Tag Archives: Meditation

James Twyman: Join Synchronized Meditation To End Violence By and Against Police

Re-posting James Twyman’s email today, announcing a vigil and meditation at 8 pm, July 13th, next Wed, East Coast US time, please join, tell your friends. There are terrible things going on in the world, and much is hidden from us. The spectre of false flags and violence by design (of certain nefarious parties keen to keep us all in a state of chaos and tension and fear) always raises its ugly head, and no doubt we will hear more soon on Dallas, and all the group action behind it (Free Thought Project has an exclusive on the group claiming responsibility.) Violence is never the answer to violence and all our most spiritual leaders knew this. Violence is being inflicted on many of us in many ways, covert and overt.

What is happening to police and by police may well be related to covert neuro-experimentation, a subject of ongoing concern at this site; as many know, mass shooters like Aaron Alexis and Myron May were most certainly victims of the most profoundly dark neuro-experimentation; Rohinie Bisesar in Canada is being held in the most extraordinary case of sudden crime in the midst of a very calm professional life, and has spoken out about being a neuro-experimentee. Few know that large-scale technology experimentation of many different kinds is underway today on the entire human population. Artificial Intelligence intentions, supported by neuro-experimentation, are at the heart of this designed assault on humanity, covered in NewsInsideOut’s recent interview with Leo Angeselva.There are those who would rather enslave us and depopulate us than celebrate us and acknowledge us.

We in our numbers have the opportunity though to turn things around, to return our world to a more peace-centered and harmonizing vibration; new science today helps us understand that each of us, with our most peace-centered selves (which may well not be our everyday working and living selves) can make a difference in the direction our reality takes. Whatever your thoughts on our current reality, please set aside a few moments on this date to join in this vigil and meditate for an end to this assault, an end to these experiments and constructed-chaos events, an end to violence on all sides. All our lives matter. Sending our calming and deep-centered heart energies out into this universe and particularly to the families, the many families, affected by this recent spate of violence across the US will surely make a difference, let us believe it.

Let’s Start Now!

Synchronized Prayer Vigil for Victims of 

Police Shootings in US

Join hundreds of thousands of people focusing

prayers of healing and peace on the violence

by and against US police officers.

Earlier today I sent you an email announcing a year of World Synchronized Meditations starting next month in Hiroshima. But now, very suddenly, everything has changed. Like everyone in the US and around the world, I’m deeply shocked and saddened by the wave of police shootings against black citizens. In the last two days two men were shot and killed – Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And now tonight, four police officers were ambushed and killed during a protest in Dallas, Texas. 
On Wednesday, July 13th at 8PM Eastern US time, thousands of people will join in a synchronized meditation to bring an end to this violence. 
Please help us spread the word. Send this email to everyone you know. I am traveling to Minneapolis on Saturday to prepare for this vigil, but we need your support. I will send out more information in a few days with complete information. If you received this information from a friend please go to www.WorldPeacePulse.com and register so we can keep you informed on this and every peace vigil over the next 12 months. 
I knew I would be traveling to countries and places experiencing great violence for these meditations, but I didn’t think it would be Minneapolis. Even if you don’t live in the US, please join us in healing the deep wounds that have ignited these tragedies. 
Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate.

James Twyman

Join the Nov 21 Planetary Meditation for Peace, Light, End to World Trauma, Disclosure

prepareforchange.jpgPlease join in as you can in the planned planetary meditation event being planned for November 21 by Prepare For Change. (Sat 3:12pm on the East Coast/US.)

If you’ve been following information online or over the years about ETs, positive and negative who have long been interacting with humans, Disclosure, and about a Resistance Movement working over time to unhand the Cabal, so to speak, you’ll also know there’s a lot of hope afoot currently about the imminence of the “Event”–a planned financial reset, mass arrests of top criminals, the release of free energy technologies, a Reveal about our “star” friends and families, and great changes in the way we live–please check in for updates  at Prepare for Change.

If this is all news to you and you’re rolling your eyes currently at encountering yet another UFO moment online, consider merely that this planned meditation seeks to unite our consciousness worldwide and send out powerful waves of hope for a true world peace, a “victory of the Light” in every way–of sanity, reason, brotherhood and sisterhood, compassion, awareness, caring, all those wonderful qualities of Life–over the craziness, fear-mongering, terror, terrorism, and acts of militarism, aggression, violence, greed, mania, abusive surveillance, control, and derangement we are currently seeing being played out daily all over the world–France, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia…everywhere. 

Meditation does work wonders, as many of us know. Please join us–meditation instructions and information below. 

The video and text posted below are from 2012PortalBlogspot, more links below. Please share widely.


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 21st. On that day, an important cycle will end and another one begin. This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:



We will be doing this meditation on Saturday, November 21st at 9:12 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 10:12 pm EET in Cairo, 8:12 pm GMT in London, 3:12 pm EST in New York, 2:12 pm CST in Chicago, 1:12 pm MST in Denver, and 12:12 pm PST in Los Angeles, and 4:12 am CST on Sunday, November 22nd in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:



1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process towards the Disclosure and the Event.

soulstar3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating

4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and connecting with Soul Star chakras of every sentient being on the surface of the planet, below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System. Visualize all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way. Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly. Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.

You can find inspiration about the Event in this article:


Updates about the Event meditation:


Lisa Rising Berry/Rising Frequencies: Surf The Wave Of The INNER-NET And Leave The FAKE WEB Behind

Re-posting this on November 15, 2022 after noticing the entire article has been removed….not by me. Many thanks to Lisa Rising Berry once again for this v thought-provoking and illuminating article.–Ramola D

Lovely and thought-provoking! Thank you so much for this post. Reblogging on The Everyday Concerned Citizen.


I just had a huge aha moment about the Internet. As I look at the word for the external Internet and break it down into 2 sections as you do with linguistics, we have “inter” and “net.” Inter is really enter, and net is representative of our false web/matrix. The internet is called the web for a reason, because it traps you, just like a spider’s web. It contains you within the amount of information that is allowed. While the amount we have access to is a large amount, it does not compare to the vastness that we can tap into via our own internal technology. When we engage with the internet, we are moving INto the net of the matrix. This is a fake substitute for what we have within us naturally.

inner facebookI personally have my own internal Internet/Facebook/Skype that I use during my lucid astral dream time, and even on some rare moments, when I am fully awake. It’s a big screen that I activate from my heart. I use it all the time, and I have full memory of doing this for several years. All of humanity has this…it’s our internal technology, and it is far greater than anything we use here in 3D. I use maps, read messages that scroll across the screen, and listen to my “voice-mail!” I can even get the news as to what is currently happening on the planet on an energetic level.

heart portalThis is the difference between organic and inorganic technology, the outer and the inner, that exists within everyone. In order to “come out” into your real, God-given, organic technology and use it, you need to go within your heart space first. The sacred space of the heart is a portal, which is an opening that leads you to your “inner internet.” You have to go within before you enter into the real organic “without” spaces.  Meditation is the KEY!  This picture is a perfect example of the point I am trying to make.  When you go with-in and through your sacred heart portal, you come out and connect to the true and organic Inner-Net.  The lines you see here are what you will connect to in order to see your Internal Facebook/Internet/Voice-mail/Newspaper etc….  Essentially, this is your inner computer screen.

Right now people just use what is in front of their physical bodies, and they don’t give a second thought that it is fake and a poor substitute for the real thing. The real organic Inner-Net is also outside of ourselves, but on a higher dimensional level that we can see with our 3rd eye, just like we see our fake internet with our 3D eyes. But, again, we must go “within” our doorway of the heart first, then when we exit that doorway we are in the true organic outer world where our real information lies.

akashThis location of our true organic Inner-Net is also known as the Akash which is really Aether/Dark Matter, and at its highest vibration Azoth. Azoth is something I have been discussing for a while now. It is the substance that Wave X is made of. This energy that is currently heading our way at a rapid rate will give those who have done their inner work, the ability to easily access their own personal Inner-Net. The more inner work you do, the more Azoth/Wave X energy you will have flowing though your bodies. You will not receive more than your body can handle. So, you get what you have earned, plain and simple, and no one gets hurt from too much energy. When you have good levels of Azoth moving through you, it makes it easier to enter into your heart portal and energetically come out the other side.

cup analogyOnce we have achieved exiting through our heart doorway, the inner work must continue. This is due to the fact that the information we are tapping into via the organic Inner-Net, is only as clean as our bodies. Here is a simple analogy. Let’s say our bodies are a cup, and the information we are connecting to via our Inner-Net is a clear ball of light. Now, picture yourself pouring the clear light from the ball of energy into your cup. If your cup is dirty and has clumps of blockages in it, your information will not be as clear. If your cup is kept clean with daily washing, then your information will be clean. Perhaps this is God’s way of making sure we do our inner work, because we all want clear information without having to rely on others. This is obviously earned, no one can do this for us. I like earning my information, as it gives me great pride in a job well done. When people work for something, they are more likely to respect it and take care of it.

We are truly living in exciting times, where we are able to achieve true and organic liberation from the fake web. But, no one can do the work for us. Many will be happy using what is outside of their physical bodies instead of turning inward and using the same technology at a higher level. This is fine for now, for we are all at different points on the path. But, as our great planet increases in vibration, the fake outer technology will just slowly disappear, due to the basic fact that it can not exist in the new frequency. How much time? You can’t put a date on any energetic events, because they are all frequency based. The inorganic vibrates at a lower rate than the organic. It’s simple science, and sooner or later it will not be able to sustain its self.

wave clearSo, as you travel the web on the inorganic Internet, think about how you will travel and connect to the vastness of the real and organic Inner-Net that is there and waiting for you to open the door and walk through. As you visualize this you should be able to feel what is already inside of you because it is the same thing just at a higher frequency.

May we all never look at the Internet the same….happy surfing the wave!

Lisa Rising Berry

If you need assistance or advice with your journey, please schedule an appointment with me.  I use my clairvoyant abilities to help you remove blockages and move forward. Please read our website to explore what I have to offer.  You can also read my Bio on our page to see my qualifications. Click here to schedule an appointment….LINK TO SCHEDULE

If you are not familiar with what I do, here is an article I wrote.  CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT MY SERVICES.   Or you may visit our website by clicking on the following link.  CLICK HERE FOR WEBSITE and schedule and appointment.

This article is copyrighted. I would love you to share, but please share the article in its entirety, credit the author, Lisa Rising Berry, and provide a link to this blog.

In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts — & Makes a Huge Difference/We Could Consciously Visualize Into Reality No Martial Law. No New-World-Order. No War. An End to Mass Control Tech.

flower1The Zero Point Field

In our connected universe, according to quantum physicist Nassim Haramein, who is interviewed here by Consciousness and Spirit interviewer Lilou Mace, all matter, including our seemingly very material bodies, is composed of 99.99% space, and in that space can be found infinite amounts of very real energy.We are all swimming inside this fluid, vibratory sea of energy; all matter, at its most microscopic level, well, really, beyond, at the quantum level, is in a continuous state of vibratory possibility.

Our thinking and consciousness is a part of this field for our thoughts too are vibratory; as Lynne Taggart, science reporter, puts it in her book The Field, various scientists whose work she researched concluded that “human perception occurred because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains and the quantum energy sea. We literally resonated with our world.”

Everything each of us thinks contributes to this Zero Point Field, this vast web of collective consciousness and energy underlying our visible reality and our current-day experience. Your consciousness–your fears and your dreams, your expanding awareness of what’s really going on here on Earth, informs this field, as does mine, and everyone else’s.

Zero Point Energy

The discovery of immense amounts of energy available in the smallest volumes of space too suggest that we are on the brink of an energy revolution, says Nassim Haramein. We don’t have to buy into still-operative stories that our world cannot support all of us, that we don’t have the resources or energy to take care of all our 9-billion strong needs. We are literally at a turning-point for humanity–for today this information (on free energy or zero point energy) is out there, even as dark forces–governments, corporations, energy companies–seek to suppress it and keep us as a people from evolving outward creatively into our own expanding destiny, but seeking to impose from top-down rather, all sorts of totalitarian controls and repressions, to contain us, and to contain the reality/or the illusion of reality we live in.

Nassim Haramein, Interviewed by Lilou Mace, The Unified Field

The Heart as Link

In this fascinating conversation (the latter half), he explains how the human heart, with its vast electromagnetic field–larger than the brain’s–offers a link with the vast sea of energy/consciousness we are all immersed in. In coherent states, arrived at through meditation or calming activity, the heart’s radiations outward have greater power, greater reach. We become able to influence our world–the morphogenetic field–through being centered, going inward, entering “the singularity” of being centered — and sending our dreams, desires, intentions out into the universe from that powerfully centered state.

Yogis who meditate deeply tell us the same thing, that meditating more and meditating more deeply enhances our intrinsic abilities to influence our world with our seeded (right-action) intentions, hopes, thoughts, actions. This is referred to as “spiritual power” — meditating opens you out into spiritual space, and a space where you can influence events, the more you are able to resonate with all-that-is/the universe through calm.

Fear Versus Claiming Your Power and Holding Positive Intention for the World

Many analysts today observe how we are constantly being pushed into states of fear, both through manufactured false-flag events and acts of war, and all sorts of covert ops, intrusive surveillance, sudden “pandemics” and other such.  Here in the US the militarizing of our police, the arming of various Federal agencies, Jade Helm, the other military drills, news of the FEMA camps, the documents spelling out martial law and “Internment/Settlement” operations, and the steady encroachment via legislation that gives more and more of our rights and liberties to an increasingly cold and corporate state are all part of this scenario.

But we also know people are waking up, people are beginning to claim their sovereignty. People are beginning to search fervently for Truth in everything–just Google “Truth media” or “Truth movement/in media” for a glimpse of the plethora of voices now out there, seeking to report the Truth, as opposed to the Lies mainstream and establishment media have been dishing up for decades.

The more that each of us does to lay claim to our own power, the more chance we have of defeating this global-totalitarian-governance scheme/a dressed-up Brave New World the UN and the globalists are trying hard to cordon us into.

Our future is not set in stone. We live in a quantum world. We could consciously work–as individuals, in solitude, by ourselves–to breathe our own harmonious, peaceful intentions for the world into the world. So why don’t we?

Switching Your Vision From Negative to Positive

All it would take is a concerted effort. Instead of waiting hopelessly for martial law and mass robotization as many online commenters seem to be inclined to do, I suggest we lay hold of our personal power instead and start working instead to focus on our personal visions of a world in which: mass arrests take care of the criminal coterie currently suppressing us–see this article from Carl Herman at Washington’s Blog suggesting the great need for this, globally; the end of all talk of martial law; a movement toward massive truth and whistleblowing from our Military and Intel agencies; an end to all dirty and covert ops repressing humanity; an end to all chem trails, aerosols, nanotech, mind control weaponry being used on us; an end to the petty yet powerfully destructive pursuit of war; a dissolving of all our weapons-manufacturing industries; a conversion instead to peaceful and creative industry; and any manner of local and creative communal living including helpful forms of self-governing and co-operative governing that we can dream up.

I had the oddest experience this morning during meditation when I felt distinctly as if I were receiving confirmation from a lit-up universe that all I/we needed to do was mentally and relentlessly oppose martial law and the NWO, and they would not happen. Maybe all of us can swing this together.  Please join me in a daily meditation — any time of day, your choice — in sending out peaceful intentions into the universe for the best possible world ahead: No war. No martial law, anywhere. No New World Order (newly disguised as Sustainable Development). An end to all mass control technologies currently being used against us.

Let’s start to envision a more positive world ahead, in absolute faith that our visions will be supported by All-that-is, a universe inclined toward light, life, peace, creative expansion, harmony, evolution.


In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts–And Makes a Huge Difference

Here are the other posts under this header (filed under Consciousness):

Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality

Three Things Each of Us Can Do Everyday to Effect a Positive Future

In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts — & Makes a Huge Difference/Three Things Each of Us Can Do Everyday to Effect a Positive Future

flower1In the face of all the disturbing news we are surrounded by everyday, and the talk of economic collapse, stock market crashes, dollar collapses, martial law, massive depopulation, earth changes and other such flying around the Net I wanted to add my voice to the many others out there counseling calm, focus, and continued action. (I hope to create an ongoing series under this header–In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts–And Makes a Huge Difference–and hope to add in short posts as I can; all posts will be filed under Consciousness.)

There’s no shortage to drama on the Internet, no shortage to terror in world news, no shortage to stirring-up-fear on all sides. But, as meditators, shamans, consciousness gurus, and lately, quantum physicists find, we are most effective in all our intentions, actions, and dreams when we are calm, focused, in control of our inner space, while continuing to be aware, be informed, to expand our knowledge, and to take decisive, inspirited, “right” action.

Three things each of us can do today to counter the madness in the news everyday while also staying engaged and taking action, and applying our powerful individual consciousness toward the creation of a brilliant and beautiful, positive future for humanity are:

Hold Fast to a Positive Outcome: I’m not suggesting be unrealistic and Pollyanna-ish, I’m suggesting getting past the doom and gloom and fear scenarios and holding fast internally to the hope of a brilliant positive future. Most of us who do engage in action of any kind in any sphere know for a certainty life is not about negativity, dejection, depression, and death; life is about moving forward, being positive, being engaged, and carrying hope like a beacon through our every hour and every day. Whatever your trials, and whatever the state of the world, switching from anticipation of a bleak future to anticipation of a brilliant, golden, positive future automatically changes your thoughts, your state of mind, your attitude, your abilities to a bright, radiant, can-do space which–as per the latest from quantum physics–ripples outward magically from your mind and being to and through the unifield field connecting all of us, and makes the prospect of a brilliant, positive future for all of us much more possible. Your thoughts count. Your attitude counts.

Now, more than ever, it’s vital for us to stay positive, for there are dark forces all around us seeking otherwise. You and I, with our small individual selves, can achieve large, powerful change by just staying positive, despite Everything being thrown at us.

Take Time for Your Joy: Much in the light of the above orientation, of staying positive, but really, going much deeper, and accessing a space of powerful spiritual transformation, for both yourself and the whole world we commonly share, is the great power of what the Hindu yogis call “bliss” and what we know as joy. Each of us takes joy in some special activity or activities–whether it’s gardening, or cooking, or writing, or meditating, or sketching, or painting, or singing, or making music, or reading, or biking, or sailing or whatever–and now, more than ever, while it seems the world’s going to hell in a handbasket all around us, paradoxically, it is absolutely the right time for us to stay focused on our cool calm centers of serenity and joy by engaging Everyday, even if only for a few minutes, in these activities that calm us, that anchor us, that give us joy.

When you take some time everyday to “follow your bliss” as Joseph Campbell said, you are centering yourself in yourself, in your joy, in the particular field of being that is wholly and utterly You, you are losing yourself in the dream and creation of You, you are slowly and surely becoming more and more of your real true self. And the rippling-outward consciousness of that real true self, from that centered, calm, and joyous state, which is a “coherent state”–again, from what meditators and quantum physicists tell us–has a tremendous potential to affect our unified field and draw it outward and upward toward a brilliant, positive future.

Stay Centered, Stay Engaged, and Take Positive Action: It’s important to note that disengaging from reality is not the key here. Staying centered in our joy, in our You-ness, in whatever makes us calm, serene, and joyful, we need to simultaneously open our minds and stay engaged, stay informed, keep seeking out knowledge, learn what is going on around us, learn what is being hidden from us, learn how we are all being and have been supremely deceived by various powers of commerce and government, learn how we are being and have been deceived into living in deathly states of fear–of terrorism, of surveillance, of government–and into thereby giving our power of individual thinking and consciousness away. We need to learn in order to live in open-eyed clarity and in order to take clear and positive action.

Your joy is your center, your anchor. Staying centered in who you are, you are laying claim to the brilliance and beauty of your individual being, you are laying claim to the power and sovereignty of your individual self.

You and I have tremendous power just as an individual. This is another one of those secrets suppressed and hidden from us by our education and by our worship of what is now becoming an antiquated science. This is the moment to take our power back. Claim your power as your own separate individual self. Centering yourself in yourself, stay engaged, stay aware–and take action.

Whether it’s signing a petition, writing a letter to an editor, or speaking out in your community against any kind of injustice, or just saving a moth that falls into your glass or feeding the local birds and squirrels or rescuing a dog or cat, let your centered-self guide you to positive action. We are existing all over the world in a state of corporate and government oppression, if we do not take action on all fronts, each of us, step by step, on all sides, we might as well keel over and say hello to the not-so-new world (dis) order we are being propelled toward.

It is Time for each of us to take action, and the fact is, every single one of us, taking centered, positive action will Inevitably affect our unified field and tilt us toward a brilliant, positive future. So please, consult your soul and your center and center yourself in your joy, but everyday, in some little individual way, please take positive action, knowing that even these, our smallest actions, do have an effect, and Will influence our future.

(For those of you politically and legally inclined, please do follow the West Virginia story and take action there.)


Here is the first post under this header (Under Consciousness): Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality

Cosmic Trio: Dolphins, ETs, and People

dolphinsJust a lovely post from Starship Earth: The Big Picture, re-posted from Skyships Over Cashiers, on dolphins, whales, a wonderful dolphin expert Joan Ocean, and extraordinary encounters and communications with cetaceans and starships: Cosmic Trio: Dolphins, ETs, and People

Also visit Joan Ocean’s website and read this series of fascinating essays on whales, which include fighting to save whales from sonar testing by the US Navy, exploring the real nature of the extensive seismic testing by the Navy, and what all this may have to do with UFOs witnessed over oceans, and telepathic messages from ocean creatures: Whales and Us

In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts — & Makes a Huge Difference

flower1This is a multi-faceted subject that I am just beginning to explore seriously, that many in the Consciousness movement of course are well-informed about — how can our tiny individual awarenesses make a difference? And what good does Consciousness do really? Does just Knowing about the horrors going on around us–raining down on us from the skies, being pumped into our water, killing our bees, destroying our trees, being aimed at us invisibly in the form of covert EMR/ultrasonic weapons and silent HAARP transmissions, the drones, the wars, the pollution, the  corruption–make a difference?

And do our tiny actions–signing a petition, forwarding a tweet, posting a poem, sitting down to meditate for 10 minutes, inhaling the scent of a rose, losing ourselves in creating art or poetry or fiction (instead of caving in to despair at what we are seeing around us or experiencing ourselves)–count?

(What I’m finding out is promising–your voice, each one of our voices, can, do, and will make a huge difference, in the smallest and most astonishing of ways, in our common collective goal to turn back the destruction, dial back the horrors, dissolve evil systems of power currently rampant, and co-create a new, eco-harmonious reality for All of us on the planet, not just a few.)

Here is a first post on these subjects, to be explored further in these pages (Under Consciousness): Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality