Tag Archives: sterility

Mass Sterilization (and Deaths) of Children and Youth with Toxin-Laden COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines is Underway; Doctors Plead for a Halt: Pregnant Women and Children Must NOT Get the Vaccine

Report | Ramola D | August 24, 2021

Numerous doctors have recently cautioned the public on two counts related to the sterilizing of humanity, a concept difficult to grasp for those who have not yet looked into the stark fact–not “conspiracy-theory”–of depopulation-agenda aka Population Control history, littered in a number of documents, agreements, and strategies published by the United Nations, WHO, Club of Rome and related entities, and embodied over the past 7 decades and currently in the play-out of global vaccine operations and plans, “Pandemic Preparedness Platforms,” and international health agreements.

These are: Pregnant women and women of child-bearing age who want to have a baby must NOT take the experimental vaccine, and two, children and youth (who are not in any risk category for any Covid Flu) must NOT get vaccinated, the experimental “vaccine” holds no benefit–and children, young people, and teenagers are dying from the prematurely-authorized toxin-laden vaccines now.


Reportage on Spontaneous Abortions, Stillborns, Miscarriages at CDC VAERS and Social Media Online at The Covid Blog/Search on Stillborn




We are Destroying the Lives of our Young with Experimental COVID Injections | Health Impact News, August 14, 2021

Pastiche of images of teenagers and youth reported dead post-COVID-vaccine | Visit Health Impact News for the article: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/we-are-destroying-the-lives-of-our-young-with-experimental-covid-injections/


“The existing experimental COVID-19 shots have been linked to deaths among young people, and some parents have now gone public to warn others in India, stating that they did not get the full information they needed to make a decision to allow their children to get one of these shots.”


Parents in India Mourn the Death of Their Children After COVID-19 Vaccines

Young students, professionals, parents with young children dead after COVID vaccines: Comply with COVID-19 “Vaccination” Demands and You Could End up DEAD Like These People/Health Impact News

Sir John Bell, Needing Vaccines to “Completely Sterilize a Population” Reveals There IS a Covert Sterilization Agenda

One of the most pressing disclosures of a Covert Sterilization Agenda behind the COVID-19 Vaccines comes from this snippet of a Nov 30, 2020 video interview below, of Professor Sir John Bell by former Channel 4 host Jon Snow, where Sir Bell lets slip, inadvertently or deliberately, that the COVID vaccines–then in development-were not known yet to be fully effective in achieving the results needed for 100% sterility and needed to be further tested until they were.

Professor Sir John Bell, very much a part of the Fraudulent Pandemic Creation for Decades Agenda

Sir John Bell is a Professor of Medicine at Oxford, on the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, member of the UK Government’s Pandemic Preparedness Partnership, an immunologist and microbiologist, developer of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, founder of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, on the Board of Genomics England, a “non-executive” director at Roche, and a vocal proponent of the Coronavirus Fraud and Variants Narrative still sweeping the airwaves.

Here is the disclosing statement made by Sir Bell, possibly a very loud alarm bell being rung by him for all to hear:

Sir John Bell: “These vaccines are very unlikely to completely sterilize a population. They are quite likely to have an effect on a percentage, say 60 or 70%–We’ll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it’s done what we need it to do before it gets approved — so there will be a delay between the outcome of the trial and the decision whether it can be approved as a vaccine. And of course, anything that happens–“

Here Jon Snow interrupts him, and–not appearing to respond spontaneously–issues a Masonic hand-signal for “stop the disclosure” by covering his mouth and directing a meaning glance at his interviewee, then resuming the conversation as if nothing momentous had occurred.

(Yes, sadly, Freemasonic networks, grown men locked in secret-society pacts like schoolchildren, engaging in Kabbalist capers in coffins under the light of the moon–concealing the darkest of crimes against humanity–are still running the world.)

A Freemasonic Moment: Jon Snow and the overly-titled Professor Sir John Bell

Clearly, these two were sharing a moment of mutually understood significance.

“Sorry,” says Jon Snow thereafter, without batting an eyelid, “I didn’t mean to cut you off like that.”

“I was just going to say,” says Sir Bell in dulcet wise, also proceeding as if nothing momentous had just been let slip, “Can I just say that anything that happens to undermine the legitimacy of regulators to make independent decisions is in my view profoundly unhealthy.”

In other words, regulators needed to be supported in their drive to ensure the vaccines “do what we require them to do” — sterilize the population, at least 60-70% of them, before they are fully approved as vaccines (whose known agenda at this point–certainly to these two–is depopulation?)

Excerpt, “These vaccines are unlikely to “completely sterilize” a population. Professor Sir John Bell, SAGE!/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMAkFKprzRQ

Looking at Sir Bell’s background with Bill Gates and the WHO, and Mr. Snow’s as well in ITN and Channel 4, a premier UK television news channel, it appears both these personages could very well be part of that occultist, elitist, anti-human substructure which is working so hard currently to phase out humanity, phase in transhumans, and neurodegrade all survivors of the ongoing COVID-vaccine holocaust. While playing the deceitful game of being noble and reasonable government personages, simply fixated on that absurd chimera taking center-stage now in all their machinations, “Public Health,” which has become a calling-card currently worldwide for “Random Government Tyranny.”

Dr. Simone Gold Advises All Pregnant Women to Avoid the Experimental Vaccine | Loss of Pregnancy with Inflammation of Placenta | Placental Failure and “Permanent COVID Mimicking” of Vaccine Likely to Cause Lifelong Infertility

Investigative reporter Michelle Malkin’s interview with Dr. Simone Gold yields vitally important information for all pregnant women, young women of childbearing age, and mothers of young girls to hear. Michelle Malkin relays that women who are pregnant are being advised and in fact being guilted into taking the Covid vaccine on grounds of “protecting the unborn child” a very sorry situation indeed, Dr. Gold responds, when this is an experimental vaccine and no pregnant woman should be taking it.

Image: Screenshot from Interview/ Michelle Malkin Interviews Dr. Simone Gold, Stop Medical Discrimination/Youtube

“It is lunacy for pregnant women to take the vaccine, ” Dr. Gold asserts. “In fact I would flat out forbid it for anyone pregnant and any young woman of childbearing age. I think it’s extremely unethical for any physician to offer this vaccine to any young female.”

Getting pregnant is such an intricate complex choreography between the health of the eggs, ovaries, uterus, hormones, etc, that “I feel we are not giving this area the respect it deserves.”

Michelle Malkin points out that the pharma industry has been indoctrinating everyone with the mantra “safe and effective” when the trials have not been completed and when it should be more widely publicized that this is an experimental vaccine.

You can never coerce, press or force anyone under duress to take an experimental agent, that’s in the statutes, we’ve known this since the Nazi era,” says Dr. Simone Gold, “I truly can’t believe we are having a conversation about mandates for anything experimental–it’s clearly against the law, it’s against humanity, and it’s well-established around the world for decades!

Excerpt, Michelle Malkin Interviews Dr. Simone Gold, Full interview here: Stop Medical Discrimination/Youtube

Dr. Gold narrates the story of a young female physician active on Twitter who lost her baby directly after taking the COVID vaccine–she was in the second trimester of pregnancy. To this woman she wrote on Twitter that a certain portion of the placenta called “synciciotrophoblast” is known to get inflamed causing pregnancy risk via placental failure, based on previous data of placental failure found after autopsy of a miscarriage by a COVID patient, and that the mRNA experimental vaccines were not cleared of infertility risk either–explaining that the vaccine, by essentially creating “permanent COVID status” inside the body could quite possibly cause lifelong infertility as well as immediate pregnancy loss. (Please watch the whole interview at Michelle Malkin’s Youtube channel for this discussion.)

It is significant to note that the young woman on Twitter pushing the experimental vaccine, despite being a physician herself with, one might think, superior research skills, had bought the mainstream false-narrative from media and Pharma of “safe and effective” and taken the vaccine while pregnant, tragically losing the unborn child a few days later.

Tweet from Dr. Simone Gold on subject of Placental Failure, Pregnancy Loss, and Lifelong Infertility post COVID Vaccine

This is an important heads-up to all pregnant women to listen to the cautionary advice from such honest and passionately concerned physicians as Dr. Simone Gold rather than the misleading cheerleading from Pharma-bought Media and refrain from taking this dangerous and experimental vaccine if they wish to keep their babies.

Professor Dolores Cahill Discusses the Sterilization Agenda for Children and Young Girls, Boys, Women, Men: “An entire generation is in danger of being sterilized”

Sober wake-up call from Professor Dolores Cahill, informing us of her work (in speaking, writing letters, writing notices of harm and liability to governments) now invoking fraudulent warrants for her arrest, clearly to shut her voice and information down, this discussion (video excerpt below) by her recently in Copenhagen points to the real horror of what is transpiring right now, as children are being used in clinical trials, and force-vaccination of children is occurring in Australia: Vaccinated or not, this younger generation is in great danger of being fully sterilized (because of shedding), she tells us.

Dr. Dolores Cahill, in Copenhagen: What can we do to help children?

For those who are unclear that children are being targeted for sterility by this dangerous and experimental vaccine which applied for an EUA last year as a IND–Investigational New Drug–Dr. Cahill’s words in this video excerpt (below) offer an unsettling wake-up call.

The picture she paints is absolutely terrifying. By means of this vaccine–which turns the child’s body into a pathogenic spike-protein creator, and deposits Lipid nanoparticles infused with Graphene Oxide in the tender developing organs of the child, particularly, as Dr. Robert Young delineated recently in Report 255, in the reproductive organs, the heart, and the brain, that child’s fertility and ability to procreate in adulthood is then compromised, while as Dr. Young notes, these LNP have the capacity to cause myocarditis and pericarditis, neuro inflammation and brain damage, as well as death, all outcomes which are indeed currently being reported in teenagers and children worldwide.

Professor Cahill also draws attention to the fact that the phenomenon of viral shedding causes the spike protein artificially induced by the mRNA injections to be transmitted passively in excretions–as described from 2015 FDA documents on gene-therapy mRNA drug delivery by Pfizer whistleblower Karen Kingston in her recent Info Wars interview with Dr. Andy Kaufman, reported substantively here–which means that an entire generation of young children and teenagers is in danger of being lost here, in terms of procreation: by way of being with each other, sharing bodily fluids, breathing each other’s breath, even the unvaccinated will suffer the same effects of sterility:

Excerpt, Dr. Dolores Cahill, What can we do to help children?

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP of Immunology, States Unequivocally “Pregnant women should not get the vaccine!”

In the brief clip below, Dr. Yeadon, immunologist and biologist, former VP of Immunology at Pfizer, describes the dangers of trusting an experimental vaccine and urges pregnant women not to take the vaccine.

“As a biologist I am absolutely horrified. They have no idea where it’s going to go. …They haven’t done any of the studies to prove it’s safe…No-one knows what this vaccine is going to do to the developing embryo. You don’t know. You reckless idiots–all you physicians who have been giving this to pregnant women, you are absolute reckless idiots–you need to be strung up by your thumbs and struck off.

And any female who is thinking of having this vaccine–you might be thinking of getting pregnant at the same time or be already pregnant, please don’t take it.”

For a longer presentation by Dr. Yeadon at the Lifesite News Stop the Shot conference and transcript of his talk, please see: https://www.expandingawarenessrelations.com/dr-michael-yeadon-former-pfizer-chief-scientist-warns-pregnant-women-of-the-dangers-of-taking-the-experimental-covid-vaccine/.

That very critical video talk, especially for pregnant women, is here:

Here in fact he spells out that the Japanese Pfizer biodistribution studies have found a high concentration of the Lipid Nanoparticles in the ovaries--a known result to Pfizer and the FDA prior to EUA approval therefore, indicative of the recklessness with which these non-vaccines have been approved by the top-level executives at Pfizer and the FDA, despite clear evidence of their danger to pregnant women, or young girls/womens’ ovaries.


“The first only came to light because of a Freedom of Information request made by somebody to the Japanese medicines regulator. So the Japanese medicines regulator had required Pfizer to do a study where they looked at how the vaccine distributed around the body, in this case of a rat, over time. It’s a distribution pharmacokinetic study. And they were not required in America or Europe, because that’s not what you do with vaccines. Another – for another day. But the Japanese regulators required it.

Now I’ve seen a copy of that report, and I’m entirely able to read and interpret it. And to my horror, what we find is the vaccine doesn’t just distribute around the body and then wash out again. Which is what you hope. It concentrates in ovaries of rats. And it concentrates, at least, twenty-fold over the concentration in other background tissues like muscles.

Um, what’s it doing there? Well I don’t know. You don’t want this product in your ovaries. It’s simply not necessary to induce immunity to have a vaccine in your ovaries. And, as it’s concentrating in the ovaries, getting higher concentrations over time, they have not even defined what the maximum levels are or when that occurs.

So, so now we’ve got a second problem; that the vaccine, at least in rats, distributes in the ovaries. And I’ll tell you, a general rule of thumb in toxicology, is if you don’t have any data to counter contradict what you’ve learned, that’s the assumption you make for humans. So my assumption at the moment, is that’s what’s happening to every female who’s been given these vaccines. These vaccines are concentrating in her ovaries.” — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Stop the Shot/Lifesitenews Conference

There is a very significant connection here to what Professor Sir John Bell stated in November 2020 on that Jon Snow interview. ” We’ll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it’s done what we need it to do before it gets approved.” So the question is: was this coagulation of the mRNA/lipid nanoparticles with their load of Graphene Oxide–now found to exist in these vaccines–intended to concentrate in the ovaries and destroy fertility for life? The evidence is piling up here that this indeed may have been intended.

Please also see Dr. Byram Bridle’s whistleblowing and analysis of these biodistribution studies from Pfizer for the Japanese regulators. (Some links in In a Sea of Lies: mRNA Vaccine Truth, COVID Truth–Resources to Inform Yourself.)

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has also stated No Child Should be Vaccinated with the Potentially Lethal COVID Shot

Clot Formation Post Pfizer/Moderna/All Gene-Based Vaccines Potentially Lethal, Children Must Not Get the Shot: Urgent Appeal from Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Retired Chair of Medical Microbiology, University of Mainz, Germany

Dr. Bhakdi says clot formation is likely in everyone’s blood after being vaccinated, as per German researchers’ findings. “When you take this jab, you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

Please note this is only a tiny video snippet of Dr. Bhakdi’s warnings, he has spoken extensively in several interviews on the dangers of these experimental mRNA vaccines, explaining how the spike proteins work, and cautions everyone against getting them, please find his videos at Bitchute, Rumble, Brand New Tube and other platforms.

In direct address to parents, Dr. Bhakdi says, unequivocally: ” Do not give the shot to children! They do not have any possibility of defending themselves.

If you give that jab to your child, you are committing a crime.”

Vaccines Have Been Used in Covert Sterilization and Population Control Agenda in Africa and India to Sterilize Young Women and Girls

And to close, it is important to remember that UN and WHO vaccines, Gates-funded, Gates-administered, have been used to sterilize young women and girls all over Africa and India, done covertly not overtly. Tetanus and HPV vaccines have been used as vehicles to sterilize women.

Population control and family planning has been openly addressed as a “Public Health” necessity in the post-colonial, Western-exploited world which many wrongfully call the “Third World”– with local governments senselessly acquiescing to foreign population-control programs run on their shores while clearly what was occurring was a racist hate-crime of massive proportions: eugenicist, exterminative, tragically treating all babies and the unborn of brown and black skincolor as pests to be exterminated before birth or during gestation.

Now this program of ruthless reduction of human life has come also to the European West and Australia, a “democide” which rushes to crush humanity as it seeks to pivot toward an inhuman cyborgized, AI and transgenic future–a move all humans with soul might want to stop.

Is The WHO Using Vaccines To Secretly Sterilize Women In Africa/African Globe, Nov 16, 2014

Mass Sterilization: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-Fertility Agent In UN Tetanus Vaccine/African Globe, April 15, 2015

#ArrestBillGates: Here’s why Indians are enraged at Gates Foundation/Free Press Journal, May 30, 2021

Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries/Vaccine Weekly, May 29-June 5, 1995/Pub Med

HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World/Open Access Library Journal, Vol.4 No.10, 2017

DTP Vaccine From Bill Gates Killed 10x More African Girls than Disease Itself/January 11, 2021, Natural News

The Dark History of Vaccines/Medium, Joakim Bang Larsen, May 30, 2019

Mainstream Media, the CDC, the FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, All Vaccine Makers Are Clearly Therefore Lying About the Safety of these COVID Vaccines for Girls, Boys, Young Women, Young Men, and Pregnant Women

The landscape of deceit is vast when the profits linked to unsafe products are high. Enough information exists online at this point to prove to us the vast behemoth of corporate media is propped up by the same Pharma billionaires making money off the masses with an unsafe, ineffective and in fact deadly and dangerous experimental drug treatment which is now causing such a high number of deaths and disabilities across the world.

Media is therefore engaging in Pharma Sales and Marketing Propaganda, not journalism — and as Dr. Cahill says in her new talk at Copenhagen (linked above), it is time to also hold these lying journalists accountable: they need to be sent Notices of Liability to hold them personally accountable for lies by omission and commission they commit every day in print and on television, suggesting these vaccines are wonderfully safe and greatly effective when they are anything but–they are recklessly misleading millions.

Articles such as this published at Web MD Why COVID Vaccines are Falsely Linked to Infertility/Jan 12, 2021 which fail to report the actual reported cases of miscarriage and pregnancy loss post-vaccine while extending the pandemic-fraud, a “casedemic” based on false-positives from a fraudulent PCR-test detecting a not-proved-to-exist virus also add to reader misleading. It should be noted also that that article was published before the Pfizer biodistribution studies were publicly released by Dr. Bridle, revealing the concentration of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles (now also found to encase Graphene Oxide) in the reproductive organs.

Please share this article widely with anyone you know who is pregnant, seeking to have a baby, or is a parent of young children–the message is clear from all these doctors (and many others, to be highlighted shortly in a sequel article): no child, no young girl, no young boy, and no young woman or man of childbearing age should get this dangerous “vaccine.”

It’s Official: Covert Global Depopulation is Long-Standing United Nations Agenda, Not Conspiracy Theory

Used to be “depopulation agendas” were considered morbid whispers and spread of Conspiracy Theory. No More. Take a listen to this interview (first video linked below) with Kevin Galalae, who exposes the actual, planned Global Depopulation set up by the United Nations of the world via planned, intentioned, and acted-on mass sterility and morbidity being induced by all sorts of means, including biological, chemtrailschemical, psychosocial–translating to flouride in water, mercury and other things in vaccines, endocrine disruptors in food and water, additives and preservatives in food, GMOs, metals, toxins, and bioweapons in chem trails–none of these apparently is a creation of the deranged, delusional fear of “conspiracy theorists” as corporate mainstream media (by the varying ruses of its silence, disdain, and scorn) would have you believe. None of it is exaggerated concern. None of it is imagined.

“Interference” in fertility and conception for all women of child-bearing age, worldwide, and increased morbidity and early death for the baby-boomers and their parents–it’s all been planned, and it’s playing out now as planned.

UNThere has apparently been an actual Global Depopulation agenda in place for Decades, ever since the UN was created, and the “Globalists” imposed their fear- and doom-ridden view of a catastrophic future for Planet Earth on all the nations of the world claiming membership in the UN by forcing participation in a worldwide plan for mass culling in slow-motion, over decades, through a variety of means.

What we are seeing played out in our skies now–the endless chem trails, in our flouridated and BPA’d water, in our GMO food systems, and in the rampant increase in infertility in developed and developing countries, as well as the high rates of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, and a score of other diseases, is the deadly but aimed-for consequence of deliberate policies, strategies, and actions of genocidal intent practiced by the UN. Policies it has striven to keep secret with carefully constructed and euphemistic language such as “demographic transition” and “sustainable development,” and holding all country-participants to silence, secrecy, and mass deception via non-disclosure agreements. (No wonder there is a complete lack of intelligent awareness about any of this in the pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post.)

The UN, the Vatican, the Military: According to Kevin Galalae as expressed in this conversation, the UN is the brain, the Vatican the “secular authority” permitting these “crimes of necessity,” and the military-industrial complex the strong-arm or muscle providing the physical means of delivery. There is no shadow global government, he says, although he recognizes the presence of the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, it’s our own governments, all around the world, who are genociding us.

I have to say I felt physically ill listening to some of this podcasted/video’dinformation, and then exploring it later in print. Clearly I’m coming to it a bit late for Kevin Galalae and his extraordinary activism have been around for a while, as this journal-article at Sleuth Journal covering a long hunger strike he held at the Vatican last year attests. I am still exploring this subject but thought I would post some video and article links here for others to explore. Kevin Galalae is a committed activist who spells out that people all over the world need to wake up and understand what is going on, speak out vociferously against it, and hold the perpetrators accountable–or just give up and let them continue to engage in mass genocide while poisoning the Earth’s waters, soil, air, and food for our children, which surely is not an option for anyone with an interest in the future of humanity–or the present, for that matter.

Excerpt from News Voice article, April 2015, “Is the World Depopulation Agenda a Fact? – Yes, says Historian Kevin Galalae”:

NewsVoice asked the Canadian historian and political activist, Kevin Galalae if there is a global depopulation policy. Yes, he says and Galalae claims he can provide conclusive and incontrovertible evidence in his newest book, “Peace Without Poison”, that the international system post-World War II is based on genocide and that the vast majority of the world’s governments has cooperated with the UN to subvert their people’s fertility and, most recently, longevity in order to control population growth.

This global program of social engineering, now in its seventh decade, is the world’s best kept secret and the axis around which the international community has revolved since 1945, says  Galalae. This program seeks to artificially balance births and deaths in every country on earth and in this fashion stabilize the global population to ensure that all nations live within their means rather than outgrow their resources and cause wars of aggression.

Galalae states with certainty that the number of births is limited by interfering with the human reproductive system through endocrine disruptors deliberately inserted in food, water and beverages across the world at an incalculable price to human health.

The damage done to the genetic and intellectual endowment of humanity is cumulative and more devastating from generation to generation and is the underlying cause for the so-called illnesses of affluence – heart problems, cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, developmental and neurological disorders – all of which have become endemic and together affect six out of ten people in the developed world and an increasingly high proportion of people in the developing world, where the program of covert depopulation began later, Kevin Galalae continues when describing a grim layout plan for human population control.”

Please read the whole article at NewsVoice. (This article was being blocked by my browser when I first tried to access it, I had to add in a security exception–but there’s nothing wrong with the site; I suspect, given the subject, that there are the usual network censors trying to keep this article from being read.)

Also see this radio conversation with Vinny Eastwood of American Freedom Radio, where Kevin Galalae reveals “I was Offered Millions to Stop Exposing Population Control!”

Another article covering Kevin Galalae’s activism can be found here at Activist Post. 

Shorter video, covering the phases of depopulation:

Now Kevin Galalae has distinct views about alternatives to this covert depopulation agenda, and what he suggests is that everyone wake up to the recognition that we on Planet Earth today in 2015 do actually have to worry about resource limitations and population growth, moving instead to an “overt” approach where people voluntarily practice contraception and voluntarily limit population growth. He also sounds off on the need for people to acquire a global consciousness, and move into a non-consumerist mode of limiting consumption and a “Naturacratic” mode of global governance where we put Nature at the center. (His thoughts are especially shared in the Call to Action Radio Network talk, the first video above.)

I’m all for nurturing and venerating Nature, but I’m a little worried by talk of Nature-worship which seems to posit Nature as a most fractious and demanding deity, and essentially a top-down commander, much in the style of current top-down controllers. This characterizing, is, for instance, expressed in the Nature infomercial voiced by Julia Roberts (part of the Hollywood mind-control video linked in this post).

There are, obviously other views about population growth currently, and one of them critiques the Western panic-mode approach and idealogy about population control (even if it’s not the genocidal method detailed above), such as expressed in this essay by Haneul N’aavi posted on Criticl.me: An Open and Honest Letter to Kevin Galalae, which calls into question the Anglo-American and Malthusian notions of resource scarcity and social Darwinism.

A recent October 13, 2015 Facebook post by Kevin Galalae offers some hope: The depopulationists are retreating with respect to chemical methods of sterilization and morbidity but are replacing them with biological toxins delivered through forced immunizations and an increased regime of vaccinations. I am preparing a letter that will single out the members of the board of the GAVI alliance, which is the new organizational structure behind which the eugenicists have regrouped and through which they intend to continue to commit genocide.”

Please follow Kevin Galalae on Facebook, read his books, explore this subject further online, consider what form your own activism can take.