Tag Archives: consciousness

Support Ethical Sci/Tech/Consciousness Media…Subscribe to Ramola D Reports at Patreon

Dear friends,

I finally took the plunge and set up a Patreon page to allow for my incremental move to subscriber-funded journalism and podcasts.

PatreonPlease visit my page at Patreon to learn more about what I am doing and hope to to be doing as I continue my work here in True Media sci/tech/surveillance/defense/consciousness print journalism and broadcasting: https://www.patreon.com/RamolaD 

All of my plans for new podcast series are included there.

I want to assure you all I am not exactly moving to a subscriber-only model by any means.

My human rights advocacy and investigative/truth-telling/op-ed journalism and publishing/re-posting of others’ work will continue openly and freely for all, both here at this website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen--which will continue, at my page on Medium, on a new site for Ramola D Reports I hope to set up shortly, at my Youtube channel Ramola D Reports, and at any new channels I set up elsewhere shortly, such as at Vimeo, Bitchute, Twitch, D-Tube.

I am particularly keen to keep writing, podcasting, and publishing freely on behalf of all those “Targeted Individuals”–men and women of intelligence and integrity worldwide who have been and are being cruelly and inhumanely targeted and irradiated by corrupt and rogue militaries, Intelligence agencies, and government departments with deadly Surveillance Abuse, Electromagnetic/Sonic Assault, and Neurotech Assault in Non-Consensual and Black Ops Neuro-Experimentation programs, while Mainstream Media lies and denies, Law Enforcement maintains cultic Secret Society silence, and Psychiatry horrifically victimizes, persecutes, and re-victimizes. These are Crimes Against Humanity which I am committed to help expose and force the termination of.

But I am indeed seeking to establish myself as an independent True Media journalist who is moving to a subscriber-as-well model, and seeking as well to engage more directly with a community of subscribers and supporters, as I follow the path of other ethical news and views reporters into subscriber-funded and supported journalism, such as Sibel Edmonds/Newsbud or James Corbett/The Corbett Report.

If you find the work I do here on an ongoing basis of meaning, significance, and value and would like to support this endeavor as I continue, please sign on as a subscriber at Patreon. As you know, True Media of integrity, ethicality, and candor need people-support to survive. You can support this endeavor at any level you like, whether it’s $3 a month (Bluefinch) or $100 a month (Arctic Tern), with special perks at each level. 

I have to say I sat around wondering what exactly to provide as Patreon perks, and finally decided to have some fun with it: I’m glad to offer a couple exclusive podcasts each month to supporters on a patrons-only basis, and quite excited about being able to throw my creative writing and teaching skills into the mix with offerings of e-satire and poetry/fiction readings on podcast.  $15 a month (Red-Throated Loon;) will bring you a monthly e-book in Modern Satire and $100 a month (Arctic Tern) will bring you a special monthly Lit Inspire podcast with a curated set of inspiring and nurturing writings from fiction-writers, poets, memoirists, essayists–including my own work and the work of my writer-friends!–read by yours truly. 

My aim ultimately, as in my creativity workshops, is to bring Literature, Art, and Science together, along with Ethics, Humanity, and Consciousness, and with your help, hopefully, we’ll get there together.

I want to thank all the many wonderful people out there who have been sending me donations, big and small, through the Donate button here from Paypal, and helped support and validate my work so far. This Donate button will continue to be here for one-time donations, but to support my work on more of a recurrent, ongoing basis, Patreon helps.

So do feel free to sign up anytime! Help co-create ethical sci/tech media and create ethical intellectual community by supporting Ramola D Reports on Patreon. 

Please share this post widely. And thank you!!!

–Ramola D/Posted 12/11/2017



Jon Rappoport: Brexit, and Goals and Ops of the Deep State

Re-posted, in excerpt, with many thanks, from Jon Rappoport’s Blog, please visit there for the full read. The men and women developing robots in labs and pontificating on their brilliance aren’t examining the politics or ethics or even truth of the matter, but some observers are, compelling the rest of us to pay attention to what is happening quietly in our midst (more airing of propaganda):


“—On the subject of taking individuality from humans and placing it into robots:

“Every one of our androids is different. Our company believes in imbuing each of our ‘messengers’ with a unique set of characteristics. This isn’t a sales technique. We’re dedicated to the mission of diversity. Personality isn’t something to be buried under a surface of sameness and conformity. It should be front and center. After all, our robots are conscious.”

They aren’t, but who pauses to notice? Wave after wave of fictional propaganda is launched to make the case that machines are alive. The major target of the campaign is the educated class.

“It is now an established fact that evolution took place through higher and higher orders of information-processing functions. Indeed, the complexity of processing is the definition of consciousness.” Gibberish.”


Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State

Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State

by Jon Rappoport

June 24, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

We have to start with Brexit, which scored a victory last night. Britain leaves the EU. Bang. Other European countries are ready to put the same referendum up for vote. And George Soros is making money from having invested in gold earlier in the month. Naturally. The vulture never sleeps.

Speaking of money making money, the “hysterical aftershocks” in trading markets, right after the Brexit victory was projected, are all synthetic and artificial manipulations, laid on to prove a point: see what happens when a country defects from the New Order? Meanwhile, the people who had real jobs yesterday still have them today. Life goes on. Britain will still be able to engage in trade with other countries, despite Obama’s warning that they’ll have to stand in the back of the line to make deals with the US. Nonsense. Blather. Obama is failing in his job as front man for Rockefeller Globalists. If he can’t get Senate ratification on the TPP and the TTIP deals now, he’ll be the CFR’s failure of the decade. Hillary, who came out against Brexit, is looking like a clown with egg on her face.

So…what is Britain leaving when it leaves the EU? It’s departing a giant robot, a structure of untold numbers of sub-androids, bureaucrats who have been making life miserable for Europe. Higher debt, unlimited migration, blizzards of regulations, grim political correctness. All in the service of a coming utopia, of course.

The real job of the EU is dehumanizing people, for the sake of humanity. That’s how faceless robot-bureaucrats operate.

The EU is an illusion of authority, in the sense that it pretends to be in exclusive possession of knowledge that will make life better for all of Europe.

The EU built itself as a machine, a structure so maze-like, so complex that “it must be valuable.” It resembles a super-computer. “We have trillions of pieces of vital data. We can plan the future more competently than any smaller entity. Leave the details to us.”

The EU is in all these ways a copy of the Deep Global State, of which it is a part. And now we come to the second section of this article, which I wrote first, as I was becoming aware of the result of the Brexit vote. Consider it background. The Deep State has, of course, not gone away. A much greater degree of dismantling is necessary. Technocracy itself has to be understood and defeated, because it is the leading edge of the new Globalist society…

The State is now involved in making people into robots and robots into people. (Please continue to read at source link below.)

Source: Brexit, and goals and ops of the Deep State

Makia Freeman/The Freedom Articles: “Create Solutions and Let the Old Paradigm Crumble”

Re-posted, with thanks, from The Freedom Articles. An older post, from 2014, but so relevant currently. Many thanks to Makia Freeman for pointing us back to frequency, vibration, changing our group reality by changing our personal focus. A reminder, that as individuals, we have great spiritual power in ourselves to affect our collective reality.

“The root of the global conspiracy is not about controlling a particular system (e.g. banking or surveillance), but rather about controlling what the masses think, feel and project. It’s about controlling the state of being of the people, so that, following the laws of the Universe, they will only create a kind of situation or circumstance in accordance with their inner state. If that inner state is one hemmed in by doubt, guilt, subservience, frustration and fear, the reality projected by these people will match that – and the global conspiracy will continue unabated, despite any attempts on a practical level to produce more freedom.”

“Once the spiritual solution is in place with a critical mass of people learning to consciously control their inner state of being, and consciously choosing to focus more on peace, abundance, freedom and love, practical solutions will flow from that enlightened place. As stated by Geoff Byrd in the video clip above, we literally “starve the malevolent force without effort … allowing the distortion to destroy itself.””


by Makia Freeman

Solutions are what are most needed

right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are solutionsmany people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up the dirt on the New World Order. This is very important work, for without an accurate idea of what’s really going on in the world, we are blind. We would have little or no idea of what to change. Not only that, but we would little or no motivation to change. Often, it is anger at the sheer injustice of what is happening that spurs people to stand up for truth and freedom, and to make a difference. Sometimes, we need to realize just how bad things are before we decide that we are going to dedicate our lives to doing something about it, to conceiving and implementing solutions.

There’s no doubt that it’s good to expose the truth and shine the light on the darkness, but what we most need are solutions. Broadly, there are 2 modes of activities: creation and destruction. If we spend all our time just exposing the dirt, we are only in destruction mode, and that is not going to get us out of this mess. We need to create, not destroy. Since, on the deepest level, we are beings of energy not matter, we need to work with frequency and vibration. We need to attune ourselves to frequencies of peace, abundance and love; then the old system will crumble by itself. What we focus on, we create; energy flows where attention goes. As we head into a new year, it’s time to put more focus on solutions.

A Brief Recap of the Conspiracy Exposed Thus Far

Before we do that, let’s do a brief recap of the great work of many researchers in the alternative media and truth field. We know that a psychopathic cabal of super wealthy bankers, politicians, industrialists, military and corporate heads (many blood related) has seized the reins of global power and is working to implement their dystopic vision of a worldwide, centralized, communist/fascist dictatorship. They are highly intelligent and have access to metaphysical knowledge hidden from the general public, but severely lack compassion and wisdom, and thus are not applying their knowledge in a way that will benefit all of humankind. With a deadened conscience and a greatly hindered ability to feel others’ pain, they are a grave danger to the future of the world. We have long had documented evidence proving their eugenics mindset and intent to depopulate the world (e.g. Kissinger’s Memorandum 200 from 1974), showing they are cold-blooded murderers. They have falsified the history of practically every major event in the world (e.g. the real reasons for the American Civil War, WW1, WW2, the sinking of the Titanic, the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK, the Roswell UFO crash, and much much more), with many of these involving false flag attacks designed to justify their agenda of more war and draconian legislation. They have introduced numerous health threats, such as geoengineering/chemtrails, fluoridevaccines, antibiotic overuse, EMF pollutionGMOs and mind control, all of which have the result of weakening, dumbing down and killing people, normally in a “soft-kill” or “slow-kill” way that escapes immediate detection.

As an added layer to all of this, we know that ET (Extraterrestrial) life is a reality, and that there is a Secret Space Program involving the colonization of the Moon, Mars and other planets and their moons (see the testimony of Randy Cramer among others for more details). Thanks to the courage of whistleblowers like Phil Schneider, Bill Cooper, Bob Dean and many others, we know that humanity is already interacting with several species of aliens, some of which definitely do not have humanity’s best interests at heart, and are behind decades of human abduction and mutilation, including the ongoing and tragic phenomenon of missing (abducted) children. However, the lies, deception and brainwashing are so complete that those who expose this are disbelieved, branded as lunatics or forcefully silenced.

So, that is the situation in a nutshell. For truthseekers, there will always be more to know, however we are well and truly at the point where we don’t need to know all the details to act to transform it.

Solutions on a Spiritual Level

When we talk about solutions to the global conspiracy, it’s best to start with the most fundamental and powerful of all the solutions: you. Yes, you are a powerful and energetic being, just as each and every one of us is. Since the cosmos is holographic in nature, it rearranges itself according to our thoughts, feelings and state of being. Quantum physics has already shown that the observed is not separate to the observer; we are projecting our realities and creating our worlds, weaving and spinning them into existence as we go along, whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not. We can never stop this creation! We are creators; it’s part of life.

The trick is to become conscious of our creation.

The root of the global conspiracy is not about controlling a particular system (e.g. banking or surveillance), but rather about controlling what the masses think, feel and project. It’s about controlling the state of being of the people, so that, following the laws of the Universe, they will only create a kind of situation or circumstance in accordance with their inner state. If that inner state is one hemmed in by doubt, guilt, subservience, frustration and fear, the reality projected by these people will match that – and the global conspiracy will continue unabated, despite any attempts on a practical level to produce more freedom.

Hating the controllers will only produce more hate, and thus feed the system. So, while some anger can be a good motivator to take people out of indifference and apathy, too much anger (or just some anger mismanaged and handled wrongly) often produces a negative spiral of revenge, perpetuating the conspiracy.

So, I invite anyone reading this who wants to see a freer world, to work just as much as on your inner state as anything else. Remember, we need to put more attention on our sphere of influence than outside of it, for our efforts can have the greatest result there. It’s simply a matter of efficiency. You can change your family, community or county more easily than the entire world. Most of all, only you can change yourself; no one can do it for you.

Integrating the Inner Shadow

The spiritual solution lies in each person becoming aware of their own shadow. What is the shadow? According to the great psychologist Carl Jung, it is the part of ourself which we have ignored, denied, suppressed and pretended does not exist, often because we mistakenly believe the pain would be too great if we were to acknowledge it. Yet, the pain is much greater by suppressing it, because it only serves to make it fester and become even more twisted, and wreak greater havoc on our lives.

The shadow is not something to be fought; it is something to be integrated. We need to be completely honest with ourselves, acknowledge our own darkness and acknowledge how it affects our personal projection and the world we are creating. There are many paths you can choose which can help you integrate the shadow through inner spiritual work.

Attuning to the Highest Vibration

Alongside integrating the shadow, we simultaneously need to attune ourselves to the highest vibration we can imagine, and that is the frequency of love. Not romantic, sexual love, but rather the love that you have for another human being in general, the love which connects us all. It includes caring, compassion and empathy. It means being there for another, standing up for them and putting yourself out for them. Every time we do this, we inspire gratitude from others, such that they want to help us back. It sends out a ripple throughout the world which can go further than we typically imagine. The more time we spend attuning our own vibration or state of being to being grateful, feeling peaceful, or acknowledging how much we have, the more we are doing to create a new world, and naturally end the global conspiracy without any violence or destruction.

Solutions on a Practical Level

Once the spiritual solution is in place with a critical mass of people learning to consciously control their inner state of being, and consciously choosing to focus more on peace, abundance, freedom and love, practical solutions will flow from that enlightened place. As stated by Geoff Byrd in the video clip above, we literally “starve the malevolent force without effort … allowing the distortion to destroy itself.” Specifically, here are some ideas and solutions we can all be focusing on and working on. What particular ones attract you the most will of course depend on your degree of passion, interest and talent:

Drink Pure Water: Water has memory and can be imprinted with our thoughts and feelings. We are water. By changing the water we drink, we change our very essence. Drink spring water – it’s amazing! Get a filter on your house water. If you have the time and inclination, activate and charge your water by putting it in a glass container in sunlight, and sending it into a spiral.

Eat Pure Food: Purchase non-GMO food. Buy organic wherever possible. Use bilk discounts and go to your local farmers’ market. Grow your own food. Learn about hydroponics, aquaponics and other sustainable systems which are surprisingly cheap and easy to set up.

Use Natural Medicine: Use the allopathic/Western medicine only in an emergency or as a last resort. Take charge of your own health. Do more exercise – you’ll feel better and need less medicine anyway! Investigate the amazing array of natural medicine and alternative healing modalities, from chiropractry to psychotherapy to acupuncture to reiki to massage to naturopathy to homeopathy.

Use Alternative Cancer Therapies: Try alternative cancer therapies such as laetrile (vitamin B17 apricot kernels), DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate), the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet, Graviola/Soursop and many others which have helped “terminal patients” who Western Medicine had declared incurable. Many successful survivors attest to the power of these natural therapies.

Use Cannabis Oil to Heal: Hemp or cannabis is a plant with incredible healing benefits. It is our right to use whatever plant we want. Medicinal cannabis oil is on an unstoppable momentum, having already healed many serious disease such as seizures, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and cancer. It will not be long before it is legal in every state of many Western countries. Find a way to access some and use it if you need it.

Invent Sustainable/Non-Harmful Technology: Invent something! Use your creativity to make something that has never been made before. With the advent of 3D printing, the sky is the limit as to what you can do. Did you hear about the man who invented a machine to turn plastic back into oil? Come up with a technology which is neutral or maybe even healthy, rather than the standard destructive ones we have now. We don’t have to give ourselves brain cancer or pollute the earth to talk on mobile phones and drive cars. We could have that convenience without the harm.

Get Off the Grid: Become as energy-independent as possible. See if you can produce some of your own power. Explore the many options already available for green, alternative and free energy, including making water batteries and constructing your own free energy devices.

Use Barter and Local Currencies: Using barter and exchange is a perfect example of creating a new system by ignoring the old one. The less people using US dollars, the less power the Federal Reserve has. Did you know there already many local barter communities and local currencies? See timebanks.org and communitycurrencieslaw.org for more info.

Use Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the ultimate decentralized, anonymous currency. Despite a big crash its popularity has not waned. The entire world will be more free if we use money that is not subject to control by a private, unelected financial cabal.

Decentralize, Decentralize, Decentralize: A big part of the problem is that we have abdicated our responsibility and given away our power in many ways, such as allowing “representatives” who don’t represent us to make decisions for us. So, it’s time to decentralize. Create groups and communities where the power and decision-making is as decentralized as possible. Influence your municipality, county or state to decentralize power wherever you can.

Support Direct Democracy: We have the technology. All that is now required is the political will of enough people. We could have a system where all of us vote electronically on important issues, including having veto power. There is not the need for “representatives” to make faraway secret, greedy decisions. We can all have a direct say in what laws get drafted and passed. See Electronic Direct Democracy for more info.

Take Back the Centers of Power in Society: This is a different approach to decentralization, but the two can both work together. If you look at the real (suppressed) history of the last couple of hundred years, or even the last couple of thousand, you can see that the way we got into this mess was by allowing private groups to hijack centers of power (such as the national government, the banking sector, the military intelligence sector, etc.). So one way to reverse this is to get people in those positions who truly have some conscience, and who want to serve humanity, not exploit it. This may take time (just as it took a long time for these groups to wrest control from the people), but the work starts with getting more people elected into power who truly stand for freedom, who can then appoint others in different agencies.

Establish your Sovereignty: Governments are corporations, and in many cases, an invading foreign company that has no natural right to control you. Study the basics of sovereignty. By learning the difference between a right and a privilege, and knowing what your rights are, you can avoid and fend off many bureaucratic challenges to your freedom.

Boycott and Divest: Boycotts are a good reminder that the power ultimately resides with the people. Even giant corporations can be brought to their knees when a critical mass of people stop buying their products. The success of the BDS movement against Zionist Israel (where they recently stopped a massive ship from docking in the US) is a sign of its power. This also includes divesting – taking your money out of industries and companies that are sustaining the current paradigm – and investing instead in companies that will support a new paradigm of peace and abundance for all. Choose where your spend and invest your money in line with your beliefs.

Feed Your Mind: Like your body, you need to feed your mind frequently, and also like your body, the better fuel you give it (whether it’s food or ideas), the better outcome you will receive. So dip into inspiring literature, visit websites with great information and positive ideas, and find a practice, group or community that uplifts you and which you can use to quickly re-attune to powerful frequencies.

It’s all about remembering who you are – a divine being who has the power to create his or her own reality. As long as you remember this, you will be able to come up with, and take part in, the solutions. And, remember, it’s always a good idea to reconnect with Nature. Nature is a great way to decompress and realign. Take a walk in the forest, go hiking, go swimming, go running or go camping, to help attune yourself.

Create Solutions and Let the Old Paradigm Crumble

Visit ToolsForFreedom.com for more ideas on what you can do in your own unique way to create new systems, whether it’s sovereignty, natural cures, alternative energy, free energy or achieving financial independence.

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Source: The Freedom Articles


Paul A. Philips/New Paradigm: Living in the Psychopath Controlled State (Pathocracy) and How to Deal With It

Re-posted from New Paradigm, with thanks. Please visit there for inspiring and engaging articles on an ongoing basis.


Living in the Psychopath Controlled State (Pathocracy) and How to Deal With It – By Paul A Philips

New world order, Illuminati, transformation, paradigm shift, spiritual, spiritual growth,pathocracy

Alternative media sources frequently describe certain political elite members as psychopaths. But what exactly makes up a psychopath? What exactly are the political implications?

Indeed there is a lot of good will shown in the world while at the same time there exists so much suffering in the form of war, poverty and injustice. How come? Sure, humans may have dark aggressive animal tendencies but much of the suffering inflicted cannot be explained by this alone.

There is a far bigger picture. 

The pathocracy

Pathocracy comes from the Greek words Pathos –‘feeling pain and suffering’ and Kratos ‘rule.’ So pathocracy can be used to describe an oppressive tyrannical government ran by elite psychopaths and the effects it has on the people.

The wolf in sheep’s clothing pathocracy with its media propaganda, paid off political and corporate capitalist cronies manages to sell the illusion of a democracy: The more it gains in an already way too disproportionate share of political power operating through branches of government the more unstable it becomes…

The pathocracy with its covert / overt operations can be quite complex but it has certain characteristics. All these characteristics typically reflect a psychopath and psychotic behaviour.  Indeed, anyone having at least some of these traits may be doing rather well as an associate with the pathocracy. Can you see the following things occurring in your government?

Characteristics of a pathocracy (psychopath controlled state)

1. Heavily suppressive

Does not recognise individualism, only sees the hive mind. Will prevent freedom of speech and show intolerance to debate or anything outside of the pathocracy ideology. Has little interest in and will suppress creativity, but is quite capable of stealing creative ideas for own gain.

2. Oppressive

Rules and controls by fear or force.

3. No Conscience

Has no morals while not having the integrity needed for social structure, life workability.  Shows no empathy where others would.

4. Self-interest

Has the ‘what’s-in-it-for-me?’ mentality, hence the ability to manipulate, seeing humans as a resource rather than as intrinsic individuals with needs… This extends to having little regard for human rights as shown for instances in the okaying of torture and slavery.

5. Covertly hostile

The pathocracy is far from transparent. Basically it is evil deception masquerading as we care for you. It hides or sugar coats its real intentions while having much suspicion for those who are different to its hive mind ideology: Hence the real reason for the pathocracy’s paranoiac obsession with surveillance.

6. Widely corrupted

Corruption is endemic in the pathocracy. As expected, corrupted reasoning; cognitive dissonance, Orwellian doublespeak, fanatical ‘Trojan’ ideology… comes with the corruption.

7. Obsession with control

-The reason for the want to have centralization of power: Only one political party, one central bank, one religion… is the pathocracy’s obsession with control. Centralization makes it easier to control. On the subject of religion, the pathocracy is not interested in spirituality. It sees religion as a control system and anyone going beyond the confines would be regarded as a heretic or threat.

8. Parasitic nature

There is a gross inequality: The parasitical tyrannical state system has created an ongoing forever increasing rift between the rich and the poor. The ruling class talk of equality with all the related ideals while showing much hypocrisy and contempt for the working class.

9. Unfairness

The pathocracy is unfair and uncompromising. It leaves little in the way of choice for the people it supposed to be serving.


As with Hitler and Stalin… no matter how invincible it looks the pathocracy WILL fail.

Psychopathology is a form of psychosis. That means an innate inability to live a normal life. That means even if all the success in the world could be handed to the pathocracy on a silver platter because of its destructive nature it will still be doomed to fail. What about the chaos it will create along the way?

The Solution – How to deal with it

As with all psychopaths the pathocracy will never learn nor see the ‘error of its ways.’ It is hell-bent on power and control. It doesn’t want we-the-people growing because it has the understanding that if we were allowed to grow then they the ruling elite would lose their power through the inability to control us.

Life shows up as a consequence of where we are consciously at. Conscious is dynamic and always changing. So, in turn, circumstances will always change, reflecting that changing consciousness:

 When you spread the word about what’s going on in the world expose the truth about these oppressive psychopathic rulers; what they’re up to with their plans to enslave humanity and do your ‘inner work,’ be it through meditation, thought, prayer or the ‘laws of attraction…’ then you are contributing to producing the necessary changes in consciousness needed to raise the awareness of the human race and overall make manifest an outcome far different to the doom and gloom that’s planned  by the pathocracy.

-People power does exist.

It exists in us ALL. 


Source: New Paradigm


Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny: Jeanette Finicum Responds to Oregon State and FBI Investigative Report

Re-posted to share, with many thanks, from Our Greater Destiny (links below). Please visit there for updates and many wonderful and empowering posts on an ongoing basis. I wanted to include Doreen’s message below this press release as well, it is a call to all of us to work on empowering positive change “through intention and focused attention, amplified through unity.”

Many do not realize that in the US today, many are facing Political Persecution for their views, words, and actions of dissent, claiming Constitutional rights, exposing corruption, and speaking out against injustice. Individuals/activists covertly targeted in their own neighborhoods with EMF neuroweaponry in undisclosed DoD/DOJ/Intel programs are being turned into open-air and at-home prisoners in electronic concentration camps. Citizens identifying themselves as patriots fighting land-grabs and exposing corruption in the West are shot, arrested, consigned to the extreme punishment of solitary confinement, as Jeannette Finicum notes. The prisons hold others who spoke out for their Second Amendment right to bear arms, such as Francis Schaeffer Cox, or of their intent to expose corporate corruption, such as Thomas David, House of Deegan. There are many other injustices. Thousands of youth have been incarcerated for minor “crimes” such as being in the possession of a few ounces of marijuana. Whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning are subjected to extreme punishment and incarceration instead of being rewarded for their courage and integrity. Meanwhile, billions are poured into Military and Surveillance operations, and daily chem trails dispersing deadly heavy metals, toxins, and nanotechnologies rain down on us, while DARPA’s EMF and HAARP experiments try to mind-control us into passive docility and compliance with Governmental edicts with ELF transmissions. How do we turn any of this around?

Our spiritual leaders infallibly call us to stand in our own power of good, as Doreen Agostino advises. This year, 2016, is a special year, according to all astrological readings, a year of shifting energies, change, and completion. We have great spiritual power as individuals, just by virtue of our consciousness, our conscience, our willingness to spread ripples of positive, rather than negative energy into the world, just through intention and silent awareness, let us use it.



Contact: Cherilyn Bacon Eagar

for the LaVoy Finicum family

Cell: 801-592-4245

Email: Cherilyn@CherilynEagar.com

 March 8, 2016, St. George, UT. — LaVoy Finicum’s wife Jeanette Finicum released this statement at a news conference in St. George, Utah:

The news conference held earlier today in Bend, Oregon to release the report of the investigation regarding my husband’s death was to be expected. No surprises. The purpose of that announcement was for state and federal agencies to continue to lay the foundation of their legal case.

However, they also continue to bring forward selective evidence. As in all such situations there is another side to this story. We will provide a more thorough analysis at a follow up news conference tomorrow and will be taking questions at that time. Meanwhile, we continue to maintain my husband’s innocence.

According to the news story from Portland Oregon: “Officials investigating the death of Robert [LaVoy] Finicum are ready to release results” of the fatal shooting “during a Jan. 26 traffic stop while trying to arrest the rancher and others involved in the takeover of an Oregon wildlife refuge.”

As a family, along with our lawyers, we deny this statement. This was not a traffic stop. It was an ambush with a roadblock placed on a blind curve along a lonely stretch of highway. I am told that in law enforcement and prosecuting circles this is called a “Deadman’s blockade,” and is designed to allow a “kill stop” which is illegal.

The news story continues: “The FBI said Finicum was shot after reaching for a gun…”. We reject that statement. The FBI’s aerial video was of poor quality, edited and provided no audio. Our family asserts that he was shot with both hands up, he was not reaching for anything at the time of the first shot. He was walking with his hands in the air, a symbol of surrender. When he reached down to his left hip he was reacting to the pain of having been shot.

I can hardly believe that a team of qualified law officers could look at the facts in this case and say that no criminal laws were violated.

How could they have reached this decision in the face of evidence that clearly shows intent to kill my husband?

We have talked with an independent investigator who has stated that the “video proves a set up assassination.”

Many people, including my lawyers, have tried to prepare me for this—-“be strong”, “accept this with peace” —–but I don’t think anything could prepare me to accept what is so clearly a finding that challenges the Constitution that my husband died defending.

I know that under the Constitution the men who shot my husband to death, while he was surrendering, are entitled to due process of law—-but they are not entitled to walk free and not have to face the same legal process that is a barrier to you or to me.

They shot my husband, they left him lying in the snowbank—no medical assistance, no charges, no arraignment, no preliminary hearing, no indictment, and no trial by a jury, — and should they just walk free? It just is not right.

The consolation I have is that hundreds of thousands of Americans have seen and know the truth and believe as I do that my husband was murdered “intentionally, deliberately and with malice.”

My lawyer has assured me that we will seek justice in a different court, under different circumstances—and I look forward to the day when these men do face a jury that is unbiased enough to return a fair verdict.

After the Finicum funeral, rallies spontaneously began to organize in many states. The organizers counted, possibly as many as 300 rallies took place throughout the country, in every state but Rhode Island.

It has been asked how this movement got such momentum so quickly. When Americans heard the details of this story and how these American patriots who have no criminal record and who have stood on the same interpretation of the US Constitution as Justice Scalia have been treated, the actions of law enforcement and the FBI have “shock [ed] the conscience.” Our Supreme Court has set as the standard guideline for practices of law enforcement that are unacceptable to our society, as those that “shock the conscience”.

A Deadman’s blockade with the intent to kill “shocks the conscience.” Shooting to kill with both hand up “shocks the conscience.”

Violating the 8th Amendment – cruel and unusual punishment – by placing Americans with no criminal records, who are apparently guilty of defending the US Constitution and the overreach of federal authorities, into solitary confinement and then removing their constitutional right to bear arms are two examples of how elected and appointed officials in the court system, legislative bodies and in law enforcement are violating the Constitution they swear to uphold.

The Supreme Court has referred to solitary confinement as being “violently insane.” The court has recognized that solitary confinement tortures our human brain and diminishes our God given strength to overcome obstacles.

Solitary confinement is a form of torture that often drives prisoners mad.

Last year a Supreme Court Justice wrote a concurring opinion that described the history of solitary confinement and said the practice bears a “peculiar mark of infamy” in its ability to shatter the minds and spirits of prisoners.

Who are we? We are outraged that men and women who have no criminal records and who posed no threat during the protest in Oregon are being treated as mere animals.

The American people are outraged at this inhumanity, this brutality and barbarism by the courts and law enforcement. It has created a new American awakening from both the Left and the Right. It “shocks our conscience.” And that is why around 300 rallies spontaneously organized in support of my husband’s assassination and these patriots who are being held as political prisoners.

Again, my lawyer has assured me that we will seek justice in a different court, under different circumstances—

We will be commenting on the FBI’s and Deschutes County press release tomorrow after we review their findings fully.

Thank you.

Rest in peace and glory Robert LaVoy Finicum.

From Doreen
March 2016 is our opportunity to empower positive change through the Power of intention and focused attention, amplified through unity.

Please, call forth the love of family, friends, and ancestors who have gone before us to assist. And, stand in your Power to potentialize cosmic alignments, which empower the good in us to transform the not so good. Thank you! https://ourgreaterdestiny.wordpress.com/2016/03/07/mar-2016-mega-eclipses-and-equinox-astro-game-change-alert/

Doreen Ann Agostino
Non-negotiable autograph,

all rights reserved


Paul A. Philips/New Paradigm: 9 Ways to Stop Co-Operating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

Re-posted, with much gratitude to Paul A. Phillips for this brilliant and much-needed and highly insightful post, from New Paradigm Alternative News & Natural Health. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for more wisdom and natural health information.

Profound advice, particularly Number 4, which I endorse whole-heartedly: Do Not Vote in Their Elections–Whoever wins is going to be backed and manipulated and robotized by the backroom rulers anyway, just as currently, and before, and before that Presidency too. Translation: War, war, and endless war. Not to mention: Transhumanism, and Real Robotizing, all coming to a Brain near you

This article addresses the often-asked question: What can any one of us—as powerless individuals–do, to stop this train-wreck from happening?

(Answer: We’re not powerless.)

Advice for healthcare workers, police, soldiers, voters, vaccinators, military recruits, consumers of entertainment, consumers of Mainstream Media news, consumers of WiFi, consumers of Apps,  consumers of junk foods, processed foods, GMOs, consumers of anything new, below.

Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm9 Ways to stop cooperating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

-By Paul A Philips

Done sneakily, or under the illusion of democracy, in recent times more oppressive laws have been made than ever before. Between us being subjected to more and more ordinances, rules, restrictions and outright laws then demonising our dissention and opinion  should we object… It’s as if we can’t do anything right.

How long will it take for the masses to wake up to these grossly restricting laws and realize how un-free they are?  The masses’ unchallenging complacency with these laws have been made that much easier through social conditioning engineered over the years by the ruling elite.

In this charade the power-mad egomaniac manipulating controlling parasitical ruling elite impose themselves on almost everything for their ulterior motives; ownership, power, profit and political gain –and that’s it. It’s that straight forward. It’s that pathetic.

These forever increasing control mechanisms; regulations, rules, absurd mandates, threats of fines, intimidations, extreme petty police reprisals and imprisonment… are designed to sap the life-force from us while denying our true self-expression as we’re expected to bow down in acquiescence. –All designed to erode humanity into a subservient entity.

How do we break this manipulation? 

The road to achieving this involves refusing to cooperate with the ruling elite’s control system.

By refusing to cooperate we go into a different agreement which will manifest a different reality to the otherwise planned doom and gloom. So here are 9 ways to stop cooperating with the ruling elite’s control system.

1. Question everything

Remember, accepting the narrative given to you by the authorities and the general consensus of the masses without your questioning means going into agreement with a fake reality, thus having a disempowering relationship with the unreal.

Question the motives behind the mainstream media, the lawmakers, the politicians or corporations pushing their encroaching agendas. Question the education system. Question the military actions. Question yourself over the job you’re in and do you really want to do it… etc.

In other words question anyone and anything you hit upon contrary to your findings, or contrary to that which goes against your freedom.

When living life as an enquiry, challenging the official narrative, you can then act on your findings by spreading the word. Live your truth. Walk your walk and talk your talk.

2. Disengage from the imposing controlling matrix

Enough is enough. Break those imprisoning mental, physical and spiritual chains foisted on you by the ruling elite and their associates.  Don’t fall for their fear-mongering as you rebel. Fear is all part of the controlling matrix illusion. See it for what it really is.

The more you disengage the more confidence gained in your stand for non-cooperation.  

Break your agreements: If you’re unwillingly serving the ruling elite’s disempowering, destructive control system then walk away.

Healthcare workers, if you don’t like having an involvement in a system that seriously injures or kills numerous patients with medicines supported by a medical/pharmaceutical establishment that put’s profits over genuine welfare concern then walk away.      

Police, if you’re involved in policing unjust oppressive laws then walk away…

Solders, if you’ve worked out the war deception with all its illegal, immoral, indiscriminate activity then do what your heart tells you. Lay down your weapons and walk away…

-How are the ruling elite with their associates going to deal with us if we demonstrate our non-cooperation in high numbers?

3. Disengage from distraction

In our socially engineered society we have been manipulated to get caught up in distraction. Mindless entertainment, overly competitive sports… Then there are those economic, political, intellectual, religious, cultural and societal differences, race issues… etc serving as nothing more than distraction with more than their fair share of never ending dialectic conflict… -All designed to stop us seeing the big picture and rising up.

-It becomes a lot easier to disengage from the distraction when seeing the big picture. That it’s nothing more than a carefully cultivated control system…

The next 2 ways are indeed major examples of distraction. See them for what they really are. Then ‘throw down the ball,’ refuse to play these pointless, going nowhere, energy-sapping games, and move on: 


4. Don’t vote for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of these parties you’re only giving your power away to help the ruling criminals’ further advance their NWO agenda. Stop believing the Republican-Democrat or if you’re in the UK the Lib-Lab-Con sock puppet campaigning shows backed and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You).

It doesn’t matter who gets voted in. They’re all funded and backed by the ruling elite. So whoever wins the politicians who get in office will only be there to serve their lords and masters the ruling elite instead of the wishes of we-the-people.  

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don’t fully understand:   Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say a policy in your favour or to your advantage will only be a short term payoff. In the end if you vote for one of the major parties because of this then you’ll only have to suffer the far greater long-term cost for having chosen the party with their connections to the ruling elite’s agenda.

5. Stop giving your attention to corporate sponsored mainstream media news

Switch off the TV (Tel-Lie-Vision). Turn to alternative/independent media sources instead for the truth. Learn to discern the differences between disinformation and the truth as in the case of the internet. 

6. Refuse joining the military

Don’t become a sucker for the ruling elite’s war machine, secretly Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm manufactured to line the pockets and favour the directions of bankers, corporations and politicians, while serving as a planned de-population agenda…

No matter which side or viewpoint you take no one ever wins and just like choosing a major political party, nothing ever changes. Understand the related big picture and then spread the word to others so that they too will see the deception and refuse to join.

7. Refuse vaccinations

With the current push for mandatory vaccinations refusal has never been so important. They cannot deal with us if we refuse in overwhelming numbers. Vaccines are NOT safe and have been known to be ineffective. You could end up seriously ill, brain-damaged or even dead from these fraudulent big pharma money spinners to which the revenue-raking government and their paid off media are only too happy to spread the related disinformation and lies…

8. Stop buying junk food and say no to GMO

Don’t let any greed-driven corporation deceive you with their deceptive marketing. Avoid junk food with its high sugar, salt and cheap/nasty trans-fats… for disease protection. Chemical laden, processed, irradiated or GMO foods should be avoided.

Don’t buy a microwave oven. Avoid cooking with microwave or non-stick coated or aluminium utensils which in effect turns the food into junk food that could lead to health problems through toxic contaminants.

Don’t cook food using high temperatures for too long. Extreme temperatures cause the nutrition value (vitamins and enzymes in particular) to denature and greatly reduce the food value.

-Junk foods and GMO’s are all part of the ruling elite’s destructive hidden agenda

9. Stop consuming 

As a consumer, ask yourself do you really need it? For instance, do you really need to become one of the ‘Planet of the Apps’ spending endless hours wasting time on health threatening low-EMF WiFi, covert spying electronic applications..?    

Get into the habit of no longer consuming things you don’t really need.

As a consequence of 1-9

The system and its unconscious nature will break down

Our non-cooperation will no longer give the ruling elite’s control system its power.  Non-cooperation will take us up and away from getting further dragged down towards the terminal precipice…

-Non-cooperation is the key to our freedom.


Source: New Paradigm Alternative News and Natural Health

Paul Stramer: What the World Needs Now Is Peace NOT War

Re-posted with permission, and many thanks to Paul Stramer, from PaulStramer.net. Lovely, reminding post on the importance of stepping beyond reactive anger and working together in more conscious ways for peace and freedom in America, and beautiful prayer.

What the World needs now is Peace NOT War.

BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS for they shall be called the children of God.

PaulStramerby Paul Stramer

January 8, 2016

The enemies of America would love nothing better than to get patriots fighting amongst themselves, and by so so doing to divide and conquer our country and shove the whole of the history of America into the dustbin of history, by changing all of that history and making it disappear forever from the minds of all men.

Fortunately there are a few of what I can call Super Patriots, who are doing their dead level best to stop that from happening, but even those super patriots, who are under extreme pressure on a daily basis, and can barely find time to get a handful of hours of sleep in a night, can fall victim to our own human frailty. Things like ego, anger, and lack of Christian Charity. Things like impatience in touchy situations. I know this because I have had the same problem, and it took many years to learn to put those feelings aside when the pressure is on, and I still have to watch myself very carefully on occasion. We must be self-less in our journey and our battles for peace and freedom.

There is a time and place for just anger. Even Christ Himself gave us an example of that when he drove the money changers from the Temple. His anger was Just, as ours should be when confronting the evil in the world, but his Anger was also well considered and directed at the actual enemy of good.

Now I know, that sometimes truth can only be uncovered with animated discussion of the issues, and sometimes even heated discussion. But there is a fine line between that, and a selfish disregard of the other patriots we are trying to work with to save peace and freedom in America. Patience is a virtue, and it comes from the root of all virtues, HUMILITY.  Humility vanquishes pride, the root of all evil, like the truth vanquishes fraud, which when proven destroys every contract that it touches.


I know there is a warrior mindset among many of my brothers in Oathkeepers. I am not trying to say that the warrior mindset doesn’t have it’s place. I am saying that the ultimate purpose of the warrior mindset is to BRING PEACE.  It’s only when we are being threatened with the loss of that peace, that the warrior mindset needs to kick in. And many veterans have had trouble knowing when to turn that warrior mindset on or off. That is a problem I hope I never have to face, but will if the circumstances are clearly calling for it.

The peace I am talking  about is the peace that only God Himself can give us in the midst of all this chaos. Chaos is from Satan. Peace is from God.  

Now I am going to make a controversial statement.   Our enemies want peace also.

Our enemies want a different kind of peace. They want a peace where they can enjoy all the ill gotten goods, power, and money they have stolen from us, WITHOUT ANY OPPOSITION WHATSOEVER!

And they are willing to bring the whole world into chaos, war, wanton murder, pillage and piracy, rape and every evil to obtain their brand of peace.  Even when they achieve their brand of peace they won’t be happy, because they won’t have real peace at all, and because they will face horrendous consequences in the next life for everything they did to obtain their brand of peace, AND THEY KNOW IT.  This is what makes them lose control and do every evil they can do to us.
This is the same vivid contrast between the followers of Jesus Christ, who were peaceful, yet had their swords readily available, and the Sanhedrin and Romans who were ready to break the peace at the drop of a hat.  An example is like when Saint Peter cut the ear off of Malchus, the servant of the high priest. And what did Christ say?  Put your sword up. Could I not call for a legion of angels…..etc. So fellow patriots, all who want America to be in peace and freedom for our children, PLEASE PRAY WITH ME EVERY DAY. Pray for the Peace of the Lord.

Give Peace, O Lord, to them that patiently wait for Thee, that Thy prophets may be found faithful: hear the prayers of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel. Alleluia. I will rejoice at the things that were said to me: We shall go into the house of the Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. O God, from Whom are holy desires, right counsels, and just works, give to
Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts being devoted to the keeping of Thy commandments, and the fear of enemies removed, our times, by Thy protection, may be peaceful.

We ask this Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who livest and reignest with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, World without end. Amen. O God, Who sufferest not the nations that believe in Thee to be shaken by any fear, deign, we beseech Thee, to receive the prayers and sacrifices of the people consecrated to Thee, that peace, the gift of Thy loving-kindness, may render Christian countries safe from every enemy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who livest and reignest with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, World without end. Amen.

O God, the author and lover of peace, Whom to know is to live, and to serve is to reign, protect Thy suppliants from  all assaults, that we who trust in Thy defence, may fear no armed hostility.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who livest and reignest with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, World without end. Amen. And finally for all our Patriots friends in Oathkeepers, and all our other patriot friends throughout the world who would like peace and freedom for their countries also, let us pray for the Holy Spirit to give us the light we need to make peace reign, and guide our thinking and our actions according to His Divine Will.

“Come Holy Ghost, into the hearts of thy faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created, and Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

O God, who didst instruct the hearts of Thy faithful people, by the light of Thy Holy Spirit, Grant us by the gift of the same Spirit that we might be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”
Source: PaulStramer.net

Will Harader/Galactic Free Press: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

Re-posted from The Culture of Awareness, with many thanks to Wes Annac for posting. Originally posted at Galactic Free Press.

Excerpts:”One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Will Harader: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

By Will Harader, The Galactic Free Press, August 8, 2015

The astral realm may seem like some vague, faraway place, but it’s actually far closer than you think. In fact, the majority of people spend most of their waking hours living halfway within the astral plane without even realizing it.

Your mind isn’t separate from all the other minds in the world, and your mind is itself part of the astral plane. All minds exist in a subset of the astral called the mental realm. When you focus upon the “past”, your consciousness shifts to a part of the astral realm that stores memories, and there’s a collective aspect of this called the Akashic Records. When you focus upon the “future”, you project yourself onto the astral and you visualize your desires in your own little section of it.

There’s much talk about the Collective Consciousness, which is a very wonderful thing where everyone can work together to manifest beautiful dreams. Only problem is that it requires Consciousness, something collectively lacking at the moment. Instead, most people operate through the collective unconsciousness, a kind of nightmare where people work together to manifest what they don’t want. The collective unconsciousness is full of struggle, pain and conflict, which is reflected in the life of the individual. Nobody really suffers alone either, you carry the whole of Humanity along with you, in both suffering and in joy.

There are those who understand very well how this all works, and they willingly manipulate the collective unconsciousness for their own gain. They go by many names, and they fight to make sure Humanity stays unconscious as it means enormous wealth and power for them. Because they operate largely through the astral, the vast majority of people have no idea they’re even being influenced this way.

There’s various forms of occult magic that deal directly with the manipulation of the astral. There’s sigil magic, which deals with creating and putting energy into symbols. This may seem like something rarely practiced nowadays, but it’s actually going on all day, every day. In the business world it’s called branding, and instead of a sigil it’s called a logo. Through things like advertising, people are trained to associate the logo with positive thoughts and emotions. They start to favor certain products without even realizing why.

Every letter is a magic symbol, and you string them together to spell words. Words are abstract, astral creations that are charged not only with meaning, but certain emotions as well. One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

The idea of the collective unconsciousness is not some esoteric concept, it recently entered into pop culture, though under a different name. You probably know it as “the Matrix” a program designed to keep you working as a slave without you ever realizing what’s really going on. Of course, it’s really an astral program instead of a computer program, but there’s really not that much difference between those two things. Computers were designed to imitate the human mind.

Now the astral realm is either the bridge between the Divine and material realms, or the separation between the two. With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Individually, we can’t heal the whole collective, we can only heal ourselves. Not even Jesus or Buddha could heal the collective, what they did was pull themselves out of unconsciousness, and then offered their help to others. You can do this too, you can transcend the collective unconsciousness, become a bridge for the Divine and a brilliant Light among the collective. Each person who does this is an enormous benefit to Humanity as a whole, and they get the Joy of Divine Love for themselves as well. Not a bad deal if you ask me. The more people do this, the more the collective rises up and the unconsciousness is dispelled. And that’s only the Beginning…

The Galactic Free Press
No copyright, share/edit freely

This is our gift to you! If you enjoyed this message, please consider returning the energy by helping us spread our messages or donating. This will assist us in being able to put more energy into the Galactic Free Press!

Source: The Culture of Awareness

Steve Beckow/Golden Age of Gaia: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future

https://i0.wp.com/d1br7wc30ambms.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Tomorrowland-22.jpg?w=500Lovely and re-assuring! Re-posted (in excerpt) with thanks, from Steve Beckow’s article at Golden Age of Gaia. Please visit there for the full post. Thanks also to Wes Annac of Culture of Awareness for pointing to this post.

Posted Jan 1, 2016/Golden Age of Gaia/Steve Beckow

Happy New Year, everyone! My New Year started early when I watched Tomorrowland recently. (Yes, I know it’s been out for a while! I’m slow.) Every New Year brings us closer to the advent of Nova Earth, which I can’t help thinking Tomorrowland, with its talk of “other dimensions,” making the world work, etc., was a reflection of.

No, this is not an ad for the movie, but it is an ad for Nova Earth, our Tomorrowland.

In our world as it was, the dark cabal wanted to subject us to a nuclear World War III to have the place to themselves with the survivors acting as slaves. It’s the Sumerian Version of a New World Order.

In the world of Tomorrowland, the dark’s equivalent is bringing an end to life on this planet because people are irrevocably connected to greed, anger, predation, etc. The dark doesn’t want its brave new world infected.

By the end of the movie, George Clooney and his companions have brought about an end to the dark’s rule and begun a search for “dreamers,” people who can engineer the birth of a new Tomorrowland.

“Find the ones who haven’t given up,” Clooney instructs his new recruiters. “They’re the future.” (1)

You and I haven’t given up. We’re the dreamers.

Hope flows through a pipeline that’s clean but can’t get through one that’s blocked. That’s why we’re discussing cleansing ourselves of our vasanas and conditioning right now.

Many lightworkers have given up because it’s too long a wait, we’ve had no acceptable tangible proof that all this is happening, and other similar reasons.

Those lightworkers who are committed and/or who’ve cleaned their pipes so that hope can continue to flow, soldier on.

And they continue because there’s still gas in their tanks and that gas is hope.

That gas can be depleted by encountering continual cynicism from others, especially our family, who want to cure us of our “fantasies.”

The cynical call hope “hopium.” They ask us to “face up to reality.” They say we live in the future and not in the Now.

But our mission is to build that very future. And by and large we’re not cynical. We’re open … and hopeful.

We’ve satisfied our criteria for accepting that which doesn’t fit empirical-materialist criteria (only what we can see, hear, etc., is real).

After all, few of us have ever seen an angel or a galactic, whose messages we read on the Internet. Few of us have experienced the higher dimensions (in this lifetime). We’re all of us going on faith until things materialize.

But we’re attuned to the resonance of truth within our being. We can feel when something is true, whether or not we can see the one who spoke it or dictated it to a channel.  We’re also attuned to seeing our upsets lift in the face of truth, the truth having set us free. We draw upon these ways of being to keep our faith strong.

Pondering the truth when we see it leads us to commit to the vision that the unseen speakers set before us.

That vision is of a world that works for everyone, not like this world we’ve inhabited, engineered by the dark, which doesn’t work save for a privileged few. Not like the attitude that nothing can be done about the starvation, disease, and lack of opportunity that’s tolerated in – and even designed into – our world at present. (2)

And not like the attitude that we don’t matter and haven’t the worthiness to insist that wealth be redistributed, health care and education be available for all, and all beings have equal opportunity in a setting where barriers to advancement and satisfaction are brought down.

Who are we to talk, you ask? We are the free and sovereign citizenship of Planet Earth.  This is our planet.

Please visit Golden Age of Gaia for the whole, empowering post.

Source: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future – Golden Age of Gaia

Elva Thompson: We Are Ready to Take Part in the Evolution of Our Life Wave–the Shift of the Ages

Lovely, sweeping, informative. Re-posted in part from Elva Thompson’s blog, please visit there for the full post and for her other inspiring posts.

The Winter Solstice is approaching; a time of dark sleep and mystery… where life seems to die in the frigid waste of winter … then magically re-invents itself into the living Green of Spring.

(Excerpt from first third of article)

Quantum physics is showing that our perceived world is an illusion and when we pay attention to it; investigate it, observe it, we find it is a contrived world made of fractal geometry based on the Fibonacci spiral and the Golden Mean. Is the energy of our un-coded DNA powering the geometric matrix…the outside world of Nature? [See my article Shattering the Illusion of Reality]

The in-breath

Our forgotten and neglected self: the Earth… breathes once a year: the in-breath takes place over the four days of the Winter Solstice-Dec 19-22nd, and the out-breath at the Summer Solstice-June 19-22. The collective resonance of human awareness at the Winter Solstice[in-breath] is critical to the well being of life on Earth… for ‘inner is outer’ and the ‘state’ of our planet is a mirror image of our collective consciousness. If the Earth breathes in hate, fear and service to self, she will breathe out the ‘enhanced’ same energies at the Summer Solstice.

Consciousness is like a field…it doesn’t care what seeds[thoughts] you plant in the soil, but it will return what you sow because that is the Law.

We as a species fail to realise that the physical world is a mirror image, a reflection of our violent, divisive state of consciousness, and as our collective negativity, our predilection for violence and selfishness accumulates within the energetic matrix of our planet, it will reach critical mass, and we as a species will hurtle like a train with no brakes off the life-cliff to extinction….or end up being ‘trans-human’, more machine like, more mechanical than we already are.

Being responsible for self

The mirror operates on a personal as well as collective level, and if our lives are miserable, unfulfilling and a revel of self pity, we only have ourselves to blame. Being responsible for the state of self, is a hard one to swallow for the fragile ego of Impostor Consciousness….it looks to place the blame for its condition at another’s door…and forgets the matrix Law of Correspondence: ‘as within…so without’ and ‘as above so below’.

The overseers of the Loosh Rote: the human farm

The handlers of the Loosh farm[see my article Meet the Firm] are well versed in Natural Law…they know how things work and use it to their advantage. The more stress, suffering, fear and death they can create for their satanic masters at the time of the in-breath …the better.

The modus operandi of  control

Earth’s electromagnetic grid is covered with power points. These are energetic acupuncture meridians in the body of our planet where the electromagnetic pulse is strongest and most vibrant. Ancient sites, castles situated on leys, temples of the sun, standing stones and indigenous sacred sites mark these points of power. Satanists use these electro-magnetic power houses at the solstices; new and full moons; eclipses and transits; celestial alignments, the quarters and eighths of the year for satanic festivals of ritual, torture/terror and sacrifice of children. The poisonous frequencies created by demonic rituals flood Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum, bathing all life in an energy matrix of stress and fear.

Millions of missing children

It is a sad fact that rampant paedophilia and child sacrifice amongst the elite is so carefully hidden from the public, and if a whiff of stench does escape from the cess pool of power and privilege, a complicit media with self righteous brooms, immediately sweep the truth under the dark, airless carpet of satanic  ritualised abuse and murder. A scapegoat is normally chosen to keep the public happy; but they are usually a minor cog in the paedo wheel; or deceased as in the case of Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith- or too senile to answer charges.

The matrix of fear

The matrix of fear created by the managers of the farm makes it easier to control the minds of the masses; to create chaos through colour revolutions, false flags, staged ‘cruelty events’ etc, that are all designed with one purpose: to shock and awe, and most of all, to whet the appetite of the unthinking and gullible herd for war…. the blood rite: the energetic fundamental of our sacrificial reality.

The reset Dec 21 2012-Dec 21st 2016

We are at the end of a Grand Cosmic Year…twenty six thousand years of incarnations on this plane, and we are ready to take part in the ‘evolution of our life wave’: the Shift of Ages. But we have an adversary that is hell bent on stopping us. Through the constant release of energetic terror into the grid via war, animal misery and satanic sacrifice, the cabal keeps the world fearful and enslaved…most of humanity are broken creatures, a mirror of a cow, pig or sheep on its way to slaughter.

Stepping up the violence

During the first three years of the reset, Dec 2012-15, we have seen a dramatic increase in suffering on this plane. War and atrocities of the most hideous nature abound and we are kept up to date by the shock troops of our bought and paid for media…so we don’t miss a trick of the specially calculated fear porn that is projected at us on a daily basis. The horrors, the devil’s elite perpetrate on mankind and the planet are designed to get us down; to destroy our immune systems with stress; and hurt out hearts with outrageous cruelties. The handlers of ‘the loosh farm’ play us like a fiddle knowing just what self-serving, fearful and divisive tune to play for the furtherance of the matrix game… ‘me versus you’ and ‘us versus them’.[See my article ‘The Game of Us and Them’]

2016: the last year of the reset

The cabal and their sheepdogs are stepping up the action for 2016 the last year of the reset. They are deliberately sabotaging our evolutionary shift through their distortion of the web of life. Many of us are aware of what’s going on….desperate farmers do desperate things and the cabal have thrown down the only card they have left: the Ace of Spades. The spectre of WW3 is ravening for release; civil war rages in Africa and the Middle East…and millions of desperate people are fleeing from their homes; the engineered droughts/floods; starvation, electronic surveillance and oppression, poison in our food and water, and the destruction of the animal and plant nations goes on unabated. And all the while the herd is caught fast within the serpent’s spell…lusting for everything, and trampling one another for a cheap TV.

Afraid humanity will unite

The truth is…the satanic elite are afraid of us, afraid the human family will unite, embrace love and through frequency modulation escape the farm. They are, therefore, hell bent on keeping us apart. They are throwing everything our way at the present time that is hurtful to the soul, and have brought, and are bringing millions of people to their knees.


The collectors of the ‘loosh’ are desperate….desperate to keep us in their electro-magnetic reality game for another cycle of twenty-six thousand years. And, as long as we succumb to their fear porn; divisive rhetoric that turns brother against brother; as long as we use intellect versus heart, as long as we are ego bound, instinct and pleasure driven, we will remain in the ‘loosh farm’ for another round.

The time is upon us….we’re here at the end of a Cosmic Year, we can either shift our perspective and choose love… or go down with the boat of ‘life after life’ upon the farm.

Sacred obligation

When we understand the sacrificial, blood soaked nature of our world, and wish to evolve into a different reality frame… a calmer panorama, the Winter Solstice and all propitious dates take on a deeper meaning. Our participation in energy modulation is especially important at these times and becomes a spiritual obligation….a personal and sacred responsibility to collective human consciousness, the planet, the creatures and ourselves. We can with mental vigilance and spiritual intent mitigate the effects of the satanic energy plot against us by reclaiming our own minds…choosing to live love not hate.

https://i0.wp.com/www.heartstarbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/14305691_m.jpg?resize=164%2C164Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Choose your company wisely in the coming days, guard your thoughts, avoid conflict and, above all else, to thine own self be true. Breathe in love, joy and happiness, for every laugh and every loving word and deed, is a nail in the coffin of the beast of Separation.

Stay in love with life and let the magic of the Winter Solstice re-invent you.

Visit Elva Thompson’s blog for the full post and other related ones.