In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts — & Makes a Huge Difference/Three Things Each of Us Can Do Everyday to Effect a Positive Future

flower1In the face of all the disturbing news we are surrounded by everyday, and the talk of economic collapse, stock market crashes, dollar collapses, martial law, massive depopulation, earth changes and other such flying around the Net I wanted to add my voice to the many others out there counseling calm, focus, and continued action. (I hope to create an ongoing series under this header–In Our Quantum Universe, Your Individual Consciousness Counts–And Makes a Huge Difference–and hope to add in short posts as I can; all posts will be filed under Consciousness.)

There’s no shortage to drama on the Internet, no shortage to terror in world news, no shortage to stirring-up-fear on all sides. But, as meditators, shamans, consciousness gurus, and lately, quantum physicists find, we are most effective in all our intentions, actions, and dreams when we are calm, focused, in control of our inner space, while continuing to be aware, be informed, to expand our knowledge, and to take decisive, inspirited, “right” action.

Three things each of us can do today to counter the madness in the news everyday while also staying engaged and taking action, and applying our powerful individual consciousness toward the creation of a brilliant and beautiful, positive future for humanity are:

Hold Fast to a Positive Outcome: I’m not suggesting be unrealistic and Pollyanna-ish, I’m suggesting getting past the doom and gloom and fear scenarios and holding fast internally to the hope of a brilliant positive future. Most of us who do engage in action of any kind in any sphere know for a certainty life is not about negativity, dejection, depression, and death; life is about moving forward, being positive, being engaged, and carrying hope like a beacon through our every hour and every day. Whatever your trials, and whatever the state of the world, switching from anticipation of a bleak future to anticipation of a brilliant, golden, positive future automatically changes your thoughts, your state of mind, your attitude, your abilities to a bright, radiant, can-do space which–as per the latest from quantum physics–ripples outward magically from your mind and being to and through the unifield field connecting all of us, and makes the prospect of a brilliant, positive future for all of us much more possible. Your thoughts count. Your attitude counts.

Now, more than ever, it’s vital for us to stay positive, for there are dark forces all around us seeking otherwise. You and I, with our small individual selves, can achieve large, powerful change by just staying positive, despite Everything being thrown at us.

Take Time for Your Joy: Much in the light of the above orientation, of staying positive, but really, going much deeper, and accessing a space of powerful spiritual transformation, for both yourself and the whole world we commonly share, is the great power of what the Hindu yogis call “bliss” and what we know as joy. Each of us takes joy in some special activity or activities–whether it’s gardening, or cooking, or writing, or meditating, or sketching, or painting, or singing, or making music, or reading, or biking, or sailing or whatever–and now, more than ever, while it seems the world’s going to hell in a handbasket all around us, paradoxically, it is absolutely the right time for us to stay focused on our cool calm centers of serenity and joy by engaging Everyday, even if only for a few minutes, in these activities that calm us, that anchor us, that give us joy.

When you take some time everyday to “follow your bliss” as Joseph Campbell said, you are centering yourself in yourself, in your joy, in the particular field of being that is wholly and utterly You, you are losing yourself in the dream and creation of You, you are slowly and surely becoming more and more of your real true self. And the rippling-outward consciousness of that real true self, from that centered, calm, and joyous state, which is a “coherent state”–again, from what meditators and quantum physicists tell us–has a tremendous potential to affect our unified field and draw it outward and upward toward a brilliant, positive future.

Stay Centered, Stay Engaged, and Take Positive Action: It’s important to note that disengaging from reality is not the key here. Staying centered in our joy, in our You-ness, in whatever makes us calm, serene, and joyful, we need to simultaneously open our minds and stay engaged, stay informed, keep seeking out knowledge, learn what is going on around us, learn what is being hidden from us, learn how we are all being and have been supremely deceived by various powers of commerce and government, learn how we are being and have been deceived into living in deathly states of fear–of terrorism, of surveillance, of government–and into thereby giving our power of individual thinking and consciousness away. We need to learn in order to live in open-eyed clarity and in order to take clear and positive action.

Your joy is your center, your anchor. Staying centered in who you are, you are laying claim to the brilliance and beauty of your individual being, you are laying claim to the power and sovereignty of your individual self.

You and I have tremendous power just as an individual. This is another one of those secrets suppressed and hidden from us by our education and by our worship of what is now becoming an antiquated science. This is the moment to take our power back. Claim your power as your own separate individual self. Centering yourself in yourself, stay engaged, stay aware–and take action.

Whether it’s signing a petition, writing a letter to an editor, or speaking out in your community against any kind of injustice, or just saving a moth that falls into your glass or feeding the local birds and squirrels or rescuing a dog or cat, let your centered-self guide you to positive action. We are existing all over the world in a state of corporate and government oppression, if we do not take action on all fronts, each of us, step by step, on all sides, we might as well keel over and say hello to the not-so-new world (dis) order we are being propelled toward.

It is Time for each of us to take action, and the fact is, every single one of us, taking centered, positive action will Inevitably affect our unified field and tilt us toward a brilliant, positive future. So please, consult your soul and your center and center yourself in your joy, but everyday, in some little individual way, please take positive action, knowing that even these, our smallest actions, do have an effect, and Will influence our future.

(For those of you politically and legally inclined, please do follow the West Virginia story and take action there.)


Here is the first post under this header (Under Consciousness): Your Cool Calm Centered Intention Can Help Shape Our Collective Reality

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