Tag Archives: police violence

Australians Called to Stand in Collective Silent Protest August 31, Demand Parliament Pedophiles Step Down as News of Truckers’ Strike Amid Callous Tyranny and Police Attacks on Children in Mass Vaccination Sweeps the World

Report | Ramola D | August 22, 2021|

Updated with Senator Bill Heffernan Video & Info on Parliament Pedophiles August 23, 2021

Amid the truly shocking information from Australia currently sweeping the world of increased lockdown tyranny and petty despots like Victoria’s Premier Dan Andrews, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Health Ministers and Police Chiefs seemingly reveling in their roles as tyrants, with protesters, including children, at the recent rallies being hit with rubber bullets and children herded into stadiums en masse to be force-COVID-vaccinated–despite the dangers of this unnecessary investigational vaccine with thousands dead and millions seriously injured, comes determined news of a sea-change in response from Australians.

Still from video at Vaccine Impact, links below.

Truckies–as truckers are called in Australia–responsible for carrying food and other supplies across large distances from shipping ports and farms to retail supermarkets are planning a strike on August 31 to literally “shut down the country” as revealed by Alan Hennessey on the Stew Peters Show and by this podcaster below, name unknown currently) asking for people to go out and shop immediately and stock up for a week or two because the stores will soon not be stocked. The intention is to shut down the country and shut down the government.

Truckers have decided they are leading the charge against the violence of a deranged government which has stopped at nothing to shut people in their homes and stop them from speaking with each other, breathing fresh air, or exercising their dog for more than twenty minutes–draconian lunacy which Australians have decided has to come to an end immediately.

The speaker below in fact spells out that the vaccine is a poison is known, and Australians will not stand back and let their children and family be poisoned anymore. The fact that toxins are contained in the vaccines–as also in the masks and swabs–has been covered extensively at this site and many others, some links can be found here: Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs

Powerful and unequivocal speeches by other truckers and footage of trucks at a recent protest in Sydney are included in this brief compilation video posted by Brian Shilhavy at VaccineImpact News:

Truckers promise to block highways and ports and ask the governments to cease their mandates and vaccines and leave the country.

Australian Truckers Warn Citizens to Stock Up on Food as They Prepare to Take Over the Country/VaccineImpact.com/

Silent Protest on 31 August at Government Locations, All Australians Called to Join: “We ALL MUST Stand Together

Along with the truckers’ protest–which is intended to shut down the country and bring millions onto the streets, is a national call to Australians to gather at Local Councils and State Parliaments and State Governors’ locations for a Silent Protest, overwhelming the numbers of police at all locations.

In addition, a letter was sent to all parliamentary representatives, Senates and the Governor General advising them that Australians will stand together on August 31, with intention to force Parliament to stand down so the people can have new elections.

This is a power move by a population fed up with police violence and government despotism and one can only hope nothing untoward will happen and the government indeed stands down and leaves the halls of power so the people of Australia can rise in freedom once again. Which will be a breakthrough for the rest of the world as well.

The full letter for Australians, posted at GreatReject.org on Telegram is published here below, for all Australians:

Hello Australia,

Please start passing this around to your contacts and get them to pass it on. There is a Silent Protest on Tuesday 31st August 2021.

Tell your friends a proper protest must be done on a weekday and not on a weekend. Also this is a silent and strategic protest. There will be No screaming, No signs and No speeches. We ALL MUST stand together. Do not be scared of a fine because if we don’t stand up, what will come after will be much worse than a fine. We will lose everything. Our freedom will go.

A protest was done like this in 1932 and 1975 and we WON! And we CAN do it again and we WILL WIN AGAIN IN 2021!

It starts at 9am sharp and by 12pm our request is for Parliament members to STEP DOWN! “This is to force a dissolution of parliament and call new elections”.

Also the other request we want is for them to hand over the documents unredacted that Senator Bill Heffernan spoke about in parliament. He has all the names and evidence of our politicians, judges and prime ministers that were guilty of paedophilia.

In addition, this is a peaceful protest. This means we stand in silence. You are asked to bring a scarf and a whistle with you. The reason is if a policeman was to pull you out of a crowd, the crowd will immediately circle the police and you by creating a ring around him and use your scarfs tying them together and the crowd will chant, “RELEASE HIM, RELEASE HIM”, over and over until he does. AND HE WILL BE released by the police. Because with thousands standing their coordinated and in synch the police will listen to you. Then one person within that group will drop one end of the scarf and create a pathway for the police to leave and exit the ring and only by the exit you have offered him. For him to do this you will need to all chant, “LEAVE, LEAVE”, until he does. When they start to call for back-up, that is when whistles are used as they cannot hear.

The Statistics are in our favour. At every protest site there will be thousands of us and only 126 police officers at each site if we are to cover them all.

You need to be at one of these locations:
There are 128 Local Councils
1 x State Parliament
1 x State Governor (Margaret Beazley: and she has the power to eliminate parliament)
Police are: 21,455
130 locations
126 per location (average) Verse 62,815 people in NSW at each location.

There isn’t enough police!

GOOD PART! They ALL KNOW WE ARE COMING. A letter was sent to all parliamentary representatives, Senates and the Governor General advising them that we Kim will ALL STAND TOGETHER ON 31st AUGUST 2021. They ARE scared. THEY WILL STEP DOWN….but we need you ALL THERE.
In the case of communications going down, no telephone and no TV etc. Do not let that stop you. We Stand no matter what!

Compromised Pedophiles at Highest Levels in Australian Government Named in a Police Document Revealed by Senator Bill Heffernan in 2015

A document was revealed in 2015 by Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan stating that the former Prime Minister was a pedophile and mentioning 28 others in Australian Government also being pedophiles. This information was known to the Attorney-General and Chiefs of Police, he suggested, but no-one was addressing the information. “We have in Australia sadly a compromise at the highest of levels–there is a former Prime Minister on this list–and it is a police document.”

Covered here, Bill Heffernan: former prime minister a pedophile, Commonwealth of Australia.org writes:

“There is enough detail in Senator Heffernan’s claims to make them very credible.

The list “formed part of police documents that had been “signed off” by Gary Crooke, QC, the former senior counsel assisting NSW’s Wood royal commission into police corruption in the 1990s.

The list includes a former Australian Prime Minister, judges, police, members of the legal fraternity and others.

He also claimed every Commonwealth attorney-general since Philip Ruddock had seen the list.

Senator Heffernan didn’t name any names but called on Attorney-General George Brandis to expand the child abuse royal commission so that it includes the legal fraternity. Since then, Heffernan’s claims have been hidden under a blanket of suppression orders.”

This is Senator Heffernan’s speech to the Australian Senate on 19 October 2015:

Senator Bill Heffernan Reveals Police Document with Disclosure on Pedophiles in Australian Government, 19 Oct 2015

A commenter at the article’s website writes:

“This problem is worldwide, and there are many people exposing them all and working to try and bring them all down, and bring the problem out into the open!!

The problem is that these pedophile rings are made up of the richest and most powerful people in the world – High level politicians, Corporate moguls, doctors,lawyers, bankers, teachers and judiciary!!

These rings operate on a blackmail system whereby members are compromised either by photos being taken of them in ‘the act’, or just the fact that others know all about their extra-curricular activities, and so they all keep it covered up, and that’s why judges give light or no sentence at all to pedophiles when they’re caught and tried in court! And also why politicians and lawmakers are reluctant to change the laws regarding pedophilia!

We REALLY need to have an immediate, independent, nation-wide investigation into these Pedophile & Human Trafficking rings and Satanic Ritual Abuse cults!!”

It is these pedophiles in government being referred to in the Call to Action posted above. As the commenter rightly notes, rings of child-trafficking and child-abusing pedophiles–more correctly termed pedosadists–are reported to exist at the highest levels of political power and to have infiltrated and run Child Protective Services and Departments of Children and Families in all countries of the world, including the USA: this is information which has been steadily revealed by police, social worker, children, and other whistleblowers in alt media over the years and suppressed by (the same pedophiles in) mainstream corporate media as “conspiracy theory.”

As a consequence, we now have powerful pedophiles and pedosadists being Heads of State in many countries in the world, also engaging in Luciferian and Satanic ritual practices of abuse against children and adults–as is happening now in Australia with children being wrenched away from their parents and submitted en masse to mass forced-trauma-vaccination rituals.

It is these amoral child-abusers currently playing government tyrant and despot as they try desperately to shut people’s freedoms down, enforce compliance to the most absurd of strictures, now in the lying name of “Public Health,” tying adults down with fraudulent claims of needing “to do it for others,” essentially mind-controlling adults so that the children, their prime targets, can be subdued, shut down, sterilized, and gene-modified with these deadly mRNA vaccines which are known to be causing hundreds of thousands of cases of death, disability, pregnancy-loss, and infertility. Parents need desperately to wake up and rescue their children before it is too late.

Government Lunacy and Police Aggression Has Tipped Australians Past Breaking Point

What is happening currently in New South Wales and other parts of Australia as also in New Zealand is pure insanity. The lunacy of a “Zero Covid” policy for what is at best a flu, with a 99.97% recovery guarantee for most age groups, and a not-proved-to-exist virus which has never been isolated, in order to force on all Australians a deadly vaccine filled with toxins and a spike protein bioweapon intended to coagulate in reproductive organs (see Stealth Ingredients & Concealed Knowledge: Karen Kingston and Dr. Andy Kaufman Expose the Seamy Underside of DARPA’s mRNA Vaccines–Toxic Graphene Oxide & Known Spike-Protein Shedding and Dr. Young’s interview where he discusses the real bioweapon: Report 255 | Dr. Robert Young: All Disease is Outfection Not Infection–Vaccine Nano is the Bioweapon!) cannot be emphasized enough.

It is very clear to sane observers something absolutely insane is going on in Australia. Under the use of a state of emergency, the government has created for itself the “legal framework” within which it operates unprecedented power over all the people. Look at this list of government power grabs for instance from New South Wales, reported in the mainstream press:

Excerpt: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-25/australia-state-of-emergency-powers-victoria-restrictions/12592714


For coverage of recent protests and police tyranny on children and adults both as well as news on the dreadful effects on children being forced into large stadiums and being separated from parents if found Covid-positive, two children dying immediately after the jab, with people rising up, see the links and videos below:

Fed-up Unarmed Australians Hit the Streets in Protest of Medical Police State – Police Fire on Crowds



Australia: The People Are Out In Full Force & Agents Of The State Have Pulled Their Mask Off To Show Who They Really Are (Videos)/Sons of Liberty Media, August 21, 2021


Children targeted for separation from parents and forced vaccination.


Residents gather at QLD/NSW border for anti-lockdown protest/Tott News, August 23, 2021

Image from Tott News article linked above

InfoWars compilation of info: What you need to know about what’s happening in Australia

“Its about time us Aussies get mad”

Call Out the State: Do Not Accept Armed Brutality

Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | March 15, 2021

Around the world, reports of police brutality against those protesting the unlawful lockdowns and subjugatory masks continue. This video report of police violence from the Netherlands was posted on March 14 on Twitter:

This image of protesters in Argentina mutilated with rubber bullets–a key element in the inhumane “Non Lethal Weapons” arsenal of police departments worldwide today, which should be banned, by reason of their deadly bio-hacking effects destroying the human body–was posted below that tweet.

As Professor Denis Rancourt notes in his retweet, this is State-run, State-sponsored, State-manifesting violence which should be condemned by all humanity. How do the higher-ups in police departments permit this brutality? Where do they get their authority from? Do they really think it is okay to maul protesters with violence as shown above, that this is part of their ambit, as “Law Enforcement”? Where are the genteel and elegant government officials in this scene, the ones who wear pristine ties and suits and lie fluidly before cameras? Why are they still in power? How do they permit such crimes against humanity?

We hear a lot — through the mass deceivers at mainstream media — about how government and the police intend to tackle protesters and crowds, while budgets are diverted toward the development of deadly weapons–wrongfully termed “non-lethal,” to repress and subjugate people. Why do we not see mainstream media write about the clear criminalizing of protesters? Why is this dichotomy being maintained? Police officers are employees too, of a business corporation, which has essentially armed itself to attack people trying to run their own businesses, their own lives; it is a business corporation used by the government service corporations to push their monopolies, their right to exist, in direct opposition to the right to exist of all other businesses they are helping to crash, the right to exist of all humans seeking normalcy and freedom.

As many people know at this point, all this armed violence, Show of Force, and tyranny is building toward an even darker dystopia: the “Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030” techno-enslavement intended by a group of billionaires who are working hard now through bought-out governments to tamp down humanity in addition to running genocidal vaccine operations with dangerous mRNA “vaccines” which many doctors are telling us is going to cause an even greater holocaust of death and disability than we see reported today at the CDC.

See Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s recent interview at Daystar TV which clearly lays it out:

These mRNA vaccines need to be halted immediately, if we wish to halt mass genocide.

The “State” around the world needs to be called out Now, before their abuse of power extends and entrenches even further. Who needs to do this calling out? Every educated human being on this planet: if you know how to write, write someone a letter! Letters, Articles, Videos, Op-Eds, Tweets, Posts sent to people in governments and police are needed. If police in your locale are engaging in brutality such as this, call them out locally! Publish articles calling them out!

While many are awakening to the truth of our current reality today, much is being done to keep the majority in a state of entranced, submissive mask and lockdown compliance. The time is now, to see clearly what is happening and speak out and take positive, powerful action–in speech and words–both from outside the halls of government and inside to stop this tyranny.

People inside government and Law Enforcement worldwide should understand Agenda 2030 is 100% aimed at them too–they are going to be as enslaved as the rest of the planet if they do not put a stop to this kind of brutality and swing the boat back toward the shores of freedom, liberty, humanity and protection for all, and become useful Peace Officers again–as several of the Saturday News Panels at Ramola D Reports have emphasized (please visit Ramola D Reports at Lbry & Bitchute & Brighteon for these panels for now, since Youtube, in flagrant globalist support of Crimes Against Humanity and silencing human rights journalism and truth about COVID has removed the channel; to be collected at a separate website soon). Note that UK police whistleblowers, retired Metropolitan Police, and the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner have spoken on these panels, discussing ways forward that will include police in a supportive and non-criminal way for society.

See Alison McDowell’s recent conversation with this writer, covered here, for an understanding of just how tight their intended digital dictatorship is meant to be–this Dystopia must be stopped by all thinking and feeling humans, and the time is now to call out the State for all violence against the people, to push such waves of tyranny back. Law Enforcement needs to wake up!

Disarming of police and military is really what is needed. When they overstep their bounds and neither provide the public safety, security, nor protection, they have invalidated themselves.

Stuttgart, Germany, March 14, Police attack lockdown protesters:

News Panel 17: Women’s Power in Humanity Rising : You Have to Stand Up to Stop the Tyranny and Crime | Use the Power of the Spoken and Written Word

James Twyman: Join Synchronized Meditation To End Violence By and Against Police

Re-posting James Twyman’s email today, announcing a vigil and meditation at 8 pm, July 13th, next Wed, East Coast US time, please join, tell your friends. There are terrible things going on in the world, and much is hidden from us. The spectre of false flags and violence by design (of certain nefarious parties keen to keep us all in a state of chaos and tension and fear) always raises its ugly head, and no doubt we will hear more soon on Dallas, and all the group action behind it (Free Thought Project has an exclusive on the group claiming responsibility.) Violence is never the answer to violence and all our most spiritual leaders knew this. Violence is being inflicted on many of us in many ways, covert and overt.

What is happening to police and by police may well be related to covert neuro-experimentation, a subject of ongoing concern at this site; as many know, mass shooters like Aaron Alexis and Myron May were most certainly victims of the most profoundly dark neuro-experimentation; Rohinie Bisesar in Canada is being held in the most extraordinary case of sudden crime in the midst of a very calm professional life, and has spoken out about being a neuro-experimentee. Few know that large-scale technology experimentation of many different kinds is underway today on the entire human population. Artificial Intelligence intentions, supported by neuro-experimentation, are at the heart of this designed assault on humanity, covered in NewsInsideOut’s recent interview with Leo Angeselva.There are those who would rather enslave us and depopulate us than celebrate us and acknowledge us.

We in our numbers have the opportunity though to turn things around, to return our world to a more peace-centered and harmonizing vibration; new science today helps us understand that each of us, with our most peace-centered selves (which may well not be our everyday working and living selves) can make a difference in the direction our reality takes. Whatever your thoughts on our current reality, please set aside a few moments on this date to join in this vigil and meditate for an end to this assault, an end to these experiments and constructed-chaos events, an end to violence on all sides. All our lives matter. Sending our calming and deep-centered heart energies out into this universe and particularly to the families, the many families, affected by this recent spate of violence across the US will surely make a difference, let us believe it.

Let’s Start Now!

Synchronized Prayer Vigil for Victims of 

Police Shootings in US

Join hundreds of thousands of people focusing

prayers of healing and peace on the violence

by and against US police officers.

Earlier today I sent you an email announcing a year of World Synchronized Meditations starting next month in Hiroshima. But now, very suddenly, everything has changed. Like everyone in the US and around the world, I’m deeply shocked and saddened by the wave of police shootings against black citizens. In the last two days two men were shot and killed – Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And now tonight, four police officers were ambushed and killed during a protest in Dallas, Texas. 
On Wednesday, July 13th at 8PM Eastern US time, thousands of people will join in a synchronized meditation to bring an end to this violence. 
Please help us spread the word. Send this email to everyone you know. I am traveling to Minneapolis on Saturday to prepare for this vigil, but we need your support. I will send out more information in a few days with complete information. If you received this information from a friend please go to www.WorldPeacePulse.com and register so we can keep you informed on this and every peace vigil over the next 12 months. 
I knew I would be traveling to countries and places experiencing great violence for these meditations, but I didn’t think it would be Minneapolis. Even if you don’t live in the US, please join us in healing the deep wounds that have ignited these tragedies. 
Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate.

James Twyman