Tag Archives: Sandy

News Panel 21: Detox from the mRNA & Nanotech in COVID Vaccines, Neural Dust & Nanometallic Particulates from Aerosols/Chem Trails, Cleanse Your Pineal Gland with Clean Slate & Natural Remedies

Video link & Note | Ramola D | June 2, 2021

If you are one among the many thousands of people who have unfortunately taken the “jab” and done your research only afterwards, only to find the mRNA vaccines are experimental, unapproved, causing thousands of deaths and disabilities, causing paralysis and strokes, and likely to cause auto-immune overdrive through ADE or antibody-dependent enhancement, as Professor Dolores Cahill and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and other concerned doctors are currently informing us–and indeed have been informing us for many months now, perhaps you wish to look into how to detox from this substance in your veins–as it seems many visitors to this website are researching.

Or perhaps you are waking up to the fact that the weird blowing dust and fibres in your backyard from the wide-spreading white or gray aerosols anyone can see trailing behind military planes or commercial planes do not have your best interests at heart; perhaps you have encountered the work of Elana Freeland or Clifford Carnicom or Rosalind Petersen or Dane Wigington or Kevin Galalae and watched some of the many whistleblowers online revealing that a mess of hazardous chemicals, synthetically-biological material, viruses, fungi, nanoparticulates of heavy metals are being cached in containers on Air Force bases or loaded onto specially fitted planes, are being chemically formulated with intentions of human control–across a span from chemical brain control to immune system assault to neurological burden to brain takeover, have secret depopulation intentions (policies enshrined in United Nations agreements), and are being sprayed and blowing down on the humans below with distinct intent to harm: part of the transhumanist, synthetic-biology bioengineering project of military/intelligence/globalist factions pursuing megalomanic control of humanity and Earth.

Perhaps you or your families are just suffering from increased skin diseases, depression, dementia, neurological disorders, respiratory issues and are seeking to detox and cleanse from the myriad of environmental pollutants you may not know everything about as yet.

Worldwide Reveal of New, Destructive SynBio”Cross-Domain Bacteria” Linked to Chem Trails, Morgellons, Now in Everyone’s Bodies “Transforming the Human Species”: The Carnicom Institute Disclosure Project Overview

How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland

News Panel 21, co-hosted with Michelle Young, released a few weeks ago, offers an educative conversation with Clayton Thomas, founder and architect of Root Brand, Dr. Marina Carew, and Sandy G, UK ambassadors for Clean Slate and other Root Brand products on the importance of detoxing heavy metals and nanotechnology out of the body, cleansing the pineal gland and awakening the body and brain past all attempts to suppress the human spirit with modern toxins and pollutants and restore your self to vibrance, positivity and high energy.

News Panel 21 cover image

Notably, as Clayton describes, these supplements also offer a balancing out of psychological and mental health, and enhance creativity and focus, as Michelle and Sandy also share on the panel, so they may be a great solution for anyone struggling with depression, motivation, PTSD, or just plain despair looking at the news today; we all need to be at our best during these times, physically and psychologically, to deal with the news, to find our inner power, to take positive action to bring about positive change–it’s going to take everyone, really, waking up to our true inner power to bring powerful positive change to the world.

Clean Slate, a detox remedy using a form of zeolite, was also covered earlier in News Panel 16 with Dr. Marina Carew and can be obtained through Dr. Marina’s discount code. News panels on Saturdays co-hosted with Michelle Young hope to promote Clean Slate detoxing going forward since it offers such a positive solution for humanity in these besieged times; using Dr. Marina’s code will help support these panels and the print journalism at this website as also the vital work of interviews, info-talks and newswatch panels at Ramola D Reports, so we do recommend using Dr. Marina’s referral code to order your Root Brand supplements so you can help support our work while you support your own health, psychological well being, and immunity. Thank you for trying it out for yourself, thank you for helping support vital indy media and human rights campaigning in a time of abject censorship, Psy Ops, and info warfare, and do share this information widely on social media.

Regarding the experimental and hazardous mRNA vaccines and what is in them and how your body can be supported to detox from the mRNA substance injected into your veins, with their nanolipid coatings, which, in the case of Moderna, also includes the deadly poison SM-102 as recently discovered, you may also wish to explore further the information from Dr. Judy Mikovits on Suramin and pine needle tea or pine bark extract (some articles posted here), which is used also in Zero In, one of the Root Brand supplements which Clayton speaks about in News Panel 21.

News Panel 21 is currently posted at Bitchute and Brighteon and will be posted at a few other sites shortly.

To learn more about the dangers of the COVID vaccines, being pushed on all by a faction seeking control over humanity and in ownership of both Big Media and Big Pharma–which along with Big Tech–is deplatforming all indy media with opposing information and coverage exposing the damages and death accruing from the COVID vaccines:

Report 242 | Public Education: mRNA Vaccines in Focus: “Safe and Effective” or Russian Roulette with your Life?

In a Sea of Lies: mRNA Vaccine Truth, COVID Truth–Resources to Inform Yourself

Clot Formation Post Pfizer/Moderna/All Gene-Based Vaccines Potentially Lethal, Children Must Not Get the Shot: Urgent Appeal from Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

To learn more about the chemtrails and what is known now–despite Big Media obfuscation and dismissal as “contrails” and “geoengineering”–listen to Rosalind Peterson, look up some of these websites, and explore the documents and reports and videos online.

Rosalind Peterson, Founder of California SkyWatch and Agriculture Defense Coalition, speaks at length about her work of assessing crop losses, and learning about tree decline and thence the aerosol injections, the health hazards, the chemical effects, the climatic effects, how universities are involved, and how agriculture is being dramatically changed by these aerosols, and how our food & water supplies are being deleteriously impacted.

Organizations Focusing on Chem Trails

Geoengineering Watch (Dane Wigington)

Agriculture Defense Coalition (Rosalind Peterson)

The Carnicom Institute (Clifford Carnicom)

(Please note, Wikipedia, which discounts chem-trails, points to being controlled-media; their “definitions” and claims of conspiracies point directly to Disinformation, Psy-Op, and Active Military Deception, or MILDEC.)

Several scientists and researchers, including doctors, speak out here about the absolute reality of chem trails and what the heavy metals in nano form being dropped on us are doing to our bodies and brains:

The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned /Stillness in the Storm

Top Scientist Confirms Aluminium Poisoning Via Chemtrails Is Real/Newspunch

Aerosol Crimes/Documentary by Clifford Carnicom: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/aerosol-crimes-aka-chemtrails/

Documentary from Truth Media Productions/What in the world are they spraying?

EXPOSED: Chemtrails hint at ongoing “New Manhattan Project” to alter Earth’s atmosphere/Climate Science News

Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Hurricane Harvey was Weather Warfare Directed Against the American People by the US Government

Ramola D/Posted 9/27/2017

Just published on YouTube, my conversation with Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, on the subject of Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath, his new article on weather warfare, the chimera of Global Warming, and who is responsible.  My notes on the video followed by excerpts from Dr. Karlstrom’s article below.

Wide-ranging and informative conversation on the very dire subjects of Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath in Texas, Hurricane Maria and its effect on Puerto Rico, various other hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes now being c/overtly manufactured in the giant planetary lab of the US military as the misleadingly named New World Order scrambles to roll out its ruthless depopulation agenda and flex its totalitarian muscle over all of Planet Earth.

harvey1Thousands of Americans are waking up today to the absolute reality of weather modification, published in patents for years, rolled out in military/ industrial/ governmental contracts permitting geoengineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, and other massive earth-dominating projects, visible in our world today in the creation of superstorms and cyclones like Harvey, Maria, Irma, Sandy, Katrina and earthquakes and tsunamis like the Banda Aceh earthquake of 2004.

False-reality-pushing, disinformation, misinformation, junk science, outright lies, Tavistock eugenicist depopulationist agendas and other such have created the near-Gospel intellectual paradigm of Global Warming–bolstered by corporate media (run by media moguls who also own the weather stations) in service of the corporate military industrial complex and the central bankers and financiers pushing the Communist NWO down all our throats, Dr. Karlstrom elaborates.

Delving into Epochs–such as the Holocene–from times past and examining epochal and cyclical glacial evidence for temperature changes, Dr. Karlstrom explains how we on Earth currently are experiencing levels of cooling, not warming. Global Warming, he explains, is a strategy and a paradigm, a neocon maneuver, a lie, as carbon dioxide, necessary for photosynthesis, for plant and tree growth, is demonized as culprit in this gigantic Weather Modification imbroglio where the US Military Industrial Complex hides its simulation modeling and ionosphere towing behind the blame-shifting and money-making of carbon footprints and carbon taxes, and even that falsely being laid at the individual consumer’s door, rather than at the feet of mega-polluting Big Military or Big Industry.

As a consequence, our air, soil, and water is filled with toxins, heavy metal particulates, viruses, molds, (and nanobots and neurotech sensors) as Geo-engineering expands into a massive industry involving commercial aircraft, Mil/Intel aircraft, chemical companies, pharmaceutical companies, all supposedly in the interests of blocking sunlight—which all of a sudden has been deemed desperately dangerous for the entire planet, life on which ironically has owed its entire existence to solar energy.

Also part of the context is the “Elite” criminal cartel desire to create a master-slave society (no thinking allowed, forget critical thinking). Depopulation as supercilious managerial strategy from the self-consumed psychopaths who care nought for humanity but seem to have sprung from the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations with its emphasis on eugenics is central to this scenario; Dr. Rauni Kilde has noted that the Rio Summit in 1982 stated that 85% of the world’s population had to go.

These are no longer academic musings or languid explorations of “conspiracy theories.” Reports out of Texas show FEMA barges that look like floating prisons—consider that these barges have been built at all, well in advance of the current crisis, all in the interests of “crisis management” and “disaster management” while, in parallel construction, Defence contractors like Raytheon signed major contracts with the NOAA and others, and HAARP’s technology of phased-array antennas has been exported worldwide.

Dams have been released in New Orleans and Houston; reports of thousands of bodies being washed out to sea during Katrina are now being matched by reports of bodies with bullets in them floating in the floodwaters of Harvey.

These are unsettling reports—and you are cautioned to do your own research, use your discernment, begin to uncover things on your own, then inform your neighbor and fellow Americans. The fact is, Dr. Karlstrom stresses, we the American people have been attacked by factions in our own government—these are crimes of high treason which must be prosecuted as crimes against humanity.

America is under attack from foreign factions and corporations who have insinuated themselves inside our government—the result they seek is nothing less than entrenched criminality and permanent immunity from accountability for their by-now compendious encyclopedia of crimes.

Americans need to wake up and take hold of the nation again–the New World “Order” is a psychopath’s dream of dominance, Global Governance and One-World Government a well-packaged cover story for outright fascist takeover of humanity. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are a part of this.

As first step, please start researching what exactly is going on and has been going on in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

For more information, please see:

Dr. Karlstrom’s new article, with its own train of references (excerpted below):

Hurricane Harvey Was Weather Warfare Directed Against the American People by the U.S. Government

Amy Worthington’s summarizing and brilliant article, contextualizing this matter:

OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War

Starship Earth’s excellent summation on the entire current situation:

No Time for Subtleties; the New World Order is Rolling Out Their Depopulation Agenda in Our Faces [videos]

Dane Wigington’s excellent video analysis, inclusive of military industrial contracts:

Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey

Books and interviews with Dr. Nick Begich and Elana Freeland, experts on HAARP, including my recent interview with Elana Freeland, where she discusses subjects very close to the subjects Dr. Karlstrom covers:

Report #14: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP


Re-posted in part, with permission, from Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s site,  9/11 New World Order, please visit there for the whole article and all videos and links:

Hurricane Harvey Was Weather Warfare Directed Against the American People by the U.S. Government

–Dr. Eric Karlstrom

“We are in a Civil War. They are hunting and murdering people.” Sam Hancock, Volunteer Responder to Hurricane Harvey Crisis in Texas

ETK Introduction: As a 30-university Physical Geography professor, I can state unequivocally that the behavior of Hurricane Harvey was geoengineered, as indicated in this 30-second long time-lapse radar imagery:

This is exactly what a geoengineered hurricane looks like. Only seeing is believing! (Video)

Natural hurricanes do not make landfall and then go back out to sea and skip along coastlines. When natural hurricanes make landfall, they dissipate because they are cut off from their energy source, which is the latent heat of vaporization released into the atmosphere when water vapor condenses into water droplets. Hurricanes are fueled by this latent heat of vaporization that occurs naturally over warm (temperatures of 80 degrees F. or above) oceans in subtropical latitudes! When natural hurricanes make landfall, latent heat of vaporization no longer fuels the hurricane, wind speeds drop, and the storm is downgraded and is often incorporated, as the warm front sector, into midlatitude extra-tropical cyclones, which often bring copious amounts of rain to areas affected. By contrast, Harvey gives every evidence of being one of many recent examples of weather warfare conducted by weather control terrorists against the domestic population. Radar and satellite imagery clearly indicates that Harvey was more or less continuously steered and “juiced” (augmented) by directed energy.

The immediately imposed murderous, draconian, and totalitarian response to this emergency by federal agencies such as FEMA, CIA, National Guard, DEA, and FBI also indicate that the event and response were pre-planned and manufactured. I suggest that the information presented in the YouTube videos below demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that the U.S. Government, or perhaps more accurately, those in control of the U.S. government, are waging a war of “terrorism” and “low-intensity conflict” against the American people and the United States of America.

The state-sponsored, synthetic, false flag Operation 9/11, shown on my website to have been carried out by elements of the U.S. government/military/intelligence complex in cooperation with Israeli Intelligence (Mossad) and American Jewish think tanks (the “neoconservative’s” Project for a New American Century) and “sayanim” (Jewish secret agents), was/is also an act of war, terrorism, and low intensity conflict against the American people. These same perpetrators, whom we may identify as “globalists” and Neo-Con Neo-Fascists (Zionazis) are most probably directing the ongoing series of artificial weather warfare events such as Hurricane Harvey, the F5 Joplin tornado of May, 2011, and many others:

The following conclusion seems unavoidable to this researcher: Ongoing weather warfare operations indicate that the U.S. government has been entirely captured by foreign and domestic enemies determined to destroy the U.S. We may speculate that this is because they believe that the American people and the United States government stand in the way of the implementation of their long-sought New World Order-one world (antichrist) government.

1) We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”…

-James Paul Warburg, Feb. 7, 1950, before the U.S. Senate. Warburg’s father, Paul, was “father” of the Federal Reserve system. The Warburgs are a German-Jewish Illuminati family closely allied with the Rothschild family (King of the Jews).

2) In 1992, at the Rio Earth Summit Conference, it was official that 85% of the human population has to be eliminated.

-The late Dr. Rauni Kilde, M.D., author, activist

Please visit Dr. Karlstrom’s site for the rest of this article and videos.

Source: 911NWO.com
