Tag Archives: UN

Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, NSF, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by the Connecticut Assembly

Video Report & Links | Ramola D | Sep 11, 2022

In a historic move by We the People, coordinators and state citizen members of the Connecticut Assembly – unincorporated, on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, part of the restored Union of States reclaimed through the work of Anna von Reitz, Clinton James Belcher and their team — have sent in a Cease and Desist order to the heads of the US Military, US Airforce, United Nations, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), WHO (World Health Organization), NASA, National Science Foundation and other national and international bodies calling for an immediate halt to the chemical poisoning of our skies, water, air, and soil through the use of Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI), cloud seeding, geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and other methods.

The Chairman and Co-Coordinators of the Connecticut Assembly, Tom Nieman, Isabelle and Paska Ann broke the news on Newsbreak 157 at Ramola D Reports on September 9, 2022, sharing also the press release being sent to news organizations in Connecticut, highlighting the notice given to the Governor of Connecticut corporation headed by Edward Lamont Jr. (doing business as GOVERNOR OF CONNECTICUT, a corporation, not a title).

We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident…

Tom Nieman opened his remarks on the momentous notification of the US Military, United Nations and others with a reminder of who the Connecticut Assembly is–the now-in-session true government for Connecticut on the land and soil, unincorporated, keeping to American Public Law and abiding by the principles of America’s Founding Fathers, from the time of the Declaration of Independence which enshrines the need to form new government anytime a prevailing one proves incompetent, inept, or destructive.

A Three-Notice Private Administrative Process

Paska also explained later in the Newsbreak that the process of notification of US Government agencies when they are engaging in actions contrary to the interests of We the People is set out in the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946 and constitutes a 3-notice private administrative process (also explained here).

The Distribution List Includes the WHO, NASA, NSF, NATO, UN, US Airforce, US Commerce, All Involved in Aerosol Programs

The first notice, the Cease and Desist has now been sent to various Defense and Govt agencies including Mark Milley, the General Joint of Staff, Frank Kendall, the Secretary of the US Airforce, Gina Raimondo, the US Secretary of Commerce, and to several international offices including Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director of WHO, Jens Stoltenburg, the Secretary General of NATO. Tracking of the document reveals that several of the US addressee letters seem to be shored up in distribution centers while the UN has returned a return-receipt, indicating receipt of notice.

What is significant is that each of these agencies and offices has been found to be involved in the worldwide aerosol programs which seem to be hidden under titles such as cloud-seeding and stratospheric aerosol injections with varied published aims but essentially engaging in numerous activities related to weather modification and contamination of the air, soil, and water over American land and lives as also land worldwide and the lives of all human and animal populations, as also flora and forests worldwide.

Much research to determine the nature of these aerosol programs and the parties involved has preceded the formulation of this Notice, and has yielded extraordinary information regarding who is involved and who is well aware: It appears, from the information shared on Newsbreak 157 that the chem trails (a US Airforce term) we witness in the skies everyday in all our American states and in all or most all countries of the world–which are dropping metallic nanoparticulates into our air and soil, leading to respiratory diseases, neurological dysfunction, and diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as per much analysis and concern evinced by many outspoken physicians–come out of often longstanding, patent-affiliated, well-funded programs run by the US Military, Air Force, National Science Foundation, as also NATO and the WHO, a supposed health organization currently fixated on medical tyranny on one and all with its One Pharma God approach to “One Health.”

Source: Phys.org
A 1972 declassified document from the CIA library speaking about international weather modification: https://zerogeoengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CIA-RDP75B00514R000200060012-6-2.pdf

Governors Know What the Press Denies

And, it appears, local and state governments including Governors are well aware of these programs, while the Press continues to gaslight the populace (informing us the term “chemtrails” denotes “conspiracy theory” and suggesting that questioning the visible pollution of our skies with aircraft emissions comprises delusional thinking) while clearly propping up behind-the-scenes agendas to keep the realities of these very apparent aerosol spraying programs secret.

Manufactured Droughts led to Maryland Banning Weather Modification in 1965

The Connecticut Assembly also reports that some states such as Maryland have previously banned weather modification projects, as far back as 1965:

Compilations of well-researched information relating to aerosol programs can now be found online, some of which the Connecticut Assembly points to here: https://zerogeoengineering.com/ and https://www.thesiriusreport.com/technology/list-us-patents-related-weather-modification.

Additionally, all the Notices and Exhibits with evidence associated with this Cease and Desist are being maintained in a public folder here: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw.

Connecticut Assembly Notices: https://connecticutstatenationals.org/notices

Violations of the Public Trust, Social Contract, Public Law, Constitutions

The Cease and Desist Notice states that such aerosol spraying of American skies over Connecticut constitutes a “gross violation of the public trust as well as a flagrant breach of the social contract.”

Contaminants Definitively Found in the Water

Sharing evidence from laboratory tests of Connecticut rainwater found to contain high levels of aluminium, barium, lithium, sulfuric acid, strontium, manganese, seeking a cessation of trespass with nano scale contaminants of graphene oxide and highly concerning NBCs (nuclear, biological, chemical elements), and including patents related to radio frequency microwave irradiation programs which combine with the aerosols to alter the nature of the atmosphere and the electromagnetic load in regions, the Notice unequivocally points to the violations of public law and the 3 Constitutions these comprise.

Screenshot, Rainwater Test results, Exhibit A.1, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2019: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw
Screenshot, Exhibit A.2, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2021 2022: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly

Jurisdiction: Land and Soil of America Versus Sea/Maritime/Admiralty of US INC.

The Notice also addresses matters of jurisdiction and authority, and includes the Public Employers Directive published by Anna von Reitz, which describes further the obligations of extant British Territorial Government employees and Municipal Government Employees to honor the directives of Americans, their employers.

Critical to comprehend for all in this context is the base fact that America is not the United States, an important distinction Isabelle addressed early in the conversation in Newsbreak 157. The “United States” refers to US Incorporated, a contractor, while America refers to the unincorporated federation of physically defined states of the Union, the original geographical country the original Founding Fathers sought to establish.

While many in the USA and worldwide remain unaware of the work Anna von Reitz has done to bring forward once again the union of states and birthright American status all Americans hold of being free living people on the land and soil jurisdiction, the current status is that all 50 states are up and running, their state assemblies are in session, and living Americans from each state — American state nationals — are working hard to restore birthright freedoms, a subject often covered here, which you can find out more about at these links:

Restoring America

American States Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Massachusetts State Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Since you do need to take a few steps to declare and restore your political status, whether born or naturalized in the USA, please see also:

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

The Path Forward is Resolute Action

While the whole of this Newsbreak offers powerful and inspiring evidence of resolute action in standing up taken by a group of concerned Americans, the last few minutes of this podcast with each co-ordinator offering their thoughts on what needs to be done going forward is especially inspiring.

During the discussion of the Cease and Desist, one of the points Paska makes is that several global groups seem to be involved in these projects but as Americans “That is not acceptable. We are not going to take orders from an international entity.”

Isabelle notes that “this is a slavery system” and that governments have trained citizens well over the years to be compliant and accepting as “good little citizens and good little slaves and not speak up otherwise you’ll be ridiculed or labeled” but the time has come to stand up. “We know we weren’t born for being poisoned in our food and our air and to be slaves and to not live our lives to the fullest — now is our chance for humanity to stand up and do something”

Tom Nieman states: “We need to live free as an example –and that means living free regardless of what the outcome is….Society has done a really good job of scaring people, but if you can see anything, you know you need to stand now because it’s only going to get worse if you don’t–as we all have children and grandchildren, and I feel there’s nothing else left to be done--there’s nothing else to do but what we are doing.”

A very apposite quote from 1968 from Martin Luther King, which reads like it was written for this time period, and calling everyone to stand up for a cause was shared by Tom Nieman:

“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer…. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by Connecticut Assembly

Watch Newsbreak 157 at Bitchute:

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Watch Newsbreak 157 at Odysee:

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Anna von Reitz: UN CORP — A Message for Davos | Root of All Evil Apparently UN CORPORATION, Behind US INC., UN, WHO, DOD, NATO |”Time to Liquidate it as a Criminal Entity”

Re-post of article by Anna von Reitz at her website and Paulstramer.net | Ramola D | May 22, 2022

As preface to this post, an earlier one from Anna von Reitz offers helpful background on the UN CORPORATION, which apparently is not the same as the United Nations Organization but is behind it, as behind a whole lot of other corporations including US Inc., the WHO, NATO, DOD etc., all of whom have been engaging in massive criminality some of which is just surfacing. The excerpt below is taken from Anna’s The UN, Swamp Draining, and Today’s Situation Report:

“The UN is not the United Nations, in the same way that the UNITED STATES is not the United States.

By the fall of 1943 the Vichy French government knew the jig was up. Herr Hitler’s plan to borrow all he could from the Jews of Europe and then murder his priority creditors wasn’t working out so well. So the Vichy began quietly moving their own ill-gotten gains to Switzerland and not a small number of the vermin paid off Swiss officials to become Swiss citizens. Some of these characters and their friends even took over de facto ownership of certain Swiss banks where they deposited the wealth they pillaged from their neighbors and from the dead.

Against this general backdrop two corporations were formed in France, one was called the UN Corporation, and the other was the IMF. Both the UN Corp and the IMF were spooled up by the same group of Rothschild-Rockefeller-Railroad Baron and Big Oil interests. This version of “UN” was and is a privately held commercial corporation created some years before the actual United Nations charter was signed.

This then allows the same kinds of deceptively similar names deceits and frauds that arise when we mistake the UNITED STATES for the United States; by that point in history, this misuse of similar names to promote constructive fraud schemes had become completely routine. Rumor has it that Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, decried this cozy deceit and was going to expose it for what it was, but was killed before he could do so.

Thus, when the news media today is talking about “UN Peacekeeping Forces” you never know– except by context– whether they are talking about commercial mercenaries hired by the UN Corp to protect its business interests or if you are talking about combined actual military forces contributed by member governments of the United Nations. Both are called “UN Peacekeeping Forces” though obviously the nature, intent, standards, motivations, and behavior of the two so-called “Peacekeeping Forces” are dramatically different and often at odds.”


Also see her post About the UN, for further clarification about the UN and UN CORP.

Screenshot, Davos 2022 at WEF

Saturday, May 21, 2022

UN CORP — A Message for Davos

 By Anna Von Reitz

This message is especially important for the Vatican Chancery Court and the United Nations as a whole, but it is directed to all the billionaire business elite tycoons gathered in Davos, Switzerland.

The UN CORP chartered in Vichy France in 1943, during World War II, founded by French and Belgian Nazis — is a real problem for you, the United Nations Organization.

First, the WHO side of the World Health Organization is caught bilking the World Bank on Pandemic Bonds and contributing to the false pandemic narrative in exchange for kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers.

Second, NATO is caught with its member’s hands in the Ukraine putsch and later, the development of all sorts of illegal bioweapon research and production facilities in Ukraine.

Third, we have discovered all sorts of adrenochrome “factories” operating on mothballed DOD properties scattered throughout The United States — complete with manifests for the “missing” children.

WHO, NATO, DOD — three Bad Actors and all connected to the UN CORP.

It is now clear exactly who and what the “enemy” of all mankind is.

And, to everyone’s surprise, it’s the very people who should be happiest, the ones who sit at the top of the pyramid, who have nothing in the world to worry about or wish for, who are causing all this turmoil, criminality, and grief.

The US, INC. is not only being deliberately mismanaged, but so are all the commercial BANKS.

We have evidence that all the other UN CORP franchises and affiliates are similarly being “weaponized” and mismanaged in a desperate bid to both garner last minute profits and “pull the plug”.

Many of the UN CORP’s most corrupt franchises, the SEC, the FEDERAL RESERVE, and GOLDMAN-SACHS are already on the run to China, where they hope to parasitize the Chinese people just as they have done to us, exactly like Tapeworms moving on to a new host.

You, the Corporatists gathered in Davos, have profited yourselves from this filthy and criminal “System” you built, and so now you are adding to your sins by destroying the communication and medical and financial systems and everything else you can pervert, maim, or destroy.

But the UN CORP and its franchises didn’t actually rebuild the world after World War II. We did. It was our private trust fund money that was commandeered by the military and the banks with barely a nod or a thank you to us — that rebuilt everything after WWII.

We rebuilt in another way, too, as individual people weighing in, doing the work, contributing the skills.

Right now, you are in Davos trying to figure out how to keep on bilking the Public that you are ultimately dependent upon, while maintaining your claims of Odious Debt, and continuing to shuffle off your own corporate tax burdens onto future generations of living people.

I have never heard such a lot of tripe in my life. Sooner or later, the snake has to eat its own tail.

Let’s observe, Geniuses, that you are dependent on the Public, and your corporations only exist by virtue of Public tolerance.

Let’s also observe that without the Public you have no customers, no products, no basis for your industries, no sources of income, no purpose, no profits, and it becomes clear that you and your Pals in Government are the Useless Eaters around here.

Your brand of medicine does not promote health, your brand of law does not promote justice, and your use of communications is purely to manipulate. Your banks are crooked as a dog’s hind legs. Your Armed Forces are all illegal mercenary forces that you pay peanuts and disparage and blame for your own war profiteering.

Your drugs are dangerous, addictive, and over-priced. Your “fertilizers” ruin the soil. Your vaccines cause diseases instead of preventing them. Your food provides little or no nutrition. Your water supplies are all tainted with heavy metals and poisonous metallic salts. The police services we pay for serve only to protect you and your cronies and your investments. Your so-called money is paper promises to pay someday.

Exactly what is your “system” good for? Inefficient tax accounting?

It’s a given that government produces nothing and is dependent in nature, but what excuse do you have for producing bad products, and then expecting everyone else to pay for them?

I count that as being worse than useless.

All members of the United Nations Organization better wake up and realize that they are being used, individually and collectively, as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION, and the UN CORPORATION is functioning in a completely reckless and lawless manner, as well as being completely worthless in terms of producing any products or services that we need.

If this situation offends you and if you are — quite rightly, afraid that you will be blamed for the UN CORPORATION’s actions, it’s time to liquidate it as a criminal entity.

And never let those involved in this vicious boondoggle have the privilege of incorporating another business anywhere ever again.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


Anna von Reitz: Public International Notice for the High Courts and United Nations | Corporations fronted by British Crown and Popes Have No Standing Over Land and Soil Jurisdiction in This Country

Anna von Reitz: The Choice for All Mankind | Corporate Feudalism or Universal Free Will? Military Mavens Need to Step Up

BREAKING | Anna von Reitz: International and Public Declaration of Possession by Right | International Notice to Cease Production of FRNs and Revert US Inc. Assets to the True Govt, Unincorporated Federation of States, USA

Alex Newman/The New American: UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

Re-posted from The New American, with many thanks to Alex Newman for this vital news and analysis, and to Blacklisted News for posting. Please visit there for more news and analysis on a regular basis on the UN’s Agenda 2030, which appears to be plowing ahead with its plan for collectivism and global communism under guise of global citizenship and sustainable development. Note in this discussion below, especially, issues of human rights, which are being re-defined by the UN as bestowed by governments, essentially, and changeable by “law”. If individual nations and individual thinkers, actors, and educators do not intervene, this Brave New World of centrally-controlled indoctrination seeking to stamp out national and individual will, sovereignty, creativity, and diversity will attempt to continue. 

The UN’s Global Depopulation agenda, as described by historian and activist Kevin Galalae in recent posts highlighting his ongoing hunger strike against this agenda at the Vatican, is related to this quest by the globalists for world domination via the UN. 


UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

Written by 

A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, and spirituality, the final document declared. The global-citizenship programs, with definitions to be incorporated in curricula worldwide, should also indoctrinate children so that they understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote what the UN and its member governments consider to be the “common good.”

The controversial action plan, approved by the UN’s propaganda department and a group of largely government-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) on June 1 in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, is aimed at helping the UN impose its Agenda 2030 scheme to “transform the world.” In fact, the title of the summit gave away the agenda: “Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together.” As The New American has documented extensively, the UN Agenda 2030 plan, also known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), was approved by governments and dictators last year as a road map toward global control (tyranny). From national and international wealth redistribution to government healthcare and legal abortion for all, the controversial Agenda 2030 vows repeatedly to leave “no-one behind.”

However, globalists and the UN know that to achieve their vision of global totalitarianism, the minds of the young must be captured via “education.” Agenda 2030 actually has an entire goal dedicated to UN-guided “education.” And so the latest summit in Korea, organized for NGOs by the UN Department of Public Information, or UN DPI, was aimed at defining what that “education” regime will look like — and how NGOs can help. “Education is a human right, essential to well-being and dignity, and is key to achieving Agenda 2030,” reads the action plan adopted this week. “Further, an ethos of global citizenship is required in order to fulfil [sic] this bold, people-centered, universal, and planet-sensitive development framework.”

In the “spirit of global citizenship,” the document declares that “our primary identity is that of human beings.” But the agenda is much broader than attacking nationalism and patriotism. The UN DPI and the Astro-Turf “NGOs” that surround it, styling themselves “Civil Society,” explained that what they call “education” must also be about more than what people normally think of as education — literacy, numeracy, and so on. In the UN’s view, according to the “Gyeongju Action Plan” adopted in Korea, “education must advance the cause of global citizenship.” That means a lot more than one might think, too.

Among other points, this education for global citizenship must promote “integrated development of the whole person emotionally, ethically, intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually,” the action plan declares. (Emphasis added.) Of course, parents, families, communities, tribes, churches, and more have traditionally been responsible for much of that. When or under what authority government-run, UN-approved schools became responsible for children’s physical, ethical, spiritual, emotional, and social development was not made clear. The implications, though, should trouble anyone who values liberty, diversity, national sovereignty, and parental rights.

The “education” pushed by the UN must also be “imbued with an understanding of our roles, rights and responsibilities for the common good in service to humanity and the advancement of a culture of peace, non-violence, freedom, justice, and equality,” the action plan continued, using rhetoric about the “common good” that has been the rallying cry of countless tyrants. The globo-education must inculcate “a sense of care for the earth, reverence for the interdependent kinship of all life, and stewardship of all ecological systems for future generations.” It should also strengthen “the societal relationships among individuals, institutions, communities, states, humanity, and the planet.” And finally, it should nurture “a sense of solidarity and empathy in order to end poverty, protect the planet, ensure human rights, and foster prosperous and fulfilling lives for all.”

To those not well-versed in globalist-speak, that all might sound fine and dandy. However, when the UN’s agenda is examined more closely, the real agenda becomes more clear. Consider, as just one point among many, what the UN means when it speaks of “human rights.” In Article 29 of the UN’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the government signatories claim “rights” can be limited “by law” under the guise of everything from “public order” to “the general welfare.” In other words, you have no rights, only privileges. Separately, the same article claims that everyone has “duties to the community” and that “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” Compare that to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which outline and protect God-given, inalienable rights.

Further down, the global action plan explains that the “education” agenda intends to shape every aspect of human life and civilization. “Education for global citizenship is an essential strategy to address global challenges as well as to promote gender equality, facilitate the eradication of poverty and hunger, build skills, eliminate corruption, and prevent violence, including violent extremism,” the document says. “It promotes truly sustainable production and consumption, mitigating climate change and its effects, protecting our waters and biodiversity, and preserving indigenous knowledge.”

If “tradition” and individual cultures get in the way of that agenda for UN-defined “human rights” and “global citizenship,” then “educational understandings” of those things will have to be “enhanced,” the action plan declares. The document also makes clear that this must be a worldwide effort, saying the global-citizenship scheming must be incorporated in school curricula worldwide and that “equitable quality education,” as defined by the UN, must be provided to “all people.” (Emphasis in original). The signatories vowed to work at the local level, too, to “incorporate education for global citizenship in educational systems.”

The signatories of the action plan, developed at the “66th United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference,” also committed to pushing global education that promotes a number of controversial concepts. “We commit to an education that teaches conflict resolution, a deep appreciation for diversity, ethical reasoning, gender equality, human rights and responsibilities, interdependence, multilingual and multicultural competence, social justice, sustainable development, and values,” it said. Those values, of course, are very unlikely to reflect the values of most parents around the world, whether they be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or any other major religious tradition. Instead, the values will be the values guiding the UN: globalism, pseudo-environmentalism, socialism, and more.

The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, is at the center of the UN’s global “education” machinations. In addition to a partnership signed with Common Core-financier Bill Gates, UNESCO has been hard at work in its efforts to standardize and dumb-down education around the world. Among other schemes, it runs global programs on “Education for Sustainable Development,” “Educational for Global Citizenship,” and much more. It also has a “World Core Curriculum,” dedicated to and inspired by influential occultist Alice Bailey, that it hopes will guide schooling around the world in the years to come.

At a previous UN education summit, held last year in Korea, UNESCO boss Irina Bokova, a Bulgarian Communist Party operative who PR agents claim is among the “frontrunners” to lead the broader UN, also declared the UN’s intentions. “We have the collective duty to empower every child and youth with the right foundations — knowledge, values and skills — to shape the future as responsible global citizens, building on the successes of the past 15 years,” she said, adding that education would “transform lives” and contribute to “breakthroughs on all the proposed sustainable development goals.” In other words, the UN — not parents, families, or communities — believes that it has not just the right, but the “collective duty,” to shape your children’s values.

The latest conference on pushing Agenda 2030 through globalist indoctrination of children masquerading as “education” is a crucial follow-up to the adoption of the agenda itself. “Children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world,” the official Agenda 2030 agreement explains.

The sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement. “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the global plan for 2030 states. Considering what the UN means by “sustainable development” — population control, central planning, global governance, and more — the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.

“Sustainable” children for global citizenship in the new order will be accomplished via what the UN, the Obama administration, and others misleadingly refers to as “education.” In the UN document the word “education” alone is mentioned more than 20 times. And throughout the agreement, the UN openly advocates the use of schools to indoctrinate all of humanity into a new set of values, attitudes, and beliefs in preparation for the new “green” and “sustainable” world order. The UN’s education agenda also puts sex “education” front and center. “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services [abortion and contraception], including for family planning, information and education,” the document also explains.

For now, Americans, Europeans, and people around the world still have many options to protect their children from the global brainwashing campaign being pushed by the UN — home education, private schools, Christian schools, and more. However, the UN realizes that, too. And so, in recent years, under the phony guise of “human rights,” the UN has started agitating for government control and regulation of private and alternative forms of education in addition to its grip on “public” schools. The UN also continues to push international education agreements and schemes on everything from sex education and reading pedagogy to values and beliefs.

There is a good reason the UN is ridiculed by critics as the “dictators club.” Most of its member governments cannot be considered “free,” even under the most generous definition of the term. Allowing the UN to make and shape education policy is not just dangerous, then, it is crazy. Instead, education should be a job for families, communities, churches, charities, schools, and more — but primarily parents. The future of liberty literally depends on it.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com

Related articles:

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

UN: Gov’t Must Control Private Schools Because of “Human Rights”

Source: The New American

Melissa Dykes/The Daily Sheeple: In First Law of Its Kind, Kuwait to “DNA Tag” Everyone Like Cattle, Including All Tourists

Re-posted from The Daily Sheeple, with many thanks. Also see Deus Nexus’ post featuring Michael Snyder’s article: THE UN PLANS TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSAL BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION FOR ALL OF HUMANITY BY 2030

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DNA tests

I know, I know, this really hinders your Kuwait travel plans.

In the first law of its kind anywhere in the world, Kuwait has decided it will not only “DNA tag” everyone presently in the country as part of a new “integrated security database,” but all tourists will be required to submit a DNA test before they can even enter the country.

Facilities for blood and saliva collection will be set up at the Kuwait International Airport, and there will be “consequences of rejecting” these procedures which the Kuwaiti government says it is putting in place in order to track everyone just in case someone commits a crime.

While it sounds like an Orwellian nightmare, the reality is this is slowly creeping up on us everywhere. Central banks are going to start requiring biometrics for identification, for your security they say. Japan has already announced that all tourists will be required to use their fingerprints as currency while in the country. India has forced biometric IDs on its entire population. In fact, the United Nations is pushing for universal biometric ID cards for every single man, woman, and child on the planet by 2030.

Can you imagine the TSA DNA tagging you before you get on a plane in America? Can’t you see it being justified “for your safety”?

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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

Alex Newman/The New American: Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Re-posted (in excerpt) from Sean Adl-Tabatabai’s post at Your News Wire, please visit for full story. Original article by writer and foreign correspondent Alex Newman at The New American.

While the absence of geo-engineering from talk of global warming at the Paris Summit is a whole big story in itself–not covered by mainstream media because they’re apparently paid not to talk about geo-engineering (as also so much else)–the other big story is about fudged data, evidence for global cooling, and global warming alarmism as strategy to push through global carbon taxes, global control, and global government. Are we tired of the word “global” yet…? I’m grateful to the scientists speaking out about these dark world-domination agendas and to the writers who are reporting them. Many thanks to Alex Newman and The New American as well as to Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Your News Wire, for this article; please visit there for the full story.


Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Posted on December 9, 2015 by

An international team of scientists have stunned attendees at the UN’s climate change conference in Paris recently by debunking claims that global warming is man-made.  


The scientists say that while the science refutes the UN’s claim that man-made carbon emissions are to blame for global warming, they claim that the UN is pressing ahead with its sinister ‘climate regime’ agenda, which includes: destroying industrial civilization, propping up kleptocrats with Western tax funds, and seizing control of the global economy under the guise of regulating the immensely beneficial “gas of life,” also known as carbon dioxide.

Thenewamerican.com reports:

Dubbed “Day of Examining the Data,” the conference featured numerous presentations, each one debunking multiple elements of theincreasingly discredited anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming theory (AGW). From explaining the myriad benefits of carbon dioxide to the environment and mankind to highlighting the ongoing 19-year pause in warming, no intellectually honest attendee could have left the summit still believing the “climate” hysteria pushed by various governments and international outfits. Indeed, practically every fear-mongering narrative pushed at the nearby UN climate summit was mercilessly debunked with facts, data, logic, and common sense. Later in the day, the film Climate Hustle brutally exposing the climate alarmism premiered at a nearby cinema in Paris, earning nothing but profuse praise from attendees.

Among the scientists speaking at the realist summit were Dr. Robert Carter, former chief of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. “Global warming is not happening,” he explained, even noting that long-term cooling was predicted. Carter’s presentation was especially fascinating because it totally shredded the outlandish notion that CO2 — exhaled by humans and critical to life — is “carbon pollution” in need of regulation. In fact, he said, even at current atmospheric concentrations, the Earth and the plants it supports are “starving” for more CO2. And in the past, CO2 concentrations were some 10 to 15 times higher. “Attempting to stop climate change is an exercise in utter futility,” he added, noting in an interview with The New American that nobody would seriously consider trying to “stop” earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Also speaking at the summit was Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he explained, “is totally anti-science, and is harming science.” Emphasizing the massive role played by the sun in the Earth’s incomprehensibly complex climate system, Soon narrowed in on one particular claim in the IPCC report on the issue that he said made a complete mockery of science. “The IPCC is pure gangster science,” he explained. Speaking to The New American after his presentation, Soon said the vicious attacks against his character and family by global-warming alarmists had only motivated him to work harder. Rather than launching personal attacks, he said, critics should instead focus on the data and his conclusions published in the peer-reviewed literature.

Another top scientist at the summit was University of Virginia Professor Emeritus Dr. Fred Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. “There has been no statistically significant warming in 18 years,” he told the summit, showing a slide comparing observed temperatures with the various bogus predictions made by “climate models” relied upon by the UN, all of which predicted warming as CO2 increased. “The models don’t work. We should not use them to make policy.” He also noted that carbon dioxide — “the original plant food,” as he called it — is very valuable. “Plants are starving. They want more CO2,” Singer added.

Essentially, the internationally respected scientist continued, the climate has always changed due to natural forces — warming, cooling, and so on — from the beginning. And so, that means the obvious hypothesis that natural forces are still driving climate change, as they always have, must be shown to be false by proponents of the man-made climate change propaganda. In other words, the burden to show that the recent minor changes are attributable to mankind is on the alarmists who want to empower the UN, control CO2, and redistribute wealth. So far, though, the alarmists have failed, and they have a tough job ahead, Singer said.

“This is about money and power,” Singer told The New American in an interview, adding that governments had purchased the cooperation of many scientists on climate alarmism. “Science plays a small role, and mostly it’s being misused.” “It’s a matter of really trying to control things,” Singer said, noting that control of CO2 means control of economies and ultimately, people. What is being plotted right now at the nearby UN COP21 summit, he added, is a “direct subsidy to kleptocracies,” which are pocketing the climate loot and hiding it in their bank accounts. “It’s a matter of the poor in rich countries supporting the rich in the poor countries,” Singer concluded.

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