Category Archives: Humanity

Drop Copyright, Ban Artificial Intelligence: Question Where Neural Networks Come From First

Note and Op-ed | Ramola D | June 12, 2023

A few hearings lately on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property held by House Judiciary subcommittees have started to point to some of the essential problems with US Copyright and Copyright law, IP law, case law, precedents in law, definitions of the terms “copyright” “patents” “intellectual property” et al, while seemingly all rushing to approve AI as a new technology for the future supposedly to establish technological supremacy and maintain a “global technological leadership” edge over countries like China.

Copyright, Neural Networks, Brains

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Part I — Interoperability of AI and Copyright Law | House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet hearing on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. ET

None are actually pausing to examine comprehensively the shadowy subject of “inputs to train AI models” which Senator Hank Johnson draws attention to in his opening speech at this hearing (AI and IP: Part 1 – Interoperability of AI and Copyright Law, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, May 17, 2023) yet relates purely to “copyrighted works” (itself obviously a subject for much debate and discussion if you take the route of Hollywood’s lawyers or just a subject to reject outright, as any writer, artist, or musician can do anytime, in this new age of Copyright thieving via AI: simply withdraw copyright, retain copyright, return copyright to yourself, and refuse to hand it over in licenses or permissions to be misused and exploited by tech mavens who will never fully acknowledge, credit, or compensate you). What are these inputs? Are they purely copyrighted works? Or do they include neural networks–biological neural networks–at whatever stage of construction of AI models? And what are AI models exactly–simulation models seeking to replicate brain networks in the act of cognitive processing? And whose brains exactly are being studied, heterodyned, cloned, harvested for this purpose? Can brains be copyrighted?

Listening to some of these lawyers speak we begin to get a sense of what the argument is being framed as, but we do not exactly hear much resounding dissent and questioning of the limitations of the term “copyright” itself.

The question of outputs–work generated using these supposedly trainable AI models–being copyrightable or not pales in significance beside the enormity of this primary questioning, which every one of us should be engaging in, worldwide, if we want to preserve–for ourselves and our children and all future generations–the sanctity and autonomy of our brains, our biological neural networks, our rights to our own thinking, perceiving, sensing, cogitating, ruminating, writing, speaking, moving, singing, and all else of our own supremely singular and unique human capabilities at any time.

We must keep in mind that behind the entire phenomenon of Artificial Neural Networks lies the study of biological neural networks, and the examination of brains in the process of cognitive processing.

Questions of Safety, Regulation, Control

While Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, mentions large neural networks in his testimony at this other hearing around the same time (Oversight of AI: Rules for Artificial Intelligence, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law, May 16, 2023), he fails to mention that Artificial Neural Networks are built on biological neural networks, that they have to do with the translation of human brain processing mechanisms and methodologies into software applications via the quantitative sciences which inform simulation modeling, that this translation is essentially brain theft–especially when arrived at non-consensually, and that all Artificial Intelligence so built is vastly inferior to human intelligence which it seeks but fails to emulate.

The dangers and risks of AI which he points to and which are more expansively addressed here, in one of his referenced papers, suggest that, well beyond what is overtly expressed at these hearings, generative AI seeks to become a tool for oligarchic repression of the populace on the one hand through governing access to superior–yet ill-gotten–tools for base cognitive processing (the neural networks of experts), and on the other, degrading human brains through destroying human creative and critical thinking, enforcing new kinds of cognitive processing which seem solipsistic and limiting and essentially enacting information warfare or “unconventional warfare” on all, which military-deception/Psy Ops practices could tell us a great deal about.

All of these are subjects to be more closely looked at. Most especially, the questions of “regulating” (what precisely?), enforcing (what precisely?) and protecting from harm (what precisely?) need addressing.

Much could be simplified if only these “witnesses” at government hearings could state a little more clearly that what they are selling as futuristic AI and seek to have passed on freely to enslave impressionable young minds is nothing but a form of Cliff’s Notes and content-generation software (built on unethical research) for which they now seek personally-profitable content management.

A cursory look at the “observed safety challenges” of GPT-4 listed and elaborated on here at this referenced article which seems to inform Sam Altman’s testimony quite a bit suggests alarming intent to replace whole bodies of critical enquiry, online language analysis, law enforcement concerns, psychology concerns, journalism concerns, law concerns with in-house “red-teaming” while establishing new and arbitrary norms (whose precisely?) for all thinking, speaking, expression, communication and apparently replacing surveillance-censorship online and in brains with private-party-censorship. The use of language such as “enforce” is doubly problematic when no-one is quite sure what exactly needs to be enforced and why–how is this not a major issue behind the whole construct of Artificial Intelligence, how has the study of AI even got this far as to warrant usage of such a word? Yet regulation implies enforcement, and these hearings on AI seem to want to rush through to regulation sans discussion. This conversation with Jack Kornfeld and Soren Gordhamer has Sam Altman bring up “enforcing” again here: “I think we just need to do the same thing here, we need to come together, decide what we want, decide we’re going to enforce it and accept the fact the future is going to be very different and probably like wonderfully better.”

Clearly, pushback in Congress needs to continue.

Neural Network Mapping, Unethical Human and Animal Research, and Human Rights

One of the primary questions to ask however is where neural networks in AI come from, and whether they include the neural network maps which many of those unlawfully targeted have whistleblown about, including French software engineer Frederic Laroche at my channel, who speaks of witnessing French and American brain researchers display and refer to neural maps at his Hewlett-Packard workplace: essentially, are those unlawfully targeted and wrongfully watchlisted being used in secret experiments to map their brains and neural circuits, information from which is then supplied to private-party tech companies intent on making a private profit and rolling out software applications for their own self-aggrandizement off essentially the political persecution and abuse of the innocent? Does the study of neural networks in animals, especially primates, as well fall in this same continuum of abuse of humans? These are human rights questions of devastating importance, since all who report being so targeted and abused essentially report torture, bio-hacking, neuro-hacking, and a complete abrogation of their basic human rights; animals, we all know, have indeed been tortured in multiple ways for military and public-domain neuroscience.

AI and Emerging Technologies: To Be Questioned, Not Expanded and Protected

Meanwhile, Rama G. Elluru, a thinktank patent attorney with apparent over-Government connections, and rather patently sheathed inside the National Security state (she testifies she’s worked as staff for the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (now playing defunct with reports coyly archived at a “cybercemetery” online), lays out a plan for Congress to follow at this recent hearing (Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property — Part I: Patents, Innovation, and Competition, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, June 7, 2023), seeking reform of IP policies to “establish new IP policies and regimes to incentivize, expand, and protect AI and emerging technologies.”

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property – Part I: Patents, Innovation, and Competition |

“Emerging technologies” a nebulous enough term to permit a host of concealments, but one surfacing more these days in seeming attempts to legitimize all including under “emerging technology foreign policy” as covered here earlier, and desperately in need of human rights oversight: US Department of State Sets Up a New Office for Critical and Emerging Technology Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: Human Rights Oversight Urgently Needed/January 5, 2023.

Too much is happening too fast while in actuality the entire edifice of Artificial Intelligence needs to be questioned, not taken for granted. We don’t need to look to AI to “transform our societies, economies, and security” as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated in January, using the trope of foreign partnership that time (versus the current one of global tech competition and leadership) to rustle in public consent without disclosure, very thinly referring to emerging technologies then as “including biotechnology, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, and quantum information technologies.”

We need to ask what AI really is, what it has been built on, and what it uses as base: Inevitably, these questions will run into the large ethical questions behind the incredible abuses of animals and humans underpinning all neuroscience research, military and public-domain, which are not being asked, but which have certainly been addressed continuously at this writer’s desk and broadcast channels.

The new subcommittee hearing slated for tomorrow, June 13, 2022, one can only hope, will address this matter openly: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights. (Curious however that this subcommittee is focused on Human Rights and the Law, while the others are focused on IP and copyright: Will they speak to each other?)

Artificial Intelligence Built on Unlawful Exploitation of Brains and Brain Outputs Needs Banning Outright

The world needs to be apprised of the great harms behind AI research. AI should be banned, not lauded, glorified, or legitimized. Ask first where those neural networks came from, ask what ChatGPT is actually based on, ask what the brain research projects in which “Targeted Individuals” have been buried are really all about, ask what DARPA, DOJ, NIJ and others have been doing for the last two decades in their brain research projects supposedly to help the “mentally-ill” and make society “safe” from falsely-labeled terrorists and falsely-labeled “psychiatric patients.”

Ask how Informed Consent has been jettisoned for absolute carnage, as both academics and agencies have permitted the public to be openly harmed: No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities/17 July, 2016.

There is a great danger to all of humanity–and especially all our children, all our generations to come–in the arbitrary use of AI to replace human intelligence and human brain processes with artificial neural networks or machine learning through nifty software apps or neurological enhancements and thence hand over rights to one’s own creativity in any field, art, music, science, whatever, to the tech gurus who now assure us such appropriation is well within the scope of extant copyright and IP law, as described for instance by UCLA Professor of Law and Electrical Engineering John Villasensor in this testimony addressing concepts of “conception.”

Returning all “Copyright” Ownership, Conception, and Origin Rights to Oneself As Artists, Writers, Scientists, Human Beings with Brains and Biological Neural Networks Belonging Only to Ourselves

So if you are a writer, artist or scientist of any kind, or human being who believes your brain and neural networks, published works, or body of knowledge, experience, and expertise are being attacked, exploited, used and abused by unethical AI researchers–as many report–then it’s time to go beyond these lax notions of protection available in Copyright Law and IP Law and start acting in your own power as living men and women, as Americans on the land–not subject to statutory law but keeping to God-given rights in natural law, common law, international law, stating, declaring, and returning all power over your own self to yourself, as I have done here–a statement I hope to keep updating as I too begin to understand more clearly what exactly needs to be said out loud to stop the interminable exploitation of our creative and living human selves: Statement of Ownership as Statement of Fact Exceeding and Superseding all Copyright Notices | June 11, 2023

News of Harm: Humanity in Crisis as Those Targeted Non-Consensually Reporting Being Held Within AI MK Ultra & Pain Research Projects are Possibly Being Used in “Martyrdom” & Forms of Brain/Heart/Soul Harvesting

Report & Op-Ed #TechnoCreative| Ramola D | 6th of February, 2023

Various sources within communities reporting “synthetic telepathy” — a reported military and intelligence technology — one of many reported on often by this science, technology, and human rights journalist and writer, suggest that a crime of the most unimaginable magnitude is being carried out on thousands of people who have been targeted unlawfully and non-consensually drawn into multiple projects seemingly innocuous but with very dark intentions.

To what extent any of these reports are true needs to be fully investigated and addressed by relevant human rights organizations and criminal justice organizations.

Some of these projects are possibly hidden behind purported Artificial Intelligence Mind and Behavior Control projects studying numerous subjects and especially those engaged in Pain Bio-Behavioral Research Projects which supposedly involve people who are imagined to have consented to “martyrdom” via experimental treatment designed to cause and study pain in the human body and brain.

What a concept, that anyone whatsoever would ever consent to be a martyr–or that the concept of martyr could even exist in this day and age. And what a horror, that anyone could actually be involved in such dastardly schemes to remove lives, souls, hearts, and brains. Martyrdom is not a normal idea even to consider in the face of basic and fundamental human rights and freedoms–absolutely no-one in the world would consent to be a martyr, in the opinion of this writer and probably billions on Earth.

So many questions arise in the face of this purported possibility although one beats all—can it be possible even that people’s lives can actively be taken from them in a research project?

One hopes it is the great concern for humanity, present and future, which will cause people to bring up these projects openly if the case — on which not much information seems to exist but enough to suggest grave harm has been aimed at all of humanity, subjects covered earlier here in numerous projects.

Not much is known currently but it appears that the kind of thing spoken about by Dr. Robert Duncan in Project Soulcatcher may indeed be true while much of this is speculative.

As a human rights journalist and writer long engaged in reportage on this subject which she is retiring from currently as she turns back to her creative writing and art and community service, this writer hopes that all people will rise to the awareness that recognition of our human rights, natural rights, God-given rights are our most powerful accomplishment in consciousness as a collective, and hopefully all circles will step forward to address this subject and save those involved non-consensually or unknowingly in these projects.

Ramola D: Internationally Protected Person

Notice | Ramola D | Dec 15, 2022

“Internationally protected person

(4) “Internationally protected person” means— (A) a Chief of State or the political equivalent, head of government, or Foreign Minister whenever such person is in a country other than his own and any member of his family accompanying him; or (B) any other representative, officer, employee, or agent of the United States Government, a foreign government, or international organization who at the time and place concerned is entitled pursuant to international law to special protection against attack upon his person, freedom, or dignity, and any member of his family then forming part of his household.”

18 USC § 1116(b)(4)

Anna von Reitz: “They are telling a big, fat, self-interested lie, in other words, and trying to deprive you of the rights and Guarantees you are owed as an American.”

Anna de Buisseret | Inalienable and Fundamental Human Rights Include the Right to Life and the Right Not to Be Experimented Upon Without Giving Informed Consent Freely Given

Ramola D | A Few Notes From the Frontlines of the Incredibly Evil War on Humanity by Artificial Intelligence Developers Worldwide, CIA MK ULTRA Neurowarfare Takedowns, City and Neighbor Complicity in Extreme Whistleblower Retaliation on a Journalist

Ramola D | Revoking All Monetary Claims Made Recently to Various Parties Involved in the Wrongful April 12-19 Psych Hold on Ramola D | Clarifying a Few Matters

“Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes

Ramola D/:Ramola-grace: Dharmaraj would like to remind the world, in particular her own family members, all agencies involved in the crimes against her, all private persons, organizations, agencies, and associations engaged currently in the continuous crimes against her of political persecution using new and emerging technologies in violation of all international human rights law, treaties, and conventions, that her political status is that of Internationally Protected Person, and as such is entitled pursuant to international law to special protection against attack upon her person, freedom, or dignity, and any member of her family currently forming part of her household.

:Ramola-grace: Dharmaraj©

All rights reserved, without prejudice.

Anna de Buisseret | Inalienable and Fundamental Human Rights Include the Right to Life and the Right Not to Be Experimented Upon Without Giving Informed Consent Freely Given

Report | Anna de Buisseret | Dec 15, 2022

Inalienable, fundamental human rights are exactly that I.e. inalienable and fundamental rights that cannot be derogated from by anyone else for any reason. Eg the Right to Life and the Right not to be experimented upon without giving your informed consent freely given.

It’s for each and every individual person to assert and uphold their inalienable human rights!

In fact, it’s a constitutional DUTY to do so.

So we shouldn’t rely on the courts to sort this out.

We each have Sovereignty.

We are all EQUAL under the Rule of Law.

No-one is above the Rule of Law – not even Monarchs or Governments or MPs etc.

So each person MUST learn and understand what their fundamental, inalienable human rights are and then assert them.

You do this by going onto Google and searching for the following as starting points:

  1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
  2. The European Convention on Human Rights
  3. The Human Rights Act 1998 (UK)
  4. Re the Right to Health see Article 12 of the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights.
  5. Re the Right not to be experimented upon without informed consent freely given see:

A. The Nuremberg Code (1947) and the Judgments of the International Military Tribunal in the Nuremberg Trials of the Doctors and Nurses of the Third Reich – the “Medical Cases” , 1946.

B. The Declaration of Helsinki

C. The Declaration on Human Rights and Bioethics

D. The Oviedo Convention

For Physicians DUTIES see

A. The Hippocratic Oath

B. The Geneva Declaration of the World Medical Association

C. The International Code of Medical Ethics

D. The General Medical Council’s Code of Conduct (UK)

If everyone read and knew the above laws – and upheld them – we wouldn’t all now be experiencing this nightmare.

Don’t wait for the lawyers to take cases to court and then wait for the court process and then wait for the court hearing and the judgment of a judge!!

We are ALL entitled to uphold and enforce the law against those who seek to break it.

So please everyone: read and understand your fundamental, inalienable human rights and assert them going forward so we can all collectively uphold our Constitution and our Rule of Law.

It’s there to protect us ALL from the tyranny that’s unfolding.

Anna de Buisseret, UK Lawyer.

Celeste Solum: Locked up with Ramola D | Educating the World, Especially Psychiatry, on the Reality of EMF Tech & Microwave Weapons | But Connecting with Humans as Humans

Video Post and Note | Ramola D | April 22, 2022

Many thanks to Celeste Solum for this livestream interview yesterday. As an informed journalist and former FEMA employee well aware of military technologies and government actions, as a thoughtful and spiritually-centered woman and mother, Celeste was the perfect journalist to speak with first about this experience. Thank you Celeste for this open and informative conversation.

People have told me they cannot quite access this interview on their phones or computers, I’ve conveyed that to Celeste, and hopefully will post this at my channels shortly as well, stay tuned.

Reposting here, with permission:

Interview with Celeste Solum, April 21, 2022/Livestream: Locked up with Ramola D

My most recent interview prior to this with Celeste was on the US Army 2050 Cyborg Soldier document on Newsbreak 147, published April 10th, on which I’ll post more shortly.

More coverage to follow, please stay tuned.

Please share widely.


Ramola D: Released from Political Persecution of Wrongful Psych Hold in Carney Hospital, Dorchester After 6 Days of Illegal & UnConstitutional Arrest/Detainment & Kidnapping by Quincy Police Department on False Claim from Loony Neighbor

Thank you v. much to data analyst and broadcaster Albert Benavides for this one: Ramola D Is Home Safe Now! April 20, 2022/WelcometheEagle88

Empowering Small Businesses and Communities: Awakening for Newbies: Facts of Life Re. the Ongoing Agenda 21/NWO/Medical Tyranny/Techno-Takeover, How to Assert Your Common Law Rights & Exit the Maritime Law System

Re-post with note from Bitchute, Channel: Empowering Small Businesses & Communities | Ramola D | Nov 21, 2021

Brilliant UK presentation (video link below) covering a wide panorama of ongoing tyrannies including the medical tyranny of vaccine mandates, mask mandates, vax passports, the whole scenario behind Agenda 21, the global-communism of the Great Reset and sustainability goals, the reality of organ harvesting, the pedophilia/pedosadism inherent in the power system, the very real depopulation agenda, and the entire system or Matrix as we have it, the history of common law, the capture of all citizens worldwide by the Birth Certificate fraud and Legal Fiction strawman fraud, etc. In addition, the presenters share information on how to exit the system. Links to their websites with resources below–although their presentation is specific to the UK, what they cover pertains to everyone worldwide.

Visit their website for I-do-not-consent notices, and continuation-of-business notices in face of unlawful mandates.

In the legal system and system of government as it stands, UK, US, worldwide, everything is contract, and statutory regulations (of government corporations) only hold by consent: important therefore to declare your non-consent in the face of tyranny, and make clear your refusal to contract. No-one can force you to close your business, make people in your cafe or bookstore wear masks, wear a mask yourself, get a toxic vaccine, or anything else. People around the world are being tyrannized under the fraudulent Birth Certificate/Assumed Consent or Tacit Consent system of slavery which Birth Certificates, Driver’s Licenses, Passports, and ALL CAPS NAMES represent: dropping their IDs is an important step forward to freedom. It’s all Fraud really, because they don’t tell you what they are doing–but this is what they are doing: using the Legal Fiction against you while you do not protest, not knowing it is their key to the enslavement of you.

It’s vital these days to understand this concept of Legal Fiction/Strawman versus Living Being/Living Man/Living Woman and your natural rights under Natural Law and Common Law versus slavery under the current Legal Fiction system where Corporate Statutes (named law, codes, etc) are applied tacitly to Legal Fictions: when they arrest you or stop you, they want your Driver’s License and your FULL NAME because that’s who they’re really arresting, not you.

This presentation addresses all of that.

The screenshots below are taken from a video shown during the presentation called You are Not a Person! A Beginner’s Guide to Common Law, available on the front page of their website:

Awakening for Newbies zoom presentation 29.03.2021

Watch on Bitchute:

Join our Common Law Learning Community on Discord:

Join our Common Law for Small Businesses Group Chat on telegram here:

Access materials, information and sign up for networking here:

To learn about Common Law, join our Common Law Beginners group on Telegram here READ ONLY GROUP:

Meet your strawman:

You are NOT a person:

And you thought slavery was abolished:

• Origins of common law:

House of Numbers Full Documentary:

Lawful Bank:

Community Assemblies:

Become a lawful observer:

The Wealth Guardian – 14 hour course on setting up and administering your own private trust, plus a year’s support and other resources:

Awakening to the Facts of Life Today info:

Robert O’Deck and KT:
Operation Lockstep:

Agenda 21:

Agenda 2030:

Good run down on 21/2030:

Silent weapons for Quiet Wars

Social control in China:

China’s organ harvesting camps:

Mass sterilization:

• Glaxo Smith-Kline whistle blower:

Thanks very much to this group for the great presentation and links. Please share widely!

For the USA: The American States Assembly

From Anna von Reitz: Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. It’s decisions are supposed to be made by you. It’s primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. That’s why governments exist. And that is the only reason for any government to exist, Ever.

Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene Oxide–Also Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19

Report & Links | Ramola D | July 5, 2021

In major bombshell news that is still percolating around the world, from its release on June 25, a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, a current affairs show hosted by José Javier Esparza — broke the news that toxic nanoparticulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer vaccine analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna, a small group of Spanish researchers headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano.

First in a series of planned analyses, La Quinta Columna has obtained a dozen more vaccine vials from different laboratories and aims to analyze all vaccine brands.

“It’s convenient to note that the vial was sealed, okay? Sealed vial with rubber and intact aluminum cap of 2ml capacity containing a cloudy aqueous suspension of 0.45ml. “RNA extraction and quantification is performed, and the presence of uncharacterized nanometric microbiological visible even under the optical microscope.” Those are the first conclusions. Here and in this sense, as you ask me, well, obviously I am not going to put anything in the sample. What we are doing today is getting more samples. In fact, we have obtained a dozen more and they are going to be added to make the sample more representative.”

Transcript of this interview is posted here by Orwell City:

Report from University of Almeria on Nano-Graphene found in the Pfizer Vaccine Vial (in Spanish, from La Quinta Columna/Telegram): MICROSCOPIA_DE_VIAL_CORMINATY_DR_CAMPRA_FIRMA_E_1_HORIZONTAL.pdf

Graphene Oxide is Toxic and Causes Blood Clots

Discussing the implications of this finding, Dr. Delgado states that the nanographene oxide creates thrombogenicity or blood-clotting in the veins, compromises the immune system, causes bilateral pneumonia, causes loss of smell and taste, causes multi-organ inflammation and essentially creates all the symptoms attributed early in the “pandemic” rollout to COVID-19.

Graphene is toxic, it is a chemical, a toxic chemical agent.  Introduced in the organism in large quantities, it causes thrombi. It causes blood clots.  We have all the scientific articles to back it up. It causes post inflammatory syndrome, it causes alteration of the immune system.  And when the redox balance is broken, in the sense that there is less of the body’s own reserve glutathione  than an introduced toxicant such as graphene oxide, it generates a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm.  In other words, something very similar to the fashionable disease, isn’t it? “–Ricardo Delgado, Ph.D

Graphene Oxide or GO has been used before as an adjuvant in vaccines, and has been found in the flu vaccines, which might further explain the high numbers of deaths in Milan, Italy and other areas where people had received the flu vaccine in high numbers.

Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity/Xu, Xiang et al

Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant/Cao, He et al

Graphene oxide gives a boost to new intranasal flu vaccine

Infosalus: The flu vaccine contains graphene oxide nanoparticles/Orwell City

Nano Graphene has also been found to be toxic:

Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms/Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Ou, Song et al, 2016

There Never Was a Virus

“COVID-19” therefore was never a virus but a bad reaction or inevitable side-effect to the loading of nano GO in vaccines, a chemical poisoning event rather than a biological pandemic event.

It is well-known among researchers now that no virus has been isolated for COVID-19; what has been stated to be SARS-COV-2 is the synthetic sequencing of a spike protein or fraction attributed to the imaginary genome of the imaginary SARS-COV-2 virus. Pathology study of cadaver tissue of people supposedly expiring from COVID-19 has only found evidence of Influenza A and B.

It is remarkable therefore that this information on nano graphene oxide in the flu vaccines points to similar symptoms as COVID-19 and essentially confirms what many have suspected: there was never any COVID/SARS-COV-2 virus.

Magnetized Human Bodies via Graphene Oxide and Nano Magnetite

Further Dr. Delgado states that graphene oxide in the cells acquires magnetic properties, accounting for the magnetizing of people vaccinated–and also accounting for the 5g-COVID connection–the coinciding of early deaths attributed to COVID-19 in areas such as Milan and Wuhan where 5G had been first switched on, due to excitation and a connection between the electronic absorption bands of graphene oxide and the bands of high frequency oscillations of 5G.

“We have to remember that graphene oxide, like any material has what is called an electronic absorption band.  This is a specific frequency above which it is excited and oxidizes very quickly.  In other words, with a radio frequency telephone signal, it can oscillate very quickly  and cause havoc in just four or five hours, as happened in March and April 2020.”

–Ricardo Delgado, Ph.D

Nano graphene honeycomb structure

In nano biomedicine, Graphene Oxide in the form of carbon nanosheets with a distinct honeycomb lattice structure is also used as scaffolding or lattice to hold magnetic nanoparticles such as Iron Oxide or magnetite which in combination with lipid polymers all in nanoparticulate form are being used in drug-delivery, gene-based cancer therapies and newly in vaccines.

Magnetic nanoparticles offer a means of penetrating cells, as discussed here in Newsbreak 127 | Dr. Jane Ruby to Parents: Do Not Let Kids Get COVID-Tests, Vaccines, Booster Jabs, since human cell membranes naturally resist the intrusion of mRNA or any kind of genetic material. Using magnetic nanoparticles encased in lipid polymers such as PEG permits vaccine manufacturers to literally force mRNA into cells.

Magnetic nanoparticles have been used in drug delivery and thermo-chemotherapy for cancer:

There is also much scientific literature, research, and reportage available on magnetogenetics, a field of inquiry which combines focus on magnetic nanoparticles, flourescing nanoparticle sensors and brain behavior research. Scientists have learned that affixing magnetic nanoparticles to neurons permits remote-access of the central nervous system and brain and permits remote operatives to switch neurons on and off from a distance, affecting motor/muscle movements, memory, and behavior.

Magnetogenetics goes deep into the brain/

Magnetogenetics: remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor/Long, Ye, Zhao, Zhang

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour/Guardian

Magnetogenetics: A new technique to control the inner workings of human cells and build neural circuits/Extreme Tech

Close analysis with startling electron and optical microscope pictures of the graphene oxide found in the vaccine vial is presented in this article by Orwell City:

La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles

Also see: Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body

Image (electron miscroscope) from the vaccine vial contrasted with image of nano graphene oxide from the scientific literature/Image from the video analysis by La Quinta Columna, reported here:
Image (optical miscroscope) from the vaccine vial contrasted with image of nano graphene oxide from the scientific literature/Image from the video analysis by La Quinta Columna, reported here:

It is shocking especially to learn that 98-99% of the contents of the Pfizer vaccine vial comprised Graphene Oxide, the nanotubes acutely responsive to high EMF such as 5G, and only a “very small amount of mRNA” according to Ricardo Delgado.

That would imply that the so-called vaccines essentially intended to force not only synthetic mRNA but the nano graphene oxide, lipid casings, and iron oxide/magnetite into cells: it is impossible for vaccine makers not to have known that.

There is a small trace of RNA that does not correspond to, let’s say, the main component.  98% to 99% of the vial is precisely graphene oxide, that is, the main component of the vaccine is graphene oxide.  So this is what is worrying, because we even suspect that AstraZeneca  probably carried more doses than those that have been administered lately and that is why it generated more thrombi initially. ” 

–Ricardo Delgado, Ph.D

Magnetic nanoparticles introduced into cells on the backs of Graphene Oxide binders, particularly into brain cells–neurons, have implications for both changing the electromagnetic nature of cells, permitting remote oscillation, and permitting remote manipulation of behavior, thought, emotion, and action, essentially, mind-control through Remote Brain Control via EMF.

Graphene successfully interfaced with neurons in the brain/New Atlas, Feb16, 2016

Graphene is also being used in biosensor applications and is part of the transhumanist push to cyborgize humans, connect humans to the Internet of Things and Internet of Bio Nano Things under cover of “Intelligent Healthcare”:

Chapter 5 – Carbon Nanotubes for Sensing Applications/Science Direct

Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Graphene−Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials for Bioapplications/Chemical Review, Rutgers University:

Internet of things, smart sensors, and pervasive systems: Enabling connected and pervasive healthcare/Chapter synopsis from the book “Healthcare Data Analytics and Management: A volume in Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare” Eds. Dey, Ashour, Fong et al (Academic Press, 2019)

These are huge and unsettling findings which need further investigation.

Magnetized Human Heads and Electromagnetic Antenna People; Dangers of 5G for the Vaccinated & Remote Neural Influence

The discoveries of GO and magnetite being in the vaccines began with an examination of the magnetized bodies of the vaccinated, Dr. Delgado states, using multimeters which showed EMF readings also on the head–confirming this theory of Brain Control via magnetite receptors:

Speaking of magnets and metal sticking to people, he says: “This is a phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in the metal that adheres near the inoculation area.  In addition, we have found that the magnetism then moves towards the head. And this is very important.  Surely for the purpose they may seek.  In addition, a potential difference is measured with a multimeter: the person becomes a superconductor.  That is, he/she emits and receives signals.  And when we found the materials that can cause this type of alterations in the body, we began to talk about graphene.  We suspected it was graphene oxide since it had all the characteristics that magnetized people expressed after inoculation. “

Further he says (in the video posted below):

“When we studied the electromagnetic phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band‘. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic. 

As absolutely everything started we have had three ‘nets’: The first is that 5G terrestrial antenna that never stopped being placed —because only the antenna operators worked— and that curiously 8 out of 10 of these antennas are placed near geriatrics and nursing homes, in their immediate vicinity, which has been precisely the most affected population. Another inner net: precisely of graphene, according to the preliminary report of the vial of this university. And an external net, which is the one used by space satellites to supposedly provide 5G coverage. 

Incredibly, we are narrating a science fiction movie, but believe me, today nanoscience, neuroscience and biotechnology have advanced tremendously. We have only made an approximation in the realm of science and behind the back of civil society. Can a person be controlled or neurocontrolled remotely wirelessly? Yes, it can be done and it is probably being done in a disguised way, and that may explain some of the anomalous behavioral behavior of the population, especially those who have been inoculated or who have received doses of graphene oxide by different ways.”

Graphene Biosensors and Nano Magnetite May Be Found in All Vaccines

Dr. Delgado believes that all the different name-brand vaccines have similar high content of graphene oxide given that people showing magnetizing of their bodies have all taken different vaccines:

“What we have found there, according to what the university that has done this study says, is that the main component is precisely graphene oxide and in a very small amount of something else, but above all it is graphene oxide.  And given that all the people who are inoculated with the Pfizer vaccine, which was the one we sent for analysis,  as well as Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, Janssen, Sinovac, and all types of vaccines acquire magnetic properties,  we suspect with many indications that they all contain more or less doses of graphene, of graphene oxide.” 

Furthermore he states this graphene is being delivered through a variety of different means, including the masks, hydrogels, sanitary gels, nasal test swabs, and aerosol (chem trails) as well as previous (flu and other) vaccines: we are all being magnetized via this influx, and the magnetoreceptors in brain cells makes us all amenable to wifi neuron control.

Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body

Graphene sensors used in PCR tests:

Graphene Effects Reduced by Glutathione; N-Acetylcysteine (Precursor of Glutathione) as Detox for the Graphene in the Vaccines

There is a further consideration, that of booster jabs.

“It seems that the body has a certain capacity to naturally eliminate graphene oxide through certain immunological mechanisms.  Once inside the body it acts as if it were a biological agent as such, as if it were precisely SARS-CoV-2. So that is why, we probably suspect, they are trying to introduce a second and a third dose. Now intranasally.  They are already talking about new intranasal vaccines with graphene oxide nanoparticles.  Both for influenza and COVID-19, because in aerosols it is much more potent.  We’ve also seen scientific studies from February to September 2020  of a treatment for COVID-19 with N-Acetylcysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. And on the one hand we know that precisely N-acetylcysteine or glutathione itself degrades graphene oxide.  That is why we think that we probably hit directly on the causative or etiological agent of the disease. “

 Curiously, the FDA moved to ban n-acetylcysteine last August:

Use N-acetylcysteine? The FDA is trying to make it illegal because it could help treat COVID-19

“Reports indicate that the FDA has sent out a series of warning letters to supplement manufacturers warning them that NAC, as it is also called, does not meet the definition of a dietary supplement because it was supposedly first approved as a “drug” back in 1963.”

The low levels of glutathione associated with COVID-19 — aka symptoms caused by nano graphene oxide from flu vaccines, masks, swabs, aerosols — can be addressed with N-acetylcysteine, he indicates.

In a separate interview (link below), he states the following:

Glutathione levels in infants, in children, are very high and COVID-19 hardly affects the infant population. Glutathione levels are extremely low in obese people and for that reason the obese population is one of the hardest hit by COVID-19. 

Glutathione levels are very high in those people who practice sports intensively and as we can see, the target population that is the least punished by COVID-19 is that of athletes. 

Everything, everything leads us to believe that N-acetylcysteine worked because it reduced —as it is an endogenous precursor of glutathione— directly the graphene oxide. So we have a weapon there; it is the famous lifelong mucolytic that people have been treated with. We have seen clinical trials with hundreds of patients who were in the ICU, on a respirator and intubated, practically on the verge of death. With bilateral pneumonias caused by the spread of graphene oxide and subsequent 5G radiation in the lung plaques. Well, this diffuse stain in these patients is symmetrical, which would not happen with a biological agent since it would be rather asymmetrical, as for example when there is a pneumococcal infection, right? Well, in that case a diffuse stain usually appears in one part of the lung, but not in another, not in both symmetrically. So when treated with glutathione via direct intravenous —or even orally as well— or with N-acetylcysteine 600 mg or higher doses, people within hours began to recover their oxygen saturation because, of course, they raise their glutathione levels to cope with the toxin that has been introduced or that has been excited, electronically speaking.”

Implications of State Bioterrorism in Entire COVID Pseudo Pandemic: Share this Information Immediately with Doctors, Media, Family, Community

The implications of this finding are nothing less than explosive and will have international ramifications. “State Bio Terrorism” is what this is, say La Quinta Columna scientists, and all efforts will be made to legally halt the vaccines, masks, tests, swabs, and bring the perpetrators to book. Meanwhile, all are encouraged to share this information widely so the entire world learns at speed about this research and its findings.

“The discovery made here by La Quinta Columna is a full-fledged attack of State bioterrorism, or at least with the complicity of governments to the entire world population, now constituting crimes against humanity. 

It is therefore absolutely essential and vital that you make this information available to your medical community. General practitioners, nursing and health services in general, but also local and regional media and press, as well as all your environment. La Quinta Columna estimates that tens of thousands of people will die every day. In our country alone when they make the new and upcoming 5G technological switch-on.”

–Ricardo Delgado,

There is much more to this story that could be further discussed, particularly the scientific research behind magnetite, GO, nanobiosensors, brain control, IOT, IOBNT, to be followed-up shortly. Please follow the links to other Orwell City posts for further information.

Also see:

Graphene Oxide – what is the story?/Francis Leader, The Hive Blog

Big Pharma Injecting Graphene Oxide as Adjuvant in COVID Jabs!/Principia-Scientific International

Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body/Orwell City

Please share all articles on this subject widely!

Under Cover of Surveillance, Gross Violations of Human Rights & Civil Rights in US and Worldwide | Amy Rayboun: The Program All True TIs are Blacklisted Into

Repost of Facebook Post by Amy Rayboun, April 27, 2021 | Posted with Preface by Ramola D | June 3, 2021

On the eve of the anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square, on June 4, 1989, in Beijing, China, when 100s or 1000s of Chinese students seeking democracy were victimized by a massive military attack crushing basic human rights and freedoms (estimates of deaths range from 800 to 4000 and have been officially downplayed (as 241) and suppressed), it seems fitting to post further notice of the worldwide “TI Program” which many who are being unlawfully targeted under cover of surveillance and counter-terrorism laws in the “democratic-in-name-only” West and worldwide today attest is being levied against them–while all in their neighborhoods, social circles, and employment circles can also attest exists, since these very self-deceiving “upright citizens” (corralled by the local fusion-center Gestapo) willingly participate in actions of social ostracism, character assassination, and facilitation of electronic assault-and-battery masquerading as “surveillance” and “community monitoring” against them.

Tianmensquare, 1989, Image from Internet

“TI” has come to be short form for “Targeted Individual,” a term in itself conflicted and questionable, since it has come to be used pejoratively as a label and pigeonholing device, while the associations with it of mental-illness–studiously cultivated by propaganda-pushing and openly deceitful mainstream media (such as VICE News in this film it terms “empathetic of mentally ill TIs”), complicit psychiatrists, and the whole syndicate of funded criminals in “Law Enforcement,” “Homeland Security,” and “Bureaus of Investigation” who work with local corporate informants and corrupt public officials in local and state government to target innocents, as reported here in the US and here earlier to President Trump in 2017 and in 2019, across a range: activists, journalists, whistleblowers, artists, writers, poets, civic-minded community leaders, anyone who speaks out to a “connected” School Board official or city councilor or crosses the path of local Freemasons and Secret Society occultists or non-illumined “Illuminati” whether these be Mayors, School Board Presidents, or Governors, and label them “suspects,” “terrorists,” “violent extremists”–are intentional, deliberate, and succeed in deceiving many.

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

The “TI Program” has also come to be recognized worldwide–and the extreme forms of persecution and COINTELPRO previously reported only by Intelligence agency whistleblowers and activists who made the mistake of acting with integrity on the job and have been hounded for it forever are now being reported in selfsame guise by hundreds of thousands of once-free Americans, British, Europeans, Asians, Australians. Some analysts and observers say however there is no one program under which people are being targeted and persecuted, who distinguish political persecution as separate. Indeed it appears there are many, but those who are not necessarily political targets–never having been activists or whistleblowers–but who report the same kind of abusive physical torture and social ostracism protocols seem to concur that the methodologies of public and covert harassment they experience are very similar.

“True-TI” has come to mean those found by others to be truly targeted–while there abound the other kind as well, who seem to be working for the perpetrators as they attack and smear others, as both this writer and Amy Rayboun experienced, at the hands of smear-campaign-running ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart: Vicious Lies, Libel, Inversions, Character-Assassination: Is Karen Stewart a “TI Leader” or a Covert Fusion Center Operative?.

Whistleblowers from Defense, the CIA, Intelligence & Security agencies, information from FOIA requests, declassified documents have now confirmed what many report, that unacknowledged neuro-experimentation and non-lethal weapons testing is underway, both via US DOD and NATO diclosures, that “crowd-control technologies” using spectrum (EMF) weapons and acoustic (neuro) weapons are being tested and operated, that AI and supercomputing along with controlling synthetic biology and nanotechnology, cybernetics and robotics is being tested and developed competitively by companies and countries, as reported in this recent report:

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

It becomes clear therefore that the vagaries of “counter-terrorism” and “countering violent extremism” and “surveillance” have been used abusively by Intelligence agencies and DHS to acquire or manufacture targets for use in covered research, weapons-testing, and experimentation projects, as new technologies of BCI-AI, V2K, millimeter wave weapons and microwave pulse weapons have (without public debate or consideration for ethics and human rights) emerged from military research into use on the streets by Justice & Law Enforcement, as described in depth recently by Finnish policy analyst Ville Helleberg in his report to the OHCR:


Those told their friend, colleague, or neighbor is “under investigation” are recruited to participate in the Neuro Linguistic Programming and other Psychological Warfare protocols, under threat of high fines or jail time–as FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee has revealed is common practice when false warrants and court orders are issued in secret by corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges or FISA court judges seeking to bury targets alive. Those targeted are stripped of all human and civil rights, pursued, persecuted, and subjected to high-tech torture in their homes, on their couches, in their beds at night–in ways that obliterate the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva conventions, all human rights laws, and tear common shame and decency to bits.

These crimes–of governments, Intelligence agencies, militaries, and fusion center contractors–are still ongoing, still seeking public recognition and redressal, and still being ignored by media, human rights agencies, Congress, Parliaments, anyone who could take decisive action to bring these Mengele-and-beyond programs to an end. (Instead, elaborate constructs involving Cuban “syndromes” are run by the thuggish Intelligence Community responsible for these crimes: Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis.)

Secrecy needs to be ripped wide open, and classified research involving human subjects–and permitting such extreme atrocity–needs to be stopped, as CIA and DOD whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan has stated:

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

Amy Rayboun, a “TI” investigator, researcher, advocate, and human rights activist who works to offer support and insight to those targeted whom she encounters, offers this information on the “TI Program” for all who may have no idea such cruelty and such atrocity can exist today, and for all “true-TIs” in support and acknowledgment of their infinite suffering. Many have been killed, this should also be known, through various means: attrition and health breakdown through constant frequency weapon attack or pushed-suicide through radio-hypnosis and frequency weapon attack or provoked police-shootings: these are nothing but Satanic programs of torture, abuse, life takeover, and human guinea-pigging, they are egregious in every way, and they should be stopped.

Many thanks to Amy Rayboun for this summary and confirmation of the gross violations of human and civil rights that those targeted are being subjected to. The physical abuse and torture being reported by those targeted establishes definitively that the use of classification to conceal the atrocities being wrought on targets is a criminal use of such classification.

May all reading be awakened to and act on the urgency of the need to bring these programs to an immediate end.

And on this 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, may the world and China break free of the clutches of Communism & totalitarianism and return to sanity and freedom.

–Ramola D



–Amy Rayboun



– done to destroy one’s personal and professional life

– half-truths, rumors, and lies are strategically spread into their lives

– may be the basis for a bogus investigation

– rumors circulated are shocking and repulsive. rumors are one is a pedophile, prostitute, terrorist, racist, anti-government, mentally ill, drug addict, drug dealer, or a threat

– those spreading the lies are acquaintances and/or family members who were recruited, lied to, intimidated, and blackmailed into becoming informants

– law enforcement has used tactics to destroy people that they either wanted to recruit as informants or those they knew they could not recruit and wanted to destroy

– done for the purpose of constant harassment with planned destructiveness and destroying relationships. done simultaneously with the goal of breaking someone down

– rumors spread to neighbors, friends, family, employers, etc. spent to separate/induce isolation for a TI from their friends and families.

– labeling one a pedophile is damaging and produce optimum leverage for gaining community support

– harassed by neighbors and vigilante groups to the point where they are driven out of communities, forced out of work, and driven out of multiple states


– borderline-subliminal attacks designed to induce phobias

– uses anchors and triggers

– goal is to condition people with damaging emotions linked to triggers such as objects, colors, movements, and sounds

– TIs are covertly injured openly in public AND may happen with or without the TI’s conscious awareness

– purpose is to get TI to “respond emotionally to a particular trigger.” negative emotions are then built into the protocol

– sound, movement, or object becomes the trigger that will invoke the emotion

– process of creating anchors has also been called Emotional Transference

– patterns of behavior can be installed AND then reactivated whenever a similar situation is encountered or created. perps intentionally install anchors to return the TI to specific emotional states. first, the perp will create the desired emotional state in the TI

– deliberate infliction of emotional pain is an act of violence

– TIs world wide have witnessed this being done with sounds, gestures, cell phones, laptops, pens, cars, watches, clothing, symbols, colors, and other items. perps will reinforce these anchors and triggers with an occasional “blitz attack”

– TIs stalked by multiple people who carry that object, wear that color, or utter that phrase. brings to the surface all the emotional pain a TI suffered during that particular experience

– stockholm syndrome, pavlovian conditioning program, etc…


– includes blocking, cut-offs, and swarming

– TIs may be encircled by people wearing colors or holding objects that has been used to sensitized them. prolonged crowding can have an extremely negative effect on your mental/emotional health

– deliberate space invasion is designed to look like normal cut-offs and collisions. it can happen with vehicles, on foot, or a combination

– intended to startle people and make them tense. used in blind areas such as corners, hallways, restrooms, or intersections where TIs have people or cars cutting them off OR almost hitting them in a calculated manner

– happens in stores, buildings and on the street, with people and vehicles

– can be induced crowding

– perps adjust their timing so that they meet the TI at the exact point where there is the least amount of space for all parties to pass which maximizing the invasion of the TI’s space

– purpose is to get the TI’s attention and make them uncomfortable

– happens in stores while making purchases, restaurants, businesses, where targets have people frequently cutting them off, invading their space, using sensitivity programs, or other harassment tactics


– TIs experience a steady stream of noise consisting of different types of noise disturbances around their residence. includes but not limited to door slamming, yelling, car alarms, horns, tires screeching, loud music, engines revving, and frequent construction projects from heavy machinery and tools

– other types of disturbances include frequent noise from lawn mowers, snow blowers, vehicles with loud exhaust systems, and ambulance sirens, etc…

– noise will be synchronized with some type of activity

– made as TI leaves to appear to serve as a form of communication to alert perps in the area to begin pursuit

– used as a weapon to inflict pain

– produces adverse physiological AND psychological health effects, i.e., high blood pressure, a rise in cholesterol, damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems


– used during group stalking and contains verbal and non-verbal harassment, threats, insults, intimidation, and violence, conveyed overtly, or covertly using themes, symbolism, or other medium

– harassment can be relayed with metaphors, verbal remarks, and symbolism using clothing or other items

– perps stomp their feet, clear their throat, or cough to indicate that they are part of the program. perps speaking on their cell phone and loudly accent the insult as they walk by and stare at the TI. blatant, hostile, or smirking stares, overtly insults as TI walks by are all common

– TIs are harassed, insulted, and threatened with symbolism using articles of clothing, newspapers, and other items. symbolism used with articles of clothing, especially during a wave attack where a TI is “blitzed” by a crowd of perps who smile, laugh, stare at them, and cut them off as TI passes.


– they attack covertly

– conceal their harassment by using existing events that occur naturally

– usually cover for the harassment

– conceal much of the harassment using a basic, simple formula

the basic, simple formula is…

– frequency: how often an event occurs AND the number of acts within a single event.

– duration: length of a single event AND the non-stop nature of the harassment in general.

– intensity: amplification of acts such as sound, sight, crowding, etc. within an event.


– noise disturbances emanate from areas surrounding one’s residence.

– happens simultaneously, strung together, AND one right after the other.

– disturbances may be synchronized with one’s activity, such as one’s arrival or departure.

– disturbances may be a part of a NOISE CAMPAIGN consisting of an alteration of other types of noise.

– frequency and duration formula is also used in MOBBING.

– noise disturbances can be overused for an individual tactic when the tactics are combined and used in a round-the-clock fashion resulting in amplification of their overall potency.

BASIC PROTOCOL/TACTICS (purpose: TIs personality traits can be cataloged AND designed to make someone to appear that they are suffering from a mental disorder)…

– surveillance of targets

– monitoring of their private lives

– entry into their homes (break-ins)

– “singled out” for preliminary stages of harassment

– gang stalking (overt surveillance) ensues

– harassment gradually increases to extreme conditions

– can be attacked with microwave weapons (DEWs)

– neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) (a type of mind-control)

– can have street theatre or staged events

– can have planned harassment skits aka BLOCKING or SWARMING

– includes informants who surround TIs (targets) for the purpose of conversations intended to be overheard that contains information about the TIs personal life

– may be emotionally drained

– unable to properly identify or explain what is happening to them

– psychological warfare tactics are intended to drive people crazy


– US has used doctors to help abuse and discredit people

– collaboration between doctors and the military when experiments were carried out in prisons, hospitals, and universities on unwitting people in North America

– psychiatrist and psychologists provide cover for THE PROGRAM

– in Russia, enemies of the dictatorship would be thrown into mental institutions and drugged beyond recovery

– APA’s refusal to acknowledge the impact of terrorization upon the human psyche

– DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) is a cover for THE PROGRAM

– paranoia and schizophrenia for anyone who ‘complains’ of THE PROGRAM

– NSA DOMINT (Domestic Intelligence) has the ability to covertly assassinate US citizens by running covert psychological control operations to cause TIs to be diagnosed with ill mental health

– THE PROGRAM itself is designed to mimic mental illness

– mental health professionals participate in THE PROGRAM, wittingly or unwittingly label targets as mentally ill; allowing THE PROGRAM to continue to operate covertly


– once a person is singled out, dwellings surrounding the TI will be sublet and used as bases of operation and training

– unusual patterns of occupancy, lots of people coming and going into these “bases”

– vehicles and license plates used by the “occupants” of the bases may change periodically

– the people who move into these bases have been linked to the DOJ, CIA, and other federal agencies, universities, and government defense contractors

– information obtained by surveillance is used for no ethical reason

– other than to establish a harassment protocol that follows that TI (targeted individual) for the rest of his or her life

– uses very sophisticated equipment that can locate TIs through walls. the equipment is used in combination with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and other “non-lethals.”

– miniature microphones and cameras may be planted in one’s residence or through-the-wall infrared devices may be used to monitor one’s movement. for example, Life Assessment Detector System (LADS) have a range of about 135 feet and can detect heartbeat and respiration.


– radar flashlight that has a standoff distance of 30 feet and detects motion behind a wall at 30 feet

– display images in 3D format. can detect respiration, and can see through, wood, brick, plasterboard, glass, and concrete

– used on TIs worldwide and is much more advanced (not available to the public)




– frame TIs for crimes and/or to participate in staged events that foster character assassination

– provoke TIs into confrontations

– will get into setup and staged confrontations with homeless TIs who are well-dressed and very clean to create big public scenes

– confrontations can aid with recruitment

– photos or video footage taken of an enraged TI after they have been antagonized (setup) assists with smear campaigns AND when leveraging support of the community, facilitates the removal of the TI

– multiple complaints filed independently which entail the same report may expedite removal of the TI

– setups and staged confrontations are done to get TIs into the penal or mental health system

– local police participate in stalking and framing TIs for crimes

– Cointelpro has routine setups and fabrication of evidence that is used to destroy a person’s character OR have them imprisoned

– FBI framed innocent people (TIs) for crimes by having informants commit perjury. some of the informants were murderers (20+ murder informants used by FBI). to protect them (FBI), federal law enforcement worked diligently to prevent homicide cases from being resolved

– DOJ personnel are liars, perverts, frame-up artists, and assassins AND the elite used the FBI to orchestrate the cover-up


– staff work in tandem with informants to harass TIs

– staff appears to be friendly as they stick their elbows in a TI’s face, repeatedly kick their chair, crowd them while taking an order, crowd while delivering food, intentionally mess-up orders, and appear clumsy or incompetent by accidentally dropping food or silverware on TIs

– CROWDING, blocking, cut-offs, and swarming while TI goes to restroom and dining table; staff (informants) repeats information about the TIs personal life via cell phone

– sensitization by staff perps wearing a specific color to harass TIs

– harass TIs to invoke a sense of helplessness in the TI so he/she will not be believed if he/she told someone about the harassment

– store clerks work with informants in their store to crowd, block, and cut TIs off

– store clerks participate in noise campaigns by banging merchandise on shelves, throwing boxes on the floor as TIs passes by, slams doors, slams items on counters, and other types of loud commotion

– noise campaigns and street theatre are intended to create a hostile environment to persuade TI to leave AND let the TI know they are being watched (surveillance)

– products from vendors over the phone or online; the TI frequently encounters representatives who does not return calls AND appears vague or incompetent. TIs receive poor service that is recurrently consistent


– may be recruited to break TI down

– may participate in harassment skits intended to make the TI look incompetent, inconsistent, hypocritical, mock, and demoralize TI

– ‘new friends’ pose as confidants who abruptly end ‘friendships’ under deliberate, degrading, and humiliating circumstances to purposely heighten emotional trauma in the TI in order to provoke an uncontrolled response and induce heightened isolation

– family forced to carry out some of the harassment tactics. at home, family may frequently slam doors, cabinets, draws, and other types of noises. in addition, family may crowd and/or block TI

– family members are forced by their handlers to guide the TI through participating in street theatre. family will interact with other informants to harass the TI. skits are intended to make the TI feel foolish, incompetent, or inconsistent


– no sign of forced entry

– occur when TI is sleeping or elsewhere

– occur despite home security system in place

– leave evidence of their visits by relocating objects or committing petty/not-so-petty acts of vandalism

– informants commit small-scale damage which includes but is not limited to the following: ripping TI’s clothing, pouring out milk, coffee, and other items

– informants will steal items and bring back at a later date. they will relocate items by placing them in slightly different spots. the purpose is to gaslight TI. (gaslighting tactics)

– vandalism of property, theft of items, and relocation of items is used for the purpose of driving the TI insane (psychological warfare)

– TIs reporting small vandalism to law enforcement will appeared to have gone insane

– surreptitious break-ins, thefts, and sabotage were a staple part of old Cointelpro


– electronic equipment frequently fails, i.e., electrical systems in their cars, brand new appliances, TVs, radios, PCs, and other electronic equipment suddenly dies OR acts strangely…frequent, ongoing computer trouble/problems is common which does not follow any logical pattern

– electronics sudden malfunction/failing can be attributed to the E-bomb (electronic mail bomb)

– minor vandalism is for the purpose of informing the TI that he/she is under surveillance

– large-scale property damage is done to homes/vehicles. large-scale property damage is but not limited to the following: slashed tires, broken/smashed windows, tampering with break lines, draining oil out of cars, tampering with electronic components and batteries, cutting break lines, breaks failing suddenly, clutches failing, and the destruction of electrical equipment

– pets die suddenly of mysterious illness

– vandalism and pets being tortured is in retaliation for a TI taking action to expose informants and their crimes

– deliberately attempted collisions by drivers aka informants who speed away quickly (staged event)

– intentionally being run off the road has caused fatal car accidents and TI’s vehicles being totaled, leaving TI deceased or with a non-operable vehicle

– multiple independent vehicles are used to facilitate an accident (staged event). the main purpose is for the accident to appear as though it was caused by the TI (framing the TI for the accident happening)

– informants recipe for murder OR framing the TI for any “accidental” deaths that would have occurred if a staged event is successful for vehicular homicide


– TIs experience more tailgating and cut-offs

– vehicles pull out past stops signs as TI approaches intersection (done to startle TI)

– rotation of vehicles that surround TI on highway AND rotation of people tailgating TIs

– when rotation/tailgating of TI is done in a recurrent manner by multiple vehicles; it can antagonize the TI’s behavior and may serve to encourage the TI to accelerate his/her speed. as a direct result of accelerating, the TI could get pulled over (very effective if one is not aware he/she is targeted)

– vehicles marked with an identifying feature or color is used as a sensitization tactic to trigger negative emotions which have been anchored to that ‘feature’ (features may include but not limited to: a uniform; a shade of red, have their lights on even during daytime, etc…). purpose is used as a method to unite the group of informants and promote informants’ group cohesiveness on highway

– common vehicles/aircraft used to stalk TIs include but are not limited to: city/state vehicles, off-duty metro buses, school buses, local restaurant delivery vehicles, city/construction vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, postal/UPS vehicles, taxis, 18 wheelers, helicopters, and small planes

– vehicles belong to organizations selected for recruitment into the ‘citizen informant programs’

– convoys of vehicles all spaced the same distance and traveling at the same speed will stalk the TI


– vehicular brighting is an attack

– brighting tactics are maximized when a vehicle has one headlight grossly misaligned and the misalignment produces a hi-beaming effect

– frequency and duration play an important role in brighting

– lights are shined into a TI’s windows

– the most common ‘non-lethal weapons’ are bright lights (brighting)

– the intent is to reduce risks of injury by temporarily ‘hindering’ the eyesight of the TI


– job opportunities are destroyed

– TIs who are employed are MOBBED

– progressive financial depletion induced by TIs loss of employment AND compounded by the extra expenses from the harassment

– termination of employment involved prefatory harassment by employer and co-workers aka MOBBING AND will coincide with other overt forms of harassment

– blacklisting originally used as a foreign-policy tool

– slander plays a critical role in blacklisting

– law enforcement sends ‘watch lists’ to corporations which contain the names of individuals who are NOT under official investigation or wanted. agencies/corporations target and harass TIs by deliberately destroying his/her careers on a massive scale

– applicants denied work because their names appeared on the watch list of applicants that the corporation reviewed

– TI is treated like a leper, only getting the worst jobs

– if one is uncooperative with the state, then one will live in poverty (economic warfare)

– not permitted to enter into universities

– MOBBING continues on to interviews for the purpose of further traumatizing the TI AND designed to humiliate the TI

– interviewers can commit harassment to the TI with little fear of being caught/consequences

– harassment is masked in layers of accommodation to help strengthen the illusion that ‘the TI is not working because the TI chooses not to’


– TIs experience tampering or lost mail because the mail is intercepted

– the purpose is to get as much information as possible that it will aid in the harassment and intimidation of the TI

– one main objective for communication interference is to disrupt the communication systems of the TI

– TIs receive lots of harassing telephone calls. the phone itself is utilized as a tool for harassment


– search engine results are filtered (blocked) and replaced with information pertaining to a TI’s personal life. websites that a TI visits are spoofed to contain information that is intended to let the TI know he/she is being stalked in/on the internet

– online version of public stalking

– purpose of tactic is used for inductions of a sense of hopelessness and isolation

– TIs receive “unsolicited” email that parallels a current event in his/her life

– TIs receive covert insults and threats

– TIs receive harassment via threads posted on message boards

– the topics of these message board threads are about events unfolding in the TI’s personal life that may contain covert directed threats/insults to TI

– TI’s email is blocked/filtered AND web activity monitored

– TI is interrupted, trashed, or harassed online

– unsolicited emails contain cryptic borderline-subliminal attacks

– the harassment of some TIs is broadcasted around the country via closed circuit TV

– in the workplace, harassment is done by surveillance systems

– surveillance films of TIs gang stalked in the office is for the purpose of facilitating perp group cohesiveness and in identifying TIs

– presently, surveillance film serves as a major source of entertainment for the informants participating in harassment as more overt degenerates are known to record the TIs actions so they can “re-live” the experience

– covert workplace surveillance is big business….$$$$

– surveillance system equipment is installed after hours which includes miniature cameras hidden inside but not limited to the following locations: thermostats, light switches, on walls and in ceilings, changing areas, locker rooms, break rooms, and bathrooms


– weapons exist and are being used on the civilian population

– NLWs are the following: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Psychotronic Weapons, Less-lethal Weapons, and Electromagnetic Weapons

– most TIs are hit with these weapons

– located in bases of operation which surround TIs

– NLWs may be satellite or tower-based

– TIs receive DEW attacks while traveling via airplanes or vehicles

– briefcase-sized portable weapons are used to attack TIs

– some of these non-lethal weapons (NLW) are Through-The-Wall (TTW) weapons

– presently used on a massive scale against citizens of North America and other NATO nations

– outsourced to the FBI to put NLWs in all the police departments in the US

– NLWs are deliberately misused on a global scale as a traceless form of slow kill/torture

– types of unclassified DEWs cause nausea, fatigue, headaches, liquefy bowels, and a variety of other symptoms

– TIs are disoriented by low-frequency acoustic beams that provokes vomiting and diarrhea

– some NLWs are used on both land and space based

– NWLs uses are the following but not limited to: the use of the electrical grid throughout the country, the use of microwave towers, and devices affixed to poles that are connected to power lines.

– NLWs systems are used by neighbors surrounding the TI who is singled out as the target

– NLWs have been used on the civilian population for decades


Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Abreu Report: “My Brain was Cooking,” Says Victim of Psychotronic Weapon

Interview with Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues: “Bogus National Security Laws Have Enabled Big Brother to Monitor Everyone and Harass Many”

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally


Ville Hellberg | Rendition Flights, Anyone? Inter- And Cross-Governmental Torture Programs Manifested under the New Surveillance and Counter-Terrorism Laws Withhold Legal Protection, Human Rights, and Constitutional Rights from Civilians, Their Targets

Report by Ville Hellberg | Posted by Ramola D | 31.05.2021

Note: This is a major report from a European policy analyst exposing the horrors of counter-terrorism and mass surveillance torture programs being run worldwide since 9/11 by US, Five-Eyes, Fifteen-Eyes, EU member nations under agreement with US intelligence and security agencies, self-labeled as surveillance and counter-terrorism, self-permissive of bio-hacking and neuro-hacking, using invasive anti-personnel Electronic Warfare neuroweaponry, self-permissive of “No-Touch Torture” and remote-access physical and neurological abuse, shrouded in secrecy and propaganda, deeply invasive of human privacy, and unleashing Stasi, Nazi, Mengele-style programs of atrocity, torture, physical, and psychological abuse in concentric circles of control on millions of innocent civilians, wrongfully labeled “suspects” and “terrorists” for purposes of competitive development worldwide of supercomputing AI, cybernetics, robotics, neuroprosthetics, Brain Nets, Mind Hives, Cerebral Internets, and brain-degrading Neuroweaponry all at the cost of massive human suffering and human lives, revealing a complete breakdown of ethics and consideration for human rights among governments, militaries, security, and Intelligence agencies, seen through the eyes of European policy analysis and human rights convictions examining US Foreign Policy just as much as state of the art Surveillance Technology and Neurotechnology.

While these programs of political persecution and hidden torture are the same ones American human rights campaigners and others worldwide have been discussing widely in articles and books (see Targeting is Real), this report is groundbreaking and unique in its close examination of the US “War on Terror” declared by George Bush in 2001, which has influenced US Foreign Policy and coerced European submission to a worldwide fixation on counter-terrorism and mass surveillance inducive of clampdowns and removals of civil rights and liberties, and destroyed the concepts, principles, and protections of democracy worldwide, including European concepts of human dignity and rights completely at odds with American imperialism. “Europeans do not wish to bring the War on Terror to European soil,” writes Ville Hellberg from Finland.

What few people know–thanks to mainstream media propaganda and long-term occlusion of human rights reportage with deprecating, discrediting cover, intended to obfuscate, of “Targeted Individuals” who have been reporting extreme torture and abuse now for over three decades–is that American counter-terrorism and surveillance programs and laws have gone well beyond the revelations of Edward Snowden and permitted egregious torture, abuse, and removal of rights on American soil, as reported by this writer and others to President Trump in 2017 and 2019:

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

What Ville Hellberg brings to this disclosure is keen insight into the structure of global security agreements, the excessive role played by US “War on Terror” foreign policy demands, the rise of new technologies permitting extreme invasion of human, bio and neuro privacy, the false legalizing of “sources and methods” of interrogation and investigation granted to Intelligence and Security agencies, and the crying need to address and end the silent suffering of thousands of innocent citizens, wrongfully targeted, blacklisted, ostracized, tortured, maimed, disfigured, continually abused, destroyed, and yes, also murdered–in a complete breakdown of recognition of human rights–worldwide. Many thanks to Ville Hellberg for this powerful and deeply thoughtful analysis and report, which is surely going to pave the path to positive change, going forward.

–Ramola D


PDF here:



Ville Hellberg | May 31, 2021


Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can’t be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.” – Robert Duncan, ‘Neuropsychological and electronic “no-touch torture”. The spectrum of “interrogation” and torture techniques used by the US and its allies’. [7]

Electronic Warfare (EW) anti-personnel applications such as DEW (directed energy weapons) and AW (acoustic weapons), as well as their distant cousins neuropsychological electronic (neurotech) applications RNM (remote neural monitoring)/RMI (remote mental imaging) /EEG (electroencephalogram), and the product of these, V2K (microwave hearing), among other techniques, are being directed to civilians globally. With the exception of capital-intensive neurotech applications or other mass operations, the tech can be operated by private sector agencies and corporates, whilst the operations are in general run by military and law enforcement agencies from multifunctional radar and antenna platforms globally. Even though the applications are used in connection with psychological operations, they have the fatal capacity and produce pain, suffering and psychological trauma, even fatalities in their targets; civilians. Thus, the utilisation supports the definition of torture. Under governments’ execution, the operations are run by the military whose clientele the national security, law enforcement, intelligence societies are. Whether the implementation and targeting of this technology on civilians constitute a war crime should be evaluated. The technology ’consumes’ the human body, especially the neurological system, as directed to its targets for over inhumanly prolonged periods. Other scientists say the neurotech mass surveillance AI applications should be considered as a WMD. It is imperative indeed to acknowledge that the vast increase in numbers of targeted civilians indicates a widespread attack on human rights.

Due to its stealth nature, the technology has attracted military budgets globally. Other governments have developed sophisticated global operations and are well advanced in the utilisation of this technology. However, due to the low cost of operations most governments have utilised their own version of the technology. This also involves increased non-consented human testing and yet another armament. Human testing on dissidents, activists and whistleblowers, even their descendants, seems common. Whilst the effects of resonance spectrum frequencies on the human body and nervous system were discovered to their full potential by the midst of the 1970s [6], it still needed an agenda and strategy for implementation. The new millennium has brought us “the War on Terror” in which counter-terrorism and mass surveillance laws introduced legal instruments to allow the use of “mass surveillance neurotechnology” under which the resonance technologies are operated. The use of anti-terrorism as an agenda is an unconstitutional plan of the Western coalition that has significantly strengthened sovereign national power at the expense of human rights and democratic systems through surveillance laws.

The new dynamics of global geopolitics have also impacted the global power balance and foreign and security policies. We may have to accept that there are several superpowers capable of globally utilising this technology against the citizens of other countries. International laws should regulate the imperialistic execution of these technologies by regime and purpose e.g. automatized targeting, target selection, technology and intergovernmental co-operation should be regulated and watched carefully. There are some parallel operations and agendas that further increase the number of targeted people and populations. When the operations are global it is likely the resonances are directed through OTHRs (over-the-horizon-radar) and satellites which in turn facilitates the discovery of the source radar. For the sake of clarity, it is sensible to acknowledge that cellular phones have a key role in locating targets and delivering biometrics. The MSM is full of cover articles when one government is caught using the technology and blaming the others. Recently, we have seen evidence of purposely leaked material in MSM regarding global Electronic Warfare, in attacks where resonance technologies have been used, such as the attacks to White House officials [29] and Cuban embassy staff [30] by assumed DEW microwave technologies. These operations have been leaked not only to inform the public and other governments of the ongoing global Electronic Warfare but also to blame the other governments. It is reasonable however, to recognise that these attacks really are lightweight samples of the use of the WMDs. People should be suspicious in view of the recent bushfires also. In other words, it is the infrastructure, populations and individuals that are being targeted in this global war and not discussed in the MSM. We are indeed viewing the evidence of a global war.

The technology is poorly understood by lawmakers, practioners and politicians it is presented by military and law enforcement lobbyist and therefore, become approved and utilised globally. Human rights activists are in search of political co-operation whereas the political or administrative powers will not touch the topic. There is a significant number of similarities in details of this “play” to the events of WWII where the messengers of the Holocaust had not been taken seriously either.

Brain invasive neurotechnology applications (RNM/RMI/EEG) are claimed to have been used in mass surveillance operations. The applications are commonly called “cybernetics” although finding common global terminology for the EW applications seems problematic. We suggest the use of military terminology since the technology is based on military design. Each technology presented in this paper should be defined as Electronic Warfare anti-personnel applications, including the mass surveillance neurotechnology applications.

The mass surveillance operations target civilians and their neural systems. The operation is automated and run by supercomputers through multifunctional radar or antenna systems which means robotic elements are involved. In the investigations of the neural systems of the targeted civilians, the cortex is being stimulated by a spectrum of electromagnetic pulses for years in order to clone the entire neural system. The methodology is called synthetic telepathy since it may investigate and implant thoughts and mind patterns into the targeted brains. The term “mind control” implies the domination of the conscious nervous system. The process is not painless, hence the term “no-touch torture”. A group of brains can be linked together as “brain network” which in turn assists supercomputers to develop a competitive advantage in the field of AI. In “neuropsychological electronic torture” painful stimulants help to cause a reaction in the targets’ cortex that is measured and biometrics collected. Synthetic telepathy refers to reading and replacing one’s thoughts with “synthetic thoughts” or even by another mind replacement. The recent development where mobile devices, phones, can be used to collect and introduce these emissions i.e., ICT and 5G networks are in use. Scientists have developed systems to take nanotech to the brains which then receive the resonances. It has been presented that the mass delivery of this nanotech would occur through public vaccinations. The nanotech operates using the body energy (piezoenergetics) or by energy delivered resonances. Thus, the resonances deliver both the energy and the informantion in form of commands. The delivery of these resonances can be arranged from any platform, even by mobile device emissions. The mass surveillance utilises satellites and OTHRs. This allows continued mass observations of the feelings, senses, thoughts, and actions of the target. The fact is that individual’s free will and degree of autonomy are hugely affected.

As a result of the recent breakthrough of technological development different forms of applications are being utilized in many areas in the society, such as police, customs office, border control, prosecutor, judicial system, and intelligence community but also in the private sector. The technology remains unregulated and lacks sufficient measures of supervision, monitoring, and control due to the covert nature of the operations. In Europe, the situation is being recognized [23] by lawmakers to a certain extent. Whilst the EU has been speculated to push through a reform [8] on the laws of AI mass surveillance to ban the use of AI for mass surveillance (from the private sector alone) and some other uses this has not been ratified. There has been a good progress made to impose further regulation on automated weapons systems [31] and interrogation methodologies [32]. In addition, the consistency of surveillance laws is being evaluated in the EU by the ECHR [33]. It seems lawmakers do not understand the technology since they only have the military introduction to it. In the absence of ethical aspects, international laws, regulation, and compassion, solidarity the torture-like execution continues to be conducted, hence the phenomenon of targeted individuals.


Too little is spoken in public about white-collar law enforcement and intelligence community operations’ military tactics that produce pain, suffering, and psychological problems to civilians. Resonance technologies are at the core of the Western intelligence community and law enforcement operations today, executed by the military among others. Yet it is unclear which government agencies and how many countries are abusing neurotech methodologies. The military technologies have been introduced to politicians under anti-terrorism agenda by a Western intelligence coup as surveillance methodologies with a major detail left ignored, that the technology causes significant pain, suffering, physical and psychological trauma, even fatalities. The technologies are also being widely misused in operations lacking supervision in an unregulated industry in the absence of ethical aspects.

Such tactics as DEW (directed energy weaponry; laser, maser, high power microwave and radio frequencies as well as particle beams), AW (acoustic weaponry), RNM (remote neural monitoring), reverse EEG (electroencephalogram), and V2K (microwave hearing) to mention a few are somewhat creatively executed from multifunction radars and a series of antennas and directed to their living targets from a diversity of platforms with satellite assistance. Despite the fact that these are military tactics, and a crucial part of Electronic Warfare anti-personnel operations, they are being directed towards civilians to cause pain and suffering when misused and therefore, must be considered as torture. Should that not constitute a war crime? In addition to a law (Finland: Rikoslaki luku 11 pykälä 9a) that defines torture as a crime, most of these nations have signed on the UN Convention on Torture.

Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.” [7] This is the explanation of the “War on Terror”. It seems the police, prosecutor, in particular, border control, customs, judicial system, intelligence community and military operations are all in favor of this type of implementation, the citizens themselves being bypassed. Probably, the entire clientele favours this technology which allows direct participation in the activation of the targeted suspects’ sensors. This is the end of privacy as we know it, the film ‘Minority Report’ in steroids.

Coercive Measures and the Use of “No-Touch Torture”

In Finland, military intelligence confirmed on 06.05.2021 [16] that some of their coercive measures are similar to the ones used in the local law enforcement. More interestingly, the article confirms that the district court (of Helsinki) regulates the use of coercive measures which in turn may be interpreted that the judicial system in Finland allows the use of military tactics that are sometimes referred to as “no-touch torture” (torture caused without visible connection to the targeted) to be used to target the Finnish citizens. In view of the fact that law treats any torture or intentionally caused pain as a crime (Rikoslaki Ch 11 §9a among the UN Convention against Torture) in Finland, the arrangement is somewhat disputable. Another trick to hold back the argument on war crime?

In Finland, the chiefs of military and law enforcement select the technologies used under coercive measures and self-supervise the utilisation of these. It is indeed wishful thinking that the lawmakers, law practitioners and politicians approving the use of the technologies would also understand them. Some targets have been targeted for decades even though the permitted period is supposed to be 6 months each time before renewal. The renewal process would not stand any closer evaluation. The law enforcement officers manufacture the evidence to present the suspect in a negative frame. There is no alternative explanation on why the same targets are under the execution for decades unless, they are the targets of military exercise. The former ptotocol is called target manufacturing. It surely seems the technologies have become a punitive instrument for the political and administrative cultures.

One acknowledged problem seems to be the new surveillance law that allows the use of resonance technologies together with counter-terrorism laws which in turn allows the removal of civil rights. Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) are investing in cyberwar in the future [17] and confirms that AI is involved in order to handle significant amounts of data. The terminology appear to cause problems with interpretation since the term “cyberwar” has been used in the media to cover resonance methodologies also. Bear in mind the ICT sector is a part of the mass surveillance structure and 5G infra based on resonance technologies. Since 10bn Euros is being invested in the new fighter jet fleet which in turn supports cybertechnologies by multifunctional radar systems it is clear the technology is in use. Kivinen, the Chief of Defence, states that in developing a cyber defence programme the Finnish Defence Forces co-operate with other members of the EU cyber defence projects [17]. It was brought to the knowledge of Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne in 2019 that what mistakenly is called cyber weaponry instead of anti-personnel EW technologies were being used to target civilians and even children. Rinne publicly aimed a reminder to the Chief of Defence who in turn publicly mentioned the technology related to an international war exercise [18]. As it has been brought to the discussion earlier the EU seems to have security policies that conflict with human rights and indeed, with the EU policies for human rights. Since the EU does not possess an organised military compartment or co-ordination for the common defence the EU member nations practice with who they will. Human rights are left under the observation of the military in this war exercise, a light operation if any.

Since the views of targets have not been heard in preparation of the surveillance and counter-terrorism laws in the EU, the understanding of the technology is based on military reviews. This is an excellent reason why targeted should be heard by lawmakers, law practitioners, and politicians instead of copying military methodologies from other societies supported by massive lobbying. If not legal risks, at least political and reputational risks will acknowledged by the Governments of the EU [17, 20, 26]. The use of these weapons should be regulated more aggressively and indeed, take into account that the same targeted civilians, shockingly, remain the targets of international war exercises for years, as long as their physiology can withstand for the attacks of the energy weapons.

The Intelligence Ombudsman in Finland supervises the legality of civil and military intelligence and the realisation of basic and human rights in intelligence activities (The Act on the Oversight of Intelligence Gathering entered into force in February 2019) states the website of the Intelligence Ombudsman. The Ombudsman has produced recently (05.05.2021) a second opinion on the operations of military intelligence and intelligent services in Finland according to which he approves the operations. The Intelligence Ombudsman is aware of the use of the technologies brought to discussion in this report in Finland. He has been presented with 26 accounts of personal reports of targeted civilians on Finnish soil. These technologies have been used on the targeted well before the surveillance law came into force. An independent external review is suggested on the surveillance laws in the EU as there is no consistency among them. Similarly, the coercive measures used and the principles on what basis they are being used on civilians in the EU [20, 23, 26] should be put under review.

The Rights of the Targeted

Governments may mistake their citizens as enemies in the same way that an immune system may lose its ability to distinguish between the body’s own cells and pathogens. ” [21]

The above is a very polite articulation of the fact that human targets are required to develop military technologies. The targets are approved through a judicial system that operates law approved by politicians and lawmakers. By practice, we know that most of the targeted individuals are manufactured targets and presented in a frame that has very little to do with reality in order to allow the use of counter-terrorism and mass surveillance laws.

If an intelligence law is not well-conceived and rational, it could easily become a formidable weapon of repression. An intelligence law should not only protect citizens against terrorism, but also against the State… There is a total absence of control in this law.” M Trevidic [23]

The EU security strategy has been impacted by the Western agenda for anti-terrorism and allows such resonance technologies to be utilised under the law enforcement and intelligence operations of its member countries against the earlier knowledge of the topic (art. 30 Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy from January 28, 1999, Nr.A4-005/99) to civilians. No human rights, no rights of the accused nor legal protection is respected in the process to which civilians are exposed. Constitutional rights are removed by these counter-terrorism acts. The counter-terrorism laws and mass surveillance laws both are used against democracy and human rights. The suspects do not have rights nor legal protection against coercive measures. In fact, the suspects have been stripped of their rights during the implementation of this protocol. The accused supposedly have rights (ignored), the rights of the accused, however, only a very few ever are being accused. The unconditional nature of implementation indicates it is not about seeking the truth under district court approval but the aim is to degrade the individual. It takes time for civilian targets to recognise their life is over as they used to know it. Dramatically enough no instance informs targets of their amended status in society. Even members of families with small children are placed under the torture scheme in which situation everyone is affected physically and psychologically (an acknowledgement based on empirical observation).

“As Lord Hoffmann noted in a concurring opinion in A Secretary of State for the Home Department, ”The real threat . . . comes not from terrorism but from [practices] such as these.””[21] referring to the impact of counter-terroristic measures in the society.

The Torture

Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers.” [7]

– Robert Duncan – “Neuropsychological and electronic “no-touch torture”. The spectrum of “interrogation” and torture techniques used by the US and its allies”

Neuropsychological and electronic “no-touch torture” [7, 9] is used as the spectrum of “interrogation” and torture techniques by the US and its allies says Robert Duncan, a former CIA analyst and engineer, who has been developing such methodologies as a CIA, DoD engineer. Robert has an opinion the neurotech mass surveillance technology is indeed a WMD.

The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that affects their thinking and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature aging, cancer, and cataracts. ” T Rifat. [22]

The mass surveillance neurotechnological weaponry causes a spectrum of effects depending on the computer program, the technology chosen, and the team running the execution. It may be sensible to make a note that we are indeed talking about piezoelectric mechanisms [25] (NB. Figure 15. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from the human body) within the human body (biochemical balance within the body e.g. various proteins electrically reacting towards each other). Antioxidants alleviate the potential risks of EMF exposures [24]. The following effects are reported among others [13]: Synthetic telepathy (reading and broadcasting of thoughts), microwave hearing, forced visions some synched with body motion, forced memory blanking, controlled dreams, forced waking visions, artificial tinnitus, wildly racing heart at rest, forced muscle quaking, the sensation of tapping, intense general pain or hot-needles-pushed-deep-into-flesh sensations, sensations of electrical shocks, burning sensations, intense pain in a larger area of body e.g. face or chest (technical capability to amend the spread of the beam as well as the spectrum), special attention to the genital area; itching, forced orgasms, intense pain, forced thoughts and feelings and sleep deprivation (sleep being constantly disturbed with the above).

In Finland, a survey of a population of nearly 100 victims of Electronic Warfare anti-personnel applications was taken in 2020-21. The research involved questionnaires and interviews and produced very consistent information on the symptoms and observations of the victims. Reported health damages and symptoms appeared to be far more serious than what was expected. There also seems to be an apparent division of symptoms and observations by different executions of DEW and neuropsychological resonances. The findings of this research will be published in another context; however, it can be noted here that the following psychological disorders or physical symptoms were reported among others: Memory lapse, PTSD, long-term stress, panic attack, state of fear, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, schizophrenia, anxiety, lack of concentration, ADHD, sleep deprivation, desire for sex /food etc, cardiac arrhythmia, headache, hearing voices, sensation of disturbance in cognitive processes, orgasms, erections, sensation of pressure in brains, pain in eyes, chest pain, difficulty to breathe, stomack pain, digestive problems, temporary paralysis, pain in genitals, twitches, sudden increase in blood pressure, brain fog, neurological symptoms, strokes, tinnitus, sensations of burns, temporary feelings of blood clots and numbness anywhere in the body, cosmetic injuries such as burnt skin and physical and psychological exhaustion among other. The targets reported that their head, heart or genital area was attacked the most. In addition, some Electronic Warfare anti-animal attacks have been conducted to their pets and anti-material attacks were reported in which mobile devices or computers were either used remotely or entirely damaged their hard discs. In connection to preparing this documentation many methods were conducted to potentially prevent the submission of this material. Many targeted people have reportedly been targets of an attempted murder also. The dilemma here is that potential injury cannot be connected to the resonance technologies. Another argument being used by the supporters of the neuropsychological technologies is that whenever there is pain, no injury has necessarily taken place. The definition of torture is based on the concept of experiencing pain. Therefore, whether the pain is physically caused or ‘only’ the idea of pain being delivered to the brains, the pain is still being experienced.

The long-term effects are not well published expept for long-term sleep deprivation which is a major catalyst to changes in the human body causing, for instance, high blood sugar and other signs of exceptions leading to long-term diseases. The radiation may impose a threat on internal organs, especially the liver and heart. An exposure to radiation in the long-term is very likely to cause heart diseases such as cardiac muscle inflammation which in turn may cause the failure of the heart muscle. Exhaustion seems to be one of the common symptoms that also was shown in the results of the Finnish research.

If anyone was to argue that the aforementioned symptoms were based on civil applications, such as the 5G or electricity grid, they are not entirely wrong. The ICT (information communications technology) infrastructure is being utilised within these operations; together with electricity, radar, and satellite technologies they create a strong electromagnetic field that enables the surveillance and introduction of “brainwaves” and what not. It is however, the effect of the radar that amplifies within the strong electromagnetic field and causes the symptoms by signals delivered via satellites and ICT network. Due to the nature of the scientific research, the findings are kept secret and the health concerns remain unpublished to cover the economic model within the industry. The business model is a cash cow and supports also related industries and business models. The symptoms reported in the Finnish research are consistent, the experiences are similar and indicate a clear correlation of the presence of strong electromagnetic fields. Such an electromagnetic field requires radar or antenna series for targeting. Also the observations on the use of OTHR (over-the-horizon-radar) and satellite delivery correlate with the symptoms. The impacts of long-lasting combined microwave exposure on the human body may not have been adequately investigated and approved by the medical scientific society. It seems it is the currently targeted population which produces this critical empirical knowledge since the biometrics are available for reading at all times. The Military/ Intelligence/ Private sector execution seems more interested in the development of their projects, in the development of AI and in spying on civilian targets as well as the profits produced, than in the health and wellbeing of the targeted people. The cortex is being stimulated by overlapping applications and new “products” are constantly being developed. By now the audience should acknowledge that the radar technology eanbles 360-degree imaging of the target.

Neurological research found the brain to have specific frequencies for each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. By firing at your chest with a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so-called heart attack.” – T. Rifat [22]

The aforementioned effects reconcile well with the methods of interrogation and behavior modification illustrated by R Duncan in his report on torture [7] where Duncan introduces 18 tactics of torture that can be implemented via physical or “no-touch torture”. ”Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.”[7]

The Target Selection

The problem is persistent since there is a vastly growing number of operations that aim to benefit neuro-invasive technologies. There are private AI developers in the sector and many of them are known for entirely another type of consumer products. As a result of long-running operations their resources have developed a pattern of excellence and now are looking to gain a technological advantage in neuroscience and supercomputing. Some corporations or countries may own satellites which in turn allow a significant access to the field of research. These companies consider their employees as a resource by clauses in their contract of employment that allow the use of “brain data” in form of any inventions made by the employees.

A significant amount of States are utilizing the technology and having a “brainrace” causing perhaps overlapping execution on international individuals since there are also a number of individual government agencies whose operations may be run from their independent facilities. This explains the vast increase in the headcount of targeted individuals. The law enforcement body involving the prosecution and judicial system is becoming dependent on the technology which is likely used during trials and pre-trial examinations already.

The resonance methodologies have their roots in military technologies. Recently, the security sector and law enforcement agencies have owned the technology and the defense industry has developed new applications [10]. Also, international white-collar organizations such as the NSA under the national Foreign Ministries’ military wing, the DSA, execute the operations [12]. The technology is operated by the military using multifunctional radar signal intelligence for law enforcement and intelligence community (DSA) white-collar agencies acting as their ”clientele”. NSA officers can globally flag any individual and set them up under the execution without hearing the person. The justice systems and law enforcement agencies are used actively to get hold of the citizen to manufacture them a target [11]. The targeted are not informed of their amended status as a suspect which in turn prevents the target to kick-start legal action. Supervising instances are claiming to use legal protection and reminder of remedies the society may offer. It is difficult to get a message across that no tricks are left, no authority takes responsibility. Taking the matter into the court which has just approved the use of the methodologies sounds illogical. Usually, terrorism, national threat, or serious crime are being used as the excuse to approve the use of the technologies under the coercive measures [17]. In doing so, it seems the EU acting as an ally also is unaware it backs the implementation of the anti-democratic measure that ignores citizens’ human rights, the international rights of the accused, and leaves the targets without legal protection and due process. No questions being asked from the individual themselves.

Since the manufacturing of the targets seems relatively careless and no oversight committee or set of regulations or auditable institution is monitoring how targets are being selected, the protocol may be used for an extension of personal and political, even economical interests. Picking and setting up random targets, no legal groundings necessary. Certainly, dissidents, activists, or whistleblowers are not there by accident. Random people, people who have been in the wrong place at the wrong time are selected to reach the critical mass, the amount of targets to allow for technological breakthrough. The execution does not seem to have a deadline. Anyone could become the future’s target; the extrajudicial implementation does not recognize social statuses, unless social scoring is involved. The targeted people will experience their life being demolished in all areas, holistically, and therefore, their profile is on the downhill. The execution of such a program requires inter-and cross-governmental implementation, hence the “international torture program”. The targeting is inhumane, unjust, unreasoned, and unaccountable [1].

It may well be that the private sector acts as the developer of the product and runs the experiment whereas the governments are backing the research and delivering the resources, the brains in the execution of neurological mass surveillance.

The Human Rights Issues

Obviously, silencing dissidents, oppositions of political parties, and whistleblowers are included in the lists of applications. The most disturbing of the trends in torture is testing and improving it. No-touch torture is much more complex than physical torture. Testing design flaws and weaknesses of the signal intelligence is one reason why it is necessary to test on innocent targets.” [7]

The usage of resonance technologies is observed to be at times politically orientated, or not adequately justified, and is always questionable, strongly subjugating human rights or constitutional rights let alone moral aspects. This is because i) the technology produces a spectrum of pain in the target (and injuries of which some fatal), ii) sleep deprivation in long term preventing full participation in society, iii) the technology is being directed towards civilians (against the Geneva Convention), iv) the technology is being utilized without the permission or consent of the targeted person (against the Nuremberg Treaty), v) the operations lean on self-supervision and monitoring to the extent the human rights aspects are not being considered appropriately (no measures on corruption), vi) the technology is being directed to people inhumanly while asleep and vii) towards bystanders (especially children while also asleep disturbing their sleep and causing them pain), viii) the technology is being directed to homes of the targeted citizens (against constitutional rights for privacy, domestic peace, etc), ix) the period the technologies are being implemented to targets is matter-of-factly inhuman, reportedly from less than a decade up to 30 years (in which time most of the targets are forced outside of their societies and health, social structure, career, and families have all been destroyed), x) the technology may cause fatal injuries that are impossible to trace back to the usage of this technology and xi) torture, definition, of which the use of this methodology fulfills, hardly is an argumentative solution. Finally, xii) targets do not possess constitutional rights, nor legal protection from the practitioner or executor of this torture on them since it is with significant likelihood the local or other government. In addition, xiii) law enforcement and healthcare have been instructed to deny the matter. Local regulators, political power, legislators, and courts approving the use are not understanding and aware of these aspects due to the fact that the military traditionally has been the only institution with this knowledge. Yet this technology has lobbied its way into our societies. The substantial list of shortcomings above leads us to conclude the technologies have not been adequately investigated. The lawmakers, practioners, politicians have only listened to the military and law enforcement arguments as the marketer of these technologies [4].

Legal Issues

Under the anti-terrorism agenda, the constitution and human rights can be occluded, it seems, by the declaration of War on Terror which yet allows derogation of the civil rights on a temporary basis only [21]. When a civilian is targeted by goverment and presented as a terrorist they can be exposed, it seems, to methods of interrogation (e.g. coercive measures neurotech mass surveillance). This derogation should be however a temporary measure. How is it explained that some individuals have been targeted for a decade and more? Indeed, the neurotech mass surveillance is a “no-touch torture” protocol that causes long periods of serious pain, suffering, and even fatalities. By now we should agree that the execution is conducted as a counter-terrorism measure.

The European Convention on Human Rights requires that a member state availing itself of the derogation clause inform the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe of the measures the state has taken and the reasons for them.” [21]

Although the idea of temporality is not expressed in the derogation provisions of the ICCPR or the European Human Rights Convention, it has been understood to have been implied by the notion of emergency. According to the U.N. Human Rights Committee, article four of the ICCPR requires that “measures derogating from the provisions of the Covenant . . . be of an exceptional and temporary nature.“[21] and ““Derogations from human rights obligations are permitted in order to deal with emergencies. They are intended to be temporary.’” Thus, the suspension of ordinary processes must end when the emergency that required the suspension ceases to exist.“[21] The targeted under counter-terrorism law could argue that the temporary state has been maintained for purpose since no evidence of terrorism has been found for those accused. In a case where implementation has taken 10 years, the government should be prosecuted for inefficiency in dealing with the matter and thus, violating human rights. This is hardly a temporary measure in the aspect of human life.

Currently, there are no specific laws protecting humans or animals, neither any medical support for them, during cybernetic torture. “The situation is created by the fact that scientists do not leave any information about the illegal mind reading technologies.” How should “we protect people that by utilitarian grounds, without informed consent, are used for brain studies with brain-computer-interfaces in Cyber Psychological Systems, illegal stealing of brain data” [13]?

In view of the above intellectual rights are important but the human rights violations probably the core of concern. It seems governments have agreed with a single-minded informal agreement that they have the right to remove legal protections from the citizens. They have interpreted that in certain circumstances (that have been artificially created by themselves) they have the right to degrade the human rights, constitutional rights and strip the citizens of legal protection. The torture and inhumane, unjust, unreasoned, and unaccountable targeting [1] may lead to significant compensation requests from the victims for the use of WMD mass surveillance protocols once they become organized. The UN should support this idea. The periods under execution seem to be unlimited which demonstrates the enslaving nature of the implementation.

There is simply no privacy at all when the privacy of thoughts, feelings, senses, and life overall is demolished. The targets’ households are trespassed physically and technologically, and subjected to domestic disturbance from outside by the resonances (some evidence on this will be published in connection with the field examination). No government is capable of replacing what has been taken away from these people. The terror in their life has been unspeakable. What about the immaterial rights such as the stolen brain data?

“Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (2000) states that “Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected”.”

The Psychic Driving/System Programming

States have used the same tactics for centuries to put away activists and dissidents who do not buy into the explanations of the power elite and publicly challenge the administration. The targeted people are many times activists, whistleblowers, or dissidents in addition to random people. During the execution of the “no-touch torture program [7]”, targeted individuals are being treated as mentally ill by the government. The police and healthcare, who are the emergency services, the first point of contacts, have been programmed to handle these patients with a certain presumption. The programming, or inadequate education/ omission of the education, is a part of the design of the torture program [9]. States have a national manual of diseases where identical symptoms the targeted experience have been added indicating alleged neurosis / mental illnesses that correlate with medication designed to worsen the condition of the targeted and strengthening the impact of the resonance. Doctors do find themselves in a helpless position with neurotechnology victims since the illnesses could be induced into the patient [6]. Linking specific medicines with microbiological structured molecules a desired impact can be delivered on the purposed area of the brain. Also, nanotechnologies can be used to deliver nanotechnological engineering into the brains [28]. These are used in combination with EMF resonances to activate certain viruses, bacteria, even cells, synapses to deliver their function. Dr. J. Giordano also specifies neurotoxins that can be used to gain a certain effect. This technology can force the human brain to think certain thoughts, feel certain emotions, and can theoretically override motor control functions. This knowledge must have been obtained by investigating human bio-effects and experiences.

By specialising on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric ilnesses to the point where a psychatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness.” – Barry Trower – Microwave Warfare.

The body is an electromagnetic chemical reaction. Yes, chemicals like drugs can help the body and be used as countermeasures to electromagnetically induced problems. Drugs can be used to affect the body’s electrical-chemical processes.” – R. Duncan, How to Tame a Demon – A Short Practical Guide to Organized Imtimidation Stalking, Electronic Torture, and Mind Control

Many States maintain laws under which the patients can be forced to receive medication and mental help when deemed necessary (by labels of neurosis, imminent threat of violence, self-harm, etc). Due to the inter-and cross-governmental nature of the implementation, the treatment is being coordinated from a co-ordinative structure above the staff treating the patient. The entire process can be evaluated by the supervisory co-ordinative team and depending on the content that the patient discloses as well as his/her behavior the team makes the decision on the most practical plan for him/her. Medication can be used to assist neurotechnological implementation[17]. In some societies, implantable devices are injected into the targeted civilians to assist the chemical balance or observation of the biometrics. These military developed devices are not painless either whilst nowadays merely replaced by nanotechnological materials that may be only inconveniencing to digestion.

The biological and socio-psychological aspects of the targeted’s lives are heavily influenced. Many are pushed outside of their societies and the social networks that are crucial for well-being. A target that intends to disclose the program may experience imminent measures of discrediting or a form of punitive measures that strips social status from the target. Informal reporting and social scoring by the administration is impacted immediately which also derogates the rights of the targeted. They become outlawed. The accused have rights, the rights of the accused but the suspects do not have any. The term “suspect” refers to the removal of civil rights and being made a target. They are profiled internationally and presented as a terrorist, serious criminal, or national threat. The torture that has many faces and sides may go on for decades, in which time the target has lost his social status, fellows, health, financial sustainability, earning model, and credibility.

When the target intends to approach separate parts of the administration to deliver information on potential consipiracy and illegal government activity it is imperative the target has a well argumented, well-written and comprehensible statement to deliver intended content since their profile will be attacked severely by those in the administration who lobby on behalf of the implementation of mass surveillance. Measures will also be taken to prevent any electronic submissions or hard copies delivery to authorities. The informal nature of the execution and coercive measures ensure that the targeted cannot defend themselves against implementation that does not officially exist.

Indeed, an annulment is a common practice. It has become visible and reported that some implementations of systematic programming of discrimination are directed towards the same bloodline or family over the generations. Genetic information hardly provides us a decent explanation for this type of execution.

There are governments with a significant number of totalitarian attributes that have disguised themselves as a democracy. It goes without saying the social sector of administration supports the governmental agenda and is in a position to set up any individual with a variety of methods. Similarly, the judicial system that not only regulates the use of coercive measures but also operates a governmental agenda as the steering mechanism in relation to these individuals. A target cannot possibly receive objective and equal treatment in court. The judicial system reflects the will of the Government.

The method by which the CIA and intelligence community control masses and MSM is to publish fiction that involves similar elements that are involved in the news they want to deny or shut down. They create stories and mix them with the original report (in this case my analysis) and because the topic is complicated the masses are unable to separate the two, only a marginal audience understands what is going on.

There are countless tactics to discredit individual revelations made in media. A common tactic is to descredit the author/content of a revelation that is harmful to government. Another trick is to confuse the original message to an imaginary content that has similar elements. Perhaps involving aliens or conspiracy models that ridicule or make fun of the actual revelation.

Controlling the public is a game of capturing the opinion of masses by using MSM (main stream media). Governments are participating in the information war (between governments) and propaganda (inside the nation) either by direct or indirect ownership of the media. “Regulation, legislation, physical attacks, and threats against journalists or media owners are effective methods used to capture the media. But funding is arguably the  most effective method of all. By financing media and journalists willing to toe the government line and by not funding independent, critical media, authorities manage to suppress large parts of  the media sector.” [10, 36]”

The Technology

Resonance methodologies are at the core of Electronic Warfare (EW) operations. DEW, AW, RNM/RMI/EEG, and V2K are tactics being used on targets under anti-personnel execution. DEW and AW are purposed to cause physical injuries whereas the neurotechnological applications used under AI mass surveillance programs such as NRM/RMI/EEG cause psychological effects and pain. RNM Remote Neural Monitoring is used along with the EEG for cloning the neurostructures of the target. A heterodyne is a signal frequency that is generated by combining or mixing two other frequencies using a signal processing technique called heterodyning. Heterodyning is utilised to shift one frequency range into another, new frequency range, and is also involved in the processes of modulation and demodulation. Heterodyning and technology based on TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) can be used for the synthetic telepathy. Neurotechnological implementation can be fatal in multiple ways it can drive the targeted to suicidal thoughts but it also has physical health effects that may weaken the body and immune system of the targeted in the long term fatally. V2K can also be produced in a multiple ways but one of the most sophisticated ones is as an AI computer software, developed to learn, which can communicate with the target in real-time and read their memory, thoughts and is able to manipulate targets psychologically and emotionally [13]. The V2K can be used for behavior modification when the technology is based on a psychiatric medical technology called Neurofeedback – EEG Biofeedback. The software acts as an alternative roadmap for the brain (an AI software accesses brain waves emitted by the brain ie ELF waves) by harvesting brainwaves when the brain reacts negatively and the cloning this type of brain wave (ELF waves). V2K technology can be used to clone or mime different medical pathologies, including psychiatric ones. This is why many targets are diagnosed with Schizophrenia or other mental illness. When the use of mobile device emissions is introduced to affect a targeted brain we are in uncontrolable territory.

The operational implementation does not differ. The resonances are delivered from multifunctional radars (active electronically scanned array [AESA]) or antennas on any platform, also by using satellite targeting. Similar radar antennas are used in fighter jets. Networks similar to GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) can be used to create EMPs. In DEW implementation the effect is based on transmitted high amplified energy pulses that cause pain or injuries, even fatalities. Physical obstacles may be overcome by maser technology. In the neurotechnological implementation, the impact is based on heterodyne which combines by intermodulation (two alternating signals, eg radio signals) to produce two or more signals having frequencies corresponding to the sum and the difference of the original frequencies that cause pain or the wanted effect in the target. Depending on the purpose there are custom-designed handheld platforms to be used inside buildings also. An electromagnetic field is created around the target to read the target’s biometrics and run them in a computer simulation in real-time that aims to clone and link the targeted brains. The computer program executes a chosen torture method for interrogation and behavior modification and to the targeted, the execution naturally appears entirely ruthless and cruel. This means the entire process is being automated [7, 9]. Also entire thought patterns, feelings, and images can be induced to the target [6]. The concern in view of the future is whether the transmitting technology will be integrated with our handheld ICT technology and its infrastructure. The handheld mobile devices may already emit resonances below 100Hz that are closely linked to our biology.

DEW (directed energy weapons) can be broadly defined as systems that produce “a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles” which is used as a direct means to incapacitate, injure or kill people, or to incapacitate, degrade, damage or destroy objects [3]. Execution by microwaves, lasers, masers and particles.

AW (acoustic weapons) Acoustic weapons aim to use the propagation of sound – a variation in pressure that travels through a fluid medium (such as air) to affect a target. Most of the acoustic weapons that have been speculated upon are based on either ultrasound (above 20 kilohertz, kHz),

low frequencies (below 100 hertz, Hz) or infrasound (below 20 Hz) deployed at high levels. The human range of hearing is commonly given as between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. In reality, the upper hearing-threshold frequency decreases significantly with age, whereas sounds with lower frequencies can be heard and otherwise perceived if the level is high enough[2].

We should not forget the ionosphere radar or over the horizon radar (“OTHR”) of which the most famous is the HAARP (The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which is capable of producing a very high amount of energy in beams and wanted resonance to exact locations at any time. Other nations have revealed their concern with regard to this. HAARP is located in Gakona, Alaska, and was developed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Another OTHR is EISCAT in Longyearbyen, Norway which was originally designed by France, Germany, and the three Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, and Finland). The Targets in Finland have seen evidence of weather modification as well as traces in the clouds as a marker of the use of OTHR and satellite co-ordination beaming. In view of the European Parliament Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy from January 28, 1999, Nr.A4-005/99 art 30 states “Calls in particular for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of such systems.” Is it a coincidence that the commonly operated facility has been set into a country that locates in Europe but is not a member of the EU?

When delivering resonances that imitate body functions a satellite becomes a very operative assistance and used seamlessly with the execution of OTHR. Especially for these radar systems, living human targets are a necessity to develop the operating systems, their accuracy, amount of energy directed, and before anything the psychological impact on the individual. A spontaneous EKG can potentially discover the operation whereas a planned scrutiny for healthcheck results in a pause in the execution of the beaming.

The entire multilayer strategy of implementation involves remote execution with satellites and OTHR, local operation by field operatives with a gangstalking element from ordinary local people hired from social media, as well as the utilisation of the ICT infrastructure via mobile devices and the mobile antenna infrastructure. The latter is controlled by software applications that are run within the network. A huge step forward in synthetic telepathy has been the introduction of nanotechnology which has greatly assisted the transportation of AI technology to human brains but also facilitated the access to brains from AI frameworks [34, 35].

The Agenda

You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror.

– George W Bush on 6.11.2001

It is breathtaking how few politicians have understood the larger picture. The anti-terrorism movement by states is an agenda that allows the rights of citizens to be removed for the greater “good of the State” and therefore, a very unconstitutional movement. The strategy, however, was at first implemented by the Western coalition ’Five-Eyes’ to hijack the foreign and security policies of targeted nations, including the allies in the EU. The Western coalition finger-pointed allies saying there is a terroristic activity spotted within the population of the EU countries defining who is a terrorist and what is a terroristic act. Something the European leaders should quickly accomplish is figure out whether they have been treated as allies or subservients by Western Five Eyes coalition manufacturing targets and addressing to the EU member nations that they have citizens with terroristic tendencies (naturally artificial and false accusations) which in turn may be used to force the foreign and security policy of the EU member nations to remove reputational risk and potential risk of conflict. We quote a journalist from RT Neil Clark’s article [14]on 25 Feb, 2021: ”The ‘War on Terror’ was based on a fundamental deceit. It was a deep state/neocon con trick. Not only was it a war that could never be won, it was never meant to be won. It was meant to be permanent.” Indeed, the idea of the anti-terrorism agenda is the declaration of war on those who beg to differ by opinion. There should be only one interpretation of the world events and no exception to the “Western” one is tolerated. The bully-tempered narrow-mindedness quite often leads to a point where sensible analysis is not conducted. There is no need to disagree to juxtapose.

The agenda is an imperialistic tool to force governments to operate similar foreign policies and line up with the West. To make the EU a participant in the War on Terror and bring the conflict onto the European soil. Originally terrorism has been an inconvenience of those nations practicing imperialistic and clumsy foreign policies intervening in the internal politics of other nations. Now, the EU is taking moral responsibility for this against better understanding.

We do not need conflict in the EU and our younger generations should be psychologically free of this type of liability.

There are several pillars to this operation. Strategies are linked to the technological advantage of the Western technology. Signing up as a user a nation agrees with certain conditions and integrates the operations. This happens for the sake of maintenance alone. For instance, for fighter jet fleets, which carry multifunctional radars, their maintenance and updating require a common technological strategy. States which purchase fighter jet fleets will be committed to one strategy due to the maintenance and development of the system. It is a deep integration of defense strategies.

Terrorism, serious crime, a national threat is used as the rationale to justify the manufacturing of the targets to European allies. Must say the manufacturing of the consent has been a bit careless not to forget the implementation. The Western military-intelligence complex coup has won the intelligence communities over by their advanced technology. An average American taxpayer supports the military industry to the extent that equals the cost of free healthcare. By creating suspects in each nation the Western coalition has been enabled to a) force the State to take care of the terrorism and b) offer the Government technology to be used in connection with this which in turn means more dollars for the military complex. Manufacturing targets is a trillion-dollar plan since their resources can be linked to develop AI. “The more brains you have collected in your pool the better AI you will be able to develop”.

Terrorism is indeed a very gloomy and poisonous projection to deliver to our next generation which has already been psychologically affected by the speech of terrorism constantly present in the MSM. We may not be able to estimate the damage caused but we could do something to stop building horrible scenarios. It is indeed recommended that this bellicose agenda is abandoned since the rest of the world, especially our new generation, do not wish to live under such a narrow-minded scenario. A return to international democracy is recommended.

What will the Governments do next to defend their position? It is apparent that so far some of the terroristic attacks in Western societies have been provoked if not financially and operationally supported by Western intelligence itself. We would not expect to see this level of governmental radicalism anymore. The strategy of governments will be to temporarily rate higher the threat of terrorism so that any criticism would not question their undertakings. The Western governments will put the curriculum vitae of their funded researchers (eg Magnus Ranstorp) against those who have been forced to independently investigate the field. This is to the benefit of the researchers since they strengthen their position and ego in supporting the idea of War on Terror. They market the war on behalf of terrorism. It is better to have war to cover the agenda than admit the imperialistic effort to control global population. This is a fight between David and Goliath and the Goliath owns the MSM (mainstream media). Also. the MSM is turned selectively towards other areas of interest.

War on Terror? Not exactly. The methodologies used to harness innocent individuals for something so evil as WMD targeting them are a crime against humanity. We must re-think the role of Western surveillance within society not alone the supervision and monitoring aspects. The execution appears as Robert Duncan (CIA officer and engineer) illustrates[17]: ’It was a clever tactic used by the Germans in WWII to take people away slowly so no revolt occurred. As one CIA agent says, “The Nazis didn’t lose the war they just had to move.” It is not about the Jews now. It is something much more complex and evil’. One should hope the Covid-19 pandemic is not an agenda to enhance governmental control over individuals [14]. Oh no, it is not. There is a chance that it is indeed a part of the very same operation to deliver access to brains of the population.

A senior officer J. Karsikas responsible for digitalisation in the Finnish Defence Forces states that considering super powers it is unlikely they would commit themselves in any regulation and ratify any international agreements in the development of AI [27]. This is due to the fact that AI technologies may constitute the next strategic advantage.


What is the most disappointing aspect of the Electronic Warfare between superpowers, in which populations and individuals are constantly targeted by military technologies is that for these living targets who have become the instruments of global war, no government seems to have a social sector strategy? No civil defence strategy. Societies have created multimillion Euro plans to cover the infrastructure, but the civilian targets are left to die, not being overly dramatic. A meritocratic society is programmed to think there is something seriously wrong with these individuals which leads to isolation of the targeted individuals. That is as intimidating as is the implementation of WMDs. The lack of will to improve the lives and circumstances of the victims speaks thousands of words.

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.” – Noam Chomsky

Electronic Warfare (EW) anti-personnel resonance-based applications that cause pain, suffering, even fatalities are being directed to civilians globally by means of energy- and psychological effects. The governments responsible for the implementation, under which the execution is operated, are utilizing at diversity of military platforms to conduct these operations based on the resonance spectrum. The “Torture Program” is based on the idea of using pain and suffering as a stimulant, an instrument of interrogation to cause a reaction in the targets. The operation is to intentionally cause pain and suffering in its targets for a prolonged period of time. Scientists are in opinion the technological implementation should be reviewed as a weapon of mass destruction. It is a technical legal aspect of international laws of human rights whether the operation should be viewed as a war crime. Execution of a technology that causes pain and suffering, even fatalities, in innocent civilians and bystanders, even children, is now left to supercomputers to run? We are seeing the evidencing of a phenomenon that reminds me in detail of the human experiments during the WWII conducted by Nazis. Even the public demonstrates similar ignorance and prejudice. It seems this psychological cycle repeats itself in human history when a part of the society comes to think of itself as “too invincible”. A result of meritocracy. It is imperative to acknowledge the vast increase in numbers of targeted civilians indicates a widespread attack on human rights.

The resonance spectrum-based technology that now abuses human targets had been developed to its full potential in the midst of the 1970s. The knowledge was kept tight in the military instead of considering civil applications. The War on Terror offered a suitable basis for an imperialistic global agenda and strategy of implementation. The mass surveillance neurotechnology is operated under the agenda of the Western coalition to force new order among states. Anti-terrorism as an agenda is an unconstitutional plan of the Western coalition not only to strengthen sovereign state power at the expense of human rights and democratic systems through surveillance and counter-terrorism laws but also to hijack the foreign and security policies of other nations. War naturally speeds military spending. And speaking of an entirely new niche of technologies the War on Terror is a blessing to the defense industries. The concept of war has been creatively introduced to legally eclipse human rights and democratic decision-making. The erosion of the Constitution is significant.

As for private citizens in terms of pain and suffering caused also their rights have been removed under the counter-terrorism and mass surveillance acts. Suspects do not have the rights of the accused since they will never be accused instead, they have been stripped of their civil rights complete families affected at once. Measures that were purposed as an exceptional and temporary tool to deal with emergencies are now used on an unlimited basis under surveillance laws. It is clear the aforementioned laws are abused to target innocent people. A significant majority of the targeted are not brought to courts of justice and officially accused due to the fact that they are not guilty. These people and their human rights are degraded once abandoned under technology-driven human experiments that remove entirely their privacy and domestic peace. The fact is that individuals’ free will and degree of autonomy are hugely affected. It is the question of a plan with multilayer agenda. It seems that the counter-terrorism and mass surveillance laws are used to manufacture candidates for the human experiment. The selection protocol is inhumane, unjust, unreasoned, and unaccountable. What a convenient tool for governments to root out and yet benefit from the physical existence of political opponents, whistleblowers, activists, or dissidents. At the same time, a significant element of opponents to the political power is being created.

The execution was based on the idea that the targeted would not organize themselves and see through the plan. Now the life cycle of this agenda is different. It is indeed imperative to increase public awareness on the ongoing torture to impact on the life cycle. No totalitarian method can tolerate public awareness as European history points out.

The War on Terror has been successfully used as an extension of the imperialistic foreign policy of foreign nations to destabilize the peace in Europe and the seed of war has been implanted in the soil of the EU. We European citizens do not approve of the War or Terror on European soil. Citizens do find it difficult to believe that European leaders who were supposed to look after the civil rights and peace in Europe are taking a role in such an imperialistic agenda. We expect the EU to be built upon the idea of democracy that guarantees equal rights to everyone. It has been a result of ignorance, shortsightedness, and poor judgment that this sort of plan has gone past our due diligence processes impacting greatly on the future beliefs of young generations who are at the core of well being of any nation.

Making Torture legal is a very questionable agenda. We suggest an urgent review of surveillance laws as well as counter-terrorism laws. The laws have now been used as a punitive measure allowing unequal and inhumane treatment and abuse of civilians by the governments and an underpinning of sovereign state power. The laws have become a formidable weapon of repression. An intelligence law should not only protect citizens against terrorism but also against the State. The modern holocaust has revealed significant weaknesses in our societies. Lawmakers, law practitioners, and politicians, even human rights activists poorly understand the technologies being approved for use on citizens for a prolonged period of time. The role and the strategies of intelligence function in societies European wide should be revisited and some consistency introduced. Military and intelligence functions in eroded society are meant to represent a marginal mechanism, but not the role of the decision-maker. It seems there is a psychological cycle in the collective consciousness of humanity, the need to repeat the pattern of pain and suffering. Perhaps the revised agenda could take a sustainable look to raise the standards of performance we all need to evidence and take part in for the mental growth of the human society. We would choose “trust” among people instead of synthetic telepathy that indeed demonstrates the opposite.

The new generation is experiencing the world as a threatful place today. Continuous airtime on news of terrorism by MSM creates psychological expectations that will last decades. The citizen’s belief in the future is constantly heavily impacted. There are so many areas in society that require improvement that the civilization hardly has time to handle them if crises similar to the War on Terror are intentionally created. I think there might be confusion on where the civilization is going from here. It seems politicians are lost on their way. It is known that beliefs in the future is directly correlated with the well-being and prosperity of national economies. Should the beliefs be a little more positive than they are? One should think the War on Terror hardly is an agenda for a nation looking for well-being to follow. Europeans do not wish to bring the War on Terror to European soil. Therefore, the message for the politicians goes accordingly in terms of foreign and security policies.

The EU should develop its independent defense, especially in terms of technologies, to reduce its dependence on NATO and the Western military-intelligence complex. Therefore the military spending and exercises internally should be coordinated. The EU should seriously review its relation to Western allies, to determine whether the role of European allies is viewed as subservient. The abuse of intelligence operations and aggression in foreign politics that do not respect sovereign EU member nation decision-making as well as the dynamics of ongoing confrontation among powers have taken so many years.

It is apparent the EU has chosen a homeland security strategy that confronts its human rights agenda. Mass surveillance and counter-terrorism laws should be reviewed from the European perspective alone and not as an ally to someone with an imperialistic agenda. The security strategy and following surveillance laws are a result of a poor understanding of Electronic Warfare and its technologies. It would be to the benefit of European democracy to drop the ignorance and bring to the table the representatives of the targeted so that all aspects are indeed understood.


What should be done to prevent the abuse of innocent victims:

1. Increasing awareness of the public of the cybernetic abuse and means of Electronic Warfare being tested on civilians is at the core of tackling the crime against humanity.

2. Breaking the ignorance. It is imperative that the viewpoint and experiences of the targeted must not be ignored or bypassed since understanding the perspective of victims allows for democratic decision making. The victims should be permitted to offer consultation and expertise, the perspective of the targeted to law- and decision-makers for the creation of appropriate EU legislation to protect civil citizens from covert cybernetic crimes and other Electronic Warfare applications.

3. Organisation of the resources. In order to defend the civil rights of the targeted and support the targeted, a global organization should be created which would set up a representation globally for human rights and could enhance “best practices for the establishment of clear ethical boundaries to strictly regulate the use of cyber systems enabling the manipulation and control of human beings” [13].

To be clear, a), no torture should be tolerated, and both torture and “no-touch torture” protocols should NOT be allowed as an interrogation tactic even though “neuro-surveillance” for purposes of safeguarding national security may be intended; b), Surveillance permission- granting process should be adequately and closely monitored. Mass surveillance of innocent citizens should not be allowed; c) The intel gathered in any possible surveillance method should not be misused and only used in the form it has been approved by court. We may need to allow surveillance but no method of neuro-surveillance or bio-surveillance should use targeted pain or pain at all as a catalyst. Also, the surveillance, of whatever kind, should be limited to a 6-month period with renewal permissions significantly tightened to say only 15% of the applications for renewals, firmly overseen, and with detailed, documented reports delineating reasons for applied renewals, which can be audited, overseen, and withdrawn at any time; d) Human rights auditors from outside Intelligence and Security agencies need to be involved in the continuous monitoring and auditing process, to prevent abuse and torture of targets, as we have now; e) No covered experimentation using pain and torture techniques as “sources and methods” of gathering information, as for instance, the US intelligence community [11], and other intelligence agencies and militaries are currently doing, under classified cover, to prevent scrutiny of their torture for neural network mapping and neuro behavior modification. What should be allowed instead are strict protocols, regulation, and monitoring of the intelligence community in place as well as surveillance laws that are consistent globally, and the intelligence community held responsible for potential misconduct.

Global consistence in surveillance laws, country-specific regulations, supervision, and monitoring as well as civil channels for reporting potential misconduct is a good start. What is the problem in the US as K Shipp and W Binney [10, 11] indicate, is that the intelligence community may not observe the law, i.e., there is a constitutional conflict since secrecy and classification are currently being used to classify and conceal extreme crime against humanity and actual torture and assassination of human beings.

The message to the governments is to support democracy and avoid planting foreign agendas against democracy to the European audiences. The concern relates to the younger generation which have been entirely forgotten with the anti-terrorism . There is no excuse for bullying civilians and taxpayers since it seems that the EU has increasingly plans for common taxation. No threat exists on this planet that justifies harming and torturing civilians. No collective rationale would speak for the torture without the consent and permission for the implementation. What has been done to civilians on the watch of governments is unforgivable. It is apparent that the administrations involved, have had a need to identify from a worst-case scenario, even though they could afford to see democracy and citizens as a positive reserve and potential, not as a threat.

The targeted individuals are put through a spectrum of social, medical, legal, financial and professional discrimination in their societies. Since the victims or their relatives do not receive the redress, reparation, and rehabilitation they are entitled to under international law (A/73/207) there are some important measures the UN could take to reduce that ’accountability gap’ and to improve the position of the targeted civilians. Perhaps one of the most important measures is to implement pressure on the local governments by holding them responsible to 1) investigate the reported torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by the law enforcement. Currently, the police systematically ignores the reports of these crimes and in an unprofessional manner suggest mental health problems for those reporting their findings to the police. Also, healthcare should be put responsible to 2) guarantee access to healthcare to receive the redress, reparation, and rehabilitation of victims. 3) Compensations on the targeted civilians should be paid to ensure they are able to return to normal life. The first step, however, would be to request the governments to recognise the issue of targeted individuals. The governments should be requested to prepare a statement in view of this matter. These people should be made to once more become socially accepted and full members of the societies. There should be a program available for the rehabilitation of these individuals where consultation and support would be available for each of them. When a government fails to implement basic standards of living for these individuals, they should be submitted a candidate for the Universal Periodic Review protocol (UPR) for the following decade to follow up their progress. The UPR mechanism should be started by each government to reach a common view and statement on the recognition of the issue. The status of each government should be reported annually and compared to the quality of issues and the number of reports received from targeted individuals. Reputational risk should be made obvious to steer some of the governments. Where no progress had been visible the governments could be made legally responsible for the violation of civil rights in the Court of Human Rights globally and the targets should be entitled to compensations. Indeed, a creation of political, legal, financial, and reputational risks to balance the enthusiasm to participate in the aggressive military resonance programs would be advisable.


(1) TARGETING PEOPLE – ARTICLE36.ORG – Key issues in the regulation of autonomous weapons systems, Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) Geneva, November 2019

(2) ACOUSTIC WEAPONS – ARTICLE36.ORG – Discussion paper for the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) Geneva, November 2018

(3) DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS – ARTICLE36.ORG – Discussion paper for the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) Geneva, November 2017





(6) Barry Trower – Microwave Warfare

(7) Robert Duncan – Neuropsychological and electronic “no-touch torture”. The spectrum of ‘interrogation” and torture techniques used by the US and its allies

(8) The Verge – The EU is considering a ban on AI for mass surveillance and social credit scores

(9) Ramola D & Robert Duncan – Report #165: Robert Duncan on the Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, & the Need for Change

(10) Geoengineering – Kevin Shipp – New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

(11) Chris Hedges – CIA’s intelligence coup with William Binney

(12) William Binney – Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is Total Population Control’

(13) Task Force EU Coalition

(14) Tony Blair’s anti-freedom project continues, but ‘War on Terror’ is replaced by ‘War on Covid’

(15) Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology by Dr Al Emondi


(16) Pääesikunnan tiedustelupäällikkö: Uusista tiedusteluvaltuuksista ollut konreettista hyötyä rauhanturvaajiin kohdistuvien uhkien torjunnassa

(17) Sotilastiedustelun uudet toimivaltuudet vahvistavat Suomen kyberpuolustusta

(18) Kommentti: Pääministeri antoi uudelle puolustusvoimain komentajalle ainutlaatuisen julkisen ripityksen – ”sotilasvallankaappaustako” Rinne pelkää?


(19) R. Duncan, How to Tame a Demon – A Short Practical Guide to Intimized Gang Stalking, Electronic Torture, and Mind Control

(20) Finnish Military Intelligence Review 2021


(22) MIND CONTROL IN THE UK by Tim Rifat BSc BEd. The Truth Campaign Magazine Spring

(23) Commissioner for Human Rights (The Council of Europe): Human rights in Europe should not buckle under mass surveillance

(24) Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system: Elfide Gizem Kıvrak,* Kıymet Kübra Yurt, Arife Ahsen Kaplan, Işınsu Alkan, and Gamze Altun – The Journal of Microscopy & Ultrastructure

(25) A Review on Mechanisms for Piezoelectric-Based Energy Harvesters: Hassan Elahi, Marco Eugeni and Paolo Gaudenzi – Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome


(26) V. Hellberg: To The Supreme Court of Finland – Salaisten Pakkokeinojen Säätely Suomessa


(27) HardTalk: Tekoäly ja Puolustusvoimat – miten suhtaudutaan?

(28) Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science


(29) US investigating possible mysterious directed energy attack near White House – CNN Politics on the April 29, 2021

(30) ‘Havana syndrome’ likely caused by directed microwaves – US report – BBC News on the 6th of December 2020

(31) INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS: The ICRC’s concerns about autonomous weapon systems

(32) Association for the Prevention of Torture: New Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations and Information Gathering

Försåtlig granskning ska sänka Ranstorps anseende

Ramola D (October 22, 2018): Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers


(33) ECHR 164 (2021) – 25.05.2021: Insufficient safeguards in bulk signals-intelligence gathering risked arbitrariness and abuse

(34) CNN BUSINESS: Ray Kurzweil: Humans will be hybrids by 2030

(35) An Implantable Wireless Network of Distributed Microscale Sensors for Neural Applications: Jihun Lee; Ethan Mok; Jiannan Huang; Lingxiao Cui; Ah-Hyoung Lee; Vincent Leung; Patrick Mercier; Steven Shellhammer; Lawrence Larson; Peter Asbeck; Ramesh Rao; Yoon-Kyu – 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)

(36) Control the money, control the media: How government uses funding to keep media in line – Marius Dragomir, Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS), School of Public Policy, Central European University



The UN Convention against torture was signed by nations, many of them only partially, on 10.12.1984. Since that time the world has changed significantly in terms of torture. What the EU intends to do with common legislation on torture? A very timely matter.

What the EU Commission intends to do by the fact that the EU strategy for homeland security is in conflict with its policies for human rights?

The coercive measures of law enforcement of western countries are based on resonance methodologies such as electronic warfare anti-personnel technologies DEW, AW, RNM, EEG, V2K, etc. The usage of this technology at times politically orientated, or the usage is not adequately justified, and is questionable, strongly mitigating human rights or constitutional rights let alone moral aspects. This is because i) the technology produces a spectrum of pain in the target (and injuries of which some fatal), ii) sleep deprivation in long term preventing full participation to the society, iii) the technology is being directed towards civilians (Genova Convention), iv) the technology is being utilized without the permit or consent of the targeted person (Nurnberg Treaty), v) the operations lean on self-supervision and monitoring to the extent the human rights aspects are not being considered appropriately (no measures on corruption), vi) the technology is being directed to people inhumanly while asleep and vii) towards bystanders (especially children while also asleep disturbing their sleep and causing them pain), viii) the technology is being directed to homes of the targeted citizens (constitutional rights for privacy, domestic peace, etc), ix) the period the technologies are being implemented to targets is matter-of-factly inhuman, reportedly from decade up to 30 years (in which time most of the targets are forced outside of their societies and health, social structure, career, and families have been destroyed), x) the technology may cause fatal injuries that are impossible to trace back to the usage of this technology and xi) torture, which by definition the use of this methodology fulfills, hardly is an argumentable solution. Finally, xii) targets do not possess constitutional rights, nor legal protection from practitioner since it is with the significant likelihood the local or other government. In addition, xiii) law enforcement and healthcare have been instructed to deny the matter. Local regulators, political power, legislators, and courts approving the use are not aware of these aspects due to the fact that the military traditionally has been the only instance with this knowledge. The intelligence community has gained an imbalanced position with this tech and now abuses it in each member country. Also, justice system is becoming addicted to this tech. W Binney quite correctly points out concern about democracy, human rights, constitution, and legal protection of our citizens in the following:


What the EU intends to do in view of human rights in Europe?

Most of the member nations do not have legislation on torture, they rely on the UN convention from 1984. For instance, in the case of Finland, this convention is only partially recognized (article 21 paragraph 1 and 22 paragraph 1).

The security strategy strongly relies on technologies of which use conflicts with human rights and the EU policy for HR. These have a significant impact on 1) democracies, 2) corrosion on constitutional rights and 3) confidence in the future which in turn defines the development of wellbeing in any nation. The security strategy supports electronic warfare (EW) anti-personnel resonance methodologies. These are being proposed as a surveillance tech by the intelligence community and defense forces who do not reveal these technologies have the capacity to cause pain, suffering, and fatalities (Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy from January 28, 1999, Nr.A4-005/99) and the capacity is in heavy use and not supervised, controlled properly. The national supervision and control mechanisms are not sufficient. The massive and growing audience of TI (targeted individuals) is a remarkable sign of this issue.

The technology is being supported by the western agenda for anti-terrorism and benefits the defense industry. Why would the EU cast this type of future for itself? There is an interesting phenomenon ongoing in western societies. The intelligence community has been allowed to step up and guide societies. A function that has been purposed to a marginal mechanism within the society now manufactures the consent.

The resonance technology provides the intelligence community and defense function a role during the time of peace that conflicts with the idea of democracy. These instances appear to paint pictures of horror to advance their agenda under national security, threats and crisis constantly to argue stronger participation within the society. A good example of this is the agenda of anti-terrorism that defines the form of society today. We lay an artificial threat to our younger generation. The confidence for the future of the new generation is being tested with the current threats created by geopolitical agendas and the birth rate has sunken significantly in many societies. Why would a society inflict upon itself such a curse?

Does the EU understand that by buying the idea of the threat of terrorism it accepts the idea of the ‘war on terror’ and casts it to Europe? We must remember that terrorism has been defined by the ’west’ and the recent issue may be seen as a result of heavy-handed foreign policy, poor diplomacy of nations from past decades that refer to themselves as the empire. By accepting the idea of the war on terrorism we accept the war is in Europe. As citizens of the EU we are looking for a less gloomy picture for the future and rather would identify from positive models of the future. The human mind operates from the level it identifies. We should do better than this.


How does the EU intend to do to control surveillance activities in the EU?

There is a lack of consistency in surveillance laws among the EU nations. When a surveillance law of a member nation prevents e.g. use of RNM/RMI (remote neuromonitoring/remote mind imaging) towards its citizen the intelligence community turns to the nation where the use of the technologies is allowed. The intelligence community serves each other thus the rights of a citizen or legal protection does not hold anymore. The ruling is awaited that prevents where forbidden technology in one country is being used from another to target civilians. The EU would benefit from resonance-free zones. Social media: Reading an individual’s social media communication private of nature the intelligence community from Finland may turn to Swedish intelligence who is a member of ’nine eyes’ and has access to XkeyScore.

The US intelligence services have become desirable among the European intelligence community due to the technological advantage but also by US anti-constitutional approach their strategy to enhance the sovereign rights by the cost of civilians. A part of the imperialistic agenda is to create security concerns that overrule any rights of citizens and also underpin the position of intelligence communities in democracy. The US has won the European intelligence community on their side by integrating the individual intelligence services by technology that also defines the strategy for the user. In the anti-terrorism agenda, the US hijacks security and foreign policies by defining who is a terrorist and what is a terroristic act. Since a nation identifies from the frame it is given why provide the EU with a gloomy pic? Mass surveillance laws to consider seriously the aspect from resonance technologies, AI, robotics, neuroscience (—Panel-2:e). Fighter jet fleets use EMP to target citizens without their permit or concent torturing civilians with multifunctional radars and manipulating their biometrics.

In Finland, the constitution was amended to provide intelligence service power and tools to operate. The community is asking for more eg allowing trespassing. An analysis was completed from the perspective of resonance technologies why this should not be allowed. Civilians are targeted by military tech to their homes, bystanders, even babies, and children intentionally produced pain, suffering, and even fatal injuries. The big picture indicates absolutely no reason other than the paranoia and profile rise effort by the intelligence service why such powerful tools should be allowed. No legal protection for targets to rely on, constitutional rights, or human rights not respected. The international rights of the accused are being orbited by presenting the target as a suspect. The targets are manufactured to test the ultimate control over an individual. Trust is gone. Testing periods are inhumane.


How are the EU law enforcement agencies regulated, monitored? How does the EU inland security strategy recognize the fact that resonance-based mass surveillance systems (RNM, EEG, RMI) are being targeted to civilians? How common is the knowledge that these cause pain, suffering, psychological trauma even fatal injuries in their targets, bystanders, civilians, even babies, and children? Is it known the execution is careless? How are the individuals chosen for these ’torture programs’? What principles are being met to prevent politically-minded targeting? How does the EU recognize the rights of suspects since there are no rights similar to the rights of the accused? How are the periods of targeting regulated? A large number of govt agencies, also from foreign communities, have access to these programs. Torturing is illegal by law in most EU nations and against human rights, constitutional rights. No legal protection for citizens exists against this crime against humanity. Operations are run by the national military agencies thus, can be defined as a war crime. How the EU intends to root out the problem of torture by state agencies and private sector partners foreign intelligence community? A good memory of the operation ’rendition flights’, that had no legal ground, of which distant cousin this operation is. What the EU intends to do to improve the approach of national law enforcement and healthcare systems to the targets of resonance technologies (government-directed mass surveillance protocol that cause pain and psychological trauma) that clearly degrade their rights? How is the legal protection of these citizens improved? Are these people still degraded and treated as mentally ill in front of police or healthcare? What an uncivilized, backward, and inhumane approach. How is the idea of democracy with this implementation?

Having made myself familiar with the SOCTA 2021 report among other reports it seems the Europol does not make a note of such a problem at all albeit the headcount of targeted civilians is piling up. Pretending such a problem does not exist? The global market reports as well as the manufacturers’ technological guides, scientific articles, etc confirm electronic warfare anti-personnel technology is based on military multifunctional radars and signal tech soon to be operated from ICT framework and indeed, operated by the military. An issue of a war crime? Are we really doing this? Pretending that there is no problem and allowing the extrajudicial purge similar to the holocaust ongo at the EU watch? Even though human rights, the constitutional rights are severely and violently attacked there is no word on the phenomenon of targeted civilians? Individuals, someones’ children, are targeted without consequence, perhaps overlapping. Targets do not have rights, no legal protection. Since the technology in question is operated as an extension of political decision-making as a punitive instrument. We will never know who is going to be the next target. No status will bring a shield in the future.

Is that due to fact that it is the law enforcement and intelligence community in the EU who are targeting civilians with military equipment electromagnetic pulses that cause pain, suffering, and fatal injuries as well as psychological trauma? We have a serious concern since the EU’s strategy for homeland security conflicts with the strategy for human rights.


As Finnish citizens, we experience it difficult to reach information from officials in Finland on our rights and therefore we approach the Commission for this matter.

In 1995 Joseph Biden introduced a bill called the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995. It previewed the 2001 Patriot Act by 1) allowing secret evidence to be used in prosecutions, 2) expanding the Foreign Intelligence Act and wiretap laws, 3) creating a new federal crime of ’terrorism’ that could be invoked based on political beliefs, permitting the US military to the used in civilian law enforcement, and allowing permanent detection of non-US citizens without judicial review.

The Center for National Security Studies commented the bill would erode ’constitutional and statutory due process protections’ and would ’authorise the Justice Dept to pick and choose crimes to investigate and prosecute based on political beliefs and associations’.

We share the concerns addressed and would urge to review the rights of the accused and suspects of serious crime or terrorism in Finland. It seems the rights of the accused have been degraded and the legal protection of suspects has been eroded similar to their constitutional rights. Coercive measures such as neurotech applications (RNM/RMI) cause pain, suffering, likely fatalities are being misused and directed to homes of investigated for long periods of time.

Who overviews the methodologies of coercive measures? Who supervises the technology is being used correctly? How is the ethical aspect present when technology is being chosen? There is no adequate control.

To what extent it is permitted in the EU (Finland) to benefit materials in a prosecution that a) has been obtained by coercive measures b) that is classified (the accused has no chance to verify the material nor defend themselves against it)?

To what extent are neurotech applications being used in courts? To what extent the technology steers the decision-making of judges? It seems the accused has the role of the bystander in their trial.

The permission-granting process is not controlled properly. To what extent the evidence to open a secret investigation is being verified and examined by the district court of Helsinki? How political or personal interests of investigation are prevented? Coercive measures are used to manufacture state will. The state interest as an investigator is to make the suspect appear guilty or question their integrity, crecitability, and the suspect does not have the position to defend themselves in the process. To convict a terrorist suspect of a felony of any kind reduces the impact of miscalculation or political ambition by the state. There is evidence of implantable devices injected into the bodies of citizens without their permit producing agony and pain. The current correct practice of investigation is not so much to seek the truth that it is to degrade an individual.



The rights of the accused are not self-evident today. In practice, the burden of proof is often shifted to the accused. The accused is granted a chance to make himself heard albeit this rule is being broadly violated. A significant moral dilemma exists also in the access of the accused to counsel. Whilst compensated in quality it is allowed at a good rate in the national courts. Whereas trial above the national judicial system, at the time when legal process often becomes the case of state integrity, no assistance is granted anymore. This remarkably reduces the number of processes reaching the ECtHR and limits the possibility of discovery of potential malpractice of the national judicial system.
White collars should follow ethical practices which highlight fairness and equality. The relation of the police and prosecutor seems to put the values to the test(pre-trial). Instead of justice, the national court appears to deliver the ’will of the State in relation to the accused’.

The counter-terrorism laws are used against democracy. Suspects do not have rights nor legal protection against coercive measures. The accused have rights, the rights of the accused. Very few are ever being accused.

Coercive measures are being abused with the assistance of the court and target suspects for an inhumanly long period of time with investigation methodologies that cause pain, suffering, and even fatalities to the targets or family members, even babies. During this time the suspect does not have proper legal protection, even constitutional rights are removed by the execution.

Neuropsychological and remote electronic ’no-touch torture’ applications used under coercive measures compromise heavily human rights and are thought of as WMD by its engineers. Since there is no adequate fair inspection in place suspects are abused during investigations likely for wrong reasons. Counter-measures are being used to manufacture trials directed against the suspect by State or individuals advised to do so. This tactic guarantees further investigation permitted. The accused should never be found guilty on the basis of evidence that has not been brought to light and examined by the accused. The evidence is not presented to the accused to ward coercive measures.

There have been several serious incidents that indicate deep structured corruption of critical infrastructure of Govt institutions under the monitoring of the Parliament. Inadequate supervision has become a significant problem. The role of the political power as the inspector raises many questions of which the least important is not ’whether Finland should have its Constitutional court?’. Although ’professional judges must have a higher university degree in law’ it does not prevent corruption especially since the judicial system is ’independent’. A mature member of society understands, by human nature this is impossible. The judicial system does not seem to convince the citizens anymore.

What mechanisms the EU has to evaluate the level of democracy in member nations? Democracies to be re-evaluated.


How does the EU regulate, overview or monitor the preparation of counter-terrorism and surveillance laws by member states? How is the consistency of the laws being monitored between the nations? How do civil rights and legal protection survive in these circumstances?

By observation, globally ‘the war on terror’ seems to underpin the sovereign power at the expense of civil rights. We have a constant dilemma on how the ‘act of terror’ is being defined and how it has been communicated to the citizen. Similarly, we do have a problem by definition with what may trigger the need for surveillance over an individual. A matter of interpretation is not good enough? In practice, some crimes or anti-social behavior now turn into an ‘act of terror’ by definition or interpretation? Citizens may not even understand their commitment to an act of terror or being a part of a society of which status is turned to be suspected of terroristic activity by the administration. Grey lines everywhere. It seems politicians have created an extrajudicial tool to ensure sovereign access to ultimate power over the citizen. Why the ultimate control?

How are the surveillance technologies and methods overviewed? How are the periods of surveillance regulated by law and human rights? There has been a vast increase of reports coercive measures are indeed producing pain, suffering, and even fatal injuries. The suspects are receiving rough treatment over prolonged periods of time but never accused.

Although the idea of temporality is not expressed in the derogation provisions of the ICCPR or the European Human Rights Convention, it has been understood to have been implied by the notion of emergency. According to the U.N. Human Rights Committee, article four of the ICCPR requires that measures derogating from the provisions of the Covenant . . . be of an exceptional and temporary nature”” – “Informal” Suspencion of Normal Processes: The “WAR ON TERROR” as an Autoimmunity Crisis by A. ADDIS, Boston University Law Review.

How is this informality being monitored? How is it supervised no coercive measure or interrogation method consist of an element of torture, cause pain or suffering in the targeted? By observation, most of the suspects will never be accused. Is it possible that being a target of coercive measures is a worse option than imprisonment? How are the rights and legal protection of suspects ensured? We have still countries where even the rights of the accused materialize poorly.

Every question addressed here points to a system error. The ultimate cost is borne by the citizen. We have totalitarian states disguised as democracies. It is the culture of execution and power balance, the relationship between the citizen and the administration. We must measure these things to correct them.


The supervision of the Finnish police relies on internal self-supervision. Recently, there have been a number of court cases questioning the integrity of the entire National Bureau of Investigation. How does the sole internal monitoring compare among the European peer group? By observation of the public reports, news, and personal experience there is a need for a European authority for investigation of police practices to improve and support the moral standards. An external unit, in particular.

The police would not investigate reports of electronic warfare attacks targeting citizens. This has been addressed to the National Police Commissioner Seppo Kolehmainen. No response has been received. Whether this is rather a matter of national security, the activity may continue uninterrupted and the targeted civilians suffer pain, psychological illnesses, even fatalities. On many occasions, the police have reportedly annulled and questioned the mental health of citizens who have requested an investigation on their constant concern. There are reports some individuals have been taken to mental institutions or mental evaluation by force while others proposed to visit their therapist or doctor suggesting an issue with mental health. Kolehmainen has been addressed. No response has been received. Police do not possess the capability to assess the mental health of an individual. What sort of guidance has been given to police in view of this vastly growing issue?How the citizen reporting DEW and resonance attacks should be minded according to police, whether the practice is indeed consistent with this?

The emergency services in Finland are operated by Emergency Response Centres managed by the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health ie the police and healthcare functions. We would like to understand what sort of guidance there is given to the police and healthcare in terms of individuals who suffer the symptoms of electromagnetic attacks?

The permission granting process for police’s coercive measures by the District Court of Helsinki, in particular, requires monitoring. Since the judges do not know the individuals whose surveillance is on the table the decisions are made on an application basis. How is this process monitored externally? How many times an extension on an existing permission can be granted? How is it controlled the coercive measures are not being used for business, political or personal interests? How is the resilience of individual police officers and the judges, in particular, is being monitored in terms of corruption?

The Finnish police maintain formal and informal databases of citizens, involving profiles of them. This information is not available to the citizen by data access request. Is informal reporting used in cross-governmental communication?

Reports exist the NBI maintains a form of co-operation with the equivalent of Russia. Is this co-operation is indeed approved and formal?

Newsbreak 110: Peggy Hall on Standing Up For Your Rights and Freedoms, Digging Deep, and Speaking Out

Report & Video Links | Ramola D | March 16, 2021

A joy to reconnect with Peggy Hall of, who has been working hard all year since the Mass Psy Op of the “Pandemic” began last March, when I was still in India with my family and unable to return until early July when flights began again and I was able to get a ticket to fly back to Massachusetts.

During that time while I was in India, Peggy Hall’s videos stood out online as a beacon in the dismal stress of lockdowns, shutdowns, and mass “virus panic” that the WHO and CDC set in motion: in India I read the news of the thousands of stranded migrant workers all across the country, hit hardest by the lockdown, suddenly made jobless, literally starving, then terrorized and oppressed by police as they sought to return to their home states. (My video reports on what was happening then are posted now at Lbry after Youtube decided to advance its suppression of crimes against humanity by deplatforming my channel.) Millions in India have descended into even greater poverty by way of small business shutdown and crashing of the small-business economy–which is a mainstay of Indian culture; this is a direct result of complying with the genocidal policies of the WHO in crashing the country’s economy and establishing a police state–as the Belarussian President has proved is being done, with his whistleblowing disclosure that he was offered 940 million dollars in funding from the IMF and World Bank to do so.

While in India last spring, I also read the news of what was happening in the US, particularly in Massachusetts, with some trepidation, wondering what I was going to be returning home to — and it was in this pursuit that I discovered Peggy Hall’s groundbreaking work to parse the language of the “guidances” “orders” and “mandates” being freely issued by various opportunistic tyrants playing Governor in various states, including New York and Massachusetts and California.

Peggy’s meticulous attention to detail, her fearless deconstruction of the language of these “orders,” her bright and outspoken commentaries published in videos on Youtube, and her insistence on the primacy of American freedoms and rights have educated millions of Americans today on what “law” is, within the statutory-law-construct of the US Corporation, who Federal law applies to, who State law applies to, how laws do exist protecting the rights and freedoms of Americans to not be discriminated against, and how the Communist rollout of absurd demands to wear masks, self-isolate, self-quarantine, and “socially” distance–all supposed “Public Health” measures disputed and rejected by multiple doctors and scientists today, who understand that Health is not maintained by such measures–can be challenged and pushed back by simply refusing to consent, refusing to comply.

Those who wear the masks and agree to self-isolate are indeed assisting the State in a violent assault on our God-given rights and freedoms, as noted here yesterday.

My first interview with Peggy Hall discussing the language of the lawless orders issued by Gavin Newsom and Charlie Baker (neither of these Honorable in any way) can be found here now at Bitchute; I featured her also as a Changemaker in my Interviews with Changemakers series, for surely she is one: Peggy Hall, The Healthy American | Questioning Authority, Finding Tyranny: The Unlawful COVID Edicts from US Governors, Mayors, Health Officers

Interviews with Changemakers (18) with Peggy Hall now at Bitchute

Peggy Hall inspired these reports, as well (where I also focus on language at the CDC and FDA websites), and the creation of my Courtesy Notice to Businesses in Massachusetts, modeled on her Notice, which she has constructed on consultation with constitutional law experts.

No President, Governor, or Mayor Can Mandate Wearing Masks, Taking Tests, Taking Vaccines, or Self-Isolating: These Are Not Laws Anyone Need Follow, They Are Outright Deceptions

Businesses Have No Business Demanding Anyone Wear Masks: Courtesy Notice to Businesses, Massachusetts

For those who question my own insistence on God-given rights and freedoms, my outspokenness in the face of obvious State tyranny, my persistence in covering issues of freedoms, rights and encroachments on same, one has only to look at all the reports I have made on the profound assault on my human rights, in numerous videos, articles, memoranda to silent Presidents, and letters to silent “Honorable” officials, including this recent one: what I and a handful of other whistleblowers are pointing to is such aggressive invasion of rights and freedoms that most people cannot believe it or are too afraid to touch: this subject is one I continue to expose, and will indeed be writing further about, because it affects all Americans, all citizens worldwide, all humanity, and all life on planet Earth.

Image: Screenshot of a tin poster advertised at eBay

My interest in creating media for continuous exposure and public address of all subjects of State aggressions–which threaten the rights and freedoms of every person–I mean living human being–on this planet has been buoyed and supported by the great humanitarians–doctors, lawyers, scientists, activists, whistleblowers, writers, researchers, analysts, executives, organizers, public speakers–who have interviewed with me over 4 years at my channel and over 7 years at this website; I’m grateful for and honored by every one of these interviews–the video interviews are now posted mostly at Lbry and Odysee but to be fully reinstated at Bitchute, Brighteon, and this website shortly.

This conversation with Peggy Hall touched on the subjugation of masks, the dangers of masks, the misleading of the American public by the CDC and State Governors and City Mayors, the assault on people’s freedoms and rights by Show-of-Force police, the unlawfulness of the mask-needed restrictions on public transportation, decreed unlawfully by the CDC–a huge subject to be fully covered separately on these pages shortly, with focus on Peggy Hall’s recent video on this subject–the freedom in claiming and acting on one’s God-given rights and freedoms, which all of us as Americans need to freely and bravely claim if we want to get this country back from the Deep Staters and Globalists currently still running it. Listen especially to Peggy’s powerful advice at the end of this podcast, where she offers practical advice for every freedom-loving American, and indeed, citizen worldwide.

Please watch and share widely as we hope to continue these check-in conversations, going forward. Many thanks to Peggy Hall for this interview and for her continuing work.

Newsbreak 110 | Peggy Hall & Ramola D: Stand Up For Your Rights & Freedoms, Dig Deep, Speak Out

WATCH AT BRIGHTEON: Newsbreak 110 with Peggy Hall/Brighteon

WATCH AT BITCHUTE: Newsbreak 110 with Peggy Hall/Bitchute

WATCH AT LBRY: Newsbreak 110 with Peggy Hall/Lbry (Thwarted in Uploading currently/will reload)

WATCH AT ODYSEE: Newsbreak 110 with Peggy Hall/Odysee (Thwarted in Uploading currently/will try again)


Newsbreak 110 with Peggy Hall, Published March 15, 2021


Peggy Hall’s website:

Peggy Hall’s Youtube channel:

Peggy Hall’s Bitchute channel: