Daily Archives: September 20, 2015

Rusticus: China and the Agenda for Technocratic Global Dictatorship

Ultimate End Game 101

One World Government, Climate Change, United Nations Agenda 21/Replaced by Agenda 2030, Project BlueBeam: Global Government/Global Totalitarianism/Loss of National Sovereignty/Loss of Human Sovereignty/Loss of Human Lives/Being Sold to Humanity As Saving Planet Earth


Re-posted (in excerpt) from ZenGardner.com, originally posted by the author, Rusticus, at Stateless Homesteading, please read the whole article there, links as below:

ZenGardner: China and the Agenda for Technocratic Global Dictatorship

Stateless Homesteading: China 21: Anglo-American Sustainability in Asia

About the author, Rusticus, from ZenGardner.com: Blogging under the pseudonym of Rusticus, the author and freedom activist operates a website tracing the machinations of the Anglo-American Establishment throughout history while simultaneously documenting the process of creating a truly off-grid homestead. (www.statelesshomesteading.com)

Compelling, comprehensive, and detailed article covering the early research of Anthony SuttonStanford historian Anthony Sutton on American businesses such as GM supplying the Nazi war machine, and the long-term covert playing out of Trilateralist Commission agendas globally for the establishment of a creeping international Communism using the rubric of “sustainability,” including in Asia, culminating in the realized technocratic vision of full-spectrum-surveillance in recently built cities in China, Japan, and South Korea, and currently being rolled out worldwide. Offers a real insight into how Agenda 2030 is playing into international politics currently, and how insidiously “Smart Cities” everywhere are being rolled out as eco-conscious and fully beneficial, while quite overtly setting up the technological infrastructure for complete surveillance, complete physical control of humans, and complete mind control, hallmarks of this Agenda’s global dictatorship.

Excerpt from the start of the article:

“Of the erudite body of work produced by Antony Sutton, he remains best known for his books on banking, industrial, corporate, and military aid to Nazi Germany and the USSR by American companies. The most widely read of these volumes, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, hold that a secret cabal of Anglo-American forces have been integral in the creation and support of every “East vs. West” dialectic of the past century. Quite a thesis, with a slew of primary documentation and the pedigree to back it up.

Needless to say, Sutton had to go.

His removal from the hallowed and controlled halls of Academia didn’t stop him, though, as he continued to publish research on Deep Politics related to the Trilateral Commission and Skull and Bones, among other things. Unfortunately, as seems to be a tendency among great researchers speaking truth to power, Sutton passed too early back in 2002, and since, his investigation into the international Anglophile cabal has remained largely unadvanced. Until recently, there was no “Great Eastern Superpower” to warrant such research, as the bulk of occulted geopolitical study was focused instead on the “War on Terror” paradigm; in a post-2008 world in which the media, both alternative and otherwise, have readily forecast a rise of the BRICS “anti-hegemon,” (as they’re called by some) this has all changed.

James Corbett of The Corbett Report has recently taken up the mantle of Antony Sutton, challenging the open source research community to investigate potential ties between the Anglo-American Establishment and the growth of China as a world power in the 21st Century. In an attempt to rise to the occasion, this article seeks to help with the heavy lifting; and, as the title indicates, will investigate this narrative through the lens of Agenda 21 in China.”

From later in the article:

“Japan, like much of the Western world, is awash with “sustainable development” projects, but one of its more notable Japanese efforts is Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City. As of June 2015, Kashiwa-no-ha is featured on the homepage of Mitsui Fudosan Group’s English page. Upon examination of Kashiwa-no-ha’s homepage, Mitsui seems to be, in large part, spearheading this project.

Mitsui Fudosan's home page promoting its Smart City development

Mitsui is developing Kashiwa-no-ha in line with a true Technocratic vision: A model city in which pervasive, wirelessly-integrated sensors document, trace, track, and surveil every aspect of human life. This data, managed via an Orwellian Smart Center (read: Central Control) will “oversee energy operations, management, and control for the entire town.” Constantly conglomerated and organized by central servers and algorithms, Smart Center’s data on every aspect of the city is then served up on a silver platter for Academia, another element of Agenda 21’s public-private partnerships. Kashiwa-no-ha’s residents will be, quite literally, lab rats for the University research labs of Japan.
Screenshot from 2015-06-17 14:22:44


Please visit ZenGardner or StatelessHomesteading for the whole excellent article, links below.

ZenGardner: China and the Agenda for Technocratic Global Dictatorship

Stateless Homesteading: China 21: Anglo-American Sustainability in Asia



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