Tag Archives: Radar weapons

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

–Ramola D/Posted 4/18/2018


Posted below is the Community Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes endorsed and supported by FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers and the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team, a group which investigates crimes involving directed-energy weapons and military neuro/biotechnology, published earlier on this site at Flyers for Public Education. Please download this document for use as a flyer in pdf format here. Given that these Crimes Against Humanity are occurring nationwide and worldwide, please download this document in doc format here and replace place-names in the header with your own place-names as appropriate and relevant. (Note: To use this flyer with the named endorsements, please ONLY change place-names as relevant, and no other text, thanks.) Please feel free to re-post and re-publish this Notice on your own websites with linkback.

This notice is being published to raise public awareness, to educate the American and world public, and to inform local communities and neighborhoods. The information in this flyer is not speculative and is fully backed up by the sourced, cumulative investigative reportage at this site (and elsewhere), and follows on recent informative interviews in print and audio with FBI, CIA, and NSA whistleblowers published here at The Everyday Concerned Citizen as well as at YouTube/Ramola D Reports.

Human rights advocates and organizations, investigative journalists, scientists,  whistleblowers, ethicists, and concerned American and world citizens are encouraged to step forward to openly support this Community Notice as the global human rights and bioethical movement to expose and end these pernicious and extreme 21st-century Crimes Against Humanity daily expands. Please email to endorse.

This notice is also supported by the 28 August 2017 Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy and Neuro/Bio Weapons citing Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the 1998 International Criminal Court, published here earlier.  Please print and distribute widely. 


from The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Notice to One is Notice to All

Psychological Warfare, Operations, & Deception Along with Electromagnetic Anti-Personnel Assaults Are Being Run in Quincy & Boston, Massachusetts by Govt Agencies–FBI, DHS, CIA, NSA, DOD, DOJ;

All Participating are Accomplices to Potential Murder

Source: FBI, CIA, NSA Whistleblowers/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/US-Europe Joint Investigation Team



These programs are extrajudicial COINTELPRO Character-Assassination, Mutilation, Destruction, Blacklisting, Life-Sabotage, Torture, and Murder campaigns, intending to fully destroy the lives of outstanding community activists, journalists, writers, teachers, professors, whistleblowers, and civic-minded citizens.

Thousands of Americans are being destroyed like this by the FBI/CIA/DHS.


Remember please that only FBI/CIA have powers with Fusion Centers globally to run horrendous campaigns for torture and murder. Also, FBI has a duty to investigate the crimes we describe. The FBI and FMJ (Federal Magistrate Judges) authorize these offenses and could stop them. (April 11, 2018/Leaked Gangstalker Recruitment Video, The Everyday Concerned Citizen)

The FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Viral Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people. (April 1, 2018/Ramola D Reports/Report #56-Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI)


The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA (Patriot Act)...Police are even used as liaisons to citizen vigilante groups like Infragard, or other “civic minded” organizations who are lied to about the target (being a terrorist/ traitor/ criminal) and enticed/paid to stalk and harass them 24/7. (May 26, 2016/NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States)


I can’t hone it down to just CIA, but I can tell you, all these people, they’re all connected. For instance, in a Town Hall, every little town in the United States, every city, you’ll get people–there’s a Town Hall and there’s a City Government or a Town Government, they’ve got people in there…they have them in the Post Office…What they’re doing is they’re recruiting an army of Citizen Spies and Busybodies—and the People, who don’t even know what’s going on, some of them, they gladly become a part of it, thinking “Oh, I’m doing a service to my country!” But they’re NOT. (April 10, 2018/Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Discusses CIA History, Propaganda, Targeting)


Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

–Ramola D/Posted 4/1/2018


Geral Sosbee, JD, MA is a world-renowned FBI whistleblower with post-graduate degrees in Law and English, an accomplished background as an attorney, judge, college professor, US Army veteran, and FBI Special Agent, who has taught Law and English at universities in Texas, and became targeted after reporting internal crime and corruption to the FBI.

Posted below is the transcript of my recent interview with Geral Sosbee, who reports being targeted extra-legally by the FBI for over 30 years, and who shares his opinion and observations on the nature of today’s (extreme) Surveillance State Abuse with COINTELPRO and directed-energy weapons and neuroweapons that is currently ongoing in the United States of America and all over the world, an open secret that is yet being hidden and kept secret by federal, state, and city governments as well as local police—and which I continue to report on here and elsewhere online.

As many know, I posted the video file last week despite evidence of massive audio tampering and sabotage—presumably or possibly by the FBI, who do like to monitor communications unfavorable to themselves no doubt, but who also seem to wish to stay closely informed of my every pirouette online. Because Geral reported that he was unable to do the interview on his computer, he used his phone—but the call itself and the recording were tampered with. Not being an audio expert, I did what I could to amplify his recording—the interview is still hard to listen to, and so I embarked on recording the transcript (a mammoth task!) because I think this interview is so very important, and everything that Geral reveals here is absolutely critical for every American and really every citizen worldwide to hear.

Two of the most shattering revelations for me, I can tell you, have to do 1) with his exposition of the process by which he believes innocent Americans are being wrongfully targeted, by an agency which has clearly gone off the rails and drowned itself in massive crime and corruption, via court-orders fraudulently arrived at, with the help of corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges or FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) judges, and 2) with his revelation of the criminal abuse by Intel agencies such as the FBI of the Global Disease Surveillance System, whereby innocent Americans can be fraudulently labeled with a communicable disease, and even “honey-potted” into being infected with a communicable disease (such as AIDS) which apparently lets Intel goons worldwide tail and surveil them wherever they go.

What is unraveled here is a picture of extreme illegality, corruption and crime; because the FBI has seemingly established for itself long-term a false image for itself as upstanding and reliable and deeply “American,” Geral notes Americans treat them with awe and respect when they come by to defame and slander FBI-targeted-neighbors, seeking co-operation essentially in Psychological Warfare “gangstalking” and surveilling and monitoring their unfortunate FBI-targeted-neighbor, showing court orders and saying they are engaging in what has elsewhere been reported as “court-authorized activities related to an ongoing investigation.” In other words, it is the FBI which is defaming targets to their neighbors, the FBI which is unleashing the massive COINTELPRO harassment (inclusive of character assassination, employment sabotage, relationship sabotage, blacklisting, and roadway and retail harassment) reported by targets, and the FBI which is using or permitting the use of deadly DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) technology on people’s bodies and brains.

Geral takes care to establish that much of what is presented here derives from his own opinion based on professional observation and experience, and I should probably disclaim too, to say the conversation we had derives also from my own understanding (from documents, from whistleblowers, from reportage to me, from my own experience) of how these repressive programs of Surveillance Abuse with deadly EMF neuroweaponry are being played out in our cities, counties, countries, and world.

It is my own opinion therefore, from my own observations, and post this conversation, that it is indeed a “very powerful group like the FBI” which is behaving in extremely anti-American ways in my own neighborhood and in others’ neighborhoods, running flagrantly deceptive and defamatory campaigns against me and other innocent, wrongful, extra-judicial targets where they live, lying to courts to get fraudulent court orders, creating false files and records, lying to neighbors, lying to local businesses and staff at public places, creating fraudulent profiles, and indeed fraudulently profiling innocent, upstanding, and outstanding Americans as questionable characters, suspected-terrorists, anti-social, “extremists,” mentally unstable, endowed with communicable diseases, or otherwise so utterly and extremely dangerous as to need 24/7 electronic surveillance with all sorts of dirty stealth radiation weaponry, still coyly labeled “non-lethal” and “anti-personnel.”

This exact protocol, Geral notes, is being used worldwide, and in his estimation it is very much a FBI/CIA protocol; something we also discussed is how all the various “Intelligence” agencies and DOD (Department of Defense) seem to work together, as part of that secretive shadow government we are all learning more about today.


I am grateful to have made contact with Geral before he got off Facebook last week. His testimony as a former Special Agent is critical to the complete uncovering of the truth behind all of these dark and shadowy programs based on extreme privacy-invasion, sadism, and torture, which are bringing ruination, distress, and even death to hundreds and thousands of precious, productive, and meaningful American and human lives.

As many may appreciate, I needed to publish this transcript first, before I scheduled further podcasts with Geral, and I hope in the weeks following to further highlight his experience and analyses as posted on his website and elsewhere online, but it is also my hope he will return for future conversations, which he has indicated he will be interested in doing, so please stay tuned. I will begin as well a new article series immediately, Background Check: The FBI, to drive a closer look at the FBI. (Yes America, I’m an American journalist and writer and poet who is already extra-judicially and wrongfully and abusively FBI-targeted; it is time to Surveil the Abusers.)

Geral reports that after the posting of this video he received added COINTELPRO harassment and subliminal death threats via an Obituary Notice being sent his way; I can attest I have also noted increased COINTELPRO on the streets around me (especially aggressive, hazardous driving) and some covert communications as well suggesting death threats (“Clancy” spelled out on a van crossing my path). 

Much gratitude to Geral Sosbee for his courage and commitment to humanity in speaking out.

This is not the America any of us signed up as citizens of, whether by birth or naturalization, these activities are not American, as some of us have previously conceived of the word “American,” and it is our hope that by speaking out, we will continue to pave the way for a much brighter future stripped of such abusive actions by rogue Intelligence agencies and a DOD who have turned against Americans and other countries’ citizens in the most deplorable and execrable of ways.


Update, 4/10: Replacing the earlier video link below with the new video with running transcript that Jeff Godwin put together, thank you Jeff.

(Note: Ellipses below indicate bits of lost text here and there; undecipherable on the audio. Parentheses indicate guesses at possible words; also indicate my responses here and there when Geral was speaking.)

Update, March 25, 2022: Since Youtube crashed my channel, the videos have been uploaded to Odysee and Bitchute. This is the running-transcript version:

Version with Running Transcript here: https://odysee.com/@RamolaDReports:8/report-56-with-running-transcript-geral:8



The First Historic Podcast with Geral Sosbee, Cyberhacked by FBI | TRANSCRIPT OF REPORT 56

Ramola D: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this evening edition of Ramola D Reports. I’m Ramola D, and I’m here this evening with a very special guest, Geral Sosbee, former Special Agent of the FBI, and he’s got a very interesting story to report, he is an FBI whistleblower, who has a particular experience of targeting to report, and we’re here this evening to speak about both his experience and his views — his very important insights into the FBI, given his experience. So, welcome Geral, I’m so glad you could join me this afternoon.

Geral Sosbee: Thank you very much, Ramola, and thank you for all of your work in trying to bring all of our stories together–to help everyone who has been tortured and murdered by the FBI.

Ramola D: Oh absolutely, you’re very welcome Geral, I’m just doing what I feel compelled to do–I find it extraordinary that you would start off by saying people are indeed being tortured and murdered by the FBI–now you feel very strongly that the FBI is very majorly, mainly involved in this, right?–I mean, they are a primary component of this program?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, let me–may I make a couple of administrative announcements here?

Ramola D: Oh absolutely, go for it. Yes, absolutely.

Geral Sosbee: My name is Geral Sosbee–S-O-S-B-E-E–I was born August 30, ’45; I entered the United States Army in ’66, and served in Vietnam until ’68, I all the time was in Vietnam; I entered the FBI in ’71 and ended my career in ’78. Now the references to my work in the FBI are all on my website, http://sosbeevfbi.com/ — you can look at the FBI History Book, which is a summary of what I did in the FBI ….received from the directories of the FBI. (Finally) you can go to the Academia.edu for my biography and papers that I have written on the corruption of this evil FBI.

So what I am doing now is offering this to Ramola, with gratitude, for educational purposes–(in that) I have never participated, while I was in (any) service, in any type of activity that we are describing here (that is wholly to do with) directed energy weaponry, home invasions, threatening people, persecuting to suicide, locking them up….what we are looking at today is a massive program, from my personal and professional experience–and this is not legal advice, and I’m not soliciting anything here, I’m not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

(I want people to know) that this is a personal opinion–based on also my professional experience–that the FBI is spearheading the most colossal and evil attacks on people ever conceived on the face of the Earth, and they are using Deep Space-based technology, they are using Bio-Chemical Bio Warfare Elements and Agents, and they’re using Psychological Warfare to destroy people.

The only way that a person who is listening to me can understand this would be to (with the ability to) read much of my materials, starting with my story in detail, to understand how these guys–I’m talking about the FBI and all their friends–can actually drive a person insane, and that’s what they are trying to do in many instances.

Now the FBI recently sent the United States Postal Inspector to my home to threaten me and my wife. We have done nothing wrong and they knew it. The Postal Inspector–his name is Knipfing-I forget his first name K-n-i-p-f-i-n-g–Trey Knipfing–I have written several reports on Mr. Knipfing, he came out with Texas DPS, Conrad Rodriguez who turns out to be a real hotshot profiler. He’s a retarded man as far as I am concerned, but these 2 guys came out, after years of FBI stealing my mail, they come out to my home and threaten me and my wife with arrest, but they didn’t use the word “We’re going to arrest you” they just made it very clear why they were there. So in other words, the FBI has control over every agency in government on cue, whenever they want to, whenever they see the need–are you still there Ramola?

Ramola D: Yes yes I am listening closely–I wanted to ask you if you had experienced any of this, if you had any awareness of the extraordinary power the FBI has, when you were in the FBI–when you yourself were working there?

Geral Sosbee: Well as I said I never participated in anything like this. I was not aware that it even existed. My work what I did in the FBI I can’t go into it right now.

Rd: Sure

Geral Sosbee: They are listening and they would love to find a way to charge me with a violation of the (Right) oath of privacy and everything.

Rd: Right

Geral Sosbee: No, at no time did I even know that this kind of stuff was going on. In fact when I left the FBI was when I learned of their complete evil corruption. So when I left the FBI and they started in on me when I was in law school–if I did anything they started playing mind games with me, tearing up my car–this sort of thing.

Ramola D: Gaslighting? A lot of psychological warfare, all of a sudden?

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola, I’ve written a short paper, short article on Gaslighting, I think it appears at AustinIndymedia. But it took me 2 years, Ramola, to figure out what was happening. Ten years after they destroyed my life in El Paso Texas–I was an attorney, a judge, and so forth–the SAC, the Special Agent in Charge who was a guy named Schwein–he was instrumental–and I got this from a former FBI Agent, a friend of mine, used to be a friend–Gary advised me (that they were going to be) ordering me to report to the FBI the day and time that I leave the city. This guy Schwein just revealed when he said that to (Gary) that he was in charge of destroying my career and my life–and he knows it, I’ve written about it–Anyway, it took me a long time to figure out how to combat it.

Ten years after it started–it started in about 1988, something like that–and about the year 2000, I finally figured out, I need to file a lawsuit! I filed a lawsuit, I took them all the way to the Supreme Court, and at every level, every judge, every Justice threw it out–I didn’t get a hearing anywhere, and in fact, the judge in my case in Los Angeles–and a transcript of what he did is partially on my website–he was blatantly prejudiced against me, and it was clear that he had an ex-parte meeting with the FBI to prevent me from presenting a case.

Now, this brings me to the other point if I may, Ramola, (Sure) Many people want to sue whoever is doing this, the stalking, the assaults the poisonings, the DEW attacks from directed energy weaponry and with microwaves and Extremely Low Frequency sound– we don’t know whom to sue–now when you don’t know who to sue, that’s a real problem.

You don’t know who to sue because these orders against us are being issued by corrupt and small-minded Federal Magistrate Judges or other judges–now I don’t think that the FISA judges–the Federal –(the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) yes, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act judges–I don’t think they’re the ones on my case, they deal with court-suspected Terrorists and Enemies of the State–they have their hands full with dealing with that kind of problem.

These domestic issues–from what I can determine, and I was able to get myself into a position where I am admitted into this Federal District Court or Southern District Court of Texas–which is headquartered in Houston–in that group, there’s one or two judges in there that know me and that have been actually subliminally supportive of me. And there is evidence of that on my website having to do with Notices of Support from Federal Judges–or Federal Courts, excuse me.

So, I managed to get myself admitted into the Federal Court in Houston and all the Federal courts in the Southern District of Texas, and so I got to be acquainted with some of the Federal Magistrate Judges. In doing so I actually went into the Courthouse and met some of them.

And through my little investigation, limited as it was, I can prove that these Federal Magistrate Judges are the most corrupt, small-minded, and ridiculous men who have ever held office in the Judiciary (Very interesting) (for a hundred thousand a year, these guys) and so they are fully supported by the Federal District Judges –the one in Los Angeles who didn’t give me a fair hearing. (I see)

And …first of all lawyers don’t even want to talk–I had to sue the FBI alone–I couldn’t even get a lawyer to go co-counsel with me, because no-one wanted to go out on a limb against the FBI (Sure) that’s how powerful these people are. What I think they are doing here to us–is they are using secret orders from the Federal Magistrate Judges against individual targets such as Geral Sosbee–me; they take that around and show it–they show it to the police, they show it to your neighbors, they show it to the State agencies that you might be involved with.

Now the State Bar has never taken any action against me because they have very strict guidelines before they come after someone for disciplinary reasons–so the FBI has not been able to take away my Law license. Even though they have made some overtures– with phony clients in for example pretending to be in need of legal services, then I discovered they were not, they were frauds–

Ramola D: I see. Some kind of framing and entrapment operation over there–that failed–

Geral Sosbee: Yes, the Federal Judges and FBI need to profile a person who is targeted, and a person can be targeted for any reason at all–by the federal agencies such as NSA CIA, any of these agencies for any reason–if they don’t like you or if there is something about you that they don’t like, they can find–or if they think you’re a whistleblower–and incidentally I never intended to be a whistleblower, that was not my intent to be a whistleblower–all I am doing is showing the facts of, that surround the FBI’s attack on me–and people who are listening to me can decide whether or not I’m a whistleblower.

But I’ve never seen anything this horrendous and as huge as what we are looking at here because the FBI operations–and they are all tied in together, they knew that the FBI has the support of the CIA, all of these agencies work together but the actual executive command as far as I can determine, at least in my case, and I think in many cases is the FBI–they’re so powerful.

Ramola D: Very interesting, you know, so that suggests–

Geral Sosbee: No-one will question them and that’s a little problem when you–I forget who said it–but if you have a police group, you are not allowed to question what they are doing, then you can’t trust them, that is fundamental.

Ramola D: And that would suggest that, you know, that– since you think the executive order seems to come from the FBI — but you also suggested there’s a connection between the FBI and these Federal Magistrate Judges–so does the FBI first go to the judges and get this kind of order which they then present to everybody in the local fusion center or local Law Enforcement?

Geral: I’m having difficulty in hearing Ramola, I’m sorry–you were asking me about the orders from the Federal Magistrate Judges.

Ramola D: Correct. What is the connection–how does the FBI work it, do you think, between the Federal Magistrate Judges and then sort of issuing notices in the neighborhood and to the local fusion centers etc.?

Geral Sosbee: Well, I’m not an expert in this and I never tried to hold myself out as an expert–what I am saying is based on my personal opinion and my observations and I have no proof here to tell people–the issue is if it’s secret, it is sealed, you can’t get to them–how can you sue them if you don’t know who to sue?

Lawyers don’t want anything to do with it, plus lawyers want to make money–so if you go to a lawyer, with this kind of case, they’re just going to be real polite to you, say “We’re not interested” — so they know they’re not going to make any money most likely, plus they’re going to look bad, it’s going to make the FBI come down on them. These Federal Magistrate Judges or whoever, the FISA judges or whoever is issuing these orders–they’re doing it so no-one can get to them.

If Congress would investigate, I have many many witnesses, who would protect me — I know who they are…I have photographs of some of these stalkers–I consider them to be accomplices to potential murder, that’s why I recently identified some on the David Atkins video — tried to intimidate you and threaten you on the David Atkins video– you can see right there assault and intimidation and in a civil sense that’s a violation of a tort law–attempt to cause depression–

Ramola D: Provocation, right?

Geral Sosbee: Extreme emotional distress is what I am trying to say–but look, as far as these orders, Ramola, this is the most horrendous–there is no due process. No-one is ever told why he or she is being attacked—they can only speculate. Some people are being attacked because of their jobs—something in that they worked for the NSA, CIA, or any of these other intelligence agencies—they’re subject to being targeted if they do or say something, or if their personal lives don’t conform to these agencies’ idea of what they’re supposed to do.

Ramola D: Very often, it seems, especially among whistleblowers from the NSA etcetera or the Army—people I’ve spoken to, they’ve usually done something or they’ve spoken out against corruption inside the organization, you know, and then they get targeted. Or they’ve started an EEOC case about discrimination or something like that, and then they get targeted.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, I’ve tried to understand that, Ramola, a few years ago I wrote a paper, a little article –on the criminal FBI, criminal abuse of the Global Disease Surveillance System. When I looked at that—it’s somewhere online—Criminal Abuse of the Global Disease Surveillance System–I learned there is a whole group of diseases, usually communicable diseases, that the government, the FBI, the HH Services (Department of Health and Human Services) some of these agencies, would use in order to profile a target so that they can–that will help them get the Federal court order in secret.

Now once they get that Federal court order, for example if a person has HIV—which I do not—but many people may come in contact with HIV or other diseases that I list in my report. That alone is enough, right there, to put a Global Surveillance Order on that person (wherever he goes and ever resides)

And the problem here that people don’t understand, we all want to be careful here who we have personal relationships with, everyone should be real careful there—however if they’re going to intentionally infect people, which is what I am saying they do, and if they are going to single out these people who have different type of illnesses, then why not make it public? Let’s see—why don’t you tell us FBI, tell the people why you have targeted me, and how you’ve been able to get my records to do that—I have invited them to do that—if they will comply, everybody can see what is going on.

But they won’t, this is a secret program–they don’t want to have to explain what they are doing. The minute they start explaining, it is an admission of all the things that you, that we have alleged against them—

And one more thing—when I say Surveillance, and I think Ramola, you understand this very well, I don’t mean just people following us around. It’s assault and battery, torture, home invasion, destruction of the cars–

Ramola D: With electromagnetic weapons, through-wall surveillance, radar, tracking, etc.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. The whole ball of wax–they won’t stop at anything. This is unprecedented in human affairs, Ramola.

Ramola D: Absolutely. Would you say, Geral, that this is the use, this is sort of the misuse, this is the criminal abuse, I should say of power, of using covers of classified labels and secrecy labels in order to conceal crime—for this is literally crime, right, these are criminal assaults against people?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, that’s exactly right, Ramola—the problem is, and I’ve thought about this earlier–how can we actually comprehend what’s going on, it’s so difficult—and I’ve mentioned this earlier—it took me ten years to even figure out what I needed to do, and I sued them and then I started my website–

So what I can see is piece by piece we can get a picture, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle–we can fit together the whole program and understand it better–we can only do it piece by piece—that’s why I referenced my papers earlier in our talk here today, the papers at academia.edu –because in those papers I show little pieces of what they are doing to me and others, such as the quasi-secret criminal justice system that the FBI has started–they’re using a civil process, abusive civil process to go out and provoke people into responding, and then they arrest some people and put them in prison or in a mental institution. So it’s piece by piece is what we are trying to do, I think, is to put this thing together so ultimately we have the jigsaw puzzle altogether and we can see what is going on.

Ramola D: That’s a good plan—because there are indeed many pieces to this, right, aren’t there; there is the initial targeting and then the going to the Federal Magistrate and getting an order and then informing the neighborhood, informing the local Fusion Center and then engaging in these harassive entrapment activities which further push the target into further dire straits either being imprisoned–arrested and imprisoned–or sent off to a Psych Ward?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, that’s right—and one more thing here please. I’m really disappointed in our Police Departments, because first of all they are programmed and trained by the FBI at the National Academy—and there—the culture has become so corrupt that they are killing people on the street willy-nilly. They can kill people and get away with it because they are trained to do that by the FBI—now Police departments sometimes refuse to accept my complaint of a crime against me–

Rd: Oh yes.

Geral Sosbee: Even threatened to arrest me…when I make a complaint. My wife and I filed a complaint in Brownsville and the Police Detective, his name is Adrien Posada, and this is all on record, I’ve written reports on it, he quietly threatened to arrest me—in his words, for filing a false police report, and then he said, go take your medication–my wife is sitting there right next to me.

So when he stated this to me, I knew immediately that this guy Adrien Posada, detective from the Brownsville Texas Police Department and on here, the Commander of the Police Department got involved, he told me that Posada didn’t behave properly and this Commander,I forget his name, criticized Posada’s demeanor, the way he treated me and my wife. So at that point I knew we had a corrupt cop. But it’s not just Posada, I am seeing something here.

Ramola D: Oh yes. Oh yes, you know, it’s like they follow a protocol, it seems like they’ve been trained to use this mental health story—immediately accuse people of being mentally unwell when they are presented with complaints like this.

Geral Sosbee: That is a good point, thank you for putting that in there—and in fact it even goes beyond the police. The FBI apparently contact medical doctors and falsely report a paranoid delusional disorder, they receive in their file a false mental diagnosis, they try the same methodology–in Part 20 of my story in detail you’ll see the medical doctor’s report where he falsified that report. That same medical doctor today is working for the DA…also I have a DA pdf at my Academia.edu which will show some of that information that’s going on with these doctors.

Ramola D: Very interesting, so you have information; in other words, you’re aware that the FBI actually contacts doctors beforehand, psychiatrists also possibly, in order to get this kind of psychiatric diagnosis right, misdiagnosis, I should say–

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, Ramola, I can’t prove it, again this is all based on personal experience and my–I should use the word speculation–but how else can the doctor and the police, these sorts of people, turn against an innocent man or woman–unless some very powerful group like the FBI goes in there and displays a Federal Court Order which says/looks valid, since this is completely extra-legal in the sense that, there is no due process, there’s no equal protection under the law, there’s no Bill of Rights applied, then how are you supposed to defend against this type of thing? 

Ramola D: Right–so many people are reporting precisely what you are reporting Geral– so many people, across the country and literally across the world, pretty much the same scenario is being replayed around the world right, the same protocol, the same story, people being targeted, people being assaulted with weaponry, and when they speak out, when they make a complaint to police, it’s always an issue of, you know, that the police either don’t take the complaint seriously or they accuse the reporting victim of being mentally unstable and needing a psychiatrist immediately.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah, and that’s exactly what’s happening. You got it exactly correct, its global, it’s not just something that’s happening in our little individual neighborhoods, and it’s something that people need to be educated about and I don’t know how to educate them except through what people like you and me and others are doing.

Ramola D: Absolutely. Public awareness–just speaking out, you know, and just sort of relaying our own experiences, as you are doing Geral and as I have been trying to do, –how else can you reach the public, right, you just report what’s going on on the ground. And of course mainstream media isn’t covering this, so we have an uphill battle to climb, we have to put the information out there, regardless, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, and let me say this–United States Attorneys are aware of this, they’re aware of what is going on, these are (US attorneys) all over the country are aware of this -and the States’ attorneys and the city prosecutors. All of these people will not do their job if the FBI lets them see these Federal Court Orders. Federal Court Orders — it’s the civil law that we’re talking about here — they’re so powerful, Ramola, it’s like a (decree) from God has come down in that civil court order.

Ramola D: That’s awful.

Geral Sosbee: In other words everyone that they come in contact with, and I mean everyone, is immediately turned against the target.

Ramola D: Yes, everybody — Because they actually go and contact everybody who’s within the target’s circle of acquaintance, circle of friendship, circle of collegiate relationship, personal relationship — anything, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. My brother is afraid to be associated with me–I have two brothers–they, I’d love to see them before my time is up, and I’ve tried to see them, but it’s difficult, because, you know, no-one wants the FBI snooping around. And another thing–I think that the FBI controls Congress and the courts by implied blackmail. Anyone that has any human behavior that’s…..if Congress and the judges sitting there in the high courts, if the FBI ever disliked them, and wanted to get them, then they would find something in their personal lives that would be embarrassing, and they would ruin them. Everybody has something in the closet. 

Ramola D: Yeah, I understand that’s how they run it. They have control files on all the Congresspeople, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes, And they have extensive files on Congress.  And on the Board of Judges on the court. Is there anything else that I have skipped that I haven’t addressed? That you and I have wanted to talk about?

Ramola D: There’s a couple questions that I had, you know, you had actually talked about this in previous conversations with me, and I just thought, you know, that other people would be interested in hearing this too. One of them is: you know, how do you see the CIA as being involved–because many people see the CIA as being a heavy part of the Deep State or Shadow Government, the control mechanism behind the whole thing–that’s one question–

Geral Sosbee: Real good question, Ramola. I received a message about the year 1990 or 1988 or so–and the CIA sent me a little subliminal message having to do with employment with the FBI and employment with the CIA. I didn’t think the CIA would send me a message like that…..let me just say the CIA wherever they are have total access to everything–they are the secret government, the FBI and the CIA, these groups are like governments unto themselves. They are like sovereign states, if I may use that expression. (Sure)

Now when I took off, I fled the United States for Thailand. Big mistake.

The CIA and FBI completely controlled Thailand (through) DOD. So when I was in Thailand, I was being assaulted by FBI operatives and thugs and informants; and incidentally, FBI operatives and thugs and normal citizens are involved in all of this, it’s not just the specialized and highly trained agents; it’s informants, operatives, and members of the general public on all who are involved in provoking people.

So now in Thailand I had so many assaults coming at me from so many I was kidnapped—all kinds of….

And one day some very smooth operators they didn’t seem to be FBI came at me when I was trying to exercise in the workout room, and they were very discreet, and I thought, these guys are not FBI, they’re acting more like CIA–

Rd: I see, a little more polished you mean–

Geral Sosbee: That was pure speculation, Ramola, but those were the two examples when I felt the CIA has been involved against me.

Ramola D: I see. Very interesting. And the FBI operatives you are talking about on the ground, I mean over here in the US as well, you know, we have Infragaard, and now we have the COPPs, the Community Policing Watch Services, and so forth and so they’re also all working with the FBI as well, right, what people call the gangstalkers.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. Yes. That, see—let me go back to: The FBI has somehow managed to distil in the minds of all people a kind of feeling of awe-A-W-E-or respect. People believe that whatever the FBI says has got to be true.

Ramola D: Correct. Yes, yes—the FBI you know, it’s the guys with the FBI badge—so whatever investigations they are conducting have got to be kosher, have got to be legit, that’s what people imagine.

Geral Sosbee: If people knew what these FBI agents are doing around the world—and you and I are trying to show this—then I don’t think they’ll be so quick to say to the FBI, “anything you say, we’ll believe.”

Ramola D: Absolutely, and you know, I think that ‘s something to stress, Geral, as we try to inform the world, actually stress what exactly is going on on the ground, you know the actual horror of these programs, that are being conducted on people, on Americans right in America as well as other people, other citizens in other countries as well—being attacked extremely with these weapons to the point of torture, to the point of sadism, to the point of brutality, and to the point of death, because many people who are targeted actually die of the targeting, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah the idea of forcing people into a final exit. That is most abominable,

Rd: It’s criminal to start with! Its illegal.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah its hideous. That’s what the FBI do. We have a few of our friends, one or two of our friends you may recall committed suicide

Rd: Yes, unfortunately

Geral Sosbee: –trying to deal with the energy weaponry and the assaults, the stalking, and the character assassinations and all that, they can’t get jobs, they can’t even find a place to live, because they’re blackballed, so this kind of stuff can only happen under a murderous regime that doesn’t really respect human life (Yes) that’s my opinion on it.

Ramola D: Absolutely. I had one last question Geral, and that had to do with the DOJ. Now you made a very interesting comment to me yesterday about the FBI supposed to be under the DOJ, right—that’s supposed to be the set-up, the hierarchy, but it’s the other way around, actually?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. I think I sent you a link to an article that I wrote, having to do with the loss of the constitutional government of the United States.

Rd: Yes, yes.

Geral Sosbee: Now in that article I showed—now I borrowed information, it was not all my data, I borrowed it from another book showing that the DOJ pretends to be the Head Honcho of Law Enforcement in this country. Actually the DOJ takes orders from the FBI. The FBI does whatever it wants to do, and then the DOJ has to support it. That’s my experience with the FBI and the DOJ.

Ramola D: Very interesting. I think people would be very interested to see, you know, the sort of interconnection and the actual hierarchy you know, that’s actually playing out. The NSA also comes to mind you know, because from what we are learning from the Snowden documents, that Suzie Dawson has found more information about, the satellites that are over every country are now being openly used by the NSA through various Intelligence Agency agreements that they’ve made with other countries. So–

Geral Sosbee: Yeah. That’s really scary, it may be beyond my ability to comprehend, what is actually going on with these satellites and different countries accessing them, Maybe it’s not just simply a global effort by the United States FBI, CIA to control the world, it’s an actual effort (of) purging everyone that’s on the Earth, who doesn’t conform to the standards that are dictated by these various Government officials. Now that’s a scary thought—a global purge in order to control the Earth and Outer Space. Then we’re really in for some bad times.

Ramola D: Yes and I think, unfortunately, you’ve hit the nail on the head there. There Is a globalist movement as you know, and there is a New World Order that’s been established, and if you look at the protocol of targeting throughout the world, it’s remarkably similar and has a very sinister similarity to it, so one has to kinda look at that direction and look at the Globalists, and look at their…you know, connect that to what the United Nations has been doing and the various depopulation programs that are in action etc, and yes, you know, global targeting of all humanity is indeed underway and has been underway for quite some time now in many different ways, shapes and forms which is horrifying to contemplate. But that sort of shows the connection between the local FBI and local CIA– I mean, I suppose you could never say the CIA is local, right because they’ve always been a bit octopus-like!

Geral Sosbee: Yes, the other thing that is horrifying to me is that the Media doesn’t say a word. …we don’t get Media coverage of what you and I and all the other people that are working on this project are reporting, to expose the insanity of what is happening to people.

Ramola D: Yes, we have to conclude they are a part of it Geral. They are a part of the Globalist enterprise to suppress and repress humanity, so we who are speaking out and we who are trying to do something, we are sort of the Alt Media, you know, we are the New Media

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola Sad thought–That is an indictment as far as I am concerned, all these personalities and shows and Newscasts at night, all these reporters who pretend to be reporting news around the world, we’re indicting them, we’re showing they are cowards, they’re not doing any programs at all on something they know is happening–so it’s sad to realize

Rd: It is.

Geral Sosbee: It’s sad for our species, that we have these kinds of people, big media moguls, making huge sums of money, billions of dollars, some of them, and they’re not doing anything to educate the people about what’s going on.

Ramola D: Yes, absolutely. Do you have any advice for anybody who is out there and listening and waking up slowly to what is going on and wondering, What can I do to help change this situation?

Geral Sosbee: Well I thank you Ramola—other people need to be just like you…reaching out and trying to get people to submit their different accounts is the least they can do—Regards advice, look, from—from a long time ago I do not hold out hopes that this will stop (Oh boy)—I know some people will disagree, I hurt their feelings when I say that—but if we have the ability to stop this program—now we might be able like as you say to pull it back, but as to stop it, I don’t think it is possible and I don’t have any hope that it will stop.

Because the technology that is being used today, it’s to consolidate power and to control different governments, will have to continue to be used in the future for the same reason. Because other governments have access to it. In fact the embassy in, the recent embassy incident in Cuba–in which some people were losing their hearing. That’s an example of someone using some frequencies and destroying people’s hearings at the Embassy. Even after that admission, we don’t have people looking into our stories of DEW or… so I’m not happy at all with imagining we can stop them.

Now this may not be a good attitude now this sounds like a not good attitude but I see this as some kind of warzone – some of us live in a warzone—and my experience of war tells me you don’t ever sit back and hope the enemy won’t come at you, that’s something you just don’t do, it defies all logic, you’ve got to fight until you’re not there anymore.

Ramola D: Absolutely And it is a warzone, you’re right, you’re absolutely right, but it is Asymmetric War, because the people fighting this war against people like you and me are using weaponry, and we’re not using weaponry, we’re just using our words to report what they are doing. So they see it as an Information Warfare, they see this as an Information Operation—and they are daring to call their attacks with these weapons, they’re daring to call these attacks Information Attacks—they’re not information attacks, they are Assaults. They are physical assaults and they are mental assaults on our brains and our bodies. So it is a warzone, it’s the Next World War, which many people are not aware of—many people aren’t aware that it’s actually going on, but it is going on, we know it is going on, right?

Geral Sosbee: Yes Ramola thank you these are secret technologies, we don’t know the full range of these technologies on human beings Some people talk about Voice to Skull—we don’t talk about that but I believe them when they say that.

Ramola D: Oh yes, because the patents exist, many patents exist, and there’s a history of development that’s also been revealed through the work of many whistleblowers who’ve spoken out and through some information as well from military documents.

Geral Sosbee: Yeah—now do you know a lady named Eleanor, White or something—do you know her

Ramola D: Yes, yes I remember, she had a website, and she put some information out online.

Geral Sosbee: Okay. Now many years ago, I read some of her material and she was very right on target. She made some points that I didn’t understand but now I am beginning to think she was right-on. She stated that these technologies could be used to stimulate parts of the body. So if this is true, then what these guys are doing, who work for the FBI they’re using technologies to stimulate people’s bodies or their brain or their private parts or whatever—what are they thinking? Where did this technology come from – and how extensive is the application that it has taken? These are the kinds of things that we would need Government to open up, Congress would have to not be cowards (Yes)–Congress has some cowards in Congress—that’s another impossibility to realize!

Rd: Or we may have to replace Congress with some less cowardly people right?

Geral Sosbee: We just..If I were in that position…I would stand on the floor until I collapsed and was exhausted to make sure that a law was passed to examine and open up and make public all of these kinds of technologies that our government is using against our own people. And when we talk about people today, everyone in the world today is our own people–because we are one big community today in the world.

Ramola D: Correct. Yes, absolutely. And I thank you for your commitment and integrity there, Geral because you are indeed one of the few and far between for having the conscientiousness to say that. We need Congresspeople like that, you know, who would care about humans—but they don’t seem to care, they seem to be quite happy to ignore what is going on, and to simply give the Intel agencies a free ride and let them do whatever they want and keep it all under cover and classified labels and Secrecy you know—and not look any further into these weapons which we have information on from you know the Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate, etc are pretty horrific there is a lot of information on the Bioeffects of these weapons, that information has been published, and as you say the weapons can affect the organs, can affect the nerves, the bones, and joints, and indeed can affect their private parts—and indeed targets, people who are targeted are reporting precisely that. They’re reporting being invaded in their private parts in their brains, in every part of their bodies and in their brains—people are reporting it, Mainstream Media is not touching it, and Congresspeople are ignoring it—that’s the state of affairs, the sort of sad and gory state of affairs today.

Geral Sosbee: You touched on something that’s important there, about Congress. I mean these people in Congress are making so much money, I mean they live in …I mean they’re not just making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their salary, they’re making money from their private investments in violation of FCC rules and insider trading—an example of that is Feinstein. Another example of an extremely corrupt Senator is Cornyn.

Rd: Oh yes.

Geral Sosbee: And one more thing that you reminded me of, and maybe you didn’t mean to but you did, and it’s this—if our government is doing this kind of thing to its own citizens, its own people—they’re going to be doing the same kind of thing to other civilians around the world, The United States is making a lot of enemies

Rd: Sadly, yes.

Geral Sosbee: If something like this is going on, they don’t like it I’m talking about ordinary people everywhere who see what this evil group of Intelligence agencies is doing—FBI, CIA, NSA, NSC, DOD all these different intelligence groups together—then that’s not good for our own national security

Ramola D: Excellent point, absolutely—yes, we are not safeguarding our national security by using weaponry on our own people or on the people of other countries–

Geral Sosbee: No….we don’t know what they are capable of doing—now DOD (they’ve got messengers and drones) they’re able to kill people and take them out—the masses of people (that run) the State everywhere around the world when they begin to realize what they’re doing, even though they’re incapable of doing…of hurting our own people here, (they can try) to get back at the government—that’s just some of the big risks that are being run by these intelligence agencies–

Ramola D: Yes absolutely, absolutely. Well I think there is so much to talk about on this subject and you know it would be wonderful if you could come back another time and talk about your understanding and your experience—I really thank you for coming forward—is there anything in particular that you would like to touch on before we close this session?

Geral Sosbee: No, Ramola, except to say, thank you again. You and my dear friend Barbara Hartwell are among the most brave people I’ve ever known—you’re taking a chance and a risk at what you’re doing here and most men couldn’t do it! I don’t mean to be sexist, but the bravest people I know are women!—so thank you very much and I look forward to our—thank you for our friendship and you are on Facebook right so you know I quit Facebook

Rd: I heard about that just today—I saw that note you posted–you quit Facebook yesterday?

Geral Sosbee: Yeah but I wrote a report as to why–I think they’re too close to the FBI and they’re engaged in the cover-up of crimes that are being committed by–that David Atkins post that I mentioned earlier –

Ramola D: Yes, and you know actually I haven’t seen that video, and I’d like to see it and explore that a little bit and try to find out what exactly that’s all about

Geral Sosbee: Thank you, that is a video, it shows these 2 guys, it shows their faces, it shows them trying to provoke this guy David, I don’t know him that well, he was my friend on Facebook, but he was clearly being terrorized by these two idiots, so then after I wrote about it and I criticized it, those 2 guys, and I said they were accomplices to attempted murder, Facebook shut…Facebook has shut me down approximately 3 times—so Ramola, that’s all I’ve got and—and I look forward to talking with you again. Did you want me to stay on the line after we disconnect?

Ramola D: Not necessarily, but I thank you so much for being here this afternoon, and for spending so much time in talking about this. We’ll pick up on this conversation again and definitely you know I’ll explore a little bit further about Facebook and see if I can explore the Facebook connection—as you know Facebook is in big trouble these days – with all the social data mining they’ve been doing—I’m glad to see that, I think we’re all glad to see that – so we’ll talk more on all these subjects, thank you so much again, Geral.

Geral Sosbee: Thank you Ramola. Bye bye.

Rd: Bye bye.


(Papers referenced in the conversation)

Geral Sosbee/Gaslighting, The Devil’s Pitchfork (and often the FBI’s preferred weapon)

Geral Sosbee/Evidence Of A New, Unheralded, Illegal, Quasi ‘Criminal Justice System’ (CJS) Forged By FBI

Geral Sosbee/Criminal Abuse of the Global Surveillance System