Climate Change is Being Created: Speaking Out on Chem Trails, GeoEngineering, Aerosol Assault

This video posted by Truth Denied of activist Jim Lee speaking out to the EPA recently–Aug 11, 2015–as did Patrick Roddie, whose video was posted here recently–is inspiring and informative. I especially appreciated that he mentioned in his talk the deleterious effects of chem trail smog on terrestrial astronomy, a subject not often covered openly in relation to chem trail and aerosol assaults.

Again, the term “contrails” is being used here in lieu of chem trails, but the phenomenon referred to is that of chem trails/aerosol spraying from aircraft/aircraft creation of clouds.

The Truth Denied, an informative radio show and website run by activist Roxy Lopez, includes the transcript of Jim Lee’s address in the article on their website dated August 27,2015 featuring this video: James Lee Testimony at EPA Has an Urgent Message about Climate Modification.

Excerpt from the transcript of his address: “Do a search for the word “chemtrails” and you will see millions of concerned citizens who “Look Up” and wonder “What in the World Are They Spraying?” [10] Despite what you may think of the myriad of maladies attributed to these clouds, the global outrage is nonetheless clear.  They are right to be worried and we should all be concerned.

The EPA’s claim that CO2 is a greater threat to human health than contrails and aviation induced cloudiness is based on incomplete IPCC data that downplays the effects of contrails on our climate. The IPCC’s 4th assessment of contrail radiative forcing only accounted for “linear contrails,” meaning that any contrail that spreads out and turns into cirrus clouds was not accounted for.

How significant is the heat-trapping contrail conundrum? Quote:

“Contrails formed by aircraft can evolve into cirrus clouds indistinguishable from those formed naturally. These ‘spreading contrails’ may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation.” [11]”

Please visit The Truth Denied site for the whole transcript.

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