Tag Archives: Disclosure

Dr. Steven Greer: How the Secret Government Works — UFO Secrecy, Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, Scalar Technologies, Disinfo Tactics

This video of Dr. Steven Greer‘s recent workshop talk in Washington, DC offering disclosure on many issues surrounding the national security state and its connection to the tremendous secrecy built up around UFOs, ETs, and space-age technologies deriving from ET contact still being-kept-secret has been passed around on the Web for some time and can be viewed on Youtube.

Update and Correction, September 2016: The letter presented in Dr. Greer’s video and covered below as from the Strategic Studies Institute was apparently wrongfully attributed as such, and is in actuality, as per her own correction, a letter penned by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project.

I understand Ms. McKinney has now corrected Dr. Greer on the matter of authorship and intent of this letter. In a March 23, 2016 letter to him, notification of which was provided to me, she wrote:

 “I had intended this letter as a sardonic slap-in-the-face, drawn in part from my former role as Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project, affiliated with the Association of National Security Alumni.

In that capacity, I had had extensive contact with former satanic cult members and with so-called UFO “abductees,” as well as first-hand experience with the deceptive practices employed by the U.S. Government, especially in the intelligence and UFO-abduction fields. I employed the knowledge gained from those experiences in my letter to Metz and Kievit.” Julianne McKinney, March 23, 2016

While it appears from the correspondence exchanged between both and reported to me that accusations of CIA affiliation and lack of integrity were aired, I personally seek to stay somewhat neutral on this subject and post here only the most relevant information (in my view). I am sure Ms. McKinney or Dr. Greer would be able to publicly post further on this fracas on their own, should they wish, to clear up any doubts on their views or affiliations. If both parties would like to contact me, however, with specific intent to add more to this report, I will be glad to report further.

Dr. Greer’s March 24, 2016 response, as reported by Julianne McKinney, contained the following:

I very much apologize for the confusion on this matter. All I was ever given were the 2 pages I showed and was told it was FROM the Institute , not to it. I did not know about you at all!

I will certainly make this clear in the future.

However I am curious how you know – however sardonically you may have presented it- about the para-governmental involvement in hoaxing many UFO and Abduction events. That part of what you wrote is no exaggeration as I have multiple independent military and government sources who have specifically explained to me this ” stagecraft”- and some who have been directly been involved in those ops.

Like you, I am actually very skeptical of much of what is out there attributed to “aliens”. Many cases are attempts to hide advanced human electro-magnetogravitic aircraft that are highly classified.

There is also an enormous amount of psyops disinformation designed to, frankly, scare people and create fear and hatred of ETs- for future propaganda conditioning purposes to be announced.

Again, I apologize for the confusion as all I had has part of your letter (can you send me all of it? ) and it conformed with other evidence and sources who have confirmed to us the hoaxing of many UFO/ Abduction events ( as well as the so-called animal mutilation phenomena) .

There is also a very substantial op dealing with electronic, psychotronic and radionics warfare technology.

Any info you have on these matter(s) is appreciated. Dr. Steven Greer, March 24, 2016

The Julianne McKinney 1995 letter at core of this controversy was apparently long-posted online in full at MindNet Journal, but, by Julianne McKinney’s recent report to me, “no longer exists. This, after being left intact for ten years, but following my having brought this to your attention..”

Ms. McKinney also noted: “As it happens, I made a copy of that letter and am attaching it below, should you require continued access.”

Since Ms. McKinney has provided a copy of that letter to me, I will post it on this site, with a link below, for continued access by anyone interested. Should anyone find this problematic, please contact me.

I note further below which part of this post is part of my original Dec 15, 2015 post, when I did not have this information about Julianne McKinney’s letter. Thanks!

–Ramola D

All this below is my original post on this video, from Dec 15, 2015.

I waited to post it here because I wanted to view it myself, which has taken some time–it’s long, I could only watch it in snatches–and of course, I watched it primarily with an eye to further understanding how our highly-secretive Intelligence agencies–which are running extremely damaging Covert Ops on the American public today (see this post on “Targeted Individuals”)–are functioning, and why they think they’re inviolate and invincible.

They’re not of course, no-one is, they just don’t seem to know it. Exposure of their deeds and misdeeds, past and present, is today exploding all over the place, and we owe huge debts of gratitude to those like Dr. Steven Greer, who have spent years of their lives researching these heavily classified subjects, who have persisted in their questioning, and who have come forward with extraordinary courage and integrity to present their findings to the public, minus media fanfare, and often in the face of government opposition and intimidation.

There is quite some incredible disclosure in this video (more information on this in the Description section below the video at Youtube), and it’s highly recommended, on all counts. I’ll note below though what I found interesting in relation to the development and use of electromagnetic and scalar and RFID technologies that are implicated in today’s Covert Ops of Brain, Body, and Mind Control experimentation on Americans–and which seem to be part of the globalist push for same via similar Covert Assaults on populations worldwide. (An issue that our media should be covering in detail, but isn’t, because of course they’re either run by the CIA or gagged by the NSA or misled by PsyOps Disinfo from both–more below.)

Extreme Secrecy & the Deep State

Dr. Greer traces in the  opening parts of his talk (5:00 minutes on) how the Deep State as we know it today, with its penchant for black ops and unaccountability, started with the UFO issue in the late ’40s, during the time of the development of the atomic bomb, and the Roswell incident, and the extreme secrecy that came to be built around the UFO issue succeeding this time period. This segment is interesting not merely by way of the story behind Roswell–that the spacecraft was actually shot down–but by reason of the technology used: scalar, longitudinal electromagnetic technology, used in a kind of beam weapon, developed way back in the ’40s. (Around 13:00 minutes on.)

Scalar Technologies

In other words, Tesla’s scalar technology or the understanding of scalar waves by the military/Intelligence/industrial complex, which today is thought to be used in Remote Neural Monitoring weapons whose tracking beams appear to defy shielding of all kinds, was developed way back then, and was used in the ’40s. Scalar waves are superluminal (several times faster than light), and this information is classified (!) — it’s still not taught in schools. (Note that scientists do speak about it today though, including, notably, the late Konstantin Meyl.)

Projects Off the Books

Unacknowledged Special Access Projects and their off-the-books aspects, compartmentalized secrecy maneuvers, concealment from elected government, and atmosphere of threat and intimidation is talked about around 50:00 minutes on. Illegal, unconstitutional, criminal, dangerous, is how Dr. Greer describes these–and who can argue with that.

Scientists Forced to Lie/Or Paid to Lie

How scientists at Harvard and elsewhere have been strong-armed to maintain silence over UFOs and ETs, or have been on the payroll of Intelligence agencies such as the CIA to propel falsehoods and lies on this subject for years, including Carl Sagan, of Cosmos fame, is talked about around 1 hr:58 minutes on.

Technology Interfacing with Thought

Also fascinating is the discussion of electronics picking up directed intended thought, or brain-electronic interfaces, incorporated into ET navigation systems, covered around the 2:00 hour mark. As many of us know today, the Electronic Brain Link technologies developed by DIA and CIA and DARPA neuroscientists interested in “hiving minds” and controlling the brains and thoughts of individuals (part of Mind Hacking projects referred to by Dr. Robert Duncan in this post) are some of the technologies being covertly tested today on nonconsenting Targeted Individuals, freely supplied to unethical military/Intel experimenters as EMF weapon fodder by an unscrupulous security state (the way it’s currently working, first they target you, then they think you’re free game and can be experimented on)–and by a government that is no longer representative of the people, but rather, of criminally-active transnational corporations desperate to control the people. (We are currently inside the fascist New World Order, even if not everyone knows it yet–the question is, how do we get out of it.)

Extremely Micro RFID Chips and the CIA

Around 2 hrs: 47 mins is mention of Dr. Greer’s conversation with Air Force computer specialist William Pawelec, now an interview available on Youtube ( which warrants its own post another day) on the subject of CIA involvement in the manufacture of RFID chips in the ’70s and ’80s manufactured by Siemens in the billions–miniature, edible chips, some with Neurophone capabilities, permitting radio-control of thought and behavior. Dr. Greer notes that EG &G, a chip implant manufacturer near Area 51, makes chips that have been found implanted in victims of abductions — proving that these abductions were part of the PsyOps Psychological Warfare set up and run by the Deep State, to muddy the waters and deflect attention from report or anticipation of any positive UFO or ET experiences–but also proving that RFID chip implants have been planned for a long time, have been experimented with, developed, and fine-tuned covertly for years–in particular, by the CIA. RFID chip information is being followed on this site.

Open Admission of Directed-Energy Weapon Use on Americans/Abductions of Citizens/Psychiatrist Complicity/Controlled and Compliant Media

In reference to the Update and Correction, September 2016 information at head of this post, the letter presented by Dr. Greer at his webinar as emanating FROM the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, was covered in this section of my original Dec 15, 2015 post. As Julianne McKinney has informed me, this is her letter TO the SSI, and here below is the start of the letter, taken from MindNet Journal in August 2016, when it was still online. The link to the full letter, now being  stored on this site, can be found just below this excerpt.

"Homemaker's Recipe" for a Successful Revolution in Military 

By Julianne McKinney

January 1995


            Association of National Security Alumni
                Electronic Surveillance Project
                        P.O. Box 13625
                 Silver Spring, MD 20911-3625
                       (301) 608-0143
January 8, 1995

Steven Metz, Ph.D.  
LTC James Kievit  
Strategic Studies Institute
U.S. Army War College  
Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050

Dear Dr. Metz and LTC Kievit:

I read your _Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of
War_  with great interest. Noting that you encourage discussion
and debate on this subject (and presuming that the average U.S.
citizen is not to be excluded from these discussions and
debates), I would like to comment on  this paper.

First, I noticed a rather curious omission in your paper, namely,
the impact of a "revolutionized" military upon the rights of U.S.
citizens as they might be inferred to exist under Article IX of
the United States Constitution. True, you have expressed some
concern about potential "ethics" violations resulting from
unconstrained evolutionary or revolutionary processes; however,
I see no reference anywhere in your paper to the military's
primary responsibility in upholding, protecting and defending
the U.S. Constitution.

Absent any such reference, your use of the term, "ethics,"
becomes relativistic, in my opinion--more suited, perhaps, to
discourses by followers of Nietsche. This is not a criticism,
incidentally. If you are unprepared to discuss an RMA in the
context of its impact on the U.S. Constitution, then I will spare
you the hassle, since what I am about to propose is similarly
bereft of any such considerations.

Full Letter at MindNet Journal/link no longer working

Full Letter posted here, as supplied by Julianne McKinney/September 2016

Please note, the discovery of this full letter by Julianne McKinney necessarily affects the nature of the information presented below, earlier, when further knowledge of this letter was not available. I am leaving this latter part of the post as is, just for the record, but to fully understand the scenario regarding this letter, please read the Update and Correction, September 2016 note added to the head of this post. Thanks!


This part of the post offers the original text about this letter from the Dec 15, 2015 post:

The most explosive information though from this talk, from the point of view of Disclosure of Directed-Energy Weapons being used today as means of Surveillance and as Assault on Americans and other populations, comes from a document (around 2 hrs: 50 minutes in video) from the Strategic Studies Institute, dated 1995. Please note there’s huge disclosure here too about other horrific CIA/NSA practices, plans, and intentions–Satanic cults, MK ULTRA trauma-based mind-control, false-flag alien invasion scenarios, complete with “stage craft,” planned abductions of citizens.Note the “Recipe” format, and the “ingredients,” which include imported mercenaries and a controlled and compliant media.

With regards to how Targeted Individuals are being assaulted today, note the verbiage re. Official Denials, Psychiatrists and Psychologists, and Government-Funded Brain research.

Text below thanks to Paul Getson from Real Hidden History on Facebook:

Strategic Studies Institute 
January 8, 1995 
Page 3 of 11 Pages
Ingredients (continued);
Imported East Bloc Mercenaries and Military Equipment
Imported Foreign National Scientists
A Controlled and Compliant Media
Decentralized U.S. Government Control
An Induced Crime Wave


1. Raise one or two generations of children under the auspices of government-approved satanic cults, such as COL (USA ret.) Michael Aquino’s Temple of Set. Violent sexual, physical and psychological abuse of these children over a period of 15 years will produce generations of dissociative automatons who will comply with instructions in obedient, unquestioning fashion. Their required adherence to cult tenets precludes any consideration of laws governing U.S. society, generally. Cult-programmed “graduates,” among other things, will be expected to participate in contrived UFO abduction scenarios.

2. Create a global UFO cult, which will involve the abduction of citizens so as to foster an illusion that this earth is facing an extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees-of-preference will have an expertise in computer technologies, since that expertise will be required in future technocratic R.M.A. scenarios. Use of experimental drugs, holographic projection capabilities, directed-energy technologies, induced auditory input, experimental aircraft, and special effects costuming and stagecraft, among other things, will be used to persuade abductees of the reality of their circumstances. Official denials regarding these events will employ reverse psychology, to ensure that all such denials are taken as official confirmation of an imminent and/or ongoing extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees will be persuaded to worship their anticipated extraterrestrial “conquerors” in cult-enforced religious fashion. UFO cult networks will be controlled by U.S. Intelligence to limit infiltration and ensure that dissidents do not disrupt UFO Cult long-term agendas. Dissociative satanic cult graduates will handle all such executions; i.e., when not actively lending logistical and theatrical support to UFO abduction operations.

3. Directed-energy surveillance and weapons technologies of all types will be used for purposes of spreading fear and confusion in the population at large (under deniable circumstances); for eliminating persons deemed “adversarial” to U.S. national security interests; and for spotting, assessing and manipulating potential recruits to R.M.A. causes.

4. Neurocybernetics and other psychotechnologies will be used to sow confusion and hypochondria in the population at large. The symptoms and effects produced by these and other directed-energy technologies will parallel the effects produced by various microbes, viruses and chemical imbalances, thus compelling a large segment of society to seek medical intervention, which in turn, will be a basis for their being used for medical experimentation under “voluntary” circumstances. Psychiatrists and psychologists will play an important role in these experiments, particularly where denying the efficacy of neurocybernetics/psychotechnologies is concerned. Citizens complaining of “hearing voices” will be used as a basis for (generously) government-funded, schizophrenic-related brain research, since comprehension and control of the human brain is critical.

The Strategic Studies Institute is located inside the US Army War College. This is one part of a much longer document. Perhaps Dr. Greer will post the whole document on his site sometime.

More on Dr. Greer’s solutions and action items in a separate post–they can be found at the end of the video.

Join the Nov 21 Planetary Meditation for Peace, Light, End to World Trauma, Disclosure

prepareforchange.jpgPlease join in as you can in the planned planetary meditation event being planned for November 21 by Prepare For Change. (Sat 3:12pm on the East Coast/US.)

If you’ve been following information online or over the years about ETs, positive and negative who have long been interacting with humans, Disclosure, and about a Resistance Movement working over time to unhand the Cabal, so to speak, you’ll also know there’s a lot of hope afoot currently about the imminence of the “Event”–a planned financial reset, mass arrests of top criminals, the release of free energy technologies, a Reveal about our “star” friends and families, and great changes in the way we live–please check in for updates  at Prepare for Change.

If this is all news to you and you’re rolling your eyes currently at encountering yet another UFO moment online, consider merely that this planned meditation seeks to unite our consciousness worldwide and send out powerful waves of hope for a true world peace, a “victory of the Light” in every way–of sanity, reason, brotherhood and sisterhood, compassion, awareness, caring, all those wonderful qualities of Life–over the craziness, fear-mongering, terror, terrorism, and acts of militarism, aggression, violence, greed, mania, abusive surveillance, control, and derangement we are currently seeing being played out daily all over the world–France, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia…everywhere. 

Meditation does work wonders, as many of us know. Please join us–meditation instructions and information below. 

The video and text posted below are from 2012PortalBlogspot, more links below. Please share widely.


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 21st. On that day, an important cycle will end and another one begin. This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:



We will be doing this meditation on Saturday, November 21st at 9:12 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 10:12 pm EET in Cairo, 8:12 pm GMT in London, 3:12 pm EST in New York, 2:12 pm CST in Chicago, 1:12 pm MST in Denver, and 12:12 pm PST in Los Angeles, and 4:12 am CST on Sunday, November 22nd in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:



1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process towards the Disclosure and the Event.

soulstar3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating

4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and connecting with Soul Star chakras of every sentient being on the surface of the planet, below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System. Visualize all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way. Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly. Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.

You can find inspiration about the Event in this article:


Updates about the Event meditation:


One World Government/Global Governance/Agenda 21/Agenda 2030/Sheathed Totalitarianism

Ultimate End Game 101

One World Government, Climate Change, Agenda 21/Replaced by Agenda 2030, Project BlueBeam: Global Government/Global Totalitarianism/Loss of National Sovereignty/Loss of Human Sovereignty/Loss of Human Lives/Being Sold to Humanity As Saving Planet Earth


popeMore and more, it seems, as Pope Francis’ visit to the US approaches–and beyond–“Climate Change” and “Saving Planet Earth” are being touted as central reasons for uniting internationally to take drastic measures to “end poverty” and engage in “sustainable development.””Sustainable development” in particular sounds particularly savory to the educated masses–don’t we all want to harvest those Brazil-nuts in a “sustainable” way, while saving the rainforest? Savvy news-watchers and analysts are aware though that these are buzzwords with a hidden agenda. Agenda 21 has apparently morphed into Agenda 2030–and isn’t it interesting it’s openly labelled as an “Agenda”?

unWhat is Agenda 2030/Agenda 21?

Agenda 2030, like Agenda 21, is apparently a global corporate plan to establish a worldwide totalitarian form of government–using Full-Spectrum Surveillance and Tracking (using intimate biometrics), Top-Down Population Management (enforced birth control), Food Management (rationing, GMOs), Water Management (corporate takeover of all water), Child Management (Common Core, community schooling), Health Management (mandatory vaccinations, mandatory drugs), Labor Management (a centralized work economy/forced labor), Property & Urban Management (no individual property ownership/stacked housing)–and other such treats–all being marketed to us as necessary, meaningful, and “sustainable” practices in the interests of  (those buzzwords again) “ending poverty,” “sharing resources equitably,” “preventing disease,” and other carefully-branded misnomers.

This is also only the revealed/readily deconstructable aspect of Agenda 21–let’s not forget the already-underway “Global Governance” practices of:

Chem Trails–with their secret payload of nanotechnology and heavy metals, aimed at Global Transhumanism

Mind Control–via covert EMFs, EMF and sound weapons, in addition to brain entrainments via television/media–all aimed at controlling human thought, action, and behavior–

HAARP-enabled Weather Modification–with its drought-creation in California and the West, unnatural storm of earthquakes, super-hurricanes, and cyclones worldwide–with obvious consequences of physical and economic destruction, depopulation, human distress and migration–

Manufactured Wars–civil and uncivil, all over the globe, on people, drugs, “terror,” mineral resources, particularly in Africa and the Middle-east, also Ukraine, Mexico, responsible for the current crises of migration to the West/US–

and other more covert aspects of control the globalists engage in, all with the goal apparently of destabilizing, distressing, and controlling populations worldwide.

The One-World Extraterrestrial/Disclosure/Project BlueBeam Agenda

On the subject of hidden aspects, there is also the subject of Disclosure, which is becoming increasingly difficult for governments worldwide to avoid.

UFOs are being witnessed globally today by people on an amazingly increasing count, all over the world, in both remote and populous places–see for instance this video reporting sightings in Atlanta on 9/14. 

And (some very credible) websites and talkshows and podcasts abound, reporting contact with groups of benevolent ETs, reporting Secret Space Programs run by the US and other nations, reporting all sorts of information about benevolent ETs versus not-so-friendly ETS–including AI (Artificial Intelligence) ETs, ETS in whose secret control our most crazed global leaders are, plans to “harvest humanity” using nanotechnology/transhumanism/AI–as well as emerging histories of a long-standing ET presence on this planet, a long-standing colonizing of humans, and a long-standing corruption of human history and religion by our “global elite” to erase and manipulate the historic ET factor in our understandings.

bluebeamProject Bluebeam

Project Bluebeam, a One-World plan to holographically project diverse images of gods and prophets, along with possibly using the quite-extant and currently-being-experimented-with Voice of God (synthetic telepathy/Voice to Skull/voice in head) EMF weapon (which thousands of people globally report as currently being used on them), therefore seems to go hand in hand with Agenda 2030/Agenda 21.

In tandem with imposing global totalitarianism, the plan apparently is to–in one fell swoop–engage in some form of Disclosure–“reveal” (in controlled form) the presence of and human interaction with ETs, and inform all concerned (worldwide!) that all human religions, all human conceptions of God, etc. are bogus/corrupt/manipulated, while unveiling some form of new religion–possibly centered on saving Earth, possibly centered on pursuing Light (as in Luciferian interpretations)–that all of humanity (worldwide!) can automatically switch allegiance to.

This plan, some suggest, is behind the Pope’s suddenly being granted front-row-seat in world affairs, as he undertakes his new mission of addressing the US Congress and the United Nations.  In most benevolent fashion, perhaps, to “introduce” us to the concept of ETs and a new One-World-Religion to cling to.

Saving the Earth/Saving Nature/Saving Humanity

I’m sure we all want to save the Earth, Nature, and all of Humanity but we would be seriously betraying our own base intelligence, awareness, and humanity to fall for any of this–which is using Planet Earth/Nature as a gigantic facade for a supremely sinister agenda of Total Control. I hope to continue pursuing this subject here, and will post articles and videos on this subject as I find them. As also any articles or videos offering guidance on what we can do, each of us, today, to stop the implementation of this ridiculous agenda–also please search “how to stop Agenda 2030”.

I have infinite faith in the diversity and individuality of humankind to create a far more palatable –and infinitely peaceful and harmonious–destiny for Earth and all of us, but we seem to be at a supreme crossroads here: permitting the suppression of all sovereignty, individuality, intelligence, humanity via technologically-imposed totalitarian “governance,” or standing up in clarity to expose its evil and to unequivocally withhold consent.


Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth: Hollywood Mind Control and California Drought Atrocity–WorldBeyondBelief162

Patriot News II: Vatican Creates New Project: Bluebeam Fake Alien “Discovery” as Serge Monast predicted 21 Years Ago

Michael Snyder/The Economic Collapse Blog: The 2030 Agenda: This Month the UN Launches a Blueprint for a new World Order with the Help of the Pope

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Canada Free Press: The Terrifying Tentacles of One World Governance

Dr. Steven Greer: “The Threat to National Security exists not with the Extraterrestrial Presence, but the current Covert Management of the subject”

Re-posting with thanks from The Sirius Disclosure Project.

Information on the known Extraterrestrial presence which continues to be suppressed and covertly managed by many governments and their secretive Intelligence agencies, particularly the US, and why it’s important that the covert management of this information should be terminated–this is a 1995 statement which is currently being re-circulated by The Sirius Disclosure Project–whole article below.

setiAlso note this important piece of information on SETI at the Sirius Disclosure Project website:

Message from Dr. Greer – August 2015 re NSA document:

Over 50 years ago the NSA confirmed coded ET signals and made a report on it.

See : http://siriusdisclosure.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/key_to_et_messages.pdf

So why is SETI pretending to search? A NASA member of our group asked a very senior SETI official in the 1990s at NASA Ames research center and the SETI official confirmed: It is to create a “smokescreen” to make it LOOK like scientists are searching for ET when they know we are already being visited! It is, in fact, a cover story. This conveys (by logical implication) to the mainstream media , the public and the rest of the elite scientific community that ETs are not here, UFOs are not real- because after all REAL scientists are still searching for a radio signal! Moreover, why would other ET races need to use speed of light radio signals? Any advanced species would use super-luminal (faster than speed of light) technologies, and everyone at NSA, CIA and NRL (Naval Research Labs, Washington DC) knows this. One of the top-ranked scientists at NRL confirmed that they (at NRL ) had experimented with such super-luminal systems but that they have not declassified the technology. And so the SETI two-step continues with an injection of $100 million of new funding…

To view the documents on the NSA website, follow this link: https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/key_to_et_messages.pdf

– See more at: http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/news#sthash.aRwE1mGK.dpuf

(There’s more exciting news at their website, and if you haven’t viewed their documentary yet, titled Sirius: The Film , it’s well-worth viewing, collects massive amounts of information from Govt. and military and Intel insiders. The 1995 article is re-posted below, and is taken from their email, sent out this week.)


Please post and circulate widely

This article was written in 1995 and is as important and now as it was then, perhaps even more-so.


A Brief Summary
by Steven M. Greer, M.D
August 1995

National security implications of the UFO/ETI subject are profound and far-reaching, albeit currently unrecognized.

These implications may be considered in separate but related aspects: those intrinsic to extraterrestrial activity and those arising from current covert management of the issue.

Historical Background:

Early national security considerations dealt with concern over public panic arising from the detection of near-earth and earth-landed extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS), and from the technological implications of advanced extraterrestrial material as it may impact the arms race and Cold War. Additional concerns were related to the impact on religious belief systems, the political order and economic systems.

Importantly, once actual ETS were retrieved in 1947, thereby allowing extraterrestrial hardware to be studied and back-engineered for possible human military applications, the need for complete secrecy regarding the matter was deemed paramount by authorities at that time. Given the tensions of the early atomic era and the mounting ‘Cold War’ with the USSR, it is understandable that the introduction of extraterrestrial technology was thought to be destabilizing to an already dangerous situation. Moreover, given the history of technological secrets related to atomic and hydrogen weapons being stolen by agents of the USSR, there was understandable concern that any technological breakthrough related to extraterrestrial technology might find its way into Soviet hands. If such an event enabled the USSR to produce actual military applications before the US, obviously this would have placed the US military capability in a potentially catastrophic disadvantage.

Since the 1970’s, we have reason to believe that a degree of cooperation on this matter has evolved with the USSR and the US and perhaps other nations. Certainly the end of the Cold War has largely removed earlier concerns vis a vis technological breakthroughs and the fear of Soviet aggression.

Moreover, the psychological reasons for secrecy related to public panic are not valid today. At least 57% of the population accept that UFOs are real and are of extraterrestrial origin. And 30-40 years of space exploration by human society has prepared the population for the possible existence of other extraterrestrial civilizations capable of space travel. In short, the previous concerns motivating secrecy are not relevant today. Intrinsically, there is no reason to believe that the extraterrestrial presence pose a threat to the national or world security. If hostility and aggression were related to their purpose here, it is likely that eventscongruent with hostility would have transpired long before now. It is our assessment that the extraterrestrials are not hostile, but are very concerned with human capability related to warfare and the militarization of space. Activity by extraterrestrial assets related to the neutralization of ICBM facilities and to containing military-oriented space exploration should be understood in light of their concern over a known history of human aggression which has been coupled with the advent of weapons of mass destruction and space exploration. Indeed, given the past history of human military assets focusing on and pursuing extraterrestrial spacecraft, we believe the extraterrestrials have responded with remarkable restraint.

Ironically, the threat to national security exists not with the extraterrestrial presence, but the current covert management of the subject. In the absence of extra-terrestrial hostility over 50 years, current secrecy cannot be justified on the basis of fear of extraterrestrial aggression. A disclosure related to the extraterrestrial presence, if calmly and rationally presented, will not cause panic in the USA or elsewhere. 1995 is not 1945, and world society has evolved to the point where this information can be assimilated in a positive fashion.

In contrast, the covert and apparently extra-constitutional management of this matter is a real threat to national and world security, and undermines constitutional freedom and democracy. Unless it is terminated, this covert management will greatly harm US national security and the chances of a lasting world peace.


It is our assessment that the current covert management of this issue involves the following elements which are a direct, immediate and ongoing threat to the national security.

1. The continued denial of the extraterrestrial presence creates a situation where a sudden, undeniable public extraterrestrial event could induce panic, since proactive disclosure efforts which could ameliorate public fears are non-existent. It is likely that such a public extraterrestrial event will transpire within the next 2-10 years or sooner. Therefore, secrecy and denial are a real threat to national and world security.

2. The current covert management of this issue appears to be operating independently and outside of the constitutional chain of command. The group controlling these operations, which involves reconnaissance, extraterrestrial technology back-engineering, and space-based targeting of ETS (among others) is non-responsive to congressional or Executive Branch oversight and control. This constitutes a real and grave threat to national security and to constitutional democracy and freedom.

3. We have credible, first-hand sources who insist that extraterrestrial spacecraft have been targeted by human covert space weapons and on at least two occasions have been destroyed. If true, the risks to world peace and security are real and imminent, and the continuation of these covert activities constitute the gravest dangers to national and world security. Hostile actions taken by human covert assets against extraterrestrial assets constitute a grave and immediate threat to the national security. A relatively small, covert entity, acting without consultation with the United Nations, the Congress, the President of the United States, or the public is engaging in actions on behalf of all humans which endanger the earth and world peace. Unless controlled, these actions could precipitate interplanetary conflict and a disaster for the world generally and the United States specifically. This covert management must be terminated and control of this issue returned to constitutional authority and to public domain.

4. The concentration of the technological advances related to the back-engineering of extraterrestrial technology into the hands of a small covert operation constitutes a grave and immediate threat to the national security, to world security, and to the future of the earth. These extraterrestrial technologies, which have been the object of covert research and development for over 45 years, are potentially of great benefit to humanity if used wisely for peaceful purposes, but are of immense danger when concentrated into a small covert operation which is unresponsive to the public or the legal and constitutional chain of command. The threat this poses to the US and world security is great, and the longer this situation continues, the greater the concentration of advanced technological power in the hands of a relative few. The secret control of such powerful technologies is inherently a threat to freedom, democracy, and to our nation and the world. Its utilization for covert agendas outside constitutional control represents a grave danger to the US and must be restrained and reversed.

5. Importantly, secrecy and covert operatives per se constitute a real threat to the national security, since national security in a constitutional democracy can only be legitimately related to freedom and democratic government. Only in very rare and well- justified circumstances can extreme secrecy and covert operations exist, since by nature freedom and democracy cannot coexist with unrestrained secrecy and secret power. The profound implications of the detection of extraterrestrial civilizations cannot be allowed to be the exclusive domain of covert operations which are unrelated to public discourse and consultation. To do so is to undermine the US Constitution, democracy and freedom, and this constitutes a real and grave threat to national security.

6. Finally, exclusive covert control of this matter has resulted and continues to result in the loss of opportunity for the world to come to terms with the extraterrestrial presence in a peaceful and mutually beneficial fashion. This means that the people of the world, the United Nations and other international and national institutions are deprived of the opportunity to deal rationally with this issue. National and world security are therefore negatively impacted by the loss of opportunities in the following areas:

The environment, which is seriously at risk for large-scale collapse over the next 100 years, would be profoundly improved if extraterrestrial technologies could be peacefully deployed. So-called zero point or free energy systems, which are non-polluting, would permit a sustainable technological civilization to exist on earth and would transform the earth environmentally and economically. Establishing peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with extraterrestrial civilizations would eventually permit us to understand and apply such technologies.

World unity and peace will be enhanced by the global realization that we are not alone in the universe. The acknowledgement of this fact will enhance the awareness that we are really one people living on the shared homeland of earth, and many of the conflicts currently afflicting the earth will be seen in a new perspective. This can be achieved without either deifying or demonizing the extraterrestrial presence, but rather placing it in a fair, scientific, and neutral light. Eventually, world peace and a significant enhancement in the current geopolitical situation may result from the disclosure that we are not alone. An international infrastructure, and institutions capable of dealing peacefully with relations with extraterrestrial civilizations would, of necessity, evolve, and this in turn would strengthen world unity and cooperation.

World culture, ideas, science and many other diverse areas may benefit through the development of peaceful relations with other worlds. While this process may take decades, if not centuries, its delay only puts off the time when the people of the earth will be united not only globally, but with other planetary civilizations as well.

In summary, it is imperative to the national security that the President and Congress undertake measures to terminate the secret, covert management of the UFO/ETI subject. Failure to place this matter in open, public discourse and control constitutes the gravest failure of democracy and government in the history of the world. That we do this is a test of our faith in democracy and our faith in the people. As the 21st century approaches, we must roll up the cancerous excesses of secrecy which are the legacy of the Cold War and unfurl a new era wherein democracy is reaffirmed and a lasting world peace is given a chance.

Steven M. Greer, M.D.

For a wealth of information – evidence, testimony, videos Greer go to www.SiriusDisclosure.com

For additional insightful papers go to: http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/cseti-papers/

Dr. Greer will be discussing similar topics at the London workshop and webinar on 17 September 2015. click here for more information.


Central Sites for Jade Helm News/Analyses and ET/UFO/Disclosure News/Analyses

Updated June 14, 2014

Jade Helm 2015 begins tomorrow, and continues to be a topic of interest, so I list below a few sites to check for news and views.

To stay updated, please visit/join Alfred Webre’s public Facebook group:

The public Facebook group JADE HELM – 15: Expose false flag to deconstruct America into NWO wasteland (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1437946886517676/)

Some other sites to stay updated on Jade Helm/military drills, a few on Youtube:

Intellihub News

Next News Network/Youtube

Dahboo7/UndergroundWorld News/Youtube

Project Camelot TV/Youtube

Lisa Haven Christian News/Youtube



ET/UFO/Disclosure News

On the ET/UFO/Disclosure front, David Wilcock has a new post, long-awaited, on his website: Secret Space Program Revealed, Two New Radio Shows, Transcript!

And for a central spot deconstructing ET/UFO/Disclosure news and updating you with the latest from all interesting and active sources on what the ET question is all about, visit Stillness in the Storm, SITSSHOW, in particular this expansive post discussing currently reported activities in tandem with reflections on constructing beliefs, staying open-minded, and trusting one’s inner guidance:

10 Days of Alliance Conferences Ahead, Discrediting and Disinfo Storm Coming, Learn Holistic Discernment and Personal Transmutation | Corey GoodETxSG

Some other sites providing the latest news as well as posting interesting information from researchers on the issue of ETs/UFOs and Disclosure:

Updated July 31, 2015

Exopolitics.org, Dr. Michael Salla’s website

Sphere Beings Alliance, Corey “GoodETxSG”‘s site

Stillness in the Storm

Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s site

The Disclosure Project/Dr. Steven Greer

CSETI/Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Dr. Greer’s Blog Disclosure Project Blog

Paradigm Research Group/Stephen Bassett

Exopolitics US Net

Exopolitics World Net

Richard Dolan’s website

ExoPolitics: Politics, Law, and Government in the Universe/Alfred Webre

UFO Sightings Daily

Underground World News (Dahboo7)

Crop Circle Connector

Crowded Skies

Some Documentary Films covering UFOs:

Cosmic Whistleblowers/Simon Sharman

Sirius/Dr. Steven Greer

Mirage Men/John Lundberg/Mark Pilkington