Category Archives: consent

Paul A. Philips/New Paradigm: 9 Ways to Stop Co-Operating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

Re-posted, with much gratitude to Paul A. Phillips for this brilliant and much-needed and highly insightful post, from New Paradigm Alternative News & Natural Health. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for more wisdom and natural health information.

Profound advice, particularly Number 4, which I endorse whole-heartedly: Do Not Vote in Their Elections–Whoever wins is going to be backed and manipulated and robotized by the backroom rulers anyway, just as currently, and before, and before that Presidency too. Translation: War, war, and endless war. Not to mention: Transhumanism, and Real Robotizing, all coming to a Brain near you

This article addresses the often-asked question: What can any one of us—as powerless individuals–do, to stop this train-wreck from happening?

(Answer: We’re not powerless.)

Advice for healthcare workers, police, soldiers, voters, vaccinators, military recruits, consumers of entertainment, consumers of Mainstream Media news, consumers of WiFi, consumers of Apps,  consumers of junk foods, processed foods, GMOs, consumers of anything new, below.

Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm9 Ways to stop cooperating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

-By Paul A Philips

Done sneakily, or under the illusion of democracy, in recent times more oppressive laws have been made than ever before. Between us being subjected to more and more ordinances, rules, restrictions and outright laws then demonising our dissention and opinion  should we object… It’s as if we can’t do anything right.

How long will it take for the masses to wake up to these grossly restricting laws and realize how un-free they are?  The masses’ unchallenging complacency with these laws have been made that much easier through social conditioning engineered over the years by the ruling elite.

In this charade the power-mad egomaniac manipulating controlling parasitical ruling elite impose themselves on almost everything for their ulterior motives; ownership, power, profit and political gain –and that’s it. It’s that straight forward. It’s that pathetic.

These forever increasing control mechanisms; regulations, rules, absurd mandates, threats of fines, intimidations, extreme petty police reprisals and imprisonment… are designed to sap the life-force from us while denying our true self-expression as we’re expected to bow down in acquiescence. –All designed to erode humanity into a subservient entity.

How do we break this manipulation? 

The road to achieving this involves refusing to cooperate with the ruling elite’s control system.

By refusing to cooperate we go into a different agreement which will manifest a different reality to the otherwise planned doom and gloom. So here are 9 ways to stop cooperating with the ruling elite’s control system.

1. Question everything

Remember, accepting the narrative given to you by the authorities and the general consensus of the masses without your questioning means going into agreement with a fake reality, thus having a disempowering relationship with the unreal.

Question the motives behind the mainstream media, the lawmakers, the politicians or corporations pushing their encroaching agendas. Question the education system. Question the military actions. Question yourself over the job you’re in and do you really want to do it… etc.

In other words question anyone and anything you hit upon contrary to your findings, or contrary to that which goes against your freedom.

When living life as an enquiry, challenging the official narrative, you can then act on your findings by spreading the word. Live your truth. Walk your walk and talk your talk.

2. Disengage from the imposing controlling matrix

Enough is enough. Break those imprisoning mental, physical and spiritual chains foisted on you by the ruling elite and their associates.  Don’t fall for their fear-mongering as you rebel. Fear is all part of the controlling matrix illusion. See it for what it really is.

The more you disengage the more confidence gained in your stand for non-cooperation.  

Break your agreements: If you’re unwillingly serving the ruling elite’s disempowering, destructive control system then walk away.

Healthcare workers, if you don’t like having an involvement in a system that seriously injures or kills numerous patients with medicines supported by a medical/pharmaceutical establishment that put’s profits over genuine welfare concern then walk away.      

Police, if you’re involved in policing unjust oppressive laws then walk away…

Solders, if you’ve worked out the war deception with all its illegal, immoral, indiscriminate activity then do what your heart tells you. Lay down your weapons and walk away…

-How are the ruling elite with their associates going to deal with us if we demonstrate our non-cooperation in high numbers?

3. Disengage from distraction

In our socially engineered society we have been manipulated to get caught up in distraction. Mindless entertainment, overly competitive sports… Then there are those economic, political, intellectual, religious, cultural and societal differences, race issues… etc serving as nothing more than distraction with more than their fair share of never ending dialectic conflict… -All designed to stop us seeing the big picture and rising up.

-It becomes a lot easier to disengage from the distraction when seeing the big picture. That it’s nothing more than a carefully cultivated control system…

The next 2 ways are indeed major examples of distraction. See them for what they really are. Then ‘throw down the ball,’ refuse to play these pointless, going nowhere, energy-sapping games, and move on: 


4. Don’t vote for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of these parties you’re only giving your power away to help the ruling criminals’ further advance their NWO agenda. Stop believing the Republican-Democrat or if you’re in the UK the Lib-Lab-Con sock puppet campaigning shows backed and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You).

It doesn’t matter who gets voted in. They’re all funded and backed by the ruling elite. So whoever wins the politicians who get in office will only be there to serve their lords and masters the ruling elite instead of the wishes of we-the-people.  

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don’t fully understand:   Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say a policy in your favour or to your advantage will only be a short term payoff. In the end if you vote for one of the major parties because of this then you’ll only have to suffer the far greater long-term cost for having chosen the party with their connections to the ruling elite’s agenda.

5. Stop giving your attention to corporate sponsored mainstream media news

Switch off the TV (Tel-Lie-Vision). Turn to alternative/independent media sources instead for the truth. Learn to discern the differences between disinformation and the truth as in the case of the internet. 

6. Refuse joining the military

Don’t become a sucker for the ruling elite’s war machine, secretly Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm manufactured to line the pockets and favour the directions of bankers, corporations and politicians, while serving as a planned de-population agenda…

No matter which side or viewpoint you take no one ever wins and just like choosing a major political party, nothing ever changes. Understand the related big picture and then spread the word to others so that they too will see the deception and refuse to join.

7. Refuse vaccinations

With the current push for mandatory vaccinations refusal has never been so important. They cannot deal with us if we refuse in overwhelming numbers. Vaccines are NOT safe and have been known to be ineffective. You could end up seriously ill, brain-damaged or even dead from these fraudulent big pharma money spinners to which the revenue-raking government and their paid off media are only too happy to spread the related disinformation and lies…

8. Stop buying junk food and say no to GMO

Don’t let any greed-driven corporation deceive you with their deceptive marketing. Avoid junk food with its high sugar, salt and cheap/nasty trans-fats… for disease protection. Chemical laden, processed, irradiated or GMO foods should be avoided.

Don’t buy a microwave oven. Avoid cooking with microwave or non-stick coated or aluminium utensils which in effect turns the food into junk food that could lead to health problems through toxic contaminants.

Don’t cook food using high temperatures for too long. Extreme temperatures cause the nutrition value (vitamins and enzymes in particular) to denature and greatly reduce the food value.

-Junk foods and GMO’s are all part of the ruling elite’s destructive hidden agenda

9. Stop consuming 

As a consumer, ask yourself do you really need it? For instance, do you really need to become one of the ‘Planet of the Apps’ spending endless hours wasting time on health threatening low-EMF WiFi, covert spying electronic applications..?    

Get into the habit of no longer consuming things you don’t really need.

As a consequence of 1-9

The system and its unconscious nature will break down

Our non-cooperation will no longer give the ruling elite’s control system its power.  Non-cooperation will take us up and away from getting further dragged down towards the terminal precipice…

-Non-cooperation is the key to our freedom.


Source: New Paradigm Alternative News and Natural Health

Studying Sovereignty, Birthright, & the Anglo-American Empire of One World Government: Consent of the Governed

Extraordinary film from producer Steve Bates, and the World Freeman Society, Consent of the Governed, The Freeman Movement Defined, available on Youtube,, and elsewhere, tracing what “Consent of the Governed” really means, how it operates today in all countries with corporate governments at the helm–certainly the “NSA Five Eyes” countries: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many countries in Europe, Asia, South America, including Jamaica, Israel, South Africa  (look up your country here), how We the People do indeed have natural rights, birthrights, human rights, and power of individual sovereignty under any government, that we are not bound by corporate statutes (“Laws”), and can and should withhold our consent to corporate statutes (“Laws”) that seek to abrogate and terminate our rights. Emphasized is the message that understanding our rights under natural law and common law, which precede and supersede corporate statutes would return us to an understanding of our sovereignty by birthright, and make us all “freemen” on the land. Included are snippets of public education on common law from experts in Australia, Canada, the UK, the US–John Harris, Kurt Kallenbach, Michael of Bernicia, many others.

One World Government

The film also discusses the long-planned and long-known rise of a corporate Anglo-American plutocracy which, as we know today, is desperately attempting to tumble the whole world forward into a terrifyingly totalitarian One-World Government, designated newly as Global Government/Sustainable Planet/One World now that we all flinch on reflex from the term “New World Order,” and most obviously seen today in: the newly-released text of the completely-corporate TPP which seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the slavish propagandizing of  the provenly false science of “Global Warming” which completely ignores the Global Destruction of Geo-Engineering, the engineered influx of hundreds of thousands of displaced peoples from one continent to another–and openly understood now to be functioning covertly with an official  Global Depopulation agenda.

The film takes its title from the American Declaration of Independence, 1776:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

There’s some wonderful archival film footage throughout, including the video of a rather astonishingly inspiring and truth-telling 1964 speech from President Ronald Reagan, an interview with Aldous Huxley, famed author of Brave New World, who apparently followed up on this masterpiece of “fiction” with warning non-fiction about this world being “just around the corner,” an interview with John Lennon, who had come to understand “the world is ruled by absolutely insane psychopaths,” and telling snippets of video from others including President Barack Obama–some quotes below. (Watch the first few minutes for a lot of this film footage.)

Consent of the Governed, The Freeman Movement Defined/Steve Bates, World Freeman Society

On Consent

Aldous Huxley–I think what will happen in the future is that dictators will find that…to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the Consent of the Ruled, and this they will do, partly by Drugs, as I foresaw in Brave New World, partly by these new techniques of Propaganda, bypassing the rational side of man and appealing to his Subconscious and his deeper Emotions and his Physiology, and making him actually love his slavery.

President Barack Obama--You must maintain your power through Consent, not Coercion.

President John F. Kennedy--Government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security.

On the Rise of the Anglo-American World Empire of One World Government/New World Order

President John F. Kennedy:

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Full transcript of this highly informative speech at

David Rockefeller, sneakily recorded while speaking “privately” at the June 1991, Bilderberg meetin, Baden-Baden, Germany, June 1991. (Our Republic Online hosts more quotes, please click on link.)

davidrockefellerquoteWe are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national determination practiced in past centuries.

G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at The Federal Reserve:

All of the great collectivists of history have had the goal of unified government based on the model of collectivism as their goal. We fought against it–until now we are the greatest advocate of it ourselves. Of course we don’t call it tyranny, we don’t call it fascism, or Nazism or communism, we have a better name for it, the name they have chosen is The New World Order.

Webster Griffin Tarpley, historian and author of Obama, The Post-Modern Coup – The Making of a Manchurian Candidate, and George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:

The New World Order is a more palatable name for the Anglo-American World Empire. It is the planetary domination of New York London Washington over the rest of the world. It is hard to get people to join that or think they have a part in it if you call it the Anglo-American World Empire. If you call it the New World Order, then people in India or a place like that or the European Union might think, well, there’s something in that for us too. But that’s not what it is. It’s the Anglo-American New World Order. It’s really the Old World Order. It’s the British Empire, morphing into the American Empire, the US-British World Empire is what you’re going to get.

The film’s long but worth your time. You could listen to it while working online, or watch in transit. The archival footage especially is extraordinary.