Tag Archives: Aimee Devlin

Global Freedom Movement: Misconceptions Of Democracy: How And Why Government No Longer Serves The People With Nicole Paul

Re-posted from Global Freedom Movement Media/Australia, with thanks for this wonderful video –(video link below). Thanks also to Jean from Co-creating our Future on Planet Earth and her readers for posting this link recently. This is a terrific conversation between Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin of Global Freedom Movement Media with Nicole Paul, an attorney (a Barrister) from Australia, who offers incredibly clear insight into how our legal and government systems are set up to work, how they don’t work for people anymore, how a secret global control agenda is unfortunately at work, and how ways to change this system that is stacked against us inevitably involve stepping away from it, shifting the energetic paradigm. They offer this video free but request donations at their website.

From Global Freedom Movement Media:

Our interviews with Nicole Paul will be among the most important GFM Media will do. Why? Not merely because she brings a wealth of specialised expert knowledge to the table (as many of our other guests have), but because with Nicole, we are about to begin unveiling what may be just about our last hope if we are to stop the rampantly spreading tyranny around the globe and employ a realistic workable solution.

So, who is Nicole Paul?

Nicole was employed as a solicitor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) between July 2001 and June 2010. For eight of those years Nicole was attached to the Special Crime Unit. She held security clearance.

In July 2010 Nicole resigned from the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) to complete the Bar Practice Course at the Queensland University of Technology. Nicole was admitted to practice at the Queensland Bar in August 2010. She practiced law as a Barrister in Queensland and New South Wales.

Nicole also trained in ancient mystery school teachings and was a member of an international mastermind that was focused on the creation of structures and businesses that can re-pattern collective consciousness.

In June 2005 she founded Golden Age Paradigm which is an event production company that will be holding events around the world to gather together thought leaders who can assist people to shift into a new paradigm of thinking.

This unique background and insider knowledge of the legal system and government places Nicole well to effectively strategise solutions that are workable and acknowledge the realities of the situation we face.

In this publicly broadcast episode – the first of several we will be airing with Nicole (though not all will be public domain access-for-all) – she will discuss:

  • Why virtually all popular ‘solutions’ are NOT going to solve anything; Nicole breaks them down one by one. (For example: in the USA impeachment is a pointless exercise, direct confrontation/revolt against government, the futility of voting Left instead of Right, why petitions and letters to politicians don’t work, and more)
  • How and why the system of government cannot be self-corrected
  • (why we need a cunning external intervention that ‘they’ won’t anticipate)
  • How the fox has taken over the henhouse
  • How there is currently no established way out of our predicament with things as they are
  • The Biosecurity Act and imminent mandatory vaccination
  • What is the new world order?


  • TPP and how this will work
  • TPP-type legislations and what has happened in Canada a.k.a. corporate oligarchy masked as ‘free trade’
  • The UN agenda translated
  • How the global agenda is really all about keeping us energetically suppressed and unconscious
  • Current police state implementation

This episode of GFM Media with Nicole Paul is essential study and preparation for an effective intervention strategy to be disclosed in non-public domain discussions. Spread it far and wide if you value what tattered shreds are left of true freedom and unadulterated truth.

From their About page:

The world is undergoing an unprecedented and divine transformation as we, the inhabitants of Earth, wake up to the universal truth of connection and love that bind us at our very core. Consciousness has no colour, creed, boundaries, or enemies.

The time has come for the forces of suppression, domination, and ignorance which have clouded our realisation of true oneness, to be transcended. The time of disconnection has ended; now we choose to enter the era of love together, and birth the long foretold Golden Age of a conscious humanity.

Global Freedom Movement (GFM) is a collective of beings sharing the vision and mission of the manifestation of heaven on earth and beyond. GFM is here as an educational and activist portal to facilitate the global awakening to the reality of who we are, and to create a planet on which our collective values reflect that enhanced awareness of reality/truth.

Our policy is to promote substance over style, and provide access to depth and quality of information, rather than merely regurgitate the fluffy clichés that pervade the alternative media and “spiritual” sites. GFM writers are awakened hard hitters who take no prisoners and make no apologies for calling a spade a “bloody shovel.”

Though we are solution-based, political correctness is not our friend; we expose all forms of frauds and lies, whether they are popular in the mass mind and loudly publicly endorsed, or insidious and well concealed. One by one, we pluck deceptions and cover-ups from the proverbial house of cards, and replace them with truth bombs. We acknowledge that half the “battle” is dismantling illusions because falsity is not an ally in creating a peaceful world anchored in truth and reverence for the real.

We invite you to join us in breaking the rusty chains of conditioned thought and acceptable opinion, and engaging in an informed, lawful, compassionate rebellion, as we co-create the kind of planet we can be proud to bring future generations into!

If you are still reading this and starting to feel at home, then you ARE the GFM!

Please visit their About page to learn more about Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin. Explore their website and videos here.