Tag Archives: speak out

Dr. Rauni Luukanen Kilde: Mind-Control, Robotization, and TransHumanist Agendas Can Be Defeated Only with Awareness

rauni kildeIn this wide-ranging conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre on various subjects including after-life experiences and extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde emphasizes how important it is for information on ongoing Military/Intelligence experiments and activities in the areas of Mind Control and Behavior Control using remote EMF weapons and technologies to be widely disseminated, and how essential it is for more of the world to wake up to what’s in process today as underlying agenda for all humanity behind the testing and operation of these technologies today on select “Targeted Individuals” in communities worldwide.

The agenda is transhumanist in nature, and the agenda is robotization of humanity, with RFID chips and brain EMFS being picked up and read remotely by satellites and drones, and thence influenced remotely, with remote Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and other remote-influencing technologies. Humans can thus be influenced to think, feel, act, behave, as State controllers behind the cyberneticists and neuroscientists and Artificial Intelligence engineers want humans to think, feel, act, and behave–this is what they want for our children. This is also the future envisioned for the remainder of humans post-depopulation scenarios already being enacted in skies above us via nanotoxin-loaded chem trails, now loaded as well in the waters we drink and use, in the food laced with GMOS and pesticides and processed with endocrine-disruptors we are being served, unlabelled, in viruses, vaccines, and other bio-weapons we are both being sprayed with and sold on, scenarios expected to remove 85% of humanity so the rest can subsist as servants of the “elite.” 

They can do anything these days, they can induce a myocardial infarction in a minute, they can induce brain damage in a minute–and people don’t know about it!…If people knew, they would all say they don’t want their son or daughter to be robotized, that is not what they envision for humanity–but people don’t know. The only way we can get out of this is through goodness, through connecting with the goodness of the Universe through the goodness of our own hearts and to ask for help, for assistance, but we cannot do that if people don’t know about these weapons. Awareness, Awareness, Awareness! We need people to know about these technologies, about what is going on.

There is much that is reassuring as well in this interview, and the repeated message that as life-forms we are all pure energy presently inhabiting a material body and world, that there is no death, that we are not alone in the universe, that God is love. Posted today at Alfred Lambremont Webre’s website newsinsideout.com, where he presents a message to the International Day Against Mind Control Conference in Europe in honor of Dr. Rauni Kilde.

Paul A. Philips/New Paradigm: 9 Ways to Stop Co-Operating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

Re-posted, with much gratitude to Paul A. Phillips for this brilliant and much-needed and highly insightful post, from New Paradigm Alternative News & Natural Health. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for more wisdom and natural health information.

Profound advice, particularly Number 4, which I endorse whole-heartedly: Do Not Vote in Their Elections–Whoever wins is going to be backed and manipulated and robotized by the backroom rulers anyway, just as currently, and before, and before that Presidency too. Translation: War, war, and endless war. Not to mention: Transhumanism, and Real Robotizing, all coming to a Brain near you

This article addresses the often-asked question: What can any one of us—as powerless individuals–do, to stop this train-wreck from happening?

(Answer: We’re not powerless.)

Advice for healthcare workers, police, soldiers, voters, vaccinators, military recruits, consumers of entertainment, consumers of Mainstream Media news, consumers of WiFi, consumers of Apps,  consumers of junk foods, processed foods, GMOs, consumers of anything new, below.

Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm9 Ways to stop cooperating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

-By Paul A Philips

Done sneakily, or under the illusion of democracy, in recent times more oppressive laws have been made than ever before. Between us being subjected to more and more ordinances, rules, restrictions and outright laws then demonising our dissention and opinion  should we object… It’s as if we can’t do anything right.

How long will it take for the masses to wake up to these grossly restricting laws and realize how un-free they are?  The masses’ unchallenging complacency with these laws have been made that much easier through social conditioning engineered over the years by the ruling elite.

In this charade the power-mad egomaniac manipulating controlling parasitical ruling elite impose themselves on almost everything for their ulterior motives; ownership, power, profit and political gain –and that’s it. It’s that straight forward. It’s that pathetic.

These forever increasing control mechanisms; regulations, rules, absurd mandates, threats of fines, intimidations, extreme petty police reprisals and imprisonment… are designed to sap the life-force from us while denying our true self-expression as we’re expected to bow down in acquiescence. –All designed to erode humanity into a subservient entity.

How do we break this manipulation? 

The road to achieving this involves refusing to cooperate with the ruling elite’s control system.

By refusing to cooperate we go into a different agreement which will manifest a different reality to the otherwise planned doom and gloom. So here are 9 ways to stop cooperating with the ruling elite’s control system.

1. Question everything

Remember, accepting the narrative given to you by the authorities and the general consensus of the masses without your questioning means going into agreement with a fake reality, thus having a disempowering relationship with the unreal.

Question the motives behind the mainstream media, the lawmakers, the politicians or corporations pushing their encroaching agendas. Question the education system. Question the military actions. Question yourself over the job you’re in and do you really want to do it… etc.

In other words question anyone and anything you hit upon contrary to your findings, or contrary to that which goes against your freedom.

When living life as an enquiry, challenging the official narrative, you can then act on your findings by spreading the word. Live your truth. Walk your walk and talk your talk.

2. Disengage from the imposing controlling matrix

Enough is enough. Break those imprisoning mental, physical and spiritual chains foisted on you by the ruling elite and their associates.  Don’t fall for their fear-mongering as you rebel. Fear is all part of the controlling matrix illusion. See it for what it really is.

The more you disengage the more confidence gained in your stand for non-cooperation.  

Break your agreements: If you’re unwillingly serving the ruling elite’s disempowering, destructive control system then walk away.

Healthcare workers, if you don’t like having an involvement in a system that seriously injures or kills numerous patients with medicines supported by a medical/pharmaceutical establishment that put’s profits over genuine welfare concern then walk away.      

Police, if you’re involved in policing unjust oppressive laws then walk away…

Solders, if you’ve worked out the war deception with all its illegal, immoral, indiscriminate activity then do what your heart tells you. Lay down your weapons and walk away…

-How are the ruling elite with their associates going to deal with us if we demonstrate our non-cooperation in high numbers?

3. Disengage from distraction

In our socially engineered society we have been manipulated to get caught up in distraction. Mindless entertainment, overly competitive sports… Then there are those economic, political, intellectual, religious, cultural and societal differences, race issues… etc serving as nothing more than distraction with more than their fair share of never ending dialectic conflict… -All designed to stop us seeing the big picture and rising up.

-It becomes a lot easier to disengage from the distraction when seeing the big picture. That it’s nothing more than a carefully cultivated control system…

The next 2 ways are indeed major examples of distraction. See them for what they really are. Then ‘throw down the ball,’ refuse to play these pointless, going nowhere, energy-sapping games, and move on: 


4. Don’t vote for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of these parties you’re only giving your power away to help the ruling criminals’ further advance their NWO agenda. Stop believing the Republican-Democrat or if you’re in the UK the Lib-Lab-Con sock puppet campaigning shows backed and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You).

It doesn’t matter who gets voted in. They’re all funded and backed by the ruling elite. So whoever wins the politicians who get in office will only be there to serve their lords and masters the ruling elite instead of the wishes of we-the-people.  

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don’t fully understand:   Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say a policy in your favour or to your advantage will only be a short term payoff. In the end if you vote for one of the major parties because of this then you’ll only have to suffer the far greater long-term cost for having chosen the party with their connections to the ruling elite’s agenda.

5. Stop giving your attention to corporate sponsored mainstream media news

Switch off the TV (Tel-Lie-Vision). Turn to alternative/independent media sources instead for the truth. Learn to discern the differences between disinformation and the truth as in the case of the internet. 

6. Refuse joining the military

Don’t become a sucker for the ruling elite’s war machine, secretly Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm manufactured to line the pockets and favour the directions of bankers, corporations and politicians, while serving as a planned de-population agenda…

No matter which side or viewpoint you take no one ever wins and just like choosing a major political party, nothing ever changes. Understand the related big picture and then spread the word to others so that they too will see the deception and refuse to join.

7. Refuse vaccinations

With the current push for mandatory vaccinations refusal has never been so important. They cannot deal with us if we refuse in overwhelming numbers. Vaccines are NOT safe and have been known to be ineffective. You could end up seriously ill, brain-damaged or even dead from these fraudulent big pharma money spinners to which the revenue-raking government and their paid off media are only too happy to spread the related disinformation and lies…

8. Stop buying junk food and say no to GMO

Don’t let any greed-driven corporation deceive you with their deceptive marketing. Avoid junk food with its high sugar, salt and cheap/nasty trans-fats… for disease protection. Chemical laden, processed, irradiated or GMO foods should be avoided.

Don’t buy a microwave oven. Avoid cooking with microwave or non-stick coated or aluminium utensils which in effect turns the food into junk food that could lead to health problems through toxic contaminants.

Don’t cook food using high temperatures for too long. Extreme temperatures cause the nutrition value (vitamins and enzymes in particular) to denature and greatly reduce the food value.

-Junk foods and GMO’s are all part of the ruling elite’s destructive hidden agenda

9. Stop consuming 

As a consumer, ask yourself do you really need it? For instance, do you really need to become one of the ‘Planet of the Apps’ spending endless hours wasting time on health threatening low-EMF WiFi, covert spying electronic applications..?    

Get into the habit of no longer consuming things you don’t really need.

As a consequence of 1-9

The system and its unconscious nature will break down

Our non-cooperation will no longer give the ruling elite’s control system its power.  Non-cooperation will take us up and away from getting further dragged down towards the terminal precipice…

-Non-cooperation is the key to our freedom.


Source: New Paradigm Alternative News and Natural Health

Kris Anne Hall cites Patrick Henry: “These are the Implements of War, of Subjugation.”

Update 1/29: Ron Johnson of Stranger Than Fiction News has posted a brief Youtube video questioning the veracity of the “unedited” FBI video released (referenced below). (Thanks to Jean of C0-Creating Our Future On Planet Earth for (re-)posting this video.) He notes possible edits in frames as scenes switch and also notes time stamp anomalies. The question being asked here is whether the FBI video was faked. This detailed article on False Flags by State of the Nation reminds us of recent Executive Orders and the NDAA and other legalities self-permitting the agencies of the Federal Government & DoD to engage in Psy Ops, “Perception Management” (tenets of which involve Untruthful Statements–Fabricating the Truth, Impression Management, Multi-Channel Support, Flexibility–in adjusting deception campaigns, and other manipulations) — are our perceptions being “managed” here? Please watch these two videos yourself (FBI video link below) and judge for yourself. 

Kris Anne Hall reads from the famous 1775 Give Me Liberty or Give me Death speech of Patrick Henry, in discussing FBI actions in gunning down LaVoy Finicum, in her video podcast What I saw in the FBI Video linked below, where she notes there was no need for this shooting, that there was a clear set-up, and the deliberateness of these actions suggest that a message was being sent.

Reports from the refuge suggest there are a few of the group still there, let us pray there is no more violence and no more ambushes and standoffs and shootings, and they are kept safe, whether they stay or choose to leave.

RT interviews Patrick Henningsen, from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth.

The Complete, Unedited FBI Aerial Footage Video on the shooting of LaVoy Finicum can be found on Youtube at this link. Much can be seen, but much is obscured too, by the trees, the turning angles, and the distance. There is no audio. Much is made in current Mainstream Media coverage of his using one of his hands to reach down in his pocket, while the other remained in the air. A comment made at his family’s Facebook page for him suggests he was reaching to his chest or to the spot where he was shot by a second shooter from the side, which shooter can be seen in the video. Either way, it’s fairly clear his hands were in the air when he exited his vehicle. Mainstream media news suggests that he was reaching for a weapon, and includes FBI words to this effect, a notion disputed by eyewitnesses and others in the group who note his weapon was left at the refuge.

Rick Koerber of The Free Capitalist Project discusses eyewitness accounts, including words about the shooting from Ammon Bundy and Victoria Sharp, and the implications for America, liberty, and our dwindling freedoms: The Ambush and Murder of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum

Kris Anne Hall‘s commentary on this video, as a former prosecutor, where she notes the video poses more questions, and asks many relevant questions regarding the obvious ambush and unprovoked shooting:

Kris Anne Hall’s earlier conversation on the subject can be found in her previous podcast, where she offers her recommendations for news sites for real news (as opposed to Fox News)–two sites she recommends are Jason Stapleton’s radio/video show and Ben Swann’s Truth in Media:

Jean’s site, Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth has many posts and links. Please visit the earlier post here too for other links.

Action Items

It’s hard to know what any of us can do in this situation. But perhaps we can use our voice, to speak out, to express our feelings, to protest, much as we have in the deaths of Tamir Rice or Trayvon Martin or Freddie Gray or Sandra Bland, so many others.  Please remember we have been and are still facing a media blackout on this subject–and are being subject to media stories that run counter to what we can see and hear for ourselves from video and eyewitness accounts. 

To write expressing your views on this subject to the Harney County Sheriff David Ward or the Grant County Sheriff Grant Palmer, here are their email addresses, from their websites:

Harney County Sheriff

David M. Ward,  SheriffHarney County Sheriff
Emergency Program Director
485 N Court Avenue #6

Burns, Oregon 97720-1524
Phone: 541-573-6156
FAX: 541-573-8383

Grant County Sheriff
Glenn Palmer
205 South Humbolt Street
Canyon City, Oregon 97820
Phone: 541-575-1131
Email: General Info / Sheriff


Oregon State Police/General Information contact address: ask.ops@state.or.us

FBI Portland Oregon Field Office: 9109 NE Cascades Parkway
Portland, OR 97220
Phone: (503) 224-4181
Fax: (503) 460-8088
E-mail: portland@ic.fbi.gov

There’s also the usual Members of Congress, the White House, and local government representatives one could contact. Click here to find your representatives in Congress. Or click here to visit Contact Congress, a site where you can send a letter online on any topic to your representatives.

We are living in unjust times. Please continue to send thoughts and prayers of peace, justice, an end to all secrecy, disclosure of all hidden crimes, transparency, openness, serenity, tranquility, harmony, and soul-awakening into the world. Our consciousness can make a difference, and may be the most powerful tool we have, currently…

Spotlight on the Gardasil Vaccine–Dangers, Injuries, Facts: Some Links

Recent news reports suggest that Gardasil vaccine, which is now being regarded with deep suspicion worldwide as more news of devastating vaccine injuries comes in from various countries globally, is being offered to boys as well, rather than being taken off the market.

Dr. Mercola‘s article from 2012, Gardasil: The Worthless Way to Prevent Cancer, published at the time this was first recommended by the CDC (Oct 2011)  covers problems associated with Gardasil.

This Jan 2015 article by Arjun Walia at Collective Evolution collects and presents compelling findings, reports, and opinions by doctors on the multiple dangers associated with this vaccine: Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts Gardasil to Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time.

We still live in a society where “public health” is being managed, concepts of public health have been co-opted by industry, and health options are tainted by profiteering and moneymaking. As Kevin Galalae, activist against global depopulation schemes, has suggested too, vaccines today should be under fire worldwide for what, he says, they are really doing; the ideas that vaccines are being used to sterilize women and young girls, and that the ingredients in them are deliberate inserts designed to assault the immune system in a covert and long-ongoing scheme to globally depopulate, are explored in his articles and books and covered here earlier.

Today we know more about the hazards inherent in massive vaccination campaigns worldwide through news reports on UN tetanus vaccines in Kenya found to contain contraceptives, and polio vaccines maiming and paralyzing thousands of children in India, as well as other reports of vaccine trials gone awry, including in Chad, Africa, covered on The Daily Sheeple here. India is also where the Gates Foundation is being sued for vaccine trials of Gardasil on young tribal girls which led to deaths, illness, and injury in the field.

(The field of contraceptive vaccines is a vast subject in itself. This article on Kenya by Celeste McGovern on Green Med Info reveals how certain contraceptive vaccine researchers were actually working with ways to create auto-immunity and ended up creating auto-immune disease as well as all sorts of other problems: Vaccine Conspiracy or Racist Population Control Campaign: The Tetanus Shot.)

NVIC carries some excellent pages with facts on Gardasil, including this one on HPV and this one titled Preventing Gardasil Vaccine Injuries and Deaths.

TapNewsWire carries several articles on recent and past coverage on the dangers of Gardasil in the news, including reports from whistleblowers in the pharmaceutical industry who speak out about the lack of testing and the deep connections via funding dollars and dependency relationships between medical researchers and the pharmaceutical industry (see the post Pfizer Vice President Blows the Whistle and Tells the Truth About the Pharmaceutical Industry), including this 2013 one: Lead Gardasil Developer Clears Conscience, Admits Vaccine is Both Deadly and Useless

VaxTruth has many pages with information, including this rather eye-opening one (detailing toxic amounts of aluminium and other metals and chemicals) on vaccine ingredients–Vaccine Ingredients: A Comprehensive Guide.

Health Impact News offers many articles on Gardasil, the facts behind all vaccines, and this one by Dr. Flannery on Treating Gardasil Vaccine Injuries.

(I will revisit this page and update with more links as I can; currently being assailed by cyberwarfare trolls who seem to be holding my PC in an electromagnetic vice…which may indicate what kind of information-leaks they are seriously concerned about these days–the truth about vaccine injuries, Gardasil, and its dangers, maybe?)


Urgent: Please sign Petition Opposing Google WiFi From Space to European Commission Before 3pm Today–1/10/2016–

Re-posted from email sent to me last night. It’s late, but not too late. Please send an email, as advised below, to sign this petition, text below.


Please sign the petition to be delivered to the European Commission by 3pm Sunday January 10th. Send your name and a title (parent of two children, or see examples below) to  lkelley_45@msn.com

January 12, 2016 

To: European Commission

From: Citizens of the world opposed to space-based wireless radiation deployments on the basis of hazards posed to human health and the environment.   

We the undersigned are knowledgeable about the health and safety effects of electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation. We bring to your attention that Google Inc. has applied for an experimental license from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to implement an internet/communication wireless network of balloons called “Project Loon”, over the United States beginning on January 1, 2016.

Project Loon is already operating on an experimental basis in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, United States and other locations. Google states that it plans through Project Loon to deploy a global wireless communications network to both the developed world and the most remote parts of the Earth.

The FCC and other U.S. Government agencies have a pending application by Google to begin Project Loon “experimentation” on an expedited basis.

However, such approval has prevented the level of scrutiny, public notice and review that a proposal of this size and scope warrants.

This expedited process may have subverted critical analyses required to ensure that environmental protection and aviation safety standards are met.    We know that millions of people in the developed world have already become functionally disabled, due to the electromagnetically polluted environments produced by terrestrially based wireless communication infrastructures.

Many persons have been forced to flee their homes and jobs, experiencing great difficulties finding a safe and sustainable place to live. Some have sought refuge in remote areas where wireless internet is spotty or nonexistent. With the deployment of Project Loon and other space-based wireless communications projects proposed or underway, and the Project’s widespread deployment of microwave radiation, such persons will have no place to go.  

In May 2015, a large group of international scientists, each of whom had published peer-reviewed research on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from extremely low frequencies through microwave radiation, appealed to the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the U.N. Environmental Programme to institute precautionary measures and to revise international EMF exposure guidelines that are obsolete and inadequate.

Presently, 218 scientists in 40 nations have signed The International EMF Scientist Appeal, which states: “Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”   

The Brussels International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, released in 2015, builds on several prior resolutions calling for greater protection to prevent what may become “a major public health concern in years to come worldwide, i.e. in all the countries implementing unrestricted use of electromagnetic field-based wireless technologies…”   

Given the compelling scientific evidence demonstrating harm from the proliferation of terrestrial wireless communication infrastructure and devices; and given the emerging human rights, public health and environmental crises there from, we find the deployment of space-based wireless communications hazardous on the largest scale, and hereby call attention to the biological plausibility that such deployments will increase rates of global species decline and extinction.   

We therefore urge the European Commission to heed our warning, and, recalling Resolution N°1815 of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, adopted May 27, 2011, The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment, to enact and promote precautionary measures that productively address this urgent matter. We specifically urge the EC to advise EU member states to defer proposed business agreements to participate in space-based wireless communication deployments.     

Signed, Elizabeth Kelley, Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, USA Arthur Firstenberg, President, Cellular Phone Task Force, USA Barbara Payne, Regional Representative, Citizens For Safe Technology, Canada Oram Miller, BBEC. EMRS, Create Healthy Homes, USA

Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny/Judge Anna von Reitz: The Hunters Are About To Become The Hunted

Re-posted with many thanks, from Our Greater Destiny. Original post from Judge Anna at Paulstramer.net.

A Reply to Stewart Rhode’s Recommended Honorable Exit Strategy For Ammon Bundy From Judge Anna

You can see Stewart Rhodes recommended exit strategy at this link:


By Anna Von Reitz   January 7th 2016


This is certainly a principled argument that speaks well of Stewart Rhodes and his approach to self-government at the local level.

In our system of things, the true power stays with the individual who delegates to the county who delegates to the state who delegates to the federal government.

Not the other way around.

It is true that the local people have got to have the cajones to take a stand and until they do, you can lead a horse to water, but can’t make him drink.

You can prove that their property rights are being violated by thugs—-commercial mercenaries acting under color of law—-and you can offer to stand with them, but until they find the courage and conviction to free themselves, nobody else can do that for them. All that is perfectly true.

However, there is a bone to pick with the Oathkeepers as an organization and with Stewart Rhodes; I have already picked it once and I shall pick it again.   It does not remain for any one small group of people to determine whether our Constitution and our Law of the Land is respected or not.

That kind of thinking leads to “sanctuary cities” and armed bands of thugs holding mountain passes and robbing travelers while claiming that is okay because that is the “law” of Harney County.

Counties do not have the power to declare their own laws about everything.  One of the things they do not have power to self-declare is to declare our national Organic Laws void in Harney County just because the people are too ignorant or too scared to stand up for them.

And anyone who is an Oathkeeper, including the leader of the Oathkeepers, should know that.

We are absolutely required to uphold our Organic Laws or our nation will be fractured like a crystal vase on a tile floor, cut up piecemeal and carted away. Divide and conquer and ignorance and wrong-thinking will set in and Americans will be reduced to arguing among themselves as we have argued for too many years already.

While we are wondering whether we have the right to assert jurisdiction over the land in Harney County when it is violated by federal agencies, those agencies given an inch will take ten miles, and take our seeming complacency as license to take more.  When it comes to the Federales overreaching on any parcel of land anywhere in America,, it is a matter impacting all Americans from Florida to—- dare I say it?  —-Alaska.

The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution for the united States of America are Organic Laws of the entire nation.  We are all required to uphold them at all times and everywhere.  That includes Harney County.  When the “federal agencies” overreach themselves, it is our right AND our responsibility to oppose them in no uncertain terms.  If the people of Harney County fail that sacred duty, the rest of us must not.

I never advocate bloodshed and I would not advocate that any of these brave men on either side of the firing line sacrifice their lives over a “misunderstanding”.

The fact is that the “Federal Government” —including its for-hire corporate subcontractor agencies— has no right to claim any land within the borders of the organic states and never has had.  The fact that we have allowed this to go on in the western states for over a hundred years is a national scandal of mismanagement, misrepresentation, and malfeasance.  The resolution of the political status of these states and the formal release of their property is long, long overdue.

The Federales have mistaken our long-suffering of the matter as acquiescence. We allowed the Federales to arbitrarily declare “National Parks” because we thought it was good to set aside glorious places for future generations— and it is; unfortunately, there is absolutely no lawful basis for it.  We allowed the Federales to build massive Hydropower projects like the Hoover Dam, because we agreed that we needed electrical power; unfortunately, there is precious little excuse for that, either.

These and other acts have served over time to blur the hard line between where “Federal” duties and prerogatives begin and end, and have allowed a constant, slow, but increasingly terrifying usurpation of common sense and an equally profound overreach of government at all levels against the  private and public property rights of the people all across the nation.

It has gotten to the point where the Federales “assume” that they have rights that they don’t have, that they have property interests that don’t belong to them, and that they don’t have to obey the Public Law or the Organic Law, either.  We’ve let them get away with it so long that three generations have grown up, lived and died, since they were reminded forcefully of who they are and who we are.

Well, folks, it is time.

The good people of Harney County are sitting on a gold mine that has absolutely nothing to do with migratory bird habitat.  They are sitting on a vast fortune of minerals and water that the Federales want.  So they are moving in like the thugs they have become with a veritable army of hired commercial mercenaries masquerading as “FBI” agents long after the FBI has ceased to be a lawful unit of our government— but still “trading” upon our images of J.Edgar Hoover nonetheless—- and they are bullying and proposing to steal land from innocent people and to jail them when they resist.

Let it be noted that the “crime” the Hammonds are accused of— setting a backfire that damaged some property— is routinely excused when any “agency” of the government does the same thing.  Now, doesn’t it seem a little bit crazy that the owners of the land are charged with a “crime” and jailed when their hired help does the same thing and skates away scot clean?

Wake up, Stewart Rhodes!  Wake up Harney County!  Daylight in the swamps!

We’ve notified the House Oversight Subcommittee— the derelicts responsible for holding purse-strings over out of control “federal agencies”— that they are liable for a commercial obligation lien of 200 billion ounces of fine silver per American killed by any “federal personnel” and we have the means at our disposal to make that lien stick like iron.  So, boys, the “odds” are not really that hard to take.  The first FBI agent that fires a shot and kills an American is going to be fried back home and not in butter.  This whole land and resource grab by the BLM is about money and the “Federal Corporation” is going to take it in the shorts if they foment any range wars in Harney County.

They will also be facing international war crimes charges to use the phrase from the Nuremburg Trials —-for “criminal aggression”.  Our Sheriffs are beginning to wake up.  It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the “law enforcement” agencies jerk awake—- and then the hunters will become the hunted, and the Bounty Hunter provisions of the vaunted 14th Amendment will spring to life.

Read it, Federales, and read it well.  These are your rules, not ours, and they are still in effect.  Just today I had a jackdaw from the passport agency lecture me about the 14th Amendment and I had to tell him that the 14th Amendment never applied to any American, ever.  And still doesn’t.  But my point here tonight to all of you who can read, is that the 14th Amendment DOES apply to all federal employees, including agency subcontractors.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
SOURCE with thanks http://www.paulstramer.net/2016/01/a-reply-to-stewart-rhodes-recommended.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+http%2Fpaulstramerfeedburnercom+%28http%3A%2F%2Fwww.paulstramer.net++++Paul+Stramer+personal+blog%29

See this article and over 100 others on Anna’s website here: http://annvonreitz.com


Source: The Hunters Are About To Become The Hunted

Thomas Deegan, West Virginia: Travesty of Justice

Please visit Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth  and Hudok.Info for updates regarding Thomas Deegan, who seems to be being held unlawfully in jail for an extraordinarily inflated bail amount of $300,000, succeeding his arrest on fraudulent charges of inciting terrorist action while he was seeking to take action against corporate fraud in government–the whole story is covered at Hudok. Info, ScannedRetina.com, Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth, Maine Republic Email Alert, and in earlier posts here.

The facts in Thomas Deegan’s case must be widely known. Given that this case is all about trying to wrest the US back from absolute, pervasive corporate fraud and tyranny which only threatens to get worse, Americans all over the United States may be interested in learning what this case is about, and what is at stake here–especially those who understand the endemic fraud in the legal and political system and can intercede on his behalf.  Like a few other outstanding Americans today, Thomas Deegan was seeking to challenge institutionalized fraud in government; but as activists often are today, his group was infiltrated, and he was charged wrongfully. 

Action Items

Please write to Archbishop Lorrie, as requested below by Holly and others, asking him to intercede and free Thomas. Although his hearing today has apparently not been held, possibly due to people writing and calling, it’s not too late to continue to write and call.

Please share this information widely.

Re-posting Information

I include here some pieces of information not covered here in earlier posts, from the sites named above, in the interests of further disseminating this information–which of course is not being covered by mainstream media–and I encourage video and audio journalists in alternate/indy media to continue to cover this ongoing story–we’re not going to end the corruption in this country by remaining silent:

The latest from Jean, at Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth–many thanks to her for her diligence in posting these updates:

Breaking: Thomas Deegan, via email 🙂 🙂 🙂


For some unexplained reason, and with Thomas’ unauthorized public defender present, the bailiff announced that there will be no hearing held on Thomas’ behalf today.  The purported attorney John Oshaway specified that Thomas was never transported to the justice center from the jail.  Did our barrage of FOIAs to these foreign agents or our barrage of letters to Archbishop Lorrey in Baltimore have something to do with this?  We are desperately attempting to find out, so hold on.


A Reader on my blog, Holly, shares an email letter she has sent to Archbishop Lorrie regarding Thomas Deegan.

Archbishop Lorrie,

You have the power to get Thomas Deegan out of jail.  Why are you not

doing it?  Will the Catholic Church want blood on their hands if Thomas

is murdered?  I would guess not!!!!!

I think at this point, it would be in the Catholic Church’s best

interest to have Mr. Deegan released from jail.  He has stated that

everyone will be forgiven, so for him there will be no “bad” deeds.

We fully understand the Pope is in control, for now anyway, and that is

soon to be stopped. Once it is stopped and the folks of American find

out what you “could have done” then it will be irreparable.

Please have Thomas Deegan released from jail tomorrow, alive and well.

Thank you,

Holly Winsman

Her commentary:

Good morning everyone,

Thomas Deegan has a hearing tomorrow @ 9;30 am.  For those of you that have not followed Thomas, he came to me on Jean’s site about 6-7 months ago.  Thomas has researched our laws, statutes, Constitution, etc. for the last 15 years.  He went back to 1666 when the city of London was burnt to a crisp and why it was burnt. In 1666 (gotta love that numerology) we were turned over to the Vatican to rule our land.

When the Pope visited the US a couple of months ago, the paperwork he signed, C’est tu de Vie (not sure about this french spelling? Translated in French it would be “This is the life.”) accounts, we have NO RULE OF LAW anymore.  It’s done, finished, gone.

I would like each one of you to please help Thomas before his hearing tomorrow morning.  Please call and email today if you would.

Because Thomas claims ecclesiastical law/ God’s Law……This man.via the Vatican/Pope…has the power to get Thomas out of jail…If you read Thomas’s cover page to the Metropolite… …It is explained there in that document…in his own words…  This seems to be the last avenue we can venture to…to get him out!!

Here is the name of the metropolite leader in the US who can stop this heinous crap that’s going on…and can have him freed…

Archbishop William Lorrie

(410) 547 – 5437


I will be flooding him today with emails and phone calls to step up to the plate and have Thomas released….He has all of the documents…and has admitted to Phil that Thomas should not be in there…If you get a chance…please contact or email this man…

Metropolitan Archdiocese

The Metropolitan Archdiocese has the authority over one and/or more Suffragan sees within an ecclesiastical district that is under a bishop’s jurisdiction. This international Orthodox Catholic (Western Rite) jurisdiction is independent and autocephalous. This website is for the purpose of presenting our organizational structure and various ministries. Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa and In Partibus Infidelium of The Spanish Orthodox Church EACS/Orthodox Catholic Church and Allied Jurisdictions.


ALSO, if you read Laura’s report for today, it’s probably not the best day for doing this?  I’ll copy and paste why:  www.oraclereport.com

Heads up!  Today, Mars moves into exact opposition with Uranus.  This dynamic has been building all week and peaks today.  When Mars and Uranus are in opposition, opposition and conflict tend to arise.  Mars is active, assertive, aggressive energy, and Uranus brings sudden changes and surprises.  Anger flies.  Accidents happen.  Everything that happens, everything that is said, and everything that comes from out of the blue is supposed to happen, and it is supposed to catalyze change.


We can navigate all of this energy  by recognizing that it wants to MOVE things and CHANGE them, so moving our bodies will be very helpful.  It is also helpful to not immediately judge anything that comes up.  It is most likely a positive thing, not a negative thing at all.  The silver lining that Uranus brings is rarely seen at the time of Uranus’ surprises.  Later, we are able to look back, like a retired sea captain watching ships entering and leaving a harbor, and see how if “x” had not happened, then “y” would not have happened.

What a birthday, huh?

So, please watch the tempers today when calling for emailing the Metropolite.

Thank you so much and please feel free to share this email.


Thomas Deegan’s Personal Appeal to the Metropolite

If Thomas is taken from us – he fears for his life because of what he knows, he isn’t going down without a fight, and without revealing who is oppressors really are. We are all going to have his loss on our hands.

 Full post here.

Excerpt from Thomas’ Appeal:

Under and by Divine A’uthority, under and out of absolute necessity. Whereas, I, Thomas David House of Deegan, personally noticed the Pope, select administrators of his and all of the Almighty Author’s Creation in the Year of my Lord two thousand thirteen and fourteen of my claiming, accepting, acknowledging and continuing of full and unfettered control of my physical body, spirit and soul, as well as managing and disposing of my daily affairs by paper mailing and Creation-wide posting at public notice 420.blogspot.com .

These same noticed entities, real men and their agents, assigns, successors and principals are all at present in permanent default and dishonor in Law, at Law and otherwise. But as Christ did, and does, I am offering full forgiveness, settlement and closure to all of the aforementioned for the required, necessary, equitable and ecclesiastical relief, remedy, forgiveness, settlement and closure so prayed for below.

I have already raised numerous points and issues with the Pope’s agents and administrators, also known as purported governmental officials, employees, agents, etcetera of any and all local, “STATE OF”, State of, national and international purported governments, all to complete silence and the furthering of their self-confessed crimes and egregious violation of the Almighty Author’s Laws. All public filings by Thomas David House of Deegan are restated in their entirety, and incorporated therein, as is set forth in full.

All attached documents are restated in their entirety, and incorporated herein, as is set forth in full. Therefore, I, Thomas David House of Deegan, Administrator, General Executor, General Custodian, Heir of the Almighty Author of All, Equal Beneficiary of the Creation, do by These Presents, under full liability and complete transparency, pray for relief, remedy, settlement, closure and forgiveness so set forth below;

I, Thomas David House of Deegan, come to this metropolite, an agent for the Pope, the purported Global Estate trustee, who has claimed and utilized that capacity and status knowingly, willingly and intelligently by and through his own actions and statements, for the post settlement and closure of all purported accounts, escrows, contracts, agreements, “charges”, commercial dealings, etcetera, maintained and/or claimed by creatures of the mind, under the control and authority of the Roman Curia Law form, jurisdiction and venue, which created the same is liable for the harm caused to the Author’s Heirs.

 Full post here.

(This is a long post; I excerpt a bit more, including a couple more letters from there–Rd.)

Who is Metropolite:

Alicia, who is one of those working to free Thomas shares:

They are going to try very hard to eliminate him…never letting him see the light of freedom again…as he is an enormous threat to all the fictitious and fraudulent foreign operatives…and he has outed them all ….You may publish his words…as they are his…and he wishes for them to be out there…Phi has posted his handwritten one on hudok.info[also see below ~J ]

He personally feels that they are going to execute him in there…Those are his very words to his Mom Cookie…We have to do what we can to try to stop that from happening….or much will be lost….including our freedom and our very lives,,,

Because Thomas claims ecclesiastical law/ God’s Law……This man.via the Vatican/Pope…has the power to get Thomas out of jail…If you read Thomas’s  cover page to the Metropolite… …It is explained there in that document…in his own words…  This seems to be the last avenue we can venture to…to get him out!!

Here is the name of the metropolite leader in the US who can stop this heinous crap that’s going on…and can have him freed…

Archbishop William Lorrie

(410) 547 – 5437


Metropolitan Archdiocese

The Metropolitan Archdiocese has the authority over one and/or more Suffragan sees within an ecclesiastical district that is under a bishop’s jurisdiction. This international Orthodox Catholic (Western Rite) jurisdiction is independent and autocephalous. This website is for the purpose of presenting our organizational structure and various ministries.  Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa and In Partibus Infidelium of The Spanish Orthodox Church EACS/Orthodox Catholic Church and Allied Jurisdictions.

The term “in partibus infidelium” is used to indicate the “lands of the infidels” and historically has had such usage for Titular Sees (bishoprics). Bishops doing other work would be appointed to cities under occupation by the infidels. Our usage is to indicate any place where non believers in Christ are in control–even partially–and/or hostile to the message of Christianity.

Governance:  The ecclesiastic government of the Metropolitan Archdiocese is by Council of Bishops. The Council of Bishops is presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop. The Council of Bishops presently consists of +++David Leon Cooper, OMM, KTG, OCC, Metropolitan Archbishop, and two other bishops. We consider our church to be autocephalus–self-governing.

Jurisdictional Allegiance: The Metropolitan Archdiocese is ecumenical and honors all of the Eastern Orthodox patriarchs as well as the Bishop of Rome, the Pope.

Hope the links below help…We too are learning about this stuff as of late…through Thomas..

 * * * 

Phil Hudok’s two cover letters, accompanying Thomas’ plea: 

December 4, 2015

Dear Archbishop William E. Lori,

My name is Phillip Hudok.  I am a retired high school physics teacher living in Randolph County, West Virginia.  I have found myself increasingly involved in situations having political and civics implications.

Recently, I became involved with two other plaintiffs in a case at the Supreme Court of Appeals.  Two other cases that I had and by the grace of God prevailed in at this level pale in comparison to the implications of this present case. 

Suffice it to say that due to the implications of this case, one of the plaintiffs is suffering what is clearly political persecution and is lodged in the Northern Central Regional Jail in Greenwood, West Virginia under a $300,000 cash only bail.  However, upon conviction, the fine would be limited to $25,000.

The plaintiff, Thomas Deegan, has exhausted all other avenues and been unduly hindered at every turn. He is forced to take an attorney when he wishes to defend himself.  There has been no damage to person or property. There has been exposure of government improprieties.

I have been in contact with Monsignor Quirk, assistant to Bishop Brandsfield of the Wheeling-Charleston Diocese.  Monsignor Quirk has been looking into this situation.  Except for the initial contact with me, I have been unable to communicate with him and today received the message from his secretary’s answering machine that she will be out of the office until December 15th.

I am asking you to please help expedite this matter as a hearing will be held on Dec. 11th which will determine if Thomas is sentenced to prison under an alleged violation of home confinement.  May I suggest that Monsignor Quirk or someone capable in the Church have a personal meeting with Thomas. First hand communications could clear up any misunderstandings. Admittedly, Monsignor Quirk was delivered a mountain of information to provide and verify a complete picture. 

Thomas’s is offering forgiveness for past unlawful actions of the establishment against him in return for restoration of freedom which I believe Monsignor Quirk can be instrumental in brokering.

I have been blessed for the past 40 years to have a good working relationship with the Wheeling Diocese and my neighbors of the Bishop Hodges Catholic Conference Center.  I got to meet some really great people of the Diocese when I was the photographer for Father Currie’s inauguration as the President of Wheeling Jesuit University, then Wheeling College.  I and the other plaintiffs have been quite civil and justified in our case of petition for redress of grievances and breach of promise.

As a matter of conscience and conviction, I am duty bound to continue to seek Earthly justice as Jesus expects of us. 

With no apologies, but many prayers, sincerely yours,

Phil Hudok

[address info – private]

* * *

Rev. Msgr. Kevin M. Quirk,

I thank you for your help and interest in this situation. Enclosed is a two part DVD set that I produced titled Free The Churches 2014.  I was quite shocked to learn that Article 6, Section 47 of the West Virginia Constitution prohibits church incorporation. 

When I ran for U.S. Senate in 2014, I made it an important part of my campaign.  I also made it part of a joint complaint with Gene Stalnaker and Thomas David House of Deegan which we filed in the State Supreme Court of Appeals. I enclose a DVD set and a copy of the filing for you.  You will find church incorporation referenced on pages 3 and 10.

I am presently the candidate for West Virginia Governor and will increasingly stress the importance of the Rule of Law and our State Constitution. We certainly can see the wisdom of the writers in 1872.

The Constitution Party of West Virginia distributed many of these DVD sets. I personally distributed dozens and I gave one set to my neighbor, Shawn Madden, who said he would forward it to Wheeling for the diocese leaders to review.

If you haven’t seen it, I beg you to do so.  We can’t have a moral society and muzzled churches. I actually got what I perceived as terrified looks when addressing the subject with some pastors.  The Bible says fear is not of the Lord, even if it originates from the IRS.

I’ve only known Thomas for about a year, but find him to be honorable, courageous, and quite intelligent. Combining all three attributes, I can’t say I know of anyone who surpasses him. Please understand that what made him take that path he’s on was initially using marijuana in a desperate move which successfully replaced over a dozen prescriptions following a severe auto accident. The accident didn’t kill him, but pharmaceuticals appeared to be an alternative method.

It is amazing how intersections in life’s path sets new courses. The question for many is for what purpose and who’s in control. For Thomas, Gene, and I, it is HIS purpose and will.

With no apologies but many prayers,

Phil Hudok

A letter to Judge Andrew Napolitano concerning Thomas Deegan

Alicia also asks that we all take the time to watch this video by Judge Napolitano:

Published November 19, 2014

Phil Hudok says:

This is what Thomas’s, Gene’s and my actions were all about.  The good judge has the guts to tell it like it is.

And now, Thomas sits in jail when “they” have broken the law in every way possible, such as obstruction of justice.

There will be a kangaroo hearing on Dec. 11th.  It is scheduled for 9:30 A.M. in Wood County Circuit Court.  A handful people will come in support of Thomas. The judge can make a ruling using “reasonable cause in belief” that Thomas violated home confinement.

Will Thomas be sentenced to a maximum 5 years in prison?  There will be no jury, just the corporation and their fictional lackeys to eliminate a true patriot, a thorn in the side of the criminal establishment.

The big club can then praise themselves in having cleansed the land of a malcontent so that the compliant can live happily with their perceived freedoms of the American dream.



 *  *  *

Alicia has now written to the good Judge:  

December 5, 2015
Judge Andrew Napolitano
[Address info private]

Dear Sir…

My name is Alicia, House of Lutz-Rolow .

I am a former American Airlines Flight Attendant Crew Member with 35 plus years of seniority, who, on November of 2006, “voluntarily” walked off of what would be my last work flight.

At that time, I was unfortunately forced to become a Whistleblower against my own company, due to, but not limited to, the company’s corporate upper and lower management’s decisions, to conduct daily business with immense “efficiency cost’s corruption” and “industrial organization of corruption”, bottom line speaking; the company’s complete disregard for flight safety, and the ongoing “corporate monetary incentive”; otherwise known as “human bean counting”

I have since joined the ranks of, and have proudly become one of, the hundreds / thousands of most honorable American Patriots in our Nation, who are today fighting fiercely for our Republic’s Sovereignty, the return of our Nation’s Rule of Law, and our God given inherent rights and freedoms He bestowed upon us at birth.

My fight is against the foreign owned, operated and controlled UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which I am quite sure you know is a Private Company, fraudulently and unlawfully purporting to be the lawful government of, by, and for the People inhabiting The United States of America.

Sir, from all that I have read about you and have heard you personally address in your own words, regarding our Nation’s current state of extreme distress and desperate dire straits; I am trustful enough of you to believe that you are indeed one of us, We the People, and therefore, I now come to you for some much needed advice and possible help in an urgent matter.

My Dear Friend, Thomas David, House of Deegan, an American Patriot, extremely knowledgeable and versed in natural law, has been unlawfully incarcerated in a military venue and is not being afforded true “assistance of counsel.” He is being persecuted by a military tribunal system.

All attempts for remedy have been performed at the county, state, federal, provost marshal, coast guard commandant, and finally the metropolite venues, and as of late, no remedy has been obtained.

The entire STATE OF THE WEST VIRGINIA CORPORATION has been fraudulently purporting to be the lawful government of We the People of West Virginia.  This corruption has been brought to the forefront, via an unanswered complaint, filed in the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals by Thomas David, House of Deegan, Phil Hudok and Gene Stalnaker.   That very action the above named men have taken has now placed that entire STATE, in total default and dishonor.  Hudok.info 

I would really appreciate it if I could present a couple of questions to you Sir, seeking your valuable advice;  hence, my first question:

(1)Do you happen to know of someone who is knowledgeable and versed in Natural Law who would be able to provide assistance of counsel for my friend Thomas?

(2)Do you happen to know of any possible way to obtain remedy in the matter of West Virginia being in total default and dishonor?

Unfortunately, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA aka State of West Virginia et al, continues to operate under a for “profit corporation” status purporting to be lawful government under military enforcement rule. Please Sir, I would be most grateful to you if you would please accept my mailing to you of pertinent documents, regarding Thomas David, House of Deegan and the West Virginia case for your review, and point me in the direction of an assistance of counsel you yourself would be ready to use for your own personal defense. I will wait to hear from you and may God Bless your efforts in the fight for freedom and the Republic that I love so very much.    

In Solidarity & In Freedom

Alicia, House of Lutz-Rolow
[address info  – private]    

American Patriot/Guardian of the Republic…

My Life, My Fortune, My Sacred Honor

So Help Me God

Links to other relevant posts on this subject can be found in the Updates listed here.

One other piece of information, of note, from ScannedRetina.com, from the post:

West Virginia Impostors perpetrate an act of piracy: Thomas Deegan – Brutally Attacked and Captured!


Postscript from Phil Hudok to a post on Nov 25:

 P.S. There will be a hearing on 12/11 at 9:30 A.M. in Parkersburg Circuit Court.  Thomas is now facing 1-5 in prison for violating his home confinement.  Seems his ankle bracelet came off when they pile drove him to the floor, dislocating his shoulder which required immediate hospitalization.  Keep in mind that had a judge put him on the docket for release from home confinement which was due him the end of July, bogus violation could not even have occurred.  Welcome to the USS of A, home of the slaves and land of the pussies.


Now is the time to speak out. Please send a letter on Thomas’ behalf as others have done. If we do not speak out to resist endless tyranny today, we’re not going to have any tomorrows left as tyranny marches on as it likes to do, day after day, through the open gates of our silence.

Mandatory Vaccines: In Countries under Geneva Accords, You Can Still Claim Vaccine Exemptions By Right to Informed Consent

Dr. Rima Laibow, in a recent podcast with investigative journalists Spiro and Erin Elizabeth of HealthNutNews (video below) reports that for all 120 countries who are signatory to the Geneva conventions, including the USA, people can lawfully assert their Informed-Consent right to a vaccine exemption, and in this way stay protected from any kind of action to enforce mandatory vaccinations in these countries–for yourself or your children–even if your Government has made vaccines mandatory, such as in California or Australia.

This right, which is not being advertised by the vaccine industry, or by the Government, must be actually, distinctively, and definitively claimed by each person, in order for it to be acknowledged or go into effect.

In other words, if you do not claim your Informed-Consent right to a vaccine exemption, you can be forcibly vaccinated against your will, better judgment, or despite any misgivings. You actually have to take the responsibility yourself to speak up, state your dissent, and claim your internationally-protected exemption to vaccination. You have to know your rights, and you have to claim your rights. No health worker will do this for you, especially not one waiting with a syringe to vaccinate you or your child.

This is a highly informative conversation that ranges from Consent to vaccine injuries and consequences, the tragically very real global depopulation agenda (covered earlier here and here) which is actually designing vaccines to be injurious to health, the powerful pharmaceutical industry which is behind the rising tide of medical fascism in many countries worldwide, including the US, the fact that, despite all this cornucopia of evil we are being faced with today, We the People actually have the power to resist fascism and tyranny, and the need for more and more people to wake up to this scenario and work Now to arrest this tide.

The Nuremberg Code

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

  1. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

    The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

For the whole code, please visit this US Health and Human Services page: http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/archive/nurcode.html

For the list of countries that are signatory to the Geneva conventions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_parties_to_the_Geneva_Conventions

No doubt Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 is aiming to set up Global Mandatory Vaccines shortly, and the TPP will help with that–a move that people the world over should be working overtime to stop–but right now, the Geneva accords absolutely permit every single human being in these countries to legally refuse any mandated vaccine. 

Why should you refuse vaccines? For a plethora of reasons, according to many scientists and investigators, including the variously dangerous and dubious ingredients in them, their inefficacy–despite mainstream media hype to the contrary,vaccine ingredients such as thimerosal and mercury,  vaccine injuries which you cannot sue companies over, vaccine consequences such as allergies, autism, the disease you are attempting to vaccinate against, or death, vaccine intentions such as infertility (open push currently) or transhumanism (nano-chips are now being introduced in vaccines, according to Dr. Rima), and so on. (This entire subject to be further covered here shortly.)

Please visit this highly informative page at Dr. Rima’s site for further information, and to get a copy of her Advance Vaccine Directive Card, a card which she says is invaluable to carry on your person, or to have your child carry in her backpack, to silently state No-Consent in case of any medical emergency where your ability to speak is compromised. Dr. Rima researches, writes, and speaks widely about the dangerous ingredients in vaccines, and about the need to widely educate the public about this, as well as about people’s rights in refusing vaccines.  For updated information on vaccines, please visit her site, and watch and listen to her podcasts. There are many other informed, educated professionals in medical health today speaking out about the extreme dangers of vaccines; their work also to be profiled here shortly.   


Dr. Rima Laibow: Protect Yourself in Advance From Forced Vaccinations, Assert Your Right to Informed Consent


Katherine Frisk/Veterans Today: Private Armies, Daesh, The CIA and the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. . . Yes, it’s all about sovereignty, and Putin and many others understand this! ~J

Re-blogged, with thanks, to Jean Haines of Co-creating Our Future on Planet Earth, and Katherine Frisk, author of Jesus was a Palestinian, and columnist at Veterans Today. Thank you for this tremendously inspiring post.  (Full article at Veterans Today.)

Clear thinking and speaking on the TTP, the TTIP, and what they represent: not capitalism, not “free” markets or “free” trade, but corporate fascism, the razing of sovereignty, and the total destruction of nation-states, worldwide. 

Excerpt from toward end of article:By signing the TTIP agreements, Daesh and the CIA could sue the French government for loss of income should they attempt to put a stop to the ongoing terrorist war in Syria. Because, they are private corporations and these laws would cut into their oil profits.

President Putin asked this question during his speech at the UN:

Do you know what nation-state sovereignty is?

TPP-ISIS_OIL_20140911_isis_0I put it to you. Any country that signs either the TPP or the TTIP is not only kissing their nation-state sovereignty goodbye, but is opening the door for private, corporate armies who can sue any government should either their laws or their policies cut into their profits.

If France had signed the TTIP, the CIA and in turn Daesh and the companies and people on Putin’s list, would be able to sue them for any and all actions taken against Daesh in Syria because this would cut into their oil profits. AND, they would get away with it.

See: We are also tired of Raytheon Corporation and their love affair with ISIS and al Nusra.– Their continual supply of missiles to terrorist organizations is not an accident and the management of Raytheon needs to be held accountable and should be arrested, tried and convicted, not just in the US, but Iraq and Syria as well for “material support of terrorism.”

But, but they are getting gobs of cheap oil! And anyone who stops them or Daesh/ISIL, under the TTIP or TTP agreements can be sued for loss of profits!

I am not an American, however I am going to use poetic licence here:

My fellow Americans, have you completely, utterly and totally lost your frigging minds? This is NOT capitalism. This is CORPORATE FASCISM, a feudal system where you are the peasants on the plantation with no property rights, no legal representation and no say whatsoever in how your country is run. Your Constitution and Bill of Rights will count for nothing and not even be worth the paper it is written on!


Spin this concept out to its ultimate conclusion. Include NATO, CIA, NSA, HAARP, NASA, The Banks, Google, the Internet, Monsanto, Wall Mart, Big Pharma, with NO GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT! And they get their own private armies and law courts that are secret and closed. A one world government yes, but one in which you have no part and certainly no congressman to speak for you.

Also keep in mind that no American will own their own property, this will be owned by the Corporations; run their own farm, this will be Corporate farming with patented genetically modified seeds and breeding; own their own business, all businesses will be owned by a handful of large corporations; and health care will be decided on your age and profitability.

If you are too old and your earning capacity and usefulness is no longer viable for any reason, age just being one, they will just let you die. This will be extended to patenting human DNA and you will have to get authorization to have children. All human DNA will be owned and controlled by these corporations.

They will no doubt also include micro chip ID passes where depending on where you fit in the grid, you will only be allowed to move between certain areas and in other areas you will be denied access. An Apartheid system. Because, you are corporate property. And as such you have no rights. Detention without trial will become the norm.

Time is running out. Take action:


Kris Anne Hall & A Young Intern: Remember the Opposite of Sovereign is Slave/You Were Born With the Right to Speak


Sovereign of Elizabeth I (1583-1600)

“Sovereignty” is a word that’s being appropriated and demonized within the Security State, as Constitutional attorney, scholar, and public speaker Kris Anne Hall points out, and it is worth looking at what “Sovereign” really means.  A young intern with her organization, Elizabeth Manley, has written an intriguing letter which is posted on her website (linked below), and I highlight a small excerpt below from it, which calls on all of us to speak out against the abuses of our Government, when our Government is abusive–note, this is the voice of an 18-year-old. (Follows the note on Sovereignty.)  She calls on her own generation, but really she calls on all of us to “speak out against the evil, to stop letting our government define things for us.” Never has there been a more crucial moment in history for us to heed this insightful teenager’s advice–in the US, and in the world, as the 2015 Climate Summit approaches, we are standing on the brink of absolute totalitarianism, and this may well be the most defining moment for us All to speak out, to act, to avert this catastrophe for humanity.

Re-posted from Facebook and from Kris Anne Hall’s website (in excerpt), with thanks.


krisannehallKris Anne Hall, Facebook, Nov 5, 2015

Today’s Point To Ponder:

It is interesting the way the application of the word “sovereign” is being altered. Changing the societal definition of words is a tool used by tyrants throughout history to enslave the people.

The federal government is attempting (quite successfully) to stigmatize the understanding of “sovereignty” when it comes to individuals and at the same time try to convince us that the federal government is itself “sovereign.”

Sovereign is defined as “autonomous, independent, self-governing; Supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion.” Are we to believe that these adjectives describe the federal government? Is the federal government autonomous, independent and self-governing? Is the federal government Supreme in power or possessing supreme dominion? Of course not! Let us be reminded:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…that to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

Now consider this:
“The Power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution…are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.”

Power emanates from Rights. We did not delegate Rights to government we delegated power. Government has nothing that is not sourced from the people.

“What is true of every member of the society individually, is true of them all collectively, since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of individuals.” T. Jefferson

Government cannot exercise a power over you greater than YOU can exercise over your neighbor. Why? The source of all government power comes from the people and government cannot be greater than the individual source of its power.

“The supreme power is undoubtedly in the people, and it is a principle well established in my mind, that they reserve all powers not expressly delegated by them to those who govern; this is as true in forming a state as in forming a federal government.” Federal Farmer #16

The power of the People is one area where the Federalists and Anti-Federalists were in complete agreement. In Federalist #84, Hamilton is very clear that the fact that we have delegated power to the federal government does not in any way amount to a surrender of our Rights: “in strictness, the people surrender nothing, and as they retain every thing.” Hamilton even identifies The People as the ultimate source of control over the federal government, in Federalist #33:

“If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.”

Given these explanations, the only proper application of Sovereignty is to that of the People. We are in possession of sovereign power. We are the supreme political authority. We are the paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration. We are the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived.

Government possesses NO autonomy and no power independent on its own. All government power is derived FROM the People, at the will of the People!

So then next time you hear someone vilifying the idea of Sovereignty, remember the opposite of Sovereign is Slave. Is that who we think we are? It is who the government wants us to be.

From Elizabeth Manley, Liberty First Intern:

I have big hopes for my peers.  We are the next generation of Americans! We cannot stand by and let our nation fall. Each person will answer to God for his/her decisions and actions to guard what God has blessed us with.

 “Please stand with me, let’s encourage each other on to bigger and better things! Let’s face the world as a strong generation and let’s not pass this evil on to our children.”

Mercy Otis Warren states: “We will stand today, or our children will fall tomorrow.”

You still have inalienable rights. You were born with the right to speak. What good does it do you if you never, ever use it?! Can we speak out against the evil, stop letting our government define things for us, and instead put government back in it’s rightful place?

– See more at: http://krisannehall.com/a-plea-from-the-future-of-liberty/#sthash.jiVT6krU.dpuf



Studying Sovereignty, Birthright, & the Anglo-American Empire of One World Government: Consent of the Governed

Kris Anne Hall: Liberty is Our Inherent Possession, Not Government Gift

Strong Cities, Smart Growth, Mega Regions: Agenda 21’s Frenzied Plan for Global Policing and Stacked Housing