Tag Archives: Obama

NSA Whistleblower William Binney/InfoWars: NSA is after Total Global Population Control

william-binney-nsa-goal-total-population-control1William Binney, ex-Technical Director of the NSA, recently spoke with Alex Jones of Infowars.com, spelling out how the vast surveillance spy grid constructed by the NSA, in collusion with other Intelligence agencies, is a step toward establishing total control over all populations, and why it is important for citizens in every country to become aware of these aims and act to counter them, if only at the voting booth.

Among various interesting aspects of this scenario he discusses are the fact that multi-national corporations with their own motives of profit, expansion, and suppression of criticism are now running all Intelligence agencies, which obviously are no longer working for “the people” therefore, but rather for “the corporation”.

The push toward global government and global surveillance seems to be a push then by that same small coterie of vastly powerful corporations working behind the scenes to propel Intelligence agencies and governments into setting up massive fortifications—via international laws, regulations, trade deals, and surveillance agreements–against the will, wants, better interests, needs, or visions of people worldwide—most of whom simply wish to live in harmonious community with each other.

Why are Governments Worldwide Seeking to Suppress the Voices of People?

Because certain profit-centered mega-corporations worldwide are seeking to fully control the conversation. Mr. Binney speaks of first, second, and third party agreements made by the NSA with various countries, permitting the global flow of NSA surveillance—in actions of co-operation with governments which essentially help to extend the totalitarian watch of this mega-corporate group.

Moves to hustle in One Global Government by, for, and of crooked corporations manifest now in the public eye as soothing mentions of “world community” as Obama offered recently at his last UN address—excerpted in the Alex Jones video below—and as a need to create systemic means to exchange Intelligence globally, as Brennan and other Intelligence heads noted publicly at yet another symposium at George Washington University recently.

From InfoWars/Top NSA Official: Spy Grid Helping Establish World Government:

The endgame of the National Security Agency is to obtain total information awareness on a global scale, NSA whistleblower and former technical director William Binney said on the Alex Jones Show Thursday.

After being questioned on the larger plan of the national security state as a whole, Binney, who worked at the NSA for more than 36-years, revealed his belief that the agency’s goal of total population control would lead to the creation of a global surveillance apparatus.

“Certainly it is population control, but not just of any given country – but of the world,” the whistleblower said. “And so what they’re after, and I think Obama has stated this from various points, that he wanted a ‘world community,’ so I think that’s probably what they’re after.”

“And in order to do that they need to be able to control the people of the world. So in order to do that, you have to have knowledge of them to know who’s doing what so you can stop it, or manipulate it any way you want.”

From the GW Center for Cyber and Homeland Security: “Panel discussion entitled “The View from Foreign Intelligence Chiefs” at Third Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, Sept. 20, 2016. Speakers were: Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, Afghan National Directorate of Security; Nick Warner, Director-General, Australian Security Intelligence Service; and Alex Younger, Chief, British Secret Intelligence Service. Moderated by John Brennan, Director, Central Intelligence Agency”

World Community/One World/Unify/Global Government

Then there is the One World movement, and others similar to it, using the language of community and unity to draw us into unsuspectingly supporting Total Surveillance and Systemic Control across borders, because we’re being persuaded to think of Global Government as beneficent. It’s not hard to be lulled into a false sense of security by apparently palliative talk of Unification, Global Voices, One-World Government—which has begun to surround us today, in every field, whether it’s arts, science, literature, music, education. This, while—as a matter of US and NATO policy–intelligent observers can all see fairly clearly that certain countries are being selectively demonized and attacked, terrorists and terrorist-suspects, false-flags and pandemics continue to be created, keeping the military-industrial-surveillance complex and “War on Terror” interminably going.

While many of us welcome ideas of building world community and reaching across barriers of nationality and language to connect with, care for, and support people worldwide, this conversation with Mr. Binney reminds us rather thoroughly that the “World Community” and “One World” being envisioned today by Intelligence agencies, certain governments, and the shadow mega-corporations pulling the strings is anything but benign—and must be questioned and resisted, locally and individually–with the power of our vote, our voice–by each of us.

Carl Herman/Washington’s Blog: Clintons, Bush, Obama stand on ~500 million innocent dead from intentional wars & poverty: a pile of bodies equal to 23 NYC ‘Freedom Towers,’ and adding another every year. Arrests are when now???

Re-posted from Washington’s Blog, with thanks. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for fearless investigative reportage with a focus on the real Truth of what is going on in the USA and the world.

I post this highly detailed and informative article with intent.  Did you know:

The everyday American knows that the face presented by a warring government to the world is not the real face of who we are, as Americans. We are an awakened, conscientious, and conscious people who cannot anymore condone acts of war and exploitation committed abroad—and at home—in our name, and in the false name of American “Freedom”.

We Must call for the arrest of criminals in high places who continue to commit crimes every day of exploitation, war, injustice, weapons-testing, and experimentation on us. We must call Crime Crime, and not commit it to oblivion, as mainstream media encourages us to do. We must report to the whole world that criminal actions committed by governments in our name and against us do NOT have our consent.



“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

▪ murder;

▪ extermination;

▪ enslavement;…

▪ the crime of apartheid;

▪ other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.

International Criminal Court (ICC)

This article documents that since Bill and Hillary Clinton occupied the White House over 23 years ago, ~500 million human beings have died from preventable poverty. So-called “developed nations” have promised to end global poverty since 1969; an accomplishment with technically easy solutions for sustainable human economic needs. These nations’ “leaders” have reneged on all promises to end poverty, public and private, despite an investment of just 0.7% of GNI for ten years that is overwhelmingly supported by those nations’ citizens.

We can calculate the physical volume of 500 million bodies. If we assume an average human dimension of 5 feet tall, average width of 1 foot, and average depth of .5 foot, this average is 2.5 cubic feet, with total of 1.25 billion cubic feet. The dimensions of NYC’s One World Trade Center, the “Freedom Tower,” is 200 x 200 feet with a roof 1,368 feet high. If we just calculate its volume as a rectangular prism, we have a volume of ~55 million cubic feet.

This means the pile of human bodies killed by ongoing preventable poverty is roughly equal in size to 23 “Freedom Towers.”

This is also roughly equal to a new “Freedom Tower” of dead bodies added to this “monument” every year.

Important to our essential question of when public demand for arrests will break through in an Emperor’s New Clothes relative moment, the related crime of creating what we use for money only and always as debt payable to the private banking system (think adding negative numbers forever) now adds a trillion dollars of US federal government debt every year. This physical volume of $100 bills is roughly equal to twice the size of the Statue of Liberty, as sharply visualized in this 2-minute video from Demonocracy:

The policy “developed” and “former” colonial nations deliver to humanity rather than ending poverty is war.

Among hundreds in alternative media, I document illegal US/UK/Israel lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression that continue hundreds of years of psychopathic would-be empires, now focused on Syria.

We’ve documented and proven that US “officials” outrageously lie to demonize Russia (and here) acting at the request of Syria’s government for military operations within their own borders against rogue terrorists. These terrorists apparently are agents of the US/UK/Israel illegal Wars of Aggression for empire (also here, here, here).

Global polling proves demand for these “leaders’” arrests are near: the US is recognized as Earth’s greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country.

The data confirm this recognition:

The categories of crime include:

  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).
  2. Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
  3. Crimes Against Humanity.

Such crimes OBVIOUSLY call for legal arrests of “leaders” in government and corporate media (for “covering” those crimes with easily verified outrageous lies).

An arrest lawfully stops a crime in commission. We do this to stop public harm now, and avoid further harm from more criminal acts.

In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk):


Note: I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History, with all economics factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences. I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History; also credentialed in Mathematics. He worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu

Source: Washington’s Blog

Celebrate Chinese New Year, Malcolm X/Speak Out Against War, the Patriot Act, Endless Spying, the TPP

News & Views

It’s Chinese New Year–either today or on Feb 21–according to various sources–which latter is also Malcolm X’s birthday.

Chris Hedges has an article on Malcolm X and his vision for the end of capitalism, his life, his views on truth and freedom at Black Agenda Report (originally at TruthDig): Malcolm X was Right About America

Adam Curtis has a (few minutes long) short film looking back at 2014, worth revisiting now in February, at the cusp of a New Year, on Non-Linear Warfare: A New System of Political Control, all about “contradictory stories” fed to us so no coherent narrative of protest can form.

Electronic Frontier Fund‘s Year in Review, by Nadia Kayyali and Mark Rumold, all about NSA Spying and about EFF’s fight to bring secrets to light:What We Learned About NSA Spying in 2014…

Here’s a peek into the year ahead through the lens of astrology–wasn’t it the Catholic Church which stripped astrology from astronomy sometime in the Middle Ages (and yet the Pope’s hat has symbols from astrology on it) from Simon Vorster at Wake Up World–and it’s reassuring and rejuvenating–Yes, it’s the Year of the Sheep! 2015 in Astrology: The Year of Manifestation

Happy New Year! Let’s hope this is indeed the year the Sheep rise. Change in the world depends on us. Every action we take makes a ripple in the universe. Let’s make those ripples count…

Act Now to End the Patriot Act, Stop Mass Surveillance, End Spying

This from Defending Dissent, drop in at the link below to send a letter: The USA PATRIOT Act granted the government powerful new spying capabilities that have grown out of control—but Section 215, the provision that the FBI and NSA have been using to collect the phone records of millions of innocent people, expires on June 1.

This is an important opportunity for us to demand reform.

Tell Congress: it’s time to end out-of-control spying. Do not reauthorize Section 215!

Rise Up Against War & EverMore War

A whole coalition of anti-war groups are joining together to hold a No-War intervention in DC this spring. The Soapbox People’s Network has the scoop:

““Spring Rising” is four days of creative resistance; theater, teach-ins; rallies and marches marking the anniversary of the United States’ “shock and awe” attack on Iraq and its invasion and occupation in a completely illegitimate, immoral war.  Together we will use this time to oppose the plans and calls for growing military intervention.

As we send this invitation to you the Congress is calling for more war. The President has just told us a new global “war on terror” may be unlimited in space and time.

  • Are you, like us, stunned and enraged by more war on the world?
  • Did you or your organization join in the protests against police violence and murder, because Black Lives Matter?
  • Are you with the Dreamers working for rights for all people to live without fear?
  • Are you one of the many who have dropped everything to protest the global destruction of the environment because of our dependence on fossil fuels which is also a reason for our wars?
  • Are you agonized over the ongoing U.S. military support for Israel, the recent killing of 2,000 Arab men, women, and children last summer in Gaza?
  • Are you furious about the killing and terrorizing of Muslims in the U.S?

Then, join us! Your participation in Spring Rising is urgently needed now to organize protests, participate in teach-ins and to put your art and performance on mass display. Together we can create the vibrant resistance needed to show that terrorizing the world is not in our interest and “not in our name.”” Click Cindy Sheehan’s site link here for more.

Sign World Beyond Wars wonderful Declaration of Peace here.

Join Peace Action to send a letter to Congress telling the President you don’t want to fund a new war against ISIL or anyone else: Stop Endless War

Speak out against the TPP

Currently, the White House is sending around an email & video lauding the TPP as “progressive” and emblematic of “Trade in the Twenty-First Century” & crucial in efforts to boost small businesses in America which export and trade worldwide. However, Public Citizen informs us otherwise:

“The Obama administration also has used this sales pitch, often on the basis that the majority of U.S. exporters are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). But that fuzzy logic ignores the fact that 99.7 percent of all U.S. firms qualify as SMEs — while only 3 percent of those are exporters.*

This means that even if the TPP actually were to succeed in boosting exports — which similar pacts have not done — it is large corporations that would disproportionately benefit, not small businesses.”

Let’s not forget the TPP is being conducted In Secret, In Secrecy. Attempts are being made to pass laws In Secret. Only 500 corporate representatives from corporations worldwide are in on it. Not America’s small businesses. Not everyday Americans. The broad scope of TPP is known, but the exact rules being made are being made in secret. Why on earth would any of us ask our Congress representatives to vote on something we don’t know anything–or enough–about? That alone should stop us in our tracks.

Once more, several groups are calling on us to call our members of Congress to make sure they know US citizens are not interested in a secret deal which promises big corporations carte blanche both here domestically in the US and worldwide, and threatens to destroy the autonomy of local and state governments, in addition to governments worldwide, send More American jobs abroad, stifle citizen expression, and gag journalists, whistleblowers, and activists, while stealing natural resources and foisting monopolies on us. Check in here at Public Citizen or MoveOn or Electronic Frontier Fund or Friends of the Earth or all of them, to send letters online automatically to your Congressperson, call, or sign a petition. If TPP is fast-tracked, we might as well ask Congress to vacate. Or vacation. Indefinitely.

Public Citizen’s information page on TPP

Electronic Frontier Fund‘s information page on TPP

MoveOn‘s 3-minute video on TPP, which went viral : What Happens if TPP is Fast-Tracked & Passed

Staff article on TPP at The Daily Bell: As TPP Sails Forth, it Drags the West into Uncharted Waters