The Everyday Concerned Citizen: a site to get info, take action, make change happen

The Everyday Concerned Citizen is a site for the everyday working person to easily get info & take online action in the ongoing campaign to revive & restore our country–the USA, democracy, & world.

This site started as a Facebook page, and is currently active there. Here’s the link:

If you are someone who cares about what is happening everyday in the US, and want to take online action to make change of a positive sort happen–whether it’s to stop fracking, or save the Arctic from oil drilling, or save manatees in Florida from motorboats, or right whales from harpoons, or children and women from trafficking, or stop incessant wars in different parts of the world, join us! Become part of the community on Facebook–and check in here as the site unfolds.

On Facebook and here, the ECC is a site to post petitions and news articles, and to inspire change in our world.

This site truly hopes to support all the wonderful non-profits and individuals who are already making positive change happen. If this describes you, and you would like your petitions to be posted here, please send me a note at

If you’d like to be involved in building this site, also do send me a note!

ECC is founded and run by Ramola D (,,, a writer who believes we can make positive change happen by everyday adding our voice to movements and gestures for change, whether in art or activism.  I’ll post a page soon detailing a bit further why I am starting this site, and what it personally means to me. Meanwhile, please drop in at the About page for a little more information. And I promise to post some meaningful info soon!

Until then:

Stay inspired! Stay engaged! Take action everyday!





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