Category Archives: Agenda 21

Bostonian Builds: Feudalism Seeking Extension; Human Control Systems–Using Technology & The Cover of Science–Aiming at Full Spectrum Censorship

Note & Op-Ed | Ramola D | December 21, 2023/Updated December 22, 2023/ Updated with inclusion of some graphics, December 26, 2023

Looking at the news lately in Massachusetts, trying to make sense of the incredible increase in “Behavioral Health” policing, and policing in itself, it appears a lot has been happening, especially over the past few years of the COVID “pandemic,” flying under cover of all that sanctioned repression, really. In just the last three weeks it seems the “new world order” which as we all know is still and only the old feudalist one dressed up in the Language of Inversion has suddenly been launched in Boston–in published forums that is, while what has been flying here under cover I have certainly experienced at close quarters (and should write a book about), and it’s been flying for quite some time.

A lot of information on funding, grants, economic development plans seems to have been shared lately.

Building emergency shelters–or rather, expanding same, building an urban infrastructure calling for multi-family stack-n’-pack housing close to Metro/Transit rail and bus services, bringing in numbers of immigrants and speedily authorizing work visas and driver’s licenses (while millions in Massachusetts, mainly young graduates, are quietly leaving the State), increasing funding for police, making a fuss about massive counter-terrorism grants from DHS (but no doubt aiming to acquire them just the same–for further secretive technology-abuse on the public), seemingly moving governing powers from City Councils to State Committees, pouring millions into “Behavioral Health”–in every arena: work, home, school, neighborhoods–and Mental Health, and Substance Addiction, and Public Health; continuing to expand the vast Science-and-Technology-minus-Ethics base octopusing out from Cambridge and DARPA/MIT: all of this seems to point to an expanding and attempted-normalizing of the censoring, monitoring, surveilling, repressing “police state” (a term which needs some intellectual dismantling) predicated on Stealth nano and neuro control, bodily control, neighborhood control (“community policing”), nanobio control of bodies and brains through vaccines and neuroweaponry and vast, networked C4ISR systems [Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)] involving drones, planes, satellites, celltowers, cell masts, magnetrons, emitters, transmitters, repeaters,spy planes, portable devices, EMF technologies, acoustic neurotechnologies, Neuro AI, AP-DEW (anti-personnel directed energy weaponry), large-scale DEW and HAARP (for “natural” disaster-creation)–all locked into place by the (same old) threats of Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism), Terrorism Prevention, In-Your-Face Policing, NDAs and Don’t-Speak clauses in contracts in every field, and, that final, serious mirage, Masonic, PHarma-based, Prison-Building, needing to be dissolved by one and all: Psychiatry.

Some of the news lately is linked below.

Emergency Shelters Being Expanded in Boston and Massachusetts as Per FY2025 Budget Plans

The word “Emergency”–like the word “Crisis”–comes into view with this focus on Emergency Shelters, presented as being expanded and intended to be further funded and built over upcoming budgeted years, which does raise the question: Are disasters being planned? Are more migrants expected? Are more residents being moved out of their homes into shelters–the older, the suddenly made “vulnerable,” the suddenly divorced, dispossessed, the suddenly made-impoverished through undisclosed targeting programs seeking to whittle down the educated middle-class, the outspoken “lower-class,” all via the sudden rise of “Behavioral Health”-policing parading as Health? [Numerous older women, engineers, nurses, Navy officers, academics, as well as middle-aged to older men, schoolteachers, filmmakers, engineers, retired, still working, have been targeted for social harassment, life-takedown, and harassive police-interactions in several States, as reported to this writer over 10 years; False Psychiatric Labeling, a first step to life-takedown has been reported widely in Massachusetts, as nationwide–and is clearly being further aimed at, with what is being disclosed in the “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council” report addressed briefly here earlier: Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022.]

Stories from the Boston Herald, WBUR Radio Boston covering this budgeting for expansion of emergency shelters and influx of migrants into Boston are linked below.

Boston Herald/December 18, 2023/Maura Healey…$915 Million on Emergency Shelters in FY25

An excerpt from the December 18, 2023 Memorandum comprising a Emergency Housing Assistance report (posted below) sent out from the Executive Offices of Administration and Finance, and Housing and Livable Communities, curious names for it appears new organizations (new offices for Agenda 21?) with new intentions to the Boston (Massachusetts) House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means (of Doing What Precisely…?[Something to Investigate]) reveals that there exists a family shelter system with a capacity of 7,500 families, that this system has reached capacity, that this system needs extra funding because it anticipates expansion, that families in this shelter system are being housed for over a year at a time (which means it is not exactly an Emergency Shelter system), that this Administration’s intent (the “Healey-Driscoll Administration”) is to help transition these families out into stable work and stable housing. Which begs the question, Why are people then, and families, in Massachusetts being targeted for Behavioral Health takedowns and removals out of their homes and into shelters and asylums? (as per the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council 2023 report–links above).

December 18, 2023 Memorandum comprising a Report on the Emergency Housing Assistance Program from the Executive Offices of Administration and Finance, and Housing and Livable Communities to the Boston (Massachusetts) House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means

Over 7,500 Families Enrolled in Mass Family Shelter System, About Half Migrants | Numbers Increasing Daily (as Community Policing and Behavioral Health Captures Step Up Probably)

Again, a story which needs further investigation, this cameo casts light on families housed in motels, hotels and other forms of shelter within a shelter network system which continues to accept new boarders from both foreign migrant/refugee and domestic vulnerable populations. Implications link this rise to the data on Section 12 arrests contained in the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council’s Crisis System Report, reported briefly here.

Stories below from WGBH and GBH News follow this saga.

Using the “Law” to Transform Boston Suburbs, Towns into “MBTA Communities” with Forced Apartment Buildings: Increased “transit-Oriented Housing”

This is obviously a rather large story which needs further research and (true-media) coverage but one which points to a sudden Smart City changeover from city and suburb/small town ethos to “transit community” and really community-around-public-transit communistic takedown. In a letter addressed to “Dear Local MBTA Community officials,” the newly christened Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, no longer a Department but an EO, explains what MBTA Communities are: “MBTA Communities are now categorized as rapid transit, commuter rail, adjacent, or adjacent small town.” MBTA stands for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and comprises the Metro in these parts, the “T”, rather. What is being done is being clothed in the language of liberal acceptability, of warm socialism, but carries with it all the sinister implications, long-range, building, of Agenda 21.

MBTA Communities Act: GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40A/Section3A: But is this really the Law? How do these “Acts” which turn out to be Sections in a Chapter in a Title in a Part of a “General Law” become Law, really? Who permits this, and for what long-range reason?

Compliance, a watchword for Communist subjugation, enters the language of “government” insistence, as recorded in a treatise (below) on Multi-Family Zoning Requirements for “MBTA Communities”–each throw into our midst of specific phrasing a move into apparent colonizing of intellect and belief system:

Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities

New Economic Development Plans Pursuing Biotech, Microtech, Nanotech, Neurotech, Vaccines, Syn Bio, Nano Bio, AI-Minus-Disclosure

New economic development plans drafted below seem to both want to maintain and extend the status quo in bio-tech, vaccines, medical device and micro electronics manufacturing, while hinting at new and innovative technology-use in “climate technology”, digital health, and others. [This is allusive mention or barely a mention of the stringent kinetic weaponry of Electronic Warfare and Directed Energy/Weather Modification Warfare being unlawfully tested and operated undercover on people in the State–as Nationwide, yet to be halted, by all branches of the US Military–pulse microwave weapons among them, new vibrational technology parading as Public Safety and Behavioral Health and so on–matters which continue to be reported here, and which of course don’t find overt mention in this Plan.] Meanwhile no mention is made of the Arts, Humanities, Cultural and True-Community activities and possibilities which could really make a difference in making Massachusetts a pleasant and “humane place to live.” Plausibly why new graduates and their families are leaving the state in droves, flying south to Florida and Texas, reported recently by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

Radio Boston/WBUR/NPR Boston/

Massachusetts Economic Development Plan/Draft for 2023

Excerpt: The Vision: Team Massachusetts, Leading Future Generations, Page 5, Economic Development Plan, Final Draft

Meanwhile, people are leaving Massachusetts for undisclosed reasons:

Excerpt, Economic Development Plan, 2023

Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation Demographics Spring 2023 Chartbook

[Excerpts below; Chartbook in PDF below; Link online:]

Counter-Terrorism Grants in the Spotlight as the Use of EMF/AP-DEW Weaponry on People–Disguised as Public Safety Technologies–Remains Hidden

A story in the Boston Herald (Dec 15) relays a City Council delaying of a Homeland Security grant–titled a counter-terrorism grant–for $13 million: inexplicable, if we can believe it, but it brings up a couple things: one, this could all be for political posturing and Press coverage while two, “natural disasters” are brought forward in this City Council conversation as the next big thing on the horizon–indeed, a way of bringing in “climate technology” and “climate change” disasters-to-expect, the talk of the town on the ground in Quincy certainly, which, like other towns in this area was privy to some disaster-making recently with an unprecedented windstorm a couple days ago, on December 18:

“Breadon, who voted in favor of the other three public safety grants on Wednesday, opted to vote against the counter-terrorism grant, but said that she was not influenced by any remarks that were made on the Council floor.

She had been planning to vote ‘no’ on the grant before the meeting, Breadon said, because she wanted more clarity on how the funds would be used to respond to natural disasters.

Breadon said she generally supports the counter-terrorism piece, having voted for the grant during her prior years on the Council, but did not realize the funding would be used for natural disasters until Flaherty’s committee chair report.”

As of today, that grant remains in dispute, while indeed what exactly it may be used for remains hidden; this, while counter-terrorism for the past ten years has involved unconsented-to non-lethal-weapons-testing in the Northeast, the tech transfer of military weaponry to Justice, and the continuous expansion of unlawful bio-hacking surveillance technologies now being rolled out in stealth as “police technologies” and “crowd control technologies”, without one bit of attention being paid to human rights activism and awareness-raising on the absolute harms of such weaponry use on the human body:

[This writer is being blasted with this very tech on her left upper arm (and elsewhere)–site of an unconsensually-implanted apparent “medical device” unlawfully sited there (while she was knocked unconscious) after her unlawful kidnapping and trafficking–renditioning, really–to South Shore Hospital last December, on December 20, 2022–as often reported over the past couple months in Reporter’s Notes, as she writes, this very moment: 6:39 pm, 12/21/2023]

Clearly, these technologies continue to be kept secret while the mention of them, as here, in this writer’s overview, continues to be overtly treated as controversial and confrontational–when in fact there is no law, no authority permitting the use of any of these harmful, pain-, disease-, degradation-, injury- and torture-producing electrical, radar, and acoustic violence-in-silence technologies and methodologies on the human populace. [Rolling them surreptitiously into “Behavioral Health” “Public Health” and “Public Safety” does not make them any the less unlawful, unauthorized, illegal, and unconsented-to, by We the People, We the Legal Counsel, or anyone else.]

Question and Convert Terrorism Prevention to True-Community-Building, Question DHS

Something to keep tabs on is Homeland Security‘s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and its several plans for increased censorship and repression of communities, neighborhoods, schools, and Universities in the name of Counter-Terrorism, which should be further investigated by every human-rights, civil-rights, and freedom-of-speech organization in America:

A dim shadowing of hope can be discerned however in the verbiage of grant-ese on a funding opportunity page, which might offer some–adequately connected–an opportunity to transform “counter-terrorism” into creativity, community, mentorship, a novel concept no doubt for those in the “Security” world intent on muscling their way into the Future, pressing their muddy boots into everyone’s necks: Arts, Humanities, and Community Development are listed as “category of funding activity” in this 2023 Grant opportunity for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention:

Category of Funding Activity:Arts (see “Cultural Affairs” in CFDA)
Community Development
Employment, Labor and Training
Food and Nutrition
Humanities (see “Cultural Affairs” in CFDA)
Income Security and Social Services
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Expanded Police Funding, Extensive Police Presence in Massachusetts

A major police contract for $82 million between a Boston Police union and the City of Boston has been approved (their Memoranda of Agreement here) just this past week, raising wages and other compensations, offering educational opportunities to officers, and tightening suspension and termination protocols in case of police crime.

Information on the Boston Police website suggests–among a whole lot of community initiatives Boston Police are apparently running to uplift, educate, and support the communities they work in–that tremendous police efforts are underway to provide Mental Health services via Section 12s: a traumatizing arrest in the name of “Behavioral Health” and “Crisis Intervention” to force hospitalizations and psychiatric evaluations with intent to affix a “diagnosis” or False Psychiatric Label, as being required currently by expanding and overreaching Department of Mental Health and Health and Human Services plans, as noted also in the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council report, discussed briefly here.

“The Boston Police Department (BPD) and Boston Medical Center’s (BMC) Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST) have been collaborating for more than 10 years to serve the community’s most vulnerable residents—particularly those who come to the attention of the police. Since 2011, Master’s-level BEST clinicians have been available to assist BPD officers on calls for service involving individuals exhibiting signs of mental distress, to provide mental health assessments on-site in the community or at the police station, and to deliver rapid access to community mental health, substance use, and psychiatry services. BEST clinicians have access to a broad continuum of mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring treatment resources, many of which constitute evidence-based best practices.

The goal of the co-response program is to provide community-based psychiatric crisis services to de-escalate and stabilize nonviolent people experiencing psychiatric emergencies. By utilizing a co-responder model, our clinicians are able to be on site at the first point of contact, and thus can assess for acute psychiatric symptoms and triage the person appropriately. The clinicians help to ensure that people with mental illnesses are able to avoid further criminal justice involvement while providing much-needed therapeutic interventions. After triaging an individual on the scene, the clinicians often help stabilize the situation and routinely pass cases along to the general BEST team for a follow-up/home visit. The clinicians and the assigned officers also frequently transport people experiencing a mental health crisis and drop them off directly to the BEST Urgent Care Center, thus avoiding emergency departments. Only those individuals displaying acute psychiatric symptoms such as suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, acute psychosis or acute medical symptoms are transported to local emergency departments, either voluntarily or under the authority of a Section 12A (Application for an Authorization of Temporary Involuntary Hospitalization) issued by responding officers or a psychiatrist.

Through a re-allocation of BPD overtime funds beginning in 2020, the BPD now has funding to support 15 BEST clinicians (14 full-time and 1 part-time), meaning that there is at least one clinician assigned to each of the 11 police districts. These funds are also used to provide clinical supervision and to support two clinicians dedicated to working directly with the BPD’s Street Outreach Unit (SOU). Our BEST clinicians are also heavily involved in providing BPD officers with mental health training, including co-facilitating trainings at the Academy for new recruits and co-teaching several sessions at the BPD’s new DMH-funded Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC). This 40-hour training, which is being implemented primarily by the SOU in partnership with the Academy, incorporates the fundamental of CIT (recognizing signs and symptoms of mental illness, verbal and non-verbal de-escalation skills, etc.), but tailors the training to specific needs and resources encountered in Boston. Since May of 2022, over 100 BPD officers and about 20 representatives from external law enforcement and first responder agencies have attended the training, which has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants.”

Note, all this while people are being targeted and persecuted mercilessly with electromagnetic technology–in numerous military, non-consensual human subject biomedical experimentation research, criminal justice contracts, classified, kept secret, denied, lied-about–denied in order to lock people down and remove human rights with the miscasting of Mental Illness.

Police themselves, from Boston to Quincy, and Massachusetts State Police who run the fusion centers–BRIC and Commonwealth–know perfectly well what they are doing and what they are aiding in hiding: massive criminality which involves all branches of the military, the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the NSA, private sector multinationals in Defense contracting, Pharma and Biotech, academic and policy organizations, investment funds, auditing firms, banks, the medical industry–schools and device manufacturers both, as well as hospitals, all engaged in “Mental Health” lie-building to cover the atrocities of illegal weapons-testing and unlawful human experimentation on bodies and brains: matters which must be candidly aired and comprehensively addressed, both terminated and exposed in their entirety.

Several web centers and compilations of information under Behavioral Health online at the Massachusetts government web sites point to the increased focus on criminalizing behavior being pursued by Health, Public Safety, and Security bodies, subjects of continuing interest here and to be studied and reported on further.

The numbers of police in the state by themselves are startling. The POST 2022 Annual Report (Peace Officer Standards and Training) estimates 22,000 police officers, and 438 law enforcement organizations. Probably always associated with Mental Health in some way, the police involvement and interaction now with this Department and its intentional spread seems to have escalated.

Expanded FY 2023 Budget Investments in Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Expanded budgeting for Mental Health and Substance Use services is reported in the FY 2023 Massachusetts State Budget and examined further in a brief from the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (posted below).

The Massachusetts Association for Mental Health founded in 1913 traces its origins to the national and international Mental Hygiene movement attributed to Clifford Beers starting from 1905. Their MAMH Annual Report for 2022 (posted below) offers insights into the sudden prominence of Mental Health and Behavioral Health today as numerous new programs launched recently are discussed. Vital to note here though that the language of warm well-being in which these programs and initiatives are presented coats a sinister reality made evident in the actual build-up of infrastructure and the actual reports of those with “Lived Experience” who are being and have been trafficked into the Mental Health and Behavioral Health/Psychiatry System for Human Rights Removal and Disappearance from Society, whether temporarily, briefly, or permanently–as this writer well knows, post the atrocities of two–actually three–unlawful forced kidnappings she was subjected to from April 14-19, 2022 and December 20-29, 2022 (being fully reported).

Community Behavioral Health Centers, being set up all over the State and using the cover of extant organizations, come with stringent requirements, while the centralizing of “crisis intervention” and “continuity of care” is slowly being built–matters to be reported on further–addressed in the Roadmap to Behavioral Health Reform: Overview of the Community Behavioral Health Program (posted below).

MAMH Annual Report for 2022

[Excerpts and pdf posted below.; Link online:]


FY 2023 Massachusetts State budget Brief: Implications for people living with behavioral health conditions

Roadmap for behavioral health reform: Community behavioral Health Centers — Program Overview

The Roadmap can be found online here:

Police, EMS, Courts, and Mental Health: A Combo to Question Inside Out–and End

Police, Courts and Emergency Medical Services joining hands with Behavioral Health and privileging doctors, EMS staff, police, and suddenly Mental-Health-licensed “co-responders” among police over common sense, normalcy, sanity, privacy, and family–a national trend–is documented all over the place in Boston, including in local medical schools, misleading freshmen and interns alike:


Using co-responders and “mental health professionals” on police staff to target and kidnap people from their homes, workplaces, schools–including children, adolescents, mothers, fathers–of course has been widely reported nationwide and worldwide over the past 30 years, including over the past 10 years by this writer in numerous interviews, reports, newsbreaks bringing light to the wrongful use of Psychiatry to cover the use of Spectrum electromagnetic and acoustic technologies on communities and living beings: Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up. Clearly, these efforts are being ramped up now via Behavioral Health Policing and Public Safety “Deterrence”, still in stealth, as the Targeting of Individuals escalates nationwide and worldwide. All programs to be investigated and comprehensively ended.

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Climate Change Concerns and Actions

News impacting Public Safety and agriculture in the state is related to natural disasters and flooding — which again brings up the spectre of manmade disaster using modern warfare technology, matters to be further investigated:

Mass. plans to remove more dams amid climate concerns | WBUR News/12/13/2023

Much in Massachusetts lately–with its tending toward control on all fronts, gradually built, cloaking actualities on the ground of very invasive tech-centric “community policing” and extending nano, neuro, directed-energy-warfare and vaccine industries, neighborhood Terror playing Victim, all for the encompassing embrace of “Behavioral Health” and communistic takedown: Full Spectrum Censorship, body and brain, life and career, family and friends–needs further scrutiny and analysis. Stay tuned for further coverage.


Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022 | 12-06-2023

Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council in Massachusetts: A Focus on Crisis Intervention or Crisis Creation? | 9-14-2023

Insidious Targeting: The Route to Neurodamage via “Behavioral Health” and Community Care | 8-26-2023

Wildfires, Directed Energy Weapons, Smart City Health & Controlling Humans

Brief Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | September 6, 2023

Examining the scene of destruction in Lahaina, Maui, and theories of Directed Energy Weapon use there via images of the real destruction versus padded media narratives of carnage–while Smart City mayhem, inclusive of Smart Grid takeovers (JUMPSmartMaui (energy efficient but oligarchic at heart) and Smart Health sweeps via Nanotech (Digital Health/Tele Health/Behavioral Health for psych label pigeonholing and interactive communism-by-consent citizenwide) is being rolled out in Maui and Hawaii in general–it looks like it is possible DEWs–possibly airborne lasers were used to start these wildfires, in a spectrally precise way (military language covering for frequency-based), although I’d imagine any fire-fighting expert would have a better understanding of whether DEWs were indeed used or whether this is evidence of general fire destruction: glass blown out of cars and building windows, tops of roofs removed, carboned metal, a historic banyan tree charred and so on.

Devastation in Maui/Landsat/Visible Earth, NASA

Still, many mysteries surround this fire which leveled a beloved and royal historic site, home once to a king, with grass and wood from houses burning, roofs burnt, cars charred not burned, historic storefronts burning, a library burned, a historic church named Waiola (“living water”) burned–while a lone red metal-roofed house surrounded by stone was left standing. (Metal and wire mesh can protect houses from fires, notes this report.)

Lahaina historical landmarks before and after they were devastated by deadly Maui wildfires/CBC News/August 12, 2023

(Images above from CBC News)

The red-roofed house, coincidentally, is owned by a couple with roots in Massachusetts, Trip and Dora Atwater Millikin, while it appears the tailing off of the unusually strong trade winds associated with Hurricane Dora at the time and thought to have fanned the flames of the wildfires may have spared their house just as much as the other fire-resistant actions of preservation they took, such as laying stone around the house.

“Trip Millikin and his wife, Dora Atwater Millikin, bought the Front Street house in 2021, according to the Civil Beat. The home, which once housed a local sugar plantation’s management employees, is thought to have been moved from the plantation to its current location in 1925, the Civil Beat reported.

The house was pretty rundown when the Millikins bought it, so they decided to renovate it and preserve a piece of Lahaina history, the Civil Beat reported.”

Photo: Why a Wooden House in Lahaina Was Spared in Maui Wildfires (

The question of drought carries a hidden secret.

News analysis examining the carrying of fire by dry grass and brush has looked at drought conditions on Maui and Hawaii in general at the time, and found that indeed sudden drought was registered a few weeks before the fire, going “from lush to bone dry and thus more fire-prone in just a matter of weeks”: A look at the Maui fires, and what’s behind them (, Associated Press, August 10, 2023).

“As of May 23, none of Maui was unusually dry; by the following week it was more than half abnormally dry. By June 13 it was two-thirds either abnormally dry or in moderate drought. And this week about 83% of the island is either abnormally dry or in moderate or severe drought, according to the U.S. drought monitor.

A look at the Maui fires…/Spectrum Local News/AP

Now how on earth did Maui move suddenly to D2, Severe Drought conditions? Perhaps through large-scale drying up of the atmosphere with electromagnetic weaponry such as HAARP, HELs, HPM maybe?

Drought has abruptly descended on Hawaii before:

Drought conditions during rainy season reported in March 2022

Drought reported by the National Weather Service in June 2022

Satellite imagery of Hurricane Dora around the same time as the fire shows possible microwave transmission patterns, of the kind identified to be HAARP-related. Is it possible HAARP may be used to manipulate weather to address (also manipulated) drought conditions in specific areas?

Earth Data, NASA

Radio frequency manipulation of weather in weather warfare actions on the Earth covered by Geoengineering Watch has more information.

HAARP facilities are worldwide now. Interactive Map of HAARP and Ionospheric Heaters Worldwide • Live Earth Monitoring & Educational Resources • ClimateViewer Maps

Image from site on Geo-terrorism/HAARP Microwave Warfare Scenario

New images use AI to provide more detail on Maui fires/ 29, 2023

Hawaii wildfires: how did the deadly Maui fire start and what caused it?/The Guardian/11 August 2023

Information from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency: August 2023 WildFires

High Energy Lasers

Looking briefly at the laser weaponology from the US Government, High Energy Lasers developed by the Department of Defense–as also High-Powered Microwave Weapons–seem to occupy a whole class of scaled energy weaponry from very large to very small, and appear to be deployable from battleships and airplanes as well as Army tanks and trucks.

Directed Energy Weapons Testing along with MilDec Wargaming, Modeling, and Simulation

Development and weapons-testing of these HELs seems to be a joint Army, Navy, Air Force venture with Defense contractors being rather preeminently involved. Modeling and simulation games–“wargaming” in fact–appears to have become a modern military preoccupation, rising to manic heights with the rampant tear-down of Smith-Mundt sanity engineered by the Obama Administration in 2012, opening the doors to Psy Ops, MilDec, NLP (neuro linguistic programming aka echo-stalking), Storytelling-in-Media, Disinfo-smearing and simulation nonstop: the Modern advent of Anything Goes. So it’s become very easy now for these mavens of the 77th Brigade who specialize in Psy Ops to roll in a whole number of actual on the ground Army actions and in the air actions and on the sea actions with Futures-testing “modeling and simulation” what-if covers (including media actions) and leave no-one the wiser as to what exactly is happening.

Treating American citizens as enemies of the state to propagandize domestically–essentially making all captive rather than free–has led to inordinate abuses by government against the citizenry, both in terms of actual physical abuse and massive psychological takedown within families, neighborhoods, workplaces, communities, using systemic deception and lies.

Laser Use in Anti-Personnel Weaponry Testing for Human Bio-Effects

The Directed Energy Futures 2060 report as also much other military publication on lasers certainly admits, if only minimally, to laser-deployment in anti-personnel attack weaponry–as also to laser use from planes–while news from weapons-testing contracts across the past several decades, never disclosed in mainstream media as harmful to humans, reveals quite a bit of harmful electromagnetic weapons testing, both large-scale and counter-personnel to study human bio-effects.

“Intermediate Force actions” in this excerpt below from this overview report refers to non-lethal weapons and technologies–which include such unapproved DOD-DOJ technology as infra-red lasers and millimeter wave through-wall detection technologies, some described earlier here (and unapproved here meaning unapproved by the American public via public interactive, openly-debated, openly-regulated government disclosure on the ground or in mainstream/corporate media–which latter has become defunct now, in this regard: the surfacing of truth).

Damaging the human eye in an “offensive technique” using anti-personnel non-lethal weapons, surfaced here below is not presented here–nor experienced by many reporting victims of unlawful weapons-testing, including to this writer–as testing alone but operations now. Does mention of non-State actors here (in operations) mean private mercenary corporations, being used to deploy Crowd-Control Technologies inclusive of Active Denial Systems (microwave/milliwave weapons systems) against a questioning public? (And do private corporations include “Law Enforcement” corporations now?) (They’re all incorporated.)

That “laser weapons can also cause damage by igniting fires” is probably well-known in the Defense industrial world. New laser weapons being developed and sold to governments implies testing of same–where, when, how, and why such weapons are being tested and operated are further questions to ask of government officials–using FOIA requests.

Smart City Health and What It Might Entail

Meanwhile it appears Maui like many other parts of the world have people on City Councils corralled by the real estate and technology sector “top dogs” who run media, hospitals, Universities and public relations campaigns presenting the (currently being modeled and simulated) future as both Clean, Energy Efficient, and Inevitable.

Fires which consume trees and impel a touching reliance of whole populations on questionable Emergency Medical Systems and the equally questionable city/state infrastructure behind them are being used and have been used to bring in “digital health technologies” via COVID-19 and its “vaccines”–also known as 5G technologies: nanobiosensors, 5G transmitters, “wifi health” or “tele health” while the harms of radiating devices and the loss of organic biosphere from ravaged or cut-down trees, known to facilitate close-range 5G transmission, are being played down.

21-102-DOH-brings-health-and-digital-navigators-and-telehealth-services-to-underserved-communities.pdf (

The Pandemic Has ‘Permanently’ Changed Health Care In Hawaii – Honolulu Civil Beat/May 28, 2021

Transforming health care at the edge | MIT Technology Review/June 10, 2021

When public safety, public health, and public security collide, we can be sure it’s not public welfare we’re looking at here but a much more invasive form of eventually intended remote body monitoring, without consent, as earlier posts on NBIC Convergence here and here point to–matters to be further reported.

Behavioral Health and Community Care: Cause for Concern When the Mental Health Enterprise is Obviously Flawed and Seriously Harmful to all Citizens

Lahaina’s wounds to mental health could ripple through generations: Experts/Hawaii News Now

The sudden “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” concerns–all around the USA today and world–of suddenly reinvigorated social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, doctors using “Collaborative Care” or “Community Care” or “Care Coordination” models seek to psychiatrize pretty much everyone, terrorizing the rest into silent subjection as they transform all into “patients” to be imminently harmed with a label of whatever level of subjugation is desired by the oligarchic network wielding NeuroPsych weapons of war on the populace: “anxiety” to “depression” to “schizophrenia” to “tardive dyskinesia” to “dementia” to “mania,” just as arbitrarily as they please. Then corral the whole community into action against them–with lies–as they pull in ever-fatter paychecks and police all their newfound patients with passion, pursuing them from pillar to post with more and more sugar-coated terror (white gloves and coats over their snowy white boots).

“Bipolar Disorder,” “Manic Depressive Disorder,” “Schizophrenia,” “Delusional Disorder,” “Acute Delusional Disorder,” for instance: Extremely terrifying “Diagnoses” to most–but which should really be known as False and Fraudulent Psychiatric Labels, meaningless and expedient–which can be manufactured overnight on anyone today, primarily to remove basic human rights, by a marauding hierarchy of State actors seeking to politically suppress stand-out citizens including journalists and writers, professors and nurses, consultants and creators, veterans and families. As has certainly been reported today by thousands of Americans, including to this writer. Labels and lies which become means for uneducated but easily-trained-to-be-communist-socialist-minions of the “smart city” buildout of community prisons to suppress others using cell phone and handheld satellite tracking, Bluetooth interception and interference, and matrixed monitoring and “e-heathcare” action inside a networked satellite-drone-celltower-portable-and-handheld-device system of action delivering “innovative healthcare technologies”–nothing but tech-transfer energy-weapon privacy-invading vibration technologies, designed to remote-access and alter the human body and brain without consent.

That is the greater danger behind such fires which consume cities and towns and forests as well.

Whatever level of “Smart” anything–whether energy, health, cities–people may choose to embrace, it is that awareness–that exploitative and eugenicist oligarchy, monarchy, communism, destructive socialism (such as forced migration, forced public health monitoring, forced energy/health technology use on people) today is being brought forward into our midst on the back of very sophisticated (and wrong-turn, no-ethics) neuro-biotechnology, military physics and mathematics, undisclosed high energy weapons testing, undisclosed biomedical experimentation, undisclosed Artificial Intelligence brain takedown of people, seeking insidiously to enslave–that we need to keep before us, and that intended enslavement which we must refute, reject, resist as best we can as we seek to keep and uphold our common humanity.

Terms like “Digital Government” “Digital Hospitals” “Digital Health” — seeking to digitize the human body — need to be explored and exposed by all. None of us needs Human Control Technologies running through our veins or seeding our human skin. Nor False and Fraudulent “Mental Health” labels: The entire edifice of medieval Psychiatry, Mental Health, Behavioral Health, which is working as a seal to enslavement today inside corporate globalist and CIA/DHS/NSA/FBI constructs of secrecy-driven subjugation of the citizenry needs to be publicly investigated, fully exposed, and torn down.

Smart and Digital

JumpSmartMaui seems to offer a viable electric-car alternative to fuel-driven cars, but is there a catch here? Corporate oligarchies in particular running such ventures should give everyone pause. Again, something to explore further. This case study offers further insight.

The New Smart Grid in Hawaii: JUMPSmartMaui Project/Hitachi

Digital Governments galore: Govtech Events

Hawaii Digital Government Summit

International conferences on system sciences, bringing a few sciences together: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023


Fiduciary Anna von Reitz Restores America & World, Calls on All to Participate in Renewal | Making History Canceling 2 1934 Gold Bearer Bonds

Report & Links | Ramola D | June 30, 2022

In a historic video (posted below), Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for the USA Unincorporated and world–as reported here earlier and also here, where she reports recognition by world bodies as also the bankruptcy of all government corporations worldwide, Anna von Reitz and the Financial Director of the new Global Family International Trade Bank publicly cancel two 1934 Gold Bearer Bonds for Five Hundred Million Dollars each representing an 1898 handover of American Gold by the US Navy to the international central banking globalist cabal and lodged in the Philippines, signifying a return of the gold to its proper historic owners, Americans from every state republic, and offering means for gold-backing of all money and any future credit to be transacted through the new Global Family International Trade Bank.


In her preliminary comments introducing this historic act of stamping to cancel out these bonds, Anna describes the base history behind the loss of America’s gold, the incorporation of the US Government starting in 1860, the long century and three quarters of fraud since then where all Americans and people of the world have been identity-thefted, defrauded, duped, and deceived into being seen as incorporated US or federal citizens and legal fictions whereby corporate US Inc. imposes statutory private law (regulations, mandates) over all while abandoning Public Law which all citizenry is owed under common law, where identity, rights, freedom, property interests and human bodies now as well have been usurped through the GMO-making COVID mRNA vaccines, where other world deceptions rule such as the unbelievable continuation of 70 years of war status still promulgated by the United Nations with NATO still occupying Europe, the corporate seeing of citizens as enemies of the State, while using and reusing their names and assets as means to trade and make private profit for the criminal network of syndicated corporations.

Anna also explains how these actions will affect all countries of the world, since every government is a sub-franchise corporation of US Inc.

In fact, Anna has been making quite a few historic posts at her site recently–which also address all this, and include the notifying of corporations and cabals of the change in country, government, and status now for America and the world– which will be reported on here shortly, some primary links below from Anna von Reitz’s website:

3731. Public and International Notice: Proof of Treason and Sabotage

3732. Public and International Notice: How the Entire World (Almost) Became Indebted to America

3733. Public and International Notice of Trespass and Breach of Trust

3734. About Public and International Notice — and Obama’s Activities

What Anna von Reitz has accomplished and continues to accomplish is nothing short of phenomenal, and truly the only real historic governmental news the entire world should be reporting and following–our current structure of worldwide government corporations run by criminal globalists (and their entire planned pandemic-run-medical-dictatorship, techno-dystopia, transhumanist slavery, and Agenda 21st Century Subjugation of Humanity in addition to multiple frauds like Climate Change and Scarcity Thinking) is likely to become history very soon as their ability to print money and float fiat currency comes to an end.

Anna has described the Blue Dot banks and new banking system for everyone that she mentions in the video here in this post, End the Confusion Now.

For more information on the great work of restoring America to Americans and the rest of the world to their own people which Anna has accomplished with her team, please visit Restoring America, and peruse the resources linked there also at the Federation and Massachusetts State Assembly pages, which point to all Anna’s and American States Assembly sites as well.

These are subjects also being covered in the Let Freedom Ring! podcasts, the last one of which was Podcast 7: Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 7 with Mass State Assembly: Two Governments, Citizenships, Jurisdictions.

To further understand your free and birthright American status (versus unfortunately deceptively enslaved US citizen status all living-soul born-here or naturalized-here Americans have been pressganged into), please see: Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

Anna von Reitz: UN CORP — A Message for Davos | Root of All Evil Apparently UN CORPORATION, Behind US INC., UN, WHO, DOD, NATO |”Time to Liquidate it as a Criminal Entity”

Re-post of article by Anna von Reitz at her website and | Ramola D | May 22, 2022

As preface to this post, an earlier one from Anna von Reitz offers helpful background on the UN CORPORATION, which apparently is not the same as the United Nations Organization but is behind it, as behind a whole lot of other corporations including US Inc., the WHO, NATO, DOD etc., all of whom have been engaging in massive criminality some of which is just surfacing. The excerpt below is taken from Anna’s The UN, Swamp Draining, and Today’s Situation Report:

“The UN is not the United Nations, in the same way that the UNITED STATES is not the United States.

By the fall of 1943 the Vichy French government knew the jig was up. Herr Hitler’s plan to borrow all he could from the Jews of Europe and then murder his priority creditors wasn’t working out so well. So the Vichy began quietly moving their own ill-gotten gains to Switzerland and not a small number of the vermin paid off Swiss officials to become Swiss citizens. Some of these characters and their friends even took over de facto ownership of certain Swiss banks where they deposited the wealth they pillaged from their neighbors and from the dead.

Against this general backdrop two corporations were formed in France, one was called the UN Corporation, and the other was the IMF. Both the UN Corp and the IMF were spooled up by the same group of Rothschild-Rockefeller-Railroad Baron and Big Oil interests. This version of “UN” was and is a privately held commercial corporation created some years before the actual United Nations charter was signed.

This then allows the same kinds of deceptively similar names deceits and frauds that arise when we mistake the UNITED STATES for the United States; by that point in history, this misuse of similar names to promote constructive fraud schemes had become completely routine. Rumor has it that Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, decried this cozy deceit and was going to expose it for what it was, but was killed before he could do so.

Thus, when the news media today is talking about “UN Peacekeeping Forces” you never know– except by context– whether they are talking about commercial mercenaries hired by the UN Corp to protect its business interests or if you are talking about combined actual military forces contributed by member governments of the United Nations. Both are called “UN Peacekeeping Forces” though obviously the nature, intent, standards, motivations, and behavior of the two so-called “Peacekeeping Forces” are dramatically different and often at odds.”

Also see her post About the UN, for further clarification about the UN and UN CORP.

Screenshot, Davos 2022 at WEF

Saturday, May 21, 2022

UN CORP — A Message for Davos

 By Anna Von Reitz

This message is especially important for the Vatican Chancery Court and the United Nations as a whole, but it is directed to all the billionaire business elite tycoons gathered in Davos, Switzerland.

The UN CORP chartered in Vichy France in 1943, during World War II, founded by French and Belgian Nazis — is a real problem for you, the United Nations Organization.

First, the WHO side of the World Health Organization is caught bilking the World Bank on Pandemic Bonds and contributing to the false pandemic narrative in exchange for kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers.

Second, NATO is caught with its member’s hands in the Ukraine putsch and later, the development of all sorts of illegal bioweapon research and production facilities in Ukraine.

Third, we have discovered all sorts of adrenochrome “factories” operating on mothballed DOD properties scattered throughout The United States — complete with manifests for the “missing” children.

WHO, NATO, DOD — three Bad Actors and all connected to the UN CORP.

It is now clear exactly who and what the “enemy” of all mankind is.

And, to everyone’s surprise, it’s the very people who should be happiest, the ones who sit at the top of the pyramid, who have nothing in the world to worry about or wish for, who are causing all this turmoil, criminality, and grief.

The US, INC. is not only being deliberately mismanaged, but so are all the commercial BANKS.

We have evidence that all the other UN CORP franchises and affiliates are similarly being “weaponized” and mismanaged in a desperate bid to both garner last minute profits and “pull the plug”.

Many of the UN CORP’s most corrupt franchises, the SEC, the FEDERAL RESERVE, and GOLDMAN-SACHS are already on the run to China, where they hope to parasitize the Chinese people just as they have done to us, exactly like Tapeworms moving on to a new host.

You, the Corporatists gathered in Davos, have profited yourselves from this filthy and criminal “System” you built, and so now you are adding to your sins by destroying the communication and medical and financial systems and everything else you can pervert, maim, or destroy.

But the UN CORP and its franchises didn’t actually rebuild the world after World War II. We did. It was our private trust fund money that was commandeered by the military and the banks with barely a nod or a thank you to us — that rebuilt everything after WWII.

We rebuilt in another way, too, as individual people weighing in, doing the work, contributing the skills.

Right now, you are in Davos trying to figure out how to keep on bilking the Public that you are ultimately dependent upon, while maintaining your claims of Odious Debt, and continuing to shuffle off your own corporate tax burdens onto future generations of living people.

I have never heard such a lot of tripe in my life. Sooner or later, the snake has to eat its own tail.

Let’s observe, Geniuses, that you are dependent on the Public, and your corporations only exist by virtue of Public tolerance.

Let’s also observe that without the Public you have no customers, no products, no basis for your industries, no sources of income, no purpose, no profits, and it becomes clear that you and your Pals in Government are the Useless Eaters around here.

Your brand of medicine does not promote health, your brand of law does not promote justice, and your use of communications is purely to manipulate. Your banks are crooked as a dog’s hind legs. Your Armed Forces are all illegal mercenary forces that you pay peanuts and disparage and blame for your own war profiteering.

Your drugs are dangerous, addictive, and over-priced. Your “fertilizers” ruin the soil. Your vaccines cause diseases instead of preventing them. Your food provides little or no nutrition. Your water supplies are all tainted with heavy metals and poisonous metallic salts. The police services we pay for serve only to protect you and your cronies and your investments. Your so-called money is paper promises to pay someday.

Exactly what is your “system” good for? Inefficient tax accounting?

It’s a given that government produces nothing and is dependent in nature, but what excuse do you have for producing bad products, and then expecting everyone else to pay for them?

I count that as being worse than useless.

All members of the United Nations Organization better wake up and realize that they are being used, individually and collectively, as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION, and the UN CORPORATION is functioning in a completely reckless and lawless manner, as well as being completely worthless in terms of producing any products or services that we need.

If this situation offends you and if you are — quite rightly, afraid that you will be blamed for the UN CORPORATION’s actions, it’s time to liquidate it as a criminal entity.

And never let those involved in this vicious boondoggle have the privilege of incorporating another business anywhere ever again.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna’s website here:


Anna von Reitz: Public International Notice for the High Courts and United Nations | Corporations fronted by British Crown and Popes Have No Standing Over Land and Soil Jurisdiction in This Country

Anna von Reitz: The Choice for All Mankind | Corporate Feudalism or Universal Free Will? Military Mavens Need to Step Up

BREAKING | Anna von Reitz: International and Public Declaration of Possession by Right | International Notice to Cease Production of FRNs and Revert US Inc. Assets to the True Govt, Unincorporated Federation of States, USA

Report 261| Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on The Long British Empire & Bankers’ Hold Over America and the World–& How to End it

Report | Ramola D | Oct 1, 2021

A couple weeks ago, I was honored to have the illustrious Michael McKibben of Americans for Innovation and Douglas Gabriel of American Intelligence Media, thanks to the kind co-ordinating of Tyla Gabriel, on my channel, speaking about the ways in which the British Empire–and behind them, various Venetian merchant and banker families comprising a European hegemony–never really ended (the sun never set on that endless Empire) but has come all the way into the present, commandeering affairs, political and financial, in America and all over the world, and running the planning and execution of the current ongoing hoax of the “coronavirus pandemic” quickly rechristened the more sinister “COVID” pandemic, linked to the Great Reset’s fond feudalist hope of digital ids, bio-digital convergence, and the cyborging enslavement of humanity.

Mike and Doug run the Mike and Doug radio/video show posted regularly at Americans for Innovation and at the American Intelligence Media video channels where they share the results of their teams’ ongoing historical research, delving into library archives and Congressional records to tease out the real history of governments, news media, intelligence agencies, telecom and pharmaceutical companies as well as the soulless corporations these have grown into, the long-term agendas of manic domination and control planned by deranged aristocrats and feudalists from the nineteenth century and seeing fruition today, the work of secret societies, occultists, and pedophiles pursuing Satanic, eugenicist goals to suppress and oppress humanity, religion, and consciousness.

I’ve had the honor of speaking previously to Mike McKibben about his company Leader Technologies and the blatant theft of social media networking and connection software Facebook from him by a patent attorney working on his team but connected to DARPA, and subsequent shielding of Facebook by corporate attorneys, the US Patent Office, and the judicial system–a story told in this interview with Ave Tampere, Estonian Daily and this interview with Ann VanderSteele–and have kept in touch on email, always glad for his teams’ research and commenting occasionally on it.

Coming from India, and being a writer who has researched the creation of famines in India by the British as they engaged in complete economic exploitation of the populace from the 17th century onward, engaging in slash and burn cash-crop-conversion agricultural, political, and eugenicist practices which led to a series of killer famines to rival the Irish Potato Famine across three centuries–something I still need to write more fully about–while now having become, like thousands if not millions of others, a specific target of unlawful and aggressive “Deep State” assault–as reported fully on an ongoing basis at my Personal Reports page, it has been and continues to be of special interest to me to understand further what and who comprises the British Empire, and how they are still operating as pirates and profiteers in the world today.

I have to say I’d wanted initially to have Mike and Doug on a panel — possibly with Dean Henderson (Report 206–The Crown’s Long War to Destroy Humanity, Guerrilla War in Fighting Back), who has covered similar subjects earlier at my channel — since I don’t think I have enough of a history and civics research background to do justice to their immense store of knowledge, but of course it was truly spectacular having them on their own to come address some of the major information they have studied and unearthed–even if my questions and comments were completely elementary, which led really to them offering a terrific overview of the past 200 years, with focus on the UK-US Pilgrims Society, which forms what many of us still mistakenly call the “Deep State” today.

Aristocrats and Criminals, Practising Dynasty, Still Rule Over Us

What Report 261 offers therefore is a deep, analytical look at the long hold that the corporatist elites of the British Empire—arising from the aristocratic class, affiliated with an always-criminal royalty, with Venetian banking families, with the Rothschilds/Bauers and leaning into the class of robber barons and Federal Reserve cartels which made American aristocracy—have established, extended, and run across the centuries.

Today these very families, operating on principles of dynastic succession and ruthless power-preserving continue their dynastic system of exploitation of the working class, using nested shell companies, secretive committees in government, and a Golden Share the rather astonishingly powerful Queen holds in every publicly-held corporation in England.

They have perfected psychological and intellectual control over the populace via journalism transformed to propaganda & Intelligence via the Empire Press Union–arising out of the Imperial Press Conference of 1909, taking over the bulk of the modern publishing industry.

They have taken over the field of medicine and health as well as the underpinnings of a perpetual war economy by building a pharmaceutical and war enterprise ruthless in its methods of experimentation and exploitation, dating back to the Boer Wars and continuing to the present day through a 20th-century rife with Nazi experiments, military and intelligence experiments on civilians and soldiers both, from World War I through Tuskegee, plutonium experiments, MK ULTRA, Guatemalan syphilis experiments to current-day brain and bio-hacking AI & robotizing experiments using spectrum weapons and neural weapons on activists, journalists, whistleblowers, people of integrity–often discussed at my channel, and described here (as in many other articles at this site, including this second Memo to Trump.)

Building warfare practice in biotechnology, they have brought us to the current state of affairs with weaponized virus ideology as evinced by the Pirbright/Wellcome Trust coronavirus patents and Tavistock hold over the eugenicist vaccine industry now run by front organizations WHO, GAVI, CEPI, which continues to benefit the wealthy and well-endowed (pharma companies, investors, stockholders, governments) while causing grief, suffering, death, and sterility to the world populace (developing countries AKA colonially-exploited countries) targeted by “Public Health” for disease, sterility, and depopulation through Vaccine–deceiving millions about the “safety and efficacy of vaccines” in the process.

Fabian Incrementalism, Deploying Social Welfare Against Society

Doug and Mike explain how the long generational British-European bloodline plan arcing across time to control humanity, a 200 year old plan, built on “Fabian Incrementalism” has led to multiple organizations being built around their core principles of “Government by Journalism” tracing back to the 1909 Imperial Press Conference held by the Empire Press Union – which devolved into Associated Press and Reuters and the current press establishment, and the merging of new technologies wireless and telegraphy with journalism and intelligence.

Thus also formed the Pilgrim Society which has morphed now into the anonymous Anglo-American establishment of the “Deep State” and has led, with the RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs), Chatham House, the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations)–and later similar groups (Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers)–to the projection of policy and progress in the mode preferred by this feudalist class, exploiting labor through such organizations as the Salvation Army and the YMCA, flying corporations like SERCO which seem to own large chunks of British and American industry and government, using central banking and fiat currency to rule over us while suppressing the true history of their great power and control over all historic affairs with a Tavistock-run and Carnegie Institute-executed whitewashing of our (American, British, Commonwealth, worldwide) history textbooks.

British intelligence has created American intelligence then, and journalism run by the barons from Day One has led to the current scenario of a Press in service of big Pharma, and the rollout of the ongoing genocidal program of population control and transhumanism based on eugenics, narcissism, psychopathy, and hubris, tracing right back to their great passion for preservation of power and profit needs to be understood in its truest light.

Ending the Exploitation, Taking Our Country Back

We need to end this supreme exploitation of our country and our people, we can all agree, and the way forward, both Mike and Doug tell us, is to end central banking, end the Federal Reserve, destroy the corrupt edifice of power predicated on lobbying and federalism we have in Washington DC and return to grassroots leadership creation, minus power and profit, finding a return to the true Republic and perhaps a second Constitutional Convention. We also need to institute the Golden Rule—Do unto others what you wish others to do unto you—raise the moral standards and end bureaucracy; Doug mentions a 12-step program at, written in 2016 for Trump to follow.

How the destruction of America has been achieved can be found here: Overthrowing America in Twelve Steps/American Intelligence Media.

A 3-step plan to clean out the swamp is here: Trust the AIM Plan/American Intelligence Media

Mike suggests we need to stop using the term “Deep State” and start naming the miscreants instead, name them and go to their houses, make it uncomfortable for them to continue their power grabs and exploitation—and indeed, this tactic of exposing, naming and faming them in addition to building new structures of morality-and-moral-standard-led government may be the only way forward, to end their feudalist enslavement of humanity.

For more, please see the excellent posts at Americans For Innovation and American Intelligence Media, including these:

The British War on Christianity

The Anglo-American Establishment

Cecil Rhodes’ 200-Year Propaganda War

How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement

Sir Andrew Carnegie and Cecil Rhodes, Planners of Internationalism

The 200-Year Information War: The UK-US Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs Intelligence (Spy-Lies) to bend Words and Culture to Extremely Dangerous Fake News (Atheistic Social Fascism)

Henry Wellcome: From Backwoods Boy to Medicine Man

Report 261| Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on The Long Arm of British Empire & How to End it

View Report 261 at Bitchute

View Report 261 at Brighteon

View Report 261 at Odysee



Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on the Long Arm of British Empire/Gabriels_Horn, Bitchute

Red Alert! Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer/AstraZeneca Vaccines–Used in Biosensors and Neural Interfaces–Could Be the Secret Link to Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Human-Machine Convergence for AI Singularity & Full Spectrum Brain/Bio Control Intended by Anti-Human Transhumanists, Globalists, Governments

Report & Speculation | Ramola D | July 13, 2021

Disturbing information about nano graphene oxide is now surfacing after the recent bombshell report by La Quinta Columna scientists and University of Almeria marking a high volume–98-99% of contents–of Nano Graphene Oxide and only a tiny fraction of the much-touted mRNA in the Pfizer and Astrazeneca vaccines, with the Pfizer vaccine content covered earlier here , Astrazeneca content covered here.

Delving into the public-domain scientific literature published on nano graphene oxide or GO, the fact that GO has long been researched and developed for use as biosensor and electrochemical sensor, as well as in neuroscience applications to breach the Blood-Brain Barrier and convey biomolecules, magnetic nanoparticles, drugs, and mRNA to the brain for neuro imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, gene therapy and cancer therapy is readily available.

Couple that with information from a number of White House, NASA, Rand Corporation, and other strategy and futurism documents on the intended NBIC (Nano Bio Info Cogno) Convergence or Human-Machine Convergence which the transhumanists and WEF globalists have decided–without consultation, without public consent, without open discussion–is the direction all of humanity is going to be steered in, add in statements made by Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil on their dreamed-of AI Singularity needing millions of brains tied-in, toss in a side of crackly Secrecy, and you have all the makings here for a Mega Crime Against Humanity.

It’s not just a few “mad scientists” and transhumanists though, its entire agencies, divisions of military and governments, entire University programs and research institutions, thousands of glossy-eyed graduate students and academics fired up about neuro imaging of whole brains and apolitically roped into biosurveillance without recognizing the larger ramifications of their involvement, who have been slowly but surely steering the ship toward Full Spectrum Borg: brain enslavement & 24/7 bio surveillance of human beings, Internet of Bodies, Internet of Bio Nano Things, Cerebral Internet, and given no choice about it.

Any wonder they have been obsessed with “a needle in every arm” and needing “all 7 billion vaccinated”? It’s not just about genome takeover with mRNA insertions and spike protein factory-making but full spectrum brain and bio control, transformation of health freedom into Public-Health-run, centralized digital “health” monitoring, management, and control–all via nano biosensors and 5G/6G, exactly as Dr. Carrie Madej has been describing. There also appear to be intentions to transform–or degrade–the energy and vibrational signature of humans at the molecular level via effecting changes in cellular and DNA resonance.

No matter apparently if thousands die and hundreds of thousands suffer horrific adverse reactions to their investigational drug delivery via experimental “vaccine”: the goal is humanity brain and body takeover for Assimilation-into-the-Borg (predictive programming courtesy Star Trek) and collateral damage to be ignored.

Not until and unless humans across the planet recognize the gravity of the situation and act decisively and collectively to halt these vaccines, as well as all efforts by governments to subjugate and enslave them through a myriad of means focused around the unproven and entirely fraudulent “pandemic” will these atrocities come to an end.

The possibility for intravenous injection of electrochemical and magnetic nanosensors intending continuous and real-time bio-monitoring and neuro-monitoring as well as neuromodulation definitely exists, this is proved in a basic perusal of the scientific literature on the subject.

1. High Graphene Oxide Content in the Pfizer Vaccine is Indicated by Optical and Electron Microscopy as well as now UV Fluoroscence Analysis.

The latest information from La Quinta Columna scientist Dr. Jose Sevillano suggests that UV Fluoroscence analysis conducted by Dr. Pablo Campo Madrid indicates the presence of Graphene Oxide.

This is covered at Orwell City here: La Quinta Columna shares UV fluorescence test results that support the claim that the analyzed vaccination vials contain graphene oxide

“In program nº 77, La Quinta Columna shared the results of a UV fluorescence analysis performed on Pfizer’s vaccination vial.

The graph was provided by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra, who has been leading the analysis of the vial using different techniques (optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, among others). 

According to the results of the UV fluorescence analysis, the peak reached by the nanomaterial present in the vial corresponds perfectly to that of graphene oxide (340 nm).”

Orwell City/

Details on the electron and optical microscopy findings in the Pfizer vaccine were previously reported here:

Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene Oxide–Also Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19

The translated University report, courtesy Tim Brown, at Scribd, is here:

(Comirnaty is a trade name for the Pfizer vaccine in Europe.)

2. Biosensing/Nanotechnology Biosensing has long been studied by the military and Air Force for stated purposes of health monitoring, real-time cognitive monitoring, performance enhancement, “Supersoldiering,” and targeted “read-write” access to brain functions.

It is possible that the study of nano bio-sensing and nano neural monitoring in Universities has largely been led by Defense grants under “dual-use” focus (military and civilian use), with obvious implications for the development of neuroweaponry, as openly discussed in recent times by various military neuroscientists such as Dr. James Giordano and Dr. Charles Morgan, some of their work reported here: Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today, but also under projected guise of aiding airmen and supporting soldiers: the implications for manipulating physiology, cognition, brain functions of every kind are obviously enormous:

“The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/RX) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is conducting ground-breaking research in how the molecular structures that make up some of nature’s most interesting materials interact with nonbiological materials to create effective, low-cost and easily manufactured sensing platforms….

The team is developing non-invasive platforms that include a comfortable, long-lasting patch made from biocompatible materials that can be printed with electronic sensors and worn on the body for several days at a time.

Also being developed are sensors made of lightweight, inexpensive filter paper that optically detect miniscule changes in the body’s chemistry and a platform that uses graphene’s unique electronic capabilities to develop biosensing capabilities that are selective for “state-of-the-body” markers they detect.”

Air Force Lab Furthers Biosensing Capabilities/Global Biodefense Staff/April 9, 2015

The AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) awarded a research grant in 2009 to the no-doubt deliberately named BIONIC (Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/Organic Nanostructures and Improved Cognition) Center at Georgia Tech, with intended collaboration from Ohio State University, Emory University, and mega Defense contractor Lockheed Martin.

“The $10.5 million Center, known as the Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/Organic Nanostructures and Improved Cognition (BIONIC) center, is being led by Vladimir Tsukruk and Kenneth Sandhage, professors in Georgia Tech’s School of Materials Science and Engineering.

“Advanced materials is an area of importance for the Air Force since the landscape of materials science is rapidly changing and bio-nano-materials are classes of pervasive materials that exhibit unique capabilities and have the potential to address Air Force needs,” explained Rajesh Naik, a scientist in the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. “In addition, improved cognition tools are required for assessing the cognitive ability of the warfighter as we ask for more from our human operators in the most demanding environments.”

The BIONIC center includes a group of core members from six departments within the Georgia Tech Colleges of Sciences and Engineering, a researcher at The Ohio State University, and scientists and engineers at AFRL. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is also an industrial collaborator….

U.S. Air Force analysts must remain attentive to computers and controls for hours at a time, so we aim to find a molecular signature of cognition that is sensitive to changes in stress levels and correlate these molecules with functional brain maps using magnetic resonance imaging techniques,” said LaPlaca. “We want to learn about a warfighter’s physiological response to different situations and use this information to optimize training and work effectiveness.”

Air Force Center of Excellence awarded in nanostructures and improved cognition /Atlanta, GA | Posted on December 1st, 2009/Nanotechnology Now

Among their aims was “designing, fabricating, characterizing and simulating the performance of inorganic/organic nanocomposites for tunable, adaptive materials” and “develop(ing) tools and assessment methods to optimize critical cognitive processes of the modern warfighter.”

The rather technical but vastly interesting report which came out of five years of research projects by those BIONIC scientists probing bio-sensing, cognition, “real-time cognitive monitoring” and “targeted intervention in brain activities” is posted online here and can be perused below.

Graphene is mentioned as well, in its utility as a nano electronics delivery platform for bio sensing and drug delivery.

3. Graphene Oxide Biosensors have been widely studied for use in Nano Bio Medicine as also in other fields of use.

There is a great deal of scientific literature–and a lot of excitement in these circles–on the use of Graphene and Graphene Oxide in electrochemical biosensing and nano electronics, by virtue of the properties of Graphene–a single, 2-dimensional layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice which is just one-atom-thick, and derived from the naturally-occurring Graphite, isolated in its single-layer form in 2004, by two scientists who won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, now both at the University of Manchester, for this accomplishment. Graphene’s “exceptional” properties spanning “quantum mechanical, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, magnetic” fields have made it meteorically important, it has particularly made a splash in the world of nanotechnology and neural technology.

An abstract for the paper “Biosensors based on graphene oxide and its biomedical applications” by Lee, Kim, Kim and Min, researchers in Seoul, Korea states:

Graphene oxide (GO) is one of the most attributed materials for opening new possibilities in the development of next generation biosensors. Due to the coexistence of hydrophobic domain from pristine graphite structure and hydrophilic oxygen containing functional groups, GO exhibits good water dispersibility, biocompatibility, and high affinity for specific biomolecules as well as properties of graphene itself partly depending on preparation methods. These properties of GO provided a lot of opportunities for the development of novel biological sensing platforms, including biosensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and electrochemical detection.”

Graphene Oxide is used in conjunction with magnetic nanoparticles and biomolecules:

Graphene-Based Biosensors offers a good overview of graphene use in biosensors, DNA-sensors for the monitoring of glucose levels, DNA-sensing, and testing for bacteria and viruses.

Not surprisingly, the graphene market is accelerating in size and application. The EU recently invested 1Billion Euros to create a research project titled The Graphene Flagship:

“Six years ago, the European Union (EU) embarked on an ambitious project to create a kind of Silicon Valley for the “wonder material” of the last decade: graphene. The project—called the Graphene Flagship—would leverage €1 billion over 10 years to push graphene into commercial markets. The project would bring together academic and industrial research institutes to not only ensure graphene research would be commercialized, but to also make Europe an economic powerhouse for graphene-based technologies.”

Europe Has Invested €1 Billion Into Graphene—But For What? /Dexter Johnson, IEEE Spectrum/3 June 2019

4. Graphene Oxide Biosensors have especially been studied and are in use for Neural Interfaces with Neurons, Drug and Gene/mRNA delivery past the Blood Brain Barrier, Neuro Imaging, Brain Mapping, Real-Time Cognitive Monitoring.

Brain and Central Nervous System

The use of nano graphene in studying the functioning of brains and the Central Nervous System (CNS) especially for transmission of drugs across the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) in vivo in real-time has been heralded as a breakthrough.

“In detail, researchers have already started exploring the use of G at the CNS for cell labeling and real-time live-cell monitoring (Wang et al., 2014; Zuccaro et al., 2015); delivery to the brain of molecules that are usually rejected by the BBB (Tonelli et al., 2015; Dong et al., 2016); G-based scaffolds for cell culture (Li N. et al., 2013; Menaa et al., 2015; Defterali et al., 2016b); and cell analysis based on G-electrodes (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015). In addition, interfacing G with neural cells was also proposed to be extremely advantageous for exploring their electrical behavior or facilitating neuronal regeneration by promoting controlled elongation of neuronal processes (Li et al., 2011; Tu et al., 2014; Fabbro et al., 2016). These applications open up new research lines in neuro-therapeutics, including neuro-oncology, neuro-imaging, neuro-regeneration, functional neuro-surgery and peripheral nerve surgery (Mattei and Rehman, 2014).”

Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells, Front. Syst. Neurosci., 11 April 2018 |

The review cited above focuses on specific aspects of nano graphene considered vital to future neuroscience applications, “(i) G as nano-carrier for drug and gene delivery; (ii) G interaction with the BBB; and (iii) G-based 2D and 3D composites for neural regeneration, stimulation and recording” which includes study of Graphene Oxide-PEG (Poly Ethylene Glycol) composites.

(PEG has been reported as an ingredient in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and also studied as a cause for anaphylaxis in reaction to these vaccines:

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a cause of anaphylaxis to the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA COVID‐19 vaccine/

Clin Exp Allergy 2021 Jun;51(6):861-863. doi: 10.1111/cea.13874. Epub 2021 Apr 9.)

Drug and Gene Delivery in Cancer Therapy

Nanographene oxide in particular has been used in drug-delivery and RNA/gene-delivery in cancer gene-therapy and chemotherapy. Further, graphene oxide properties are used in magnetic resonance and fluoroscence imaging:

“Smart nanocarriers that are responsive to external stimuli, such as heat, glutathione, light, pH or magnetic fields, are also necessary for the controlled release of genes or drugs at suitable sites15,16,17,18.

Several types of nanocarriers, containing carbon nanotubes, liposomes, graphene oxide (GO), silicon nanomaterial and polymer micelles have been developed to co-deliver siRNA and chemotherapy drugs both in vitro and in vivo to enhance therapeutic action against cancer cells exhibiting MDR in recent years19,20,21,22.

Among the nanocarriers, graphene oxide nanocarrier could be used for chemotherapy drug delivery, because of its good biocompatibility, high drug-loading capacity, and adsorption of aromatic drug molecules through π–π stacking and hydrophobic interaction, as well as the surface can be functionalized easily23,24,25,26.”

Zeng, Y., Yang, Z., Li, H. et al. Multifunctional Nanographene Oxide for Targeted Gene-Mediated Thermochemotherapy of Drug-resistant Tumour. Sci Rep 7, 43506 (2017).

5. High biomedical use despite the fact that Graphene and Graphene Oxide toxicity is reported as significant

Studies published online report that graphene nanoparticles have been found to be toxic to multiple organs. Intravenous injection to convey graphene nanoparticles into the bloodstream has also been studied in mice. Several papers report that biocompatibility and toxicity of Graphene in biomedical applications has been insufficiently studied.

“GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulating in the lung, liver, and spleen etc. For example, some graphene nanomaterials aerosols can be inhaled and substantial deposition in the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas, lung fibrosis and adverse health effects to exposed persons [2, 29].“…

“Intravenous injection is also widely used to assess the toxicity of graphene nanomaterials, and graphene circulates through the body of mice in 30 min, accumulating at a working concentration in the liver and bladder [32, 5052].

Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms/Particle and Fibre Toxicolo

gy, 2016

Comprehensive Application of Graphene: Emphasis on Biomedical Concerns |Syama S, Mohanan PV. Comprehensive Application of Graphene: Emphasis on Biomedical Concerns. Nanomicro Lett. 2019 Jan 12;11(1):6. doi: 10.1007/s40820-019-0237-5. PMID: 34137957; PMCID: PMC7770934.

6. Magnetogenetics, Nanobioelectronics, Human-Machine Interfaces Linked via 4G/5G/6G to Cloud Computing, Smart Phones, Internet of Things Show that Neurons Can be Accessed and Influenced Remotely.

A variety of technologies being used to access and influence targeted neurons reveal that brain behaviors and functions can be modified from a distance.

Wireless Deep-Brain Stimulation With Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles/Industry – University Cooperative Research Program, National Science Foundation, 2016


Externally-applied magnetic fields have been shown to affect the behavior of neurons targeted with magnetized proteins using genetic engineering and ferritin–magnetic nanoparticles, as reported here in 2016. (Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour/Guardian, 24 March 2016)

Magnetogenetics is further described here:

Nanobioelectronics and Human-Machine Interfaces

Human-Machine interfaces via “smart skin,” nanobioelectronics (using such tools as graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes biosensors and imprintable sensing sheets), along with “digital nervous systems” linking implantable/injectable nanobiosensors with Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and Cloud Computing/IoT have been long studied and are being developed and tested.

Armgarth A, Pantzare S, Arven P, Lassnig R, Jinno H, Gabrielsson EO, Kifle Y, Cherian D, Arbring Sjöström T, Berthou G, Dowling J, Someya T, Wikner JJ, Gustafsson G, Simon DT, Berggren M. A digital nervous system aiming toward personalized IoT healthcare. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 8;11(1):7757.

Remote Influence of Bodily Functions, Remote Drug Delivery

It’s not just neurons and brain behaviors but cells and physiological functions which can be influenced remotely, as this very peculiar 2016 research project involving “cognitive load,” radio-frequency EMFS, metal nanoparticles and nano DNA robots suggests: Thought-Controlled Nanoscale Robots in a Living Host

7. DARPA is running numerous research and development projects with multiple technologies involving Nanobiosensors to remotely access, activate, deactivate, monitor, control and manage Human Brains and the Central Nervous System.

Under cover of “health care for our warfighters,” DARPA’s ElectrX program essays full-spectrum human body takeover: “Potential new approaches include in vivo, real-time biosensors and novel neural interfaces using optical, acoustic, electromagnetic, or engineered biology strategies to achieve precise targeting with potentially single-axon resolution.”

DARPA Wants to Jolt the Nervous System with Electricity, Lasers, Sound Waves, and Magnets/Eliza Strickland, IEEE/6 Oct 2015

The defense agency announces funding for 7 projects under its new ElectRx program

Polina Anikeeva, one of the awardees under that DARPA ElectRx program is an Associate Professor in Materials Science and Electronics at MIT whose group “has created flexible multifunctional fibers capable of electrophysiological recordng, optical neuromodulation, and delivery of genes and drugs into the mammalian brain and spinal cord. In addition, her group has demonstrated that magnetic nanomaterials can wirelessly transduce magnetic fields into thermal and chemical stimuli to neurons in deep brain.”

The dizzying array of neurotechnologies now available, from wireless radiation to ultrasound to fMRI to optical imaging to magnetogenetics to remote-access, monitor, study, neuromodulate, neurostimulate, and otherwise neurotransform the human brain at the level of individual neurons, in a precision-targeted way using magnetic nanoparticles and neural dust, among other means, is indicated by this impressive summary penned by Dr. Anikeeva and Dr. Liqun Luo, a Neurobiology Professor from Stanford University for an edition of Current Opinion in Neurobiology in 2018: Editorial Opinion: NeuroTechnologies

Obviously this is now a major field of cross-disciplinary scientific inquiry with implications for both the improvement of human health within a consensual medical context and the remote-access and modification of human brains without consent within an Orwellian neuroweapons and neurocontrol, neuro-behavioral context, with potential for totalitarian military subjugation of individuals and groups: a field which urgently needs further study and reportage by all concerned citizens on the planet.

8. Universities and Private Foundations under military or non-military contracts and programs are also studying Neuromodulation and Neurocontrol of the Human Brain.

Also a subject requiring further investigational and journalistic scrutiny, this June 2018 report by Neely, Piech, Maharbiz, Carmena at Current Opinions in Neurobiology on Neural Dust and neural interface platforms–Recent advances in Neural Dust: Towards a Neural Interface Platform— reveals much regarding the interest in permanent access of human brains using ultrasound and neural dust–note the interest in “chronic neural interfaces” and the fact that at least one of the researchers here has ties to the Chan Zuckerberg Hub:

“The neural dust platform uses ultrasonic power and communication to enable a scalable, wireless, and batteryless system for interfacing with the nervous system. Ultrasound offers several advantages over alternative wireless approaches, including a safe method for powering and communicating with sub mm-sized devices implanted deep in tissue. Early studies demonstrated that neural dust motes could wirelessly transmit high-fidelity electrophysiological data in vivo, and that theoretically, this system could be miniaturized well below the mm-scale. Future developments are focused on further minimization of the platform, better encapsulation methods as a path towards truly chronic neural interfaces, improved delivery mechanisms, stimulation capabilities, and finally refinements to enable deployment of neural dust in the central nervous system.”

Abstract, Recent advances in Neural Dust: Towards a Neural Interface Platform

9. Human-Machine Symbiosis with Artificial Intelligence is Seen as Inevitable by Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, Other Transhumanists (who are working to make it happen, classified and non-classified).

In recent interviews and talks, Elon Musk has spoken about the need to “solve the bandwidth problem”–by which he means the speed of communication with one’s “digital tertiary layer” (or smart phone or digital self online) by implanting a neural interface such as Neuralink, which would allow for “conceptual telepathy” or direct download of concepts and thoughts from one brain to another minus the slow and laborious “compression-decompression” of verbalizing & comprehension which language embodies (in his view). The fact that computers communicate information at trillions of bits per second while human brains operate at a dismally slow pace and human fingers type at 10 bits per second could be leveraged via neural interfaces to accelerate “human-machine symbiosis with AI” which many transhumanists immersed in technological visions for the future see as inevitable.

Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age/CNBC, 2/13/2017

Ray Kurzweil/The Futurist | Reinventing humanity: The future of human-machine intelligence/February 3, 2006

Human-Machine Symbiosis Our Inescapable Destiny/Hayati Zainal

While references to Neuralink made by Musk and others reference a “voluntary” implanting of the neural interface, Elon Musk has also worked on and spoken about Neuralace or a mesh of electronic fibres colonizing the brain as being introduced–possibly non-consensually–into the brain via injection.

Nanotechnology–specifically nano-devices or nanobots have long been envisioned by Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near, as the means by which humans will eventually merge into machines and be linked to AI. Interestingly, it is the decade of the 2020s-2030 that Kurzweil predicted would see the acceleration of nanotechnology to the point of sophistication of Blood-brain-barrier breaching which indeed is what graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes and other nanoparticles are found to be capable of today.

In the clip below which pulls together a few of Musk’s statements from different interviews and talks, Musk talks about the need for “widespread” adoptance of neural interfaces in order for AI and human-machine symbiosis to occur. Many neuroscientists see BCI-AI (Brain Computer Interface linked to Artificial Intelligence) as inevitable within the next ten years, something Dr. Rafael Yuste spoke about in this interview where he also introduced his Neuro Rights Initiative now adopted by the Chilean Parliament: Report #197: Prof. Rafael Yuste, Director, Neurotech, Columbia Univ. on Neurotech, AI & Neuro Rights

Given the inherent “stealth” profile of nanotechnology such as Graphene Oxide (so tiny it can be hidden in anything) and given the amount of work being done by military divisions on nanotechnology and neural interfaces, one must wonder whether voluntary human consent will be taken into consideration in the drive by transhumanist neuroscientists to merge humanity with computers and AI. Chem trails and vaccines could be two areas or delivery mechanisms for neural dust and nanotech where consent is being overridden.

Elon Musk’s original Neuralink presentation, where his interest in merging everyone via Brain Machine Interfaces with AI –“This is extremely important”–is palpable:

10. The work of Clifford Carnicom and others in analyzing aerosol-sourced Synthetic Biology filaments, nanoparticulates, novel cross-domain bacteria, and Morgellons points to long-term Transhumanism/Colonization by Smart Nano being visited on all Without Consent.

Tremendous work has been done by Clifford Carnicom in his meticulous study of soil, water, blood, airborne filament samples from around the world, recorded in his 350 research papers stored for further investigation at his site. Military operations lie behind the ubiquitous chem trails, it appears, and the undisclosed agendas of Transhumanism and Bio/Digital Convergence via breathed-in nanoparticulates might well be behind the constant spraying.

Image: Carnicom Institute

This article covers an overview of Clifford Carnicom’s findings, and carries links to the Carnicom disclosure Project video interviews from Transparent Truth Media, a must-watch for all interested in piecing this classified/no public disclosure puzzle together:

Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview

11. The US Government has advertised its interest and obsession with leading a Global Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Convergence which includes Human-Machine Symbiosis with AI, and is clearly led by crazed Transhumanists keen to end Humanity and usher in Homo Cyberneticus, Humans 2.0, Robotus Multitudinus and Borg Consume-all-of-Us.

One has to wonder who exactly permits such (juvenile) science-fiction “strategizing” in Government but it becomes clear soon enough that the Transhumanists and and Borg’ists have taken over.

The Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Convergence is not the fantasy of a thirteen-year-old brought up on Star Trek dreams of the Borg colonizing the multiverse–or perhaps it is!–but the considered lunacy of several transhumanist technocrats ensconced deep in government.

The following images are representative and taken from the stellar “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance/NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report/Edited by Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation/June 2002” document, posted below, which makes for scintillant reading Under the Influence to quell panic (wine, beer, or cognac a must) and establishes rather definitively that the writers and strategists behind it –NASA, NIH, Navy, NSF, DARPA, Sandia, Universities of California, Virginia, Arkansas, to name a few–are profoundly anti-human, anti-organic, anti-natural, and anti-creation.

“While safeguarding privacy” is clearly rhetorical given that Privacy is precisely that which is intended to be obliterated here/Consider Privacy Dead, once BCI takes an individual brain over

Convergence Education: The Future of Brainwashing in K-12 Schools

Perusal of this absurdist document (above) (might lead to palpitations) quickly establishes there is an obsession with nanotechnology here, borne out by the slides in the 2017 presentation below by Mihail C. Roco of the National Science Foundation, who educates all on who exactly is involved (various departments of US Government) and what their intentions for “Convergence” globally (“You Vill be Assimilated”) are, with emphasis on how the education of children is aimed to change, with “Convergence Education”:

It’s like the arrival of Nano on the scene has heralded a Halleluia moment for the Transhumanists, from which they will never recover.

Admittedly Mad Scentists

Then there’s the “Mad Scientists” Futures vision from Futurist Dr. Ian Pearson of Futurizon, whose projections probably match closely with those of Klaus Schwab and Ray Kurzweil–This slideshow is (accurately) titled Mad Scientists:

Nanoelectronics and Brain Monitoring

At the base of it all, stands Nanotechnology, hand in hand with Biotech. This map of Nanoelectronics programs in Universities across America, for instance, published in “Science and technology convergence: with emphasis for nanotechnology-inspired convergence” by Mihail Roco, Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and “a key architect of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, founding Chair of the U.S. National Science and Technology Council’s Subcommittee on Nano scale Science, Engineering and Technology (NSET)” reveals a pervasive interest in the semi-conductor, thin film transistor properties of nano materials such as graphene and graphene oxide–qualities which enhance their use as biosensor and neural interface for use in physiological and brain monitoring:

12. Speculation: Given all above, it is entirely possible that Graphene Oxide biosensors, concocted as nano-composites wth PEG lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and magnetic nanoparticles, able to cross the BBB with gene-load and drug-load, have been included in the COVID vaccines with BCI-AI “Convergence” intent.

The truth will be known (more definitively) with further testing of vaccine contents and futher analyses from the La Quinta Columna and University of Almeria scientists, as well as corroboration by other scientists willing to test the vaccines and uncover their contents worldwide.

As it stands, all the ingredients are gathered here together for a most plausible Crime Report.

The NBIC initiative, coupled with “covered research” and incomplete vaccine trials suggest that it is entirely possible these COVID vaccines have been used, in stealth, as a delivery mechanism for nanobiosensors and neurobiosensors.

Given the massive blood clotting post-vaccine being reported, the high numbers of deaths, and the connections with graphene noted (graphene is toxic and causes thrombi or blood clots), it is past time to halt these vaccines.

And for all those who question the validity of the research published by La Quinta Columna and challenge the plausibility of Graphene Oxide being found in the vaccines, no doubt time–and further analyses by others–will reveal the truth; meanwhile, it is clear that Graphene Oxide is being used widely in nanobiosensors and neural interfaces, that it is toxic, and that it can be induced into the human body via injection and aerosol.


Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene Oxide–Also Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19

Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers

In a Sea of Lies: mRNA Vaccine Truth, COVID Truth–Resources to Inform Yourself

Italian Neurosurgeon Who Operated on Covid Vaccine Victim Says “Never Seen Anything Like This”/Infowars, July 9, 2021

Doctor: Heart Failure from mRNA Jabs “Will Kill Most People”/Principia Scientific International, July 10, 2021

News Panel 19: Audit the Bank of England, Injunct Govts, Halt the Genocidal mRNA Vaccines, Initiate Walk Away Pgms in Police, Set Up Military Tribunals/New Juries in Common Law: End the Criminal Attacks on Humanity by Crown Parasites

Report & Video Post | Ramola D | April 4, 2021

Rooted in a concerned focus on the military with current information from the Pentagon seeking to influence all soldiers and officers to take the Pfizer/Moderna/Johnson & Johnson/Astrazeneca COVID vaccines while adverse events and deaths are piling up at the CDC VAERS database as well as worldwide, News Panel 19 quickly expanded into a focus on the worldwide attacks on the entire civilian and military populace worldwide, within the context of untested, experimental mRNA vaccines which are currently beginning to reveal their lethal effects–with (probably multiples in revealed figures) over 50,000 adverse events and 2250 deaths recorded by March 28 at VAERS.

Professor Dolores Cahill explains how it has been well-known that the way the mRNA vaccines are expected to work is to cause the immune system essentially to turn upon itself and create the cytokine storms often reported –“antibody-dependent enhancement or immune super-priming” — projected to set off cellular firestorms all over the human body “next flu season or in the presence of the coronavirus” leading over a short period of time to organ failure and death.

Governments and media are pushing dangerous mRNA vaccines which are clearly showing us the consequences now of horrific adverse reactions and death.

A good way to think of it, she says, is that “the mRNA is enhancing the disease, making people sick and die in the future over a space of a few weeks, say in the spring of 2022.”

Vaccine Deaths and Adverse Events Post mRNA-Vaccines Are a Crime of Malfeasance in Public Office

Professor Dolores cites a precedent-setting study by Greg Wolf, from the American military where vaccines for the military are usually rolled out a year or two ahead of public use. This was a study of 1 in 3 adverse events in healthy soldiers who were given the influenza vaccine “made on dog kidney tissue which may have coronavirus.” In May 2020, she says she referred to this on the Del Bigtree interview, “speaking to the future,” saying that given this knowledge that adverse events were so prolific, it would essentially be a crime against humanity to push the mRNA coronavirus vaccines.

It was known there would be “huge adverse events and deaths”, she says, this is something she called attention to last May, as she called for governments to focus instead on preventive and treatment measures–many of which, like hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc certainly existed–and how what is happening now is essentially criminal.

Professor Dolores Cahill

“Anyone engaged in this, whether they’re in the media, civil service, doctors, or the politicians, it would essentially be a preventable harm, the crime of malfeasance, and malfeasance in public office, and essentially be crimes against humanity to everyone in the world who was forced or coerced or encouraged to take the mRNA coronavirus vaccine.”

“We should have put injunctions on the governments earlier, ” she says, “to halt their focus on mRNA vaccines and focus instead on the preventive and treatment measures we had already. “Now it may be time to set up military tribunals or new juries in common law to halt the criminal rollouts and save humanity. ”

President of the World Doctors Alliance and World Freedom Alliance, Professor Cahill says there are initiatives underway to encourage police to Walk Away (from corrupt criminal orders to suppress the people, keep the businesses shut down, and enforce the unhealthy mask rules from governments ) and stand up for the rights of humanity instead.

She reminds us that under natural law, common law, divine law, we each have inalienable rights to freedom of speech and expression as well as the right to bodily integrity and sanctity, and it is time to call upon those rights.

Military and Civilians Are Both In Danger of Being Whittled Down in Large Numbers From the mRNA Vaccines

Military veterans present at the massive Trafalgar Square rally last summer are well aware of vaccine injury, she says, given the mandated vaccination programs in the military over several decades, and American military also are well aware of the history of using soldiers experimentally for vaccine trials and forcing needless vaccines on them.

US Army Veteran Bob Cabacoff

However now with over 70% of the top brass in the military being compromised, says Bob Cabacoff, an independent researcher and 2-year veteran of the US Army, and with multitudes of “order-followers,” he is afraid the large bulk of the military is going to be wiped out by these vaccines, if action is not taken soon to halt the lethal vaccine rollouts.

“The numbers we are seeing are all wrong, ” he says, “and being kept down for purposes of information control and propaganda.” His concern that military wipeouts in the US and Canada might lead to military supremacy in China and Russia over the US was part of what prompted this news panel to convene on this subject.

Psy Ops and Propaganda are Selling the Lie on Mainstream Media that the mRNA Vaccines Are Good for You & Granny While Thousands are Dying

What we are witnessing in large part with the vaccine campaigns are Psy Ops and propaganda–which veterans familiar with the 77th Brigade and combat-preparation Psy Ops in the Army are familiar with, reminds UK ex-Army Captain Mick Stott, who gave powerful and rousing speeches last year along with Professor Cahill and others; mainstream media is pushing the vaccines along with governments, and so people are not being accurately informed as to the dangers of the vaccines and how they are inevitably going to lead within a couple years to immune system self-destruct and death.

We need to reach people with the truth and the reality of these matters, he says, using strategic methods to hold their attention, while, as Michelle Young points out, the hourglass is running, time is indeed short.

UK Veteran Army Captain Mick Stott

Part of what needs to be done, says Captain Mick Stott, is to hold individual people accountable, to the point where they realize they are not going to be supported by the Force behind them. Efforts are underway in Britain he says to set up Nuremberg-style tribunals where the narrative from governments and the counter-narratives with the factual information will be presented so that the people have the right information,, and more people will awaken and join the side of humanity protecting humanity. He says in Britain efforts to build groups — a “system outside the system” and a group he terms Guardian 300 warriors are underway. He envisions a steady buildout of these new forces of warriors who will go from being considered “outlaws” to the government to champions for humanity, as numbers of people waking up outnumber the current numbers in the police forces. “Unfortunately there will be casualties along the way,” he says, and it seems we are seeing those already, with the vaccine deaths.

It’s Depopulation and Genocide from the Crown Corporation & Agents: We Have to Go After Them, They are Trying to Kill Us All: Vaccine is the Kill Shot

People are waking up all over the world, says Dean Henderson, and that is why they are ramping up the speed at which they are rolling out their genocide measures. And while this is too troubling for some to take in fully, these are indeed depopulation and genocide measures we are seeing — with some people being deceived even as they roll it out.

Again, he says, we are looking at 13 bloodline families, the ones who have persisted since Roman times, who own the New York Federal Reserve, who run the central banks and have infiltrated all governments as well as have extensive presence in the private sector in every industry, be it hospital or prison operations, health insurance, Defense, pharmaceuticals or what have you. These are eugenicist depopulation measures, class-based and oligarchic, in anticipation of a robotics-heavy world where humans would be seen as redundant and unneeded.

Dean Henderson

It is necessary to unearth who is doing this to us and to go after them, says Dean, it is the Crown Corporation, the bloodlines, the Crown agents in the corporations, the monarchies. They are feeding like parasites off all human endeavor, labor, and earnings–they are Nazis operating through the Crown. In America we fought off the kings and monarchs but they have re-entered through infiltration, through the corporations.

“Lockdown is unconstitutional–now we’re headed to Lockstep, the Rockefeller plan.,” he points out. “Freedom of movement is guaranteed by our American Constitution. We fought the Crown–King George, and won our independence in 1776.. .We got to get rid of these monarchies. Now we have all this offshore money — Blackrock, State Street, Capital, Vanguard, FMR Corporation–check out these four companies, they own the top 5 stockholders in every American Fortune 500 corporation — Bank of New York, Mellon…who are these people? It’s the Crown. You cannot trace these people, I did my Masters on this and FOIA requests are denied, so you learn what you learn …but we know for a fact a few families control the wealth of over more than half of the population of the world. “

“And now these billionaire families are coming out of the closet and they are the government, they’re the super-government, they wiped out the idea of voting and democracy and now it’s just: Bill Gates tells you what to do, Anthony Fauci tells you what to do.

The CDC is a private corporation, it’s listed on Dunn & Bradstreet, it’s not a government agency, it is supported by the Gates Foundation, pharmaceutical companies themselves. Fauci is a pharmaceutical salesman–get it? He’s a pharmaceutical salesman.”

In a truly blockbuster expose, Dean speaks also of the “Fake left and the Fake right,” how it’s all the Crown agents using the Left and Right both at different times to advance their agenda, who are not progressive, not conservative, but “some kind of Nazi, programmed, mind-controlled, hive-minded group of people who are not liberal in anything they do, who are not progressive in any of their ideas, and are certainly not tolerant of anyone else’s belief but their own but have been deputized now (to alternately operate within the Conservative and Leftwing fronts)–they’re the Fake Left and Fake Right, Neocon Left, the Neocon Right, they’re all Crown-controlled by these agencies — and SERCO which has security agreements to control very branch of the US Military–every branch, and every Intelligence agency; they have contracts to provide programs and services, sitting in the cat’s bird seat spying on the United States, and that’s a Crown mechanism, the 5-Eyes Alliance which was created by the Crown–and they’ve infiltrated the agencies in Australia and Canada as well; and it’s not the people of the UK, it’s the Crown, it’s the City of London Corporation.”

Describing the control of SERCO over the US Patent Office and the legacy there from the British East India Company whose methods of stealing innovation and entrepreneurship were similar, he says, “These people are vampires and parasites, they’ve been lording it over us for 8000 years, we have the documents to show it, we have the companies: General Electric–Crown Agent, came out of RCA , so did SERCO–put up all the smart meters and LED lighting; RCA’s new radar tech triggered the Spanish flu, as it seems 5G has triggered the current COVD-19.” Depopulation radiation technology, it seems, building out now to 5G and planned 6G.

He also expands on how the Great Reset and Klaus Schwab’s dream of the Fourth Industrial Revolution–bringing in robots and digital enslavement–are all really part of “Hitler’s experiment taken internationally” and the Fourth Reich, and how the mRNA Vaccines are the Kill Shot to make this happen and make Rockefeller Foundation director Edward Deagel’s projections of 89 million in USA by 2025 come true.

The way to deal with this is to cut off the head of the snake, he says, expose the Crown, wipe out all Monarchy, “they have just been barbaric all through time: they taught the Indians how to scalp” — using common law and our own courts, not the British admiralty maritime law under which they operate and which they have used to enslave us.

Independent Audits and Military Tribunals Needed to Immediately Address the Vaccine Fraud, Child Trafficking, Family Court Fraud, Insolvency Court Fraud

Michelle Young agrees, saying they have accelerated their actions against us so much “so I just look at this strategically, because I won every application in a rigged system. The only application I didn’t win–because I had a major case, I went through a divorce, they murdered my husband, and then they unlawfully bankrupted me. The only application I lost was of unlawful bankruptcy where I can prove now documents were forged. And I’m working with the Crime and Fraud Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld where he has gathered — he is ex-military, he cleaned up the corruption in Hong Kong, he’s been fighting the Treasury, the Home Office, he’s now collated 21 files full of forged court documents. That’s how they’re stealing our children, and our assets through their court system which I believe is just a banking court, that’s all it is. So I’m just trying to think of a quick simple way to save as many people as possible — because you know they’re about to force-vaccinate all our children.”

Michelle Young

“These 13 families, through debt-slavery, have controlled this planet for far too long–and do you know something? Rothschilds owns the company Grant-Thornton which has stolen my estate. I have no fear. I’m coming for them. And all those other people in this country on the financial crimes–and who have lost their children, through their unlawful, wicked system, we do not have any fear. And we know exactly what they’ve done, how they’ve done it, and we don’t have time anymore….”

Michelle points to the documented evidence Dean has, the evidence of genocide the doctors like Professor Dolores have, older documents like the Constitution, Bill of Rights that could override the Crown Corporation that law experts she is in touch with (and featured on earlier News Panels here) have, and suggests that military veterans get together and set up a military tribunal to bring key people together, share and collate information and take action for our people, to stop the current enslavement and genocide ongoing.

Michelle makes the point that the system really belongs to us: “These parasites–and Dean’s right, that’s what they are, they are evil parasites–We the People created this world system, it’s our money, our taxpayers’ money and our hard work that’s created this,. It’s very simple: they are few and we are many. We know who they are.” She suggests “we have an independent audit done of every account in this country–which will go right back to who Dean has mentioned on this conversation…and that’s got to be done quickly. We get an independent audit done of all the accounts and show all the Vaccine Fraud, Child Trafficking, the Family Court Fraud, and the Insolvency Court Fraud –and the rest of the genocide these evil monsters have created for We the People.”

Counter the Propaganda, Educate the People, Audit the Bank of England

Further discussions include the mention of Common Law Constables to help people open businesses described by Mick Stott, and mention of the Oathkeepers in the US by Bob Cabacoff as well as a variety of interrelated subjects and topics, including on the science side.

Mick Stott discusses the need of the moment, to counter the propaganda and use strategic methods to educate the people and stop the momentum of fear being disseminated by mainstream media and the parasitic strategists behind them, whose intent, it is becoming increasingly clear, is nothing less than mass genocide. He also discusses the building of a new society built on new forms of currency and energy exchange. (As opposed to forced Kill Shot vaccines, vaccine passports, a social credit system, and digital enslavement, planned by the Fourth Reich, that is.). Dean suggests a great starting point would be to audit the Bank of England.

To listen to the whole groundbreaking conversation and follow up further with the ventures discussed, please watch and share News Panel 19. Anyone who would like to help Michelle Young and Captain Mick Stott and Prof. Dolores Cahill and others set up a military tribunal as discussed or get the Bank of England audit going, please email Michelle at

WATCH AT BITCHUTE: News Panel 19 at Bitchute

WATCH AT BRIGHTEON: News Panel 19 at Brighteon


News Panel 19 with Professor Dolores Cahill, Captain Mick Stott, Bob Cabacoff, Dean Henderson, Michelle Young, Ramola D

For More Information

Visit Captain Michael Stott’s website Win in Minds: Spectrum Transition Coaching by former Army Captain Mick Stott

Visit Dean Henderson’s page here at ECC with several interviews listed: Report 206 | Dean Henderson| The Crown’s Long War to Destroy Humanity, Guerilla War in Fighting Back

Visit Dean Henderson’s Amazon page for his books: Books by Dean Henderson

Visit World Freedom Alliance:

Listen to this hopeful Easter message from World Freedom Alliance:

Mass Deception by Governments Promoting a Lethal Vaccine While Deaths Pile Up at VAERS, CDC Website

Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | March 24, 2021

So here are the facts, simply checking in at the CDC website, VAERS, which logs the adverse reactions and deaths reported by people, usually relatives, of disability, injury, and death shortly after taking the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines–for a never-isolated virus, which nobody need take–as the Open Vaers project provides:

Reminder, these numbers have been steadily rising, since December 2020 when the vaccines were approved prematurely by a Pharma-run FDA, under Emergency Use Authorization.

Reports through Feb 5, 2021 recorded 653 deaths; in one month, that number almost tripled to 1739 deaths.

The number of Bell’s Palsy cases has gone over a doubling, from 145 to 398.

The number of Anaphylaxis cases has also gone beyond a doubling from 154 to 324.

Children’s Health Defense has published a closer analysis of these figures, and reports:

“This week’s VAERS data show:

  • Of the 1,739 deaths reported as of March 11, 30% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 21% occurred within 24 hours, and 46% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. By comparison, during the same period, there were only 85 deaths reported following flu vaccines.
  • Nineteen percent of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • Fifty-three percent of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
  • The average age of those who died was 77.9 and the youngest death was an 18-year-old.
  • As of March 11, 289 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 90 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization has been confirmed safe or effective for pregnant women, although J&J said earlier this month it would begin testing on pregnant women, infants and the immunocompromised.
  • There were 1,689 reports of anaphylaxis, with 59% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 41% to Moderna.

The average age of death reported remains 77.9, however the youngest reported death this week dropped from 23 to 18. According to VAERS, the teenager developed fatigue, body aches and a headache one day after receiving the Moderna vaccine on March 3. On March 5 he complained of chest pain, and died in his sleep later that day.

The latest data also includes the report of a 22-year-old woman with a “significant, lifelong underlying medical condition” who died 24 days after the vaccine.”

CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines/Megan Redshaw, Children’s Health Defense, March 19, 2021

Children’s Health Defense reports in that article that CDC has ignored their repeated queries for information on the increasing numbers of deaths and injuries, apparently a stonewalling tactic to prevent their needing to make any kind of public statement which can be held against them legally.

Checking the CDC website today, we find this note glibly denying any correlation whatsoever between reported deaths and the COVID vaccines, updated March 22, 2021 on a page titled Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination:

“126 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 22, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,216 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS.”

CDC website

Reading randomly through the reports of deaths shows that many of those who dutifully took their second dose of the vaccine, deceived by mainstream media and government figureheads promoting the vaccine as safe and effective–clearly no vaccine is safe and effective when people are dropping dead from it or directly after taking it, regardless of CDC denials of causation–died suddenly overnight after reporting extreme fatigue.


VAERS ID: 1092214 •AGE: 66 SEX: M

patient received his first covid vaccine on 3/2 and then passed away 3 days after receiving moderna vaccine. provider presumed he died from sudden heart attack, this occurred at home.

VAERS ID: 1092595AGE: 70 SEX: F

A high risk employee received 1st vaccine dose of Moderna through the Health Center (HC) on 2/1/2021. This patient was seen as an employee only and was not established patient of the HC. The patient reported “having symptoms of Bronchititis” on 2/5/2021 prior to being hospitalized for 7 days (2/5/21 to 2/12/21). On 2/12/2021, an ER visit at Medical Center & transported to General Hospital on 2/13/21. On 3/11/2021, we were notified that the patient died on 3/10/21.

VAERS ID: 1092883AGE: 72 SEX: M

Death. Patient lived alone, was found dead at 11:04 the morning following his second dose of vaccine. Actual time of death is unknown. Time of vaccine administration the previous day is estimated.


Dr. Ariyana Love, an American journalist and holistic health practitioner in asylum in Finland, interviewed at my channel recently in Newsbreak 109 and Newsbreak 111 reports in her new article that Dr. Vannden Bossche’s emergency health warnings regarding the COVID vaccines caused the Astrazeneca vaccines, under scrutiny for blood clotting deaths to be suspended in 24 countries–some of which unfortnately have now reversed their decision and resumed the use of the Astrazeneca vaccines, clearly kowtowing to the pressure from Pharma and the oligarchs behind them:

WORLD PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY! Stop Big Pharma’s DNA “Vaccine” Experiment!

The European Medicines Agency has now come forward to say the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, and that “benefits outweigh risks,” to promote which falsehood posturing government figureheads rushed to expose their arms to cameras and syringes, as reported here by NBC:

Nearly a dozen countries resume AstraZeneca Covid shots after safety rulings from regulators

Reading through the EMA denial that the AstraZeneca vaccines were responsible for the blood clotting in brains reported in Europe, one can see the same strain of “denialism” the CDC is engaging in, refusing to acknowledge any connection whatsoever, despite major catastrophic health disasters and death. Notice also that COVID-19, the non-disease with a non-isolated-virus, the Psy Op of a disease which no one can prove exists, and the putative SARS-COV-2 virus which the MHRA in UK has confirmed has not been isolated, is being blamed by the EMA for blood clots:

“EMA’s safety committee, PRAC, concluded its preliminary review of a signal of blood clots in people vaccinated with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca at its extraordinary meeting of 18 March 2021. The Committee confirmed that:

  • the benefits of the vaccine in combating the still widespread threat of COVID-19 (which itself results in clotting problems and may be fatal) continue to outweigh the risk of side effects;
  • the vaccine is not associated with an increase in the overall risk of blood clots (thromboembolic events) in those who receive it;
  • there is no evidence of a problem related to specific batches of the vaccine or to particular manufacturing sites;
  • however, the vaccine may be associated with very rare cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia, i.e. low levels of blood platelets (elements in the blood that help it to clot) with or without bleeding, including rare cases of clots in the vessels draining blood from the brain (CVST).

These are rare cases – around 20 million people in the UK and EEA had received the vaccine as of March 16 and EMA had reviewed only 7 cases of blood clots in multiple blood vessels (disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC) and 18 cases of CVST. A causal link with the vaccine is not proven, but is possible and deserves further analysis.”

COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: benefits still outweigh the risks despite possible link to rare blood clots with low blood platelets/18/03/21, EMA Website

Meanwhile, German researchers have found a distinct connection between the AstraZeneca vaccines and the blood clots:

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots/March 22, 2021/Children’s Health Defense, Megan Redshaw

“Greinacher and his team analyzed 13 cases of cerebral blood clots reported in Germany within 4 – 16 days of administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Twelve of the 13 cases were women and almost all were under the age of 55. In four of the 12 patients, the team was able to isolate and identify the specific antibodies that provoked the immune reaction leading to the cerebral blood clots.

The researchers found that AstraZeneca’s vaccine activates blood platelets, or thrombocytes, which typically only happens in the body when a wound is healing –– when the blood coagulates as the wound closes. In some patients, the vaccination activated a mechanism that caused blood clots to form in the brain, according to Deutsche Welle.”

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots/March 22, 2021/Children’s Health Defense, Megan Redshaw

Lifesite News, now deplatformed on Youtube and Facebook–to suppress the truth this site daily reports–has covered the many cases of blood clots reported:

Italian authorities investigate death of man who took AstraZeneca …LifeSiteNews › news › italian-authorities-investigate-death-of-man…5 days ago  Prosecutors from the Piedmont region opened an investigation the same day, along with confiscating almost 400,000 shots of the AstraZeneca …

Australian Health Minister hospitalized following AstraZeneca shot …LifeSiteNews › news › australian-health-minister-hospitalized-foll…Mar 15, 2021  Australian Health Minister hospitalized following AstraZeneca shot as gov’t cracks down on vaccine dissent. Further compounding Australians’

 …European Medicine Agency approves AstraZeneca shot after …LifeSiteNews › blogs › european-medicines-agency-gives-green-li…4 days ago  Meanwhile, a Norwegian research team thinks it has found the reason for the cases of thrombosis following the AstraZeneca shot.

Trudeau gov’t to ignore warning that seniors not be given newly …LifeSiteNews › news › trudeau-govt-to-ignorewarningthat-seniors…Mar 3, 2021  Trudeau said that Canada will purchase a total of 20 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and among 1.9 million and 3.2 million additional 

Dozens of Italian teachers call in sick after taking AstraZeneca …LifeSiteNews › news › dozens-of-italian-teachers-report-in-sick-af…Feb 23, 2021  After getting doses of AstraZeneca’s abortion-tainted vaccine — which is the vaccine of choice for inoculating the Treviso teachers and their …


Clearly, given the continuing infomercials, Public Relations appearances by government figureheads promoting the vaccine as “safe and effective,” a massive deception is under way here.

Is it statistics such as the CDC hopes (1 in a million, 2 in a million) that marks the safety of this mRNA vaccine or is it the fact that people are suffering horrible reactions after getting these vaccines, people are dropping dead–and every person taking it is therefore taking a huge chance on their lives and health taking this vaccine?

The vaccine is intended to alter the human genome, as many doctors and scientists have warned us.

The vaccine is intended to bring in further Billionaire control of human bodies, via the digital enslavement of nanobiosensors and BCI-AI nanobots.

The vaccine is ushering in genocide on a grand scale–if not in 2 hours, 2 weeks or 2 months, in 2-5 years, as many doctors have explained–listen especially to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Prof. Dolores Cahill, and Dr. Judy Mikovits on this subject, find their videos at Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, BrandNewtube.

Much has been published online about the connections between the CDC, top players there such as Fauci and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as about how media is connected to Pharma as well–matters to be further covered at this site shortly. Vera Sharav reports that the group of billionaires pulling in profits from vaccines have raised their net worth by 2. 2 trillion dollars in the last year, while pointing out that pharmaceutical companies have been caught out bribing heads of state to shut down their economies and force people to take the vaccine.

This recently-released power conversation between Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and Reiner Fuellmich the lawyer-team planning to sue world governments for the entire COVID Death Op covers the entire scope of the COVID Psy Op running a genocidal operation on humanity through the vaccines, masks, and lockdowns and is a must-watch, please share worldwide:


Clearly, these three men below, making use of their public profile and previous use as Mass Deception figureheads, stooping to running Infomercials now on the already sadly-deceived American populace are lying openly below–destroying whatever credibility they still had, while running Mass Deception tactics on ignorant Americans still trusting their television programs:


The answer is clear for those of us able to look at this information and make up our own minds–which accounts for the current massive push by the government faction promoting these vaccines on one and all despite death and suffering accruing directly from them: Do not take the vaccines, let everyone you know have this information so they can see for themselves what is happening.

Mass deception is underway, and the reason, although fantastical to some, conspiratorial to others, appears to be exactly as Vera Sharav spells out in her interview with Reiner Fuellmich: The Great Reset, which is a more cordial way, the bankers hope, to express the Great Culling, as Dr. Rima Laibow whistleblew about many years ago in 2010, and as Aaron Russo warned us all, after speaking to a Rockefeller once, a deliberate intent to depopulate the world, cut down the numbers of us from 7 billion to 500 million, to transhumanize all survivors, to digitize, BCI-AI nanobotize, hive-mind, and completely control all, as Klaus Schwab, the Georgia Guidestones and other hiding-in-plain-sight oracles of doom have informed us.

Ian Crane, recently passed, British journalist and public educator, warned us all as well: Ian R. Crane | Population Cull via Vaccination.

Kevin Galalae, UN scholar, has written and spoken extensively of UN depopulation programs.

The Rockefeller-built medical and pharmaceutical industry is built on a foundation of eugenics and Luciferian attraction to genocide. The corporatizing of Public Health, which Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation discusses here, has enabled an edifice of weaponized disease-creation to grow and build across a century and a half, yielding major profits to grasping billionaires through powerfully acting and cross-reacting, patented drugs and vaccines while decimating humanity worldwide.

Deception through lying media is their Modus Operandi, as writer, holistic health practitioner and chiropractor Dr. John Reizer exposes, in his many articles and interviews, including this very important Newsbreak covering vaccine injuries and deaths, Newsbreak 107 | Feb 12, 2021 | Unsafe Vaccines in Light of Vaccine Injuries: Focus on COVID Vaccine Adverse Events & Deaths with Dr. John Reizer.

The disclosures at Americans for Innovation, tracing the connections between British Pilgrim Society mavens, American oil and railroad magnates, secret societies, genocide-obsessed aristocrats, pharmaceutical companies, media strongholds, and current-day perfidy from the Bill Gates crowd trace the whole arc of desruction, from the 19th century to the present day–highly recommended.


Do Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccines: Reports & Videos of Convulsions, Seizures, Palsy, Death Are Increasing

Seven Issues a Rousing Wake-Up Call to the World: The mRNA Vaccines are Killing People, Do Not Take Them, Do Not Administer Them!

Dangers of ALL Vaccines Highlighted as Deaths and Injuries From the Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines Pile Up

Desperate Attempts by Twitter and Facebook to Suppress the Deadly Truth About Pfizer & Moderna’s mRNA Vaccines as More Disturbing Videos of Disabling Vibration/Spasms/Coma & Deaths Post-Vaccine Surface

Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

COVID-19, a Dangerous Conspiracy That’s Gotten Out of Hand

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Youtube Terminates Ramola D Reports After Bombshell Premiere of Alison McDowell Interview on the Greater Danger Facing People Worldwide Today: Full Spectrum Techno Enslavement via “Biosecurity” Games for Western Billionaires–Hedge Fund Gambling Built on Intrusive Bio Surveillance–Which MUST Be Stopped by all Humanity!

Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | 3-3-2021

Update, 3/4/21: Report 237 is posted at this site here: Report 237, Alison McDowell: The Greater Danger (Links to Lbry, Bitchute, Brighteon postings at end of article.)

Without warning. shortly after the premiere-streaming of Report 237 this afternoon (interestingly, on 3-3/21), the Ramola D Reports Youtube channel was crashed. A note from Youtube accused this writer of being in violation of their “medical misinformation policies” a stance taken earlier when all Ramola D interviews with doctors on the dangers of the mRNA vaccines were removed, as reported here and also here.

While this writer has since then become aware that Youtube has joined the Factchecker Brigade (Check your facts in at the door, only Fantasy allowed inside, via bizarre focus on WHO and CDC as sole arbiters of context & content) in their ardent quest to suppress the truth and true science about the useless and dangerous masks, the intrusive and blood-brain-barrier-assaulting nasal swabs, the questionable nature of this so-called “pandemic,” the fact that no SARS-COV-2 virus has actually been found to exist, the mounting numbers of deaths and horrific adverse events being reported to the COVID vaccines, the fact that what we are looking at here is coerced vaccination with lethal mRNA gene-therapy which deforms human genetics and creates a storm of auto-immune disease in addition to neuro-damage and convulsions–and took steps recently to download and preserve her video files posted and livestreamed at Youtube–this does represent a profound moment of loss in the history of human rights advocacy reportage, sci-tech and ethics reportage, and freely shared public education across three and a half years since Summer 2017 by this writer and journalist at Youtube.

A truly critical interview and conversation with a dedicated and wide-ranging researcher, the information that Alison McDowell is sharing today, both in many interviews she has given lately, her recorded presentations and talks at various academic and community forums, her blog Wrench in the Gears, and her own Youtube channel (links below) collecting her research and activism online, is so mindblowing that most people cannot quite take in the depth and breadth of what she is reporting.

Apparently however, the planners and minders of dystopian Techno Jails for our children and grandchildren watching our conversation were so threatened by our candid conversation they felt the urgent need to pull the plug on an entire video channel filled with testimonials of human rights violations, rousing public discussion and unique interviews with unique public figures on rights, liberties, and freedoms, as well as much insightful documentary on today’s science and technology, today’s surveillance state, today’s changemakers, and today’s ethics, values, and strides in human consciousness.

As I wrote below the video, describing our conversation, what Alison McDowell is whistleblowing about is sheer techno subjugation and enslavement of the entire human species, with a Slavemaster construct built in, privileging the already filthy-rich billionaires at the top, profiting off ALL human existence, employment, and enterprise:

“Empowering and wide-ranging conversation with Alison McDowell, deep researcher into current and planned finance/surveillance management scenarios involving the complete and full-spectrum takeover of human bodies, human spaces, and human existence through an enmeshed mix of nanotechnologies, surveillance modalities, robotics, AI, and co-opted communities in all arenas of human endeavor, including education, sciences, arts, targeting humans from womb to grave for continuous revenue creation for oligarchs via involuntary brain and body monitoring, neuro/wifi behavior modification paired with predatorial financial creations such as hedge fund betting, social impact investing, and other concoctions designed to use, exploit, manage, and handle human lives and labor.

The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the futures market and Agenda 21/2030’s sustainable development goals are all intended apparently to turn humans into thoroughbreds at the Kentucky Derby, where the hat-wearing barons get to bet on the legginess of the equines, that is, the neurodegraded, eternally monitored homo sapiens, nanobotized to the hilt (with mRNA creations-at-tip-of-a-syringe ) and dependent in circles on “communitarian” enterprises contrived to watch, brush, feed, and employ them from prior-to-cradle to well-beyond-grave via blockchained avatars, digital twinning, and EEG Cloning: welcome to Techno Enslavement aka “Humans 2.0” or what Schwab & co. would call “Biosecurity” for the Billionaires.

The danger, she says, is blockchain and digital twinning, a scenario where people are being enticed into earning within the blockchain context while being gamified behind the scenes via avatars; the intention of the hedge fund capitalists sinking their all without scruple into deeply-intrusive bio-surveillance capitalism is nothing less than feudalist social control: a dichotomizing of reality into the have-nots and the haves, with the oligarchic “haves’ calling the shots and playing Brave New World with all the new, high-tech and wifi tools of Techno Tyranny at their fingertips.

What stands against that is what we have as humanity with a beating heart and feet on the grounding Earth; people do not know it but we are in a battle for our lives, for our children’s lives, for generations of the unborn, for Earth itself, for Nature as we have known her, for all flora and fauna on the planet–since the push to modify genetically, commodify, patent and colonially acquire all life and all species goes hand in hand with this current push to nanobotize all humanity: fill us up with nanobiosensors, then an mRNA operating system (as Moderna was forced to publicly acknowledge on their website is the truth behind the COVID vaccines) to handle the nanobiotech in our cells, BCI-AI to link our brains to supercomputing and all-devouring AI, wifi and 5G and 6G to hook us up to the Internet of Things, Internet of Nano Bio Things, Internet of Bodies, essentially digitizing, mind-hiving, and brain-netting us, modulating our existence with a “Token” and “Reward” economy built on the famed “digital immunity passports” and the Gene-Deforming vaccines.

Alison speaks eloquently of what kind of stance, resistance, and activism we need then today, faced with this immense dystopia and encroaching tyranny: we need a coming-together of the Moms, she says (and caring Dads too I am sure), we need a global Blockchain Abolition Movement, a modern Abolition Movement against Blockchain, AI, and 5G (and coerced mRNA vaccines, gene therapy, chem trails bleeding nanotech and neural dust into our veins, among much else), we need to stand as the indigenous, the broken, the colonized, the assaulted, the targeted, but all still human–and fight this last fight for ourselves and for all humanity from a place of heart and positive caring and vision for the earth and for humanity.

Soup-gatherings on Sundays and tiny flourishes of Nature in stick, stone, twig, bark, sage brush, and dollops of intention are what she works with, she says, staying close to the earth in her ethos of being a landscape gardener, leaving presents of heart and intent at the doors of Wharton business mavens who are all entering enthusiastically into a well-funded “Globotics” future which might only benefit them and their ilk while destroying humanity as we know it.

“I am only a small person,” she says, “I don’t have weapons, or money or the programming tools of Mk Ultra, but I have heart and intention”–and perhaps, if we all bring our collective souls and intent to the fore, we can beat this behemoth which has already grown large with hubris and is currently steamrolling us around the world: we don’t have a choice but to stand and fight this horror currently: the alternative is the complete erasure of humanity.

Alison McDowel has a large encompassing vision and a generosity of spirit and heart evident in her actions of love and care not just for her own community, as she describes, but for the larger world beyond it, for all of us, worldwide, who are poised now on the edge of the Techno Abyss and need to make a choice, for ourselves and our unborn behind us: to destroy the future of humanity and succumb to nanobotized-BCI-AI Techno Slavery, or stand up for our human souls, bodies, brains, and hearts and act in concert and individually to stop this takeover.

This was a profoundly informative and thought-provoking interview; please watch and share widely worldwide. Alison has optimism and courage in speaking out, and I have infinite hope that her words will ignite a storm of awareness in viewers’ minds and hearts and help inform, educate, and inspire millions to take heed and take the necessary steps to turn this cruise ship to oblivion around.

Read more of Alison’s impressive work at her blog:

A sample map on social welfare in the UK from Alison:

Alison’s Youtube Channel:

Stay tuned for further conversations and unpacking of the End of the World as we know it, from a master seer of all sides of this incredible dystopia!

And please do explore further and start educating others on what is being planned so people know which side of the aisle they’d like to turn down–Total Spectrum Management & Life-in-Restraints-Forever or Escape, Freedom, Liberty, Humanity outside this predatorial construct.

Subscribe to Ramola D Reports also at Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry to follow all interviews, reports, and info-talks.


Update 3/4/21: The interview is now loaded at Lbry, at Bitchute, and at Brighteon (links below), and can be watched here:

Averting Techno Slavery with Soul, Alison McDowell, Report 237: Posted at ECC

WATCH AT LBRY: Report 237, Alison McDowell/Lbry

WATCH AT BITCHUTE: Report 237, Alison McDowell/Bitchute

WATCH AT BRIGHTEON: Report 237, Alison McDowell/Brighteon

News Panel 17: Women’s Power in Humanity Rising : You Have to Stand Up to Stop the Tyranny and Crime | Use the Power of the Spoken and Written Word

Ramola D | Report & Video Links| Feb 14, 2021

Powerful and informative panel discussion on the current situation facing humanity and the very real solutions and actions for change being taken at the local level by several of the members on this panel, individually and in conjunction with other concerned professionals coming together across continents and borders to create significant initiatives intended to dispel the encroachments of the WEF Luciferian Globalist Technocracy toward AI-Brain-Net-WiFi and digital-currency subjugation of humanity and forge immediate paths to powerful change for all evolving humanity on this plane/t.

As all of the women on this panel note each in their own powerful ways, humanity is truly at a crossroads today: On the one hand we have the globalist, Davos, Bilderberger, Club of Rome, European Royalty, Rothschild/Rockefeller, Luciferian, UN/WEF/WHO/CFR/Pilgrim Society criminally-wealthy technocrat billionaires buoyed by Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Defense–running a Covid Psy op on all, and building a digital-enslavement society to be ruled by AI, Bionanosensors, Surveillance Capitalism, stealth predation and Non-Lethal Weapons, and on the other hand we have US: Divine, thinking, breathing humanity seriously concerned about what is going on and keen to keep humanity and the earth evolving organically into a harmonious and peace-centered society, a place where our children and grandchildren can live and grow and thrive in peace, harmony, caring, creativity, and community.

Part Two will be posted here as soon as possible–active thwarting currently in trying to post this video/finally posted, after probably 15 tries…:

Consensus from this Women’s Panel

The time has come for each of us to stand in our power and take powerful peaceful action—through the written and spoken word—to stop the tyranny and lead our communities into the true new Age of Aquarius written in the stars for our organic human evolution and away from the cyborg, BCI-AI, augmented-reality slave-world envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the WEF and Big Tech plus Big Pharma for all of us–and especially our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.

The Transhumanist Agenda is what all world governments under the United Nations are currently embracing and expressing, and its intention is nothing less than the End of Humanity as we know it, genocidal culling of the elders, and mind-controlled digital enslavement of the children, through nanotechnology, Virtual Reality, WiFi, AI, and neurotechnology: Cyborg’d Humans 2.0, continuous fake pandemics, and continuous mRNA nanobot vaccines is their plan under Agenda 2030 (within the next ten years!) (while people are already dying and convulsing and becoming paralyzed from these deadly vaccines).

It’s not just the re-opening of businesses we need to achieve, and the end of the Germ Theory Psy Op which has everyone triple-masking themselves to death and our children suffering in Zoom calls online or icy windows-open classrooms in the Psy-Op-running schools, but the pushing back of tyrannical subjugation from despotic government service corporations fraudulently posing as Public Health Caretakers of Humanity.

The task is great, but our powers as creators and manifestors are greater. Informing others, educating others, and urging others also to stand to push back Technocratic Despotism–with Notices of Liability and Affidavits of Truth and Fact–and reclaim our birthright: our God-given rights to a peaceful life on Plane/t Earth while building new and sacred trust through connection and community ventures pursuing true justice, true health, true education, true food independence and security, true public commons at the local grassroots level is the way forward.

Dr. Christiane Northrup, a veteran warrior for the rights of women over their bodies, emphasizes the great power we each have to push back the tyranny and discusses several initiatives she has been working on including the groundbreaking effort with Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Del Bigtree, Children’s Health Defense, and others to stop the Flu Shot Mandate in Massachusetts, a tremendous effort involving late-night compilations of reports, collections of affidavits, 14,000 supporters, and a lawsuit which finally accomplished the end to the flu shot mandate: a draconian push by Mass govt to vaccinate every child with the toxic flu shot as a compulsory requirement to attend public school in Massachusetts. She also speaks of social-gathering initiatives, mask-free and fear-free in Maine, with other liberation-minded ladies – energetic moves to move forward into a future that is positive and possible as opposed to house-arrest and self-censorship which our governments are trying desperately to impose on us today.

Dr. Christiane Northrup’s Websites:, Millions Against Medical Mandates

Lena Pu, a powerhouse of clear-seeing and right-action, who has leapt into action on her own while also working with others, speaks of the powerful Notices of Liability she and her supporters have now sent to 200 people in organizations responsible for the deadly rollout of 5g and the continued use of wifi in our schools and neighborhoods.

Lena Pu’s Website:

Simone Marshall, an empowered warrior for freedom and for humanity, speaks of the major initiatives in common law she and several others in the UK have been working on bringing together, including Michelle Young, such as setting up community assemblies at the local level and creating an organization to train Lawful Observers who can do the job that Police have failed to do: protect people, and also watch and support people in their communities in order to prevent the kind of crime and police crime that has now become rampant. The two websites she recommends for further understanding and use of these new humanist community initiatives are: and

New UK Community Initiatives: Lawful Observers, Community Assemblies

Simone also explains the ancient system of trusts which currently protects the billionaires and discusses how we too can partake of this concept in a way which benefits us. Simone’s website where she lists other resources including Food Security Resources by way of Co-Ops is: Her Youtube channel is Freedom Files.

Simone Marshall’s websites: – The Peace You’re Missing. BrandNewTube channel

Ellen Brown, an insightful observer of financial affairs, banking, and stock trades, speaks of the need and possibility to step away from the exploitative banking paradigm of central banks and federal reserve which privilege their royalty & “elite” (Pirate) owners while impoverishing the rest of us, and create instead a Public Banking scenario which benefits everyone who partakes of it. She also speaks of the need to keep the economy going by ensuring that people can partake in selling and buying–something being stopped currently by the shutdowns (which only benefit the big businesses) and marks the recent scandal with Gamestop and Robinhood where young traders were stopped from trading freely on the stock market by sudden clampdowns.

Ellen Brown’s website:

Sandi Adams, a diligent analyst of the intentions of the Globalist Agenda 21/2030 crowd both historically and currently, describes the importance of restarting the economy by reopening the small businesses. She notes also that UK schools are currently abusing schoolchildren by keeping windows open during school under pretext of needing to ventilate from the supposed COVID virus, in the process freezing the children and exposing them to the actual possibility of getting sick, and speaks of the need to push back now and take back our communities from the wrongful measures being imposed on all. (Clearly, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock need Notices of Liability from Parents of these schoolchildren.)

Sandi Adams’ website: Sandi Adams – Understanding Agenda 21 and how to combat it

Seven of Soulutionaries Media Network issues a passionate call for people to awaken and recognize this is our last stand for freedom: if people are being told they will lose their jobs and insurance for not taking the (deadly mRNA, gene-modifying, sterilizing) vaccine, then this is the time to drop their jobs and employer, connect with others, and build ways of moving forward toward Food Security, Food independence, community ventures in schooling and new ways of community building and rebuilding in all areas including healthcare, nutrition, education, and safety. Seven also updates all on the efforts of the tribunal she has been working on and explains that injunctions can be placed through the criminal courts using statutory law and the codes in place within the extant system under maritime jurisdiction. The website for information on the tribunals and their accomplishments is

Tribunal website:, International Criminal Code (

Seven’s Video Channel: Brighteon

Michelle Young, co-host of these panels and reporter of personal bankruptcy fraud in a high-profile case which stole billions in assets and property from her discusses aspects of the vaccine which many have questioned, such as the possibility that the vaccine would actually spread disease; Dr. Northrup responds that that is not the fear here; what is more powerful is the power of the human immune system which does not need vaccines to provoke immunity.

Much more was discussed and highlighted on this panel, which was epic and empowering. Please watch and share widely—there are many solutions here which would call for all of us to get involved, and offer each of us and our talents a place at the table.

Underlying all, let us not forget, several of these panelists remind us, that what we are battling are demonic Satan-worshippers who are abusing and harvesting innocent children, for their energy purposes as well as attacking people worldwide with energy weapons and other means; while we did not focus excessively on this subject, as Seven says, now is the time to bring this system down.

Let’s Pull It Down

Standing in your own power, posting an affidavit of truth, and issuing notices of Liability to key personnel in all offending and trespassing organizations and government service corporations while building new solutions for community out of your home, garden, basement, attic, neighborhood, local community may be the way forward.

Simone also mentions The Great Reopening in March, please visit her websites for more on that and stay tuned for further coverage on that here.

Please watch and share this historic news panel widely!

Happy Valentine’s Day!