Tag Archives: Intensified High-Tech Crime

Intensified High-Tech Crime & Harassment in Massachusetts: Attorney-General Maura Healey Once More Apprised

Report | Ramola D | August 10, 2021

Reporting, for the record, a letter I was compelled to send this past week to Attorney-General Maura Healey of Massachusetts, despite her previous letter to me washing her hands of CIA/FBI/NSA/DARPA/DOD/DHS and local LE/Sheriff-assisted crime, freely run all over the USA and most definitely in this current state of my domicile, Massachusetts.

While I have been noting occasional logs of the nonstop, lunatic RF/Neurotech assault on me in my home and criminal hounding with drones, helicopters over my home and yard at Bentley 360, and filming ongoing lunacy in the neighborhood, the attacks have intensified over the last three months and particularly the last few weeks–making it impossible to stay silent and continue my writing and broadcast projects while I am literally being battered to death by a demonic crime syndicate holed out in the classified sector and apparently imagining they are invincible–since they do not stop their assaults, whatever one does, however many letters and memos to senators or Presidents one writes, however many Cease and Desists one dishes out to locals clearly involved.

Silence is not going to end these assaults which I can see are being expanded out to larger circles of people: many do not know they are being hit with pulsed high-powered microwave weapons or remote-access acoustic neurotechnology: they’re just breaking down and have no idea EMF/ultrasonics is doing it.

The purpose therefore in publishing this letter is to alert the nation and the world: the kind of Nazi atrocities the entire “Law Enforcement” (Lie Enforcement and Crime Enforcement seems more accurate) contingent headed by the FBI, State Police, local police, DHS–and all their traitorous Globalist bosses–have sanctioned, permitted, and participate in executing are beyond comprehensible: they have crossed every line imaginable of basic decency, normalcy, sanity, and comprehension and are roiling well in the pits of abject barbarism and sadism.

Crimes, committed behind closed doors, through walls, from a distance, using microwave weapons, millimeter wave weapons, scalar radar, BCI chips, RF chips, nanotech: Stealth weapons, for stealth assault, Plausible Deniability built in.

The CIA, many divisions of the military–US Army, US Airforce, US Navy, US Marine Corps being fully involved. Dozens of Universities, biomed research outfits, telecom companies, ditto.

The behind-it-all moneyed Mafia running the frauds of the Federal Reserve & now the attempted “Great Reset,” no doubt.

Much has been spelled out here: Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

In the US, human rights groups have abandoned their watch. Civil liberties and rights groups–maintained and funded by the very same Mafia–look the other way. Anarchy abounds.

While I continue the work of more organized disclosure, both at this website and in panels, reports, and books, I intend to publish ongoing reports of all letters and memos I send to anyone in a public office, on this subject–primarily to inform all and raise public awareness of these incredible, beyond-Nazi atrocities using the most incredibly intrusive and invasive bioweapons and neuroweapons–which SHOULD BE BANNED.

Again, I use the thin-skin of quantum-grammar in this letter as I find myself sitting astride the need to convey the facts in plain English and using a flag-convention and protocol to slice through the metaphorical seas of the fraudulence of Maritime Law on my own steam; no doubt it’s all rife with protocol-errors: it comes however from a place of urgency, the need–incited and initiated by the very actions of harm these past few weeks from local Quincy and Boston loons therein described–to expose these incredible crimes of Silent-Assault and Stealth-Assault–playing “Electronic Surveillance” “Bio Surveillance” “Neuro Surveillance”–within a context of blatant, overt, obvious, and plain-sight Noise Terrorism using drones, planes, helicopters, zooming trucks, SUVs, cars on the streets of this neighborhood (and every location of my presence, including on walks) and corralling neighbors around the block in rotating noise harassment and monitoring activities.

What is the reason for this profound invasion of privacy and rights?

The FBI is unable to say. The US Attorney-General is silent. The Mass. Attorney-General sees no reason to intervene.

My previous letters to these parties (in recent times) are here:

Ramola D: Demand Letter (1) to Attorney-General William Barr To Be Removed Instantly From Fraudulent Watchlist & All Associated Fraudulent Surveillance & State-Run Domestic Terrorism Programs Inclusive of Unethical Non-Consensual Military/Intel/Academic Brain/Other Experimentation

Treasonous Betrayal–Local Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as “Surveillance”: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities

What these local governments and crime-enforcement bureaus–who have permitted darker agencies to engage in darker crimes but assist and facilitate–have taught me is this: they are too far gone, they need to be fully exposed, in every way, in entirety, all the time. They do not respond in normalcy because none exists here. They need to be exposed–and DISSOLVED.

Americans need to know that. It’s not just COVID-tyranny ongoing, its entrenched commitment to assault on humanity.

To those who care and want to know I’m alright: I do shield continuously, and I do pursue natural healing therapies which keep me from being completely physically destroyed by these intense attacks on me–which should not be happening to me or anyone else.

But I will not be silent. The more intensely I am assaulted, obviously the more urgent the need to expose the facts. Clearly I am being harmed.

As a working journalist and writer, living in America and being assaulted as atrociously I am–now it appears on a continuous basis in retaliation for my exposing-work of candid journalism (such retaliation for journalism, by any count, being unlawful and illegal in every way), but from the start (in Oct/Nov 2013) for what reason? (We’ll have to ask President of the School Board at Adams Montessori School Sinead Walsh and former President School Board and all-out DOD Contractor Criminal Attorney Alexander Steffan about that–and more on them will be published soon)–I think everyone needs to know about it.

This opener should inform everyone on some of the opening salvos in this one-sided war being waged against me by a delinquent directorate of misled maniacs playing now with high-tech toys on people’s bodies from well behind closed doors and drones:

Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults

This is a Record of Crime in Massachusetts (1) with no doubt more to come. Please share it widely and send it to all news publications and journalists who cover the facts of government crime. In addition to recording the crimes executed on others, and addressing injustice and techno-lunacy through open broadcasts and articles, I will be continuing to publish openly on any further assaults on me, a working journalist, a mother, a writer, a poet, a teacher, a broadcaster–being cast as a “mentally-ill criminal” by, you guessed it, mentally ill criminals in public office.

Massachusetts has become a hell-hole of crime and harassment. And that’s a fact.


Dr. Robert Young |The Havana Cuba Syndrome Caused by Directed Pulsating EMF Microwaves/March 10, 2021, Updated August 9, 2021

Ramola D: Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis