventional Warfare” carried out on behalf of the global financial elite by their minions, the intelligence agencies, governments, militaries and private security contractors, against civilian populations in order to suppress the truth, cover-up their own crimes, profit from human trafficking of TIs, and test their latest neuro- and nonlethal weapons.

The U.S. military’s “Fourth Generation Warfare” is a product of the “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s. Its major components include: “Information Warfare,” “Perception Management,” “Military Operations Other Than War” (MOOTW), “Low-Intensity Conflict (LIC)” “Cyber-Warfare,” “Net-Centric Warfare,” Psychological Operations, Psycho-Political Operations, and the use of no-touch torture technologies including “nonlethal” (directed energy) and other neuro-weapons. These so-called “counter-terrorism operations” actually constitute terrorism waged against domestic populations. (See: Mark M. Rich’s “The New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control,” 2011 and excerpts from that book on this website: Beastiary of Terms in the New War (Against Civilians)Psychopaths New World War Against All HumanityPsyop As a Fundamental Component of Organized Stalking, and Excellent Explanation of Organized Stalking Operations- Mark Rich Youtubes).

As per the U.S. military’s (related) “civil-military” and “net-centric” war doctrines, responsibility and culpability for these criminal, unconstitutional operations is divested among many sectors of society, including law enforcement (DHS, DOJ, FBI, local, state and federal police), private corporate contractors and local businesses, innumerable civilian and vigilante groups, religions, cults, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and many universities and medical facilities, etc.

Why? “Full spectrum dominance” of everything and everyone. What for? Innumerable statements by global leaders tell us why (also see quotes below).

James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, both of the Warburg (German Jewish banking) family that co-founded the Federal Reserve, stated on February 17, 1950 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether World Government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”

The American people never consented to World Government. Nonetheless, our nation, world, and Western Civilization itself is being conquered incrementally by the international financial elite and their paid minions.

Multiple goals and effects of global organized stalking/mind control/electronic torture operations include:

1) massive make-work program; establishment of a massive make-work program that radically expands the National Security Enterprise/Terrorism sector of the economy through: a) allocation of billions of federal dollars to watchlist and target generally law-abiding civilians through the DHS-FBI Fusion Center system, b) human trafficking of “TIs” as non-consensual human experimentees into military-university-corporate-state neuroscience and weapons-testing programs*, and c) illegal seizure of terminated targets’ assets*,

(*As revealed in the “Iran-Contra” scandal of the 1980s, the rogue corporate-military-intelligence (CIA-mafia) networks of the criminal “shadow government” (National Security Enterprise) have also profiteered from international sales of illegal drugs and weapons, trafficking of sex slaves and children, etc., for many decades. Among many names for this “shadow government” is Dr. Alfred McCoy’s term, “covered netherworld.”)

2) formation of “secret armies;” formation of vast “secret armies” of “perpetrators” (“perps”) comprised of military special forces operatives, “civilian warfighters,” citizen spies, recruited criminals, government agents/informants/spies, “surveillance role players,” “crisis actors,” academic and medical cognitive and neuroscience researchers, and others, to: 1) maintain control over all sectors of society, 2) squelch all potential dissent and civil rights movements, 3) “divide and conquer” domestic populations, 4) artificially create a civil war in which civilians police, stalk, harass, torture, and kill each other,

3) “Isolate and Remove” (ISR) and “asset stripping” of dissident/”targets” with no-touch torture, “nonlethal weapons;” organized stalking of “Targeted Individuals” by these secret armies is accompanied by deployment of high-tech, military-grade “nonlethal” electromagnetic and neuro-tech weapons to ISR (“isolate and “remove”) TIs from society (i.e., eliminate/”suicide”/kill them), which allows elites and/or the state to seize “targets’” assets through insurance fraud, etc.

4) create worldwide “no-touch torture, psychotronic concentration camp;” create a no-touch, electronic Guantanamo Bay-Abu Ghraib-style torture-mind control system that can be deployed anywhere on earth at any time against anyone viewed with disfavor by those in power.

5) create mass shooters through invisible, no-touch torture; the “zionist-controlled USA is running COINTELPRO-COPs-Gang-Stalking and wireless-MKULTRA program on millions of innocent Americans in order to advance a political agenda to create psycho-bombs; mass shooters who create a gun problem so they can ban them” according to Dr. Robert Duncan (CIA scientist, whistleblower, and author of “Project: Soul Catcher: Volume 2: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetics Warfare Revealed”)

6) cover-up their own criminality; psychological and/or physical breakdown/incarceration/institutionalization/”slow kill” murder of TIs via “no-touch torture” eliminates “dissidents,” “whistleblowers,” “truth-tellers,” and dissent, in general, thus facilitating suppression of the truth and the implementation of the long-sought, totalitarian one-world government. Removal of “political enemies” through these targeted killings also facilitates the cover-up of this and other government crimes, covert ops, and massive propaganda lies, including 9/11, staged false-flag terror events, prosecution of illegal wars, the phony war on terrorism, the phony man-caused global warming hoax, etc.

7) neuro-weapons testing/brain- and soul-mapping/cloning; military research, development, and refinement of a variety of neuro-weapons, as well as the mapping, digital copying, and cloning human brains and souls (defined as “intellect, will, and emotions”) is carried out to create: a) “enhanced” cyborg supersoldiers, b) a race of transhumanist (human-computer) cyborg slaves/bio-robots, and c) enhancement of “conscious” AI (artificial-intelligence) supercomputers, d) fascist military-intelligence domination the entire world population through use of neuroweapons/neurotechnologies which permit remote mind control, torture, and mind influencing, and e)a host of other objectives,

8) “divide and conquer” society for total control; dividing society into three classes; a) predators, including elites and “perps”, b) prey, including targeted individuals and audiences, and c) clueless and cowardly bystanders, aka “the bewildered herd.” This “divide and conquer” strategy facilitates total control of societies by elites and eliminates the threat of genuine protest, meaningful social movements, etc.,

9) create a society of sadists and spies; traditional Christian values such as love, truth, beauty, honor, kindness, courage, and service to others are replaced in progressively dehumanized societies by a sadistic-mafia-spook-style “thugocracy” (rule by thugs) with a “Lord of the Flies” jungle mentality in which sadistic, violent guerilla tactics are commonly employed to “keep the peace,”

10) militarize, weaponize, criminalize, and satanize society; societies are thus “weaponized,” “criminalized,” and “satanized” to such an extent that these types of illegal and unconstitutional activities continue unreported and unpunished,

11) creation of New World Order electronic military-intelligence-vigilante police state;creation of a global, totalitarian, corporate-owned New World Order military-intelligence-vigilante civilian-police state linked to AI supercomputers, cell towers, and electromagnetic frequency and advanced neuro-tech weapons can be covertly deployed against any and all individuals and groups in all sectors of society.

Through economic policies, zoning restrictions, and man-caused catastrophes such as the California wildfires, etc., citizens are now gradually being forced out of rural and suburban areas into crowded UN Agenda 21 “Smart Cities,” where total physical control can be exerted through control of food, water, and energy, etc. and total psychological and behavioral control can be exerted through GISTAPO-666,

12) electronic/psychotronic genocide of populations; large populations can be genocided and/or turned into bio-robots using these technologies.

13) elites attain immortality; elites evidently hope to develop and use these brain-to-computer mapping and copying technologies to transform themselves into a race of immortal, omniscient, transhumanist “gods” who would rule a universal, one-world antichrist kingdom… forever.

In light of the vast scope, complexity, and import of these global operations, then, the commonly-used terms, “organized stalking,” “gang stalking,” and “counter-intelligence stalking” hardly appear adequate. Hence, we need to find more accurate and appropriate terms. So let’s mimic the alphabet soup agencies themselves (DOD, DHS, FBI, NSA, CIA, DIA, DARPA, etc.) who devise acronyms that describe the principle components of their operations (such as MIG (Military Intelligence Group), COINTELPRO (Counter-intelligence Program), USAINTC (USA Intelligence Command), etc)?

Of the numerous acronyms I have come up with thus far (Best Acronyms For “Gang Stalking” and “Targeted Individuals”.), my current favorites are:

1) “GISSSSSSSTTTTTTAPPPPPPPWO;” for “Global Intelligence-Syndicate, Secret, Satanic, Space-based, Surveillance, Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Psycho-Political, Policing-for-Profit, Psychotronic, and Psychological Warfare Operations.” (GISSSSSSTTTTTTAPPPPPPWO should be pronounced in a harsh, guttural, Nazi accent, with the 6 S’s forming a prolonged hiss and the 6 T’s and 6 P’s pronounced with machine gun-like, rapid-fire staccato). Alternatively, it can be more simply rendered to as “GISTAPWO- 666” and/or “GIS(6)T(6)AP(6)WO” (with 6’s as superscripts).

2) GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO: “Global Organized Stalking Groups’ Neuro Warfare Groups’ Surveillance, Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Termination, Tyranny, and Pscyhological Operations.”

These terms are used interchangeably throughout this website, along with “Global Gestapo” (GG), as synonyms and descriptors for “global organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control” operations.

Readers should also understand that “GISTAPO-666” is just one component of a multi-pronged “state-sponsored terrorism”/”unconventional warfare” global take-down strategy that includes other types of operations as well. These include:

1) Weather warfare/geoengineering; for example: a) global aerial spraying of chemtrails, b) manufactured “frankenstorm” hurricanes such as Harvey, Katrina, Michael, etc., c) geoengineered DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) fires in California and elsewhere and d) HAARP-(High Active-Frequency Auroral Research Program)-ELF- (Extremely Low Frequency) induced droughts, floods, earthquakes, etc.
2) chemical, biological, and psychological operations,
3) propaganda and soft-mind control through controlled media and alternative media
4) mass trauma-based mind control through staged, false-flag “terror” incidents such as 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombings, etc., etc.
5) Special Forces and Tactical Psychological Operations Teams’ “asymetrical war” operations now being deployed to destabilize most nations in the world.
6) others of which most of us remain unaware

These “unconventional warfare” strategies are scalable and can be used to target domestic populations, individuals, uncooperative government officials and political leaders, and other groups. They comprise important elements of the “New World War.” In “YOU Are THE ENEMY,” Veterans Today reporter, Preston James, Ph.D., describes the basic war strategy by which government agents and paid provocateurs fabricate “a continual stream of degradations and provocations” against civilians:

“This new War on Terror has been socially engineered to provide a continual stream of degradations and provocations against the average American, provoking many in a never-ending stream to resist, and causing them to be labeled dissenters.

Once they have been labeled dissenters they are put on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Main Core Terror Watch List, which top insiders know is a targeted assassination list for later eradication of all Freedom-loving Americans who want to restore the American Constitutional Republic.

At present the Main Core list has over ten million Americans on it, and it is growing every day with thousands of new additions. Get a ticket for a driving offense or any arrest (even if later proven innocent) and it is highly likely you will be placed on this Main Core Terror Watch and Assassination list.

Over time these provocations are designed to result in a continuing stream of American dissenters that want to take their Republic back from the zionist hijackers and will meet DHS tyranny and force with the like. Any and all Dissenters are now being defined as “Enemies of the State”.”

Thus, GISTAPO-666 particularly targets and neutralizes/eliminates citizens who have been secretly “watchlisted,” classified as “dissenters”/whistleblowers, and are now being used as “non-consensual human experimentees” (guinea pigs). TIs are subject to covert torture, “soft-kill,” “slow-kill,” and “silent-kill” murder via “nonlethal weapons” as well as mind and behavioral control via neuro-weapons and psy-ops (gang stalking), brain- and soul-mapping, and EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) and neuro-weapons-testing programs. Just as in the CIA’s top-secret, MKULTRA and related mind control black, wet projects of the 1940s onward, non-consenting civilians today are being used as unwilling and usually unwitting test subjects in these “terminal” (unto death) experiments.

Government propagandists justify the deployment of GISTAPO-666 and related FBI/DHS/NSA “counter-terrorism” programs under the (false) pretexts/cover stories of “National Security,” the phony “War On Terrorism”, and “Law and Order.” These operations are executed by the “interagency,” aka “National Security Enterprise-U.S. military-corporate complex,” perhaps the world’s most profitable business. The annual U.S. “defense budget” is about $800 billion and, according to neuroscientist/neuroethicist, Dr. James Giordano, the neuroscience/neurotech industry alone currently garners $175 billion/year of “market share.” (See: Confessions of a High-Level Per; Dr. James Giordano).

It should be stressed that most of the individuals and groups (termed “perpetrators” or “perps”) that execute these covert, illegal, and unconstitutional terror and torture operations are guilty of committing criminal felonies as well as treason for they are violating the constitutionally-guaranteed rights of their fellow citizens and/or their own sworn oaths to protect the U.S. Constitution and the American public from enemies foreign and domestic.

What makes this new form of terrorism/covert torture/warfare so insidious and effective is that the public is largely unaware of the existence of the high-tech weapons and technologies it deploys. Weaponized directed energy wavelengths and frequencies can silently and invisibly target, manipulate, and degrade minds/behaviors as well as induce premature deaths from heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and a host of other maladies, etc. EM frequencies are also used by the military and private subcontractors to control weather. These effects are possible when these weaponized electromagnetic wavelengths and frequencies are deployed in combination with satellites, cell towers, supercomputers, spraying of metallic particulate and nano-particles into the atmosphere (chemtrails), cyber warfare systems, and other high-tech weapons.

This website and my 911nwo.com website documents that the ultimate powers behind these criminal operations are the Judeo-Masonic-Satanic (“Illuminati”/”British Israel”/Old Black Nobility) financial-power elite which has captured America and most other nations. (See: Who Are “They?” Their Statements Say…. Starts With J). This elite has captured and effectively controls the USG-CIA-FBI-NSA-DOD-DIA-DHS-NATO-NASA-NORAD-Mossad-MI6 and myriad allied national and corporate institutions, including the global mafia. (Numerous TIs and authors have reached this conclusion as well. And numerous TIs assert that these operations are accompanied by mafia-style “asset stripping” of “targets.”) These elites believe that dissent, independent thinkers, and independent thought must be eradicated in order to usher in their long-planned, totalitarian, fascist, feudalistic, New World Order-One-World-Government-antichrist kingdom (“Jewish Utopia”) to be ruled from Jerusalem.

As of December 16, 2018, some 767 posts on this site present valuable information pertaining to these nefarious operations and related topics. The following ten posts provide a good introductory background for understanding these extremely sophisticated and complex operations which remain officially unacknowledged:

1) “YOU Are THE ENEMY” by Preston James, Ph.D. (Veterans Today, 2014) gives the big picture of how and why our government, captured and controlled by the IZCS (International Zionist Criminal Syndicate), is targeting and murdering American civilians.

YOU are THE ENEMY by Preston James, PH.D. (Veterans Today, 2014)

2) “Mind Control: History and Applications” (2012) by webmaster, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, explains the history and technologies of Post-World War II CIA mind control operations.

Mind Control: History and Applications (Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

3) The (Jewish) Controllers and Their Destructive Mission by webmaster, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, provides a historical explanation and ultimate source of the drive for a Judeo-Masonic-satanic-driven for world government and the enslavement of humanity. These elements, I believe, are ultimately behind GISTAPO-666, the global gang stalking, mind control, and criminal cult operations;

The (Jewish) Controllers And Their Destructive Mission

4) “Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies: OR Playing God with the Atmosphere and Earth” is a power point presentation by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (webmaster) in 2011 that explains the history, pertinent patents, and laws related to Post-World War II geoengineering/weather warfare operations in America.

Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies (Dr. Eric Karlstrom, pdf)

5) The “Mind Control Slave” website, duplicated here in Parts 1-3 below, seems to provide some of the best, most technically sophisticated descriptions of modern organized stalking, psychotronics, and mind control operations.

Part 1: The Use of Electronics and Implants, Drug-Induced Mind Control, and Secret Government (Part 1 From “Mind Control Slave”)

Part 2: Body and Mind Manipulation, Tips for Brain Implant Victims, Gang Stalking Detail (diagrams), and ex-FBI Ted Gunderson Testimony on Gang Stalking (From “Mind Control Slave:” Part 2)

Part 3: Organized Gang Stalking, Electronic Harassment, and Psychotronic Tortures (From “Mind Control Slave:” Part 3)

6) These brief news stories and ads prove that “targeted killing” is a growth industry and job description in America!

U.S. Targeted Killings, U.S. Military Joint Targeting Publication 3-60, Joint Targeting School, and Lucrative TARGETING JOBS!

7) “Fourteen Inferred Goals of Global Intelligence Stalking/Electronic Torture/Mind Control Operations; Qui Bono? (9/11/18 Synopsis) was a recent attempt by webmaster, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, to summarize the basic elements of GISTAPO-666 and try to surmise who benefits (Qui Bono?).

Inferred 14 Goals of Global Intelligence Stalking/Electronic Torture/Mind Control Operations; Qui Bono? (9/11/18 Synopsis)

8) Summary of Precursors, Components, and Inferred Goals and Structure of GOG’s NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO

9) References on Gang Stalking, Mind Control and Cults

10) The Declaration of War Against America and the World/Genocide Plan by Rand Corporation (1954): Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

11) Rothschild and Rockefeller-Controlled Financial Institutions/Corporatocracy Now Control North America















The key questions, of course, are:

1) Who is behind all this? and

2) Why would any group of people put so incredibly much effort and money into torturing, creating hellish conditions for, and covertly murdering innocent civilians?

3) What group has the power, resources, and motivation to create such a gargantuan society-wide system that can achieve total control of the “minds and souls” of humanity?

Answers are to be found in the following statements:

1) “There is a plot in this land to (mentally) enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot.”

President John F. Kennedy, Nov. 12, 1963, 10 days before his public execution

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

President John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961

This plot was proceeding rapidly during Kennedy’s administration (1961-63) as expressed in the following:

2) “In 1953, (CIA Director Allen) Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current “battle for men’s minds”: a “first front” of mass indoctrination through censorship and propaganda, and a “second front” of individual “brainwashing” and “brain changing.” Before an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles skipped the usual pieties about democracy. The same year, Dulles approved the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA project, and exempted it from normal CIA financial controls.”

Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. 1995

Overwhelming evidence indicates that the public execution of JFK in 1963 and staging of the 9/11 false-flag synthetic terror event in 2001 were in fact massively planned “trauma-based mind control” events that were part of a series of coups or “overthrows” of the US government. This “shadow government” has also been called the “Deep State,” “New World Order,” “Illuminati,” “CIA-Mossad-MI6-Mafia,” “Zionazis,” “International Zionist Criminal Syndicate,” “hidden hand,” etc. This same group, hell-bent on world domination, IS prosecuting these modern crimes.

And what group(s) or spiritual power(s) (or both) lie behind this “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” to which President John F. Kennedy referred? This question is readily answered by sampling statements of informed experts through history. Indeed, history and the published confessions of the “perpetrators” reveal that this same secular-“spiritual” power orchestrated the French and Russian Revolutions, World Wars I and II, the Great Depression, and many other calamities. The following statements suffice to identify the true perpetrators of these atrocities (See Who Are “They?” Their Statements Say…. Starts With J:

The following statements, made by knowledgeable commentators over the past 150 to 200 years, reveal the truth:

3) “There is a Jewish conspiracy against all nations; it occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power- a double assault of Jewish revolution and Jewish finance, revolution and finance.”

Rene Groos, La Nouveau Mercure, Paris, 1917

4) “…the final result of the Messianic revolution will always be the same…. the nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law, or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be the masters of the world.”

G. Batault, Le Probleme Juif (1921), p. 135; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1929)

5) “The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle (1860); from “The Trail of the Serpent,” by Inquire Within (1936)

6) “We (Jews) control America, and the Americans know it.” Arial Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, October, 2001

7) “Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.“

Jewish Neoconservative, Michael Ledeen, “The War Against the Terror Masters,” 2003

8) “Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, 2003

9) “Israel was behind all four fronts in 9/11, that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves; 2) the subsequent cover-up; and both 3) ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨

Hugh Akins, “Synagogue Rising,” 2012


Preston James, Ph.D., Veterans Today, 2014

11) “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer. And we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

Harold Rosenthal, Jewish aide to Senator Henry Jackson, 1976 interview

12) “Judaism is a secret Satanic cult posing as a religion…. Judaism is not Monotheistic but Luciferian. It’s goal is the replacement of God with the secret Jewish leadership. Both the Talmud and the Cabala are dedicated to the proposition that only Jews are human…. Modern history and culture reflect a Cabalistic (Satanic) spell cast on the human race. It is dedicated to the fulfillment of prophecy, the eventual enslavement of mankind by the “Jews” who in practice will be the crazed Illuminati Order.”

Henry Makow, Jewish writer, 2009

13) “Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use the medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation.”

Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, Soviet Secret Police Chief, “The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics,” p. 8 (1930s)

14) “The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

“Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.

… This war will end for all time the struggle against the Gentiles… Our race will rule undisputed over the world… And so, with vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World”.

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich; Speaking of the Third World War, Rabbi Rabinovich is publicly reported to have addressed a special meeting of Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952 as reported in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin (N.P. Purvis, Editor), The Canadian Intelligence Service – Excerpt from September 1952 issue, “The World’s Troublemakers,” [See resources ] “THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE GENTILES”

15) “Jews are behind the whole (organized stalking) thing.” TI of Jewish parentage who claims to have suffered microwaved attacks for over four decades to webmaster, 2014

Thus, the horrible and yet simple reality is that the very rich and powerful group on planet earth behind these atrocities may actually be demonically (and/or technologically) possessed to do the bidding of their masters, Lucifer and his servants. On my websites, I generally refer to this group as “Judeo-Masonic-satanists,” although they go by many other names, as noted.

How does this mostly-hidden dynamic of infiltration, corruption, and appropriation of governments and societies actually play out today in terms of policy and events? The following quotes provide answers to this question:

1) “There is now a New American War. It is inside America. It is called the “War on Terror”. The enemy is YOU! It is a staged, Phony War that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

This New War on Terror has an enemy. That enemy is the American People, You and Me…. And anyone who wants to restore the American Republic will also be defined as a “Domestic Terrorist”. DHS is a terrorist group, hand assembled by American/Israeli dual citizen Traitors and is designed to tyrannize, capture and eventually be deployed against Americans to serially mass murder them. This is why they have been called the New American Gestapo of the Neo-Bolshevik Red Cheka Terror Machine.

This phony, staged War on Terror has been very craftily engineered to be an unending war that will assure perpetual war profits for Defense Contractors and a perpetual supply of artificially created enemies inside America to feed that war.

Here is the new game in the so-called American Defense Industry. It is a stateside game and it involves magically transforming any and all innocent, Constitutional, law-abiding citizens into Domestic Dissenters, “Domestic Terrorists” or “Potential Domestic Terrorists. Either of these categories is considered “reasonable suspicion” enough to place then on numerous “watch lists” and to stalk or gang-stalk these folks Cointelpro-style.

Actually the real situation is just the opposite–it is the USG and specifically the Fusion Centers and the Department of Homeland Security run by perverts, thugs and lowlifes and enemies of “we the people”. These scum are the real risk to the true and actual National Security of America the Republic and a significant risk to all honest, law abiding, Constitutional Americans. And the USG and DHS and Fusion Center officials are nothing less than world class criminals committing both High Treason and Sedition against America the Republic. The USG has been hijacked and is being run by those who have turned everything upside down.”

Preston James, Ph.D., YOU Are THE ENEMY, Veterans Today (2014)

2) “The elite have plans to get rid of 2/3 of the world’s population with electromagnetic warfare, chemical warfare, and psychological warfare…. Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military… (In 2002), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva, Switzerland, designated mind control as a weapon of mass destruction along with nuclear bombs… This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers….

…All the US military branches are involved in the development of the technology, in cooperation with civil institutions like the Department of Health, in what is known as the NEURAL NETWORK ASSOCIATION. At their 1991 conference, it was revealed that they submitted and endorsed over 1000 projects in brain-computer technology at 350 medical centers, universities, etc.

…The best way to control people without their knowledge is through mind control. According to the CIA Director in 1972, mind control means a world where every thought, emotion, observation, and need is controlled….. Cybernetics, full neurological control and communication, has been in use since the 1940s without the knowledge of the public… The objectives are behavior modification and influencing mental and bodily functions, processes, and emotions remotely through computer-satellite links….

…Directed Energy (DE) weapons, mostly EMF (electromagentic frequency) and acoustic weapons, act on the psyche and the body of human beings and all living creatures. They have been called by many names: Psycho-physical weapons, weapons of information warfare, psychotronic weapons, cognitive weapons, neurological weapons, mind-invasive weapons, mind control and electronic harassment weapons, remote neural monitoring, active denial systems, weapons of electronic warfare, means of neuro-linguistic programming, means for behavior modification, means of influence technology, computerized brainwashing machines, devices to zombify people, means to induce mental and physical illness, means for hostile surveillance, people zappers, and weapons of mass destruction.

…(And) the Swedish military research (FOI) declares in their report of activities that their goal is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a lifetime.

… On July 21, 1994, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) proposed that “non-lethal” weapons be used against anyone engaged in activities that DOD opposed. That could include almost anyone. DOD’s potential enemies may be counter-cultural individuals, those with opposing political viewpoints, economic competitors, biological undesirables, etc. From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the Biblical Fall of man, the eviction from paradise. The all-encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity (of this technology) divides man into two encampments: Those few “God-like” people, who are allowed to use these means, and all others, whose freedom and free will is being taken away.

We have been very surprised to hear about school and shopping center shootings. How many realize that these are tests where mind control programming is used to create a human robot. The serial killer is a victim himself, being programmed to be an emotionless robot and following orders to kill. The real killers sit behind computers and send him electromagnetic beams to the brain.

…. the secret services and their sabotage and terror “departments” are the biggest “terrorists” in the world and work together with the mafia. That was the case even in World War II, as has been published decades ago…. More crimes against humanity have been committed under the shield of “national security” than the people can ever know…. possibly even more than the mafia.

…To label the (non-consensual) human experimentees, the victims of mind control, as paranoid-schizophrenic is a crime against humanity…”

-Dr. Rauni Kilde, M.D., author, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, From: “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)

3) “The Vietnam war was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalistic revolution fought as a guerilla war.

The Phoenix program, assassinating suspected VC (Viet Cong) sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black operation (aka gang stalking) targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the “Mind War” (1980) paper written by Michael Aquino.

The Department of Defense has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminate killing of the Phoenix program continues on American soil. The terms “soft kill,” “slow kill,” and “silent kill” refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and in small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.

The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Ted Shackley, Richard Helms, (CIA Director) William Casey, Maj. John Singlaub, Richard Secord, Maj. John B. Alexander, Col. Michael Aquino, Paul Vallilee and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with “silent kill” technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image.

Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.

Military intelligence officers involved in developing these “non-lethal weapons” also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persinger’s work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA-created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used by actively harassing them in public in neutralization techniques described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents.

In the race to develop a new weapon it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no different. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people, the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population and then to humanity as a whole.”

Marshall Thomas, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2007)

Webmaster speaking:

Thus, I call on good people everywhere to awaken to the dire threat that this group and the “New War” pose to the American Constitutional Republic and to all humanity and life on earth. We each must take whatever actions we can to halt this “controlled demolition” of Western Civilization.

A Secular Perspective

Those who cannot wrap their minds around the “spiritual” dimensions of this problem may, perhaps, be better able to comprehend it when it is couched in secular terms, as it was in ex-MI6 author, George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984.” GISTAPO-666-organized stalking/torture/mind control operations is metaphorically represented in the drama played out in last part of “1984” when Inner Party Member, O’Brien (who represents the CIA/MI6/Tavistock/Royal Family/Rothschild/Judeo/Masonic/Satanic elite) tortures citizen Winston Smith (a “dissenter” capable of independent thought and resistance to tyranny) until he finally acknowledges that 2 + 2 equals whatever O’Brien wants it to equal. After the torture and brain washing is complete and Winston Smith finally loves “Big Brother,” he is, of course, killed. The goal of the “Party” is to extinguish all independent thought, and even the possibility of independent thought, dissent, resistance, and the restoration of human dignity… forever.

Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” dystopian visions of the future have become our present reality. Please, dear reader, never forget that Orwell and Huxley are Britishauthors and that Britain is the principle home of Freemasonry, the “mother of all secret societies” and a gentile front for Judaism. We must understand that the “full spectrum dominance” plan stems, yes, from the IZCS (“International Zionist Criminal Syndicate”) but that this international group uses the nations to advance their agendas. In the past one hundred years, this diabolical plan has been advanced most dramatically through the policies of England, Germany, the U.S., Russia/Soviet Union, and now, especially, Israel, which is the creation of the Rothschilds (“King of the Jews”), Britain, and the IZCS.

Surveying the vast planning and resources that have been and are being poured into realizing the ambitions of the Judeo-Masonic-satanist psychopaths who believe they have the right to play god, redesign God’s creation, and usher in the satanic kingdom (“tikkun olam” is the Hebrew word meaning “reinvent the world”), three things seem certain to this observer:

1) To the psychopathic-eugenicist (demonically-possessed) ruling elite, be they Jews, Masons, CIA, MI6, university psychopaths, oops, I mean psychologists, GISTAPO-666, mind control, torture, organized stalking operations are a kind of “game” similar to a cat playing with a mouse it is devouring. They enjoy the game and derive pleasure and strength from others’ suffering. In “People of the Lie; The Hope For Healing Human Evil,” Dr. M. Scott Peck distinguished those who are “falling” from those who have “fallen.” Clearly, these individuals are “fallen.” And Peck also made a passionate plea that our institutions, particularly the military, needed to metaphorically exorcised of systemic evil. The policies of the U.S. military today are so disgraceful and inhuman that it is clear that America’s military and intelligence agencies are also “fallen.”

2) Those who take it upon themselves to “play God,” be they Jews, CIA, Masons, Rosicrucians, Tavistock Institute, university psychologists, or whoever, become devils. Using the Jewish Kabbalistic system of satanic black magic, the Judeo-Masonic elite are working hard to magically and alchemically transform God’s incomparably beautiful creation, the earth’s biosphere, into hell and the “crown of his creation” (man) into bio-robotized slaves, and

3) While it will appear they are winning for a time, they will eventually lose; and they will pay dearly for their colossal overreach: God will certainly cast them into eternal perdition.

Thus, regardless of whether we view it in secular or spiritual terms, our present plight is not really new. EXCEPT that widespread deployment of “nonlethal”/neuro-tech weapons” and weather warfare (geoengineering) and other high-tech weapons by governments and private entities against civilian populations makes our present plight far more dangerous than ever. Still, we can take inspiration from the insights, wisdom, and courage of our forebears:

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”

“Truth will do well enough if left to shift for herself. She seldom has received much aid from the power of great men to whom she is rarely known & seldom welcome. She has no need of force to procure entrance into the minds of men. Error indeed has often prevailed by the assistance of power or force. Truth is the proper & sufficient antagonist to error.”

“The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”

-Thomas Jefferson

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”

– Edward R. Murrow

“Dissent is the only thing that rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.”

– William James

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
…. The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable.
…. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

“They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.

…. Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Patrick Henry, a Founding Father of America, first Governor of Virginia

The extent of the capture, complicity, and criminality of the U.S. government is indicated by Dr. Webster Tarpley’s research into military drills, war games, and exercises conducted on the day of and leading up to 9/11 proves. This research proves that Operation 9/11 was very much a product of the American business, military, and government establishment in collusion with Israel (See: 911nwo.com). Agencies (the “interagency”) participating in this top-secret operation include:

1) The White House and Vice President Richard Cheney
2) NORAD = North American Aerospace Defense Command- (Wikipedia: combined organization of the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for North America)
3) NEADS = Northeastern Air Defense Sector
4) SEADS= Southeastern Air Defense Sector
5) The CIA
6) The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency),
7) The FBI
8) The U.S. Army
9) The U.S. Navy
10) The U.S. Marine Corps
11) US Air Force Bases: Andrews AFB, Nellis AFB, Nevada; Offutt AFB, Nebraska; Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; Whiteman AFB, Missouri, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH; Keflavik AFB, Iceland, Dobbins AFB, Georgia;STRATCOM = U.S. Strategic Command (Wikipedia: United States
12) U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Department of Defense (DoD). It is charged with space operations (such as military satellites), information operations (such as information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.)
13) AWACS = Air Warning and Control System
Pentagon MASCAL- Pentagon “mass casualty project” (contingency exercise held by Secretary of Defense between Oct. 24 and 26, 2000. The exercise required emergency response teams, members of the defense protective services, and U.S. government officials to conduct emergency simulations in preparation for a possible plane crash into the Pentagon.)
14) Air Combat Command
15) US Space Command
16) U.S. SOCOM: U.S. Special Operations Command
17) U.S. CENTCOM: U.S. Central Command
18) USJFCOM: U.S. Joint Forces Command
19) NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
20) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
21) U.S. Coast Guard
22) The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
23) U.S. Department of Transportation
24) U.S. Army P2OG: Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group
25) The Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giulliani
26) New York City Fire and Police Departments
27) NY OEM: Office of Emergency Management
28) NY Police and Fire Departments
29) New York City
30) Fiduciary Trust Co. of WTC, 97th floor South Tower
31) Pennsylvania local first responders and emergency managers
32) Westmorland Co., Pennsylvania (Shanksville)
33) Miami Dade County Police Dept.
34) Forts: Fort Belvoir, Fort Monmouth, NJ,
35) Canadian government

And some 40 additional unnamed agencies! This is “the Interagency” in action!

From: “911: Synthetic Terror; Made in the U.S.A., by Webster Tarpley, 5th Edition; and Summary of Tarpley’s “The 46 drills, War Games, and Exercises of 9/11” and Inside Job! (And yet Much More) Tarpley’s “46 Drills Of 9/11”

Thus, our plight today is that our captured nation (America) serves the interests of the IZCS (International Zionist Criminal Syndicate). It has done so for more than 100 years, since the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 at least. Since World War II, the American economy has been dominated by military spending and hence, many of the best and brightest amongst us have been recruited to accomplish the “one world” goal of our occupiers by “any means necessary.” These quotes, among others, support this conclusion:

1) “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest? Pretty Good Stuff, Brudder!”

-Colonel George Hunter White, MKULTRA Operative, CIA/OSS (Office of Strategic Services)/FBN in his final report to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, overseer of CIA’s MKULTRA Program

2) “Mr. Speaker, we are here now in Chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. government.”

Speaker-Representative James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio), addressing the House of Representatives, 1993

“Israel has used America as a whore…. They control our government, our media, and the finances of this country…. Through their lobby, Israel has manifested total power over the Congress of the United States… We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it… They are controlling much of our foreign policy, they are influencing much of our domestic policy. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress… Israel gets billions a year from the American taxpayers, while people in my district are losing their pension benefits…. and if you open your mouth, you get targeted. I was the number one target of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee… We have investigated and found 2 separate incidents of AIPAC spying on America….

My concern is the taxpayers and the citizens of the United States should control their government, not a foreign entity… But if you deal with the real problems in America, YOU GET TARGETED.”

James Traficant, Jr., U.S. House of Representatives (Ohio) (1941-2014), who was expelled from the House and served 8 years in prison and then killed for representing the interests of the United States rather than those of Israel and the Jews, in FOX News interview below.

Many statements and speculations proferred in the above introduction-summary-conclusions section may seem alarming, even preposterous, but they are supported by considerable research, including the (767) posts on this website as well as my 911nwo.comnaturalclimatechange.org, and San Luis Valley Waterwatch.com websites, each of which references an extensive body of literature.


This website provides educational resources for individuals and groups interested in learning about organized gang stalking (aka “counter-intelligence stalking”), electronic torture, mind control-behavioral manipulation-cloning, and cults. Many article, youtubes, and audio interviews on this site derive from and are also posted on my www.911nwo.com website. I anticipate that this website will grow as needed to provide information and tools with which so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs) in all nations can better protect themselves from the global totalitarian police state that now threatens to destroy our lives, our freedoms, our Constitutions, and in America, our Democratic Republic. It was during my extended investigations into Operation 9/11, the New World Order, and the fraudulent “War On Terrorism” for my www.911nwo.com website that I felt compelled to come to grips with the related topics of mind control, directed energy weapons, cults, Satanic Ritual Abuse, the planned (Luciferic) One World Religion, and organized gang stalking.

Organized or “counter-intelligence” stalking, harassment, and torture involves the covert deployment of highly-organized and global citizen-military-intelligence-corporate spy networks that form, in effect, secret armies (aka “guerrilla Special Operations Forces”), as well as the use of sophisticated and invisible electronic weapons (aka psychotronic/directed energy/”non-lethal”/”no touch torture”/”soft-kill, slow-kill, and silent-kill” weapons) and various mind control techniques against activists, dissidents, and whistle-blowers who have been covertly designated as “Targeted Individuals” (TIs) and “Watch-Listed Individuals” (WLIs). These so-called TIs and WLIs are generally innocent civilians; citizens who are secretly designated “potential terrorist threats,” “adversaries,” and “enemies” of the state and are secretly placed on classified “terrorism watch lists” generated in DHS/FBI fusion centers by local police departments, Neighborhood Watch vigilantes, etc. Many of the “perpetrators” (aka “surveillance role players,” “spotters,” “psy-actors,” etc.) are drawn from the approximately one million employees of the approximately 6,000 private security firms now operating in the U.S.!

Notwithstanding the fact that organized stalking is carried out by multiple sectors of society and that it is largely paid for by the American taxpayers(!), it is illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral: Indeed, organized stalking is a criminal felony that violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, and 14th Amendment rights of American citizens. Therefore, every “perpetraitor,” from the myriad street level “perps” to the directors of the program within military, intelligence, and corporate hierarchies, is a criminal felon! And yet, amazingly, this treasonous crime against humanity goes largely unacknowledged and unpunished by society at large, the mainstream media, law enforcement, and the government institutions whose function is to protect the welfare and Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms of American citizens. Indeed, the facts and information presented on this website indicate that America’s leaders are covertly waging “Unconventional Warfare” (aka “low intensity conflict”/”psychological warfare”/”information warfare” against America’s domestic population. This secret war is waged by mercenary elements of American society (military/intelligence/private sector/judiciary/police), who are ultimately paid by the 5th Column occupying force, “the corporatocracy,” against the civilian population. This second American civil war will almost certainly result in the demise of the American Constitutional Democratic Republic. Alas, most Americans are not aware that we live our nation is an occupied country currently devouring itself.

“Gang stalking” is a rather misleading term. A more accurate terminology would incorporate the concepts of “secret military subjugation” of “designated enemies” within civilian populations through the covert deployment of military PsyOps, Psycho-terrorism, Low-Intensity Conflict methodologies, and electronic/psychotronic (“directed energy weapons”/”nonlethal weapons”) torture and non-consensual experimentation. In these programs, law-abiding citizens designated as “targets” are systematically selected, profiled, surveilled, defamed, harassed, electronically tortured, and destroyed (“neutralized” and/or killed) by military-intelligence agencies of the U.S. government in collusion with private contractors, corporations, religious groups, cults, organized crime, and powerful individuals. Herein (Best Acronyms For Gang Stalking and Targeted Individuals), I suggest a number of acronyms that may more accurately describe the gang stalking system. Some include:

1. GISSSSSSSTTTTTTAPPPPPPPO aka “GISTAPO- 666” and/or “GIS(6)T(6)AP(6)O” with 6’s as superscripts). Global Intelligence Syndicate Satanic Space-based “Security-Surveillance” Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Pentagon, Policing-for-Profit, Psycho-political, Psychotronic, Psychological Operations”
2. GOG´S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO: Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Targeting, Trauma, Torture, Terror, Tyranny, and Psychological Operations
3. GOG´S MOP: Global Organized Gang Stalking: Monarch/Operation Phoenix
4. GOG’S MOG: Global Organized Gang Stalking: Monarch/Operation Gladio
5. USS M-SCUM: United States-Sponsored Mercenary Stalking Cells’ Undercover Murder
6. Z SS SWINE: Zionazi State-Sponsored Satanic Warfare of Invasive Neuro-Electronics
7. COWARDS: Covertly-Organized Wireless Assault on Dissident Spirits
8. US-GITMO SITMICE: U.S.- Global Intelligence Terrorist Military Operation: Surveillance, Isolation, Torture, and Murder Of Innocent Civilian Enemies

The term “targeted individual” (TI) is also misleading. Indeed, “targeted individual” is very much a military term designed to dehumanize and denote “adversaries,” “enemies,” “subversives,” “terrorists,” “insurgents,” etc. in unconventional warfare/low-intensity conflict military and intelligence operations. These “TIs” are extra-judicially stripped of their Constitutional liberties and protections and are secretly targeted for neutralization and/or elimination. Thus, more accurate terms might include: “victim of covert, illegal, state-sponsored psycho-terrorism, electronic/psychotronic attacks, and covert mind control;” “victims of state-sponsored political terrorism;” “sovereign American citizens being covertly and extra-judicially attacked and murdered by a criminal racketeering syndicate comprised of large sectors within the U.S. government-military-intelligence-corporate and civilian establishment.” This multi-billion dollar “National Security Establishment/Enterprise” is a gigantic fraud because 9/11 was an inside job and hence, the “Global War on Terrorism” itself is also a fraud (See my website 911nwo.com). More accurate descriptors for TIs, then, might include HEROES (Highly-Experienced Researchers Out-thinking Evil Systems) or modify TI to stand for “Truth Instigators,” “Truth Investigators,” “Truth Interpreters,” and/or “Truth Insisters.”

Thus, if we strip away the Orwellian terminology and look at history, we discover that these draconian police-state programs have their antecedents in protocols and citizen-spy networks developed by the Soviet Union’s Cheka secret police, the East German Stasi secret police, the Nazi SS (Gestapo), and other totalitarian police-state systems. In America, many essential elements of these programs were deployed in the FBI’s covert COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) of the 1950’s through 1970’s; the CIA/NATO/MI6’s covert assassination, terrorism, and sabotage of domestic European populations via secret, “Stay Behind” armiesbetween about 1950 and 1990 (including Operation Gladio and related programs); the CIA’s top-secret MKULTRA mind control programs/experiments, extending from the 1940’s to the present; the CIA’s Vietnam War-era murder and terrorizing of the Vietnam civilian population, termed Operation Phoenix; the U.S. Military’s Operation Garden Plot and Cable Splicer in the 1960s; and scores of similar covert “death squad” programs applied in scores of “counter-insurgency list” nations…. including the United States, as in the CIA’s top-secret Operation MHCHAOS in the 1960s (See L. F. Prouty’s “The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” (2008) and Douglas Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017)).

“The Program” also involves a vast neuro-warfare weapons system which is now being secretly tested and deployed worldwide as part of the U.S. military’s (electronic) “Revolution in Military Affairs” and the U.S. military-academic-corporate complex’s brain mapping, behavioral control and cloning projects, and it is also apparently being used to help usher in global government and a global police state under United Nations auspices. It should be noted that trauma-based mind control is based on the principles of Satanic Ritual Abuse. As these technologies are of central importance in previous and ongoing CIA mind-control programs such as MKULTRA, there is also a spiritual (satanic) component to “the Program.” Thus, participation in the “Program” both criminalizes and “satanizes” the huge portions of society complicit in it.

Many researchers warn that these programs have the potential to produce a silent, global depopulation Holocaust, a worldwide fascist slave state, and/or a world in which cyborgs replace human beings. Others assert that the goals of OH/EH/RMC (Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment/Remote Mind Control) are to commandeer all of humanity remotely, to make people into zombie/puppets, to eliminate outspoken individuals, and to isolate, torture, and intimidate so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs) in order to meet “suicide quotas.” Still others assert that through Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation, the NSA and its corporate partners are now creating “copy-cat” digital clones of victims’ intellect, will, and emotions (collectively considered “the soul”) and that they download this “data” onto conscious supercomputers. Others describe GOG’S NeW GESTAPO as the combined application of mass bullying and extraordinary science used to terrorize domestic populations into submission via “low-intensity conflict” (LIC). Indeed, LIC and the use of terrorism comprise components of stated U.S. military doctrine, termed “Fourth Generation Warfare.” Others trace responsibility for these programs, ultimately, to “the cult” and the Satanic “Illuminati” bloodline families who rule the world.

I agree with all of these assessments and conclude that GOG’S NeW GESTAPO probably poses the single greatest threat to the future of humanity.

Most “TIs” are currently not equipped to defend themselves against organized stalking/directed energy torture because they:

1) do not know they are being targeted,
2) do not understand the nature, goals, and colossal scope of the “New World War” (see “THE BIGGER PICTURE” below), and
3) do not have the knowledge and resources to protect themselves from the powerful forces arrayed against them.

Even so, probably millions of “targeted individuals” all over the world are now fighting for their very survival. No doubt, hundreds of thousands to perhaps millions of TIs worldwide have already died as result of these deadly technologies of covert warfare against civilians. So whether TIs know it or not, by combating and exposing this criminal system, they are also fighting for the survival of our societies, and indeed, our species. It is my opinion that unless these “perps,” military and corporate programs, cults, and criminals are exposed, defeated, and brought to justice, the nations and civilizations of the world could be destroyed by this pernicious and illegal system.

We should also “follow the money.” This neuro-weapons/transhumanism/research & development program must have an astronomically-high price tag. Principle funding sources of this magnitude are most likely to be found within secret military black budget programs. According to former Assistant Secretary of HUD, Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report), over $40 trillion of public funds are unaccounted for since 1995. Michigan State University economist, Dr. Mark Snyder, puts the current figure of unaccountable government spending at $21 trillion, $11 trillion of which has been “disappeared” by the U.S. Army alone. (See: We Need Our $40 Trillion in Stolen Money Back and $21 Trillions Have Gone Missing From DOD and HUD).

Evidence presented herein indicates that the U.S. military-intelligence-corporatocrate-academic complex (or ZIMAC, for Zionazi Intelligence-Military-Corporate-Academic Complex) now executes “Unconventional Warfare” operations in 134 nations. GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO/neuro-warfare/transhumanism programs are an important component of these operations with the potential to radically reduce the human population and create a race of cyborg slaves. These programs now give elites the power to: 1) terrorize domestic populations into submission, 2) eliminate dissent through thought and behavioral control, and 3) zombify the masses.

My Case:

After completing a career as a university physical geography professor, I retired in 2011 to pursue my research and musical interests (see: 911nwo.comnaturalclimatechange.orgsanluisvalleywaterwatch.com, and erickarlstrom.com). In 2013, I realized I was being extra-legally and involuntarily “targeted” in a covert U.S. Government/military/intelligence/DHS/corporate Organized Gang Stalking/Mind-Behavioral Control Program that I now dub GOG’S NeW GESTAPO. It may or may not be a coincidence that in 2013, the year I became “sensitized” to the fact that I was being “targeted,” I was working on a series of articles entitled: Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order: An Expose of the New World Religion and had just completed chapter 6 for that series, entitled: Mind Control: History and Applications. However, I may have been “watch-listed” and put in the “Program” much earlier because I had already presented considerable evidence that: 1) 9/11 was an “inside job” (911nwo.com, and 2) that man-caused global warming is a fraudulent hypothesis that serves political objectives, etc. on my websites (naturalclimatechange.org), and written an extended series of articles exploring the thesis that “Crestone/Baca, Colorado, is the “Vatican City of the New World Order: An Expose of the New World Religion” (See 911nwo.com. However, I do not regard myself as a “targeted individual” or a member of the “TI” community for the reasons stated above. Rather, I consider myself to be a law-abiding and sovereign American citizen and indeed, an Emeritus Professor of Geography, whose Constitutional rights and protections have been illegally stripped from me by a criminal racketeering syndicate that includes multiple sectors of our government, military, intelligence, corporate, and civil institutions.

As noted, my investigations into the (often suppressed) history of the past century indicates that “GOG’S NEW GESTAPO” is derived from many previous “psychological warfare,” “psycho-terrorism,” “civilian pacification,” mind-control, and electronic-psychotronic weapons (EW) development programs that were developed in and deployed against civilian populations in the Soviet Union, Communist East Germany, Nazi Germany, Britain, United States, and Israel, among other nations (See: References on Gangstalking, Mind Control, and Cults). Again, essential components of GOG’S NEW GESTAPO include use of: 1) PsyOp and gang stalking techniques (‘psycho-political warfare’), 2) psychotronic (neuro) and “nonlethal” (soft kill, silent kill, slow kill) weapons, and 3) remote methods for brain mapping/mind and behavior control/cloning called RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation). GOG’S NEW GESSTTTTTTAPO is evidently an important component of the larger “information warfare”/social engineering/perception management/unconventional warfare program that is being waged against the citizens of America and the world.

This website is an attempt to understand this draconian, odious, and “terminal” (that is, ‘unto death’) program that targets innocent civilians for torture and premature death. With better understanding, TIs such as myself have a better chance of: 1) defending ourselves from it, 2) exposing it as illegal, and 3) dismantle it.

Institutions/programs/operations and nations behind GOG’S NeW GESTAPO.

An examination of the literature (see above references) indicates that GOG’S NeW GESTAPO has been developed and operationally refined in the following institutions and programs, among others:

1) The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (London, England) was the post-World War I outgrowth of the Psychological Warfare Division of the British Army. (See, for example: Mind Control: History and ApplicationsMind Control: History and ApplicationsCIA, Tavistock, and Global Gestapo Security StateGang Stalking and British PsychiatryThe Controllers and Their Destructive MissionHow They Control).

2) The secret CIA-Nazi (trauma-based) mind control experiments and programs referred to as MKULTRA and MONARCH (which include Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, Chatter, MK Naomi, StarGate, and probably hundreds of others). In addition to developing chemical and biological (including drugs) methods for modifying and controlling human behavior, these programs developed electronic (psychotronic) weapons and measured the effects that electromagnetic frequencies have on the human organism with the goal of controlling the minds and behaviors of individuals and whole populations. (See, for example: Major US Military/Intelligence Mind Control Projects (1952-1998)Patents, Articles on Mind Control and DEWGovernment Mind Control- Remote Neural Monitoring and ManipulationOrganized Stalking/Mind Control System Explained: Akwei V. NSA (1992)Mind Control: Rothschild Zionism and Satanic World Government Plan).

3) The CIA’s Phoenix Program and MHCHAOS, the FBI’s COINTELPRO, CIA/MI6/NATO’s Post-WWII Gladio-Stay Behind Armies in Europe, the US Military’s Garden Plot-Cable Splicer Programs, East Germany’s Stasi Secret Police, the Soviet Union’s Cheka (“red terror”), and American police departments’ “red squad” “citizen pacification” programs
of the previous century were/are all used to suppress dissidents/”internal enemies” within domestic populations in order to protect the interests of “the state” (actually, the financial elite that controls the “shadow government” that controls the state). (See, for example: Behind Organized Stalking: CIA, DHS, Phony War on TerrorGang Stalking Manual from Operation Gladio and COINTELPRODHS and post-9/11 corporate police statePrivate Contractors and Change AgentsPost-9/11 DHS Corporate Police StateGang Stalking = CIA/DOD/USG “Counter-insurgency Op”Organized Stalking IS American Phoenix ProgramThugocracy: Police Vilantes Persecute Citizen TargetsNSA/USG Over-reach Vs. Privacy RightsGOG’S NEW GESTAPO = Global Phoenix ProgramFBI and NSA Outsource Stalking to Private Security FirmsNew World War Against All Humanity; ; ; Military Weapons and Terms Used In the War Against CiviliansOrganized Gang Stalking = Modern FBI COINTELPROLaws, Military Docs Behind New War on CiviliansBryan Kofron: Silent Holocaust).

The “National Security Racketeering State” (aka Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force,” Clinton’s Community-Oriented Policing (COPS), FBI’s COINTELPRO Version 2.0, East German Stasi’s “Zerzetsung,” CIA/MI6/NATO’s Secret “Stay Behind” Armies (Operation Gladio and others), the National Security Enterprise, etc.)

Today, GISTAPWO-666 is mainly coordinated and executed by the “Pentagon-Corporate-Intelligence Complex” (that is) behind mass surveillance, global “information war,” endless war, propaganda, and Skynet” (The Secret Network Behind Mass Surveillance, Endless Wars, and SkynetFBI and NSA Outsource Harassment of Targeted and Watchlisted Individuals to Private FirmsBryan Kofron: Silent Holocaust). Each branch of the U.S. military has full capacity to independently conduct gang stalking activities at home and abroad (See “New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control”). The Department of Homeland Security and private “security” firms involved in the “National Security Racketeering Network” such as SAIC (Scientific Applications International Corporation), SIS (Security Industry Specialists, Inc.), Amazon.com, James Bimen and Associates, Blackwater, the NSA’s Tailor Access Operations (TAI) and Cyber-Command in Fort Meade, Maryland, The FBI’s DITU (Data Intercept Technology Unit), CiCom (Baltimore, Maryland), Blackcube, Kroll, Northrup Grumman, the Highlands Forum, Gray Star Property Management, Media Lab Human Dynamics Group, RAND, and probably thousands of others now also play central roles in global stalking operations. These firms operate in collaboration with the CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, DOD, and innumerable citizen-vigilante groups (“Neighborhood Watch,” etc.), NGOs, religious cults, and at least 114 universities (The University and the Security State DHS Joins Pentagon and CIA on Campus ), etc., to form the “National Security Enterprise”- a booming, growth industry in America.

Many researchers assert that the U.S. government is controlled by the “shadow government”/”deep state.” It is. Indeed, my research into Operation 9/11 indicates that the “deep state” is controlled by elite international financial interests/secret societies that have been referred to as “the Jews,” “Zionazis,” etc. It should come as no surprise then, that Jewish and Israeli intelligence, military, private security firms, and civilian secret agents (“sayanim”) fund and participate in all aspects of GOG’S NeW GESTTTTTTAPO. Unbeknownst to most of the “perp” (perpetrator) groups and individuals, no doubt, who may be regarded as “useful idiots,” this operation ultimately serves the long-sought, historic objective of establishing a Jewish Universal Empire/Jewish Utopia/One-World-Government. (See, for example: The (Jewish) Controllers and Their Destructive MissionMilitant Judaic GangstalkingThe Jews Behind Homeland SecurityMossad/NSA Spying on CiviliansIsraeli Gang Stalking-Microwave Frequency Training ManualHomeland Security: Organized Stalking and Militant ZionismThe (jewish) Neoconservatives: What They Want- Jewish UtopiaIsrael Is Behind 9/11 and Phony War On TerrorThe Jew World Order Unmasked); Weinstein’s Army of Spies (Including Mossad Agents)).

The term “GOG” in GOG’S NeW GESTAPO refers to the prophesied end-times antichrist system. Similarly, I equate the Biblical term, Magog, with the worldwide cabal of Khazarian Zionist Jews whose ancestors come from the ancient kingdom of Khazaria (co-extensive with Ukraine and southwestern Russia) who are now attempting total global conquest.) These terms seem all too appropriate, as GOG’S NEW GESTAPO has the potential to implement covert, global genocide on an unprecedented scale and to usher in the One-World-Government/New World Order/Jewish Universal Empire/Jewish Utopia long sought by the Judeo-Masonic-Satanic “pathocracy” (i.e., rule by psychopaths). It must be understood that GOG’S NEW GESTAPO is a part of a strategy through which the world’s international ruling financial elite, here identified as the “Synagogue of Satan,” aims to conquer the world and implement their New (Jew) World Order under United Nations auspices. (See Rabbi Michael Higger’s “The Jewish Utopia,” 1932; The Jew World Order UnmaskedRabbi Laitman: We Will Take Over Those Living On The Earth). The “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” privately distributed at the First World Zionist Congress in Basil, Switzerland in 1897, is indeed the ‘Declaration of War’ by World Jewry against all non-Jews as well as the ‘battle plan’ to accomplish world conquest (See: The Protocols: British/Jewish Plan For World ConquestIlluminati/Jewish/Masonic Plan for World Conquest) . And yes, as it turns out, Judaism is “a political program disguised as religion” (See Reed, “The Controversy of Zion,” 1956) and is, in fact, the worship of the Serpent and the Jewish male as God (See Marrs, “The Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews into Global Dominion,” 2016; and Hoffman’s “Judaism Discovered,” 2012; Judaism DiscoveredThe Jew World Order Unmasked).

We should recall Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon’s, comment a month after 9/11: “We (the Jews) control America and the American people know it.” Author/researcher, Eustace Mullins, had concluded that America is an “occupied country” decades ago. (See: “The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, the Hegemony of Parasitism” and other books.) My research on Operation 9/11 corroborates this conclusion (see: 911now.com).

Thus, GOG’S NeW GESTAPO should be understood as a part of this long-term and much larger “Illuminati” program which includes the “full spectrum dominance” strategy of the Anglo-American-Isaeli Empire, the ushering in of a “New World Order”/one-world-government (under United Nations/Agenda 21 and 2030), and implementation of the transhumanist agenda of the Judeo-Masonic-satanic global elite. (See: US Involved in 134-Counter-terrorism Wars and 6 “Hot” Wars (as of 2013)).

In GOG’S NeW GESTAPO, these criminal “shadow government”/”deep state”/”fifth column” institutions and programs have gone worldwide. They now apparently involve so many individuals in various sectors of society that the “perpetrators” may soon outnumber the “targeted individuals… or at least, so it seems! Nonetheless, let us never forget that these gang stalking operations are all criminal felonies; and when they result in the “suiciding” of “TIs”, as they are intended to do, these crimes are punishable by death (See fightgangstalking.com and several relevant articles on this website). It is my hope and intention that this website will provide a digital library of information, perspectives, and strategies that T.I.’s and other concerned citizens can use to expose and defeat these diabolical programs and to bring the “perpetraitors” to justice.

Historical documentation of innumerable other covert, criminal activities of the CIA and other elements of the “shadow government” suggest that many individuals in the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch may know little or nothing about this program and/or could be under mind/behavioral control themselves. Alas, we now live in a post-Constitutional, totalitarian “democracy.” Hence, if our nation is to be restored to a viable Constitutional Republic, it is now up the U.S. citizenry to force our elected officials to abide by their oaths of office and restore Constitutional law and order in our nation.

Explanatory Quotes Re: Various Elements of “The Deep State,” “Hidden Hand,” “Illuminati,” “Syndicate,” “Firm,” “Brotherhood,” “Organization,” “Collective”:

1) “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”

Jay Gould, 19th century Robber Baron, railroad builder, and financier

2) “In a report presented in 2012 to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Aspen Institute of Homeland Security Group advises: “We move away from a defensive position of protecting the country from foreign terror threats. Instead we should focus on becoming a domestic security architecture concentrating on offensive measures on single adversaries.” The statement translates into “targeting citizens”…. as “emerging adversaries within our borders.”

Bobby Towers, “Circle of Snakes, How to End Your Gang Stalking”

3) “The goal is to create a nationwide system of “vigilantes” who do not think for themselves but follow orders — the Evildoing, US-Gov-paid “defense” contractors’ private army of “shooters” (not thinkers). The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.”

-Targeted Individual

4) “A silent war is taking place in cities all over the planet. It is not covered up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials. Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, they’re neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people. To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies. As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed energy weapons. The entire operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution intended to result in a planetary dictatorship, known as the New World Order.”

-Mark M. Rich, “The New War: Revolutionary Methods of Political Control” (2013)

5) “The American government, ostensibly engaged in protecting the lives and property of American citizens, is simultaneously (and covertly) stripping those very same citizens of their wealth, security, and freedom. To be blunt, the American government is using NSA-controlled psychics in a secret war against its own citizenry. The ultimate goal being to turn every single man, woman, and child living in America, into a government-controlled slave laborer. It has taken 50+ years, but the transformation of America from a bastion of freedom and democracy, into a vast slave labor camp spanning an entire continent, is almost complete. Slavery does not require guards with guns, or cells with bars, or even awareness of enslavement. If you can build a prison for the mind.”

‘The National Security Agency – Citadel Of Evil’ by Steve Smith

6) “Secret High-Tech Surveillance, Targeting, (and) Assault… (are being used covertly in today’s) Radiation-Policed and Neuro-Policed State, USA and WorldWide. Blacklisted Individuals (are being used) Like Lab Rats For… Criminal Non-Consensual Military/Navy/USAF Directed-Energy Weapons Operation, Testing, & Training as well as Non-Consensual Covert CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA/DOJ/DHS Neuro-Experimentation in “Behavior Modification” and Deliberately Disappeared from Public View…. The End Result is treasonous Secret Military Subjugation of entire communities, neighborhoods, towns: In US Military jargon, Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Information Warfare, Information Operations, Special Operations, Special Warfare, Psychological Warfare.”

– Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

7) “My advice to TIs (Targeted Individuals) is “Don’t panic:” Panic and fear is what the system thrives on. And don’t assume you know who is behind it. Mind control is so powerful and their technology is so advanced. And (third) look at the legal picture. You go to your state. Even if you could win a lawsuit in your state… (because, for example) Michigan has laws against electronic weapons. (But) they can’t be enforced because this is something bigger. This is federal. So let’s say (your lawsuit) even makes it to the Supreme Court. But this is classified. And this has been done by the CIA for a long time, along with other agencies, experimenting on the citizens. And this is worldwide. There is no way any agency or government can possibly admit this level of assassination and torture without a complete collapse. So know what you are dealing with. This is going to take a long time to be solved.”

– CIA researcher and author, Dr. Robert Duncan The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting

8) “It’s not just the FBI that is spying now. It’s the Department of Homeland Security, it’s the Department of Defense. It’s state and local law enforcement agencies that are involved in these activities… A huge part of the problem is that these activities are taking place in secret. So it’s hard to know how these are impacting any particular group or individual.”

-Mike German, ex-FBI Counter-Intelligence Agent, FBI is Secretly Targeting, Surveilling, and Gang Stalking Innocent Americans Using Fraudulent “Anti-Terrorism” As Pretext (youtube interviews and transcriptions)

9) “(NSA is now) … using the same type of spy technology and spy protocol on Americans that they were only supposed to use on foreigners overseas. They are not getting caught so they are doing it anyway… I happen to know that the FBI pretty much does whatever the NSA tells them to do. So there is no one (to hold the NSA accountable).

… the Homeland Security network is something of an obscene joke. You are being played for fools. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are on the “Terrorist Watch List” who are only there to bloat the list and to make you think that you are in danger. And under President George W. Bush, the FBI went to every single state it could and started something with their law enforcement agencies, a vigilante-civilian group… They are being played for fools. They are being paid to stalk and harass people they are told are threats or terrorists. And in the vast majority of cases these people are innocent, randomly-chosen people to be thrown on the terrorist watch list. And very often they are whistleblowers or somebody someone powerful has a personal vendetta against. And so Infra-Gard and these other types of… “useful idiots” are helping destroy the lives of patriots and some of the nicest people and best people that we have.

These (“paid vigilante militia thugs”) are violating these other people’s rights, the victim’s rights. There is no Fourth Amendment. They are being secretly accused of something by the government, without any proof, without any witnesses. And then they are having a non-deputized, non-legal, non-law enforcement group of vigilante fascists stalk, harass, and vandalize them. These people get thrown out of their apartments. They lose their jobs. They get black-balled from any kind of job. I spoke to a man who lives on a nature path between a couple of Florida cities. He comes into town to get food stamps and then he goes back and he camps out there. And when he comes into each little town along the path police find him and spit on him.”

– Karen Stewart, ex-NSA whistleblower, now Targeted Individual: NSA Gang Stalks Innocent Americans: Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart

10) “…the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) likes to pass out grants in conjunction with other federal bureaucracy’s agendas; CIA, DEA, FBI, etc. But primarily it is the DHS that comes to your city or county and offers these grants and money and they say: “We just want to keep an eye on the neighborhood. Because we have the “war on terror” going we want to keep everyone nice and safe.” …t hey say: “We want you, Mr. Firefighter, to work with the police to keep an eye on these ‘persons of interest’ because they might have an investigation going, but by due process the police are restricted, and they are not allowed to do this because that would be paperwork. But you can do it… so you end up with cops looking at you weird and fire fighters are following you around on and off duty. And then there are goon squads of local civilians that are recruited by some off-records auxiliary patrol group, Citizens-On-Patrol, or Neighborhood Watch, that are working with the cops. And they are justifying this by saying: “We’re sure that this guy is a criminal, we just don’t know what he’s done yet….. Maybe he’s messing around with his pets, or maybe he sneaks around at night and steals people’s lawn chairs, who knows.” So this is why fire fighters (are) messing with you with code three violations and stalking you, showing up at weird times, and all sorts of passive-aggressive stuff like that… they cherry pick (those) who have sociopathic tendencies. Because no one who actually cares about the community is going to do this…. by the way, they are also on some auxiliary payroll, which is also a nice perk, isn’t it?

And the fire chiefs and police chiefs that go along with these things get a nice extra pension too. It looks so nice on paper. But it ends up turning your local fire department into stalkers and vigilante squads.”

– DHS Pays First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS) To Gang Stalk You

11) “The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.”

– Gangstalking System Explained: 1992 Lawsuit of John St. Clair Akwei V. National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, USA

12) “Jews are behind the whole thing.” Implanted Targeted Individual of Jewish parentage to this webmaster, 2014

13) “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Akton

But in America, Freedom and the Human Spirit Ultimately Triumph

1) “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man….” Thomas Jefferson

2) “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” – Thomas Jefferson

3) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

– Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

The BIGGER PICTURE IN QUOTES (From Mark M. Rich’s “The New World War: Revolutionary Methods of Political Control”)

“Rather than thinking of psychopaths as mentally ill, it may be more accurate to consider them a separate subspecies of the human race…. It is no exaggeration to say that, while normal people are busy pursuing their activities, these characters literally sit around think of ways to deceive the populace into giving them control…. They conceal their true objective using an ideology which includes a plan for a better world…. An enemy is created which is portrayed as an obstacle to the better world. Their “utopia” is only possible when the enemy is removed. A portion of the population is recruited to assist in accomplishing this.

…. Evidence suggests that the US government has been entirely overthrown by a network of groups exhibiting psychopathic traits that have disguised themselves using humanitarian fronts. They are facilitating a revolution which will result in them having control of the entire planet. Using the multinational force, they are waging a worldwide war against civilians to accomplish this.”

THE NEW WORLD WAR EXPLAINED by Mark M. Rich (“New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control,” 2011)

“…. … Now that most nations have been conquered, either by military might or economic subversion, the regular state-to-state type of warfare will be phased out… Specific names given to the small wars that will be waged globally include, asymmetric warfare (AW), fourth generation warfare (4GW), third wave warfare (3WW), network-centric warfare (NCW, netwar), NATO networked enabled capability (NNEC), and military operations other than war (MOOTW). Others are low-intensity conflict (LIC), irregular warfare (IW), and unconventional warfare (UW). Related terms include effects based operations (EBO,) civil-military operations (CMO), and peace operations (PO).

… The battlefield for this new type of warfare has expanded into the civilian sector. For this reason, it’s now called the “battlespace.” The battlespace is global. The battles take place among the civilian population where the military uses civilians as irregular forces. The physical architecture of the battlespace has several levels. At the top is the space level which includes satellites. The near-space level has UAVs (unmanned aerial vehichles) and high-flying aircraft. Then there is the maneuver level which contains people, robots, vehicles, ships, and low-flying aircraft.

According to the Army, the new enemy will increasingly seek protection among the civilian population. The essential “struggle of the future,” they say, will take place primarily among the civilians and will therefore require US security dominance in these areas.

…. The new enemy (Targeted Individuals) will be denied sanctuary, tracked everywhere with intrusive surveillance, and attacked with PsyOp (psychological operations) and NLW (non-lethal weapons) relentlessly. Most of these weapons and tactics, which are used in combination, leave little or no trace of their use.

Directed energy weapons, including microwaves, lasers, and acoustic frequencies, will be used on the enemy. Depending on the frequency and power level, these weapons can cause a wide variety of effects spanning the mental, emotional, and physical realms…. People can be traumatized with microwave hearing technology. Powerful silent subliminals can setup mental conflicts and can be used to influence people’s emotions, thoughts and behavior. Holograms can be transmitted to specific points in space to scare people.

PsyOp attacks are transmitted through every possible “channel of communication” that the TA (targeted audience) uses. The TA’s environment is psychologically prepared with “products” which have “triggers” that they’ve been “sensitized” to…

Custom-tailored weather attacks are to be used on a micro-scale against the enemy. And, yes, even remote-controlled insects and rodents are in the DOD’s (US Department of Defense’s) arsenal. Physical and psychological isolation of the enemy from their support structure is standard procedure in the new war. Using PsyOp, advanced surveillance technology, and NLWs, the enemy will be denied sanctuary any place they visit.

Official (government) sources have mentioned multiple times that this surveillance will be intrusive and constant. A variety of technology exists which can accomplish this, such as devices for seeing through walls, mind-reading, and tiny sensors which can detect anything a human being can as well as a multitude of other environmental stimuli.”

What is C4ISR? Command-Control-Communications-Computers-Intelligence-Surveillance-Reconnaissance

C4IRS: “Military campaigns have been typically directed from war rooms. They are also called “command centers,” or “command and control centers” (C2). A C2 center is a military term for a station which allows the planning direction and control of operations, monitoring, decision making, and execution.

The word “communications” was added to this term, making it C3, and eventually computers were added, amounting to C4. It is now referred to as C4IRS with the addition of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

“Command” is the formulation of intent such as planning, “control” is the information obtained from the results of the action taken, as well as the conclusion as to whether or not the action was successful. Communications and computers are the hardware and software used to implement the command and control.

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance are the hardware and software systems of sensors, people, data collectors, and platforms, as well as the use of tools to extract the information from data. These are collectively referred to as C4IRS. C4IRS has multiple interacting components including: battlespace monitoring, awareness, understanding, sense-making, command intent, battlespace management, synchronization, and information systems Most C4IRS centers are equipped with computers and communications that collect process, filter, store, display, and disseminate information, according to predefined policies. Physical C4IRS centers can be mobile or stationary and due to the possibility of online meetings, they may be virtual as well.

….(Mind-reading and advanced) surveillance technologies can be connected to an advanced C41SR system, such as CIG (Global Information Grid). Therefore, the entire process, including “node” (perpetrator) dispatch, guiding nodes to the target, and even the type of behavior exhibited by each note in the presence of the target, is probably computer-generated.

In order to maintain a dictatorship it is absolutely critical that control is established on the neighborhood level. In the US this network has existed since 1917 and has been used to harass and spy on people that have been labeled subversive. It is now entirely fused into our society, just as it was in East Germany and Communist Russia.”

How do they do it? C4ISR (Stalking, Surveillance, Tracking, Torture) Equipment Sold to US Military by Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing

THE ONGOING COVER-UP (From Rich, 2011)

“Wall Street runs the medical industry and mental health system in particular. This includes some of the major patient advocacy groups, professional societies, government agencies,and most individual physicians. The mental illnesses in the diagnostic manuals keep expanding. Profit and control are primary motives. The attacks by the multinational force against the financial elite’s enemies (TIs) considerably parallel the signs and symptoms in the diagnostic manuals produced by the industry.

Methods of executing large numbers of normal people are instituted when psychopaths rule a society. Although this has usually meant death camps and wars, evidence suggests that that an additional method, which appears to be linked to a global eugenics program, includes targeting the entire population with toxic medication.”


“It is no exaggeration to say that the Anglo-American Establishment is using the military to reach down into your neighborhoods, single people out, and silently torture them, while using the mental health system, congress, media, and NGOs to conceal their attacks.

As we’ve learned, individual psychopaths believe it is necessary for their personal survival to degrade people. On a larger scale, we also understand at this point, that when they run a society they consider it a necessity to annihilate large portions of normal people.

Considering these factors, along with the rest of the traits that compose the profile of a typical psychopath, it would be realistic to consider that the security forces are also being used by the wealthy elites who rule our society to attack people for no reason that would be obvious using the common worldview.

It would be the ultimate dream for any average psychopath to be able to use the resources of the state to place people under surveillance, torture them from a safe distance with weapons that leave no evidence of their use, and sit back and have a good laugh while they watch them suffer in real-time. it would be even better if they controlled the very institutions which proclaimed to exist to expose such activities.

Although it is uncomfortable to consider the possibility that influential members of our society are using these resources to provide themselves with a sick form of entertainment, it would be consistent with their psychopathic profile.

The idea that they have methodically blocked off all possible escape routes for the citizens that they are torturing, and have established control over the institutions that would expose them, is frightening. However, this appears to be the case.

Their widespread, systematic, consistent vile activities, which have spanned multiple realms over course of decades and have been committed against the human race in general, would be considered a “crime against humanity: in any civilization run by decent people.”

GANG STALKING AS A FEATURE OF TOTALITARIAN MILITARY-POLICE STATES: EXAMPLES of Earlier and Present Versions of “the Program”/Gang Stalking/PsyOp” Operations Implemented by Police States, Corporations, Private Firms, NGOs, Cults, and Individuals include:

1) Soviet Cheka secret police (aka “All-Russian Extraordinary Committee to Combat Counter-Revolution and Sabatoge” – 1917 to 22)/GPU (“State Political Directorate” – 1922 to 23)/OGPU (“Joint State Political Directorate” – 1923 to 1934/NKVD (“People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs” – 1934 to 1943)/MGB (“Ministry for State Security” – 1946 to 1954)/KGB (“Ministry for State Security” – 1954 to 1991). According to author/researcher, Eustace Mullins, the “Red Terror”/Cheka activities were funded by Wall Street bankers including the Harrimans, a Second-Tier Illuminati family (“The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, the Hegemony of Parasitism.”) According to author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, about 66 million mostly-white Christians were killed by the Soviet secret police-gulag system. Innumerable documents prove that Communism, the Communist Revolution, and the communist Soviet Union totalitarian were invented, carried out, and controlled from the very beginning primarily by Jews.

2) Communist East Germany’s Stasi police (“State Security Service”) operated under the auspices and in cooperation with the Soviet KGB from 1950 to 1990. It employed 274,000 people in an effort to root out the “class enemy,” i.e., dissidents and critics of the communist system. It recruited about 1 of 6 civilians to spy on and perform “zersetzung” (psychological harassment/literally “decomposition”) on their fellow citizens. Stasi officers trained secret police systems in Castro’s Cuba, Sadat’s Egypt, Angola, Mozambique, Yemen, Syria, Ghana, and the United States (Department of Homeland Security), among other nations.

3) The CIA’s Operation MHCHAOS was a top-secret program than ran involved secret surveillance and disruption of American citizens from 1967 to 1973. It emanated from the “Domestic Operations Division” that formed, in violation of the CIA charter, in 1964. Targets of Operation CHAOS within the anti-Vietnam war movement included the Students for a Democratic Society, Black Panther Party, Young Lords, Women Strike for Peace, Ramparts Magazine. Operation CHAOS, conducted from a well-staffed “war room” in the Pentagon basement, generated files on 7,200 Americans and a computer index totaling 300,000 civilians and approximately 1,000 groups.

4) The CIA’s Phoenix Program officially ran in Vietnam between 1965 and 1972 and was a mechanism for identifying and “neutralizing” (i.e., torturing and killing) Vietnamese citizens who did not support the U.S. invasion and occupation of their country. By 1967, all such “pacification” efforts by the U.S. were under the authority of the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support, or CORDS. Estimates of the number civilian non-combatants killed by CIA and Pentagon Special Operations Forces in the Phoenix Program range from 41,000 to 50,000. According to Valentine (“The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal CIA Operations Corrupt America and the World,” 2017), the organizational structure of the Phoenix Program, with its national and provincial torture centers, is the template for America’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its 76 Fusion Centers.

5) The FBI’s COINTELPRO was a domestic spying and citizen harassment program that ran from the 1950’s to the 1970’s, and probably continues today in the form of the modern gang stalking of political dissidents and other “targets of opportunity.” Thus, many “targeted individuals” (TIs) refer to today’s organized stalking program as COINTELPRO Version 2.0. COINTELPRO overlapped with the federal effort to quell urban riots as per the U.S. military’s Operation Garden Plot; and DOD and NSA collaborated on this program. COINTELPRO, like these other programs, was an aggressive and violent “social engineering”/”perception management” program designed to neutralize (“wipe out”) the political left and it resulted in numerous murders of law-abiding civilians.

6) COPS: In 1994 when President Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (VCCLEA) that established the Offices of the Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS) within the U.S. Dept. of Justice. In practice, it has amounted to federal and state sanctioned and approved GANG-STALKING (Manchanda, 2016; COPS is Reincarnation of COINTELPRO).

7) Special Operations Forces Within Each branch of the American military, the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, have the independent capacity and operational mandate to carry out modern organized stalking operations or GOG’S NeW GESTAPO at home and abroad to meet the political dictates of their leaders. (See Mark M. Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control”).

8) The Scientology cult, an ongoing UK and US intelligence operation, utilizes gang stalking methods to silence “traitors,” i.e., members who have “caught on” to the Scientology scam. (See: Story’s- “The New Underworld Order” chapters 4 and 5 in GAng Stalking, MKULTRA and Scientology are Zionazi “psychopolitical warfare”/”pscho-terrorism”).

9) Operation Gladio (in Italy) and the other Post-WWII Stay Behind Armies in Western Europe committed illegal assassinations, bombings, and terror attacks against civilians in order to destroy any potential “political left movement” from becoming established.

10) The Nazi Gestapo secret state police (1933 to 1946).

11) Harvey Weinstein, Jewish Hollywood movie mogul and billionaire, has recently used private security firms, which included Israeli firms staffed with former Mossad agents, to stalk and harass women he has molested as well as journalists who were reporting the story. Jewsih Gang Stalking: Israeli Firms Protect Harvey Weinstein by Gang Stalking Reporters and His Female Victims

What distinguishes GISTAPO-666 (“GOG’S NEW GESTAPO”) from the previous totalitarian military-intelligence-police-state programs? Today’s advanced psychotronic weapons/”neuro-warfare” technologies afford ruling elites the means by which they can covertly torture, kill, and/or control/enslave/roboticize all, or nearly all, of humanity.

Organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control of citizens is a criminal felony and the greatly expanding number of people involved in this crime through DHS Fusion Centers, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Centers, and the innumerable private sector National Security Establishment (Enterprise!) subcontracting firms, etc., has criminalized virtually the entire society! And the program is deeply treasonous; its perpetrators at all levels of the system are traitors to the U.S. Constitution and the United States of America.

The Laws of God and Man Now Being Violated Include, But Are Not Limited To:

1) Four of the Ten Commandments (Thou Shalt Not Murder, Steal, Bear False Witness, Covet They Neighbor’s Goods)
2) Nine of the Constitutional Rights Guaranteed in the U.S. Bill of Rights
3) The entire 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence
4) USC Section 18 Section 241,
5) 42 US Code Section 1983 (Civil Action for Deprivation of rights)
6) 18 US Code 2261A (Prohibits Gang Stalking)
7) Gang Stalking is Treason per 14th Amendment, Section 3
8) Gang Stalking is Treason per 18 US Code 2381
9) The “Common Rule” which prohibits non-consensual experimentation on human beings
10) The US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
11) The Hobbes Act
12) Two Colorado Laws Prohibiting Stalking
13) The Federal Policy for Protection of Human Subjects (The ‘Common Rule’)
14) The ‘open government’ law, FACA (Federal Advisory Committee Act) requires that US government officials cannot hold closed-door or secret consultations with people outside government to develop policy. A ll such consultations should take place via federal advisory committees that permit public scrutiny. FACA requires that meetings be held in public, announced via the Federal Register, that advisory groups are registered with an office at the General Services Administration, among other requirements intended to maintain accountability to the public interest.
15) All Ten Requirements of the Nuremberg Code (1949); particularly Article 3 prohibition of torture
16) The First Four Articles of the Geneva Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide
17) At least two laws set forth in the Magna Carta, including Habeas Corpus
18) Twelve of Nineteen Rights Guaranteed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights
19) Medical, Mental Health and Neuroscience Doctor’s Violate Their Hypocratic Oath When They Participate in This Program
20) Judges, police, military personnel, and politicians violate their sworn oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

(See Laws of God and Man Violated by Organized Stalking OperationsRule and Color of LawTerrorist Watchlist Guidelines);

Henry Kissinger, the German Jewish “quadruple agent” (England, Germany, Soviet Union and U.S., according to Story (2006)), Rockefeller (Illuminati) agent, and National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under President Carter, once voiced the philosophy of our criminal rulers succinctly:

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

This philosophy has now penetrated and infected virtually nearly all of American society.

Excerpt from “Terrorism, Rule and Color of Law (Rule and Color of Law):


EXTRAJUDICIAL: beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted; “an extrajudicial penalty;” illegal; prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules:



1ST AMENDMENT: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

4TH AMENDMENT: Right of search and seizure regulated; The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

5TH AMENDMENT: Provisions concerning prosecution; No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

6TH AMENDMENT: Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.; In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

7TH AMENDMENT: Right to a trial by jury; In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

8TH AMENDMENT: Excessive bail, cruel punishment; Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted

9TH AMENDMENT: Rule of construction of Constitution, The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

13th AMENDMENT: Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

14th AMENDMENT: DUE PROCESS, AND EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW; Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Madison v. Marbury (1803) established the legal precedent that “every law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void.”

Thus, the U.S.A. Patriot, the National Defense Authorization Act, and a slew of other unconstitutional laws and executives orders, passed by our criminal government to justify today’s abuses, are legally null and void. We must understand that every single action carried out by anyone in the organized stalking enterprise is a criminal felony. The number of criminal stalking felons, then, must include tens of millions of “perps” in the U.S. military, intelligence services, private-sector firms, police departments, academic “research” centers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and citizen vigilante groups!!!!

Thus, the architects of this criminal system (identified here and elsewhere on this website), in order to guarantee they are never prosecuted for their innumerable other crimes (including the planning, orchestrating, and cover-up of Operation 9/11 and other false flag operations, illegal overt and covert wars abroad, the phony War on Terrorism, RICO racketeering, etc., their control of international drug syndicates and child trafficking, etc.), have criminalized and compromised a huge segment (estimated 10 to 30%) of society.

To incarcerate this extraordinary number of felons and murderers would probably require that the U.S. increase the current number of FEMA camps, currently 800+, some 100 to 1000-fold! The price would be worth it if it helps restore our democratic republic, puts an end to these crimes against humanity, and preserves the U.S. Constitution and human freedom.


In this website and my 911nwo.com website, I identify the psychopaths that control the “Anglo-American Establishment” as “Judeo-Masonic-satanists.” This “Anglo/American imperial project”/cabal/syndicate goes by many names; including the “power elite,” the “secret or shadow government,” the “deep state,” the “world revolutionary movement,” the “open conspiracy,” the “hidden hand,” the “Illuminati,” “Rothschild Zionists,” the “corporatocracy,” the “Money Trust,” the “London Money Power,” the “Jew Money Power,” the “Jewish Money Kings,” the “Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy,” the “International Bankers,” and the “New World Order,” among others. Jesus Christ identified the “Synagogue of Satan” as the group that would control the “world system” in the last days (Book of Revelations, 2:9, 3:9). Some of the principle, controlling Illuminati/satanist families include the House of Rothschild (King of the Jews), the British Royal Family (House of Windsor/Guelph of the Venetian Black Nobility (Jewish)), the House of Rockefeller (crypto-Jewish), etc.

This cabal has also been referred to as the “pathocracy” (rule by psychopaths), the “pedophocracy” (rule by pedophiles), the “cryptocracy” (rule by secrecy), and the “plutocracy” (rule by the wealthy). We should probably regard this criminal cabal and their many minions (including the neocons, Masons, United Nations, British Israel, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, MI6, CIA, Mossad, NSA, DHS, FBI, DOD(!), and much of the so-called “Jewish race” enlisted as “sayanim,” or civilian spies), as a “fifth column,” or “Trojan horse” enemy in the U.S.

Even though this fundamental understanding is booby-trapped and shielded by the pejorative and specious accusations of “anti-semitism” and “conspiracy theorist,” this understanding is required for our society to save itself from the terrible fate that this group has planned for us and for the world. I did not come to these unpleasant and politically incorrect conclusions by any innate prejudice against any group of people. Rather, I have come to these conclusions on the basis of considerable research. Please see References on Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults.

Ladies and gentlemen, we must also understand that the term “national security” has always referred to the security of the ruling elite and their power structure, not to the security of the American people. Similarly, the term “national interest” has always referred to the interests of corporations and ruling elite. Likewise, the terms, “terrorism,” “war on terror,” “counter-terrorism,” “counter-insurgency,” “counter-intelligence,” “conspiracy theory,” and “anti-semitism” are designed to deceive the public and protect the criminal activities of the ruling elite and their many paid minions.

The present state of affairs, in which intelligence-military-law enforcement-corporate-civilian actors are coordinated through Fusion Centers and stationary and mobile C4ISR centers (Command, Control, Communication, Computer Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) to execute covert civilian-military operations that target, torture, and kill innocent civilians, is so deplorable and unconscionable that it will not endure exposure. These cowardly and despicable programs and individuals are violating the U.S. Constitution and committing countless criminal felonies.

We must also understand “GOG’S NEW GESTAPO” as part of the phony War on Terrorism designed to usher in the long-planned Jewish Universal Empire/Jewish Utopia. This helps explain why 94% of Department of Homeland Security grants have been going to Jewish groups (Jewish Groups Get 94% of Homeland Security Grants). It helps explains why the project is aided and abetted by virtually the entire psychology/psychiatry profession, which has long been considered by many to be a “Jewish science” (Jewish Involvement in the Psychoanalytic MovementPsychology, Nazism, and “Jewish Science”). And it helps explain why so many TIs report that Jews are considerably over-represented in the demographic composition of their stalkers (Gloria Naylor’s 2005 book, “1996”, The Jews Behind Homeland Security).

In “Synagogue Rising: A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance” (2012), Hugh Akins summarizes the larger context of GOG’S NEW GESTAPO (The Protocols Explain (Almost) Everything):

“As we saw in the chapter on 9/11 and the phony War on Terror, Israel was behind all four fronts in that momentous event in our nation’s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves, 2) the subsequent cover-up, and both 3) the U.S.-led military invasions overseas and 4) the “domestic security state apparatus…. The term “public safety” is to be understood, once more, in the grim context of the militarization and nationalization of our police, and as a prelude to the Sovietization and Jewification of our country…. New York, Tel Aviv, and Washington’s War on Terror is a War on God- and on you and your family and your country…. We have been brought to the very threshold of the Total State, which translates to zero liberty… and this has long been the objective of our would-be slavemasters. “We shall abolish every kind of freedom,” say the Zionist Elders seeking to impose their Rabbinic Captivity upon the world (ETK comment: in their “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” circa 1897.) “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community… Our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any goyim (non-Jews) who oppose us by word or deed.” (Hence, GOG’S NEW GESTTTTTTAPO!).

In “The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism; Dark Actors Playing Games, the Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati” (2006), Cambridge-educated economic journalist, Christopher Story, also concludes that “Zionazis” lead the criminal syndicate that runs the world.

The following statement of President-elect, Donald Trump, made during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, appears to offer either a ray of hope to TIs and to humanity or else a post-mortem for America:

“The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead. It is finally time for a straight forward assessment of the state of our nation.”

President Trump: May GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO (GISTAPO-666) be the first swamp you drain! There can be no higher national priorities than: 1) re-establishing the Constitutional rule of law in America and 2) de-militarizing our society, and 3) ending the global targeting and torture of innocent civilians through GOG’S NEW GESSTTTTTAPO.

While the right to free speech, including the right to criticize government policies, is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, efforts to curtail these freedoms constitute treason. Today, based on their participation in GOG’S NEW GESTAPO, huge segments of American society, including the U.S. military and intelligence, the psychiatric and legal professions, Congress and the Executive Branch, police, and Non-Governmental Organizations are guilty of committing criminal felonies as well as treason against the U.S. Constitution.

It is my hope and belief that good people everywhere will come together and work to oppose, expose, and defeat this odious, evil system! With God’s help, we will win…. because we have to. The future of humanity and free will itself may well be at stake. Why? Because the “Synagogue of Satan” has long been trying to implement their “transhumanist” agenda so that they, and they alone, will be able to live forever as gods….. which uncoincidentally, was Satan’s original temptation to Adam and Eve. The goal of the brain mapping aspects of GOG’S NEW GESTAPO, apparently, is actually to “capture” the souls (intellect, will, and emotions) of targeted individuals and digitize them, using conscious super-computers (Duncan, Project: Soul Catcher; The Tew Hypothesis; . Such evil is unimaginable to most real humans.

Important Links and Videos:

Intellihub: Mind Control, Gang Stalking, NSA Racketeering Syndicate
International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings.
Indigo Series: TI’s Speak to Presidential Commission on Bioethics
research organized gangstalking
Covert Harassment Conference
Tortured In America
World Coalition Against Covert Harassment
World Coalition Against Covert Harassment Recommended Videos
U.S. Coalition Against Covert Harassment
Every Day Concerned
Big Brother Watching Us
surveillance issues.com
Geral Sosbee- Ex-FBI Whistleblower
Author and Human Rights Advocate Renee Pittman
dpl surveillance equipment.com

NSA Gang Stalks It’s Own Employees- Interview of Whistelblower, Karen Stewart by Jeff Rense: Parts 1 and 2



Bryan Kofron, SIS Whistleblower, Speaks at Unity and Hope Conference, 2017

Other websites of Dr. Eric Karlstrom


Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography
California State University, Stanislaus, November 19, 2017

ETK Postscript: I just watched the movie, “Murder on the Orient Express,” a re-telling of Agatha Christie’s classic tale. It occurs to me that GOG’S NeW GESTTTTTTAPO resembles the murder in this story in that the guilt for the crime is spread amongst many. At the end of the movie, the detective solves the murder but feels compelled to let the 12 murderers go free because they are all “good” people. The organizer of the collective murder in the movie was a Jew, of course, and the murder itself involved the ritualized (Satanic Ritual Abuse?) stabbing of the victim by each murderer. This story provides a good analogy for GOG’S NEW GESTAPO. For, indeed, what is organized stalking if not a modern, “high tech” “stoning”/stabbing of an individual by society at large? Alas, as of today, the moral relativism pervading our society has transformed America into little more than a criminal “National Security Racketeering State.”

There also may be connections between organized gang stalking and the Masonic “Secret (aka Slow and Silent) Dagger” and Scientology’s “Fair Game” Policy (Organized Stalking Is the Freemasonic Secret (Silent, Slow) Dagger?!). Thus, it appears that the shadow government itself is run principally by occult-based intelligence agencies and secret societies and that the most prominent of these is the “master cult,” which we may identify as Judaic-Satanic-intelligence cults such as Judaism, Freemasonry, Scientology, CIA-MI6-Mossad, and others. As one TI put it in an interview with whistle-blower, Bryan Kofron, “The whole system is based on hate.”

Let us pray, and furthermore, let us act in such a way that our society will shred and cast off the net of propaganda, mind control, and Satanic evil that has been cast over it and return to the Constitutional and New Testament principles of our Founding Fathers.

Post-Post Script Quotes From Antiquity:

1) “British General Charles Cornwallis’ Surrender Speech to General George Washington at Yorktown, VA, 1781: “A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

“Jonathan Williams, “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781

2) “This is the greatest crisis the world has ever known. Upon its issue depends the destiny of mankind forever. It will determine whether the world shall go on to a millennium of liberty, peace and blessedness, or be crushed by the triumph of forces that are striving to arrest the progress of our age, and bring upon the world a new Feudal Era, in which the mass of mankind will be reduced to the condition of serfdom beneath the yoke of an Aristocracy of Jew Money Kings, who will grind man down beneath the heal of oppression forever.

For, that yoke once fixed upon the world, can never be shaken off. The Money Kings, with a mighty government under their control, would keep the masses of mankind reduced to the condition of peasants in hopeless bondage. In this age of warfare with cannon and gunpowder, an unarmed peasantry could never cast off the yoke of the (London) Money Power, in control of the government and having possession of all wealth. There are two Millenniums before the world: one, a millennium of peace and blessedness, under the reign of Liberty and Religion; the other, the reign of Oppression and Wrong, under the rule of the Money Power. The present crisis will determine which shall dominate the earth, from now to the end of time. The destinies of the Future are now hanging in the balance. Either the Money Power must go down, or the hopes of humanity must set in darkness.

Well is the Money Power called Satan, for it’s the very incarnation of Satanic malignity and evil.”

Reverend L.B. Woolfolk, “Great Red Dragon or London Money Power,” 1890 (almost 130 years ago!)

3) “Cursed be he that attacks his neighbor secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.” Deuteronomy 27:24

An American Citizen Reports “Developed Dehumanization through Non-Consenting Implantation to the Human Body in Efforts to Maintain Terrorism”

The post herein publishes the content of an email sent this week to a group of civilian, military, former Intelligence, fusion center, scientist, and journalist recipients including this writer by American citizen Sherri M. Guarnieri, whose whistle-blowing and advocacy for Alzheimer’s patients, particularly her grandmother, in Massachusetts and Connecticut nursing-homes led to a currently continuing experience of horrific retaliation which included the involvement of the Obama White House, Secret Service, local police, as well as various public figures; this was explored in an interview with Ms. Guarnieri, and in a succeeding podcast with her.

Sherri M Guarnieri is reporting clandestine implantation, non-consensual military or Intelligence experimentation, and the participation of numerous civilians in literally subjecting her to extremities of physical torture, including gross sexual abuse, by way of remote manipulation of implants and bodily energy meridians. These are serious crimes, and they evoke the trauma-based mind control tactics of the CIA’s MK ULTRA, experiments in behavior modification seen by many analysts and ex-CIA officers to have merely gone underground in the ’70s and resurfaced now through various overt and covert surveillance, monitoring, experimental, criminal justice, and other programs. 

Of course, in the present time period with the Surveillance agencies running totalitarian operations on one and all supported by a slavish Congress, as noted recently in the blind renewal of Section 702 permitting warrantless spying, thousands of Americans are reporting surveillance crimes and abuse inclusive of covert implantation and electromagnetic weapon assault. Sherri M Guarnieri is an important national witness and reporting victim to this holocaust, whose reports carry additional weight because she reports open disclosure of participation in the gang-targeting she experiences, by the very people who are consenting to abuse her. (This disclosure will be reported more closely in a succeeding article and podcast.)

Especially striking about Ms. Guarnieri’s resolve in exposing this criminal trafficking of her body is her current email campaign to inform and educate all personnel on relevant military bases, fusion centers, as well as local, regional, and national governments, while also seeking help to stem these abusive assaults on her and the world’s humanity. In clear and powerful language describing the crux of the unjust assault on her body, she states that such assault comprises CIA-weaponized ground-level domestic terrorism. The question she poses is a very pertinent one: Is this the world–of targeting and abuse of womens’ bodies with remote radiation weapons–that we wish to leave to our daughters?

I thank Sherri for speaking out and bearing witness to these crimes.

We need powerful voices today to cut through the egregious arrogance of the Intelligence agencies and US Military in harming, defacing, mutilating, and torturing Americans, all in the name of “national security”–a profound and treasonous lie.

–Ramola D/Posted 1/26/2018

Developed Dehumanization through Non Consenting Implantation to the Human Body in Efforts to Maintain Terrorism

Sherri M. Guarnieri/January 23, 2018 2:32 AM

To Whom It May Concern:

Human Trafficking is now developed through the dehumanization of the human body through non-consensual implants placed in human ears.

No longer a hypothesis, this is an in-play development of our government, military, and CIA. 

Sherri1Currently the ear devices I hold are used in National Labs which implicate the development of microwave-frequency directed energy weapons/DARPA processed through the application of CIA MKULTRA.

The development of these devices is no longer classified research due to the civilian population being asked to participate in gross sexual imposition, assault, battery and body-altering damage through impact to the ear using Chinese medicine technology to pulse-wave, shock, burn, vibrate, and laser-cut the body with precision. This is a development of terrorism not just inside the United States but on a global scale.

These devices act as a microphone with its own microprocessor to utilize GPS, a designated FCC line, direct transmission of pulse-wave technology using a D Wave processor, and an Amazon server.

Sherri2The use of these devices I hold without consent in my body are being used for unethical human trafficking, gross sexual imposition, body-altering damage which is no longer non-consenting human experimentation but rather CIA-skilled-level terrorism with civilian participation, with civilians logging into a computer to offer direct impact to the human body 24/7 without consequences.

The level of participation under the CIA’s direction has assured these participants zero consequences under the Constitution.

If you assure a group of civilian, employers, and co-workers they are assured to have zero consequences under our Constitution to cause gross sexual imposition, shock, pulse-wave, vibration, damage of personal assets, assault and battery to a non-consenting body by the technology of these devices, then the CIA has just weaponized ground-level terrorism no longer controlled by our military and government elected to serve and protect their citizens under the Constitution of the United States and Human Rights and is now committing a Crime Against Humanity.

Sherri3These devices can be seen through my skin, in an older MRI and a recent x-ray. These devices are being unethically denied removal at our University Hospitals, by plastic surgeons or trauma surgeons in fear of government retaliation.

So I am still left holding a non-consented human-trafficking device in both ears which can be accessed by any civilian developing terrorism along with National Labs under illegal medical malpractice and human experimentation.

I was woken again to burning skin and rectal vibration just so a Pedophile with gross Ritualistic Abuse can enjoy their evening.

Would you want these devices in your daughter?


Sherri M Guarnieri

Related Links

Advocate for Alzheimer’s Patients Sherri M. Guarnieri Reports Whistleblower Retaliation for Advocacy, Criminal Assault with Military EMF/Bio/Neuroweapons, Obama White House & Secret Service Involvement

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons


Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO* (¨Global Organized Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨)

Re-posted below, with the author’s permission, is Dr. Eric Karlstrom‘s recent analysis–originally posted at his website–of the current-day C/overt Op Phoenix-extended “domestic pacification” and electronic assault and slavery operations ongoing in the fallen United States of America, in Europe, in Australia, in New Zealand, in India, in Thailand–in countries around the globe!–all part of the New World Horror that’s been unfolding around us, which is literally torturing “Targeted Individuals” to death — while Mainstream Media–inclusive of once-respected outlets like The New York Times, NPR, PBS, and Democracy Now keeps the world medicated and somnolent with CIA/Mockingbird-run horrifically passive ignoring of reality and active lies, deception, distortion, and denial in reportage. 

Researcher, writer, and truth activist Dr. Karlstrom is an Emeritus Professor of Geography from California State University who reads, analyzes, and writes about current-day reality from a highly informed and widely-read perspective. His analyses may be found on his many websites (listed below), and on radio conversations and podcasts on Youtube. More on his background may be found here on his Bio page, where he writes;

“Since the corporate media now presents us mostly with “info-tainment) / propaganda rather than facts and the truth, it now seems incumbent upon citizens / researchers to discern the truth from many various sources and disseminate the facts to their fellow citizens.  As an educator (University Professor for 30 years), this is my goal.  It is my hope that, fortified with accurate information, the American citizens will have the wisdom and ability to implement the solution, articulated by Jefferson over 200 years ago:


I do this as a public service.  I do not have tax-exempt status, but I appreciate any contributions that will support my ongoing research / education efforts, maintaining and upgrading my websites, etc.  And / or, if you enjoy music, you might visit my website, http://www.erickarlstrom.com, and purchase some of my many Cds and / or movie.  Thank you!” 

In the detailed critique below, Dr. Karlstrom delineates the processes of targeting and electronic assault that is currently ongoing in the United States of America, spawned by the bogus War on Terrorism run by scam artists in US/UK Mil/Intel, and explains his acronym, GOG’s New GESTAPO.

GestapoFrom his abstract:

“The fact that there is only about a 1 in 20 million probability of being killed in a terrorist attack, about the same chance as being killed by your TV set, should alert Americans that the ¨War on Terrorism¨ is entirely fraudulent. However, sustained government propaganda spewed by the mainstream media keeps Americans in perpetual fear and ignorance and keeps America stuck at ¨Yellow Alert¨ – defined as ¨Significant Risk¨ of terror attack accompanied by no specific information.

Meanwhile, civilians designated as ¨adversaries,¨ ¨enemies,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ and ¨potential terrorist threats¨ are being covertly surveilled, harassed, tortured, terrorized, and killed in civil-military operations here termed,
GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOps Operations). Citizens are the new enemy in this ¨Fourth Generation¨ World War. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, commonly termed ¨organized gang stalking,¨ appears to be a critical component of this covert ¨unconventional warfare¨ that pits military special forces, law enforcement, private contractors, local businesses, and civilians, indeed, society as a whole, against targeted individuals and groups, both at home and abroad. Just like the electronic weapons now being secretly tested on this unfortunate 0.1% (?) of the population, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a scalable, ¨rheostatic¨ weapons system. Presumably, it can be ¨tuned down,¨ as at present, to covertly ¨neutralize¨ ¨enemies¨ not ¨ideologically assimilated¨ and test its many electronic weapons systems, or it can be ¨tuned up¨ to genocide entire populations.”

Further in his critique, he writes:

“(Of course, there is no difference between terrorism and counter-terrorism. Strip away the jargon and the United States military-intelligence is conducting terrorism against its own citizens; killing them softly, so to speak, using PsyOp and NLW (nonlethal weapons). GOG´S NeW GESTAPO operations are conducted with the cooperation and support of local DHS fusion centers, local police, the private-corporate sector, local businesses, the legal community, the press, as well as many members of the academic, psychiatric and medical community, etc. (Their numbers are difficult to estimate, but let´s say that some 5,000 are involved.)”

Please note, this critique addresses, among others, the “ZioNazi” faction of the perpetrators behind this New World Order assault on American and global populations. While many readers may instinctively flinch at indicting powerful conspirators of such infamy deriving from Jewish sectors of the population (because yes, we all have Jewish friends whom we love and respect), for reasons of fear of the much-flung-around “anti-Semitic” and racist label, Dr. Karlstrom offers background for his critiques from Talmudic and Kabbalistic sources as well as from the work of other analysts and writers–as he delineates also which faction of pseudo or “crypto” Jews he is referring to. In the process of exploring and finding the truth of our reality in this country and in the world today, this writer believes it is important to examine all viewpoints, analyses, and opinions, to indict whoever is responsible–and not be fobbed off from deeper analysis by facile and deceitful blanketings of political correctness, in particular wrongful usage of “anti-Semitic” labels. In this context, the words of ex-Illuminati banker Ronald Barnard in his recent whistleblowing interview with Irma Schiffers of De Vrije Media TV comes to mind; he recommends reading The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, to understand the depths of the depravity of attacks on humanity currently ongoing, “to push through and read it in full”. While TIs are only a part of humanity targeted for these assaults, for anyone unclear on how “Targeted Individuals” are being tortured today, please read the two most recent articles on this site, on Electronic Slavery and the Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society, also read Omni’s long list of Targeting Injustices Endured.

With much gratitude to Dr. Eric Karlstrom for this thoughtful and necessary analysis. Please visit his websites http://www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com, http://911nwo.com/, http://www.naturalclimatechange.us/, http://www.waterwatchalliance.us/, http://www.erickarlstrom.com/ for more. 

– Ramola D |12 June, 2017


Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO* (¨Global Organized Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨)

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, June 5, 2017

Epigraph quotes:

National Security is the largest institution in the world and also the most corrupt institution in the world in the sheer volume of plunder of America´s financial assets.

Cushman Cunningham, ¨Neocons Unmasked,¨ 2015

The use of mind hacking the greatest people of influence in a culture can accelerate the desired change of the whole. The process of finding the people of greatest influence in an organization is called ¨influence mapping.¨

…..In order to increase S.A.T.A.N.´s (Silent Assassination Through Adaptive Networks) kill capacity using behavior modification techniques; England and the United States use human subjects chosen from every social group around the world to converge on the best kill ratio statistics.

…. the CIA and DoD are testing maximum pain and torture to death weapons on random people all around the globe.

Dr. Robert Duncan, ¨Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Volume Two,¨ 2010

(Re: President Reagan´s ¨Star Wars¨ black budget programs in the 1980s) All the talk about death rays and charged particle beams has been little more than an elaborate smokescreen to hide the fact that the US is developing a directed energy weapon that uses a high-powered microwave pulse.

Brodeur (From ¨Neocons Unmasked¨)

Beginning with the enactment of the heavily intrusive Patriot Act (2001) and creation of the colossal bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security (2002), which was granted virtually unlimited police powers, America had taken a whole series of giant steps towards Absolute Rule, as in such communist countries as the USSR, Red China, North Korea and so on. The DHS alone constituted the largest federal expansion in more than 50 years, which literally took over the nation´s entire law enforcement apparatus in a treasonous move to nationalize U.S. police.

This new DHS monstrosity absorbed 22 massive government agencies, including Immigration and Naturalization, the Border Patrol, U.S. Customs, the Coast Guard, FEMA, and numerous others. It kicked off with no fewer than 177,000 personnel on board, and grows bigger, costlier and more threatening by the year….. We are speaking of the communization or Sovietization of America…. In all truthfulness, the Department of Homeland Security should be re-named the American KGB, American Gestapo, or the crypto-Judaic Department of Homeland Subjugation. Then at least people would have a better idea of where they stand.

…. Here is how one writer described the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012: ¨This is one of the most tragic events I have written about… the horrendous bill that would turn all of America into a battlefield and subject American citizens to indefinite military detention without charge or trial has passed the Senate.¨

Hugh Akins, 2012, ¨Synagogue Rising: A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance¨


The American ¨National Security¨-¨Anti-Terrorism¨ Complex is an enormous and highly profitable enterprise involving most sectors of society. Indeed, it is now one of the main engines of the economy. It is characterized by enormous waste of resources and duplication of effort (Shorrock, 2008; Priest and Arkin, 2011). The domestic ¨War on Terror¨ and ¨Global War on Terror¨ utilize secret, silent electronic weapons that are one distinctive feature of the ¨Revolution in Military Affairs¨ and Fourth Generation (4G), asymmetric warfare which comprise U.S. military doctrine and which deploy large segments of the domestic population as irregular forces.

The fact that there is only about a 1 in 20 million probability of being killed in a terrorist attack, about the same chance as being killed by your TV set, should alert Americans that the ¨War on Terrorism¨ is entirely fraudulent. However, sustained government propaganda spewed by the mainstream media keeps Americans in perpetual fear and ignorance and keeps America stuck at ¨Yellow Alert¨ – defined as ¨Significant Risk¨ of terror attack accompanied by no specific information.

Meanwhile, civilians designated as ¨adversaries,¨ ¨enemies,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ and ¨potential terrorist threats¨ are being covertly surveilled, harassed, tortured, terrorized, and killed in civil-military operations here termed,
GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOps Operations). Citizens are the new enemy in this ¨Fourth Generation¨ World War. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, commonly termed ¨organized gang stalking,¨ appears to be a critical component of this covert ¨unconventional warfare¨ that pits military special forces, law enforcement, private contractors, local businesses, and civilians, indeed, society as a whole, against targeted individuals and groups, both at home and abroad. Just like the electronic weapons now being secretly tested on this unfortunate 0.1% (?) of the population, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a scalable, ¨rheostatic¨ weapons system. Presumably, it can be ¨tuned down,¨ as at present, to covertly ¨neutralize¨ ¨enemies¨ not ¨ideologically assimilated¨ and test its many electronic weapons systems, or it can be ¨tuned up¨ to genocide entire populations.

Because this covert human-disposal and mind control system is highly profitable for the many segments of society that comprise the National Security Establishment, it is now ¨business as usual.¨ In other ways, as is demonstrated below, there are significant parallels between the United States today under GOG´S NeW GESTAPO and the Soviet Union during and after the Bolshevik Revolution. Indeed, the same international financial and revolutionary elite that orchestrated the Bolshevik Revolution a century ago now controls the United States. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is designed to ensure the implementation of the fascist New World Order aka ¨Jewish Utopia¨/Jewish World Empire under the complete control of Judeo-Masonic-Satanists. Obviously, this situation has dire implications for the United States and the world.

I. Introduction

The following is my first approximation description of how the Global Organized Stalking Program (here named GOG´S NeW GESTAPO for ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Neural Warfare-Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨) may function in America and around the world. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO has multiple functions, many of which are classified. Fundamentally, it is a command, control, communications, and computer war-weapons system capable of targeting and ¨neutralizing¨ individuals and groups designated as¨enemies,¨ ¨dissidents,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ and/or so-called ¨terrorists,¨ designations that may be applied to anyone anywhere in the world at any time. The millions of designated ¨enemies¨/¨terrorists¨ and other unlucky souls who are ¨Targeted Individuals¨ (TIs) of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are also utilized as non-consensual experimentees for testing classified military and neuro-weaponry, torture techniques, etc. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is scalable and can be used to implement Martial Law and/or genocide against civilian populations.

Similar top-secret programs have been running since the 1950s in the United States; for example, the FBI´s COINTELPRO and the CIA´s MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, the Phoenix Program, etc. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO integrates technologies and methodologies derived from CIA´s top-secret mind-control experiments (MKULTRA; 1950´s to present) with psychological operations (PsyOp developed at the Tavistock Institute and affiliated institutions), top-secret electronic weaponry (electronic warfare/directed energy weapons (DEW)/nonlethal weapons (NLW), Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation (RNM) technologies, nano-technologies, robotics, and supercomputers. The fact that these for-profit civil-military operations are carried out by virtually all sectors of society helps to bestow a (false) legitimacy upon them even as it diffuses the blame for its myriad crimes against humanity.
According to Bryan Tew (see Tew interview on this website), this program functions very much like a MacDonald´s franchise in that it can be replicated, adapted and adopted by different users, including governments, governmental agencies, international agencies (such as the UN and NATO), corporations (such as Infragard and DynCorps), and very rich individuals- and for a variety of purposes. Different versions of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO that are operated by different users share many of the same command and control structures, technologies, and to some extent, personnel.

Arbitrarily, we can refer to the U.S. Government (military-intelligence-corporate complex)-run program as ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0,¨ the Israeli-Jewish-Mossad-sayanim-ADL-AIPAC-Mason-Mormon-led program as ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0,¨ and the British-MI5-MI6-run program as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 2.0, etc. The fact that Jewish-Israeli and British groups control U.S. military-intelligence through funding, infiltration, past coups, think tanks, lobbyists, etc., however, ensures that U.S. corporate-military-intelligence plays a large supporting role in all versions of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.¨

My research and that of others indicates that GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is:

1) part of the Israeli-American-British-Corporate Terror Machine cum New World Order Global Military-Intelligence-Police State (MIPS).

2) the modern continuation of the CIA´s top-secret MKULTRA mind control, brain mapping, and psychotronic-brain hacking and weapons testing program. Today, this system comprises a secret neuro-warfare weapons system that can be deployed anywhere, anytime, against any target. What is often termed ¨research¨ is more accurately described as non-consensual testing and/or ¨disposal¨ of civilian ¨adversaries.¨

3) a vital component of the National Security Establishment´s fraudulent, multi-trillion dollar/year ¨Global War on Terrorism.¨ The phony ¨War on Terror¨ has been and is being used as pretext to:

a) prosecute a series of pre-scripted wars in the Middle East whose chief beneficiaries are Israel and the international banking and corporate sector, (the ¨Corporatocracy).
b) destabilize an additional 134 sovereign nations using Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW, aka ¨Irregular Warfare¨) conducted by US SOCOM (Special Operations Forces).
c) target, torture, and terrorize individuals and groups at home and abroad who have been placed on terrorism watch lists and/or who are otherwise designated as internal or external enemies and/or test subjects.

4) coordinated and spear-headed globally by the CIA/NSA/DoD/DIA ¨cryptocracy¨ (¨rule by secrecy¨) and their corporate surrogates, and by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI´s Joint Terrorism Task Force fusion centers in cooperation with the military, other federal agencies, corporate contractors, police, business, and civilian sectors of society.

5) part of the U.S. military´s ongoing implementation of their doctrine of Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW), also known as Unconventional Warfare/Irregular Warfare/Asymmetrical Warfare/Civil-Military Operations/Military Operations Other Than War/¨Peace Operations¨/Psychological Warfare/Political Warfare/Information Warfare/Low-Intensity Conflict/Effects-Based Operations/Network Centric Warfare. To these official military terms, I would add the terms; ¨neuro-warfare¨ and ¨non-consensual testing of military technologies on civilian subjects.¨ These covert war-by-other-means operations involve all branches of the U.S. military and specifically target individuals and groups designated as ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ ¨adversaries,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ etc., as well as those selected for neuro-experimentation and/or weapons testing purposes.

6) based on the integration, coordination, and deployment of all sectors of the military with other federal agencies, police, private sector corporations, and large segments of the civilian population. Global organized stalking operations (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) are carried out by ¨the Interagency¨ in America and by the ¨Multinational Force¨ in the rest of the world. In this manner, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a system designed to: a) diffuse blame and guilt amongst an unwieldy and disproportionately large segment of the civilian population and 2) create a new, growth sector of the economy that, in part, replaces the outmoded ¨war on communism.¨

7) dependent on the integrated use of high-tech stealth weapons, including directed energy weapons (DEW) aka ¨nonlethal weapons¨ (NLW), PsyOp (psychological operations), advanced GPS and GIS technology, remote neural manipulation/monitoring (RNM), computer-to-brain interface (CBI) and transcranial stimulation technology, nano-technology and robotics, and extremely advanced supercomputers. These operations are most effective when used in combination and when ¨TIs¨ and the community at large do not know that this targeting is occurring or understand the reasons for it.

8) a primary means by which government and private sector scientists conduct research and development of bio-nano-technology (smart dust) and bio-nano-robotics implants, etc. designed to control the human body and mind. TIs function as the human test subjects needed to test these weapons systems.

9) the modern version of earlier top-secret U.S. military, intelligence, and police programs that covertly targeted civilian ¨dissidents¨ and internal enemies. These include the FBI´s COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program, 1950s – 1970s), the CIA´s Phoenix and CHAOS programs in the late 60s, and the U.S. military´s Operation Garden Plot, Cable Splicer I, II, and III (1960s and 70s), and REX ´84 (1984 onward). Whereas COINTELPRO and CHAOS programs ¨neutralized¨/targeted domestic enemies, Garden Plot and Cable Splicer both targeted/¨neutralized¨ internal enemies and were preparations to impose Martial Law on the population as a whole. MKULTRA and related military and intelligence mind control programs developed techniques that can be used for a multiplicity of purposes, including the creation of assassins (Manchurian Candidates) and the neutralization of domestic enemies. (See my article: ¨Mind Control: History and Applications¨ on this website.)

These once top-secret programs are now well documented. Like GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these previous programs targeted, neutralized, and killed American citizens ¨extra-judicially,¨ that is, illegally. The Phoenix Program, developed by the CIA and executed by the US military during the Vietnam War in the late 1960´s, was designed to ¨neutralize¨ (kill) the VCI (Viet Cong Infrastructure), that is, Vietnamese civilians thought to support the Viet Cong. This program was also secret but was partly exposed by the ¨My Lai Massacre¨ incident.
GOG´S NeW GESTAPO functions as a ¨global Phoenix Program¨ and also incorporates elements, techniques and methods developed and used by the East German Stasi police, the Soviet Cheka and KGB, the Nazi Gestapo, and similar ¨national security¨ forces in other totalitarian dictatorships.

10) is characterized by a series of protocols by which it can be recognized. These include:

a) The program is executed via coordination of numerous different agencies and personnel, termed the ¨Interagency¨ in the United States and the ¨Multinational Force¨ elsewhere in the world.
b) The use of Psychological Operations (PsyOp), including mind control and psychological destruction of targeted individuals and groups through use of coordinated ¨psy-acts¨and ¨psy-attacks¨ by ¨perps¨ (perpetrators), street theatre, gas lighting, workplace mobbing, etc.
c) Use of directed energy weapons (DEW; Electronic Warfare (EW)) for surveillance, attack, and monitoring. This includes remote neural manipulation and monitoring (RNM) and may involve implanted devices and computer-to-brain interface (CBI) technology used to control, monitor, modify, hinder, and manipulate the behavior of targeted individuals (TIs).
d) Use of implants, nano-technology, EEG ¨brain fingerprints,¨ and robotics.
e) Teams of professional psychologists (so-called ¨hive mind teams¨) work as subcontractors for the Pentagon/CIA/DIA/NSA and use supercomputers to ¨map¨ and control TI´s thoughts, perceptions, emotional, and nervous system responses, etc.
f) ¨Mercenary Stalking Cells¨ execute ¨psy-attacks¨ on TIs.
g) Use of ¨Satanic scripts¨ and/or the occult in various aspects of the program.

11) deemed by its developers to be an essential component of the fascist-totalitarian New World Order-One World Government-One World Religion system now being constructed.

12) perhaps the PRIMARY REASON why the NSA and other intelligence agencies go to extraordinary lengths to collect all manner of information and data about all aspects of everyone´s life.

13) unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, and criminal in all its aspects. The program degrades all who are involved in it. Even as it methodically and slowly tortures and physically and psychologically traumatizes its targets, it criminalizes, debases, and ¨satanizes¨ not only those who carry it out but also the portion of society that condones it.

14) a more accurate and descriptive term than ¨organized gang stalking¨ because it identifies the perpetrators, purposes, and high-tech weaponry utilized in this covert war system.
Targeting of individuals by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO results in their psychological and physical destruction (the East German term was ¨Zerzetzung¨ or ¨decomposition¨) through the covert and relentless application of hostile scripts (street theatre or ¨psy-attacks¨) and trauma-based ¨no-touch¨ torture via PsyOp, DEW, EW, and RMN. In combination, these ¨invisible¨ attacks result in the isolation and slow, soft, and silent murder of mind control victims (TIs). TIs typically die untimely deaths in these ¨terminal experiments.¨

Author, Gloria Naylor, wrote a brilliant fictionalized account of her first year of targeting in her book, ¨1996¨ (2005). She exposed many of the techniques and technologies deployed against her as well as the identities of her torturers. After some twenty years of sustained targeting, harassment, torture and physical and psychological trauma, Naylor died of heart failure (probably electronically-induced) in 2016. It is the opinion of this writer that over the 20-year period of her targeting, thousands of individuals were involved in her tracking, harassment, torture, terminal experimentation, and ultimately, murder. Estimates provided in this article suggest that many millions of perpetrators are involved in the systematic torture and murder of millions of other ¨TIs¨ worldwide in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.

The U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence stipulate that government is servant to the people. All American politicians, soldiers and police swear an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. Government officials who treat American citizens as ¨the enemy¨ and who participate in the systematic torture and murder of their fellow citizens are guilty of the highest form of treason. In a nation governed by the rule of law, all criminal gang stalking ¨perpetraitors,¨ including the highest operatives responsible, would be tried, court marshalled, and punished for their complicity in these programs. Perhaps by restoring the rule of law, we can legally and now, legitimately, fill America´s 800+ FEMA internment camps with the criminal cabal now running the United States of America and their many minions. Otherwise, this covert ¨civil war¨ will result in genocide and/or the destruction of society.

The size and scope of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is ample proof that America has been overthrown by enemies, both foreign and domestic. Using GOG´s NeW GESTAPO, these criminal elites (identified here as Judeo-Masonic-Satanist-psychopaths) will be empowered to overthrow any and all functioning governments, institutions, groups, and individuals.

Thus, I strongly disagree with the British Lord who stated:

¨Treason doth never prospereth. Why? Because if treason prospereth, none dare call it treason.¨

No. Treason, when discovered and proven, MUST be punished to the full extent of the law. While many participants in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are merely ¨useful idiots¨ who have been duped into believing they are helping to fight ¨terrorism,¨ the architects and controllers of this system do understand the scope and nature of the horrors they are committing. These people have names and addresses. They are committing treason against the American people and the U.S. Constitution and crimes against humanity. It is imperative that we prosecute these psychopaths to the full extent of the law for their crimes against America, the American people, the U.S. Constitution, and humanity.


The complexity, size and scope of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is mind-boggling. And yet this program is being conducted and even sanctioned by the majority of the population on the basis of lies, fraud, and financial incentives (bribery). GOG´S NeW GESTAPO apparently dwarfs previous top-secret U.S.G. programs such as the Manhattan Project, MKULTRA, CHAOS, COINTELPRO, Garden Plot, etc.

No doubt my scenarios will fall short of describing and encompassing the program in its entirety and my estimates of the number of people involved and costs of the program could be way off. Nonetheless, I offer these estimates as a first approximation and I welcome efforts by other researchers to help establish more accurate scenarios and numerical approximations.

Insights and information incorporated into the following scenarios is derived primarily from Rich (2011), Thomas (2011), Naylor (2005), a youtube interview with Bryan Tew (posted on this website), and my own research and experience.

II. Scenario-Snapshot #1: ¨Operation John Doe:¨ GOG´S GESTAPO (Version 1.0): The Targeting of An Innocent Civilian in ¨Smalltown,¨ USA

Scenario #1 begins with the local Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) of the Saguache County, Colorado police department, whose job is to collect and process all Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated by local Neighborhood Watch and police/fire fighter/first responder volunteer groups in the county. One small town in Saguache County is Crestone/Baca, with a population of 1500.

In October, 2010, Neighborhood Watch member and Volunteer fireman, Fred Jones, submits a SAR to the TLO which states that a local resident, John Doe, was seen walking two unleashed dogs in the woods on U.S. Forest Service land. While no laws prohibit walking dogs without leashes on Forest Service land, Jones filled out an SAR, adding that one of Doe´s dogs was earlier seen chasing a deer in the Baca neighborhood. Jones reasoned that two unleashed dogs in the woods could create the potential threat that one or both dogs would again chase a deer.

Upon receiving the SAR, and spurred by the need to meet Department of Homeland Security ´potential terrorist activity´ quotas, the TLO forwards the SAR to the Colorado Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fusion Liaison Officer (FLO), who, in turn, is a part of the larger Statewide Integrated Intelligence System (SIIS). At the Colorado DHS fusion center, teams of analysts, including both federal employees and private contractors, review the massive electronic NSA ¨data base¨ (metadata) to determine if Doe has been involved in other types of suspicious activity. The data base reveals that Doe attended several political protests over the past 30 years and authored several articles critical of U.S. government policy that are posted online. While his record includes several parking and speeding tickets, there is no evidence of any criminal activity. Nonetheless, Doe´s file is reviewed by fifteen analysts, each of whom make notations on the file regarding any and all potentially suspicious activities.

A brief conference (10 minutes) ensues at the Fusion Center in which the FLO and FBI, CIA, and Infragard intelligence officers determine that Doe is to be added to the DHS Terrorist Watch List. Doe is not informed of this meeting nor of the alleged offenses he is charged with. So it is not possible for him to defend himself in the proceedings, either by himself or through legal representation. Because he has no criminal record, Doe´s inclusion on the list is considered ¨extra-legal.¨ But DHS quotas have not been met, so the panel determines that Doe presents a ¨potential terrorist threat.¨ He is put on the ¨terrorism watch list¨ for surveillance for a five year period, after which time, his case is to be reviewed. A check mark placed next to Doe´s name indicates Presidential Directive (5240-1-R) is to be applied. This Directive stipulates that individuals under government surveillance may also be used as non-consensual test subjects. Thus, Doe is now enrolled as a test subject in multiple experimental programs, including measuring the bioeffects of DEW weapons and RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation) on human subjects. Doe´s targeting by the ¨Interagency¨ now begins.

As a result of this and other selection mechanisms, some 2 million Americans are on the DHS ¨Terrorism Watch List¨ and are designated as ¨TIs.¨ The list is classified due to ¨national security concerns.¨ Hence, these individuals are not informed they are on the list and that they are TIs. Nor can they find out. (We may multiply this number by a factor of 10 to estimate the number of TIs globally at 20 million.)

All four branches of the U.S. military and hundreds of private contracting agencies, typically headed by ex-CIA, ex-FBI, ex-NSA, and ex-DIA employees, have representatives at the nation´s 76+ fusion centers. Each name on the Terrorism Watch List is assigned to a particular service branch and a private contracting agency and/or ¨mind research¨ subcontractor. In Doe´s case, the ¨lead agencies¨ are the U.S. Air Force and Infragard, who will work collaboratively to manage his ¨stalking protocols.¨ ¨Hive Mind¨ (psychology) teams at Northern Arizona University will coordinate Doe´s ¨brain monitoring experiments,¨ including RNM, using state-of-the-art supercomputers, which some consider to be ¨conscious¨ ¨artificial life,¨ with their own intellect, will, and emotions. Doe´s case, like all cases, is also referred to US SOCOM (US Special Operations Command).

Doe is now the target of a full-scale civil-military operation termed ¨Operation John Doe.¨ He will be tracked and surveilled 24/7 and will become the target of countless scripted ¨set-ups¨/scripts/hostile ¨psy-acts¨ and ¨psy-attacks¨ designed to create a perpetually hostile atmosphere and to force him to make responses that will be measured in real time and downloaded onto the supercomputer. Eventually, all these responses will be digitally correlated to form a digital simulation of Doe´s ¨soul¨ and ¨personality.¨ I.e., his will, intellect, and emotions will be mapped, replicated, and captured by the supercomputer.

During Doe´s first three years of targeting, he is not aware that all aspects of his life are being covertly surveilled, studied, and recorded, and that he is being profiled by teams of military, academic, and private sector psychologists/psychiatrists. These teams are termed PsyOp Task Forces, Tactical PsyOp Teams, Tactical PsyOp Detachments, Psychological Operations Groups, Tactical Product Detachments, PsyOp Assessment Teams, and academic ¨Hive Mind Teams,¨ etc.

Three years into ¨Operation John Doe,¨ the US Air Force and Infragard´s PsyOp teams have devised a strategy of stalking tactics designed specifically for Doe that will deliver painful ¨messages¨ to him via street theatre, gas lighting, workplace mobbing, etc. Doe´s friends, family, and co-workers are also targeted to receive negative messages (via defamation, concocted rumors, etc.) about Doe. These are messages, termed ¨products,¨ are designed to separate Doe from his entire support structure so that he will isolate himself and therefore be easier to monitor and manipulate. The leader of academic ¨hive mind team¨ is the ¨clone¨ (a psychiatrist or psychologist who injects his thoughts directly into Doe´s brain via transcranial stimulation, v2k (voice to skull synthetic telepathy), etc. This is accomplished via supercomputer, which sends a steady stream of electromagnetic energy which is relayed to Doe´s brain via towers, satellites and mobile platforms. A carrier frequency, specifically tuned to Doe´s unique EEG (electro-encephalogram) ¨brainprint¨ and incorporated into the supercomputer´s electromagnetic energy signal, sends the clones´ thoughts directly to Doe´s brain.

¨Psy-attacks¨ and ¨psy-acts¨ devised by the PsyOp teams are carried out by legions of ¨street perps.¨ Again, their purpose is to create a perpetually hostile environment for Doe in order to degrade and destroy all aspects of his/her life and break his/her will to resist, as per standard Psychological Warfare and Army Field Manual procedures. In combination, the PsyOp, directed energy attacks, and RNM are designed to eventually cause Doe to psychologically shut down, become dysfunctional in society, kill himself, and/or commit violent or insane acts that will result in his incarceration or being committed to a mental institution. Stated purpose of these civil-military operations is to ¨degrade, debase, deny, destroy, decompose,¨ etc. all aspects of the target´s life. This objective is facilitated by controlling ALL the channels of communication in Doe´s life (including all personal contacts, phone and email messages, and even internal thoughts via RNM).

The head psychologist of the TPOT (Tactical PsyOp Team) shares the teams´ assessments and recommended tactical strategies with the local field commander of the C4ISR ¨war room.¨ C4ISR stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconaissance. The C4ISR which may be stationary, mobile, or virtual-digital. The commander implements the battle plan using his capability to continually locate the target through a) input from ¨spotters¨ on the ground, b) signals emitted from the target´s cell phones, c) implanted devices in the target´s/perp´s bodies, and/or d) satellite recognition of the TI´s EEG ¨brain fingerprint.¨ The commander´s C4ISR work station utilizes advanced GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology in combination with satellite based GIG (Geographic Information Grid) information to continually update digital maps that show the locations of all TIs and perps in the ¨battlespace¨ in real time. Using these computer-generated maps and his computer-communications radio, the commander has the ability to coordinate all ¨psy-attacks¨ using available personnel (¨perpetrators¨).

…. After three years of experiencing bizarre and invariably hostile and/or unpleasant incidents (¨psy-attacks¨) carried out by thousands of strangers (the ¨perps¨), Doe realizes that he is being systematically tracked and harassed. In PsyOp lingo, he has become ¨sensitized¨ to stimuli devised and presented to him by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.
All six phases of the GOG´S NeW GESTAPO system have now been activated against him: 1) selection, 2) surveillance, 3) defamation, 4) stalking, 5) electronic attack, and 6) monitoring.

Doe´s targeting, like that of all TIs, is executed by individuals who are organized in a military-style, hierarchical command structure that involves the coordination of numerous sectors of society, including civilian, police, local business, and military personnel.

In this scenario, it is estimated that ¨Operation John Doe¨ involves the following personnel components:

1) Twenty-five military and civilian personnel blanket Doe´s small community with 2R (¨receive and repeat¨) false rumors such as ¨Doe is a pedophile, has been incarcerated for numerous sex offenses with children,¨ or is a ¨white supremacist,¨ etc.). This is the defamation phase of targeting. The ratio of “2R¨ false-rumor specialists to TIs in the ¨battlespace¨ is about 2 to 1.

2) Two hundred ¨surveillance role players¨ (aka ¨perps¨) are each equipped with i-phone or i-pad apps that permit quick recognition of the target via photos as well as direct communication with the C4ISR commander. Perps assume the various roles of ¨spotter,¨ ¨data collector,¨ ¨actor,¨ ¨drive-by or walk-by perp,¨etc. Because Crestone/Baca has a small population (1500), perps are recruited from other areas and imported into the neighborhood to carry out these operations. There are currently 15 TIs in Crestone/Baca; these ¨perps¨ are on call to execute ¨psy-acts¨ against all of these targets. The ratio of ¨psy-actor¨ perps to TIs is about 13 to 1.

3) In order to maintain 24/7 coverage, 3 C4ISR commanders and 3 ¨Hive Mind¨ Team leaders (aka ¨clones¨) work 8 hour shifts and pass off their target/victims to other teams. Commanders X, Y, and Z are Air Force officers and they coordinate all activities in real time through computer link-ups with the Geographic Information Grid (GIG). Again, the commanders can ¨see¨ the locations of all ¨nodes¨ (TIs and perps in the area) via computer-generated GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps that integrates data from the satellite-based Geographic Information Grid (GIG). The GIG tracks Tis and perps through their cell phone signals, their physical or nano-tech implants, and/or their EEG ¨brain fingerprints,¨ and local spotters (¨perps¨) reports. In this manner, commanders coordinate various attack-message-delivery strategies for TI Doe. The same information is shared with ¨Hive Mind¨ Team leaders whose neuro-warfare (RNM) programs are also coordinated by military commanders.

4) Over the next three year period, Commanders X, Y, and Z, the three Hive Mind Teams, comprised of of 3 or 4 individuals, as coupled with the (¨conscious?¨) supercomputer, record all operational events (attacks, responses to those attacks, etc.) against the TIs in Crestone/Baca. During each event, the commander maintains direct contact with as many ¨nodes¨ as possible in order to adjust to real-time TI responses in the field. In this manner, the C4ISR commander can change orders to street perps as he deems necessary to maximize the effectiveness of the operation. Details of these operations are recorded in real-time on computer hard drive and can be analyzed subsequently in the state fusion center, Washington DC fusion centers, FBI JTTF centers, and at the Utah data base center. Again, ¨psy-acts¨(PsyOp) are designed to create a continually hostile environment that will drive the TIs into solitude, fear, apprehension, etc. in order to effect trauma-based mind control-RNM programs on the victims.

The fifteen TIs in Crestone/Baca are in different phases of the targeting protocols. Currently, 50% of the Tis are only being physically stalked and 50% are being stalked and attacked via electronic weapons. Half of the latter group are test subjects for the calibration and tuning of the various directed energy weapons (DEW) systems and for the monitoring of their biological responses (bioeffects) to DEW attacks. The other half of this second subgroup of Targets are subjects whose brains are being mapped, manipulated, and monitored by remote neural monitoring-brain-to-computer interface technologies. Real-time recordings of their neurological, emotional, and nervous system responses to the various attacks is sent to research laboratories at some 114 participating universities throughout the United States and 100 cooperating corporations. Estimates for the number of personnel involved in the RNM research aspects of Operation John Doe is 400, including researchers and their support staff.

5) John Doe travelled extensively, in part, to escape the harassment he experienced in Crestone/Baca…. However, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO allows for this, and as Doe travels and when he arrives in new places, his case is ¨handed off¨ to local C4ISR commanders and perp networks. His location is continuously monitored and tracked via GIG and his targeting continues in the areas he travels to. In remote areas, where there is a paucity of perpetrators to call on, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO must temporarily suspend operations. However, as the system is refined and developed, these problems are rectified.

Progress Report on Operation John Doe:

After 20 years of sustained targeting harassment, and mind/brain/nervous system testing, mapping, manipulation, and torture, Doe has lost his friends, family, and livelihood. He dies of electronically-induced heart failure… some 20 years before he would have otherwise.

Doe´s assets are then seized by the legal branch of GOG´S GESTAPO to be included in black budget slush funds to continue the program. Five lawyers and 20 support staff are involved in sequestering Doe´s assets.
From the military viewpoint, Operation John Doe was a success. John Doe, ¨potential terrorist threat¨ and ¨adversary,¨ has been neutralized. The military U.S. Air Force now moves Doe from the ¨active Operation¨ column to the ¨successful kill¨ column. Such military successes help guarantee future military funding.

Scientific aspects of the Operation, however, were only partly successful. Whereas testing the bio-effects of DEW yielded important and positive results. In addition, nano-technology, nano-robotics experiments on Doe´s body and mind also yielded positive results. However, Doe´s mind, will, and emotions (collectively, the ¨soul¨) were not completely mapped and replicated via supercomputer. This is because Doe spent much of his time was spent ¨off Grid,¨ so to speak, hiking in the woods, listening to music, taking unscheduled trips, multi-tasking, and engaging in un-pre-planned (spontaneous) activities, etc. The ¨psy-attacks¨ failed to drive Doe into complete isolation and Doe was able to repeatedly break the electromagnetic connection between the ¨clone,¨ the supercomputer, and his brain. Hence, the scientific teams will need to acquire other subjects to complete their brain mapping-monitoring weapon system.

Government analysts and accountants at the General Accounting Office (GAO) justify the expenditures for the operation on the basis of the fact that although Doe´s 20-year targeting operation cost $40 million ($2 million/year), the government saved about $20 thousand in uncollected social security benefits.
Total expenditures and personnel involved in Operation John Doe:

Total costs of John Doe´s targeting and RNM experimentation include $40 million, or $2 million/year. Extrapolating to the U.S. as a whole (multiplying by 3 million), we can estimate the cost GOG´S NeW GESTAPO at $6 trillion/year, which seems much too high. If we divide this figure by 15 (the number of TIs in Crestone/Baca handled by the same personnel, we derive the slightly more reasonable figure of $400 billion per year.
Assuming the various personnel teams continue working for the entire 20 years of Doe´s targeting (a very conservative estimate), 732 personnel were actively involved in Operation John Doe. However, as these individuals could also track and process the other 14 TIs in Crestone/Baca, this number is reduced by dividing by 15, yielding 49 perps to one TI. Scaling this number up to cover the personnel requirements to handle all 3,000,000 American TIs, we arrive at the figure of 9.8 million perpetrators.

However, because Doe travelled more than most TIs, we can estimate that the cost of his targeting, in dollars and in personnel were several times higher than they otherwise would have been. In this scenario, we discount these unusual factors.

III. Scenario-Snapshot #2: ¨Operation Jane Doe:¨ ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Version 666.0)¨ In Cleveland, Ohio

Again, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a system that can be replicated and adopted by different governments, agencies, groups, and individuals. This second scenario features GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0 as is run mainly by Israel, the Israeli Mossad, Jewish lobby groups such as the ADL and AIPAC, Jewish ¨sayanim¨ (secret agents), businesses, etc.
Version 666 here refers to Biblical prophecy, for this is the number of the Antichrist, who is also identified as GOG. (See Part X below for an explanation for the use of this term). Jewish groups have perhaps the greatest means, motive, and opportunity to carry out GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, for the New World Order being created is, in fact, the Jewish Utopia/Universal Jewish Empire that has long been sought by the leadership of this tribal-religious group. (This is well documented on this website under the subheading, ¨The Controllers¨).

A few statements from Akins (2012) should suffice to make this point:

1) ¨Citing remarks by Senator Jack Tenney, Congressman Rarick continued exposing the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) for what it is: ¨The ADL has become the world´s most powerful Gestapo; the brain center of a vast spy network and the intelligence unit of a myriad of Jewish organizations. Their secret agents spy on American citizens. Extensive files and dossiers are compoled on those whom they dislike…. Throughout their multitudinous controls of the media…. They are capable of destroying reputations and silencing all rebuttal. Our imagination is staggered by its apparent control of the avenues of communication. (Congressman John Rarick, ¨The ADL Gestapo,¨ U.S. Congressional Record, 1971.)

2) The Israeli lobby has been described as ¨beyond dangerous¨ (Ambassador Edward Peck, in ¨Spy Trade: How Israel´s Lobby Undermines America´s Economy (2008)). This lobby is unlike any other. It has no equal in all of Washington, probabl no equal in the entire world. Not only is it the most powerful of lobbies; it is ¨above the law. The lobby´s illegal and sometimes treasonous behavior…. (is) only possible because of their ability to corrupt U.S. politics at every level of government.¨ (Michael Scheuer, Forward to Grant Smith´s ¨Spy Trade¨).

3) Former Congressman James Traficant of Ohio is well versed on the AIPAC-Israel control of America. AIPAC (America-Israel Political Action Committee), he says, is ¨the single most powerful lobby in the world. So powerful that Washington politicians carefully weigh each and every vote they cast based on the approval of this lobby. Yes, a foreign lobby has that much clout, power and control over American leaders and thus, the American people. AIPAC has become so overpowering that they have risen above government investigations and mainstream media scrutiny. So powerful that the following statement was NEVER reported in America´s newspapers, magazines, or electronic media:

4) (Then Israel Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, regarding 9/11): ¨Every time we do something you tell me that America will do this and America will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: don´t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.¨
These short quotes should suffice to make the point. Israel and World Jewry control America. Oh, and they worship Satan! And their goal is to conquer the world for their master, the Holy Serpent (Marrs, 2016). That said, let´s visit our second scenario:

Jane Doe was born in the Washington, DC area in 1962 and was ¨enrolled¨ as an experimentee in the CIA´s MKULTRA program at 2 years of age. She was selected based on the fact that her father was in military-intelligence in the U.S. Army and was a Freemason. As recompense, her parents were awarded $50,000 and her father´s career was ¨expedited¨/¨fast-tracked.¨ (Many hundreds of thousands of other MKULTRA (and related mind control programs) experimentees are still alive and are typically selected for inclusion in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO programs. Hundreds of thousands of MKULTRA victims have died prematurely as a result of the torture/trauma-based mind control programming they were subjected to as children.)

As an MKULTRA victim and experimentee, Jane Doe was shuttled to a cooperating hospital in the Washington, D.C. area three or four times a week when she was a child between the ages of 2 and 6. Her trauma-based mind control programming involved physical rape and other forms of torture. As intended, the trauma programming caused Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD, today referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID). Jane´s 150+ sub-alter personalities were assigned names and skills as per standard MKULTRA procedures. Amnesia barriers placed between the sub-alter personalities remained in place throughout her adult life, so Jane never realized that she was an MKULTRA victim/experimentee. Her programming allowed her handlers to use ¨triggers¨ (words, colors, sounds, etc.) that would cause Jane to ¨switch¨ from her core personality to any one of her 150+ sub-alter personalities. This was also accomplished using RHIC-EDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and other techniques. In this way, Jane Doe, the autonomous human being, was converted into Jane Doe, the weapons platform for U.S. military-intelligence.

However, Jane was dis-enrolled from MKULTRA at the age of 13 for various reasons. The Church Senate Committee hearings were then in the process of exposing a multitude of illegal CIA operations, including MKULTRA, and MKULTRA projects were commensurately scaled back at that time. Thereafter, Jane was allowed to live a fairly normal life; and became a wife, mother, and legal assistant. She divorced at age 39 and remained single thereafter.
Jane Doe was placed in GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation Section) in 2002, immediately after passage of the USA Patriot Act. The CIA ¨handed her case off¨ to Mossad, Israel´s top spy agency, as per routine intelligence agency policies. Since the 2002 initiation of Operation Jane Doe, Jane has been the victim/target of ongoing stalking, harassment, physical and psychological torture via PsyOp and DEW, and RNM experimentation and manipulation conducted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.

In this scenario, as Naylor´s book, ¨1996¨ (2005) aptly portrays the gang stalking operations being used against her as been controlled primarily by Jews. GOG´S New GESTAPO Version 666, then, is under the direct control of the elite global power structure that rules America and the world through finance. The ¨King of the Jews,¨ in this regard, has long been the Rothschild Dynasty. This explains why GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is a primarily Jewish operation.

In GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0, perps include mostly Jews and their extensive networks of ¨sayanim¨ (Jewish secret agents), and other aspects of the program are carried out by the ADL and AIPAC, Mossad, Jewish psychologists, and rank-and-file Jews hoping to receive their ¨portion of the world to come,¨ the Jewish Utopia. Innumerable Jewish-front groups, including Masons, Satanists, Mormons, Jehovah´s Witnesses, New Age cults, and innumerable Jewish-owned corporate subcontractors and private mercenary stalking cells, are also involved.

While GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.0 is capable of operating completely independently from other versions such as GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0, the same command and control structure, weapons, and advanced technologies are employed in each version. In practice, the Jewish-Masonic-run version 666 of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO shares about 50% of personnel and 90% war and neuro-weapons technologies with the U.S. Government (military-intelligence)-run program, ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0.¨ These overlapping and complex relationships are managed via supercomputer. However, because Jewish groups control U.S. military-intelligence-corporate sectors, U.S. military-intelligence plays a supporting role in ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.¨

Generally speaking, the U.S. government and Pentagon-CIA black budget funds cover expenses of most versions of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO and the costs of the various different versions is about the same.

Progress Report on Operation Jane Doe:

Because Jane lived in a much larger city (Cleveland, Ohio) than John Doe (Crestone/Baca, Colorado), she was unable to escape the continual stalking, harassment, humiliation and torture inflicted by mercenary stalking cells as well as the continuous brain entrainment (termed ¨brain entertainment¨ by the Hive Mind Teams) carried out by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666.

Thus, Operation Jane Doe was a complete success, from the target neutralization, military weapon´s testing, and mind-science experiment aspects of the program. This success is characterized as follows:

1) ¨Influence mapping¨ and PsyOp-DEW targeting of Jane´s immediate family and friends caused her to become completely estranged from her son and two daughters and her entire support system.

2) As a result of sustained harassment, humiliation, etc., Jane retreated to the complete isolation of her home, where her electronic trauma, pain, and RMN were incrementally increased until she experienced both physical and psychological breakdowns.

3) She was diagnosed with ¨delusional disorder¨ and schizophrenia¨ and committed to a psychiatric hospital in June, 2016, where she committed suicide in May, 2017.

4) Suicide resolved the ¨disposal¨ problem of a former MKULTRA test subject.

5) Jane´s targeting yielded useful measures of the bio-effects of extreme pain from several different directed energy weapons systems.

6) Jane´s will, intellect, and emotions (collectively, the ¨soul¨) were successfully mapped, digitally simulated, and downloaded onto the supercomputer.

7) Jewish operators of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 666: Operation Jane Doe threw an office party in which they consumed several bottles of champaign in celebration of Jane Doe´s suicide.

IV. Scenario-Snapshot #3: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Version 1.0 in Hobokan, USA

We can get another glimpse of the structure and functioning of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, by examining its operations in the city of Hobokan; population, one million people. Scenario-Snapshot 3 estimates the personnel structure and costs required to manage all GOG´S NeW GESTAPO operations in this average American city.

As in Scenarios 1 and 2, domestic enemy, ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ TIs, and mind control victims are selected at America´s 76+ DHS fusion centers by individuals such as the Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO), Fusion Liaison Officers (FLO), and FBI Terrorist Task Force personnel. Selections are made based on CIA criteria, information supplied by NSA metadata, and SAR reports submitted by local police, citizen-vigilante groups, etc.

Again, we accept journalist George Webb´s assertion that about 2 million Americans are on the Terrorism Watch List. However, if we arbitrarily ¨round this number up¨ slightly to 3 million, we will have about 3 million TIs, which amounts to about one percent of the American population being targeted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.

Extrapolating, we can estimate that one in a thousand Hobokan residents, or 1000 civilians, are ¨Targeted Individuals.¨ Again, using a ratio of 3 commanders for every 25 TIs, some 120 military ¨field commanders¨ are required to operate the C4ISR command and control stationary, mobile, or virtual ¨war rooms¨ in Hobokan. Military personnel from the four main military branches and/or US SOCOM coordinate the organized stalking, street theatre, mobbing, ¨psy-attacks,¨etc. as well as the electronic surveillance, attacks, ands monitoring, etc. Again, commanders manage about 25 targets and all available ¨perps¨ (perpetrators) and ¨mercenary stalking cells¨ from their mobile ¨war rooms,¨ the C4ISR stations. Perps include full-time and part-time professionals, volunteers, cultists, covens, ex-criminals, criminals, ex-drug addicts and alcoholics and drug addicts and alcoholics, etc. These individuals and cells comprise the ¨nodes¨ on the C4ISR computer screens deployed by the field commanders. Again, street ¨perps¨ are commanded and coordinated through their cell phone apps and ipads and possibly by other mechanisms of communication such as mind control via RHIC (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control) or other methods.

About 40 Tactical Psyop Teams, each comprised of 12 military and civilian professionals, profile and develop ¨psy-attack¨ and ¨psy-act¨ strategies that involve ¨delivery¨ of ¨messages¨ and ¨triggers¨ to the ¨targets.¨ Again, each team of 12 is responsible for about 25 TIs. (Total personnel: 300 psychologists). On-the-ground operatives, both military and civilian, prepare the ¨battlespace¨ (your city) so that the devised messages can be easily transmitted to the TIs. (Reflecting a 2:1 ratio, this adds up to 2000 ¨battlespace preparers¨ in Hobokan.) And again, teams of military-civilian 2R (¨receive and repeat¨) specialists spread fabricated, derogatory rumors about the TIs amongst the neighbors, friends, and family of the TIs in order to defame, discredit, and isolate the TIs. Since there is 2 to 1 ratio of ¨2R¨ specialists to TIs, there are 2000 ¨2R¨ specialists in Hobokan. Personnel described thus far include military-intelligence, subcontractors, and civilians.

Then, assuming there is about a 50:1 ratio of street perps to TIs, as in Scenario 1, there are perhaps 50,000 active street perps from the civilian sector who are utilized to carry out the ¨psy-acts¨ and ¨psy-attacks.¨ This group includes Neighborhood Watch volunteers, ex-military and police-vigilante-volunteers, full time and part time government employees, employees of private contractors such as Infragard, and innumerable ¨mercenary¨ and ¨non-mercenary¨ stalking cells comprised of satanists, covens, occultists, members of religious groups, cults, criminals and ex-criminals, the underemployed, etc.

Again, the commanders use real-time computer radios and satellite information from the geographical information grid (GIG) to maintain TIs´ locations at all times on their C4ISR computer screens. They coordinate the actions of street perps in like manner to execute the psychological operations. Again, individual operations are specifically designed for each TI, based on his/her unique psychological characteristics, in such a way as to create a perpetually hostile environment and to ¨break the TI´s will to resist. The TI is the designated enemy in this is ¨war by other means.¨

In order to maintain ¨full-spectrum dominance¨ of the entire planet, the U.S. military must be ready and able to conduct all types of warfare, anywhere and anytime. Indeed, since most nations of the world are already conquered through military and/or restrictive economic measures, it is essential now, in order to maintain present levels of military spending, to expand the ¨battlespace¨ to the entire world, and to redefine the ¨enemy¨ to include individuals and groups anywhere in the world. Without enemies, of course, enormous military expenditures cannot be sustained.

So in¨4G¨ ¨asymmetrical war,¨ the military has found a way to create perpetual enemies and defeat them. The formula is tried and true and was perfected during the Phoenix Program in Vietnam in the late 1960s, for example. First, individuals or groups are designated as enemies, ¨terrorists,¨ etc. by intelligence agencies, and then the military attacks them. If the enemies don´t surrender, the military continues by attacking using¨ counter-terrorism¨ (aka ¨counter-insurgency¨) measures.

(Of course, there is no difference between terrorism and counter-terrorism. Strip away the jargon and the United States military-intelligence is conducting terrorism against its own citizens; killing them softly, so to speak, using PsyOp and NLW (nonlethal weapons). GOG´S NeW GESTAPO operations are conducted with the cooperation and support of local DHS fusion centers, local police, the private-corporate sector, local businesses, the legal community, the press, as well as many members of the academic, psychiatric and medical community, etc. (Their numbers are difficult to estimate, but let´s say that some 5,000 are involved.)

Field commanders coordinate the collection and dissemination of experimental ¨neurological¨ data on the emotional states, thoughts, etc. of the TI´s as well as their physiological and psychological responses to electronic attacks from directed energy weapons (DEW). DEW include microwave, radiofrequency, millimeter wave, acoustic, and lasers as well as brain manipulations using remote neural manipulation (RNM), etc. These mind control programs add several additional layers of (academic and corporate) personnel, including both researchers and their support staff. Assuming a ratio of 25 researchers and support staff to each TI, we here estimate that 25,000 individuals associated with academic and corporate research projects are associated with GOG´S GESTAPO in Hoboken.
Operation Hobokan:

In sum, in order to execute this invisible, top-secret program designed to: 1) discredit-defame-neutralize and/or 2) hack into and reconfigure the brains of about 1000 TIs designated as ¨adversaries,¨ ¨terrorists,¨ non-combatants,¨ etc. in the city of Hobokan:

1) Approximately 84,300 individuals have been enlisted, coordinated, and deployed. Extrapolating to the United States as a whole, we multiply by 300 and derive an estimate of 25.3 million citizen-spy perps.

2) Additionally, we have created a covert citizen-military army of over 15 million secret soldiers in the process. This secret army can be deployed in the future to put down any possible insurrections.

3) Total costs of targeting of the 1,000 Hoboken ¨civilian enemies¨ (TIs) is here estimated at between $200 million and $2 billion. If we extrapolate these costs to America as a whole (multiply these figures by 300), we get between $60 and $600 billion.

Recall that under the East German Stasi (Secret Police) regime, one in 6 civilians were enlisted as citizen spies to help maintain ¨national security.¨ And recall also that a 2003 Boston Globe story reported that DHS hopes to enlist 1 in 3 Americans as citizen spy-collaborators in order to ¨protect the homeland.¨ That would amount to over 100 million citizen spies in America.

Priest and Arkin (2011) document that the ¨New American Security State¨ is characterized by incredible duplication of effort and waste of money. Thus, it is possible that my figures, as outrageous as they seem, may actually radically UNDERESTIMATE the number of people involved and the amount of money spent on GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.

As caveat, many, perhaps most, individual ¨perps¨ involved may not understand the true scope and purposes of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. With the exception of satanic groups that may relish inflicting pain on others, most ¨perps¨ are probably simply ¨useful idiots¨ who have been coopted by lies and financial incentives and/or are just ¨following orders.¨

V. Scenario-Snapshot #4: GOG´S NeW GESTAPO Versions 1.0 through … in America and the World

To recap, the following sectors of society formulate and implement GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro Warfare-Groups´ Electronic Surveillance, Torture, and PsyOp Operations:¨

1. Think tanks such as CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and RAND Corporation generally set the policies that are to be implemented by military and intelligence agencies in cooperation with the three official branches of government. These think tanks essentially serve the international financial and corporate sector, led by the Rothschild Dynasty. (The estimated fraction of total think tank personnel devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 5%. Total personnel = 10,000; human resources devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 500. Total expenditures guesstimated at $3 billion/year with expenditures devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO estimated at $150 million.

2. The CIA/NSA/FBI/DIA/DHS/Mossad/MI6/MI5 (collectively known as the ¨cryptocracy¨ or ¨rule by secrecy¨) work cooperatively and in secret to develop and implement GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. They set the criteria for the selection of the individuals and groups that will be targeted. In terms of the yearly budget and number of personnel in these groups devoted to projects directly or indirectly related to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, these can be estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars+ (for example, $200 billion/year) and 4 million persons.

3. DHS alone has over one quarter million employees and a budget of $60 billion/year. A 2003 article in the Boston Globe stated that DHS hopes to enlist 100 million American civilians, or nearly a third of the U.S. population, as ¨citizen-spies¨. In terms of personnel and budget, NSA may have the highest numbers of all. Percentage of man-hours devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = 2%. Percentage of total budget devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO = $2 billion. Personnel devoted to GOG´S GESTAPO = 2% of 4,000,000 = 20,000.

4. Military/US SOCOM Personnel: Military and Special Operations Forces personnel include:

a) C4ISR Field Commanders,
b) Tactical PsyOp Team, PsyOp Task Force, Psychological Operations Group, PsyOp organizations, Tactical PsyOp Detachments, PsyOp Assessment Teams, Tactical Product Development Detachment,
c) US SOCOM teams
d) Electronic Warfare technicians (microwave, acoustic, laser, millimeter wave, radar, satellite, etc.)
e) Global Information Grid technical support teams, corporate and military
The number of military personnel involved is here conservatively estimated at 5 million worldwide. Yearly expenditures are estimated at $50 billion (although again, much of this funding may derive from off-books ¨black-budget¨ sources.

5. Private Contractors: Shorrock (2008) estimates that some 50 to 70% of military-intelligence work, including, of course, research and development of high tech weapons systems and actual implementation of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, is now carried out by many 100s, even thousands, of private subcontractors. Some of the most prominent of these include Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, Bechtel, SAIC, BAE Systems, ManTech International, General Dynamics, Booz Allen Hamilton, The Analysis Corporation (TAC), Westinghouse Electric, Kama Corporation, Ashland Oil, RAND Corporation, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, the Defense Logistics Agency, SI International, MTC Technologies, Inc., CACI, Blackwater, Titan, Essex Corporation, Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association (AFCEA), AT&T, Global Crossing, UUNet, and E-Systems.

We can guesstimate the number of individuals directly or indirectly involved with this program at well over 5 million. And the yearly budget may be estimated at approximately 1/5 of the annual military budget of $800 billion…. or $160 billion/year. (Although, presumably much of the program is paid through the off-books ¨black budget¨ and many of the programs serve multiple purposes.)

6. University ¨Scientific¨ Research: The CIA´s MKULTRA mind control project had 149 sub-projects and thousands of actual programs. This current version is the continuation of MKULTRA and is termed GOG´S NeW GESTAPO here and MONARCH by Thomas (2011). This program has undoubtedly expanded to include many hundreds of sub-projects and millions of actual operations. The number of scientists and their support staff who are involved in these government-related subcontracts is here estimated at one million with the total value of contracts estimated at approximately $10 billion/year.

7. Civilian Personnel: (including street actors, data collectors, spotters, TI location reporters, community and religious teams (mercenary stalking cells), 2R (receive and repeat) rumor purveyors, etc.,

a) Full-time professional government surveillance role players¨ (street perps)
b) Part-time professional government surveillance role players (street perps)
c) Volunteers (Neighborhood Watch, retired military, volunteer police, fire, first responders)
d) Active police personnel (Terror Liaison Officers)
e) Other police, fire-fighter, ambulance, and first responder teams

Whereas DHS stated in 2003 it wanted to recruit approximately one third of all Americans as citizen spies, we here estimate the number at a more conservative 50 million individuals and $40 billion/year.

Total guesstimate thus far in Scenario-Snapshot #4 yields over 66 million individuals and over $465 billion/year as involved in these programs…. in America alone. To extend the program to all cooperating nations requires that these numbers are multiplied by at least a factor 10….. Yikes!….. So, now we are talking 660 million people and 4.65 trillion U.S. dollars annually, much of which is probably funded by the United States government. Of course, the international bankers, Federal Reserve, City of London, etc. can print money as they need it. (Perhaps not coincidentally, these outrageously high figures could help explain why the Pentagon is currently over $6 trillion in debt!)

On The Plus Side?:

The ¨good news,¨´ from an economist´s perspective, might be that the National Security Establishment now comprises one of the dominant growth sectors of the American economy. And from the perspective of the ruling elite who have been described as a ¨break-away civilization¨ intent upon world conquest (Jewish Utopia), these programs are deemed essential to eliminate all ideological opposition. The program might also be justified on the basis of the fact that scientists will learn how to download the human brain-nervous system onto silicon chips, and in the process, discover secrets that could ensure some rich people´s future immortality. This latter prospect could be also related to the much-anticipated ¨singularity¨ event, in which computers will supposedly to take over the world in the next few decades, according to Ray Kurzweil and other Jewish ¨visionaries.¨

VI. Summary of Scenario Guesstimates

Scenario-Snapshots #1 and #2 (¨Operations John Doe and Jane Doe¨): About 50 perps are required for each TI. Assuming 1% of the US population are TIs, the system can function with about 10 million perps. Total costs of Operations John and Jane Doe over a 20 year period were $40 million, or $2 million per year. However, since the various teams are equipped to handle about 20 TIs simultaneously, this figure amounts to about $100,000 per TI per year. Extrapolating to the U.S. as a whole (multiplying by 3 million), total expenditures for GOG´S NeW GESTAPO in America alone are estimated at $300 billion/year. (If this estimate is remotely close, a considerable portion of this expenditure must come from ¨black budget¨ military-intelligence sources such as profits from illicit drugs, sex and child trafficking, etc.)

Scenario-Snapshot #3
: (Snapshot of Hoboken) Assumptions: 1000 TIs, Estimated: 84,000 ¨perps,¨ (For America as a whole, by extrapolation: 3 million TIs and 24.4 million perpetrators).

Estimated costs to neutralize ¨potential terrorist threats¨ in Hoboken are $200 million to $2 billion; estimated for America as a whole: $60 to 600 billion spent/year. Over 25 million civil-military warriors committed to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO.

Scenario-Snapshot #4: For the US as a whole, an estimated 66 million people and $465 billion/year are committed to the program. By multiplying this figure by 10 we can estimate the total human and financial resources devoted to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO at 660 million people and $4.65 trillion.
Thus, estimates in the four scenarios of the total personnel involved in the U.S. range from 9.2 million to 66 million persons and $60 to 600 billion/year.

These Figures May Seem Prepostereous…. But…

Consider These Facts:

1) The US military budget is about $800 billion/year. The US military is currently involved in 5 or 6 ¨hot 3 wars¨ and US SOCOM (US Special Operations Command) is currently involved in ¨irregular wars¨/4GW/destabilization in 134 other nations.

2) Over the past 7 or 8 decades, military-intelligence activities have included:

A) Top-secret development of weapons of mass destruction such as the Manhattan Project, in which 30,000 personnel kept classified secrets during the entire project.
B) Top-secret mind control projects including Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, MKULTRA, MKOFTEN, MKNAOMI and a host of others. Facts and scope of MKULTRA would have been lost forever had not numerous boxes of files miraculously escaped the official shredder in 1973.
C) Earlier programs to neutralize/destroy domestic enemies, include: the Phoenix Program, MHCHAOS, the FBI´s COINTELPRO, Operation Garden Plot and REX ´84, Cable Splicer I-III.
D) A sordid history of performing harmful and fatal ¨experiments¨ on non-consenting citizens during the Cold War. (The Clinton Administration admitted the figure was around half a million. Certainly, it is much higher.)

3) The American military-íntelligence and political elite have been trying to move the nations toward ¨one world government¨ since the end of World War II, according to Fletcher Prouty (¨The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World,¨ 2008.)

4) The sordid and well-documented history of the ¨Chosen People´s¨ secret and yet incredibly violent drive for world conquest includes the orchestration of all major wars and depressions of the last three hundred years,

5) The importance of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO in the fulfillment of the long-term goal of ushering the New Fascist World Order/Judeo-Masonic-Satanic-One World Empire aka the ¨Jewish Utopia.¨

VIII. Conclusions

To recap: Organized stalking-civil-military operations (GOG´S NeW GESTAPO) are directed by the ¨cryptocracy¨ (DoD, CIA, and DIA, DHS, NSA, and FBI, etc.) on behalf of the U.S. government and other participating governments, international agencies, corporations, and individuals. Money drives the whole National Security Establishment system, of which GOG´S NeW GESTAPO is an important component. The U.S. government and allied ¨public-private partnerships¨ as per UN Agenda 21, serve the interests of the international financial elite (Wall Street, City of London, ¨the corporatocracy,¨etc.).

Primary goals of GOG´S NeW GESTAPO are to:

a) covertly neutralize/destroy internal enemies of the state (read New World Order), both foreign and domestic, designated as ¨potential terrorist threats,¨ ¨non-combatants,¨ ¨adversaries,¨ etc. The program inflicts secret, no-touch torture via psychological operations (PsyOp) and nonlethal weapons (NLW) on targeted civilians in order to isolate and neutralize those individuals and groups considered ¨not ideologically assimilated¨ and capable of influencing public opinion and/or inspiring or leading opposition movements. In addition to ¨extra-judicial targets¨ (those with no criminal records), targets may be selected based on previous criminal activities (judicial targets), or may be ¨targets of opportunity,¨ or ¨lucrative targets.¨ Targets may also be selected based on having histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse or based on the motivation of revenge. Presumably, many are foreign political and military targets, including politicians, military personnel, and targets of influence and importance in those nations.

b) provide (unwitting and non-consensual) test subjects (TIs and TAs, targeted individuals and targeted audiences) for secret research and development of directed energy weapons/electronic weapons/psychotronic weapons/mind control and remote neural manipulation/monitoring (RNM) technologies. Many ¨targeted individuals¨ are non-consenting subjects of ´terminal experiments´ conducted by U.S. military-intelligence in cooperation with some 114 universities, hospitals, clinics, etc., and many corporations.) This aspect of the program is the continuation of the CIA´s top-secret MKULTRA mind control programs and involves application of state-of-the-art as well as trauma-based mind control technologies.

c) One may also speculate that another goal of this program is to form and develop a secret New World Order (United Nations?) civilian-military-police-corporate army that could be deployed to quell insurrections if and when Martial Law is imposed or under other ¨emergency¨ conditions.

IX. Message to Targeted Individuals

Welcome to hell. You have been selected as ¨enemy-non-combatant¨ and/or non-consensual experimentee of the New World Order and are now targeted by GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. Your Constitutional rights no longer apply and you are being attacked by an invisible system that regards itself as above the laws of God and man. (One may get a sense of how this functions by watching the movie, ¨The Skulls,¨ a fictionalized treatment of Yale´s Skull and Bones Secret Society).

As a ¨targeted individual¨ (TI), your life is now subsumed by a nether world of lies and spies, PsyOps, and high-tech soft-, silent-, and slow-kill murder weapons (nonlethal weapons). You are now being subjected to interminable ¨set-ups¨ (¨psy-attacks¨) instigated by ¨mercenary stalking cells¨ which are designed by clever psychologists/psychiatrists to destroy your life. GOG´s NeW GESTAPO wants to isolate you from your support structure and henceforth, you will find it difficult to distinguish friend from foe and will probably find it difficult to succeed at anything.

You have been placed in one of the most diabolically evil programs in history by perhaps the most evil government in human history which now appears ¨hell bent¨ on world conquest for its masters. That´s the really bad news… and it is terrible indeed.

The good news is that knowledge is power. The more we can learn about this insidious program, and the more we share this information with others, the better are our chances to survive personally and collectively and hopefully, to ¨neutralize¨ GOG´S NeW GESTAPO by exposing it. Nothing comes from nothing. This diabolical program reflects the diabolical ambitions of our criminal ruling elite who are amply identified on this website. Thus, we must make every effort to expose these people and bring them to justice. In 1926, Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich articulated a strategy to bring down the ¨Hidden Hand,¨ which he identified, as I have, as the Jews/aka Judeo-Masonic-Satanists/the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨ His solution is to bring any one of ¨the 300¨ (aka Learned Elders of Zion and the ¨Committee of 300¨) to trial for just one of their myriad crimes. In honest proceedings, their whole criminal syndicate would be exposed for the world to see.

By contrast, most of the ¨perps¨ we encounter on a day-to-day basis are probably merely ¨useful idiots¨ with little or no understanding of GOG´s NeW GESTAPO as a whole. So please try not to let them push your buttons. Most of them are probably just dupes and many of them believe they are helping to ¨get the bad guy.¨

If you have solid religious beliefs, and particularly if you are Christian, it is probably advisable to continue to grow in your faith in the goodness of God, Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the creation, and human nature. It would seem that, in their own perverted way, through the wicked teachings of their holy books, the Talmud and Kabbalah, our (Jewish and Masonic) leaders are using the Bible as a geo-political road map and we have entered the last days predicted in the Bible.

X. On the New Acronym- GOG´S New GESTAPO* For ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Groups´ Neuro-Warfare- Electronic Surveillance, Targeting and PsyOp Operations¨

ETK note: I have made several attempts to devise an apt acronym for the odious global program that we commonly refer to as ¨Organized Gang Stalking.¨ This most recent iteration, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, is appealing because, in my opinion:

1) the name, ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking Groups´ Neuro-Warfare-Electronic Surveillance, Torture and PsyOp Operations,¨ describes the nature of the program, and

2) the acronym, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, reveals the identity of the main authors and sponsors of the program, who are principally Jews and Nazis. This power elite is also well described by the term, ¨Zionazis.¨ Gog, of course, is a Biblical term that refers to the Antichrist in the last days, whereas GESTAPO was the draconian Nazi secret police of Hitler´s Germany during the Second World War.

A power elite consisting of Jews and Nazis? Huh? These are strange bedfellows indeed. And yet, Cambridge-educated author, Christopher Story, in his book, ¨The New Underworld Order,¨ also concludes that ¨Zionazis¨ are behind the ¨Geo-Masonic¨ New UnderWorld Order.¨ To understand this apparent riddle, we need to recall that the Bavarian Illuminati, a very powerful Jewish German secret society, developed a plan for world conquest in 1776, which they have been implementing ever since through their secret societies, including Freemasonry. May 1, 1776, also marked the birth of the Rothschild Dynasty, as selected by the so-called ¨Learned Elders of Zion¨ (the Sanhedrin) to lead World Jewry in their historic mission of world conquest in order to establish their Universal Jewish World Empire or ¨Jewish Utopia.¨ It is a matter of record that many, many of the top Illuminati agentur who have subsequently guided the nations have been German Jews. That story requires another entire article, or perhaps several….

GOG: Biblically, Gog is the Antichrist and Magog is the land where Gog originates. Magog is now identified by some authors as the ancient, pagan kingdom of Khazaria, located south of Russia in the Causcuses. Pastor, author, and former Air Force officer, Texe Marrs, in ¨The Destroyer; the Antichrist is At Hand¨ (2016), concludes: ¨The Antichrist will be a Jew and his religion a form of Kabbalistic Judaism.¨

Marrs and others demonstrate through modern DNA studies that the modern Jewish ¨race¨ is comprised of about 95% Khazarians of Turkish-Mongolian stock, who converted to Judaism in the 8th through 10th centuries. The Khazars were conquered by Czarist Russia in about 1020 AD, at which time they migrated from Khazaria into what is now Poland, Germany, Latvia, Czechoslovakia and other nearby countries. DNA studies now prove that the ¨Jews,¨ including the modern ¨Israelis,¨ are, in fact, the descendants of these Khazars. Patrick Henry´s book, ¨The Matrix of Gog,¨ confirms that almost all modern Jews are of Khazarian and Turkish DNA and that these ¨Jews¨ will fulfill the Bible´s prophecies regarding Gog and Magog.¨

Ezekial 38 is a Biblical reference to Gog and Magog:

¨Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophecy against him. And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against Thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal…¨

Marrs and others affirm that the Jewish ¨Messiah¨ is the Christian Antichrist and that the Jewish people as a whole may be their own Messiah. The 1888 letter of Jew, Baruch Levy, to Karl Marx underscores this latter point:

¨The governments of people will pass with the formation of the universal republic effortlessly into the hands of the Israelites… Then the personal property of the rulers will be suppressed by the rulers of the Jewish race, who will everywhere govern…. Then the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, and when the time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will have the goods of all the peoples of the world in their possession.

…. The Jewish people as a whole shall be their own Messiah…. Its Kingdom over the universe is obtained through the suppression of frontiers…. In this new organization of mankind, the Sons of Israel, who at present are scattered over the entire earth´s surface, will all be of the same race and of the same traditional culture without, however, forming another nationality… successful in laying upon the masses of workers a permanent leadership by Jews.¨

Marrs (2016) summarizes:

¨Gog and Magog, then, are Jews (converts from ancient Khazaria) who first conquer the ¨mountains of Israel¨ and then go on to ¨deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth.¨ Here we see prophesied a militant, reinvigorated land of Israel- today´s nation of Israel, complete with nuclear bombs and other high tech armaments- amply supplied and supported by its global allies- the United States, Europe, and others- deceiving the nations throughout the earth. Through this deceit, Gog and Magog are able to gather them together to battle ¨the Camp of the Saints.¨ This is the remnant of God, the very elect who are not deceived, the people known everywhere as Christians.

This is the momentous, last days battle of planet earth, pitting the evil and mighty Gog and Magog and all their alli1es against the few who are in the Camp of the Saints and the beloved city. (The Saints are citizens of heavenly, not earthly, Jerusalem). This battle culminates in the destruction of the combined forces of evil as fire comes down from God out of heaven. Then the devil is cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (hell) where he shall be tormented forever and ever.¨

Why should we care about Biblical prophecy? Among other reasons, it appears that our Jewish ruling elite themselves believe in Biblical prophecy, or more accurately, they believe in their Talmudic and Kabbalistic perversions of Bible prophecy. And history reveals that they have been working for millennia to bring these prophesies to fruition!

GESTAPO: GESTAPO, of course, refers to the Secret Police of the Nazi Regime in Germany under Hitler. Thomas (2011) employs a metaphor from mythology to describe the totalitarianism of the Nazis.

¨In Greek mythology, King Minos received a gift from the gods, a perfect white bull. Instead of sacrificing the animal to the gods, as agreed, he substituted an inferior one, and usurped for himself that which came from the gods. Poseidon placed a curse upon the land and Minos´ wife gave birth to a monster, the body of a man and the head of a bull…. Minos creates the monster by usurping power for himself and placing himself above the law. Minos created fascism, the Minotaur nightmare that survives on human sacrifice, the beast that feasts on human flesh- dictatorship. The hero, Theseus slays the beast, destroys fascism and the tyrant, and frees the land from its curse.

What face has the Minotaur assumed in the twentieth century that we would recognize? Nazi Germany personifies the technological totalitarian state and serves as a model. The subjugation of the Weimar Republic began with the creation of private militias, which were used as a springboard to infiltrate the German military, and finally the police forces. The Reichstag fire (like 9/11) was an excuse to seize power and kill those that might stop them. The Night of the Long Knives refers to the creation of hit lists of enemies, and the hunting down and execution of hundreds of internal political rivals, opponents, and potential threats. Once Hitler had crossed the Rubicon of mass assassination, he publically declared his actions above the law. This was the moment of the birth of the Minotaur in the twentieth century. The pseudoscience of eugenics and the dogma of German racial superiority and the theoretical subhuman level of other races was the rationale for wars of annihilation.

Alexis de Tocqueville… perhaps the greatest historian of the age…. Identified the US and Russia as the two emerging world powers and, in effect, predicted the Cold War 120 years before it began. Tocqueville wrote about how the Minotaur would manifest itself in this country (America)… The racial dogma would be replaced by super patriotism and religion. If such a dictatorship, a new Minotaur, should arise here, how would we recognized its form? If the US intelligence services are using state-of-the-art microwave weapons to commit war crimes and are actively subverting the constitutional authority of the Republic and foreign governments, it is logical that a previous pattern of behavior or similar crimes would have been exhibited by these personalities and organizations and by their forbears.¨

(ETK: These patterns were established decades ago with the FBI´s COINTELPRO, the CIA´s MKUTLRA, CHAOS, and the Phoenix Program, the U.S. military´s Operation Garden Plot, Cable Splicer, REX ´84, etc. etc.)

For all these reasons, I believe this new term, GOG´S NeW GESTAPO, may be the best acronym to describe this diabolical program. We TIs might derive a ray of hope from the story of the Minotaur too. For the hero, Theseus, found a way to slay the Minotaur and save the kingdom. Perhaps that´s our job. Indeed, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by wielding the power of perhaps the greatest of all weapons…. the truth.

XI. Post-Script

America has had a war economy, propped up by the ¨military-industrial complex,¨ since World War II. Today, having discarded the shibboleth-boogey man of communism, our intelligence agencies have adopted another shibboleth ¨boogey man;¨ ¨terrorism.¨ The purportedly endless ¨War on Terrorism¨ is our new national-organizing principle. But today, the ¨military-industrial complex¨ has morphed into a yet larger Behemouth, the ¨military-industrial-petroleum-academic-media-telecom-hollywood-homeland security complex¨ (Turse, 2008).

(Of course, to be glib and cynical, we do need some way to keep the American economy going now that the industrial, manufacturing, and farming sectors have been decimated and outsourced. So, perhaps TIs can console themselves with the realization that our participation in GOG´s NeW GESTAPO is helping to support our national economy.)
The atrocious news here, of course, is that our nation is now basically cannibalizing and destroying itself. We are now living through a ¨second civil war,¨ a ¨silent holocaust,¨ that is imposed from above in which most sectors of society are waging war upon disenfranchised individuals and groups designated as ¨enemy.¨ In the process, American citizens are being transformed into psychopaths, hateful monsters, and ¨useful idiots.¨ Indeed, we have been and are being ¨Satanized.¨

The symbol of the Oroboros, that of a snake eating its own tail, is quite appropriate here and seems to represent America and its roll in the world today. And there is a greater significance to this symbol. Historically, the Oroboros is an image both of Satan AND his ¨Chosen People.¨ The symbol of the Oroboros, according to Marrs and others, is also used by occultists of various Judaic cults, including Theosophists, Masons, New Age groups, etc., to represent the 3,000 year quest of the Jewish people to encircle the world and crush it in order to bring in their Jewish Utopia; Satan´s kingdom on earth.

In ¨Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis´ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion¨ (2016), Marrs proves from the rabbi´s own writings that the Jewish people actually worship the ¨Holy Serpent,¨ aka Satan. This tribe has long been referred to as the ¨people of the Serpent¨ and their religion, Judaism, as the ¨Serpent cult.¨

Before Hitler there was Hertzl, the Jewish father of Zionism. Long before the toxic notion of German racial superiority was the far greater and more toxic belief in Jewish supremacy. And, of course, the serpent, aka Satan, Moloch, etc., now, as ever, demands human sacrifice. And he and his minions get great pleasure from torture and in winning new souls for their eternal kingdom, Hell.

As revealed in Lina´s ¨Under the Sign of the Scorpion¨ (1999), Jewish Bolshevik revolutionary and first Prime Minister of the U.S.S.R., Vladimir Ulyanov (aka Lenin), stated:

¨May 90 percent of the Russian people perish if 10 percent will experience the world revolution,¨ and
¨The people must be taught to hate. We shall begin with the young. The children will be taught to hate their parents. We can and must write a new language which sows hatred, detestation and similar feelings among the masses against those who do not agree with us,¨ and

¨Dictatorship is a state of intensive warfare,¨ and

¨We must utilize all possible cunning and illegal methods, deny and conceal the truth.¨
Lina (1999) states that (Ulyonov/Lenin)… ¨introduced logocracy (power through the use of barefaced lies), which became a political weapon.¨

Aren´t these very same hateful notions being applied in the United States of America today and in the New World Order´s GOG´S NeW GESTAPO? Certainly, Lenin´s (Ulyanov´s) statements accurately reflect the ¨logocracy¨ (of lies and ¨Jewish fables¨) that now controls the United States under Jewish rule.

People must understand that the Bolshevik Revolution was a revolution designed and carried out by World Jewry aka Judeo-Masonic-Satanists aka the ¨Synagogue of Satan.¨ We need to remember that, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn documents in ¨The Gulag Archipelago,¨ the Jew-controlled Soviet government is responsible for the brutal murder and torture of some 66 million white Christians, at least! We need to understand that ¨Satan´s Chosen People,¨ the Jews, are now implementing similar goals in America and throughout the world.

Under the subheading ¨Lenin´s Terror,¨ Lina (2002) states:

¨In 1975, a collection of documents was published in Moscow, ¨Lenin and the Cheka,¨ which explains that Lenin had adopted the terror methods of Maximilien ¨de¨ Robespierre (a leader of the French Revolution)… The Vice Chairman of the Cheka, Martyn Lacis (actually Janis Sudrabs, a Latvian Jew) wrote the following in his book ¨The Cheka´s Struggle Against the Counter-Revolution¨ (Moscow, 1921, p. 8): ¨We Israelites must buid the society of the future on the basis of constant fear.¨ Lenin wrote a letter in 1918, in which he commented upon the critical nature of the situation. It is apparent that Lenin managed to mobilise 1,400,000 Jews, the majority of whom worked for the Cheka. They were given free rein.

Here are some examples of Lenin´s ¨mild¨ telegrams in 1918: ¨A troika of dictators should be established and mass-terror should be begun at once… Full speed to the mass arrests. Execute weapons owners! Begin the mass deportation of the Mensheviks and other suspects.¨ The executions should be increased! (Collected Works, Vol. 35, p. 275.)

….. Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka´s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-1919. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters. According to official Soviet reports from May 1922, 1,695,904 people were executed from January, 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists, nurses, workers and farmers…. Their crime was ¨anti-social thinking.¨

Here it must be pointed out that the Cheka was under the control of the Jews, according to documents now available. Much of this was known already in 1925. The researcher Larseh wrote in his book ¨The Blood-Lust of Bolshevism¨ (Wurttemberg, p. 45) that 50 percent of the Cheka consisted of Jews with Jewish names. 25 percent were Jews who had taken Russian names. All the chiefs were Jews.

Lenin was well informed about all those serious crim ¨Put more force into the terror…. Shoot every tenth person, place all the suspects in concentration camps.¨… Lenin incarcerated people without any sentence.
Lenin and his accomplices did not arrest just anyone. They executed those most active in society, the independent thinkers. Lenin gave orders to kill as many students as possible in several towns…. The role of Russian intellectuals in society was taken over by the Jews.

The terror was co-ordinated by the Chekist functionary Joseph Unschlicht. The Jewish Chekists flavoured murder with various torture methods. In his documentary, ¨The Russia We Lost,¨ the director Stanislav Govorukhin told how the priesthood in Kherson were crucified. The archbishop Andronnikov in Perm was tortured: his eyes were poked out, his ears and nose were cut off.

Compare these crimes with the Old Testament account of King David´s massacre of the entire civilian population of an enemy (¨thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon.¨) He ¨cut them with saws and with harrows of iron¨ and ¨made them pass through the brikkiln.¨ … The Jewish extremists´ serious crimes in Russia were committed in the true spirit of the Old Testament (King James´ Bible):

– The god of the Israelites demands the mass murder of gentiles (i.e., goyim = non-Jews), including women and children (Deuteronomy, 20:16)
– Yahweh wishes to spread terror among the Gentiles (Deuteronomy, 2:25).
– Yahweh demands the destruction of other religions (Deuteronomy 7:5).
– The Jews may divide the prey of a great spoil (Isaiah, 33:23)
– The Jews may make Gentiles their slaves (Isaiah, 14:2).
– Those refusing to serve the Jews shall perish and be utterly wasted (Isaiah, 60:12)
– Gentiles shall be forced to eat their own flesh (Isaiah, 49: 26).,

….. In Deuteronomy 20:10-17 we are informed that all other nations must work for the Jews if they come into the Jews´ dominion. If they resist, they must be killed and their property robbed. All goyim must be exterminated where the Jews already live. In Deuteronomy 7:16 (King James Bible), one can read the following: ¨And thou shalt consume all the people that the LORD thy god shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity on them.¨

…. As can be seen, Judaism is an extremely racist doctrine. This is confirmed time after time in both the Talmud and the Torah. ¨Humanity is blessed soley for the sake of the Jews.¨ (Talmud, Jebamot 63a.) ¨All Jews are born the children of kings.¨ (Shabbat 67a.) ¨The Jews are more agreeable to God than the angels. (Chullin 91b.)… ¨Only the Jews are called human, the goyim are called animals.¨ (Baba Batra 114b,Jebamot 61a, Keritot 6b and 7a).

Returning to the Bolshevik terror…. In the beginning of the 1920s there were already 70,000 prisoners in 300 concentration camps, according to ¨The Russian Revolution¨ by Richard Pipes at Harvard University, though in reality there were probably many more. It was in this manner that Lenin built his GULAG archipelago.

….. Lenin´s primary goal was to exterminate the most intelligent part of the Russian population. When the giants are gone, the dwarves may revel. The Chekists usually invented the charges against the intellectuals…. Lenin began the persecution of intellectuals immediately after his rise to power. He made them starve to death or forced them to emigrate, or jailed or murdered them. Thus he gave orders to murder hundreds of thousands of intellectuals…. In this way, Lenin drained the country of its finest minds. Eventually, Lenin managed to purge Russia almost entirely of educated, wise and free-thinking people. The worst began to rule the best of those who were still left. What had been regarded as wrong for centuries now became a virtue…. And Russia was turned into a bandit state.

….. The great author Mkhail Bulgakov… stated… ¨All has been forbidden. I am crushed, persecuted and totally alone,¨ he wrote in a letter to Gorky. 13 of Bulgakov´s 15 critics were Jews.

…. The Bolsheviks began manipulating history precisely as it suited them in order to hide their crimes. They presented their ¨history¨ precisely as they wished the world to perceive it. That was why the greatest threat to Communism, which was entirely based on lies and fear, were tose who bravely dared to speak the truth. Speaking the truth was regarded as anti-Soviet agitation and punished accordingly. During the Glasnost period 1986-1991, such truthfulness pierced the very ¨heart¨ of Communism and destroyed it.

Does this hellish environment not sound a lot like the hellish environment that has been created for America today? And for ¨TIs in particular?

There is a good reason why these words and ideas are considered ¨politically incorrect¨ ¨hate speech.¨ The reason is that our Jew-controlled American ¨totalitarian democracy,¨ just like the Jew-controlled Communist system of the Soviet Union, cannot withstand the light of truth. Thus, our Jew-own government-propaganda system must criminalize any and expressions of the truth and criticism, just as they did during their criminal Soviet regime.

I believe it is imperative for TIs and people of good conscience everywhere to understand this larger historical-spiritual picture. It should now come as no surprise that former intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney, observed that one particular religious group is vastly over-represented amongst organized stalking perpetrator groups, whereas TIs generally tend to belong to other religious groups, particularly Christians. Indeed, for millennia, Jews have worked collectively to destroy their enemies, that is, all non-Jews, and have reserved their most intense hatred for Christians and Christianity. Today, their system of ¨sayanim¨ (Jewish secret agents) blankets the world and is supported by rank and file Jews everywhere. The New Testament provides numerous examples in which Jews were involved in the organized stalking of Jesus and the Apostles. Indeed, it appears that this kind of stalking is basically a Jewish phenomena that is now refined and augmented by high technology!

Once we understand that the intelligence agencies (the ¨cryptocracy¨), the corporatocracy, the United Nations, Masonry, Mormonism, Jehovah´s Witnesses, many New Age cults, and major sectors of mainstream Christianity, the Christian Zionists, all function as surrogate fronts for the ¨serpent cult/World Jewry…¨ And once we understand the incredible power of the (Jewish) purse, that Jewish international bankers print money out of thin air, and that usury and ¨funding controls everything,¨ as per the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,¨ only then can we begin to grasp the true dimensions of our present challenge.

Akins (2012) puts our modern dilemma in its proper historical context, in my opinion, when he states:

¨Jewish Masterplanners were behind the five most destructive revolutions of the past 500 years…. These were the revolutions in England of 1688, in America of 1775-76, in France of 1789, in Russia of 1917, and in Rome with the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65….. There are strong indications of yet another universal revolt underway… What is the Final Phase revolution? Our best research has it that it´s characterized by an international coalition of well-organized… forces deployed on a multiplicity of fronts and all converging as a single mass-mobilization for the construction of the New Tower of Babel…. Crypto-Judaic Totalitarianism and the Universal Satanic Republic…. In a word, their ultimate objective is Jewish World Domination.

…. As we saw in the chapter on 9/11 and the phony War on Terror, Israel was behind all four fronts of that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves, 2) the subsequent cover-up, 3) and both ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨

And let us not forget that the ¨neoconservative¨ faction that has formulated the main foreign and domestic policies of the Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now, the Trump Administrations is mostly comprised of Jews and dual Israel-American citizens. Their intellectual and spiritual ¨godfather¨ is Leo Strauss, the German Jewish-Nazi University of Chicago professor! His main mentors, in turn, were crypto-Jew Nicolo Machiavelli, author of ¨The Prince,¨ and the German Jewish philosophers Hegel, Frederich Nietche, and the Nazi, Carl Schmidt.

Thus, the term ¨Zionazi¨ seems to be an apt description of our psychopathic, criminal leadership and that GOG´S NeW GESTAPO (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations) is an accurate description of their criminal global organized gang stalking system.

As for the duped and complicit ¨useful idiots´ who comprise most of our neighbors, friends, and family, our job is to try to wake them from their deep slumber before the kind of mass killings of Russia of a century ago are visited upon America and the entire world.

XII. A Ray of Hope

As a retired geography professor, I maintain five websites: gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com, 911nwo.com, naturalclimatechange.org, sanluisvalleywaterwatch.com, and erickarlstrom.com. Three of these websites, including 911nwo.com, gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com, and naturalclimatechange.org disprove lies and propaganda which are foundational to the establishment of the New World Order. So there can be little doubt just how and why I was originally included on the ¨Terrorism Watch List.¨ I would be considered one of the ¨extra-judicial¨ variety of TIs.

Finally, I´d like to share the lyrics of a song written by Phillip P. Bliss around the time of the American Civil War (1860´s). While these lyrics indicate how far we have fallen as a nation, they also add a measure of hope and may articulate a viable counter-strategy to GOG´S NeW GESTAPO. The song is entitled
¨Let the Lower Lights Be Burning:¨

1) Brightly beams our Father´s mercy, From his lighthouse evermore.
But to us he gives the keeping, Of the lights along the shore.

Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.

2) Dark the night of sin has settled, Loud the angry bellows roar.
Eager eyes are watching longing, For the lights along the shore.

Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.

3) Trim your feeble lamp my brother, Some poor sailor tempest tossed.
Trying now to reach the harbor, In the darkness may be lost.

Chorus: Let the lower lights be burning, Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman, You may rescue, you may save.


Akins, H., 2012, Synagogue Rising: A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance, Catholic Action Resource Center, Orlando, FL, 729 pp.
Cunningham, C., 2015, Conspiracy Facts: Neocons Unmasked, Critical Thinking Institute, Fort Myers, FL, 355 pp.
Duncan, R., 2010, Project Soul Catcher: Volume Two; Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Higher Order Thinkers Publishing, Boise, Idaho, 306 pp.
Lina, J., 1999e, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Referent Publishing, Stockholm, 446 pp.
Marrs, T., 2016, The Destroyer: The Antichrist is At Hand, RiverCrest Publishing, Austin, TX, 192 pp.
_____, 2016, Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis´ Plan For Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion,¨ RiverCrest Publishing, Austin, TX, 224 pp.
Naylor, G., 2005, 1996,
Piper, M.C., 2015, The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme, The Rothschild Empire: The Modern-Day Pharisees and the Historical, Religious, and Economic Origins of the New World Order, American Free Press, Washington, D.C., 266 pp.
Priest, D. and Arkin, W.M., 2011, Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State, Little, Brown, and Company, New York, 296 pp.
Prouty, F., 2008, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, 572 pp.
Rich, M. M., 2011, New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control, Lulu.com, 416 pp.
Shorrock, T., 2008, Spies For Hire; The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing, Simon and Schuster, New York, 439 pp.
Spiridovich, Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926, The Secret World Government Or ¨The Hidden Hand:¨ The Unrevealed In History, 100 ¨Historical Mysteries¨ Explained, The Book Tree, Escondido, CA, 203 pp.
Solszhenitsyn, A., 1999, The Gulag Archipelago, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 660 pp.
Thomas, M.G., 2011, Monarch: The New Phoenix Program, 267 pp.
Turse, N., 2008, The Complex; How the Millitary Invades Our Everyday Lives, faber and faber, London, 290 pp.


Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Ramola D/Posted 12/3/2016 

Updated 2/17/2017

(With thanks to all the writers, whistleblowers, journalists, and human rights activists whose reviews supported the creation of this piece, and whose links, words, and quotes are included here.)

Secret High-Tech Surveillance, Targeting, Assault

The Deadly Reality of Today’s Covert Radiation-Policed and Neuro-Policed State, USA and WorldWide

How Blacklisted Individuals in Today’s Surveillance State, worldwide, in all Five-Eyes Countries (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) as well as NSA-contracted countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Are Targeted 6-Times and Used Like Lab Rats For Running-as-“Legal” yet Essentially Illegal, Wrongful, Criminal Non-Consensual Military/Navy/USAF Directed-Energy Weapons Operation, Testing, & Training as well as Non-Consensual Covert CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA/DOJ/DHS Neuro-Experimentation in “Behavior Modification”, and Deliberately Disappeared from Public View By 1) Insidious and Strategic Deception Practiced by Colluding Psychiatrists, Colluding Medical Professionals, Colluding Media, Colluding Law Enforcement―Who Agree to Lie, and Call Them Paranoid, Delusional, and Schizophrenic; and 2) In-Community Agency Infiltrators―Who Control from Within.

How the End Result is treasonous Secret Military Subjugation of entire communities, neighborhoods, towns: In US Military jargon, Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Information Warfare, Information Operations, Special Operations, Special Warfare, Psychological Warfare.

While this expose focuses on the USA, this exact protocol is being applied worldwide, in United Nations countries, in a long-running program, escalating in recent times, of ramping-up totalitarian and global control. Individual citizens will have to rise to stop it.

Written from the documented awareness, observations, experience, and analysis of those being wrongfully assaulted and exploited by this corrupt program; and necessarily inclusive of speculation, since the methodologies and technologies being used to attack and persecute individuals covertly, yet in plain view, hidden in plain sight, in the false name of National Security, may be largely classified. Information on these technologies is also obtained from public-domain patents, whistleblowers, and scientists who have worked on similar projects.

Please note: The secretive processes of current-day targeting and high-tech surveillance have been covered by many researchers, analysts, and writers in books and websites, many of which inform this article–a speculative op-ed rooted both in fact and experience. Military and Intelligence documents, talks by whistleblowers, lawsuits, published articles and reports highlighting the use of Executive Orders, statutes, and Defense-centric laws such as the NDAA and 5240.1R, information and documents gained on FOIA request, also contribute to this discussion, and are partially linked in-line, as well as listed in Sources & Further Information at the end.

Note also that because we are subject today to lies, deception, and PsyOps online, in Mainstream media, in books, and in the public domain, it’s essential to note, in human rights advocate Paul Baird’s words, “many truths are censored and kept secret…and these things we address, experienced by countless people worldwide, are no less true because proof cannot be extracted from the bowels of the Pentagon.”

The purpose of this article is to present the experience and understanding of those being targeted, assaulted with radiation weapons and neuroweapons, and non-consensually experimented-on,as understood by this writer; to unravel and piece together the means and processes by which people are being targeted–in terms of extant laws, military and Intelligence regulations and directives, Joint Targeting processes, Memoranda of Understanding between the DOD and the DOJ, loopholes in Human Subject Protections; to expose the inhumanity, moral depravity, and obscenity of this targeting and to-death human experimentation; and to offer solutions to address this inhumanity and end this targeting and assault of innocents.

This article builds on the analyses presented earlier at this site in several articles, collected under Human Rights, and explores and seeks to answer the questions: How exactly are people being targeted? How is the Military-Industrial-Intel complex, the DOD and the DOJ getting away with it? What is the extent of the PsyOp being run on the American public–and by extension, the global public? Who is involved? Who is colluding? Why is Media silent? And what can and should be done to stop it? To extend, correct, or comment on any information presented here, please email the writer or leave a comment below.

1. Scarlet Letter: Community Informants Falsely Label the Target as Terrorist/Spy

Targets are first wrongfully and unlawfully named terrorists, spies, or suspects, by paid Fusion Center FBI/DHS informants, operating in communities, weeding out the outspoken, the activists, the morally upright, anyone they take a dislike to: this includes older women and men, minorities, independent thinkers. This includes journalists, writers, whistleblowers, retirees, peace/justice activists, professors, nurses, doctors, attorneys, engineers, ex-Intel agents, veterans, teachers, home-makers, artists, people from every profession.

Secret FISA Letters and Warrants, and National Security Letters are issued wrongfully to “start an investigation” of the innocent American/named a “suspected terrorist or spy,” couched as legal criminal investigation. They are now subjects of Extreme Surveillance. The Patriot Act permits extended and useless surveillance of pretty much everyone, for pretty much any concocted reason. This may be Running-as-“Legal”, but, because it targets innocents, and builds a folder of lies around innocents, it is Illegal, and already a Crime: it is flagrantly Wrongful, and it’s being applied Inaccurately, to Non-Terrorists, Non-Spies. What results is a sustained dragnet targeting of innocents, absolutely without cause or evidence of wrongdoing, hidden by secrecy.

Diane Roark, former Congressional staffer with the Senate Intelligence Committee, explains here in this talk how Executive Order 12333 and the Patriot Act have permitted extreme abuse in targeting in the name of counter-terrorism, how NSA data is “now being used for criminal investigations, not just for counter-terrorism, which was the original purpose”, how NSA gives tips to local Law Enforcement, and “the courts are also corrupted, because they set up a fake evidentiary trail and cannot expose their data as (sourced from) NSA surveillance”, which, she notes, would be unConstitutional, how local Law Enforcement take the FBI’s lead and illegally engage in domestic, sneak-and-peek surveillance, and how the FISA court is involved (the FISA court cannot refuse to issue a warrant). Also see ex-FBI Mike German‘s talks on Youtube on indiscriminate targeting of non-terrorists, non-spies, non-criminals. See William Binney‘s expose here of secret laws, secret surveillance. See why Section 215 of the Patriot Act is detrimental to national security, and the nation at large: Let the Sun Set on PATRIOT- Section 215, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Solution: Repeal/Scrap the Patriot Act and EO 12333, Open the Secret FISA Court, Bring Due Process Back: No-one can or should be investigated as a terrorist or spy without being openly informed and openly charged in an open society. NSLs that are kept-secret should be scrapped.

NSA Whistleblower and retired Intelligence Analyst Karen Stewart, in her interview with Rob McConnell, X Zone, mentions an appeals process that should be instigated: anyone who is watchlisted should have a right to appeal this watchlisting. Due Process must be reinstated; no-one should be denied access to a meaningful defense.

This absolute power of being able to blacklist anyone in absolute secret, that the Intel agencies are currently indulging, has to be completely wrested from them. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. While Secrecy is Permitting Extreme Abuse of Powers. Targeting anyone and everyone without due process, without cause, for reason of personal vendetta, for reason of suppression of free speech, activism, or dissent is not Counter-Terrorism, and is not protective of National Security.

This has to be understood for what it is really is: Secrecy-Protected Crime. Why are Intelligence agencies being permitted to criminally target Anyone without public accountability, transparency, and oversight? Innocents are being targeted in secret and destroyed in secret, this has to stop.

2. Modern Enslavement/Radiation & Neuro Policing: Innocent Targets are Put by DOJ Under Secretive 24/7 “FISA-Court-Ordered” Electronic Surveillance & Lab-Rat Physical/Biometric Surveillance

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully subjected to a new and secretive Department of Justice program of 24/7 (FISA-Court-ordered) Electronic Surveillance, which involves secretive, continuous audio/video recording of the target, bugs and cameras covertly planted at their residences, continuous clandestine location tracking–a Special Operations Command military maneuver reported in 2013 as futuristic, and which secretly permits the continuous use of radiation, radar, sonic, scalar non-Lethal Weapons (possibly hidden in terminology as Biometric Surveillance Devices or Physical Surveillance Devices, on the person of the target, by local Law Enforcement and by Regional Fusion Centers which includes the Military (who are also authorized to support law enforcement agencies by Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code).

This could include undisclosed Pre-Crime/Neuro-Crime/Neuro-Surveillance technologies under new, being-tested and being-rolled-out Neuro-Crime programs run under the aegis of Criminal Justice/21st-Century-Policing and permitted via long-standing classified-technology-sharing using Memoranda of Understanding with the DoD.

giordano0giordano1giordano2giordano3To understand that Neuro-Crime as contemporary facet of Criminal Justice has definitely arrived, see this brief interview with Vanderbilt Law and Biological Sciences professor Owen Jones for the 2013 PBS show Brains on Trial; also see this 2013 talk on Predictive Neuroscience given by Georgetown Neuroscience professor James Giordano(graphics from video, left); watch this collection of videos on Youtube on neuro-criminology and neurotechnology; search on Youtube using keywords Neuro Crime, Neuro Criminology, Neuro Ethics, for more.

To understand that Remote Neural Monitoring technologies, possibly classified (yet reported definitively as being experienced, non-consensually, by numerous targets, in the USA and worldwide), may be in use by DOJ under technology sharing agreements with DOD, see the expansive and detailed information on the capabilities of NSA Signals Intelligence described in ex-NSA employee John St. Clair Akwei’s 1991 lawsuit against the NSA. (While the information in this cornerstone lawsuit is unique, there is a tremendous amount of related information on this subject available on patents and technologies from researchers and whistleblowers, documented in books, videos, websites, and articles, a few listed here in Sources & Further Information.)


Excerpt/Akwei vs. NSA


Excerpt/Akwei vs NSA

General Category: Electronic Surveillance (Electronic Surveillance IS Electronic Harassment.)
Physical (Bodily) Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? See this FOIA request denied by the Massachusetts Fusion Center, refusing transparency on the subject of non-lethal weapons admittedly being used on the streets, and see this FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band (UWB) equipment, inclusive of Ground Penetrating Radar and Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) radar devices currently in use on the streets, obtained by a Pennsylvania resident on FOIA request.

There is also this Secret Surveillance Catalogue, ostensibly used (by Mil/Intel/local Law) only for cell phone surveillance, published by The Intercept in Dec 2015).

And just in: word of portable sonic devices marketed to Mil/Intel permitting remote bodily assault: Sonic Assault, and Sonic Nausea.

Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) Doppler radar devices as subset
RFID Identification chips and tracking as subset/Covertly implanted microchips, nanochips
Human Organ Surveillance as subset/Pulsed radar hits on organs
Remote ElectroMuscular tracking as subset/Remote electric shocks, low amperage
Biometric Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? Beyond facial recognition, iris, gait is Neuro-Surveillance. Is Brain and Nervous System Surveillance all being rolled into “Biometric” Surveillance?

Remote Functional MRIs, Remote EEGs, and Remote Neural Monitoring are all being reported by targets. )

Neuro-Crime Brain/Neuro Surveillance as subsetRemote MRIs, Remote EEGs, Remote Brain Scans
Remote Neural Monitoring as subsetPrecision targeting of nerves in human body
Radiation Intelligence Monitoring as subset–Picking up unintentionally radiated EMF/scalar brain waves as part of the NSA Signals Intelligence program (See the information on Signals Intelligence in the lawsuit John St. Clair Akwei Vs. NSA)

Remote Brain Experimentation/Neuro-Surveillance: It is entirely possible that targets are both being “surveilled/monitored” by the DOJ/FBI/Local Law Enforcement with physical/biometric surveillance devices, and also being used by the DOJ/FBI as hush-hush lab-rats for Pre-Crime, Neuro-Crime experimentation using remote radiation neuroweaponry such as those running remote fMRIs and remote EEGs, by secretly (and obviously wrongfully) enrolling them in “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) and other convenient programs. Supposedly, these CVE programs are being rolled out in Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis; however, this targeting, from victim/Target accounts, is nationwide.

From Target accounts: These weapons, as experienced, include Through-Wall radar, portable Directed-Energy Weapons, covertly-implanted RFIDs and RFID Tracking; weapons also include the more exotic, being-tested Neuro Crime and Neuro Surveillance weapons, permitted to deliver Remote EEGs, Remote Electroshocks, Remote Neural Monitoring―all of which weaponry is possibly black-budget, covert-ops, CIA “sources & methods,” and “classified.”

(Can FOIAs and FOIA lawsuits force DOJ to reveal what classified or non-classified non-lethal weapons are in use by Fusion Centers as surveillance devices, without disclosure, on Americans? Massachusetts Fusion Center refuses to divulge information on these, citing “public safety” behind its withholding―which would suggest an acknowledgment that they (undisclosed non-lethals) are definitely in use, just not being disclosed. A FOIA request to the FCC by a Pennsylvania resident however, yielded a listing of radar-based through-wall surveillance devices as well as ground-penetrating radar possibly in use by local Law Enforcement or/and the Federal Government included in a FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band equipment licenses.)

PLEASE NOTE: Classified non-lethal weapons jointly developed by DOJ/DOD for Criminal Justice appear to have been permitted for use on targets by the Department of Justice; no public disclosure or consent has preceded this usage. The usage of the weapons itself is covert―undisclosed; this is Secret Policing, and every American should know about it. When a state Fusion Center refuses to divulge its arsenal of non-lethal weapons currently in operation on its streets―and hidden under categories of surveillance, as surveillance devices–on a Freedom of Information Act request, as the Massachusetts Fusion Center has, to this writer, one has to question what part that attitude of deliberate secrecy has in a democracy. When it comes down to it, that attitude typifies repressive dictatorships―quintessential Banana Republics, not democracies. Is the government of the United States of America in actuality a repressive dictatorship then, and not a democracy?

Solution: The Department of Justice should fully disclose weaponry in use, and programs in use, whether pilot, experimental, or operational; no secret or covert electronic or radiation surveillance of any citizen should be allowed. This is bodily-invasive, intrusive, and extremely harmful radiation, scalar, and sonic technology. There has been no public debate and there is no public consent for this use, of undisclosed weaponry and undisclosed surveillance technology. This weaponry has been reported by all being assaulted with it as barbaric and inhumane; a military investigator has openly stated that certain non-lethal weapons are in actuality lethal; an ex-UK Navy microwave weapons expert has stated that all non-lethal weapons can be used lethally; targets report continuous 24/7 assault with these radiation weapons―that is not non-lethal usage, that is lethal usage.

3. Modern Enslavement/Target Practice: Innocent Targets are Secretly Enrolled into Multi-Million-Dollar Defense Contracts for Terminal Lab-Rat Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Effects Testing

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above, and made the wrongful subjects of surveillance) are unlawfully entered–human-trafficked–into multi-million-dollar Military/USAF/Navy/Space Weapons experimentation programs, mostly field weapons testing of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), exploring Anti-Personnel Effects or Bio-Effects.


Excerpt/Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small Diameter, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots, FWR-2012-0147H/Obtained on FOIA Request, Aug 2015

(See this post here for links to RFPs, contracts, and reports. See Dr. Robert Duncan’s note on field testing of weapons. Visit the Non-Lethal Human Effects page on the DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program website. Research DEW Bio-Behavioral Research or Human Effects.)

From RFP information and target accounts: These are Bio-Behavioral Effects Research programs, testing levels at which deleterious effects of radiation weapons can be detected on the human body, including damage to DNA, tissue, and cell structure, testing specific thermal and bio-electric effects, and testing the diverse capabilities of diverse EMF/RF/ELF sensors (land, space, and air-based, stationary and moving, close and distant, portable and hand-held, all covert) in tracking radio frequencies emitted by corporally-integrated RF microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology clandestinely implanted in the target’s body, as well as those emitted by individual brain and heart EMFs.


Secret Military Experimentation Unto Death: This experimentation is 24/7, and involves the operation of death-dealing Directed-Energy Weapons. The US Department of Defense has dared to characterize these deadly energy weapons acting across distance as “Non-Lethal Weapons” of “Electronic Warfare” — but in permitting, conducting, and promoting the experimental usage of these weapons on American civilians and veterans, as well as citizens worldwide, has openly proved to these Americans how deadly these weapons are, in their ability to very quickly degrade human organs, human brains, human bodies, in their use of radiation, sonics, and scalar technologies to cause chronic health damage, cancers, strokes, heart attacks, and–it must be stressed–death.

To be very clear, this incredibly inhumane US Military experimentation–masterminded by the conscienceless, mad scientists who have set up these testing and experimentation programs (and who pick up padded paychecks for it)–appears to be experimentation unto death. As far as this writer knows (as per information from numerous “Targeted Individuals,” books, and whistleblowers), no target has ever been released from these grotesque and cruel programs of non-consensual human experimentation; many targets, especially in recent times, have died both of illnesses from chronic directed-energy assault and suddenly-induced heart attacks. This includes well-known and beloved activists, public speakers, and writers Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD, author Gloria Naylor, and activists Sean Stinn, and Zakaos Breedlove-Ewing.

This death-industry experimentation ―completely non-consensual–is legally being permitted on the subjects of surveillance under cover of being important for “national security” by such outrageous, citizen-harming, and barbaric laws as the AUMF, NDAA, EO 12333, and the Defense-Industry-centric Military Directive 5240.1 R, an oligarchic imperative which freely permits military experimentation on All US citizens.

Put under surveillance by the NSA/FBI/FISA/DHS; Subjected to experimental non-stop “electronic” (read radiation/neuro) surveillance by DOJ; Experimented on for Intelligence Purposes by EO 12333 and 5240.1R; Indefinitely detained without due process by NDAA; Cleared for Non-Consensual Experimentation by loopholes in the Common Rule and OHRP, HHS (Office of Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human Services); Experimented on Forever/& Terminally by way of Indefinite Detention, Neverending “Investigations,” Neverending Surveillance; Subjected to PsyOps and Smear Campaigns; Lives, livelihoods, and relationships destroyed: this is the Trail of Tears for targets today.

It should be noted here that in fact, All US citizens are indeed currently being targeted, assaulted, and experimented on, with heavy-metal aerosols (chem trails), nanotechnology, EMF radiation, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), toxins and fertility-disruptors in vaccinations, ELF transmissions via HAARP, and more, in covert health-degradation programs related to the very real and long-standing United Nations depopulation agenda run globally. Some US citizens however are experimented on several times over, as detailed here, as enslaved targets entered into Electronic Warfare DEW-assault programsand other covert Intelligence experimentation programs, discussed further below.


False Labels of “Enemy Combatant”/Geneva Convention Protections Scrapped: Perusing Military Intelligence Oversight documents online also suggests that targets are possibly being named “enemy combatants” who are “engaging in actions of hostility” against the United States, and are then permitted to become military/war-time objects of surveillance, counter-intelligence, and counter-terrorism―in collusion with Intelligence “components”–ie, other Intelligence agencies and departments, and, in their confabulation as “enemy combatants,” are no longer considered “protected persons” under the Geneva Convention―opening the door to an infinity of massive abuse as subjects of deadly military experimentation.

This slide from the DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation points to the key, citizen-harming directives governing the activities of Military Intelligence, although other regulations and directives also exist:

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016/Procedure 13
Procedure 13 – Experimentation on Human Subjects for Intelligence Purposes


This procedure applies to experimentation on human subjects if such experimentation is conducted by or on behalf of a DoD intelligence component. This procedure does not apply to experimentation on animal subjects.


1. Experimentation in this context means any research or testing activity involving human subjects that may expose such subjects to the possibility of permanent or temporary injury (including physical or psychological damage and damage to the reputation of such persons) beyond the risks of injury to which such subjects are ordinarily exposed in their daily lives.

2. Experimentation is conducted on behalf of a DoD intelligence component if it is conducted under contract to that component or to another DoD component for the benefit of the intelligence component or at the request of such a component regardless of the existence of a contractual relationship.

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016

Executive Order 12333 permits various kinds of surveillance and physical searches by different Intelligence agencies and departments of the military for various purposes, particularly Intelligence surveillance, and includes this qualified allowance for human subject experimentation, in itself deceptive, because DHHS guidelines mentioned below lead, via loopholes in the Common Rule (slightly modified individually for and by different agencies and DOD), right back to the whims and vagaries of agencies and DOD, to waivers of Informed Consent by the Secretary of Defense, blank-check internal Review Boards for research projects, and no external oversight:

2.10 Human Experimentation. No agency within the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for or conduct research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The subject’s informed consent shall be documented as required by those guidelines. (EO 12333)

Indefinite Detention without trial, as we know, is being preserved in the NDAA 2016, both for Guantanamo and for the rest of the USA, fought for by President Obama’s Administration as noted here in 2013, even as empty promises to close Guantanamo were frequently aired:

“Yet Obama was less concerned with the constitutional rights of American citizens, who can still be detained indefinitely under the NDAA. From Salon:

Meanwhile the troubling NDAA provision first signed into law in 2012, which permits the military to detain individuals indefinitely without trial, remains on the books for 2014. Efforts to quash or reform the provision (especially with regards to the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens) have failed and been fiercely fought by the administration. Most notably, a lawsuit filed against the president by plaintiffs including journalist Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg against the provision has been aggressively fought at every turn by the president’s attorneys. The plaintiffs argue that the NDAA provision constitutes a significant expansion of the laws regarding indefinite detention already established by Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).

Hedges has chronicled his fight against the detention provision of the NDAA here at Truthdig. And it should be a worrisome provision for anyone who believes in basic American civil liberties, which have been significantly eroded since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” Truthdig/Obama Signs NDAA, Maintaining Indefinite Detention Provision/Dec 27, 2013

Ironically, this slide on the 2013 DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation offers the rest of us a revealing glimpse of Intelligence activities being conducted (and kept undisclosed and “protected from disclosure” with a label) that the world at large might find questionable, improper, immoral, venal, exploitative, dishonorable.

The various means by which targets are being used as lab-rats for the operation of deadly directed-energy weapons used in Electronic Warfare on their bodies include avid Military Deception, termed MILDEC in military jargon.

Is Informed Consent being buried by (false) claims of “Minimal Risk”? Consider for instance that a recent FOIA request to the USAF, delayed for many months, for documents and details on Informed Consent onthe 7-yr, 2013 USAF-General Dynamics Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Behavioral Research contract, yielded only partial and redactedinformation (released documents here), claimed Exemption 5 USC 552 b (4)to withhold technical data, did not yield full information on field testing of the DEWs mentioned–meaning, could not openly prove that the weapons-testing on this contract had the full, informed consent of all those being tested on–yet had a Federal Wide Assurance (of human subject protections and Informed Consent) filed with the OHRP, obtained separately on FOIA from the OHRP (FWA here). (Information from this FOIA will be covered separately in an article soon.) Note, this is an ongoing USAF weapons-testing contract doing DEBR-Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research on Americans, which has been approved by the Office of Human Research Protections, at the US Department of Health and Human Services.

While this particular possibility needs further research, given current Common Rule/Based on The Belmont Report loopholes regarding Informed Consent, given current OHRP Federal Wide Assurance loopholes regarding applicability to the Common Rule and Informed Consent, and given that General Dynamics Federal-Wide Assurance filed with OHRP, it could just be that the Principal Investigators and Human Protections Administrators at Defense contractor corporations and Institutional Review Boards signing off on these contracts and signing Federal-Wide Assurances (FWAs) filed (as required–as per OHRP–for all contracts using “human subjects”) with the Office of Human Research Protections at the Department of Health and Human Services are openly lying about “minimal harm” to subjects, “minimal risk,” and acting as authoritarian arbiters of Informed Consent for their non-consensual subjects, even as the Common Rule offers the Military convenient loopholes to permit waivers of Informed Consent, and the NDAA openly permits enslavement of American citizens for lab-rat exploitation, all in the false name of National Security.

Permitting the Military to train weapons on citizens under cover of necessity–and consenting to Military Deception in burying Informed Consent from potential “human subjects”–is not “National Security”, it is National Suicide.

Solution: Repeal the NDAA. Rescind the DoD Directive 5240.1 R. Revoke EO 12333. Remove all loopholes from the Common Rule, and from the terms of the OHRP’s Federal Wide Assurance. Rescind all military, intelligence, and JTRIG directives permitting citizen-use for weapons-testing or any kind of human experimentation. In addition, publicly question the US Department of Defense and all Intelligence agencies permitting this current covert assault on citizens, hold them accountable for the inflicting of harm and for gross human rights violations: these should be considered in the light of war crimes, for what they are, crimes against humanity.

Strike all noxiously permissive legislation allowing human bio-behavioral effects testing from the books. Do not permit or legalize weapons-testing on citizens for any reason. Citizens should NEVER be harmed by their own governments, whom they themselves elect, support with taxes, and expect to represent them. Militaries are supposed to defend citizens, not assault them. There is no such thing as needing to harm citizens for National Security, just because China or Russia may also have these weapons.

Governments that experiment with military weapons on citizens are in fact flagrantly harming National Security―there is no national security when military and mercenary contractors are running around hunting down innocent citizens everywhere they go with deadly Electronic Warfare radiation weapons, the correct word for that is State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism. Worldwide, it must be noted that these quite-lethal “non-lethal” Electronic Warfare weapons, like blinding lasers, like nuclear weapons, are barbaric weapons which must be banned, worldwide.

4. Modern Enslavement/MK ULTRA Neuro-Experimentation: Innocent Targets are “Detained” without Due Process for Lab-Rat Remote Brain Interrogation in Classified Non-Consensual CIA/DIA/DARPA Intelligence “Sources and Methods” MK ULTRA-Extended Experiments

Under current law, the federal government has proclaimed the power, has arrogated to itself the power to obtain indefinitely without charge or trial U.S. Citizens and lawful permanent residents who are apprehended on American soil. Let that sink in for just a minute.” Senator Lee also reminded the Congress that the last time the U.S. federal government detained Americans was the internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War.

Senator Rand Paul noted that President Obama recognized the danger of granting the federal government the power to indefinitely detain Americans. Upon signing the bill in 2011 President Obama added a signing statement promising not to use the power. “He said, this is a terrible power and I promise never to use it. Any president who says a power is so terrible he is not going to use it should not be on the books,” Paul stated. “Someday there will be someone in charge of the government that makes a grievous mistake, like rounding up the Japanese. So we have to be very, very careful about giving power to our government.” Activist Post/NDAA 2017 Includes Draft for Women, Indefinite Detention for American Citizens

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully detained without due process by the NDAA for “interrogation,” as per President Obama’s casual sign-off on this Constitution-busting military power-grab, which attempts to legalize and opens the door both for “Criminal Justice” interrogation experimentation using Neuro Crime weaponry to remotely probe brains as described above in (2), and also for “Intelligence Surveillance” interrogation experimentation programs conducted by the NSA/CIA/DARPA/DIA to further their in-process, classified CIA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro-Modification, and Behavior-Modification.

NSA/DARPA/CIA Full-Spectrum Dominance steps in here. Subjects under surveillance are being legally exploited for invasive remote non-consensual experimentation by Military and Intelligence entities, since surveillance currently permits experimentation.

From the FAQ page at the CIA website:

By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting foreign intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens. Its mission is to collect information related to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence. By direction of the president in Executive Order 12333 of 1981 and in accordance with procedures approved by the Attorney General, the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required. These restrictions on the CIA have been in effect since the 1970s.

The “Collection” referenced above is, from target accounts and lawsuits such as ex-NSA’s St. John Clair Akwei lawsuit, and from the work of analysts, writers, and targets, speculated to include information gathered from Neuro or Brain Surveillance, Monitoring, and Interrogation.

By this means, under Criminal Justice Neuro-Interrogation and Intelligence Surveillance Neuro-Interrogation, Intelligence and Security agencies are being permitted to experimentally remotely probe, monitor, and modify brains, actions that, from inference on FOIA requests, are “properly classified” as “sources and methods of gaining intelligence” and not subject to any Common Rule protections of human subjects because classified research is permitted by current loopholes in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to evade Informed Consent requirements. (This recent post, exploring proposed 2015 changes to the CFR/Common Rule–which seek to include further evasions, exclusions, and concessions for classified research–explores the subject of current-day neuro-experimentation without Informed Consent by “covered agencies”.)

In other words, targets already subjected to Extreme Radiation Electronic Surveillance by the DOJ, and used non-consensually for military weapons-testing, are also unlawfully entered into classified CIA/DIA/NSA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of non-consensual neuro-experimentation and neuro-modification, bio-hacking, and bio-robotization, involving 24/7 pain and trauma signalling for neural network re-programming, no-touch torture, sleep-deprivation, V2K (voice to skull/synthetic telepathy, i.e., voices in head), clandestine implantation of RFID microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology, clandestine activation of these implants for pain and trauma-signaling, continuous remote brain and neural monitoring via remote EEGs, brain-EMF-harvesting, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Electronic Brain Links, Brain-to-Brain communication, EEG cloning, mind hiving, and interrogation via Dream Manipulation. This information on current-day MKULTRA neuro-experimentation is provided both by ex-CIA scientists, whistleblowers, and current-day “TI” victims of this unlawful and extreme experimentation. Also see the Akwei lawsuit and the Larsen report.

Proving the fact of this ongoing experimentation―if insider whistleblowers and human-rights-centered hackers don’t step forward, as they ethically, absolutely must–will necessitate a no-holds-barred interrogation and investigation of NSA/CIA/DARPA, their contracts, and their contractors. Secrecy that permits such torture of citizens, such violence hidden in plain sight, yet bound by lies suggesting “proper classification” Must be ended. Concerned neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, human rights advocates, journalists, Information Technology specialists, and citizens Should initiate such an investigation―over more than three decades, Congress has been made aware by constituents, is possibly fully aware, but is silent. This situation cannot hold. Secrecy that permits crime is a crime, and must be ended.

Solution: Bring Due Process and Full Accountability back, no exceptions. Hold the Department of Justice accountable. Hold the CIA, DIA, ODNI, NSA, and DARPA accountable. Demand transparency.

No secretive, classified, covert and non-consensual pre-crime Criminal Justice Neuro-Surveillance or (Neuro) Behavior or Brain Modification operations or experimentation should be permitted or tested on humans; it must be stressed that all experimentees report their experience as barbaric and inhumane experimentation. To clarify: All neuro-experimentation being reported by non-consensual experimentees today is being reported as Torture.

Classified research which is hiding under cover of “National Security” and engaging in these covert crimes of absolute, untenable Torture against humanity needs to be fully opened up. This is a case of Classification to permit covert crimes. Hidden under “sources and methods” in efforts to create “the perfect spy” or to aid HUMINT or Human Intelligence Collection, these are grotesque, barbaric, and completely inhumane experiments and an assault on our common humanity.

In other words, these covered agencies, using National Security and Counter Terrorism as cover, may say they are conducting “Counter Intelligence,” but in reality are conducting Torture.

Dismantle the CIA’s, DIA’s, and NSA’s dirty-ops research wing, which is using EMF/sonic/scalar and wifi-based Pain, Trauma, and Torture (in continuation of MK ULTRA’s pain-based experiments) to modify neural networks, personal memories, psychology, behavior, and human brains, to hack into brains, take over human brains, and manipulate motor, audio, and visual cortexes in attempts to create compliant, subjugated, docile, and fully manipulable human beings. Challenge All classification of research on human beings, disallow the CIA, DARPA, and NSA from experimenting under cover of classification for any reason on humans. Covered experimentation is Pure Abuse.

NOTE: As noted above, the CIA is quite possibly concealing the use of these radiation/scalar/sonic DEWs and neuroweapons under both classified labels and the cover-all-crimes Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence category, as FOIA request responses imply. Further, as per the 2015 NPRM for the Common Rule, the CIA, with other agencies, has recently been seeking sweeping changes to the Common Rule, demanding that all research it conducts be considered normative and beneficial Intelligence activity, and therefore be exempted fully from the human subject protections of the Common Rule. (This is nothing but a covered agency already abusing humans under cover seeking even deeper cover by way of deliberate Public Deception–possibly to hide its current abuse of humans, which many “Targeted Individuals” and MK ULTRA survivors are speaking out about, but perhaps also to protect its future, so it can run future programs of abusive experimentation undercover, unknown to all, and unchecked.)

5. Psychological & Social Domestic Terrorism: Targets are subjected to community-wide COINTELPRO assaults, character-assassination, community ridicule, isolation, color-coding tied in to Lab-Rat Exploitation in Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro Imaging, Psychiatry, Artificial Intelligence Networks, and New Police-State Paradigm Social Engineering experiments.

Targets (unlawfully targeted, surveilled, “detained”, and remotely neuro-interrogated as above) are further unlawfully subjected to COINTELPRO actions by the FBI/DHS/local Law/local fusion centers and their community accomplices: Infragard, Citizen Watch, and Community Watch units―which include continuous traffic and street harassment, organized stalking, public-place swarming, mobbing, organized noise harassment, employment sabotage, and community smear campaigns or character-assassination. Active Deception is used to tell communities targets are threats who need to be watched continuously.

In the ’70s, COINTELPRO was found to have flourished on secrecy:

“The Church Committee found that part of the problem with COINTELPRO was that no one outside the FBI was ever supposed to know it existed.14 No one could object to activities they weren’t aware of and, as investigators found, “the absence of disapproval” was “interpreted by the Bureau as sufficient authorization to continue an activity.”15 Secrecy created a haven from the public eye where abuse could flourish.-Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU, Dec 2007, What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

Merging with COINTELPRO today is the program of PsyOps supplied by the DOD/CIA (MK ULTRA/Monarch) Neuro-Experimenters running large-scale, Artificial Intelligence-run, community-based Neuro Imaging experiments and Neural Linguistic Programming―possibly roping communities in under the guise of “Community-Based Participatory Research”, a new code-word for research involving communities identified as “at risk”, and recruiting whole communities in social engineering projects, not dissimilar to the Military’s social science projects being conducted under the Minerva initiative–and which could easily be considered to be COINTELPRO actions of organized stalking and harassment by way of the tactics used: organized color-coding, organized street theatre, organized runners, walkers, manipulated conversations, organized “interventions” via telemarketers, surveyers, utility-staff, students, military psychologists, using Infragard and Neighborhood Watch civilians as stalkers, organizing secretive house break-ins and “gaslighting”, compelling community members to act as meme-spreaders/mimes/ mimics, creating community echoes of the target’s words and phrasing, actions, clothing, all in “plausibly deniable” ways.

In other words, targets are subjected continuously in public and at home in their neighborhoods to COINTELPRO Disruption of the enemy’s life or PsyOps for, possibly, Neural Imaging/Neural Linguistic Programming purposes disguised as Community-Based Participatory Research/or disguised as Community Policing or Neighborhood Watch which essentially ropes whole communities/towns into 24/7 surveillance/ Zersetsung/ PsyOps against the target. Psychological warfare on civilians has been made legal. Note that President Obama signed an Executive Order into effect in September 2015, referring to Government-Approved Deception of the Public as obtaining “Behavioral Science Insights” and openly permitting Open-Season for PsyOps on all targets, and on all Americans.


Excerpt/The Complex: How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse

COINTELPRO Includes Public and Private Radiation Assaults: Please note, this level of COINTELPRO―which includes the continuous Electronic Surveillance secretly permitted by the DOJ―permits Citizen Watch and utility and local business personnel in any enterprise, i.e., FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon, any store-front, gas-station, the City’s trash trucks and recycling trucks, landscaping, roofing, chimney-cleaning, swimming-pool cleaning, National Grid, gas and power utilities, to point cell-phones at targets in public, directing wifi/microwave signals at them, and to point covert portable DEWs at them in public and inside buildings and homes, constantly irradiating targets. Telecom companies in particular―Comcast, Xfinity―and power companies such as National Grid are being used to do even more, such as pump ELFs into targets’ homes, covertly rig targets’ homes and neighborhoods with electrical circuits which facilitate Remote Electro-Shocking, engage in Remote Neural Monitoring, and direct extreme-spread microwave/X-ray radiation attacks at them (while inside homes, inside stores, churches, museums, restaurants). DHS and military personnel often work as drivers of these utility and business trucks.

This secret surveillance program is neither delusory nor imagined; this is exactly what Bush promised, shortly after 9/11, in TIPs (Terrorism Information and Prevention System):

“As with the Patriot Act, TIPS is being pursued as part of the so-called war against terrorism. It is a Department of Justice project.

Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.

A pilot program, described on the government Web site http://www.citizencorps.gov, is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage. Assuming the program is initiated in the 10 largest US cities, that will be 1 million informants for a total population of almost 24 million, or one in 24 people.” (The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

Neither current-day TIPS, now known as National Neighborhood Watch (and run by the National Sheriffs’ Association), nor the addition of “electronic surveillance” gets coverage in mainstream media. But there has been some recent public disclosure of covert electronic surveillance, eg of X-Ray vans in New York, in the media; this Asymmetric or Unconventional Warfare (explained in this 2008 Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare handbook) is well covered by targeted writers and analysts online and in books, including being reported in Mark Rich’s New World War, and has been explored here earlier.

COINTELPRO PsyOps Designed to Make Target Sound Paranoid: It has also been noted that these PsyOps are intended to make the target sound delusional if he/she reports the massive, all-round COINTELPRO/organized stalking/PsyOps he/she receives. The purpose here being even more insidious, to get this fully-exploited victim of non-consensual covert neuro-experimentation slammed with a psychiatric diagnosis of delusional disorder/paranoid schizophrenia―an old, dirty tactic to discredit the non-consensual experimentee, keep the real truth of (“properly classified” yet criminal, torture-based) neuro-experimentation and electronic experimentation from getting out to the general public, and to enable continued, endless, secretive electronic-warfare and neuro experimentation, abuse, and torture of the victim.

A quote from the ex-Military security professional who runs the highly informative website fightgangstalking.com spells it out:

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.”

In essence, by this COINTELPRO, targets are being –extrajudiciously, inhumanely, invasively―continuously psychologically, physically, and socially assaulted.

Solution:Today’s COINTELPRO has to be exposed and abolished, with the perpetrators prosecuted. That Executive Order permitting PsyOps needs to be repealed. Fusion Centers need to be publicly questioned and prosecuted. Community Based Participatory Research run on military contracts, whether classified or not, needs to be publicly questioned by human rights groups, its ties to COINTELPRO exposed, and terminated. The entire Watch program has to be opened up, exposed, audited, challenged, ended. Hold the FBI, DHS, JTRIG, and local fusion centers accountable. Hold DARPA, CIA, DIA, NSA, their private contractors, and all Universities assisting on such contracts accountable.

Hold all utilities and businesses participating in such noxious electronic abuse of targets accountable. Open up the secrecy behind all counter-intelligence practices by the covered Agencies. Make all such crime, including by the FBI or DHS under counter-intelligence or surveillance headers, illegal and prosecutable. Make all such programs of “participatory-research” by deception completely obsolete. Make America Sane again.

6. Fusion Center-Encouraged Abuse By Neighbors/Neighborhood Assault: Targets are being subjected to the extreme abuse of continuous surveillance, PsyOps, noise harassment, and electronic abuse by their neighbors, in their own neighborhoods/as part of Lab-Rat Exploitation in New Paradigm (4th Reich?) Social Engineering operations

Targets (already subject to the extreme abuses of unlawful targeting, radiation and neuro-surveillance, military weapons testing, neuro-experimentation based on trauma and pain-signalling, and harassive COINTELPRO on the streets) are therefore now being unlawfully assaulted and abused by their own community members who have consented (under false notice of investigations, surveillance, and defamatory lies about the target):

1) to assist in “ManHunting” or high-tech tracking the target (for 24/7 continuous electronic surveillance) using GPS tracking and cell phones/apps to track the target’s location and implanted-RFID emissions or brain EMFs or both, and to openly surveill the target,

2) to assault the target with Pulsed Microwave Frequencies, via provided cell phone apps, or provided directed-energy weapons, or installed antennas on their property;

3) to engage in PsyOps/Neural Linguistic Programming actions against the target as described above of color-coding, mimicking, engaging in street theater and directed conversations,

4) to engage in COINTELPRO actions of street harassment and noise harassment against the target, and

5) to further spread the lies, rumors, and defamatory stories about the target in the target’s neighborhood and community.

Exactly like the East German practice of Zersetsung, and the Nazi practice of forcing neighbors to snitch and spy on neighbors, this current-day 24/7 Neighborhood Abuse of targets, masquerading as surveillance, works to further assault, abuse, and victimize the target. It also conditions neighbors to dehumanize and hunt down neighbors, and furthers the program of New Police State Paradigm social re-engineering which seems to be underway.

Solution: Turning neighbors wrongfully against neighbors are crimes. These are acts of psychologial, social, and domestic terrorism and should be treated that way. The military and Intelligence agencies, operating through fusion centers, local law enforcement, and neighborhood watch groups should be publicly questioned, exposed, and prosecuted. Fusion Centers and their many components should be held publicly accountable. Neighborhood Watch groups should not be permitted to engage in actions of assault―surveillance, PsyOPs, electronic―against others in their neighborhood. Dismantle the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA and military groups, who are permitting or creating this atrocity; at the very least, question them publicly, open up their budgets, audit them, and force the public exposure and termination of this systemic crime.

7. Establishment Cover-Up: The witness―the victim, the experiencer, the target of radiation-surveillance, the 2016 non-consensual classified-ops neuro-experimentee, the exploited lab-rat―is silenced by colluding medical professionals, colluding and ignorant psychiatrists, colluding law enforcement, and a bought, corporate and colluding mainstream media, while being stifled in-house by Govt/Agency infiltrators

Silencing the Witness: Colluding medical professionals, in particular, psychiatrists move in to disappear and Blame the Victim in an astounding act of medical malpractice by naming all those reporting such covert harassment and remote electromagnetic experimentation on their bodies as delusional and schizoid―without once testing their claims of being implanted and frequency-assaulted scientifically, with measuring instruments; without once consulting with neuroscientists, radiologists, toxicologists, medical physicists; without ever getting informed on the current state of neuroscience, the history of experimentation on human beings and animals with electromagnetic radiation, and the history of covert non-consensual neuro-experimentation (eg, MK ULTRA, MK DELTA, MK NAOMI, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke); and without examining the vast body of evidence available today in patents or revealed by various whistleblowers―guided instead by the wrongful labeling of psychiatric disorders in the increasingly fraudulent DSM, which many psychologists and psychiatrists of integrity question. Disorders named and labelled in the DSM as absolute illnesses, for instance, are not based on physiological evidence but are subjectively decided by a group of psychiatrists, by vote.

Colluding psychiatrists, working for the state and working for the psycho-pharmaceutical complex which puts out the DSM, invent deadlier and deadlier drugs each year, and are responsible for the mass drugging into absolute oblivion of various populations, be they ADHD or “oppositional defiant disorder” teenagers or too-excitable toddlers deemed worthy of Ritalin or Seroquel to help prop up the diseased State with its overt and covert arsenal of intimate Surveillance and Control mechanisms. In essence, acting against psyches, against psychological health and well-being, and against societies. In complete opposition to the ethos, essence, and metier of the Hippocratic Oath, and in absolute servility to society’s current oppressors. In Servility to Surveillance should perhaps be emblazoned on their doors. Or Subservience to Surveillance.

History shows us that psychiatrists support the State in situations of totalitarian oppression, overt or covert. History―from right here in the USA―also shows us that corrupt doctors and psychiatrists lie to cover up secretive and abusive non-consensual experimentation―as the 1950s Plutonium Experiments reported by Eileen Winsome, for instance, readily prove. Today, psychiatrists effectively collude with the State to silence and disappear the victims of this 21st-century tyranny: abusive, classified, non-consensual neuro-experimentation and DEW research.

Colluding medical professionals at Universities and hospitals such as surgeons, anaesthetists, technicians, neuroscientists, physicians, and dentists obviously also support the Deep State’s Intelligence agencies by conducting the covert surgical operations of implanting RFID chips, bioMEMs, neurostimulators/BCI chips/other kinds of chips, microcircuits, stentrods, and wires in the bodies of those individuals who have been blacklisted and roped into the criminal programs of covert experimentation discussed here.

Colluding corporate government-run mainstream media swoop in for the kill when targets protest, naming targets insane and seeking to destroy their credibility, as recent New York Times, Mother Jones, and Daily Beast articles and rather frantic Psy Op entries in Rational Wiki and Wikipedia demonstrate. Further, since 2014, when Glenn Greenwald went abruptly silent on the subject after promising to publish the names of all NSA-surveilled individuals, corporate media has shown it will not cover the issue of blacklisted individuals at all. Worse, those reporting as Targeted Individuals are glibly named insane by well-paid journalists, while Targeting itself, a continuing, obvious, oft-stated, and primary concern of this Surveillance State, is completely avoided by mainstream media as a subject of any concern whatsoever; since The Intercept‘s limited reveal of a group of Muslim professionals targeted wrongfully by the State, no further follow-up has occurred. Did Snowden’s trove of documents include details on this targeting of individuals, did it include names and personal circumstances? We’ll never know, will we, if The Intercept is to exclusively mind this information―and has shown reluctance to publish. Whether they have this information or not, however, neither they nor any other media group is pressing the NSA for details on targeting, past or present. The subject of domestic targeting in fact has literally fallen off the radar in mainstream media.

The perfidy and extremity of Media malfeasance here cannot and should not go unnoticed.

Media has essentially become a mouthpiece for Government deception or MILDEC―Military Deception. Media thereby removes itself from its base responsibility to research and report on current affairs for the people, exonerates itself from any culpability in the large matter of ignoring the reports of non-consensual experimentation and covert assault rising continually in cries for help from an assaulted public, and in so doing, proves its collaboration with the State, and against the people.

The campaign to suppress vocal and eloquent non-consensual experimentees and dupe their audience has in fact taken on an urgent and unsavory twist; blaming the Victim, the (CIA-run?) New York Times has shown, is a practice that seeks desperately to be comprehensive and meta-aware. It involves denigrating every single action the reporting victim has taken―whether it is contacting Congressmen, organizing online for support or validation, or writing letters to the editor of the New York Times (or any other media outlet) asking for help. All of this is marked as delusional, all of this is referred to the Psychiatry Establishment as essentially their domain of concern.

(This, despite the fact that, historically, neuro-experimentation, both public-domain and classified, is a known fact, that thousands of patents exist for both neuro-experimentation devices, weaponry, and methodologies, contracts exist for directed-energy weapons testing, and mainstream neuroscience no longer conceals that brains can be invaded, thoughts read, and neural networks modified.)

So Media helps along the fallacy in action here; when people report assault with radiation weaponry and symptoms of neuro-experimentation, no recourse to Medical Physics, Radiology, Radio-Frequency Engineering, or Neuroscience is sought. Instead, a colluding or uninformed DSM-loyal psychiatrist is appealed to, for help in securing a facile and fraudulent “schizophrenia/schizoid/delusional” diagnosis, and Media, not batting a single analytical eyelid, reports this diagnosis as the legitimate, accurate, last word.

Media collusion here expresses the intent of those who are manipulating Media, the Intelligence agencies who still seek absolute hegemony over Americans and the whole of humanity: clearly, the intent is to ruthlessly suppress all reports of covert assault and experimentation by silencing the reporting individual, that is, silencing the witness, the experiencer, the primary voice alerting the world to ongoing Covert Ops programs of neuro-torture and electromagnetic weapons-testing being run by clearly out-of-control Intelligence agencies, complacent military contractors, and a vast National Security apparatus crying “Spy! Terrorist! Unstable! Threat!” on random innocent citizens, whistleblowers, and activists.

Colluding Law Enforcement help establish the deception; just like those psychiatrists and medical professionals in the Know, who assist with the covert implantations or actively collude to diagnose victims reporting the situation as schizoid, Law Enforcement engages in the most insidious deception, permitting, supporting, and assisting the cruel and barbaric targeting of individuals with deadly radiation technology, on the one hand using Through The Wall Surveilance pulsing radar devices―and other, undisclosed “non-lethal weapons” disguised as physical/biometric surveillance–on them, and on the other, denying any knowledge of targets being targeted, feigning concern that all reporting are mentally ill, need community Mental Health intervention, and helping provide this by Baker-Acting them. See NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s account of being Baker-Acted.

In-Community Government Infiltrators, meanwhile, help along the Covert Ops cause by insinuating themselves as “helpful” technology experts, information analysts, activists, counselors, and organizers right in the middle of the community of brutally assaulted, seriously-victimized lab-rat targets, jostling their way into key positions at the head of “TI” groups, seeking to establish themselves―on listservs, email lists, regional groups–as key spokespersons, taking charge of what technology can and cannot be spoken about (no talk of Black Ops Neuroweapons allowed, no mention of Remote Neural Monitoring, Neurophones, Mind Control, Covert RFID or Bio-MEM implants, Brain EMF Harvesting by Cell Phone, Pulsed Microwave Radiation delivered via Cell Phone, Scalar Technologies, neighbors using portable DEWs, or Ionizing (radioactive) Radiation weapons), decrying and squashing legitimate attempts at HR activism and advocacy, misdirecting, misframing, and running deceptive Psy Ops on this already-victimized, Mil/Intel-PsyOp’d group.

Just as with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Movement―as with many other groups of activists―this Government infiltration seeks to be divisive, authoritarian, controlling, and stifling―and often succeeds. As a result, attempts to organize legitimately are often sabotaged―from within. Not merely are targets exploited as lab-rats from without, by the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, and DARPA, they are exploited from within, by undercover operatives from these very Departments and Agencies―and possibly also from the larger, overarching entities representing the Crown, the Wall Street bankers/Bilderbergers/TriLaterals running this charade, the Vatican and the soulless secret societies and clubs of feckless billionaires, the Tavistocks/Clubs of Rome/Freemasons/Skull and Bones/Bohemian Grove/Satanists, the “Illuminati” and the Operation Paperclip Nazis, the global shadow government manipulating Intel agencies worldwide–selling themselves as “TIs”, spreading abroad elaborate stories of being targeted themselves, while seeking to squash all meaningful public education and activism, in programs of absolutely immoral deception, manipulation, and exploitation. Raping the rape victim should come to mind, as also stoning the rape victim to death. Twice over, these Departments and Agencies―of the United States Government―and their global shadow government overseers condemn themselves.

Solution: Psychiatrists need to be held to higher standards of accountability to society, as do all medical professionals. In-built oversight and privacy mechanisms should exist, to prevent medical professionals and hospitals from secretly colluding with military and Intelligence agencies to allow or facilitate non-consensual and secret operations, implantings, and experimentations on patients.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Educated: Psychiatrists and physicians both should be educated on basic advances in neuroscience, and need to understand the expansive frontiers of both neuroscience and neuroweaponry today; they should also be apprised of the basics of Electronic Warfare, what non-lethal weapons are, and the fact that the Military is currently running open field tests of these radiation/sonic/scalar weapons on citizens; and they should be made aware of the ongoing history of non-consensual medical experimentation on citizens.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Required to Scan Patients: When patients report electromagnetic signals on their bodies, or the sensations of implants being activated in their bodies, or say they have a RF microchip in any part of their bodies, or report “voices in their head” which can be induced electronically―by various means, and have, ever since the Neurophone was invented in 1958 by a bright 14-year-old (Patrick Flanagan)– they need to be scanned or checked radiologically and physically, not gagged neuroleptically, and further abused with disbelief, discrediting, and psychosis-inducing drugs―this is exactly like raping the rape victim, or stoning the rape victim to death, as is currently practiced in that bastion of human rights, Saudi Arabia.

Neuroscientists and psychiatrists today need to be in conversation with each other, and military and Intelligence scientists need to step forward and engage in some candid whistleblowing about what the military and Intelligence agencies are really doing―instead of collecting blood-money paychecks for overseeing Covert Ops torture and maintaining an immoral silence. Tribunals should be held to hold doctors, psychiatrists, and hospitals accountable for misdiagnoses and malpractice on an astronomical scale: for colluding in non-consensual experimentation and exploitation of their patients, and for permitting the secret agencies to step in to inflict harm on the patients in their care.

Further, all societies and cultures should have a central ethical reporting body, separate from state departments of health, where anyone suspecting they have become subjects in non-consensual experimentation can go, or write/email to, to present affidavits, documentation, and testimonies, gain technical assistance to get body and brain-scanned, get their homes checked for surveillance devices and torture wiring, or otherwise prove such assaults electronically. Failing the presence of such a central reporting/assisting body, this ship continues to be rudderless and vacuous in direction. Non-consensual experimentees have no-one to report to, and our existing bodies like the President’s Bioethical Commission and SACHRP have stated or indicated they are not accepting and addressing any such reports―proving their absolute Strawman hollowness and inadequacy, and suggesting a covert establishment use as facade and in-name-only purveyance of Ethics. Beyond such hollow Commissions and Committees, in every county, every city, every state, every country, we need a dedicated human rights advocacy center for the examination of all claims of non-consensual covert experimentation and covert harassment for victims.

Media should be held accountable for the printing of lies and distortions, and should not be permitted to work actively with agencies to print propaganda and deceit. That Executive Order permitting propaganda and Psy Ops needs to be repealed. Media’s primary role as true informer to society and analytical observer of events needs to be reinstated. Essentially, Media should be held to the same high standards as for all citizens, and should be made prosecutable for acts of active deception, conducted to palliate the Military or the Government. The CIA’s link to Media needs to be well and truly broken. We need Media watchdogs who work ethically, with integrity, to keep Media on track.

Law Enforcement needs to be persuaded to change its orientation here, to assisting and supporting the public, not covered agencies running deadly programs of secret violence on us. This issue is obviously connected with our laws: we need to strike all citizen-harming laws from the book, and ensure that our police can act with openness and integrity instead of running Psy Ops and deception on the populace. Crime in the 21st-century has to be understood to include radiation assault with DEWs and antennas, and crime victims should be protected―not further abused―by police.

As for undercover infiltration and stifling of victim groups seeking desperately to inform the world of their exploitation and seeking humanity, seeking help, these US Departments and Agencies should know their day of reckoning is going to come much sooner than they imagine, and when it does, the supremely venal nature of their cruelty to Americans and citizens worldwide will be fully revealed, and will only serve to condemn themselves further. Again the answer here is to fully open the Government, require a complete accounting for all Covert Ops and Psy Ops budgets, demand full disclosure of all Covert Ops and undercover activities―and remove all such funding from these Departments and Agencies.

What Does This All Mean for America, and For the World?

Many believe the “New World Order” is a distant behemoth, one yet to be unrolled or manifest in our midst. Those of us actively being oppressed in the ways spelled out here know however that the criminals running this dystopia of control and suppression they seek to couch in euphemisms coyly suggestive of newness and order have already rolled it out, they’ve been rolling it out for years, and each year it gets more and more Orwellian and ruthless.

From the USA, to Canada, to countries in Europe, to South Africa, to India, to Sri Lanka, to Australia, to New Zealand, and many countries in between, we have been “taken over.” Still under cover of “Democracy” we have become societies where governments run secretly by vested corporate and banking interests–as well as covered Intelligence agencies filled with Satanic secret society members and Operation Paperclip Nazis–willingly countenance secret citizen abuse, secret oppression with radiation weapons and neuro-weapons, and secret cover-ups with Psy Ops, keeping one part of the masses numbed and ignorant with Media trickery, the other part terrorized and unlawfully co-opted with talk of terrorists/spies in their midst, which cover helps them run long-term programs of slander, abuse, and grotesque human experimentation (as human sacrifice?) on a select few: the most outstanding, the most outspoken, the most moral, the most incorruptible, the most innocent.

And what that experimentation is and promises to establish, globally, should not be forgotten.

One, the undisclosed use today of directed-energy weapons, remote neuroweapons, and sonic/radar surveillance devices (by the DOJ, by DHS, by the FBI, by local Law Enforcement, by Defense contractors) whose discharge is invisible and which lend themselves therefore to covered use as stealth weapons included in a stealth network of Smart Grids, cell towers, cell antennas, cell phones, satellites, planes, drones, helicopters, SUVs, vans, cars, Man-pads, utility vans, various kinds of parked equipment, landscaping/leaf-blowing/snow-blowing/street-sweeping equipment wielded by Special Ops/DIA operatives operating from “cover” businesses in our midst, ground-penetrating radar, and the vast, noncommital cover of “Electronic Surveillance”, permits not just continued unsuspected mass radiation & continued covert neuro surveillance, undisclosed, but the promise of secretive and remote and never-ending, future-lockdown, Full Control of populations, bodies and brains included, through mere threat of use of these deadly technologies―hinted at to communities currently, through use on specific, unfortunate, scapegoated targets in their midst.

Two, the programs being run by the Classified Ops brigade―the NSA/CIA/DARPA―with the involvement of DOJ, possibly, in Neuro-Crime programs―of MKULTRA-extended Trauma-Based Experimental Neuro-Modification, which include: Satellite Surveillance, Extremely Low Frequency/HAARP use in Electronic Brain Stimulation, Brain-Computer Interface, Electronic Brain Link, EEG Cloning/Heterodyning, Mind Hiving, and Neural Network research, Neural Dust, Nanotechnology, Neurostimulators, Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence―all of which these covered agencies are struggling to keep secret―suggest that what is being worked on behind the scenes is nothing less than the intention of eventual secretive and remote Full Brain, Nervous System, and Body Control of All humans, worldwide, by the technocrats in power.

Please note: Perusal of extant, historic, public-domain information on Neuroscience and Neuroweapon studies, as well as information from target accounts make very clear that such complete control of brains, nervous systems, and bodies is actually possible.

Is this the world that all those in Mainstream Media, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, the Intelligence agencies, the Security agencies, Law Enforcement, Information Technology, the DOD, the DOJ, who are either in the know, or actively and passively supporting, through their work and through their silence, really want?

Let’s be very clear, for all those in Law Enforcement, for all those employed at the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense, for all those in Intelligence and Security agencies and in every branch of Government who have integrity, uprightness, conscience, morality, ethics, and humanity at their core: this entire Targeting program is a program of Extreme Abuse. By means of this program―and all the pernicious Military and Intelligence weapons-testing and experimentation it allows―every single person who is involved is complicit and a participant in nothing less than the State-sanctioned and secret use of violence, torture, and all too often, murder of innocent civilians and veterans. This is indeed violence, indeed torture. It is also cruelty, malice, and victimization. It is absolutely not just “Surveillance” nor is it keeping the nation secure. It is both select human exploitation and mass repression of the kind that people endured under the Nazis and KGB, under Hitler and Stalin.

It is absolutely time for anyone and everyone of conscience to step forward, en masse, for mass whistleblowing, for conscience-driven hacking. We need―as global humanity–to shut down these satellites, these cell towers, these GWEN towers, the whole Smart Grid of Electronic Warfare that is currently inexorably turned on us, the whole panopticon of Surveillance under which it hides, we need to tear down the mammoth secrecy shielding and protecting these deadly programs of exploitation.

Either we all continue to consent silently to give ourselves and our children over to the endless secrecy and power of classification which endlessly permits the most heinous abuse, or we collectively find the steel and the spine to challenge and revoke that power today. If we let things slide today and do nothing, be assured, it’s our children who are being set up now to be further covertly controlled, electronically brain-stimulated, remotely radiation- and neuro-assaulted, bio-robotized, brain-linked, mind-hived, trans-humanized: for them, as also those thousands worldwide being exploited today as lab rats, and all 7 billion of us being targeted one way or the other, tomorrow is going to be too late.

Criminals in High Places: Delineate the Crime and Expose the Criminals

“Why call it something that it isn’t? The testing ended in the ’80s. This is an illegal subjugation program. The criminal elements running this program are doing it out of their greedy self interest. Whether it’s to intimidate and silence someone, discredit someone, sexual abuse, extortion, enslavement, sadistic torture that would make Nero blush, forced criminal labor, etc…Long term it’s social engineering and population control to preserve the power and interests of the criminal elite at the helm….This war being waged by elements in the deep state to illegally enslave the general populace for their greedy self interest is no experiment, even though I’m sure they’re still developing new devices. …Calling it an experiment…downplays it in the public’s mind and almost gives it a ringing of justification. It’s not, it’s a coup, a junta, treason, and a crime against humanity.

Look at all totalitarian regimes, which is the road America is on, who did they target, from Stalin to Pol Pot? The crème of the crop, the intellectuals, the well regarded military officers, the principled, the Christians, the self-made, and those that posed the greatest threat to the tyrants’ ability to carry out whatever agenda they saw fit or those most capable of steering the loyalty of the people away from the tyrant.”

–Spencer Carter, BiggerthanSnowden.com

“The US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence should be looking into the relevant crimes as should the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on national security and foreign affairs. Any approaches to these bodies through MPs, should note that the Departments of Defence, Energy, Homeland Security, Treasury, State, etc., as well as the CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, ODNI, Office of Homeland Security and (since ’96 when this escalated) the NGIA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) are all involved or complicit in the crimes in question. The systematic covert oppression, discreditation, experimentation and more in relation to caring, honest citizens branded as dissidents by criminals in high places is one of the greatest hidden crimes of the last 50 years. It is a ‘silent holocaust’.”

–Paul Baird, SurveillanceIssues.com

“The United States has a long history of non consensual experimentation … no one can dispute this ….


Well, it appears that they’re at it again as thousands around the world complain of painful electronic assaults which are affecting their bodies and minds …. Of course, the attempts to discredit these reports are well funded, … I guess that Defense contractors don’t want to give up their huge multi-million dollar contracts …. the pain and horror inflicted upon the victims doesn’t seem to matter … it’s a matter of National Security they’ll say … collateral damage they’ll say …. yeah right, but never any mention of one dime for the victims who are often tortured for years at a time with these war toys … it’s as if they’re not even human beings, just lab rats, nothing more … another chapter from “The Death of Compassion” movement which we seem to be going through as money becomes King …

Millions are being made by weapons manufacturers and the victims of these assaults are bankrupted, ignored, destroyed and discredited … there’s absolutely no excuse for this, but then everyone connected with National Defense is brainwashed into an attitude of the ends justifying the means, and hey, it aint their families being destroyed … but you know, once this technology becomes widespread, it very well could be …

…The following has now been confirmed by direct evidence presented to our courts:

    1. Innocent citizens are being used against their will in painful experimentation.
    2. Innocent citizens are being drugged and implanted with modern technology without their knowledge or consent.
    3. Remote influencing technologies are causing pain and chaos to innocent lives.”

–Rosanne Schneider, HumanRightsWatch3Blog.com,Author, Surveillance, Torture, and Control in the Modern World

“The most heinous of all realizations: I am a HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. Just writing those words still shakes me to the core. I guess I have known for more than a year, but only in the last few months have I seen enough to know with 100 percent certainty. The most shocking thing of all, the Government I served, vowed to give my life for as a member of the US Armed Forces runs the Test Laboratory, and I am their LAB RAT.

I guess what is even more appalling, if there could be such a thing is more appalling than knowledge of your own participation in human experimentation, is that just as in every laboratory experiment, once the researchers extract as much as they can from the Lab Animal, they always end their test subject’s life through euthanasia.

Thousands of Innocent Americans share my plight. Thousands try to call this to the attention of a country of citizens who “Just refuse to believe” our government could do that to us. The most tragic thing about all of this is, if this were a prosecutor looking for likely suspects, there could only be one. American history is littered with thousands of known victims of these unthinkable crimes against humanity, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, MK-Ultra LSD trials, CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, DoD injecting soldiers with micrograms of plutonium for Project Oak Ridge, testing the effects of Agent Orange on the skin of US Soldiers, and on and on. Still we continue to tell our truth to (deaf) ears. I, like the thousands of other victims do not deserve this. We suffer as these butchers work tirelessly to try to convince the world that somehow we do deserve it. I say, ‘How could anyone deserve this?'”

–Kenneth Peartree, Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force, Retired

“…The Defense Intelligence Agency just released a report, saying the military needs to spend more on neuroscience―up to and including “making the enemy obey our commands”. The problem is the line between who the enemy really is has become blurred and technology is now turned on (us) and operated by those practicing unscrupulous, unethical tactics and strategies due to little public knowledge, and, as I write in ‘You are Not my “Big Brother!”, the covert, subliminal, manipulative capabilities of numerous technologies and numerous delivery systems. In other words, “All hell has broken loose” as the ethics and moral issues surrounding the technology and inevitable abuses and victimizations, outside of any laws of protection, continue to escalate unchecked and unmonitored.”

–Renee Pittman Mitchell, BigBrotherWatchingUs.com,Author, Remote Brain Targeting (2012), You Are Not My “Big Brother!”, Covert Technological Murder, and other books

“This program of persecution is not carried out by the government you learned about in your history books. Currently, supra-governmental think tanks, which are interlocked with Wall Street and the tax-exempt foundations, control America and other NATO nations.

These groups are composed of multinational corporations, royalty, international banks, and people of tremendous wealth. This interlock has been called the Invisible Government. It is a satanic/psychopathic organization.

They control the mass media, which is their primary distribution center for lies and propaganda. Politics, industry, academia, and finance are also under their control. The President is their puppet.

They create policy by circumventing Congress and the voting public, which is filtered down into federal, state, and local governments. It is enacted without public knowledge or approval. Influenced by convincing propaganda, there are people who carry out their policy with the best of intentions. In all likelihood, the Hidden Evil is their creation.”

–Mark Rich, NewWorldWar.org,Author, The Hidden Evil (2008), New World War, and other books

“On Feb. 7, 1950, James Paul Warburg, “testified” to the American Senate: “We shall have World Government,whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”… His uncle, Paul Warburg, was co-founder of the Federal Reserve. The Warburg family is Illuminati (a powerful German Jewish secret society).

Also, Fletcher Prouty makes clear in his 1973 book, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, that achieving a “One World” order was a primary, albeit secret, political/military objective of American leaders in the immediate post-WWII period.

In this context, we can view the chemtrail spraying of toxins, EMF radiation, vaccines, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), ELF transmissions via HAARP, etc., as parts of a blanket (United Nations) depopulation program, whereas gang stalking/DEW is a weapons system designed to target and neutralize (kill) individuals who are perceived as threats to the system.

This is obviously today’s covert equivalent of a typical despotic government’s “first strike” to target and eliminate the intelligencia/teachers/social workers/political activists, as was, for example, the CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam. With these potential leaders removed, totalitarian governments can more easily manipulate the masses. To better understand how the NSA/DHS/CIA/FBI organized stalking program is merely the modern extension of the CIA’s MKULTRA, the FBI’s COINTELPRO, and the CIA’s Phoenix programs, see Marshall Thomas’ “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program.”

The main point here is that these are top secret, U.S.-government-sponsored, Black and Wet Operations. Most Congressmen, Senators, political representatives, and citizens evidently do not even know about them. MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and the Phoenix Program, of course, were also top secret Black and Wet Ops in the 1950’s – 1970s. No one was supposed to know about these programs either, but they have long since been thoroughly exposed.

Today’s organized stalking operations are so heinous and unAmerican that education and exposure is probably our best defense against them. When a critical mass of American and world citizens learn about these programs, I believe they will stop and heads will roll. It is up to us, as TIs, then, to make sure that these programs are exposed soon and the right heads roll. It is now our job to name the guilty, the top planners and sponsors of these programs, as best as we can. This won’t be that hard. We already know the names of many of the CIA “spychiatrists” involved in Project MKULTRA and we also know the names of the individuals who developed the patents for the critical psychotronic weapons.

I feel our imperative, then, is to expose the guilty. And re-expose and re-expose and re-expose. First, we must delineate the crime and then we must expose the criminals.”

–Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University; 911NWO.org, GangstalkingMindControlCults.com


Sources and Further Information

Laws, Executive Orders, Military Directives, Handbooks

Executive Order 12333

Executive Order on “Behavioral Insights”

Department of Defense Regulation 5240.1R

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2016

Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code

United States Homeland Security Laws and Regulations Handbook

Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Handbook

Electronic Warfare/Non-Lethal Weapons/Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research

Developing Non-Lethal Weapons: The Human Effects Characterization Process

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fourth Edition

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fifth Edition

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons/Document Provided to Donald Friedman on FOIA Request, 2006

Cheryl Welsh, MindJustice: Sample of Rare and Outstanding Articles from 1976 to 1996

Buyable Portable DEWs/Available Online:

Shomer-Tec Sonic Assault

Shomer-Tec Sonic Nausea

Physical & Biometric Surveillance and Monitoring Technologies

Sep 30, 2014, Becky Lewis, Tech Beat Magazine: Through-the-wall sensors advance tactical awareness

April 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Use Case Scenarios, Version 1.3

October 2012, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement Market Survey/Annotated List

March 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Test and Evaluation, Version 1.2/Technical details

Handheld RFID Scanner: RFID Asset Management/Law Enforcement

William Pawelec: Billions of Microchips Made by Siemens in 1984, Trackable from Space

Ex-IBM Employee Reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips

Mark Rich/Excerpt from New World War; Surveillance Technologies and Methods

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland: Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About

2005, AzoNano: Tagging, Monitoring, and Tracking Using Nanotechnology Methods and Devices

6/25/13, Privacy SOS: The Future Beckons But We Aren’t Ready For It

5 Sep 2007, Slideshow Briefing, Unclassified: US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)

April 17, 2012, PBS Brains on Trial, Alan Alda Interviews Owen Jones/When Neuroscience Meets Criminal Law (video). Extended Brains On Trial videos here.

2013, James Giordano, Predictive Neuroscience: Facts, Fictions, and Fears of Scanning Brains and Reading Minds (video)

2008, Kingsley Dennis, Opening Pandora’s box: How technologies of communication and cognition may be shifting towards a ‘Psycho–Civilized Society’

Nov 18, 2010, Joe Hasler, Popular Mechanics: The Truth About TSA Airport Scanning

Nov 9, 2015, Peter Moskowitz, GQ: The Future of Policing is Here, and It’s Terrifying

Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues: Advanced Surveillance and Harassment Technologies

2013, ICAACT, Robert Naeslund: What is Mind Control?

Surveillance and Monitoring Processes

Sep 2015, GAO, Confidential Informants/Updates to Policy and Additional Guidance Would Improve Oversight to DOJ and DHS Agencies

Sep/Oct 2011, Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones: The Informants

Sep 5, 2008, Van De Kamp vs Goldstein, ACLU Amicus Brief (Unregulated reliance on informants)

The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

August 2004, Jay Stanley, ACLU: The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society

Aug 22, 2012, Stephen Lendman, Mint Press News: Lawless National Security Letters

Wrongful Surveillance and Secret Physical Searches On Thousands of Innocent Americans Permitted by “Rubber-Stamped” FISA Court Warrants andApprovals

May 2015, President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing, Final Report

21st-Century Policing Implementation Guide

Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Department of Justice/Website

October 2016, Strategic Plan For Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States

National Neighborhood Watch/National Sheriffs’ Association Website

Fusion Centers and RISS Centers/DHS Website

Dec 2007, Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU: What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

FOIA Request Reports and Documents

FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA

FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use

Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002

FCC Spreadsheet of UWB Devices Inclusive of TTWS Devices

Whistleblower Testimony

John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA lawsuit

June 2014, Diane Roark: Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward (video)

Nov 18, 2016, Jeff Rense and Karen Stewart: NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart, Gang-Stalking victim (video)

Nov 22, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: The NSA Gang Stalks Its Own: Jeff Rense Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart – Part I/Transcript

Nov 25, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: NSA/Homeland Security “Paid Vigilante Militia Thugs” (Excerpts from Rense-Stewart Interview (11/18/16))- Transcript

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

Sep 27, 2016, Karen Stewart’s interview with Rob McConnell, Xzone (video)

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Nov 29, 2016, Jeff Rense and Preston James: Psychotronic Mind Control Technologies (video)

Geral Sosbee: Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent’s Gruesome Ordeal

March 2007, Geral Sosbee, Affidavit

Carl Herman/Washington’s Blog: National Security Whistleblower Mark Novitsky Interview: NSA spies on absolutely everything, will never stop, and will only expand

March 2014, Project Camelot Interviews Mark Novitsky(video)

26 April, 2011, Ted Gunderson, Affidavit

NSA Mind Control and Psyops” by Will Filer

 Evidence of Covert Implantation

David A. Larson: Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation

John Nicholson, BAE Implant World: Illegal Human Experimentation

Roxy Lopez/The Truth Denied: How to Remove an RFID Implant (Interview with James Wahlbert)

Richard L. Cain: Lawsuit Vs Barack Obama, DOD, CIA, others

Robert Naeslund: A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out

The Targeting Program

Marshall Thomas: Monarch, The New Phoenix Program–Army Intelligence, INSCOM, MKULTRA, COINTELPRO

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

“Exemptions to Informed Consent” in Classified Research and Non-Consensual Covert/Clandestine Human Subject Experimentation in the USA Today Versus “Consent of the Governed”

Exploring The FBI’s “Consensual Monitoring” and the CIA’s “Concealed Monitoring”: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications?

Renee Pittman Mitchell/How the Covert Psycho-Physical Program is Structured Today

Books and Website Compilations, Patents, Technologies

Links to Informational Websites:

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues/Links

Renee Pittman Books

Lists of Patents & Covert Technologies:

Resources, Targeted-Individuals.Net

A List of Patented Mind Control Weapons the Government is Using on You/StopOrgangstalking

The Complex, How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse (Metropolitan Books, 2008)

New World War by Mark Rich

The Hidden Evil by Mark Rich

Bright Light on Black Shadows by Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD

Remote Brain Targeting by Renee Pittman Mitchell

Invisible Crime by Michael Bell

Gangstalking: The Threat to Humanityby Dr. Cork Cherubini

Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace, by Dr. Nick Begich

Earth Rising: Betrayal of Science, Society, and the Soul, by Dr. Nick Begich

Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, by Dr. Nick Begich

The Matrix Deciphered by Dr. Robert Duncan

Project Soul-Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed by Dr. Robert Duncan

Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control, by Dr. John Hall

The Body Electric, by Robert O. Becker


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James Tracy: 9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)

Re-posted, with thanks, from James Tracy’s Memory Hole Blog:

Press For Truth

Source: 9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)