Daily Archives: September 11, 2015

9/11: A Time We Can’t Forget

911-aJust wanted to post this pic of the time on my laptop this morning when I opened it and turned it on, quite unthinkingly–I felt this was an amazing synchronicity, and a deep message from a connected universe, especially as I continue, like many others, to reflect on the amazing loss of freedoms and human rights in this country, and all over the world since that date, and since the events of that day.

Like many others, I too believe America needs to know and tackle the real truth behind the devastation of 9/11, and it’s not till the truth is fully known by all, and the real perpetrators arrested for the immense crimes committed that day, that we can hope to move forward in freedom, and roll back the tide of this extremely criminal New World Order that is rising all around us.

RethinkSeptember11.com is a website running a live broadcast bringing time911together researchers and analysts discussing the whole phenomenon of 9/11. It’s an interactive broadcast–currently live (6:36 pm, EST)–see this post about it on Memory Hole Blog or go directly to the site. They are running this broadcast at different times over this weekend, so please visit their site for their broadcast schedule.

Also see the Re-think 9/11 page here with more links to information.  If you haven’t yet, please join the thousands of us who have signed the petition seeking a truly independent WTC investigation, at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth at their website.

Thad Beversdorf, First Rebuttal, via ZeroHedge: Remembering 9/11: The Wolf in “Patriot Act” Sheep’s Clothing

Re-posted, with thanks, from Zero Hedge. This is a post by Thad Beversdorf, from the blog First Rebuttal.

Remembering 9/11: The Wolf In ‘Patriot Act’ Sheep’s Clothing

Tyler Durden's picture

This is a piece I wrote last year for Ron Paul’s Voices of Liberty.  Now although mainstream media has all but put a gag order on 9/11 memorial coverage, I believe this article’s message has never been more relevant and so I’m posting again at what is obviously poignant time.  I find it odd that we have 10 Hollywood blockbusters made each year about the holocaust 75 years on, but only 14 years after the event American media will no longer discuss 9/11, even upon the anniversary.  It is perhaps the most telling phenomenon about the secretiveness and mystery surrounding the horrific tragedy.

It was the sixth week of my first job fresh out of college. I was still eagerly excited for each new day. Having moved stateside from a small town in Canada to finish up university and then on to the big city of Chicago, I was still in awe of America. I was working in the north building of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on the corner of Madison and Wacker. It was early morning and I was on the phone with Paul Salvio from our New York office when…


…the phone went dead.

The day was September 11, 2001. Our New York office was on the 92nd floor of the World Trade Center Tower 1. None of the employees who had arrived to work that day survived. It is a moment that elicits strong emotions within me to this day and I know I’m not alone.

In the days and weeks that followed, while the world came together to mourn those lost and to condemn those responsible, our policymakers in Washington were working feverishly to find opportunity in this tragedy. Forty-five days after 9/11, President Bush signed into law the U.S. Patriot Act.

The implication of the ironically titled bill is well described by a report published in March 2009 by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The report, called  “Reclaiming Patriotism,” suggests that the Patriot Act “fundamentally altered the relationship Americans share with their Government.”

Please read the rest of this article at Zero Hedge or First Rebuttal.

Re-posted, with thanks, from Zero Hedge. This is a post by Thad Beversdorf, from the blog First Rebuttal.

Dandelion Salad/The Real News: Thomas Drake: From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much (must-see)

Source: Thomas Drake: From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much (must-see)

Re-posted (in part) with thanks from Dandelion Salad.

Tremendous article and videos from the blog Dandelion Salad, featuring Real News interviews conducted by probing and thoughtful journalist Paul Jay with US Navy veteran and NSA whistleblower, Thomas Drake, who speaks about the extraordinary secret surveillance instituted by the NSA post- 9/11, about the intelligence obtained by various agencies including by the NSA on an imminent attack in the US–intelligence which was not analyzed, pieced together, and acted on, about the immediate verbal authorization post 9/11 from the Bush/Cheney White House of mass surveillance of Americans in conjunction with telecom companies such as AT&T, and about the virtual martial law which was immediately instituted–and which continues to plague our country today.

Interestingly Thomas Drake joined duty at the NSA–after much prior contracting experience–on the actual day 9/11. His oath, he says, was to the Constitution, not the President, not the NSA, and that lay behind his coming forward to reveal the abuses of power and negligence going on behind the scenes, knowledge of which he was privy to, as a senior executive.

Start of article below, please visit Dandelion Salad for the rest of this post, as well as more extraordinary articles and interviews, including this collection of news reports and analyses on 9/11. You can also click on their Transcript links in their post for transcripts of the conversations.


Thomas Drake: From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance, The Man Who Knew Too Much (must-see)

2013 DC Rally Against Mass Surveillance 14

Image by Stephen Melkisethian via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Thomas Drake

Part 1

TheRealNews on Aug 2, 2015

On Reality Asserts Itself, former NSA senior executive Mr. Drake and host Paul Jay talk about the “dark state” and how 9/11 opens up disturbing questions about power, who we are, who’s in charge and the secret subversion of the U.S. constitution.



Please visit Dandelion Salad for the rest of this post, as well as more extraordinary articles and interviews, including this collection of news reports and analyses on 9/11.

James Tracy, Memory Hole Blog: The 14-Year State-Sponsored War OF Terror

Re-blogged, with thanks to James Tracy, Memory Hole Blog, on The Everyday Concerned Citizen.