Tag Archives: global government

NSA Whistleblower William Binney/InfoWars: NSA is after Total Global Population Control

william-binney-nsa-goal-total-population-control1William Binney, ex-Technical Director of the NSA, recently spoke with Alex Jones of Infowars.com, spelling out how the vast surveillance spy grid constructed by the NSA, in collusion with other Intelligence agencies, is a step toward establishing total control over all populations, and why it is important for citizens in every country to become aware of these aims and act to counter them, if only at the voting booth.

Among various interesting aspects of this scenario he discusses are the fact that multi-national corporations with their own motives of profit, expansion, and suppression of criticism are now running all Intelligence agencies, which obviously are no longer working for “the people” therefore, but rather for “the corporation”.

The push toward global government and global surveillance seems to be a push then by that same small coterie of vastly powerful corporations working behind the scenes to propel Intelligence agencies and governments into setting up massive fortifications—via international laws, regulations, trade deals, and surveillance agreements–against the will, wants, better interests, needs, or visions of people worldwide—most of whom simply wish to live in harmonious community with each other.

Why are Governments Worldwide Seeking to Suppress the Voices of People?

Because certain profit-centered mega-corporations worldwide are seeking to fully control the conversation. Mr. Binney speaks of first, second, and third party agreements made by the NSA with various countries, permitting the global flow of NSA surveillance—in actions of co-operation with governments which essentially help to extend the totalitarian watch of this mega-corporate group.

Moves to hustle in One Global Government by, for, and of crooked corporations manifest now in the public eye as soothing mentions of “world community” as Obama offered recently at his last UN address—excerpted in the Alex Jones video below—and as a need to create systemic means to exchange Intelligence globally, as Brennan and other Intelligence heads noted publicly at yet another symposium at George Washington University recently.

From InfoWars/Top NSA Official: Spy Grid Helping Establish World Government:

The endgame of the National Security Agency is to obtain total information awareness on a global scale, NSA whistleblower and former technical director William Binney said on the Alex Jones Show Thursday.

After being questioned on the larger plan of the national security state as a whole, Binney, who worked at the NSA for more than 36-years, revealed his belief that the agency’s goal of total population control would lead to the creation of a global surveillance apparatus.

“Certainly it is population control, but not just of any given country – but of the world,” the whistleblower said. “And so what they’re after, and I think Obama has stated this from various points, that he wanted a ‘world community,’ so I think that’s probably what they’re after.”

“And in order to do that they need to be able to control the people of the world. So in order to do that, you have to have knowledge of them to know who’s doing what so you can stop it, or manipulate it any way you want.”

From the GW Center for Cyber and Homeland Security: “Panel discussion entitled “The View from Foreign Intelligence Chiefs” at Third Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, Sept. 20, 2016. Speakers were: Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, Afghan National Directorate of Security; Nick Warner, Director-General, Australian Security Intelligence Service; and Alex Younger, Chief, British Secret Intelligence Service. Moderated by John Brennan, Director, Central Intelligence Agency”

World Community/One World/Unify/Global Government

Then there is the One World movement, and others similar to it, using the language of community and unity to draw us into unsuspectingly supporting Total Surveillance and Systemic Control across borders, because we’re being persuaded to think of Global Government as beneficent. It’s not hard to be lulled into a false sense of security by apparently palliative talk of Unification, Global Voices, One-World Government—which has begun to surround us today, in every field, whether it’s arts, science, literature, music, education. This, while—as a matter of US and NATO policy–intelligent observers can all see fairly clearly that certain countries are being selectively demonized and attacked, terrorists and terrorist-suspects, false-flags and pandemics continue to be created, keeping the military-industrial-surveillance complex and “War on Terror” interminably going.

While many of us welcome ideas of building world community and reaching across barriers of nationality and language to connect with, care for, and support people worldwide, this conversation with Mr. Binney reminds us rather thoroughly that the “World Community” and “One World” being envisioned today by Intelligence agencies, certain governments, and the shadow mega-corporations pulling the strings is anything but benign—and must be questioned and resisted, locally and individually–with the power of our vote, our voice–by each of us.

Alex Newman/The New American: UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

Re-posted from The New American, with many thanks to Alex Newman for this vital news and analysis, and to Blacklisted News for posting. Please visit there for more news and analysis on a regular basis on the UN’s Agenda 2030, which appears to be plowing ahead with its plan for collectivism and global communism under guise of global citizenship and sustainable development. Note in this discussion below, especially, issues of human rights, which are being re-defined by the UN as bestowed by governments, essentially, and changeable by “law”. If individual nations and individual thinkers, actors, and educators do not intervene, this Brave New World of centrally-controlled indoctrination seeking to stamp out national and individual will, sovereignty, creativity, and diversity will attempt to continue. 

The UN’s Global Depopulation agenda, as described by historian and activist Kevin Galalae in recent posts highlighting his ongoing hunger strike against this agenda at the Vatican, is related to this quest by the globalists for world domination via the UN. 


UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

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A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, and spirituality, the final document declared. The global-citizenship programs, with definitions to be incorporated in curricula worldwide, should also indoctrinate children so that they understand their responsibilities to “protect the planet,” and promote what the UN and its member governments consider to be the “common good.”

The controversial action plan, approved by the UN’s propaganda department and a group of largely government-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) on June 1 in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, is aimed at helping the UN impose its Agenda 2030 scheme to “transform the world.” In fact, the title of the summit gave away the agenda: “Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together.” As The New American has documented extensively, the UN Agenda 2030 plan, also known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), was approved by governments and dictators last year as a road map toward global control (tyranny). From national and international wealth redistribution to government healthcare and legal abortion for all, the controversial Agenda 2030 vows repeatedly to leave “no-one behind.”

However, globalists and the UN know that to achieve their vision of global totalitarianism, the minds of the young must be captured via “education.” Agenda 2030 actually has an entire goal dedicated to UN-guided “education.” And so the latest summit in Korea, organized for NGOs by the UN Department of Public Information, or UN DPI, was aimed at defining what that “education” regime will look like — and how NGOs can help. “Education is a human right, essential to well-being and dignity, and is key to achieving Agenda 2030,” reads the action plan adopted this week. “Further, an ethos of global citizenship is required in order to fulfil [sic] this bold, people-centered, universal, and planet-sensitive development framework.”

In the “spirit of global citizenship,” the document declares that “our primary identity is that of human beings.” But the agenda is much broader than attacking nationalism and patriotism. The UN DPI and the Astro-Turf “NGOs” that surround it, styling themselves “Civil Society,” explained that what they call “education” must also be about more than what people normally think of as education — literacy, numeracy, and so on. In the UN’s view, according to the “Gyeongju Action Plan” adopted in Korea, “education must advance the cause of global citizenship.” That means a lot more than one might think, too.

Among other points, this education for global citizenship must promote “integrated development of the whole person emotionally, ethically, intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually,” the action plan declares. (Emphasis added.) Of course, parents, families, communities, tribes, churches, and more have traditionally been responsible for much of that. When or under what authority government-run, UN-approved schools became responsible for children’s physical, ethical, spiritual, emotional, and social development was not made clear. The implications, though, should trouble anyone who values liberty, diversity, national sovereignty, and parental rights.

The “education” pushed by the UN must also be “imbued with an understanding of our roles, rights and responsibilities for the common good in service to humanity and the advancement of a culture of peace, non-violence, freedom, justice, and equality,” the action plan continued, using rhetoric about the “common good” that has been the rallying cry of countless tyrants. The globo-education must inculcate “a sense of care for the earth, reverence for the interdependent kinship of all life, and stewardship of all ecological systems for future generations.” It should also strengthen “the societal relationships among individuals, institutions, communities, states, humanity, and the planet.” And finally, it should nurture “a sense of solidarity and empathy in order to end poverty, protect the planet, ensure human rights, and foster prosperous and fulfilling lives for all.”

To those not well-versed in globalist-speak, that all might sound fine and dandy. However, when the UN’s agenda is examined more closely, the real agenda becomes more clear. Consider, as just one point among many, what the UN means when it speaks of “human rights.” In Article 29 of the UN’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the government signatories claim “rights” can be limited “by law” under the guise of everything from “public order” to “the general welfare.” In other words, you have no rights, only privileges. Separately, the same article claims that everyone has “duties to the community” and that “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.” Compare that to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which outline and protect God-given, inalienable rights.

Further down, the global action plan explains that the “education” agenda intends to shape every aspect of human life and civilization. “Education for global citizenship is an essential strategy to address global challenges as well as to promote gender equality, facilitate the eradication of poverty and hunger, build skills, eliminate corruption, and prevent violence, including violent extremism,” the document says. “It promotes truly sustainable production and consumption, mitigating climate change and its effects, protecting our waters and biodiversity, and preserving indigenous knowledge.”

If “tradition” and individual cultures get in the way of that agenda for UN-defined “human rights” and “global citizenship,” then “educational understandings” of those things will have to be “enhanced,” the action plan declares. The document also makes clear that this must be a worldwide effort, saying the global-citizenship scheming must be incorporated in school curricula worldwide and that “equitable quality education,” as defined by the UN, must be provided to “all people.” (Emphasis in original). The signatories vowed to work at the local level, too, to “incorporate education for global citizenship in educational systems.”

The signatories of the action plan, developed at the “66th United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference,” also committed to pushing global education that promotes a number of controversial concepts. “We commit to an education that teaches conflict resolution, a deep appreciation for diversity, ethical reasoning, gender equality, human rights and responsibilities, interdependence, multilingual and multicultural competence, social justice, sustainable development, and values,” it said. Those values, of course, are very unlikely to reflect the values of most parents around the world, whether they be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or any other major religious tradition. Instead, the values will be the values guiding the UN: globalism, pseudo-environmentalism, socialism, and more.

The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, is at the center of the UN’s global “education” machinations. In addition to a partnership signed with Common Core-financier Bill Gates, UNESCO has been hard at work in its efforts to standardize and dumb-down education around the world. Among other schemes, it runs global programs on “Education for Sustainable Development,” “Educational for Global Citizenship,” and much more. It also has a “World Core Curriculum,” dedicated to and inspired by influential occultist Alice Bailey, that it hopes will guide schooling around the world in the years to come.

At a previous UN education summit, held last year in Korea, UNESCO boss Irina Bokova, a Bulgarian Communist Party operative who PR agents claim is among the “frontrunners” to lead the broader UN, also declared the UN’s intentions. “We have the collective duty to empower every child and youth with the right foundations — knowledge, values and skills — to shape the future as responsible global citizens, building on the successes of the past 15 years,” she said, adding that education would “transform lives” and contribute to “breakthroughs on all the proposed sustainable development goals.” In other words, the UN — not parents, families, or communities — believes that it has not just the right, but the “collective duty,” to shape your children’s values.

The latest conference on pushing Agenda 2030 through globalist indoctrination of children masquerading as “education” is a crucial follow-up to the adoption of the agenda itself. “Children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world,” the official Agenda 2030 agreement explains.

The sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement. “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the global plan for 2030 states. Considering what the UN means by “sustainable development” — population control, central planning, global governance, and more — the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.

“Sustainable” children for global citizenship in the new order will be accomplished via what the UN, the Obama administration, and others misleadingly refers to as “education.” In the UN document the word “education” alone is mentioned more than 20 times. And throughout the agreement, the UN openly advocates the use of schools to indoctrinate all of humanity into a new set of values, attitudes, and beliefs in preparation for the new “green” and “sustainable” world order. The UN’s education agenda also puts sex “education” front and center. “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services [abortion and contraception], including for family planning, information and education,” the document also explains.

For now, Americans, Europeans, and people around the world still have many options to protect their children from the global brainwashing campaign being pushed by the UN — home education, private schools, Christian schools, and more. However, the UN realizes that, too. And so, in recent years, under the phony guise of “human rights,” the UN has started agitating for government control and regulation of private and alternative forms of education in addition to its grip on “public” schools. The UN also continues to push international education agreements and schemes on everything from sex education and reading pedagogy to values and beliefs.

There is a good reason the UN is ridiculed by critics as the “dictators club.” Most of its member governments cannot be considered “free,” even under the most generous definition of the term. Allowing the UN to make and shape education policy is not just dangerous, then, it is crazy. Instead, education should be a job for families, communities, churches, charities, schools, and more — but primarily parents. The future of liberty literally depends on it.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com

Related articles:

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

UN: Gov’t Must Control Private Schools Because of “Human Rights”

Source: The New American

Makia Freeman/The Freedom Articles: “Create Solutions and Let the Old Paradigm Crumble”

Re-posted, with thanks, from The Freedom Articles. An older post, from 2014, but so relevant currently. Many thanks to Makia Freeman for pointing us back to frequency, vibration, changing our group reality by changing our personal focus. A reminder, that as individuals, we have great spiritual power in ourselves to affect our collective reality.

“The root of the global conspiracy is not about controlling a particular system (e.g. banking or surveillance), but rather about controlling what the masses think, feel and project. It’s about controlling the state of being of the people, so that, following the laws of the Universe, they will only create a kind of situation or circumstance in accordance with their inner state. If that inner state is one hemmed in by doubt, guilt, subservience, frustration and fear, the reality projected by these people will match that – and the global conspiracy will continue unabated, despite any attempts on a practical level to produce more freedom.”

“Once the spiritual solution is in place with a critical mass of people learning to consciously control their inner state of being, and consciously choosing to focus more on peace, abundance, freedom and love, practical solutions will flow from that enlightened place. As stated by Geoff Byrd in the video clip above, we literally “starve the malevolent force without effort … allowing the distortion to destroy itself.””


by Makia Freeman

Solutions are what are most needed

right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are solutionsmany people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up the dirt on the New World Order. This is very important work, for without an accurate idea of what’s really going on in the world, we are blind. We would have little or no idea of what to change. Not only that, but we would little or no motivation to change. Often, it is anger at the sheer injustice of what is happening that spurs people to stand up for truth and freedom, and to make a difference. Sometimes, we need to realize just how bad things are before we decide that we are going to dedicate our lives to doing something about it, to conceiving and implementing solutions.

There’s no doubt that it’s good to expose the truth and shine the light on the darkness, but what we most need are solutions. Broadly, there are 2 modes of activities: creation and destruction. If we spend all our time just exposing the dirt, we are only in destruction mode, and that is not going to get us out of this mess. We need to create, not destroy. Since, on the deepest level, we are beings of energy not matter, we need to work with frequency and vibration. We need to attune ourselves to frequencies of peace, abundance and love; then the old system will crumble by itself. What we focus on, we create; energy flows where attention goes. As we head into a new year, it’s time to put more focus on solutions.

A Brief Recap of the Conspiracy Exposed Thus Far

Before we do that, let’s do a brief recap of the great work of many researchers in the alternative media and truth field. We know that a psychopathic cabal of super wealthy bankers, politicians, industrialists, military and corporate heads (many blood related) has seized the reins of global power and is working to implement their dystopic vision of a worldwide, centralized, communist/fascist dictatorship. They are highly intelligent and have access to metaphysical knowledge hidden from the general public, but severely lack compassion and wisdom, and thus are not applying their knowledge in a way that will benefit all of humankind. With a deadened conscience and a greatly hindered ability to feel others’ pain, they are a grave danger to the future of the world. We have long had documented evidence proving their eugenics mindset and intent to depopulate the world (e.g. Kissinger’s Memorandum 200 from 1974), showing they are cold-blooded murderers. They have falsified the history of practically every major event in the world (e.g. the real reasons for the American Civil War, WW1, WW2, the sinking of the Titanic, the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK, the Roswell UFO crash, and much much more), with many of these involving false flag attacks designed to justify their agenda of more war and draconian legislation. They have introduced numerous health threats, such as geoengineering/chemtrails, fluoridevaccines, antibiotic overuse, EMF pollutionGMOs and mind control, all of which have the result of weakening, dumbing down and killing people, normally in a “soft-kill” or “slow-kill” way that escapes immediate detection.

As an added layer to all of this, we know that ET (Extraterrestrial) life is a reality, and that there is a Secret Space Program involving the colonization of the Moon, Mars and other planets and their moons (see the testimony of Randy Cramer among others for more details). Thanks to the courage of whistleblowers like Phil Schneider, Bill Cooper, Bob Dean and many others, we know that humanity is already interacting with several species of aliens, some of which definitely do not have humanity’s best interests at heart, and are behind decades of human abduction and mutilation, including the ongoing and tragic phenomenon of missing (abducted) children. However, the lies, deception and brainwashing are so complete that those who expose this are disbelieved, branded as lunatics or forcefully silenced.

So, that is the situation in a nutshell. For truthseekers, there will always be more to know, however we are well and truly at the point where we don’t need to know all the details to act to transform it.

Solutions on a Spiritual Level

When we talk about solutions to the global conspiracy, it’s best to start with the most fundamental and powerful of all the solutions: you. Yes, you are a powerful and energetic being, just as each and every one of us is. Since the cosmos is holographic in nature, it rearranges itself according to our thoughts, feelings and state of being. Quantum physics has already shown that the observed is not separate to the observer; we are projecting our realities and creating our worlds, weaving and spinning them into existence as we go along, whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not. We can never stop this creation! We are creators; it’s part of life.

The trick is to become conscious of our creation.

The root of the global conspiracy is not about controlling a particular system (e.g. banking or surveillance), but rather about controlling what the masses think, feel and project. It’s about controlling the state of being of the people, so that, following the laws of the Universe, they will only create a kind of situation or circumstance in accordance with their inner state. If that inner state is one hemmed in by doubt, guilt, subservience, frustration and fear, the reality projected by these people will match that – and the global conspiracy will continue unabated, despite any attempts on a practical level to produce more freedom.

Hating the controllers will only produce more hate, and thus feed the system. So, while some anger can be a good motivator to take people out of indifference and apathy, too much anger (or just some anger mismanaged and handled wrongly) often produces a negative spiral of revenge, perpetuating the conspiracy.

So, I invite anyone reading this who wants to see a freer world, to work just as much as on your inner state as anything else. Remember, we need to put more attention on our sphere of influence than outside of it, for our efforts can have the greatest result there. It’s simply a matter of efficiency. You can change your family, community or county more easily than the entire world. Most of all, only you can change yourself; no one can do it for you.

Integrating the Inner Shadow

The spiritual solution lies in each person becoming aware of their own shadow. What is the shadow? According to the great psychologist Carl Jung, it is the part of ourself which we have ignored, denied, suppressed and pretended does not exist, often because we mistakenly believe the pain would be too great if we were to acknowledge it. Yet, the pain is much greater by suppressing it, because it only serves to make it fester and become even more twisted, and wreak greater havoc on our lives.

The shadow is not something to be fought; it is something to be integrated. We need to be completely honest with ourselves, acknowledge our own darkness and acknowledge how it affects our personal projection and the world we are creating. There are many paths you can choose which can help you integrate the shadow through inner spiritual work.

Attuning to the Highest Vibration

Alongside integrating the shadow, we simultaneously need to attune ourselves to the highest vibration we can imagine, and that is the frequency of love. Not romantic, sexual love, but rather the love that you have for another human being in general, the love which connects us all. It includes caring, compassion and empathy. It means being there for another, standing up for them and putting yourself out for them. Every time we do this, we inspire gratitude from others, such that they want to help us back. It sends out a ripple throughout the world which can go further than we typically imagine. The more time we spend attuning our own vibration or state of being to being grateful, feeling peaceful, or acknowledging how much we have, the more we are doing to create a new world, and naturally end the global conspiracy without any violence or destruction.

Solutions on a Practical Level

Once the spiritual solution is in place with a critical mass of people learning to consciously control their inner state of being, and consciously choosing to focus more on peace, abundance, freedom and love, practical solutions will flow from that enlightened place. As stated by Geoff Byrd in the video clip above, we literally “starve the malevolent force without effort … allowing the distortion to destroy itself.” Specifically, here are some ideas and solutions we can all be focusing on and working on. What particular ones attract you the most will of course depend on your degree of passion, interest and talent:

Drink Pure Water: Water has memory and can be imprinted with our thoughts and feelings. We are water. By changing the water we drink, we change our very essence. Drink spring water – it’s amazing! Get a filter on your house water. If you have the time and inclination, activate and charge your water by putting it in a glass container in sunlight, and sending it into a spiral.

Eat Pure Food: Purchase non-GMO food. Buy organic wherever possible. Use bilk discounts and go to your local farmers’ market. Grow your own food. Learn about hydroponics, aquaponics and other sustainable systems which are surprisingly cheap and easy to set up.

Use Natural Medicine: Use the allopathic/Western medicine only in an emergency or as a last resort. Take charge of your own health. Do more exercise – you’ll feel better and need less medicine anyway! Investigate the amazing array of natural medicine and alternative healing modalities, from chiropractry to psychotherapy to acupuncture to reiki to massage to naturopathy to homeopathy.

Use Alternative Cancer Therapies: Try alternative cancer therapies such as laetrile (vitamin B17 apricot kernels), DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate), the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet, Graviola/Soursop and many others which have helped “terminal patients” who Western Medicine had declared incurable. Many successful survivors attest to the power of these natural therapies.

Use Cannabis Oil to Heal: Hemp or cannabis is a plant with incredible healing benefits. It is our right to use whatever plant we want. Medicinal cannabis oil is on an unstoppable momentum, having already healed many serious disease such as seizures, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and cancer. It will not be long before it is legal in every state of many Western countries. Find a way to access some and use it if you need it.

Invent Sustainable/Non-Harmful Technology: Invent something! Use your creativity to make something that has never been made before. With the advent of 3D printing, the sky is the limit as to what you can do. Did you hear about the man who invented a machine to turn plastic back into oil? Come up with a technology which is neutral or maybe even healthy, rather than the standard destructive ones we have now. We don’t have to give ourselves brain cancer or pollute the earth to talk on mobile phones and drive cars. We could have that convenience without the harm.

Get Off the Grid: Become as energy-independent as possible. See if you can produce some of your own power. Explore the many options already available for green, alternative and free energy, including making water batteries and constructing your own free energy devices.

Use Barter and Local Currencies: Using barter and exchange is a perfect example of creating a new system by ignoring the old one. The less people using US dollars, the less power the Federal Reserve has. Did you know there already many local barter communities and local currencies? See timebanks.org and communitycurrencieslaw.org for more info.

Use Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the ultimate decentralized, anonymous currency. Despite a big crash its popularity has not waned. The entire world will be more free if we use money that is not subject to control by a private, unelected financial cabal.

Decentralize, Decentralize, Decentralize: A big part of the problem is that we have abdicated our responsibility and given away our power in many ways, such as allowing “representatives” who don’t represent us to make decisions for us. So, it’s time to decentralize. Create groups and communities where the power and decision-making is as decentralized as possible. Influence your municipality, county or state to decentralize power wherever you can.

Support Direct Democracy: We have the technology. All that is now required is the political will of enough people. We could have a system where all of us vote electronically on important issues, including having veto power. There is not the need for “representatives” to make faraway secret, greedy decisions. We can all have a direct say in what laws get drafted and passed. See Electronic Direct Democracy for more info.

Take Back the Centers of Power in Society: This is a different approach to decentralization, but the two can both work together. If you look at the real (suppressed) history of the last couple of hundred years, or even the last couple of thousand, you can see that the way we got into this mess was by allowing private groups to hijack centers of power (such as the national government, the banking sector, the military intelligence sector, etc.). So one way to reverse this is to get people in those positions who truly have some conscience, and who want to serve humanity, not exploit it. This may take time (just as it took a long time for these groups to wrest control from the people), but the work starts with getting more people elected into power who truly stand for freedom, who can then appoint others in different agencies.

Establish your Sovereignty: Governments are corporations, and in many cases, an invading foreign company that has no natural right to control you. Study the basics of sovereignty. By learning the difference between a right and a privilege, and knowing what your rights are, you can avoid and fend off many bureaucratic challenges to your freedom.

Boycott and Divest: Boycotts are a good reminder that the power ultimately resides with the people. Even giant corporations can be brought to their knees when a critical mass of people stop buying their products. The success of the BDS movement against Zionist Israel (where they recently stopped a massive ship from docking in the US) is a sign of its power. This also includes divesting – taking your money out of industries and companies that are sustaining the current paradigm – and investing instead in companies that will support a new paradigm of peace and abundance for all. Choose where your spend and invest your money in line with your beliefs.

Feed Your Mind: Like your body, you need to feed your mind frequently, and also like your body, the better fuel you give it (whether it’s food or ideas), the better outcome you will receive. So dip into inspiring literature, visit websites with great information and positive ideas, and find a practice, group or community that uplifts you and which you can use to quickly re-attune to powerful frequencies.

It’s all about remembering who you are – a divine being who has the power to create his or her own reality. As long as you remember this, you will be able to come up with, and take part in, the solutions. And, remember, it’s always a good idea to reconnect with Nature. Nature is a great way to decompress and realign. Take a walk in the forest, go hiking, go swimming, go running or go camping, to help attune yourself.

Create Solutions and Let the Old Paradigm Crumble

Visit ToolsForFreedom.com for more ideas on what you can do in your own unique way to create new systems, whether it’s sovereignty, natural cures, alternative energy, free energy or achieving financial independence.

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Source: The Freedom Articles


Global Policing, Global Governance, Unlimited AUMF, Setting the Stage for International Martial Law/One World Disorder/Global Domination…?

On a day when it seems, looking at Mainstream Media, it’s just “business as usual” in the downplaying way the Malheur Refuge/Harney County actions of aggression by the Federal Government are being reported, I’m just connecting a few dots here; the whole focus on Global Policing and Global Systems Surveillance and Intelligence is too close not to be remarked on; and while I’m not a fan of fear-mongering and fixating on martial law doom scenarios, it’s hard not to notice what is going on. Just in case you missed the recent Senate move to pass a revamped version of the AUMF giving the US President unlimited powers to start a war anytime, anywhere, minus Congressional input, here is more on this subject, from Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut:

Many articles online about this, including this post at Activist Post by Joshua Krause/The Daily Sheeple:

Excerpt: Make no mistake, this doesn’t grant Obama the authority to strike ISIS. This gives him unlimited war powers in the broadest sense. ISIS has popped up all over the world. Countless insurgencies and terrorist groups have aligned themselves to the group. They encourage Muslims in every country to conduct terror attacks in their name, even if they’ve never met that person. ISIS isn’t just a group of zealots in Syria and Iraq; they are a banner which people can rally around, which means that ISIS can technically be anywhere.

In other words, this AUMF wouldn’t just give Obama permission strike ISIS anywhere in the world. It gives him the ability to deploy our military anywhere in the world, foreign or domestic, for an undetermined period of time, at the mere suggestion that ISIS is there. And it won’t be hard for them to prove ISIS is there, since anyone can wave their flag and carry out attacks in their name.

By now this should all sound very familiar to you. 9/11 invoked the same response from our government. They declared a War on Terrorism, which is nothing more than a tactic that anyone could use, thus allowing our government to take its war machine into any country on the planet.

But after the Bush administration fell out of favor with the American public, so too did the War on Terror. The war never stopped of course, but the term has lost its emotional charge, and isn’t used very often anymore. This bill aims to bring back the same sentiment with different words. It’s the War on Terror 2.0, which will henceforth be dubbed “The War on ISIS,” coming to a town near you. Full article here/Activist Post

Then there’s that Global Police Force we heard about earlier, to solve “Domestic Extremism” –codeword for American Dissent/American Freedom Movement/American Independent Thinking/American Activism?–launching “Strong Cities Networks” all across the United States, which Kris Anne Hall deconstructed for us, here, and Global Co-operation and Global Systems in Intelligence and Surveillance being set up–by Globalists/Internationalists/Central Bankers?–to address, surprise, once more Domestic Extremism/Homeland Security, which was publicly discussed last fall by certain international Intelligence Agency heads at George Washington University, reported here earlier.

It’s hard not to see where this is leading, or where the folks doing this would like it to lead.  Many steps are being taken in many different arenas, it seems, to tighten the noose around us and lead us inexorably to a One World Government based fully in totalitarian control, full-spectrum-dominance, all-systems control, weather control, human control, land control, neuro/thought control, mind control.

Today’s actions in Oregon underline the ruthlessness of the actors.

Judge Anna von Reitz has addressed these actions as well as the concept of martial law in a Notice to the Supreme Court, to be posted here separately–but you can see it online right now at Paulstramer.net or Scanned Retina.

Also, see her letter there on the issue of the commercial lien recently placed on various parties, including the International Bar Association, American Bar Association, and the Department of Justice. Many revealing bits of information there, including on the current insolvency of US Inc., the private government services corporation posing as Government, and offers by the World Bank and others to buy out this corporation…to be posted here shortly.

Excerpt here from the recent 1/26 State of the Nation article, with a personal disclaimer re. Pamela Geller’s words excerpted below: I don’t in any way condone or support equating Islam with terrorism or violent extremism; in my understanding, Islam is being propagandaistically used in this way, and has been, for years and decades, by the US Govt and CIA:  Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.

by Pamela Geller

On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.

This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.

The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?

After all, with Obama knowingly aiding al-Qaeda forces in Syria, how likely is it that he will use his “global police force” against actual Islamic jihadists? I suspect that instead, this global police force will be used to impose the blasphemy laws under the sharia (Islamic law), and to silence all criticism of Islam for the President who proclaimed that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

What is a global police force doing in our cities? This is exactly the abdication of American sovereignty that I warned about in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America. The Obama Department of Justice made it clear that it was exactly that when it distributed a press release last week announcing the “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.” In that press release, the DoJ complained that “while many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.”

So if the local and municipal effort to counter the euphemistic and disingenuous “violent extremism” is inadequate and hasn’t developed “systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale,” the feds – and the UN – have to step in. Thus the groundwork is being laid for federal and international interference down to the local level. Please continue reading at State of the Nation.


Alex Newman/The New American: Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Re-posted (in excerpt) from Sean Adl-Tabatabai’s post at Your News Wire, please visit for full story. Original article by writer and foreign correspondent Alex Newman at The New American.

While the absence of geo-engineering from talk of global warming at the Paris Summit is a whole big story in itself–not covered by mainstream media because they’re apparently paid not to talk about geo-engineering (as also so much else)–the other big story is about fudged data, evidence for global cooling, and global warming alarmism as strategy to push through global carbon taxes, global control, and global government. Are we tired of the word “global” yet…? I’m grateful to the scientists speaking out about these dark world-domination agendas and to the writers who are reporting them. Many thanks to Alex Newman and The New American as well as to Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Your News Wire, for this article; please visit there for the full story.


Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria

Posted on December 9, 2015 by

An international team of scientists have stunned attendees at the UN’s climate change conference in Paris recently by debunking claims that global warming is man-made.  


The scientists say that while the science refutes the UN’s claim that man-made carbon emissions are to blame for global warming, they claim that the UN is pressing ahead with its sinister ‘climate regime’ agenda, which includes: destroying industrial civilization, propping up kleptocrats with Western tax funds, and seizing control of the global economy under the guise of regulating the immensely beneficial “gas of life,” also known as carbon dioxide.

Thenewamerican.com reports:

Dubbed “Day of Examining the Data,” the conference featured numerous presentations, each one debunking multiple elements of theincreasingly discredited anthropogenic (man-made) global-warming theory (AGW). From explaining the myriad benefits of carbon dioxide to the environment and mankind to highlighting the ongoing 19-year pause in warming, no intellectually honest attendee could have left the summit still believing the “climate” hysteria pushed by various governments and international outfits. Indeed, practically every fear-mongering narrative pushed at the nearby UN climate summit was mercilessly debunked with facts, data, logic, and common sense. Later in the day, the film Climate Hustle brutally exposing the climate alarmism premiered at a nearby cinema in Paris, earning nothing but profuse praise from attendees.

Among the scientists speaking at the realist summit were Dr. Robert Carter, former chief of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. “Global warming is not happening,” he explained, even noting that long-term cooling was predicted. Carter’s presentation was especially fascinating because it totally shredded the outlandish notion that CO2 — exhaled by humans and critical to life — is “carbon pollution” in need of regulation. In fact, he said, even at current atmospheric concentrations, the Earth and the plants it supports are “starving” for more CO2. And in the past, CO2 concentrations were some 10 to 15 times higher. “Attempting to stop climate change is an exercise in utter futility,” he added, noting in an interview with The New American that nobody would seriously consider trying to “stop” earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Also speaking at the summit was Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he explained, “is totally anti-science, and is harming science.” Emphasizing the massive role played by the sun in the Earth’s incomprehensibly complex climate system, Soon narrowed in on one particular claim in the IPCC report on the issue that he said made a complete mockery of science. “The IPCC is pure gangster science,” he explained. Speaking to The New American after his presentation, Soon said the vicious attacks against his character and family by global-warming alarmists had only motivated him to work harder. Rather than launching personal attacks, he said, critics should instead focus on the data and his conclusions published in the peer-reviewed literature.

Another top scientist at the summit was University of Virginia Professor Emeritus Dr. Fred Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. “There has been no statistically significant warming in 18 years,” he told the summit, showing a slide comparing observed temperatures with the various bogus predictions made by “climate models” relied upon by the UN, all of which predicted warming as CO2 increased. “The models don’t work. We should not use them to make policy.” He also noted that carbon dioxide — “the original plant food,” as he called it — is very valuable. “Plants are starving. They want more CO2,” Singer added.

Essentially, the internationally respected scientist continued, the climate has always changed due to natural forces — warming, cooling, and so on — from the beginning. And so, that means the obvious hypothesis that natural forces are still driving climate change, as they always have, must be shown to be false by proponents of the man-made climate change propaganda. In other words, the burden to show that the recent minor changes are attributable to mankind is on the alarmists who want to empower the UN, control CO2, and redistribute wealth. So far, though, the alarmists have failed, and they have a tough job ahead, Singer said.

“This is about money and power,” Singer told The New American in an interview, adding that governments had purchased the cooperation of many scientists on climate alarmism. “Science plays a small role, and mostly it’s being misused.” “It’s a matter of really trying to control things,” Singer said, noting that control of CO2 means control of economies and ultimately, people. What is being plotted right now at the nearby UN COP21 summit, he added, is a “direct subsidy to kleptocracies,” which are pocketing the climate loot and hiding it in their bank accounts. “It’s a matter of the poor in rich countries supporting the rich in the poor countries,” Singer concluded.

Please continue reading at Your News Wire.

Studying Sovereignty, Birthright, & the Anglo-American Empire of One World Government: Consent of the Governed

Extraordinary film from producer Steve Bates, and the World Freeman Society, Consent of the Governed, The Freeman Movement Defined, available on Youtube, Liveleak.com, and elsewhere, tracing what “Consent of the Governed” really means, how it operates today in all countries with corporate governments at the helm–certainly the “NSA Five Eyes” countries: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many countries in Europe, Asia, South America, including Jamaica, Israel, South Africa  (look up your country here), how We the People do indeed have natural rights, birthrights, human rights, and power of individual sovereignty under any government, that we are not bound by corporate statutes (“Laws”), and can and should withhold our consent to corporate statutes (“Laws”) that seek to abrogate and terminate our rights. Emphasized is the message that understanding our rights under natural law and common law, which precede and supersede corporate statutes would return us to an understanding of our sovereignty by birthright, and make us all “freemen” on the land. Included are snippets of public education on common law from experts in Australia, Canada, the UK, the US–John Harris, Kurt Kallenbach, Michael of Bernicia, many others.

One World Government

The film also discusses the long-planned and long-known rise of a corporate Anglo-American plutocracy which, as we know today, is desperately attempting to tumble the whole world forward into a terrifyingly totalitarian One-World Government, designated newly as Global Government/Sustainable Planet/One World now that we all flinch on reflex from the term “New World Order,” and most obviously seen today in: the newly-released text of the completely-corporate TPP which seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the slavish propagandizing of  the provenly false science of “Global Warming” which completely ignores the Global Destruction of Geo-Engineering, the engineered influx of hundreds of thousands of displaced peoples from one continent to another–and openly understood now to be functioning covertly with an official  Global Depopulation agenda.

The film takes its title from the American Declaration of Independence, 1776:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

There’s some wonderful archival film footage throughout, including the video of a rather astonishingly inspiring and truth-telling 1964 speech from President Ronald Reagan, an interview with Aldous Huxley, famed author of Brave New World, who apparently followed up on this masterpiece of “fiction” with warning non-fiction about this world being “just around the corner,” an interview with John Lennon, who had come to understand “the world is ruled by absolutely insane psychopaths,” and telling snippets of video from others including President Barack Obama–some quotes below. (Watch the first few minutes for a lot of this film footage.)

Consent of the Governed, The Freeman Movement Defined/Steve Bates, World Freeman Society

On Consent

Aldous Huxley–I think what will happen in the future is that dictators will find that…to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the Consent of the Ruled, and this they will do, partly by Drugs, as I foresaw in Brave New World, partly by these new techniques of Propaganda, bypassing the rational side of man and appealing to his Subconscious and his deeper Emotions and his Physiology, and making him actually love his slavery.

President Barack Obama--You must maintain your power through Consent, not Coercion.

President John F. Kennedy--Government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

On the Rise of the Anglo-American World Empire of One World Government/New World Order

President John F. Kennedy:

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Full transcript of this highly informative speech at http://www.thepowerhour.com/news3/jfk_speech_transcript.htm

David Rockefeller, sneakily recorded while speaking “privately” at the June 1991, Bilderberg meetin, Baden-Baden, Germany, June 1991. (Our Republic Online hosts more quotes, please click on link.)

davidrockefellerquoteWe are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national determination practiced in past centuries.

G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at The Federal Reserve:

All of the great collectivists of history have had the goal of unified government based on the model of collectivism as their goal. We fought against it–until now we are the greatest advocate of it ourselves. Of course we don’t call it tyranny, we don’t call it fascism, or Nazism or communism, we have a better name for it, the name they have chosen is The New World Order.

Webster Griffin Tarpley, historian and author of Obama, The Post-Modern Coup – The Making of a Manchurian Candidate, and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:

The New World Order is a more palatable name for the Anglo-American World Empire. It is the planetary domination of New York London Washington over the rest of the world. It is hard to get people to join that or think they have a part in it if you call it the Anglo-American World Empire. If you call it the New World Order, then people in India or a place like that or the European Union might think, well, there’s something in that for us too. But that’s not what it is. It’s the Anglo-American New World Order. It’s really the Old World Order. It’s the British Empire, morphing into the American Empire, the US-British World Empire is what you’re going to get.

The film’s long but worth your time. You could listen to it while working online, or watch in transit. The archival footage especially is extraordinary.

James Corbett: “The Banksters Did It”: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse

Re-posted article by James Corbett from The Global Elite, Aug 26, 2015:

Excerpt: “But there is already one vitally important take away from these events that the independent media must articulate now, before it’s too late. Namely: This crisis was engineered by the central banks. It is their fault.

Let me repeat that again in case you missed it: This crisis was engineered by the central banks.

stock-market-bubbleThis point is not even controversial. It has been the universal consensus of institutions ranging from the Bank for International Settlements to the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, and from OECD officials to former Fed Governors and even Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan himself.

In fact, analyst after analyst and pundit after pundit–including the most mainstream of mainstream publications–have been sounding the alarm on the stock market bubble for much of the past year.

This tells us two things: the current market mayhem was perfectly predictable (and predicted), and the central banks not only stayed the course but actually doubled down with more and more QE injections.

It is the central banks that have created this mess, and what’s more they have created this mess in the full knowledge that their actions would lead to disaster. And now, one can be sure, the same central bankers and their political puppet mouthpieces will use this crisis to continue the construction of the “New World Order” that they called for in the wake of the 2008 collapse.

Anyone who can’t see the endgame now–global government by the bankers, of the bankers and for the bankers–is either blind or wilfully ignorant.

It is especially important to state these obvious truths now, because we can already see a false narrative underway. This narrative has two main thrusts: one is to paint China as the culprit for the global downturn and the other is to assume that only central banks can save the day (with even greater liquidity injections and even deeper rate cuts).”

Please visit Global Elite for the whole article.