Category Archives: Positive Energy

Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny: THE BIG ONE! 20 years in the making, from Anna von Reitz – please read

New beginnings, new energy, new shifts to individual empowerment–thanks so much for this post–glad to help spread the word. Re-blogging, with thanks!

Re-posted from Our Greater Destiny, with thanks. Judge Anna von Reitz is announcing a rather tremendous piece of news, about setting right long-standing fraud against Americans, but also people in other countries, all over the world.

Excerpt: “We, the living American People who claim our birthright political standing as American State Nationals—- Texans, Virginians, Ohioans, Wisconsinites, and so on— and who have moved back to the land jurisdiction of our native land, are the beneficiaries of our estates.  Those who additionally act as Fiduciaries in behalf of our states on the land are American State Citizens, obligated by oath and honor to act in the best interests of all and to meet The Prudent Man Standard in all those actions we undertake.

For many who have grown up listening to a constant litany of “National Debt” news, it may come as a great surprise to learn that you are, as American State Nationals, not in debt.  You are by far the richest people on Earth.

In fact, you and your States are the Priority Creditors of the entire world.

The debt that the rest of the world has owed us has been so insurmountable that it has served to quash business and growth, spawned a huge black market in counterfeit currencies and “derivatives”, and caused unnecessary suffering that needs to end.  So, in our own right and in your names, we’ve have moved to end it.

As your servants and as “Prudent Men” we have requested a worldwide accounting and set off of debts, meaning that our debts to other nations are to be set off against their debts to us.  What remains as “insurmountable debt” owing will be forgiven—written off, so that everyone can have a clean start.

This is being done to regenerate hope and economic freedom and to prevent any necessity of war or undue suffering.  It is well-within our ability and in our best interests to do this.

Our fortunes are so vast that it doesn’t even matter.

We are the beneficiaries of approximately 185,000 of the richest corporations on Earth, approximately 10,000 state of, county of, and municipal corporations in this country, and corporations like CANADA and AUSTRALIA that “own” entire countries, together with all their corporations under them.

Quite literally, we little pea-pickers and Indians have inherited the Earth.”

The Shift Network/Support the Peace Process in Syria: Global Shift Meditation with James Twyman, March 1

If you’d like to add your light to a global meditation event for peace in Syria and the world, please join The Shift Network in a global peace meditation led by James Twyman on Tuesday, March 1 at 3 pm/Eastern Time for Syria.

A Free Virtual Event
With Special Guest, The Peace Troubadour
James Twyman
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm GMT
Register to tune in or receive the recording
Hosted by David T. Nicol, Gaiafield Project Co-Founder & TSN Faculty Member


From Stephen Dinan/The Shift Network, via email:

Are you concerned about the crisis in Syria? Do you want to help support positive peacebuilding in the Middle East?

Last year in the Summer of Peace, we launched the first ever Subtle Activism Summit. Our host David T. Nicol interviewed a wide range of scientists, spiritual leaders, and activists to discuss how the power of prayer and meditation can complement outer peacebuilding efforts to foster both personal and social transformation.

We are delighted to be continuing this innovative work with the Global Shift Meditation series, a monthly program of global meditations that focus on world situations calling for our collective support. Please join us on March 1 for our next event in the series: Peace Prayers for Syria, with Peace Troubadour James Twyman.

To register for free: click here.


Our special guest James Twyman is known as the Peace Troubadour. On the first of February, 2016, James led a worldwide global prayer vigil for peace in Syria from a small village in Israel overlooking several Syrian villages held by ISIL or Hezbollah. Ten days later, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that world powers had agreed to an ambitious ceasefire plan in the region.

The ceasefire agreement is fragile and the roots of violence in the region are deep. Syria still very much needs our prayers. James will share stories from his remarkable recent trip to the Middle East, discuss the inspiration behind the event, and guide us in deep meditation and prayer for the success of the Syrian peace process.

Your host for the call will be Gaiafield Project co-founder and The Shift Network faculty member David T. Nicol.

James F. Twyman is the New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including Emissary of Light, The Moses Code, and The Barn Dance. In 1994 he put the peace prayers from the 12 major religions to music and began traveling the world as “The Peace Troubadour,” often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war. He has performed in Bosnia, Iraq, Serbia, South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland, and many other places.

James has also produced seven music CD’s, and is the producer/director of five films, including the award winning “Indigo” and the upcoming “Redwood Highway.” He is also the founder of The Beloved Community, a network of spiritual peace ministers around the world, as well as the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking which has graduated and ordained over 500 ministers. James lives in Portland, Oregon.

You can keep up with world meditation events at his website WorldPeacePulse.

Laura Eisenhower: “Its a War on Consciousness, It’s a War on Frequency”

I’m such a fan of Laura Eisenhower (great-grandaughter of President Eisenhower), who is an absolutely incredible powerhouse of energy and passion, doing everything she can to spread the word about all the amazing, esoteric subjects she knows and is steeped in–from mythology, astrology, astronomy, gnosticism to a deep knowledge about today’s dark technologies currently being used by Covert Ops in our government, other under-reported technologies currently manipulating us, the history of our government’s secret alliances with extraterrestrials, the history of the Illuminati and shadow elite’s long-term construction of their benighted New World Order, the power of Consciousness, and so much else.

Her conversation in this video ranges across many of these subjects, and especially touches on the massive assault on humanity we are currently experiencing, what it really is, what it stems from, what it seeks to achieve, what it really means, in the big picture of the universe, and what you and I can do to Avert all these cataclysmic and catastrophic future realities that we’re told on every side waits for us (Martial Law, One World Government, Global Totalitarianism, Transhumanism….). Most people are not aware it’s really about consciousness, she says, and by refusing to give in to anticipation of the worst but busying ourselves instead in expanding our own consciousness, creativity, and joy–raising our vibration–you and I have the power to destroy their plans utterly and create instead the new paradigm of expanded consciousness and creativity — and connection/co-operation — that will mark our ascending New Age.

Lately I’ve been learning all sorts of exciting things about our amazing and extended and spiritual universe, consciousness energies, stargates and ley lines and portals, spiritual Ascensions and Shifts, extraterrestrial interaction with humans, and Galactic planes, shifts, and symmetries, in tandem with exploring more the New sciences of quantum physics and cosmic geometry, and will aim to post more, maybe as a series, on these subjects.

Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy this extended conversation with Laura Eisenhower as interviewed by Ethann Fox on Awake and Empowered TV, on Conscious Consumer Network Be aware though there is so much in her conversation that stems from so many esoteric subjects some of it may come across as absolutely exotic if you are new to these subjects (of Ascension, planetary shift, current human evolution)–but if you are looking to expand your knowledge and awareness, and find some deeper understanding of what we are all collectively experiencing, this is a great place to start.

Laura Eisenhower, Interviewed by Ethann Fox

Dr. Simon Atkins: What Can We Do About Creating a More Positive Future?

Inspiring video from Dr. Simon Atkins (posted in Feb, 2015), deconstructing the news and discussing how sending out positive energy–despite all the bad news everyday, the false flags, ISIS, the fear scenarios building around the memes of impending economic collapse, martial law, etc., the whole attempt via mainstream media propaganda to get us to sink into fear, apathy, and learned helplessness–looking everyday at positive, not negative, images, and building up one’s abundance, and placing one’s belief and energy in a positive future ahead of us is a powerful step toward making it happen.

From his website, Skyaia: “Dr. Simon Atkins is a climate risk economist, a planetary threat forecaster, solar expert, and energy medicine doctor. His new field is biometeoelectromagnetics™. Simon is also an informant for the People, a spiritual pacifist and modern-day monk. Call him a “compassionate fighter” for freedom, with a goal to move the planet forward.” Read more.

Note from Dr. Simon Atkins: Go to 37:30 on this video, that’s where it all starts (the positive future)…also: A positive future is all about shifting reality. The shift is all about humanity raising its vibration into 4th & 5th vibrational states. 4th dimensional thinking is about peace; 5th dimensional thinking is about love.  

Humanity is Waking Up: A Bright Future Ahead