Tag Archives: US Military

Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, NSF, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by the Connecticut Assembly

Video Report & Links | Ramola D | Sep 11, 2022

In a historic move by We the People, coordinators and state citizen members of the Connecticut Assembly – unincorporated, on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, part of the restored Union of States reclaimed through the work of Anna von Reitz, Clinton James Belcher and their team — have sent in a Cease and Desist order to the heads of the US Military, US Airforce, United Nations, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), WHO (World Health Organization), NASA, National Science Foundation and other national and international bodies calling for an immediate halt to the chemical poisoning of our skies, water, air, and soil through the use of Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI), cloud seeding, geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and other methods.

The Chairman and Co-Coordinators of the Connecticut Assembly, Tom Nieman, Isabelle and Paska Ann broke the news on Newsbreak 157 at Ramola D Reports on September 9, 2022, sharing also the press release being sent to news organizations in Connecticut, highlighting the notice given to the Governor of Connecticut corporation headed by Edward Lamont Jr. (doing business as GOVERNOR OF CONNECTICUT, a corporation, not a title).

We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident…

Tom Nieman opened his remarks on the momentous notification of the US Military, United Nations and others with a reminder of who the Connecticut Assembly is–the now-in-session true government for Connecticut on the land and soil, unincorporated, keeping to American Public Law and abiding by the principles of America’s Founding Fathers, from the time of the Declaration of Independence which enshrines the need to form new government anytime a prevailing one proves incompetent, inept, or destructive.

A Three-Notice Private Administrative Process

Paska also explained later in the Newsbreak that the process of notification of US Government agencies when they are engaging in actions contrary to the interests of We the People is set out in the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946 and constitutes a 3-notice private administrative process (also explained here).

The Distribution List Includes the WHO, NASA, NSF, NATO, UN, US Airforce, US Commerce, All Involved in Aerosol Programs

The first notice, the Cease and Desist has now been sent to various Defense and Govt agencies including Mark Milley, the General Joint of Staff, Frank Kendall, the Secretary of the US Airforce, Gina Raimondo, the US Secretary of Commerce, and to several international offices including Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director of WHO, Jens Stoltenburg, the Secretary General of NATO. Tracking of the document reveals that several of the US addressee letters seem to be shored up in distribution centers while the UN has returned a return-receipt, indicating receipt of notice.

What is significant is that each of these agencies and offices has been found to be involved in the worldwide aerosol programs which seem to be hidden under titles such as cloud-seeding and stratospheric aerosol injections with varied published aims but essentially engaging in numerous activities related to weather modification and contamination of the air, soil, and water over American land and lives as also land worldwide and the lives of all human and animal populations, as also flora and forests worldwide.

Much research to determine the nature of these aerosol programs and the parties involved has preceded the formulation of this Notice, and has yielded extraordinary information regarding who is involved and who is well aware: It appears, from the information shared on Newsbreak 157 that the chem trails (a US Airforce term) we witness in the skies everyday in all our American states and in all or most all countries of the world–which are dropping metallic nanoparticulates into our air and soil, leading to respiratory diseases, neurological dysfunction, and diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as per much analysis and concern evinced by many outspoken physicians–come out of often longstanding, patent-affiliated, well-funded programs run by the US Military, Air Force, National Science Foundation, as also NATO and the WHO, a supposed health organization currently fixated on medical tyranny on one and all with its One Pharma God approach to “One Health.”

Source: Phys.org
A 1972 declassified document from the CIA library speaking about international weather modification: https://zerogeoengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CIA-RDP75B00514R000200060012-6-2.pdf

Governors Know What the Press Denies

And, it appears, local and state governments including Governors are well aware of these programs, while the Press continues to gaslight the populace (informing us the term “chemtrails” denotes “conspiracy theory” and suggesting that questioning the visible pollution of our skies with aircraft emissions comprises delusional thinking) while clearly propping up behind-the-scenes agendas to keep the realities of these very apparent aerosol spraying programs secret.

Manufactured Droughts led to Maryland Banning Weather Modification in 1965

The Connecticut Assembly also reports that some states such as Maryland have previously banned weather modification projects, as far back as 1965:

Compilations of well-researched information relating to aerosol programs can now be found online, some of which the Connecticut Assembly points to here: https://zerogeoengineering.com/ and https://www.thesiriusreport.com/technology/list-us-patents-related-weather-modification.

Additionally, all the Notices and Exhibits with evidence associated with this Cease and Desist are being maintained in a public folder here: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw.

Connecticut Assembly Notices: https://connecticutstatenationals.org/notices

Violations of the Public Trust, Social Contract, Public Law, Constitutions

The Cease and Desist Notice states that such aerosol spraying of American skies over Connecticut constitutes a “gross violation of the public trust as well as a flagrant breach of the social contract.”

Contaminants Definitively Found in the Water

Sharing evidence from laboratory tests of Connecticut rainwater found to contain high levels of aluminium, barium, lithium, sulfuric acid, strontium, manganese, seeking a cessation of trespass with nano scale contaminants of graphene oxide and highly concerning NBCs (nuclear, biological, chemical elements), and including patents related to radio frequency microwave irradiation programs which combine with the aerosols to alter the nature of the atmosphere and the electromagnetic load in regions, the Notice unequivocally points to the violations of public law and the 3 Constitutions these comprise.

Screenshot, Rainwater Test results, Exhibit A.1, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2019: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw
Screenshot, Exhibit A.2, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2021 2022: https://mega.nz/folder/CdBmGbpA#mG_EozpAbeqTuLw7aAwbLw
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly

Jurisdiction: Land and Soil of America Versus Sea/Maritime/Admiralty of US INC.

The Notice also addresses matters of jurisdiction and authority, and includes the Public Employers Directive published by Anna von Reitz, which describes further the obligations of extant British Territorial Government employees and Municipal Government Employees to honor the directives of Americans, their employers.

Critical to comprehend for all in this context is the base fact that America is not the United States, an important distinction Isabelle addressed early in the conversation in Newsbreak 157. The “United States” refers to US Incorporated, a contractor, while America refers to the unincorporated federation of physically defined states of the Union, the original geographical country the original Founding Fathers sought to establish.

While many in the USA and worldwide remain unaware of the work Anna von Reitz has done to bring forward once again the union of states and birthright American status all Americans hold of being free living people on the land and soil jurisdiction, the current status is that all 50 states are up and running, their state assemblies are in session, and living Americans from each state — American state nationals — are working hard to restore birthright freedoms, a subject often covered here, which you can find out more about at these links:

Restoring America

American States Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Massachusetts State Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Since you do need to take a few steps to declare and restore your political status, whether born or naturalized in the USA, please see also:

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

The Path Forward is Resolute Action

While the whole of this Newsbreak offers powerful and inspiring evidence of resolute action in standing up taken by a group of concerned Americans, the last few minutes of this podcast with each co-ordinator offering their thoughts on what needs to be done going forward is especially inspiring.

During the discussion of the Cease and Desist, one of the points Paska makes is that several global groups seem to be involved in these projects but as Americans “That is not acceptable. We are not going to take orders from an international entity.”

Isabelle notes that “this is a slavery system” and that governments have trained citizens well over the years to be compliant and accepting as “good little citizens and good little slaves and not speak up otherwise you’ll be ridiculed or labeled” but the time has come to stand up. “We know we weren’t born for being poisoned in our food and our air and to be slaves and to not live our lives to the fullest — now is our chance for humanity to stand up and do something”

Tom Nieman states: “We need to live free as an example –and that means living free regardless of what the outcome is….Society has done a really good job of scaring people, but if you can see anything, you know you need to stand now because it’s only going to get worse if you don’t–as we all have children and grandchildren, and I feel there’s nothing else left to be done--there’s nothing else to do but what we are doing.”

A very apposite quote from 1968 from Martin Luther King, which reads like it was written for this time period, and calling everyone to stand up for a cause was shared by Tom Nieman:

“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer…. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by Connecticut Assembly

Watch Newsbreak 157 at Bitchute:

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Anna von Reitz: 93 out of 99…Whose Treason Against Whom? | No to British Raj & US Military Bloodletting for a Phony Election Process While Operating in Treason Themselves

Re-post from Annavonreitz.com | Ramola D | April 11, 2022

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

93 Out of 99— Whose Treason Against Whom?

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have adequately demonstrated what happened:

1850’s— the British Territorial United States set up a corporation to act as the privately owned and operated governmental services provider. This corporate franchise was owned and operated by the British Crown as “the” United States of America, Incorporated.

1860 — Abraham Lincoln is elected “President” of this corporation in a private corporate election misrepresented as a Public Election.

1861 — Lincoln abuses the public trust and misrepresents his authority by appearing to declare war on the Southern Confederacy; there was no Declaration of War by the Federal Congress which lacked a quorum, nor any such Declaration from the Federation’s Continental Congress— making the entire American Civil War an illegal Mercenary Conflict on our shores.

1863 — Lincoln declares the Northern Confederacy — franchises of his own separate British Territorial Corporation — bankrupt.

Please note that unincorporated entities are not eligible for bankruptcy protection, so we may be sure which “United States of America” was bankrupted, both because of Lincoln’s position as “President” of that British Crown Corporation, and because the American Federation of States going by a very similar name is and always has been unincorporated and ineligible for bankruptcy protection.

At the same time, March of 1863, Lincoln entrusted the U.S. Army with the “administration” of the country and responsibility for the money and everything else established by his “Lieber Code”. He also created the authority for himself — out of thin air — to issue Executive Orders to the Military Government he had thus created.

He also claimed that this “law” –the Lieber Code — superseded all other (corporate) law, giving the false impression that he had the power to suspend the Constitutions and the Public Law supporting them. We know he never had any such authority. We know that he had to be talking about private corporate “law” and not Public Law, because he was acting as Commander-in-Chief of an incorporated entity when he made these statements.

1865 — The Mercenary Conflict ends in an Armistice; no Peace Treaty ending the conflict is ever signed, until July of 2020.

1868 — The British Scheme Team led by General Ulysses S. Grant (which is a false name, a nom de guerre, for Hiram Grant) launches another British Crown Corporation in Scotland, calling itself “The United States of America” — Incorporated.

And from there on, the only big change in the operation of this Con Game against the actual American Government and the People of our States and against our Constitutions, is the entry of the Roman Catholic Church to take part in the same fraud for a share of the takings in 1921.

So, the U.S. Military is treading on some very thin ice when it proposes to hang 93 out of 99 of the sitting United States Senators for treason related to certification of a phony election result.

Their own treason against this country and the People they are under contract to protect smells worse than a pile of fresh dog dung, and what does it matter if you certify phony election results, when the whole election process is phony to begin with?

Since when do the in-house “elections” of foreign corporations count as Public Elections? Who is zooming whom?

If “our” Military had held to the straight and narrow, none of the frauds and injustices of the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. would have ever been possible.

We, the American Public, would have been fully informed of the circumstance, and new Public Elections would have taken place soon after the Armistice in April of 1865.

Instead, what did we get? Quasi-military carpetbagger courts set up for the express purpose of collecting “war reparations” from the Municipal United States citizenry. Military “districts” being overlaid on our States of the Union. All sorts of “emergency powers” that are non-consensual and which don’t really exist, being enforced by men who weren’t worthy to wear our uniform or borrow our flag for as much as a picnic.

So, fellas, tell me — where is the justice in the pot calling the kettle black? How am I, as a Public Justice, supposed to view those members of the U.S. Military who propose hanging Municipal Officers for treason, when they have themselves been in open treason against the actual government for over 150 years?

I can only regard it as ludicrous hypocrisy drenched in blood. And abject stupidity, too.

Will you compound your crimes with more crimes, too? Or will you all take the amnesty that has been offered to you, come home, and serve the actual American Government again?

It’s not that I don’t agree that some of the members of Congress, maybe most, are guilty of gross corruption and breach of trust and a host of other crimes, and it isn’t as if I wouldn’t welcome the removal of all 93 mentioned on the Hit List, to make way for new Public Elections, but it’s time for the Queen and British Crown and the members of the U.S. Military to admit their own treason against this country and its People.

Consider, is it even possible to commit “treason” against a corporation?

No, it is not.

Ever since the Brits incorporated their service company back in the 1850’s it has been impossible for anyone to commit “treason” against them.

The only “treason” possible is treason committed against us, the actual American Government and our people—- and guess who has actually been committing treason against living people and their lawful Government?

Henry Kissinger, knighted by the Queen. George Herbert Walker Bush, knighted by the Queen. General Norman Schwartzkopf, knighted by the Queen. General Colin Powell, knighted by the Queen. And the list goes on.

These are Americans who betrayed our country and our people to the British and who treasonously acted as Officers of the Crown against us, who benefited themselves from the “American Raj”.

Crimes and injuries including genocide against trusting American civilians and against their lawful American Government — that the U.S. British Territorial Government is under contract to protect and being paid to protect— is treason.

The same “news” release that proposes to hang 93 out of 99 sitting United States Senators on gallows in back of the White House, also proposes to prosecute 222,000 or so other unknowns for various crimes.

Once the British Raj begins its blood-letting where does it stop? And when do they become circumspect enough to know that they are operating in treason themselves? When they finish murdering all their Municipal Government scapegoats, who is going to murder them for their crimes against us and the rest of humanity, too?

How much rope do they think I can store in my garage?

No, no, no, no, and no. We’re not going for another convenient civil war here. We have declared peace and marked the end of such “fun and games” on our shores, and we mean to enforce it to the full extent of the Public Law, not any private corporate “law”.

The so-called “U.S. Military” has an offer of amnesty, but in order to make use of it, they must hold all the American civilians harmless and address each criminal case one-by-one in its proper jurisdiction.

They can’t hang Municipal Officers over certifying phony results from a phony election process. The whole proceeding was moot from the start.

I will say it again, to Hats Black and Hats White, it’s time to come clean. All the way clean. You may never have such an opportunity again.


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

See Restoring America for more information.


Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 5: Fraud Since 1861 When US GOV Corporations Cropped Up

Criminal & Unethical TORTURE Ongoing in Non-Consensual US DOD/CIA Neuro Experimentation–Ramola D Reports: Report # 98: Phillip Douglas Walker AKA Omni Reports Neuro-Framing, Bio-Robotizing, Extreme Neurotech Torture

-Ramola D/Posted 12/4/2018

I am making a special report today on the situation regarding Omni or Phillip Douglas Walker. I have been in touch with Omni/Phillip for about two years I think, and was introduced to him, if I recollect correctly, by actor, filmmaker and activist Ahmad Enani, with whom I ran a few podcasts last year under the header Real Talk True Media. Ahmad is also reporting aspects of non-consensual neuro-experimentation which defy imagination and sound absolutely extraordinary to the regular reader of Science news put out by such mainstream and CIA-controlled publications as the New York Times and the Washington Post, and will, I hope, publish his own testimonial and story with me in a print interview and podcast soon. 

Omni98coverI have covered non-consensual neuro-experimentation as reported to me by various people, both here in the USA and in the UK and in France, and elsewhere.

I have listened to the testimonial of many others who are not keen to publish their names yet or who shrink from publicity.

I recently wrote about my exposure to and understanding of ongoing covert neurotechnology operations on world populations, with whistleblower and documented military evidence of DEW bio-effects on humans in my Investigative Reporter Statement for Frederic Laroche, a human rights activist in France who is reporting criminal entrapment today in relation to his own activism reporting current-day neurotech crimes.

Make no mistake, the military and Intelligence powers who are running these unethical covert sacrifice-torture operations on humans today appear to see their experimentation as precious, legitimate, and justified under the covers of “National Security” they are using as blanket cover worldwide, or are perfectly aware they are committing crimes–these neurotechnology/AI/Robotics experiments involve Trauma-Based Mind Control and nonstop physical, brain, and psychological trauma being meted out to their victims, AKA Non-Consensual Human Test Subjects, and every single victim of these Mil/Intel/Mercenary crimes reports Torture, Extreme Bodily Invasion & Privacy Invasion, Trauma, Social Isolation, and Psychological/Spiritual Attack--and are acting to cover up their crimes of Torturing Humans by seeking to frame and suppress all activists and victims via Incarceration/Criminal Entrapment or Incarceration/in Psychiatry or both. Every activist working in this area in particular reports one or both of these, and is familiar with these sorts of entrapment and psych-commit attempts being run on them.

Phillip Walker/Omni has also reported psych-commit attempts: this is the way in which the black ops agencies running these ghastly programs of major neurotech torture seek to control the public image and public profile of their victims. As long as the average Joe thinks someone is “schizophrenic” or “paranoid delusional” or “having hallucinations,” they are easily convinced that person needs to be medicated or force-medicated as the case may be and, most importantly, must needs be dismissed each time they mention anything related to the neuro-experimentation they are being subjected to non-consensually.  This is standard military and Intelligence practice; I will dig up some references and post them shortly; I have personally read about “destruction of reputation” as being a necessary factor and SOP in non-consensual experimentation in a military manual addressing military research.

My previous print interviews with Omni can be found here:

Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

Omnisense/www.sense.gallery Speaks Out: “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society Oversees the Targeting of Individuals”

This is the list he sent on in June 2017, enumerating the torture he has been subjected to:

Omnisense/Long List of Tortures/Targeting Injustices Endured

Because I have been in touch with him on Skype for so long (we text frequently), I can attest to the fact that Phillip is careful with the truth and reports what he experiences in the most truthful way possible; he is quick to correct misunderstandings or misperceptions and has in the past always sought to clarify what he is reporting such that I can understand exactly what he means and transmit what he means, rather than putting an overlay of meaning or personal interpretation over his reports that might misrepresent his reportage. 

Phillip has recently been reporting attempts to “neuro-frame” him. He, like others, has spoken extensively about bio-robotizing and neuro-invasion technologies taking over his bodily and brain functions; currently he is reporting 100% bodily control and total takeover. This kind of total takeover, via EEG cloning and BCI technology (Brain Computer Interface) has been reported by many others; please visit the videos at Ramola D Reports and the print interviews listed here at Ramola D/Reports to see reports here; also see Dr. Robert Duncan’s book Project Soulcatcher. 

This is obviously an extreme situation–and what it basically means for all of humanity is: we need to step forward and take some immediate action to stop these barbaric experiments on those reporting them. We need to pay attention to the cries of people in our midst reporting such extreme and invasive takeover. For what can there possibly be in our future if we do not? Are we prepared as a species to permit a small group of insane neuroscientists and AI scientists and supercomputing scientists/no doubt working at the behest of Luciferian bankers with world-control aims and agendas totally take over our human bodies and brains, one by one? 

Phillip Douglas Walker is currently in desperate need of media coverage, rescue, and restoration to his own authentic intrinsic human self. Please watch the podcast report below, share as widely as you can with everyone you know, and please call out for help to the very same military neuroscientists who are wreaking this unconscionable torture on him. I thank you all very much for whatever act of attention, media coverage, information dissemination, and restorative action you take, on Phillip’s behalf.

CLASSIFICATION TO CONCEAL CRIME: These experiments are most probably falsely being named or hidden under classification covers as “important for national security,”; I strongly disagree, and will be publishing further my own views regarding these massively unethical and criminal Torture operations on human beings flying undercover of classification soon. Suffice to say for now Neuro/Bio/DEWs should be banned.

Phillip has over the last few days relayed to me on Skype exactly what he means when he reports that he is in dire straits currently. I have included screen footage of our Skype text conversations with his own testimonial in this video report, Report #98, made last week, and I will link to his very important testimonial and Affidavit below:

Phillip Walker’s Affidavit/11/29/2018 (PDF): 



Dr. Millicent Black Reports Obstruction of Justice by Law Enforcement: “Sleep Deprivation is Torture”

–Ramola D/Posted 9/10/2018

Dr. Millicent Black, MMFT, a pastor in Tennessee, a Domestic Violence human rights advocate, and a whistleblower regarding High-Tech Domestic Abuse and Terrorism using covertly-implanted Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI chips) and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANS) in her post-graduate thesis, and a leading human rights advocate who worked with this writer for over a year on the Techno Crime Fighters Forum, reports that she recently sent this letter, dated September 6, 2018, reproduced below to Chief Tim Potts of the Columbia Police Department, questioning his inaction on the subject of high-tech domestic violence she has suffered for years at the hands of her named abuser (redacted below by request), and reported continuously over years to his department. 

Dr. Black’s story was covered earlier in detail at this site; she has obtained solid physical evidence of radio-frequency-emitting-and-receiving implants and WBANS covertly implanted in her body, evidence of bodily damage from these implants, evidence of these implant frequencies being related via FCC registration to US military bases and Universities in obvious non-consensual and possibly classified research programs, evidence of sleep disruption on a nightly basis from sleep studies, evidence on an ongoing basis from a Fitbit that her sleep patterns and heart rates are being disrupted several times a night, in effect waking her and depriving her of sleep.

This is an issue being reported by numerous people across America, Europe, and the world, who are also reporting being extra-judicially targeted and assaulted nonstop with microwave pulse weapons and neuro-weapons in barbaric programs of Surveillance Abuse and non-consensual military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation.  This was discussed recently on a NewsBreak podcast at Ramola D Reports, with images of Fitbits sleep graphs shown (video below):

Dr. Millicent Black states unequivocally that sleep deprivation is torture, an understanding that all humanity and all Americans will agree with, as established by all human rights laws, treaties, and conventions. While the CIA Senate Report and the testimonials of detainees at Guantanamo in recent times have brought Sleep Deprivation to light as an element of torture, it is a known element also in Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) programs run by the US Air Force and Army, which several USAF and US Army veterans testify to as torture, as also this one, who left an online message (quoted in full by Dr. Black below her mail, excerpted here):

“As you go without sleep, your psychological state deteriorates. Some of the hardest men in the world, such as Navy SEALS, have been known to break down and cry like babies at SERE school. They completely lose their grip on reality. Many times, a “time out” has to be taken to reassure the captives that they aren’t really in a third-world POW camp. Recordings of children crying, women being beaten, loud screeching, and other mindfucks are played on loop for hours and hours. If you even begin to doze, someone comes in and beats the shit out of you. Broken fingers, noses, and toes are common at SERE school. Remember, this is just training. This is NOT the real thing. Extreme methods are used to keep prisoners awake. Once a prisoner has not eaten or slept for days, he becomes very easy to break. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to gather information when a person’s basic needs are taken away….”

“Forced sleep deprivation is torture. I have personally taken enemy prisoners and have had to watch them for weeks on end. I have physically seen POW camps. I have forcefully had to disarm enemy soldiers and have had to provide care for men who just tried to kill my troops. I try not to get on my soapbox very often, but this is one of those things that I’m pretty sure I know more about than 99% of you on here. If you think I’m wrong and would like to refute this, I’d seriously love to hear it.

Everything I wrote above is just the tip of the iceberg. I wish I could put into words just how harsh sleep deprivation is.”–BigGunX,  https://www.pocketfives.com/f13/re-sleep-deprivation-form-torture-181882/

Tragically, even though it is 2018, even though Brain Chip Interfaces and Body Area Networks are known technologies in the areas of Neuroscience, Robotics, Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence, and Medicine, even though the FDA and NIH recognize RF devices, neurostimulators, and internally-introduced monitors and cameras and biosensors, at micro and nano levels, even though DARPA, USAF, and DOD have publicly started to publish news of programs of “augmentation technology” in the creation of Supersoldiers, local Law Enforcement–apparently by policy–refuses to act in the case of reported Domestic Violence enacted via covert implantation of BCIs/RFIDs.

Of course, there are connections always–and certainly as proved in the case of Dr. Millicent Black–with dark Military programs of exploitation which engage in barbaric, inhumane assault on their non-consensual test subjects (while trying to remain hidden in the face of increasing DOD/CIA whistleblower testimony behind veils of Top Secret and Classified)–much in the style of Josef Mengele, Dr. Ewen Cameron, and other Nazi and MK ULTRA Terror-Docs who thought nothing of extreme assault and takeover of human brains, psyches, and bodies– and who apparently allow themselves no ethical limits whatsoever, indeed daring to say their inhumane Torture activities constitute important National Security research for the protection of the nation.

These blatantly inhumane Military and Intelligence “research programs” –better known to those targeted and experimented-on as Torture Programs–being conducted and condoned by the US Military and Intelligence Community must indeed be brought to light, condemned and terminated–and Dr. Millicent Black’s consistent efforts to expose these War Crimes with letters to Congress, lawsuits, daily records, daily emails to Chief Potts, open testimonial on podcasts, and other efforts should be nationally recognized.

Much gratitude to Dr. Millicent Black for writing and sharing this important letter questioning the status of the local police investigation, exposing their obstruction of justice, and further informing them on sleep deprivation as Torture, sent to Chief Tim Potts, Columbia Police Department, as well as copied to Captain Troy Potts, Columbia Police Department, Christa Martin, Columbia Vice Mayor, and Tony Massey, Columbia City Manager.


Letter from Dr. Millicent Black to Chief Tim Potts, Columbia Police Department: “Sleep Deprivation is Torture”



Chief Potts,

I write to request your written response to the following questions: 1) What has been done about any of my complaints about being a victim of Domestic Violence/Violence Against Women at the hands of XXX, retired Air Force-Chief Master Sergeant? 2) Why did Lt. Joey Gideon not speak to any of the named witnesses to me being stalked and harassed by XXX? 3) Why was the investigation stopped without giving me any information on the findings, not even a phone or written response. I am aware that the victim has a right to see what evidence is collected? 4) What were the findings of the subpoena for the AT&T phone records and Yahoo of my complaints of being hacked? 5) What is the status of the investigation that you authorized in 2016? 6) Were you contacted by Special Investigator Ronald Bunno of Ft. Benning Army Base, GA in 2017 concerning this case?

I was awakened at 2:46 a.m. this morning (9-6-2018) 3:25 a.m. yesterday morning and three days since Aug. 21st I was awakened nine (9) times throughout the night by the voice of XXX, a SERE Torture trained retired Air Force veteran who has been doing this to me for well over 11 years. In addition to SERE instructions, XXX has the necessary training and access to the technology used in military communication via neural and other silent sound, i.e., Microwave Auditory Effect, MEDUSA (the SA means Silent Audio, Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radiofrequency hearing effect and Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect. XXX also received medals in ‘War on Terror’ and counterterrorism though the DD-214 record of his training that I received from the Air Force FOIA Office has now been tampered with along with some of my own medical records. The Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech and Method and Device for Implementing the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect, are specifically patented to the U.S. Secretary of the Air Force. About these two patents the reporter writes:

“Make no mistake, these devices can be and are used to literally torture. It is not just a “prank” to violate people’s minds and try to manipulate them by sending voices to them — especially when such operations are conducted over long periods, in people’s own homes, in conjunction with surveillance, and as a means for inflicting sleep deprivation.  There is a whole world of psychological experimentation and manipulation that can be “explored” on human beings as if they were gibbons in Jose Delgado’s laboratory.

For example, we know that certain intelligence groups consider humiliation techniques to be an acceptable way to treat human beings. These weapons can be used to sadistically and incessantly taunt victims in an attempt to humiliate them. The victims cannot get at the torturers and cannot escape, which only provides more fodder for the tormentors. The US *is* a culture of torture. Human rights activists and other concerned citizens need to be aware of these technologies and the new torture techniques they make possible.” (Allen Barker, PhD, University of Virginia, written November 2004)


The nightly torture using sleep deprivation and physical assaults on my body started after his 26-year retirement in 2007. The earliest time I can identify sleep deprivation as torture with bodily assaults started in mid-July 2003. There is evidence of XXX‘s involvement at that time as well. We had been intimate partners and I believed this to be revenge until he stated in 2008 how he had been planning for years to do this to me.

Today, I am experiencing most of the negative health effects of sleep deprivation which I have reported to you over and over and which have also been well studied and documented by the U. S. Air Force and other branches of the Department of Defense. These symptoms are: cognitive difficulties, cardiovascular problems, pre-diabetes symptoms, weight gain despite exercise, physical therapy, and diet changes, toxicity in my body because my elimination system is compromised, immune system weakened, high blood pressure (I was forced on blood pressure medication in 2010 after three years of chronic sleep deprivation) and the constant assurance by the synthetic telepathy of XXX that he plans to make me drop dead, kill me in my bed or via a car wreck.

In 2011 a lawyer for the Tennessee Coalition for Sexual and Domestic Violence told me that what XXX is doing to me is still harassment. I was granted a Temporary Order of Protection in Jan. 2012 and the DOJ Battered Women’s Project attorneys wanted to help a Tennessee lawyer get me Full Faith and Credit. XXX stated in the Dismissal paperwork that we are not kin. I can prove otherwise with a family tree and the testimony of his own family members. This year I approached the Tennessee Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence again about representation for being raped by XXX in 1999 and 2001. XXX came back to my home in the night of 2004 asking me to lay in bed with him, I refused and told him to leave my home. He refused to leave and I slept in another bedroom behind a locked door. The lawyer, after reviewing my evidence of those incidents and other physical stalking behavior up to 2016, told me I had enough circumstantial evidence and only needed something or someone to verify this harassment.

I am still IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE given my proof and subsequent symptoms of being assaulted with military developed technology. I had a $300,000 surgery in February to revise a total knee replacement WITH bone amputation, that in six months is showing signs of failing because my bones are constantly assaulted by radiation. RADIATION SOFTENS THE BONES. I asked for assistance with an investigation into the results of the Pathology Report that showed foreign material in my tissue and bone that were removed during that surgery on Feb. 19, with no response from your office. I asked you to speak with the DA’s Office for assistance with no response. Finally, I asked you to contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the military for assistance in ending this violent abuse, still with NO RESPONSE.

I was told by a former Army Military Police Officer in approximately late 2013 that XXX is remote neural monitoring me. He also stated that XXX is in the neurons of my brain. Sleep studies between 2011 and 2017 show constant interruptions to my sleep pattern via “external arousals.” Now my Fitbit watch confirms chronic awakenings/arousals.

Who is the appropriate agency to help me to live free of the 24/7 abuse of a military veteran who declares he does it because he can get away with it? I am a 64 year old, disabled (due to 22+ years of remote and personal abuse) woman. Webster chides me that no one will stop him and I heard that the Police Department says they will PRETEND THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING. Chief Potts, you told me in a meeting with Tony Massey, City Manager that if XXX killed me you would make sure to get to my daughter. I want to live to help my daughter and my family. Though they won’t speak of it, I can see signs of his abuse to them as well. Some of it I have shared with you.

I AM IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE. Written 9-6-2018


Dr. Millicent Black, MMFT

Columbia, TN



Williamsburg, VA
United States

reply #1

09/28/2007 1:41pm

Sorry, but I felt this deserved its own thread. Supermoves asked me to illustrate what exactly forced sleep deprivation is. I like the thread he posted and it’s generating some good responses. Here’s my take on this:

Some of you have commented that sleep deprivation is not a torture method. Speaking from experience, I’m assuring you that you’re completely wrong if you think this. Here are some observations:

1) In the Army, we have a POW camp that is used for training American soldiers. It is located outside of Fort Bragg, NC. It was established after the Vietnam War by LTC Nick Rowe, a U.S. Special Forces officer, who escaped after suffering for over 5 years as a North Vietnamese POW. LTC Rowe firmly believed that with proper training, he could have escaped much sooner. Thus, the Army SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) school was established. At this school, the most common forms of torture are food and sleep deprivation. Attendees of this school include pilots, Navy SEALS, Army Green Berets, and other members of the Special Operations community. I know many people who have served as instructors at this course, and I am close friends with a few people who have gone through it.

2) “Forced sleep deprivation” doesn’t mean staying up all night to play internet poker in your underwear and eating bon bons. When we force people to stay awake, we don’t nudge them and say “Hey Muhammad, would you mind opening your eyes for a while?” We FORCE them to stay awake, hence the term. As you go without sleep, your psychological state deteriorates. Some of the hardest men in the world, such as Navy SEALS, have been knowing to break down and cry like babies at SERE school. They completely lose their grip on reality. Many times, a “time out” has to be taken to reassure the captives that they aren’t really in a third-world POW camp. Recordings of children crying, women being beaten, loud screeching, and other mindfucks are played on loop for hours and hours. If you even begin to doze, someone comes in and beats the shit out of you. Broken fingers, noses, and toes are common at SERE school. Remember, this is just training. This is NOT the real thing. Extreme methods are used to keep prisoners awake. Once a prisoner has not eaten or slept for days, he becomes very easy to break. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to gather information when a person’s basic needs are taken away.

3) Your body and mind needs nourishment. Sleep is one of the critical requirements for the human body to function. Forcefully taking this away is not natural. If you really don’t think it’s torture to not be able to sleep when your body needs it, ask yourself if you think starving a human being is torture. I’m guessing you think it is. There is no difference. Both are essential for the proper functioning of the human body and psyche.

This really isn’t an opinion at all, though you may think it is. Forced sleep deprivation is torture. I have personally taken enemy prisoners and have had to watch them for weeks on end. I have physically seen POW camps. I have forcefully had to disarm enemy soldiers and have had to provide care for men who just tried to kill my troops. I try not to get on my soapbox very often, but this is one of those things that I’m pretty sure I know more about than 99% of you on here. If you think I’m wrong and would like to refute this, I’d seriously love to hear it.

Everything I wrote above is just the tip of the iceberg. I wish I could put into words just how harsh sleep deprivation is.”



Source: Dr. MIllicent Black, by email

Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

–Ramola D/Posted 3/8/2018

First in a new article series exploring The Classified Research Cover, this interview addresses the critical question “Is ‘Classified Research’ Covering up Deadly Crimes?

Necessitated by reports of exacerbated abuse from many quarters this March, this series aims to explore, record, and document the 2018 civilian and veteran whistleblower reports and testimony of extreme abuse of bodies and brains suffered in non-consensual human experimentation assaults (by multiple and various Mil/Intel/corporate perpetrators) with military directed energy weapons, neuro bio weapons, chemical weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, all being run putatively under guise of Surveillance, National Security, and “Classified Research.”

SRA 002

Artifacts of the ongoing Asymmetric Warfare being waged by the US Govt. on US citizens in its “War on Terror,” these are War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity; they highlight the need for the DOD, CIA, DOJ, and other branches of the US Govt. engaging in secretive classified research to be publicly investigated, challenged, exposed, and stopped.

Omnisense, author, filmmaker, artist, musician, photographer, prolific web site creator, human rights advocate and Intelligence Community whistleblower whose revelation of an “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society” was featured here earlier, and whose extensive listing of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods is linked here, reports acute levels of targeting and neural abuse currently.

Ramola D: Omni, you have previously reported being a victim of DOD/Intelligence Agency crimes via the use of electromagnetic neuroweapons inducing verbally abusive V2K, forced speech, synthetic images, as well as many bodily tortures such as involuntary movement of body parts, stabbing pains, and sleep deprivation, among others. Readers can consult this earlier interview for details.

You are currently reporting exacerbated neuro-torture and neuro-framing of yourself. Can you describe briefly what you mean?

Omnisense: I am experiencing highly criminal neuro-abuse involving a wide range of counterintelligence-oriented assaults. For over 10 years I have been hit with overt neuro-abuse with the last year+straight being abused all day every day by neuroweaponry. This abuse is wake to sleep, every 1-7 seconds throughout the day. If I ever do anything that causes enjoyment, like eating good food or smoking a cigarette, the electronic harassment AI kicks into overdrive and obsessively sanitizes any enjoyment it can. The neuro-abuses can involve premises such as forced speech, synthetically induced anhedonia, synthetic smells & tastes, sensory replacement/sensory substitution, electromagnetic mind control, body control, surveillance abuse, Intelligence fraud, false profiling, torture and abuse packaged as counterterrorism, the list goes on and on…


RF Implants1

Image, courtesy Omni

At some point I noticed they were not talking to me in V2K conversations, they were talking into the surveillance of my mind trying to implicate me in whatever they would force into my mind. What I have found out is that they are forcing speech both of myself and others into my internal mind serially and obsessively, attempting to drum up a fraudulent Intelligence profile on myself.

Some of the framing themes they have hit me with:

* They want to inaccurately label me as mentally ill and violent. My work advocates that violence is self-defeating and that a targeted individual (TI) should never lash out violently because it would be used as psychological warfare against other TIs. A means to apply more social fascism to what targeted individuals go through. I am a non-violent person. One of the prime cover stories to cover up electronic targeting is claiming mental illness, it is used as a federal and social blanket label to marginalize damning testimony.

* Due to the social conditions being so supple, they appear to desire to frame my life’s work as being a Russian operative. As you can see here,  http://www.universalaspects.io/2017/08/universal-aspects-web.html, I have amassed a sizeable collection of websites, which almost all expose the highly criminal black ops crime syndicate. They desire to fraudulently frame my dedication as some Russian operation, perhaps to rationalize censorship.

* For a while I have been calling out pedophiles inside the cybernetic network. They are now framing me for pedophilia. It is a living nightmare with this level of neuro-abuse…

* They have also been framing me for years to be seen as an electronic control grid conspirator, essentially framing me for crimes they do on a daily basis on a mass scale.

* They are preparing high levels of counterintelligence for my upcoming work. It appears they have different frame jobs for different demographics.

The last month or so of my electronic targeting has been the most sick-minded and abusive of my 10+ years of being an overt targeted individual. For example, every time I think about or start work on my film I am being sexually abused by neuroweaponry. I have learned that you can be raped by technology while you are alone in your own home. And what makes this worse is the neural interloper rapists indicate I will be framed for what they are raping me with.

End Game neuroscience technology can make it feel like literally anything is being done to you sexually while you are alone. Basically they have been neuro-raping me with the worst sexual realities possible while framing me for them at the same time.

Neuro Rape and Neuro Sexual-Abuse

Ramola D: So essentially you are reporting that with the aid of neuroscience technology including brain implants, they are able to sexually molest and rape a person remotely? This is so outrageous and criminal on so many levels please do not hesitate to address this further.

Omni: Yes, they can make it feel like something physical is happening to you in an illusory but very real feeling fashion. They are doing some of the most crude, demeaning, and sick-minded attacks against myself in retaliation to me exposing their networks and criminality.

Framing as a Russian Operative

Ramola D: While this is laughable and an indicator of the ongoing general MO of this shadow and facade government both, it is also an attempt to wrongfully frame and dismiss your testimonial and witness. Can you list some of your websites and work that you think may be attacked in this way?

Omni: The cybernetic network heads–the true heads of intel agencies and militaries–have indicated they want to censor my multimedia company’s website www.universalaspects.io, and the websites under my multimedia company. A couple examples:  www.counterdarkness.org or www.occultdictionary.com,  also http://www.psyop.wiki/, http://www.declassifieddocuments.com.

They even have an opposite form of branding (slander) planned for my multimedia company. I have been shown that the shadow government cybernetic networks have obsessive and highly illegal counterintelligence against activist opposition.

Counterintelligence like the opposite branding of my businesses, the framing, the torture, the surveillance abuse. the intelligence fraud and false intelligence, the false profiling, the cointelpro.

BCI Cognitions: Thoughts and Images

Ramola D: From Skype: “i am in a neural concentration camp. they have been forcing BCI cognitions of incest, beastiality, pedophilia, and rape in my mind and experience with neuro-abuse. i am literally being raped with technology on a minute by minute and hour by hour basis. any work on my upcoming film is met with supreme persecution and oppression from intel sources and military sources trying to frame me as a unit. one discredited activist versus the entire black ops crime syndicate may not work out well for the activist. i am still fighting day by day and working to expose these psychopaths. they have shown me their perverted spirits…” (Omni)

So it appears the methodology of framing is to pump in pedophilic and incestuous images into your brain via military neurotech such as a BCI (Brain Computer Interface) system and then, via compartmented “Need to Know” obliviousness, in tandem with mindless monitoring by other agencies, have these images and thoughts picked up and recorded as emanating from you. Do you have an idea which agencies are involved in this dirty ops scenario? Are these guys speaking to you via V2K (Voice to Skull)—what are they saying?

Omni: It has been indicated that the CIA and FBI are two top entities framing myself.

Yes, they are communicating via V2K. They are saying all sorts of things throughout the day. For example, an FBI V2K source (or a source using an FBI association) is questioning me under obviously fraudulent questioning, it knows the answer to its question and if I do not cooperate, I may be demonized as guilty to the questioning.

A lot of the questioning involves highly criminal fraud forcing my speech as my own statements or obvious doctoring of my brain waves to falsely implicate guilt. It is basically using every dirty tactic in the book to try to label me as a criminal and neutralize my activism.

Ritual Abuse

Ramola D: You have mentioned Ritual Abuse coming from the Military and the Intelligence Community—can you expand on this?

Omni: I experience forms of ritual abuse every day as a neuro-abuse victim. It is increasingly clear that the international intelligence community and various military cybernetic networks are Satanic Ritual Abuse perpetrators and sponsors.

BCI Sadism1

Image, courtesy Omni

Neuroscience-based Ritual Abuse is definitely one of the worst types of ritual abuse. It can involve sanitization of pleasure, ritual torture, degradation, denigration, orchestrated and designed humiliation, perverted sexual abuse of the target, anchoring horrific psychological realities, trauma-based mind control, and monstrous slander and discrediting if you try to speak out. For some reason the occultists who rule the world have a taste for brutally torturing and/or destroying an individual and Satanic Ritual Abuse is one way they do that.

Forced Speech

Ramola D: You have mentioned Forced Speech being used to establish self-incrimination. Can you explain what exactly this is, how exactly you are experiencing it, and help readers understand how pernicious and criminal it is as a forced remote technology to abusively frame innocents as criminals?

Omni: There are many types of forced speech. There is covert forced speech and overt forced speech. Judging by what I have witnessed, I suspect that slander is a main reason to do forced speech.

How it takes place is: with natural speech you have signals in the brain behind your speech, with forced speech those same signals are synthesized to induce the same neural variables as natural speech. So essentially an AI is controlling the brain to speak through a human proxy.

Ramola D: And this entails also remotely controlling those neural inputs related to the motion of vocal cords and sound production, physically manipulating muscles and vocal cords–are you able in any way to resist such external control of your speech?

Omni: No, there is no way to stop the forced speech by your own neural activity in my experiences.

False Intelligence Profiles

Omni: I believe the electronic targeting perpetrators use forced speech as a false profile mechanism (among other uses it has for them). For example, they force calculated and designed speech through a target while Surveillance picks up the forced speech and is fraudulently categorized for later Intelligence abuse and covering up what they are truly doing.

I have experienced calculated abuse designed to infuriate the target which they then falsely neurally profile you with for “violent tendencies” when anyone with a pulse would want to fight back. I have seen evidence that targeted individuals in the system have false profiles. A false Intelligence profile meant to justify the abuse at a federal level.

Ramola D: This would suggest that False Neural Profiling then is an established Intelligence trick in use today, but being kept deadly quiet; in other words, the DOJ is using Neural Profiling and Neural Intelligence Gathering while their use of these CIA-style “Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence”–a cornerstone of “Classified Research”–permits them to keep it all Top Secret and never reveal what they are doing. In other words, Classified Research to conceal Crime–which is prohibited by US Law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))

“Neurobody Technology”

Ramola D: You have mentioned that this “neurobody technology” causes psychological pain inside you. Can you explain what this technology is, how it is working, and how it is able to induce emotional or psychological pain and suffering?

Omni: I coined the term “Neurobody” a couple years ago to describe technology I had not seen anyone explain.

The somatosensory cortex is the part of the brain scientists believe to be responsible for body sensations. What neurobody technology does is induce brain waves from other areas of the brain into the body sensation neuro-matrix. With neurobody you can induce literally anything into the body as a sensation at any intensity. You can put any emotion in the body, any mental variable in the universe can be applied to the body vividly…

So with myself, the neural interlopers for a while were really hammering me with psychological pain inside my chest and body. Again, this happens when the brain waves for psychological pain are taken from their normal areas and applied to the body sensation area of the brain.

Ramola D: So pain from one area, say a migraine, can be transferred to other areas–so you can, say, experience the sense of a migraine emanating from your heart?

Omni: Exactly, they can take a design of suffering and apply it to the entire body. On the flip side, this is while the perpetrators enjoy these technologies in highly criminal ways.

They are committing the worst Surveillance Abuses possible with these technologies.

While I am being neuro-raped by whatever design some Black Ops psychopath forces into my being, they are perving out on real bodies of citizens with these same technologies. It is based on radio frequency environmental scanning that the public has not yet quite caught onto. As far as public science goes in evidencing this, a preliminary version of the technology I speak about is called “RF capture,” another version I have heard about is called “interferometry.”

Ramola D: You have named these agencies as threatening you via BCI: the FBI, NSA, CIA, and US Military. Can you convey more closely what exactly was said and how these groups identified themselves to you? Also, when you say BCI, how exactly did you experience these communications—was it with images or words, was it verbal and audible like V2K or more subliminal or silently voiced like Synthetic Telepathy or Silent Sound or Radio Hypnosis?

Omni: All 4 of those sources have contacted me in threatening ways (unless they have been impersonated). I do not have available memory of most of these communications, but I do remember the U.S. Military communications always being abusive and violent. They have indicated they would frame me, and abuse me the rest of my life. It is usually with V2K wording along with a conceptual energy underlying the communication.

Ramola D: So these have been verbal threats and intimidation? Were you contacted in person or are you speaking about V2K or synthetic telepathy? You are also reporting further threats–to both of us–as we work on this interview. What is the fear or other reaction  these groups are expressing, regarding exposure of these Crimes Against Humanity?

Omni: The conversations are done in a way that leaves me with zero evidence of what occurred minus my own testimony. Done via V2K.

The shadow government has a system for those that expose them effectively. Any work I do that exposes them I am liable to be tortured for. I suspect they do not want the truth to come out, and they have mechanisms to suppress people speaking out about their secrets.

Sanitization of Senses and Sensory Substitution

Ramola D: On your new documentary website, NeuroAbuse, you are reporting a hijacking and replacement of your own sensory stimuli and responses: good smells being replaced by noxious smells. How long has this been going on, how pervasive is it, and have these Mil/Intel neuro-abusers explained why they would torture you in this fashion?

Omni: It has been going on heavily for maybe a year. I have almost all of my good smells and tastes removed from my enjoyment, a Nazi-like sanitization of pleasure is taking place. Just about every meal by the end of it I have a repulsive taste replacing the real food taste. With implants and a neuroscience method called neural heterodyne they can alter the existing frequencies in the brain, which then alter the sensory input one experiences.

Ramola D: “I have witnessed the impersonation of U.S. Congress in my brain-computer interface experiences.” Can you expand on this? Are you suggesting you are seeing Congressmen – or the images of same—mentally, while being neuro-abused? Are these internal synthetic electronic images or holograms—and which Congressmen or women in particular? What do you think it means?

Omni: Congress 002They have been impersonating Congress to me via Brain-Computer Interface technologies. It is usually happening with V2K words, along with various other forms of Brain-Computer Interfacing. Murmurs in the cybernetic networks have Congress being invited to BCI in the coming years. The cybernetic networks are incredibly unconstitutional, and I am perceived as a threat to inform Congress about the truth. Some of the forced speech and neuro-framing appears to be themed in deceiving Congressmen and women about me.

They are impersonating Rand Paul, Adam Schiff, Maggie Hassan, and Bernie Sanders the most to me. They have implicated they have ongoing operations to deceive Congress. In light of all this and more, I have decided I will be producing a PDF for Congressmen and women in the future

Inversion of Will, Violation of Free Will

I am experiencing on a daily basis an inversion of my taste while (they are) neurally framing me to things I find completely repulsive. The neural interlopers have indicated that they are populating my brain with false neural data to be later used against me.

 Ramola D: “They have indicated they will be able to destroy me for opposing their criminal conspiracy.” While you are not alone in opposing their criminal conspiracy, Omni, you are certainly a vitally important witness and reporter of these neuro crimes, and it’s significant that they say this to you.

You also state they think they have established absolute legality “under the laws they orchestrated through the U.S. Government” and that you are being framed “for the same crimes (you) have embarked on exposing.”  This is interesting, and appears to be a replay of their general MO of inverting/projecting criminality: classification however, cannot be used to conceal crime, by US law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))

Can you report some of what they say, and who do they identify themselves as—you have mentioned detecting a Nazi faction—are there different factions in this AI that speaks to you via BCI/V2K?

Omni: The international Black Ops Crime Syndicate involves a large number of colluding Intelligence Agencies and Militaries who have obtained technologies such as Neural Monitoring and Electromagnetic Mind Control while forming a global network of conspiring cybernetic networks. What they have done with these networks is so highly illegal and immoral they will commit any nature of fraud to protect themselves from exposure.

As for Nazis, I have detected a Nazism edge to the Cointelpro AI. I believe this stems back to Operation Paperclip, Project 63, and National Interest and the formation of American Intelligence Agencies in the 1940s after World War II. Shortly after the formation of American Intelligence agencies, they started projects like MK Ultra, Project Artichoke, and Project Bluebird.

Operation Paperclip Nazis presumably then developed black project Artificial Intelligence and Directed Energy weapons which has manifested into the modern day covert holocaust. My beliefs in a nutshell: the Nazis were not destroyed in World War II, and their ethos were then inherited by sources who used their scientists.

Ramola D: Are you able to speak back to them, and what do you say? Is this through thought projection and silent telepathy or is it verbally?

Omni: I speak to them, yes. Through a mental voice in my internal mind. Most of what I say to them is forced speech. A problem is they doctor my internal voice in torturous and disrespectful ways, this makes me not want to speak. I have also said things when pissed off like I think they are forsaken souls, and hope they are eternally damned for what they have done.

Ramola D: Many people being targeted currently with neuroweapons and DEWs are reporting increased attacks on their bodies and brains currently. These are silent attacks, while Youtube, Google, and Facebook have stepped up their visible censorship attacks on Truth Media. In any civilized society working to be free of oppression, I would think people would help each other. What can any reader do to help stop this outrageous assault on your body, your brain, and your life?

Omni: I am unsure if a reader can help me. I guess if they want to help they can remember I said I was being framed if my name ever comes up in a circus of slander. They could also help inform Congress or the public about Electronic Targeting.

Ramola D: My hope always is that journalists with conscience, doctors with concience, neuroscientists with conscience will step forward and investigate further or speak out of their own knowledge. Publishing vital whistleblowing like this is also an appeal to the educated public, an appeal to humanity.

Hopefully by reporting these crimes, we can also reach factions in the Military and Intelligence who may be unaware – by reasons of compartmentalizing and truncated Need to Know – that such extreme neuro-abuse is occurring, and clarify for them the need to act to stop it from the inside. Do you think this is a possibility?

Omni: I think the war criminals will not stop without being forced to, they need to be indicted and/or executed. There is one cybernetic network who was once on the side of the shadow government who decided to betray their agenda… Within 2 years the threat I witnessed the networks say to that source had been actuated for that network’s country. And now that country is faced with a major threat of war. The occultists who rule these networks make it clear that betraying their agenda will be painful. I do however think that with the opposition available that change is possible…

Ramola D: Can you provide any insight into this opposition you perceive–are there factions with power that can successfully oppose these criminal shadow government networks? Can humanity–all of us who care about human bodily and brain sovereignty–successfully oppose this atrocity?

Omni: There are a couple cybernetic networks that oppose the shadow government, but they deal with similar subterfuge and threats as someone like myself does. As soon as a network decides to betray the shadow government agenda, the occultists in charge of the electronic control grid are planning retaliatory attacks on that network’s country.

I do feel humanity will win, but we need people on the ground to help defeat the shadow government. There are powerful sources who are diametrically opposed to the shadow government and they will be fighting for our planet’s fate – from going down the path the shadow government desires – but they need the public’s help.

At this stage they need the public to assist in informing the world about the shadow government’s conspiracy and methods in a credible and effective way.

The world would never stand for what is truly happening if they were aware of it, and that is one of the biggest problems. Through a whole host of tactics and methods such as potent psychological warfare the shadow government keeps the public unaware. Awareness of a problem is pivotal in stopping that problem. This is a motivation of a lot of my life’s work, to increase awareness of the problems so that we can eliminate them as a society.

Ramola D: Omni, thank you very much for this vitally important whistleblowing interview, and for speaking out and working to raise public awareness to save humanity.


Neuro Abuse – Highly Criminal Neuro Framing/Omnisense

Omnisense/www.sense.gallery Speaks Out: “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society Oversees the Targeting of Individuals”

Omnisense/CounterDark.Org: List of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods

For more whistleblowing from Omni about the Neurotech Crimes of the Deep State, shadow government, and electronic telepathy cybernetic networks, please visit his many websites, some listed here:







This article may be reposted in full anywhere online with attribution and linkback. Please share this information widely.

Ramola D is a Science, Technology, Surveillance, Military, Ethics, Human Rights, and Consciousness reporter, fiction-writer and poet with 30 years of combined college teaching experience in English & Creative Writing, freelance journalism, management consulting, science & technical writing/editing and training, as well as running creativity and Natural Science workshops for children. She may be reached about this article at ramolad@hushmail.com.

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example.

We will shine for everyone to follow.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017


Memorandum on Domestic US Torture Programs

Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population

EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking

Date: 25 January 2017

To President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President,

We unite in asking you to act to terminate immediately the ongoing covert programs of Electronic Warfare and COINTELPRO-based domestic terrorism that are currently being run by the US Intelligence agencies, US Military, US Homeland Security, and their contractors in the name of Electronic “Surveillance” and National Security against the American population.

As you enter this office for the first week, it is possible the Deep State and unelected shadow government that apparently hovers behind all those elected to the government of the United States will present these covert programs to you as normative Intelligence and surveillance activity necessary for the preservation of National Security.

As Intelligence analysts, human rights activists, advocates, whistleblowers, writers, scientists, victims, and highly productive and accomplished members of society with varied science, arts, and humanities backgrounds in critical thinking, systems analysis, engineering, education, healthcare, law, and Intelligence, we are here to inform you otherwise: These are NOT normative Intelligence and Surveillance activities. Using the deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare, these are organized Terror programs, committing the most horrific crimes and human rights violations, causing grievous bodily harm to countless numbers of innocent citizens.

Surveiling and assaulting neither terrorists nor spies but the best and brightest, most productive, and most accomplished Americans, as well as whistle-blowers and activists, these programs seriously destabilize our civil society, are at risk of irreversibly degenerating the economic output of our country, and have already become our most shameful export abroad.

Situation On the Ground in Continental USA

Thanks to the trillions of dollars poured annually into Covert Operations funding, the carte blanche given to Intelligence and Military agencies, both pre- and post-911, and the convenience of classification and concealment of all manner of dubious activities as necessary for National Security, fraud, waste, and corruption at the highest levels of Government is now endemic. Corrupt factions in Intelligence agencies and in Military departments are now openly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in acts of direct enmity against the American people.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, a superior trafficking operation has been unleashed by the US Military, Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA on American citizens:

Current military and Intelligence directives (5240.1R, the NDAA, EO 12333, and the CIA’s AR 2-2) together permit the US military to detain citizens indefinitely, and to use those Americans “under surveillance” for experimentation purposes. This is used for an outright, public enslavement and torture of a large fraction of the US population.

The creation of Joint Targeting operations, Fusion Centers, Regional Information and Sharing Systems (RISS) programs with privatized Intelligence centers, as well as “Community Policing” and “Neighborhood Watch” initiatives have permitted a network of immoral and depraved operatives from Law Enforcement, the Intelligence agencies, and the military, using the guise of “national security” to conduct financially rewarding no-holds-barred human testing for the pharma, surveillance, and weapons industries, as well as to live out their personal sadism and depravity. It is a telling characteristic that the victims of these crimes are 70-80% women. The sex ratio is indicative of sexual violence and war crimes.

Meanwhile, an ever increasing army of civilian, quasi “Law Enforcement” personnel, sometimes taken from the dregs of society, is being trained, round the clock and used in set-up 24/7 operations, on those innocent Americans being targeted.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, and masquerading as necessary Electronic Surveillance, condoned and orchestrated by US Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice, the most deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare are being routinely used on civilians under so-called surveillance inside their own homes including:
    • directed-energy and microwave weapons,
    • infrasonic and ultrasonic weapons,
    • military radar weapons,
    • neuro-weapons,
    • infections with biological or synthetic self-replicating nanotechnology agents (“smart dust”) that aid the readout of brain activity.

These are military weapons of war, designed to incapacitate, degrade, and destroy human organs, nerves, bodies, and brains; they are further being used inhumanely, in non-stop, 24/7 scenarios of attack.

In addition, CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA agents also run covert interrogation exercises, mind control operations, and behavior modification programs (extensions of MK ULTRA and the original Nazi death-camp experiments) on their brains.

A vast apparatus of sophisticated stealth Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence equipment carried on planes, drones, helicopters, satellites, cell towers, ground-vehicles—and involving the complicity of all Intelligence agencies, such as the NRO, NGSA, and Federal agencies such as the FAA and NASA is being used for this purpose.

Those being hit with Electronic Warfare weapons are also being subjected daily to COINTELPRO actions or “Zersetzung”—organized stalking, crowding, mobbing, obstructing, brighting, flashing, noise harassment carried out by the FBI’s Infragard, as well as US Neighborhood Watch groups.

These are joint US Military and Intelligence programs of domestic torture, hidden under cover of biometric surveillance, physical surveillance, and electronic surveillance by a cynical and corrupt Homeland Security/Department of Justice mechanism, which has permitted the use of cover-story labels to conceal the use of violence on American citizens.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, in 2017, American neighborhoods and communities have been transformed from calm, peaceful, and neighborly communities into predator vs. prey, i.e. divided holdouts of covert spying, snitching, Electronic Warfare, smear campaigns, and studied COINTELPRO attacks on neighbors, planned and coordinated through federal government-sponsored intelligence, information and command centers at the national and local levels, such as the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS), the U.S. Department of Justice, and the network of Fusion Centers.

At core of these attacks are the innocent Americans being wrongfully targeted and defamed as extremists, terrorists, spies, enemy combatants: often the most upright in communities, people of conscience and community spirit, integrity and accomplishment, entrepreneurship and creativity, innocence and impeccable character, people targeted not for their potential for criminality but for their innate power as attractors and disseminators of positive community influence.

The coterie of criminals from inside the FBI/DHS/CIA/NSA and local Law Enforcement and RISS centers involved in these programs openly lie in neighborhoods to name these innocents terrorists or spies, open investigations on innocents, start slander and defamation campaigns on innocents, and then corral whole communities into helping them surveil, spy, sabotage, and slander them, under threat of high fines and jail time.

By these means, whole lives are destroyed: employment is sabotaged, lies are circulated, and families are torn apart.

Neighbors become collaborators and complicit when they let Electronic Weapons operators freely enter their neighborhoods and homes, using their driveways and properties to install antennas and conduct tracking operations.

Collaborators are paid handsomely and bribed with home renovations, new cars, and tickets to luxury holidays and ball games. They are also trained in the operation of certain equipment, including cell phones to direct pulsed radiation attacks, which they now turn on their innocent neighbor.

This rewards and entrenches corrupt behavior in a manner that will utterly splinter and disintegrate our society for decades to come. Worst of all, this system of routine horrific abuses has developed a life of its own whereby ever more vindictive acts are committed and the perpetrators on the ground take free licence to do whatever they like at the expense of economically productive members in our society. Their excesses include electronic rape.

  1. Psychiatry has been roped in as political tool to subjugate those reporting these programs by naming them delusional, a verdict that Law Enforcement and CIA-controlled media then run with.

It must be stressed that the national silence on this issue as well as the distortions of reportage we see in mainstream-media mention of “Targeted Individuals” who report abusive surveillance programs is directly related to the vampiric control of major media that the CIA exerts, and their deliberate promotion of deception in coverage, in order to keep these violent, mutilatory programs of Electronic Weapon use on citizens clandestine and concealed.

Corruption at the levels of Law Enforcement and the Department of Justice, and the use of weaponized psychiatry combined with indiscriminate smears and slander of the victims has prevented the situation from being remedied.

A Public Scandal Of International Proportions

This has now become a proliferating and self-perpetuating industry of premeditated, systematic mutilation of some of the most productive members of our society.

By getting rid of people of conscience and integrity, whistleblowers, and activists in communities—through these extreme means of public torture and humiliation—it appears that the covert operators in Intelligence and military agencies running these programs seek more and more to create docile, deceitful, and pliable populations, people who will believe the official lie, people who will turn on their own friends and neighbors, people who will assist in stoning the innocent to death.

The extent and sadism of these deliberate bodily and brain assaults—which essentially involve the use of military weapons of war on peaceful, non-combatant, unarmed civilians, peacefully residing in their own country–amount to crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the American people.

And sadly, these Nazi death-camp programs of torture have become USA’s most prominent export along with our bombs, missiles, and drones.

To the disgrace of all Law-Enforcement, victims have been pleading for support publicly on social media for years. By now, the situation has gone beyond a disgrace and has become a public scandal of international proportions that is threatening the stability of our societies. Without a doubt, this problem is destroying the best and brightest in our nation and will inevitably affect the economic and creative capabilities of the US. This already sets us back in the race with other nations and seriously exposes the US to the danger of a hostile takeover.

Silent Holocaust Taking Place Inside the US

Please see attached here:

1) The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report (Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”) By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.

2) NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s succinct summation of what has happened to America today:

Under former President Bush and now continued under President Obama, what apparently started decades ago as illegal and clandestine programs of experiments on human subjects, such as the CIA’s MK ULTRA, has resulted in the proliferation of Defense Contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and others, making secret agreements with Federal agencies such as DOD, DIA, NSA, DHS, etc., to allow them and related laboratories and universities to expand inhumane experimentation programs such as illegal experiments for Directed Energy Weapons on unwitting and non-consenting American citizens.

The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA.

This allows them to engage the Military and Law Enforcement in either the active harassment and torture of individuals illegally targeted for fraudulent cause, or it gives the Defense Contractors carte blanche to commit criminal assault upon innocent citizens while demanding (unconstitutionally) that Police stand down and do nothing to help their victims.

Please read the full statement here.

Please Act Now To Stop These Crimes Against Humanity in the USA and Worldwide

To stop these crimes against humanity we, the undersigned, request that you immediately:

  • Stop all of these surveillance, testing, and experimentation programs.
  • Stop and revoke all mandates permitting the US military to test weapons on citizens.
  • Repeal and revoke all civil and military directives which permit non-consensual experimentation on Americans.
  • Call out the National Guard to confiscate all portable EMF-weapons and radar/sonic/scalar surveillance devices, and haul off to prison anyone – including Feds, law enforcement, etc., found with them as they violate many many sections of 18 USC in regard to weapons of mass destruction.
  • Freeze all programs of surveillance being run by any and every agency in the DOJ and Homeland Security apparatus.
  • Force the open publication of the list of names of all people who have been targeted with organized stalking, EMF and neuroweapons by agencies at the federal, state, and local level for the past thirty years.
  • Compel disclosure of the medical parameters of these classified, covert, special access surveillance and torture programs from all Universities and research institutions, all Defense and Intelligence contractors, departments, and agencies.
  • Compel disclosure to each victim of his/her file containing what experiments have been conducted, what has been injected or implanted, what nanotechnology has been administered, and provide immediate, fully-compensated medical help in scanning/implant removal, radiation-damage treatment, & taking other medical/health measures against the long-term consequences of these crimes.
  • Fully re-imburse to victims all medical costs and family funeral expenses sustained during the course of these torture programs, and plan to provide continuous compensation for all victims’ health expenses until death.
  • Cut funding for all surveillance programs currently being run on named American citizens.
  • Cut all covert operations funding for any and every agency, in particular the CIA.
  • Compel mainstream media to fully and openly detail these programs of torture on citizens.
  • Root out all personnel employed in these programs, starting from the top.
  • Set in motion a Congressional investigation, to fully uncover and disclose details of these programs.
  • Dismantle all agencies and military groups whose record shows shameless participation in these crimes against humanity.
  • Work closely with your counterparts and with agencies abroad to ensure the same results of restoration of human rights and freedoms, worldwide.

These crimes against humanity need to be stopped if the United States of America wants to retain its national resilience and keep the goodwill of its partners worldwide.

You have an opportunity today to set right many historic wrongs. Much is made of America’s history of slavery. Yet this reality on the ground today shows us, that with the stealth weapons of Electronic Warfare and Neurowarfare, slavery has entered a new phase.

You have said:

There should be no fear — we are protected, and we will always be protected.

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.

…We will make America safe again.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017

But there are NO laws on the books today in the USA—land of the free and home of the brave—to prevent non-consensual experimentation on humans. Americans today are enslaved and are exporting this medieval travesty into every corner of the world.

Your children and grandchildren are just as much at risk as ours.

Please act today to put an end to these horrific, shameful crimes against humanity which are tearing apart our society.


Ramola D, USA
Author, Journalist, Activist

Karen Melton Stewart, USA
NSA Intelligence Analyst, Ret.

Dr. Katherine Horton, Germany
Particle Physicist, Systems Analyst

Ricardo Camilo López, USA
Theoretical Physicist, Math & Science Teacher, Semiotician

Paul Baird, BEc. LLB, Australia
Human Rights Advocate

Eyerly Felder, USA
Human Rights Activist, Foster Parent, Podcast Host and Journalist

Rosanne Marie Schneider, USA
Author of “Surveillance, Torture and Control in the Modern World”
Former Artist, Animal Rescuer, and International Business Owner | Now Victim

Regis Burke, MSW, USA

Leo E. Garcia, USA

Teresa Bender, R.N., ASN, Harrisburg, PA, USA
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Phi Theta Kappa member.
Service connected disabled veteran of USAF, 1989-1993.
Honorably discharged. Served during First Gulf War.
Interviewed by news media in West Virginia. Video on YouTube link: “Adult Bullying, West Virginians speak out”. Also participated in Targeted Individual awareness video titled “Targeted Individuals, A Plea for Help”, filmed in NJ in 2014.

Robert I. Walker, USA
Human Rights Activist, Vietnam Veteran, Christian

Seth Farber, Ph.D., USA
Author, Psychologist

Gregory A Mann, USA
Former Marine, Retired Dept. Of Defense
Combined service 27 years.Whistleblower.

Margaret Zawodniak, RN, BSN, USA

Amy L, USA
Licensed Massage Therapist

Joseph Quevedo, B.S. International Business, USA
Certified Logistics Technician

Mariana Maritato M.S., CCC-SLP, C-PESL, HC, Poland

Herman Winston, USA
US Army Veteran, Ex-Police Officer, Mechanic

Dr. Millicent Black, MACM, MMFT, USA
Refuge From the Storm Church, Columbia, TN
Pastor, Activist, Researcher

Tracy A. Wellons, USA
Biomedical Research Scientist

Kenneth Peartree, USA
Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force (Ret.)

Virginia Sealey, USA
Louisiana State University graduate, Health and Physical Education.
Commercial Real Estate Broker (Ret.)

Captain Gary W. Kassbaum M.M., Canada
Senior Regional Investigator – Marine, Transportation Safety Board

Alec Devere Rafter, NYU Graduate, B.F.A., USA
Actor, Writer, Musician

Ben Colodzin Ph.D., California, USA
H-SCADA profiler (Human-Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition Systems) for targeted victims

Paul Grigun, USA

Thomas A. Dickey, USA
U.S. Army, Retired

Mr. Robert Vincent Leaf, USA
HVAC Technician, App.

Mike Patrick, USA

Mandi (Deedee) Durrence, USA
Self-Employed, Construction, Farming

Barbara Hyseni, USA
Sergeant in the US Air Force
Christian Ordained Minister

Geri Kemp, BS in Business/Finance, MPA, USA
Certified Business Official, Educational Facilities Planning,
School Business Management (Ret.)
National Youth Equestrian Program Organizer

Denise S. Pompl, USA

Donna Stanley, USA
Mother, daughter, grandmother, friend, American, Retired Corrections Officer

Lori Tolbert-Carroll, USA

Charmaine Thomas, USA

Guy Potter, USA
35-year victim

Ms. Maura Sheehan, RN, BSN

Rochelle Jones, USA
Ordained Minister, CA

Juanita Hardnett, GA, USA

Sherri M Guarnieri, USA

Edith Diane Schutza, TX, USA

Michele Kimbrough, USA
Retired, Department of Corrections

Kola Boof
Award-Winning Novelist and Television Writer

Bonnie Hunt, USA
Retired Comm. College Instructor, College Lecturer,
and HS Teacher, MBA, MS, CPA (Inactive)

Jeaneine M. Heaney, USA

Arlene Johnson BA, MLS, USA
Publisher/Author | http://www.truedemocracy.net

Cathy L. Wright, M.S., CCC-SLP, USA
B.A. in English, B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
M.S. in Communication Disorders.
Speech-Language Pathologist. Whistleblower.

Angela Farrell, USA
BS, Psychology, BSW from West Virginia University.
National Sales Award 2005, 2008. Pharmaceutical representative.
Currently: Yoga , aerobic and Silver Sneaker instructor YMCA.
Health and wellness instructor.

Mrs. Sherri A. Marquis, AA Business, BA Legal Studies, MS Mgmt, RI, USA
U.S. Navy Journalist – 12.5 years, honorably discharged with service-connected disability.
Dept.of Defense (Navy, Army, Marine Corps) Contract Specialist/Contracting Officer, GS-13, 8 years, WHISTLEBLOWER
Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems (Orlando) and Missiles and Fire Control (Orlando) Intellectual Property Paralegal and Contracting Officer
Currently: unemployed, blacklisted, isolated, tortured and psychologically injured

Leila M S Gutowski, RN BS, BSN, VA, USA

Cheryl Weinrich, VA, USA
Former employee of SAIC, Inc., Employed from 2000 to 2010.
Contracted out 2009-’10 as a Document Control Specialist and Courier with the Missile Defense Agency.
Former student at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale and Alexandria, VA, 1982 to 2000: Travel and Tourism, Psychology and Information Technology.

Lorenzetta Whitfield, USA
Lillian Whitfield, USA
Tanya Whitfield, USA
(Sisters targeted since May 2013)

John Thomas Christiana, USA
BS Degree CSULB; MS Degree, Kaplan Univ, 4.0; Law Student, 2L
Everest Summiter | Human Rights Advocate
Targeted Individual Victim | Federal Lawsuit Plaintiff

John Leon Anderson, CT, USA
13-year victim

Nina Elhawary Duvall, USA
Drug Alcohol Tech | Working with Ms. Massie Munroe on her campaign and book.

Mark Mandigo, USA

Muguet Burgos, CCNY, USA

Innocentia Merchant, UK

Jessica Charpentier, MA, USA

Charles Pak, USA
Disabled Iraq Veteran 2004-2008
Tortured victim of remote technology 2007-current

Dominic Friscia, USA

Alicia Ogburn, and children, PA, USA

Amy Anderson, CA
Human Rights Activist

Constance Hannah Rose, Pacifica, CA
Artist, Author (The Joy Thieves)
Creative Director and Entrepreneur

Edward L. Spencer, MD
Neurology Retired, Researcher, Author

Dianne Renee Chandler
B.B.A. Business Administration
M.S.S. Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College
M.S. Acquisition and Contract Management
LTC , USAR retired Veteran 28 years Service tortured victim since 2012 after filing an EEO complaint Dianne Chandler vs. Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh

Kathleen Haston, BA Psychology, USA

William Brock, Boston, MA, USA

Patrick Cleary, USA
B.S. Communication Arts from Cornell University, 1991.
Disabled teacher, social worker, and activist.

Harold Hubbard, disabled, USA

Marina Ragsdale, USA
Crew member at McDonald’s | Victim

Jeannette Eileen Fess, USA
Former Realtor | Victim

Takele Erko, Ethiopia
BSc. Chemistry | TI for 6 years

Dr. Helen Tsigounis, Australia
Author of “The Red Back Web”: http://docdro.id/dOiUm27
Targeted 20 years.

Caroline Coon, Tiburon, CA
Owner of store “Little Black Dress”

Marina Abramycheva, NY, USA

Agnieszka Kubicka, USA
26 years old | Student, Restaurant Worker

Tiffany Fusini, BA in Sociology and Gender Studies
Neuro-Behavioral Specialist

Mečislav Chorzempa, Computer Programmer, Czech Republic

Judith Greschus, Detmold-Germany
Acknowledged politically persecuted person of the GDR regime(certificate “C”)

Elke Malone, Germany
55 years, Educator

Thomas Steinke, USA
Independent Contractor
OTR Truck Driver

Andrew Furey, PA, USA

Terrance Bass, USA
Retired Musician and Marketing Professional

Geoffrey Beattie, N.I., UK

Ricki Leggett, USA
Victim for 15 years.

Stanley Heavrin, Louisville, KY, USA

Debra Matheny, Hibbing, Minnesota, USA
Anti Public Corruption Activist, Investigative Blogger, 3 generations of targets. My daughter and granddaughter, murdered.

Mr. Adair Rutherford Buckner, I.

Edgard Rene Romero Cruz
Creative genius, Artist, Mind Slave.

Dagmar Palmerova, Prague, Czech Republic
Degree in Economics

Beth Ruegg, USA
Targeted victim for decades

Paul Lucas, BSBA, Finance and Accounting, USA
Senior Accountant/Analyst for International Corporation

Nathan Entrekin, USA
Graphics/Media Artist, LDS church member

Laura Entrekin, USA
CNA Manager, LDS church member

Mr. Tobin Dresser, Bend, Oregon, USA
Freelance Writer

Andrea McCoy, BA, USA

Patricia Angulo, USA
Intake Clinical Coordinator, Personal Trainer, Aunt, Case Manager

Gülay Daricili (female), Germany
Certified Interpreter and Lecturer

Lisa R. Becker, Milwaukee, WI
BS, Human Environment & Design, graduated with honors in 1989.
Under surveillance since college, tortured with electronic surveillance since 2007.

Toshiko Namiki, Japan

Dolly Guenthner, USA
Whistleblower on the City of Elizabethtown, KY municipality to the FBI reporting $50 million fraud on the KY Retirement System–which turned out to be more than $1 billion fraud which still continues.
Terminated employee from the City of Elizabethtown, after 20+ years


Alan J. Bellina, USA
Amy L. Bellina, USA

Mary Fehr, New Mexico, USA
Retired journeyman CNC machinist
TI 2 years +
Catapulted into surveillance program by Ohio Neighborhood Watch

Darleen Palmeira, Kapaa, Hawaii
Targeted since 2015

Helmut Michael, Germany
I support the memorandum.
As to our personal experience:

Stephen O Neill, Sligo, Ireland
Targeted since 2005

Susan C., USA
Associate Underwriter

Ursula J. Barboza, USA
Juris Doctor (1995), M.A. Library and Information Science (2008)

Heide Klebsattel, Gutach/Germany
TI since 2010

Benjamin Miller, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Robert Stephen Spicer, USA
1-year aware TI

Michael McKay
B.S./B.A. UC Davis International Relations/Japanese
M.S. SFSU Physics

Linda L. Jensen (Maiden name, Christopherson/first marriage, Vegoe)
Musician, poet, educator of young people, legal and medical secretary, missionary, mother, grandmother, gardener.
Also an author, and activist for the rights of individuals for justice, “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” in accordance with the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

Oskar Svärd, Master’s in Political Science, Sweden

Gabriele Plank, Munich, Germany
65 years old, Teacher, German Gymnasium

Mr. Christian Pfeifer, Luckenwalde, Germany

James F. Lico, USA
BS, Computer Science, Associate’s Degrees in Biology, Electronic Engineering
Retired Software Support Specialist, Systems Administrator
Targeted since 2010

Donna Wilkinson, USA

Chloe V. Rose, USA
Service connected 90% disabled Gulf War veteran, USN.
Honorably discharged 1980-1991.

Kathryn Sorensen USA
Retired Financial Management
Recovery Agent

Martina Pearce, Sales Manager

Leonard Loch, Hamburg, Germany.
Merchant, Graduate in Business Administration.
Targeted since 2003.

Kimberly Buckner, USA
Researcher, Whistleblower, Human Rights Advocate

Connie Hicks, USA

Marcus George Hopkins, NM & MN, USA
Ba.Sc. Wildlife Science
Heavily targeted for 6 years by group of technologically advanced, vicious criminals, including a corrupt NSA, FBI and Private Investigator Employee(s)

Steve Granite, USA
General labor
30-year victim

Bennetta McKenzie, IL, USA
AUTISM MOM – Bachelors in Accounting, MBA, CPA
Targeted 14 years

J. McKenzie, IL, USA
Autistic college student, Mathematics major

Clint McLean, MS, Computer Science (distinction), South Africa

Marie-Luise von Neuberg, Karlsruhe,Germany

Detlef Müller, Minden, Germany
TI for more than 30 years

Paolo Fiora, London, United Kingdom
Director, LESAG, London End Stalking Action Group

Atsuko Miyata, Japan
Mother, wife, homemaker, landlord
Victim for 28+years

Dr. Cherie Larsson, Ph.D, MBA, BA, Florida, USA
Ph.D in industrial Organizational Psychology

Irina Wickholm, Russia
Victim, and Human Rights Activist

Tera Wills, Ph.D, College Professor, USA
Ph.D. in combination of Nuclear Engineering and Radiochemistry, University of Arkansas
(40 years in US/from Iran)
Targeted since 2012

Liuda Balcius, USA/Lithuania
Author, Blind Social Worker, Teacher of the Blind, Humanitarian and Adventurer
Blind victim of reprehensible directed energy weapons
and unconscionable chemical poisonings for more than 20 years.
Looking forward someday to a peaceful, private life without pain and torture.

Catherine (Kate) Ryan, R.N. Retired
Former Representative in Consumer Electronics
Activist/Whistleblower of an Extraordinary Rendition site in Italy, inappropriate planned disposal of PCBs through insert in bathroom tiles.
SOA Watch/Supporter, Runs Support Group for TIs in New England

Slawomir Wiktor, MA (Magister) Philosophy, Poland
TI for 7 years, Activist with Polish TI association, STOPZET

Zofia Filipiak, Poland
President, Polish TI Association STOPZET

Brandon Armstrong, USA
Truck Driver. Targeted American.

Danuta Gajewska,Poland

Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland
A Targeted Individual for fourteen years.

Mrs. Hadia Fehlauer, Leimen, Germany
62 years old, Housewife and former Translator

Mr. Frank Hennrich, Walldorf, Germany
54 years old, dipl.-Cosmology Physicist, IT-product Owner

Mrs. Angelika Nowatzki, Großaitingen, Germany
66 years old, Housewife

Mr. Stefan Prechtel, Crailsheim, Germany

Lori Budd, ME, USA
Targeted since 2005

Shelly Hoyle,WA,USA

Jane Kiesel, USA

Debra Poulsen, USA

Carmen de los Santos, USA
Information Technology Technician
Internal Revenue Service

Dr. Matthew Aaron, USA
Neurobiologist, Geneticist, Science Journalist

Debra Anda, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Generational victim of COINTELPRO
Mother Murdered 1970’s
Life of chaos, peace In Christ Jesus

(An updated version of this memo, on an ongoing basis, will be maintained on this page at The Everyday Concerned Citizen. Please send an email anytime to ramolad@hushmail.com if you wish to sign this memo. Please share this information — which is being suppressed by corporate, mainstream, CIA-controlled media — widely. Stand up for America today, and for all of humanity worldwide, add your name, and inform others. These crimes Must be publicized the world over, and publicly addressed. )

Currently Updated: 3-24-2017

Pdf for Download: Memo to President Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance–3-24-2017

Question Jade Helm 2015: There is Nothing Normal in America Right Now

If you Google Jade Helm on Youtube–and really, everyone should, just to figure out what on earth is going on–you will see videos running the gamut of speculation on what Jade Helm is, what it purports to do, and what it may very well be hoping to usher in or condition Americans to accept: martial law, an increased military presence in our streets and cities, a rounding up of “dissenters” or political dissidents, a treating of our cities and inner spaces as potential hostile territory and enemy terrain, a demonstration to us that America is the battlefield, indeed, that the battlefield is everywhere.

These are no longer far-fetched notions. Despite the silence of mainstream media and the apologetics from such as the Washington Post, and even Veterans Today, painting the furore over Jade Helm as hype, and disinfo, and fear-building, and a hoax, it is absolutely believable today that the US Military could engage in overt hostile actions against US citizens–it already has, covertly, with widespread covert/classified electronic warfare–directed-energy weapon–testing/training and experimentation, in collusion with Intel agencies and law enforcement, a Dirty Op which continues (this is what the phenomenon of “Targeted Individuals” is all about–more on this subject soon); and overtly too, in many ways.

Many observers believe the Military is already controlling our cities and states, along with Intel groups — and again, if you don’t Know this yet, it’s still not hard to believe, is it; we’re all at this point acutely aware of the excesses, abuses, and overreach of our overly-policed, overly-militarized, overly-intrusive, overly-paranoid, overly-covert, secrecy-obsessed post-Patriot Act Surveillance State.

There is nothing normal in America right now.

See Dane Wigington’s new post at GeoEngineering Watch: Imminent Collapse: Economic, Environmental, and Societal

and an interesting article on the weirdness in America right now from Pat Henry, Is the US Government Building the Terrorists they Need? at The Prepper’s Journal.

Read John Whitehead’s editorial at The Daily Bell, Battlefield America: The War on the American People.

Increased Military Presence

There are reports coming in all over the US of increased military presence in many cities and states, not just in the Southwest, in those first seven states mentioned. There are videos on Youtube showing the military on city streets, aggressively confronting civilians (Florida), parking their tanks in school parking lots (West Virginia). There are military documents–from the past 10 to 20 years, really, surfacing–naming “extremists,” “dissidents,” “domestic adversaries,” and discussing “urban warfare,” “re-education of dissidents,” “internment,” and “civil unrest.”

(Just take a look at Deborah Tavares’ storehouse of military documents on StoptheCrime.net,

or visit Dr. Nick Begich’s website Earthpulse Press, for a whole lot of articles, documents, and books on these subjects.)

Not to mention discussions of methodologies of (invisible/easily covert) non-lethal warfare to asymmetrically take out activists, protesters, dissenters, anyone not in line with US policies–meaning, let us extrapolate, lethal hegemonic corporate policies–these are not conspiracy theories, they are words from Military, Air Force, and Navy documents (some of which will be posted here soon).

Remember that our President keeps announcing emergencies and Executive Orders, and that we currently have laws on the books permitting him to corrall all food resources, arrest anyone without due process, and indefinitely detain anyone, ditto. We also have those much talked-about FEMA camps, and really, they do seem to have barbed wire and watchtowers! Remember the recent deaths of Gray State movie producer David Crowley and his entire family. Gray State was the documentary he was making about the FEMA camps.

Incessant Planes Over Cities & States

Everywhere in the US, small planes and helicopters fly incessantly over cities–engaging in covert surveillance (see The Guardian’s recent uncovering of this reality), and in covert electronic warfare, collecting “radiation intelligence,” or what the Military calls MASINT, Measurement and Signature Intelligence, the continuous, unintentionally radiated and uniquely-identified electromagnetic signatures from human brains, and directing directed-energy weapons at select locations–this activity is pronounced in the vicinity of “targeted individuals”–activists, whistleblowers, outspoken community members who have been non-consensually rolled into clandestine human experimentation programs, a continuation of MKULTRA–and whole communities are aware of this activity today.

(It’s not possible to be unaware of planes directly overhead, all the time, for the most part–although not everyone is aware what the constant planes are all about, and what exactly they are doing to these select individuals, whom they have been informed are “threats to national security.” “Targeted individuals” however, cannot fail to know what these planes are doing, since they are the ones being assaulted each time with pulsed radiation neuroweaponry. These are “classified” activities transparent to those being assaulted.)

What One Can Do

Recently, a petition was circulated on Care2Petitions asking people to urge states to deny the Military permission to do their Jade Helm “drills” in their state. That petition is here, and although it sounds sensationalist, it really reflects what people are feeling right now about US Military drills inside US cities.

I think there’s need for vigilance, and that if there is something we can do to influence local government and state representatives to deny permission for military drills featuring night-time activity and “extractions” by Special Ops, this would be the time to do it!

One of those things I’d recommend is joining the Weekly Planetary Meditation, linked here. Whatever your thoughts of galactic beings working to help us, meditation as a group is surely always a good thing, and dreaming of Light coming down to wake up the souls and consciences of those repressing America could only yield positive results…

These discussions and videos point to the seriousness of what Jade Helm represents–because the USA has been in freefall for some years now, and some of us have woken up to what is going on, and some of us are in the process of waking up, whatever Jade Helm may or may not be, this moment in our history is an opportunity for every single American to take action to prevent disaster and retain and promote peace. Jade Helm–like any public military drill–should be publicly challenged and questioned: stay informed, stay questioning, stay vigilant, and please, speak out! (And don’t forget to meditate!)

Gary Franchi at Next News Network on Youtube talks about some aspects of Jade Helm, and shows one brave citizen protesting at a county meeting, as well as a Military PR operative presenting Jade Helm in soothing PR tones:

Jim Fetzer discusses Jade Helm: Jade Helm is no ordinary training drill.

Richard Presser discusses Jade Helm and points to several other articles of interest, including one on the Shemitah year and implications.

Starship Earth’s thoughts on Jade Helm: The DisInfo War is in Full Swing, It’s Time to Go Into Action, America.

Michael Snyder’s thoughts: Signs that the Elite are Feverishly Preparing for Something Big.

Some informative and speculative articles at Dave Hodges’ Commonsense Show.

This is just a sampling. Please stay informed over the next few weeks and months, please take the trouble to follow this story on any site that will cover it, and please take as much (peaceful/non-violent) action as you personally can to keep America and all its residents safe. Meditation does bring peace….and long-time meditators tell us it does yield results. Let’s hope!