Tag Archives: call out the state

Call Out the State: Do Not Accept Armed Brutality

Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | March 15, 2021

Around the world, reports of police brutality against those protesting the unlawful lockdowns and subjugatory masks continue. This video report of police violence from the Netherlands was posted on March 14 on Twitter:

This image of protesters in Argentina mutilated with rubber bullets–a key element in the inhumane “Non Lethal Weapons” arsenal of police departments worldwide today, which should be banned, by reason of their deadly bio-hacking effects destroying the human body–was posted below that tweet.

As Professor Denis Rancourt notes in his retweet, this is State-run, State-sponsored, State-manifesting violence which should be condemned by all humanity. How do the higher-ups in police departments permit this brutality? Where do they get their authority from? Do they really think it is okay to maul protesters with violence as shown above, that this is part of their ambit, as “Law Enforcement”? Where are the genteel and elegant government officials in this scene, the ones who wear pristine ties and suits and lie fluidly before cameras? Why are they still in power? How do they permit such crimes against humanity?

We hear a lot — through the mass deceivers at mainstream media — about how government and the police intend to tackle protesters and crowds, while budgets are diverted toward the development of deadly weapons–wrongfully termed “non-lethal,” to repress and subjugate people. Why do we not see mainstream media write about the clear criminalizing of protesters? Why is this dichotomy being maintained? Police officers are employees too, of a business corporation, which has essentially armed itself to attack people trying to run their own businesses, their own lives; it is a business corporation used by the government service corporations to push their monopolies, their right to exist, in direct opposition to the right to exist of all other businesses they are helping to crash, the right to exist of all humans seeking normalcy and freedom.

As many people know at this point, all this armed violence, Show of Force, and tyranny is building toward an even darker dystopia: the “Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030” techno-enslavement intended by a group of billionaires who are working hard now through bought-out governments to tamp down humanity in addition to running genocidal vaccine operations with dangerous mRNA “vaccines” which many doctors are telling us is going to cause an even greater holocaust of death and disability than we see reported today at the CDC.

See Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s recent interview at Daystar TV which clearly lays it out:

These mRNA vaccines need to be halted immediately, if we wish to halt mass genocide.

The “State” around the world needs to be called out Now, before their abuse of power extends and entrenches even further. Who needs to do this calling out? Every educated human being on this planet: if you know how to write, write someone a letter! Letters, Articles, Videos, Op-Eds, Tweets, Posts sent to people in governments and police are needed. If police in your locale are engaging in brutality such as this, call them out locally! Publish articles calling them out!

While many are awakening to the truth of our current reality today, much is being done to keep the majority in a state of entranced, submissive mask and lockdown compliance. The time is now, to see clearly what is happening and speak out and take positive, powerful action–in speech and words–both from outside the halls of government and inside to stop this tyranny.

People inside government and Law Enforcement worldwide should understand Agenda 2030 is 100% aimed at them too–they are going to be as enslaved as the rest of the planet if they do not put a stop to this kind of brutality and swing the boat back toward the shores of freedom, liberty, humanity and protection for all, and become useful Peace Officers again–as several of the Saturday News Panels at Ramola D Reports have emphasized (please visit Ramola D Reports at Lbry & Bitchute & Brighteon for these panels for now, since Youtube, in flagrant globalist support of Crimes Against Humanity and silencing human rights journalism and truth about COVID has removed the channel; to be collected at a separate website soon). Note that UK police whistleblowers, retired Metropolitan Police, and the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner have spoken on these panels, discussing ways forward that will include police in a supportive and non-criminal way for society.

See Alison McDowell’s recent conversation with this writer, covered here, for an understanding of just how tight their intended digital dictatorship is meant to be–this Dystopia must be stopped by all thinking and feeling humans, and the time is now to call out the State for all violence against the people, to push such waves of tyranny back. Law Enforcement needs to wake up!

Disarming of police and military is really what is needed. When they overstep their bounds and neither provide the public safety, security, nor protection, they have invalidated themselves.

Stuttgart, Germany, March 14, Police attack lockdown protesters:

News Panel 17: Women’s Power in Humanity Rising : You Have to Stand Up to Stop the Tyranny and Crime | Use the Power of the Spoken and Written Word