Category Archives: Chem Trails

News Panel 21: Detox from the mRNA & Nanotech in COVID Vaccines, Neural Dust & Nanometallic Particulates from Aerosols/Chem Trails, Cleanse Your Pineal Gland with Clean Slate & Natural Remedies

Video link & Note | Ramola D | June 2, 2021

If you are one among the many thousands of people who have unfortunately taken the “jab” and done your research only afterwards, only to find the mRNA vaccines are experimental, unapproved, causing thousands of deaths and disabilities, causing paralysis and strokes, and likely to cause auto-immune overdrive through ADE or antibody-dependent enhancement, as Professor Dolores Cahill and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and other concerned doctors are currently informing us–and indeed have been informing us for many months now, perhaps you wish to look into how to detox from this substance in your veins–as it seems many visitors to this website are researching.

Or perhaps you are waking up to the fact that the weird blowing dust and fibres in your backyard from the wide-spreading white or gray aerosols anyone can see trailing behind military planes or commercial planes do not have your best interests at heart; perhaps you have encountered the work of Elana Freeland or Clifford Carnicom or Rosalind Petersen or Dane Wigington or Kevin Galalae and watched some of the many whistleblowers online revealing that a mess of hazardous chemicals, synthetically-biological material, viruses, fungi, nanoparticulates of heavy metals are being cached in containers on Air Force bases or loaded onto specially fitted planes, are being chemically formulated with intentions of human control–across a span from chemical brain control to immune system assault to neurological burden to brain takeover, have secret depopulation intentions (policies enshrined in United Nations agreements), and are being sprayed and blowing down on the humans below with distinct intent to harm: part of the transhumanist, synthetic-biology bioengineering project of military/intelligence/globalist factions pursuing megalomanic control of humanity and Earth.

Perhaps you or your families are just suffering from increased skin diseases, depression, dementia, neurological disorders, respiratory issues and are seeking to detox and cleanse from the myriad of environmental pollutants you may not know everything about as yet.

Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview

How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

News Panel 21, co-hosted with Michelle Young, released a few weeks ago, offers an educative conversation with Clayton Thomas, founder and architect of Root Brand, Dr. Marina Carew, and Sandy G, UK ambassadors for Clean Slate and other Root Brand products on the importance of detoxing heavy metals and nanotechnology out of the body, cleansing the pineal gland and awakening the body and brain past all attempts to suppress the human spirit with modern toxins and pollutants and restore your self to vibrance, positivity and high energy.

News Panel 21 cover image

Notably, as Clayton describes, these supplements also offer a balancing out of psychological and mental health, and enhance creativity and focus, as Michelle and Sandy also share on the panel, so they may be a great solution for anyone struggling with depression, motivation, PTSD, or just plain despair looking at the news today; we all need to be at our best during these times, physically and psychologically, to deal with the news, to find our inner power, to take positive action to bring about positive change–it’s going to take everyone, really, waking up to our true inner power to bring powerful positive change to the world.

Clean Slate, a detox remedy using a form of zeolite, was also covered earlier in News Panel 16 with Dr. Marina Carew and can be obtained through Dr. Marina’s discount code. News panels on Saturdays co-hosted with Michelle Young hope to promote Clean Slate detoxing going forward since it offers such a positive solution for humanity in these besieged times; using Dr. Marina’s code will help support these panels and the print journalism at this website as also the vital work of interviews, info-talks and newswatch panels at Ramola D Reports, so we do recommend using Dr. Marina’s referral code to order your Root Brand supplements so you can help support our work while you support your own health, psychological well being, and immunity. Thank you for trying it out for yourself, thank you for helping support vital indy media and human rights campaigning in a time of abject censorship, Psy Ops, and info warfare, and do share this information widely on social media.

Regarding the experimental and hazardous mRNA vaccines and what is in them and how your body can be supported to detox from the mRNA substance injected into your veins, with their nanolipid coatings, which, in the case of Moderna, also includes the deadly poison SM-102 as recently discovered, you may also wish to explore further the information from Dr. Judy Mikovits on Suramin and pine needle tea or pine bark extract (some articles posted here), which is used also in Zero In, one of the Root Brand supplements which Clayton speaks about in News Panel 21.

News Panel 21 is currently posted at Bitchute and Brighteon and will be posted at a few other sites shortly.

To learn more about the dangers of the COVID vaccines, being pushed on all by a faction seeking control over humanity and in ownership of both Big Media and Big Pharma–which along with Big Tech–is deplatforming all indy media with opposing information and coverage exposing the damages and death accruing from the COVID vaccines:

Report 242 | Public Education: mRNA Vaccines in Focus: “Safe and Effective” or Russian Roulette with your Life?

In a Sea of Lies: mRNA Vaccine Truth, COVID Truth–Resources to Inform Yourself

Clot Formation Post Pfizer/Moderna/All Gene-Based Vaccines Potentially Lethal, Children Must Not Get the Shot: Urgent Appeal from Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

To learn more about the chemtrails and what is known now–despite Big Media obfuscation and dismissal as “contrails” and “geoengineering”–listen to Rosalind Peterson, look up some of these websites, and explore the documents and reports and videos online.

Rosalind Peterson, Founder of California SkyWatch and Agriculture Defense Coalition, speaks at length about her work of assessing crop losses, and learning about tree decline and thence the aerosol injections, the health hazards, the chemical effects, the climatic effects, how universities are involved, and how agriculture is being dramatically changed by these aerosols, and how our food & water supplies are being deleteriously impacted.

Organizations Focusing on Chem Trails

Geoengineering Watch (Dane Wigington)

Agriculture Defense Coalition (Rosalind Peterson)

The Carnicom Institute (Clifford Carnicom)

(Please note, Wikipedia, which discounts chem-trails, points to being controlled-media; their “definitions” and claims of conspiracies point directly to Disinformation, Psy-Op, and Active Military Deception, or MILDEC.)

Several scientists and researchers, including doctors, speak out here about the absolute reality of chem trails and what the heavy metals in nano form being dropped on us are doing to our bodies and brains:

The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned /Stillness in the Storm

Top Scientist Confirms Aluminium Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real/Newspunch

Aerosol Crimes/Documentary by Clifford Carnicom:

Documentary from Truth Media Productions/What in the world are they spraying?

EXPOSED: Chemtrails hint at ongoing “New Manhattan Project” to alter Earth’s atmosphere/Climate Science News

Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview

Report & Summary, with Transparent Media Truth Video Post | Ramola D | April 1, 2021

In a series of presentations and round-table conversations at Transparent Media Truth recently hosted by Doug McKenty, environmental scientist, computer scientist, and former government employee Clifford Carnicom revealed the core of his deep research over a period of twenty years into a variety of interlinked phenomena surrounding a highly concerning key finding: that of a strange new microbe isolated first from an airborne filament system in 1999 and found later to exist and affect tissue in lesions reported by Morgellons-sufferers as well as in people’s bodies and the environment.

Image: The CDB Microbe transforming human red blood cells/Screenshot, Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview/Transparent Media Truth

Working closely with this seemingly partially-synthetic microbial organism, subjecting it to various tests and observations, extracting it from multiple environmentally-obtained samples as well as tissue samples from different people, culturing it, finding it transforming the blood and urine of numerous people, observing its effects, Clifford Carnicom concludes that this “cross-domain bacteria (CDB)” as he calls it is “causal to Morgellons,” now ubiquitous in our environment and found post-aerosol, now present inside all our bodies at the cellular level, now distinctly affecting plant life, fungal life, and human life, in short, transforming all life on planet Earth.

Deeply disturbed by his findings but driven by a passionate desire for the truth and a need to help those suffering from a yet-unacknowledged ailment–Morgellons, dismissed by clearly co-opted or complicit doctors as “delusional”–irony profound when physical manifestations in lesions, filament extrusions, tissue damage are clearly visible, Clifford reports that he has written 350 research papers as well as filled numerous notebooks with his observations and findings.

His remarkable body of work, open to the public and to professionals in the life sciences, physical sciences, law, and journalism who he hopes will step forward to take his findings further with keen interest in sequencing the CDB genome, examining its evolution, cataloguing its effects, and addressing its deleterious impact on human, animal, and plant life, can be found at his website:

The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project, Overview/Transparent Media Truth

Chem Trails and Wave Clouds: Secret Military Programs with Visible Trace

The story of his first stumbling upon the subject of what would expand into a singular focus over 20 years is described in his document the Santa Fe Conference Transcript and offers an intriguing introduction to the connections between “geo-engineering” which he says goes well beyond weather and is actually a transforming of the earth, and bio-engineering, which formed the subject of a talk he gave in 2019 with author Elana Freeland: Geoengineering and Bioengineering: The Unmistakeable Link

First prompted to examine the phenomenon of chem trails–which he prefers to call aerosol spraying–noticed in New Mexico in 1999, Clifford took a series of photographs on Valentine’s Day over 45 minutes, showing the dissipation of aerosols into thin sweep of hazy cloud, a sight now familiar to us all.

Image: Santa Fe Trails | Santa Fe Conference transcript/Clifford Carnicom

Clifford’s efforts to learn more about these aerosols through early publication of his photos online and online discussion with others resulted, he notes, in a very interesting phenomenon of multiple Defense organizations, naval bases, Defense contractors, and pharmaceutical corporations making multiple visits to his computer, as noted, presumably, in IP (Internet Protocol) trace on his PC.

“Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Allergens Pharmaceutical
Corporation, Lyon, Texas, Raytheon Defense System, US Defense Logistics Agency, Davis-Moffat Air
Force Base, US Naval Sea Systems Command… The point is, you could not ask for a more
representative cross-section of what is known as the military-industrial, as well as the pharmaceutical,
as well as the media, as well as the intelligence, as well as the governmental complex. I guess I get to
extend Eisenhower’s domain a little bit… .”

Clifford Carnicom, Santa Fe Conference Transcript

Stonewalling, Lies, Obfuscation, Deflection, Silencing by US Government Agencies to Prevent Public Disclosure

Early attempts in March 2000, Mr. Carnicom notes, to identify the filamentous, airborne substance seemingly connected with the aerosol sprays by contacting the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency led to stonewalling.

Image: EPA filament sample | Santa Fe Conference Transcript/Clifford Carnicom

A correspondence from the EPA 18 months after request stated with some hubris that they were under no obligation to analyze unsolicited material–questionable, since, as Clifford notes, the stated mission of this government agency is “protection of the environment.”

Image: Screenshot, Santa Fe Conference Transcript/Clifford Carnicom

Alerts to senators and state representatives resulted in Air Force and Naval denials of “chem trails” with one US Airforce spokesman, Lt. Col. Michael Gibson later found to be a Master Intelligence officer (significant since “Intelligence” today seems to mean Lie-Glibly-to-Public) informing Representative Mike Green that all observed trails in the sky were con trails and nothing to worry about. This correspondence along with a stinging response from Diane Harvey can be found in the Sep 11, 2000 article “Airforce Lies to America,” compiled in the Carnicom_institute_Research-2000.2.pdf downloadable from the Research Papers tab.

Meanwhile, concern was growing among large numbers of residents in California, in many other US states, and in the UK about the observed worldwide spraying from planes, as well as the concomitant rise of chronic respiratory illness, skin rashes, brain fog, and Alzheimer’s and other brain-degrading illness, as evinced by the numbers of websites focused on chem trail research.

Widespread public concern and multiple communications to the CDC on the deleterious health effects and resultant Morgellons (as well as other diseases) from chem trail spraying compelled the CDC to engage in a nationwide study from 2006 to 2009, after which, Clifford Carnicom reports, an obfuscating CDC report was issued alleging addiction and mental health issues to Morgellons-patients studied, while claiming the finding of a protein from samples, but providing no further information or follow-up.

This CDC report is marked by many researchers online as seriously disappointing and evidence of weak methodology and approach. No attempt was made, it is noted, to culture the fibres; those who have sought to do so including Clifford Carnicom report growth, replication, structure of the fibres, and suggest they are dealing with a genetically modified organism.

It is salutary to note at this point that CDC is apparently beholden to many masters, being the recipient of massive funding both from the Government and from a variety of donors via the CDC Foundation, inclusive of numerous pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, Big Tech media such as Google and Facebook, insurance companies, investment companies, Defense contractors, and other foundations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as revealed recently by the Covid Blog: CDC Foundation is not a government entity, has many conflicts of interest. CDC therefore cannot be relied on to present the truth on any scientific matter whatsoever. (And, as many astute researchers point out, is certainly lying outright about COVID-19, the masks, the “social-distancing,” the self-isolating, the vaccines, none of which are needed for a never-isolated putative flu virus with a 99.97% recovery rate.)

Clifford Carnicom names one more agency of interest, appealed to and found wanting in the investigation of airborne and tissue-sample filaments, the US Patent Office where a patent he submitted in relation to Morgellons has been suppressed by way of claims that the disease is delusional and does not exist.

Research Findings Point To Attempted Transformation of Life, DNA, and Human Species

What Clifford Carnicom is revealing, in this video presentation overview and in his Santa Fe Conference Transcript, both of which somewhat condense his 20 years of labor but do not fully encompass all research and findings, is nothing short of phenomenal.

Findings across the spectrum of the sciences including in Physics, Biochemistry, and Biology, with close study of the physical composition of environmental samples taken from apple trees and rainwater, repeat-recordings of peculiar low-frequency pulses (at bio-resonance frequencies) endemic in the environment at the remotest of spots as well as elsewhere, culturing and growth of the cross-domain bacteria found in lesions in people’s bodies, effects of the bacteria on germinating plants and yeast spores, close electron-miscroscopy observation of the morphing of the bacteria inside blood cells, of the geometric formation of nodes and networks of “bio-film” in the body combine to yield a sinister picture of designed nano-transformation of all plant and animal life, DNA, and the human species in covert global programs to terraform planet Earth and all life in it.

“Chem trails” or geo-engineering as defined by patents are a means to an end, in this seeing; not merely “solar radiation management” as they have been sold for a while (after they were publicly acknowledged by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2013 as geo-engineering that is), but the spraying of synthetic nanobiology into the air we breathe, the water we drink, soil we walk on and grow our food in.

Image: Santa Fe Conference Transcript/Clifford Carnicom

In this video overview, Clifford shares a 14-point summary of his findings, stating unequivocally that a unique microbe found to be toxic to all life worldwide has now been found, including in effluents from aerosol sprays (chem trails), with humans, animals, and plants all being pathologically affected, with distinct, observable symptoms of infection and internal impact.

Image: Claims of Carnicom Institute/Screenshot, Video Overview

The microbe has been designated “cross-domain” because it appears to cross biological domains in its life cycle, and proves its nature as a culturable organism with separation of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids accomplished.

Image: Claims of Carnicom Institute/Screenshot, Video Overview

Infrared spectrometry and chromatography have helped define the proteins in the microbe while toxicity studies prove its harmful effects on bacterial, fungal, and plant life. DNA has been successfully repeat-extracted from the microbial culture although not yet fully sequenced and identified.

Germinating-seed deformation and yeast-spore mutation in presence of the microbe protein is pictured in the Santa Fe document–clearly of concern since this shows nascent plant life and fungal life are being destroyed:

Image: Claims of Carnicom Institute/Screenshot, Video Overview

Ways to limit the influence of the microbe on health such as detoxing–mitigating strategies–have been offered. Although the microbe has not been “officially” acknowledged, this disclosure with accompanying documentation seeks to inform the world.

Image: Claims of Carnicom Institute/Screenshot, Video Overview

Clifford Carnicom further discusses the symptoms of Morgellon’s displayed by reporting sufferers which include a depletion of oxygen in the blood, low body temperature, and transformation of the red blood cells while cellular integrity remains intact. The microbe tends to coagulate, he says at nerve centers and joints inside the body, giving rise to neurological and pain symptoms, and seems to be capable of self-assembling, replicating and creating the fibrous lengths reported to be bursting painfully through skin and provoking ridged skin and itches. The microbe seems also to be transforming the blood cells and affecting DNA.

This information is similar to what other researchers report online, where many conclude that everyone in the world is actually similarly inflicted while the visible breakthroughs and lesions through skin being named Morgellon’s are occurring only in a portion. Certain conditions including pulsed radiation might activate the microbe further to invoke biofilm, itching, and lesion effects. The strange ELFs/ULFs found to be pulsing across the world covertly at ranges from 1.5 to 4 Hz, in the realm of brainwaves and bioresonance, might well be assisting a permeation of cell membranes by the sub-micron-sized microbes while preserving cellular integrity.

The implications for humanity today, worldwide, are catastrophic, if these secretive nanobiology/synthetic biology spraying operations and ELF/ULF operations are not halted: what it currently implies is that we are all being transhumanized without our consent, that bio-engineering mechanisms merging inorganic matter, AI, and biological matter are being surreptitiously stealth-engineered into our human cells, that our health, humanity, and DNA are being compromised.

In her 2017 articles Morgellons Disease/Nano Poisoning and Nano Health Solutions in a 21st Century AI World, investigative journalist and researcher Susan Price quotes Elon Musk saying: “If we can effectively merge with AI, improving the neural link between the cortex and the digital extension of yourself, which already exists, it just had a bandwidth issue, you effectively become an AI-human symbiote.”

Calling all Concerned Medical and Science Professionals

Throughout his presentation even as he offers suggestions on how people with Morgellons could use different modalities such as nutritional approaches, Clifford Carnicom emphasizes the importance of reaching the professional medical and healthcare communities and have them address these issues more thoroughly: “These are some suggestions from one person, namely me, that has been involved in trying to research what is the nature of this microbe and its impact upon biology, the planet, and the human being and really all life in the end…because it needs to be expressly stated that this is the situation, this information is informational and research based only, there is absolutely no diagnostic or therapeutic basis provided with what I’m saying here, and professional health consultation is mandatory to even begin to consider the use of this information–but the catch 22 is if the professional health communities will not acknowledge the existence of something that is directly observable in all simple ways, well now you have a problem because now you’re refusing to help people, but yet your help is required, so that’s the dilemma, that’s the dilemma the world is now facing– the help is required but it’s being refused okay by the very person, the very people that are embedded into a set of ethics that dates back centuries but that is their purpose–Hippocratic Oath, right?”

It is to be hoped that medical and other science professionals will come forward to further explore and address these matters related to this Morgellons AI SynBio microbe, the continuing aerosol spraying which needs immediate halting, and help turn back the clock for all humanity.

For More Information

Please visit Transparent Media Truth for more information on this disclosure project and for links to the 2 succeeding Roundtable Discussions with physician Dr. Carrie Madej, molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits, physician Dr. Robert Young and attorney David Mieswinkle, to be further reviewed here shortly: Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project in association with Transparent Media Truth.

All research papers mentioned can be found at The Carnicom Institute Website. These research papers offer fascinating insights and information and will continue to be covered at this site, along with the whole subject of chem trails, Morgellons, nanobiology, synthetic biology, AI-human symbiosis, and transhumanism.

Many thanks to Doug McKenty for hosting this series and to Rob Rubin of Transparent Media Truth for spreading the word on this important summary presentation and critical scientific disclosure.

Please share this article widely!


Chem Trails & Nanotech Rain: Wake up and Recognize Humanity is Being Exterminated—You Must Act

Elana Freeland and Clifford Carnicom | Geoengineering & Bioengineering: The Unmistakeable Link

Mass Control 21st-Century-Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Dust/Nanobots, Mind Control EMFs/ELFs Being Deployed Against All Humanity

Ramola D Reports/Report #14: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP

Need to Know Report No. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/Aerosols with Suzanne Maher and Tony Pantelleresco

How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

Professor David Salinas Flores, MD |The Nanomafia: Nanotechnology’s Global Network of Organized Crime

–Posted 8/21/2019

Essential and insightful analysis and information on the worldwide spread via organized crime of non-consensual neuro-experimentation using nanotechnology from Professor David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, who also details that the medical Nanomafia is especially operating in Latin American countries like Peru. Terrifyingly, the poisoning of air, food, drinks and the bio-hacking of human bodies with nanotechnology is no longer science-fiction but fact in many parts of the world. Those familiar with the detailed reports of  persecution from “Targeted Individuals” will be aware of the breakdown in ethics and human rights awareness in transhumanist medical, academic, tech transnational, and military/Intelligence research which has permitted the Nanomafias worldwide to rise. Nothing but an organized crime network protected by police, courts, Intelligence agencies and governments, Dr. Flores reiterates that it is the world citizenry which has to arm itself with awareness, get educated about unethical nanotech/neurotech experimentation, report these crimes, and demand and ensure that these ventures to fully colonize the human body and brain and create Digital Slaves for an oligarchical and technofascist “Elite” at the cost of human privacy, sanctity, sovereignty, and individuality are halted, and humanity turned back to sanity, free will, and organic, not forced, technofascist and transhumanist evolution.

Originally posted in the Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018; 3(3):273-7, re-published with much thanks by invitation of the author, Dr. David Salinas Flores, MD, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru.

Previous publications by this acutely incisive thinker and writer at this media site on the related subjects of Brain Net/Cerebral Internet and Digital Slavery include:

Professor David Salinas Flores, MD | The Secret of “Person of Interest”: The Cerebral Internet

Professor David Salinas Flores, MD: Transhumanism: The Big Fraud – Towards Digital Slavery

–Ramola D


The Nanomafia: Nanotechnology’ s Global Network of Organized Crime


Professor David Salinas Flores, MD

The expert in the art of war turns his plans invisible.”

–Sun Tzu

Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology developed to nano-scale, around 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry and since it has multiple potential applications in human beings, there is a great interest in human experimentation. However, nanotechnology acts at the atomic level and for that reason the experimentation in humans is high risk, which causes an evident lack of volunteers.

Therefore, the transnational nanotechnology companies would be resorting to criminal methods to get human experimentation subjects; thus, they would be using violence, swindle, extortion, and organized crime.

The Nanobot: Tool for Mind Control, Memory Deletion, Privacy Theft, Digital Slavery

One of nanotechnology’s main applications is nanobots, machines that can construct and handle objects at an atomic level and that are capable of moving through the circulatory system.The main potential harmful effects caused by this illicit human experimentation with nanobots in society include:

Mind control, memory deletion, torture, permanent espionage, theft of private information, extortion, sterilization, psychiatric disorders, suicide, and digital slavery. ( Fig 1 )

Tech Transnationals Collude With Governments Worldwide to Run Illicit Neuroscientific Human Experimentation

Recent research projects reveal evidence that technological transnational companies, in illicit association with USA, European Community, China governments and the corrupt Latin American governments, have created an organization that is developing mainly in Latin America a secret, forced, and illicit neuroscientific human experimentation with invasive neurotechnology, brain nanobots, microchips and implants to execute neuroscientific projects, which could have even led scientists to win Medicine Nobel Prizes based on this illicit human experimentation at the expense of Latin Americans’ health. ( Fig 2)

Thus, mafias of nanotechnology, “Nanomafias,” would be being created, mainly in Latin America, which would be multiplying vertiginously.

Nanomafia aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world, therefore, the world society should know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this Nanomafia.

The main objectives of Nanomafia are illicit enrichment, academic recognition, creation of human weapons, and the creation of a digital fascist society.

The evidences indicate that Nanomafias would be interconnected forming an international network with a mega project whose purpose is to create a digital fascist society, an oligarchy that rules the rest of the world citizens who will carry nanobots and will be digital slaves, a human robotisation of the society at the service of a millionaire elite.

The digital fascist project is global;

the objective would be to control the whole planet

using microchips in human beings, animals and things.

“The Internet of Things” and “the driverless car” really have as purpose the fascist control of things. In men, the “digital slave” (human robot) project has different components: mind control, permanent espionage with the Brain Net, elimination of emotions, living in a virtual reality, memory deletion, and elimination of sexuality.

Nanomafia is the Mafia of Wifi, the ‘Ghost Mafia’”

The different kinds of projects developed with nanobots have a common pattern: they are developed by telemetry, by wifi, they do not have physical form, and they are intangible. Really, Nanomafia is the mafia of wifi, the “ghost mafia,” which makes it almost impossible to report. The torture researchers and criminals know that “the best torture” is the one that leaves no marks since it cannot be reported. If the victim of tortures by wifi reports it, he/she can be unjustifiably considered a person with psychiatric problems or a slanderer, for that reason, the crime uses wifi as secret torture weapon.

Regarding the criminal methods that Nanomafia uses, the swindle is one of the most common methods and the main types include deceptive promotion, intellectual camouflages or humanitarian pseudo-aid.

The Swindle: Deceptive Promotion, Intellectual Camouflages, and Humanitarian Pseudo-Aid

The deceptive promotion is one of the most popular, it promotes the use of nanobots as a futurist scientific prediction and a benefit to society, hiding the health risk and its true uses against society; thus, for example, transnational companies’ scientists state the following regarding the brain nanobots:

“With nanorobots in our brains we will be like Gods”

“With nanobots we will be able to load the French language

in the bloodstream of our brain”

However, these affirmations that evidently induce the ordinary citizen to use brain nanobots do not have the strongest scientific evidence, and the most important is that these affirmations hide the harmful effect of brain nanobots.

In order to convince citizens into voluntarily accepting being “digital slaves” of the Nanomafias, transnational companies, economic powers and media magnates, a series of intellectual camouflages have been created and there is a whole terminology, created or already existing, that is being manipulated to promote the illicit uses of this nanotechnology, a terminology that could be called a “swindle dictionary.”

The Swindle Dictionary: Language to Obfuscate the Fascist Aims of Neuro Digital Enslavement

Thus, for promotion of memory deletion is “unlearn to learn”; for convincing of the use of brain nanobots is “the biological innovation” (innovation) and thus, with these implants, being “excellent” human beings (excellence), having more creativity (“creativity”), a better attitude (“attitude”), and being evolved human beings (“evolution”); for accepting the permanent espionage with the Brain Netis “connect,” “the privacy is out,” “knowledge society,” “divergent thinking,” “lateral thinking,” “observatories,” “transparency,” “hiving thought,” “brainstorming,” “disruptive technology,” “mindfacture,”Smart-City,” “brain circulation”; for convincing a person into being a cyborg (creative destruction); for forcing the student to use the Brain Netas academic tools are currently being developed “Neurospecialties” (Neurolaw, Neuromanagement, Neuroeducation, etc.); for living in the Virtual Reality is “live the experience…”; for promoting to live without sexuality is “gender”; for living in a digital ghetto is “community”; for accepting being a digital slave is the “Milleniums”; and finally for spying the poor “social responsibility”; thus, the transnational companies will make the citizens believe that they live in a happy world without knowing that they are digital slaves, slaves not forced by a totalitarian dictatorship but by the mass consent made by the media.

Social Responsibility” & “Emotional Intelligence”: Insidious Language & Projects to Disguise Illicit Personal Neuro Surveillance & Mind Control

There are several evidences that indicate that social responsibility is another of the camouflages organized by this Nanomafia, due to the strong and sudden interest of the companies in developing “social responsibility” projects with a big-money advertising that indicates that it is a business rather than a humanitarian aid. One of the companies is Fox which is suspected of using this camouflage. Fox is one of the social responsibility promoters, according to recent researches, that are making TV shows of zombies using mind control experiments with brain nanobots. Social Responsibility is promoted by prestigious institutions like the United Nations and is recruiting university youth as its main operators swindling them in a majority of cases. The use of transhumanist terminology called the “social innovation” by the Social Responsibility organizers, and the clichés that promote personal surveillance as “The eye we all have set begins to see” lead one to suspect that Social Responsibility would really seek to develop espionage with the Brain Netin poor zones. The social responsibility that is demanded as a mandatory course in Latin American universities like the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, the oldest of South America, would seek to swindle poor populations in order to transform these towns into “communities,” really future ghettos of digital slavery, where they will be permanently spied on and mentally controlled with the Brain Net, their memories will be deleted and their sexual lives will be filmed and commercialized; the residents of these communities will live in a virtual reality. In short, the residents of these poor communities will be human slaves at the service of the transnational companies and Nanomafias.

One of the most perverse objectives of this mafia, mind control, turning a person into an animal, machine or slave, would also be being promoted subliminally through intellectual swindles like “emotional intelligence,” the so-called “intelligent control of emotions,” seeking that the society in the future accepts the use of nanobots under the argument of emotions’ self-control hiding that their mind will not really be auto-controlled but they will lose their control, since the person with nanobots could be controlled and spied on through telemetry used by Nanomafias or intelligence centers; their brain and body will actually be under mind control by others.

The actions of this nanotechnology mafia are facilitated because nanobots can be administered in foods and drinks, alcohol drinks like beer being one of the main ones since it depresses the individual’s central nervous system and he loses his self-control and therefore, it facilitates mind control by others via brain nanobots; for this reason, beer is ideal to administer brain nanobots.

New Millionaires and Selected Victims: The Rise of Nano-Hired Killers & Nano-Torturers

The illicit use of nanotechnology based on secret and forced human experiments would give rise to an exclusive corrupt circle of “new millionaires”: professors of medicine, health unions, doctors, nurses, technicians, hospital managers, physicists, journalists, publishers of scientific magazines, librarians, engineers, politicians, professors, policemen, prosecutors, judges, the military, university students and even school students who illicitly become rich at the expense of their victims’ health and honor.

Illicit nanotechnology has also allowed the appearing of a new kind of criminal, operators who could be called “nano-hired killers” or “nano-torturers,” those responsible for the “dirty work” of Nanomafia, a group mainly formed of journalists, university students, nurses and illegal inmigrants as many Venezuelans in Peru, who would be responsible for performing several works including: selection of the victim, to choose “the person of interest,” person who can contribute with some benefit to the Nanomafia; intoxication of the victim with nanobots through food, drinks or pills, or his/her kidnapping to install in them brain implants; editing, selection and commercialization of mind videos obtained with the daily espionage using the Brain Net, mind torture, victim torture disclosing his/her privacy information and espionage of dreams; obtaining information from the dreams with the Brain Netfor extortion; creation of pseudo-diseases blocking the function of organs by telemetry to then extort the victim with “the cure”.

Nanomafias in Latin America, Mainly Peru: Press, Health Unions, Police, Courts, Millenium Project (United Nations) Involved

Recent researches alert us to the development of Nanomafias in Latin America, mainly in Peru. The main suspicious ones include the hospitals of ESSALUD, a company that, in 2009, would have started a criminal nanotechnology organization during the administration of Fernando Barrios Ipenza, one of the transhumanism sponsors in Peruvian universities in association with European and US universities and the main Peruvian media. Barrios would continue developing Nanomafias in the provinces of Peru, mainly in Huancayo, city where he was mayor. ( Fig 3)

These mafias of nanotechnology would be developing dramatically due to the following factors:

– The ignorance in society regarding the use of nanotechnology as common crime, organized crime, state terrorism and cyberwar weapon.

– The “invisibility of this mafia” because they have wifi as their main weapon and therefore is almost impossible to report it.

– The economic and political power of this mafia. The main organizers include the transnational companies with more economic power like Google, Facebook, and Intel and the governments of countries like China, United States, the European Community and the Russian Federation and especially, the US Army through the DARPA.

– The extortion to the victims of Nanomafia using new products developed with the nanotechnology like the Cerebral Internet (also known as Brain Net). The Brain Netallows obtaining the so-called “mind videos,” obtaining a person’s thoughts in form of videos that can be transmitted to cell phones. Really, the Brain Netaims to be the most powerful extortion weapon of common crime, organized crime, state terrorism, and cyberwar.

– The silence and participation of the press. Recent publications give evidences that owners of mass media and their extensive network of journalists in the world are the organizers of this mafia of nanotechnology since the main uses of nanobots on humans are projects of telecommunications like the Brain Net, permanent espionage on a person by telemetry.

– The media disinformation campaign which presents mind control and the Brain Netas a fiction or myth, thus, society is informed about nanotechnology as a crime only in science fiction TV series, which leads one to consider the crime incredible.

– The silence and participation of unions. In Latin America, the health unions participate in multiple street protests; however, their silence is remarkable in relation to the multiple researches that report forced human experimentation with nanobots in Latin American hospitals, which would reflect their participation in this mafia. In Peru, the Federación Centro Unión de Trabajadores known by its initials “CUT” from the Social Health Insurance (ESSALUD for its initials in Spanish) comprises 18,000 workers. In spite of its large number, which makes it almost impossible that their members do not know Nanomafias, surprisingly “CUT,” a health union, has not denounced illicit nanotechnology. ( Fig 4 ) (Fig 5)

– The Nanomafia aims to be an interconnected worldwide network. One of its main camouflages would be the Millennium project, created, according to its promoters, the United Nations, to develop a “global intelligence,” therefore, it forms the “nodes” in different countries; this would actually be to develop the Brain Net worldwide.

Alan García, considered one of the most corrupt politicians in Peru, surprisingly, was the person chosen by the United States to develop the Peru Node of the Millennium Project and to advise the RIBER Group, the Latin-American branch of this project. Garcia’s corruption fame and his relations with Fernando Barrios lead one to suspect that Alan García would be developing the Brain Net in all Latin America.

– The Nanomafia is an organized crime. In contrast to a band in which a group of people meets to commit a single crime, the organized crime organizations are created to commit crimes continuously, at long term; the organized crime is “the crime company,” for that reason, to achieve that purpose, one of the main key objectives is to include into it the authorities of the national police, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary, this makes the success of the criminal organization viable; it explains why the organized crime develops its actions with total impunity and it would explain why the Nanomafia, a form of organized crime, has not been reported by any prosecutor’s office in the world ( Fig 6)

The Main Weapon of the Nanomafia is the Brain Net

It is also evident that, given the great extension that the Nanomafias would have in the world and the large amount of information that institutions like the world Intelligence services as CIA or MOSSAD and police institutions like the FBI and the INTERPOL have, these institutions would know the Nanomafia but instead of reporting it they hide it and participate in its crimes. Thus, for example, neither the FBI, the CIA, the MOSSAD or the INTERPOL, or any Intelligence service in the world have reported the main Nanomafia weapon, the Brain Net, and the massive espionage that would be carried out in the world on citizens, mainly on young women, obtaining their sexual life.

The Magnitude of the Nanotrafficking Mafia is Comparable Only to Drug Trafficking

It is necessary to emphasize that the criminal activity of this Nanomafia, “the ghost mafia,” “the wifi mafia,” must be known by society in all areas because it can affect any society sector and for the power of its weapons like the Brain Net. The magnitude of this mafia can only be compared to that of drug trafficking. There actually are many similarities between the drug trafficking and this “nanotrafficking” organized by Nanomafias, although the main crime element is different, in the former it is the coca leaf and in the latter it is the brain nanobot, both can damage the mental health, both are billionaire industries that infiltrate and corrupt all the institutions, however, unlike the drug trafficking that is reported by mass media in its headlines, in nanotrafficking the press is its main member and for that reason it hides it, and it remains unknown to most of society which even considers it fiction due to their own press disinformation campaign which presents the crime as fiction.


Nanotechnology has become a billionaire industry with multiple potential applications on human beings, which has led to the creating of a mafia of nanotechnology to be developed on human beings. A “Nanomafia” that becomes rich with the secret and forced use of nanotechnology on human beings at the expense of their health, privacy, and honor. World society should know, be alert and report the crimes committed by this Nanomafia, mafia that aims to become the greatest organized crime network in the world.


Salinas D The Nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime Int Phys Med Rehab J. 2018; 3(3):273-7

Suzanne Maher/The Liberty Beacon: The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare


–Posted 9/5/2018

Re-posted with permission of author Suzanne Maher, leading geoengineering/chem trails/stratospheric aerosol researcher and activist, who writes and posts critically important information about our current technocratic and dystopian reality at Bye Bye Blue Sky, also a staff writer for The Liberty Beacon, where this article was first published. In the United States as in many other countries worldwide, the issue of unlawful targeting and assaulting humans with publicly undisclosed Anti-Personnel or Counter-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons or Non-Lethal Weapons developed over the past few decades for use in Electronic Warfare as well as “Homeland Security” by the Department of Defense as well as the Justice Department is very real, and continues to be covered closely at this site. This wide-ranging article covers some of the classified technologies being used on people, the phenomenon of “Targeted Individuals” — which mainstream media, led by profiteering and sociopathic entities in the Intelligence Community and military, criminally refuses to cover, dismissing all reporting victims of these technologies as delusional, reports of neuro experimentation and covert implantation, and ways in which those targeted can deflect the deadly health effects of these pernicious and inhumane technologies and protect themselves from such criminal human rights violations. Many thanks to Suzanne Maher for this detailed and comprehensive article.

–Ramola D

The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare [Video]

The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare

by Suzanne Maher | TLB contributing writer

A subject that is getting more and more attention from people all over the world is deliberate electromagnetic targeting of people. A neural rape or assault on people’s bodies and brains developed from classified military technology. More often now, people are valiantly speaking out about being a “Targeted Individual”.

This is a subject that has not surprisingly received little to no attention from the corporate owned media. It is disconcerting enough that the world is now saturated in dangerous elf/ulf/vlf/rf/ and so many other types of frequency waves which permeate our bodily tissues causing serious degradation of our health. There is also a Military Intelligence Program that is gaining world wide recognition which uses these “smart grid” frequencies to target individuals.

Electronic Warfare and the Targeted Individual

Electronic warfare is defined as any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum to attack the enemy. The Navy calls this “electromagnetic battle management”. Who would that enemy combatant be; a person or persons that is seen as so seemingly dangerous or threatening to the power structure?

That enemy would be you and I….

For those unfamiliar with the term “TI or Targeted Individuals”, it is important to note there are different methodologies that the functionaries or agents apply to targeted individuals carried out by various government programs or agency initiatives. This article discusses individuals targeted by; remote neural monitoring, mind control, brain mapping, gang stalking, implants, voice to skull technology (V2K) which beams frequencies into the head, and nervous system manipulation 24 hours a day. Targeting can be covert, or overt.

This classified technology has been created by governments and military and used on its own citizens. Helpless citizens which have been victimized by BILLION DOLLARgovernment funded technology designed for quiet wars, to create harm. What the powers that be are looking for is RESPONSES, which they can track, measure and log. This in effect, is an omnipresent electromagnetic gulag in the privacy of your own home, workplace, or streets.

Funding for many experiments has been provided by the United States Government, particularly the United States Military, the Central Intelligence Agencies and private corporations involved with military activities. These human research programs have been highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed. After the incidents are exposed, the standing President is trotted out to issue a counterfeit apology, as if apologies somehow make up for the destruction of lives.

Targeting can be done by radio-frequency weapons, high powered microwave technology and acoustic technology. These are deliberately orchestrated attacks and TI’s will suffer from these assaults even when exposure to frequencies are reduced. Some TI’s report that the constant barrage of electromagnetic radiation also brings with it multiple chemical sensitivity.

Unethical human experimentation has been conducted on citizen for decades, and we have seen large swaths of the population being subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment, often the sick and vulnerable and economically depressed.

One example of this unethical government research was the classified human radiation experiments conducted on over 4,000 innocent American citizens during the Cold War. These and a number of other clandestine human experiments are discussed in this article by By Alan R. Cantwell Jr., M.D.­

THE HUMAN RADIATION EXPERIMENTS — How scientists secretly used U.S. citizens as guinea pigs during the Cold War

The elites have their warfare covered, microwave targeting is one more assault on our individual person hood. Mutagenics, transgenics, epigenetics, endocrine disrupters, free radical and radiation damage. When we now look at our world we see the multi pronged attack of the chemical spraying of our skies, genetically modified food stuffs, vaccines, fluoride and “microwave targeting of peoples”.

Our bodies and brains may be accessed to harass and torment us in the New World Order and Smart Grid Infrastructure. We the people are guinea pigs of technology and test subjects for many government experiments.

Project Pandora is an early example of a U.S. Government microwave experiment on animals from 1965 to 1970;

The use of hidden directives such as ‘DOD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 Human Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes’ allows for the testing and evaluation of any technology on any U.S. Person and those foreigners living on U.S. soil. This ‘directive not law’ has been unethically and inhumanly passed from agency to agency and contractor to contractor resulting in TORTURE TESTING ON HUMAN BEINGS (defined as U.S. Persons).

Anyone who is part of the new media, the truther movement, or a front line activist, will most likely have experienced some kind of targeting. The general population at large is also subjected to microwave targeting.

We all have been sprayed with micro processors, micro sensors, nano bots, smart dust, etc., from the chemical engineering of our skies and the manipulation of our weather. Nano is a Greek word which means “Dwarf”. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter and this tech is so small it can fit inside a blood vessel, our bodies and brains have no firewall against this nano technology . It is simply a matter of “activating or turning on” the Program that has been implanted in our bodies with the use of frequencies or DEW’s. We are all vulnerable to this type of attack and some TI’s have had implants show up in various scans and x-rays. Implants are capable of transmitting voice signals, high voltage pulses, emitting a small tracking beacon signal, or other unspecified uses.

Thank you to Advances Electronic Security Company for these photos

This technology which is networking inside us, is the Program which allows the powers that be to have full scale access to our brains and our bodies to manipulate as they wish. This is the New World Order System of Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid Infrastructure and The Internet of Things. The engine the world is now running on is derived on the premise of “keeping the Program in tact”. Attempting to separate us from consciousness and severing our neural network.

With the advent of 5G technology, microwave radiation will be increased exponentially using small millimeter waves small cell deployment. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities It does this by using largely untapped bandwidth of the millimeter wave (MMW), which is between 30GHz and 300GHz, as well as some lower and mid-range frequencies.GHz is a unit of frequency equal to one billion hertz. Humans oscillate at approximately 7.83 hertz otherwise known as the Schumann Resonance. Since our bodies resonate at a very low hertz, they simply cannot handle the inundation of this microwave technology. A bodily inferno created by an unregulated, unapproved, lay it down everywhere tech. Moreover, with this updated 5G tech, it will allow the Program now being activated in our bodies to take on a much more aggressive role, because the AI feeds off these frequencies.

Dangers to the human brain and body from electromagnetic radiation are immeasurable, the scale is so large. Dr. Elizabeth Plourde of says that; “We can liken this assault to being machine gunned. All of our cells are getting holes and leaking, our blood brain barrier is getting holes and leaking and our gut is leaking. “Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Fields Effect on Human Health

Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control

The Artificial Intelligence Program can and will induce anything it wishes. It can be a disease, emotional distress, brain targeting, genital targeting. Our moods and emotions are being manipulated and controlled through Artificial Intelligence and work in concert with these frequencies.

Ask yourself when you feel lower vibratory emotions of; disgust, fear, anger, violence, sexual thoughts, jealousy, etc., are these my own emotions, or implanted emotions through these frequencies and the AI technology?

The frequency hit will induce a physiological, emotional, physical response, attacking brain waves. Unless people know about Targeted Individuals and the Artificial Intelligence Program, they will not understand these invasions. The Artificial Intelligence is overriding us and our cellular matrix. The program can do virtually anything it wishes.

Mind control is a frequent report from targeted individuals. Torture is also a frequent report from TI’s. Many tactics and means are employed. There are a number of ways to target individuals; electronic telepathy, microwaves and electromagnetics, holography, lasers, radio frequency energy beams, satellites, and radar to name some. Targeting of people in this manner using directed energy weapons will prompt extreme distress and may lead to get them diagnosed as schizophrenics so they will be marginalized and maligned by friends, family and community.

One well known individual targeted with directed energy weapons is Dr. Katherine Horton;

This is silent, encroaching warfare, dripping like a slow running faucet, and many find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that it actually exists and our governments would be criminal enough to use it against populations. This experimental warfare is done under the cloak of National Security, which is always a cover for plausible deniability.

Elana Freeland, author and researcher of the book “Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth” has in depth knowledge on the subject of targeted individuals. She personally knows a number of TI’s and also ghost writes for some.

Freeland discusses in her very detailed essay Directed Energy Weapons For Political Control, in Nexus Magazine, “The Non-Lethal’s” You Don’t Hear About, and says this; “Then there are the EM weapons that are even less public because they are used covertly for political control in quiet war against populations, dissidents and individuals displeasing to various powers that be. Examples include laser systems (free electron, x-ray, neutral particle beam, chemical oxygen iodine, mid-infrared advanced chemical laser, etc.) delivering blurred vision and holograms, ion-beam plasma and augmented reality mind control delivered by satellites that first track targets via their bio-energetic signatures and then couples plasma with their EM fields; and of course non aural carriers that directly induce silent, subliminal messages into the brain, often known as voice to skull (V2K) or synthetic telepathy. In line with Cold War secrecy and deceit, thousands of non consensual human subjects have been used for target practice of weaponized electromagnetics.”

Freeland goes on to say; “In homes and walls, offices across the nation millimeter wave scanners are penetrating walls, looking for target brains for microwave transmitters to beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials into. Other people in the room will be oblivious to the fact that an excitation potential for suicide or murder is resetting the brain of their friend or relative for depression or rage. (This technology may have been behind the “suicides” of political activist Abbie Hoffman, singer Kurt Cobain, journalist Gary Web, etc., etc.,”)

U.S. Patents also attest that the capability is there to target individuals with frequencies;
Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
US 6506148 B2

“Voice to Skull” Microwave Device – U.S. Patent 4,877,027

Thank you to Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero for this photo depicting how Voice to Skull Microwave is used:

Extremely low frequencies and microwaves can cause agitation in humans and these frequencies have been known to cause serious illness and eventual death. Moreover, mind control through sound wave technology would be the ultimate non-lethal weapon; stealth warfare. Remember, this experimentation is to log, monitor, track and assess an individual’s response to this electronic harassment. The Orwellian Nightmare come to fruition.

It’s clear that we have a shadow government that is puppeteering this psychotronic fantasy. In a book written by Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission), entitled Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era published in 1970, he writes; “Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”

The elites and their minions have been marching to the beat of their “Brave New World” for decades.

Torture: Physical, Mental & Psychological

TI’s suffer enormously and some common health related issues that TI’s deal with are listed onTargeted Individuals Association;

Direct pain in the body that tends to get worse and more severe, pain the in the spinal cord or back, lethargic and aching pains, pain in the back of the head, pain in the amygdala or the limbic system, pain in the forehead or front lob, cooked brain (slight heating of the brain to induce synthetic emotional states or stress disorders, electroshocks in the brain, involuntary body movements caused by nervous system attacks, pain the the chest, palpitations and adrenal rushes, toothaches, gum bleeding, mild heart attacks, pain in vital organs, electronic sexual “rapes” during sleep or while awake, are just some of the torture tactics TI’s have to endure, notwithstanding the mind control, surveillance, isolation and vilification from society.

One individual who has been electronically targeted is Robert Stanson. Stanson [pictured here] has been targeted for over two years. The targeting has created havoc and upheaval in his life. He was targeted neurally and genitally to the point of extreme discomfort wherein he couldn’t stand comfortably in one location. He would experience sharp jolts to the head, heart palpitations, acute pains to the body, stomach distress and fear of going out in public. Stanson’s quality of life was sharply declining and he took proactive counter measures to battle the assaults. TI’s are left to their own devices to find ways to battle this weaponry since the health/police/judicial communities have long since abandoned the people they serve and collude with those harming us.

Stanson developed a Reverse Polarity Helmet and Anti Polarity Cup, in effect, fight frequency with frequency. Jam the attacks being directed at him. He states that he has slowly worked up to wearing his helmet daily, and states the targeting has measurably decreased and is able to sleep through the night, thinks more clearly, and negative lower vibratory emotions have ceased. He can now reach a comfort state with a marked amelioration in symptoms. The helmet and the cup are very good ideas to protect our DNA and genetic code.

More and more TI’s are standing up against these assaults and finding ways to help mitigate the devastating impacts the targeting has had on their lives. The items Robert has created, corroborate with other researchers and their technologies like Health Researcher Tony Pantalleresco’s Electromagnetic Frequency Pulser that can also jam the frequency attacks .

Please watch Robert’s you tube videos to make the helmet and the cup. If you are dexterity challenged, Robert will make the items for you.

How To Make the Reverse Polarity Magnet Helmet:

This is “The Bugsweep’s Electrostatic Active Shield System” which protects the targeted individual from directed energy attacks. The transmission panels emit an electrostatic energy that forms a protective field. Any directed energy attack is deflected off this energy field giving the targeted individual the ability to get on-going relief.

There are also well written books exposing this targeting, such as; Guinea Pigs Technologies of Control authored by Dr. John Hall,

Well known MK Ultra survivor and CIA Mind Control Slave, Cathy O’Brien in her book “Access Denied For Reasons of National Security” wrote about the agenda that Cheney, Bush, and other global elite ushering in the New World Order totally believe in; the plan mapped out by Artificial Intelligence. They were allowing Technology to dictate global control. “Life is like a video game,” Bush once told me at the rural multi-million dollar Lampe, Missouri CIA mind control training camp complex designed for Black Ops Special Forces where torture and virtual reality technologies were used. “Since I have access to the technological source of the plans, I dictate the rules of the game.”

These actions are HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS ABUSES, and all equate to HUMAN TORTURE of millions of citizens TODAY.

This experimentation and torture is very real and very painful. We cannot be free while hooked up to a monitor and surveyed, tracked, monitored and assessed. We know mind control harassment through covert and overt practices is a program designed to create apathy, distress and ill health, while stifling spiritual evolution.

The Nuremberg Code was created to protect people after World War II from government malfeasance and precisely this type of silent weaponry. This is a sea of bio energetic torture that we cannot see, taste or smell. How do we fight an invisible enemy and their acts of war against their citizens? Should these inhumane torturous acts be allowed to continue to genocidal proportions?

We are now knee deep in World War III, although many still cannot see it, the AI program is now overriding cognitive thought and intellectual rationalization. People find more comfort now with their cellular devices than human companionship. Socialization, intimacy and communication have been replaced by the wireless tentacles threatening to subsume our human existence. This must change so we can evolve and see the “big picture” and what the elites have designed for humanity. The power structure is silently attempting to disarm us psycho spiritually, cognitively and physically through this electromagnetic warfare.

Sun Tzu a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher stated that; “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”.

It’ s up to us, we the people to step back from this technological prison and become fully aware of the dictates of the NWO game and the secret government operations that are using technology against us. Once we understand their game we can assume spiritual and physical healing. Truth and wisdom is our path to reconciliation and peace.

We need to recognize exactly what these frequency attacks are doing to us and look within and apply vigilance and healthy coping mechanisms. We do have the power and the counter measures to reject these attacks and assimilation. We must bring these crimes to light.

Thank you to all the TI’s and individuals sharing their stories and helping educate others about this subject.


About Susan Maher: She is the founder of, an anti-geoengineering activist, researcher and blogger. She devotes all her time to educating people on these deadly programs and believes it is everyone’s moral, social and ethical responsibility to awaken others to geoengineering (and programs beyond) and to do something about them. She does many forms of outreach to communicate her message such as; educational social media sites, hosting public events, awareness sessions, interviews, speaking engagements, and has launched over 20 awareness billboards across North America communicating Bye Bye Blue Sky’s mission.


Visit ByeByeBlueSky Facebook page.

Article Links and Resources:

Targeted Individuals Worldwide – Facebook

Robert Stanson’s TI Support Page

Advances Electronic Security Company, Specialists in Electronic Countermeasure Security

Organized Crime of Covert Electronic Assault, Stalking and Surveillance New Zealand



Chem Trails & Nanotech Rain: Wake up and Recognize Humanity is Being Exterminated—You Must Act

Need to Know Report No. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/Aerosols with Suzanne Maher and Tony Pantelleresco

Ramola D Reports/Report #14: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP

Jeff Godwin/Campaign for Decency: Stand Before Parliament 7 Feb 2018 and Demand An End to Surveillance Abuse!

–Ramola D/Posted 6 Feb 2018


Documentary filmmaker, humanitarian activist, and Campaign for Decency founder Jeff Godwin is calling on all concerned citizens in London and the whole of UK to join his crew on Wednesday, the 7th of February, in front of Parliament at noon, to silently or vocally protest the rash of Surveillance Abuse sweeping the United Kingdom. Please join Jeff and his crew there, to make your presence known, and to stand up to inform the world of wrongful targeting and Surveillance Abuse riding the coattails of “Surveillance.”

Campaign for Decency is the new human rights campaign founded by Jeff Godwin, in concert with police whistleblowers, seeking the termination of child abuse and pedophilia crime as well as an end to targeting crimes.


It’s Not Surveillance, It’s Surveillance Abuse!


Does anyone today doubt that the Intelligence agencies, the Security agencies, and Military groups, along with a vast coterie of well-padded Intel/Security/Defense contractors are currently running extra-judicial targeting, surveillance, and stealth-radiation weapons operations on huge numbers of innocent civilians and veterans for reasons of justifying their inflated and unnecessary budgets for their contrived and constantly pumped-up War on Terror?

DECENCY  flyer FEB 7TH.jpgEND SURVEILLANCE ABUSE - The effects of which everyone in the UK
is now experiencing in one way or another - this is not 
for your safety and security - Home office stalking campaigns - 
GCHQ invasion of Privacy on behalf of private corporations / 
financial gain and MI5 ... God knows what. Join us to say 
                                   --Jeff Godwin/Facebook

As many know, these subjects are frequently covered here, and continue to be reported here: the fact is, British and American and European and Australian and New Zealand and Asian citizens are today reporting massive Surveillance Abuse, dirty political psychiatry, repressive COINTELPRO, electromagnetic/sonic weapon assault, and extremely invasive, completely non-consensual mind-control/neurotechnlogy experiments and operations on their bodies and brains. The very first common denominator in all these reports is Surveillance Abuse.

Please listen to Jeff’s impassioned pleas for humanity to wake up and start speaking out. In this gloves-off candid conversation on Friday, Feb 2, with Jeff, on the ongoing crimes of Surveillance Abuse in the UK, US, and elsewhere, both of us speak openly about the need for civilians worldwide to wake up to the reality of targeting by Mil/Intel in order to combat and help terminate it, in a time when the numbers of those being wrongfully surveilled, monitored, and hit covertly with EMF neuroweapons is simply growing larger.

2018 is the year to get off your couch and make your voice and presence felt, says Jeff.

There is an added factor to consider. Today, everyone is being targeted and Surveillance-Abused, not just those reporting they are being hit with stealth electromagnetic weapons hidden under “Electronic Surveillance” and experiencing organized COINTELPRO-style stalking and harassment being run as Psychological Warfare operations against targets.

Everyone is being dosed with the deadly mix of heavy metals, chemicals, fungi, and nanotechnology raining down on us from Chem Trail planes in ostensible Solar Radiation Management, which points via research also to trans-humanizing synthetic biology and Agenda 21/Depopulation operations.

Everyone is being injected with nanobiosensors, a focus Jeff Godwin covers in a recent talk he gave on The Kev Baker Show. Everyone is being made supremely conductive as nanobot sensors are being encouraged to embed themselves in human central nervous systems, soon to become transhuman cybernetic brains and nervous systems.

Everyone really, who cares about humanity remaining human should be standing up to the technocrats and Security/Intel/Defense industry minions running Cyborg’izing Takeover ops on humanity and speaking out, right now.

parlIf you live in London or close-by, if you are targeted yourself, if you care about life on earth and your children’s lives, please take the trouble to ride or drive down to Parliament tomorrow: 7 Feb, 12 noon. Jeff Godwin can be reached at He offers his telephone details as well, at the end of the Gloves Off video.

Please share this information widely!

Kevin Galalae Calls On Humanity to Help Stop Global Depopulation Genocide: This is a Time to Stand Up and Be Counted–So Stand Up

by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted June 16, 2016

(Images of Rome below taken from Hunger Strike Prayer videos, filmed by Rupert Quaintance)

peace without poison cover1Kevin Mugur Galalae, who recently completed a 60-day hunger strike in Rome this May and June at the Vatican, protesting the Global Depopulation policies of essentially genocide being implemented by the United Nations, the Vatican, and multiple country governments, and whose hunger strike and work have been covered here earlier, is a Canadian human rights activist, author, journalist and historian, who offers this biographical information below. He was born in Romania, grew up in Germany and is a naturalized Canadian since 1990.

Over the past five years, Kevin Galalae has successfully challenged the military-industrial complex and the security apparatus of the international world order by exposing and shutting down in 2010 a pan-European covert program of surveillance and censorship of universities. He has defended the independence and authority of the European Court of Human Rights and has advocated for judicial reform at the international level and in his own country.

Due to his criticism of the judiciary, he has come under attack by the institutions responsible for the administration of justice in Canada and has had to defend himself against false charges and manufactured evidence, as no Canadian lawyer has the courage to challenge the corruption of the legal establishment. He has sued the governments of Canada and the UK at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR) and the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) for violations of fundamental rights.

He is also an ardent defender of the last bastion of freedom, the World Wide Web, and participates in many blogs and social media discussions to ensure that our expressional rights are safeguarded and to expose ongoing attempts at censorship online. He is a frequent contributor to The Real Agenda, Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, The Daily Journalist, Beirut Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The Sleuth Journal, European Journalism Centre, Education is Our Addiction and several other media organizations.

His most notable accomplishment took place in 2012, when he exposed for the first time in its 68-year old history the chemical and biological methods employed by the UN-delegated Global Depopulation Policy and showed that demographic objectives are carried out by covertly undermining human fertility as a substitute to war. In 2013, he published part of his research on the history of the Global Depopulation Policy, its causes and consequences; the first account of the world’s best-kept secret and the central axis of the international framework for peace and security post-World War II. And in 2014 he presented indisputable scientific evidence that countries around the world are committing genocide in the name of population control and has forced the international community to begin a process of radical reform of the chemical regulatory environment in order to remove more than 200 depopulation poisons from our food system and consumer products.

He is the founder of the Center of Global Consciousness, The People’s Protection Force, The People’s Protection Court, the Human Rights Party of Canada, OM (Our Mind), and of Freedom in, non-governmental and non-profit organizations dedicated to defending people from governments, restoring the rule of law, and protecting our expressional rights. (For further biographical information, please click here.)


Prayer 16: In a Grain of Sand/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

Ramola D: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview. You are currently in the last few days of your planned hunger strike which you have documented extensively online. I found very interesting that the Vatican spokesperson you corresponded with, Andre Petersson, maintained a rather colorful correspondence with you, even writing on your Facebook timeline, trying to discourage you from continuing your fast and deriding your efforts. At this moment, how would you evaluate the Vatican’s response to your hunger strike and your efforts to draw global attention to this issue?

Kevin Galalae: The Vatican is in denial and in hiding, as it has no other defenses. But it is not concerned about repercussions because it considers itself to be above the law and indeed is above the law, at least in the West, which is why it has been able to commit genocide for more than one thousand years, as part and parcel of its role as controller of human life in Christendom, and since the inception of the UN, as controller of human life on earth, which is literally the Holy Grail of the Church and the only reason for its existence.

The Vatican tried first to convert me to Catholicism so I would submit to its will and in this fashion not only control me but also take credit for my accomplishments exposing the depopulation genocide. Had it succeeded, it would have been able to protect itself by hiding its centrality and complicity in genocide while cutting off the tail of the system, the UN and its agencies.

But it did not succeed to convert me, and its second strategy has been to try to entice me with promises of returning my wife and children to me, whom I have not seen in five years, or as its spokesperson put it, help me reconcile with my wife, knowing full well that its Opus Dei chapter in Kingston, Ontario, the city where I lived with my wife and children, is responsible for destroying my family back in 2011 by putting pressure on my wife, through her father who is a member of Opus Dei and other Catholic organizations, to make false accusations against me that led to my arrest and the destruction of my career and livelihood in retaliation for protecting the expressional rights of Muslims in academia, which were under attack due to the machinations of fundamentalist Christian elements operating from within Europe’s intelligence and political conservative establishments, which the Church largely controls.

When that did not work either, the Church’s strategy shifted to threats of expulsion and arrest, which though empty were followed by cyberattacks on my main supporters and on my computer. This in turn was followed by threats to cut off my sources of funding by shutting down my GoFundMe and PayPal accounts for purportedly discriminating against the Church. But that did not go anywhere either since the influence of the Church, which has always depended on manipulating and perverting the administration of justice and the institutions of state by applying undue influence behind the scenes, has diminished due to my revelations about the depopulation program and my earlier revelations about the surveillance and censorship program, both of which are the handiwork of the Church either directly or indirectly.

The latest strategy of the Vatican has been to divert my attention from the Church and to focus instead on other real and invented culprits, from the Orthodox Church to President Erdogan of Turkey and from ISIS to the UN.


Prayer 24:Water/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

What the Vatican’s behavior demonstrates is an absolute unwillingness to accept responsibility for its role in the depopulation genocide and to change course by dropping its ban on contraceptives and closing the permission it gave secular authorities to sterilize the global population under the pretext of healing disease. It also shows the disdain it has for the wellbeing of people and the arrogance with which it violates our fundamental rights, including the right to life.

After 60 days of hunger strike none of the four demands I made have been met by the Vatican, namely that:

  1. Pope Francis accords me an audience;

  2. Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals publicly apologize for their complicity in genocide by constraining secular authorities to covertly damage our fertility and longevity so long as they cure us from a bodily disease;

  3. the Church changes its doctrine on birth control by issuing a new encyclical letter to replace “Humanae Vitae: On the Regulation of Birth”; and that

  4. Pope Francis appears on St. Peter’s Square so I can give him and by extension the Church absolution for its crimes.


Prayer 19: God is Offended/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

What I have accomplished, however, is that we now have confirmation that:

  1. The moral center and anchor of the depopulation genocide is the Vatican and the loophole it has created for secular authorities to sterilize the populace under the pretext of curing disease. At no point did the Vatican deny that its encyclical letter Humanae Vitae and paragraph 15 do not constitute an ethical loophole for genocide;

  2. Religious and secular authorities work hand in hand to combat population growth by subverting fertility and promoting morbidity and that we are encircled by a global coalition of elites bent on genocide;

  3. The media is fully controlled and media freedom, expressional rights as well as fundamental rights and liberties do not exist and are mere fictions; and

  4. That the rule of law and democratic checks and balances do not exist, as they have been circumvented by the elites in order to commit genocide while preserving the façade of legitimacy and legality when in fact all governing structures, both national and international, are criminal and therefore neither legitimate nor legal.

I have in other words shattered the system’s walls of censorship, deception and dishonesty and have brought out the truth in its raw and unadulterated form.

What I have also accomplished is to provide proof to those in power that we are capable of:

  1. Sacrificing for the common good, the planet and future generations;

  2. Understanding the dire problems we face as a species and a civilization;

  3. And of assuming responsibility for the world.

And we have done this despite and not because of the system, which at no time offered us any help to understand the dilemmas we face and the limited solutions we have. This is important because it will split the moderate from the fundamentalist insiders and will shatter the global coalition of partners in crime from within; a coalition that hinges on the ability of the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy to justify the continuing use of covert methods of depopulation by mass chemical and biological poisoning as necessary due to the people’s inability to understand, sacrifice and assume responsibility. We have provided a clear alternative to genocide and the system’s refusal to embrace this alternative makes the existing course unjustifiable.

Last but not least, we have exhausted all peaceful means to force a change from covert, criminal and immoral to overt, legal and moral methods of population control, which frees us to take the law into our own hands and use any and all force necessary to protect ourselves, our children, our families, our future, our genetic lineages and our place in creation.

You’ve made a statement regarding moving on to a next phase of action, involving both letters and more active resistance. I’m a little concerned that you mention violence, as also in your recent video call to world leaders—do you really mean this? And what exactly do you mean? Also, can you explain how this hunger-strike action of yours could constitute a pivotal moment in this fight to convince the UN, world governments, and the Vatican to turn away from covert depopulation measures which essentially mean poisoning the population?

Kevin Galalae: Having exhausted all peaceful means three times over, violence is the only option left to protect ourselves and our children from the fate planned for us, which is our total extermination. We are not dealing with reasonable or rational people but with an organization of fanatics that has taken full control of the world and seeks to inherit the planet by annihilating the vast majority of us through mass poisoning.

Stop Depopulation (white)1Not only does the law of self-defense compel us to act and to use any and all force necessary to stop the attack on us and on our innocent and vulnerable children, the criminal code of any country as well as international law compel us to use any and all force to stop the genocide. The only proviso the criminal code makes is that we give fair warning to the perpetrators of the crime to stop but if they refuse to stop we can force them to stop and indeed are obligated by law to use whatever force necessary to stop those who commit crimes against innocents. If we do not resort to naked force at this point, after having exhausted all peaceful means and given multiple warnings and ultimatums to our secular and religious authorities to stop the genocide, we make ourselves liable for prosecution for failing to do our legal, civic, moral and parental duty. More than anything future generations will look upon our inaction with disgust and disdain and will rightly consider us the most cowardly and pathetic generation in the history of man.

And since the perpetrators of this global crime sit in the highest positions of government and corporations, of religious and international organizations and of legal, scientific, military and medical authorities, we will have to take them all down by force. We all know who they are as they are the very people who govern us and whose faces we see almost every day in the media.


Prayer 19/Film: Rupert Quaintance

My hunger strike is pivotal because through it we have won the information war and our leaders can no longer manipulate us so that we work towards and pay for our self-destruction. Since they are a miniscule minority, a super elite whose power is ill-gained and authority misused, they have become powerless in the face of an awakened and informed majority. They can only exercise power over us through the chain of command and I have broken their chain of command since no one wants to cooperate with them anymore and no one takes orders from them anymore. For all intents and purposes I have cut off their arms and legs. They can bark orders and issue threats but there is no one to carry out their orders, because no human being will willingly and knowingly work towards his or her own self-destruction and certainly no human being will work towards the destruction of his or her own children.

The criminals who govern us know they are now powerless. They also know that we know that they are illegitimate since legitimacy comes from legality and their actions are in gross violation of the law both moral and juridical. They refuse to change course because they are desperate and because they know that sooner or later we will take them down by force and hold them accountable for their criminal actions; actions that are of such scope and scale as to require the harshest punishment under the law.


Prayer 11: The Church is Ours, Not Theirs/Film Credit: Rupert Quaintance

If they stop the global genocide it will be out of fear for their own lives and for the lives of their own children, thus for reasons of self-preservation. The decision to stop will come as a result of the internal disintegration of their partnership in crime; a partnership that was tenuous to begin with as it was based on mutual coercion mutually agreed upon and as such it was never willing or voluntary but forced.

 It is up to all of us now to make our leaders understand that we will hang them all unless they stop the genocide, apologize for the crimes they have committed, provide full disclosure and move out of the way.

If they do this within the next few months we may give them immunity from prosecution. If they do not then not one of them will be spared because with every day lost millions pay with their lives.

Children’s Vaccines, Flu Vaccines

syringe-vaccination1I recently saw the film “Bought” and was struck by how it was the mothers and fathers of children who developed autism after vaccines, or suffered from the side-effects of potent psychiatric drugs or GMOs who presented the strongest case for scrutinizing and prosecuting the pharmaceutical and GMO industries. What you are revealing to the world is that all vaccines—including the annual flu vaccine–are deliberately being filled with immune-suppressing and fertility-inducing substances. How can we get this information to every single parent in the world, so they understand they have a personal stake in this issue? What is the vision for our children otherwise?

Kevin Galalae: We must all become the media. Every human being who knows the truth must make it his or her second profession to disseminate this vital knowledge to everyone they know. We must all do this with the utmost sense of urgency because every day we come closer to annihilation.

We must all refuse to cooperate in any way, shape or form with the authorities in carrying out the global genocide.

If you are a nurse or a doctor, you must throw all vaccines in the incinerator and not administer a single one until such time as our governments come forward and state clearly that the depopulation program has been shut down.

If you are a pilot, you must refuse to fly any plane, commercial or otherwise, if that plane is used for spraying of chemicals.

If you are a farmer, you must refuse to plant a single GMO seed or use a single gallon of glyphosate.

If you are a lawyer or a social worker or a cop, you must refuse to carry out a protocol or obey a law that destroys a single family or violates the authority of parents over their children.

If you are a chemist or a scientist, you must refuse to contribute your knowledge for the creation and use of any substance or drug or procedure intended to sterilize or sicken under a false pretext or cover.

When in doubt you must use the precautionary principle and always weigh on the side of caution so as not to harm life. In all walks of life and at all levels of authority we must disable the program of genocide. It is all our responsibility.

No one is exempt because no one is outside of it and we all contribute to it in one way or another.

This means that we must all become educated. To educate people I provide a package of essential works free of cost to each and all, so that no one is led astray and confused by the disinformation machine of the mainstream media and by contradictory material provided by compromised alternative media sources. In this way people receive everything from one and the original source of this forbidden knowledge, me, and in the most concise form possible and free of cost. This is the material I provide:

  1. A Message to World Leaders: Stop the Depopulation Genocide

  1. Statement: We are now officially at war

  1. Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy (book, 110 pages)

  1. The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives (article, 33 pages)

  1. Methods of Depopulation (video, 25 minutes)

  1. Phases of Depopulation (video, 6 minutes)

  1. Addressing Pope Francis (video, 90 seconds)

  1. Chemical and Biological Depopulation (book, 178 pages)

  1. Peace Without Poison (book of evidence, 1040 pages)

  1. Survival or Extinction (book of solutions, 216 pages)

  1. Depopulation and Decarbonization (article, 6 pages)

  1. I was offered millions to stop exposing depopulation (radio interview, 55 minutes)

  1. The Future of Global Governance (roadmap book, 90 pages)

  1. The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives” (video of speech, 60 minutes)
  1. The Epidemiology of Genocide: Medicine as the Handmaiden of Population Control” (video of speech, 73 minutes)
  1. Planetary Wellbeing Authority (radio interview, 79 minutes)

  1. Vatican Hunger Strike Timeline (text, images, interviews, and videos)

  1. Why A Mass Killing Event Is Inevitable Absent Political Consensus This September (article, 4 pages)

  1. Why You Are Important (article, 3 pages)

  1. Planetary Wellbeing Amidst Clashing Prerogatives (article, 7 pages)

  1. The Preservation of Life: Letter to Pope Francis (letter, 2 pages)

  1. Letter to Bill Gates (letter, 3 pages)

  1. Letter to GAVI (letter, 3 pages)

  1. Why Your Government Wants Your Premature Death And Seeks It With Mandatory Flu Vaccines (article, 8 pages)

  1. How to Destroy the Depopulation Lobby without Destroying the World (article, 9 pages)

  1. TURNING NATURE AGAINST MAN: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth (article, 34 pages)

  1. Vaccines and Zika Virus are Part of the Depopulation Agenda (110 minutes)

Interview with American Freedom Radio (7 March 2016)

Interviewer: Vinny Eastwood, New Zealand Media

  1. Methods of Depopulation in the Age of Sustainability (136 minutes)

Interview with Global Freedom Movement (13 March 2016)

Interviewers: Brendan D. Murphy and Aimee Devlin, Australian Media

  1. BEHIND THE MASK: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization (published 18 March 2016) (article, 27 pages)

  1. Methods of Depopulation

Interview with Deanna Spignola of Republic Broadcasting Network (2 April 2016)

  1. Methods of Depopulation in the Age of Sustainability (136 minutes)

Interview with Global Freedom Movement (13 March 2016)

Interviewers: Brendan D. Murphy and Aimee Devlin, Australian Media

  1. The OM Principles

  1. Hunger Strike Prayers to Stop Depopulation by Vaccines and Chemtrails

  1. First Week of Hunger

  1. Second Week of Hunger

  1. Third Week of Hunger

  1. Fourth Week of Hunger

  1. Fifth Week of Hunger

  1. Sixth Week of Hunger

  1. Seventh Week of Hunger

  1. Eighth Week of Hunger

There is not a single vaccine out there that is not adulterated to either sterilize or sicken us, or to do both through genetic reprogramming. There is not a single bite or a single sip that we take that is not poisoned with endocrine disruptors intended to sterilize and sicken us. And there is not a single day that we are not being showered with heavy metals and carcinogenic and radioactive materials through aerial spraying.

Those who refuse to battle this evil will go down with the enemy since by their silence they are accessories to mass murder. Everyone must establish a public record as to which side they have chosen and what actions they have taken to stop the global genocide because everyone will be judged in light of this public record. There are no other criteria to go by since all institutions, organizations and authorities are part of the genocide unless they can show otherwise, publicly and clearly.

Any action taken or word said in private against the global genocide is useless as it cannot be proven and therefore protects those responsible and will do little or nothing to stop the genocide.

Climate Change


Image: Geoengineering Watch

It’s refreshing to read your views since you openly call to task the globalists who have set in motion this destructive scenario, without humanity’s consent, across the globe. What do you make of the current frenzy over Climate Change which seems to completely ignore the damage wreaked by geoengineering or chem trails—which mainstream media won’t talk about (except to name as “conspiracy theory” the dismissal-term of choice)?

Kevin Galalae: There is no doubt that we are damaging the planet on all fronts and that the damage we are causing endangers all life on earth including our own. There is also no doubt that global warming is real. What is still in doubt is to what extent this warming trend is man-made and to what extent it is the result of natural cycles.

Since political decision makers need conclusive data and clear evidence of an imminent threat to make laws that impose hardship here and now, I can see why scientists would be under pressure to exaggerate the threat of global warming. If we were to wait for conclusive evidence on a geophysical process that takes decades or even centuries to occur but that we could prevent by taking preemptive action now, based on best guess projections, then we would be a hundred years too late. So I see no harm in considering the worst case scenario as that would be a real life application of the tried and tested precautionary principle. There is simply too much at stake to take chances and risk disaster in the form of catastrophic climate change.

People need to also understand that we have to decarbonize the economy for reasons that go well beyond the climate and global warming, though none unites us in purpose better than global warming since it knows no national boundaries.

Climate change is but one of nine planetary boundaries or life support systems identified by environmental scientists as crucial to life on earth. And we have already surpassed the safe thresholds or have reached the tipping points of three of these planetary boundaries: CO2 concentration, biodiversity loss, and the nitrogen cycle.

Contrary to information disseminated by the alternative media and even some mainstream media, chemtrails play no role in accelerating global warming but in delaying it. That is why I refuse to use the word geoengineering in relation to chemtrails since they are not an attempt to change the weather but to prevent it from changing. Unfortunately, that is not the only purpose of chemtrails as they are also intended to increase the presence of heavy metals and carcinogenic and radioactive Welsbach materials on the ground, so as to increase morbidity and mortality for the purpose of killing the baby-boom generation, and of shortening our lifespans to an economically desirable 70 years until the demographic transition is completed, and the dependency burdens now posed by a great proportion of elderly are lightened.

The battle that we now see over chemtrails is justified but there is an insidious aspect to it. A lot of system insiders who work for organizations crucial to the depopulation genocide participate in the battle against chemtrails because they cannot protect themselves and their families from polluted air as they can from endocrine disruptors, vaccines, GMOs and fluoride, thus the other depopulation methods that they are responsible for implementing, which is why they refuse to mention that chemtrails are also a depopulation method and instead debase their message by pretending that chemtrails are a climate engineering method. They wouldn’t give a damn if that were the case, but they do give a damn that they can no longer protect themselves and their own since chemtrails democratize the death program.

Another reason why I have no sympathy for climate change deniers is that many of them are disingenuous as they are funded by big oil to prevent the decarbonization of the economy which necessitates abandoning investments in fossil fuels that have not yet matured and that cuts into the profit margins of this powerful industry and their lobbyists.

Global Pandemics and Vaccines


Image from Turning Nature Against Man/Kevin Galalae

I’d like to focus on a few issues raised in your article Turning Nature against Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth, where you make a convincing case for the recent engineered creation of global pandemics—not a new idea to many paying attention, other analysts, like Jon Rappoport, Dr. Rima Laibow, Mike Adams, also cover such issues—but one that will never stop being shocking. It seems almost like a detective story, teasing out the information from WHO statistics. How did you uncover all this information, what is it about your process of analysis that helps reveal this?

Kevin Galalae: Once you learn to think like the globalists and to consider in your analysis the multiple objectives they have set for the Sustainable Development agenda it is relatively easy to see through the deception and to grasp their true intentions, which are by and large noble.

Key to opening the door to their secrets, of course, is knowledge of the Global Depopulation Policy, which is the lynchpin on which all other goals depend since no progress can be made anywhere and in any field without first stabilizing the population.

Even more importantly, I have no ulterior motive and no financial interests. My purpose is to find out the truth and to free it so that everyone knows the truth and so the truth can set us free and a better international accommodation can become possible. In this respect I am unique, which is why my work is second to none and free of cost and why I am the only source to be trusted and the only one stop shop.

I do not limit myself to single issues to monetize my knowledge and I am not limited by ulterior motives to secure funding or protect interests. I provide context and a complete explanation of the system, of its methods and intentions. I also provide an alternative that empowers us all and excludes none from the circle of wellbeing and from the future. And I make extraordinary personal sacrifices to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of our evolution to a better system, be that ignorance, self-interest, social inertia, institutional rigidity, ideological obtuseness, or religious dogma. As such I am not merely a critic but also a think tank, a creator, an influencer, a fighter, a spiritual leader, and a revolutionary.

Most importantly I have no preconceived notions and no ideological stand. I do not allow my analysis to be affected by ideology, since I have none, and I am not attached to any existing ideals since I have abandoned all false and dated loyalties to nation, creed, profit, religion, ethnicity, self-interest and culture.

For all of the above reasons I am trusted by all those who seek the truth and nothing but the truth and I am also widely read by people within the system because I am the only person in the world with a full understanding of the system, its past and its future, and have come to this understanding by the power of my own intellect and my personal integrity. Those working within the system are trapped in their areas of expertise and denied knowledge of the overall plan so they remain useful cogs in their own demise; while those working outside the system are kept clueless, and are deliberately and continuously misinformed so they are powerless.

I understood early on that to change the world, to change the direction of human civilization, you must first understand it and then find a place entirely outside of it so as to move it to a new and better place rather than be trapped by it. I had to put myself entirely outside the system, entirely outside society, and to abandon all personal ambitions and interests.

Purity of thought and purpose is the reward of this sacrifice.


Image: BBC

You’ve used the term “biological warfare” in speaking about the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak in the US when 46 million were vaccinated, as well as the introduction of the AIDS or HIV virus in Africa in 1978. Most people would find it hard to conceive of a deliberate governmental hand in creating and spreading viruses—meaning disease and death—among humanity, just for population control; it sounds diabolical. The Swine Flu vaccine, you say, creates immuno-suppression and reduces life-expectancy, and the HIV virus was genetically engineered to target people of color, and was introduced deliberately in Africa. Can you address the enormity of these issues a little?

Kevin Galalae: Both man-made viruses were intended to shift humanity from unchangeable states and thus accomplish goals that could not otherwise be accomplished.

The HIV/AIDS virus sought to stop the population from growing in an area of the world where neither the political will nor the necessary infrastructure existed to limit fertility through covert chemical methods as the West had done, through legislation as China had done, or through involuntary surgical sterilizations as India had done, and where as a result population growth could only be stopped by increasing mortality. Stable populations can only result when the number of births and the number of deaths are equal and if you cannot reduce births in a population with very high fertility rates you have to increase deaths to accomplish this state of equilibrium.

The depopulation lobby managed to target mainly people of color by designing the virus to have an affinity for people of color. HIV/AIDS was after all intended primarily for Africa so it was designed to kill primarily Africans or people of African descent.

HIV/AIDS also allowed the depopulation lobby to maintain unnaturally high mortality rates for as long as Africa refused to reduce its fertility rates, which is why the infected were never quarantined, why people were deliberately infected through immunization programs, and why treatment was denied to the sick by keeping the price of antiretroviral drugs unaffordable.

The Swine Flu virus, by contrast, was intended to reduce life spans in the developed world to an economically sustainable age and also to balance the genders in old age by reducing the lifespans of women more than that of men since women, on average, outlive men by several years.

I have never discussed the latter goal because I wrote the article “Turning Nature against Man” under great time pressures, but the data clearly shows that the reduction in the lifespan of women was greater than that of men and brought the dying age of women closer to that of men, which is an achievement that has saved the American government billions in pensions to widows and that has undoubtedly contributed to a higher standard of living.

Stopping the unrelenting growth in life expectancy for both genders has benefited the national budget even more than balancing the genders in old age and has undoubtedly contributed to the American way of life since old people are very expensive to maintain. That is the price Americans have paid for their unrelenting push for a higher standard of living and is part and parcel of the pursuit of happiness philosophy, which the old certainly “sabotage” by living too long and therefore being dependent for too long on the working population at a time during the demographic transition when tax revenues are under great pressure and in a country that is more concerned with policing the world than caring for its old and therefore in need of maintaining the superiority of its armed forces and arsenal rather than enabling the old to live to the end of their natural lives.

So, in a sense we have come to a time period where America’s infatuation with war and bloated Defense budgets affects all American lives at a very personal level, where war priorities are privileged over civilian society and natural life span by this demographic transition paradigm?

Kevin Galalae: America is the most extreme example because it insists on perpetuating its military superiority to police the world, but in the era of the depopulation genocide all governments and corporations, aided by the military-industrial complex, exist primarily to poison us into extinction and to be able to do this they use the wealth we create and turn it against us.

Every government wages a war of attrition against its people by subverting fertility to limit births, by weakening immunity to increase morbidity and mortality, and by undermining the family and social structures to keep people in survival mode so life is hard and expensive and families as well as societies struggle and do not bloom.

This costs money. It costs enormous amounts of money and human resources to bring society to a grind and turn everything in society upside down and inside out so that everything seems normal but is the opposite of normal.

The best metaphor is that of a river flowing backwards. This is what the Global Depopulation Policy does. It makes humanity recede rather than expand.

And to accomplish this governments have become predators of citizens.


World Health Organization

I’d like to address the overall issue of authoritarian “Public Health” management and the rather totalitarian assumption of authority over people, globally, that it implies. In your analysis, you show that the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) mechanism that the World Health Organization has employed variously for H1NI, polio, Ebola, and lately, the Zika virus, is a cover to unleash sterilizing and immune-suppressing vaccines on different, highly-dense populations. What can nations and peoples do, to combat such top-down management actions by the WHO, where physicians, epidemiologists, and vaccine manufacturers have worked together to impose essentially reproductive censorship on whole populations, regardless of actual cost to people’s health?

There is only one remedy possible for this sick and sickening system: people assuming responsibility and exercising restraint over their reproductive rights by faithfully using contraceptives, and governments legislating replacement level fertility and providing free or nearly free contraceptives to all people of reproductive age.

This, however, implies that governments tell people what they need to know and not what they want to hear and that people expand their consciousness and make sacrifices for society at large and for future generations.

Until such time as governments legislate limits to fertility people must refuse any and all vaccines and view any so-called public health initiative with the greatest suspicion especially if free or subsidized by the government, which is a sure sign that a depopulation method hides behind the purported public health initiative.

danger-pesticideaWith regards to Zika, you note that the Brazilian doctors’ group ABRASCO has identified the malaria incentive’s larvicide Pyroproxyfen, manufactured by a subsidiary of Monsanto, which has been fed into the drinking water and coats hundreds of thousands of mosquito nets hanging in every village, as prime cause of microcephaly, not the Zika virus. This claim from February 2016 was quickly rebutted by many Public Health defenders, such as in this Huffington Post article. But many analysts and reporters (see Makia Freeman’s Activist Post article) continue to question Pyroproxyfen and other insecticides—what would you offer as your assessment, currently?

Kevin Galalae: The claim is as valid now as when it was first made. The so-called rebuttal is the system suppressing the truth and stifling the voices of doctors and of a medical organization that was not yet controlled from the top by the depopulation lobby.

Pyroproxyfen is simply too valuable a chemical to the depopulation effort as it is a crucial component in the malaria eradication program that is the latest and largest front for mass involuntary sterilization across the developing world. Hundreds of millions sleep under bed nets coated with Pyroproxyfen for mosquito vector control but also for sterilization purposes, and billions more sleep under bed nets coated with similar chemicals, as I have shown in my article “Behind the Mask: Malaria Eradication and Involuntary Sterilization”, which has been approved for publication in a medical journal after being stalled for months by political pressure.

Until it is published by the medical community, this article can be read here:

War and Population Control


Photo from The Guardian/Ukraine, 2015: Alexander Ermochenko/EPA

Then there’s War, ever-present recourse for the military industry. As you know the US and other Western countries seem to be getting in war-mode again, trying to whip up support for a war on Russia, while continuing wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Other countries also engage in continual actions of war, Saudi Arabia against Yemen, Israel against Palestine, to name a couple. Do you see links here with the UN’s Global Depopulation agenda?

 Kevin Galalae: Most wars are waged solely for population control purposes and all wars have a population control objective.

The wars in Yemen and Palestine are purely for population control, the former because Yemen could no longer keep its mass sterilization program in place and fertility rates went back up to an unsustainable 8 children per woman and the latter because Israel wants the Palestinians off the land and refuses to accept a one state solution where the faster growing Arab population would soon be in the majority.

The same goes for the war in Afghanistan, which was made possible by the false flag event on 9/11 without which the US and its allies would not have had an excuse to invade the country and subject its people to covert chemical and biological methods of fertility suppression.

Iraq had outgrown its natural resources and become dependent on food imports burdening an already overburdened global food system. In addition, the world could not turn away from fossil fuels and adopt renewable energy sources, without first stabilizing the populations of countries fully dependent for their survival on oil exports, and Iraq is one such country.

The conflict between NATO and Russia over the Ukraine is also geopolitical and population related. The Ukraine has always been an important breadbasket and the international community cannot accommodate an incoming two to three billion additional people on Planet Earth over the next three decades, until the population stabilizes, without fully using Ukraine’s fertile land to increase global grain production and feed an already hungry world.

Russia, however, is not willing to allow corporations control over Ukraine’s resources, which is part of its economic market and political sphere of influence, and western encroachment in the Ukraine threatens both.

The attack on Syria is not population-related but politically motivated, as it is the only remaining regional ally of Iran. If Syria falls and is subsumed into the depopulation/globalization system, Iran will soon follow.

Other Views on Population Growth & Control

I’m sure all of us who are waking up to this situation are grateful to you for describing to us these Global Depopulation policies and analyzing what they have translated into. But are you alone in this fight? Do you know of other groups, movements, individuals working on the same side, to expose and end this?

Kevin Galalae: All civil society groups struggle against various aspects of the covert depopulation and coerced globalization matrix of global control but did not know it until I placed their struggle in context. Now they have begun to connect their particular issues – be it chemtrails, GMOs, surveillance, fluoridation, police brutality, the erosion of rights and liberties, economic justice and so on – to the cause of all causes, namely the depopulation/globalization axis.

Unfortunately, much of civil society is controlled by agents of the system in order to keep the many groups that exist separate, weak, and clueless of the overall plan and the system’s true objectives and to prevent them from coalescing and becoming a powerful political front capable of toppling the existing system. This strategy has allowed the system to give an inch when the pressure builds around one or another marginal issue and take two inches in return elsewhere and by another method thus giving civil society the false impression of victory when in fact nothing will have been gained.

Only by freeing the truth about the nature and objectives of the New World Order could civil society begin to free itself from the system’s control, and focus on the heart of the problem rather than nibbling at its heels. And freeing the truth is almost entirely my accomplishment.

Now that all civil society groups have learned what the system is all about, I am no longer alone. None of us is. The resistance is growing by leaps and bounds, and with it our influence on global affairs. In this new environment, all civil society groups are my allies while I am the most effective weapon they have.



Regarding Population Control solutions, you must know there are other theories out there regarding land use and abundance of resources rather than scarcity; our current land use might promote notions of scarcity, but perhaps permaculture, small-plot-size farms, organic farming, and others could feed us better. Is the real issue resource use and regeneration or is the issue population control?

Kevin Galalae: No technology or invention can save us from social and environmental collapse due to overpopulation. Permaculture, organic farming, renewable energy sources, and recycling of materials can only delay the collapse but not prevent it. For the reality is that absent breaks on fertility, the population doubles every twenty to thirty years, depending on sexual mores and cultural norms, and the planet cannot survive a doubling from the existing 7 billion to 14 billion, which, absent breaks on population growth, would occur by 2040, let alone the next doubling from 14 to 28 billion by 2070.

A doubling of the global population from 7 to 14 billion would require us to build as many cities and infrastructure in the next 30 years as we have built over the past 10,000 years, and to do this at a time when the planet’s life support systems are already strained to the max by the needs and wants of the existing 7 billion.

A doubling of the global population would also require that we at least quadruple our energy production if the developing world and the additional 3 billion people who will be born into the world between now and 2040 are to enjoy a standard of living similar to the one we now have in the developed world. That is not possible without utterly devastating the planet.

Dialogue with Other Activists

Would you accept that yours is one view and there may be others as concerned about Global Depopulation as you but with other views on population control and scarcity? Would you be interested in engaging in a meaningful open dialogue with them—almost as a secondary focus really, since your primary one is getting these covert genocidal programs to stop, which probably everyone would agree with? How could other thinkers and analysts in this area contact you to exchange views?

Kevin Galalae: Assessing the impact of population on resources and environment is not subject to opinion or preference. Irrespective what we believe or want to believe, the reality is that human beings are the most demanding of creatures as we are at the top of the food chain and that our impact on the planet is devastating.

We each consume a truck load of resources in any given year and live an average of 70 years and there are already 7 billion of us. And we all draw our resources from this one planet we share; planet that has no new continents to discover and exploit, which is why we go to great lengths to tap into the resources found at the bottom of the oceans and other remote places and extreme environments.

It does not matter how frugal we become and how efficient our technology becomes because the more of us live on this earth, the smaller the slice of resources becomes for each and every one of us and the greater and more brutal the competition for these finite resources.

The graph below illustrates at one glance the dilemma we face due to increasing population and decreasing per capita resources, as well as the direct relationship this has on living standards to say nothing of environmental cost or social and political strains.


The only meaningful dialogue there could be on this subject is how fast will we legislate replacement level fertility across the planet and how fast can we educate the people as to why this is necessary, so that everyone knows what is expected of them and why.

Anyone can contact me at any time by email or social media. I go out of my way to respond to every email and message. This is where I can be found as well as my contact details:



Skype ID: kevin.galalae

I ask only that people familiarize themselves with the facts before attempting to persuade me to adopt their particular ideology. The reason I give all my work for free is to facilitate the dissemination of this vital knowledge without which there can be no change from covert to overt methods of depopulation and no end to genocide.

How Can We Help You?

In striving to expose academic censorships on campuses as well as these UN policies of global depopulation, you came up against high-level officials in the UK and Canada who have operated state mechanisms against you, and tragically you have been separated from your children. Is there anything concerned citizens reading this could do to help you reunite with your family?

Kevin Galalae: A great injustice has been done to me and my children yet all institutions and organizations tasked with addressing such injustices, both in Canada and abroad, remain silent because my work threatens the global matrix of control and therefore their interests.

Justice is not possible in the era of genocide. Those who have violated the most fundamental principles of jurisprudence, the rule of law and due process in order to destroy my life, separate me from my flesh and blood and silence me are the very people who are poisoning us into extinction and the very people we have entrusted to uphold the rule of law and they are not about to condemn themselves. If they do, the former Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General of Ontario, the Speaker of the House of Commons and several lawyers, doctors and police officers will have to go to prison for at least a decade for conspiracy to prosecute and a dozen other serious crimes. The same level of culpability exists elsewhere in the world with respect to the depopulation genocide.

My children and I as well as the people of the world will get justice only after we overthrow the global coalition of mass murderers who now govern us. All citizens must at this point prepare for violent confrontation with our governments and authorities.

No other solution exists since all governments, all authorities, and all international organizations exist solely to complete the depopulation genocide, thus to wipe us off the face of this planet. Our rights and liberties mean absolutely nothing to them.

Believing that we will get justice through peaceful means is futile at this point since I have exhausted all peaceful means three times over, and the only response has been to intensify and accelerate the genocide.

My children and property should have been returned to me five years ago along with a multimillion dollar check in compensation for damages and a public apology. That has not happened and will not happen. Just as no governing authority will go in front of the cameras and apologize for poisoning us for the past six decades and for robbing us blind. We will have to force them down on their knees.

This is a political conundrum and a global one at that. There is no outside force remaining that is not at least tainted by the system of genocide. And that means that there will be no knights in shining armor coming to our rescue.

Violence on a scale never before seen will soon engulf the world because those in control of the world will take us down with them before they admit guilt and submit to justice.

I will be reunited with my family when those in control of our nations and of the world are separated from power.


Hunger Strike Prayer 19


Ramola D is a writer with a background in science, management, and literature who  currently researches issues in science, technology, and ethics relevant to our times, including issues related to Intelligence, Surveillance, Security, and Defense. She runs a solutions journalism site at, and edits the online literary quarterly, Delphi Quarterly. Her literary journalism, fiction, and poetry have been published widely. Please follow her on Twitter at @EccEveryday, or at The Everyday Concerned Citizen on Facebook.

Re-publishing of this interview is welcomed, in whole or part, with attribution and linkback.

How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails & Vaccines in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

Updated 28th June, 2023 | Updated June 2, 2023/Updated September 16, 2022/COVID-Vaccine Detox 6/22/2021

For information on how to detox and cleanse out the mRNA lipid nanoparticles, graphene, or spike protein from the Pfizer/Moderna/AstraZeneca/Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines, please scroll down to/click on the section titled DETOX AND CLEANSE OUT mRNA AND LIPID NANOPARTICLES AND SPIKE PROTEINS, JUNE 22, 2021

For information on detoxing heavy metals like aluminium from vaccines, please scroll down to/click on DETOX AND CLEANSE FROM ALUMINIUM IN VACCINES TO IMPROVE NEURO HEALTH, JULY 6, 2021

Tony Pantelleresco’s Nanotech Detox Protocols

Tony Pantallesco, a brilliant naturopath, herbalist, and researcher offers information on how to remove the tiny, invisible bits of nanotechnology/synthetic biology raining down on us everyday that lodge in our skin and organs and blood and alter our DNA, clog our blood, and deprive our brain of vital minerals, among other unsavory effects. “We are being genetically engineered.”


Nanotech is apparently also found in vaccines–for more information, please explore Tony’s videos on Youtube, and his website.

Watch his demonstrating how to make a “nano-bucket,” a bucket wrapped in wire in order to create an electromagnetic field to get the nano-bits out of the body, while he discusses the realities of current-day pollution.

Need to Know Report No. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/ Aerosols

February 21st, 2018/Interview with Suzanne Meher and Tony Pantelleresco at Ramola D Reports

Visit for images of the nanotech and further discussions of synthetic biology. If you haven’t seen Sofia Smallstorm’s presentation yet on synthetic biology, click here.

Visit Bye Bye Blue for further detox suggestions.


Most of us suffer ill effects from the continual chemtrail fallout. The nano particulates of metals are hard to excrete especially if you have a sluggish immune system.

The list below offers some suggestions of various natural supplements, modalities, foods, etc, many of which are reasonably priced and that people have found beneficial in helping eliminate heavy metals and toxic substances related to chemtrails.

Key word is DETOX, DETOX, DETOX and keep your body alkaline, an acidic environment compromises your immune system.

Try to “unplug” as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment.

Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits.

1. Liquid chembusting homeopathic
2. Silica D homeopathic
3. Potassium
4. Krill Oil
5. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths
6. Epsom salt foot baths
7. Collodial Silver
8. Chlorella
9. Spirulina
10. Garlic
11. Shitake Mushrooms
12. Tea Tree Oil
13. Oil of Oregano
14. Cilanto
15. Ginger
16. Evening Primrose Oil

There’s more, please visit their site.

Humanity Under Assault: Chem Trails and NanoBiotechnology, Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism Projects by Dark Scientists

The unhappy fact is, we are being poisoned, and each one of us needs to take active steps to take care of ourselves and our families. If you are or someone you know is continually fighting a fungus infection, or any kind of chronic disease, know that the nanotech is adding to or creating that condition in your body. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. It’s estimated that the increase in dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, neuralgia these days can all be traced to nanotech from chem trails and vaccines–and why wouldn’t it be…?

Find out more about Morgellons–which apparently we all have, in latent or expressed form, thanks to nanotech–here.

And if chem trails are still registering as con trails to some of us, and the lies of certain NASA scientists are what we may still be holding in our heads as gospel truth, please visit  or Chemtrails Planet for documentation, letters, papers, statements from more ethical scientists, visit for regular updates, click on Earth/Environment here for more links.

Dark Journalist has a wonderful interview with Elana Freeland, HAARP and Chem Trails researcher, you can watch that video on their website. She details how nanotech and EMFs and HAARP emissions combine to make us all electromagnetically more conductive and receptive, and how the transforming of the environment into a giant antenna relates to Artificial Intelligence and supercomputing initiatives underway, as the unlawful and Satanic Police-and-Mafia State becomes even more all-encompassing.

Ramola D Reports/Report #14: Elana Freeland — Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP

Also please see my fairly recent interview with Elana Freeland here, where she discusses the issue of transhumanism and the takeover of humanity via nano/neurotech:

Report #14: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP (

Harald Kautz-Vella and Cara St. Louis, authors of the book Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation, which discusses chem trails from both scientific and sociologic points of view, can be heard on Sage of Quay radio here discussing how the nanobots are self-assembling, how the EMF radiation all around us assists the targeting via the nanotechnology, and how the combination of EMF and nanotechnology can be engineered to be specific to certain populations; their videos and talks can be found on Youtube. (This talk is particularly interesting from the EMF point of view; one of the things Harald talks about is mass ULF-emissions from the center of Berlin.)

Chem trails–t/outed as geoengineering–are also apparently connected to a global depopulation agenda–which unfortunately is not the conspiracy theory dream of deluded researchers but the conspiracy of deluded globalists, more on that soon.  Until we can oust these psychopaths from power and end these programs of mass pollution, please detox.

Report 268 | Elana Freeland: The Age of Transhumanism Calls Forth True Human Consciousness

More recent interview, October 9, 2021, with Elana Freeland here where she speaks of multiple assaults on humanity and the earth as covered in her new book, and shares the secret key to ending the plunge to Techno-Dystopia:

Report 268 | Elana Freeland: The Age of Transhumanism Calls Forth True Human Consciousness

1/16/2018/Chem Trails and Consciousness Takeover

Cody Snodgres, recent whistleblower from the Special Access black ops world, who spoke to me last week on various things but particularly on Mind Control ops being run on the populace, converses here with long-term researcher and investigative journalist Ole Dammegard on the chem trail project Indigo Skyfall and its secret intention to destroy human consciousness via calcification and suppression of the powerful pineal gland, in tandem with other programs being run on us. Such as forcing GMOs into our food supply, pumping flouride into our water, stealing unsavory additives into our vaccines and food supplements, and more.

This is Cody Snodgres in conversation with me, Jan 11, 2018, on the Deep State, mind control operations, microwave weapon use on people, and more:

Transparent Media Truth & Ramola D Reports | Carnicom Disclosure Project Panels, 2021 and 2022:

June 29, 2022: We recently hosted a panel with Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Reinette Senum, and Major Kenneth Green on the dangers of nanotechnology, aerosols, vaccines to human health and the environment:

Carnicom Disclosure Follow-Up Panel 2022 | CENSORED REVEAL: Extreme Harm from “Public Health” and Government Actions

Last year we hosted two panels, each focused on different aspects of current reality, discussing weather modification, contaminated air, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, and brain modification as well as detox solutions: 

Panel 1 – Carnicom Disclosure Project Update 2021, TMT & RDR | Dr. Madej, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Young

Panel 2–Carnicom Disclosure Project Update 2021, TMT & RDR | Climate Engineering & Chem Trails with Raphaelle O’Neil, Chris Haskell, and Russ Tanner

Also see more about Clifford Carnicom’s groundbreaking scientific work analyzing the effects of decades of chem trailing in human bodies and the environment here:

Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview

Transparent Media Truth website with many panels and interviews, introducing the Carnicom Disclosure Project in 2020:

Dr. Robert Young: Detox Solutions and Advice for Gaining and Restoring Health and Vitality

Dr. Robert Young, a clinical and research scientist with doctorates in biochemistry and clinical nutrition, author of several books and papers including the pH Miracle Series, and founder of “The New Biology” where he speaks of One Disease, One Health, has done several interviews and panels with me, a few focused on detox solutions post-vaccine and how to maintain an alkaline body with the right pH via diet and lifestyle choices, please see my video channels for all, a few linked below:

Newsbreak 136 | Life-Saving Information: Dr. Young Discusses Vaccine Damage and Powerful Detox Protocols

Newsbreak 145: Dr. Robert Young Shares New COVID Vaccine & Blood Findings of Nano Graphene and Self-Assembly with Pulsed RFs

Newsbreak 138 on Further Findings of Graphene Ribbons, Forming Nano Networks, Parasites in Vaccinated Blood, EMF Corona Effects in Blood, & True Cause of All Disease with Dr. Young

Coronavirus Means Radiation Poisoning: Scientists and Researchers Newly Reveal Evidence of Connection Between COVID-19 and 5G/Electromagnetic Radiation Poisoning

Dr. Young publishes lifesaving information on natural healing and detoxification, also reportage on matters of current import continuously at his website, see the Scientific Posts and Blog tabs here:

His basic message is a mind-body approach to maintain an alkaline body for health and follow what he calls the COWSE program–described further in his posts and video interviews (chlorophyll, clays, oils, water, sunshine, s/exercise)–with plenty of water, juices, green vegetables, exercise, a means to address any form of disease in the body, including cancer, COVID (if COVID’s a thing), and vaccine damage.

See the wonderful cancer-recovery testimonial video with Inger and Tea Hartelius here:

Report 275 | Inger & Tea Hartelius with Dr. Young Reveal pH Miracle Lifestyle Healing Cancer & COVID

How to Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

The important thing to note here is that the pineal gland can indeed be detoxified, the flouride removed, and the toxins barred. Several researchers and naturopaths and yogis recommmend such things as raw turmeric, pineapple, watercress, cilantro, and, from the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, slices of raw onions on your soles at night when you sleep. Which, if that sounds just too bizarre, can be supplemented dietarily instead. Tamarind also is supposed to cleanse your pineal gland.

Two short videos here with advice on how to clean the pineal gland of toxic build-up and restore brains and expand consciousness, the first from the Youtube channel Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) and the second from Amritashraya and Devanatha:

I’ll continue to update this page with information as it comes my way. Please leave other detox notes in comments below.

This page is currently turning out to be an oft-visited and shared post, I guess as people are waking up to the stark reality of clogged skies and clogged lungs on a daily basis. 

Those chem trails haven’t stopped yet–although someone needs to get the clinically insane Deep State to do so.  Lots of cover-ups are ongoing. “Solar Radiation Management” is a cover-up, and Cody Snodgres reveals how the real purpose is the removal of brainpower and mind expansion and soaring consciousness from humanity, an Above Top Secret purpose involving threats to people’s lives in case of breach of secrecy and so forth. These aims are being uncovered worldwide however, as more and more of the psychopathic conspiracy of transhumanism, robotization, hive-minding, swarm Intelligence and complete control of the human mind, subconscious and conscious, is emerging.

Please share this information to keep our collective consciousness as humanity expanding: each one of us needs to take the initiative in every sphere to stop this takeover from happening!

–Ramola D/Updated 1/17/2018


Blocking and Choking Off Nanobots: From Anna von Reitz

Harms and Healing– DMG: Dr. Judy Mikovits recommends DMG/Nutritional Frontiers Summit, August 8, 2022

Dr. Judy Mikovits explains the mechanism of poisoning post vaccine, and shares much information here, including advice on using DMG dimethyl glycine for detoxing:

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Mikovits discussed the vaccine and its harms as well as solutions for detox which include quercetin, berberine, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, interferon, ketone esters–see latter part of interview, here, transcript from Dr. Mercola–reported here earlier:


Dr. Carrie Madej reports this is her most downloaded article, it is filled with advice on removing metallic toxins and rebuilding health:

Dr. Madej also has a powerful post on general healing called Healing Modalities, a transcript from her talk on a panel recently, link posted below but please visit her blog for more–one of the basics she recommends carrying and using for many ills is baking soda or Alka Seltzer, as also does Dr. Robert Young; she also recommends castor oil, which was recommended by Dr. Edgar Cayce as the Palm of Christ for pretty much any kind of illness, especially skin-related:

Healing Modalities/Dr. Carrie Madej transcript/August 16, 2022

Dr. Madej’s regular healing and spiritual advice comes to us from her newsletters as well; her website is filled with information and special benefits for her own subscribers, please visit there for further health and healing advice.


The following detox advice and information for all vaccinated and unvaccinated to consider comes from Dr. Mihalcea’s Substack, link below. The metals she mentions (as being nano contaminants or inclusions found in the vaccines under microscopy and spectrocopy) comes from the list published by the German scientists who also examined the vaccine vials, their report re-posted here:

Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding | And with Truth, comes Hope

“These are exciting times. When we have the courage to question everything, that we think we know and have been told, we will find answers and solutions. We can detox people from metal nanostructures.

EDTA Chelation can take care of all of those listed metals, it also binds to Graphene. High dose Vitamin C infusions also work as a Chelator and have excellent electrical regenerating effects. If we understand that metal poisons interfere with electrical cellular processes, using high electron donors like ascorbic acid can regenerate and detoxify the problem.

Glutathione, NAC, DMG, Zeolite. Nutritional support to enhance immune function and reduce inflammation with Nitric Oxide supplements ( Neo 40 Professional in my testing is best), Vitamin D3 +K to reach a blood level greater than 75 and less than 100. Blood thinning supplements like Plasmanex, Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase. Reversal of immune system aging with low dose twice a week Ivermectin 0.2mg/kg and Hydroxychloroquine 200mg 3 times a week. Giving high level electrons bypassing mitochondrial dysfunction and increasing cellular oxygen delivery between 37-70% with Methylene Blue. Anti-inflammatory supplements like Thymoquinone (bioactive extract from Black Cumin Seed Oil), Curcumin, ECGC, Resveratrol, polyphenols, Skutellaria, Baicalein, redox molecules. When we lower inflammation we increase electricity. Peptides that help reverse the accelerated inflammatory aging cascade like GHK Copper and Epithalon.

Combine that with organic nutrition, juicing, turning your TV and Wifi off, loving your life, connecting spiritually to your divine essence, refusing to buy into life shortening fear and depression. Go out in nature, let the wind caress your hair, hug a tree that has lived for hundreds of years, listed to a brook in the forest, and the birds sing. Believe in life, not in death.

Nature provides so many possibilities of healing. We certainly need more research and more answers. But in the meantime, we can start healing the injured.

There is hope.”–Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

World Council for Health’s Spike Protein Detox Guide

Image: World Council for Health

Please click on the link above to visit their site and read the whole article. Some excerpts below:

Screenshot, World Council for Health Spike Protein Detox Guide

“Supporting people with Long Covid and post-vaccine illness is a new and emerging field of health research and practice. The following lists contain substances that may be useful. This list has been compiled by international doctors and holistic practitioners with diverse experiences in helping people recover from Covid-19 and post-injection illness. 

Luckily, there are a host of easily attainable, natural solutions to reduce your body’s spike protein load.

Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralize the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.

Spike Protein Inhibitors: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, ivermectin

Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, vitamin C

  • Ivermectin has been shown to bind to the spike protein, potentially rendering it ineffective in binding to the cell membrane.
  • Several plants found in nature, including pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John’s wort, and comfrey leaf, contain a substance called shikimic acid, which may help to neutralize the spike protein. Shikimic acid may help to reduce several possible damaging effects of the spike protein, and is believed to counteract blood clot formation
  • Regular oral doses of vitamin C are useful in neutralizing any toxin.
  • Pine needle tea has powerful antioxidant effects and contain high concentrations of vitamin C.
  • Nattokinase (see Table 1), an enzyme derived from the Japanese soybean dish ‘Natto’, is a natural substance whose properties may help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.”–Full article here:

David Avocado Wolfe’s Information on Detoxing out the Spike Proteins

Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol

This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol.

This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding:
• Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
• Vitamin D3*
• Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
• Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
• Iodine*
• PQQ*
• Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.

• Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)

• C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons.

• Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as “interstitial dialysis”. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal.*

•Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)
Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)

• Superherbs to help disable spike protein: 
Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate)
Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means “three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.
St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.

*Indicates products found in one place here:

Simone M. Matthews/Universal Life Tools Detox Advice

Harmonic Chai Tea – BioResonance with COVID Spike Proteins – Home Recipe

Dr. Ariyana Love | Pine Needle Tea as Possible Antidote for Spike Proteins

Ramola D: My Recommendations From Experience | Please research all herbal remedies further online, Choose what you are drawn to

I base these suggestions on my use of these herbal remedies for various purposes, for my daughter and myself –they come from Ayurveda, old European medicine, South American medicine, native American medicine. These suggestions are for detox and cleansing:

I would suggest Pau D’arco Tea or Taheebo tea, which is the bark of a South American tree used indigenously in removing all foreign objects, tumors, clots from the blood–essentially works as a cleanser and blood thinner, as do many other herbs. It also soothes inflammation and cleanses lungs, acts as an expectorant.

When seeking to heal an active problem–such as trying to get the mRNA lipid nano out or the spike proteins–3 cups of tea a day would be ideal; daily use to support could just be 1 cup.

Nettle tea also recommnended for this purpose (cleansing, thinning, removing clots)–nettle is also filled with vitamins and will support energy levels as it cleanses. Regular nettle tea will raise energy levels dramatically–please see my post here on this miracle plant: Writing News, Herbal Energy Tea for Writers, and Muriel Rukeyser.

Vitamin C — pure ascorbic acid -powder from Vitamin C–mega doses in range of 1000 to 3500mg (quarter to half tsp) dissolved fully in pure water will cleanse all veins, arteries of debris and support the digestive and immune systems.

Turmeric will cleanse parasites, fungi, clean the skin, clean veins–also take (1500 mg capsule) with plenty of water or make Golden Milk with almond milk/coconut milk, turmeric and a sweetener (honey is traditional but you can find a vegan alternative).

Neem Powder (in capsules) will do the same as turmeric–cleanse the skin, detoxify, and also help cleanse the liver and kidney.

Bitter gourd–as a daily cooked vegetable or in powder/capsule form, sold as Karela by Himalayan Herbs and other ayurvedic practitioners–also cleanses and detoxes organs.

Milk Thistle/silymarin in powder/capsule form cleanses and supports the liver.

Juniper berries (in a tea) will help cleanse the kidney.

Cilantro, parsley, mint will also help detox heavy metals out and support overall health. Can use in soups and salads for regular removal of nanometallics.

Five Seeds: Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Flax, Rye ground up and used 1 tsp at a time with water will cleanse the digestive system and support overall health. (A very gentle healing tea can be made from these as well; I used this when my daughter was four and suffering from persistent stomach aches and a possible parasitic infection, it healed her instantly in a couple days.)

Lots of pure distilled water with all above will help flush out toxins.

Food choices: Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially water-heavy such as squashes, canteloupe, and cucumber; moong dal and spinach; greens of every kind. All dals (lentils) and dried beans have a cleansing effect on the intestines and when made into soups with vegetables and spices and consumed regularly, will cleanse out long-impacted toxins in the intestines.

La Quinta Columna Scientists’ Information Regarding Glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine to Detox the Nano Graphene Oxide Found in the COVID Vaccines

These Spanish researchers have found high amounts of nano graphene (carbon nanotube lattices) in the Pfizer vaccine and say that it is the toxic graphene which is causing all the blood clotting and adverse effects, as well as giving people the reported symptoms of COVID — and that glutathione or N-acetylcysteine, precursor to glutathione, has been highly effective in treating people labeled as COVID patients (when what they may have been suffering from is just nano graphene poisoning).

Glutathione is found in many vegetables and fruit including asparagus, spinach, cantaloupe. N-acetylcysteine can be made in the body with healthy amounts of B vitamins and selenium. Please research herbal/vegetable sources for both. I will post further on this shortly.

Learn more about the nano graphene oxide discoveries here:

Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene Oxide–Also Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19

Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers

Clean Slate from Root Brand | Detox and cleanse from the Nano Graphene and Nano Metallic Particulates in the Vaccines and Aerosols (Chem Trails)

I have done a few shows examining the nature and effects of Clean Slate including interviewing the scientist who created it, Dr. Christina Rahm, and, with Dr. Marina Carew and Michelle Young, have helped to inform others on this healing product from Root Brand, which uses nano silica to cleanse nano metallics from veins and organs. I understand that scientific evidence has now been obtained proving that the nano graphene can indeed be detoxed out using Clean Slate.

You can try Clean Slate (and their other great products, a daily cleansing/support supplement named Zero In and Restore, a rejuvenation supplement) using the link below to find their web site and make orders. These products were introduced on my channel while I was exploring means to support the writing, journalism, and broadcast work I do at my channels and website to inform all freely–since I believe in the basic journalistic principle that lifesaving and educative information for all should be kept free, and have sought to continue in this mode of open-education for all (Currently you can support my work regularly at Patreon or Paypal (links on right-hand bar)): Try Clean Slate, Zero-In, and Restore, listen to and read about the info covered in our news shows here:

Report 231 | News Panel 16 | Feb 7, 2021: Rejuvenation and Detox: Restoring Health & Vitality with Dr. Marina Carew

News Panel 21: Detox from the mRNA & Nanotech in COVID Vaccines, Neural Dust & Nanometallic Particulates from Aerosols/Chem Trails, Cleanse Your Pineal Gland with Clean Slate & Natural Remedies/June 2, 2021



Dr. Robert Young’s Detox Advice and Protocols: Cleanse and Detox out the Nano Graphene, Protect yourself from EMF harm with COWS diet, the right pH, and Q-Link Sympathetic Resonance Technology

Dr. Young has done several shows at my channel on ways to heal, support your body, and detox out the nano graphene, I’ll post links to the detox shows soon, but you can also type “detox” in the Search bar on the right-hand side and find all articles. He has also written extensively at his website blog on detox and healing protocols, which is here: (I’ll post article links shortly.)


Dr. Chris Exley Says Silicon-Rich Mineral Water Will Detox Aluminium

Dr. Chris Exley’s Advice to Detox Aluminium in cases of Vaccine Injury and Improve Neurological Health is to take Silicon-Rich Mineral Water–See ShotTruth/Vaccine Detox

Mike Adams’ Natural News Says Orthosilicic Acid from Horsetail/Equisetum is a Bio-available Form of Silica which will Detox Aluminium

Epsom Salts Will Help Add Magnesium and Sulphur to Your Body to Help Detox Toxins

Fabulous article with lots of info on how to cleanse the entire body through many means, including Epsom Salts: 23 Ways To Painlessly Cleanse Your Entire Body/HumanNHealth

Amy Worthington/Centre for Research on Globalization–(from 2004) Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War

dc-chemtrailsRe-posted in full, with many thanks, from Global Research, Canada. This is an article dating back to June 2004, but I came across it today at, re-posted from Global Research, Canada, as I tried to research aerosol’d viruses and radiation, contracts for which I have seen online before, and think it’s such a comprehensive and detailed article, it’s well worth a read now in 2016, twelve years after the author wrote it. It’s really a tragic reminder of how far we have fallen as a country and as a global populace, that really everything she writes about here holds true today: the chemtrails haven’t stopped, and neither has anything else. How does one stop a runaway caravan of madmen? Perhaps we need to understand first exactly what they are doing. This article spells it out. Gratitude to Amy Worthington for this highly documented article. Notes (citations) included at end.


Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War

by Amy Worthington   June 1 2004

The URL of this article is:

North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

We continually witness bizarre meteorological occurrences as powerful electromagnetic devices manipulate both the jet stream and individual storm fronts to create artificial weather and climatic conditions. Black operations projects embedded within these aerosol missions are documented to sicken and disorient select populations with biological test agents and psychotronic mind/mood control technologies.

Part of what is happening in the atmosphere above us involves the Pentagon’s secret space weapons program, designed for strategic, operational and tactical levels of war. NASA missions will soon be transferred to Pentagon control.1 The Air Force Space Command declares that, in order to monitor and shape world events, it must fight intense, decisive wars with great precision from space.2 Air Force Secretary James G. Roche has stated: “Space capabilities are integrated with, and affect every link in the kill chain.”3

A glimpse into new death technologies under construction is in legislation introduced by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinch. His unsuccessful Space Preservation Act of 2001 was intended to ban space deployment of:4

* electronic, psychotronic and information weaponry* high altitude ultra low frequency weapons

* plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons

* laser weapons

* strategic, theater, tactical or extraterrestrial weapons

* chemical biological, environmental climate or tectonic weapons

* chemtrails (this item was stricken from a later version, suggesting duress)

In their quest to remain top dog in the kill chain, the purveyors of perpetual war have deliberately dimmed earth’s life-giving sunlight,5 and reduced atmospheric visibility with lung-clogging particulates and polymers.6 This ecological terrorism has severely compromised public health, according to thousands of testimonials. Years of mass appeals to legislators, media and military officials for information, and for cessation of catastrophic atmospheric degradation, have fallen on deaf bureaucratic ears. Public awareness of what befalls us remains as murky as our skies because those “in the know” are muzzled by national secrecy laws and Americans have no authority to challenge matters of national security. Left to gather clues, we know this much so far:

1. At least part of the aerosol project has been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf,7 probably due to its multi-faceted operations, which include: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry and detection testing.2. Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geo-engineered our planetary atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects.8 The air we breathe is laden with asbestos-sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminum, and reportedly, radioactive thorium.9 These materials act as electrolytes to enhance conductivity of military radar and radio waves.10 Poisonous on par with arsenic and a proven suppressant of the human immune system,11 atmospheric barium weakens human muscles, including those of the heart.12 Inhaled aluminum goes directly to the brain and medical specialists confirm that it causes oxidative stress within brain tissue, leading to formation of Alzheimer’s like neurofibrillary tangles.13 Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers.14

3. Only a small percentage of the military’s atmospheric modification projects are visibly obvious. What we can’t see is equally dangerous. The ionosphere, the earth and its inhabitants are continually bombarded with high frequency microwaves used to manipulate the charged atmosphere for weather modification, information gathering and for tectonic (earthquake-producing) weaponry.15 Independent chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom confirms that we are also continuously subjected to extremely low electromagnetic frequencies (ELF) pulsing at 4 hertz multiples, frequencies known to profoundly affect human biological and mental functioning.16

4. There is a well-documented biological component to continuously ongoing atmospheric studies in which nations and regions are furtively inoculated via specially designed delivery systems with combinations of viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, desiccated blood cells and exotic biological markers so that testmasters can assess human, animal and plant response.17

5. The multi-organizational megalith perpetrating these bio-chem projects against humanity includes the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and its research arm DARPA, plus the Department of Energy (DOE) with its huge network of national labs and universities. Private defense contractors and pharmaceutical companies are heavily involved.18 Cooperating governments of other nations and probably some United Nations agencies are complicit, since the aerosol projects are global in scope.

Gross chemical and electromagnetic pollution is only part of the horrific realities we endure. The sociopaths who brazenly pervert skies, climate and weather for power and profit are the same madmen who have waged four limited nuclear wars since 1991. Radioactive weaponry, declared both illegal and immoral by the entire civilized world, has been used by the Pentagon in Desert Storm, the Balkans campaign and the on-going occupation-wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Few Americans understand the extent of carnage inflicted in their name across the planet.

By scientific definition, the missiles, tank penetrators and bunker busting bombs unleashed against Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. and British forces in the so-called war on terror are nuclear weapons.19 Refuse from radioactive weaponry does not disperse, but remains in the atmosphere organotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic to all living flesh for 4.5 billion years.

Inhabitants of the Pentagon’s two newly “liberated” nations are now slowly dying of radiation and heavy metal poisoning. Victims of U.S. weaponry used in Afghanistan have a concentration of non-depleted uranium isotopes in their bodies never before seen in civilian populations.20 Tons of depleted and non-depleted uranium contaminating their land, air, food and water guarantee their painful demise. Using data from the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), nuclear scientist Leuren Moret calculates that the estimated 2,500+ tons of depleted uranium used against Iraq in 1991 and 2003 is sufficient to cause 25 million new cancers.21 Is it a coincidence that the population of Iraq, according to the CIA, is 25 million?

The quarter million U.S. and British fighting forces who have helped the Pentagon deliver this holocaust also face inevitable radiological death by slow burn. Rotated into atomic war zones since 2001, coalition troops have inhaled and ingested millions of tiny invisible ceramic uranium particles which emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation as they embed in lungs, kidneys, blood, lymph and bone.22 Radiation exposure to a single internalized U-238 (uranium) alpha particle is 50 times the allowable whole body dose for one year under international standards.23 As U-238 decays into daughter isotopes, it becomes ever more radioactive, causing cell and organ destruction to escalate over time.24 Uranium contamination leads to incapacitating, multi-organ system disorders identical to illnesses suffered by thousands of Gulf War I vets. Bodily fluids poisoned with uranium isotopes sicken spouses and visit upon offspring a genetic Armageddon.25

Who knows what a disabled and prematurely dying military population will mean to future stability and safety of USA? Yet Senator Chuck Hagel (R- Neb.) now demands that America provide more fodder for its atomic battlefields by reinstating the military draft so that “all of our citizens…bear some responsibility and pay some price” in order to “understand the intensity of the challenges we face.”26

Despite disingenuous denials that biological harm will result from atomic warfare,27 the Pentagon knows full well the gruesome realities of uranium weaponry by virtue of its own voluminous studies spanning 60 years. Pentagon documents confirm that America’s war establishment knowingly exposes its own troops to dangerous levels of radiation.28 The resulting illness of those now returning from the war zones is already making headlines.29

Because our military-industrial overlords brazenly poison the very grunts who make their war games possible, we must logically conclude there is virtually nothing they would not secretly and sadistically do to the rest of us. Military officials lie as perniciously about chemtrail operations30 as they do about effects of DU weaponry. If people were to consider the published science regarding chemtrails and DU, they would understand that we are all in mortal jeopardy.

Both the Pentagon’s aerosol operations and its limited nuclear wars are deeply interconnected. We can trace the beginnings of Operation Cloverleaf right to the Strangelove brain of Dr. Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb and proponent of nuking inhabited coast lines to rearrange them for economic projects.31 Before he died in 2003, Teller was director emeritus of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where plans for nuclear, biological and directed energy weapons are crafted. In 1997, Teller publicly outlined his proposal to use aircraft to scatter in the stratosphere millions of tons of electrically-conductive metallic materials, ostensibly to reduce global warming.32

Shortly after Teller’s presentation, the public began seeing frenetic chemtrailing. In 2000, CBS News admitted that scientists were “looking at drastic solutions for global warming, including manipulating the atmosphere on a massive scale.” CBS confirmed that the plan to load the air with tiny particles would “deflect enough sunlight to trigger global cooling.”33

Teller estimated that commercial aircraft could be used to spew these particles at a cost of 33 cents a pound.34 This gives credence to a report by an airline manager, forced by a compulsory non-disclosure agreement to remain anonymous, that commercial aircraft have been co-opted to assist the military in consummating Project Cloverleaf.35 A 1991 Hughes aircraft patent confirms that sunscreen particulate materials can be run through jet engines.36 A science textbook now used in some public schools discusses the sunscreen project by showing a large orange-red jet with the caption, “Jet engines running on richer fuel would add particles to the atmosphere to create a sunscreen.” The logo on the plane says “Particle Air.”37 The implications of this crucial information should not be understated. A program to make America’s millions of annual jet flights a source of specially designed particulate pollution is serious business.

Cloverleaf particles and polymers saturating the air we breathe are smaller than 10 microns (PM 10) and are invisible to the human eye. By comparison, a human hair is 60 to 100 microns in thickness. Scientists and the EPA report that because PM10 and sub-micron pollution particles bypass lung filters and enter the blood stream, they cause radical changes in the endocrine and nervous systems. 38 They can trigger high blood pressure and cause heart attack within two hours of inhalation.39 They cause the blood to become sticky, making it tougher for the heart to pump and increasing the risk of blood clots and vessel damage.40 Now researchers in Taiwan document “a significant increase” in the number of stroke victims when PM10 pollutant levels rise.41 The American Lung Association confirms that we are breathing more toxic air than ever.42 No wonder nationwide asthma rates have been soaring in recent years.43

Tiny synthetic filaments called polymers are part of the brew. In 1990, a NATO report detailed how high-flying aircraft can modify the atmosphere by spraying polymers to absorb electromagnetic radiation.44 U.S. patent number 6315213 describes how cross-linked aqueous polymers dispersed into a storm diminish rain.45

Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.”46 He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores, which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.47 Allergies anyone?

We can safely bet that into our particle-enriched air, experimenters are also dumping nanoparticles, developed for a variety of military and industrial uses. These engineered carbon molecules, as small as one-thousandth the diameter of human hair, display bizarre chemical properties and are known to trigger organ damage.48 A recent study at Southern Methodist University found that fish exposed to one type of nanoparticle suffered severe brain damage after only 48 hours.49

The military’s aerosol operations have been climate altering to the extreme. Air traffic is a huge source of greenhouse pollution. Increasing that traffic exponentially in order to scatter tons of heat-trapping metallic particulates and heat-liberating barium salts have undoubtedly led to accelerated global warming. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, have reached a record high this year.50 As carbon dioxide levels rise, oxygen levels decrease.

In 1996, Scientists for Global Responsibility compiled a report contending that dangerous geoengineering, as proposed by Teller and the Global Change Research Coordination Office, would be absolutely ineffective in mitigating global warming. The report noted that climate engineering research is funded by industry with a vested interest in continued high consumption of fossil fuels.51 The hair-brained scheme of particle engineering was contrived to ensure that industry polluters will never be forced to decrease their greenhouse gas emissions. But because warming and pollution trends have worsened drastically since the aerosol projects began, we must suspect that the warming mitigation program is a hoax and that chemtrailing is really intended, among other things, to create a series of “hobgoblins.”

The establishment’s modus operandi for maintaining a fierce and lucrative hold upon the collective American mind has been defined precisely by satirist H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) who wrote: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and thus clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

In The Report from Iron Mountain published in 1967, just as the Pentagon’s lucrative Vietnam War was being revved into high gear, establishment braintrusters confirmed that perpetual war is absolutely vital for controlling and manipulating the masses. The document even suggested a number of options for creating fictitious enemies, noting that perpetual war induces populations to give blind allegiance to political authority.52

Since the 1930s, when the Eastern Establishment, including the Bush family, used its New York banks and oil companies to secretly fund Hitler’s German Nazi party,53 our controllers have employed FEAR, the concept of ENEMY and WAR to keep us in bondage. Chemtrailing is a manifestation of the Fourth Reich, an era of corporate fascism ushered in by a powerful military juggernaut, which manufactures enemies and unleashes fake terror attacks to scare us into voiceless submission.

Both Saddam Hussein and the al Queda networks have long been nourished with U.S. government and corporate funding and groomed by U.S. military and corporate advisors to play useful roles as “enemies.”54  Former German Technology Minister Andreas von Bulow recently confirmed on U.S. radio that hijacked planes were able to fly around the eastern U.S. on 9/11 unimpeded by military interdiction because those attacks were part of a carefully-orchestrated “covert operation” designed to coerce America into perpetual conflict with the Muslim world.55

Now, a “secret” Pentagon report has been conveniently leaked to the media. It contends that abrupt climate change is the most fearful hobgoblin yet.56 Authored by change agents with ties to the CIA and the Royal Dutch/Shell Group, the report contends that abrupt climate change will lead to a global catastrophe of monumental proportions, including nuclear war and natural disasters, as whole nations disappear beneath the encroaching sea and survivors fight for dwindling food, water and energy supplies.

Yet the Pentagon has been involved for decades in the drastic manipulation of weather, climate and atmospheric conditions. The U.S. used a chemical agent dubbed Olive Oil during Operation Popeye to induce heavy rains in Vietnam 40 years ago.57 The Air Force document titled “Weather As a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” lists its weaponized agenda for creating abrupt climate change including: Storm creation and modification, fog and cloud creation, precipitation enhancement, precipitation denial, drought inducement and artificial creation of “space weather.” This document also states that the military’s radical weather modification agenda will “become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications.”58

Weather weapons are now routinely used in war zones. A citizen reporting from Serbia noted that during NATO operations in the Balkans, black clouds suddenly materialized out of blue skies, hailstones were the size of eggs, and surreal thunder and lightening terrified the people. He reported that scientists found that the electromagnetic field over Serbia had been punctured, causing rain systems to circumvent the region.59 In addition to manufactured drought, scientists also predict that Serbia will suffer 10,000 cancer deaths from DU weaponry used there.60

According to University of Ottawa Professor Michael Chossudovsky, the military’s High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), operating in Alaska as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative, is a powerful tool for weather and climate modification.61 Operated jointly by the U.S. Navy and Air Force, HAARP antennas bombard and heat the ionosphere, causing electromagnetic frequencies to bounce back to earth, penetrating everything living and dead.62

HAARP transmissions make holes in the ozone,63 creating yet another hobgoblin. HAARP inventor Bernard Eastlund described in his original patent how antenna energy can interact with plumes of atmospheric particles, used as a lens or focusing device, to modify weather.64 HAARP is capable of triggering floods, droughts and hurricanes, much to the chagrin of both the European Parliament and the Russian Duma.65

HAARP also generates sweeping pulses through the ULF/ELF range.66 In 2000, independent researchers monitored HAARP transmissions of 14 hertz. They found that when these signals were broadcast at high output levels, wind speeds topped 70 miles per hour. They watched as these same transmissions dispersed a huge weather front approaching the west coast from California to British Columbia. Although precipitation had been originally forecast, the front was seen shredding apart on satellite photos and rain did not materialize.67 The hobgoblin drought can be an enriching and empowering tool for certain corporate and governing entities.

HAARP is not only capable of destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems anywhere on the planet, but its effects can target select regions to affect human physical, mental and emotional responses during non-lethal warfare projects.68 HAARP frequencies beamed at specific targets can generate catastrophic earthquakes,69 exactly like the quake last December which killed thousands of people in Iran, a nemesis nation according to the Bush administration.

The Pentagon’s warning about climate catastrophe is surely nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to prepare the masses for the bizarre atmospheric upheavals we can expect as the military continues to brutalize our planet and near space with its grotesque toys. And we ain’t seen nothing yet. Dr. Eastlund and his ilk have developed plans for solar power satellites designed to modify the weather with electromagnetic beam output that dwarfs the present HAARP system.70 As abrupt climate change is increasingly orchestrated, we will surely need additional fascist agencies, an ever-growing military budget and more poison-particle projects that just happen to ensure population reduction as a side benefit.

Despite visual evidence that every aspect of our physical environment is being manipulated and damaged for war games, some Americans cannot accept that dangerous covert operations are being conducted by a government they still believe to be a virtuous defender of freedom. Their stumbling block is a numbing belief that their own officials would never perpetrate dangerous experimentation on humanity since “they have families too.” History and the release of declassified government documents disprove such naiveté.

Although “they” had families too, the U.S. government and its defense contractors exposed citizens of the northwest U.S. to huge and deliberate releases of radioactive iodine 131 from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation where plutonium was produced for nuclear bombs.71 Those Cold War releases unleashed radiation illnesses upon thousands of downwinders, some of whom received up to 350 rads of radiation when a maximum safety dose is set at .025 rads annually.72 Between 1949 and 1952, radioactive pellets, dust and particles were tested on the hapless citizens of Utah and New Mexico.73

By 1963, 1,200 nuclear weapons tests conducted at the Nevada test site had exposed every person in the U.S. to deadly radioactive fallout, causing millions of fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and birth defects.74 The U.S. government also conducted over 4,000 radiation experiments on individual human test subjects without their informed consent.75 The delayed effects of decades of radiation exposure from weapons testing are today demonstrated by a U.S. population plagued with epidemic cancer and heart disease, neurological disorders, low fertility, chronic fatigue, obesity (thyroid involvement), immune system dysfunction and learning disabilities. Approximately half of all pregnancies in the U.S. result in prenatal or postnatal death or an otherwise less than healthy baby.76 As military tankers spew white chemical plumes across America at a cost of $3,448 per hour per tanker,77 we are reminded of Dr. Leonard Cole’s 1994 testimony before a Senate Committee regarding 45 years of open air testing during which military aircraft sprayed American cities with bacteria, fungus and carcinogenic chemicals.78 Between 1962-1973, the U.S. Navy conducted hundreds of bio-chem tests known as Operation SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense). SHAD projects like Autumn Gold and Copper Head exposed 10,000 navy personnel to aircraft spray laden with biological and chemical warfare agents, including sarin nerve gas.79 The cocktails used in those genocidal “tests” are now linked to cancer, heart and lung problems suffered by surviving guinea pigs.

We are told that defense officials perpetrated these atrocities so that scientists could learn about how to “protect” Americans from attack. So why, in the late 80s, would our “protectors” fall all over themselves to supply Saddam Hussein’s war machine with 90 shipments of chemical and biological weaponry, including sarin, anthrax, botulism, brucella and West Nile Virus?80

It will likely be years before Americans are told what is being tested upon them during our present chemtrail/space wars era. The Hanford downwinders did not learn until 1986 what had been unleashed upon them some 30 years earlier; SHAD victims filed suit in 2003 to learn the extent to which they were intentionally exposed to dangerous substances in the 60s.

To understand how our nation has arrived at this doomsday corruption, we must recall that immediately after WWII ended, the U.S. government initiated Operation Paperclip through which a large number of German Nazi scientists were imported to the United States. Once issued new identities, these death industry pros were employed in U.S. military laboratories to develop a dazzling array of secret weaponry projects.81 With congressional funding, the crowning achievement of this nexus was the creation of ghastly new bioweapons, including the AIDS virus82 and an incapacitating chronic fatigue agent engineered from mycoplasma and brucella.83

The military is empowered to continue lethal experimentation by devious wording of Section 1520a Chapter 32 of U.S. Code Title 50. The law states that the Secretary of Defense may NOT conduct any chemical or biological test or experiment on civilian populations, unless such tests are for medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial purposes or for research in general or for protection against weapons or for law enforcement purposes, including riot control. So DOD may not use us for guinea pigs, unless it is for any “good” reason under the sun! The law states that human subjects must give informed consent. But a nasty loophole in Section 1515 of Chapter 32 allows informed consent to be suspended by executive order during a period of national emergency, a situation under which this nation perpetually labors by deliberate hobgoblin design.

Few American test rats realize that the Pentagon’s boys in Congress have now:

* appropriated millions of dollars for the manufacture and testing of new “mini nukes” and bunker buster bombs.84* authorized the DOE to resume nuclear testing in Nevada.85

* exempted DOD and DOE from landmark environmental laws in the development of these new weapons.86

America’s 70,000 nuclear weapons manufactured since 1945 are not sufficient! As DOE gears up to develop and test fourth-generation nukes, numerous reports continue to surface about the agency’s sordid corruption and mismanagement. DOE’s habitual cover-up of site contamination and its devious efforts to downplay serious illnesses suffered by many of its nuclear workers are among recent scandals.87

When new “low yield” nuclear weapons (defined as being smaller than 5 kilotons) are tested in Nevada, downwinders might like to know that a mini .5 kiloton nuclear warhead would have to burrow 150 feet to eliminate atmospheric fallout. No weapon yet developed can penetrate more than 40 feet into the earth. A tested nuclear warhead that burrows to only 40 feet will throw a million cubic feet of radioactive debris into the atmosphere.88

The Pentagon’s new nuke era is in the capable hands of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who has so ably presided over the pre-emptive nuclear incineration of Middle Eastern Muslims. Rumsfeld has never adequately explained why his Department was unable to defend the Pentagon building despite a full hour’s notice that hijacked planes were in the air. Should Rumsfeld be replaced due to the Pentagon’s Iraqi torture scandal, we are assured that his Bush-appointed successor will share his have-nuke-will-travel ideology.

Working closely with Rumsfeld is a coven of pro-nukers, including his advisor Keith Payne, a vocal advocate of pre-emptive nuclear war. Payne has written that an “intelligent” nuclear offensive launched by the U.S. would result in only 20 million U.S. casualties, “a level compatible with national survival and recovery.”89

Now that we have tied together the historical and political realities for which we mindlessly wave our flags, we still hope that sufficient numbers of American lab rats will miraculously awaken from their collective stupor and take stock of our appalling situation. After all, rodents have a notoriously short life span and are always killed when no longer useful to those conducting research. The irony of this horror story is that we rats are being plundered to finance our own demise. Our national debt of 7.2 trillion grows by $1.8 billion a day.90 The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 trillion of its shadowy transactions.91 The radioactive operations in Iraq are costing $3.7 billion a month, those in Afghanistan $900 million a month.92 No one knows how many $billions are being flushed into Operation Cloverleaf and other hobgoblin projects. The U.S. spends $11,000 per second on weapons, according to calculations of celebrated author William Thomas.93

So, while we await the great awakening, have a wonderful, barium-dried summer under a synthetic tarpaulin of aluminum-white, particle-laden, electrically-charged aviation scum that passes for sky. Endure well your respiratory and ocular difficulties while staring at huge oily sun rings and smeary sundogs, the patent signature of chemical assault. Don’t forget to salute and click your heels when you see tanker formations patriotically saturating the atmosphere with such a dense, micro-particulate brew that they cast black shadows alongside or ahead of themselves.

As you witness the noxious drama in the skies, remember, it’s all just part of the “kill chain.”


1. “USAF Plans to Utterly Dominate, Rule Space,” Joel Bleifuss, editor of In These, 9-14-03.

2. Almanac 2000, Journal of the Air Force Association, May 2000, Vol. 83.

3. Roche’s “kill chain” statement was made during his October 2002 speech at the Conference on the Law and Policy Relating to National Security Activities in Outer Space.

4. “Pentagon Preps for War in Space,”Noah Shachtman, , 2-20-04.

5. “The Theft of Sunlight,” Clifford Carnicom, 10-25-03: “…Measurements show a rapid reduction in the transmission of sunlight from a value of 97% on a ‘clear day’ to the lower level of approximately 80% during the early stages of heavy aerosol operations….The absorption and displacement of this solar energy into environmental, military, biological and electromagnetic operations represents a theft of the natural and divine rights of the inhabitants of this planet.” .

6. “Visibility Standards Changed,” Clifford Carnicom, 3-30-01: “It will be noted that in October of 1997, a change in the reporting system of visibility data was reduced from a former maximum of 40 miles to a limit of 10 miles. It is a reasonable question to ask as to why that change was made, and whether or not it was made in anticipation of…large scale aircraft aerosol operations over large scale geographic regions.” .

7. “A Meeting,” Clifford Carnicom, 7-26-03. See .

8. “Atmospheric Conductivity,” Clifford Carnicom, 7-09-01, .

9. For facts on barium toxicity, see Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, September 1995. For references on barium related to chemtrails, see for the following articles: “Barium Tests are Positive,” Clifford Carnicom, 5-10-04; “Sub-micron Particulates Isolated,” Carnicom, 4-26-04; “Barium Affirmed by Spectroscopy,” Clifford Carnicom, 11-1-2000; “Electrolysis and Barium,” Carnicom, 5-27-02; “Rainwater Metals,” Carnicom, 7-30-01; “Barium Identification Further Confirmed,” Carnicom, 11-28-00.

10. “The Plasma Frequency: Radar Applications,” Clifford Carnicom, 11-05-01; See .

11. “Functional heterogeneity in the process of T lymphocyte activation; barium blocks several modes of T-cell activation, but spares a functionally unique subset of PHA-activable T cells,” Clinical Experimental Immunology, Pecanha and Dos Reis, May 1989.

12. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Safety Data Sheet.

13. Aluminum Toxicity, Barbara Barnett, MD, 11-26-02. See .

14. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, July 1999; For information on thorium in chemtrails: “The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth,” Dr. Mike Castle, 3-27-04, .

15. Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, 1995; “HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?” Begich and Manning, Nexus Magazine, January 1996.

16. “Elf Radiation is Confirmed,” Clifford Carnicom, 11-17-02; “Elf Disruption & Countermeasures,” Clifford Carnicom 11-27-02; “A Proposal of Cascading Resonance,” Clifford Carnicom, 4-21-03. See for these and numerous other frequency studies; also “Electromagnetic Waves Linked to Children’s Brain Tumor,” Kyodo News Service, 6-8-03.

17. Death In the Air, Global Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001; “Military Conducting Biological Warfare in Washington,” 12-12-97,; Probing the Chemtrails Conundrum, William Thomas, Essence Publications, 2000, .

18. For a comprehensive list of those involved in Operation Cloverleaf and associated projects, see: “Chemtrails–Top Intel, Military, and Defense Contractors Watching,”, 1-12-00. Among agencies most interested in opposition to chemtrail projects is the United States Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute associated with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. See: “The Monitors of JGI,” Clifford Carnicom, March 17, 2003, 19. The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War– A paper presented at the World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference at the University of Hamburg, October 16-19, 2003, Dr. Leuren Moret. Dr. Moret is a former staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Her work is highly documented with scientific papers.

20. Uranium Medical Research Centre, “Afghan Field Trip #2 Report,” November 2002; ; also “Astoundingly High Afghan Uranium Levels Spark Alert,” Alex Kirby, BBC News Online, 5-23-03.

21. Moret, op. cit.

22. “Medical Effects of Internal Contamination with Uranium,” Dr. Asaf Durakovich, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington D.C. March 1999. Volume 40, No. 1

23. Moret, op. cit.

24. “Contamination of Persian Gulf War Veterans and Others By Depleted Uranium,” Leonard A. Dietz, 2-21-99.

25. Durakovich, op cit; Dietz, op. cit. Moret, op. cit.

26. “Republican Senator: Bring Back the Draft,” World Net Daily, 4-20-04.

27. “Pentagon’s Uranium Denial,” New York Daily News, 4-27-04; “Pentagon: Uranium Didn’t harm N.Y. Unit,” Associated Press, 5-3-04. “Pentagon-Depleted Uranium No Health Risk,” Dr. Doug Rokke; 3-15-03. Dr. Rokke was an U.S. Army DU expert (1991-1995) and he confirms that the Pentagon is lying about DU risks.

28. Documents in which the hazards of uranium and depleted uranium exposure are discussed include: U.S. Army Training Manual STP-21-1-SMCT: Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks; “Health Effects of Depleted Uranium,” David E. McClain, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) Bethesda, Maryland; Marine Corp Memo Concerning DU (unclassified) 9-8-90; US Army Training Video, U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project video: Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness, 1995; “Army Not Adequately Prepared to Deal With Depleted Uranium Contamination,” General Accounting Office, January 1993; Office of the Secretary of Defense, Memorandum from Bernard Rostker to chiefs of all military branches re: Depleted Uranium Ammunition Training, 9-09-97.

29. “Soldiers Believe Depleted Uranium Cause of Illnesses,” Associate Press, 4-9-04; “Poisoned?” Juan Gonzalez, New York Daily News, 4-4-04. Other stories in this series are: “Inside Camp of Troubles” and “Army to Test N.Y. Guard Unit.”

30. “Air Force Increases Rank of Lie,” letter by Walter M. Washabaugh, Colonel, USAF, denying the existence of chemtrails, received by e-mail on May 22, 2001 and posted at by Clifford E Carnicom, May 22 2001.

31. Begich and Manning, op. cit. p. 51.

32. Global Warming and Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change, Edward Teller and Lowell Wood, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, prepared for invited presentation at the International Seminar On Planetary Emergencies, Erice, Italy, August 20-23, 1997; also “The Planet Needs a Sunscreen,” Wall Street Journal, 10-17-97.

33. CBS News Eye on America Report : Cooling the Planet in two parts: 1-15-01 and 1-16-01.

34. Teller and Wood, op. cit.

35. “An Airline Manager’s Statement,” Posted by C.E. Carnicom on behalf of the author, 5-22-00. Quote: “The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned….They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft….When we asked them why didn’t they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren’t enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done….Then someone asked why all the secrecy. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop.”

36. US patent 5003186; Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming, Hughes Aircraft Company, issued March 26, 1991.

37. Secondary school text book: Science I Essential Interactions, published by Centre Point Learning, Inc. of Fairfield, Ohio. See “Chemtrail Sunscreen Taught in Schools,” William Thomas, .

38. “Dirty Air and High Blood Pressure Linked,” Reuters Health, 3-31-01; “Bad Air Worsens Heart Trouble: Study Blames Particulates for Many Sudden Deaths,” Marla Cone, Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2000.

39. “Tiny Air Pollutants In the Air May Trigger Heart Attacks,” John McKenzie, ABC News 6-21-01, u .

40. “Air Pollution ‘Increases Stroke Risk,'” BBC News, 10-10-2003.

41. Ibid.

42. “Americans Breathing More Polluted, Toxic Air Than Ever,” Natalie Pawelski, CNN Environmental Unit, .

43. Asthma Statistics,; “Asthma Deadly Serious,” Spokesman Review, 7-6-97; .

44. NATO paper: “Modification of Tropospheric Propagation Conditions,” May, 1990.

45. US patent 6,315,213 (Cordani) issued November 13, 2001.

46. “Chemtrails, Bio-Active Crystalline Cationic Polymers,” Dr. Mike Castle, 7-14-03 See u .

47. Ibid.

48. “Nanoparticles Toxic in Aquatic Habitat, Study Finds,” Rick Weiss, Washington Post, 3-29-04.

49. Ibid.

50. “Greenhouse Gas Level Hits Record High,” 3-22-04, .

51. Climate Engineering: A Critical Review of Proposals, Scientists for Global Responsibility, School of Environmental Sciences, UEA, Norwich NR47TJ, November 1996.

52. Lewin L. C et al. Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, New York: The Dial Press, 1967.

53. Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham, Delacorte Press, 1983; Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Antony Sutton, 1976; “IBM Sued by Holocaust Lawyers –100 other US Firms Targeted for Nazi Links,” Paterson and Wastel, The Telegraph, UK, 2-18-0l; “Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration,” Michael Dobbs, Washington Post, 11-30-98; “How the Bush Family Made Its Fortune From the Nazis,” John Loftus, 7-2-02, . (John Loftus was a U.S. Department of Justice Nazi War Crimes prosecutor.)

54. This is a “Google project” that can fill volumes. Go to Google and type “CIA and al Queda,” then “CIA and Saddam.” Do the same with “Carlyle Group” for information on the Bush family’s shady dealings with the “enemy.”

55. Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas von Bulow, 2-17-21,

56. “Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Destroy Us,” Mark Townsend and Paul Harris, The Observer, UK 2-24-04; “Climate Collapse, The Pentagon’s Weather Nightmare Could change Radically and Fast,” David Stipp, Fortune Magazine, 2-9-04.

57. The Dead Farmer’s Almanac, Who Really Controls the Weather? Jim Larranaga, Priority Publications, 2001.

58. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather In 2025, June 17, 1996. This report was produced by directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force.

59. “Very Weird Weather in Serbia, What’s Happening?” Goran Pavlovic, 10-30-03,

60. “The Secret Nuclear War,” Eduardo Goncalves, The Ecologist, 3-22-01.

61. “Washington’s New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change,” Center for Research on Globalization, Professor Michael Chossudovsky, University of Ottawa, January 2001.

62. “HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?” Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Nexus Magazine, December 1995.

63. Ibid.; also Castle, op. cit. Dr. Castle presents information on how HAARP punches massive holes in the open-air column ozone and how the Air Force then uses toxic chemicals to “patch” the holes it has created: Dr. Castle says: “Welsbach seeding and ozone hole remediation sciences utilize chemistries that are toxic to humans and the environment.”

64. “HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?” Begich and Manning; Researcher David Yarrow is quoted as saying that Earth’s axial spin means that HAARP bursts are like a microwave knife producing a “long tear–an incision” in the multi-layer membrane of ionospheres that shield the Earth’s surface from intense solar radiation.

65. U.S. HAARP Weapon Development Concerns Russian Duma, Interfax News Agency, 8-10-02.

66. HAARP Update, Elfrad Group,    6-27-00.

67. “14 Hertz Signal Suppresses Rainfall, Induces Violent Winds,” 10-25-00, Newshawk Inc.; “When the Army Owns the Weather–Chemtrails and HAARP,” Bob Fitrakis, 2-13-02: In this article HAARP inventor Bernard Eastlund is quoted on how HAARP can affect the weather: “Significant experiments could be performed. The HAARP antenna as it is now configured modulates the auroral electrojet to induce ELF waves and thus could have an effect on the zonal winds.” Find this article with search engine at .

68. Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Begich and Manning, op. cit.

69. Ibid.

70. “Space Based Weather Control: The ‘Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite,’ ” Michael Theroux. See .

71. “After 12-year Wait for Trial, Downwinders Losing Hope,” Spokesman Review, 5-18-03; also “Hanford Plaintiffs Seek Details,” Spokesman Review, 4-2-04.

72. “Hanford Put Area At Risk: Spokane, North Idaho Were Exposed to Significant Radiation,” Spokesman Review,” April 22, 1994.

73. “Sick Century,” Eduardo Goncalves, The Ecologist, 11-22-01.

74. Moret, op. cit. “The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War” contains excellent statistics on the U.S. health ramifications of Cold War nuclear weapons testing and includes references to numerous scientific papers which document this tremendous damage to the national health.

75. Undue Risk, Secret State Experiments on Humans, Jonathan D. Moreno, Freeman & Co. 1999: Moreno was a senior staff member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments which completed in 1995 its studies of horrific U.S. government radiation experiments conducted since World War II.

76. Information reported by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science Institute of Medicine in a 2000 study titled: Scientific Frontiers in Developmental Toxicology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology.

77. “Trouble With Tankers,” William Thomas, .

78. Testimony by Dr. Leonard A. Cole before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, May 6, 1994; also Clouds of Secrecy, The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas, Leonard A. Cole, Rowman & Littlefield, 1988.

79. “Secret Germ Warfare Experiments?” CBS News, 5-15-2000; “Pentagon to Reveal Biowarfare Tests,” CBS News, 9-20-2000; “US Navy Sprayed BioWarfare Chemtrails on Its Own Ships and Men,”, 7-8-00; “Sailors: ‘We Were Used,’ ” Florida Today, 1-31-03.

80. Senate Banking Committee Report 103-900 (Riegle Report) issued May 25, 1994. This 551-page document contains a comprehensive list of biological and chemical warfare agents shipped to Saddam by U.S. companies under purview of the U.S. Commerce Department for use against Iran during the Iran-Iraq war in the late 80s during the regime of George Bush Sr.

81. Moreno, op.cit. “To this day few Americans know about the special top-secret program that brought German scientists to the United States after World War II, and fewer still know that their number included medical scientists. Code-named Operation Paper Clip…hundreds of ‘specialists’ …entered the United States under Joint Chiefs’ protection, avoiding regular immigration procedures and requirements…It is hard to escape the conclusion that many of the German recruits were for decades important consultants on a myriad of military-medical projects.”

82. Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola, Dr. Len Horowitz, Tetrahedron Inc., 1996.

83. The Brucellosis Triangle, Donald W. Scott, Chelmstreet Publishers, 1998.

84. “Bush Signs Bill for New Generation Nuclear Weapons,”, 12-2-03. The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 2004 allocates millions for new nuclear weapons and bolsters readiness for new weapons testing at the Nevada nuclear test site.

85. Ibid.

86. “House Approves Pentagon Wish List–Bill Includes Military Exemptions From Environmental Laws,” Nick Anderson, Los Angeles Times, 11-8-03.

87. “DOE Count of Worker Injuries Inaccurate,” Spokesman Review, 3-28-04; also “Book Alleges Cover-up at Nuclear Site,” Spokesman Review 3-28-04; also DOE Has Record of Broken Promises, editorial, 4-11-04.

88. “Kennedy Warns on Nuclear Tests,” Julian Borger in Washington, The Guardian , 4-30-03.

89. “Rumsfeld’s Dr. Strangelove,” Fred Kaplan,, 5-12-03.

90. “Bush Drives the Nation Towards Bankruptcy,” Peter Eavis, The American Conservative, 2-15-04.

91. The War on Waste, 1-29-02,

92. “Money for Iraq Fight Running Out,” The Australian 2-12-04 These figures are from U.S Army Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker.

93. “Fight of the Century,” William Thomas, .

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Catherine Austin Fitts/Dark Journalist: COINTELPRO 2.0 Media Fairy Tales and False Memes

Fascinating conversation between Catherine Austin Fitts and Dark Journalist on the subject of Disinfo memes showing up in the blogosphere/alt. media/sometimes even corporate media world that take attention away from pressing issues. Memes such as the Flat Earth theory and imminent Cabal arrest, for instance, while devastating news such as the spate of holistic doctor deaths (covered here, post initial coverage from HealthNutNews in numerous posts) this summer falls by the wayside. The overall effect being distraction and restraint from action–too many are lulled into believing Someone Out There is taking care of the incredible mess we are in (and go back to the Box) while they could be taking active steps themselves to speak out or make change happen in their communities.

I especially appreciated Catherine Austin Fitts speaking out absolutely candidly about the horrors of chem trails, which, as she notes, are raining poisons down on all of us. (Something a lot of people, still craving “News” from the New York Times and the Washington Post, which continue to maintain a Controlled-Media silence on this as on other issues, still can’t take in.)

It’s going to take All of us–and each of us can contribute our own particular skill, but we need to wake up first. Totalitarianism is sweeping through our streets today–but we are not automatons, we can reject false flags, withdraw our consent, register our dissent, find our spine and speak out.

Dark Journalist, whose journalism comes across as probing, clear-sighted, truth-focused, respectful, covers a range of issues being currently folded under the rug of Mass Deception, well worth watching on a regular basis:

From Dark Journalist:

“The Catherine Austin Fitts Interview You Must See!
Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back popular guest Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts for her seventh visit to the show.

Together they delve deeply into a stunning analysis of Mainstream Media Manipulation of Financial, Geopolitical and Social Engineering along with the Centralization policy of Common Core.

They also closely examine False Memes that have been filtering into the Alternative Media, and explode programmed myths such as “Cabal Arrests” and “Flat Earth” as a distraction from real issues like the recent spate of Holistic MD deaths and the real danger of False Flag Incidents designed to implement Repressive Policies, Tighter Control of Free Speech, Entrainment Mind Control and Total Orwellian Surveillance.

From the rise of shadowy mercenary groups around the globe to the full scale implementation of Corporate Private Armies, Fitts sees America at a pivotal point of accepting Totalitarian policies or rediscovering it’s soul and purpose. What will America look like in 2020? She examines why we require not just financial solutions, but full transparency on everything from GMOs, Chemtrail Spraying, Black Budget Finance, Political Blackmail of Control Files, The Secret Space Program and more!  “


It’s Official: Covert Global Depopulation is Long-Standing United Nations Agenda, Not Conspiracy Theory

Used to be “depopulation agendas” were considered morbid whispers and spread of Conspiracy Theory. No More. Take a listen to this interview (first video linked below) with Kevin Galalae, who exposes the actual, planned Global Depopulation set up by the United Nations of the world via planned, intentioned, and acted-on mass sterility and morbidity being induced by all sorts of means, including biological, chemtrailschemical, psychosocial–translating to flouride in water, mercury and other things in vaccines, endocrine disruptors in food and water, additives and preservatives in food, GMOs, metals, toxins, and bioweapons in chem trails–none of these apparently is a creation of the deranged, delusional fear of “conspiracy theorists” as corporate mainstream media (by the varying ruses of its silence, disdain, and scorn) would have you believe. None of it is exaggerated concern. None of it is imagined.

“Interference” in fertility and conception for all women of child-bearing age, worldwide, and increased morbidity and early death for the baby-boomers and their parents–it’s all been planned, and it’s playing out now as planned.

UNThere has apparently been an actual Global Depopulation agenda in place for Decades, ever since the UN was created, and the “Globalists” imposed their fear- and doom-ridden view of a catastrophic future for Planet Earth on all the nations of the world claiming membership in the UN by forcing participation in a worldwide plan for mass culling in slow-motion, over decades, through a variety of means.

What we are seeing played out in our skies now–the endless chem trails, in our flouridated and BPA’d water, in our GMO food systems, and in the rampant increase in infertility in developed and developing countries, as well as the high rates of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, and a score of other diseases, is the deadly but aimed-for consequence of deliberate policies, strategies, and actions of genocidal intent practiced by the UN. Policies it has striven to keep secret with carefully constructed and euphemistic language such as “demographic transition” and “sustainable development,” and holding all country-participants to silence, secrecy, and mass deception via non-disclosure agreements. (No wonder there is a complete lack of intelligent awareness about any of this in the pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post.)

The UN, the Vatican, the Military: According to Kevin Galalae as expressed in this conversation, the UN is the brain, the Vatican the “secular authority” permitting these “crimes of necessity,” and the military-industrial complex the strong-arm or muscle providing the physical means of delivery. There is no shadow global government, he says, although he recognizes the presence of the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, it’s our own governments, all around the world, who are genociding us.

I have to say I felt physically ill listening to some of this podcasted/video’dinformation, and then exploring it later in print. Clearly I’m coming to it a bit late for Kevin Galalae and his extraordinary activism have been around for a while, as this journal-article at Sleuth Journal covering a long hunger strike he held at the Vatican last year attests. I am still exploring this subject but thought I would post some video and article links here for others to explore. Kevin Galalae is a committed activist who spells out that people all over the world need to wake up and understand what is going on, speak out vociferously against it, and hold the perpetrators accountable–or just give up and let them continue to engage in mass genocide while poisoning the Earth’s waters, soil, air, and food for our children, which surely is not an option for anyone with an interest in the future of humanity–or the present, for that matter.

Excerpt from News Voice article, April 2015, “Is the World Depopulation Agenda a Fact? – Yes, says Historian Kevin Galalae”:

NewsVoice asked the Canadian historian and political activist, Kevin Galalae if there is a global depopulation policy. Yes, he says and Galalae claims he can provide conclusive and incontrovertible evidence in his newest book, “Peace Without Poison”, that the international system post-World War II is based on genocide and that the vast majority of the world’s governments has cooperated with the UN to subvert their people’s fertility and, most recently, longevity in order to control population growth.

This global program of social engineering, now in its seventh decade, is the world’s best kept secret and the axis around which the international community has revolved since 1945, says  Galalae. This program seeks to artificially balance births and deaths in every country on earth and in this fashion stabilize the global population to ensure that all nations live within their means rather than outgrow their resources and cause wars of aggression.

Galalae states with certainty that the number of births is limited by interfering with the human reproductive system through endocrine disruptors deliberately inserted in food, water and beverages across the world at an incalculable price to human health.

The damage done to the genetic and intellectual endowment of humanity is cumulative and more devastating from generation to generation and is the underlying cause for the so-called illnesses of affluence – heart problems, cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, developmental and neurological disorders – all of which have become endemic and together affect six out of ten people in the developed world and an increasingly high proportion of people in the developing world, where the program of covert depopulation began later, Kevin Galalae continues when describing a grim layout plan for human population control.”

Please read the whole article at NewsVoice. (This article was being blocked by my browser when I first tried to access it, I had to add in a security exception–but there’s nothing wrong with the site; I suspect, given the subject, that there are the usual network censors trying to keep this article from being read.)

Also see this radio conversation with Vinny Eastwood of American Freedom Radio, where Kevin Galalae reveals “I was Offered Millions to Stop Exposing Population Control!”

Another article covering Kevin Galalae’s activism can be found here at Activist Post. 

Shorter video, covering the phases of depopulation:

Now Kevin Galalae has distinct views about alternatives to this covert depopulation agenda, and what he suggests is that everyone wake up to the recognition that we on Planet Earth today in 2015 do actually have to worry about resource limitations and population growth, moving instead to an “overt” approach where people voluntarily practice contraception and voluntarily limit population growth. He also sounds off on the need for people to acquire a global consciousness, and move into a non-consumerist mode of limiting consumption and a “Naturacratic” mode of global governance where we put Nature at the center. (His thoughts are especially shared in the Call to Action Radio Network talk, the first video above.)

I’m all for nurturing and venerating Nature, but I’m a little worried by talk of Nature-worship which seems to posit Nature as a most fractious and demanding deity, and essentially a top-down commander, much in the style of current top-down controllers. This characterizing, is, for instance, expressed in the Nature infomercial voiced by Julia Roberts (part of the Hollywood mind-control video linked in this post).

There are, obviously other views about population growth currently, and one of them critiques the Western panic-mode approach and idealogy about population control (even if it’s not the genocidal method detailed above), such as expressed in this essay by Haneul N’aavi posted on An Open and Honest Letter to Kevin Galalae, which calls into question the Anglo-American and Malthusian notions of resource scarcity and social Darwinism.

A recent October 13, 2015 Facebook post by Kevin Galalae offers some hope: The depopulationists are retreating with respect to chemical methods of sterilization and morbidity but are replacing them with biological toxins delivered through forced immunizations and an increased regime of vaccinations. I am preparing a letter that will single out the members of the board of the GAVI alliance, which is the new organizational structure behind which the eugenicists have regrouped and through which they intend to continue to commit genocide.”

Please follow Kevin Galalae on Facebook, read his books, explore this subject further online, consider what form your own activism can take.