Category Archives: Animal Protection

Report 243 | John Oberg, Animal Advocate | Expanding Our Circle of Compassion to Include Animals

Video Post & Link | Ramola D | April 13, 2021

Animals suffer all around us, everyday, on a routine basis. The phenomenon of factory farming which has been brought to people’s attention for decades now, still continues. Other forms of ill-treatment to animals inhere in the use of animals in biomedical research, clinical trials, military weapons-testing, military experimentation, cosmetics and commercial technology research, zoos, aquariums, entertainment centers, circuses, temples, breeding facilities, dairy farms.

Yet we learn more and more each day about the emotional lives of animals, about the suffering and sentience of the smallest creatures, even fish, moths, butterflies, ants; on farms and in homes, people are aware of the personalities and moods of their animal companions.

John Oberg, an animal advocate and social media activist who has become a powerful voice for animals online in the simplest of ways, through speaking for animals in tweets and posts, offers others online a means to raise consciousness and act humanely for animals. “All animals deserve our respect, ” he says, and even without making huge lifestyle changes, everyone can take small actions to end cruelty to animals on this planet.

John explains that factory farming in itself comprises over 90% of the use of animals in inhumane ways and notes that this is one area where every individual on the planet has an opportunity to make a difference, to end cruelty to animals on factory farms, by making simple food choices, whether for a day or a week.

“Meatless Mondays,” he suggests offers a way to take action against cruelty on your dinner plate; the way the food-animal industry is structured, every small action such as that can have a ripple effect to save the lives of a few unborn animals by affecting the supply-demand cycle.

These and other aspects of the whole phenomenon of veganism, acting for animals, thinking of animals in more compassionate ways, as well as the wrongful targeting of compassionate and peaceful animal rights activists by the FBI (a subject to be covered further by this writer), some common negative responses to veganism, including from contemporary linkages to Agenda 21/2030 and the hijacked “sustainable development” and climate-change movements were discussed in a candid conversation in Report 243.

Those who are unaware that milk and meat on the dinner table means factory farming and the confinement of animals in often horrific conditions may want to explore some of the footage online at Youtube. Type in “happy farm animals” after that to see a contrasting picture of gamboling piglets, happy cows, and perky chickens–it is fairly easy to see these are loving, sentient creatures with their own lives, who have life-force in them, just as you and I, and would appreciate being left alone to live out their lives in peace.

As we speak about, each of us has a choice, all the time, to support cruelty to animals or to exercise kindness, through the food on our dinner plate–and today, as John Oberg points out, there are many sites online to help with vegan recipes: kindness to animals via vegan meals, occasionally or forever, has never been easier.

As a long-practicing vegan and animal rights activist and advocate myself who has handed out flyers, baked vegan goods, and spoken with people at county fair and bake sale tabling events, holding up signs at animal protests at hunts and in front of animal research labs, covering events and environmental/animal protection organizations as a journalist, volunteering for various animal rights groups, and speaking to children in kindergarten and elementary schools about saving endangered tigers and lions, it was a joy to have this conversation with a young animal protection advocate and discuss freely some of the many issues surrounding veganism and animal rights activism.

Report 243 | John Oberg, Animal Advocate | Expanding Our Circle of Compassion to Include Animals

WATCH AT BITCHUTE: Report 243/Bitchute

WATCH AT LBRY/ODYSEE: Report 243/Odysee


Note: Photos used in this video as illustration have been taken from factory farming and rescued animals footage from various videos on Youtube from the Humane Society, Mercy for Animals and other groups: many thanks to all content creators and filmmakers who have taken this footage and posted these videos.

John Oberg’s work can be seen online at Twitter @JohnOberg. Visit his website at, Instagram at :, Facebook at, Support his work at Patreon or Donorbox:,

Please share this post widely, raise consciousness worldwide, re-post anywhere online for public viewing with link-back and accreditation.

Breakthrough in Reaching Mainstream Audiences on DEWs/Surveillance Abuse/Wrongful Targeting as Suzie Dawson Sets Twitter Alight


–Ramola D/Posted 4/21/2018

Suzie Dawson, New Zealand journalist, Occupy activist, Snowden documents researcher, Internet Party leader, and on-air #DecipherYou analyst with Elizabeth Lea Vos of Disobedient Media, set Twitter alight last night with some candid and revelatory tweets calling attention to Directed Energy Weapons in use by militaries, the overreach of Intelligence agencies in expanding their circle of targets as they seek more and more funds and grow ever more authoritarian and out of control, targeting “suburban soccer moms, grandparents, and students” with exotic weapons. 

Calling on journalists who may have been too scared to touch this subject, she notes that Intelligence agencies have gotten away with their criminality for too long and asks journalists to step forward to cover. Please retweet and repost Suzie’s vitally important tweets as the movement by concerned citizens and human rights activists to inform the world about the reality of electromagnetic weapon use on civilians–who, when reporting Surveillance Abuse with EMF and neuroweapons are continually dismissed and discredited as delusional “Targeted Individuals”–gains steam.

Update: Please see entire thread here in the form of an article, via the brilliant Thread Reader App:

This was the tweet that started the thread:


The rest of the tweets in that thread follow:






Suzie Dawson’s documentary about her own wrongful targeting experience may be found here:

My marathon interview with Suzie Dawson recently as a Changemaker where she covered the findings she has made from close perusal of the Snowden documents and spoke about the targeting of both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, exhorting all targeted and in the truther community to unite in support of both these whistleblowers can be found here:

Please support Suzie Dawson’s efforts to inform the world and to expose the criminal targeting abuse we are all reporting by sending her documents and links online, and retweeting her important tweets above. Suzie’s work is critical in this struggle to reach mainstream audiences–being brainwashed by Mockingbird-style  media deceit and propaganda–because she has been closely studying and reporting on those Snowden documents already released, and has been covering Surveillance for a long while now, as her tweets illustrate.

Much gratitude to Suzie for stepping out and taking a stand here for all those being emasculated by the venal megalomaniacs in the Intelligence agencies, militaries, and military-industrial complex who are pulling in increasingly fat paychecks while those thousands and millions of accomplished and innocent citizens they target intensively with high-tech radar, microwave, scalar, sonic technology and covert implants experience the utter destruction of their lives.

Please repost and share this post widely, with attribution and linkback.

Activism On Covert Neuro-Experimentation/Directed-Energy Weapons: Tyrone Dew Informs Jeremy Scahill, John McAfee, Spike Lee, Rohinie Bisesar

Tyrone Dew, innovative activist and interviewer, whose groundbreaking activism regarding ongoing covert and non-consensual Mind Control, Neuro-Experimentation, and Electronic Harassment/No-Touch Torture projects on “Targeted Individuals” in America has been featured here earlier–in conversation with General Michael Hayden, informing Presidential candidates at a Clinton talk, and in this ECC interview regarding Aaron Alexis, Myron May, and Miriam Carey–offers this news regarding recent ventures to inform and educate the world on this subject.

Jeremy Scahill: We Should Be Asking Questions About What the Government is Doing, In Terms of Its Manipulation of Human Bodies and the Human Mind

Tyrone Dew recently visited Seattle and spoke about unlawful covert targeting with investigative reporter and writer Jeremy Scahill, author of  Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield (2014) and Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Army (2008) at a bookstore, where the author was giving a talk on May 12 on his new book, co-authored by staff at The Intercept, The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program (2016). In a brief conversation, Tyrone Dew brought up the question of covert electronic harassment with Directed Energy Weapons, being reported widely today across America, and many other parts of the world. This issue, as many know, is not being reported in mainstream media press, possibly by reason of covert CIA control, in undisclosed extension of Operation Mockingbird.

Regardless, it is an issue of pressing current concern, in lieu especially of the fact that what it portends for all of humanity is nothing less than absolute invasion of human privacy–given that these covert harassments and persecutions are predicated on the complete hacking and surveillance of the human brain.

Jeremy Scahill offered a receptive ear and noted that the US government has a long history of covert human experimentation behind it, saying he was often the recipient of emails from people describing such harassment and experimentation, an issue he said he had not researched and did not know much about. Mentioning Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, he emphasized however that the history of covert experimentation in the US, particularly by the CIA, warrants our asking today what kind of surveillance is being done on us and what kind of experiments are being conducted on human bodies and minds. The brief exchange was taped and can be viewed here:

TYTWitterTyrone reports that he had sought conversation with Jeremy Scahill earlier, via Twitter, on the subject of satellite electronic and directed-energy weapon attacks by factions of the US government on Americans.

John McAfee, Presidential Candidate and AntiVirus Software Expert–Could he Develop a Firewall for the Brain?

Tyrone Dew also visited with John McAfee, Libertarian Party candidate for US President, 2016, in Colorado, and reports the following intriguing conversation, which included a brief telephone chat with Dr. Robert Duncan, author of Project Soulcatcher, and the ex-DoD/CIA Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics scientist who helped develop brain-invasive technologies featured on Jesse Ventura’s Brain Invaders show.

tyMcafeeTyrone: McAfee, you’ve made comments about how an electromagnetic attack will wipe out 90% of the population.

McAfee: Yes, an EMP. It’ll knock out the power and people can’t live without power.

Tyrone: Do you know like electronics, the human anatomy is vulnerable to Electromagnetic and other forms of Directed Energy Weapon attacks?

McAfee: I have heard of such technologies.

Tyrone: Well some of the effects are: Hearing the voice of someone talking to you in your brain, Feeling like your skin is being burned, Memory loss, Painful vibrations, Feeling like your brain is being electrocuted, Forced Speech, etc.

I’ve interviewed former CIA engineer Dr Robert Duncan who’s helped research and develop Voice of God weapons. He admits knowing I’m a victim, and that several thousand citizens are subjected to non-consensual human experimentation.

McAfee: Really?

Tyrone: Yes, honestly, you’re the only one talking about ElectroMagnetic Weapon attacks so I think this topic should be part of your campaign. I’ve tried contacting other Presidential candidates but had no luck. I stood outside Trump’s campaign office and his Security harassed me. I went to a Hillary Clinton rally because her husband Bill apologized for nonconsensual human experimentation but Secret Service harassed me and forced me to the back of the event and told me I couldn’t use the part of my sign with Robert Duncan on it.

McAfee: Do you really know Robert Duncan?

Tyrone: Yes!

McAfee: Call him–if he answers, I’m interested!

Tyrone: (Calls Robert, silently says, I hope he answers the phone!)

Robert Duncan: Hey Ty, how’re you doing?

McAfee: I’m sorry, this isn’t your friend Ty, this is John McAfee.

Robert Duncan: Who is this?

McAfee: This is John McAfee, former CEO of McAfee AntiVirus.

Robert Duncan: I know of you, how are you?

firewallMcAfee: I’m doing fine just here with an interesting character talking about some bold innovative technology! Are you really Dr. Robert Duncan who’s developed Voice of God weapons?

Robert Duncan: Yes, I am, but nowadays I’m working on developing shielding from the frequencies. I don’t mean to be rude but I’m in the middle of dinner and don’t want to be rude to my guest.

McAfee: I apologize, and have your number here from Mr. Tyrone Dew. I’ll be busy for a few days but will give you a call. I think this is a good opportunity.

Tyrone Dew: I win! No matter what they’ve done to me or forced me to do. I’ve persisted doing what I know is right and this could be the biggest business deal of my life. I just put a billionaire on the phone with someone who helped develop the type of weapons used against me. If they create a shielding company, and I’m a part of it, I win!

Spike Lee Receives a Copy of Tyrone Dew’s Book

Earlier in March, Tyrone Dew visited the University of Utah and met Spike Lee at a talk he gave, offering him a copy of his book and seeking to inform him on the subject of covert experimentation in hopes that he would be interested in creating a documentary on the subject. This video offers a brief report:

Letter to Rohinie Bisesar, Possible Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentee, Accused in Murder Case

imagesIn a letter to Rohinie Bisesar, whose story has been covered at Washington’s Blog, and on whose behalf Canadian activists sought to intervene, Tyrone Dew wrote:

“I read about your story and felt compelled to contact you. I know you aren’t mentally ill! I believe you’re a victim of Directed Energy Weaponry non-consensual human experimentation. I’ve experienced the horrific effects of Directed Energy Attacks for several years. I wrote about some of my experiences and because every publishing company denied me, I self-published August 13, 2013.”

The book referred to is Illuminati Got Me! Directed Energy Weapon Terrorism, which details a harrowing experience of long-term neuro-experimentation, not dissimilar to the accounts of hundreds of other non-consensual experimentees who are currently coming forward with their accounts. (Several sites online host these testimonials.)

The letter noted that the writer did not condone violence, but detailed the experiences of Aaron Alexis and Myron May, two young black men who both reported electronic harassment before engaging in mass shootings:

“(Aaron Alexis) complained to authorities for several months about his attacks to no avail! Eventually like most victims of Directed Energy attacks he was misdiagnosed as mentally ill and prescribed medication for technological abuse.”

Tyrone Dew cited confirmation of Voice of God/voices in head technology he received from Dr. Robert Duncan:

“I’ve personally interviewed former CIA engineer Dr. Robert Duncan who’s helped with research and development of Voice of God weapons. He admits in the interview knowing I’m a victim, and the CIA and Military are using citizens as targets for a nonconsensual human experimentation Directed Energy Weapons “no touch torture” program!  He admits it doesn’t take a microchip implant for Directed Energy Weapon attacks to be precisely effective on the human target.”

Expressing some of the frustrations experienced by thousands of other neuro-experimentation claimants today who–as this writer can confirm–are not merely experimented on covertly but are subject to criminally-run programs of massive Community and Employment Blacklisting, Defamation, PsyOps, COINTELPRO, and Neighborhood Participation in Directed-Energy Weapon assaults–described here more fully–he wrote:

“I do understand the frustration of having your life ruined from being a victim of Directed Energy attacks, and everywhere you seek help–instead of people believing you’re a victim of non consensual human experimentation, they’re believing you’re mentally ill….I was a scholar athlete and successful internet entrepreneur who resided in Huntington Beach, CA. Nowadays because of my life being ruined as a victim of Directed Energy attacks,  I’m a destitute homeless author doing all I can to raise awareness about the atrocity being committed against us!”

Thousands of “Targeted Individuals,” people usually of exceptional integrity and standing in their communities (targeted opportunistically, it seems, by a Globalist Mil/Intel cartel, and reporting covert assaults with these 21st-century neuroweapons)–many of them engaging in significant activism in their own neighborhoods and communities as they strive to inform human rights groups about these current-day abuses of human rights, privacy, and sovereignty–would no doubt be grateful for Tyrone’s activism, which helps put this critical issue on the map for a largely uninformed public.

The whole excellent letter to Rohinie Bisesar may be found here.

To support Tyrone Dew’s ongoing activism against domestic terrorism/neuro-experimentation with DEWs, please visit his website, Targeted Individual Awareness, to donate.

–Ramola D


This article may be freely re-posted in full or part with attribution and linkback.  

New Zealand Recognizes ALL Animals As Sentient Beings

News to celebrate! Wishing a world of ripples outward from this fabulous leap of a forward consciousness–thanks to Deus Nexus for re-posting, and thanks to for originally posting this truly revolutionary news.

Cosmic Trio: Dolphins, ETs, and People

dolphinsJust a lovely post from Starship Earth: The Big Picture, re-posted from Skyships Over Cashiers, on dolphins, whales, a wonderful dolphin expert Joan Ocean, and extraordinary encounters and communications with cetaceans and starships: Cosmic Trio: Dolphins, ETs, and People

Also visit Joan Ocean’s website and read this series of fascinating essays on whales, which include fighting to save whales from sonar testing by the US Navy, exploring the real nature of the extensive seismic testing by the Navy, and what all this may have to do with UFOs witnessed over oceans, and telepathic messages from ocean creatures: Whales and Us

Raise Your Voice Against War in Syria and Iraq/NIH Funded Torture/US Navy Sonar Testing/Censorship of Journalists

Still vital for the rest of us with conscience to speak out against a new war in Syria, and a return to war in Iraq–at the cost of billions of dollars, and unimaginable cost to human life and peace everywhere. Also vital to keep speaking out against surveillance and censorship of journalists, activists, writers, and everyday working citizens. And PETA tells us new horrors are being unveiled in recent NIH-funded use of baby macaques ($30 million spent in the last 7 years to traumatize newborns) building on 30 years of needless psychological and physical torture. NRDC tells us the Navy is knowingly going ahead with 5-year mid-frequency sonar testing expected to strand, maim, and kill thousands of whales and other sea creatures.

Just Foreign Policy is running a campaign to get Congress to debate bombing Syria. The Committee to Protect Journalists is running a campaign to speak out for journalists. PETA is running a campaign to stop the torture of baby monkeys. NRDC is running a petition to the Secretary of Defense to stop the sonar testing. There is another petition as well on The Petition Site to stop the sonar.

Please drop in to the Peace/Not War page, the  Privacy/Censorship page, the Living Beings page for these petition-links.

News and opinion on Iraq and Syria:

Terrific video from Ken O’Keefe, Military veteran, on the insanity of returning to war.

“The staggering costs of all this—$25 billion to train the Iraqi Army, $60 billion for the reconstruction-that-wasn’t, $2 trillion for the overall war, almost 4,500 Americans dead and more than 32,000 wounded, and an Iraqi death toll of more than 190,000 (though some estimates go as high as a million)—can now be measured against the results. The nine-year attempt to create an American client state in Iraq failed, tragically and completely. The proof of that is on today’s front pages.” Read Peter van Buren’s op-ed at Nation of Change on the madness of returning to war in Iraq and bombing Syria.

“Søren Kierkegaard in “The Present Age” warned that the modern state seeks to eradicate conscience and absorb individuals into a public that can be shaped and manipulated by those in power.” Read Chris Hedges’ op-ed on continuous war, the madness of a new war, and what the US is trending toward, via Simone Weil’s ruminations on war, 1984, and the distant memory of the Roman Empire.

More from Truthdig on Syria.

News and Video from PETA on the tragic abuse of baby monkeys:

NIH Child Abuse: Experiments on Baby Monkeys Exposed

News on US Naval plans to kill Whales while Testing & Operating Sonar:

This article is from Collective Evolution, a fabulous site for news and taking action, they also list petitions. This article also has links to 2 petitions and the email address for the Secretary of Defense so you can send him a note: US Navy Killing Thousands of Whales and Dolphins with Sonar and Weapons Testing

Speak Out Against Endless War in Iraq and Syria/Needless Torture of Animals

Many peace groups tell us it is still important to write to Congress and make our views known this week, even though the US has started bombing Syria and Iraq–Congress is still accountable to us, and we must continue to hold Congress accountable.

New please-sign links today, to petitions from Roots Action (for Win Without War & World Beyond War), and (for University of Wisconsin alumna doctor’s petition against torturing baby macaques)–please see the Peace/Not War and Living Beings pages to click on petition links.

From World Beyond War:

Watch World Beyond War director David Swanson oppose the latest U.S. war on U.S. television here.

If you’re in the U.S. join our friends at RootsAction and Win Without War in registering your opposition here and here.

If you’re in England join our friends in the Stop the War Coalition protesting in London here.

A protest is being planned in Washington on Thursday as well. CodePink should have the info soon  here. (This is past.)

Let us know about any other events anywhere in the world and we’ll post them on the World Beyond War website.

Take this opportunity to introduce others to the World Beyond War movement and encourage them to sign their names and get involved at

There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

Sign the Declaration of Peace.