Tag Archives: Community Behavioral Health Centers

Bostonian Builds: Feudalism Seeking Extension; Human Control Systems–Using Technology & The Cover of Science–Aiming at Full Spectrum Censorship

Note & Op-Ed | Ramola D | December 21, 2023/Updated December 22, 2023/ Updated with inclusion of some graphics, December 26, 2023

Looking at the news lately in Massachusetts, trying to make sense of the incredible increase in “Behavioral Health” policing, and policing in itself, it appears a lot has been happening, especially over the past few years of the COVID “pandemic,” flying under cover of all that sanctioned repression, really. In just the last three weeks it seems the “new world order” which as we all know is still and only the old feudalist one dressed up in the Language of Inversion has suddenly been launched in Boston–in published forums that is, while what has been flying here under cover I have certainly experienced at close quarters (and should write a book about), and it’s been flying for quite some time.

A lot of information on funding, grants, economic development plans seems to have been shared lately.

Building emergency shelters–or rather, expanding same, building an urban infrastructure calling for multi-family stack-n’-pack housing close to Metro/Transit rail and bus services, bringing in numbers of immigrants and speedily authorizing work visas and driver’s licenses (while millions in Massachusetts, mainly young graduates, are quietly leaving the State), increasing funding for police, making a fuss about massive counter-terrorism grants from DHS (but no doubt aiming to acquire them just the same–for further secretive technology-abuse on the public), seemingly moving governing powers from City Councils to State Committees, pouring millions into “Behavioral Health”–in every arena: work, home, school, neighborhoods–and Mental Health, and Substance Addiction, and Public Health; continuing to expand the vast Science-and-Technology-minus-Ethics base octopusing out from Cambridge and DARPA/MIT: all of this seems to point to an expanding and attempted-normalizing of the censoring, monitoring, surveilling, repressing “police state” (a term which needs some intellectual dismantling) predicated on Stealth nano and neuro control, bodily control, neighborhood control (“community policing”), nanobio control of bodies and brains through vaccines and neuroweaponry and vast, networked C4ISR systems [Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)] involving drones, planes, satellites, celltowers, cell masts, magnetrons, emitters, transmitters, repeaters,spy planes, portable devices, EMF technologies, acoustic neurotechnologies, Neuro AI, AP-DEW (anti-personnel directed energy weaponry), large-scale DEW and HAARP (for “natural” disaster-creation)–all locked into place by the (same old) threats of Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism), Terrorism Prevention, In-Your-Face Policing, NDAs and Don’t-Speak clauses in contracts in every field, and, that final, serious mirage, Masonic, PHarma-based, Prison-Building, needing to be dissolved by one and all: Psychiatry.

Some of the news lately is linked below.

Emergency Shelters Being Expanded in Boston and Massachusetts as Per FY2025 Budget Plans

The word “Emergency”–like the word “Crisis”–comes into view with this focus on Emergency Shelters, presented as being expanded and intended to be further funded and built over upcoming budgeted years, which does raise the question: Are disasters being planned? Are more migrants expected? Are more residents being moved out of their homes into shelters–the older, the suddenly made “vulnerable,” the suddenly divorced, dispossessed, the suddenly made-impoverished through undisclosed targeting programs seeking to whittle down the educated middle-class, the outspoken “lower-class,” all via the sudden rise of “Behavioral Health”-policing parading as Health? [Numerous older women, engineers, nurses, Navy officers, academics, as well as middle-aged to older men, schoolteachers, filmmakers, engineers, retired, still working, have been targeted for social harassment, life-takedown, and harassive police-interactions in several States, as reported to this writer over 10 years; False Psychiatric Labeling, a first step to life-takedown has been reported widely in Massachusetts, as nationwide–and is clearly being further aimed at, with what is being disclosed in the “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council” report addressed briefly here earlier: Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022.]

Stories from the Boston Herald, WBUR Radio Boston covering this budgeting for expansion of emergency shelters and influx of migrants into Boston are linked below.

Boston Herald/December 18, 2023/Maura Healey…$915 Million on Emergency Shelters in FY25

An excerpt from the December 18, 2023 Memorandum comprising a Emergency Housing Assistance report (posted below) sent out from the Executive Offices of Administration and Finance, and Housing and Livable Communities, curious names for it appears new organizations (new offices for Agenda 21?) with new intentions to the Boston (Massachusetts) House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means (of Doing What Precisely…?[Something to Investigate]) reveals that there exists a family shelter system with a capacity of 7,500 families, that this system has reached capacity, that this system needs extra funding because it anticipates expansion, that families in this shelter system are being housed for over a year at a time (which means it is not exactly an Emergency Shelter system), that this Administration’s intent (the “Healey-Driscoll Administration”) is to help transition these families out into stable work and stable housing. Which begs the question, Why are people then, and families, in Massachusetts being targeted for Behavioral Health takedowns and removals out of their homes and into shelters and asylums? (as per the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council 2023 report–links above).

December 18, 2023 Memorandum comprising a Report on the Emergency Housing Assistance Program from the Executive Offices of Administration and Finance, and Housing and Livable Communities to the Boston (Massachusetts) House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means

Over 7,500 Families Enrolled in Mass Family Shelter System, About Half Migrants | Numbers Increasing Daily (as Community Policing and Behavioral Health Captures Step Up Probably)

Again, a story which needs further investigation, this cameo casts light on families housed in motels, hotels and other forms of shelter within a shelter network system which continues to accept new boarders from both foreign migrant/refugee and domestic vulnerable populations. Implications link this rise to the data on Section 12 arrests contained in the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council’s Crisis System Report, reported briefly here.

Stories below from WGBH and GBH News follow this saga.


Using the “Law” to Transform Boston Suburbs, Towns into “MBTA Communities” with Forced Apartment Buildings: Increased “transit-Oriented Housing”

This is obviously a rather large story which needs further research and (true-media) coverage but one which points to a sudden Smart City changeover from city and suburb/small town ethos to “transit community” and really community-around-public-transit communistic takedown. In a letter addressed to “Dear Local MBTA Community officials,” the newly christened Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, no longer a Department but an EO, explains what MBTA Communities are: “MBTA Communities are now categorized as rapid transit, commuter rail, adjacent, or adjacent small town.” MBTA stands for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority and comprises the Metro in these parts, the “T”, rather. What is being done is being clothed in the language of liberal acceptability, of warm socialism, but carries with it all the sinister implications, long-range, building, of Agenda 21.

MBTA Communities Act: GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40A/Section3A: But is this really the Law? How do these “Acts” which turn out to be Sections in a Chapter in a Title in a Part of a “General Law” become Law, really? Who permits this, and for what long-range reason?

Compliance, a watchword for Communist subjugation, enters the language of “government” insistence, as recorded in a treatise (below) on Multi-Family Zoning Requirements for “MBTA Communities”–each throw into our midst of specific phrasing a move into apparent colonizing of intellect and belief system:

Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA Communities

New Economic Development Plans Pursuing Biotech, Microtech, Nanotech, Neurotech, Vaccines, Syn Bio, Nano Bio, AI-Minus-Disclosure

New economic development plans drafted below seem to both want to maintain and extend the status quo in bio-tech, vaccines, medical device and micro electronics manufacturing, while hinting at new and innovative technology-use in “climate technology”, digital health, and others. [This is allusive mention or barely a mention of the stringent kinetic weaponry of Electronic Warfare and Directed Energy/Weather Modification Warfare being unlawfully tested and operated undercover on people in the State–as Nationwide, yet to be halted, by all branches of the US Military–pulse microwave weapons among them, new vibrational technology parading as Public Safety and Behavioral Health and so on–matters which continue to be reported here, and which of course don’t find overt mention in this Plan.] Meanwhile no mention is made of the Arts, Humanities, Cultural and True-Community activities and possibilities which could really make a difference in making Massachusetts a pleasant and “humane place to live.” Plausibly why new graduates and their families are leaving the state in droves, flying south to Florida and Texas, reported recently by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.

Radio Boston/WBUR/NPR Boston/https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2023/12/07/healey-housing-development-transit

Massachusetts Economic Development Plan/Draft for 2023

Excerpt: The Vision: Team Massachusetts, Leading Future Generations, Page 5, Economic Development Plan, Final Draft

Meanwhile, people are leaving Massachusetts for undisclosed reasons:

Excerpt, Economic Development Plan, 2023

Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation Demographics Spring 2023 Chartbook

[Excerpts below; Chartbook in PDF below; Link online: https://www.masstaxpayers.org/sites/default/files/publications/2023-05/MTF%20Demographics%20-%20Spring%202023%20Chartbook.pdf]

Counter-Terrorism Grants in the Spotlight as the Use of EMF/AP-DEW Weaponry on People–Disguised as Public Safety Technologies–Remains Hidden

A story in the Boston Herald (Dec 15) relays a City Council delaying of a Homeland Security grant–titled a counter-terrorism grant–for $13 million: inexplicable, if we can believe it, but it brings up a couple things: one, this could all be for political posturing and Press coverage while two, “natural disasters” are brought forward in this City Council conversation as the next big thing on the horizon–indeed, a way of bringing in “climate technology” and “climate change” disasters-to-expect, the talk of the town on the ground in Quincy certainly, which, like other towns in this area was privy to some disaster-making recently with an unprecedented windstorm a couple days ago, on December 18: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/12/18/metro/massachusetts-storm-live-updates/.

“Breadon, who voted in favor of the other three public safety grants on Wednesday, opted to vote against the counter-terrorism grant, but said that she was not influenced by any remarks that were made on the Council floor.

She had been planning to vote ‘no’ on the grant before the meeting, Breadon said, because she wanted more clarity on how the funds would be used to respond to natural disasters.

Breadon said she generally supports the counter-terrorism piece, having voted for the grant during her prior years on the Council, but did not realize the funding would be used for natural disasters until Flaherty’s committee chair report.”


As of today, that grant remains in dispute, while indeed what exactly it may be used for remains hidden; this, while counter-terrorism for the past ten years has involved unconsented-to non-lethal-weapons-testing in the Northeast, the tech transfer of military weaponry to Justice, and the continuous expansion of unlawful bio-hacking surveillance technologies now being rolled out in stealth as “police technologies” and “crowd control technologies”, without one bit of attention being paid to human rights activism and awareness-raising on the absolute harms of such weaponry use on the human body: https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/12/21/13-3m-anti-terror-grant-frozen-by-boston-sparks-outrage

[This writer is being blasted with this very tech on her left upper arm (and elsewhere)–site of an unconsensually-implanted apparent “medical device” unlawfully sited there (while she was knocked unconscious) after her unlawful kidnapping and trafficking–renditioning, really–to South Shore Hospital last December, on December 20, 2022–as often reported over the past couple months in Reporter’s Notes, as she writes, this very moment: 6:39 pm, 12/21/2023]

Clearly, these technologies continue to be kept secret while the mention of them, as here, in this writer’s overview, continues to be overtly treated as controversial and confrontational–when in fact there is no law, no authority permitting the use of any of these harmful, pain-, disease-, degradation-, injury- and torture-producing electrical, radar, and acoustic violence-in-silence technologies and methodologies on the human populace. [Rolling them surreptitiously into “Behavioral Health” “Public Health” and “Public Safety” does not make them any the less unlawful, unauthorized, illegal, and unconsented-to, by We the People, We the Legal Counsel, or anyone else.]


Question and Convert Terrorism Prevention to True-Community-Building, Question DHS

Something to keep tabs on is Homeland Security‘s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and its several plans for increased censorship and repression of communities, neighborhoods, schools, and Universities in the name of Counter-Terrorism, which should be further investigated by every human-rights, civil-rights, and freedom-of-speech organization in America: https://www.dhs.gov/CP3.

A dim shadowing of hope can be discerned however in the verbiage of grant-ese on a funding opportunity page, which might offer some–adequately connected–an opportunity to transform “counter-terrorism” into creativity, community, mentorship, a novel concept no doubt for those in the “Security” world intent on muscling their way into the Future, pressing their muddy boots into everyone’s necks: Arts, Humanities, and Community Development are listed as “category of funding activity” in this 2023 Grant opportunity for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/345347

Category of Funding Activity:Arts (see “Cultural Affairs” in CFDA)
Community Development
Employment, Labor and Training
Food and Nutrition
Humanities (see “Cultural Affairs” in CFDA)
Income Security and Social Services
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Expanded Police Funding, Extensive Police Presence in Massachusetts

A major police contract for $82 million between a Boston Police union and the City of Boston has been approved (their Memoranda of Agreement here) just this past week, raising wages and other compensations, offering educational opportunities to officers, and tightening suspension and termination protocols in case of police crime.

Information on the Boston Police website suggests–among a whole lot of community initiatives Boston Police are apparently running to uplift, educate, and support the communities they work in–that tremendous police efforts are underway to provide Mental Health services via Section 12s: a traumatizing arrest in the name of “Behavioral Health” and “Crisis Intervention” to force hospitalizations and psychiatric evaluations with intent to affix a “diagnosis” or False Psychiatric Label, as being required currently by expanding and overreaching Department of Mental Health and Health and Human Services plans, as noted also in the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council report, discussed briefly here.

“The Boston Police Department (BPD) and Boston Medical Center’s (BMC) Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST) have been collaborating for more than 10 years to serve the community’s most vulnerable residents—particularly those who come to the attention of the police. Since 2011, Master’s-level BEST clinicians have been available to assist BPD officers on calls for service involving individuals exhibiting signs of mental distress, to provide mental health assessments on-site in the community or at the police station, and to deliver rapid access to community mental health, substance use, and psychiatry services. BEST clinicians have access to a broad continuum of mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring treatment resources, many of which constitute evidence-based best practices.

The goal of the co-response program is to provide community-based psychiatric crisis services to de-escalate and stabilize nonviolent people experiencing psychiatric emergencies. By utilizing a co-responder model, our clinicians are able to be on site at the first point of contact, and thus can assess for acute psychiatric symptoms and triage the person appropriately. The clinicians help to ensure that people with mental illnesses are able to avoid further criminal justice involvement while providing much-needed therapeutic interventions. After triaging an individual on the scene, the clinicians often help stabilize the situation and routinely pass cases along to the general BEST team for a follow-up/home visit. The clinicians and the assigned officers also frequently transport people experiencing a mental health crisis and drop them off directly to the BEST Urgent Care Center, thus avoiding emergency departments. Only those individuals displaying acute psychiatric symptoms such as suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, acute psychosis or acute medical symptoms are transported to local emergency departments, either voluntarily or under the authority of a Section 12A (Application for an Authorization of Temporary Involuntary Hospitalization) issued by responding officers or a psychiatrist.

Through a re-allocation of BPD overtime funds beginning in 2020, the BPD now has funding to support 15 BEST clinicians (14 full-time and 1 part-time), meaning that there is at least one clinician assigned to each of the 11 police districts. These funds are also used to provide clinical supervision and to support two clinicians dedicated to working directly with the BPD’s Street Outreach Unit (SOU). Our BEST clinicians are also heavily involved in providing BPD officers with mental health training, including co-facilitating trainings at the Academy for new recruits and co-teaching several sessions at the BPD’s new DMH-funded Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC). This 40-hour training, which is being implemented primarily by the SOU in partnership with the Academy, incorporates the fundamental of CIT (recognizing signs and symptoms of mental illness, verbal and non-verbal de-escalation skills, etc.), but tailors the training to specific needs and resources encountered in Boston. Since May of 2022, over 100 BPD officers and about 20 representatives from external law enforcement and first responder agencies have attended the training, which has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants.”


Note, all this while people are being targeted and persecuted mercilessly with electromagnetic technology–in numerous military, non-consensual human subject biomedical experimentation research, criminal justice contracts, classified, kept secret, denied, lied-about–denied in order to lock people down and remove human rights with the miscasting of Mental Illness.

Police themselves, from Boston to Quincy, and Massachusetts State Police who run the fusion centers–BRIC and Commonwealth–know perfectly well what they are doing and what they are aiding in hiding: massive criminality which involves all branches of the military, the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the NSA, private sector multinationals in Defense contracting, Pharma and Biotech, academic and policy organizations, investment funds, auditing firms, banks, the medical industry–schools and device manufacturers both, as well as hospitals, all engaged in “Mental Health” lie-building to cover the atrocities of illegal weapons-testing and unlawful human experimentation on bodies and brains: matters which must be candidly aired and comprehensively addressed, both terminated and exposed in their entirety.

Several web centers and compilations of information under Behavioral Health online at the Massachusetts government web sites point to the increased focus on criminalizing behavior being pursued by Health, Public Safety, and Security bodies, subjects of continuing interest here and to be studied and reported on further.

The numbers of police in the state by themselves are startling. The POST 2022 Annual Report (Peace Officer Standards and Training) estimates 22,000 police officers, and 438 law enforcement organizations. Probably always associated with Mental Health in some way, the police involvement and interaction now with this Department and its intentional spread seems to have escalated.

Expanded FY 2023 Budget Investments in Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Expanded budgeting for Mental Health and Substance Use services is reported in the FY 2023 Massachusetts State Budget and examined further in a brief from the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health (posted below).

The Massachusetts Association for Mental Health founded in 1913 traces its origins to the national and international Mental Hygiene movement attributed to Clifford Beers starting from 1905. Their MAMH Annual Report for 2022 (posted below) offers insights into the sudden prominence of Mental Health and Behavioral Health today as numerous new programs launched recently are discussed. Vital to note here though that the language of warm well-being in which these programs and initiatives are presented coats a sinister reality made evident in the actual build-up of infrastructure and the actual reports of those with “Lived Experience” who are being and have been trafficked into the Mental Health and Behavioral Health/Psychiatry System for Human Rights Removal and Disappearance from Society, whether temporarily, briefly, or permanently–as this writer well knows, post the atrocities of two–actually three–unlawful forced kidnappings she was subjected to from April 14-19, 2022 and December 20-29, 2022 (being fully reported).

Community Behavioral Health Centers, being set up all over the State and using the cover of extant organizations, come with stringent requirements, while the centralizing of “crisis intervention” and “continuity of care” is slowly being built–matters to be reported on further–addressed in the Roadmap to Behavioral Health Reform: Overview of the Community Behavioral Health Program (posted below).

MAMH Annual Report for 2022

[Excerpts and pdf posted below.; Link online: http://www.mamh.org/assets/files/FINAL-MAMHAnnualRep2022.pdf]

Excerpt, http://www.mamh.org/assets/files/FINAL-MAMHAnnualRep2022.pdf

FY 2023 Massachusetts State budget Brief: Implications for people living with behavioral health conditions

Roadmap for behavioral health reform: Community behavioral Health Centers — Program Overview

The Roadmap can be found online here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/roadmap-for-behavioral-health-reform-overview-of-the-community-behavioral-health-program

Police, EMS, Courts, and Mental Health: A Combo to Question Inside Out–and End

Police, Courts and Emergency Medical Services joining hands with Behavioral Health and privileging doctors, EMS staff, police, and suddenly Mental-Health-licensed “co-responders” among police over common sense, normalcy, sanity, privacy, and family–a national trend–is documented all over the place in Boston, including in local medical schools, misleading freshmen and interns alike:

Excerpt: https://www.bumc.bu.edu/psychiatry/clinical-services/best-partnership-for-behavioral-health-racial-and-social-justice/

Using co-responders and “mental health professionals” on police staff to target and kidnap people from their homes, workplaces, schools–including children, adolescents, mothers, fathers–of course has been widely reported nationwide and worldwide over the past 30 years, including over the past 10 years by this writer in numerous interviews, reports, newsbreaks bringing light to the wrongful use of Psychiatry to cover the use of Spectrum electromagnetic and acoustic technologies on communities and living beings: Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up. Clearly, these efforts are being ramped up now via Behavioral Health Policing and Public Safety “Deterrence”, still in stealth, as the Targeting of Individuals escalates nationwide and worldwide. All programs to be investigated and comprehensively ended.

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

Climate Change Concerns and Actions

News impacting Public Safety and agriculture in the state is related to natural disasters and flooding — which again brings up the spectre of manmade disaster using modern warfare technology, matters to be further investigated:

Mass. plans to remove more dams amid climate concerns | WBUR News/12/13/2023



Much in Massachusetts lately–with its tending toward control on all fronts, gradually built, cloaking actualities on the ground of very invasive tech-centric “community policing” and extending nano, neuro, directed-energy-warfare and vaccine industries, neighborhood Terror playing Victim, all for the encompassing embrace of “Behavioral Health” and communistic takedown: Full Spectrum Censorship, body and brain, life and career, family and friends–needs further scrutiny and analysis. Stay tuned for further coverage.


Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022 | 12-06-2023

Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council in Massachusetts: A Focus on Crisis Intervention or Crisis Creation? | 9-14-2023

Insidious Targeting: The Route to Neurodamage via “Behavioral Health” and Community Care | 8-26-2023

Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022

Brief Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | Wednesday, December 6, 2023/Updated December 7, 2023/Updated December 8, 2023/Updated December 9, 2023

The very repressive Nazi-sounding “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council” discovered recently to exist in Massachusetts–and found to be behind the creation of numerous Community Behavioral Health Centers (so far, apparently 26) all across Massachusetts has released a report on its rather incredible expanding of “crisis services” and “continuity of care systems” in the state, making a call for public comment on this report in meetings held yesterday in Springfield, Worcester, Roslindale, and to be held online on December 13.

For more on the Sections of supposed Law cited (in pre-emptive fear of prosecution perhaps) in the very title, please see my opening report on this subject: Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council in Massachusetts: A Focus on Crisis Intervention or Crisis Creation? (I will address this briefly as well further below.) (Law has given way to “government” anarchy; police have given way to crime; “Health” has given way to all-out repression: Mental Health and Behavioral Health have become portals to New World Slavery.)

COMMUNITY POLICING AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR PUBLIC INPUT: (PDF’d below; see online at Mass.gov) (Note as well the promise to Placidate Quieten and Quell Liberty in that banner below, which sadly, as usual misappropriates imprisoned Native Americans, such as the heads of tribes whose name lingers in the State Name but is Lost otherwise–and whose memory and lives Should be revived and restored.)

The Report referenced above, a #MustRead for all Massachusetts residents, inhabitants, all domiciled here, and all Americans, all worldwide keen to see the long roll-out of the One-Eyed NWO accelerated since 2020 as COVID and Agenda 21 have come together in the murky seas of “Behavioral Health,” “Mental Health,” “Public Safety,” “Public Health,” and “Health and Human Services” via crisis-creation, expanded targeting, forcing of trauma on We the People in so-called “Crisis Intervention,” using armed mercenary police and ambulances to break up families and clog Emergency Departments in hospitals, end-goal a Label to pin to people’s brains, aka “dia-gnosis,” for permanent removal of human rights and psych-drugging to ensure same, can be found online here, PDF below.


A rather compendious report with massive amounts of highly unsettling data–and much distortion in re/presentation, to be further reported on by this writer, this compilation shows that Mental Health “interventions” –meaning by police and ambulance staff–both in “community” and involving Emergency Department interactions have been occurring at a very high rate all through 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and spilling over into 2023.

Criminal Abuse of Children, Youth, Families

The actual figures cited, and the elaborate constructs noted–large parts in Machiavellian management language presuming consent–point to extraordinary activities undertaken from 2019 and 2020 all across Massachusetts clearly to corrall children, youth, and adults from 0-21, 21 and above into situations of fabricated, projected, or instigated crisis, false “dia-gnosis” and clear life takedown.

In other words: something very strange, very sinister, very unsettling–and apparently racist, sexist, ageist, eugenicist, supremacist is going on in Massachusetts as over two hundred and fifty thousand people each year now, young and old, are being snatched up into the “behavioral health” system–for selective further control with psychiatric drugs, further “crisis interventions”, and forced supervision: essentially Life Waterboarding with Perks (anticipated continuous “encounters with police”).

The figures cited in this Report in fact (more below) and in other documents on the DMH website–as below, in the data set titled “ESP MCI Volume by Age and Location of Intervention“, while not the same, are both highly alarming.


Massachusetts Emergency Departments, according to this Report, are seeing an influx of “routinely between 500 and 700 patients boarding in acute care hospitals each day awaiting inpatient behavioral health placement”–that’s per Day, meaning 15,000 to 21,000 people per Month, and 180,000 to 252,000 people per Year, held in “Acute Care Hospitals”–falsely labeled “Acute Inpatients” –as I have now experienced, Twice, in 2022–recorded as Emergency Department refugees prior to being transported–unlawfully as I was?–to another hospital or a Psych Ward, forced into “dia-gnosis” catchment space for the salaried pleasure of numerous Dia’s–Doctors, that is–who cannot be permitted by their Boards to wear their White Coats Forever it seems without more and more Captures of the Citizenry. What have Emergency Care doctors and Psychiatrists come to? (Absolute Crime.)

Let me point out–to all who might miss the rephrasing here for maximum exoneration from culpability–that “these patients” are clearly being targeted (by “DMH and many of the hospitals with (forced) boarding patients”) for forced-medication, and forced “treatment” via “earlier (forced) routine ‘care’, urgent ‘care,’ or even crisis intervention in community settings (forced kidnaps, trafficking, break-ins into private homes and unwarranted arrest, manhandling, abuse, forced drugging, removal of the denizens, usually the mothers and the children–all unlawful, all illegal).”

This is the plan created by bankers and middlemen, by auditors and accountants, by eugenicists and wreckers of the educated middle class, to consign millions, billions eventually into Mental and Behavioral “Health Care.”

Excerpt, Massachusetts Emergency Departments, Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council/MAMH/TAC/EOHHS Report

Excerpt from the source referenced above:

ESP MCI Volume by Age and Location of Intervention

(Emergency Services Program Mobile Crisis Intervention)

The data set “ESP MCI Diagnosis Percent by Age” shows that the “Dia-gnosis” — listed by “Catchment” Area, a word advertising its intent — can be Dual in fact, and include both Mental Health and Substance Use — how is this not Framing?

Given that the entire report is filled with distortions in language, perspective, and fact, it is primary to note that absolutely none of the data in this report marking people “with” “behavioral health conditions” or “mental health conditions” can be seen to emanate from people voluntarily, willingly, requesting, requiring, or soliciting “crisis intervention services”; the actions encouraged of bullying police mercenaries and brutish ambulance staff who mistake themselves for slave-catchers and body-snatchers are not “crisis intervention” nor “service,” they are crisis-pretention, terrorizing and trauma forced on people (as this writer well knows)–often children and youth–miscast, falsely psychiatrically labeled, and used instead as warm bodies for the creation of extra revenue for criminally-acting police forces and misled, over-reaching “mental health” personnel.

Not to mention achieve overall fascist and private-sector-communist goals of social repression and Stasi terror--which unfortunately has been “rolled in” or quietly legitimized, permitted, and normalized by all the numerous Media Lackeys we see evident, addressing the Gestapo-rulers-in-stealth fondly as “The Deep State” and “Our Leaders” when they should have been routed and removed a long time ago (by simply referring to them as Criminals).

[Presenting this brief report today was attended by massive amounts of cyber-hacking, bio-hacking, and neuro-hacking (to induce instant sleep/frequency assault on brain from right next door), which means the information I wanted to post here remains hidden — Read the report though, it has much to be amazed by — I will be posting my print and video logs of the incredible attacks on me the past couple days as the usual bevy of weaponized vehicles including very heavy-duty trucks and nonstop armed-pickups driven by obviously Fusion Center Crowned contractors raced up and down as well as parked right outside my door to send in Radio Frequency High Powered Microwave Weapon pulses at heart, brain, and chest frequencies. Not to mention burn-your-spine and burn-your-skin ADS specials as well.]

Massachusetts Cost Data

Screenshot/Massachusetts Cost Data/Report of the Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council, Crisis Services in the Commonwealth/June 30, 2023

This report will be continued.


You Must Say No and Never Let Massachusetts Police Into Your Homes | Fabricated “Crisis Interventions” Need to Be Halted

The most important thing people in Massachusetts need to know, regarding these so-called “crisis interventions” instigated by Others–usually Nasty Neighbors (engaging in Entrapment Operations) or Somewhat Innocent, yet Activated by Radio Frequency/Cognitive Warfare Technology/Plain Old-Fashioned Slander, but sometimes Other, Misled/MK’d Parents/Spouses/Family Friends/Community Figures–on innocent members of your family or on people you know are living alone or on your children, is that 1) They are bogus and 2) Families Should and Can Stop their children, siblings, elders, parents being targeted for takedown in this manner by simply saying No and standing steadfast by the side of family always, in face of any attempted attack by Police or DCF (department of children and families) or lawyers or any other to remove a family member, even if they have called for Back-Up and an Ambulance or another police car appears–on a supposed Section 12 or any other paper permission–and absolutely ensure that their precious family member stays with them and is Never dragged out of the house by any Massachusetts (State or City) Police-whose interest in causing Harm this writer has personally experienced Twice now (and more times, overall) and who absolutely have no right whatsoever to remove people or children from their homes.

Privacy laws keep you safe and private inside your own home always. Police who enter and drag people out are committing Criminal Trespass, as well as Burglary with Intent to Commit a Crime.[This section to be updated shortly with list of all laws broken by police in forcing, coercing, or lying to gain entry.] This is both on Land and Soil and in Sea Jurisdictions.

[Most local police have no clue the word Jurisdiction does not relate to their City and County but to Maritime/Admiralty/”Inland Waterways” versus Land and Soil Jurisdiction.]

On Land and Soil Jurisdiction, Maritime/Admiralty Police have no rights whatsoever when no crime has been committed by anyone against anyone whereby a Victim exists; this applies to everyone (also in Maritime/Admiralty where things “Legal” are) who is inside their homes, whether tenants or owners, they are safe in their own homes always and they are safe on the Land of their homes; by law, both the Constitution, and basic human rights law on the Land, Massachusetts Police (or Police in any part of the USA) Cannot Enter, they Cannot lay their hands on you or your children, they Cannot drag you or your children out at any time whatsoever, this is what Fee Schedules are all about, this is what “Kidnapping, Trafficking, and Trespass on Land with a Fine Attached” is all about, this is why Americans all over the USA are returning to the land with Anna von Reitz and the State Assemblies, to secure their birthright/naturalization privacy rights as Americans, to secure ownership or tenancy of their own lands, to secure Pre-Credit as priority creditors, to secure their homes free of mortgages, to secure the Fourth Amendment on their land and soil, on their houses, and on their Lawful Persons.

The Right Of the People to be Secure in Their Persons, Houses, Papers, and Effects Shall Not Be Violated

Local police in Massachusetts also do not actually keep the law in cases of “Section 12″s since they do not apparently know what the law is. Section 12’s, the language of this Section, and the actions permitted by this unlawful Section to numerous parties–essentially permitting grievous abuse, invasion of privacy, unauthorized subjugation of children, youth, adults, removal of human rights, and encouraging armed mercenaries (all police are paid employees of corporations and they are armed, while the people are not; this is also Gun Control Massachusetts, ironically pushing Paix on All while using Guns to do so) to engage in criminal trespass, criminal and unqualified “[Non] mental or behavioral health assessment,” criminal kidnapping, criminal manhandling, criminal trafficking (transport out of your home and across borders of roads and streets (“inland waterways”?) not to mention across jurisdictions if you are Private/on Land and Soil) against you, your children, your family, while using Lies, Arms, Force, and Intimidation to Falsely-Claim Crisis and Quell Dissent (ie., Non-Consent to their Entry and Presence)–are in actuality, by the verbiage of this Section, not permitted: not legal, and not lawful.

[Leafblowers very loud in the backyards currently as I write: 10:33 am, Dec 7, 2023–they seem to be moving from yard to yard. Microwave pulse weapons certainly in use.]

Section 12s are offensive, in short, to any society, any community, and they need to be studied further and addressed in depth. “Section 12: Emergency restraint and hospitalization of persons posing risk of serious harm by reason of mental illness“.

Both police and “mental health personnel” accompanying police–if they do that is–need to become aware at their earliest that Section 12 arrests of anyone–children, youth, adults, elderly–(falsely–and it is always falsely) claiming “mental illness” of any kind, claiming “delusion,” claiming “paranoia,” claiming “paranoid ideation” or any other–are hugely criminal, and opens them personally and collectively to liability. These are false claims, false attributions, false projections, hugely defamatory, slanderous, libelous, unlawful, seeking to destroy lives.

This 2021 directive from Boston Police discusses Section 12 e’s and a’s a bit.

More needs to be said on this subject, but as a start, it clearly reveals Section 12s are unlawful, unConstitutional, and need to be publicly addressed by all educated people in Massachusetts; clearly a major, clandestine, hubristic coup has been run on the people now by use of this Section and people all over Massachusetts need to take action, personally and collectively, to address this obvious crime, since the “New Way” intention to falsely project large numbers of people as Mentally Ill, including children, teenagers, and mothers, falsely claim the validity of fabricated “diagnoses,” falsely arrest, detain, incarcerate, and force-medicate randomly selected and targeted people for long periods of time–today also with remote-access wifi Human Control Technologies, as this writer has personally been unlawfully subjected to, since December 2022–and thereby set up, entrench, and stratify a clearly Falsely-Claimed “Mental Health Condition”-Based Medical-Tyranny state has now clearly been revealed.

December 9, 2023: [Links to information on the first Section 12 run on this writer in April 2022–as a science and technology journalist reporting assiduously, from 2013, despite great harm to self, military, intelligence, and non-“law-enforcement”/police crimes–can be found below. I am still working on reporting the “second” (since it involves much much more than just one). Suffice to know perhaps for now that these crimes of abusive, traumatic, claiming-crisis but in fact crisis-creating or crisis-pretending, many Lies attendant, are not being run on just a “lower class” of people, socio-economically speaking, a “blue-collar class,” but are being run on all levels of the “middle class” and the “educated class” as well: figures need to be found and published. Note that I am a journalist and writer who has been teaching English and Creative Writing at the college level (in very prestigious Universities and colleges) for over twenty years, in addition to many years of labor as a management consultant in technical training, writing, editing in corporate America, freelance journalism and science writing in India, as well as literary journalism and publishing in America, with an undergraduate Science degree and three post-graduate degrees in Journalism, Business Management, and Creative Writing, with three published books, and am (still) a Boston Price Waterhouse (Legal Counsel) Tax Director’s wife: Local police neither kept the “Law” when they ran these Section 12s on me nor did they pay any attention to my so-called “class”–pigeonholed probably as “upper middle class.” Likewise, since 2013, I have spoken and emailed with/reported the stories of many like me in the “educated class” who have been targeted for Life-Takedown, Neuro-Bio-Hacking, and Easy Terror and glibly dismissed as “Mentally Ill Targeted Individuals” unlawfully, abusively, criminally by people also in the “educated class”: Neuroscientists, Biologists, Doctors, Bioweapons Makers, Defense contractors selling Medical Devices and RFID chips, BCI implants and blood transfusion equipment, Artificial Intelligence industrialists whose neurohacking equipment was trained first on animals, now rabidly used on humans–and FBI/Local Non-“Law”, the first Unlawful Watchlisters, DHS, CIA, NSA shortly after, all Unlawfully–all to make it acceptable to create Acceptable Pariahs in society, worldwide, literally for nonstop social subjugation, acceptable remote-access technology assault, classic torture really, and experimentation unto death.]

As the language of this directive suggests (Please read this Boston Police Commissioner’s directive closely for the legalese as well as the Section 12 verbiage in Massachusetts Code–“a” is not being run, and “e” is being claimed but never kept), if ever police, neighbors, ambulance personnel seek to terrorize your family and traffick any member of your family into the human-rights-removing and therefore criminal Mental Health or Behavioral Health systems–at inevitably high medical, life, emotional, and reputation cost to all in your family–the best thing to do is ask them to disengage, disengage, yourself, assure them there is no “crisis,” state clearly your family does not need their intentionally trauma-inflicting (SWAT Team) “services,” and send them on their way.


Community Policing and Behavioral Health Advisory Council in Massachusetts: A Focus on Crisis Intervention or Crisis Creation? | September 14, 2023

Ending the False Psychiatric Profiling 2013-2023 of Ramola D, Investigative Science & Technology Journalist & Writer, Not “Mentally Ill”

Ramola D | Note on False Psychiatric Labels

Notice to All Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurses, Hospital Staff, EMS Personnel, Ambulance Staff and Owners, Licensed Social Workers, Mental Health Lawyers, Attorneys, Law Enforcement Officers