Tag Archives: police shootings

James Twyman: Join Synchronized Meditation To End Violence By and Against Police

Re-posting James Twyman’s email today, announcing a vigil and meditation at 8 pm, July 13th, next Wed, East Coast US time, please join, tell your friends. There are terrible things going on in the world, and much is hidden from us. The spectre of false flags and violence by design (of certain nefarious parties keen to keep us all in a state of chaos and tension and fear) always raises its ugly head, and no doubt we will hear more soon on Dallas, and all the group action behind it (Free Thought Project has an exclusive on the group claiming responsibility.) Violence is never the answer to violence and all our most spiritual leaders knew this. Violence is being inflicted on many of us in many ways, covert and overt.

What is happening to police and by police may well be related to covert neuro-experimentation, a subject of ongoing concern at this site; as many know, mass shooters like Aaron Alexis and Myron May were most certainly victims of the most profoundly dark neuro-experimentation; Rohinie Bisesar in Canada is being held in the most extraordinary case of sudden crime in the midst of a very calm professional life, and has spoken out about being a neuro-experimentee. Few know that large-scale technology experimentation of many different kinds is underway today on the entire human population. Artificial Intelligence intentions, supported by neuro-experimentation, are at the heart of this designed assault on humanity, covered in NewsInsideOut’s recent interview with Leo Angeselva.There are those who would rather enslave us and depopulate us than celebrate us and acknowledge us.

We in our numbers have the opportunity though to turn things around, to return our world to a more peace-centered and harmonizing vibration; new science today helps us understand that each of us, with our most peace-centered selves (which may well not be our everyday working and living selves) can make a difference in the direction our reality takes. Whatever your thoughts on our current reality, please set aside a few moments on this date to join in this vigil and meditate for an end to this assault, an end to these experiments and constructed-chaos events, an end to violence on all sides. All our lives matter. Sending our calming and deep-centered heart energies out into this universe and particularly to the families, the many families, affected by this recent spate of violence across the US will surely make a difference, let us believe it.

Let’s Start Now!

Synchronized Prayer Vigil for Victims of 

Police Shootings in US

Join hundreds of thousands of people focusing

prayers of healing and peace on the violence

by and against US police officers.

Earlier today I sent you an email announcing a year of World Synchronized Meditations starting next month in Hiroshima. But now, very suddenly, everything has changed. Like everyone in the US and around the world, I’m deeply shocked and saddened by the wave of police shootings against black citizens. In the last two days two men were shot and killed – Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And now tonight, four police officers were ambushed and killed during a protest in Dallas, Texas. 
On Wednesday, July 13th at 8PM Eastern US time, thousands of people will join in a synchronized meditation to bring an end to this violence. 
Please help us spread the word. Send this email to everyone you know. I am traveling to Minneapolis on Saturday to prepare for this vigil, but we need your support. I will send out more information in a few days with complete information. If you received this information from a friend please go to www.WorldPeacePulse.com and register so we can keep you informed on this and every peace vigil over the next 12 months. 
I knew I would be traveling to countries and places experiencing great violence for these meditations, but I didn’t think it would be Minneapolis. Even if you don’t live in the US, please join us in healing the deep wounds that have ignited these tragedies. 
Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate.

James Twyman